(Lockwood D.J., Pavesi L. (Eds.) ) Silicon Photonic (BookFi)

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Topics in Applied Physics
Topics in Applied Physics is a well-established series of review books, each of which presents a com-
prehensive survey of a selected topic within the broad area of applied physics. Edited and written by
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David J. Lockwood · Lorenzo Pavesi (Eds.)

Silicon Photonics II
Components and Integration

With 196 Figures

Dr. David J. Lockwood Prof. Lorenzo Pavesi
National Research Council of Canada Università di Trento
Institute for Microstructural Sciences Dipartimento di Fisica
1200 Montreal Road Laboratorio Nanoscienze
Bldg. M-50 Via Sommarive 14
Ottawa Ontario K1A 0R6 38050 Povo
Canada Italy
[email protected] [email protected]

ISSN 0303-4216 e-ISSN 1437-0859

ISBN 978-3-642-10505-0 e-ISBN 978-3-642-10506-7
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10506-7
Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York

Library of Congress Control Number: 2004046611

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011

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In memory of Ulrich Gösele (1949–2009),
a pioneer and leading light of silicon

Optoelectronics and photonics are playing an essential role in many aspects of

daily life, including information and communication technologies, environmental
and green technologies, mechanical and chemical sensing, consumer electronics,
and biomedicine. So far, the use of optical components in communication systems
has been mainly limited to direct replacement of electrical cables by optical cables.
With the continual increase in link bit rates, optical cables are now replacing electri-
cal cables for shorter and shorter interconnect lengths. Optoelectronic and photonic
technologies are becoming less costly and more integrated, and there is currently
an opportunity for optics to move “inside the box” and change the interconnect
topology at all levels.
Currently, most optoelectronic devices are fabricated as discrete components.
This approach is based on serial (e.g., step-by-step) fabrication and packaging, and
it makes optoelectronic technology drastically different compared to microelectron-
ics, where the domination of parallel fabrication made possible ultra-large-scale
integration with the price of individual devices below $10−8 . Also, discrete assem-
bly reduces the optoelectronic system reliability and decreases the manufacturing
yield. Additional complications arise due to materials issues: in microelectronics the
major material is elemental Si, while traditional semiconductor materials for opto-
electronics are III–V alloys with much more complex technological requirements.
Finally, optical waveguides and waveguide based devices are very bulky compared
to electron devices; thus, the densities of electron devices in integrated circuits are
many orders of magnitude greater compared to that in integrated optoelectronic
Silicon photonics, where photonics devices are fabricated by using silicon or
silicon compatible materials and where the manufacturing is based on the available
microelectronics infrastructure, is emerging as the technology that can face all these
challenges. The first volume of this series of books on silicon photonics appeared in
2004. We stated then that “This book is aimed at presenting the fascinating picture
of the state of-the-art in silicon photonics and providing perspectives on what can
be expected in the near future.” Many of the visionary concepts reported there have
been surpassed by reality. Silicon photonics is booming and growing at an incredible
pace with many breakthroughs appearing day by day. Speed, integration density,
active components, logic, nonlinear optics, etc., are all surpassed frontiers, which

viii Preface

silicon photonics has continuously moved apart. At the beginning of the second
decade of the new millennium, several devices enabled by silicon photonics are
already on the market and new ones are emerging day by day.
Due to the broad nature and importance of the topic, as well as the rapid progress
in this field, it is quite appropriate to publish this sequel to our first book on Silicon
Photonics in the Springer Topics in Applied Physics Series. We envisaged this book
as the second of a series of books on silicon photonics, i.e., we are willing to produce
further books on this topic as the field develops.
The present book is focused on components and integration and opens with a
Chapter by Yamada, which reviews the fundamental characteristics and basic appli-
cations of such waveguides. Some passive devices, such as branches and wavelength
filters, and dynamic devices based on the thermo-optic effect or carrier plasma effect
have been developed by using silicon photonic wire waveguides. These waveguides
also offer an efficient media for nonlinear optical functions, such as wavelength
conversion. Their optical polarization characteristics can be a serious obstacle to
some practical applications, but such difficulties can be eliminated by using a mono-
lithically integrated polarization diversity system. Chapter 2 by Xu explores fur-
ther the problems associated with mode polarization in waveguides. This chapter
reviews the characteristics of silicon-on-insulator ridge waveguide birefringence, as
governed by the waveguide cross-section geometry, the cladding stress level, and
cladding thickness. Typical stress levels in dielectric cladding films such as sili-
con dioxide and silicon nitride are such that the stress-induced birefringence is of
comparable magnitude to the waveguide geometrical birefringence. Hence the total
waveguide birefringence can be precisely controlled by counter balancing these two
factors. The application of this technique for achieving polarization independence
and polarization splitting in photonic components is described using passive and
active tuning of the stress-induced birefringence. In Chapter 3 Roelkens and Van
Thourhout elaborate on the use of diffraction gratings to achieve an efficient, com-
pact, alignment-tolerant, polarization-independent, and broadband optical coupling
between an optical fiber and optoelectronic components. An optical probe based
on a diffraction grating integrated on the facet of a single-mode fiber is described
that enables testing individual components in a silicon-on-insulator nanophotonic
integrated circuit. Chapter 4 by Chang et al. tackles the difficult technical problem
of providing on-chip light sources, which are a critical component for integrated
silicon photonics but lag other photonic components in their level of development.
Erbium is an optical dopant that can be employed as a viable means for on-chip light
generation, which also has the advantage of being compatible with long-distance
telecommunications transmission wavelengths. In this chapter, Er-doped silicon-
rich silicon nitride and Er silicates are introduced as promising host materials for
compact on-chip light sources. Germanium on silicon is an enabler of silicon pho-
tonics as well as high-speed CMOS electronics and recently germanium has played
a significant role in integrating materials such as III–Vs on silicon. In Chapter 5
Ichikawa et al. describe an ultra-thin germanium buffer layer technology that has
created entirely new fields for applications such as high-efficiency cost-effective
tandem solar cells using silicon as the cell as well as the mechanical substrate. Such
Preface ix

solar cells have successfully reproduced their ideal external quantum efficiency and
prove that it is possible to successfully integrate silicon and GaAs.
The remaining four chapters focus on system integration. First, Scandurra in
Chapter 6 describes possible applications of silicon photonics to the system-on-
chip (SoC) domain. The higher and higher integration density is becoming such
that many issues arise when a SoC has to be integrated, and electrical limits of
interconnect wires are a limiting factor for performance that could be overcome
through the use of the optical interconnect. Today, many semiconductor indus-
tries are investigating such a novel field and a number of projects are currently in
progress to demonstrate the feasibility of such a revolutionary on-chip communica-
tion system relying on both CMOS technology and photonics. Chapter 7 develops
this concept further. Liao et al. highlight a recent demonstration of a silicon pho-
tonic integrated chip that is capable of transmitting data at an aggregate rate of
200 Gb/s. It is based on wavelength division multiplexing where an array of eight
high-speed silicon optical modulators is monolithically integrated with a demul-
tiplexer and a multiplexer. This demonstration represents a key milestone on the
way to fabricating terabit per second transceiver chips to meet future demands. In
Chapter 8 Pinguet et al. describe the intimate relationship between process, devices,
and system design by examining the development of Luxtera’s CMOS Photon-
ics technology. They address the challenges of integrating optoeletronic elements,
including germanium photodiodes, in a commercial CMOS process without sig-
nificantly affecting the electronics performance and the manufacturability of the
process. A complete monolithically integrated wavelength division multiplexed 40-
Gbps transceiver chip is fabricated as an example of the application of their complete
technology platform and to demonstrate its capabilities for optoelectronic integra-
tion. Lastly, Fedeli et al. in Chapter 9 address different ways to merge photonics
devices on an electronic circuit with microelectronics tools on large size wafers.
The preferred route is above-integrated-circuit fabrication, with two options ruled
by thermal constraints. The high-temperature option is based on wafer bonding on
an optical silicon-on-insulator module, and the low-temperature option relies on the
heterogeneous integration of III–V devices.
Finally, we dedicate this book to the memory of Ulrich Gösele (1949–2009),
our colleague who recently and prematurely passed away. He was among the
first who initiated the field by discovering the quantum nature of porous silicon
and the possibility of its use in optoelectronics. Moreover, he pioneered the tech-
nique of wafer bonding, which is nowadays a common practice to realize hybrid

Ottawa, Canada David J. Lockwood

Trento, Italy Lorenzo Pavesi
June 2010

1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications . . 1

Koji Yamada
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Fundamental Design of Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.1 Guided Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2.2 Effect of Geometrical Errors and Birefringence . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.3 Propagation Loss and Radiation Loss in Bending . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.4 Coupling to External Fiber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Fundamental Propagation Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.1 Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.2 Propagation Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4 Simple Applications of Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides . . . . . . . . 14
1.4.1 Passive Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4.2 Dynamic Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.4.3 Nonlinear Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.5 Polarization Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.5.1 Polarization Splitter and Rotator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.5.2 Polarization Diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components

Using Cladding Stress Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Dan-Xia Xu
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2 SOI Waveguides: General Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.2.1 Single-Mode Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.2.2 Higher Order Mode Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.3 Waveguide Birefringence: Geometrical Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.3.1 Waveguide Cross-Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.3.2 Scaling of the Geometrical Birefringence with Core Size . . . 38
2.3.3 Dispersion and Group Index Birefringence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

xii Contents

2.4 Cladding Stress-Induced Birefringence: Theory and Modeling . . . . . 40

2.4.1 Photoelastic Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.4.2 Ordinary and Normalized Plane Strain Models . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.4.3 Cladding Stress-Induced Birefringence in Waveguides . . . . . 45
2.4.4 Stress-Induced Mode Mismatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4.5 Stress-Induced Effect on the Group Index Birefringence . . . . 49
2.4.6 Scaling of Stress-Induced Birefringence with the Core Size . 50
2.5 Cladding Stress Engineering: Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.5.1 Polarization-Independent AWGs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
2.5.2 Polarization-Independent Ring Resonator, Mach-Zehnder
Interferometer, and Directional Coupler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.5.3 Broadband Polarization Splitter in a Zero-Order AWG
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.5.4 Trimming of Birefringence in Passive Components . . . . . . . . 60
2.5.5 Phase Matching in Raman and Other Nonlinear Processes
and Active Birefringence Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.5.6 Stress-Induced Pockels Electro-optic Effect in Silicon . . . . . . 63
2.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

3 Interfacing Silicon Nanophotonic Integrated Circuits

and Single-Mode Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Günther Roelkens and Dries Van Thourhout
3.1 Nanophotonic SOI Waveguide Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
3.2 Solutions to the Fiber-Chip Coupling Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.3 Fundamentals of Fiber-Chip Diffraction Grating Couplers . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4 High-Efficiency Fiber-Chip Grating Couplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.5 Multi-band Fiber-Chip Grating Couplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.6 Polarization Independent Fiber-Chip Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.7 Integration of Opto-electronic Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
3.8 Small Footprint Fiber-Chip Coupling Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3.9 Optical Probing of Nanophotonic Integrated Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.10 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

4 Development and Application of Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon

Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Jee Soo Chang, Kiseok Suh, Moon-Seung Yang, and Jung H. Shin
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.1.1 Si Photonics and Light Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.1.2 Er as an Optical Dopant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.1.3 Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitride and Er Silicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Contents xiii

4.2 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

4.2.1 Experimental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4.2.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
4.2.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
4.3 Er Silicates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.3.1 Experimental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
4.3.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
4.4 Applications of Er-Doped SRSN: High-Q Microdisks . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
4.4.1 Experimental . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
4.4.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
4.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

5 Germanium as a Material to Enable Silicon Photonics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

R. Ichikawa, S. Takita, Y. Ishikawa, and K. Wada
5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
5.2 Material Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
5.3 Device Design: Tandem Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
5.4 Materials and Device Characteristics: (Ge) Buffer on Si and Ge
Solar Cell on Si . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
5.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Alberto Scandurra
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.2 The System on Chip Paradigm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
6.3 On-Chip Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
6.3.1 On-Chip Bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
6.3.2 Network on Chip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.4 SoC Integration Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
6.4.1 Electrical Interconnect Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
6.4.2 Electrical Interconnect Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6.5 On-Chip Optical Interconnect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
6.5.1 The PICMOS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
6.5.2 The WADIMOS Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
6.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

7 High-Speed Photonic Integrated Chip on a Silicon Platform . . . . . . . . . 169

Ling Liao, Ansheng Liu, Hat Nguyen, Juthika Basak, Mario Paniccia,
Yoel Chetrit, and Doron Rubin
xiv Contents

7.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

7.2 Silicon Photonic Integrated Chip Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
7.3 Integrated Chip Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
7.4 Device Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
7.4.1 High-Speed Performance of the Stand-Alone Silicon MZM . 177
7.4.2 Performance of the Standalone MUX/DEMUX . . . . . . . . . . . 179
7.4.3 DC Performance of an Integrated DEMUX, MZM,
and MUX Chip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
7.4.4 High-Speed Performance of the Silicon PIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
7.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration . . . . . . . 187

Thierry Pinguet, Steffen Gloeckner, Gianlorenzo Masini, and Attila Mekis
8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
8.2 Enabling a CMOS Process for Photonics Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
8.2.1 Rationale for Front-End Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
8.2.2 SOI Substrate Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
8.2.3 Waveguide Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
8.2.4 Photolithography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
8.2.5 Active Optical Device Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
8.2.6 Germanium Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
8.2.7 Process Control and Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
8.2.8 Other Integration Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
8.3 Photonic Device Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
8.3.1 Electronics Libraries: The Inspiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
8.3.2 Library Hierarchy and Design Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
8.3.3 Device Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
8.3.4 Design Selection: The Design-of-Experiment Approach . . . . 203
8.3.5 The Role of Process Variability in Design Selection . . . . . . . 205
8.3.6 Design Verification and Device Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
8.4 Design and Testing Infrastructure: The Tools of Success . . . . . . . . . . 206
8.4.1 Wafer-Scale Optoelectronic Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
8.4.2 Design Automation Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
8.5 Example of CMOS Photonic System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
8.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

9 Photonics and Electronics Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217

J.-M. Fedeli, B. Ben Bakir, L. Grenouillet, D. Marris-Morini, and L.Vivien
9.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
9.2 Ways to Integrate Photonics Devices on an Electronic Wafer . . . . . . . 218
Contents xv

9.2.1 Above IC Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

9.2.2 Combined Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
9.3 Back-Side Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
9.4 Passive Photonic Circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
9.4.1 Guided Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
9.4.2 Amorphous Silicon Waveguide Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
9.4.3 Optical Couplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
9.4.4 Efficient and Polarization Insensitive In-Plane
Fiber Couplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
9.4.5 Silicon-Based Optical Modulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
9.5 Germanium Waveguide Photodetectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
9.6 Laser Fabrication on 200 mm Wafer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
9.6.1 Die to Wafer Bonding of III–V Semiconductor on Silicon . . 237
9.6.2 Design and Fabrication of InP Lasers
with Microelectronics Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
9.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Chapter 1
Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides:
Fundamentals and Applications

Koji Yamada

Abstract This chapter reviews the fundamental characteristics and basic applica-
tions of the silicon photonic wire waveguide. Thanks to its ultra-small geometrical
structures and compatibility with the silicon electronics, the silicon photonic wire
waveguide provides us with a highly integrated platform for electronic–photonic
convergence. For the practical achievement of this platform, however, we must
search for ways to reduce the propagation loss and coupling loss to external fibers
and overcome the polarization dependence. Progress has been made by applying
state-of-the-art technologies specially tuned to the fabrication of nanometer struc-
tures, and the fundamental propagation performance has already become a practi-
cal standard. Some passive devices, such as branches and wavelength filters, and
dynamic devices based on the thermo-optic effect or carrier plasma effect have been
developed by using silicon photonic wire waveguides. These waveguides also offer
an efficient media for nonlinear optical functions, such as wavelength conversion.
Although polarization dependence remains a serious obstacle to the practical appli-
cations of these waveguides, waveguide-based polarization manipulation devices
provide us with effective solutions, such as a polarization diversity system.

1.1 Introduction

In recent years, silicon photonics has attracted attention as an emerging technology

for optical telecommunications and for optical interconnects in microelectronics.
Based on highly sophisticated silicon semiconductor technology, silicon photonics
would provide us with an inexpensive highly integrated electronic–photonic plat-
form, in which ultra-compact photonic devices and electronic circuits are converged.
Similar to the existing silica-based or III–V semiconductor-based photonic sys-
tems, silicon photonics also requires an optical waveguide system. The waveguide

K. Yamada (B)
NTT Microsystem Integration Laboratories, NTT Corporation,
Atsugi, 243-0198 Japan
e-mail: [email protected]

D.J. Lockwood, L. Pavesi (Eds.): Silicon Photonics II. 1

Topics in Applied Physics 119, 1–29 (2011)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10506-7_1 
C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
2 K. Yamada

must have features that allow us to accommodate passive and dynamic photonic
devices such as wavelength filters and modulators. The waveguide system must also
be flexible enough to allow active functions, such as light emission and detection
to be implemented. Of course, it should guarantee a sufficiently low propagation
loss for constructing and integrating these photonic functions. Furthermore, for
monolithic electronic–photonic convergence, the most important advantage of sili-
con photonics, the following requirements must be met:
(1) Waveguides should be constructed on silicon substrates or be constructed
together with silicon electronic devices.
(2) Waveguide fabrication processes should not damage electronic devices.
(3) Waveguides should not be damaged by the processes for fabricating electronic
(4) Waveguide materials must not be hazardous to silicon electronics.
(5) Geometrical criteria, such as the layout of photonic devices, should not interfere
with the electronic circuit layout.
These requirements are very difficult to meet with conventional waveguide sys-
tems. For example, the fabrication process for conventional silica-based waveguide
requires high temperatures exceeding 1,000 ◦ C, which would seriously damage elec-
tronic devices. Moreover, silica-based waveguides have a large bending radius on
the order of millimeters or even centimeters, making it impossible to integrate pho-
tonic circuits on an electronic chip, whose typical size is a few centimeters square.
The III–V compound semiconductor-based waveguides and photonic devices have
geometries smaller than those in the silica-based system; however, on a silicon sub-
strate it is very difficult to epitaxially grow the high-quality III–V materials needed
for the construction of practical photonic devices. Etching and other fabrication pro-
cedures are completely different from silicon processes. Moreover, III–V material
contamination must be eliminated from silicon electronics. At present, it is therefore
very difficult to introduce III–V compounds into silicon electronics. Polymer waveg-
uides made of organic materials cause less damage to electronic devices. However,
their use is limited to the uppermost layers formed after the electronic circuits are
completed or to other regions separated from the electronic devices because they
cannot withstand the temperatures used in electronic device fabrication.
Recently, silicon oxynitride (SiON) and silicon nitride (Si3 N4 ) waveguides have
also been proposed as a compact waveguide system [1, 2]; however, these silicon
nitride waveguides might be not suitable for electronic–photonic convergence for
infrared light at wavelengths around 1,500 nm. Silicon nitride materials formed by
low-temperature deposition methods generally contain N–H bond residues, which
readily absorb infrared light at around 1,500 nm. A high-temperature (1,000 ◦ C or
more) annealing can reduce the absorption, but the high-temperature process is not
compatible with electronic devices.
From the viewpoint of material, a silicon-based waveguide is obviously prefer-
able for electronic photonic convergence. So far, several types of silicon waveguides
have been proposed such as rib-type waveguides with core dimensions of a few
micrometers [3, 4] and photonic wire waveguides with core dimensions of several
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 3

hundreds of nanometers [5–10]. The latter are especially promising for electronic–
photonic convergence because their ultra-small core dimensions and micrometer
bending sections match the dimensions of electronic circuits. The waveguides are
constructed on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates, where the uppermost SOI layer
is used as the waveguide core so that there is no need to form the core material. The
cladding material is a silica-based material formed by a low-temperature process
such as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PE–CVD) [11].
Besides the advantages of silicon photonic wire waveguides in electronic–
photonic convergence, highly integrated ultra-compact photonic circuits based on
photonic wire waveguides guarantee low power consumption and low packaging
cost. Furthermore, the waveguides also offer advanced functionality through the use
of its semiconductor characteristics of silicon.

1.2 Fundamental Design of Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides

1.2.1 Guided Modes

A schematic of s silicon photonic wire waveguide is shown in Fig. 1.1a. The waveg-
uide consist of a silicon core and silica-based cladding. The core dimension should
be determined so that a single-mode condition is fulfilled. The single-mode condi-
tion is very important in constructing practical functional devices because whether
or not we can implement a desired function depends on the fundamental guided
mode. The core dimension of single-mode silicon photonic wire waveguides is sig-
nificantly smaller than that of conventional single-mode silica waveguides. In the
waveguide system consisting of a silicon core and silica claddings, the refractive

SiOx/SiON overcladding 1 Horizontal
Normalized intensity (a.u.)

