Tle9agricropproduction - q1 - m9 - Observingworkplacepracticesandreportingproblemsincompletingworkforhorticulturalproduction - v3
Tle9agricropproduction - q1 - m9 - Observingworkplacepracticesandreportingproblemsincompletingworkforhorticulturalproduction - v3
Tle9agricropproduction - q1 - m9 - Observingworkplacepracticesandreportingproblemsincompletingworkforhorticulturalproduction - v3
Technology and
Livelihood Education
Agri Crop Production
Quarter 1 – Module 9:
Observing Workplace Practices
and Reporting Problems in
Completing Work
TLE – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 1 – Module 9: Observing Workplace Practices and
Reporting Problems in Completing Work
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This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:
As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the
Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
on how to undertake horticultural production work as directed. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language
used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged
to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them
can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
What I Know
3. What is the role of construction and renovation activities for salvaged materials
and equipment?
4. What is RIDDOR & why is it Important?
Lesson Observing Workplace Practices in
Handling and Disposal of Materials
and Reporting Problems in
Completing Work
Workplace safety can only be achieved if on-going attention is paid to it. A vital
element of an effective approach to workplace safety is the need to identify and report
workplace hazards and risks on a day to day basis. You cannot “do” workplace safety
at the start of the year and believe it is “done” for the entire 12 months.
What’s In
5. How do we foster employee interaction in the workplace?
What’s New
Guidelines, Policy and Procedures for Disposing of Scrap, Valuable Waste, and
for Storing Salvageable Materials
• That all scrap, valuable waste, and salvageable materials associated with,
remodelling, renovation, maintenance, and new construction accomplished or
managed by Physical Plant shall be properly disposed of, or prepared for storage
and reused in a manner that complies with all applicable State and Local law as
well as WIU and Physical Plant policy.
Guideline versus Policy:
As the work of a Physical Plant is extremely diverse, the act of disposing of scrap and
salvageable material in every instance may not always fit within the rigidity of a
described policy or procedure. This directive will distinguish between "guideline" and
"policy" to allow for flexibility and common-sense interpretations needed to
accomplish the stated purpose.
For situations where these guidelines do not seem to apply, the responsible manger
shall use common sense in developing procedures that best satisfies the stated
Whenever a deviation in this policy is thought to be required, all proposed revised
procedures shall first be approved by the Director of Physical Plant.
The proper disposition of scrap, valuable waste, and salvageable material will be
planned for all Physical Plant work functions, whether for a specific single event, or
for continuous operations.Transport of all scrap, valuable waste, and salvageable
material shall be properly recorded when disposed of, or inventoried when stored for
later use.
The manifest for disposition of scrap and salvageable material will be in the form of
a service request to relocate material by a designated Plant division that includes a
description of the material, its initial location, and final disposition or storage
No Physical Plant employee may acquire for their own personal use or gain any item
of of scrap, valuable or non-valuable waste, or salvageable material. This shall
include packaging materials and used construction materials destine for disposal,
even if disposal is to be in the University waste stream.
Ideally, a separate Plant division from those directly involved in generating scrap,
valuable waste, or salvageable material will move the material to its point of final
disposal or storage. As a policy, when the same Plant division will generate and move
material noted in this directive, different personnel within that division will generate
or set up the material for relocation than those who will actually relocate the material
to the final destination for disposal or storage. (This policy still requires that a
recorded service request be completed as a manifest for the relocation and disposition
of the material by personnel within the same division.)
Maintenance activities:
Maintenance shops that generate scrap or valuable waste are being supplied with
recycling bins for disposal of small and medium sized material through Property
Accounting. Maintenance shops shall involve proper moving personnel, Safety and
Health Officer, and Property Accounting as applicable for disposing of materials
and/or equipment.
WIU inventoried property and equipment that will be disposed of shall be manifest
to Property Accounting via service request. Ensure that the Physical Plant Business
Manager is aware of inventoried items being disposed of which are under Physical
Plant managerial control.
Include a contract provision that stipulates a Contractor may be required by the WIU
construction manager to provide weight tickets from landfills, salvage yards, etc. for
any project waste disposal. Tickets and manifests for disposal and salvage will
become part of the permanent project record.
