Final 1-6 PDF
Final 1-6 PDF
Final 1-6 PDF
Chapter 1
Project Description
is the products name. Cupinocake is more concentrated in Cucumber fruit and flour. Our
product aims to satisfy the need of most Senior High School Students by, promoting them
our proposed product. This product is purely made of a natural cucumber fruit.
This chapter contains and discusses some vital data, facts and other related
information pertaining to our study on the viability of this “Cupinocake” or what usually
The group believes that this product has a huge potential of availability if it is
properly introduced in the market. We are indeed, very confident that this healthy food snack
will have a good impact to those people who doesn’t eat purely cucumber.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 2
Purpose of the Feasibility Study
The purpose of this feasibility study is to create a nutritious and healthy food
snack that will surely love and change the mindset of everyone. Also, the researchers want
the students of Liceo de Cagayan University Main Campus to taste the uniqueness of the
proposed product. This particular business study will promote awareness on how healthy and
food preferences is highly increasing. People nowadays, are very picky when it comes to
food preferences. The social environment in which we live changes daily; that is why the
should be wise enough on making a good decision that will help a product to grow, with this
it needs innovation. Innovating a product is not easy especially in discovering and making a
product but, with the help of innovation and perseverance, you’ll create something new.
taste of an ordinary cupcake. It is a product with dedication to pursue the best of what we can
give to our customers. This product offers something that the customers will look up to, and
above all we engaged to this kind of business to earn and get a profit so that it will continue
to exist.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 3
Cupinocake is known as a nutritious fruit, for it carries a lot of good benefits that
needs to our body. According to Dr. Liezl Marinay Atienza (2016), a registered nutritionist
and dietician, she argued that in Asia alone, three out of four people do not eat the prescribed
amount of fruits and vegetables. In the Philippines she said that most Filipinos are held back
from eating vegetables and fruits because of several reasons. She also cited a recent survey
by Monitor International where in Asia, among the reasons cited for low consumption of
fruits and vegetables is urban migration. However, as the researchers gather their survey it
results that many people here in the university doesn’t want to eat purely cucumber. As a
result, for this data, the researchers proposed a product which is entitled Cupinocake. The
main Ingredient of this product is cucumber fruit. The Limitation of this study will be at
Liceo de Cagayan University and the target customers are the Senior High School Student.
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Chapter 2
2.1 Age
2.2 Gender/Sex
a. Generate income/loss
a. Technical Feasibility
b. Financial feasibility
Chapter 3
implementation phase. This chapter discusses the process used in gathering pertinent
information needed. The methodology employed in this research includes details on the
research setting, research design, research respondents, sampling procedure and other
relevant procedures.
Research Setting
The researchers will conduct the study at Liceo De Cagayan University (Main
Campus), Rodolfo N. Pelaez Blvd., Kauswagan Road., Cagayan De Oro City. The students
represent the target market. The target market comprises students from the specific strands
which are the ABM , STEM , HUMSS and ICT 1&2 Strand.
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Research Design
The researcher used the descriptive research design. The researchers conducted the
survey at Liceo de Cagayan University by providing a survey check list questionnaire to the
project the outcome of their chosen product. Moreover, the researchers conducted an
interviews with the sellers of the related business located in the campus, who were said to be
the competitors of the proposed project study determine the basic wants and of the customer
and also to know what to enhance the products to meet the wants of the customer by
providing check list. the researcher can also project what the possible outcome of the product
In this study, the respondents were chosen randomly from the target market, Liceo de
Cagayan University Main Campus, Cagayan de Oro City. The researchers will randomly pick
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 7
five (5) grade twelve (12) students per section from the target strand which are the ABM,
For the sample size, the researchers assumed one hundred nine (109) respondents for
the study. The respondents were given at least fifteen (15) minutes time to answer and assess
the questions. After the survey, the questionnaires will be collected, and the results will be
Research Instrument
The researchers aimed to identify the market factors, both quantitative and qualitative
that can affect the feasibility and profitability of the product offered and to determine the
preference and willingness of the respondents to purchase and promote the product.