(n ~ 1.51) Silicon core: 0.8

460 × 200 nm
(n = 3.48)
cladding core cladding
SiO2 undercladding 0.8
(n = 1.44) 0.6
Silicon substrate cladding core cladding
−0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4
Distance from center of the core (μm)
(a) (b)

Fig. 1.1 (a) Cross-sectional structure and (b) optical intensity distribution of a typical silicon pho-
tonic wire waveguide
4 K. Yamada

index contrast  between the core and cladding is as large as 40%, which allows
a total internal reflection with a very large incident angle of 60◦ . This situation is
similar to that in metallic rectangular waveguides, whose waveguide dimensions
are smaller than or comparable to a half-wavelength of the guided electromag-
netic waves. In silicon photonic wire waveguides, therefore, the core dimension
that fulfills a single-mode condition should also be smaller than or comparable to
a half-wavelength of a guided wave in silicon. Since the refractive index of silicon
is about 3.5 for photon energies below the band-gap energy, the core dimension of
a silicon photonic wire waveguide should be less than or comparable to 400 nm for
1,310∼1,550-nm telecommunications-band infrared light. Generally, the core shape
is made flat along the substrate to reduce the etching depth in practical fabrications.
In many cases, the height of the core is typically half of the width. Thus, a typical
core geometry is a 400 × 200-nm2 rectangle.
A detailed analysis of the guided modes can be performed by various numerical
methods such as the finite difference method (FDM) [12], finite element method
(FEM) [13], and film mode matching method (FMM) [14]. Figures 1.2a and b show
calculated effective indices n eff of guided modes for 1,550-nm infrared light in var-
ious core geometries. Calculations were performed by the FMM and the indices of
silicon and silica were set at 3.477 and 1.444, respectively. The mode notations are
taken from [15], in which Ex and Ey modes represent the transverse electric (TE)-
like and transverse magnetic (TM)-like modes, respectively. As shown Fig. 1.2a
for waveguides of 200-nm silicon thickness, single-mode conditions are fulfilled
when the core width is less than 460 nm for TE-like guided modes in which the
dominant electric field is parallel to the substrate. The mode field profile of the
TE-like fundamental mode is shown in Fig. 1.1b for a 460 × 200-nm2 core. For a
TM-like mode in which the dominant electric field is perpendicular to the substrate,

(a) tcore = 200 nm
2.5 Ex11

Effective index neff

1.5 Ex21
not confined
3.0 Ex11
(b) tcore = 300 nm Ey11
2.5 Ex21
Fig. 1.2 Core width not confined
dependence of the effective 1.0
indices of silicon photonic 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
wire waveguides Core width (nm)
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 5

Fig. 1.3 Wavelength 3.0

dependence of the effective
Ex 11

Effective index neff

indices of silicon photonic 2.5
wire waveguides
2.0 Ey 11

Ex 21
not confined
1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600
Wavelength (nm)

the single-mode condition is fulfilled in a core larger than that for the TE-like mode.
The effective indices of TE and TM fundamental modes show a large difference. In
other words, the 200-nm-thick flat core produces a large polarization dependence.
For waveguides with 300-nm-thick silicon as shown in Fig. 1.2b, core widths satis-
fying single-mode conditions are smaller than those for 200-nm-thick silicon. In a
300-nm2 core, the refractive indices are identical for the TE and TM fundamental
modes: that is, the polarization dependence can be eliminated.
Figure 1.3 shows the calculated wavelength dependence of the effective refractive
indices for the waveguides with a 400 × 200-nm2 core. Calculations were performed
by the FMM and the material dispersions of refractive indices were considered. As
shown in Fig. 1.3, the single-mode condition is violated in the wavelength region
below 1,420 nm for the TE-like mode. For the 1,310-nm telecommunications wave-
length band, therefore, a smaller core should be used for satisfying the single-mode

1.2.2 Effect of Geometrical Errors and Birefringence

As shown in Fig. 1.2, the effective indices of silicon photonic wire waveguide are
extremely sensitive to the core geometries. The group index n g , which is an essential
parameter in designing delay-based devices such as optical filters, is also affected
significantly by the core geometry. Figures 1.4a and b show calculated group indices
and their sensitivities to the core width dng /n g dw. For TE-like modes, for which
most of the photonic functions are designed, the sensitivities to the core width
dng /n g dw are around 2×10−4 nm−1 for a 400 × 200-nm2 core and much higher
for a 300-nm2 core. For wavelength filters for dense wavelength division multiplex-
ing (DWDM), the group index should be controlled to on the order of 1 × 10−4
or less. The index restriction corresponds to a core width accuracy of 0.5 nm or
less, which is essentially unattainable with current micro-fabrication technology.
Fortunately, there are optimum geometries giving very low sensitivities to the core
width. For example, 385 × 200-nm2 and 325 × 300-nm2 cores are robust against
the errors in core width. Waveguides with a very wide core are also robust against
the errors in core width. In an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) filter, waveguides
with 750 × 200-nm2 cores are used to reduce phase errors due to the variation of
6 K. Yamada

4.5 Ex11

Group index ng
0.5 Ex11

× 10

−0.5 Ey11
ng dw

200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Core width (nm)

4.5 Ey11 Ey11
Group index ng

3.0 E

× 10

ng dw

200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Core width (nm)

Fig. 1.4 (a) Core width dependence of the group indices and their derivatives for waveguides
with 200-nm-thick cores (b) Core width dependence of the group indices and their derivatives for
waveguides with 300-nm-thick cores

core width [16]. When we use such a wide-core waveguide, however, higher order
modes stimulated in bending and other asymmetric structures become a concern.
Figure 1.4 also that the structural birefringence is incredibly large and that the
problem of the polarization dependence in a silicon photonic wire waveguide is
practically unsolvable. In a waveguide with a 400 × 200-nm2 core, the group indices
are 4.33 for the TE-like fundamental mode and 2.78 for the TM-like fundamental
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 7

mode. The difference in the group indices gives a polarization mode dispersion
(PMD) of 51.7 ps/cm, which seriously limits the applicable bandwidth in high-speed
data transmission. The polarization-dependent wavelength (PDλ) in delay-based fil-
ter devices, such as AWGs and ring resonators, would be incredibly large. A square
core would not be a solution to this problem because the group index is very sensi-
tive to the core geometry, as mentioned before. In other words, polarization diversity
is necessary for eliminating the polarization dependence in photonic devices based
on silicon photonic wire waveguides.

1.2.3 Propagation Loss and Radiation Loss in Bending

The intrinsic loss in undoped silicon is very low for the photon energies below the
band gap (∼1.1 eV); therefore, the propagation loss of photonic wire waveguides
is mainly determined by scattering due to surface roughness of the core. The effect
of the surface roughness on the scattering loss in dielectric waveguides has been
theoretically studied and formulated by Payne and Lacey [17]. The formula is rep-
resented by a complicated function characterized by a root-mean square roughness
σ and the correlation length of the surface roughness structure lc ; the upper bound
of the scattering loss αmax , as given in [18], is shown below.

σ 2κ
αmax = , (1.1)
k0 d 4 n 1

where, k0 , d, and n 1 are wavevector of the light in vacuum, the half-width of the
core, and effective index of a silicon slab with the same thickness as the core,
respectively. The factor κ depends on the waveguide geometry and the statistical
distribution (Gaussian, exponential, etc.) of the roughness, in which the correlation
length lc is included. According to [17], κ is on the order of unity for most prac-
tical waveguide geometries. Thus, the scattering loss is inversely proportional to
the fourth power of d. In other words, it will seriously increase in photonic wire
waveguides with an ultra-small core. A roughness of only 5 nm, for instance, would
cause a 60-dB/cm scattering loss in a 400-nm-wide core made of a 200-nm-thick
silicon slab whose effective index is 2.7. To achieve a practical scattering loss of a
few decibels per centimeter, the surface roughness should be about 1 nm or less.
Radiation losses in the bending section can be calculated by applying cylindrical
coordinates in numerical mode solvers. Figure 1.5 shows calculated radiation losses
for a 90◦ bend in various waveguides. The calculations were performed by using a
commercially available FMM mode solver [19]. As shown in this figure, the bending
performance varies with polarization. For the TE-like mode in the waveguide with
a 400×200-nm2 core, the radiation loss is negligible even if the bending radius is
as small as 2.5 μm. For the TM-like mode, however, a bending radius of over a
few tens of micrometers is needed in order to achieve negligible radiation loss. The
bending loss also varies with core dimensions. As shown in Fig. 1.5, for TE-like
modes, a waveguide with a 300-nm2 core requires a larger bending radius than a flat
8 K. Yamada

Bending loss (dB/90 deg.)

Fig. 1.5 Calculated radiation 0.05
losses for a 90◦ bend in
0.04 Core size 400 × 200 nm
various waveguides 300 × 300 nm TM
0.02 TE
400 × 200 nm
1 10 100
Bending radius (μm)

1.2.4 Coupling to External Fiber

Since a silicon photonic wire waveguide has a very small mode profile, spot-size
conversion is essential for connecting it to external circuits such as single-mode
optical fibers. A highly efficient spot size converter (SSC) with a silicon reverse
adiabatic taper has already been proposed [20]. As shown in Fig. 1.6, it has a double-
core structure consisting of a thin silicon taper and silica-based waveguides. In a
typical design for 1,550-nm-wavelength infrared light, the tip of the taper should be
ultimately reduced to less than 100 nm and the silica-based waveguide has a 3-μm2
core with a 2.5% index contrast to the cladding. In such a double-core structure,
light leaking from the silicon taper is captured by a silica-based waveguide, which
guarantees efficient optical coupling to external optical fibers.
Figure 1.7 shows the calculated conversion efficiencies between a silicon pho-
tonic wire waveguide with a 400 × 200-nm2 core and a silica-based waveguide with
a 3-μm2 core. As shown in this figure, a 200-μm-long taper with a 80-nm tip gives
a conversion loss of around 0.1 dB for both polarizations. A shorter and thicker
taper would give lower coupling efficiencies. Since the coupling loss between a
silica-based waveguide with a 3-μm2 core and a high-numerical-aperture (NA) fiber
with a 4.3-μm mode field diameter is about 0.1 dB and the conversion loss between

Silicon photonic wire waveguide:

400 × 200 nm core
Silicon reverse taper

2 und
Fig. 1.6 Schematic of the High-Δ silica-based waveguide:
spot size converter 3 × 3 μm core
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 9

Fig. 1.7 Calculated 1

Conversion efficiency (dB)

conversion efficiencies in taper tip: TM
0 80 nm
spot size converters with TE
various geometries −1 TE
−3 taper tip:
−4 160 nm
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Taper length (μm)

the high-NA fiber and the ordinary single mode can be reduced to about 0.1 dB
by applying a thermally expanded core (TEC) technology [21], a total coupling
loss of less than 0.5 dB can be achieved between a photonic wire waveguide and a
single-mode fiber.
A grating coupler input/output structure has also been proposed [22], for which
the coupling efficiency between a photonic wire waveguide and an ordinary single-
mode fiber is calculated to be −5 to −3 dB.

1.3 Fundamental Propagation Performance

1.3.1 Fabrication
Figure 1.8 shows a typical fabrication process for a Si-wire waveguide. First, a hard
mask layer and resist mask layer are formed on a SOI substrate. The hard mask
is used to improve the selectivity of Si etching and is often made of SiO2 . Next,
waveguide patterns are defined by using electron beam (EB) lithography or excimer
laser deep ultraviolet (DUV) lithography [9], which are capable of forming 100-nm
patterns. Ordinarily, EB and DUV lithography technologies are used in the fabri-
cation of electronic circuits where they are optimized for patterning of straight and
intersecting line patterns. Therefore, no consideration has been given to curves and
roughness in the pattern edges, which are important factors in fabricating low-loss
optical waveguides. To reduce propagation losses of the waveguides, it is necessary
to reduce the edge roughness to around 1 nm or less. This means that particular
care must be taken in the data preparation for EB shots or DUV masks. Figure 1.9
shows an ultra-small ring resonator with and without special treatment for EB data
preparation, where a drastic reduction in side-wall roughness is observed as a result
of the special treatment [23]. The writing speed of the EB lithography must also be
considered in practical fabrication. For practical purposes, it is probably necessary
to use EB lithography with a variable-shaped beam.
After resist development and SiO2 etching for a hard mask, the silicon core is
formed by low-pressure plasma etching with an electron-cyclotron resonance (ECR)
plasma or inductive coupled plasma. To ensure the edge roughness of the side walls
10 K. Yamada

Si on Insulator (SOI) layer

Si core
Buried SiO2
Si substrate
Etching (ECR/ICP)

Resist & SiO2 mask

Mask & resist layer formation Removing SiO2 mask


EB/DUV lithography Deposition of cladding

Fig. 1.8 Typical fabrication process of a silicon photonic wire waveguide

Fig. 1.9 SEM images of ring resonators (a) without and (b) with EB data optimizations

is at sub-nanometer levels, the plasma conditions and the selection of etching gases
must be tuned for individual plasma equipment.
Finally, an overcladding layer is formed with a SiO2 -based material or poly-
mer resin material. To avoid damaging the silicon layer, the cladding layers must
be deposited by a low-temperature process, such as the plasma-enhanced chemical
vapor deposition (PE–CVD) method [11]. In particular, for waveguides associated
with electronic structure, it is essential to use a low-temperature process so as not to
damage the electronic devices.
Figure 1.10a shows a scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of the core of
a silicon photonic wire waveguide with a cross-section of 400 × 200 nm2 [8]. The
geometrical shape closely matches the design values, and the perpendicularity of the
sidewalls is also very good. Figure 1.10b shows a photograph of the 80-nm-wide
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 11

Fig. 1.10 SEM images of a silicon photonic wire waveguide system. (a) Core of silicon photonic
wire waveguide, (b) silicon taper, and (c) core of SiOx waveguide for spot size converter

taper tip in the SSC. The taper and waveguide core were constructed by using a
common fabrication process. Figure 1.10c shows an SEM photograph of the core
of the silica waveguide for the SSC. The silica waveguide core was fabricated by
depositing SiO2 -based material by the PE–CVD method and etched by reactive ion
etching (RIE). By adjusting the deposition conditions, the refractive index of the
material is tuned to be 2.5% higher than that of an ordinary thermal oxide. In the
final product, a 7-μm SiO2 overcladding layer covers the whole structure.

1.3.2 Propagation Performance

Figure 1.11 shows a typical transmission loss of silicon photonic wire waveguides
with SSC, fabricated in the manner mentioned above. High-NA optical fibers with
4.3-μm mode field diameter (MFD) are used for external coupling. As shown in this
figure, the propagation loss for the TE-like mode has been improved to be around
1 dB/cm. In the waveguide with flat cores, the propagation losses for TM-like modes
are generally better than those for TE-like modes. Oxidation of the core sidewalls
may further reduce the propagation losses [24]. The propagation loss of around
1 dB/cm is already at a practical level, since photonic devices based on silicon
photonic wire waveguides are typically smaller than 1 mm. Besides the sidewall

_ dB
Transmittance (dB)

–6 1.18
8 dB
–8 /cm

Fig. 1.11 Measured
propagation loss of a silicon –12
photonic wire waveguide 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
with spot size converters Waveguide length (cm)
12 K. Yamada

Fig. 1.12 Relation between

measured propagation losses
and core width

roughness of the core, the core width affects propagation losses as well. Figure 1.12
shows the relation between measured propagation losses and core widths. As shown,
the propagation loss is reduced by increasing the core width because the effect of
sidewall roughness is reduced in a wide core. When the core width exceeds 460 nm,
the waveguide can also guide a higher order mode which may degrade the perfor-
mances of some photonic devices.
The coupling loss between optical fiber and silicon photonic wire waveguide
is represented by the intercept of the vertical axis in Fig. 1.11. The loss value at
the intercept includes two waveguide/fiber interfaces; therefore in this case, one
interface has a 0.5 dB coupling loss at a wavelength of 1,550 nm.
Figure 1.13 shows the transmission spectrum of a silicon photonic wire waveg-
uide with SSCs. The spectrum remains flat over a 200-nm wide bandwidth, and
no absorption dip is observed. The flat spectrum means that the SiO2 -based mate-
rial used in the SSC does not contain impurities with N–H bonds. Although
absorption by residual O–H bonds exists at wavelengths of around 1,400 nm, the
resulting losses are not large. It is also possible to eliminate O–H bonds by heat
Figure 1.14 shows bending losses of single mode waveguides for TE-like modes.
For the bending radius of over 5 μm, bending losses are negligible. Even for an
ultra-small bending radius of around 2 μm, a waveguide with a flat core maintains

2SSC + 5mm-WG
Transmittance (dB)



Fig. 1.13 Measured –8
transmission spectrum of a
typical silicon photonic wire –10
waveguide with spot size 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650
converters Wavelength (nm)
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 13

Fig. 1.14 Relation between 40

measured insertion losses of 24 × 90 deg. bends
the waveguides and bending 35

Insertion loss (dB)

Core size:
25 300 × 300 nm

20 Bending


10 400 × 200 nm

5 Propagation & coupling

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Bend radius (μm)

a low loss of below 0.1 dB per 90◦ bend. A waveguide with a square core shows a
larger bending loss for a bending radius below 5 μm. For TM-like modes, especially
in waveguides with flat cores, bending losses are generally larger than those for
TE-like modes. Bending losses measured in various research groups are summarized
in [10].
The birefringence of the waveguide can be evaluated by the free spectral ranges
(FSRs) of ring resonators. Figure 1.15 shows measured transmission spectra at
around 197 THz (λ = 1.514 μm) for a ring resonator of 10-μm radius. In this
figure, the FSR in TM-like modes (1.67 THz) is significantly larger than that in
TE-like modes (1.11 THz). Using the FSR, we can roughly express the group index
of the waveguide by n g = c/2πRΔ f , where c, R, and Δf are the speed of light
in a vacuum, the radius of the ring resonator, and the FSR in hertz, respectively.
Thus, the group indices are estimated to be 4.30 and 2.86 for TE and TM modes,
respectively, which agree well with the design values in the previous section.

1.67 THz
Transmittance (dB)


–10 TM
1.11 THz

–20 TE

Fig. 1.15 Measured drop port –25

spectra of a ring resonator 196 197 198 199 200
with 10-mm radius Frequency (THz)
14 K. Yamada

1.4 Simple Applications of Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides

1.4.1 Passive Devices

The simplest passive device is a branch. Various branching devices, such as a Y
branch and a multimode interference (MMI) branch, have been proposed and fabri-
cated with silicon-wire waveguides [6, 7]. Figure 1.16a shows a multi-stage branch
implemented with MMI branches [25]. The MMI branch units are no more than
3 μm in size, and the waveguides can bend light with a micrometer radius, so it
is easy to configure multi-stage branches in a small area. Figure 1.16b shows the
transmittance of the cascaded MMI branches for each output port. The transmittance
linearly decreases with respect to the branching order. In other words, the branches
of each stage are fabricated with uniform quality.
Compact add/drop wavelength filters are also being developed by using the ultra-
compact bending parts of silicon-wire waveguides. Various ring-resonator-based
filters have been developed. A single resonator is very compact and suitable for
high-density integration; however, its Lorentzian resonance, as shown in Fig. 1.15,
is not suitable for filters for telecommunications applications, which require flat
pass bands. For a flat pass band, cascaded ring resonators have recently been devel-
oped [26].
Complex wavelength filters, such AWG filters [16, 27] and the lattice filters
[28, 29], have also been developed. A photograph of a lattice filter is shown in
Fig. 1.17a. In such filters, the pass-band spectrum can be fine-tuned by applying
various optimization techniques, such as apodization. As shown in Fig. 1.17b, for

2.6 μm (a)

1.8 μm 8
IN 150 um 1

Transmittance (dB)

−5 (b)
−20 λ = 1545~1555 nm
−25 neighboring waveguide
Fig. 1.16 (a) Cascaded MMI −30
branches and (b) their 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
transmission characteristics Port No.
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 15

Fig. 1.17 (a) A SEM (a)

photograph of a part of a gap:
lattice filter and (b) measured 300 nm
drop port spectra
r = 2.5 μm

Not apodized

Transmittance (dB)



1350 1400 1450 1500 1550
Wavelength (nm)

example, adjacent channel crosstalk is reduced to be about −20 dB in the lattice

filters for which apodization of the coupling coefficients in the directional couplers
has been performed [29]. The shape of the pass band could also be controlled by
apodization in these sophisticated filters.
Wavelength tuning and polarization dependence are serious obstacles to the prac-
tical applications of these wavelength filters. As shown in the previous sections,
effective indices of silicon photonic wire waveguides are extremely sensitive to
geometrical errors in the core shape. The indices are also sensitive to the envi-
ronmental temperature. Therefore, index tuning by temperature control or carrier
injection is necessary for fixing the pass band to a certain wavelength. As described
in the previous sections, the structural birefringence is also very sensitive to the core
geometry, and it is virtually impossible to eliminate the polarization dependence of
passive devices based on silicon photonic wire waveguides. A practical solution for
the polarization dependence is the polarization diversity, whose details are described
in Sect. 1.5.

1.4.2 Dynamic Devices Thermo-optic Effect

The thermo-optic (TO) effect in silicon is ten times or more stronger than that in
silica [30] and the volume of the core in silicon photonic wire waveguides is smaller
than that of the core in silica-based waveguides. Therefore, power consumption in
silicon-based TO devices can be one-tenth of that in silica-based devices. To achieve
such a low power consumption, it is very important to concentrate the heating power
in the waveguide core. However, heat expansion in the thick (∼3 μm) and laterally
16 K. Yamada

wide cladding layer is an obstacle to the heat convergence. In the early applications
of the TO effect in optical switches based on Mach-Zehndar interferometers (MZIs),
heaters were constructed on a thick overcladding without lateral thermal insulation.
In such TO switches, a few tens of milliwatts of heater power is necessary for
a π phase shift in one arm of a MZI [11]. Compared to typical silica-based TO
switches, silicon-based devices without an efficient heating structure do not show
a remarkable improvement in power consumption. Recently, a very efficient heat-
ing structure has been proposed. Figure 1.18 shows a cross-sectional schematic of
the heating structure. In the heating structure, the undercladding and side-cladding
are removed and only a several-micrometer-wide silica cladding containing a sil-
icon core is supported by thin silica beams [31]. By applying this structure as a
phase shifter in MZIs, the heating power has been reduced to be less than 1 mW, as
shown in Fig. 1.19, which is about 1/100th of that of conventional silica-based TO
switches. Carrier Injection

In the infrared and visible regions, the optical properties of silicon are affected
by free carriers, especially for photon energies below the band gap (∼1.1 eV). By
applying the Drude approximation and assuming the carrier plasma frequency is

Fig. 1.18 Schematic

structure of the low power
consumption switch: (a) Top
view and (b) cross-sectional
view along line A–A in
(a) [31]
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 17

Fig. 1.19 Switching

characteristics of low-power
and conventional switches for
TE polarization [31]

significantly lower than the optical frequency, the changes of refractive index n
and absorption coefficient α are expressed by the following formulas [32]:

−e2 λ2 N
Δn = ∗ (1.2)
8π 2 c2 ε0 nm
e 3 λ2 N
a = 2 3 ∗ (1.3)
4π c ε0 nμm 2

where e, c, ε0 , and n are the elementary charge, the speed of light in a vacuum, the
vacuum permittivity, and the refractive index of silicon, respectively. N , m ∗ , and
μ are the injected carrier density, the carrier effective mass, and carrier mobility,
To control the concentration of free carriers in the waveguide core, silicon pho-
tonic wire waveguides with a p-i-n carrier injection structure have been developed
[33–35]. A Typical cross-section of a waveguide with a p-i-n carrier injection struc-
ture is shown in Fig. 1.20a. The typical core size of waveguides with a p-i-n structure
is 400–600 × 200 nm2 . At both sides of the core, the waveguide has slab regions for
carrier injection. Although the core shape resembles that of conventional silicon rib
waveguides [3], its geometrical size is far smaller than in the conventional ones.
Moreover, the bending radius is less than a hundredth of that in conventional rib
waveguides. These reductions in geometries are greatly advantageous for appli-
cations of silicon photonic wire waveguides with the carrier injection structures.
For example, the device length would be significantly reduced because the carrier
concentration can be increased in an ultra-small core. In such a short device with
an ultra-small core, the electric power consumption can be significantly reduced.
Moreover, the operation speed can also be increased because a small core guarantees
a fast carrier transit time.
By applying these advantages of silicon photonic wire waveguides with p-i-n
structures, various dynamic devices, such as high-speed modulators [33, 35] and
variable optical attenuators (VOA) [34], have been developed. Among them, in this
section, the application of the p-i-n carrier injection structure to a VOA is described.
18 K. Yamada

Al electrode 600 nm Al electrode

(a) N+ P+
Core 200 nm
Buried oxide
Silicon substrate


Al electrode waveguide

Fig. 1.20 (a) Cross-sectional view and (b) top view of a silicon photonic wire-based carrier injec-
tion structure

As show in Fig. 1.20a, the waveguide is a rib-type one with a 600 × 200-nm2 core
and 100-nm-thick slab. This structure satisfies the single-mode condition for 1,550-
nm infrared light. The slab is thicker than those reported in [33] and [35]. The thick
slab is important for reducing propagation loss and device impedance.
The core was fabricated in same manner as for passive waveguides. After ther-
mal oxidation for surface passivation, the n+ and p+ regions were defined in the
slab section by lithography and implanted with phosphorus and boron as dopants.
After annealing for the activation and diffusion of dopants, a silicon dioxide layer
was deposited. The dopant density was about 1020 cm−3 in each doped region. Alu-
minum electrodes were then constructed on the doped regions.
Figure 1.20b shows a fabricated waveguide with the carrier injection structure in
which the pair of contact electrodes can be seen. The propagation loss is typically
less than 2 dB/cm. Figure 1.21 shows typical electrical characteristics of a 1-mm-
long carrier injection structure. In spite of the device length, the reverse current is
very low, around pico-amperes. This means the leakage of the device is small, so
that injected carriers will effectively interact with guided light.

