10 & 11 JULY, 2020: TH TH
10 & 11 JULY, 2020: TH TH
10 & 11 JULY, 2020: TH TH
th th
10 & 11 JULY, 2020
Organised by
School of Education
Under the scheme of
Central University of Jammu has been established by the Central University Act, 2009 (Act No. 25 of 2009) read with the Central
University (Amendment) Act, 2009. However the Central University of Jammu actually came into being on August 08, 2011. The
University aspires to be a leading Centre of Higher Learning, integrating culture, skills, and technology, philosophy and value system
of our heritage with modern and emerging concepts, skills and technology and management practices. The mission of the University
is to impart education which in its breadth and scope represents the three main symbols in our logo; iridescent like the rising Sun,
immortal as the Banyan Tree and infinite like the Sky. The University is committed to inculcate self confidence; which when
combined with disciplined study, leads to faith in one’s strength and conviction.
School of Education
The teacher education program is one of the very important program in building teachers’ effectiveness through professional
development of teachers at school level. The progress and the efficiency of the nation are known by the quality of its schools. The
School of Education under PMMMNMTT) forms a vital foundation and support system for an integrated teacher education system.
The Central University of Jammu established School of Education with a broad vision to build up a climate of sustainable
professional development programme. The School of Education (SoE), CUJ offers the varied academic programmes with a purpose to
develop a meaningful network professionally trained teachers and administrators in school and higher education sectors. The School
of Education established under PMMMNMTT in Central University of Jammu is primarily functioning through the three core centres.
Centre for Learning and Pedagogic Studies.
Centre for Assessment and Evaluation.
Centre for Teacher Resource and Academic Support.
Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT)
The Mission is envisaged to address comprehensively all issues related to teachers, teaching, teacher preparation and professional
development. The Mission addresses, on the one hand, current and urgent issues such as supply of qualified teachers, attracting talent
into teaching profession and raising the quality of teaching in schools and colleges. On the other, it is also envisaged that the Teacher
Mission would pursue long term goal of building a strong professional cadre of teachers by setting performance standards and
creating top class institutional facilities for innovative teaching and professional development of teachers. The Mission focuses in a
holistic manner dealing with the whole sector of education without fragmenting the programmes based on levels and sectors as
school, higher, technical etc. It is considered that programmes dealing with teachers in all sectors and levels of education should grow
and function in mutually supportive manner.
Evaluation of value contents in present curriculum (School based & Higher Education);
Inculcating values among teachers of tomorrow: Projection of a strategic road map;
Science of living in present period of crisis of COVID-19 and future insights;
Human Rights and Crisis: Balancing is the only solution;
Human Rights Education as a legal instrument for societal elevation.
Mode of Interaction
The mode of interaction will be online only. The shortlisted participants shall be invited to participate in the webinar
on Video Conferencing (VC) mode on the platform to be notified later on. There will be Live Streaming of all the
proceedings of the Webinar on various social networking platforms.
Registration Details
The Teachers, Educational Administrators and Policy Planners and Scholars engaged with Educational Institutions of
different sectors are eligible to apply for this programme.
Registration Procedure
The number of participants is limited to 250 only and the shortlisted participants will be intimated through e-mail.
There will be two types of participation in the present webinar as only participants and second will be selected
paper presenters.
E-Certificates will be given to the participants, who can commit to attend all the sessions of the programme.
The participants may kindly send their full paper on or before 5th July, 2020 to: [email protected] .
The selected presenters will be informed about the acceptance of the paper for presentation by 7th July, 2020.
The selected papers (Maximum 30) may also be published in the form of proceedings with ISBN.
The word limit for a full paper should not exceed 4000 words with line spacing of 1.5.
Referencing should be in American Psychological Association (APA) style (latest version).
Organizing Secretary
Dr. Aman
Coordinator , Centre for Assessment and Evaluation (PMMMNMTT)
Central University of Jammu
Dr. Ritu Bakshi, Coordinator, Centre for Teacher Resource and Academic Support
Dr. Kiran, Coordinator of Centre for Learning and Pedagogic Studies
Dr. Asit Mantry, Co-Coordinator, Centre for Teacher Resource and Academic Support
Dr. Ravi Vanguri, Co-Coordinator, Centre for Learning and Pedagogic Studies