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(A Descriptive Qualitative Research at Tenth Grade Student Multimedia Program

of SMKN 4 Kepahiang in Academic Years 2018/2019)


Submitted as A partial Requirements for the degree of Sarjana

in Islamic Education and Tadris Faculty

Designed by:

SRN. 1516230109








In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful. All praise and

gratitude to Him who has given strength and patience to finish this thesis shalawat

and salam to our prophet Muhammad Shallalahu‟alaihi wasallam who brought us

from jahilia era

The researcher would like to dedicate this thesis to:

1. My beloved parents, Aswandi and Nazaria. Thank you a lot for

praying to me, your supporting, sense and motivations. Both of you are

my truly heroes therefore, I can accomplish my thesis. I just could

promise to you all that I will do my best to make for your happiness

and to make you all be proud to me.

2. My Big family, Grandmother, Grandfather, My Uncle and Aunt, My

sister ( Febriani Putri ) and My Brothers. Thank you for giving me the

strength advices of encouragement and supporting in order to finish its


3. My first supervisor Mam Risnawati, M.Pd and my second supervisor

Mr. Dr. H. Ali Akbarjono M.Pd, my deepest thank you so for your

suggestions, corrections and ideas during the process of writing this


4. Special thanks for all of my lectures in IAIN Bengkulu, especially Sir

Dedi Efrizal and Sir Fery Susanto have been being the best



5. My Second family in Campus, GEMPA IAIN Bengkulu and for

darling nickname Kabut Cahaya ( Beko, Pinjuk, Mucu, Muba, Kaning,

Pucat, Pagil, Majam, Nguli, Tokek, Kacer, Manis and Suneo) thanks

for being my family from the starting of our journey.

6. Thanks you for my best friends The Girls or My Toek “ that‟s all what

they say” ( Parti Rosmita, Windy TS and Yolanda Wahyuni ) who

always gave me cheerfulness in any case and always too much and

thank for always there.

7. My friends Planning Ngetrip ( Dewi , Elsi, Helpi, Mbak Lyn, Yuk

Yun, Makbul, Ekron, Redo dan oom Ogik ) thanks you for your

bullying in everything and make me happy, and thank you always gave

me support

8. My friends in Bidikmisi

9. My friends Jannah ( Cinthya Lovvena, Lusianti and Acica )

10. My friends Biji Cabe ( Letri Lot and Nurhasanah )

11. My friends of TBI A 2015 that cannot mention one by one thanks

create joy and fun in class.

12. My Almamater

I dedicate to all of you, may Allah SWT always gives his mercies

and blessing to all of us.




Front Cover................................................................................................ i
Ratification ................................................................................................ ii
Advisor Sheet ............................................................................................. iii
Motto... ....................................................................................................... iv
Dedication .................................................................................................. v
Pronouncement .......................................................................................... vii
Acknowledgment ....................................................................................... viii
Abstrak ....................................................................................................... ix
List of Contents ......................................................................................... xi
List of Figures ............................................................................................ xiii
List of Appendics ....................................................................................... xiv

A. Background of The Study ............................................................... 1
B. Identification of the problem........................................................... 7
C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................................... 8
D. Research Question ........................................................................... 8
E. The Objectives of the Study ............................................................ 8
F. The Significance of the Study ......................................................... 9
G. Definition of Key Terms ................................................................. 9
A. Theoretical Description ................................................................... 11
B. Previous Study ................................................................................ 27
A. Research Design .............................................................................. 30
B. Sample of The Research.................................................................. 30
C. Setting of the Research.................................................................... 31
D. Instruments of the Research ............................................................ 31
E. Technique of Collecting the Data ................................................... 34


F. Data Analysis Technique ................................................................ 35

A. Resul the Data ................................................................................. 37
B. Discussion ....................................................................................... 63
A. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 74
B. Suggestion ....................................................................................... 76




A. Background of The Study

English is a part of curriculum in the Senior High School/ Vocational

School in this country. But, are the problems of learning and teaching the

same for Senior High School and Vocational School? Those things being a

fundamentals critical thinking for researcher to take a research related to a

program of Vocational school, in this case is Multimedia Program at

Vocational School. The reason of why Multimedia was chosen because

Multimedia was close and identical to computerization programs with some

program application of computer in English.

Then, Multimedia program also has a good chance for students to

compete with English need after graduated and getting jobs which should be

having a good skills in all aspect of English basic skills especially for English

communication, in order to support this chance in preparing the graduated

students were ready to the industries of work, its crucial to give a better

learning of English through giving the suitable approach of ELT based on the

specific purpose of learning for students.

The specific concept of learning activities should be clear especially

for kinds of Vocational school. In making the realization of SMK

revitalization including of English course, it‟s really crucial to be a

background and reason why this research took a Multimedia program as the

informants of the research.


In addition, students‟ factor problem and its factors should be the

crucial issues in order to achieve a good targets situation and goals of learning

achievements. Related to the problems, it depended to the selecting and

applying of English Language Teaching methods by teachers in the

classrooms, those were sure would be related to the identification of students‟

need, want and lack. This identification called ESP approach as the relevance

theories to take the improvements for all of the problems were identified in

this research, because the ESP is an approach and it‟s not a product.

In this case, need analysis (NA) is very crucial in English language

teaching at Vocational School. According to Simion, need analysis is

considered to be the cornerstone of ESP, the results of needs analysis helps

the teacher to identify the students prospective professional needs the

students‟ needs in terms of language skills and the student‟s deficiencies in

the area of language skills.1

Need analysis in need assessment has a vital role in the process of

designing and carrying out any language course, in this problem it be English

for Specific Purposes. Those are the fundamentals things that need analysis is

the first step in course design and it provides validity and relevancy for ESP


This research aimed to explore of the teacher and students obstacles

on English teaching and learning. Those were related to teacher problems in

English language teaching activities automatically, two the most

Simion. MO, 2015. Need Analysis in ESP, Annals of the constaint Brancudi
University ofTargu Jiu Economy Series. Vol. II No. 1 P.55

fundamentals issues of the teacher obstacles are about nothing renewal of

curriculum and development teaching and learning methods2. This condition

might prevent the student to develop their skill communicate using English in

the target situation of their field works. In order to achieve the purpose, the

researcher thought that there should be an analysis of learners‟ need in

English based on English for Specific Purpose. In this relation, ESP may play

an important role in successfully promoting English teaching program at

SMK and thereby can satisfy students‟ purposes for entering the program.

The main problems as the crucial in this thesis was the relationship of

the government programs about Vocational Revitalization and its relationship

to the fact of students capabilities to make those program could be best

supported to be implemented, this is about how to make the best approach of

the curriculum design about English course for Multimedia students through

ESP in need analysis theories.

In addition, other fundamentals problems that relevance to this thesis

research was about related to the approach to make a scientific research from

the problems faced by multimedia students in English class. This was about

how to make a scientific research to produce the theories that could be best to

implemented in English course of Multimedia class at Vocational school, at

the result of this research could be hoped that is as the reference to make an

improvement about English Language Teaching in Vocational School.

Researcher Fieldnote Observation in Classroom setting. Conducting on 22 nd
february 2019

Researcher did on observation in classroom setting, one of the most

fundamentals problem for students through English Language Learning is the

lack of deep vocabulary and they learn general English in the learning

process. Then the further obstacle of students there is no ESP in scope of

Multimedia Course. Those are very reason for researcher to do a research

about need analysis in English for Vocational School of Multimedia Program.

Vocational School (SMK) is a formal education unit level institution that

plays a role in developing students' skills and talents. Vocational schools

prioritize preparing students to enter employment by demonstrating mastery

of science, technology and high skills.

Through the Inpres No. 09 Th. 2016 about the Revitalization of SMK,

it could be implied that English is matter for making the SMK graduated

could be competed in work world of work in global and local. Just because

SMK is a vocational programmed of school in Indonesia, English is matters

for developing of SMK students skills.

According to Serial Book of SMK Revitalization, it explained one of

the essentialist of relationship between English and Work is English decided

as the International Organization Authorized Language, for example PBB,

NATO, Uni-Europe and until ASEAN3. Related to implementation of this

revitalization, it must be depended to how the curriculum design is.

According to Permendikbud No. 70 Th. 2013, the Basic Foundation and

Jenny Lee, et al. (2017). Strategy Implementasi Revitalisasi SMK Melalui
Bilingual Learning ecosystem. Jakarta : Dirjend Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.

Structural of Curriculum the Vocational School applies of Curriculum 2013

with its rationalist and background4.

In this Permendikbud could make sense that the implementation of the

Character Education on The Curriculum of 2013 (K-13) starting from the

basic competency (KD) of English including listening skill, speaking skill,

reading skill and writing skill, those are taught in Vocational grade of school

is made a hope to prepare the humans being of Indonesia have the

competence of living as the civilian has the faithful, productive, creative,

innovative and effective and having the contribution of life. It means how the

background of this research is built; those are about related to Multimedia

Major as a part of ICT Programmed and English Course that oriented to

English for Specific Purpose theories.

According to Inspectorates Evaluation Studies Book, the integration

of ICT in teaching and learning has been a feature of education systems in

developed countries for many years5. Based on Permendikbud No. 70 Th.

2013, English course in Technology, Information and Communication

(TIK/ICT) for tenth grade of students‟ allocated to 2JPTM allocation in each

week. Multimedia class is as a part of major from ICT, English course is

taught to students should be based on the Core of Competence (KD) for Tenth

grade in SMK which has been set on this Permendikbud No. 70 Th. 2013.

In fact, from this problems could be understood that SMK taught

English course is in General English model because the obligatory of the

Permendikbud No. 70 Th. 2013. P.4
Inspectorate Evaluation Studies. (2008). ICT in School.Dublin : Goverment
Publication. P.18

Government setting. English Handbook for Tenth Grade Students in 1st and

2nd Semester for Vocational School is in all the same for every major in SMK.

Based on this book, the generalization of Handbook indicated that there‟s no

specialization course design in every single different major for tenth grade

students of Vocational School in Indonesia, including to SMKN 04


In order to make supporting issues in the identification of the problem

in this research, the researcher did a preliminary study through students and

teacher in vocational school of SMKN 04 Kepahiang. Based on the theories

according to Supriyadi in Akhmad Arif, there is a highly strategic role in

every effort to improve quality of education, such as a renewal of curriculum,

development of learning methods and provision of facilities and


Other than that the Government commit to do a revitalization of SMK

through Inpres No. 09 Th. 2016 about the Revitalization of SMK and to make

a little improvement as the solution of the problems in English course for

Vocational school, the first of the most important thing is research and

development. It is very reason for the researcher to take a concentrate to do a

research about this issue under the point of ESP need analysis. According to

Aulia, there are two reasons about the problem English Course Teaching in

SMK; those are about the importance between teacher and students wants.

Akhmad Arif Musadad. (2014). The Preliminary study and analysis on the need
of teacher for social science traiining with ,ulticultural insight. American International
journal of Social Science. Vol. 3 No. 5 P. 2

SMK student prefer interesting study of ESP than study English course based

on Character Educated based Curriculum of 2013 of teacher taught7.

Finally, by considering of the problem in the field especially for the

object of the research that covering things about English for Specific Purpose

at vocational school, language students‟ needs, and ELT approach for EFL

students, these are the answer of the reason and background for the researcher

to take the research. This research was under the title Need Analysis of

English for Specific Purpose at Vocational School (A Descriptive

Qualitative Research at Tenth Grade Student Multimedia Program of SMKN

4 Kepahiang in Academic Years 2018/2019).

B. Identification of the Problem

The researcher has identified of the problems based on the subjects

and variable of its research, namely: 1) The factor problems faced by

multimedia students in English for specific purpose at SMKN 4 Kepahiang

about English Language Learning. 2) The identification of language for

multimedia students for specific purpose at SMKN 4 Kepahiang including

students‟ English needs wants and lacks. 3) An analysis of English Language

Teaching for EFL Students of tenth grade multimedia students SMK N 04

Kepahiang. 4) An applied of General English model for ESP Students in

teaching and learning design and practice.

