CM 8 Arts New PDF
CM 8 Arts New PDF
CM 8 Arts New PDF
Atimonan, Quezon
GRADE LEVEL: Eight (8)
TEACHER: Renzy Rachel O. Parco, Francis James B. Eque and Arven A. Parafina
Activities Resources
TERM Content Institutional
Unit Topic/ Performance Competencies/
(No.): Standard Assessment ODL (Online ODL (Online Core Values
Content: Standard (PS): Skills Distance Modular Distance Modular
Month (CS):
Learning) Learning)
First Arts and The learner… The learner… The learner…
Quarter Crafts of Art elements Create artworks A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: The learners
Southeast and processes showing the Analyses Listing of Artwork Artwork Photo of Textbook/
Week 1-2 Asia by characteristic elements and elements critiquing. critiquing. artefacts Module will improve
Indonesia, synthesizing elements of the principles of art and Identifying Identifying and art Activity the abilities
Malaysia, and applying arts of in the principles of the the elements object Sheets to imagine
Thailand, prior southeast Asia. production of art elements and future selves
Cambodia, knowledge and arts and crafts and principles of and
Myanmar, skills. Exhibit inspired by the principles of art encourages
Vietnam, Lao completed cultures of art forward –
PDR, Brunei, The salient artworks for Southeast Asia. looking skills
and Singapore features of the appreciation A8EL-Ib-1 and acquire
1. Attire, arts of and critiquing. basic
fabrics, Southeast Asia knowledges
and by showing the A2: A2: A2: A2: A2: A2: about the
Tapestr relationship of Identifies Comparative Video Clip Artwork Video Clip Textbook / topic.
ies the elements characteristics Analysis Analysis Analysis presentation Module,
2. Crafts of art and of arts and of arts and Activity
and processes crafts in specific crafts in Sheets
Access among countries in Southeast
ories, culturally Southeast Asia; Asia
and diverse Indonesia Video Link:
Body communities in (batik, Wayang to follow
A9: A9 & A10 A9 & A10 A9 & A10 A9 & A10 A9 & A10
Shows the Art Exhibit Conducting Conducting Compilation Compilation
relationship of Presentation Art Exhibit Art Exhibit of Artwork of Artwork
the items items submitted submitted
development of includes: includes: with with
crafts in specific Batik, Wau Batik, Wau concept, concept,
countries in and Labu and Labu content, & content, &
Southeast Asia, Sayong Sayong labels labels
according to
expertise and
availability of
resources (e.g.,
MAPEHDepartment2020 | A. Y. 2020 - 2021
jewelry, and
and basketry)
Shows the
and differences
of the culture of
the Southeast
Asian countries
in relation to
Quarter The learner
Arts of East The learner The learner A1: A1: A1: A1: A1: A1:
Week 1 – 2 Asia Analyzes Listing of Art work Art work Photo of Textbook/ will develop
China, Japan, Art elements Create artworks elements and elements critiquing critiquing artifacts and Module, the power of
and Korea and processes showing the principles of art and Identifying Identifying art objects Activity enduring
1. Attire, by characteristics in the principles of the the elements Sheets hardship on
fabrics, synthesizing elements of the production of art elements and the different
and and applying arts of East arts and crafts and principles of tasks given
Tapestr prior Asia inspired by the principles of arts that they can
ies knowledge and cultures of East arts apply in a
2. Crafts skills Exhibit Asia real-life
and completed A8EL-IIb-1 situation.
Access The salient artworks for
ories, features of the appreciations
and arts of East and critiquing
Body Asia by
Ornam showing the
MAPEHDepartment2020 | A. Y. 2020 - 2021
entatio relationship of A2: A2: A2: A2: A2: A2:
n the elements Identifies Comparative Video clip Artwork Video clip Textbook/
3. Archite of art and characteristics Analysis Analysis Analysis presentation Module,
ctures processes of arts and of arts and Activity
4. Sculptu crafts in specific crafts in Sheets
res countries in East Asia
(gods/ri East Asia: Video Link:
tuals) China (Chinese to follow
5. Everyd painting and
ay calligraphy);
object Japan (origami,
printing, theatre
masks, face
painting, and
anime and
manga); and
Korea (theatre
masks, drums,
and K-pop).
Shows the
and differences
of the cultures
of the East
Asian countries
in relation to
APEH Teacher, Grade 8