The researchers made the survey questionnaires to gather data of the study. the questionnaire
contains questions regarding the respondents ‘daily allowance, how much they spend to their
snacks, personal preference, knowledge about the Cupinocake and the amount they willing to
spend the product. The results will be tabulated and analyzed using statistical approach.
The researchers will conduct the survey in a manner that would not disturb the
welfare of the respondents and will not violate any rights, particularly about privacy. The
researchers will act professionally during the actual survey procedure. Before the activity, the
researchers sought permission first from the principal of Main Campus and the Vice
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President for Research Publication and Extension. Before giving out the survey
questionnaires, the respondents will be asked for their consent and willingness to be part of
the study. The researchers will be going to give a brief background orientation about the
product. Upon completion, the researchers will collect the survey questionnaires and assured
the respondents that the data collected will be treated with utmost confidentiality. At the end
of the survey, the researchers will be going to express their gratitude to their respondents for
The researchers gathered the needed data after the distribution of the Survey
questionnaires to the respondents. The students were randomly chosen from the different
strands which are the ABM, STEM , HUMSS and ICT 1&2 Strand of the university without
any bias as to who shall make their comments and suggestions for the improvement of the
Statistical Technique
The researchers tallied every result of every questions with the total respondents who
answer their preferred choice. To come up with the percentage, the researchers used the
slovin’s formula in order to come up with the total number of respondents in each strand.
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Chapter 4
A.Market Feasibility
The market study is for a business to attract the market. The business must have its
marketing program which is coordinated and well-designed set of activities to achieve the
marketing objectives. Market study is one of the essential parts of determining the success
and downfall of a business. With this, the business will be able to make a plan on
maximizing the profit while lowering the cost but not comprising the quality of the goods
Marketing is about identifying and meeting human and social needs. In short, marketing is
meeting the needs of profitability. However, it is not only about selling. The aim of
Product Description
the products name. Cupinocake is more concentrated in Cucumber fruit and Flour. The
product aims to satisfy the needs of most Senior High School students, by promoting them
This product is purely made of a natural cucumber fruit that has a lot of benefits into
our body. One of the health benefits that we can get through cucumber fruit is that, according
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 10
to Rachael Link, MS, RD in 2017 Cucumbers are low in calories but high in water and
several important vitamins and minerals. Eating cucumbers with the peel provides the
maximum amount of nutrients. The unique characteristic of this product is that its flavor,
This business will be located at Liceo de Cagayan University (main campus). The
Senior High School students of the University will be the main target.
•The pictures at the center of the logo is a cupcake, which is the main product.
•The colored green cupcake represents the color of our main ingredients, which is the
•The white color background at the center of the logo represents the cleanliness in
Demand Analysis
Demand refers to the number of goods and services that consumers are willing and
able to buy at alternative prices. The price decreases when the quantity supplied exceeds
quantity demanded. however, when the quantity supplied is lesser than the quantity
demanded the price will increase. The law of demand states that other factors being constant,
price and quantity demand of any goods and service are inversely related to each other.
Supply Analysis
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Supply refers to the economic concept that mean to know the total specific goods or
services will goes flow. Cupinocake tend to capture its market and obtain a competitive edge
over the rest. Suppliers and the business Cupinocake must have good relationship to improve
the quality of goods as well as the product itself. Suppliers must also provide safe and good
quality of ingredients, supply also base in the data has been use to the researcher conducted.
In terms of financial markets, supply and demand determine the pricing of stocks
and other securities. The questionnaire represents the demand of supply all data represent the
demanded supply analysis. Supply and demand explain the interaction between the supply of
Price Study
The Price is the value that will purchase a finite quantity, weight or another measure of
goods and services. The researchers determined the price of Cupinocake based on the results
of the survey questionnaires where in the respondents answered which price range are, they
prefer to buy the cupcake. The results show that the respondents prefer to purchase
Cupinocake at a lower price. The majority of the Senior High School of Liceo de Cagayan
University have chosen the price 10 pesos each for the Cupinocake.