Device length: 1 mm
Current (A)

Fig. 1.21 Measured
current-voltage relation of the –1.2 –0.80 –0.40 0.0 0.40 0.80 1.2
carrier injection structure Voltage (V)
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 19

Fig. 1.22 Measured Device length: 1 cm

transmission characteristics 5.0
0V, 0mA (reference)

Transmittance (dB)
of the variable optical
attenuator –5.0 0.9 V, 10 mA
–15 1.0 V, 29 mA
–30 1.1 V, 58 mA
1530 1540 1550 1560 1570
Wavelength (nm)

By injecting carriers into the core, optical attenuation is performed through the
free carrier plasma effect mentioned above. Figure 1.22 shows transmission spectra
of a 10-mm-long waveguide for various injected currents. As the injected current
increases, guided light is absorbed by the injected carriers. The wavelength depen-
dence of the attenuation is very flat in the measured 40-nm bandwidth. Operation
with a 30-dB attenuation requires a power of about 55 mW, which is about a half of
the power consumption of conventional rib-type devices [34]. The power consump-
tion can be reduced by a series connection of the devices, which is a similar to the
technique used in conventional devices. Figure 1.23 shows the temporal response
of optical attenuation in a 1-mm-long device with a 10-ns injection pulse. In a 2-V
reverse bias operation, the response time is about 2 ns, which is about 100 times
faster than that in conventional devices [34].

Fig. 1.23 Measured temporal Device length: 1 mm

response of the variable 0.35
Optical power (mW)

optical attenuator 0.30

Pulse width: 10 ns
0.05 Bias: –2 V
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time (ns)

Considering the linear propagation loss of the waveguide with the carrier injec-
tion structure, the on-chip insertion loss is estimated to be 2 dB in a 10-mm device
and 0.2 dB in a 1-mm one. These values can satisfy required practical standards.

1.4.3 Nonlinear Functions

In addition to its use as a platform for passive and dynamic functions, a silicon
photonic wire waveguide is also a promising platform for active functions based on
20 K. Yamada

various nonlinear effects. Generally, bulk silicon shows weak nonlinearities. In sili-
con photonic wire waveguides, however, the optical power density can be increased
in their ultra-small cores and nonlinear effects can be remarkably enhanced. The typ-
ical core size of the waveguide is 400–500 × 200 nm2 at 1,550-nm wavelength, and
the effective mode-field area Aeff is around 0.05 μm2 [36]. Thanks to the ultra-small
effective area, the Kerr nonlinear coefficient γ in silicon photonic wire waveguides
is thus estimated to be 105 –106 (W km)−1 . This value is about a hundred-thousand
times larger than that for a single-mode dispersion-shifted fiber (DSF), which is a
widely used media for nonlinear optics experiments. In other words, a centimeter-
long silicon photonic wire waveguide is equivalent to a 100-m long DSF, giving
practical efficiencies in various nonlinear functions. Although the interaction length
and efficient power injection have been obstacles to obtaining practical efficiencies,
the propagation loss of the waveguides has recently been improved to be 1–2 dB/cm
and the coupling loss to external fibers has been reduced to be 0.5 dB by using a
special SSC [20]. Thus, a power density of around 300 MW/cm2 could be attained
using commercially available 20-dBm CW light sources. The power density is high
enough to obtain efficient nonlinear functions.
By applying the enhancement of nonlinear effects in a silicon photonic wire
waveguide, various nonlinear functions, such as all-optical modulation based on
the two photon absorption (TPA) effect [37], wavelength conversion and parametric
amplification based on four wave mixing (FWM) effects [36, 38, 39] and stimulated
Raman scattering (SRS) [4, 40], have been tested. Very recently, entangled-photon-
pair creation has also been tested by using spontaneous FWM [41–43].
Among these functions, FWM-based wavelength conversion is here described as
a typical nonlinear function giving an efficiency comparable to that in conventional
devices [38]. The experimental setup for the wavelength conversion is shown in
Fig. 1.24. A signal light with 10-Gbps non-return-to-zero (NRZ) modulation and
a CW-operated pump light were injected collinearly into a 2.8-cm-long waveguide
with SSCs. The polarization was adjusted to a TE-like mode, and the propagation
loss of the waveguide was about 2.3 dB/cm. At the waveguide’s entrance, the pump

Fig. 1.24 Experimental setup for wavelength conversion using the four-wave mixing effect
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 21

Fig. 1.25 Experimental result

of wavelength conversion
using the four-wave mixing

power was 160 mW CW, which gives a power density of around 430 MW/cm2 in
the waveguide.
The output spectrum at the exit of the waveguide is shown in Fig. 1.25. Besides
the peaks of the injected pump and signal light, a peak of the phase conjugated light,
or converted light, can be seen in the spectrum. The internal conversion efficiency
is around −10 dB [38], which is comparable to that observed in periodically poled
LiNbO3 devices a few years ago [44], and large enough for practical data process-
ing. As shown in Fig. 1.26, clear eye patterns of a 10-Gbps pseudorandom binary
sequence (PRBS) data stream are observed in the converted light. The bandwidth
giving a −3-dB efficiency degradation was measured to be over 20 nm [36]. The
bandwidth was limited by the phase mismatching among waves. In silicon photonic
wire waveguides, waveguide dispersion can be easily controlled by adjusting the
core shape; therefore, the bandwidth could be further improved [39].
The conversion efficiency with respect to the pump power is shown in Fig. 1.27.
Efficiency saturation due to the free carrier absorption effect can obviously be seen.
The free carriers are generated through the TPA effect whose efficiency is propor-
tional to the second power of the optical power density. Therefore, the simplest way
to eliminate FCA is to reduce the power density. A theoretical estimation shows
that a waveguide with 0.5-dB/cm propagation loss (dashed line) would provide
an efficiency of −4 dB even if the pump power were 80 mW, where FCA is well
suppressed [38]. Carrier sweep-out using a p-i-n structure, such as described in the
previous section, is also a promising way to prevent FCA.

100 ps

Fig. 1.26 Eye pattern of the

signal of phase conjugated
22 K. Yamada

Fig. 1.27 Internal conversion 0

efficiency versus pump power

Conversion efficiency (dB)

in wavelength conversion.
The dots represent
experimental results. The
solid and dashed lines are –20
theoretical estimations under
the same conditions as those
in the experiment except for
propagation losses Measured
–40 2.3 dB/cm theoretical
0.5 dB/cm theoretical
0.01 0.10
Pump power (W)

1.5 Polarization Manipulation

As described in Sect. 1.2, the polarization dependence is one of the most seri-
ous obstacles to the practical application of silicon photonic wire waveguides, and
polarization diversity is a unique solution to this problem. Generally, polarization
diversity is achieved by using polarization splitters and rotators. If TE-like and
TM-like modes can be separated by polarization splitters, and the TM-like modes
can be converted into TE-like ones by rotators, we need only consider optical
functions for the TE-like modes, not for both components. Thus, the polarization
dependence could be eliminated by using a single-polarization (TE) platform. Such
a polarization diversity system might be constructed by using free-space optical
devices and optical fibers; however, this would require too much area and would be
costly. For the polarization diversity circuit to be practical, it should be monolithi-
cally constructed on a chip. Recently, two types of on-chip polarization diversity
circuits have been proposed [45, 46]. One is based on a two-dimensional grat-
ing coupler [45]. The other is based on a polarization splitter and rotator with
silicon photonic wire waveguides [46]. Details of the latter are described in this

1.5.1 Polarization Splitter and Rotator

A scanning-electron micrograph of the fabricated polarization splitter is shown in

Fig. 1.28. This device is based on a simple directional coupler with silicon pho-
tonic wire waveguides [47]. The coupling length for the TM-like modes is much
shorter than for the TE-like modes. Thus, the TM-like modes can traverse the
coupler, whereas the TE-like modes propagate along the initial waveguide. In a
design for 1,550-nm infrared light, a directional coupler consisting of 200-nm-high
and 400-nm-wide cores with a 480-nm gap can separate two orthogonal polariza-
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 23

Fig. 1.28 A SEM image of

the polarization splitter

tions through only a 10-μm-long propagation. For the suppression of additional

coupling at the bending sections and for high-density integration, the ends of the
coupler are tightly bent with a 3-μm radius. In the 200×400-nm2 rectangular
core, TE-like modes can propagate through the tight bend, but TM-like modes
can not. Therefore, the exit waveguide for the TM-like modes is straight along the
The measured transmission of the splitter for various incident polarizations is
shown in Fig. 1.29. The polarization was controlled by rotating a half-wave plate
installed in front of the single-mode fiber for input. In the cross port, TM-like modes
are dominant and TE modes are suppressed; in the bar port, vice versa. The maxi-
mum polarization extinction ratios (PERs) are 26 and 14 dB for bar and cross ports,
respectively. Cascading two splitters improves the PER to about 23 dB for the cross
port. A detailed study has shows that the applicable bandwidth is over 100 nm for a
−10 dB PER [47].
A schematic of the fabricated rotator is shown in Fig. 1.30a [48]. The device has
an off-axis double-core structure consisting of a 200-nm2 silicon core, a 840-nm2
silicon oxynitride (SiON) core, and a silica overcladding. The right and bottom
edges of the thin silicon core overlap the corresponding edges of the second core.
The SiON layer, with a refractive index of 1.60, and the silica layer are deposited
by the PE–CVD method.

Fig. 1.29 Measured

transmission of a single-stage
polarization splitter for
various incident polarizations
24 K. Yamada

Fig. 1.30 (a) Schematic of the polarization rotation structure and (b) its eigenmodes

As shown in Fig. 1.30b, the double-core structure has two orthogonal eigen-
modes with the eigenaxes tilted toward the substrate. Thus, propagation through the
waveguide produces a rotation of the polarization plane when the polarization of
incident light is just TE-like or TM-like modes. The polarization rotation angle is
described by φ = π LΔn/λ, where L is the propagation length, Δn the difference
in the effective indices between two orthogonal eigenmodes, and λ the operation
wavelength. The rotator length for 90◦ rotation L π/2 is given by λ/2Δn.
The measured output spectra for both polarization components of a 35-μm-long
device are shown in Fig. 1.31a. Although the incident light has a TM-like compo-
nent, the TM-like component after passing through the device is suppressed and the
TE-like component becomes dominant. In other words, the incident TM component
is converted into TE. The excess loss through the device is about 1 dB. The spectral
ripples are caused by the polarization rotation in the normal silicon waveguides used
for input and output, and they complicate the estimation of the actual rotation angle.
A Poincare-mapping measurement gives a more accurate rotation angle and also the
extinction ratio. As shown in Fig. 1.31b, the maximum rotation angle is 72◦ , and
the maximum extinction ratio is about 11 dB, which is obtained for a 35-μm-long
device [48].

Fig. 1.31 (a) Measured transmission spectra of the polarization rotator with a length of 35 μm; (b)
Polarization rotation angle estimated by the measured Poincare map and polarization extinction
ratio calculated from the measured rotation angle
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 25

1.5.2 Polarization Diversity

A microscope image of the fabricated polarization diversity circuit is shown in
Fig. 1.32 [46]. The circuit consists of polarization splitters, rotators, and a ring
resonator wavelength filter with a 10-μm radius. The ring resonator has an extraordi-
nary polarization dependence, which is shown in Fig. 1.15. In this diversity circuit, a
splitter for the input separates the TE and TM components and feeds them into two
waveguides. For the waveguide for the TM-like mode, the polarization is rotated
into the TE-like mode. Thus, the polarization-dependent ring resonator can be used
for both polarization inputs. There are two output waveguides for the ring resonator.
In one of the waveguides, the TE-like mode is rotated into the TM-like mode and
finally combined with another TE-like mode. In such a geometry, there is no PDλ,
because this system uses only one functional device working for the TE mode.
Moreover, the symmetry of the circuit eliminates the PDL and PMD originating
from the normal waveguiding section [46]
Transmission spectra for wavelength filters with and without the polarization
diversity are shown in Fig. 1.33. Without the diversity, the ring resonator works

Fig. 1.32 Photograph of the polarization diversity circuit for a ring resonator filter

Fig. 1.33 Measured transmission spectra of a ring resonator with and without polarization diversity
26 K. Yamada

as a fine wavelength filter for TE polarization, but it does not work at all for TM
polarization. On the other hand, with polarization diversity, the circuit shows almost
the same filter characteristics for both polarizations. The measured PDL of 1 dB is
suitable for practical use.

1.6 Summary
Silicon photonic wire waveguides, featuring very strong optical confinement and
compatibility with silicon electronics, provide us with a highly integrated platform
for electronic–photonic convergence. The fundamental propagation performance of
the waveguide has already become a practical standard. Some passive devices with
sophisticated designs and dynamic devices with electronic structures have also been
developed by using such waveguides. Moreover, the waveguide offers an efficient
media for nonlinear optical functions. The polarization dependence, which is a
serious obstacle to telecommunications applications, can be eliminated by using
a monolithically integrated polarization diversity system.
In the next development stage, efforts will mainly shift to a large scale photonic
integration in which passive, dynamic, and active devices will be integrated on a
chip. The ultimate goal is, of course, a large-scale electronic–photonic integration,
which is the most important advantage of the silicon photonic wire waveguide.

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A Birefringence, 5–7, 13, 15

Absorption, 2, 12, 17, 20–21 Buried oxide (BOX), 18
AWG, 5, 7, 14
B Carrier injection, 15–19
Band gap, 4, 7, 16 Charge carrier, 17
Bandwidth, 7, 12, 19, 21, 23 Chip/s, 2, 19, 22
1 Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguides: Fundamentals and Applications 29

Coupler (grating), 22 L
CVD, 3, 10–11, 18, 23 Laser, 9
Lithography, 9–10, 18
D Low-loss optical waveguides, 9
Delay, 5, 7
Directional couplers, 15, 22 M
DWDM, 5 Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), 16
Metal, 4
E Modulation, 20
Etch, 2, 4, 9–11 Modulators, 2, 17
Monolithic, 2, 22
Infrared, 2, 4, 8, 16, 18, 22 N
Interconnect, 1 Nonlinear, 19–22
Chapter 2
Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic
Waveguide Components Using Cladding
Stress Engineering

Dan-Xia Xu

Abstract This chapter reviews the characteristics of SOI ridge waveguide birefrin-
gence, as governed by the waveguide cross-section geometry, the cladding stress
level, and cladding thickness. Typical stress levels in dielectric cladding films such
as silicon dioxide and silicon nitride are such that the stress-induced birefringence
is of comparable magnitude to the waveguide geometrical birefringence. Therefore
the total waveguide birefringence can be precisely controlled by counter-balancing
these two factors. The application of this technique for achieving polarization inde-
pendence in a variety of photonic components is described, as well as an example of
polarization splitting. Passive and active tuning of the stress-induced birefringence
is discussed. The use of birefringence tuning to enhance the efficiency in optical
parametric processes and stress-induced Pockels electro-optic effect are also briefly

2.1 Introduction

Polarization is a property of electromagnetic waves that describes the orientation of

the electric and magnetic field oscillations. In free space, these oscillations are in
the plane perpendicular to the wave’s direction of propagation. A lightwave of arbi-
trary polarization can be represented as the linear superposition of two orthogonally
polarized modes, usually selected as the transverse electric (TE, with the electric
field parallel to the wafer plane in a planar waveguide) and transverse magnetic
(TM) modes. The fundamental polarization effects are polarization-dependent loss
(PDL) and birefringence [1, 2]. Intrinsic PDL in silicon waveguides is mainly due
to scattering from the waveguide core-cladding interfaces [3]. In a photonic compo-
nent, a PDL may also arise from other loss sources, for example, the polarization-
dependent bend loss [4]. In this chapter we focus on the effects of waveguide

D.-X. Xu (B)
Institute for Microstructural Sciences, National Research Council, Canada,
Ottawa K1A 0R6, Canada
e-mail: [email protected]

D.J. Lockwood, L. Pavesi (Eds.): Silicon Photonics II. 31

Topics in Applied Physics 119, 31–70 (2011)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10506-7_2 C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
32 D.-X. Xu

When a lightwave travels in a dielectric waveguide such as a glass fiber or a

planar waveguide, the phase velocity ν is decreased to ν = c/n eff , where n eff is
the phase effective index of the waveguide and c is the speed of light in free space.
Waveguide birefringence describes the anisotropy with respect to polarization in
the propagation constant (or the effective index) of the optical modes. In other
words, light waves with different polarization states travel at different speeds when
a waveguide is birefringent. Waveguide birefringence may arise from intrinsic mate-
rial properties such as in a garnet crystal, or due to geometrical anisotropies such
as in polarization maintaining fibers and silicon ridge waveguides, or induced by
external (mechanical) distortion such as often observed by bending a glass optical
fiber. In structures with strong optical confinement, such as silicon photonic wire
waveguides of sub-micron dimensions, the electric and magnetic oscillations are no
longer perpendicular to the direction of travel, but have an appreciable component
in that direction.
The polarization dependence of waveguides presents one of the most difficult
challenges in the design of planar waveguide components. Light sources used in
modern communication systems are often semiconductor lasers, which emit linearly
polarized light. This light is often regenerated using erbium doped fiber amplifiers,
which can decrease the degree of polarization due to the amplified spontaneous
emission (ASE) background of the amplifiers [5]. Fibers used in optical links are
generally not polarization maintaining, either due to accidental loss of circular
symmetry in the fiber poling process or due to mechanical distortions in the fiber
cable. The polarization state fluctuates randomly on a millisecond scale after trav-
elling a distance of several kilometers [1, 2]. In spectroscopy, the excitation source
may come from natural light sources such as the sun light, which may be partially
polarized or unpolarized [6]. Even if the excitation comes from a laser with linear
polarization, the state of polarization is often modified after transmission/reflection
from the medium of interest. These phenomena are the root causes of impedi-
ments in optical systems including polarization-dependent wavelength shift (PDW),
polarization-dependent mode dispersion (PMD), and polarization-dependent loss.
The preferred approach to handle this issue is to produce devices with polarization
insensitive performance. When this approach is not practical, a polarization diversity
scheme may be adopted where the signal is divided into orthogonal polarization
states using a polarization splitter and processed separately. Due to the increased
complexity, the question of whether the polarization diversity method is commer-
cially viable is still a subject of debate.
Silicon photonics has seen rapid progress as evidenced by this book sequel, and
many building blocks have been developed for applications in optical telecommu-
nication, interconnect, spectroscopy, and optical sensing. Control and utilization
of polarization-dependent properties remains a challenge, but new solutions and
functionalities also have been demonstrated [7–17]. The waveguides employed in
commercial devices are mainly medium sized ridge waveguides for better fabri-
cation tolerance and fiber-to-waveguide coupling. A considerable fraction of the
silicon photonics research is concerned with sub-micron photonic wire waveguides
to achieve a smaller device footprint and higher optical intensity, but accompanied
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 33

by stringent fabrication requirements. Components using sub-micron waveguides

demand a different strategy to deal with polarization controls and are beyond the
scope of this work. In this chapter, we review the characteristics of polarization
dependence, particularly birefringence, in silicon-on-insulator (SOI) waveguides of
1–5 μm ridge height, with regard to the two main sources of polarization anisotropy,
namely the geometrical and the cladding stress-induced birefringence [11, 12, 18].
Since the early theoretical analysis [19, 20] and demonstration of using cladding
stress-induced birefringence to produce a polarization-independent (PI) arrayed
waveguide grating (AWG) [11, 21], the importance of stress-induced birefringence
has increasingly been recognized [18, 22–26]. Cladding stress engineering has been
applied to different components, including PI ring resonators [13, 14], PI Mach-
Zehnder interferometers for differential phase shift keying (DPSK) [16, 23], low
loss PI triplexers for fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) applications [15], phase matching in
Raman wavelength conversion [24, 25], as well as broadband polarization splitters
[26]. In this chapter we review the main characteristics of cladding stress-induced
effects, design methodologies, and experimental demonstrations of their applica-
tions. Numerical analysis is focused on waveguides with 1.5–2.2 μm ridge heights,
while scaling and the relative importance of stress-induced effects with core size
are also discussed. The intent is to give a pictorial understanding of the pertinent
characteristics in order to assist the readers to use this technique in their own
This chapter is organized as follows. Section 2.2 discusses the general consid-
erations in SOI waveguide design. Sections 2.3 and 2.4 describe the main charac-
teristics of the geometrical and cladding stress-induced birefringence, respectively.
Applications of cladding stress engineering to achieve different photonic function-
alities are reviewed in Sect. 2.5, and finally some conclusions are drawn in Sect. 2.6.

2.2 SOI Waveguides: General Considerations

In planar waveguide components, two types of cross-section geometries are

most frequently encountered, namely slab and ridge waveguides, as illustrated in
Fig. 2.1a, b. Respective examples are the combiner sections in an arrayed waveguide

Upper cladding (SiO2) tc

σfilm⋅ θ D tc
Core (Si) H H H
Lower cladding (SiO2) Lower cladding (SiO2) Lower cladding (SiO2)
y Substrate (Si) Substrate (Si) Substrate (Si)
z x (c)
(a) (b)

Fig. 2.1 Cross-section of an SOI (a) slab, (b) ridge, and (c) channel waveguide
34 D.-X. Xu

grating (AWG) demultiplexer for the slab, and the input/output waveguides for the
ridge. Channel waveguides (Fig. 2.1c), with the side slab etched down to the buried
oxide layer, are also used for special purposes [27], but these are less common.
In the overall component design, it is often required that certain waveguide sec-
tions are both single mode and polarization independent. In applications such as
dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) and high resolution spectroscopy,
the birefringence must be below 10−4 for acceptable polarization insensitive perfor-
mance [28]. An appropriate mode shape to assist the smooth transition between dif-
ferent waveguide sections and a small bend radius to minimize device footprint are
also essential. Another important consideration is the fabrication tolerance, which is
the ability to achieve and maintain the pre-designed values of the effective index and
birefringence using available fabrication technologies. All these properties depend
on the waveguide cross-section geometry.