Aulia. (2016). Kajian tentang Kesiapan Siswa SMKN dalam Penguasaan Teks
bahasa Inggris Berbasis pendidikan Karakter. Prosiding seminar Nasional Lahan
bahasah tahun 2016. Vol. 3. P.1095

C. Limitation of The Problem

The researcher focused on discuss about: 1) The factor problems

faced by multimedia students in English learning for specific purpose at

SMKN 4 Kepahiang. 2) English need, want, lack in English for Specific

Purpose at Tenth Grade Student Multimedia Major of SMKN 4 Kepahiang in

Academic Years 2018/2019.

D. Research Question

The researcher intended to answer some of the problem as the

research question as follows: 1) What are the Factor problems faced by

multimedia students in English learning for specific purpose at SMKN 4

Kepahiang? 2) What are the English needs, want and lacks of multimedia

student in English learning for specific purpose at SMKN 4 Kepahiang?

E. The Objectives of the Study

The purposes and aims of the research of the study at achieving the

following goals were: First, this research had the objective to analyze about

the factor problems faced by multimedia students in English learning for

specific purpose at SMKN 4 Kepahiang. Second, this research objective was

the English needs, want and lacks of multimedia student in English learning

for specific purpose at SMKN 4 Kepahiang.


F. The Significance of The Study

The Significances of the research from the reason why this research

was conducted, those were: First, the research was expected to increase

students' and teachers' knowledge and information about the theories of need

analysis in English for Specific Purpose.

Second, this research was hoped could be the useful reference in

considering the improvement of a renewal of curriculum and the development

of learning method in English for Specific purpose at Vocational School by

analyzing of the needs of multimedia students and the factor problems faced

by multimedia students at SMKN 04 Kepahiang in English class.

The last, the researcher also hoped that this research be useful and

could contribute to provide a clear discussion about how important the

improving the capability of English Language Teaching and Learning for

both teacher and student in making a better of Vocational school quality for


G. Definition of Key Term

1. Need Analysis mean is the first step that needs to be taken in the

preparation of ESP English learning program8.

2. English for Specific Purpose mean to meet specific needs of the

learners and the centered on the language appropriate to these activities

in terms of grammar, lexis, register, study skills, discourse and genre9.

Hutchinson and Water. (1987). English for Specific Purpose: A Learning
Centred Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press

3. Vocational School means a school offering instruction in one or more

skilled or semiskilled trades or occupations10.

4. Multimedia means the use of two different Medias or more to bring and

to deliver of the information in texts form, graphic, animation, audio and

or the compound of those components11.

Dudley-Evans. (1998). Developments in ESP: A multi-disciplinary approach.
United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Victoria Bull. 2011. Oford Learner‟s Pocket Dictionarry. New York : Oxford
University Press. P.365
Nanik Sri Rahayu. 2013. Desain Multimedia untuk SMK Kelas XI. Jakarta :
Kemendikbud. P.7



A. Theoretical Description

1. Need Analysis

Needs analysis (NA) is an information gathering process and very

useful to determine the direction of the learning program more precisely so

that the effectiveness of the ESP program is increasing12. As stated by ESP

experts such as Munby (1978), Hutchinson and Waters (1987) and

Dudley-Evan and St. John (1998) that needs analysis is the first step that

needs to be taken in the preparation of ESP English learning program. Its

emergence in language planning can be traced back to the 1970s and its

widespread proliferation in the domain is attributable to its adoption by

The Council of Europe‟s modern language project 13. At first the needs

analysis came from ESP, this might be due to the fact that the needs

analysis approach was more useful when learners 'needs are related to'

different communication situations.

Hutchinson and Water also state the meaning of need in relation to

language teaching as the ability to comprehend and/or produc the

Syamsul Rizal, (2017). Developing ESP Reading Comprehension Instructional
Materials Through Schema Theory Approach at PAI Study Program of Tarbiyah Faculty
of IAIN Bengkulu. UAD TEFL International Conference: Yogyakarta. Vol 2 no 1. P 495
Samira, Fateme, (2013). A Needs Analysis of English for Specific Purposes
(ESP) Course For Adoption Of Communicative Language Teaching :( A Case of Iranian
First-Year Students of Educational Administration). Vol 2. Issue 6

linguistic features of the target situation. Need can be interpreted at least in

three categories14:

a. Needs as necessities,

Needs as necessities relate to what English needs to be known

by the learners in order to play an active role in the language it learns.

b. Needs as wants (desire)

While the needs as wants (desire) associated with personal goals

is what is wanted.

c. Needs as lacks.

Needs as lacks, related to the early knowledge of English

possessed by the learner, that is, what the learner has not learned yet.

The findings on the lacks are very useful to determine the starting

point of the teaching program so that it will create the effectiveness of

the teaching program to achieve the target needs.

At the same time used as part of a program can help in improving

the various components of the program and creation this is more oriented

to the needs of students. From the field of language teaching, needs

analysis is the first step in course design and it provides validity and

relevancy for all subsequent course design activities15.

Though needs analysis, as we know it today, has gone through

many stages, with the publication of Munby's Communicative Syllabus

Hutchinson and Water. (1987). English for Specific Purpose: A Learning
Centred Approach. New York: Cambridge University Press
Mehdi Haseli Songhori.2008.Introduction to Needs Analysis. English for
Specific Purpose World. Vol. 4

Design in 1978, situations and functions were set within the frame of

needs analysis. Actually, the bast for need analysis in Munby's model with

its benefits and short coming. all the approaches to needs analysis, after

Munby's target situation analysis and his model, were in fact to make up

the deficiencies his model. Need of students mean there are things that

must be known, understood and found solution to created effective ESP

course. The term need is reasonable reason way there is important thing to


Nunan and Berwick classify needs into objective and subjective

needs. He suggests that objective needs are elicited from various types of

real data about students, their language use in authentic contexts in

addition to their present language proficiency and problems. According to

Duddley-Evans and St. John there are eight components in today‟s concept

of needs analysis which have been grouped into five broad areas


a. Target Situation and objective Needs.

This is about what are the objectives of tasks and activities be

given to learners. For example, It is about the course purpose and

English used in designing to learning activities or in task form for drill

in improving the basic skills. Is it speaking, reading skill, listening

skill, or writing skill or for the integrated of each of those?. Is English

task be seen from objectives needs the objectives of needs for study,

Dudley-Evans. (1998). Developments in ESP: A multi-disciplinary approach.
United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

for training, for work, or the combination of those, for some purpose


b. Linguistic Analysis, Discourse Analysis and Genre Analysis.

It means the analysis based on Linguistics aspect. It could be

implied that after the target situation was known, the ESP also

identified of the use of English the skills used to target situation. In

addition, it is about the analysis of how to achieve the target situation

and target of learning objectives, linguistics aspects. It was also about

the kinds of the description fact in discourses analysis and genre

analysis of learning process.

c. Subjective Analysis.

The analysis of need is seen from subjective side. It could be

implied that the analysis of need be based on the subjective of the

research or the subjective of need analysis be analyzed, it addressed to

learners. Those are about the analysis of need for students‟‟ needs,

wants and those reason of factor, or what are the background of those

that effect the way they learn. For example it is about the reason of

learners in attending the course and the learner‟s expectation.

d. Presents situation analysis.

Presents Situation Analysis (PSA) means the need analysis for

the purpose in identifying of learners current skills and language used.

It analyzed the step to analyze and identify destination point and


starting point. Those covered about information at present of students

and teaching establishment.

e. Means Analysis.

It means the analysis of information about the description of the

environments where the courses run. For example how about the

atmosphere of teaching and learning run, including the classroom or

where ever and everything in relating to the Analyzed of need was


Furthmore, Adhabiyyah et. al developed Graves' analysis model

which summarizes needs analysis as a construct consisting of three

components: a) Target Situation Analysis (TSA), b) Current Situation

Analysis (CSA), c) Learning Situation Analysis (LSA). These three

components can not be separated from the concept of needs analysis

as described by Hutchinson & Waters. Where the needs analysis is

developed with attention to three main aspects - necessities, lacks, and

wants. TSA is everything the learner needs to do in the target situation.

Hutchinson and Waters defined TSA as Necessities, Lacks, and Wants.

Necessitiy is one of needs determined by the demand of the target

situation, namely what learners need to know so that they can perform

their work effectively within a targeted situation. Meanwhile the lack on

the other hand is a gap that distinguishes what the learners already know

with what they do not know so they need to explore in their learning


This gap is what Jordan says in Adhabiyyah et. al. is the basis of

the development of a syllabus which he later named as a deficiency

analysis or analysis of deficiencies called CSA. It aims to provide

information related to the defacto condition of the learners early in the

learning period. It is important to know the progress of learning outcomes,

but this is not possible if the initial condition of the learner is not

identified first.

There are many different types of „Needs Analysis‟. For simplicity,

the main types have been defined above. They do seem to overlap

somewhat and sometimes the needs may be contradictory. It is part of the

skill of the teacher to balance the various needs. In the final analysis it may

well be the employer who is the most important influence.

The process needs analysis (NA) is a complex activity that

involves not learners in the target situation only. Both the target situation

and the learning needs are two important components that need to be

calculated in the needs analysis process. The results of the needs analysis

are further used as the basis for syllabus design, selection and preparation

of materials, teaching and learning process, and evaluation

2. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

English for specific purpose is teaching English that is relevant

with the students‟ area17. The word specific shows special linguistic need


in learning English and special area as aim why the student learning

English. English for Specific Purposes (ESP) can be defined as teaching

and learning English as a second or foreign language for the purpose of

using it in a particular domain. Therefore ESP course tries to facilitate the

students in learning English to support them in all activities in special area.

According to Harmer it refers to situations where the student has some

specific reasons to learn a language18 . The communicative trend in

teaching and learning English has resulted in different reasons for

acquiring this language proficiency.

Daily communication, academic or business purposes and English

for Specific Purposes was created with all these in view. There are various

definitions of ESP, Hutchinson et al is more specific when he declares that

ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to

content and methods are based on the learner‟s reason for learning. ESP is

particular case of general category of special-purpose language training. In

assessing the learners‟ specific needs we come across the term “needs

analysis which has been different along the decades?

At the initial stages of ESP (the 1960s and early 1970), needs

analysis consisted in assessing the communicative needs of the learners

and the techniques of achieving specific teaching objectives. Nowadays,

the tasks of needs analysis are much more complex: it aims at collecting

Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third
Edition, Longman, 1983

information about the learners and at defining the target situation and

environment of studying ESP19 .

ESP courses are based on needs analysis, the learning objectives

are more obvious than would be in the case of general ESL courses and it

can be assumed that students will be more highly motivated in learning

about topics and texts which are related to their study or work areas. Stern

distinguished four types of ESP teaching objectives: proficiency,

knowledge, affective and transfer. The same principles apply no matter

which language is being learnt and taught.

Ten years later, Duddley – Evans et al gives a similar definition of

ESP and both authors cooperated to offer absolute and variable

characteristics of ESP. Most researchers seem to agree on two

characteristics: a) ESP is based on a particular context; b) ESP is based on

the learners‟ specific needs.