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Part. I
Q1. Age
F % F % F % F %
Less than 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
More than 4 3.7% 4 3.7% 4 3.7% 1 0.9%
16-18 28 25.7% 24 22.0% 27 24.8% 17 15.6%
Table 1
Q2. Gender
F % F % F % F %
Table 2
Part. II
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Q1: How much would you typically spend on snack per day?
Table 3
Figure 3
Figure 3 is the graphical representation of the daily expense of the respondents on their
snack. The color red represents 46 respondents who spend on their snack 10 to 30. The color
green represents 43 respondents who spend on their snack 30 to 50. The color blue represents
20 respondents who spend on their snack 50 to 80. With the total number of 109 respondents.
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Q2. How much is your daily allowance?
Table 4
Daily Allowance
Figure 4
Figure 4 is the graphical representation of the respondent’s daily allowance. The color red
represents 30 respondents who has a daily allowance of 30 to 50. The color green represents
58 respondents who has a daily allowance of 60 to 100. The color blue represents 21
respondents who has a daily allowance of beyond 100. With the total number of 109
F % F % F % F %
Everyday 4 3.7% 1 09% 4 3.7% 0 0%
Table 5
Number of respondents on how often they eat Cucumber
Figure 5
Figure 5 is the graphical representation of how often they eat cupcake. The color red
represents the 9 respondents who says every day. The color green represents 25 respondents
who says sometimes. The color blue represents 75 respondents who says never. With the
total number of 109 respondents.
Q4. How often do you eat snacks like sweets, biscuits or ice-cream?
Table 6
Figure 6
Figure 6 is the graphical representation of how often they eat snacks. The color red
represents the 56 respondents who says every day. The color green represents 52 respondents
who says 1 to 2 times a week. The color blue represents 1 respondent who says never. With
the total number of 109 respondents.
F % F % F % F %
Table 7
Figure 7
Figure 7 is the graphical representation of how often they buy cupcake. The color red
represents the 11 respondents who says very often. The color green represents 22 respondents
who says moderately often. The color blue represents 76 respondents who says slightly often.
With the total number of 109 respondents.
F % F % F % F %
Table 8
Figure 8
Figure 8 is the graphical representation of what topping they would like to put in the
cupcake. The color red represents the 62 respondents who says sprinkles. The color blue
represents 47 respondents who says small marshmallow. With the total number of 109
F % F % F % F %
Table 9
Figure 9
Figure 9 is the graphical representation of when was the last time they eat cupcake. The
color red represents the 57 respondents who says within the last time. The color blue
represents 9 respondents who says last day. The color green represents the 47 respondents.
With the total number of 109 respondents.
F % F % F % F %
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 21
Normal 9 8.2% 11 10.0% 10 9.2% 5 4.5%
Fruit 20 18.3% 20 18.3% 24 22.0% 5 4.5%
Vegetables 0 0% 4 3.7% 1 0.9% 0 0%
Table 10
Flavor Preference
Figure 10 is the graphical representation of what are their favorite cupcake flavor. The
color red represents the 35 respondents who says normal cupcake flavor. The color blue
represents 69 respondents who says fruit flavor cupcake. The color green represents the 5
respondents who says vegetables cupcake flavor. With the total number of 109.
Q9. Are you willing to buy our product (Cucumis sativus cupcake)?
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 22
F % F % F % F %
Table 11
Figure 11
Figure 11 is the graphical representation of how are they willing to buy the product. The
color red represents the 83 respondents who said yes. The color blue represents 26
respondents who said no. With the total number of 109 respondents.
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Table 12. Shows the Consolidation of the supply and demand of Cupinocake. The
estimated supply per school year is subtracted from the estimated total demand to get the gap
or difference.
