General Test Specification
General Test Specification
General Test Specification
Test Specification
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Document SCP 001 Rev. 04
Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
1. SCOPE......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. DOCUMENTS FOR REFERENCE TO STANDARDS........................................................................................................ 4
1.2. FIELD OF APPLICATION .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. EXCLUSIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. PERSONNEL FOR THE FINAL TEST ........................................................................................................................... 4
1.5. SCHEDULING AND COMPLETION OF THE PROGRAM ................................................................................................. 5
2. FINAL TEST - GENERAL........................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1. FINAL TEST - EXECUTION...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2. INSTRUMENTS TO BE USED .................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3. PRECAUTION AND SAFETY DURING THE TEST......................................................................................................... 7
2.4. NECESSARY DOCUMENTATION FOR THE TEST ....................................................................................................... 7
2.4.1. Arrangement of testing diagrams................................................................................................................. 7
2.4.2. Other documentation for the test.................................................................................................................. 7
2.4.3. Preparing the test documents (green card).................................................................................................. 8
2.5. GENERAL ROUTINE TESTS .................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.1. Mechanical and Dimensional Check ........................................................................................................... 8 Mechanical check................................................................................................................................. 8 Dimensional Checks ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.5.2. Visual Checks and of conformity to the Standard EN 60204-1................................................................... 9 Verification of identificative and warning labels ................................................................................. 9 Verification of the identification and markup of components .............................................................. 9 Check of the protections against direct contacts................................................................................. 10 Visual verification of the ventilation systems...................................................................................... 10 Verification of the mechanical assembly of the components .............................................................. 10 Visual verification of electric insulations............................................................................................ 10 Verification of colour of actuators and luminous devices ................................................................... 10 Verification of wiring.......................................................................................................................... 11 Check of the sheathing - Degree of protection.................................................................................... 11 Checking the correct marking of power termination................................................................................ 11
2.5.3. Measurements and tests ............................................................................................................................. 11 Check of the continuity of the protection circuit................................................................................. 11 Measurement of the insulation resistance ........................................................................................... 12 Test of applied voltage ........................................................................................................................ 12 Verification of the protections against residual voltages..................................................................... 12
2.5.4. Functional Tests......................................................................................................................................... 12 Test conditions - Simulation systems .................................................................................................. 13 Equipment's power supply .................................................................................................................. 13 Check of ventilation ............................................................................................................................ 13 Check of selectivity of protections...................................................................................................... 14 Verification of the machines protections............................................................................................. 14 Verification of functional sequences by relay and contactors ............................................................. 15 Verification of the emergency stop sequence...................................................................................... 15 Customization of electronic devices.................................................................................................... 15 Check of the power circuits ................................................................................................................ 15 Verification of electronic regulation and control ................................................................................ 15 Check of the measurement instruments............................................................................................... 16 Check of the software subsystems ...................................................................................................... 16
2.6. SPECIAL TESTS .................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.6.1. Verification of painting .............................................................................................................................. 17
2.6.2. Estimation of acoustic noise level.............................................................................................................. 18
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Document SCP 001 Rev. 04
Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
Mentioned documents
NA014 Management of diagrams for the order
SCP040 Insulation test
ICP035 Check of painting of sheathings
STD003 Standard specification for the construction and the assembly of electric equipment
IT041 Choice of colors for actuators and luminous devices
IT046 Insulation distances on air and superficial
PCQ00050 Standard plan for Quality Control in Nidec ASI's equipment
PCQ00065 Extended standard plan for Quality Control in Nidec ASI's equipment
ED-CDQ Forms list
QA212 Warning for fans
Mentioned forms
CDQ005 Technical card for Test
CDQ007 Test report for equipment
CDQ009 Plan for Quality Control
CDQ175 Card for project validation
CDQ….. Various test reports
The above mentioned forms aren’t physically attached to this document. Their use is minor to the verification of the updated editions, at the appropriate archives.
This document is steadily up-to-date
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Document SCP 001 Rev. 04
Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
This document describes the tests which must be done during the final test to verify the
conformity of the equipment to the prescriptions of the technical standard mentioned on paragraph
1.1 and the contractual technical prescriptions.
Besides the responsibilities, here are described the ways for the detection, collection,
documentation, estimation and filing of the results obtained.
European Standard CENELEC EN 60204-1, derived from the Publication IEC 6 0 204-1
and corresponding to the Italian Standard CEI 44-5
The above mentioned Standard is not made available to the personnel following the test but it can
be read in the firm's library; the Person in Charge for the Testing Room has available a copy of the
Standard IEC EN 60204-1. The contents of the above mentioned Standard are indicated in the
document and in other firm's documents suitably arranged for this purpose.
