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(Spring 2020) ASSIGNMENT-2 (Uninformed and Informed Search) 50

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BS CS / BS SE CS-415 GIFT University Gujranwala

Course: Artificial Intelligence 29-July-2020 (Spring 2020)

Resource Person: Muhammad Shakeel ASSIGNMENT–2 (Uninformed and
Informed Search)

Total Points: 50
Submission Due: Saturday, August 15, 2020

Instructions: Please Read Carefully!

• This is an individual assignment. Everyone is expected to complete the given assignment on their
own, without seeking any help from any website or any other individual. There will be strict
penalties for any work found copied from any source and the university policy on plagiarism will be
strictly enforced.
• You are expected to submit this assignment as:
a. Create a single code file for the assignment solution.
b. Make sure to run the test program using all algorithms and test data.
• Assignment is to be submitted in reply to the assignment posted on the Google Classroom.
• Late submissions will have a 25% negative penalty.

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BS CS / BS SE CS-415 GIFT University Gujranwala

In this assignment you will create an agent to solve the 8-puzzle game. You may visit mypuzzle.org/sliding for
a refresher of the rules of the game. You will implement and compare several search algorithms and collect some
statistics related to their performances. Please read all sections of the instructions carefully:


You may use either Python or Java programming language to write the solution of this programming assignment.
No other programming language should be used.


I. Introduction
II. Algorithm Review
III. What You Need to Submit
IV. What Your Program Outputs
V. Important Information
VI. Before You Finish

NOTE: This assignment incorporates material learned from both Uninformed search and Informed search

I. Introduction
An instance of the N-puzzle game consists of a board holding N = m^2 − 1 (m = 3, 4, 5, ...) distinct movable
tiles, plus an empty space. The tiles are numbers from the set {1, …, m^2 − 1}. For any such board, the empty
space may be legally swapped with any tile horizontally or vertically adjacent to it. In this assignment, we will
represent the blank space with the number 0 and focus only on the m = 3 case (8-puzzle).
Given an initial state of the board, the combinatorial search problem is to find a sequence of moves that transitions
this state to the goal state; that is, the configuration with all tiles arranged in ascending order ⟨0, 1, …, m^2 − 1⟩.
The search space is the set of all possible states reachable from the initial state.
The blank space may be swapped with a component in one of the four directions {‘Up’, ‘Down’, ‘Left’, ‘Right’},
one move at a time. The cost of moving from one configuration of the board to another is the same and equal to
one. Thus, the total cost of path is equal to the number of moves made from the initial state to the goal state.

II. Algorithm Review

Recall from the lectures that search begin by visiting the root node of the search tree, given by the initial state.
Among other book-keeping details, three major things happen in sequence to visit a node:
• First, we remove a node from the frontier (fringe) set.
• Second, we check the state against the goal state to determine if a solution has been found.
• Finally, if the result of the check is negative, we then expand the node. To expand a given node, we
generate successor nodes adjacent to the current node, and add them to the frontier (fringe) set. Note that
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BS CS / BS SE CS-415 GIFT University Gujranwala

if these successor nodes are already in the frontier, or have already been visited, then they should not be
added to the frontier again.
This describes the life-cycle of a visit, and is the basic order of operations for search agents in this assignment—
(1) remove, (2) check, and (3) expand. In this assignment, we will implement algorithms as described here.

III. What You Need to Submit

Your job in this assignment is to write:
• solve8Puzzle.py (for Python), or
• solve8Puzzle.java (for Java)
that solves any 8-puzzle board when given an arbitrary starting configuration. The program will be executed as
• python solve8Puzzle.py <method> <board> (Python)
• java solve8Puzzle <method> <board> (Java)
The method argument will be one of the following. You need to implement all three of them:
• bfs (Breadth-First Search)
• dfs (Depth-First Search)
• ast (A-Star Search with the Manhattan Heuristic)
The board argument will be a comma-separated list of integers containing no spaces. For example, to use the
bread-first search strategy to solve the input board given by the starting configuration {0,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}, the
program will be executed like so (with no spaces between commas):
• python solve8Puzzle.py bfs 0,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 (Python)
• java solve8Puzzle bfs 0,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 (Java)
Remember: the number 0 represents the space in the 8-puzzle.

