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Timer Ic Switch Using 555: Experiment #4

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Experiment #4


1. Understanding the operation of IC timer NE555.
2. Understanding the configuration and operation of 555 multi- vibrators.
3. Performing the IC timer switch circuit.

The integrated circuit (IC) is an easy to use timer that has many applications. It is widely used in
electronic circuits and this popularity means it is also very cheap to purchase, typically costing
around 30p. A dual version called the 556 is also available which includes two independent 555
IC’s in one package. The following illustration shows both the 555(8 pin) and the 556(14 pin).

In a circuit diagram the 555 timer chip is often drawn like the illustration below. Notice how the
pin are not in the same order as the actual chip, this is because it is much easier to recognize
the function of each pin , and makes drawing circuit diagram much easier.

For the 555 to function it relies on both analogue and digital electronic techniques, but if we
consider its output only, it can be thought of as a digital device. The output can be in one of two
states at any time, the first state is the low state, which is 0v. The second state is the high state,
which is the voltage Vs (the voltage of the power supply which can be anything from 4.5 to 15v,
18v maximum).
The most common types of outputs can be categorized by the following:

Mono-stable mode: A mono-stable circuit produces one pulse of a set length in response to
a trigger input such as a push button. The output of the circuit stays in a low state until there is
trigger input, hence the name mono-stable meaning one stable state. This type of circuit is ideal
for a use in a push to operation system for a mode! Displayed at exhibitions. A visitor can push
a button to start a models mechanism moving, and the mechanism will automatically switch off
after a set time.

This calculator is design to give the timeout value(D) for a monostable 555 timer circuit. When
power is applied to the monostable circuit the output is low until the delay has elapsed, the
output then goes high and remains high.
The formula used is:
Time Out Delay (sec) = 1.1*R1*C1

Astable Mode: An astable circuit has no stable state- hence the name astable. The output
continually switches state between high and low without any intervention from the user, called
the square wave. This type of circuit could be used to give a mechanism intermittent motion by
switching a motor on and of at regular intervals. It can also be used to flash lamps and leds and
its useful as a clock pulse for other digital ICs and circuits.

In an astable circuit, the output continually switches state between high and low without any
intervention from the user. The duration of the high and low state are based on what values
you chose for R1,R2 and C1.

The formulas used are :

Time High (sec) = 0.693*(R1+R2)*C1

Time Low (sec) = 0.693*R2*C1

Frequency = 1.44/((R1+R2+R2)*C1)

Duty Cycle Percentage = (Th/(Th+T1))*100

Bi-stable mode or Schmitt trigger: A bi-stable mode or what is sometimes called Schmitt
trigger, has two stable states, high and low. Taking the trigger input low makes the output of
the circuit go into the high state. Taking the reset input low makes the output of the circuit into
the low state. This type of circuit is ideal for use in an automated model railway system where
the train is required to run back and forth over the same piece of track. A push button (or reed
switch with a magnet on the underside of the train) would be placed at each end of the track so
that when one is hit by the train, it will either trigger or reset the bi-stable. The output of 555
would control a DPDT relay which would be wired as a reversing switch to reverse the direction
of the current to the track, thereby reversing the direction of the train.

You may wonder what is inside the 555 timer chip or what makes it work. Well, the 555 timer
chip an integrated circuit(IC) and therefore it contains a miniaturized circuit surrounded by
silicon. Each of the pins is connected to the circuit which consist of over 20 transistors, 2 diodes
and 15 resistors. The illustration bellow shows the functional block diagram of the 555 timer IC.
Did you notice the three 5K resistors? This is how the chip got its name.
To understand how a 555 timer operates, a brief description of each terminal is given to the
simplified blocks shown in the fig:

Fig.21-2 Simplified Blocks

From these blocks we see that the 555 timer contains the following five sections:

1. Lower comparator
2. Upper comparator
3. RS flip flop
4. Discharge Transistor
5. Output buffer
The function of each terminal is described as follows:

1. Reset (pin 4): The reset terminal allows the 555 to be disabled and override command
signals on the trigger input. If the trigger terminal is grounded or its potential reduced
below 0.4V, both the output and discharge terminal are at approximately ground
potential. When not used, the terminal should be connected to +Vcc.
2. Trigger (pin2): If the voltage at the trigger terminal is held greater than 2/3 Vcc, the
output remains low. A negative-going pulse of sufficient amplitude below 1/3 Vcc on
this terminal triggers the output to go high. If the trigger is held at a low voltage, the
output remains in its high state.
3. Threshold (pin 6): If the voltage at this terminal is greater than 2/3 VCC, the output of
the 555 switches to its low state. When not used, this terminal is usually connected to
4. Discharge (pin 7): The discharge terminal is used to discharge an external timing
capacitor during the time the output is low. When the output is high the terminal acts as
an open circuit and allows the capacitor to charge at a rate determined by an external
resistors and capacitor.
5. Control voltage (pin 5): An external voltage applied to the circuit voltage terminal will
change both the threshold and trigger voltage. The control voltage can also be used to
modulate the output waveform. A small filter capacitor is usually connected from this
terminal to ground to bypass noise and/or ripple voltages from the power supply.
6. Output (pin3): The output terminal can source or sink 200 mA. The output has two
output states a high state and a low state.
The 555 timer has two modes of operation, either as a mono-stable multivibrator or an
astable multivibrator. A monostable multivibrator also called one-shot, can be considered
as a triggered, adjustable pulse width pulse generator. As the name implies, the monostable
multivibrator is just stable in one state. It can be triggered into its other semi-stable state
where it will remain for a time and then return to its initial state.
Description of experiment circuit:
Fig. 21-6 shows the circuit used in this experiment .The U2, NE555, is wired as a monostable
multivibrator for timing switch. Trigger pulse to the trigger input is generated by CMOS
Schmitt inverter CD4093 and push-button S1.

When the power is applied, C1 charges up to high level. The output (pin 4) of U1 is a stable
high so that it is not to trigger U2 .The output of U2 remains low and therefore LED is off.

When S1 is pressed, C1 discharge rapidly to low level and then U1 output goes low. The
transistor of levels of U1 output triggers the monostable multivibrator to operate. The
output of U2 goes high to drive Q1 to conduct or to turn the SCR on. The capacitor C3
charges through R3 and VR1 from Vcc. When the capacitor voltage reaches 2/3 Vcc, the
output of U2 returns to low and hence both Q1 and SCR are off.

Fig. 21-6 Experiment Circuit

From Eq. (21-3), the time interval when the U2 output stays high is determined by
T =1.1 x (R3+VR1) x C3. Therefore the time interval can easily be controlled by adjusting either
VR1 or capacitor (C3, C4 OR C5).
The output of U2 can used to control the transistor Q1 or the SCR .If Q1 is used, a high state will
drive the Q1 and LED to go on .When the SCR is used, a high state of U2 output triggers the SCR
to energize the relay to on and hence LED on .If the output of U2 goes to low, the SCR will turn
off at the end of each half cycle of the pulsating dc supply.

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