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Table 13 shows the future demand analysis of the Cupinocake. It displays that the future
Future Demand
2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
Table 14 shows the future supply of the Cupinocake. It displays that the future supply is
Future Supply
2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
procedures, social relations and infrastructure, where by parties engage in exchange. There
are two participants in the market these are buyers and seller that affected by demand and
supply. It is very essential in every business organization to know the factors influencing the
change in demand and supply of goods in the market. These factors are the following;
needed. Advertising can also increase visibility within your industry, helping you attract
partners that can expand your business. Indirectly, advertising helps you grow word of mouth
referrals. The newer customers you gain through advertising, the more word of mouth those
customers in turn will share with others. Marketing includes all of the upfront product
development, pricing and distribution strategies you need to create, with advertising,
promotions and public relations using that information to effectively communicate messages
to consumers. To create good marketing and promotion techniques. Good advertising and
promotion will uplift the business into a Good Management that will business in compass
B. Unavailability
In a field of business there are times that the raw materials that the researchers need,
there is unavailability on it. Specially to our product which is Cupinocake sometimes our
main ingredients is not available in the market.
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C. Price and Availability of Related
The price and the availability of the related goods is one of the other factors affecting
demand. Related goods are classified as either substitutes or compliments. An increase in
price will be conducted if the related goods are available because of the suggested retail
prices. The product that will be produced will have the total taste factors that will make the
consumers approve.
D. Preferences
This paper research aimed to evaluate the role of additives in food production and to
identify how these additives are known to know. The questionnaire technique was used, the
research involved 109 respondents. It was found that the respondents are known about
Cupcake that would prefer to the future buyers. Analysis depended on the age and strand
E. Competition
Understanding the competitive or competition landscape is a market research must
that can provide information to startups. Competitor analysis can provide a great template for
business success, doing what has worked well for other companies and avoiding what has not
is a good place to start. A few questions can help you define your approach to this:
• What kind of reviews do they have online from customers and employees?
• Given all the above, what do their strengths and weaknesses seem to be?
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 30
This question will help you define your approach to this. In addition, competitive or
competition is an essential tactic for finding out what your competitors are doing and what
Marketing Strategies
In order for a business to attract the target market, the business must have its
Here are the four P’s of marketing objectives, making a business feasible and
Cupinocake is freshly made and nutritious because of the fresh cucumber that the
researchers mix. Cupinocake aims to provide nutritious cupcake to every consumer. This
A one piece of Cupinocake cost only 10 pesos. With that price, customers can get all
the health benefits and nutrients from the fruit we mix which is the cucumber.
With a small stall, Cupinocake will be available at the SAC and NAC canteen of
Liceo de Cagayan University, in which the students spend their most time.
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To make things more exciting, Cupinocake plans on giving promos by creating a Web
page on Social Media social that many or the teenager can avail in the product and they can
grab promos easily. In this case not only teenager/student can avail in the promo but also
those people who is surfing or using social media now a day. Cupinocake product is for all,
for those who love fruit flavors cupcake. The research created a flyer to distribute in different
areas. The research also provides buy 4 get 1 to convince the buyers to buy not only one but
more products, using this kind of promotion can have sold products easily. Also, the sellers
of the product must have good communication, relationship to the buyers and have a strategy
Technical Feasibility
to the resources needed. Discovery these kind of issues in the planning stage of the business
is more cost-efficient compares in the actual operation. Since, lesser cost will be incurred. In
this chapter, the feasibility of the proposed project technical and operational will be focusing
with the availability of different factors such and such raw materials, equipment, labor,
technology, logistics, location and other necessary resources, will discuss here. The
production process of the product, from the raw materials to the actual product will be
explained in this chapter. It will provide details of the development of the project and the
Production Process
½ kl All-purpose flour
4 eggs
3 eggs
Step3: Put the cut cucumber to blender. Blend until the cucumber will form into
Step4: In a big bowl mix first the following ingredient’s which are the
Step5: In another bowl mix the sugar, Dairy cream, condense milk and eggs.
