One Story Shed Building 1 I. Civil Works 7,592,449.00 2 II. Pre-Engineered Steel Structure 1796997.72

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Bill of Quantity

Project Name: Construction of One storied Labour shed without Toliet

Project Location: Cittagong
Employer: Chittagong Port Authority
Component: Pre- Engineered of steel & Civil work ( 1 No. )
Project Area: 1060 sft.
Component: Summary Sheet

SL Title of the items Amount (BDT)

One story shed building
1 I. Civil Works 7,592,449.00
2 II. Pre- Engineered steel structure 1796997.72

Grand Total in Words:

Project Name: Construction of One storied Labour shed without Toliet
Project Location: Cittagong
Employer: Chittagong Port Authority
Component: Civil works of shed ( 1 No. )
Project Area: 1060 sft.
1 I
Description Unit Quantity Amount (BDT.)
Site preparation like: temporary labour
A shed & toilet construction, necessary L.s 1 25000 25,000.00
safety measures installations etc.
B R.C.C Works

Reinforced cement concrete works in column up to

height 1'-6" as per design strength 3000 psi using
1:2:3.5 mix ratio best quality sand (50% quantity of
best local sand ( FM 1.2) & 50% best quantity of
1 cft 50 250 12,500.00
Sylhet sand or coarse sand of equivalent (FM 2.2) as
fine aggregate, using fine and coarse sand in 1:1
proportion and 20 mm down graded stone chips as
coarse aggregate.

MS Reinforcement works Column up to height 1'-6"

2 usings 60 grade deformed bar, including cost of Kg 174 72 12,528.00
fabrication, wires etc. all complete.
Wooden sutter (made of mango wood) making,
3 sft 113 35 3,955.00
leveling and dressing for Column all complete
C Wooden Slab Work
Wooden floor works , including cost of fabrication,
5 Sft. 3320 275 913,000.00
etc. all complete. ( Origin Malaysis)
D Brick Work
5" brick work over slab around the perimeter of the
building at height 1'-6" using 1st class local coal burnt
1 bricks, 1:6 mortar proportion with fine sand, inclusing sft 471 75 35,325.00
cost of scaffolding, sand seiving, washin curing, etc.
all complete

5" brick work over slab Internal building using 1st

class local coal burnt bricks, 1:6 mortar proportion
1 sft 2328 75 174,600.00
with fine sand, inclusing cost of scaffolding, sand
seiving, washin curing, etc. all complete

1/2" thick plaster works using cement and sand at 1:6

2 sft 4658 22 102,476.00
ratio using sorts scaffolding and levelings
Plastic paint ( Buger paint) sft 4658 20 93,160.00

Supplying fitting fixing of 4" - section Thai with 8mm

3 sft. 4903 750 3,677,250.00
thick clear glass using premeter of the building

E Miscellaneous
3" - section Thai with 5 mm thick clear glass, size( 5'-
1 sft 47.5 240 11400
0"x4'-6")=1no. & (2'-6"x2'-6")= 4 nos.
2 5 mm thick (3"/4) flat bar Grill sft 47.5 120 5700
Suppling fiting & fixing of Homogeneous floor & wall
3 sft 445 100 44,500.00
tiles for Kitchen Size(1'-0"x1'-0") RAK
Suppling fiting & fixing of Homogeneous floor & wall
3 sft 2069 100 206,900.00
tiles for Toliet Size(1'-0"x1'-0") RAK
False Ceiling:
Supplying fitting & fixing gypum board
ceiling of 9 mm thick board laminated by
mechanical hot press with a milk white
PVC membrane with Aluminium T- bar
frame in natural anodized finish at
600x600 mm in grid suspended from
4 ceiling by 12 SWG double ply wire fixed to sft 3570 180 642600
the ceiling by rowel plug, screws, hooks,
nails etc. maintaing straight lines and
desired finished level a bottom face with
vertical wooden strut as required including
good the damages, if any, accessories,
scaffolding, labour for installation, screws,
nails, etc.