This specification is applied each time it is necessary to perform a final test or partial test, on an
electric equipment under an order.
In case of lack of other references you may use it even when it is necessary to try specific
products which are not configurable as equipment.
1.3. Exclusions
This specification does not show the criteria for the performance of the type tests on the electric
All products and equipment which are regulated by other specific and dedicated documents are
not included in the field of application of this specification unless it is explicitly mentioned. In any
case this document is to be considered each time the specific document of a product has poor
definition of specific tests.
The compartment charged of the execution of the final test is the Testing Room which operates
under the functional coordination of the Quality Dept. and under a close collaboration with the
Project Manager.
This specification may be applied to the whole personnel which, operating in the Testing Room,
performs the final tests, complete or partial, on the electric equipment to be ordered. The
organizative structure and the competence tasks of the Testing Room are described in the task
The project Manager must be available during all phases of the test, operating in these cases in
which there are non conformities, need of modifications, need of details explanations or information,
incompleteness of documentation ,test technique, etc.
The technicians charged for the development of the activity must be trained about:
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
As much as possible, the internal test must be an improvement for the personnel which shall
startup the equipment.
The general program of each single order shows the scheduling of the test activities be it in
terms of forecast engagement, be it in terms of beginning and end of activity.
This forecast must not be considered as a limitation and a liability for the correct performance of
the activities which must go on up to their achievement. Eventual functional test phases which do
not need an available test environment on the site may be performed later; however, these activities
must be previously planned in the general program and/or in the technical documentation through
specifications and/or technical data sheet of test (Mod. CDQ005).
No equipment may be sent before all forecast test activities have been achieved. If this occurs
either the Person in charge of the Testing Room issues a non conformity report which stops all
activities of forwardings and avoids the issuance of the statement of conformity made by the
Person in Charge for Quality. The analysis of non conformity and the indication of the correction
actions allows to go on with the execution of the order. The forwarding of an equipment when a Non
Conformity exists may be authorised only and solely by the issuance of a specific written order
made by the General Director or, in his absence,by the Quality Person in Charge. In any case the
tests not performed or partially performed must be rescheduled during the startup of the plant..
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
general routine tests, included the verifications about the conformity to the standard
EN 60204-1
measurements and electrical tests
functional tests
special tests
Where it is necessary a more punctual description of the single test, this document asks to check
the "Instruction of test or test" which shall contain in detail all information concerning the: ways of
execution, indication of equipment to be used, criteria of acceptance of the test.
The scope of the final test is to verify that the equipment being the object of Nidec ASI's supply
exactly corresponds to the requirements agreed during the contractual phase with the Customer.
This is made through a performance and functional verification of the equipment compared to what
is represented in the order's diagrams performed by the Technical Office..
Upon consideration of the fact that no equipment is identical and repetitive (because it is made
upon specific details of the Customer) the test procedures are the result of a mix between the
instructions supplied by the internal standards and by the documentation of product/order and the
experience and the specific know-how of the technicians forecast for the test.
All equipment which is not performed for purposes of research and development must undergo
the conformity verification which is mentioned in this specification, before leaving the firm.
In order to allow a functional realistic test the equipment must be, as much as possible, mounted
and connected as in the ordinary use; it is however admitted to test insulated parts if the other ones
do not compromise the result of the test or if they do not make impossible the performance. It is
clear that the test conditions is referred to the operation of the equipment in simulated conditions of
load (with graduality, according to the availability, from the empty operation to the overload
operation, because in most cases it is impossible to have available the machines in the Nidec ASI's
testing room.
During the test we develop measuring activities, exams, test and verification of various
characteristics (variable and attributes) of the equipment.
The instruments to be used in the final testing activities must belong to the category of "working
instrument" (according to the classification provided in the management system of the firm's
instruments; please see Quality Manual).
It is clear that in case there are verifications for which precision and exactness measures are
required, the technician performing the test must previously make available suitable instruments. In
any case, even though it is not forecast a specific precision of measurement, the technician forecast
for the tests must use himself any instrument which is suitable to ensure the reliability of the
measures developed and the necessary precision.
The verifications may be performed only with the instruments whose gap of calibration has not
already expired (on the instrument's label it is possible to detect the expiration date performed by
the person in charge for the instruments).
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
The standards to ensure the safety of the personnel forecast for the test of the equipment are
established in the firm's internal rules.