IV. What Your Program Outputs

When executed, your program will create / write to a file called searchResults.txt, containing the
following statistics:
• path_to_goal: the sequence of moves taken to reach the goal
• cost_of_path: the number of moves taken to reach the goal
• nodes_expanded: the number of nodes that have been expanded
• search_depth: the depth within the search tree when the goal node is found
• max_search_depth: the maximum depth of the search tree in the lifetime of the algorithm
• running_time: the total running time of the search instance, reported in seconds

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BS CS / BS SE CS-415 GIFT University Gujranwala

Example #1: Breadth-First Search

Suppose the program is executed for breadth-first search as follows:

• python solve8Puzzle.py bfs 1,2,5,3,4,0,6,7,8 (Python)
• java solve8Puzzle bfs 1,2,5,3,4,0,6,7,8 (Java)
Which should lead to the following solution to the input board:

The output file contains exactly the following lines:
path_to_goal: ['Up', 'Left', 'Left']
cost_of_path: 3
nodes_expanded: 10
search_depth: 3
max_search_depth: 4
running_time: 0.00188088

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BS CS / BS SE CS-415 GIFT University Gujranwala

Example #2: Depth-First Search

Suppose the program is executed for depth-first search as follows:

• python solve8Puzzle.py dfs 1,2,5,3,4,0,6,7,8
• java solve8Puzzle dfs 1,2,5,3,4,0,6,7,8
Which should lead to the following solution to the input board:

The output file will contain exactly the following lines:
path_to_goal: ['Up', 'Left', 'Left']
cost_of_path: 3
nodes_expanded: 181437
search_depth: 3
max_search_depth: 66125
running_time: 5.01608433

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Note on Correctness

Of course, the specific values for running_time variable will vary greatly depending on the machine used and the
specific implementation details; there is no "correct" value to look for. This is intended to enable you to check
the time complexity characteristics of your code, and you should spend time to do so. All the other variables,
however, will have one and only one correct answer for each algorithm. A good way to check the correctness of
your program is to walk through small examples by hand, like the ones above.
.In general, for any initial board whatsoever, for BFS and DFS there is one and only one correct answer. For
A*, however, your output of nodes_expanded may vary a little, depending on specific implementation details.
You will be fine as long as your algorithm conforms to all specifications listed in these instructions.

V. Important Information
Please read the following information carefully. Since this is the first programming assignment, you are being
provided with many hints and explicit instructions. Before you post a clarifying question on the discussion board,
make sure that your question is not already answered in the following sections.

1. Implementation

You will implement the following three algorithms as demonstrated in lecture. In particular:
• Breadth-First Search. Use an explicit queue, as shown in lecture.
• Depth-First Search. Use an explicit stack, as shown in lecture.
• A-Star Search. Use a priority queue, as shown in lecture. For the choice of heuristic, use
the Manhattan priority function; that is, the sum of the distances of the tiles from their goal positions. Note
that the blanks space is not considered an actual tile here.
o NOTE: You may use the built-in priority queue data structure in the Java / Python API.

2. Order of Visits

In this assignment, where an arbitrary choice must be made, we always visit child nodes in the "UDLR" order;
that is, [‘Up’, ‘Down’, ‘Left’, ‘Right’] in that exact order. Specifically:
• Breadth-First Search. Enqueue in UDLR order; dequeuing results in UDLR order.
• Depth-First Search. Push onto the stack in reverse-UDLR order; popping off results in UDLR order.
• A-Star Search. Since you are using a priority queue, what happens when there are duplicate keys? What
do you need to do to ensure that nodes are retrieved from the priority queue in the desired order?

3. Tips on Getting Started

Begin by writing a class to represent the state of the game at a given turn, including parent and child nodes. We
suggest writing a separate solver class to work with the state class. Feel free to experiment with your design, for
example including a board class to represent the low-level physical configuration of the tiles, delegating the high-
level functionality to the state class. When comparing your code with pseudocode, you might come up with
another class for organizing specific aspects of your search algorithm elegantly.
You will not be graded on your design, so you are at a liberty to choose among your favorite programming
paradigms. Your submission will receive full credit if your driver program outputs the correct information.

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BS CS / BS SE CS-415 GIFT University Gujranwala

VI. Before You Finish

• Make sure your algorithms generate the correct solution for an arbitrary solvable problem instance of 8-
• Make sure your program always terminates without error, and in a reasonable amount of time. You will
receive zero points if your program fails to terminate. Running times of more than a minute or two
may indicate a problem with your implementation.
• Make sure your program output follows the specified format exactly. For the path to goal, use square
brackets to surround the list of items, use single quotes around each item, and capitalize the first letter of
each item. Round floating-point numbers to 8 places after the decimal. You will not receive proper credit
if your format differs from the provided examples above.


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