Parent Letter 8

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DAVID Y. IGE Dr. Christina M.



August 12, 2020

Aloha Ben Parker Ohana

We hope that you and your families are well and in good health. Please know that providing quality education
for every child continues to be a priority as we transition to the Hawaii State Department of Education: Return
to Learn: Distance Learning Model, to further modify school reopening at all public schools to greatly reduce
the number of individuals on our campus for the first four weeks of the new school year. On Friday, August 7,
2020, Governor Ige and Superintendent Christina Kishimoto announced a modification to school reopening
plans for all O'ahu public schools to align with the new safeguards and restrictions prompted by the increasing
number of COVID-19 cases on the island. The implementation phase of the plan as it relates to our school is
as follows:
1. FIRST PHASE, TRAINING (AUG. 17-20): This time will be for students to connect with their teacher,
receive training on the distance learning platforms, and address any issues with technology. The
purpose of this week is to assess students, build relationships, provide distance learning expectations
and familiarize students and parents with technology and online programs. Meals will be served grab
and go style for Ben Parker students. Students on campus will eat in their classrooms. Students who
are not on campus daily may pick-up breakfast and lunch in our school drive through.

Teachers will be reaching out to parents this week to communicate specifics (per grade level)
regarding the schedule and expectations for next week. At this time teachers, will also inquire about
device availability/access and connectivity for your child at home.
As needed, students will receive their devices August 17-20th when they come to school.
Grade Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

PK Full Day Full Day Full Day Full Day No School

7:50-2:05 7:50-2:05 7:50-2:05 7:50-2:05
K Individual Individual Individual Individual Statehood Day
1 appointments appointments appointments appointments Holiday
2 scheduled with scheduled with scheduled with scheduled with No School
3 parents parents parents parents

A day and Daily B day and Daily A day and Daily B day and Daily Statehood Day
Grades 5&6 Students Students Students Students Holiday
Full day Full day Full day Full day No School
7:50-2:05 7:50-2:05 7:50-2:05 7:50-2:05


**These students and families will receive specific information for their selected program.
2. SECOND PHASE, READY TO LEARN (AUG. 24-SEPT. 11): For the remainder of the four-week
period, distance learning will be implemented. All students will be distance learning. Special
education services that cannot be provided in a distance learning format will be available in person.
You will be contacted by your Special Education teachers regarding the schedule.
Key components of this phase include:
 Daily Attendance - daily check-ins that will go towards student’s attendance
 Grades - Student work (online/hard copy) must be completed and assessed for a grade.
 Office Hours provided by teachers - regular office hours will be provided by teachers to
ensure continuous monitoring and support of student learning.
HIDOE will continue to closely monitor the situation and work with the Governor’s Office and the
Hawai'i State Department of Health to assess whether or not students can safely return to in-person
blended learning models. If the decision is to return to campus, we will continue to implement
our opt-in full distance learning or face-to-face plan. An announcement will be made on Sept. 8.

School Level Updates:

We ask for your support as we continue to adjust to the many changes that have been brought about by this
pandemic. Safety will always be the top priority.

STUDENT MEALS: Beginning AUGUST 17th Grab-and-Go meals will be available for students who
attend Benjamin Parker Elementary.
On August 17th, we will begin serving grab-and-go meals; in-person dining will not be allowed. Unlike Summer
Feeding, students will need to pay for their meals. You can pay for meals online at
or drop off payment to the school office. You can apply for Free and Reduced-Price Meal Benefits online
at EZMealApp or by copying and pasting into your web

 BREAKFAST SERVICE: 8:15-8:45am (meals must be consumed by 10:15 am)

 LUNCH SERVICE: 12:30-1:00pm (meals must be consumed by 2:30 pm)
 Cars will enter through the D-Building parking lot next to the basketball court and follow the line
through the drive through area.
 Students need to be present and will give their first and last name to the meal tracker attendant. If the
student cannot be present (due to distance learning requirements) parents may pick up a meal for
their child by using the student’s school id or birth certificate.
 Please remain in your car. Masks will need to be worn when picking up meals.

Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up

*Please note that this is the schedule for when students return to school. If your child is scheduled to come to
school next week (August 17-20) please drop them off (and pick them up) at the designated area.
Student drop-off and pick-up locations are assigned as follows:
Preschool – A Building Parking lot
K - Grade 2 and Families with multiple students – Drive through in front of the Office Building
Grades 3 – 6 – D Building parking lot.
Parents will not be allowed to get out of their vehicles. We will have staff on hand to assist students to their
classrooms or designated waiting areas before school. After school pick-up will be in the same location as
drop off.
Health and Safety
Social Distancing:
To keep to social distancing guidelines, the following will be in place:
 Students will be dropped off at designated drop-off areas.
 To limit the amount of visitors on campus, parents will not be allowed to eat meals with their children
or walk them to classrooms.
 All classrooms and the cafeteria will be set up to follow distancing guidelines.
 Student supplies, manipulatives, etc. will be individualized per student.
Face Masks:
Everyone on campus is required to wear a face mask at all times, both in and out of the classroom. This
includes all personnel, staff, students, and visitors. Classroom teachers will create procedures to allow for
“mask breaks” throughout the day and as needed that adhere to physical distance guidelines.

To keep communication going within our school community you may continue to contact us regarding
questions or feedback related to COVID-19 and Benjamin Parker’s plans. Our phone number is 307-1100 and
our office hours are Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:30pm. Other means of communication which we use are

 For updates from Ben Parker Elementary, please visit our website at
 Follow us on
o Instagram (@benparkerelem)
o Facebook
 Emails and text messages are sent to families and staff via School Messenger. Please call our office
at 307-1100 to update your contact information with us to ensure that you are receiving these
Please know that there are many layers involved regarding what happens within our school systems, but we
will do our best to answer your questions or provide the resources that are also on the Hawaii Department of
Education’s website:

Mahalo for your patience and support. May we continue to work together, Giving Hope, Acting with Kindness
and Working toward Togetherness—as we strive to do what is best for all of our students.
Keep safe and take care,

Elissa Johnson

Kathy Kahikina Elissa Johnson

Principal Vice Principal

Continuous Notes of Non-Discrimination The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) and its schools do not discriminate on
the basis of race, sex, age, color, national origin, religion, or disability in its programs and activities. Please direct inquiries regarding
HIDOE nondiscrimination policies as follows:

ADA/Section 504 inquiries Title VI, Title IX, and other inquiries
Krysti Sukita, ADA/504 Specialist Civil Rights Compliance Office3 Anne Marie Pulisi, Director Civil Rights
Compliance Office
Hawaii State Department of Education Hawaii State Department of Education
P. O. Box 2360 P. O. Box 2360
Honolulu, Hawaii 96804 Honolulu, Hawaii 96804
(808) 586-3322 or relay (808) 586-3322 or relay
[email protected] [email protected]

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