Step6: After mixing the sugar, dairy cream, condense milk and eggs
Step7: After mixing add the blended cucumber and mix it well.
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Step8: After mixing all you can already put it into a cupcake container
Step10: Prepare the icing ingredient’s which are the very cold
Step12: After mixing the following add the 1tbsp blended cucumber
put it to a cooling rock, wait for a while until the cupcake will slightly cold.
Step15: SERVE
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 35
In preparing the Cupinocake, the following equipment and utensils are needed.
1.Blender - Cupinocake shop, blender is a must. It is important to buy the best type of
blender that is durable and heavy duty to be able to survive the whole day strain continuously
using etc. Blender is a must in making this food product for this is the one who rive an
3.Oven - It is used to cooked the product. Oven is a thermally insulted chamber used for the
heating, baking, or drying of a substance, and most commonly used for cooking.
5.Chopping board- it is a board which you can cut or slice anything like foods.
6.Measuring Cups - used primarily to measure the volume of liquid or bulk solid cooking
when cooking.
9.Mixing bowl- used for combining or mixing food ingredients when preparing recipes.
10.Cupcake container- used to showcase your work and enhance it. It helps to carry and
Structure layout
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Plant location
Are the resources used by a company to provide its finish products. It is also the vital
necessities of the business that sells food products. Fresh and high-quality ingredient much
better used to ensure a quality product. The ingredients of Cupinocake are the following.
1.Cucumber Fruit
The cucumber fruit is the main ingredients for making the food products the
Cupinocake. It contains many nutrients and it provides a various health benefits that are good
to our body. This, fruit is not yet popular to be known as one of the main ingredients of the
product. However, the fruit is widely known as good for our skin.
2.All-purpose flour
Is a general use while flour. It is also known as a refined flour or simply this is made
from wheat grains after removing the brown covering. It is commonly used in baking, pies,
Is a dairy product with high butterfat content which oak solid when chilled and at room
temperature in some region, and liquid when it becomes warned. It is generally used as a
4.Condensed milk
Condensed milk is a cow milk from which water has been removed it is commonly
5.Baking powder
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 39
Is a dry chemical leavening agent, a mixture of a carbonate or bicarbonate and a weak
acid. Baking powder is used to increase the volume of lighten the texture of the baked goods.
6.Baking Soda
oven and helps cupcakes, cakes and other baked goods rise. Because
Play an important role in everything from cakes and cookies to meringues and pastry
cream, they create structure and stability within a batter, they help thicken and emulsify
sauces and custards, they add moisture to cakes and other baked goods, and can even act as
glue or glaze.
8.White sugar
Acts as a natural preservative that inhibits the growth of bacteria, mold and yeast in a
Waste disposal is another factor that must be considered in a food business. The waste
materials are those remains and left-over foods, and those wastes for the preparation of the
food. The left-over food will be directly disposed through the garbage can, and this will be
done every day to maintain cleanliness. Also, we adopt the segregation of the biodegradable
from the non-biodegradable wastes. Thus, the waste disposals are only minimal and at the
Labor Requirements
This business contents labor, electricity, water bill, and rent. Moreover, the business
or the researcher can market in both private and public institutions, in addition the business
or researchers can also market both inside and outside in any company or even in outside.
Since the research conducted here in liceo de Cagayan University the researchers provide a
questionnaire in every section to get more information for better results to the product,
services and for the goods and wants of the customers. The business has cashier and service
craw or cashier only the staff will undergo both training and orientation to improve the
knowledge and skills for better improvement to the business, product and simply to treat and
value the customer or buyers in a proper way. Also, the staff will undergo more orientation
by promoting cleanliness like sanitizing the utensils, equipment and also the staff proper
hygiene. Since the business in kiosk type the business provides friendly staff to meet the
customer’s satisfaction.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 41
Financial feasibility is a study on how much is the startup capital needed for a
business. Its main goal is to identify whether to pursue or not this kind of business venture.