According to Zahid Javid, ESP courses (both academic and

occupational) are designed for the learners who want English for their

occupation in post-academic setting or for the ones who want it for

academic purposes in pre-occupational setting20 .

According to Potocar ESP can be viewed as a special and specific

edition of EGP that incorporates practical linguistic skills to enable

students for the successful performance of professional tasks. The main

Simion Minodora Otilla.(2015). Needs Analysis in English for Specific
Purposes. Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series,
Issue 1, Vol II/2015
Choundary Zahid Javid.2015. English for Specific Purposes:Role of Learners,
Teachers and Teaching Methodologgies. European Scientific Journal Vol.11 No.20

goal of introducing ESP in various non-native /international settings is to

equip learners with necessary English language skills to face their practical

situation communication challenges in their future careers. Anthony (1997:

9-10) argued that “some people described ESP as simply being the

teaching of English for any purpose that could be specified21. Others,

however, were more precise describing it as the teaching of English used

in academic studies or the teaching of English for vocational or

professional purposes”.

This denotes that, the role of ESP is to help language learners to

build up the needed abilities in order to use them in a specific field of

inquiry, occupation, or workplace. ESP is objective-oriented learning

where the specification of objective corresponds to the aim the training

operation which deals with the development of restricted competence,

EGP, on the other hand, is aim-oriented which does not equate the

specification of objective to aim an educational operation dealing with the

development of general capacity22.

The fundamental of needs analysis for ESP is first to define the

situation or premises in which the learners will use English and practice

their profession, and then the relevant instruction is aligned accordingly.

While the primary role of an ESP teacher is to design a syllabus based

on realistic goals and evaluating students` performance through the

evaluation of relevant language skills, the EGP teacher does not

Anthony, L. (1997). Preaching to Cannibals: A look at Academic Writing in
Engineering. In The Japan Conference on English for Specific Purposes Proceedings.

necessarily set the goals and objectives of the programmed and teachers of

ESP courses provide authentic and specific language in their students‟

needs to succeed in future career.

Therefore, an ESP teacher is basically involved in a `training

operation` equipping the learners with a `restricted competence` to cope

with defined tasks, an EGP teacher, on the contrary, is involved in an

`educational operation` equipping learners with a general capacity „to

cope with undefined eventualities in future.

3. Vocational School

a. Description Theories

Vocational education is education that prepares students to be

able to work in certain fields (UU No. 13 Tahun 2003). The meaning

of more specific vocational education is explained in government

regulation (PP) No. 29 Tahun 1990, namely education at the

secondary level which prioritizes the development of students' ability

to carry out certain types of work. In the National Education System

UU No. 20 Th 2003 pasal 15 describes that Vocational School as a

form of secondary education unit that prepares students mainly to

work in certain fields23.

Vocational school is an educational institution that aims to

create human resources who have the abilities, skills and expertise. In

UU tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (Sisdiknas) No. 20 Th.2003

addition, Vocational School is the choice for students who don't have

the opportunity to continue their education to college. The graduates

are expected to develop themselves, with the development of science,

technology and art, and prepare students to enter employment. This

kind of condition is what causes higher interest in entering Vocational

School (SMK). Vocational School is preparing students to be

productive human beings who can work in the fields his expertise

after going through the education process.

This secondary school education is a planned effort in

developing the potential of students, so that they have a system of

thinking, moral values, and beliefs inherited from the community and

develop inheritance the direction is suitable for present and future life.

b. Curriculum Structure of Vocational School

According to Minister of Education and Culture Regulation

concerning the Basic Framework and Curriculum Structure Upper

Secondary Vocational School and Vocational Madrasah Aliyah

Number 70th the Years of 2013, the curriculum structure of Upper

Secondary Vocational School / Vocational Madrasah Aliyah is an

organizing of core competence, subject, learning burden and basic

competence in each of Schools24.

Permendikbud Republic of Indonesia No .70 Th. 2013

According to UU No. 20 Th. 2003, the curriculum means a set

of planning and organizing concerning the purposes, contents and

learning materials and also about the applied technique as the

guidelines of teaching and learning activity in order to reach the

particular educational goals25. According to definition of the

curriculum, it could be divided into two aspects about the curriculum.

The first is about the planning and organizing about the purpose of

learning, contents and materials of learning. Second, it is about the

ways of applied methods and techniques in learning activity.

SMK/MAK in Indonesia nowadays is using and applying called K-13.

In this curriculum, it mentioned that the characteristics of K-13

are the development of balancing among spiritual and social attitude,

curiosity, creativity, teamwork and collaboration to intellectual

abilities and psychomotor abilities. Time allocation of English and the

implementation of K-13 in Vocational School could be seen in the

picture below26:

UU tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (Sisdiknas) No. 20 Th. 2003
Permendikbud Republic of Indonesia No. 70 Th. 2013

Figure 2.1

Time Allocation of English

In the picture above is about the English subject in the

curriculum of K-13 based on the basic framework and curriculum

structure. In this attachment has explained that the A and C group of

subject are the subject that developed from the government, while the

B group of subject is developed by government and also could be

developed by school or the local government. While the position of

English and Multimedia subject are in Government Developing.


c. SMK N 04 Kepahiang

SMKN 04 Kepahiang is a public school that managed by Local

Government with the named of head master called Yuwantoro. This

school has been applying the Curriculum of 2013. The time of

organizing this school is starting to the morning. This vocational

school located in Kepahiang Regency and Bengkulu Province of

Republic Indonesia.

d. SMK and English Learning in Indonesia

Training and education programs at SMK are aimed at

enabling students to assess certain competence in order to encourage

them to get jobs dealing with national welfare27. SMK (Sekolah

Menengah Kejuruan) identically with the vocational high school in


English teaching at SMK must be directed at reaching the aim.

The issue of English teaching, in this case concerns with how to

provide English to meet learners needs. ESP, then, becomes an

essential approach in English language teaching.

When English is used for special purposes, there should be a

particular program for learners in order to learn it effectively. To set

up a program for ESP, a teacher has to concern with several points:

Sri Utami. (2015). Syllabus of Vocational School Based on ESP Approach.
Dinamika Ilmu. Vol. 15 No. 2. P.274

teaching guideline, syllabus, selecting a good materials selection for

ESP program, the objectives and the students.

Along with this program, good teachers will set up a program

(teaching guidelines) before they begin teaching. These programs are

necessary because they can prepare all the teaching and learning

activities. When they do this, they can make an evaluation for the

teaching materials and they can eliminate a repetition of the same

materials that can cause students‟ boredom.

In terms of designing relevant English materials for SMK, it

seems necessary to assess information on whether or not the English

materials are designed based upon the English syllabus that mainly

consider students‟ needs. In developing English in a specific field of

competence, some problems may need consideration in relation to the

teaching English as a foreign language, like what happened in


The evidence, therefore, may become useful considerations in

managing the teaching of English at SMK that cannot leave

students‟ specific needs in enrolling the courses at SMK. In this

relation, ESP may play an important role in successfully promoting

English teaching program at SMK and thereby can satisfy students‟

purposes for entering the program.

Vocational School is concerned with education and training

program at restricted field of competence. Consequently, subjects


transferred in the program are expected to fulfill the students‟

expectation for their enrollment in the program. In this case, English is

as a subject need specification on its content. As a result, specified

English becomes the major issue in running education and training

program at vocational education. ESP accordingly is offered to

become an approach to fulfill the specific purpose.

In developing English in a specific field of competence, some

problems may need consideration in relation to the teaching English as

a foreign language. The evidence, therefore, may become useful

considerations in managing the teaching of English at SMK that

cannot leave students‟ specific needs in enrolling the courses at

SMK28. In this relation, ESP may play an important role in

successfully promoting English teaching program at SMK and thereby

can satisfy students‟ purposes for entering the program.

4. English for Vocational School

Vocational education is recognized in secondary program of

education that is SMK (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan). A demand on more

specialized labors that have higher level of skills triggers government of

Indonesia to increasingly encourage and invest in the future of

vocational education through public vocational schools that perform

international standard. There had been no research served information of

Sri Utami Dewi.2015.Syllabus of Vocational High School Based on ESP
Approach.Vol 15 no 2: Dinamika Ilmu.

how the teaching of English is done in vocational school. Teaching and

learning at school is the core to reach that goal. Vocational School is

concerned with education and training program at restricted field of


Consequently, subjects transferred in the program are expected to

fulfill the students‟ expectation for their enrollment in the program. In this

case, English is as a subject need specification on its content. As a result,

specified English becomes the major issue in running education and

training program at vocational education. ESP, accordingly, is offered to

become an approach to fulfill the specific purpose.

In developing English in a specific field of competence, some

problems may need consideration in relation to the teaching English as a

foreign language, like what happened in Indonesia. Teaching and learning

as an activity to reach instructional objectives needs a thoughtful planning.

It is needed in order to make kinds and procedures in teaching and learning

activity have a functional value to reach the objectives.

5. Previous Related Studies

Based on curriculum design of Vocational School in Indonesia, as

the previous study of the research, one of the journals English Language

and Learning also published a research about communicative speaking

skill in SMK Pariwisata of Kosgoro Perjuangan Cirebon 2014. In this case,


the researcher has given the questionnaire as one of the instruments to get

data about how far the students need English.

This research entitled about the need of ESP Course in

communicative speaking skill in SMK Pariwisata Kosgoro in Perjuangan

Street, Cirebon. According to the researcher, this research could be found

that an ESP course approach design based on two fundamentals principals

mainly theoretical and pragmatics and some supported theories as well29.

The next kinds of he previous study related to this research comes

from the Asmah Mehmet research under the title the integrating

technology into ESP Classes: Use of Students Responses System in

English for Specific Purposes Instruction. This paper presented the results

of an experimental study investigating the impact of clicker use through a

smart phone application called Kahoot!. Despite positive results of clicker

use in the existing General English literature, the impact of clicker use has

not been examined in the field of ESP.

The results of a 10-week implementation of clicker use with the

students of tourism and hospitality department in the experimental group

indicated that while post-test scores were significantly higher for the

experimental group than for the control group, there was not a

statistically significant difference between the post-test scores of male and

female participants in the experimental group. Implications for teaching

Muntininsih, Ratna. (2015). The Need of ESP Course in Comunicative
Speaking Skil. Jounal of Enlish Language and Learning. Vol. 2 No. 2 Pp.283

ESP with the help of technology and suggestions for further research were

also provided30.

In the other hands, according to Chla-Hul Lin, dkk In Taiwan,

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has become a core study subject, and

cultivates competence within the hospitality training program. The study

used a non-experimental quantitative research examined the relationship

among background demographic characteristics, ESP, learning styles, and

language proficiency. These results show significance of job position, ESP,

and language proficiency; and ESP, learning styles, and language

proficiency with spoken task, comprehension, interaction strategies, and

writing tasks. The findings of this study are important to the Taiwanese

government, hotel industries, educational institutes, students, and other

researchers who may benefit from hospitality students and hotel


Asmah Mehmet. (2010). Integratng Techoogy Into ESP Classes: Use
ofStudents Response System in Egglish forSpecific PurposesInstruction. Teaching
English with Teclogy, Vol. 18. No.P. 8
Chla-hul Lin, dkk. 2013. English for Specific (ESP) for hospitally College
Students and Hotel Employees in Taiwan, International Journal of Education and
Research. Vol. 1 No. 8 P.1


A. Research Design

The research methodology of this research designing was a qualitative

research. The qualitative of the research in this research was done by a

descriptive discussion. In making the basic theories by paying attention of

qualitative research design, qualitative research has some purposes, those are;

describing and reporting the creation of key concept, theory generation and

testing32. The descriptive qualitative method in this research was purpose to

do a research about the study in Vocational School (SMK) of English in used

and applied that being a need analysis and English for specific purpose in

order to reach the goals of the objectives and the significances of the study in

this research.

