Design Calculation of Penstock and Nozzle For 5kW Pelton Turbine
Design Calculation of Penstock and Nozzle For 5kW Pelton Turbine
Design Calculation of Penstock and Nozzle For 5kW Pelton Turbine
Volume 3 lssue 5,August 2019 Available Online: e-lSSN: 2456 - 6470
Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
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• · · I required electricity from the natural resources of water to provide the
development of design calculation of penstock, to reduce the environmental
fuel. Water from the storage reservoir is flow through penstoc k to the power
and Development · · · · house. Penstocks carry the water under pressure from the storage reservoir to
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- the turbine. When the turbine is operating without a correct penstock, the
6470, Volume-3 I I!] ·. · . · required power cannot be produced efficiency since water coming from
lssue-S, August IITSRD26552 penstock is not capable to reach Into the ruMer in full amount due to splash
2019, pp.1245-124 7, sideways due to friction. Therefore selection of material of penstock is
bttps:// necessary to Install In the turbine. In this paper, the basic theory of
hydropower penstock and nozzle are calculated.
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in Scientific KEYWORDS: Pelt.on turbine, micro -hydropower, penstock, nozzle
Research and Development Journal. This I. INTRODUCTION
is an Open Access article distributed Hydropower is also called water power. Its power is desired from the following
under the terms of water of streams, rivers, dams and etcetera. And so, hydropower refers to the
the Creative conversion of energy from flowing water into another form of energy. Water
Commons Attribution has been used as an energy source for thousands of years, with ancient
License (CC BY 4.0) civilizations using water to d.rive mill such as gristmills, sawmills and textile
( tivecom mons.orgflicenses /by mills and ls used for irrigation.
A possible solution for a number of instances is the pres.s ure differe nce between both sides of the turbine blades.
implementation of Hydro Plant Hydropower is well-known For micro-hydro applications, Pelton turbines can be used
principle of using water to drive a turbine and generate effectively at head down to about 20m. Draft tubes are not
electricity. Hydropower is a reliable, domestic.emission free required for impulse turbine since the runner must be
resource that is renewable through the hydrologlc cycle and located above the maximum tall water to permit operation at
ha rdness the natural energy of flowing water to provide atmospheric pressure. Impulse turbine is usually cheaper
clean. fast, flex ible electricity generation. Hydropower than reaction turbines because there is no need fora special
converts t he natural flow of water into electricity t hrough pressure casing or for relatively high heads. Before reaching
mechanical energy to light our homes and provide power all the turbine, in fluid's pressure is change to the velocity head
of industries. The energy is produced by the fall of water by accelerating the fluid with the nozzle. Pelton wheels and
turning the blades of the turbine. The turbine is converted to some other turbines use this process exclus ively.
a generator that converts the energy Into electricity. The
greater the flow and the head, the more electricity is 8. Pelton Turbine
produced. Pelton wheel is an impulse turbines shown in Figure 1. It is
driven by a single jetwhich lies in the planeofnmner. Ahigh
II. BACKGROUND THEORY velocity jet processing kinetic energy strikes the bucket in
Turbine is the main component in the hydropower plantthat success ion. The warer takes nearly 180° turn inside the
converts energy of the fal ling water Into the rotating shaft bucket. The water falls into the tail race.
power. The selection of the most suitable turbine for any
particular hydro site depends mainly on two of the site The buckets are split into two halves so that the central area
characteristics: - head and flow available. There s everal do es not act a s a dead spot incapable of deflecting water
kinds of turbine that can be used, e.g. Pelton wheel, Cross away from the oncoming jet. The cutaway on the lower lip
fl ow turbines, pumps as turbines and standard reaction allows the following bucket to move furth er before cutting
turbines. off the jet propelling the bucket ahead of it and a lso permits
smoother entrance of the bucket into the jet. Having two
A. Types of Turbines
more jets enables a smaller runner to be u sed for a given
Turbines are also divided by their principle of operation and
flow and increases the rotational speed. The required power
can be divided into impulse and reactions turbine. The can still be attained and the part-flow efficieTicy is especially
impulse turbine generally uses the velocity of the water to good because the wheel can be run on a reduced number of
move the runner and discharges to atmospheric pressure. jets with each jet in use still receiving the optimum flow.
Reaction turbines are pressure type turbines that rely on the
@ IJTSRD Unique Pa per ID - IJTSRD2 6552 Volu me - 3 I Issue - 5 July -August 2 019 Page 1245
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development(IJTSRD) @ www.ij elSSN: 2456-647 0
Calcula tion of Penstock Diameter,
spar (2)
D = 0.62 H0.65
@ IJTSRD I Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD26552 Volume - 3 1lssue - 5 July - Augus t 2019 Page 1246
Interna tiona l Journal of Trend in Scientific Resea rc h and Development (IJTSRD) @ ww w.ij tsrd .com elSSN : 2456-6470
5 kW. The permissible velocity in the penstock is 1.195 m/s,
penstock diameter is 0.123 m and 74 m pipe length are
arranged. Pressure variations through the pipe are
@ IJTSRD Uniq ue Pape r ID - IITSRD2 6552 Volume - 3 I Iss ue - 5 July - August 20 19 Page 1247