2.2.1 Single-Mode Condition

Due to the high-index contrast in the SOI material platform, waveguides with dimen-
sions larger than a few hundred nanometers in cross-section usually support multiple
modes. Nevertheless, large ridge waveguides can be designed to exhibit single-
mode-like behavior provided the waveguide width (W ) and etch depth (D) fulfil
certain conditions relative to the ridge height H (see Fig. 2.1b). Soref et al. first
proposed the following single-mode condition for SOI waveguides [29]:

W r h
≤ 0.3 + √ ,r = , (2.1a)
H 1−r 2 H

0.5 ≤ r ≤ 1, (2.1b)

where h = H − D is the slab height in the lateral etched sections. The restriction
of Eq. 2.1b is imposed based on the argument that for r ≥ 0.5, the effective index
of the fundamental “vertical mode” in the etched slab regions becomes larger than
the effective index of all vertical higher order modes in the ridge. Therefore the
higher order modes in the ridge become “leaky,” and eventually dissipate after a
sufficiently long propagation distance. In the original investigation, a propagation
distance of 2 mm was used to verify the single-mode-like behavior in waveguides
with a height of H = 4 μm, using the beam propagation method (BPM) [29]. Since
then, several groups have continued the study on this subject [30–34], with modified
single-mode conditions extended to waveguides of smaller dimensions and deeper
etch. For example, Chan et al. established the following condition for waveguides
with ridge height of H = 1–1.5 μm for the TM polarization [34]:

W (0.94 + 0.25H )r
≤ 0.05 + √ , (2.2a)
H 1 − r2
0.3 < r < 0.5 and 1.0 ≤ H ≤ 1.5, (2.2b)
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 35

In this study, the single-mode boundary was established also by using the BPM algo-
rithm, with a propagation length of 4 mm. Lousteau et al. have observed that near
the single-mode condition, certain so called “sticky modes” can exist with rather low
radiation loss, and therefore persist after a considerable propagation distance [33].

2.2.2 Higher Order Mode Filtering

The single-mode conditions described in Sect. 2.2.1 only apply to straight waveg-
uides. It is well known that higher order modes suffer larger radiation losses at
waveguide bends, and this mechanism can be used as an efficient method to filter
out unwanted higher order modes. Both the fundamental and higher order mode
losses, including the bend loss and scattering loss, are polarization sensitive. For
the intrinsic bend loss (when the sidewall roughness is not considered), it has
been shown that the TM modes can sustain a much smaller bend radius than the
TE mode [4, 14]. Scattering loss due to sidewall roughness, on the other hand,
depends on the mode-sidewall overlap, which in turn depends on the specifics of
the waveguide geometry and interface condition. It is therefore more difficult to
make a general statement, though this loss is certainly polarization dependent [3].
Waveguide bends have been used in various cases to allow a deeper etch depth
than predicted by Eq. (2.1) or (2.2), with the final devices exhibiting single-mode
behavior and having a reduced device size [11, 14, 35, 36]. In the sections to fol-
low, we will discuss some waveguide designs that may not satisfy the single-mode
conditions described previously, but have been validated through experiments to
function satisfactorily. On the other hand, the effectiveness of higher order mode
filtering using waveguide bends depends not only on the bend radius used but also
the propagation distance and device requirements for the suppression of higher order
modes. In determining the waveguide cross-section to achieve single-mode like
behavior, all these aspects need to be taken into account to ensure acceptable device

2.3 Waveguide Birefringence: Geometrical Effects

For ridge waveguides with a height of 1–5 μm, the minor components in the optical
modes are sufficiently small, and the modes can usually be well described as TE and
TM polarized modes. Modal phase birefringence can then be defined as the differ-
ence in the effective indices of the TM and TE polarizations, n eff = n TM eff − n eff ,

and it is a combined consequence of the geometrical and stress-induced anisotropy.

The effective index can be expressed as n TE,
= n geo + δn TE, TM
stress for TE and
TM polarizations, and the total birefringence is n eff = n geo + n stress . Here
n TE,
and n geo are the effective indices and birefringence solely determined
by the waveguide geometry in the absence of stress, and δn TE, TM
stress and n stress
are the stress-induced effective index and birefringence changes, respectively. The
36 D.-X. Xu

geometrical birefringence originates from the different boundary conditions for the
perpendicular and transverse electric field components of the optical modes at the
waveguide core and cladding interfaces. Its magnitude depends on the strength of
the field components at these interfaces, which is controlled by the refractive index
contrast and the core size. In low index contrast platforms such as glass waveguides,
the geometrical effect is negligible and the birefringence is primarily due to the
residual stress in the waveguide layers. A large body of research has been devoted to
this subject, where the main goal is to reduce the stress anisotropy in the waveguide
core region, for example, by matching the thermal expansion coefficients of the
cladding and core layers or creating stress relief features [37–42].
In high-index contrast waveguides such as SOI where the light is strongly con-
fined, the cross-section geometry has the largest influence on the waveguide effec-
tive index. The cross-section of ridge waveguides is typically selected to fulfil the
single-mode condition first, as discussed in Sect. 2.2. The resulting lack of axial
symmetry generally causes a strong geometrical birefringence. Being a centro-
symmetric crystal, silicon is optically isotropic in its natural state. When sub-
jected to mechanical distortion, however, there is a stress-induced anisotropy in its
polarizability and the associated material birefringence. In this section, we analyze
the influence of the geometrical factors on the waveguide birefringence, while the
stress-induced effects will be discussed in Sect. 2.4.

2.3.1 Waveguide Cross-Section

Using a full-vectorial finite element differential equation solver [43], mode solutions
are calculated with the following parameters for ridge structures shown in Fig. 2.1b:
a refractive index of silicon and silicon dioxide (SiO2 ), in the absence of stress, of
n Si = 3.476 and n oxide = 1.444, and a free-space wavelength of λ = 1, 550 nm.
The upper cladding is also assumed to be oxide in order to include the contribution
of the oxide refractive index, but the presence of stress is excluded at this point.
Figure 2.2a shows the dependence of the geometrical birefringence n geo on the
etch depth D for waveguides with different widths, with vertical sidewalls (θ = 90◦ )
and a ridge height of H = 2.2 μm. For a given waveguide width W , the polarization
degeneracy (n geo = 0) may only be achieved at a specific value of D. At the
birefringence-free point for W = 1.6 μm, n geo changes by ∼1.5 × 10−4 for an
etch depth change of D = ±10 nm. When W = 2.5 μm, n geo is much less sen-
sitive to the fluctuations in D (n/D ∼ 2 × 10−5 for D = ±10 nm); however,
the birefringence-free condition cannot be achieved. To reduce the birefringence
below the level required for the state-of-the-art photonic devices (n eff < 10−4 )
by solely controlling the ridge aspect ratio W/D, dimensional control of less than
10 nm is required for these waveguides [11, 13, 35], which is difficult to attain in
There has been extensive work on waveguides with vertical sidewalls that shows
both polarization degeneracy and single-mode conditions can be simultaneously
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 37

0.004 0.004
(a) W = 1.6 μm (b) θ = 90°
Birefringence Δngeo

Birefringence Δngeo
0.002 0.002

2.0 μm
0 0

2.5 μm 54°
–0.002 –0.002
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Etch depth (μm) Etch depth D (μm)

Fig. 2.2 Calculated modal geometrical birefringence n geo for waveguides with H = 2.2 μm. (a)
n geo in waveguides with vertical sidewalls (θ = 90◦ ) as a function of etch depth D. Waveguide
width W = 1.6, 2, and 2.5 μm. (b) n geo as a function of the etch depth for waveguides with
sidewall angles of 54, 72, 87, and 90◦ . The top ridge width W = 1.5 μm, and the bottom ridge
width varies according to the sidewall angle θ

Multi-mode region

Fig. 2.3 Single-mode

condition (SMC) and zero
birefringence condition
(ZBC) as a function of Single-mode region
waveguide rib width and etch
depth, for waveguides with
vertical sidewalls,
H = 1.35 μm and with no
upper cladding (after
Milosevic et al. [22])

fulfilled at specific waveguide aspect ratios [7, 8, 34]. Figure 2.3 gives such an
example, which depicts the zero birefringence condition (ZBC) together with the
single-mode boundaries for the quasi TE and TM modes [22]. The drawback of
this exclusively geometrical approach is that the conditions are rather restrictive for
both polarizations to be single mode as well as being degenerate. These designs also
require narrow waveguide widths and deep etch (to W < 0.9 μm and D > 0.8 μm
in this case), resulting in high sensitivity to dimensional fluctuations.
The effect of sidewall angle on n geo is shown in Fig. 2.2b. For waveguides with
near vertical sidewalls, an etch depth can be found to satisfy the birefringence-free
condition, but a small change in θ or D causes a large variation in n geo . The
birefringence of a trapezoidal ridge waveguide is less susceptible to changes in the
ridge geometry, including width and etch depth. However, the geometrical birefrin-
gence remains negative for the entire waveguide etch depth range when θ < 72◦ .
Figure 2.4 shows the fundamental (TE) mode equal-field contours in examples of
38 D.-X. Xu

(a) (b)

SiO2 SiO2

Si Si
SiO2 SiO2

Fig. 2.4 Equal-field contours (0.5, 0.1, and 0.01 of the field amplitude maximum) of SOI ridge
waveguides. The ridge height is 2.2 μm, and the etch depth is 1.5 μm. (a) Rectangular waveguide
of width 2 μm. (b) Trapezoidal waveguide with a top width of 1.5 μm, and a sidewall angle of 54◦

rectangular and trapezoidal waveguides. With the dimensions as indicated in the

figure, these two waveguides have similar mode size and can support similar bend
radii. On the other hand, the modal field for the trapezoidal waveguide has a smaller
overlap with the Si/oxide boundaries as compared to that in the rectangular waveg-
uide. This basic feature is the main reason for the different behaviors of the two
types of waveguides presented above.
Using reactive ion etching to pattern the waveguides, near vertical sidewall angles
(θ > 75◦ ) are common, while precisely maintaining θ = 90◦ is difficult. Using
anisotropic wet chemical etching, a sidewall angle of 54◦ is expected for waveguides
parallel to the < 110 > crystal planes on a wafer with (100) orientation. Indeed, a
sidewall angle of θ < 85◦ is preferred for less stringent fabrication requirements.
In-depth discussion on the influence of geometrical parameters can be found in pre-
vious publications [12, 44].

2.3.2 Scaling of the Geometrical Birefringence with Core Size

With decreasing ridge height, the dependence of n geo on the structure parameters
increases drastically. Figure 2.5a shows n geo as a function of the waveguide aspect
ratio r = h/H for waveguides with ridge height from 4 to 1 μm and W = 0.8 H .
For a large core size such as the example of H = 4 μm, the birefringence is gen-
erally low. Within a considerable range of r values, n geo is at acceptable levels
(< 10−4 ). For small core sizes, however, only a narrow range of r values yields
a low birefringence. Figure 2.5b shows the change in n geo for a fluctuation in
the etch depth of D = ± 2.5%H , with data extracted from Fig. 2.5a near the
birefringence-free points. For H = 1 μm, n geo changes with a slope of ∼ 2×10−3
for D = ±10 nm, which is prohibitively high for many applications.
Using contact-print lithography, waveguide width variations on the order of
100 nm can be expected. Using state-of-the-art high resolution lithography methods
such as e-beam direct write or deep-UV steppers, dimensional control on the order
of 10 nm is possible but is still very challenging. Because it is difficult to precisely
control the waveguide dimensions due to limitations of the fabrication techniques,
methods of controlling birefringence other than modifying waveguide geometries
are desirable.
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 39

0.02 1.E–02
Birefringence Δngeo (a) (b)

Change in Δngeo
–0.01 H=2
–0.02 H=4

–0.03 1.E–05
0.1 0.3 0.5 0 2 4 6
r = h/H Ridge height H (μm)

Fig. 2.5 (a) Geometrical birefringence n geo as a function of the waveguide aspect ratio r = h/H ,
for ridge height of H = 1, 2, 3, and 4 μm, respectively. Waveguide width W = 0.8 H. (b) Change in
n geo for a change in the etch depth of D = ±2.5%H , as a function of H , near the birefringence-
free points shown in (a)

2.3.3 Dispersion and Group Index Birefringence

The properties of most filters, resonators, and spectrometers are dependent on the
waveguide effective index n eff and the group index n G = n eff − λ∂n eff /∂λ. The
effective index generally is a function of wavelength, which in part originates from
the material dispersion and also is influenced by the waveguide cross-section. Due
to the strong modal confinement by the high-index contrast SOI waveguide bound-
aries, the effective index dispersion is a strong function of the waveguide geometry.
Since the confinements of the TE and TM modes are different, the phase birefrin-
gence also has dispersion. The group index n G is thus both wavelength and polar-
ization dependent.
Figure 2.6 shows the geometrical (phase) effective index and the group index
birefringence as a function of wavelength λ for waveguides of different widths and

0.003 0.010
W = 0.8 μm
Birefringence Δneff

Birefringence ΔnG

0.001 2.0 μm
1.5 μm
–0.001 1.0 μm
0.000 1.0 μm
–0.002 1.5 μm (a) (b)

–0.004 2.0 μm –0.005

W = 0.8 μm
–0.005 –0.010
1.46 1.51 1.56 1.61 1.46 1.51 1.56 1.61
Wavelength (μm) Wavelength (μm)

Fig. 2.6 Wavelength dependence of the waveguide geometrical birefringence (in the absence of
cladding stress) for different waveguide widths. The ridge has a height of H = 1.5 μm and the
etch depth is D = 0.9 μm. (a) Effective index birefringence n eff = n geo ; (b) Group index
birefringence n G
40 D.-X. Xu

a ridge height of H = 1.5 μm. The phase index birefringence n geo changes from
negative values for wider waveguides (i.e., n TM geo < n geo , a slab like behavior) to

positive values for the narrower waveguides (W = 0.8 μm). The dispersion of the
birefringence also changes with the geometry, in both magnitude and sign. The cor-
responding group index birefringence n G as a function of the wavelength is shown
in Fig. 2.6b. Here n G increases with the waveguide width W . For some waveguide
geometries (e.g., W = 1.5 μm), n geo and n G have the opposite signs. Simula-
tions show that it is not possible to adjust these two parameters to zero for the same
geometry, in agreement with conditions reported previously by Vivien et al. [7].

2.4 Cladding Stress-Induced Birefringence:

Theory and Modeling

The subject of photoelasticity deals with the birefringence developed in a solid under
the application of mechanical stress. Discovered in 1815 by Sir David Brewster
in jellies from the observation of artificial double refraction, this effect was sub-
sequently analyzed in crystals by Pockels, who also discovered the electro-optic
effect, now bearing his name [45]. The Pockels effect describes the generation of
birefringence on the application of an electric field, and this is discussed further
in Sect. 2.5.6. Today, photoelasticity is widely used in many areas of engineering,
notably in identifying structural deformations.
Stress in planar waveguides can come from several sources. The most common
is the mismatch in the thermal expansion coefficients between the waveguide core,
cladding and substrate materials, or other thin films deposited on top of the waveg-
uides such as metal electrical contacts. Cladding layers such as silicon dioxide
are usually deposited or grown at elevated temperatures on the silicon substrate
to provide passivation for the silicon surface and optical isolation from the external
environment. A (compressive) stress is generally present in the SiO2 films on Si
substrates, since the latter has a much larger thermal expansion coefficient than that
of the oxide (αSi = 3.6 × 10−6 K−1 and αoxide = 5.4 × 10−7 K−1 ). Intrinsic stress
can also be significant in some thin films, particularly in metals. In this section we
consider the effects of stress on a silicon waveguide, using a SiO2 cladding as the
primary example. Active tuning of the stress using a piezoelectric film cladding will
be discussed in Sect. 2.5.5.

2.4.1 Photoelastic Effect

When a material is subjected to mechanical distortions, the resulting strain/stress
modifies the crystal electronic structure on a microscopic scale by changing the bond
lengths between the atoms. The crystal symmetry and therefore the polarizability of
the material are altered. The change in the refractive index ellipsoid n ij can be related
to the strain εij in terms of the photoelastic tensor pij as [19, 46]:
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 41
 = pij ε j , (2.3)
n2 i

where the contracted tensor notation is used (i.e., 1 → xx, 2 → yy, 3 → zz, 4 →
zy, 5 → zx, 6 → xy). In cubic crystal (hence optically isotropic) materials such as
silicon, Eq. (2.3) can be simplified and expressed as the strain-induced change in
the refractive index for light polarized along the i-axis (i = 1, 2, 3):

n i − n 0 = − n 30 pi j ε j . (2.4)

Since the waveguide is usually very long in the propagation direction z (see Fig. 2.1),
the shear strain in this direction can be ignored and the refractive index is considered
unaltered. Using the stress-strain relation in an isotropic medium, the expression
between the refractive index and stress σi is found to be [19, 46]

n x − n 0 = −C1 σx − C2 (σ y + σz ), (2.5a)
n y − n 0 = −C1 σ y − C2 (σz + σx ). (2.5b)

Here σi (i = x, y, z) are the principal stress tensor components along the x-, y-,
and z-directions, respectively (see Fig. 2.1), n i is the material refractive index in the
corresponding direction, and n 0 is the (isotropic) refractive index in the absence of
stress. Since stress levels in uniform thin films can be readily measured experimen-
tally, the following discussions use the stress-related expressions. The stress-optic
constants C1 and C2 are related to the Young’s modulus (E), Poisson’s ratio (ν), and
the photoelastic tensor elements ( p11 and p12 ) as

n 30
C1 = ( p11 − 2vp12 ), (2.6a)
n 30
C2 = (−vp11 + (1 − v) p12 ). (2.6b)

When a stress (tensor) with axial anisotropy is imposed on an originally isotropic

material, a material birefringence is induced:

n y − n x = (C2 − C1 )(σ y − σx ). (2.7)

The stress-optic constants and mechanical properties of silicon, glass and several
other common optical materials are listed in Table 2.1. Stress-optic constants C1
and C2 for silicon and fused silica at the wavelength of 1.55 μm are calculated
using Eq. (2.6) from the available values of p11 and p12 measured at λ = 1.15 μm
as listed in the book by Xu and Stroud [46]. The refractive index values are from
the handbook by Palik [47]. Stress optic constants for other materials are calculated
42 D.-X. Xu

Table 2.1 Material constants of some materials: Young’s modulus E, Poisson’s ratio ν, thermal
expansion coefficient α, wavelength λ, refractive index n 0 , photoelastic tensor elements p11 and
p12 , and stress optic constant C1 and C2 [46, 47]
Material Si Fused silica Ge GaAs LiNbO3
E (GPa) 130 76.7 103 85.5 166
ν 0.27 0.186 0.26 0.31 0.31
α (K−1 ) 3.6×10−6 5.4×10−7 5.8×10−6 6.9×10−6 6×10−6
λ (μm) 1.55 1.55 2.0–2.2 1.15 0.633
n0 3.476 1.444 4.1 3.44 2.28
p11 −0.101 0.16 −0.063 −0.165 −0.026
p12 0.0094 0.27 −0.0535 −0.140 0.090
C1 (10−12 Pa−1 ) −17.13 1.17 −11.77 −18.62 −2.92
C2 (10−12 Pa−1 ) 5.51 3.73 −7.77 −10.82 2.50

for their respective wavelengths as listed. It has been shown that the silicon stress-
optic constants have a weak dependence on the crystal orientation, but that is not
considered here [48–50]. It is of interest to note that silicon is similar to LiNbO3
in that the stress-optic constants C1 and C2 have opposite signs. Equation (2.7)
predicts that these materials have a large birefringence resulting from stress

2.4.2 Ordinary and Normalized Plane Strain Models

In this section we introduce the models used for calculating the stress distributions
in the SOI waveguide system consisting of a silicon substrate, a buried SiO2 lower
cladding layer, and a SiO2 upper cladding layer (Fig. 2.1b). For SOI wafers formed
using the Unibond process, the buried oxide is thermally grown with a typical stress
in the range of −300 MPa (compressive). The upper cladding oxide films are gener-
ally deposited using plasma enhanced chemical vapour depositions (PECVD) in the
temperature range of 150–400 ◦ C, with a typical stress level in the range of −100 to
−400 MPa. Apart from the deposition temperature, the residual stress in a blanket
oxide film on silicon also depends on other process parameters such as gas flow
rate, plasma power density, and deposition pressure. Even for films deposited at the
same temperature, changes in other process parameters can cause large differences
in the film density and stress [51]. For the purpose of our simulation, the upper and
lower oxide claddings are assumed to have the same material constants, resulting in
the same stress levels. Even though this assumption may not always reflect the real
situation, simulations reveal that the lower cladding makes a negligible contribution
to the stress in the silicon core, and the resulting inaccuracy in the optical properties
is minimal.
Stress in a waveguide is usually non-uniformly distributed and has different val-
ues in different directions (anisotropic), determined by both the stress in the cladding
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 43

film and the waveguide geometry. In our calculations, we assume that all material
layers are at equilibrium, and therefore stress-free, at a reference temperature Tref ,
which corresponds to the deposition temperature for an idealized film on a silicon
substrate. Deformations occur and stresses build up upon cooling to the operating
temperature T0 as different layers contract at different rates. In other words, thermal
stress is used to account for the total stress in the films for simulation, even though
in real devices some intrinsic stress may be present in the cladding film.
The strain and stress components are related as follows, given the difference
between the operating and reference temperatures (T = T0 − Tref ):

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤
σx 1−ν ν ν εx
⎣σ y ⎦ = E ⎣ ν 1 − ν ν ⎦ ⎣ε y ⎦ − α ET , (2.8)
σz (1 + ν)(1 − 2ν) ν ν 1−ν εz 1 − 2ν

where σi and εi are the principal stress and strain components along the x-, y- and
z-directions, respectively. A commonly used approximation is the “plane strain”
model, which assumes that the strain component along the propagation direction z
is negligible compared to the strain in the x- and y-directions. Under this plane-
strain assumption where εz = 0, the three-dimensional (3D) stress analysis in (8) is
reduced to a 2D problem with σx and σy decoupled from σz :

E  α ET
σx = (1 − ν)εx + νε y − , (2.9a)
(1 + ν)(1 − 2ν) 1 − 2ν
E  α ET
σy = νεx + (1 − ν)ε y − , (2.9b)
(1 + ν)(1 − 2ν) 1 − 2ν

σz = ν(σx + σ y ) − α ET. (2.9c)

Although the plane strain model has been widely used to calculate stress in
waveguides [52–54], it introduces a strong artificial tensile stress σz in the silicon
waveguide core and the substrate, but lower compressive stress in the cladding lay-
ers along the z axis. These changes in stress cause a uniform shift in the calculated
material refractive indices n x and n y , which in turn changes the effective indices
of the waveguide modes by approximately 10%, and therefore the stress-induced
birefringence by a similar amount. This can be important in modelling interference
based polarization controlled devices employing stress [12].
We have developed an alternative “normalized plane strain” model to circumvent
this limitation [12]. Rather than assuming no distortion along the z-axis, we assume
that the top layers conform to the substrate during cooling. The strain component in
the z-direction then takes the form of εz = αs T , where αs is the thermal expansion
44 D.-X. Xu

coefficient of the silicon substrate. Applying this relation to Eq. (2.8), the stress-
strain relation can be expressed in a form similar to the 2D equations in Eq. (2.9):
 E  ν α ET
σx = (1 − ν)εx + νε y − α − αs , (2.10a)
(1 + ν)(1 − 2ν) 1+ν 1 − 2ν
 E  ν α ET
σy = νεx + (1 − ν)ε y − α − αs , (2.10b)
(1 + ν)(1 − 2ν) 1+ν 1 − 2ν
   ν 1
σ Z = ν(σx + σ y ) − α − αs ET + αs ET, (2.10c)
1+ν 1+ν

if “normalized” thermal expansion coefficients are adopted:

α = α − αs . (2.11)

The final expression for σz  is obtained by adding a constant correction term:

σz = σz + αs ET, (2.12)

where the stress field σz is calculated as in Eq. (2.9), with the modification for the
thermal expansion coefficients as in Eq. (2.11). This means that the ordinary plane-
strain algorithm, commonly available in commercial multi-physics software such
as COMSOL Physics, can be used as before to evaluate the x- and y-components
of the stress distribution in the waveguides, using the normalized thermal expansion
coefficients. Using this 2D “normalized plane-strain model”, accuracies comparable
to full 3D simulations can be achieved, but with much reduced computation time
and memory requirement. Further details on this simulation method can be found
in [12].
We define a parameter σfilm as the in-plane stress component (in the x direction,
σx ) that is present in the uniform upper cladding film, far away from the ridge.
Allowing unconstrained thermal expansion in all directions, it can be expressed as

σfilm = σx = (αs − αoxide ) T, (2.13)

where αs and αoxide are the thermal expansion coefficients of the Si substrate and
SiO2 cladding film, respectively. The value of σfilm is also readily available from
the simulation output. Experimentally, the value of the stress in a cladding film
can be measured from the change in bowing radius of a blanket wafer before and
after deposition of the stressed film [55, 56]. We use σfilm to characterize the stress
in the cladding film to emulate the experimental conditions. Using the mechanical
properties listed in Table 2.1, the temperature difference T between the thermal
equilibrium (deposition) and operating temperatures is used as a fitting parameter
to match the experimentally measured σfilm . For example, T = 400 ◦ C yields
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 45

σfilm = −105 MPa, whereas T = 1, 120 ◦ C yields σfilm = −300 MPa. The small
stress gradient in the film thickness direction (y-direction) is neglected. As we have
discussed at the beginning of this section, generally T ≤ 400 ◦ C for PECVD
depositions and the measured film stress is in the range of −100 to −400 MPa.
The discrepancy between experimental stress levels and the calculated values for
PECVD deposition temperatures indicate that thermal stress alone does not account
for the stress levels commonly observed in the oxide films, and intrinsic stress likely
is present.