In general you must perform things so that the test zone is suitably surrounded and the access is
allowed only to the technicians charged for the check.
During the verifications and the tests you must take all precautions to guarantee safety of people
and to avoid damages to the equipment
Before starting the test, the Person in Charge for the Testing Room must make sure there is the
necessary documentation and in case it is absent, he must ask it again to the Project Manager..
All documents for the test must be delivered to the Testing Room in the updated version
complete with all modifications made during the construction of the panelboard and in any case
approved by the Project Manager. For the Test you must arrange a new copy of diagrams and then
transfer it to the Testing Room. The ways of management of the diagrams are described by the
procedure NA014.
The copy prepared for the test must show on the introduction (or in absence of it on the first
page) the seal with the writing "UT - APPROVED FOR THE TEST". This copy must be delivered to
the Person in Charge of the Testing Room in order to start the test.
A group of diagrams including at least diagrams and drawings must reach the Testing Room.:
Besides the wiring diagrams and the order drawings, you should deliver to the testing room at
least the following documents:
specification of plant, motor list, sensor list (or part of them), iv available and if
considered as necessary
functional specification of the equipment, if available
list of spare parts if there are components undergoing tests or calibrations
technical data sheet of test (mod. CDQ005)
plan for quality control if forecast (mod. CDQ009)
Whenever the above mentioned documents are approved but they lack, they may lead to a non
performance of the functional test.
In general only the wiring diagrams do not supply enough information for the correct performance
of a complete test; for this reason the Project Manager must arrange a document called "Technical
Test Table" TTP (or similar document) in which all lacking information is supplied and it is indicated
the interesting remarks for the tester. For the converters you may use the form CDQ005.
To the Test Room you must send also copies of the commercial documents received, i.e.:
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
Internal Order
Variables of Internal Order
If the test foresees the check of the software systems (PLC, PC, etc.) the Technical Office must
supply the following documents to:
The documents and the information mentioned above must be introduced in the "test document"
(green card) and then sent to the Person in Charge of the Test Room before the test is started.
All the documentation supplied to the Test Room must be updated (delivery of the last valid
review). If the Project Manager delivers to the testers various versions of a document. it is
necessary the presence of a copy of the documents' list of order or, eventually, an abstract. As a
replacement of the list we may consider as valid the information provided through the technical data
sheet of test, subject to the fact they allow to establish the configuration (review) of the
documentation to be used for the test.
This typology includes all those tests which must be performed on any electric equipment before
the functional tests and which generally do not change; only during the execution time, from order to
order. They are then greatly standardized tests about the execution, the instruments in use and the
judgment criteria. The tests of this type for our equipment are:
The verifications must be performed according to the specifications of the following paragraphs.
The main constructive reference is the "Standard Specification for the construction and the
assembly of electric equipment" STD003 and related enclosures.
The mechanical check must be performed with the equipment out of voltage
No measuring devices are needed.
You must verify the effectiveness of the anchoring feature of the main mechanical and
electromechanical elements.
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
In case of extractable power units (for ex. extractable switches) the mechanical verification must
be performed by executing the cycle from the position of connected to the position of disconnected
and return to the position of connected; it must also be verified the operation of the mechanisms of
block associated to these movements.
The check is considered as satisfactory if the conditions of operation of the equipment of block.
etc. do not compromise the functionality of the same and if the stress necessary for their operation
is included within normality.
The mentioned checks must be performed with the equipment out of voltage.
the routine checks are limited to a verification of a structural congruence between what is
represented on the dimensional drawing and what is really performed. The test foresees the
verification of the exact arrangement of the doors to access the equipment.
No special instruments are needed; just a common meter with precision of 5 mm.
On the basis of the overall drawings you must perform the dimensional check of the panelboard
and the check of the opening space of the doors.
Here are included all those verifications which allow to establish the good feature of the
construction and of the wiring and also the conformity of the equipment to the Standard EN 60204-
The controls may be 100 % or random according to the consolidated experience of the tester.
For these verifications it is not possible to establish exact plans of sampling because they are
devices absolutely non repetitive and extremely heterogeneous.
The mentioned checks must be performed with the equipment out of voltage.
Check the presence and exactness of labels and warning panels internal and external to the
panelboard. A specific drawing of the collection of diagrams indicates which panels are necessary.
In general on the equipment there must be the following types of panels:
The special devices (key selectors and microswitches) which allow, if started, to access the
panelboard still under voltage must be equipped with suitable warnings.
Visually check the markup and/or labeling of the components (measuring instruments, lamps,
protection devices, actuators, lock up devices, etc.) and of the components inside the panelboards
and on the support panel.
