Daily Lesson Log School Grade Level 7 Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS Teaching Dates and Time Quarter SECOND
Daily Lesson Log School Grade Level 7 Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS Teaching Dates and Time Quarter SECOND
Daily Lesson Log School Grade Level 7 Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS Teaching Dates and Time Quarter SECOND
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s pp 91 – 105 pp 91 – 105 pp 91 – 105 pp 91 – 105
3. Textbook Synergy for Success in Synergy for Success in Synergy for Success in Synergy for Success in
pages Mathematics, Grade 7, Mathematics, Singapore Mathematics, Grade 7, Mathematics, Grade 7,
page 115 - 130 Approach, pp. 115 - 130 page 115 – 130 page 115 – 130
4. Additional
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd Grade 7 LCTG by DepEd
Resources Cavite Mathematics, 2016 Cavite Mathematics, 2016 Cavite Mathematics, 2016 Cavite Mathematics, 2016
Laptop, LCD projector/ TV Laptop, LCD projector/ TV Laptop, LCD projector/ TV Laptop, LCD projector/ TV
A. Reviewing previous Identify the appropriate FACT or BLUFF Which conversion factors Which conversion factors
lesson or unit of measurement for 1. 1 kg = 2.1lb are correct? Encircle are correct? Encircle them.
presenting the new the following: 2. 1 in = 2.54 cm them. 1. 10 mi = 16.1 km
lesson 1. How heavy is the 3. 1 L = 2.11 pt 1. 1 mi = 1.61 km 2. 6 ft = 72 inches
person beside you? 4. 1 tsp = 5 ml 2. 1 ft = 12 inches 3. 7.1 km = 7100 m
2. How tall are you? 5. 1 mi = 1.6 km 3. 1 km = 100 m 4. 100 gal = 3790 mL
3. How much does your 4. 1 gal = 379 mL 5. 500 mg = 5 kg
teacher’s water bottle 5. 100 mg = 1 kg
4. How much liquid
multivitamin do you take
5. How long is your
B. Establishing a Do you like to measure Answer each of the What difficulty did you just
purpose for the things? Why? following questions using go through this morning?
lesson What do you normally a metric system of Were you able to remedy
measure? measurement. the problem?
What satisfaction do you 1. How long is your hair? How did you solve this
get in knowing the correct 2. How much water do problem?
measurement of things? you drink every day? How did you feel upon
3. How heavy is your solving the problem?
4. How long does it take
you to walk from your
house to the school?
5. How long do you
spend in doing your
home works?
C. Presenting Illustrative example No. 1 Illustrative example No. 1
examples/ Michael walks from his
instances of the house to school. His
lesson You are a volleyball Larger unit to smaller unit: house is one third of a
player of your school. You multiply by a power of 10. mile away from school.
are now registering for the How far is the school from
district sports meet. You Smaller unit to a larger his house in kilometers?
are five feet and four unit: divide by a power of Solution: 1 mi = 1.61 km
inches tall. However, the 10.
required height is in
centimeters. How will you Illustrative example No. 1
convert your height in Convert 4.2 dm to cm.
centimeters? Using the conversion
chart, decimeter to
centimeter is one step to Illustrative example No. 2
the right, hence, multiply A square garden
by 101 or 10. measures 10 m on one
side. How many meters of
wire fence should be
placed around the
Illustrative example No. 2 Solution:
Solution: Convert 3 1/4 m to km. P = 4s
Another solution: Use Using the conversion = 4 (10 m)
proportion. Let x be the chart, meter to kilometer is P = 40 m
missing quantity. three steps to the left,
hence, divide by 103 or
= 0.00325 m
Illustrative example No. 2 Illustrative example No. 3
Convert 1000 L to pint. Convert 2 3/4 g to hg.
Solution: Using the conversion
chart, gram to hectogram
is two steps to the left,
hence, divide by 102 or
1000 L = 1000 L ( ) 100.
= 2127.66 pt
2 g = 2.75 g ( )
Solution using proportion:
= = 0.0275 km
0.47 x = 1000
Illustrative example No. 4
= Convert 4.12 kL to dL.
x = 2,127.66 pt Using the conversion
chart, kiloliter to deciliter is
Illustrative example No. 3 four steps to the right,
150 lb to kg hence, multiply by 104 or
Solution: 10000.