B. Sample of the Research

a. Participants of Questionnaires

The questionnaire was conducted with 51 tenth grade student‟s

multimedia and the questionnaire was only conducted two classes from

three multimedia classes.

b. Participants of Interview

The participant for the interviews list were conducted with the

English teacher in Multimedia classes at SMKN 04 Kepahiang.

Louis Cohen, et. al. Research Methods in Education. Sixth ed. (USA and
Canada: Routledge, 2007), p. 168

C. Setting of the Research

The setting of the research was set in Vocational school (SMK N) 04

Kepahiang located in Kepahiang. The researcher did to Multimedia students

of the Vocational school 04 Kepahiang in the year periods of 2019 by every

single rule of multimedia students that related to English needs of their


D. Instrument of the Research

The instrument in this research, researcher used:

a. The Questionnaire

According to Ranjit Kumar, a questionnaire is a written list of

question, the answer to which is recorded by respondents 33. The

questionnaire was used to collect the data about student‟s need

analysis in learning English based on students‟ area, target situation

and goals.

The function if its instrument was as an instrument used for

knowing of the analysis of need in ESP approach of Teaching English

to EFL students, including of analyzing about students‟ necessities,

wants and lacks. The reason of this research also use the

questionnaire as the instrument of the research was because this

research study about collective administration, this means that a

Ranjit Kumar. (2007). Research Methodology a step-by-step for beginners. New
Dehli : SAGE Publication Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd. P.138.
questionnaire was to obtain a captive audience those are students in

classroom as the participants programmed of its research.

b. Interviews

According to Kvale in remarks, as an inter-view, interchange

of views between two people or more people on a topic of mutual

interest, sees the centrality of human interaction for knowledge

production, and emphasize the social sedateness of research data34.

The interview was used for collecting the data about the information

related to recent approach of English Language Teaching for teacher.

The interviews did to English teachers of Tenth Grade at SMK N 04


The scope of the question of interview related to teacher

experience in teaching and learning activities during the class run,

then the data could be generalized to be some of classification

oriented on the fact of applied approach and method used by teacher

which indicated as student‟s factor of student‟s problems in learning

English. In drawing verification and interpretation data, the data

collected from interviews also used for the description and the

identification of students‟ lacks.

Louis Cohen, et. al. Research Methods in Education. Sixth ed. P. 349
c. Observation

Observations enabled the researcher to gather data on the

purposeful, systematic and selective way to watch and listen carefully

an interaction or phenomenon as it takes place.35 Observation was

used to collect the data about preliminary filed fact about students‟

activities while teaching and learning run and the teacher approach in

English Language Teaching activities. The observation also will be

used to collect the data about teacher in aspect of English Language

Teaching activity for the EFL students of tenth grade of Multimedia

class Vocational School SMK N 04 Kepahiang.

The function of classroom observation was as the validation

of data which collected by each of instruments of this research.

Classroom observation would be used for collecting the data based on

English Language Teaching activities related to learning topic and

teacher resource on the classroom, the last things about the function

of this instruments was as the description about students‟ reacted

during teacher gave the learning activities. In addition, the researcher

did to collecting the data about the capability of students, including

the English material, the responses during English teaching and

learning process in the classroom and the English teacher‟s technique

that is used by the related to their subject of the class Multimedia.

Ranjit Kumar. (2007). Research Methodology a step-by-step for beginners.
New Dehli : SAGE Publication Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd. P
d. Documentation

Documentation is a technique which is used and finds the data

about things, written note, book, letter and other study curricula.

Documentation in this research was the past event notes36.

Documentation used to gather of the description about students‟ ad

teachers‟ learning and teaching aids and tools including about teacher


The function of documentation in this research was to support

and to give a validity of data related to teachers and learners aspect in

learning and teaching activities. The data collected by documentation

including of curriculum of school, English teacher syllabus and

lesson plan and also about the data of graduated students as the

output of the school as the school of vocation.

E. Technique of Data Collecting

In collecting the data of the study, the researcher used two kinds of

data collection: those are primary data collection and secondary data

collection. Primary data was the data which was obtained directly from the

students the lecturers, by using questionnaire, interview and classroom

observation checklist while secondary data is data obtained by literature


Margono. (2009). Metodelogi penelitian pendidikan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. P
Ranjit Kumar. (2007). Research Methodology a step-by-step for beginners.
New Dehli : SAGE Publication Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd.
F. Data Analysis Technique

In making the analysis of data technique Miles and Huberman defined

analysis as consisting of their concurrent flows of activity38:

a. Reduction of The Data

Reduction refers to resume the data, choosing the main

things, focusing on the important things and look for the theme of

the research. Next steps of these activities would be selecting,

focusing, and making simpler the resource data that has been

collected and making of abstracting and also transforming the data

that will be collected. The reduction steps in this research were:

resume of the result the data collecting from the instrument of the

research, including the observation, documentation and also depth


b. Display the Data

Display the data is the collection of information which

arranged and gives possibility to get the conclusion and take the

action. In making the data could be displayed in the best

understanding, this was displayed to: Display the documentation

and interview data that was done and was arranged into written

text and Display the data from the data has been collecting.

Miles,Huberman (1994). Qualitative Data Analysis: an expanded sourcebook.
New Delhi:SAGE Publication
c. Drawing Conclusion and verification

Verification means the processes which are able to answer

the research question and research objectives and also the goals

and significances of the research. On this research, with drawing

the conclusion would do by comparing between observation data,

documentation data, and interview data. Observation data will be

forceful by documentation data and interview data. Thus, the

researcher got conclusion about the Applied of English and

English in used and its needs analysis for multimedia students.

In the counting the students‟ answer of each question in the

questionnaire, the writer used a formula, as follows39:

NP: x 100%


NP : Percentage of the students‟ answer

R : Amount of the students‟ answer

SM : Total of the students

For the data collected from the interview, were conducted

to the English teacher in order to reveal more information about

the problems faced based on the identification of the problem and

the research question in this proposal thesis.

M. Ngalim Purwanto, Prinsip-Prinsip dan Teknik Evaluasi Pembelajaran,
(Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2013), p. 102.


This chapter presents the result and discussion of the research. It‟s

describe the factor problems in learning English and Multimedia students‟

needs, want, lacks, which was gathered through the classroom observation

checklist, the depth interview and questionnaire.

A. Result

1. The Factor Problems Faced by Multimedia Students in English

Learning for Specific Purpose at SMKN 4 Kepahiang

1.1 The Result of Observation

The description of English course on the tenth grade student

Multimedia class of SMK N 4 Kepahiang was conducted by an

observation sheet, the observation was held by the researcher on

Thursday, April 16th 2019. The time allocation of observation was

2x45 minutes, the researcher entered in the classroom along with the

teacher. The data that had been collected which aimed to know and to

gather the information from the informants about how the English

course was running in the classroom. It was also to fulfill the data

about the problems faced by both teacher and students based data need

to answer the research question and approve the theories from the

identification of the problem.

The result of the data that collected from the instruments of the

research kinds of the observation contained the information of the

main topics; those are about the material of English, students‟

responses and teachers‟ teaching technique. The first aspect of the

data from this observation sheet could be described on below:

Figure 4.1
Item English material for multimedia students40

No Item Indicators Fact

Yes No
1. Teacher uses main
source in English √
English material learning process
for multimedia The teacher delivers
students material related to the √
student‟s multimedia

The result of classroom observation checklist showed that it

could be described the teaching and learning activity oriented to

teacher role in selecting and identifying learning resource. in this an

indicator, English material for multimedia students the teacher only

explained in further that the teacher used handbook based on the

curriculum designing in the school in English learning process and

then the teacher did not deliver the material related to the student‟s


Result of observation to Tenth grade students of ICT Multimedia class SMK
N 4 Kepahiang on Thursday, April 16th 2019
The other aspect of the item in classroom observation checklist

was about students‟ responses of teaching and learning process in the

classroom, this item contained seven indicators based the data need of

this research in order to answer the identification of the problem and

research question. In the second item of the observation, the data

could be described below:

Figure 4.2

Item Responses of the Multimedia students

No Item Indicators Fact

Yes No
2 The students pay attention
to the teacher in teaching √
and learning process.
Teacher gives questions to
the students. √
Teacher lets the students to
Responses give opinion √
of the The student answer the
Multimedia teachers‟ questions √
The students ask question to
the teacher √
The student deliver their
opinion related to the √
The student not answers the √
teacher questions
Based on the observation above that was about student's

responses were a contrast to teachers reacting in teaching. Those

contrast things, for instance, could be seen from when the teacher

gave the questions to the students, but in contrast that the students did

not answer the teachers‟ question. Other cases that indicated of

students responses were contrasted to teacher reacted in teaching

when the teacher lets the students give an opinion. In fact, the students

did not deliver their opinion related to the material. The data could be

identified that teacher could manage of the class learning atmosphere,

yet the student‟s responses were lacks in making of learning could be


The third item of the observation sheet that was conducted by

the researcher was about Teacher Techniques in teaching English to

tenth grade Multimedia class. Before the data would be analyzed and

discussed in order to answer the identification of the problem and

research question, here was the description of this component that

could be described:
Figure 4.3

Item Teachers’ Teaching Technique

No Item Indicators Fact

Yes No
Technique Teacher implements certain
that used by technique in teaching √
3 English English
teacher Teacher explains the √

The next item of classroom observation found about the

technique used by English teacher. While teaching and learning

activities on the classroom run, teachers did their best of selected

technique in teaching English and at the beginning of teaching and

learning activity, the teacher implemented certain technique in

teaching English then the explained of this technique to the students.

The selected of technique while teaching and learning activity

on the classroom be based on the strong reason and strong analysis,

those about what kinds of technique that the best to be implemented

based on students capabilities.

1.2 The Result of Depth Interview

The second instruments of the research used to collect the data

to analyze an applied of ELT in SMK N 4 Kepahiang were the depth

interviews. The depth interviews were held to English teacher of tenth

grade students at Multimedia class. The number of questions

contained ten questions. The description of English course in this

research is about two sides; those were from learning side and

teaching side. Starting from the curriculum system, the instrument of

this research applied by the researcher were observation and the depth


The depth interviews were held by the researcher on Monday,

18th April 2019. The depth interview conducted from English teacher

that starting from the 1st question was41:

Researcher : In case of curriculum design especially of English

in this Vocational School, would you like to tell me
about choosing the curriculum for your applied
teaching and learning activities to your student‟s,
Teacher : Actually, SMK N 4 Kepahiang had been using K-13
for the teaching and learning process. Some of the
curriculum had been developed by MGMP of
English teachers in this school. It meant that the
curriculum had been discussed about the continuity
of it in the school.

The first question had been showing that the teacher taught

English based on the main source of textbook, even based on the

documentation instrument could be found that the syllabus and lesson

plan of English teacher used were from textbook, it could be

concluded that it was not appropriate to the fact that the teacher had

been developed of the curriculum through MGMP such as teacher had

explained on the first question of the teacher depth interviews. In fact,

The First Question of Depth Interviews with English Teacher at Vocational
School SMK N 4 Kepahiang in ICT Multimedia class On Moday, 16 th April 2019.
the main source of teaching and learning design was based on the

textbook, in other word that the syllabus and lesson plan were not

developed like the curriculum, so it was not relevance.