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Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
notice, in advance, any eventual incongruence respect to the network nominal voltage. For this
reason, in some of the inverter RCT test report is included a specific Declaration about the a.m.
checking (See side-figure).
Check the conformity of the protection measures against direct contacts. In detail you must verify
that all devices which have operation voltages, even temporary, greater than values of 25 V in AC
and 60 V in DC, are suitably protected through insulating barriers or metallic nets ground
All obstacles must have the generical warning of danger (yellow triangle with flash) and must
resist to mechanical stress (shocks) caused by human body when dropping (considering an average
All obstacles must prevent non intentional access to the part under voltage and then they must
be performed and conformed, if necessary, to protect various directions. The minimum degree of
protection required is IP2X or IPXXB for vertical obstacles and IP4X or IPXXD for those horizontal.
The protection must be guaranteed against accidental contacts and not against the intentional ones.
Check, on the basis of the dimensional drawings if the ventilation systems have been performed
as forecast (presence of fans and filters).
Check the correct assembly of the equipment, verifying that inside the panelboard, if not
specified in a different way, there is at least 5 % of space for subsequent modifications or additions.
All components must have an easy access for maintenance operations, except those for which
no intervention is provided. The components and devices which may be the object of a restore
activity, replacement or ordinary maintenance with the panelboard still power supplied, must be
located in compartments with an access through a door.
Verify the positioning (height) of the components compared to the referring level.
If an internal topographic lay-out drawing has been arranged, you must compare it with the real
arrangement of the components, by showing the differences.
Check that all forecast superficial and on air distances are observed according to document
IT046. IF there is any doubt about the real distance between the activated part and the inactivated
part you may use a thickness gauge or a caliper with a precision of a tenth of mm.
Check the presence of separating insulators and the interposition of insulating an hygroscopic
barriers in the points with a reduced insulation distance.
If the equipment contains extractable parts, you must verify that superficial and on air distances
are observed, be it in the position of connected, be it in the disconnected position.
Check the conformity of the positioning and the colour of actuators (pushbuttons, selectors,
commuters, etc.) and of the signaling devices located on panelboards and control desks. The
verifications must be made with reference to document IT041.
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
Check the conformity of colors, sections, type, identification, connection, paths and levels of
cables surrounding and, as much as possible, of other conductors being internal to the panelboard.
The prescriptions in this case are contained in various collection points of diagrams of the order
besides the general specification of assembly and wiring.
Check, through sampling:
the satisfying fixture of connections with special reference to those screwed up or bolted.
that the coefficient of filling up of raceways and internal panels to the panelboard does not
exceed, if it is not otherwise specified, 90 %
that there are, if it is not otherwise specified, at least a 10 % of free terminals
that the power conductors are separated from those of signal not screened
that the terminals, be it internal be it external are suitably and correctly identified
the suitability of the fixing and support systems of the conductors but mostly of the copper
the identification, through wire marker, of the insulated conductors
the identification of the circuits being not closable by the device of general separation of the
power supply orange coloured
the separation of the conductors being non closable from the device of general separation
of the power supply from all other conductors
Check the integrity of the external framing which makes up the protection sheathing of the
equipment. It must not have any shock.
Check that it is respected the protection degree indicated in the order's drawings. It is forecast
only a visual check taking as a reference the Standard EN 60529 (CEI 70-1).
Visually check that the marking and labeling of terminations of power circuits and high power
components (drives, etc..) is correct.
Verification should be done prior to feeding the large components to prevent dangerous
If provided in the test reports RCT, this verification shall be registered (see eg. for SPDM
Here are included all those tests which allow to establish, through measurement, the real
respondance of the equipment to the contractual prescriptions and to the standard EN 60204-1.
All the tests here below listed have an electric hazard because they are performed with
instruments generating energy or with the power supplied equipment.
As a rule these tests are performed on all circuits of the equipment.
If it is not specifically indicated, the instruments to be used are those indicated on previous
paragraph 2.2
All the tests and measurements must be certified on the test reports which shall be suitably
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
The test must be performed according to the instruction SCP040. The examination must be
performed first visually and then through measurement.
All the electric equipment must undergo this test. The test must be performed according to the
instruction SCP040.
All the electric equipment must undergo this test. The test must be performed according to the
instruction SCP040.
You must verify that the equipment is suitably protected against all dangers coming from the
presence of residual voltages at the moment of the closing of the power supply.