Financial feasibility will show if the product being proposed will provide a benefit in both
seller and buyer or will result in getting a profit. One of the essential factors that will
determine if the said product being proposed is to pursue or not is to conduct a Feasibility
Study. In this way, you will know if it provides the best outcome. Therefore, if the said
business is favorable then the researchers will be pursuing the said business, since one the
unfavorable then it will result in decreasing or worst it may lead into bankruptcy, then the
There are three (3) types of Financial Statement. The first one is the Balance Sheet in this
statement it will show the assets, liabilities and the capital of a business. The second one is
the Income Statement in this statement it will show the company’s revenues and expenses
used during a particular period. The third one is the cash flow, this statement will show the
inflows and the outflows of the money in a particular company, with the help of these three
(3) types of statement it will show the company’s progress in the long period.
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Through conducting financial feasibility, this will help to determine the
effectiveness of a certain product and will also help to determine if the proposed product will
work in the long run. Also, it will help to recognize financial risk that may come in the near
Direct Materials Measurements Cost Quantity per Unit Cost per Unit Quantity per Unit Cost per
Rent 60,000
Water 6,000
Electricity 9,000
Dep. Oven 1,000
Dep. Ref. 1,500
TOTAL Factory Overhead 86,500
Divided by: Projected Sales 110,000
Factory Rented per Unit ₱0.78 0.78
Total Product Cost Per Unit 6.25
Mark-Up 3.75
Selling Price per Unit ₱10.00
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2020 15,360 ₱10.00 ₱153,600.00
2021 16,128 ₱11.00 ₱177,408.00
2022 16,934 ₱12.00 ₱203,208.00
2023 17,780 ₱13.00 ₱231,140.00
2024 18,669 ₱14.00 ₱261,366.00
INCOME TAX PAYABLE 23,720.00 32,254.00 44,246.00 59,239.80 67,467.00
PARTNER'S CAPITAL 124,216.00 125,373.00 123,032.00 116,837.20 120,495.00
PARTNER'S EQUITY ₱147,936.00 ₱157,627.00 ₱167,278.00 ₱176,077.00 ₱187,962.00
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2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
NET INCOME 16,604.00 22,577.80 30,972.20 41,467.86 47,226.90
PARTNER'S EQUITY 124,216.00 125,373.00 123,032.00 116,837.20 120,495.00
RETURN ON INVESTMENT 7.48 5.56 3.97 2.82 2.55
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2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
CASH IN BANK ₱140,000 ₱150,000 ₱160,000 ₱170,000 ₱180,000
PETTY CASH FUND ₱5,000.00 ₱5,000.00 ₱5,000.00 ₱5,000.00 ₱5,000.00
TOTAL:CASH ₱145,000.00 ₱155,000.00 ₱165,000.00 ₱175,000.00 ₱185,000.00
OVEN 1000.00 10yrs 200 200 100 100 100 100 100
ELECTRIC MIXER 850.00 9yrs 213 170 94 94 94 94 94
BLENDER 1000.00 10yrs 200 200 100 100 100 100 100
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2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
NO. OF UNIT SOLD 12,000 12,600 13,230 13,891 14,585
SELLING PRICE ₱10.00 ₱11.00 ₱12.00 ₱13.00 ₱14.00
TOTAL REVENUE: ₱120,000.00 ₱138,600.00 ₱158,760.00 ₱180,583.00 ₱204,190.00
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
SALARIES 28,500 29,925 31,421 32,992 34,641
TAXES & LICENSES 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
OFFICE SUPPLIES 380 365 310 403 406
MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000
PRE-OPERATING EXPENSE. 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
TOTAL: 31,880 33,790 35,731 37,895 40,047
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Socio-economic Feasibility
location of a given project that are economically justify from an environment or in social
perspective. It is design to evaluate the project that are possible in Operation, finance and
management. Moreover, the Socio-Economic Feasibility are the bases of what the project
will going in a good finance, operation, Management and also Investment of the business or
about the types of business. The Cupcake ingredients are basic that you can buy in any
market as long as the market are safe and clean, ingredients are eggs, cucumber fruit, flour,
butter, condense milk, baking powder, baking soda, white sugar. These are the basic
ingredients of the cupcakes. This product will provide health benefits to the customers and it
also contains vitamins, proteins, and minerals that are beneficial to the body. Having a
healthy lifestyle is a way of improving the social and economic aspects of life.