Suppling fiting & fixing of sliding door(9'-6"0"x7'-0")= 7

5 sft 466 1000 466,000.00
Suppling fiting & fixing of Swing door(3'-6"0"x7'-0")= 3
6 sft 73.5 1000 73,500.00
Suppling fiting & fixing of Wooden door(2'-6"0"x7'-0")
7 nos 4 23040 92,160.00
Mehogoni Chat
8 Suppling fitting & fixing of WHB all complete nos 8 9500 76,000.00
9 Supplying fitting fixing of Kitchen sink nos 1 950 950.00
10 Bath tube (Local) nos 1 7500 7,500.00

11 Four nos. Toliet with high commod etc. all complete nos 4 37575 150,300.00

Supplying fitting & fixing of Pavement floor tiles

12 sft 745 90 67,050.00
( Mirpur Ceremic tiles)
13 Land Scraping or Green zone area sft. 2778 250 694,500.00

Total 7,592,449.00
2 II
SL Rate Amount
Description Unit Quantity
NO (BDT.) (BDT.)
Supplying of I-Section made with Built-up Section (Column & Rafter)
1 made with Arc welded New M. S. Plate - ASTM A572M Grade 345 Kg 5145 110 565978
Type 1 all complete
Supplying of Joint plate made with New M. S. Plate - ASTM A572M
2 Grade 345 Type 1 with Machine Holes as per approved design holes Kg 822 110 90389
all complete.
Supplying of Nut, Bolt & Washer for Joint Plate of A325 M Type 1 Hot
3 Kg 41 130 5360
Dip Galvanized
Supplying of Base plate made with New M. S. Plate - ASTM A572M
4 Grade 345 Type 1 with Machine Holes as per approved design holes Kg 151 110 16625
all complete.
Supplying of Anchor bolt made with JIS G3101-SS 400 quality round
5 bar with necessary engineering modifications, bending and others all Kg 132 125 16446
complete as approved by the Engineer/Authority
Supplying of Purlin for Roof made of Rolled formed MS Sheet
6 Minimum yield stress 345 mpa all complete as per instruction of the Kg 2778 106 294452
Supplying of Purlin and Girt Cleat made with New M. S. Plate - ASTM
7 A572M Grade 345 Type 1 with Machine Holes as per approved design Kg 108 110 11874
holes all complete.
Supplying of Nut-Bolt & Washer for Cleat for Joint Plate with
8 Kg 16 130 2125
specification of A325 M Type 1 Hot Dip Galvanized
Supplying of Cable bracing made with ASTM A 475 – Extra High
9 Strength Class A wire classification all complete as per instruction of Rft 495 85 42075
the Engineer/Authority

Supplying of Sag rod made with ASTM A475 material speficifications

10 Rft 495 22 10890
all complete as per instruction of Engineer/Authority etc.

Supplying of Template made of tin just for fixing the anchor bolt in
11 Kg 33 110 3630
Supplying, of Trapezoidal profiled Sheet for roof made with Hi-Ten
Zincalume Color bond 0.47 mm thick steel profile sheets made of
cold rolled steel (A792(M)-01) coated with an alloy of 55% aluminum,
12 Sft 4500 57 256519
43.4% zinc and 1.6% silicon. Coating mass shall be 150 gm/m2, which
conforms to AZ150 all complete as per instruction of the
Supplying of Gable trim made of Hi-Ten Zincalume Color bond 0.47
mm thick steel profile sheets made of cold rolled steel (A792(M)-01)
13 coated with an alloy of 55% aluminum, 43.4% zinc and 1.6% silicon. Rft 312 125 39000
Coating mass shall be 150 gm/m2, which conforms to AZ150 all
complete as per instruction of Engineer.
14 Supplying of Silicon sealant Pcs 20 250 5000
15 Silicon dispenser Pcs 4 250 1000
Supplying of Fasteners as per instruction of the
16 Pcs 2999 5 14993
Engineer/Authority for a)Roof sheeting
c)Stitching Pcs 180 4 720
17 Insulation at roof sft 4141 20 82824
18 Transportation L.S 1 34896 34896
19 Erection of Steel structure Sft 3570 25 89250
20 Materilas Lifting charge Kg 11632 15 174480
21 Supply and Application of Anti Corrosive Paint Sft 2565 15 38472
Total 1796998

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