Lab 8 Server 2016
Lab 8 Server 2016
Lab 8 Server 2016
Adatum Corporation is looking to ensure that its critical services, such as file
services, have better uptime and availability. You decide to implement a failover
cluster with file services to provide better uptime and availability.
Next Exercise
In Server Manager, in the navigation pane, click File and Storage Services.
In the iSCSI VIRTUAL DISKS pane, click TASKS, and then, in the TASKS drop-down
list, select New iSCSI Virtual Disk.
In the New iSCSI Virtual Disk Wizard, on the Select iSCSI virtual disk location
page, under Storage location, click C:, and then click Next.
On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk name page, in the Name text box, type iSCSIDisk1,
and then click Next.
On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk size page, in the Size text box, type 5, ensure
that GB is selected in the drop-down list, and then click Next.
On the Assign iSCSI target page, click New iSCSI target, and then click Next.
On the Specify target name page, in the Name text box, type lon-svr1, and then
click Next.
In the Select a method to identify the initiator dialog box, click Enter a value
for the selected type, and in the Type drop-down list, select IP Address. In the
Value text box, type, and then click OK.
In the Select a method to identify the initiator dialog box, click Enter a value
for the selected type, and then, in the Type drop-down list, select IP Address. In
the Value box, type, and then click OK.
In the iSCSI VIRTUAL DISKS pane, click TASKS, and then, in the TASKS drop-down
list, select New iSCSI Virtual Disk.
In the New iSCSI Virtual Disk Wizard, on the Select iSCSI virtual disk location
page, under Storage location, click C:, and then click Next.
On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk name page, in the Name text box, type iSCSIDisk2,
and then click Next.
On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk size page, in the Size text box, type 5, ensure
that GB is selected in the drop-down list, and then click Next.
On the Assign iSCSI target page, click lon-svr1, and then click Next.
On the View results page, wait until the creation is completed, and then click
In the iSCSI VIRTUAL DISKS pane, click TASKS, and then, in the TASKS drop-down
list, select New iSCSI Virtual Disk.
In the New iSCSI Virtual Disk Wizard, on the Select iSCSI virtual disk location
page, under Storage location, click C:, and then click Next.
On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk name page, in the Name text box, type iSCSIDisk3,
and then click Next.
On the Specify iSCSI virtual disk size page, in the Size text box, type 5, ensure
that GB is selected in the drop-down list, and then click Next.
On the Assign iSCSI target page, click lon-svr1, and then click Next.
On the View results page, wait until the creation is complete, and then click
Connect nodes to the iSCSI targets
On LON-SVR2, open Server Manager, click Tools, and then click iSCSI Initiator.
In the iSCSI Initiator Properties window, click the Discovery tab, and then click
Discover Portal.
In the IP address or DNS name text box, type, and then click OK.
Ensure that Add this connection to the list of Favorite Targets is selected, and
then click OK two times.
On LON-SVR3, open Server Manager, click Tools, and then click iSCSI Initiator.
In the iSCSI Initiator Properties window, click the Discovery tab, and then click
Discover Portal.
In the IP address or DNS name text box, type, and then click OK.
Ensure that the Add this connection to the list of Favorite Targets check box is
selected, and then click OK two times.
On LON-SVR2, in Server Manager, click Tools, and then click Computer Management.
Right-click the unallocated space next to Disk 4, and then click New Simple Volume.
On the Format Partition page, in the Volume Label text box, type Data1. Select the
Perform a quick format check box, and then click Next.
Click Finish.
Note: If a dialog box appears with a prompt to format the disk, click Cancel.
Repeat steps 17 through 25 for Disk 5 and Disk 6, using Data2 and Data3,
respectively, for volume labels.
On LON-SVR3, in Server Manager, click Tools, and then click Computer Management.
On LON-SVR2, if Server Manager is not open, click the Server Manager icon.
In the Add roles and features Wizard, on the Before You Begin page, click Next.