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Socio-economic Chart
Improvement of Improves the life of
Community Project an Individual
Supplies of Individual
Commoditie Local National Business
Government Government Income Income
Payment of Creation of
Production Process
Government Taxes Employment
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Organization and Management Study
Having a business today means a lot to a business owner. Business owners today
must be wise in organizing and managing their own businesses so that, it will stand tall and
be more successful in the long run. There are many businesses today that are successful and
there are also businesses that are not successful. There are successful in way that these
businesses had overcome different trials and obstacles and still continue to stand in the end
despite of today's economic changes. These things will be impossible to achieve without the
help of management. In today's business management is the most important factor in making
Truly saying, managing for an entrepreneur is never easy. It's not just about dealing
with the customers and to create a new kind of product but, it is also about how to organize
and manage the system in order to have a good flow of business. As an entrepreneur it takes
a strong leadership skill to guide each employee in becoming a well- molded people in doing
his/her task. Aside from that, it is very necessary to learn on how delegate both the
responsibility for completing the task and the authority to get the required things done
choosing the right people for the job. Their goal is to hire the best people and most of the
time, the standards requires q high educational attainment in order to be suitable in the job.
High educational attainment or having a degree doesn’t mean of measuring one's ability. The
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 54
thing is, every business firm needs a people who are well- rounded, determine, willing to
sacrifice his/her time, take the risks most of the time and above all they need a people who
are responsible enough in doing his/her assigned task. Indeed, building up a business is a
challenge for both business owners and employees to handle but with proper planning,
A. Qualifications
•Must possess effective leadership skills and represents the business well.
Attendant/Service Crew
A. Qualifications
Organizational Chart
Board of
General Manager
Marketing HR
Sales Admin
Marjun Bacalanos
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 57
Chapter 5
factors that could affect the business proposal and the strategies itself. Understanding the
results and findings of the various studies will help the business to plan and to be more
strategic for the continuous improvement, quality and innovation of the product.
Market Study
Understanding the Market Study by applying its advantage is vital in reaching out to
the target of the business and increasing the sales to keep up with the latest market trends and
to gain enough competitive edges in the business market. The Cupinocake has conducted a
market study by looking at several important factors that include the number of customers,
competition and the market growth. The availability of the customers to obtain market share
will sustain the business. It introduces a new taste and a unique product to the market that
makes it distinct from other indirect competitors. It will also have a strong set of promotional
strategies such as in Social Media, Promos, Customer referral incentives and other strategies
Technical Study
business. The researchers of Cupinocake made a necessary calculation for the resources
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 58
needed for the implementation. The researchers have selected an appropriate and an efficient
manufacturing process. The different factors that could affect the production and marketing
of the product is determined such as the availability and determination of the raw materials,
Financial Study
The financial aspect of the study provides pertinent quantitative information of the
business proposal used in making economic decisions. It indicates how the performance of
the business will remain its profitability through the existence of its competitors and future
economic conditions.
Organization and proper management are highly important to business. This chapter
illustrates the study of organization and management of the business. In business entities,
management plays vital role. This is an important factor in attaining its goals. Thus, where
the life of the Cupinocake as a business firms depends. In today’s complex society, managing
is an increasingly important activity. Managers are constantly needed to plan, organize, direct
and control operations to ensure that organizations accomplish their goals. Decision-making
and communicating require about the same amount of time at all management levels.