2.4.3 Cladding Stress-Induced Birefringence in Waveguides

The stress distribution in a waveguide depends on the core and cladding material
constants, and the waveguide cross-section geometry, including the cladding film
thickness and its coverage on the ridge sidewalls. Using the relations described in
Eqs. (2.10–2.12), the stress components σx and σy , and the corresponding modified
material refractive indices n x and n y can be computed. A full-vectorial mode solver
is then used to calculate the modified effective index.
The stress distributions and the material birefringence (n y − n x ) in SOI ridge
waveguides are discussed below for an SiO2 lower cladding of thickness 0.37 μm,
an SiO2 upper cladding of thickness 1 μm and a step coverage of 70%, under a
compressive stress of σfilm = −300 MPa. The ridges have a height of H = 1.5 μm
and an etch depth of D = 0.9 μm. Two examples are shown, with Fig. 2.7 for a
vertical sidewall waveguide with W = 1.5 μm and θ = 90◦ , and Fig. 2.8 for a
trapezoidal waveguide with W = 1 μm and θ = 54◦ . These two waveguides have
similar widths at the optical mode center and provide similar light confinement. In
both cases, the primarily in-plane stress in the oxide film compresses the Si ridge,
resulting in a compressive stress in the x-direction (Figs. 2.7a and 2.8a) and a higher
tensile stress in the y-direction (Figs. 2.7b and 2.8b) in the silicon core. At the
mode centre, σx ∼ −53 MPa and σy ∼ 130 MPa in Fig. 2.7, while σx ∼ −60 MPa
and σy ∼ 97 MPa in Fig. 2.8. This stress anisotropy is the fundamental cause of
the stress-induced birefringence. The corresponding local material birefringence
(n y − n x ) is shown in Figs. 2.7c and 2.8c, with a value of ∼ 5 × 10−3 at the mode
centre for the vertical sidewall waveguide.
These modifications in the material index cause the modal effective index n TM eff to
increase and n TEeff to decrease, for a cladding film with a compressive stress. In other
words, the stress-induced changes in the effective index δn TM stress < 0 and δn TE < 0
for σfilm < 0. Figure 2.9 illustrates the dependence of the effective indices on the
cladding thickness for the vertical waveguide with a material birefringence distribu-
tion shown in Fig. 2.7. These effective index changes in the opposite direction for
TE and TM are due to the opposite signs of the stress-optic constants C1 and C2
for silicon (see Table 2.1). This fact makes stress engineering a particularly efficient
method for changing the silicon waveguide birefringence, as compared to that for
other materials where C1 and C2 are of the same sign.
46 D.-X. Xu


σx (a) 200 σy (b) ny − nx (c)

SiO2 SiO2 SiO2 0.004
Si −
−200 Si Si
y −
−400 −0.002
Si SiO2 Si SiO2 Si SiO2 −0.004
x −
−600 −0.006

Fig. 2.7 Stress distributions in the (a) x-direction and (b) y-direction; and (c) stress-induced mate-
rial birefringence (n y − n x ), for a waveguide with H = 1.5 μm, W = 1.5 μm, D = 0.9 μm, and
θ = 90◦ . The cladding oxide is 1 μm thick with a compressive stress of σfilm = −300 MPa

σx (a) 200 σy (b) ny − nx (c) 0.008

SiO2 0 SiO2 0.004

SiO2 0.002
Si −200 Si
Si 0
y SiO2 −400 Si SiO2
Si Si SiO2 −0.004
x −600 −0.006

Fig. 2.8 Stress distributions in the (a) x-direction and (b) y-direction; (c) stress-induced material
birefringence (n y − n x ), for a waveguide with H = 1.5 μm, W = 1 μm, D = 0.9 μm, and
θ = 54◦ . The cladding parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.7

Fig. 2.9 (a) Effective indices
σfilm = 0 MPa
for the TE and TM 3.412
Effective index

polarizations as a function of −100

the oxide upper cladding TE −200
thickness tc , for different 3.411
cladding stress levels of −200
σfilm = 0, −100, and TM
3.410 −100
−200 MPa, respectively. The
waveguide dimensions are
H = 1.5 μm, W = 3.409
0 0.5 1 1.5
1.5 μm, D = 0.9, μm and
θ = 90◦ Cladding thickness tc (um)

The upper cladding thickness tc is another important

parameter governing
the stress-induced changes δn TEstress , δn stress , and thus n stress = δn stress − δn stress ,

since the force exerted on the silicon core in the x-direction scales with
both σfilm
and film thickness. With increasing upper cladding thickness, δn TM stress
and δn TM
increase at first and eventually reach a plateau for large tc , when the silicon ridge is
entirely buried under the oxide and the force saturates. It is evident that the impact
of stress increases with the etch depth D and the sidewall angle θ, but decreases
with the waveguide width W . As can be observed in Figs. 2.7 and 2.8, σx < 0 and
σy > 0 in the regions where the optical mode has significant intensity. On examining
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 47

Eq. (2.5), one can conclude that |δnTM | > |δnTM | for most waveguide geometries,
as also shown in Fig. 2.9.
The corresponding total modal birefringence n eff , including the geometrical
and stress-induced contributions, is illustrated as a function of the upper oxide thick-
ness for the waveguides with vertical and slanted sidewalls in Figs. 2.10a and b,
respectively. A cladding with a compressive stress induces a positive shift in n eff
that increases with the amplitude of σfilm , whereas a cladding material with a tensile
stress (for example, some silicon nitride films) would induce a negative shift in
n eff . For the waveguide dimensions presented here, the optical field is sufficiently
confined within a 0.3 μm thickness of the oxide cladding owing to the high-index
contrast. A thickness range of 0.3–1.5 μm is available for birefringence tuning,
giving a tuning range of n stress ∼ 5 × 10−3 for σfilm = −300 MPa. For thick-
nesses larger than 1.5 μm, little additional stress-induced changes can be obtained
for these waveguides. As expected from the material birefringence distribution
shown earlier, the stress-induced birefringence is slightly smaller in the trapezoidal
The total birefringence n eff can therefore be controlled with two parameters:
the oxide cladding thickness tc and the film stress level σfilm . The stress-induced
refractive index variations resulting from commonly used oxide cladding films are
of comparable magnitude to the geometrical birefringence found in typical SOI
ridge waveguides. Depending on the specific value of the geometrical birefringence
n geo , n stress can be used to adjust the total modal birefringence to be zero or
some other desired values to fulfil the particular required functions. For example, as
will be discussed in Sect. 2.5.2, the condition of n eff = 0 is not always mandatory
for achieving polarization-independent performance of a device. For components
such as ring resonators and Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZI) which have a
cyclic spectral response, shifting the TE and TM spectra by one or even several
free spectral ranges (FSRs) can also give apparent polarization independence.

(a) 0.003 (b)
σfilm = −400 MPa
Birefringence Δneff
Birefringence Δneff

−300 0.001 σfilm = −400 MPa
0.001 −200
–0.001 −300
–0.001 −100
–0.003 –0.003 −100
–0.005 –0.005
0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Cladding thickness tc (um) Cladding thickness tc (um)

Fig. 2.10 Total modal birefringence n eff as a function of the oxide upper cladding thickness tc ,
for different cladding stress levels σfilm of 0, −100, −200, −300, and −400 MPa, respectively.
(a) The vertical sidewall waveguide as shown in Fig. 2.7; (b) the trapezoidal waveguide as shown
in Fig. 2.8
48 D.-X. Xu

Stress-induced modifications in the material refractive indices n x and n y are

linearly proportional to the stress tensor components (Eq. 2.5). From consulting
Maxwell’s equations and Eq. (2.5), it can be shown that the stress-induced changes
in the mode parameters n TEeff , n eff and n eff are also linear functions of the stress

components. For a given waveguide core geometry, we can first obtain the values
of δn TE,
for a particular stress level σ0 , over a specific range of the cladding
thickness tc . Once the curves at σ0 are determined, the values for other cladding
stress levels σfilm can be readily calculated. It is verified through simulations that
the following relations apply:

σfilm TM
δn stress
= δn 0 , (2.14a)
σfilm TE
δn stress
= δn 0 , (2.14b)
n stress = (δn 0TM − δn 0TE ). (2.14c)

The results presented in Fig. 2.10 illustrate these relations. For example, the curves
for σfilm = −100 MPa can be used as baselines δn TE,TM 0 for each waveguide, deter-
mined by the waveguide core geometry and cladding thickness, and the values at
other stress levels scale linearly by a factor σfilm /σ0 .
Figure 2.11 shows the calculated results for the maximum n stress that can be
induced with σfilm = −300 MPa (with cladding thickness tc = 2 μm) in waveguides
with H = 2 μm and different aspect ratios r [57]. This illustrates the range, sign
and general characteristics of the stress-induced birefringence n stress available in
SOI waveguides that can be advantageously employed for different applications.

1.0 0.0037

0.9 0.0029


0.7 2.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0

0.6 3.0
0.4 –0.0003
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
r = 1− D/H
Fig. 2.11 Stress-induced modal birefringence n stress for ridge waveguides with different aspect
ratios, with H = 2 μm, tc = 2 μm and σfilm = −300 MPa
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 49

2.4.4 Stress-Induced Mode Mismatch

To fulfil some photonic functions, as in the example of a polarization splitter to be
discussed in Sect. 2.5.3, it is required that the upper cladding layer only be applied
to a selected section of the components. The mode mismatch at the junction between
the bare silicon and oxide clad core, as shown in Fig. 2.12a, is a potential source of
propagation loss.
From previous
discussions, we observe that the stress-induced changes are
stress ≤ 5 × 10−3 , for oxide stress levels that are commonly available
(|σfilm | < 400 MPa). These changes are orders of magnitude smaller than the
cladding-core index contrast of ∼2 in SOI waveguides. The stress-induced modifi-
cation to the mode profile is thus negligible, leading to minimal mode mismatch loss.
Figure 2.12b shows the corresponding mode mismatch loss, calculated as the optical
mode overlap integral between the two sections, for waveguides of widths W = 1.5
and 2.5 μm, a ridge height of H = 2.2 μm and an etch depth of D = 1.5 μm. The
loss is slightly larger for the narrower waveguide, but still practically negligible (less
than 0.001 dB). The loss for TM is slightly higher than that for TE, due to the fact
stress | > |δn stress | as shown in Fig. 2.9. For waveguides with even smaller
that |δn TM TE

core dimensions, this loss increases, but is expected to be within acceptable levels
for values of H down to 1 μm.

W = 2.5 μm
Mismatch loss (dB)

0.0000 TE
W = 1.5 μm TM
SiO2 –0.0006 (b)
Si substrate –0.0008
0 100 200 300 400
Compressive cladding stress (MPa)

Fig. 2.12 (a) Schematic of a junction between the bare silicon and oxide clad waveguide core; (b)
stress-induced mode mismatch loss at the junction as a function of the cladding stress level, for TE
and TM polarizations. The waveguide dimensions are H = 2.2 μm, D = 1.5 μm, W = 1.5 and
2.5 μm, with a cladding of 1 μm thick. For W = 1.5 μm, the curves for TE and TM nearly overlap

2.4.5 Stress-Induced Effect on the Group Index Birefringence

As we have discussed in Sect. 2.3.3, due to the high confinement in SOI waveg-
uides, there is a significant geometrical contribution to the waveguide dispersion in
both the effective index and birefringence. It was noted from Fig. 2.6 that for some
waveguide geometries (e.g., W = 1.5 μm), the effective index geometrical birefrin-
gence n geo and the group index birefringence n G have opposite signs, and that
50 D.-X. Xu

Birefringence Δneff

Birefringence Δng
0.008 0.008
0.006 W = 1 μm (a) W = 1.5 μm
0.004 0.004
0.002 0.000
0.000 W = 1.5 μm W = 1 μm
–0.002 –0.004 (b)
–0.004 –0.008
1.46 1.51 1.56 1.61 1.46 1.51 1.56 1.61
Wavelength (μm) Wavelength (μm)

Fig. 2.13 The effect of cladding stress on the effective index and group index birefringence, as
a function of wavelength. Here H = 1.5 μm, W = 1 and 1.5 μm, D = 0.9 μm, tc = 0.8 μm
and σfilm = −250 MPa. Solid lines: in the absence of stress; dashed lines: including stress effects.
(a) Effective index birefringence n eff ; (b) group index birefringence n G

it is not possible to adjust both n geo and n G to zero for the same geometry when
only the geometrical contribution is considered.
The effects of stress on the total birefringence n eff and n G as a function
of the wavelength are shown in Fig. 2.13. The cladding film with a compressive
stress induces a positive shift of n stress ∼ 5 × 10−3 in both n eff and n G , for
tc = 0.8 μm and σfilm = −250 MPa. These shifts do not significantly vary with the
wavelength. This follows similar arguments, as presented in Sect. 2.4.4, that due to
the high refractive index contrast of SOI, the stress-induced changes in the mode
profiles are minimal. Consequently, there is only negligible change in the mode
dispersion. Therefore, the stress-induced birefringence n stress can be used as a
broadband tuning parameter to adjust the phase and group index birefringence. On
examining the relation n G = n eff − λ∂n eff /∂λ and since the stress only introduces
constant shifts in n TE,TM
eff , it is clear that the following statement still holds even in
the presence of stress: it is not possible to adjust both n eff and n G to zero for the
same geometry.

2.4.6 Scaling of Stress-Induced Birefringence with the Core Size

Up to this point we have mainly examined the characteristics of stress-induced

effects for a ridge height of H = 1.5 μm. In this section, we discuss how these
effects scale for different core sizes. Figure 2.14 shows the distribution of the mate-
rial birefringence (n y − n x ) in ridges having heights of 1, 3, and 5 μm, but of the
same aspect ratio (r = 0.375) and with an oxide upper cladding of 1 μm thickness
and σfilm = −105 MPa. When the ridge is buried under the oxide (tc ≥ D), as for
the case of H = 1 μm shown in Fig. 2.14a, the entire Si core is dominated by the
tensile stress in the y-direction and n y − n x > 0 for the whole ridge area. As the
ridge height H increases relative to tc to the point that the top of the ridge is above
the cladding/air boundary of the slab regions (tc < D), this fraction of the core is
actually stretched in the x-direction and compressed in the y-direction. At the same
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 51

Air (a) (b) (c)
Si 0
SiO2 –0.002

Fig. 2.14 Material birefringence (n y −n x ) in SOI waveguides with a width of 0.9 H , and an aspect
ratio r of 0.375, for ridge height H of (a) 1 μm, (b) 3 μm, and (c) 5 μm. The oxide thickness is
1 μm, with a stress σfilm = −105 MPa

time, the lower fraction of the core “sandwiched” between the in-plane cladding
film can only extend in the y-direction (i.e., under a tensile stress), as shown for the
case of H = 3 and 5 μm in Figs. 2.14b, c. As long as the tensile-stressed fraction
of the core has a significant overlap with the optical mode field, a positive shift is
induced in the birefringence.
Figure 2.15 shows the dependence of n stress on the cladding thickness tc for
core sizes ranging from 1 to 5 μm. For a given ridge height H and etch depth
D, with increasing cladding thickness, there is an increasing fraction of the core
under the in-plane force (σfilm tc ) of the cladding, and the stress-induced birefrin-
gence n stress increases. When tc approaches D, n stress approaches a maximum
and saturates. For the same cladding thickness, a smaller n stress is induced for
a larger core. The respective n stress saturation values, however, are of the same
order of magnitude for the ridge heights considered here, n stress ∼ 10−3 for
σfilm = −105 MPa. Values of n stress for other σfilm levels can be calculated using
the relations in Eq. (2.14). The stress-induced contribution to the total modal bire-
fringence is significant for a wide range of core sizes, even for cladding films with a
relatively low stress. These effects have to be taken into consideration in the design
of SOI waveguide components, and can be advantageously used for precise control
of birefringence, as will be discussed next.

Stress-induced birefringence

Fig. 2.15 Stress-induced 0.0015

birefringence n stress as a
function of the cladding
thickness tc , in SOI 0.0010 1 μm
waveguides with W = 0.9 H 2
and an aspect ratio 0.0005 H=3
r = 0.375, for ridge heights H=4
H = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 μm, 5
respectively, as indicated in 0.0000
the figure. The cladding stress 0 1 2 3
σfilm = −105 MPa Cladding thickness (μm)
52 D.-X. Xu

2.5 Cladding Stress Engineering: Applications

In the mid-1990s, several studies were reported that utilized the photoelastic effect
to make strip-loaded waveguides in silicon [58, 59]. Using a strip or a gap of ∼ 6 μm
width in a WNi metal film on top of a Si substrate, it was shown that the correspond-
ing strip-loaded waveguide only guided the TE or TM mode, respectively. Therefore
each type of waveguide can be used as a polarizer and an extinction ratio of 14 dB
was achieved [59]. In a later work, periodic oxide cladding sections were used to
make polarization rotators [60]. In these cases, stress was the only mechanism for
producing the desired functionalities. In the early 2000s, we proposed and demon-
strated that cladding stress introduces a birefringence in silicon ridge waveguides
that is of comparable magnitude to its geometrical birefringence [61, 62] and that it
can serve as an effective means to counter the effect of geometrical birefringence,
yielding birefringence-free waveguides [11].
In this section, we present several examples of using cladding stress engineering
to control polarization-dependent properties in both passive and active SOI waveg-
uide devices. In Sect. 2.5.1 we present polarization-independent (PI) AWG demul-
tiplexers that we have developed, where the birefringence in the waveguide array
is eliminated by the judicious selection of the oxide cladding stress and thickness
[11, 35]. Examples of PI ring resonators [13, 14], MZI differential phase shift key-
ing (DPSK) demodulators [16] and a low loss PI triplexer [15] are introduced in
Sect. 2.5.2. Benefiting from the cyclic response of these devices, oxide (compres-
sive) or nitride (tensile stress) claddings were used to modify the birefringence so
that the TE and TM spectra were shifted by integer multiples of the free-spectral-
range (FSR). As the last example of stress-engineered passive devices, we discuss
in Sect. 2.5.3 a polarization splitter in a zero-order AWG configuration, where a
prism-shaped oxide patch is placed in the arrayed waveguide section to separate the
TE and TM modes into different output waveguides. Since this AWG operates at
near zero-order, broadband performance is achieved [26]. In Sect. 2.5.4, methods of
birefringence trimming in passive waveguide components are presented. Cladding
stress engineering has also been used in active photonic components. Active bire-
fringence tuning and its use for phase matching in Raman amplification is described
in Sect. 2.5.5. Finally, the use of stress to alter the centro-symmetric crystal struc-
ture of silicon, thereby introducing a Pockels electro-optic effect, is discussed in
Sect. 2.5.6.