The second question of the interview was about the description

of English Learning Model at this vocational school. This question is

based on the data need to prove and fulfill a clear discussion and the

depth theories literature about ELT and ESP learning model. Learning

tools, devices and the teacher techniques in order to integrate basic

skills. The result of the question could be shown below:

Researcher : By knowing the student‟s needs, students‟ wants

and lacks, would you like to describe your course
design process in the class, please!
Teacher : of the students by using Swords Methods namely
Strengths, weakness, opportunity, so in making a
design of learning process, we as the teacher in this
school using by the Sword Methods to deciding of
the what is the correct one of the learning design

Related to learning and course design, English teacher

considered about the best teaching method in teacher was based on

Swords Method. Sword Methods meant the teacher consider the

teaching method be based on Strength, weakness, and opportunity.

For further discussion based on the result of the data, the third

question aimed to describe of English Learning Model which had

been implemented on this vocational school, the result of the question

could be seen as below:

Researcher : Based on your opinion, which are the Applied of

English Course Design in this school, is it English
for Academic Purpose, English for Specific
Purpose, or General English?
Teacher : For the specific, the English teaching was using
English for Academic Purpose, not as the specific
purpose or general English, but most of the English
learning was for Academic Purpose.

From the interview result above, it could be analyzed that

English course that implemented in SMK N 4 Kepahiang for tenth

grade of Multimedia class was based on the K-13, it also explained by

the teacher that the course was oriented to not ESP nor EGP but EAP

instead. The design of English course in teaching and learning for

English teacher in this vocational school was English for Academic

Course. In addition, student‟s problems in English learning were also

collected from the instrument that was Interviews: The English

teacher told about the output of their students after graduated, like the

fact that the implemented of result about teaching and learning

process on the school was based on the competences of ex-students in

the world of work as the student‟s from a vocational school. From the

data could be interpreted that the reason for low competences for the

graduated student was because:

„not all of the students doing the learning process with the good
process, they just learning just like any other students like a general‟.

The fourth question aimed to explore and identify the point of

identification of the problem and research question, the question

wanted to collect the data about teacher problems in teaching English.

This question wanted to analyze the factor problems faced by students

in learning English which related to teacher as the resource of

information and caused the students problems. The result of this

question could be seen below:

Researcher : What are the teacher‟s learning and teaching

problem in English Course of this this Vocational
Teacher : About the problem in teaching and learning
process, in this school there are so many problem,
especially for me is the students has no ability in
English totally, in speaking, reading, because they
are just thinking that English is a lesson, not for
their need, English is not about language, but just
about the lesson in the class, so they have no
passion in learning English in this school. There
are big mistakes and troubles when I teaching in
the class in this school.

English as the target language in this need analysis research

was so many problems for the teacher because the students‟ ability

was still in low level. The complex of low skill for the student was

included for four basic skills, those were based on the teacher

perspective that students were low motivation in learning English.

Students had no ability totally so that when the teacher teaches her

students in the classroom found so many troubles.

Teaching and Learning Process of English Language Teaching

in Multimedia class were based on the main curriculum of

government. Based on the K-13 curriculum, especially for English

course, the basic skills of English were integrated with each other in

one-course design.
The Question number 5 of the depth interview was conducted,

the data about integrating those skills could be seen below:

Researcher : How do you integrate of English skills based on

students Major in designing course design?
Teacher : Number five, how to integrate about English ability
in their own competences skill, honestly I did not
integrate English to their skill competences,
because that is specific, because the students still
has low competences and low levels when I put it
into learning process.

In order to collect the data about specific teaching

implementation on the classroom, the sixth question of the interview

could be implied that there two main things in influencing of learning

target and goals, those were the model of English learning and

students lacks in English course. In other word, the data could be seen

that students‟ lack could not be measured yet to be identified; in

conclusion, course design could not be designed to the certain target

and goal. These problems might influence the problems faced by

students in learning English.

The next question was about English Language Teaching, in

this case the question aimed to find the data related to the appropriate

approaches which had been implemented and the suitable approach

could be planned based on the analysis of need, including of the

students‟ lacks. The data found as below:

Researcher : What kinds of the best approaches to be applied for

Multimedia Class in English Subject of your
students Teaching and Learning Activity?
Teacher : For the MultiMedia Students actually may be
discover learning or scientific approach is quietly
appropriate for the students, and maybe this the
easy way to apply to the students in Multimedia

It could be analyzed that the approaches of teaching techniques

based on the easy way to apply for the teacher. The teacher

perspectives in selecting of teaching methods such a good way, while

it was better to be considered based on the student‟s need, the theme

of material were taught and be based on the certain ELT theories for

EFL and Vocational students model.

This answer of the question also represented to the next

question, the question was:

Researcher : What are the approach and programs of English

that have been applying in order to increase your
students in mastering of English course?
Teacher : Let me think first for question number seven, what
is the problems of English that had been apply in
order to improve the ability in mastering of the
English for the students, just like the question
before in number seventh in using discover
learning and the programs that has been discussed
in MGMP and apply to student in order to improve
the skill of students in my school.

The next aspect of EFL data needs by the researcher was about

the application of technique in teaching aid and tool to support the

implemented methods on the classroom. English teacher explained the

answer to question number eight, it could be seen below:

Researcher : Related to Learning tools and device, have the

books been suitable for your students‟ of
Vocational School?
Teacher : Number eight, for the students book in our
vocational school is quietly appropriate and good
enough the book of the English in this vocational
school, actually this book taken by the government
from Dana Boss and all of the students get the book
by borrowing the book in the library, because our
school has a good library actually.

From the data above, it could be analyzed that the data was

valid to the data were collected in students questionnaire, those are

about the main source of teaching aid used by teacher was a textbook,

in other word this book was based on a handbook of K-13 for teacher.

The further of finding the data about ELT were collected by

the depth interviews question number 7 and 8 that could be described

on relating to the teaching approach and programs, Learning Tools

and device and the teacher technique in order to integrate of basic

skills of English according to the curriculum development that was


Researcher : Based on the basic skills of English, including of

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, would
you like to describe about how do your approach in
integrating each other in order to make the suitable
course designing based on Multimedia class of
your students?
Teacher : The last question, by the experience when I teach,
when I talk to them actually I do using discovery
learning , because the students of Multimedia class
like to explore themselves, to discover something
that new, I just give some a clue and then they give
me some responses and then I give them some like
a projects to they discover and they found what
they are going to be taught to them, another to
make them in order to make them to discover their
hobbies or their passion in learning English,
actually this is discovery learning by students

During teaching English on teaching and learning actives,

English teacher taught English by using discovery learning approach,

this approach is based on the Sword Methods in selecting suitable

teaching methods. In fact, related to students‟‟ problem in learning

was clear caused by ELT factors. Curriculum development and course

design the teaching method of teacher were the crucial and

fundamental thing that was given the effect on students‟ skill.

The teacher never analysis from student‟s need, but it was not

any reason instead of just because there was no found yet of suitable

methods for teaching and learning English to be implemented. In fact,

related to students‟‟ problem in learning was clear caused by ELT

factors. Curriculum development and course design the teaching

method of teacher were the crucial and fundamental thing that was

given the effect on students‟ skill. The teacher never analysis from

student‟s need, but it was not any reason instead of just because there

was no found yet of suitable methods for teaching and learning

English to be implemented.

2. The English Needs, Want and Lacks of Multimedia Student in

English Learning for Specific Purpose at SMKN 4 Kepahiang

2.1 The Result of Questionnaire

Questionnaire has been planned to collect the data according to the

relevance kinds of research in research methodology, the method of this

research related to collect the data was using the appropriate of

instruments. This instrument had the aiming and purposes itself, including
the target of data, wanted to collect based on the data need of this research

based on the research question and research identification of the problem.

The data was about the fundamental things related to student need in this

need of analysis research.

Question number 1 and 2 were about the students‟ purpose in

learning English. This aspect contained two questions, and each question

consisted of 4 kinds of multiple choice that represented students purpose.

Figure 4.4
The Score of Student’s purpose in Learning English

Frequency Percentage

Questionnaire ( Student ) (%)

Item a b c d a b c d

1 21 14 12 4 41,1% 27,4% 23,5 % 7,8 %

2 19 13 13 6 37,2% 25,4% 25,5% 11,7%

Questionnaire item 1 indicated the information about student‟s

purpose in learning English. The result showed that total 41,1% from of 51

informants wanted to communicate in English well in Multimedia

activities as their purpose, it was the highest percentage of students answer

among four answering multiple choices were given. The second highest

percentage about it was 27,4 %, this was about the student realized that

English is important for this era that indicated of their purpose in learning

English. The third choice of the questionnaire item stated that 23,5%

student‟s motivated that wanted to know English better. The lowest

percentage related to students purpose in learning English was about

students just wanted to do their obligation as the students, this item was

7,8% of informant found.

In conclusion, the first choices of the question was about student‟s

need, while starting from second choices till the fourth were related to

student‟s motivation during English learning run.

In order to conduct the student‟s need related to learning topic,

question number 2 aimed to identify the English course topic that students

wanted to study. The second questionnaire item shown that the topic

related to the school environment was the highest percentage 37,7%. The

topic about Economic and Business and the world of works represented

the same number of percentage 25,4% and 25,5 %. The lowest percentage

of topic related to the daily life was just 11,7%. The topic of study English

would influence the result of student‟s achievements and teacher

consideration in designing of ELT actives. This result would be reference

to identify the student‟s need, want and lack related to Need Analysis

(NA) research of this research based on the research objectives and

research question.

The next questionnaire item number 3 and number 4 were about

the English skills that the students wanted to improve the reason or the

objectives its reason in selecting of skill that they wanted to improve. The

collected data could be seen as below:

Figure 4.5
The Score of Student’s English Skills that They Want to Improve

Frequency Percentage

Questionnaire ( Student ) (%)

Item a b c d a b c d

3 17 18 13 3 33,3% 35,2% 25,4% 5,8%

4 16 16 12 8 31,3% 31,3% 23,5% 15,6%

This questionnaire was consisting of four basic skills in question

item number 3rd, those were about reading, speaking, listening and writing.

Then, the question also covered the reason for students related to the skill.

Tenth grade of Multimedia students at SMK N 4 Kepahiang

represented the highest percentage of 35,2% wanted to improve speaking

skill, the reason was because the skill was very important in Multimedia

activities 31,3%. The second highest percentage related to skill that wanted

to improve was reading skill with the percentage of informant 33,3%, it

also shown that the reason for it 31,3% because their favorite skills. In

addition, there were 25,% students wanted to improve the listening skill

with 23,5% students stated that wanted to get a good score in selecting

each of those skills wanted to improve.

Finally, the lowest percentage related to student‟s need in

improving their skills was about writing skills with represented 5,8% by

students and the lowest percentage of student reason was that skill was

easy to be mastered with 15,6%. It could be concluded that the most

dominant English skill wanted to be improved by students was speaking

skills with the most dominant reason was because the students realized that

the skill was important to multimedia activities.

Student‟s difficulties and its factor represented on the next

questionnaire item, those were question number 5 till 7. The question was

about students‟ difficulties in English class including each of the skills and

the students‟ problems by knowing the students‟ reason of their

difficulties. These questions aimed to cover the data related to students

lacks and also related to the factor of their lacks itself. Those were could

be described below:

Figure 4.6

The Score of Student’s Difficulties in Learning English

Frequency Percentage

Questionnaire ( Student ) (%)

Item a b c d a b c d

5 21 15 15 0 41,1% 29,4% 29,4% 0%

6 10 18 15 9 19,6% 35,2% 29,4% 17,6%

7 18 8 23 6 35,2% 15,6% 45,0% 11,7%

From the table questionnaire, item number 5 was about the

frequency of students difficulties during took the English learning. The

data showed that students always felt difficult with the dominant

percentage of 41,1% as the dominant percentage. The same percentage

related to this question was often and sometimes with the percentage of


The lowest percentage represented the data about students‟

difficulties shown that 0% or nobody felt never difficult in English

learning activities. Then, the next question conducted about the skill felt

difficult faced by students in questionnaire item number 6. This

questionnaire item found speaking skill with the highest percentage which

indicated 35,2% was difficult skill to be mastered. Then there was 29,4%

of students felt difficult with listening skills and 19,6% was reading skill.