However, differences in the types of decisions made, like to communication exist because
schedules. The study show’s a way of improving the social and economic aspect of life, not
only the individuals can benefit from the business but also the government through taxes
paid. The ingredients are approximately always available in the market and grocery store and
The progress of the business depends on the manner of making the project system.
One of the external factors that could influence the long-term goals is customer service. The
greatest purpose of starting a business is to boost profit and to satisfy the customer needs.
The instruction shall provide adequate service to all types of customers. Although it would
require another resources, time and money, superior customer service can produce positive
Good relationship and give satisfaction to the customers could establish customer’s
loyalty. The researchers set guidelines in order to attain the common goal and increase the
sales of Cupinocake and maintain a customer friendly environment with smile, greet and
The success of the business depends on the satisfaction of the customer’s patronage.
This aspect must be monitored to ensure the profitability of the business. Maintain
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 60
cleanliness and freshness of the product. The product is very important to the business, for
without it there will be no sales. It should be fresh and maintained to the highest standard to
satisfy customers and future client. Not only the product but also the place must create a cool
Post Evaluation
The Cupinocake will conduct a weekly evaluation to monitor the performance of the
business. The evaluation includes the determination whether the market strategies and
manufacturing process used are capable or not. also, the team will continue to design a
further marketing plan for the improvement of the product, to satisfy and to offer what best
In the market study, the majority of the students of Liceo de Cagayan University are
not familiar with the product because it is newly introduced to the market. However, despite
of the respondent’s unfamiliarity with Cupinocake, they are still willing to try it. In the
technical study, the place of production, location of the stall, proper waste disposal, labor
requirements and product pricing are indicated clearly. The stall will be located inside the
premises of Liceo de Cagayan University specifically I the school canteen, which the
There are business goals and objectives to observe to the buying of ingredients in any
way and availing of trade discount which are offered by supplier. Research was to analyze
customer point of view towards students and non-students weather they satisfied with the
food the quality and quantity. In addition, the business has the good relationship towards to
the customers by allowing and accept their review, suggestions and comments contribute to
the improvement of the business and product to meet the customers want. Moreover, it is also
must to monitor the progress for the management to see deficiency, to correct and to know
what part is worried better and what does not. Along with monitoring there is also evolution
Feitham, D. (2016). What are the health benefits of eating cake?. Retrieved from
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The total budget for the feasibility study conducted shall be no more than 2,000 based
on the following estimate:
Expenses Amount
Ingredients 300
Supply 300
Printing Fee 700
Fare 200
Other Expenses 500
TOTAL: 2,000
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 65
Appendix B. Exhibits
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Survey Questionnaires
__10 to 30
__30 to 50
__50 to 80
__30 to 50
__60 to 100
__Beyond 100
__Every day
4. How often do you eat snacks like sweet, biscuits or ice cream?
__Every day
__1 to 2 times a week
__Very often
__moderately often
__Slightly often
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 69
Plate 1. Ingredients
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 71
Peel and Cut the Cucumber Mix the Flour and Baking Powder
Mix the Dari cream, Eggs and Sugar Mix the Cucumber to the mixed Dari cream,
Eggs and Sugar
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 72
Mix the Mixed Flour and B-Powder Put a little amount into cupcake container
into mixed Dari cream, eggs, sugar
and cucumber and mix it well
For the Icing Process: Oven it around 25 minutes with 120 heat
Mix first the APC then Mix it well until it will become fluffy
add the Confectioner sugar
Plate 2. Procedures
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Citizenship: Filipino
Educational Background
Citizenship: Filipino
Educational Background
Citizenship: Filipino
Educational Background
Citizenship: Filipino
Educational Background
Citizenship: Filipino
Educational Background