Any activated part which after the interruption of the power supply maintains a residual voltage
greater than 60 V must be discharged at no more than 60 V within 5 s after the interruption of the
power supply, taking care that this does not cause any interference to the operation of the
equipment. If this occurs you must verify that the activated part is suitably protected against direct
contacts and that, in a easy visible place or near the sheathing containing the capacitive
components, there is a warning which points out the danger showing thus the required delay before
accessing the components.
The components which have a stored charge lower or equal to 60 C must not be protected and
then undergo this test.
If the verification by word involves a measurement, it cannot be performed with a common
oscilloscope with memory function.
The functional tests of order are that group of individual tests which are made to verify the
functionality of all parts of the equipment with reference to the technical prescriptions and to the
projects' documentation.
Because of the extreme heterogeneity of the equipment and of the plants which must undergo
these tests, we did not deem as suitable to detail the single controls, but we wished to define the
criteria for the management of the verifications under specific aspects, more or less typical for the
firm's production
The functional verifications must concern as a whole the cycles of the equipment's command,
with a special care for the sequences which involve safety.
In case it does not exist a detailed and explicit specific of operation, the Technical Office must
clearly indicate on the technical test card (CDQ005) all those verifications and conditions of use
which are not directly deductible from the drawings. In the card the following is to be specified::
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
In general and if it is not differently specified the functional tests performable in the internal
Testing Room belong to the category called "on empty" or "reduced load" because it is not possible
to simulate the real conditions existing on the plant: however, each time it is possible, you must
simulate the real conditions of installation.
The media and systems of simulation may be:
When for a machine it is forecast a special motor you must, as much as possible, operate so that
the test is made with that motor.
In the technical test card you must describe all those tests which can be performed only in the
plant configuration which can be performed on the plant. The description, besides the list of the
tests, must indicate the ways of execution of the same, the settings, calibrations and necessary
The functional tests must be performed with the electric equipment supplied under the conditions
prescribed, by a network of suitable power. It is obvious that this last condition has a limit in the
maximum available power of the Testing Room. If you must test the equipment with maximum
power required check the possibility to use labs external to Nidec ASI.
Once the equipment is supplied you must check the correct cyclic direction of the phases
compared to the markup of the bars in the line input.
In a second phase you must check the voltages related to the auxiliary command circuits and
signaling and to those of electronic adjust. In a special way you must take car of the differences of
potential compared to the rated values of the panel and to the indications supplied on the sheet of
general information of the diagrams' collection.
It is not forecast the variation in percentage of the voltage of power supply from mains. Those
verifications may be made only on external labs.
For all feeders you must verify the suitability of the available power in a continuous operation
according to the real conditions of use.
In the field of the measurement of the voltages of internal power supply you must check that in all
circuits of the panelboard the voltage drop does not exceed 5 % of the rated voltage.
It must be verified the correct direction of air flow and where foreseen the presence of filters on
vent holes.
Special care must be paid to the noise of the fans. If too noisy, it must be verified the presence of
external bodies in the fans or the assembly may be out of axis. In case there are strong doubts
about the level of sound pressure of the cooling system, it is necessary to carry out a measurement
by phonometer.
If the wiring is wrong, it will be necessary fix it but also correct the identificationon wires and on
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If the fan have to be dismantled at the end of testing for transportation (for examples big fans on
the roof, is mandatory to apply on the front of cabinet the temporary warning label (QA212).
Figura 1
Where possible it must be setted all those devices of protection which have their own calibration
elements, in order to meet the selectivity criteria (protection against short circuits or overloads) or of
sensitivity (protection against indirect contacts i.e. detection of malfunctions on the ground and
differential currents). In detail we point out the attention on the devices which foresee a calibration
of the characteristic of thermal intervention (magnetothermic switches, thermal relays, thermal of the
device of general closing of the power supply, etc.).
The values of these settings or settings must be specified in the data sheet or test on the
drawings, if imposed by the project and the specifications, otherwise they will be managed directly
by the tester. If the setting value has not been shown in the diagrams or other documents, the
setting of the thermal effect devices should be set to the rated current of the load associated with
the device protection/monitoring, bringing it by the schemes or technical specifications; when it is
not possible to get the values, setting can be omitted and left to the phase of commissioning,
without the need for specific registrations 2 .
These protections may be made of: lamp luminous signaling, mechanical actuators, screen
signaling, electronic devices, etc. During the test phase you must try every single protection and
estimate the correct intervention within the times forecast.
The protections having the possibility of setting and calibration (as: delayed effect or
instantaneous, fixed or blinking signalling, choice of intervention chronology) must be set
according to the values indicated on the technical test card or according to the operation logic.