2.5.1 Polarization-Independent AWGs

Arrayed waveguide gratings are arguably the most commonly used wavelength dis-
persive filters [28]. In AWGs the polarization-dependent wavelength shift (PDW)
λ = λTM − λTE mainly arises from the birefringence of the arrayed waveg-
uides and it can be expressed as λ = λn eff /n G , where n eff and n G are the
birefringence and group index of the array waveguides. In glass waveguide-based
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 53

AWGs, a frequently used approach for obtaining PI performance is to minimize the

residual stress to make the arrayed waveguides birefringence-free. Another common
method is to insert a half-wave plate in the middle of the phased array to convert TE
polarization to TM and vice versa [63]. The insertion loss penalty, reflections at
the interfaces, and higher order mode excitation make this method impractical for
high-index contrast platforms like SOI. Introducing a triangular-shaped region in
the combiner or the array section, which has a modified birefringence and acts as a
prism, can be used to compensate the PDW as originally proposed and demonstrated
by He et al. on InP AWGs [64]. Cheben et al. have shown that this method is effec-
tive in eliminating PDW in AWG devices made of SOI ridge waveguides; however,
it is also limited by the associated loss penalty [65]. We have subsequently shown
that the use of a uniform cladding oxide with the appropriate stress and thickness to
produce birefringence-free waveguide arrays is effective and simple to implement,
as discussed below.
The AWGs used for the demonstration of polarization compensation using stress
engineering were made on SOI substrates with a silicon thickness of 2.2 μm,
with nine output channels spaced at 200 GHz and centred at 1,550 nm [11, 66]
(see Fig. 2.16a). The arrayed waveguide gratings of order 40 were formed by 100
waveguides of nominal width of 2 μm. Waveguides were produced using either wet

(a) (c)



1 mm


3 (d)
Experiment –15
Δλ = λTM − λTE (nm)

Intensity (dBm)

2 –20
0 –35
–1 –40
0 0.5 1 1.5 1528 1532 1536 1540 1544
Cladding thickness (μm) Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 2.16 (a) Optical image of a fabricated AWG. (b) Polarization-dependent wavelength shift λ
as a function of the cladding thickness tc , for AWGs fabricated using wet (average waveguide top
width W = 1.1 μm and θ = 47◦ ) and dry (W = 1.85 μm and θ = 87◦ ) etching to a depth of
D = 1.47 μm. The cladding stress is σfilm = −320 MPa. Measured TM (solid) and TE (dashed)
spectra are shown for an SOI AWG (c) without the oxide upper cladding, and (d) compensated
using a 0.6-μm-thick SiO2 claddings with σfilm = −320 MPa
54 D.-X. Xu

or dry etching, yielding waveguide sidewall angles of ∼54 and 90◦ , respectively.
To validate the simulation results, the waveguide birefringence was calculated for
average measured waveguide dimensions. Upper cladding oxide films of differ-
ent thicknesses were deposited at ∼ 400 ◦ C using PECVD, with a film stress of
σfilm = −320 MPa as measured from wafer bowing using films deposited on blan-
ket substrates. Figure 2.16b shows the calculated and measured changes in λ as
a function of the cladding thickness tc , for both trapezoidal and rectangular waveg-
uides. Calculated results agree well with experiments for both types of waveguides,
showing that λ can be modified over an ∼2-nm wavelength range [35].
Figure 2.16c, d show the TE and TM spectra of a wet-etched AWG before
and after polarization compensation. The adjacent channel cross-talk is less than
−25 dB. The non-compensated AWG device has a polarization-dependent wave-
length shift of λ ∼ 0.6 nm (Fig. 2.16c), arising from the geometrical birefringence
of n geo ∼ −1.3 × 10−3 in the arrayed waveguide. With an oxide upper cladding
film having a stress of −320 MPa and thickness of 0.6 μm, λ was then reduced to
below 0.04 nm for all channels, corresponding to n eff < 1×10−4 (Fig. 2.16d). The
polarization-dependent loss (PDL) was also found to be negligible in these devices
after the compensation.

2.5.2 Polarization-Independent Ring Resonator, Mach-Zehnder

Interferometer, and Directional Coupler
Ring resonators, Mach-Zehnder interferometers, and directional couplers are basic
building blocks frequently employed in a diverse range of applications including
communications, interconnect, and sensing. However, polarization sensitivity has
often been an obstacle that demands considerable effort to mitigate.
In SOI ring resonators, the strong polarization sensitivity in both the resonance
wavelength and quality factor has long been noted [9, 10, 14, 67]. A PI ring resonator
was reported in 2004 achieved solely by adjusting the device geometries [9], but
it was later realized that the oxide cladding stress present in those devices had a
significant role [68]. In the following we will discuss the use of cladding stress
engineering to obtain polarization-insensitive ring resonators [13, 14].
Figure 2.17a illustrates a ring resonator with a single access waveguide, and the
ring cavity is excited with a multi-mode-interference (MMI) coupler. The power
transmission in the bus waveguide can be expressed as [69, 70]:

α 2 − 2αt cos φ + t 2
|T |2 = αC 2 , (2.15)
1 − 2αt cos φ + α 2 t 2

where φ = 2πn eff L/λ is the total round trip phase accumulation, L is the cav-
ity length, and α 2 = αC2 · αring
2 is the combined power loss factor including both
the coupler and the ring loss. The self-coupling coefficient t 2 is the ratio of power
transfer from the input to the output of the coupler. A polarization dependence in t
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 55

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

Fig. 2.17 (a) Schematics of an MMI-coupled ring resonator; (b) a fabricated resonator; (c) close-
up of the MMI coupler structure prior to oxide cladding deposition; and (d) cross-section of the
waveguide with the oxide cladding

and/or α lead to different resonance quality factors and spectral widths for TE and
TM polarizations, and a birefringence in the effective and group indices result in
polarization sensitive resonance wavelengths and free spectral range, respectively.
The example discussed here is a PI ring resonator using an MMI coupler designed
in SOI waveguides having a 1.5 μm core thickness. It is well known that MMIs
are less polarization sensitive compared to directional couplers (DC) commonly
used in ring resonators [14, 71, 72]. PI ring resonator designs using DC have been
investigated [9, 73], but required long coupler length and very stringent fabrication
control. The resonators here are designed with waveguide widths of W = 1.5 μm
and 1 μm and an etch depth of D = 0.9 μm. A 2×2 restricted interference coupler
with dimensions of 7.5 μm × 84 μm and a 50:50 power splitting ratio was used
[71], where a similar excess loss of ∼ −0.2 dB was found for both polarizations.
The choice of this MMI length is based on the assumption that losses from all
other mechanisms are similar for TE and TM, which is not necessarily the case.
For example, the waveguide propagation loss due to scattering depends on the opti-
cal mode overlap with the roughness at the waveguide boundaries and is generally
polarization dependent. This loss factor is proportional to the propagation distance
and therefore to the cavity length of the ring resonator. Another source is the radi-
ation loss in waveguide bends [4, 14], as well as possible losses at discontinuities
such as the junctions between the straight and curved waveguides [74]. These losses
are also highly polarization dependent. These additional loss contributions need to
be considered in the device design, and detailed discussions can be found in [14]
Since the stress-induced birefringence in the ring waveguide n s is much
larger than that in the wider MMI section [12] and the ring waveguide section is
56 D.-X. Xu

much longer, the difference in the phase accumulation φ between TM and TE

polarizations for one round-trip of the ring cavity can be expressed as [13]:

2π  MMI ring ring

φ = n geo L MMI + n geo L 1 + n s L 1 . (2.16)

Here L MMI is the length of the MMI section, and L 1 is the total length of the ring
waveguide sections, L 1 = L − L MMI = 2πR + L MMI . Figure 2.18a shows the ring
resonator phase difference, φ = φ TM − φ TE , as a function of the oxide cladding
thickness for two cladding stress levels. Since a ring resonator has a cyclic trans-
mission spectrum, apparent polarization independence in the resonance wavelength
is achieved for φ = 2π j ( j = 0, ±1, ±2 . . .). As indicated in the figure, various
combinations of cladding stress and thickness can be found for φ to satisfy such
Figure 2.17b, c show the SEM images of a fabricated MMI-coupled ring res-
onator prior to oxide cladding deposition, and Fig. 2.17d shows the waveguide
cross-section with the oxide cladding. Measured transmission spectra for TE and
TM polarizations for a ring resonator, having R = 200 μm and a 0.8-μm oxide
cladding having σfilm = −250 MPa, are shown in Fig. 2.18b. Over the 4-nm scan
range, the polarization-dependent wavelength shift is measured to be below 2 pm,
which is the laser scan step used in these measurements. The measured free spectral
range (FSR) is ∼0.46 nm, and the quality factor of Q ∼ 15, 000 [14, 75].
Similar to ring resonators, a MZI is another example of devices that have a peri-
odic spectral response. An MMI-coupled Mach-Zehnder delay interferometer (DI)
realized in 4-μm SOI waveguide technology has been used for 40-GB/s differen-
tial phase shift keying (DPSK) demodulation [16], with the device layout shown
in Fig. 2.19a. In these SOI waveguides the polarizationdependent wavelength (or
frequency) shift comes approximately in equal fraction from the geometrical and

1.5 0
Phase difference (π)

Transmission (dB)

0.5 –250 MPa
0.0 −10
−0.5 –200 MPa
(a) (b) TE TM
−1.5 −20
0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1530.3 1530.8 1531.3 1531.8 1532.3
Cladding thickness (μm) Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 2.18 (a) Phase difference φ = φ TM − φ TE as a function of the oxide cladding thickness for
a MMI-coupled ring resonator with a radius R of 200 μm and an oxide cladding stress of −200
and −250 MPa, respectively; (b) measured TE and TM transmission spectra of the polarization-
compensated ring resonator, with an upper SiO2 cladding of 0.8 μm in thickness and a film stress
of σfilm = −250 MPa
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 57




Fig. 2.19 (a) Layout of the Mach-Zehnder delay interferometers, showing five DIs and test struc-
tures. The insert shows a 2 × 2 MMI coupler as a part of one DI. (b) PDF shift for two temperatures
(T = 35 and 70 ◦ C). (c) PDL of the filter curve maxima for TE and TM mode across the C-band.
(d) Port imbalance of TE and TM light (After Voigt et al. [16])

stress-induced birefringence, and very precise birefringence control (∼10−5 ), which

is a key requirement for DPSK receivers, can be achieved by adjusting the stress-
induced birefringence. A silicon nitride film was used as the cladding layer, so
that the tensile stress in the cladding shifts the TE response by one FSR relative
to that of TM, therefore achieving apparent polarization independence. The mea-
sured performance is shown in Figs. 2.19b–d. These devices also showed a very low
temperature dependence (polarization-dependent frequency shift PDF < 1 GHz) for
chip temperatures up to 70 ◦ C. Although the governing mechanisms are not yet fully
understood, these results may originate from a combination of material thermo-optic
effect and cladding stress-induced changes, similar to that suggested in the work on
a porous silicon filter [76].
A triplexer for routing voice, data and video signals is an important component
for fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks. Feng et al. have demonstrated a low loss
triplexer design, shown in Figs. 2.20a, b, consisting of two-stage cascaded trans-
mitter/receiver filters using Fourier-transform-based MZIs [15]. The device is made
insensitive to fabrication variations by employing appropriate directional couplers
and optical delay lines. The key design parameters are the coupling properties of
the directional couplers and the optical path length difference of the phase shift
sections L s , and both are functions of the waveguide effective index. The triplexer
was fabricated in 3-μm-thick SOI. Two layers of thin films are applied on top of
the device to compensate the polarization-dependent phase difference. The coupler
splitting ratio before and after the film deposition is shown in Figs. 2.20c, d. The
coupling length difference between TE and TM was reduced from 25 to 2%, and the
polarization-dependent loss (PDL) was reduced to less than 0.1 dB.
58 D.-X. Xu




Fig. 2.20 (a) Layout of the FTTH triplexer filter (not to scale) and (b) detail of the directional cou-
pler; splitting ratio of the coupler (c) before and (d) after stress-induced polarization compensation
for both TE and TM polarizations (After Feng et al. [15])

2.5.3 Broadband Polarization Splitter in a Zero-Order AWG


Polarization splitters are key elements in devices based on the polarization diver-
sity scheme, which can find applications in signal processing, network monitoring,
polarimetric sensing, imaging, and data storage. Different configurations of waveg-
uide polarization splitters such as the Y-branch [77], multimode interference coupler
[78], directional coupler [79], Mach–Zehnder interferometer [80–82], and AWG
[83] have been reported. These designs employ modifications to waveguide geome-
tries in selected sections and have shown limitations in the fabrication tolerances, in
the operating bandwidth, or in the density of integration.
Ye et al. have demonstrated a zero-order AWG polarization splitter that utilizes
the stress-induced effect to produce a high level of birefringence in selected waveg-
uide areas, as shown in Fig. 2.21. A triangular patch of oxide cladding is placed
in the arrayed waveguide section with a constant length increment L between the
adjacent waveguides. The stress in the cladding induces a polarization-dependent
phase difference for the light propagating in the waveguide array (see Fig. 2.21a),
causing a polarization-dependent tilt in the phase front of the light in the slab waveg-
uide combiner region (see Fig. 2.21a). Since all waveguides have the same physical
length, the phase difference for light propagating in the adjacent waveguides of the
arrayed section depends solely on the cladding stress-induced index change and the
patch-length increment. Since the stress-induced index change in the TE and TM
polarization modes have opposite signs for silicon waveguides, the two modes are
spatially displaced in the opposite directions in the focal region relative to the com-
biner centreline, as shown in Fig. 2.21b. With proper placement of the two receiver
waveguides along the combiner focal plane, the two polarizations are spatially
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 59

Fig. 2.21 (a) Schematic layout of a broadband zero-order AWG polarization splitter; (b) geometry
of the output slab waveguide combiner with a rowland configuration (After Ye et al. [26])

As we have discussed in Sect. 2.4.4, the stress-induced index modifications are

several orders of magnitude smaller than the core-cladding refractive index contrast
in SOI, so that the effect of a SiO2 cladding on the mode shape is negligible. Thus
there is negligible mode mismatch loss or polarization-dependent loss at the junc-
tions between waveguide sections with and without the claddings.
Polarization splitters fabricated on SOI wafers having a 2.2-μm-thick silicon
layer are shown in Fig. 2.22a, with an overall device size of ∼12 mm × 4 mm. The


1.5 mm
Output II: TE

−30 Output I: TM
Measured optical

−35 Output I: TE
Output II: TM

Oxide patch (b)
30 μm 1537 1542 1547 1552 1557
Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 2.22 (a) A top view of the fabricated wavelength-independent zero-order AWG polarization
splitters (several devices shown). Insert: SEM image of the oxide cladding triangular patch in the
waveguide array; (b) measured transmission as a function of wavelength of a zero-order AWG
polarization splitter (After Ye et al. [26])
60 D.-X. Xu

deposited oxide cladding film had a thickness of 1 μm, and the measured cladding
film stress was approximately −340 MPa. Since stress-induced effects do not appre-
ciably vary with wavelength (see Sect. 2.4.5) and the AWG operates near order
zero, the performance of the splitter is expected to be wavelength independent over
a large bandwidth, which was experimentally confirmed. The measured extinction
ratio of the polarization splitter was better than −10 dB for both output polariza-
tions over the full tuning range of the laser used (1,465–1,580 nm). Figure 2.22b
shows the measured polarization splitter transmission for a wavelength range of
1,537–1,557 nm. Over this range, the splitter extinction ratio is < −15 dB, and the
highest measured extinction ratio is −20 dB. A similar birefringence modification
method was also applied in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer configuration to form
polarization splitters and filters [82].

2.5.4 Trimming of Birefringence in Passive Components

Even with advanced processing tools available today, variations in critical dimen-
sions of devices fabricated with either an electron beam or deep-UV optical
lithography are still inevitable. These variations may arise from silicon thickness
non-uniformity from wafer to wafer, or from deviations on the wafer caused by
lithography imperfection or etch non-uniformity. From discussions in Sect. 2.3.2,
we noted that the effective index and birefringence are sensitive to dimensional
variations, particularly as the core size is reduced. These changes lead to device
central wavelength shifts and polarization dependence. Trimming of the waveg-
uide effective index is still necessary in certain situations. Active thermal tuning
has been used for this purpose, but this approach adds to design complexity and
power consumption. Another approach is trimming of the devices after fabrication,
by adjusting the cladding stress level or thickness, which may be performed on a
wafer level or on a device-by-device basis.
Stress in thin films can be modified by thermal treatments. The extent of the
modification depends on the film microscopic properties, thermal annealing tem-
peratures, and durations. Figure 2.23a shows such an example where the stress
magnitude in a PECVD deposited oxide film decreases with annealing temperature
and duration [61]. Anneals at 600 ◦ C for 2 and 17 min were performed on an AWG,
and the corresponding polarization wavelength shifts are shown in Fig. 2.23b, in
reasonable agreement with simulations.
Stress in oxide or nitride thin films can also be modified by electron beam and UV
irradiation, which causes a volume compaction as well as a change in the refractive
index, as has been shown by Schrauwen et al. [84]. Although both effects have an
impact on the waveguide effective index, it was shown that the stress change is the
dominant factor. Electron beam irradiation was used to shift the resonance wave-
length of a SOI wire waveguide (220 × 500 nm2 ) ring resonator with a 2-μm-thick
oxide cladding, and a red shift of ∼4.9 nm was demonstrated. Figure 2.24 shows the
evolution of the resonator transmission spectrum during one stage of the trimming
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 61

−240 1.5 Initial
600 C
RTA (2min) −335 MPa

Δλ = λTM −λTE (nm)

RTA (17min)
Stress σfilm (MPa)

1.0 −265 MPa

−227 MPa
−300 500 C 0.5
−340 0.0
−360 (a) (b)
−380 −0.5
−5 0 5 10 15 20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Time (min) Cladding thickness (μm)

Fig. 2.23 (a) Changes in the stress level as a function of anneal time for a blanket PECVD oxide
film; (b) calculated (line) and measured (symbols) polarization-dependent wavelength shift for the
corresponding anneals (After Xu et al. [61])



Fig. 2.24 (a) Overview of the device used for an electron beam trimming experiment: the right-
hand ring is trimmed by electron beam compaction; the left one is kept intact as a reference to
exclude temperature or ambient variations. (b) Evolution of the resonance during the scanning by
a 0.84-nA electron beam (After Schrauwen et al. [84])

process, when the ring resonator on the right side was scanned by a 0.84-nA electron
beam. Although the contribution of the different microscopic mechanisms and the
long term stability of this method still require further investigation, this method
can potentially be used for trimming individual devices in an integrated photonic
62 D.-X. Xu

The oxide cladding thickness may be reduced globally with chemical or reactive
ion etching. The thickness of a stress-inducing amorphous silicon film was reduced
locally using laser trimming for adjusting the birefringence in glass waveguide ring
resonator and MZI devices [85]. Direct ablation of oxide films is more difficult,
since oxide is transparent to most available laser sources. The use of additional
stress inducing films on oxide clad SOI components is also possible. Even though
allowing local trimming, this approach certainly adds process complexity.

2.5.5 Phase Matching in Raman and Other Nonlinear Processes

and Active Birefringence Tuning
Silicon as a nonlinear medium has received a surge of interest in recent years
[25, 86]. Raman scattering was proposed and demonstrated as a mechanism for
producing optical amplifiers, lasers, and wavelength converters. One motivation for
this approach is the fact that the stimulated Raman gain coefficient in silicon is
103 –104 times larger than that in glass fibers. The third order nonlinear suscepti-
bility in silicon, arising from the Raman and non-resonant susceptibilities, is dom-
inated by the Raman contribution. In these devices, phase matching of the interact-
ing beams is critical for the device efficiency. A modest mismatch of 10 cm−1 (or
∼ 2 × 10−4 in modal index) can degrade the Stokes power conversion efficiency
by 20 dB [87].
In four-wave-mixing, the phase mismatch is mainly caused by the waveguide
and material dispersion, and the birefringence between the pump and (anti-) Stokes
waves. It was shown that waveguide geometry can be adjusted so that n geo com-
pensates for the dispersion terms, thereby satisfying the phase matching condition
[25, 87]. Maintaining the mismatch to below 1.3 cm−1 , however, requires width
and etch depth control of 70 and 10 nm, respectively, even for the relatively large
waveguide of H = W = 2.3 μm at h = 1.38 μm. In those analyses, only the
geometrical contributions were considered. Stress-induced birefringence can be uti-
lized to mitigate these stringent requirements [24]. With reference to discussions
in Sects. 2.3.1 and 2.4.3, one can observe that the waveguide cross-section can be
designed to geometries less sensitive to dimensional fluctuations (e.g., W > H and
shallower etch), and employ stress-induced birefringence to reach phase matching.
Recently, active tuning of the cladding stress was demonstrated using a piezo-
electric cladding layer [17, 88]. Lead zirconate titanate (PZT) sandwiched in Pt/Ti
electrodes were deposited on the SOI waveguides with an oxide spacer, as shown
in Figs. 2.25a, b. A linear dependence of the birefringence on the bias voltage was
observed, and a tuning range of 1 × 10−4 was obtained by varying the bias voltage
from −10 to 5 V [17], as shown in Fig. 2.25c. A corresponding efficiency tuning
of 6 dB was demonstrated in the coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS)
wavelength conversion process. Optimization in waveguide designs and fabrication
processes are predicted to further improve the efficiency and offer adaptive control
of waveguide nonlinear processes.
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 63

Fig. 2.25 (a) Scanning electron microscope image of the SOI waveguide with the PZT capacitor on
top; (b) the enlarged cross-section of the PZT capacitor. The waveguide has a width of 1.5 μm, rib
height of 2 μm, and slab height of 1.1 μm. The oxide-cladding is 500 nm thick. The PZT thickness
is 500 nm. Both top and bottom Pt/Ti electrodes are 100/10 nm thick. (c) Phase mismatch (left axis)
and the corresponding birefringence (right axis) of the SOI waveguide due to the piezoelectric
effect in PZT as a function of DC voltage (After Tsai et al. [17])

2.5.6 Stress-Induced Pockels Electro-optic Effect in Silicon

The last example in this section introduces a strain-induced active phenomenon
in silicon, i.e., the Pockels electro-optic effect which prescribes that the material
refractive index varies linearly as a function of the external applied electric field.
Although it is not a direct use of stress for polarization control, the Pockels effect and
photoelasticity are two intimately related phenomena. The Pockels effect, as found
in materials such as LiNbO3 and GaAs, is the basis for most commercially success-
ful high-speed electro-optic modulators. Being a centro-symmetric cubic crystal in
its natural state, silicon lacks the inversion asymmetry which is necessary for the
Pockels effect.
It was discovered in 2006 by Jacobsen et al. that the inversion symmetry in
silicon can be broken by applying asymmetric strains to the crystal. Depositing a
straining Si3 N4 layer of 1 GPa compressive stress on top of a silicon photonic crystal
waveguide, as shown in Fig. 2.26, introduced a second order nonlinearity χ(2) [89].
The phenomenon was observed in conjunction with the enhancement of apparent
nonlinearity by the high group index in the photonic crystal waveguides used in
the experiments. An enhanced nonlinearity of ∼830 pm V−1 was observed, and a
material nonlinearity of χ(2) ≈ 15 pm V−1 was deduced. This value is still much
lower than that of LiNbO3 (∼ 360 pm V−1 ), nonetheless the experiment constitutes
a decisive step towards making silicon a versatile electro-optic material.
Figure 2.27 shows the simulated stress and strain in a sub-micron silicon waveg-
uide by applying a cladding film with a high compressive stress (σfilm = −1 GPa) on
half of the waveguide. The stress level is the same as in the work shown in Fig. 2.26.
The waveguide deformed non-uniformly and anisotropically, and the strain level in
the silicon core can reach more than ∼1%. This is another possible configuration to
introduce inversion asymmetry in the silicon core.
Stress levels on the order of −1GPa are very high values for dielectric layers
deposited on silicon. Using epitaxially grown SiGe material, a stress of several
GPa is common due to a 4% lattice mismatch between the silicon and germanium
64 D.-X. Xu

Fig. 2.26 (a) Waveguide fabricated in the top layer of an SOI wafer. (b) The same waveguide with
a straining layer on top. The straining layer breaks the inversion symmetry and induces a linear
electro-optic effect (After Jacobsen et al. [89])

4 0.5 GPa 4
(a) σx (b) εy 0
0 3
Si −0.005
Cladding −0.5
2 2 −0.01
1 Si 1
SiO2 −1.5
1 2 3 4 5 −2 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 2.27 Stress and strain distributions in an SOI submicron waveguide with asymmetric cladding
stress. (a) Stress component σx distribution; (b) Strain component εy distribution. The deformation
is enlarged by ten times relative to the waveguide dimensions. H = 500 nm, W = 500 nm, and
D = 400 nm. The stress applying film has σfilm = −1 GPa

crystals. This high strain is widely used in the microelectronic industry to enhance
the electron or hole mobilities in CMOS devices, by applying strain in different crys-
tal orientations through selective growth of SiGe in localized areas. Even though not
yet experimentally investigated, applying SiGe to the SOI waveguide and exploring
the effect for waveguides along different crystal orientations may be a promising
direction to enhance the electro-optic coefficient in silicon.