The lowest percentage which indicated students did not feel difficult

during learning English was writing skill with 17,6%. Then, the next

questionnaire item was about the factor problems that made students

difficult or as the reason for its difficulties.

The dominant factor could be implied from the factor made the

students felt difficult in learning English was because the students was

difficult to understand English material with the highest percentage

45,0%. The factor came from the teacher side could be described from the

second highest factor problem with 35,2% because students did not

understand the teachers‟ explanation. The students felt boring with

learning activity represented by 15,6% from 51 informants. The last, the

lowest percentage indicated about students‟ motivation was11,7% that

students felt difficult because they did not enthusiastic.

Score from question number 5 could be concluded that there were

amazing facts about students in their problems while learned English


There was no one of students stated that they never felt difficult in

English learning process, this was represented by the point of d in the

optional answer from question number 5 % from the total of number

students. But, relevance to the teacher statement which collected by the

depth interviews that there were 41,1% of the students always felt

difficult while English teaching and learning process run in the classroom.

By knowing these facts, there was one question more to know their reason

for the problems.

Teaching and Learning, both were always related to each other in

order to give the impact of students and teachers achieving in teaching

and learning process. From the table of the previous page about question

number 5 till 7, it could be seen that especially about the reason of the

students for their difficulties was about ELT process in the classroom.

There were 35,2% from the total number of students stated that

they don‟t understand teachers‟ explanation in the learning process, while

and the option answer c there were 45,0% from 51 informants of the

research stated that the teacher explanation not really clear and hard to be

understood, and event there were 11,7% of students‟ stated that the

teacher‟s explanation was unclear. Related to students‟ interest that also

the to be teacher‟s responsibility was about 15,6% students bored in

learning English, sure it related to teacher technique of implementing the

selected ELT method in curriculum syllabus and lesson plan until the

implementation of teaching and learning of English on the classroom.

Because the competencies of Multimedia indicated low, the

teaching selecting the lesson plan and implemented to the class with

nothing integrated skill at one design teaching-learning activity on the

classroom. Related to course design and the fact of students‟ capability of

English basic skill, the researcher did a questionnaire for students

contained twenty questions and each of the questions contained four kinds

of multiple choice of the answer. Here was the description of the data

about Teaching and Learning of English and its expectation of students

needs and want. The second question of about English Language

Teaching was about teacher‟s explanation by delivering of course

material. The criteria of each multiple choice on this question were:

Figure 4.7

The Score of Student’s Opinions toward

Teaching Technique used by the Teacher

Frequency Percentage

Questionnaire ( Student ) (%)

Item a b c d a b c d

8 21 20 8 2 41,1% 39,2% 15,6% 3,9%

9 12 23 8 9 23,5% 45,0% 15,6% 17,6%

Based on the table above, the highest percentage could be

interpreted that The English teachers‟ technique in teaching English

41,1% make student very interested. While there were 39,2% of

Multimedia stated that The English teacher technique was interest.

Other than that, 15,6 % student argued that the teacher technique

was not really interested and the rest of the student 3,9% argued teacher

technique was not interested The next of question-related to ELT in

Multimedia at Vocational SMK N 4 Kepahiang was about the explanation

of delivering course material by English teacher.

The next percentage of teacher explanation was about the

percentage in indicator a indicated that teacher explained the course

material was unclear but still could be understood 45%. While there was

17, 6% the responses of the informant in questionnaire indicated that

course materials were delivered by English teacher were unclear, and

even there were 15, 6% that students argue the teaching materials were

delivered to the student was not really clear and hard to be understood.

The other data collected by instruments of the research students‟

questionnaire. Related to ELT, the questionnaire wanted to know about

students‟ opinions toward English Teaching Materials used by the

Teacher, those data as described below:

Figure 4.8

The Score of Students’ Opinions toward

English Teaching Material used by the Teacher

Frequency Percentage

Questionnaire ( Student ) (%)

Item a b c d a b c d

10 25 19 9 3 49,0% 37,2% 17,6% 5,8%

11 9 5 14 25 17,6% 9,8% 27,4% 49,0%

12 5 8 27 11 9,8% 15,6% 52,9% 21,5%

The score of analysis of this data could be described that this

question had four indicators value data each of the available multiple

choice. Students main source in English teaching and learning 49,0% from

51 students answered English textbook, while the lowest percentage of

answer about their main source of learning English was from Environment

5,8%. Based on the table above, only 9,8% of students in the question

number 11 stated that the relationship between English material teacher

taught and students target were related. While, there were significant and

crucial data found that ELT in Multimedia class in this school not really

related and unrelated. It could be analyzed that teacher should consider the

appropriate of relationship between course material or design and the

students‟ needs related to their concentrate of subject. The last number of

related to students‟ opinions toward English Teaching Materials used by

the Teacher was question number 12. This question was about the material

delivery by teacher. There are 9,8% and 15,6% the students opinion stated

that English Teaching Materials used by the Teacher was easy to master.

While, the big percentage of it were 52,9% and 21,5% the students‟

opinions toward English Teaching Materials used by the Teacher were not

really hard to master and even they could no master the material of

teaching and learning in their classroom from the teaching methods and

course design provided by English teacher.

The next scopes of questionnaire items related to ELT were about

students‟ opinion toward English teaching and learning process. This

questionnaire item consisted about students‟ opinion about English class

and the students‟ feeling during English learning process. The percentage

of student‟s description in answering the questionnaire item could be seen

from the table in the next pages, namely:

Figure 4.9

The Score of Students’ Opinions toward

English Teaching and Learning Process


Questionnaire (Students) Percentage %

Items a b c d a b c d

13 19 15 15 2 37,2% 29,4% 29,4% 3,9%

14 18 11 21 1 35,2% 21,5% 41,1% 1,9%

The data shown that students stated the English class is very

effective was as the highest percentage with 37,2% and students feeling

enjoy during English learning process was also as the highest percentage

41,1%. The same description related to students opinion about their

English class were English class is effective and really not effective with

each of the item 29,4% of the total informants. While the students feeling

during English learning process was 35,2% felt really enjoy and 21,5%

students stated not really enjoy.

The last was the lowest item related to students opinion toward

English teaching and learning process were 3,9% students stated English

class was not effective and 1,9% students stated hard to enjoy during

English learning process. The fact on the field could be synchronized into

previous questionnaire item and previous instruments research; those had

the relationship each other and connected each other as the problem and

the factor so that could be analyzed as the Need Analysis research form.

Related to ELT and EFL students, the last group of were about The

Student‟s Responses toward English Learning Process. The finding of the

data could be seen below:

Figure 4.10

The Score of Students’ Opinions toward

English Learning Process

Questionnaire Frequency Percentage

Item ( Student ) (%)

a b c d a b c d

15 17 15 18 1 33,3% 29,4% 35,2% 1,9%

16 9 13 20 9 17,6% 25,4% 39,2% 17,6%

17 10 17 13 11 19,6% 33,3% 25,4% 21,5%

From the result of the table above, the teacher teaching and

learning tried hard to make the atmosphere of the classroom creating the

communication in two sides, both teacher and student were equally active.

English teacher was great and do his best about the effort of making the

classroom into good learning and teaching activity in order to make the

students could master what the materials were taught. It could be seen

from the question number 15 was about how about the students chance

gave their responses, 33,33% students answer the teacher always lets

students respond in teaching and learning activity, and 29,4% student

stated that their teacher often let them t response.

The optional answer stated that the teacher never let the students to

responding of the learning activity were just 1, 9%. It meant that the

teacher quietly appropriate in implementing of the selected teaching

methods. The selected of teaching method had explained by the question

of teachers depth interviews in number ten. In the interviews, teacher

explained that selecting the discovery learning method of teaching was

really reasonable.

The students‟ opinion about schools‟ planning in opening ESP

course for each of study program was represented by the question number

18 and 19, while the question number 20 was about students hope and

wants also need to schools toward ESP programs. The data was collected

could be described and identified. The percentage among three questions

related could be seen below:

Figure 4.11

The Students’ Opinion toward school’s plan in Opening ESP courses

for Each study program
Student Answer Percentage %

Number a b c d a b c d

18 18 25 6 2 35,2% 49,0% 11,2% 3,9%

19 22 18 9 2 43,1% 35,2% 17,6% 3,9%

20 20 15 12 4 39,2% 29,4% 23,5% 7,8%

The data above could be described that those were represented of

students opinion for ESP Plan were dominated by positive respond, while

the opinion indicated of bad and disagree for ESP Plan of English course

in SMK N 4 Kepahiang in each of the programs were just 3,9% in each of

the question number 18 and 19. 39,2% students hoped that the school

would provide ESP for all study program.

B. Discussion

First, based on the result of the data, those students problem in learning

English could be implied that ELT of English teacher as the keys of those

problems and its improvements. According to Richards in Samira stated that

Communicative Language Teaching Methodology is a modern and effective

method of language teaching, has been implemented in many contexts of

EFL/ESL teaching including ESP class42.

The result data meant that this study aimed to explore the teacher and

student‟s obstacles in English teaching and learning. English learning at SMK

N 4 Kepahiang meant the English were taught to the student called English

for Foreign Language. English as the Foreign language for students at this

school especially for Multimedia class had the fundamental problems in

developing of students skill which were not relevance to the implementation

of this revitalization, while this revitalization aimed that ELT for EFL student

at Vocational must be depended to how the curriculum design in

Permendikbud No. 70 Th. 2013 was about the Basic Foundation and

Structural of Curriculum the Vocational School an applied of Curriculum


Samira, Fateme, (2013). A Needs Analysis of English for Specific Purposes
(ESP) Course For Adoption Of Communicative Language Teaching :( A Case of Iranian
First-Year Students of Educational Administration). Vol 2. Issue 6
This discussion of the research would be based on the research

question. In order to answer of each research question which had been written

down, the data would be discussed were from two main instruments of the

research. Those instruments of the research which was used as the data

collecting instruments were the depth interview to English teachers related to

English language Teaching experience for teacher and the questionnaire for

students in order to gather the data about students‟ problems in learning

English and students‟ need analysis.

Based on the finding of the data were collected by using the students‟

questionnaire, it could be discussed answer of the problems and its factor for

students in learning English were identified by the student‟s lack in


The students‟ difficulties during learning English was represented of all

the informants, it indicated by the data shown that 0% of students stated never

felt difficult in English teaching and learning process in the classroom. In

addition, the students‟ problem during teaching and learning process of

English was equals in each of the English basic skill based on the K-13

concept. The data shown that speaking skill was the highest things indicated

the most difficulties for students, it was 35,2% from 51 the total number of

students. The second problems indicated of second difficult basic skills for

students was Listening skill, Multimedia students felt difficult in Listening

skill were 29,4% from 51 students of informants. Reading skills was 19,6%,

while the lowest percentage that indicated of student‟s difficulties as the

students' problems was writing, it was just 17,6% of the total of number the


It could be concluded that the data had collected to answer of research

question about students‟ problems in learning and its factor by using the

instruments of the research questionnaire could be seen in the questionnaire

number 5-7as had been explained above. While, the others instruments of the

research could be synchronized related to students‟ problems and its factor

were the question of interviews question number 4-6 of the question.