You must also check the correct feature of acoustic indications related to the functions they must
The commissioning is tipically considered the final part of testing and thus, in such phase, is a task of technicians on- site
verify once again all settings of protection devices according the loads really connected, independently by the factory
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
Because of the variety of project solutions which can be used, it is difficult to state the conditions
for a correct development of this check. The methods can be different according to each case and
the single references are provided by the technical plant specification and by the functional electric
schemes of the machine.
In this phase you must check the conformity of the equipment to the circuit diagrams of the
sequences, to the development of the required function.
All sequences must be verified.
Special attention must be paid in the check of the correct operation of the emergency stop. The
related sequences must be verified not only in the correctness of the events, but also in their
dependence from the time or other variables and in the levels and operating thresholds. If their is a
critical feature due to delays between the commands of the coils and the execution of the related
contacts (i.e. between relay and contactors of small and great size) you must study suitable systems
made to compensate them.
You must verify that the emergency stop has priority on any other command of machine and that
it cannot be excluded in any case. The emergency must not restore them automatically when
stopping the condition of danger but a voluntary manually action is needed.
It is also necessary to check that the sequence of emergency stop is in the category forecast in
the diagrams (according to the standard classification).
It is important to verify the correct identification of the emergency devices existing on the
machine (red mushroom pushbuttons with yellow background, yellow-red handle, etc.).
The electronic devices which are a part of the adjust circuits must be calibrated and customized
according to the needs of the machine. If some calibrations cannot be performed due to a lack of
machine configuration, we prefer that they are left in the same conditions in which they are, the
standard configuration which was set in the lab during their test.
When the electronic adjust needs calibrations, setting, customizations of circuits, etc., these must
be suitably documented and indicated on the test report. The same behavior must be made for
those devices multipurpose which are adaptable and modifiable.
The typical elements of calibration (trimmers, potentiometers, dip-switches, etc.) must be suitably
blocked to avoid possible manipulations or undesired de-calibrations. The varnish of some types of
sealing may be useful for this purpose.
This check concerns all power circuits as are those concerning the converters and the subgroups
of conversion and transformation of the energy.
If these require calibrations and synchronizations or involve exchanges of energy with other
equipment or components (i.e. rephasing systems) you must verify that these operations are
performed according to logics which do not compromise the correct operation of the machine.
You must examine all reference signals and of enabling concerning characteristics as: stability,
power (ability to be loaded), range of variability, compatibility with other systems, precision, etc..
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You must examine the compatibility between the signals of input and the electronic circuits used
in the equipment; for the signal sin output you must verify the compatibility with the devices that they
You must verify that all output signals have a suitable power to the real needs. To this purpose
you must consider elements as distances between sources and users, impedances, section of
cables, possibility of small variations in the characteristics of users, interferences along paths, etc.
For the signal converters (analog/(digital, current/voltage and viceversa) you must verify the
linearity and proportionality between input and output or in any case the conformity of the transfer
Each signal of control and of the electronic regulation must be usable in the field of the variability
forecast for it.
All signals and in a special way those of references must have in general a precision of mV (an y
different precision is specified in the test documents).You must pay attention that the controls are
performed with instruments of a sufficient class.
The sequence of enablings of electronic type where there is a critic feature of times, must be
suitably checked and eventually adapted keeping in mind the compatibility with the
electromechanical sequences of relays, magnetic switches, etc..
If the calibration of a drive cannot be made with a motor having characteristics equal to those for
which it has been forecast the converter, you may use calibration methods being indirect, provided
they provide the required.
For all measurement instruments existing in the electric panelboard included those which are
supplied separately, you must verify the linearity and the precision of the indication provided
compared to the characteristics stated. The check must be performed in at least three points (10,
50, 100 %) of the field, notwithstanding the type of scale (linear, square, etc.).
Before starting the check you must set to zero the instrument's indication.
By software subsystems we mean determinated parts of the equipment with reference to the
programmable logics (PLC) and parts of the supervision systems.
Due to the fact that the software of a programmable logic may be more or less complex, it seems
difficult to define the type and extension of functional checks to be performed. You must verify that
the architecture of the software system meets the requirement specified and that it is suitable to
provide the necessary performances.
With the help of the functional specification of the plant, of the documents of software
architecture and the support of at least a list of program with comments, you may find out the ways
for ht execution of the functional control.
The software designer must be available during the operations to provide technical support to the
As much as possible, in the plants managed by programmable logics you must test all
inputs/outputs up to the terminal board; it is not enough to perform only the check of the luminous
indicators (led) which are on the units.