2.6 Conclusions

Birefringence in SOI waveguides is governed by the waveguide cross-section and

the stress in the silicon core. A stress in the core can be introduced on purpose or
inadvertently by the waveguide upper cladding films. The associated birefringence
is important for a wide range of commonly employed SOI waveguide sizes and
geometries. The significance of these stress-induced effects is now being recognized
in the research community, and the technique is also being applied by industry
in product development. If not taken into consideration, these effects can lead to
large deviations in device characteristics from the designed specifications. Fortu-
itously, cladding stress-induced birefringence is of comparable order of magnitude
to the waveguide geometrical birefringence, allowing precise compensation of the
2 Polarization Control in Silicon Photonic Waveguide Components 65

total birefringence. This affords a considerable degree of freedom in designing

SOI waveguides to meet other performance criteria such as relaxed dimensional
tolerance, reduced loss at waveguide bends, and overall improved device perfor-
mance. The technique of cladding stress engineering is simple to implement and
requires no additional process step other than the conventional cladding layer depo-
sition. The stress-induced modifications to the effective indices and birefringence
are readily controlled by the stress level and the thickness of the upper cladding
layer. We have reviewed the application of cladding stress engineering to produce
polarization-independent performance in several types of photonic components,
including AWGs, ring resonators, DPSK demodulators, and low loss triplexers.
Since the effect of the cladding stress on the mode profile is negligible, there is little
mode mismatch loss or polarization-dependent loss at the junctions between waveg-
uide sections with and without the upper cladding. Therefore, tailored cladding
patches can be applied at discrete locations in a planar waveguide circuit with negli-
gible insertion loss and PDL penalty, as demonstrated in the example of a broadband
polarization splitter.
Active tuning of birefringence has also been demonstrated using a piezoelectric
cladding film to enhance the conversion efficiency in optical parametric processes.
On a related subject, cladding stress can be applied to break the inversion symmetry
of the silicon crystal and introduce a Pockels electro-optic effect. This area holds
much promise in making silicon a truly versatile photonic material. Cladding stress
engineering can be envisioned in a variety of situations to enhance device function-
alities, simplify fabrication, and improve operation tolerance.

Acknowledgments The author gratefully acknowledges Dr. Siegfried Janz, Dr. Winnie Ye, Dr.
Pavel Cheben, Dr. André Delâge, and Dr. Philip Waldron for their collaboration through out this
work, and for many insightful discussions and suggestions in preparing this manuscript. The con-
tribution of Dr. Winnie Ye during her Ph.D. thesis work is particularly recognized. Acknowledg-
ments are also due to Dr. Juan Caballero, Dr. Dan Dalacu, Dr. Boris Lamontagne, Ms. Marie-Josée
Picard, and Ms. Edith Post for their contribution in device fabrication and testing. The author also
acknowledges the Institute for Microstructual Sciences, National Research Council Canada, for
providing the opportunity and facilities to carry out this research.

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86. R. Dekker, N. Usechak, M. Forst, A. Driessen, Ultrafast nonlinear all-optical processes in
silicon-on-insulator waveguides. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40, R249–R271 (2007) 62
87. D. Dimitropoulos, V. Raghunathan, R. Claps, B. Jalali, Phase-matching and nonlinear optical
processes in silicon waveguides. Opt. Express 12, 149–160 (2004) 62
88. K. Tsia, S. Fathpour, B. Jalali, Electrical tuning of birefringence in silicon waveguides, Appl.
Phys. Lett. 92, 061109 (2008) 62
89. R. Jacobsen, K. Andersen, P. Borel, J. Fage-Pedersen, L. Frandsen, O. Hansen, M. Kristensen,
A. Lavrinenko, G. Moulin, H. Ou, Strained silicon as a new electro-optic material. Nature
441, 199–202 (2006) 63, 64

AWG, 33–34, 52–54, 58–60, 65 Channel waveguide, 33–34
Chip/s, 57
B CMOS, 64
Bandwidth, 58, 60
Birefringence, 31–43, 45–55, 57–58, 60–65 D
Buried oxide (BOX), 34, 42 Delay, 56–57
70 D.-X. Xu

Directional couplers, 54–58 L

DWDM, 34 Laser, 32, 56, 60, 62
Lattice mismatch, 63
E Lithography, 38, 60
Electro-optics, 40, 52, 63–64
Etch, 34–39, 45–46, 49–51, 53–55, 60, 62
Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), 33, 47,
54–58, 60
GaAs, 42, 63
Metal, 40, 52
Gain, 62
Modulators, 52, 63, 65
Ge, 42

Interconnect, 32, 54 Nonlinear, 62–63
Chapter 3
Interfacing Silicon Nanophotonic Integrated
Circuits and Single-Mode Optical Fibers
with Diffraction Gratings

Günther Roelkens and Dries Van Thourhout

Abstract Exploiting the high refractive index contrast achievable on the silicon-on-
insulator (SOI) material platform enables a drastic scaling down of the footprint of
integrated optical functions. While this allows for large-scale integration of optical
functions, it severely complicates the interfacing with a single-mode optical fiber,
due to the huge mismatch in mode size between the optical fiber and nanophotonic
silicon waveguide. In this chapter we elaborate on the use of diffraction gratings
to achieve an efficient, compact, alignment-tolerant, polarization-independent, and
broadband optical coupling. Besides using these components as an interface with an
optical fiber, its use to interface with opto-electronic components will be discussed.
Finally, an optical probe will be presented, based on a diffraction grating integrated
on the facet of a single-mode fiber. Such an optical probe allows testing of individual
components in a silicon-on-insulator nanophotonic integrated circuit.

3.1 Nanophotonic SOI Waveguide Circuits

Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) is emerging as the most important platform for large-
scale photonic integrated circuits. This is due to the high refractive index contrast
between the silicon waveguide core and SiO2 or air cladding. This huge refractive
index contrast allows a drastic reduction in the size of individual optical functions,
bringing large-scale integrated optical circuits closer to reality. Moreover, these
photonic integrated circuits can be fabricated using standard CMOS technology
on 200-mm or 300-mm wafers [1]. This allows for low-cost mass manufacturing
and leverages from the billion dollar investments done in the development of stable

G. Roelkens (B)
Photonics Research Group, Department of Information Technology, Ghent University/IMEC,
B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
e-mail: [email protected]
D. Van Thourhout (B)
Photonics Research Group, Department of Information Technology, Ghent University/IMEC,
B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
e-mail: [email protected]

D.J. Lockwood, L. Pavesi (Eds.): Silicon Photonics II. 71

Topics in Applied Physics 119, 71–94 (2011)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10506-7_3 C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
72 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

and high-yield processes for CMOS manufacturing. While the degree of scaling is
a clear merit of the use of high refractive index contrast waveguide systems like
silicon-on-insulator, it severely complicates the interfacing with an optical fiber.
This is clear from the huge mismatch between the modal area of a single-mode
optical fiber (≈100 μm2 ) and that of a nanophotonic monomode waveguide (≈0.1
μm2 ). This is perhaps one of the most important issues that high-index contrast
waveguide circuits face for practical applications.

3.2 Solutions to the Fiber-Chip Coupling Problem

Various solutions to the fiber-chip coupling problem have been proposed in the
literature. The most common solution implies the use of a spot size converter to
transform the size of the mode of the nanophotonic waveguide to that of the opti-
cal fiber. In principal, a three-dimensional adiabatic taper structure can be used
for this purpose, both laterally and vertically transforming the size of the silicon
waveguide [2]. The technology required to do this is, however, not CMOS compat-
ible, thereby compromising its use in practical applications. A second approach to
change the spot size on the photonic integrated circuit is to use a lateral inverted
taper structure. In these structures, the width of the silicon nanophotonic waveguide
is tapered down to sub 100-nm dimensions (which can be achieved using state-
of-the-art deep UV lithography used in CMOS fabrication), thereby expanding the
size of the optical mode. By realizing a low refractive index waveguide on top of
this inverted taper structure, very efficient coupling can be obtained between the
nanophotonic waveguide and the low refractive index waveguide [3]. However, to
interface with a single-mode fiber, this requires a low refractive index waveguide
with cross-sectional dimensions comparable to that of the single-mode fiber core.
This approach therefore suffers from two important drawbacks: the integration of
such a large core optical waveguide requires a huge topography (to CMOS stan-
dards) on the photonic integrated circuit, compromising further processing. More-
over, to adiabatically transform the mode from a nanophotonic silicon waveguide to
such a large core waveguide would require taper structures of thousands of microm-
eters in length, thereby canceling out the advantages of using a high-index contrast
waveguide system for increasing the density of optical functions on the SOI chip.
This is why in current implementations, the use of inverted adiabatic taper structures
is limited to interfacing with a lensed optical fiber, since this reduces the topogra-
phy on the integrated circuit to about 3 μm (which is still large, but manageable)
and reduces the taper length to hundreds of microns, a more typical length scale in
high-index contrast waveguide circuits. This approach allows for a high efficiency
(an insertion loss lower than 1 dB has been shown) and large optical bandwidth
(typically several hundreds of nanometers) coupling between a lensed fiber and a
nanophotonic integrated circuit [3]. It however requires the use of specialty opti-
cal fiber and the associated small alignment tolerances. Besides the requirement
of a specialty optical fiber, maybe the most important issue with this approach
is the requirement of a cleaved and polished facet to interface with the photonic
3 Interfacing Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings 73

integrated circuit. While this is the standard approach for current photonic integrated
circuits (like planar lightwave circuits, edge-emitting laser diodes, etc.), the advent
of large-scale photonic integrated circuits requires a fiber coupling approach that
does not require singulated chips for optical interfacing, e.g., for optical testing on a
wafer scale, comparable to the wafer scale electrical testing in electronic integrated
Therefore the use of a new type of optical interface between a standard single-
mode fiber and nanophotonic waveguide circuit using diffractive grating structures
was proposed [4]. In these coupling structures, the lateral adaptation of the mode
size is achieved by a conventional in-plane taper structure. The interfacing with the
optical fiber, however, is done by redirecting the light exiting the photonic integrated
circuit out of the plane of the photonic integrated circuit, using a diffraction grating
(vice versa for optical coupling to the photonic integrated circuit). In this way the
optical fiber interfaces with the silicon photonic integrated circuit from the top, no
longer requiring a singulated chip for coupling. This approach even enables packag-
ing on the wafer level, by integrating fiber alignment structures on the wafer level.
These two aspects, namely the possibility of wafer scale testing and wafer level
packaging of photonic integrated circuits, could enable a dramatic reduction in the
cost of the photonic integrated circuit, since these are two of the most cost-intensive
operations in the whole fabrication cycle of the device. In the subsequent sections we
will outline the operation principle, the design and the experimental realization of
high efficiency, wide band and polarization independent grating coupler structures.
We will show that, besides their use as fiber-chip couplers, they can also be used to
interface a silicon photonic integrated circuit with a (flip-chipped) opto-electronic
component. In Fig. 3.1, the three approaches discussed above for fiber-chip coupling
are schematically depicted.

Fig. 3.1 Comparison of two spot-size converter approaches (3D adiabatic tapering in (a), lateral
inverted tapers in (b)) to interface with an optical fiber and (c) the diffractive grating based coupling

3.3 Fundamentals of Fiber-Chip Diffraction Grating Couplers

In its most simple form, a diffractive grating coupler consists of a one-dimensional

periodic structure defined on or in the silicon waveguide layer (later on we will show
that also two-dimensional periodic structures can be used), as shown in Fig. 3.2a.
74 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

Fig. 3.2 Fundamental operation principle of a one-dimensional diffraction grating structure:

(a) device layout, (b) geometric representation of the projected Bragg condition, and (c) the expo-
nential decay of the diffracted field profile

The periodicity implies that light is diffracted from these structures in preferential
directions. This can be understood by looking at the one-dimensional grating struc-
ture as a collection of scatter centers (located at the interface between the slits and
teeth of the grating), which have a fixed phase relation due to the periodicity of the
structure. This fixed phase relation results in a strongly angle-dependent interfer-
ence. For infinitely extending periodic structures, this interference behavior can be
mathematically described by the projected Bragg condition

kz,m = βmode + mK (3.1)

with m an integer. In this formula kz,m is the z-component of the wave vector of
the diffracted wave of the mth order (which arises due to the fact that all scat-
ter centers interfere constructively in a particular direction). βmode is the effective
wave vector of the optical mode in the silicon grating. In low-index contrast grating
structures this is approximately the propagation constant of the guided mode in the
uncorrugated waveguide section. In a high refractive index contrast structure this
perturbation analysis is no longer valid and the effective propagation constant is an
average of the propagation constant of the guided mode in the unetched and etched
3 Interfacing Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings 75

waveguide region. K is the reciprocal lattice vector of the periodic structure. Its
length is given by K = 2π Λ with Λ the period of the diffraction grating.
The projected Bragg condition directly determines the angle of diffraction, since
k z = 2π n λsin θ0 , with n the refractive index of the medium in which the diffracted
wave is propagating. Therefore the diffraction angle θ0 is determined by

n eff (λ) λ
sin θ0 = +m (3.2)
n nΛ

since βmode = 2π nλeff (λ) . The right hand side of this equation has to be in between
−1 and 1 for diffraction to occur. By properly choosing the grating period Λ (for a
given λ,n eff (λ) and n) one can realize a grating in which diffraction occurs into only
one diffraction order, i.e., only the diffraction order m = −1 is present. This is the
preferred situation for the fiber-chip grating couplers, which we will describe in this
chapter, since it allows efficient collection of the light diffracted from the grating, by
positioning the single-mode optical fiber on top of the grating structure at an angle
corresponding to the diffraction angle of this single diffraction order. A geometrical
representation of this projected Bragg condition is shown in Fig. 3.2b.
The choice of the diffraction angle depends on the particular application. Typ-
ically an angle between 8 and 15◦ off vertical is chosen. The reason why an off-
surface normal coupling angle is chosen becomes clear from the Bragg diffraction.
To obtain the condition of perfectly vertical coupling to the chip, the length of the
reciprocal lattice vector has to obey

K = βmode (3.3)

since m = −1. Although this condition indeed produces only a single order of
diffraction into the superstrate, a second-order reflection also occurs, back into the
waveguide, since

k z,−2 = βmode − 2K = −βmode (3.4)

The second-order reflection toward the photonic integrated circuit is unwanted

and reduces the coupling efficiency to the optical fiber. Therefore a slightly off-
normal operating grating coupler is typically used (a so-called detuned grating),
since in this case no second-order Bragg reflection occurs. In Sect. 3.7, we will
elaborate on how this performance reduction for vertical incidence can be avoided,
for the integration of surface emitting opto-electronic components on the silicon
photonics platform.
The Bragg formalism described above is only valid for infinitely extending struc-
tures. In the design of the fiber-chip grating couplers, one has to take into account the
finite (or at least the semi-infinite) nature of the diffraction grating. When the optical
mode in the silicon input waveguide is exciting the diffraction grating, optical power
is coupled out of the waveguide layer during the propagation due to diffraction
76 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

(besides some scattering at the interface between the access waveguide and the grat-
ing, due to a slight mismatch between the waveguide mode and the grating mode).
This results in an exponentially decaying diffracted field profile (different from the
plane wave considered in infinitely extending structures). This exponentially decay-
ing field profile, as shown in Fig. 3.2c has two consequences: first of all, it can be
considered as a superposition of plane waves that propagate at an angle θ centered
around θ0 , with an amplitude distribution A(θ ) determined by the Fourier transform
of this exponentially decaying field profile. The extent of the angular distribution of
these plane wave components is therefore inversely proportional to the decay length
of the diffracted field. This implies that a grating with a strong refractive index
contrast (resulting in a short decay length) generates a whole range of plane waves.
Since the angle θ0 only varies slowly with wavelength (typically 1◦ /10 nm), a large
optical bandwidth coupling can be realized in high-index contrast grating structures,
which will be discussed in more detail in Sect. 3.5. A second consequence of the
exponentially decaying diffracted field profile is the fact that there is a mismatch
with the Gaussian fiber mode in a single-mode optical fiber. This limits the achiev-
able fiber coupling efficiency for a uniform grating structure. These aspects will be
discussed in the following sections.
So far, the influence of the polarization of the incident light has not yet been con-
sidered. Due to the high refractive index contrast obtained in silicon-on-insulator
waveguide circuits, these waveguides show a strong modal birefringence. This
implies that the diffraction angle for transverse electric and transverse magnetic
polarized light is substantially different, making these one-dimensional diffraction
gratings very polarization dependent. In Sect. 3.6 we will describe, however, how
we can utilize this strong polarization dependence to realize a polarization diversity
approach based on two-dimensional diffraction gratings, effectively rendering the
photonic integrated circuit polarization independent. For the one-dimensional grat-
ing structures described in the subsequent sections, transverse electric (TE) polar-
ized light is always assumed, with the dominant electrical field component oriented
along the grating lines.

3.4 High-Efficiency Fiber-Chip Grating Couplers

Simply calculating the overlap between the exponentially decaying field profile and
the Gaussian mode profile of a single-mode fiber (with a 1/e2 intensity mode field
diameter of 10.4 μm) shows that there is an optimal decay length in the diffracted
field profile of L = 7.6 μm, for which the overlap integral is maximal [4]. This
results in a minimal insertion loss of about 1 dB for uniform grating couplers. While
this theoretical minimal loss can be improved by the use of non-uniform diffrac-
tion gratings, where the coupling strength of the grating structure varies along the
grating, this is not considered in this chapter, since it requires the definition of fea-
tures which cannot be defined and/or well controlled by state-of-the-art deep UV
3 Interfacing Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings 77

While there is a 1 dB theoretical limit in the achievable fiber coupling efficiency

for one-dimensional uniform diffraction grating structures, there is another, more
prominent, loss mechanism in these devices. So far, we have only considered the
light that is diffracted toward the optical fiber. However, since the refractive index
of the buried oxide layer, separating the silicon waveguide layer from the silicon
substrate, has a comparable index to that of the superstrate (either air, SiO2 or index
matching glue), diffraction also occurs toward the silicon substrate, as is clear from
Fig. 3.2. This limits the directionality of the grating structure (being defined as the
ratio of the optical power diffracted toward the optical fiber to the total diffracted
optical power). In a basic diffraction grating structure, where the one-dimensional
grating is defined by etching in the silicon waveguide layer, typically a 50% direc-
tionality is obtained, implying that only a maximum coupling efficiency of −4 dB
(−3 dB from the limited directionality and −1 dB from the mode profile mismatch)
can be obtained. Therefore, tackling this problem is, in a first phase, more critical
than trying to match the mode profiles.
To improve the directionality, we envisaged two types of solutions, schematically
outlined in Fig. 3.3. In one type of solution, the downward diffracted light from the
grating was redirected upward by integrating a mirror below the grating structure.
Both a metallic mirror and distributed Bragg reflector mirror were considered. While
in this case a very high directionality is obtained, care has to be taken to optimize the
distance between this bottom mirror and the grating. This is due to the fact that the

Fig. 3.3 Schematic outline of the different strategies pursued to realize high efficiency fiber-to-chip
grating couplers: (a) the standard – moderate efficiency – grating coupler structure with the grating
lines directly etched in the silicon waveguide layer, (b) the metallic and (c) DBR type bottom
mirror approach, and (d) the silicon overlay approach
78 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

optical field reflected on the bottom mirror will interfere with the directly upward
diffracted wave. This interference modifies the coupling strength of the grating (i.e.,
when there is destructive interference between both diffracted waves, little light will
be coupled out of the grating and hence the coupling length will be very long). Since
one still needs to obtain a grating coupling length matched to the dimensions of the
single-mode optical fiber, care has to be taken in optimizing these structures.
Device optimization of the bottom mirror grating structures was performed using
finite difference time domain (FDTD) and eigenmode expansion methods. To limit
the required computational resources, simulations are limited to two-dimensional
simulations. This is a good approximation for one-dimensional fiber-chip grating
couplers, since the waveguides are in practice 12 μm wide (i.e., 24 material wave-
lengths) to interface with a single-mode fiber. While this shows that the diffracted
field profile coming from a two-dimensional simulation corresponds well to the full
three-dimensional simulation, still a correction factor of 0.97 (on a linear scale) in
the fiber-chip coupling efficiency needs to be taken into account, due to the slight
mismatch in lateral field profile between the silicon waveguide mode (approximately
cosinusoidal) and the Gaussian fiber mode. In Fig. 3.4a and b, the electric field com-
ponent (for TE polarized light) of the diffraction in each type of optimized grating
structure is plotted.
Both a metallic bottom mirror-based fiber-chip grating coupler [5] and a DBR
bottom mirror-based fiber-chip grating coupler [6] were experimentally realized.
For the metallic mirror approach, a 50-nm-thick layer of gold was used. The bot-
tom mirror diffraction grating was realized used a wafer bonding approach. In

Fig. 3.4 Simulation results for the optimized grating structures for the different strategies pursued
to realize high efficiency fiber-to-chip grating couplers: (a) gold bottom mirror approach, (b) DBR
type bottom mirror approach, and (c) the silicon overlay approach
3 Interfacing Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings 79

this approach a uniform one-dimensional grating structure was defined on an SOI

waveguide wafer using the standard lithography and etching processes. Afterwards
a polymer (DVS-BCB) spacer layer was applied, after which the gold mirror is
defined on top of the grating coupler structure. Finally, the waveguide layer is trans-
ferred to a silicon carrier wafer substrate using a DVS-BCB bonding technique.
After removal of the silicon substrate, using the buried oxide layer as an etch stop
layer, the grating structure is accessible from the top by an optical fiber. While
this approach allows the integration of a bottom mirror below a crystalline silicon
waveguide layer, the layer transfer process required to achieve this is not standard
CMOS technology. Therefore, a DBR bottom mirror approach was considered,
building up the DBR/waveguide layer stack by means of chemical vapor deposition
of silicon dioxide and amorphous silicon (a-Si) on a 200-mm wafer scale. In this
case a two pair SiO2 /a-Si DBR mirror was used. The experimentally obtained fiber
coupling efficiency was in both cases about −1.5 dB, approaching the theoretical
limit of a uniform one-dimensional grating structure. The 1 dB optical bandwidth
of these coupling structures is approximately 35 nm. In Fig. 3.5, microscope images
and SEM images of the fabricated grating structures are shown, together with the
experimentally obtained fiber coupling efficiency spectrum. As is clear from these
results, a dramatic improvement in coupling efficiency can be obtained compared
to a standard, directly etched grating coupler. The parameters of these fabricated
devices are listed in Table 3.1 in the appendix to this chapter.

