Attributes: Name: Player: Chronicle: Nature: Demeanor: Essence: Affiliation: Cabal: Concept
Attributes: Name: Player: Chronicle: Nature: Demeanor: Essence: Affiliation: Cabal: Concept
Attributes: Name: Player: Chronicle: Nature: Demeanor: Essence: Affiliation: Cabal: Concept
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness _________●OOOOO Crafts___________ OOOOO Academics________OOOOO
Art_____________● OOOOO Drive ____________OOOOO Computer________OOOOO
● Etiquette_________ OOOOO Cosmology________●●●OOOOO
● Firearms__________OOOOO Enigmas__________● OOOOO
●●● Martial Arts_______OOOOO Esoterica_________● OOOOO
● Meditation ________●
OOOOO Investigation_______OOOOO
Expression________OOOOO Melee ___________ OOOOO Law_____________● OOOOO
Intimidation_______OOOOO Research _________OOOOO Medicine__________OOOOO
Leadership________OOOOO Stealth ___________OOOOO Occult___________●● OOOOO
Streetwise _________OOOOO Survival __________●●
OOOOO Politics___________OOOOO
Subterfuge________ OOOOO
●● Technology _______ OOOOO Science __________OOOOO
________________OOOOO _______________
Animal Ken OOOOO
● ________________
Spirit Lore OOOOO
Correspondence____ OOOOO Life_____________●●OOOOO
●● Prime____________● OOOOO
Entropy__________OOOOO Matter ___________ OOOOO Spirit ____________OOOOO
Forces___________ OOOOO Mind____________OOOOO Time____________OOOOO
Backgrounds Arete Health
Avatar OOOOO
●●● O O
● ●O●O
●O●O O O O O Bruised ¨
Past Lives (Nuwisha) OOOOO
●●●● Hurt –1 ¨
Totem (Everfull Lune) OOOOO
●●●● Willpower Injured –1 ¨
________________OOOOO O O
● ●O●O
●O●O O O O O Wounded –2 ¨
________________OOOOO Mauled –2 ¨
________________OOOOO Crippled –5 ¨
Quintessence Incapacitated ¨
Other Traits
Garou Lore OOOOO
● ✘
Nuwisha Lore OOOOO
● ✘ Experience
________________OOOOO •
________________OOOOO 55/55 FP Spent
________________OOOOO 30/30 XP Spent
Merits & Flaws
Merit Type Cost Flaw Type Cost
Spirit Sight _________
Supernatural _____
4 pt. _________________
Spiritual Duty (Everfull Lune) _________
Supernatural _____
2 pt.
Natural Shapechanger _________
Supernatural _____
3 pt. _________________
Feral Mind _________
Mental _____
3 pt.
_________________ _________ _____ _________________
Spirit-Trained _________
Supernatural _____
1 pt.
_________________ _________ _____ _________________
Primal Marks _________
Supernatural _____
3 pt.
_________________ _________ _____ _________________
Locked Vidare (Spiritus/Wyld) _________
Supernatural _____
1 pt.
_________________ _________ _____ _________________ _________ _____
_________________ _________ _____ _________________ _________ _____
Other Traits
Humor (T1) OOOOO ________________
Cunning (T1) OOOOO ________________
Ferocity (T1) OOOOO
Humor (T2) OOOOO ________________
Cunning (T2) OOOOO ________________
Ferocity (T2) OOOOO
Humor (P1) OOOOO ________________
Cunning (P1) OOOOO ________________
Ferocity (P1) OOOOO
Wonders Focus
_________________________________ Paradigm
_________________________________ _________________________________
Child of Coyote - You're totally a Nuwisha! You remember it
_________________________________ _________________________________
ALL and know it to be true. It's your duty to Coyote and to
_________________________________ _________________________________
Gaia to play the very best tricks you can manage.
_________________________________ Practice
_________________________________ _________________________________
Faith - Gaia gave you a task, and Coyote shows the way. Have faith!
High Ritual - Rites are inherent to many of the Breeds.
Rotes _________________________________
Shamanism - Duh. There are spirits that need helping.
_________________________________ _________________________________
Coyote-ism - Nu. Wi. Sha. Act like one, you silly fuzzball!
_________________________________ Instruments
_________________________________ _________________________________
-Blood - The stuff of life, for most. Liquid power.
_________________________________ _________________________________
Energy - Gnosis, Quintessence, whatever.
_________________________________ _________________________________
-Herbs & Plants - Tools provided by Her for all to use.
_________________________________ _________________________________
Prayers - When one must beseech the spirits, words are king.
_________________________________ _________________________________
Meditation - Required to fully recharge, of course.
_________________________________ _________________________________
Offerings - Chiminage, in other words. Pay your debts.
_________________________________ _________________________________
-Runes - The language of many of the Breeds, enduring long.
_________________________________ _________________________________
Coyote - YIP, YAP, YOP!
Weapon/Attack Diff. Damage Range Rate Clip Conceal Armor
Expanded Background
Past Lives Spirit-Trained
The Laughing Bastard, M Latrani Nuwisha. Died 1975. _________________________________
The Everfull Lune both awakened and trained him to the
Had way too much fun in one go, and didn't quite get the last _________________________________
point he's at today. It hasn't lied *much*, but it IS a lune, and
laugh. Loved life too much to let go, and came back for more. _________________________________
its ongoing trick is simply telling him he's a new type of Nuwisha.
[ST Guidance] Coyote is a great teacher. The Quiets:___________________________
[ST Guidance] Coyote is also a great prankster. He
Everfull Lune features frequently as something that he needs _________________________________
can change any of his children however he likes if he wants to
to pull some great trick on. This may or may not occur in the _________________________________
teach them a lesson, and Jonah has been through a *few* of
real world, but dreams and the Umbra are more common. _________________________________
those. Being stuck in Manabozho at a fur-con was flat special.
17 _______________________________________________
Jonah is a rough sort of soul, wearing the shape of the coyote as often as he does his
Apparent Age:____________
'Maybe twenty' _______________________________________________
own. In human form, he's a grinning maniac of a youth with a serious tendency to
Date of Birth:_____________
5 July 2001 (Lunar Eclipse/Full) _______________________________________________
simply explode into 'Manabozho' at the drop of a hat; speaking of hats, he has a big,
Age of Awakening:________ 4 _______________________________________________
round, straw one that he's had since he was ten. Otherwise, he's got a set of well-worn
Brown, curly, uncombed & wild _______________________________________________
shoes he scavenged from a dumpster, a flannel shirt (with nothing under it), blue
Hazel ______________________________________________
jeans with the legs almost ripped off and a half-dollar-sized hole in the rear, and a
German/Native American ____ ___________________________________________
cheap length of jute cord with half-a-dozen small-carnivore fangs on it. In his 'yote
American ______________________________________________
shape, he's got a particularly large set of ears, an ever-wagging tail and a bouncy step.
5'10" (Human), 2' (Coyote) Appearance/Nature of Avatar:_______________________
Any one of his past lives, or what he could
145lb (Human), 37lb (Coyote) _______________________________________________
swear is Coyote. Maybe it really *IS* the big borker howling at him to find a good one
Male _______________________________________________
to pull on the Lune. If it's good enough, maybe Luna will laugh, too!
Cabal Chart Character Sketch