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
You must also make sure the presence and suitability of the protection devices (miniature fuses)
on the outputs of source type towards the field.
A specific control is to be made on feeders so that they are not overloaded under real conditions
of operation. When on the feeders you must install anti-interference filters or against electric
discharges, you must verify that these really exist.
In the plc you must always verify the effectiveness of the buffer battery.
In case it is not possible to perform an output through sequences, it must be forced through a
PLC. This is valid for any type of output, be it digital or analog. In a special way for those analog,
you must check the proportionality between the digital value which is set and the analog one which
is read.
When there are units of quick count you must verify the exactness of the arrangement of the unit,
be it as a physical wiring be it as a software setting. With the help of a frequency generator you
must check the effective functionality.
In those cases in which the subsystem interacts with the electronic adjust you must examine the
system of data exchange (bus) and the compatibility between the signals of the two systems.
When the subsystem is complex and it foresees the use in various stations in link or remoted,
you must assign, in the test phase, the number of station and perform the setting of the
communication units. Then, with the help of temporary connections and after assigning well defined
areas of memory in the programs, you must proceed with the check of the transmission and
reception of data. The documents defined as "hardware and software architectures” must be used
for this type of verification.
If the programmable logics are controlled and piloted by a system of supervision which can be
managed from the screen, you must check the functionality of the screen pages and the correct
address of data contained in those pages.
Special attention must be made in the check of the firmware contents and the correct
identification located on the memory devices (RAM and EPROM) in which it is located.
Eventual modifications performed on the software on board of the PLC, besides being managed
in a formal way (non conformity and/or requests of modification) must provide a markup of the list
which, at the end of the operations, together with a copy of the program installed must be delivered
to the Project Manager. This last one shall issue the new version and shall file be it the copy of the
software, be it the list with comments in the suitable archive.
This typology includes all those tests which must be performed on the electric equipment only if it
id required during the contractual phase..
Also in this case they are standardized tests in the execution modality, in the instruments in use,
and in the judgment criteria. The tests of this type forecast for our equipment are::
check of painting
estimation of acoustic noise level
The mentioned checks must be performed with the equipment out of voltage.
The purpose of this test is to verify the conformity of the paint of the sheathing to the specification
of references which, if it is not specified in other ways in the technical test card, is the standard one.
The test is not an acceptance test and therefore it must be performed upon explicit request.
The measurement must be performed according to the instructions supplied by the document
You must visually verify that the colour is conform to that specified on the first page of the
mechanical drawings; only in case there are no doubts about the shade you must perform a
verification through a colour pattern book RAL.
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
The sheathings must be furthermore inspected to the purpose of avoiding eventual scratches or
other non uniformities of the cover.
For the certification of this verification you must use a suitable measurement report (see
enclosure A).
The measures must be performed with the equipment normally supplied under conditions of load
as near as possible to the rated load.
The purpose of this test is to estimate the conformity to the maximum level of acoustic pressure
issued by the equipment compared to the values established by the agreement. The test is not an
acceptance test and then it must be performed upon explicit application.
The test must be performed with the firm's phonometer.
All tests which did not produce positive results or in general conform to the requests forecast for
them must be with no doubt repeated after eliminating the causes of non conformity with actions of
repairing or replacement.
Unless there is a contrary indication the test must be repeated with the same ways and
procedures previously used.
The resolution of non conformity may require an important modification of the equipment and a
modification of the related documentation. The observance of the path forecast for the management
of the requests of modification according to the instructions of the Quality Manual guarantees the
involvement of the Project Manager which must provide his approval to any correction action which
is not simple.
The testers may perform autonomously, by observing the provisions of document NA014, direct
modifications on the copy "SPC - MASTER COPY". These modifications are to be made with a
mark-up. At the end of the test the diagrams in use must be delivered to the Person in Charge of the
Testing Room who, declaring achieved the tests, (and the arrangement of the panelboards) delivers
them back to the Project Manager. To this last one you must deliver only and exclusively the above
mentioned copy; it is the task of the technicians in charge for the test to perform all modifications on
this copy.
The modifications performed on electronic circuits (even though they are important are not) must
be formally managed through the Project Manager and must be clearly identified.
During the test the technicians detect the defects of the products under test and record it in the
suitable forms according to the rules indicated on Quality Manual.
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Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
Any type of spare parts forecast for the order and delivered together with the equipment must
undergo the test.
From the verification are excluded the power semiconductors, the subgroups to transform the
energy, the hardware of the PLC and the electronic circuits which do not need customizations.