On the Select destination server page, ensure that Select a server from the server
pool is selected, and then click Next.
On the Select features page, in the Features list, select Failover Clustering.
In the Add features that are required for Failover Clustering window, click Add
Features, and then click Next.
When installation completes and you receive the Installation succeeded on LON- message, click Close.
When installation completes and you receive the Installation succeeded on LON- message, click Close.
Previous ExerciseNext Exercise
On LON-SVR2, in Server Manager, click Tools, and then click Failover Cluster
In the Enter Name text box, type LON-SVR2, and then click Add.
Wait for the validation tests to finish, which might take between 5 and 7 minutes,
and then on the Summary page, scroll through the report. Verify that all tests
completed without errors. Some warnings are expected.
In the Failover Cluster Manager, in the Actions pane, click Create Cluster.
On the Select Servers page, in the Enter server name box, type LON-SVR2, and then
click Add.
In the Enter server name box, type LON-SVR3, click Add, and then click Next.
On the Access Point for Administering the Cluster page, in the Cluster Name text
box, type Cluster1.
In the Address text box, type, and then click Next.
Ensure that three disks named Cluster Disk 1, Cluster Disk 2, and Cluster Disk 3
are present and online.
On the Select Role page, click File Server, and then click Next.
On the File Server Type page, click File Server for general use, and then click
On the Client Access Point page, in the Name text box, type AdatumFS. In the
Address text box, type, and then click Next.
On the Select Storage page, select the Cluster Disk 2 check box, and then click
On LON-SVR3, in the Server Manager console, click Tools, and then click Failover
Cluster Manager.
Expand, click Roles, right-click AdatumFS, and then click Add
File Share.
In the New Share Wizard, on the Select the profile for this share page, click SMB
Share - Quick, and then click Next.
On the Select the server and the path for this share page, click Next.
On the Specify share name page, in the Share name text box, type Docs, and then
click Next.
On the Configure share settings page, review the available options but do not make
any changes, and then click Next.
In the AdatumFS Properties dialog box, click the Failover tab, and then click Allow
On LON-DC1, open File Explorer. In the address bar, type \\AdatumFS\, and then
press Enter.
Verify that you can access the location and that you can open the Docs folder.
In the Failover Cluster Manager console, expand, and then click
In the Move Clustered Role dialog box, select the cluster node (it will be either
LON-SVR2 or LON-SVR3 ), and then click OK.
Switch to LON-DC1.
To verify that you can still access the \\AdatumFS\ location, open File Explorer,
and in the address bar, type \\AdatumFS\, and then press Enter.
Previous ExerciseNext Exercise
In the Owner Node column, verify the current owner for the AdatumFS role.
Note: The owner will be LON-SVR2 or LON-SVR3.
Click Nodes, and then select the node that is the current owner of the AdatumFS
Right-click the node, click More Actions, and then click Stop Cluster Service.
In the Failover Cluster Manager console, click Roles, and verify that AdatumFS is
Note: This confirms that AdatumFS has moved to another node.
Switch to LON-DC1.
On LON-DC1, to verify that you can still access the \\AdatumFS\ location, open File
Explorer. In the address bar, type \\AdatumFS\, and then press Enter.
Switch to LON-SVR2.
In the Failover Cluster Manager console, click Nodes, right-click the stopped node,
click More Actions, and then click Start Cluster Service.
In the center pane, find the disk that is assigned to Disk Witness in Quorum.
Note: You can view this in the Assigned To column.
Right-click the disk, click Take Offline, and then click Yes.
Switch to LON-DC1.
On LON-DC1, to verify that you can still access the \\AdatumFS\ location, open File
Explorer, and in the address bar, type \\AdatumFS\, and then press Enter.
Note: This verifies that the cluster is running even if the witness disk is
Switch to LON-SVR2.
In the Failover Cluster Manager console, expand Storage, click Disks, right-click
the disk that is in Offline status, and then click Bring Online.
