SHS COR Ped04 Module4
SHS COR Ped04 Module4
SHS COR Ped04 Module4
February 8-12
Physical Education and Health offers experiential learning for learners to adopt an
active life for fitness and lifelong health. The knowledge, skills and understanding
COURSE DESCRIPTION: which include physical and health literacy competencies support them in accessing,
synthesizing and evaluating information; making informed decisions; enhancing and
advocating their own as well as others’ fitness and health.
The learner…
Demonstrates understanding of recreation in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite for
PA performance, and as a career opportunity
LEARNING The learner…
COMPETENCIES Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF
How do you live your everyday life? Are you the typical couch potato or a
physically active person?
Lifestyle is a way of life. It is your style of living that reflects your attitudes and
values. Today, most medical conditions are associated with one’s lifestyle such as
diabetes and obesity. For you to combat this health hazard, this module will help you to
make a paradigm shift to a healthier lifestyle through RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES.
Now that you are in Senior High School, you’re-experiencing physical changes. You’ve been exposed to different
undertakings that somehow affected your health and lifestyle thereby affecting your weight as a teenager.
This module will help you choose physical activities from both indoor and outdoor that will surely bring you fun,
fitness, and fundamentals! The activities are enjoyable and offer satisfaction to enhance the quality of your life. You ’ll
understand that lifestyle and recreation will promote not just your personal fitness, nor your family ’s fitness, but the
community’s fitness in general! So get off your feet and jump off to the world of RECREATIONAL ACRVITIES
Description: The activity puts awareness on the kind of lifestyle you have.
Description: Based on your given prior knowledge let’s discover the importance/pattern/structure of exercise program
through watching the video. Click the following link.
(Video about 10 Health Benefits Of Swimming) after this, answer the 3-2-1 Chart below.
Now that you discovered the importance of swimming, we will conduct a survey for you to determine your interest towards
Aquatics (swimming).
5. How interested are you in swimming sessions with other burns survivors from 1 to 10 (extremely)?
6. What sort of times would you be willing to come? Select all that apply for you.
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_____ Morning
_____ Middle of the day
_____ Afternoon
_____ Weekdays
Others please specify ______________________________________
8. If answered is ‘yes’ please state when and where is the event happen?
9. If you would like to participate or represent the school at any other sports please state here.
10. If you would like to do activities at school, when would you like to do them? (Please check as appropriate)
_____ Free Periods
_____ Tutorials
_____ After College
_____ Before College
_____ Evening
_____ Weekends
_____ Holidays
_____ During Term Time
_____ other please state _______________________________________________________________
1. Works your whole body
Increase your heart rate without stressing your body
Tones muscle
Builds strengths
Builds endurance
Lower blood pressure and control blood sugar
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2. Safe exercise option for people with:
3. Burn Calories
A 160-pound person burn approximately 423 calories an hour while swimming laps at low or moderate
4. Improves sleep
Boosts quality of life after engaging in regular aerobic exercise.
5. Improves mood
Reduces stress and anxiety
Reduces the level of Cortisol
6. Social Benefits
Allows people to socialize and gain new friends
According to Swimming World Magazine, this sport also provide less obvious benefits:
1. Improves social well-being
2. It teaches goal orientation
3. Create more active adults
4. Makes a person smarter
5. Teaches team-building skills
6. Burn calories
7. Slow down aging
8. Good exercise for Asthma
9. Establishes confidence
10. Requires minimal gear
Moreover, also presented some tips how to be safe while in the pool. First, a swimmer must read
the signs and follow them because the rules will prevent accidents, and help keep the pool clean. Second, walk instead
of running around the edges of the pool since it could be slippery. Third, be careful when going in and out of the pool.
Fourth, always check the area before keeping or diving into the water. Fifth, do not go beyond the areas that areas that
are farther and deeper. Sixth, avoid playing roughly in the pool since it can cause serious accidents. Lastly, watch out
for hazards and underwater traps. In addition, use sunscreens or sunblock to avoid the UV rays (ultraviolet radiation)
from damaging your skin, and always wear jackets if pool area is beyond your abilities
The arms are move together, cupping the water downward and outward, moving
above the water to complete the arm movement. The legs are bent and straightened,
kicking two times for every arm stroke.
Breast stroke
The arms pull the water and are brought to the chest, before going back to the
The legs perform frog kicks.
Arm strokes are performed with flutter kicks, while face turns alternately from
one side to the other
The body is oriented sideways and is propelled
Flutter kick is used with arm strokes as that of a windmill. The swimmer times their
breath with each arm pull
The swimmer floats in a supine position, and the arms strokes are performed in a
windmill fashion, while performing a flutter kicks.
2. Aside from development of one’s fitness, what else can swimming benefit you as a senior high school students?