Ifrs 3

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Set out ACCOUNTING Definition of business Brings monopoly

REQUIREMENTS combination page
Identity may cease

Nature of business Difficulty in management
S combination Next
E l e me n t s o f
b u s in e s s Over-capitalization
c o mb in a t io n
Set out DISCLOSURE Disadvantageous effects More strict regulation

Name and description of the

acquiree Competition is eliminated or
IFRS 3 Business
S Acquisition date
Recognize and Measure the Percentage of voting equity
goodwill(acquired in BC) or the interests acquired Increased business opportunities
Gain on Bargain Purchase
Advantageous effects and earning potential
Description on how the acquirer
obtained control of the acquiree
Reduction of operating costs
Determine what information
to disclose Acquisition date Effects/reasons
Utilization of economies of scale
Acquisition date fair value of the
consideration transferred
Recognize and Measure in its FS
Cost saving on business expansion
the Identifiable Asset,liabilities
assumed and NCI in the Amount of nci of the acquiree
Favorable tax implication
Adfv of previously held equity
interest and how gain or loss on
remeasurement was accounted

Separate transaction-how the input Economic resources

transaction was accounted for
and amount recognized Elements of business
Formation of joint Acquisition of asset or Entities under common combination output result
venture group of asset control
any recognized gain on bargain
purchase resources Systems, standards ,protocols

Incomplete bc- provisional

amounts and adjustments
Buy shares New entity to
controlcombined entity
Has the power to appoint or remove Buy assets
majority of boa of acquiree
Legal merger New entity to
controlcombined entity
Definition of business Bu y a s s et s
Next combination control Indicators(acqu Has the power to cast majority of votes Reverse acquisition
irer’s point of at board meetings of acquiree
view) Excludes!

Has the power over more than half of Joint venture

the voting rights of acquiree
Non business
Acquisition method
Has control over acquiree’s operating
and financial policies

Identify acquirer
Legally obtainsasset and
determine acquisition liabilities/closing date
Asset acquired
determine the
consideration given Liabilities assumed
Statutory consolidation combination
Non-controlling interest
Recognize and measure

Goodwill/gain on bargain purchase

Step acquisition
(if situation)
Asset acquisition Statutory merger absorption
No consideration paid
(if situation)

parent acquirer

Nature of business
Next combination
E l e me n t s o f Stock acquisition acquiree
b u s in e s s subsidiary
c o mb in a t io n

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