= 4.12 kL(104 dL/ 1 kL)
= 150 lb ) = 41,200 dL
= 68.2 kg
Using proportion
2.2 x = 150
x = 68.2 kg
D. Discussing new Convert each Change each Read the following
concepts and measurement to the measurement to the problems carefully, and
practicing new skills indicated unit of measure. indicated unit. then, fill in the blanks with
#1 the correct answer.
a. 10 yd to m a. 688 mm to centimeter a. Kevin measured the
canteen table to be
= 10 yd ( )= = 688 mm ( ) seven feet long. How
many inches is this?
b. 100 mi to km Solution:
= cm
1 ft = _______ inches
b. 5080 g to dekagram
= 100 mi ( )=
7 ft = 7 ft ( )
c. 1000 MT to T = 5080 g ( )
= in
= dag b. The distance from
x =( )( ) school to Ann’s house
c. 2.3 kL to Liter
x = T is twice the distance
from May’s house which
= 2.3 kL ( ) is 2 km. How far is
Ann’s house from the
school in meters?
= L
1 km = _____ m
Distance (school to Ann’s)
= 2 x distance (May’s)
=2( km)
=2( m)
= m
E. Discussing new Convert each Change each measurement Read each problem
concepts and measurement to the to the indicated unit. carefully, and then, solve
practicing new skills indicated unit of measure. a.48 mL = _______ daL for what is asked.
#2 a. 1000 ft = _______cm
b. 20 lb = _______kg b. 500 m = ________dm a. Michelle bought 1000g
of loaf bread and cut it
c. 350 mm = _______in c. 12.13 cL = _________hL into 10 slices. How
d. 750 g = _______oz heavy is each piece in
e. 1500 tons (T) = d. 101.07 cg = ______mg kilograms?
_________ MT
e. 22 3/5 hg = ________ g b. Aila bought 2 gallons of
mineral water. What is
its equivalent in
c. Dana’s father used 500
m of steel wire in
fencing his farm lot,
what is its equivalent in
F. Developing mastery Convert the items bought a. 6.21 L = _______ daL Solve for what is asked in Read the following
(Leads to Formative at a local store to the each problem. problems carefully, and
Assessment 3) indicated measure. b. 57.80 m = _______Dm 1. Ferdinand walks from then, solve for what is
a. 50 lb of sugar = his house to school. His asked.
__________kg c. 123 cL = _________mL house is half a mile 1. A certain bridge can
b. 15 m of ribbon = away from school. What withstand a load of 16
__________ft d. 907 cg = ________Hg is the distance between metric tons. How many
c. 1750 g of sotanghon = his house and his kilograms of load can it
_________ lb e. 165 1/4 mg = ____ g school in meters? withstand?
d. 86 lb of roasted coffee 2. A box contains 24 2. Miko ha 1000 g of cotton
beans = _________kg identical cans. The while Cyril has 1 kg of
e. 8 yd of rope = weight of each can is nails. Which is heavier?
________m 325 g. If an empty box Why?
weighs 200 g, find the 3. A cubic meter is equal is
mass of the box 100 L. How many cubic
containing 24 cans in meters will a 20,000-L
a) grams tank contain?
b) kilograms
3. Christian will buy 1 gal
of ice cream. About how
many cups can he
make out of this 1 gal?
G. Finding practical In what instances do you Solve for what is asked in Read the following Read the following
applications of need to convert from each problem below. problems carefully, and problems carefully, and
concepts and skills English to Metric? Metric a. The distance from then, solve for what is then, solve for what is
in daily living to English? school to Ann’s house asked. asked.
is 2 km. What is the a. A small guava weighs 1. In a leisure park in
Convert the items bought distance in meters? 12 g. An avocado is Tagaytay, the minimum
at a local store to the b. If you weigh 43.2 kg, 10 times as heavy as height requirement for
indicated measure. what is your weight a small guava. What is most of the rides is 3 ft.
a. 4 lb of flour = in grams? the weight of the What is its equivalent in
__________kg c. Michael has 1000g of avocado? centimeter?
b. 2.5 m of yarn = bread while Melanie b. Aling Nena sold 10 2. Don rode 2 km on his
__________ft has 1kg of rice grains. identical baskets of bike. His sister Betty
c. 750 g of pasta = Who has a heavier fruits. The total weight rode 3000 m on her
_________ lb load? Why? of the 10 baskets is 15 bike. Who rode the
d. 46 lb of dried beans = kg. How heavy is each farthest and how much
_________kg basket of fruits? farther did they ride in
e. 9 yd of rope = c. Mang Tonyo was able kilometers?
________m to harvest 50 sacks of
coffee beans from his
coffee farm. If each
sack contains 50 kg,
how many sacks did
his farm produce?