On the Select Quorum Witness page, ensure that Configure a disk witness is
selected, and then click Next.
On the Configure Storage Witness page, click Cluster Disk 3, and then click Next.
Click Start, click Windows Administrative Tools, and then click Failover Cluster
In Failover Cluster Manager, right-click Failover Cluster Manager, and then click
Connect to Cluster.
In the Select Cluster dialog box, in the Cluster name box, type, and click OK.
In Windows PowerShell console, run following cmdlet to check the assigned votes:
Get-ClusterNode | select name, nodeweight, ID, state
Verify that the NodeWeight property of a cluster node has value 1, which means that
the quorum vote of the node is assigned and that the cluster is managing it.
Previous ExerciseNext Exercise
On LON-SVR2, in the Windows PowerShell console, type the following command, and
then press Enter:
Get-ClusterQuorum | Select Cluster, QuorumResource, QuorumType
Previous ExerciseNext Exercise
On the Select Servers page, in the Enter server name box, type LON-SVR4, click Add,
and then click Next.
On LON-SVR2, in Windows PowerShell console, type following cmdlet, and then press
Get-ClusterNode | select name, nodeweight, ID, state
Verify that the NodeWeight property of a cluster node has value 1, which means that
the quorum vote of the node is assigned and that the cluster is managing it.
Previous ExerciseNext Exercise
When you finish the lab, leave the virtual machines running for the subsequent lab.
Adatum Corporation recently implemented failover clustering for better uptime and
availability. The implementation is new and your boss has asked you to go through
some failover-cluster management tasks so that you are prepared to manage it moving
Right-click the LON-SVR4 node, click More Actions, and then click Evict.
In the Evict node LON-SVR4 dialog box, click Yes to evict the node.
Previous ExerciseNext Exercise
On LON-SVR2, in the Windows PowerShell console, type following cmdlet, and then
press Enter:
Get-ClusterNode | select name, nodeweight, ID, state
Verify that the NodeWeight property of a cluster node has value 1, which means that
the quorum vote of the node is assigned and is managed by the cluster.
Previous ExerciseNext Exercise
20. Exercise 2: Changing the quorum from disk witness to file-share witness and
defining node voting
Task 1: Get the current quorum model
On LON-SVR2, in the Windows PowerShell console, type the following command, and
then press Enter:
Get-ClusterQuorum | Select Cluster, QuorumResource, QuorumType
Previous ExerciseNext Exercise
21. Exercise 2: Changing the quorum from disk witness to file-share witness and
defining node voting
Task 2: Create a file share on LON-SVR1
On LON-SVR1, on the taskbar, click File Explorer, right-click the disk Local Disk
(C:), click New, and then click Folder.
Right-click FSW, click Share with, and then click Specific people.
In the File Sharing dialog box, type Everyone, and then click Add.
22. Exercise 2: Changing the quorum from disk witness to file-share witness and
defining node voting
Task 3: Change the current quorum model to a file-share witness
On LON-SVR2, in the Windows PowerShell console, type the following command, and
then press Enter:
Set-ClusterQuorum -NodeAndFileShareMajority "\\LON-SVR1\FSW"
Previous ExerciseNext Exercise
23. Exercise 2: Changing the quorum from disk witness to file-share witness and
defining node voting
Task 4: Verify that the current quorum model is a file share witness
On LON-SVR2, in the Windows PowerShell console, type the following command, and
then press Enter:
Get-ClusterQuorum | Select Cluster, QuorumResource, QuorumType
Previous ExerciseNext Exercise
If LON-SVR3 is not the owner, right click AdatumFS, click Move, click Select Node,
click LON-SVR3,and then click OK.
Verify that you can access the location and that you can open the Docs folder.
Right click AdatumFS, click Move, click Select Node, click LON-SVR3,and then click
On LON-DC1, open File Explorer. In the address bar, type \\AdatumFS\, and then
press Enter.
Verify that you can access the location and that you can open the Docs folder.