All calibrations performed on the spare parts, besides being equal to those performed on
mounted subgroups, must be suitably blocked to prevent manipulation or decalibration.
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Document SCP 001 Rev. 03
Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
If it explicitly requested, it is forecast the possibility that the customer directly takes part to the
phases of final test. In this case it is processed a Plan for Quality Control (PCQ, form CDQ009).
What is here below described must be made each time it is required the test of an equipment of
Nidec ASI at the presence of the Customer or of an inspector of a third party charged by him.
At least thirty days before the date forecast for the delivery of the equipment the following must be
defined with the customer:
routine checks
special tests to be performed in his presence (i.e. the type test).
the management of the documentation of the order
the typology of the documents required during and at the end of the test
the language in which these documents must be issued
The verifications under a routinary character must then be chosen among those forecast in this
specification of test. In those cases in which special tests are required before confirming them you
must verify their possibility of performance in terms of time, charges, equipment and instrument at
the Person in charge of the testing room.
A complete final test which can give the guarantee of the functionality of the equipment under test is
that described in the standard plan of quality control PCQ00050; it is clear that in case you wish to
use it, you must customize it 3 .
The calling must be made by writing (fax or e-mail) by the Project Manager at least one week before
the presumed date of the test (or more if the Customer must call the inspectors). In it the following
must appear: data identification of the equipment, (number of order, item, etc.), the time forecast for
the performance of all tests, a synthetic description of the equipment, the date in which the Nidec
ASI's testing room is available. In the calling you must clearly specify that Nidec ASI shall start the
test activities in the specified date.
After the calling the Project Manager must contact the Customer to know the name and function of
each person which shall be present at the test, the exact date of their arrival, and also obtain a
confirmation of what was previously agreed about the tests to be performed. These news must be
required to the Customer by writing (confirmation fax); a copy of the reply shall be delivered to the
Person n charge of the Testing Room.
In the Plan for Quality Control it must be listed: the equipment ID, the type of test and/or
inspection which shall be performed, the documents of reference which can be applied, the
interventions of the parts the id. of the documents which come out from the test. This document,
before its issuance, must be agreed with the Quality Dept. or with the Person in charge of the
Testing Room
Only when the control and approval are achieved, it can be viewed by the customer for the final
approval. The Customer's approval is the compulsory element of the test made with his presence;
the absence of a formal acceptance of the plan may prevent the evolution of the test
(misunderstandings, doubts about the possibility of application of standards and documents, delays
in the test for further definitions. etc.).
The standard PCQ are quoted in index.
The extended version of the Quality Control Plan is covered by PCQ00065
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Document SCP 001 Rev. 03
Industrial Systems & Automation
Montebello Vicentino - ITALY
20B Typology
At the end of the testing activities the following documents shall be available as a certification of
the tests performed.:
a final test report, called RDC (form CDQ007) for each equipment means: panelboard,
control desk, command box) which shall indicate every verification activity and if forecast
the values of test or measure.
one or more test and calibration reports, called RCT, in which all indication concerning
calibration, customization shall be supplied, together with the version of the converters and
circuits existing in the equipment
one or more special test reports related to non routine verification (when and if required)
The technician which has performed the test shall write down the calibrations and tests on the
forms suitably arranged for the various typologies of equipment and products by choosing among
the forms available. In enclosure A it is available an updated list of the usable test reports.
The test reports must be classified with a progressive number and their issuance shall be written
down on suitable registers (ED RCT and ED RDC).
The complete reports of the necessary anagraphical indications may be in two languages Italian-
English) or in the language required by the Purchaser.
If at the moment of drawing up the test report there are still abnormal situations (e.g. lack of
components, part of the test not performed by lack of means and delayed at the site, required
modification but to be performed on the site), according to the cases one must:
issue a remark of non conformity which shall be solved in the site or on the plant
issue or enclose the request of modification
The Person in charge for Quality shall not sign the Statement of Conformity related to the supply
until all non conformities are solved together with the request of modification.
21B Distribution of the documents
At least three copies must be distributed as follows, for each test report:
original document to be filed in the suitable files kept by the Person in charge of the Testing
a copy to be introduced in a suitable envelop inside the equipment
a copy to be left inside the test file (green card) for assistance purposes
a copy to be delivered to the Quality Dept. and then to the Project Manager.
2B Validation of the project
The issuance of the test reports means that the first phase of the project's validation developed
for the order examined has been achieved.
Formally this certification is made through the issuance made by the person in charge of the
testing room of the validation card VAL (form CDQ175).
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