H. Making The English and metric The metric system is now To solve problems To solve problems
generalizations and systems are used the most widely used involving measurements: involving measurements:
abstractions about interchangeably in many standard system of a. Analyze the problem: a. Analyze the problem:
the lesson everyday situations. measurement. gather important gather important
Knowing the conversion The standard unit for information and identify information and identify
factor is enough to convert length, mass, and volume what is asked. what is asked.
from one system to is the meter, gram, and b. Know relative sizes of b. Know relative sizes of
liter, respectively. measurement units measurement units
The following table shows within one system of within one system of
the prefixes which makes units. units.
Metric to English conversion from one unit c. Use the four operations. c. Use the four operations.
to another systematic. Represent Represent
LENGTH measurement measurement quantities
1 mm = 0.04 in Prefixes Symbol Numerical quantities using using
1 cm = 0.4 in Greek Equivalent diagrams. diagrams.
Kilo k 1000 d. Apply formulas, such as d. Apply formulas, such as
1 m = 3.28 ft
Hector h 100 area and perimeter, in area and perimeter, in
1 km = 0.62 mi
Deka da 10 real world and real world and
MASS Latin mathematical mathematical
1 g = 0.04 oz Deci d 0.1 problems. problems.
1 kg = 2.2 lb Centi c 0.01
1 MT = 1.1 T Milli m 0.001
1 mL = 0.03 fl oz The conversion chart
1 L = 2.11 pt below will help in
1 L = 1.06 qt converting metric
1 L = 0.26 gal measurements.
1 cu m = 35.31 cu ft Larger unit to smaller unit:
1 cu m = 1.31 cu yd multiply by a power of 10.
Smaller unit to a larger
English to Metric unit: divide by a power of
1 in = 2.54 cm
1 ft = 30. 48 cm
1 yd = 0.91 m
1 mi = 1.61 km
1 oz = 28.35 g
1 lb = 0.45 kg
1 T = 0.91 MT
1 tsp = 5 mL
1 tbsp = 15 mL
1fl oz = 29.57 mL
1 c = 0.24 L
1 pt = 0.47 L
1 qt = 0.95 L
1 gal = 3.79 L
1 cu ft = 0.03 cu m
1 cu yd =0.76 cu m
I. Evaluating learning Convert each Change each Read the following
measurement to the measurement to the problems carefully, and
indicated unit of indicated unit. then, solve. Choose the
measure. Write the a. 128 mL = _______ daL letter of the correct answer.
letter of the correct 1. The world’s heaviest
b. 19.3 m = ________dm seed was found to be
19.8kg. How heavy is it
1. 0.25 kg = ______lb c. 972 cL = _________hL In pounds?
a. 0.55 b. 5.5 a. 43.56 lb b. 4.356 lb
c. 55 d. 550 d. 4127 cg = ________mg c. 435.6 lb d. 4356 lb
2. 28 T = ______MT 2. The certain bridge can
a. 2.548 b. 25.48 e. 69 3/5 hg = ______ g withstand a load of 16
c. 254.8 d. 2548 metric tons. How many
3. 380 cm = _______in a. kilograms of load can it
a. 0.152 b. 1.52 withstand?
c. 15.2 d. 152 a. 1,600 kg
4. 70 mi = ______km b. 16,000 kg
c. 160,000 kg
a.112.7 b. 11.27
d. 1,600,000 kg
c. 1.127 d. 0.1127 3. A square garden
5. 12 ft = ______cm measures 10 m on one
a. 3.6576 b. 36.576 side. How many meters
c. 365.76 d. 3657.6 of wire fence should be
placed around the
a. 20 b. 40
c. 80 d. 100
4. How many meters are
in the 440-yd dash?
a. 200 m b. 300 m
c. 400 m d. 500 m
5. Jojo’s height is 5 ft and
5 in. How tall is he in
a. 136 cm b. 146 cm
c. 156 cm d. 166 cm
J. Additional activities 1. How do you convert 1. How do you convert a Solve. 1. Study: Translating
for application or English unit of metric unit of a. There are 18 pieces of English phrases to
remediation measurement to Metric measurement to yema candy in a box. mathematical phrases
unit of measurement? another metric unit of If 10 boxes of yema and vice versa
2. Study: Metric System of measurement? candies together 2. Give 2 English phrases
Measurement 2. What device serves as weigh 3,600 g, what is and their translated to
a. What is the Metric an aid in metric the weight of each mathematical phrases.
system of conversion? yema candy in
measurement? 3. Study: Solving kilograms?
b. How are the English Problems Involving b. The weight of a basket
and Metric systems of Conversion of Units of of santol is 2,800 g.
measurement Measurement The weight of the
different? a. What are examples basket itself is 250 g.
of problems that What is the net weight
make use of units of of the fruits in
measurement? kilograms?
b. How are problems
involving conversion
of units of
1. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
2. No.of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No.of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson.
4. No.of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
6. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other