Especially for students‟ competences in basic skills of English was the

question number fourth, this question could be implied that the teacher said

that „not all the students doing the learning process with the good process,

they just learning just like any other students like a general‟.

The synchronizing of Research questionnaire to research of teacher

interviews, it could be seen to the next answer of the question by teacher in

question number fifth as below:

Researcher : What are the teacher‟s learning and teaching problem in

English Course of this this Vocational School?
Teacher : About the problem in teaching and learning process, in
this school there are so many problem, especially for me is
the students has no ability in English totally, in speaking,
reading, because they are just thinking that English is a
lesson, not for their need, English is not about language,
but just about the lesson in the class, so they have no
passion in learning English in this school. There are big
mistakes and troubles when I teaching in the class in this
It could be implied that English as the target language in this need

analysis research was so many problems for the teacher because the students‟

ability was still in low level. The complex of low skill for the student was
included for four basic skills; those were based on the teacher perspective that

students were low motivation in learning English. Students had no ability

totally so that when the teacher teaches her students in the classroom found so

many troubles.

The next question of teacher question of the depth interviews in giving

support of finding data by using questionnaire to students‟, it could be seen

from the seventh question of interviews which could be indicated to the factor

of students‟‟ problem. The factor problem of students learning was indicated

by teachers‟ answer of interviews question which stated that „for the

Multimedia Students actually may be discover learning or scientific approach

is quietly appropriate for the students, and maybe this the easy way to apply

to the students in Multimedia class.

Those could be analyzed the factors for students‟ problem in learning

was also came from teacher aspect, the data found that the approaches of

teaching techniques based on the easy way to apply for the teacher. The

teacher perspectives in selecting of teaching methods such a good way, while

it was better to be considered based on the student‟s need, the theme of

material were taught and be based on the certain ELT theories for EFL and

Vocational students model

Based on Permendikbud about the implementation of the Character

Education on The Curriculum of 2013 (K-13), K-13 consisted of starting

from the basic competency (KD) of English including listening skill, speaking
skill, reading skill and writing skill, those were taught in Vocational 43. This

aimed to Vocational school produced the students were graduated had the

competence of living as the civilian has the faithful, productive, creative,

innovative and effective and having the contribution of life.

Furthermore, students‟ problems and English Language Teaching both

were related each other. In developing English in a specific field of

competence, some problems may need consideration in relation to the

teaching English as a foreign language, like what happened in SMKN 4

Kepahiang especially for Multimedia Class. The problems need to be

considered in relation to English Language Teaching on the classroom were

based on the finding data from Interview, questionnaire and observation and


Student‟s motivated; passion and the information about Basic

Competency (KD) play a vital role in designing and developing ELT for

teacher in the classroom. Teaching Methods analysis by using the approach of

Swords Analysis is quiet good that had been implemented. Instead, this

analysis actually just was seen on one side of analytic that was from teacher

aspect. The students‟ need and want were crucial things for Vocational school

teaching and learning activities. Based on the result the data on Interviews

question number four till six could be analyzed that:

“actually of course we consider with the weak, need and want of the
students by using Swords Methods namely Strengths, weakness, opportunity,
so in making design of learning process, we as the teacher in this school

Permendikbud No. 70 Th. 2013
using by the Sword Methods to deciding of the what is the correct one of the
learning design process”

Being selecting of English Language Teaching Method, teacher

considered the strengths, weakness and opportunity then deciding of learning

and course design to be implemented on the classroom. There were no

relevance theories about Teaching English for Vocational School to support

this method. Because According to PP No.29 Tahun 1990 explained that

Specific vocational education at the secondary level were prioritize the

development of student‟s ability to carry out certain types of work. It could be

implied that teaching and learning in Vocational school should be considered

to specific prioritize and of course need to consider a need analysis of specific

purpose of teaching and learning process.

Curriculum structure also should be focused on organizing of core

competences, subject, learning burden and basic competences those were

concerning to the purpose of each class and subject materials. In fact, related

to selecting the Language Teaching Method by using Swords Analysis, the

teacher stated on the interview question number 1. In the question of the

depth interview at the first question explained that English teaching was using

kinds of English for Academic Purpose, not as the Specific Purpose or

general English, related to selecting the Teaching Methods after considering

from Swords Analysis then the teacher applied the discovery learning as the

Teaching Method in teaching English, those were explained on question

number 7 of the teacher interviews.

Finally, from the data could be discussed on a conclusion that the

problem of students in learning English was caused by English Language

teaching which had been implemented on this school. The relationship

between ELT and student‟s problem both related each other and play a vital

role which should be improved, even the better way to overcome the problem

and the factor of those problems was a Need Analysis model to produce of

teaching and learning orientation to English for Specific purpose was needed.

Related to theories, according Sri Utami Dewi states that in developing

English in a specific field of competence, some problems may need

consideration in relation to the teaching English as a foreign language44.

The evidence, therefore, may become useful considerations in

managing the teaching of English at SMK that cannot leave students‟ specific

needs in enrolling the courses at SMK. According to Hutcison, learners were

seen to have different needs and interests, which would have an important

influence on their motivation to learn and therefore on the effectiveness of

their learning. This lent support to the development of course in which

„relevance‟ to learners needs and interest was paramount. It could make sense

that the effectiveness in learning and lack of motivation for students were

totally influence to students‟ needs and interest.

ESP must be seen as an approach not as a product. ESP is not in

particular kinds of language or methodology, nor does it consist a particular

type of teaching material. Understood properly, it is an approach to language

Sri Utami. (2015). Syllabus of Vocational School Based on ESP Approach.
Dinamika Ilmu. Vol. 15 No. 2. P.274
learning which is based on learner need. ESP, then, is as approach to

language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based

on learner‟s reason for learning. ESP was an approach, not product45.

Second, discussion about English Needs, Want and Lack for

Multimedia students. English need meant there were things that must be

known, understood and found solution to created effective ESP course. The

term need is reasonable reason way there is important thing to conduct. In

conducting this research must be use the selected instruments related to

research methodology was used. The first finding data could be discussion

were the teachers‟ depth interviews.

The data about need analysis came from questions of questionnaire

number 1-4. Based on the result the question of questionnaire could be known

that Multimedia students at tenth grade class need to improve about the

capability to communicate in English well related to Multimedia class, this

was the highest percentage of students‟ respond related to their purpose and

need in learning English. Actually, the students‟ passion was high, it could be

proved from the optional option student‟s questionnaire which indicated

students wanted to learn English just because their obligation in following

English class.

While, students also was realized that their ability in facing the global

era. Related to the topic, to identify the English course topic that students

wanted to study, there were four optional options on the multiple choices

Tom Hutchinson & Alan Water. English for Specific Purposes : A leraning-
centered purpose. New York : Cambridge University Press. P.19
which were representing kinds of data related to students‟ purpose in learning

English. In a represent that students want to learn English with topic about the

world of work.

Questionnaire was consisted of the data about students‟ purpose in

learning English, the topic of English relating in their learning process and

English skills that students wanted to improve. Students purpose in learning

English with the reason wanted to communicate in English well in

Multimedia activities, it included about the Multimedia course and English

were related each other and supported each other. Then, students‟ also wanted

to learn English with topic related to the world of wok 25,4%, economic and

business 25,4% the school environment 37,2% the rest of those were stated to

other purposed in their need to learn English.

From the students‟ difficulties of learning English, it implied that the

students problems meant the students need and want and even their lacks,

through all of those data this research could be appropriate to be called as the

Need Analysis in ESP at Vocational School SMKN 4 Kepahiang. It could be

analyzed that student‟s need in learning English were all of the four basic

competences, reading, speaking, listening and writing. The highest percentage

of the students‟ need and want to improved was Speaking 35,% from the total

of number 51 informants. There was no high different to reading and listening

skill those students‟ wanted to learn. This data could be implied that the

integrated course design in ELT activities was needed, those were integrated

of each skills and integrated Multimedia and English course.

Second, English Wants for Multimedia Students was a part of process

in determining target situation on this Need Analysis research. The students‟

problems and its factors indicated that student‟s lacks in their learning

process. Based on the finding data through technical data collecting, at least

could be discussed that English wants for Multimedia students were as the

first, a statistical analysis about students wants related to an integrated course,

integrated English skills improvements, and English for communicate and

English for theories of Multimedia course.

An integrated course was explained by An English teacher could not be

applied because some certain reasons. Those reason were because the

student‟s capability was totally low and the kinds of teaching and learning

had implemented was not and ESP but EAP.

Based on this result data, a result of its need analysis research could

take an result fact to make an approach of theories by supporting of ESP

theories that students‟ wants in order to improve their skills was about those.

Students‟ wanted an implemented and applied topic to specific major and

specific goals. The data shown of English teacher stated that students have no

passion in during the learning activity of English run. This data was contrast

to students wants in questionnaire, it implied that students need to be

explained about learning goals. Other than that, The Revitalization SMK

through of ELT and Course Materials Delivering, the aspect of revitalization

from schools and teacher aspect totally needed on this situation. Finally, An

ESP Course Model made a fact to be made sure of designing of target

analysis of the situation now in order to support the mission and vision

especially for Vocational of SMK N 4 Kepahiang.

Third, English Lacks for Multimedia Students at Multimedia class was

found on the result of the data from students‟ questionnaire, teachers‟ depth

interview and classroom observation. In conclusion, The Data were found

that the lacks of Multimedia students was totally low in all aspect. Actually it

was nothing factor of those problems, one of the finding data could be

discussed that the fact about an Unable to be understood of Course Material

delivered by Teacher through ELT activities. Then, related to revitalization of

SMK and Bilingual Methods based on Government Regulation of K-13,

Speaking Skill was the highest percentage of students lack representing on

questionnaire of an instrument of the research.



A. Conclusion

First, the student‟s factor in problems of learning English at tenth

Multimedia class of students in learning English was caused by English

Language teaching which had been implemented on this school. Furthmore,

factor problem unachieved of Target Situation and learning goals of student‟s

expectation. Factor problem also from teacher teaching: ELT Approach based

on EAP learning model for ESP students those had specific area and work.

Implemented of ESP course design was as an alternative appropriate

approach to overcome these problems.

. This was sure that needed a Need Analysis research or assessment

that oriented to a Specific Purpose of learning, in this case, was English at

Multimedia Class in conclusion that the research objectives could be reached.

Furthermore, the research question that could be answered as the drawing

conclusion and verification in this part were about the student‟s English

needs, wants and lacks in English class.

Second, discussion about student‟s need, want and lack. Student‟s

needs are based on the analysis of the teacher‟s lacks aspects during delivered

of teaching and learning to students and those were better that need to be

improved. As the conclusion, students need could be concluded several

points; English materials and topics were given and were taught to students

need to be related to multimedia scopes, applicative skills and world of work

oriented based on vocational school frameworks and concepts, the suitable

and the best ELT technique that applied to students learning which were

based on topic and skill that English was taught, then students also need a

model of learning that oriented to the existence of English related to their

goals and target of learning, students also need an integrated of learning based

on K-13 to English course and Multimedia programs and also relevance to the

Revitalization of SMK based on Government purpose the Vocational

framework, the last need of students could be concluded was about starting

point about teaching techniques that suited for the situation of students which

had no ability in learning English of whole basic skills.