Include a contract provision that a Contractor must have a waste, recycling, and
salvageable material plan that properly manages disposition of material covered in
this directive. Discussions of the plan will be included as an agenda item in the pre-
construction conference.
Include a contract provision that a contractor may not provide materials covered in
this directive, directly or indirectly to an employee of Western Illinois University. This
provision shall also be stressed in the pre-construction conference.
Where construction contracts involve the State Capital Development Board (CDB),
and the CDB is providing clearly delineated policies regarding disposition of all items
noted in this directive, CDB policies and procedures shall govern.
The Stores Manager will create and maintain a record of these items deemed "Special
Inventory" which shall list the following minimum information: Description of the
item, quantity, original location obtained (IE Simpkins Hall), location stored (North
Shed, South Bay #1), date stored, superintendent or assistant director requesting
storage (the responsible manager), description of how item would be reused.
The Physical Plant will not store used building materials for use by residence hall
students or student clubs to be used for the purpose of modifying their residence
hall rooms or any other part of a residence hall, or for any other building type project,
or for sandwich signs. This prohibition includes but is not limited to, plywood,
framing lumber, concrete masonry, paint, etc.
No less than once every 24 months the Stores Manager shall require all responsible
managers authorized storage to reaffirm that material or equipment they have
entered into this special inventory shall remain in storage. Responsible managers
shall notify the Stores Manager when an item located in storage that is included in
the special inventory has been removed for reuse, salvage to the State, or disposed.
Service request manifest procedures described in this policy shall also be used for
removal of inventoried storage. The Stores Manager shall use these manifests to
update the special inventory report.
Every effort will be made by responsible managers and the Stores Manager to limit
storage of items designated for reuse, as well as to provide for the expeditious
turnover of items stored for reuse. Decisions to store any such items shall consider
the cost of storage relative to the true value of the item being stored and the benefits
of its reuse. While reuse can be a desirable sustainable initiative, there is a cost
associated with storage to include loss of valuable space, risk of shrinkage, breakage,
obsolescence, and the cost of continuous management of the special inventory.
All superintendents and managers shall prepare a written report of items covered by
this directive which are currently stored or proposed to be stored in other remote
campus locations. This does not include short term storage of construction materials
or equipment being installed on a project. The report shall generally describe the
items being stored, quantities, and location by building and room number.
Remote storage that is intended to avoid the purpose of this directive is deemed
What is It
1. What is the purpose of guidelines, policy and procedures for disposing of scrap,
valuable waste, and for storing salvageable materials?
2. What is the difference between guideline and policy?
3. State the procedure of disposing scrap, valuable waste, and storing salvageable
6. Where do you store the salvaged materials and equipment? Why you think so?
What’s More
You only need to report certain types of work-related incidents under RIDDOR.
Incidents must fall into one of the following categories:
There are some incidents that don’t need to be reported, such as traffic road accidents
and those involving members of the armed forces. For more information about what
specific injuries or incidents need reporting and by whom, you can view our
article What is RIDDOR & Why is it Important.
This information explains how you should report any relevant incident or accident
under RIDDOR. For certain incidents, such as occupational, the first two steps may
not be necessary so you may need to follow the guidance from step three onwards.
Remember, only responsible persons, such as employers, are able to report to the
HSE through RIDDOR. Every employee should report incidents or accidents to their
Immediately after the incident has occurred you must assess the situation and
decide whether there is a risk of further damage or injury. Ensure that you do not
put yourself in danger. Your own health is the most important thing to consider
here, so do not act unless it is safe to do so. If you are able to remove the source of
danger then carefully do so to manage the risk. For example, you may be able to
safely turn off equipment or vehicles.
Not all RIDDOR incidents will occur in high risk environments such as factories or
warehouses. RIDDOR can apply to any employment sector, including health and
social care. For example, RIDDOR incidents in this sector could include an employee
who has contracted any disease attributed to an occupational exposure to a
biological agent, such as blood contaminated with hepatitis B. In this instance, an
appropriately trained person may reduce the risk of further danger by following the
correct procedure to isolate and contain the blood.
