Ph.D-Syll Geog

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Syllabus of Ph.D. Eligibility Entrance Test Examination

Total No. of marks - 100
(I) Geographic Thought : General character of Geographic knowledge during the
ancient and medieval period; Foundation of Modern Geography, Determinism
and possibilism; qualitative revolution; Areal differentiation and Spatial orga
- nization, Modern geography.
(II) Geomorphology : Fundamental concepts, Endogenetic and Exogenetic process.
Dedudation and weathering, isotasy, plate tectonics, seismicity, vulcancity, moun
tain building, landforms associated with fluvial, glacial, Aeolian, Karst cycles con
cept of geomorphic cycle, applied geomorphology.
(III) Oceonography : Compostion and structure of atmosphere, insolation, green
house effect, concept of Air mass, Temperature and tropical Cuclones, Monsoon
and jet streams; Theory of climate changes, climate classification of koppen and
Thornthwaite, Stability and instability of the atmosphere. Global warming.
(IV) Ocean deposits, coral-reefs, Temperature and salinety of oceans. Tides and cur
rents, floor of the ocean basins, marine resources and environment.
(V) Economic Geography : Location of economics activities, sectors of economy-
Primary, secondary and tertiary. Concepts and techniques of delimitation of ag
riculture region. Crop combination and diversification, Von-thunen’s model and
its modification, Classification of industries, Resource based and footloose indus
tries, Theories of Industrial location by weber and losch, case studies of selected
industries; Textile of bombay and iron and steel, industry of Jamshedpur, Role of
market in the development of trade and commerce.
(VI) Population Geography : Patterns of world distribution of population
Growth and density of population, policy issues, patterns and process of
migration; Demograhic transition, Population resource regions.
Population Composition :_ Age and sex, Literacy.
Population dynamics :- Measurements of fertility and mortality.
(VII) Indian Geography : Physiographic divisions; climate, Its regional variations
Vegetation types and vegetation regions; Major soil types; Coastal andmarine
resources; water resources; Irrigation agriculture; agroclimatic regions, Minerals and
power resources, major industries and industrial regions, population distribution and
grwoth, settlement patterns; Regional disparities in social and economic development,
Minerals resources of Jharkhand, problems of planning and development in
(VIII) Settlement Geography : Site, Situation and internal Morphology of rural and urbans
settlement; city-regions; Primate city, Rank-size rule; Christaller’s central place theory;
rural-urban frinage, issues, Perspective and policies of population and Human
(IX) Regional Planning : Regional Concept in Geographic; its application to planning,
concept of planning region, Type of regions and methods of regional delineation,
conceptual and theoretical framework of regional plan ning; Regional planning in
India; Concept of development; indicators of development; regional imbalances.
(X) Cartoraphy : Cartography and statistical methods, Maps a tool in geographical
studies; types of maps; Techniques for the study of spetial patterns of distribution;
choropleth and isopleth and chrochromatic maps and pie diagrams;
Remote sensing; Geographic information system (GIS):Thematic maps.
Data sources and types of data; statistical diagrams study of frequency
distribution and cumulative frequency; Lorenz curve; Scaling techniques; Sampling
techniques for Geographical analysis. Types of map Projection; Use and
characteristics of Mercator’s Projection.

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