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DLL (HerbalMedicine2)

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Community Sumacab Norte, Program A&E

Learning Center Sumacab Sur, H.

Concepcion, Sumacab
LEARNING SYSTEM Learning Angeline P. Ansela Literacy BL/LE/AE/LS/AS
DAILY LESSON LOG Facilitator Level
Month and Learning LS-2 SCIENTIFIC &

A. Content Standards Application of Scientific Ways of Thinking in Daily Life

B. Performance Standards Apply scientific thinking in daily life situations.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Knowledge:

Write the LC code for each.
 Identify plants with medicinal value growing in the community and
their uses in treating certain ailments, e.g.,
􀁸Banaba for difficulty in urination
􀁸Guava for loose bowel movement, wounds, mouth infection, sore
gums and tooth decay
􀁸Sabila for falling hair
􀁸Lagundi (five 􀂱 leg chaste tree) for asthma, cough, body pains
􀁸Sambong for swelling and increased urination
􀁸Tsaang gubat for stomach ache
􀁸Ulasimang bato or pansit-pansitan for arthritis (gout),
􀁸Garlic for high blood pressure and decreasing cholesterol in the blood
􀁸Niyog-niyogan for intestinal worms (ascaris)
􀁸Akapulco for ring worm, athletes foot, scabies
􀁸Ampalaya for diabetes (mild non-insulin dependent).

 Discuss the factors that influence oneself positively and negatively;


 Analyze information gathered in terms of: authenticity, relevance

and worth. Results of community/health surveys

 Use the different search engine in researching a topic;

*Yahoo *Google

Skill: Perform the given tasks individually, by pair and by group following the
given house rules/standards/guidelines.

Attitude: Be responsible enough to pay attention to the topic being discuss,

respect one’s idea, take care of our plants.

II. CONTENT(Subject Matter) Herbal Medicine (Lesson 2 – Commonly Used Herbs and the Ailments They
A. References
1. Session Guides pages Lesson 2 – Commonly Used Herbs and the Ailments They Cure (SG. pp. 1-3)
2. Module pages Lesson 2 – Commonly Used Herbs and the Ailments They Cure (Module pp.
B. Other Learning Resources Herbal Plant Pictures, Laptop, power point presentation, activity cards, meta
cards, manila paper, Projector, Herbal Medicine Chart,

*ALS-K TO 12 BEC Guide, LS 2 Scientific and Critical Thinking Skills pp. 14.

A. Springboard/Motivation (Establishing a Activity 1: Guessing Game
purpose for the lesso n)
 Identify what kind of herbal plants being shown in the projector or

Lagundi Sambong Pansit-pansitan

Akapulko Guava Kalatsutsi

B. Activity (Review of previous lesson/s or Activity 2: Pass Me on / Stop Dance

Presenting the new lesson)
 Play an energizer music video to the learners.
 Let them follow the steps on the music video.
 Pass a ball paper to the learners whoever get the ball when the
music stop will give his/her answer on the different questions.


 What are some common illness you found in your barangay or

 What do you know or mean by herbal?
 How important is herbal plants to our barangay or community.

C. Analysis (Presenting examples/instances of Activity 3: Pick-Me, Guess Me

the new lesson)
 Show a box the learners.
 Tell that inside the box are some common and uncommon herbal
plants they’ve known.
 Let choose their partner.
 Each pair will pick a plant inside the box.
 Let them think and share what is the name of plants and it’s used.
 Let them elaborate their answers in front of the class.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Presenting the Lesson
skills (sub-activity #1)
 Show a pictures of the commonly used herbs and the ailments they
cure to class using the electronic learning resources (ELR).
 Discuss the lesson base on the module on page 11-15.
 Let them do the activity.

Lagundi Sambong Pansit-pansitan

Akapulko Guava Kalatsutsi

Activity 4. Survey Time

 Discuss with your co-learners or friends the common ailments they get.
 Then, together, identify which herbs can be used to cure those ailments
using the information in the previous section. Explain your answer by
writing it in a manila paper.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Activity 5: Group Work (Find Me)
skills (sub-activity #2)
 Let learners do the activity by group.
 Give them each group 30 minutes to do the activity.
 Let them go around their neighbourhood, in the park or perhaps in a
school and try to find the herbs discussed.
 See for themselves how each herb looks, smells or feels like.
 They can ask the help of people who know or have used herbal
 Let them present to the class the herbal plants they’ve collect and
explain the name, the texture, smell and used of the plants.

F. Abstraction (Making generalizations about the Class Participation

 Call learners who will answer the following questions.

 What are some common ailments you can found in your
home or in your community?
 How can you cure the ailment?
 If the ailment will not be cured by an herbal medicine what
will you do and why?
 Why still we need to consult a doctor?
 How important our health to our family, society and
especially to ourselves?

G. Application (Developing mastery)  Call learners who will answer the following questions.

 What are the ten herbs being promoted by the Department of

Health as effective medicine?
 Do you agree with the DOH program promoting these ten herbs?
 Why or why not?
 Are these herbs common in your area?
 If not, name the herbs grown in your area.

H. Valuing (Finding practical application Ask:

of concepts and skills in daily living)
Why is it important to know what kind of medicine we take if we have an

I. Evaluation (Assessing learning) Answer the questions on Let’s See What Have You Learned the
(Module pp. 17)

J. Agreement (Additional activities for application  Do a research on internet what are some herbal plants that are accredited
or remediation) by DOH or foreign health organization to cure an ailment.
 Encode your answer using the Microsoft word and put a pictures of the
herbal plants you search.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Prepared by:

ALS Mobile Teacher



Education Program Supervisor I-ALS

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