Unipolar Stepper Motor 1 1 PDF
Unipolar Stepper Motor 1 1 PDF
Unipolar Stepper Motor 1 1 PDF
Rocklin, California 95765, USA Technical: [email protected]
Office: (916) 624-8333 Web Site: www.parallaxinc.com
Fax: (916) 624-8003 Educational: www.stampsinclass.com
Stepper motors are ideally suited for precision control. This motor
can be operated in forward/reverse with controllable speed from a
BASIC Stamp or any other microcontroller through a transistor driver
circuit. Some of the applications for this motor include educational
experimentation, robotics and precision mechanical control
Technical Specifications
Parallax (www.parallaxinc.com) publishes many circuits and examples to control stepper motors. Most of
these examples are available for download from our web site. On www.parallaxinc.com type in “stepper
motor” and you’ll find example codes below.
P4 Red
P5 2 17 Brown
P7 4 Green
9 10 Black
Parallax, Inc. • Stepper Motor (#27964) Version 1.1 Page 1
The Parallax examples we drive the motor through a ULN 2803 high-current transistor driver as shown
above. Unlike ordinary DC motors, which spin freely when power is applied, steppers require that their
power source be continuously pulsed in specific patterns. These patterns, or step sequences, determine
the speed and direction of a stepper’s motion.
The fixed stepping angle gives steppers their precision. As long as the motor’s maximum limits of speed
or torque are not exceeded, the controlling program knows a stepper’s precise position at any given time.
Steppers are driven by the interaction (attraction and repulsion) of magnetic fields. The driving magnetic
field “rotates” as strategically placed coils are switched on and off. This pushes and pulls at permanent
magnets arranged around the edge of a rotor that drives the output shaft. When the on-off pattern of the
magnetic fields is in the proper sequence, the stepper turns (when it’s not, the stepper sits and quivers).
The normal stepping sequence for four-coil unipolar steppers is shown below.
Step Sequence
1 2 3 4 1
I/O pin 4 controls this coil Coil 1 (B) 1 1 0 0 1
I/O pin 5 controls this coil Coil 2 (B-) 0 0 1 1 0
I/O pin 6 controls this coil Coil 3 (A) 1 0 0 1 1
I/O pin 7 controls this coil Coil 4 (A-) 0 1 1 0 0
From a microcontroller’s standpoint, causing the motor to take a “step” involves taking two pins “high” at
a time through the driver circuit shown above.