Third, the need analysis aspect was about student‟s wants. Students‟

wants meant the student‟s expectation which based on students‟ purpose,

target and goal in taking English course class. Based on the instrument of the

research which used to collect the data, here were the students wants could be

concluded; Students were dominant wanted to communicate in English well

in Multimedia activities represented by 41% the total of informants, 27,4%

students wanted to learn English for facing the world out there after graduated

as their goals, 23% of informants wanted to know English better, informants

also wanted to learn the topic about Economic, the world of work and daily

life, 35% the informants also wanted to improve speaking skills because the

importance of English in order to support of their Multimedia activities then

listening skills 23,5% of informants with the purpose wanted to get a good
score and there were 5,8% informants wanted to improve writing skills with

the reason of the easiest skills of English.

The last, students lacks which be based on student recent ability and

analysis of students problem in learning English through the suitable

instruments in collecting the data. The students‟ lacks could be concluded

into; students always felt difficult in learning English 41,1% of informants

and the additional in learning there were 29,4% and in conclusion could be

drawn that 0% of informants never felt easy in learning English, then each of

basic skill of English there were informants feeling difficult in each of basic

skills, in speaking 35,2% listening 29,4% reading 19,6% and writing

skill17,6% of informants, the last of students lack were about mastering

English through teacher explanation, there were 35,2% informants could not

understand of teacher‟s explanation, 15,6% informants felt boring and the last

there were 11,7% informants were not enthusiast as the indicator of students

lack in learning English.

B. Suggestion

At the end of part this thesis, objectively and based on in fact, the

researcher would like to add the critical support through the suggestion that

was addressed to all of the honorable ELT practitioner, especially for English

teacher candidate including the researcher, those were: The researcher

appreciated respectful for English teacher developed course design and even

curriculum development from every single forum, including MGMP such as

English teacher at Multimedia Class of SMKN 4 Kepahing had been being

done. The development of curriculum and knowing target situation was a

thing that deserves to be considered, especially for a Vocational School which

had a goal and identity of school vocational.

In conclusion of its appreciation by suggestion that ELT for EFL

Students of Vocational School was better to consider a model of English for

Specific Purpose than General English and even English for Academic

purpose. Because Vocational school was impossible could make revitalization

through bilingual system or on language aspect if the model of ELT was the

same on each of major which were each of major had different need on all


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Appendix 1


The researcher did an observation in English teaching and learning
process on the classroom of the tenth-grade of Multimedia students at
SMKN 4 Kepahiang. The observation was held by the researcher on
Thursday, April 16th 2019.
No Item Indicators Fact
Yes No
1. English Teacher uses main source in English
material for learning process
multimedia The teacher delivers material related to
students the student‟s multimedia
2 The students pay attention to the teacher
in teaching and learning process.
Teacher gives questions to the students.
Teacher lets the students to give opinion
The student answer the teachers‟
Responses The students ask question to the teacher
of the The student deliver their opinion related
Multimedia to the material
students The student not answers the teacher
3 Technique Teacher implements certain technique
that used by in teaching English
teacher Teacher explains the technique
Appendix 2


The researcher did an observation in English teaching and learning
process on the classroom of the tenth-grade of Multimedia students at
SMKN 4 Kepahiang. The observation was held by the researcher on
Thursday, April 16th 2019.
No Item Indicators Fact
Yes No
1. English Teacher uses main source in English
material for learning process √
multimedia The teacher delivers material related to
students the student‟s multimedia √
2 The students pay attention to the teacher
in teaching and learning process. √
Teacher gives questions to the students. √
Teacher lets the students to give opinion √
The student answer the teachers‟
questions √
Responses The students ask question to the teacher √
of the The student deliver their opinion related
Multimedia to the material √
students The student not answers the teacher
questions √
3 Technique Teacher implements certain technique
that used by in teaching English √
teacher Teacher explains the technique √
Appendix 3


This research instrument is used to get information about the needs,
wants and lacks of the tenth grade of multimedia student in SMKN 4
Kepahiang. The interviews were held by the researcher on Monday, 18th April
2019 and subject of interview is English teacher of tenth grade of multimedia

1. In case of curriculum design especially of English in this Vocational

School, would you like to tell me about choosing the curriculum for your
applied teaching and learning activities to your student‟s, please!
2. By knowing the student‟s needs, students‟ wants and lacks, would you like
to describe your course design process in the class, please!
3. Based on your opinion, which are the Applied of English Course Design in
this school, is it English for Academic Purpose, English for Specific
Purpose, or General English?
4. What are the teacher‟s learning and teaching problems in English Course
of this Vocational School?
5. How do you integrate of English skills based on students Major in
designing course design?
6. What kinds of the best approaches to be applied for Multimedia Class in
English Subject of your students Teaching and Learning Activity?
7. What are the approach and programs of English that have been applying in
order to increase your students in mastering of English course?
8. Related to Learning tools and device, have the books been suitable for
your students‟ of Vocational School?
9. Based on the basic skills of English, including of Listening, Speaking,
Reading and Writing, would you like to describe about how do you
approach in integrating each other in order to make the suitable course
designing based on Multimedia class of your students?
Appendix 4


This research instrument is used to get information about the needs,
wants and lacks of the tenth grade of multimedia student in SMKN 4
Kepahiang. The interviews were held by the researcher on Monday, 18th April
2019 and subject of interview is English teacher of tenth grade of multimedia
No Researcher Teacher

1. In case of curriculum design Actually, SMK N 4 Kepahiang

especially of English in this
had been using K-13 for the
Vocational School, would
teaching and learning process.
you like to tell me about
choosing the curriculum for Some of the curriculum had been
your applied teaching and
developed by MGMP of English
learning activities to your
teachers in this school. It meant
student‟s, please?
that the curriculum had been

discussed about the continuity of

it in the school.

2. By knowing the student‟s of the students by using Swords

needs, students‟ wants and Methods namely Strengths,

lacks, would you like to weakness, opportunity, so in

describe your course design making a design of learning

process in the class, please? process, we as the teacher in this

school using by the Sword

Methods to deciding of the what

is the correct one of the learning

design process.

3. Based on your opinion, which For the specific, the English

are the Applied of English teaching was using English for

Course Design in this school, Academic Purpose, not as the

is it English for Academic specific purpose or general

Purpose, English for Specific English, but most of the English

Purpose, or General English? learning was for Academic


4. What are the teacher‟s About the problem in teaching

learning and teaching and learning process, in this

problems in English Course school there are so many problem,

of this Vocational School? especially for me is the students

has no ability in English totally, in

speaking, reading, because they

are just thinking that English is a

lesson, not for their need, English

is not about language, but just

about the lesson in the class, so

they have no passion in learning

English in this school. There are

big mistakes and troubles when I

teaching in the class in this


5. How do you integrate of Number five, how to integrate

English skills based on about English ability in their own

students Major in designing competences skill, honestly I did

course design? not integrate English to their skill

competences, because that is

specific, because the students still

has low competences and low

levels when I put it into learning


6. What kinds of the best For the MultiMedia Students

approaches to be applied for
actually may be discover learning
Multimedia Class in English
or scientific approach is quietly
Subject of your students
Teaching and Learning appropriate for the students, and
maybe this the easy way to apply

to the students in Multimedia


7. What are the approach and Let me think first for question

programs of English that have number seven, what is the

been applying in order to problems of English that had been

increase your students in apply in order to improve the

mastering of English course? ability in mastering of the English

for the students, just like the

question before in number seventh

in using discover learning and the

programs that has been discussed

in MGMP and apply to student in

order to improve the skill of

students in my school.

8. Related to Learning tools and Number eight, for the students

device, have the books been book in our vocational school is

suitable for your students‟ of quietly appropriate and good

Vocational School? enough the book of the English in

this vocational school, actually

this book taken by the government

from Dana Boss and all of the

students get the book by

borrowing the book in the library,

because our school has a good

library actually.

9. Based on the basic skills of The last question, by the

English, including of experience when I teach, when I

Listening, Speaking, Reading talk to them actually I do using

and Writing, would you like discovery learning , because the

to describe about how do you students of Multimedia class like

approach in integrating each to explore themselves, to

other in order to make the discover something that new, I

suitable course designing just give some a clue and then

based on Multimedia class of they give me some responses and

your students? then I give them some like a

projects to they discover and they

found what they are going to be

taught to them, another to make

them in order to make them to

discover their hobbies or their

passion in learning English,

actually this is discovery learning

by students
Appendix 3

Name :

Student‟s number :
Time and Date :
Variabel : Need Analysis in ESP of X Multimedia
In the following of statements are describing your needs in studying of
english. By answering of the following statements, you have to choose one of
them or more based on the suitable of your personal needs or situation. If there is
no suitable answer to you in available statements, you may also allow to add
The Student’s purpose in Learning English
1. My purpose in learning English
a. I want to communicate in English well in multimedia activities
b. English is important for this era
c. I want to know English better
d. I want to do my obligation to follow English class
2. I want to study the topic of English related to
a. The world of work
b. The economic and business
c. The school environment
d. The daily life
e. Others
English Skills that the Students want to Improve
3. Skill that you want to improve
a. Reading b. Speaking c. Listening d. Writing
4. I want to improve that skill because
a. That skill is very important in multimedia activities
b. That is my favorite skill
c. I want to get good score
d. That skill is easy to master

The Students’ Difficulties in Learning English

5. I feel difficult in English teaching and learning process
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
6. Skill that I feel difficult
a. Reading b. Speaking c. Listening d. Writing
7. I feel difficult in English teaching and learning process because
a. I don‟t understand the teachers‟ explanation easily
b. Learning English is boring
c. I am difficult to understand English material
d. I am not enthusiastic
The Students ‘opinions toward Teaching Techniques used by the Teacher
8. The technique used by your teacher in English class is
a. Very interesting
b. Interesting
c. Not really interesting
d. Not interesting
9. Your English teacher‟s explanation
a. Clear and understandable
b. Not really clear but still understandable
c. Not really clear and hard to be understood
d. Unclear
The Students’ Opinions toward English Teaching Materials used by the
10. Your main source in English teaching and learning
a. English textbook b. Teacher c. Internet d. Environment
11. Relationship between English material used and my target area
a. Extremely related
b. Related
c. Not really related
d. Unrelated
12. The English material delivered by English teacher
a. Very easy to master
b. Easy to master
c. Hard to master
d. I could not master
Students’ Opinion toward English Teaching and Learning Process
13. Your opinion about your English class
a. English class is very effective
b. English class is effective
c. English class is really not effective
d. English class is not effective
14. Your feeling during English learning process
a. Really enjoy
b. Not really enjoy
c. Enjoy
d. Hard to enjoy
The Students’ Responses toward English Learning Process in the Classroom
15. Your English teacher lets you to response
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
16. You response your teacher and learning process
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
17. Kind of your respond In English teaching and learning process
a. I answer the question of teacher slowly
b. I answer the question of teacher loudly
c. I ask my teacher related to the material
d. Never respond/just silent
The Students’ Opinion toward school’s plan in Opening ESP courses for
Each study program
18. Your opinion tower ESP
a. Extremely good b. Good c. Enough d. Bad
19. If school provides ESP program
a. Extremely agree b. Agree c. Not really agree d. Disagree
20. Your hope to the school toward ESP program
a. The school determines to provide ESP for all study program
b. The school determines to provide ESP for multimedia program
c. The school determine to provide ESP for certain program
d. The school does not determine to provide ESP
Appendix 4

The Collecting Data Documentation

Explanation About ESP by SMKN 4 Kepahiang English Teacher

Classroom Observations Checklist
Explanation and filling of questionnaire to Student
The Interviews to English Teacher at SMKN 04 Kepahiang

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