Step 2: Ensure that the colleague receives the appropriate medical assistance
as necessary
Next, you should have the qualified first aider look at the injured person. It is a legal
requirement for every workplace to have both a designated first aider and first aid
kit. Having assessed the situation, the first aider should be able to determine
whether the situation is serious enough for those involved to receive medical care.
You should call the emergency services on 999 for very serious accidents, or 111
for medical advice if it’s a non-emergency.
This is the final step that can be carried out if you are a general employee. Once the
manager has been informed of the incident it becomes their responsibility to report
under RIDDOR if necessary. The specifics of what incidents need reporting can be
seen here.
You should keep details of the accident in the company’s records, such as in an
accident book or Occupational Health records. This is necessary because it allows
the company to identify what types of accident are common occurrence. Knowing
this, you can then carry out an assessment to determine what can be done to prevent
similar incidents from happening in the future.
If the incident falls under RIDDOR you, as the responsible person, have a legal duty
to report it correctly. You need to send a report without delay, as reports must be
received within 10 days of the incident. However, if the incident resulted in more
than seven days’ absence from work it can be submitted within 15 days. In the case
of occupational illnesses and diseases, the report should be submitted as soon as a
diagnosis is received.
You must submit the report online via the HSE website with all the relevant details
of the incident. You may use the telephone service for fatal or major incidents and
can report by post if you have no other means of doing so.
• The personal details of the person(s) involved (name, job title, etc.)
• A description of the injury, illness or incident
You should also make sure that an investigation into the accident is carried out as
soon as possible. Ideally, this should be completed by an impartial employee who
knows the workplace procedures and the health and safety legislation. The
investigation should determine how the accident happened and whether it was
preventable. If the incident was avoidable then your investigation should conclude
with a suggestion of measures to be put in place to avoid future accidents.
It is a legal requirement for companies with more than ten employees to keep
an accident book, and this needs to contain all the details of an incident that you
would report to RIDDOR. When you submit to RIDDOR, a copy of the form is sent to
the email address provided and you have the option to print and/or save a copy of
the online form.
To ensure you are legally compliant, you must keep records of reported RIDDOR
incidents. Not only is this necessary for abiding by the law, but also for aiding your
health and safety management. Records of past incidents offer insight into where
risks are high in the business and how employers can reduce these risks. During
risk assessments, this information is useful for identifying hazards and assessing
existing controls.
It’s important to note that the HSE will not pass on information to insurance
companies if you need to make an insurance claim. Therefore, it’s crucial that you
retain records, which contain vital details that may be requested during claims.
You must keep records for a minimum of three years, although good practice
recommends keeping them for six in case of any legal issues that require them being
Don’t overlook the requirements of the Data Protection Act, however. Records of
RIDDOR incidents – and any incidents kept in the accident book for that matter –
contain personal information and so must be stored confidentially. Protecting
people’s privacy is just as important as protecting their health and safety.
RIDDOR is in place to keep you and your colleagues safe at work. It is important that
you accurately report to the HSE and keep records of incidents for your company to
assess. This will help to prevent future accidents from happening in the workplace.
What I Have Learned
Purpose of guidelines, policy and procedures for disposing of scrap, valuable waste,
and for storing salvageable material
• That all scrap, valuable waste, and salvageable materials associated with,
remodeling, renovation, maintenance, and new construction accomplished or
managed by Physical Plant shall be properly disposed of, or prepared for storage
and reuse in a manner that complies with all applicable State and Local law as
well as WIU and Physical Plant policy.
You only need to report certain types of work-related incidents under RIDDOR.
Incidents must fall into one of the following categories:
Step 2: Ensure that the colleague receives the appropriate medical assistance as
What I Can Do
3. How do I report an accident at work?
2. What is the procedure of disposing scrap, valuable waste, and storing
salvageable material?
3. What are the vital roles of construction and renovation activities for salvaged
materials and equipment?
Additional Activities
Recall an accident at work or in school and make a report following RIDDOR steps.
What I Know What's More Assessment
Answer Key
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