Fig. 3.5 Microscope image and SEM cross-section image of the fabricated high-efficiency grating
coupler structures based on a bottom mirror approach, together with the experimentally obtained
fiber coupling efficiency spectrum: (a) the metallic bottom mirror approach [5] and (b) the DBR
bottom mirror approach [6]. The DBR consists of two 112-nm-thick a-Si layers with a 267-nm
layer of SiO2 in between
80 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

While the integration of a bottom mirror allows for high-efficiency couplers, the
drawback is that either a wafer bonding approach is needed or that the silicon waveg-
uide layer is an amorphous silicon layer (e.g., problematic for the integration of high
speed modulators). Therefore, another approach was investigated allowing for high-
efficiency coupling to a crystalline silicon waveguide layer, in which only CMOS
technology is used for the fabrication. The mechanism here to realize high-efficiency
coupling is to intrinsically modify the grating directionality by modifying its design.
The proposed fabrication procedure consists of the definition of a silicon overlay
mesa in the area where the grating will be defined, prior to etching the grating lines
[7]. While the optimal design originated from a pure optimization process, the oper-
ation principle of the device can be understood as follows. Modifying the design of
the grating by having this silicon overlay allows the grating to be designed in such a
way that the different scattering centers (which have a fixed phase relation) interfere
constructively in the direction of the optical fiber while destructive interference is
obtained toward the substrate. Hence, an enhanced directionality can be obtained.
Besides the high directionality, the coupling length also needs to be optimized to
match with the dimensions of the Gaussian fiber mode (unless a lens system is used
to transform the waist of the Gaussian beam as in [9]). Both requirements can be
achieved by optimizing the silicon overlay thickness and grating etch depth. Sim-
ulations show that in this way efficiencies close to the −1 dB theoretical coupling
limit can be obtained.
High-efficiency diffraction gratings based on the silicon overlay approach were
fabricated using CMOS technology. The silicon overlay was defined using silicon
epitaxial growth in an opened SiO2 mask layer. Experimentally, a coupling effi-
ciency of −2.6 dB was obtained with a 1 dB optical bandwidth of 50 nm [8]. This
is below the expected −1 dB coupling efficiency due to the fact that the fabricated
device dimensions deviated from the designed ones. Taking into account the dimen-
sions of the actual fabricated structure, an excellent agreement is obtained between
the two-dimensional FDTD simulations and the experimentally obtained fiber cou-
pling spectrum, strengthening our belief that with an optimized fabrication process
a −1 dB coupling efficiency is obtainable. SEM images of the fabricated structures
and the experimentally obtained fiber coupling efficiency spectrum are shown in
Fig. 3.6. The device parameters are listed in Table 3.1. While the optimal grating
layer thickness is on the order of 350–400 nm, the optimal waveguide layer thick-
ness still is lower (about 220 nm) in order to obtain a vertically single mode strip

3.5 Multi-band Fiber-Chip Grating Couplers

The fiber-chip coupling structures that were outlined in the previous section all show
a 1-dB (3 dB) optical bandwidth in the order of 40–50 nm (80–100 nm). While this
is sufficient for applications where only a single wavelength band needs to interface
with the photonic integrated circuit, a set of applications require a more broadband
3 Interfacing Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings 81

Fig. 3.6 (a) SEM images and (b) measured fiber-chip coupling efficiency spectrum of a silicon
overlay-based grating coupler [8]

optical interface since optical signals in different wavelength bands need to be pro-
cessed by the photonic integrated circuit. This is, for example, the case in integrated
transceivers for optical access networks, where both a 1,310 nm optical signal (i.e.,
for upstream at the subscriber side) and a 1,490/1,550 nm optical signal (for the
downstream analog and digital signal) needs to be coupled to the photonic integrated
This type of application can also benefit from the use of a diffraction grating
to interface with an optical fiber. In this case both access waveguides to the one-
dimensional grating structure are being used, as shown in Fig. 3.7a [10]. This
allows the diffraction grating to be designed such that the Bragg condition is sat-
isfied for both wavelength bands, by coupling one wavelength band in the for-
ward direction and the second wavelength band in the opposite direction. This
approach therefore allows not only to efficiently couple both wavelength bands
to the photonic integrated circuit, it also realizes wavelength duplexing, which
is required, for example, in the integrated transceiver application. For optimal
performance, all device parameters need to be optimized: fiber tilt angle, grat-
ing period, grating etch depth, duty cycle, and number of grating periods. This
can be achieved using dedicated optimization algorithms such as particle swarm
or genetic optimization algorithms, written around the two-dimensional FDTD
and eigenmode expansion simulations. The same methods as in the case of a
single wavelength band grating coupler discussed in the previous section can
be used to increase the fiber coupling efficiency. For example, using a silicon
overlay approach to increase the directionality of the grating structures allows
realizing a coupling efficiency of about −2.5 dB, for both a 1,310- and 1,490-
nm wavelength as shown in Fig. 3.7b. The respective 3 dB optical bandwidth
is 55 and 60 nm.
An important issue for these grating duplexer structures, especially when they are
used in an upstream/downstream configuration, is the parasitic coupling of the (out-
coupled) upstream wavelength channel into the downstream waveguide, resulting in
cross-talk (see Fig. 3.7a). While in a grating structure that is optimized for optimal
coupling efficiency for both wavelength bands a substantial fraction of the light
82 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

Fig. 3.7 (a) Concept of the one-dimensional grating duplexer structure and (b) simulated device
performance in a silicon overlay grating configuration [10]

(typically −10 dB) is still coupled from the upstream waveguide channel into the
downstream waveguide, this can be improved by incorporating a wavelength filter
in the downstream wavelength path, in order to combine a high fiber-chip coupling
efficiency and low crosstalk behavior. The combination of a one-dimensional grating
duplexer and an optical filter to improve the crosstalk performance (and at the same

Fig. 3.8 (a) Fiber-chip coupling efficiency spectrum for the one-dimensional grating duplexer for
the upstream and downstream wavelength channel and (b) a microscope image of the fabricated
photonic integrated circuit including a one-dimensional grating duplexer and a planar concave grat-
ing to split the downstream wavelength channels, while at the same time suppressing the upstream
wavelength channel crosstalk to below −30 dB [11]
3 Interfacing Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings 83

time split the 1,490 and 1,550 nm wavelength channels) was experimentally realized
[11]. In this case, a “standard” grating design was used by directly etching the grat-
ing lines into the silicon waveguide layer. The wavelength filter was implemented
as a planar concave grating filter, resulting in more than 30 dB suppression of the
upstream wavelength channel into the downstream wavelength path and demulti-
plexing of the 1,490 and 1,550 nm wavelength channels. The fabricated photonic
integrated circuit, together with the experimentally obtained fiber-chip coupling
spectrum is shown in Fig. 3.8. The device parameters of this device are again listed
in Table 3.1.

3.6 Polarization Independent Fiber-Chip Coupling

As described in Sect. 3.3, silicon-on-insulator nanophotonic waveguides experience
large modal birefringence, due to the high refractive index contrast of the wave-
guides and the typical rectangular shape of the photonic wire. This implies that
one-dimensional diffraction gratings are inherently very polarization sensitive, since
the diffraction angle for transverse electric and transverse magnetic polarized light
is substantially different. In most practical applications, however, the polarization
of the light in the input optical fiber is unknown and varying over time. While the
lateral inverted taper discussed in Sect. 3.2 can be designed to allow for efficient
optical coupling for both transverse electric and magnetic polarization, still the pho-
tonic components based on these silicon photonic wires behave very differently for
both polarizations. This is a well-known issue in high-index contrast waveguide
systems. The most popular solution to solve this problem is to use a polarization
diversity approach. In this approach, both polarization states are spatially separated
in the two arms of the polarization diversity circuit. In the case of a lateral inverted
taper structure, first the TE and TM polarized light are spatially separated (e.g.,
using a directional coupler structure). Then the polarization in one of the arms of
the polarization diversity circuit is first rotated to the orthogonal polarization state,
thereby allowing the use of identical high index contrast waveguide structures in
both arms. However, before combining both arms of the polarization diversity circuit
(using an identical polarization combiner structure such as a directional coupler), the
polarization needs to be rotated again in one arm [12]. While this approach enables
polarization-independent operation of nanophotonic waveguide circuits (which are
inherently very polarization dependent), it is clear that this requires several extra
integrated optical components (besides the additional requirement of a cleaved and
polished facet for optical interfacing).
Because of these drawbacks, we pursued an approach based on diffraction grat-
ings to achieve polarization-independent operation of high-index contrast photonic
integrated circuits [13]. The basic idea is to realize a grating structure that is the
superposition of two one-dimensional diffraction gratings. Placing these two one-
dimensional grating structures orthogonal to each other allows the coupling of both
orthogonal polarization states in the optical fiber to the optical waveguide layer.
Moreover, the optical modes that are excited by these two orthogonal polarization
84 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

states in the orthogonal waveguides have identical polarization (i.e., transverse elec-
tric polarization), no longer requiring separate polarization splitter and polarization
converter waveguide structures. The superposition of two identical one-dimensional
grating structures leads to a square lattice grating for interfacing with the optical
fiber. Therefore, a photonic integrated circuit can be made to work in a polarization
independent way by incorporating two such square lattice grating structures on a
photonic integrated circuit and duplicating the optical functions in both arms of the
polarization diversity circuit. The concept of this polarization diversity approach
and the operation principle of the square lattice grating structure is schematically
shown in Fig. 3.9.
While this is conceptually an easy way to realize polarization-independent oper-
ation, two important issues complicate its actual realization. First of all there is
the need for identical photonic integrated circuits in both arms of the polariza-
tion diversity configuration, which is also the case for the edge-coupling method.
Although state-of-the-art deep UV lithography is used, this is far from trivial to
achieve. It turns out that deep sub-nanometer dimensional control is required to
match for example the resonance frequencies of a silicon ring resonator (a rule of
thumb says that one nanometer variation in waveguide dimension results in a one
nanometer wavelength shift). One way to tackle this problem is to thermo-optically
tune the photonic integrated circuits, to compensate for the non-uniformity. In some
applications, however, it is possible to use a single optical component for both arms
of the polarization diversity circuit, by passing the light through the device in oppo-
site directions. This mechanism is not limited to the diffraction grating approach
and can be used in all polarization diversity approaches. This device concept was
demonstrated for the case of polarization independent operation of an SOI arrayed
waveguide grating [14] and ring resonator structure [12]. Another difficulty specific
to the two-dimensional grating coupler implementation is the fact that the previous
reasoning pointing to a square lattice grating structure as a polarization independent

Fig. 3.9 Concept of the two-dimensional square lattice grating as (a) a polarization independent
interface to the optical fiber and (b) the polarization diversity configuration
3 Interfacing Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings 85

coupler is, in principle, only valid for a perfectly perpendicular positioned optical
fiber. However, in Sect. 3.3 we pointed out that perfectly vertical positioning of the
optical fiber results in strong second-order Bragg reflection and associated reduced
fiber coupling efficiency. Therefore, a tilt of the optical fiber is still required to
interface with a two-dimensional grating structure. To preserve the symmetry of
the polarization diversity circuit, this tilt should be along the bisection line of the
diffraction grating. This tilt has two implications. First, tilting the optical fiber along
the bisection line of the two-dimensional grating implies that the waveguides con-
nected to this grating structure also need to be tilted inwards, as is clear from the
projected Bragg condition

kz,i = kin,proj + Ki (3.5)

with i = 1, 2 and K 1 = 2π
Λ 1x , K2 = 2π
Λ 1y . Since
√ √ 
2π n 2 2
kin,proj = sin(θ0 ) 1x + 1y (3.6)
λ 2 2

wave vectors kz,1 and kz,2 are no longer orthogonal to each other, as can be seen in
Fig. 3.10.
This can however easily be implemented in the design of the integrated circuit
by tilting the access waveguides inwards (i.e., 3.1◦ tilt for a 10◦ tilted fiber). A
more important issue associated with this tilting is the fact that a perfect polarization
independent coupling can no longer be obtained. This can be understood by looking
at the polarization in the optical fiber along the bisection line of the grating and
the orthogonal polarization. By tilting the optical fiber, the polarization along the
bisection line is tilted out of the plane of the photonic integrated circuit, while the
orthogonal polarization stays in this plane, as shown in Fig. 3.11a. This implies

Fig. 3.10 Calculation of the

non-orthogonal wave vectors
in the silicon waveguide layer
due to the finite projected
wave vector of the incident
light arising from the tilting
of the optical fiber
86 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

that the coupling spectrum for both polarizations will be different when the fiber
is tilted off vertical, resulting in an intrinsic polarization-dependent loss (PDL) of
the grating structure. This is confirmed by rigorous three-dimensional FDTD sim-
ulations (see Fig. 3.11b), showing the presence of a wavelength-dependent PDL.
This wavelength-dependent PDL is also observed in the experiment, as shown in
Fig. 3.11c. The parameters of the grating coupler structure are listed in Table 3.1.
While this wavelength-dependent PDL arises due to the tilting of the optical fiber,
improvement can be expected by optimizing the design of the grating structure. This
requires however extensive three-dimensional FDTD simulations and has not been
studied in detail so far.
Recently we studied another approach to realize a polarization-independent inter-
face to a silicon photonic integrated circuit, using a one-dimensional grating struc-
ture [15]. In this case, the same mechanism as described in Sect. 3.5 is used to
interface with both polarizations on the photonic integrated circuit, as shown in
Fig. 3.12a. Although this allows one to couple both polarizations to the photonic
integrated circuit (and spatially separate them on the chip), the modes in the waveg-
uides still are TE and TM polarized, respectively. This means that a polarization
rotator is still required to realize a true polarization diversity scheme. In this case,
the grating coupler fulfills the role of fiber-chip coupler and polarization splitter
at the same time. In some applications, the need for a polarization converter is not

Fig. 3.11 Tilting of the optical fiber and its influence on the polarization-dependent loss:
(a) schematic, (b) rigorous FDTD simulation of the polarization dependence of the coupling effi-
ciency, and (c) experimentally obtained polarization dependent loss as a function of the wavelength
3 Interfacing Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings 87

even required. This is, for example, the case for a point-to-point transceiver in which
the downstream wavelength only needs to be coupled to the chip in a polarization-
independent way, where it is immediately detected. By optimization of the grat-
ing structure, polarization-independent coupling of the downstream wavelength and
single polarization coupling of the upstream wavelength using a one-dimensional
grating structure can be realized at the same time. This was recently demonstrated
using a standard diffraction grating approach for polarization-independent coupling
of a 1,310 nm wavelength signal and single polarization coupling of a 1,610 nm
wavelength signal. The operation wavelength of the device is defined both by the
grating period and angle of the optical fiber, although the waveguide layer thick-
ness and grating etch depth also play a significant role. Because the device geom-
etry was fixed, the important wavelength combination of 1,310/1,550 nm could not
be reached, although a slight modification in waveguide geometry and etch depth
allows one to do so. The operation principle of this device was demonstrated using
standard diffraction grating structures (a 220-nm-thick silicon waveguide layer and a
70-nm etch depth for the grating). A coupling efficiency of −5.9 dB for the 1,610 nm
wavelength channel was obtained, while a −5.2 dB coupling efficiency was obtained
for 1,310 nm, which is independent of the polarization of the incident light. The
fiber-to-fiber polarization dependent loss measured using this device configuration is
lower that 1 dB over a broad wavelength range of 70 nm. The fiber-to-chip coupling
efficiency for both wavelength channels and the polarization dependent loss of the

Fig. 3.12 A one-dimensional diffraction grating for polarization independent coupling of a λ1

wavelength channel and single polarization coupling of an upstream wavelength channel λ2 : (a)
device principle, (b) experimentally obtained fiber coupling spectrum, and (c) measured polariza-
tion dependent loss for the downstream wavelength channel (c)
88 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

downstream wavelength channel is shown in Fig. 3.12b and c. The parameters of

the grating structure used in the experiment are listed in Table 3.1.

3.7 Integration of Opto-electronic Components

So far we have discussed the use of diffraction gratings as a means to interface with
a single-mode optical fiber. The use of grating couplers is however not restricted
to this application: interfacing with hybrid integrated III–V opto-electronic com-
ponents can be envisioned as well. In this case, these opto-electronic components
need to be flip-chipped on top of the diffraction gratings. However, one particular
aspect of the diffraction gratings needs to be considered with care. In Sect. 3.3
we elaborated on the fact that diffractive grating structures only perform well for
oblique diffraction. Otherwise, second-order reflection and reduced coupling effi-
ciency occur. While this is not a problem for a flip-chipped photodetector (or at least
can be taken into account in the design), this is a serious issue for vertically emitting
laser diodes, like vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs). Although there
are ways to flip chip components in a tilted fashion, this is not the standard approach.
Therefore, to interface a VCSEL with a silicon photonic integrated circuit, a modi-
fied grating layout is required.
One approach we have pursued to solve this problem is the modification of the
grating structure by adding either a grating at the backside of the coupling grating
functioning as a high-reflectivity grating [4], or adding an additional slit at the front
side of the grating, acting as an anti-reflection type coating [16]. Both approaches
create an asymmetry in the grating design allowing the efficient coupling of light
from a flip-chipped vertically emitting light source into the photonic circuit. While
this approach allows realizing a high VCSEL-chip coupling efficiency, there still is a
parasitic reflection from the grating that couples back into the VCSEL light source.
This is an unwanted situation, since it will increase the noise of the laser diode and
can even result in polarization switching of the device.
Therefore, an alternative approach was investigated. In this case, an obliquely
operating grating coupler structure is used, as discussed in the previous section. To
interface with the opto-electronic component, a wedge can be defined on top of
the grating structure to refract the light to the surface normal direction, as shown
in Fig. 3.13a. This approach has several advantages. First of all, standard diffrac-
tion gratings optimized for high-coupling efficiency can be used. Moreover, due
to the presence of the wedge, the influence of specular reflection into the laser
cavity is significantly reduced, yielding a more stable solution. This approach of
integrating a wedge on top of the diffraction grating has recently been demonstrated
[17]. In this case, a polymer wedge was defined on top of the grating structures by
means of a nanoimprint lithography technique, as shown in Fig. 3.13b. Standard
diffraction gratings were used as proof-of-principle components. The performance
of these grating coupler structures was assessed by probing the wedge/grating com-
bination using a vertically positioned single-mode fiber and comparing the cou-
3 Interfacing Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings 89

Fig. 3.13 Integration of a polymer wedge on top of diffractive grating couplers for interfacing
with a VCSEL light source: (a) FDTD simulation, (b) SEM picture of the fabricated structure, and
(c) measured fiber-to-fiber coupling efficiency after a thermal cycle at 300◦ C for 10 min [17]

pling efficiency thus obtained to the oblique coupling efficiency on a reference

grating coupler without the wedge structure. Only a marginal penalty in device
performance was observed, showing that wedges with good optical quality can be
obtained. To emulate the flip-chip integration process and the influence this process
has on the device performance (due to the relatively high temperatures used), the
polymer wedge/grating coupler combination was exposed to a 300◦ C temperature
cycle of 10 min. Both the configurations based on SU-8 (MicroChem) wedges and
PAK polymer (Toyo Gosei) wedges showed no appreciable degradation in device
performance, as is clear from Fig. 3.13c.

3.8 Small Footprint Fiber-Chip Coupling Structures

While the grating coupler structures presented in the previous sections are very com-
pact (typically 12 by 12 μm in size), a relatively long adiabatic taper is still needed to
laterally transform the optical mode size from that of a single-mode fiber (10 μm) to
that of a single-mode nanophotonic waveguide (0.5 μm). This taper, on the order of
150 μm in length, determines the footprint of the fiber-chip coupling structure. Since
one of the advantages of working on a high refractive index contrast waveguide
platform is the density of integration that can be obtained, it would be interesting to
90 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

be able to scale down the footprint of the fiber-chip coupling structure. This can be
achieved by modifying the layout of the grating structure. Instead of using straight
grating lines in a one-dimensional grating structure, a curved grating can be used to
couple the light from the fiber to the waveguide plane and at the same time focus
the light in that waveguide plane onto the aperture of the optical waveguide. When
the waveguide plane is chosen to be the (Y, Z ) plane of a right-handed Cartesian
coordinate system, with Z along the waveguide axis and the origin chosen to be in
the desired focal point, it can be shown that a focusing grating can be obtained by
curving the grating lines according to

qλ0 = n eff y 2 + z 2 − zn t cos(θc ) (3.7)

Here, q is an integer number for each grating line, θc is the angle between the
fiber and the chip surface, n t is the refractive index of the environment, λ0 is the
vacuum wavelength, and n eff is the effective index felt by the cylindrical wave in
the broad waveguide with the grating. The grating lines are ellipses with a common
focal point, that coincides with the optical focal point of the coupler. While rigorous
design of the focusing gratings would require full three-dimensional simulations, we
approximate by extrapolating two-dimensional designs of standard linear gratings
for TE-polarization (electric field parallel to the grating lines) and coupling at θc =
80◦ . This way, the use of curved grating structures to reduce the device footprint was
demonstrated. We showed that by implementing these curved grating structures an
eight-fold reduction in the device footprint is obtained without a penalty in device
performance [18].
Besides the demonstration of a one-dimensional curved grating structure, the
footprint of a two-dimensional fiber-chip grating coupler can also be scaled down
by changing the grating layout. Again the idea is to consider the two-dimensional
grating as the superposition of two one-dimensional curved gratings. At the inter-
section of both one-dimensional curved grating lines, a hole is etched in the silicon

Fig. 3.14 The implementation of compact one-dimensional and two-dimensional curved

gratings [18]
3 Interfacing Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings 91

waveguide layer, acting as a scatter center. Also in this way, ultra-compact polariza-
tion independent coupling to a silicon-on-insulator waveguide circuit was demon-
strated without penalty in device performance compared to a standard square lattice
two-dimensional grating structure [18]. A one-dimensional and a two-dimensional
curved grating structure is shown in Fig. 3.14.

3.9 Optical Probing of Nanophotonic Integrated Circuits

One of the major drivers to use a diffraction grating is the need for interfacing non-
singulated chips with an optical fiber. This enables wafer-scale testing of large-scale
photonic integrated circuits, comparable to the wafer-scale electronic testing for
CMOS circuits. Since both electrical probing and optical probing can be done from
the top of the wafer surface, both types of measurements can be combined in a
single measurement system, in the case of electronic/photonic integrated circuits.
This approach allows using a modified probing station to do a fully automated map-
ping of the device performance across the wafer. This, however, only allows the
characterization of the input-output characteristics of the full photonic integrated
circuit, since it is only at the optical input/output ports of the circuit that these grat-
ing couplers can be implemented. In the development stage of a photonic integrated
circuit, device engineers typically would like to access the individual components
in the actual integrated circuit. Therefore, there is the need for a true optical probe,
which allows one to do so, without the need for a diffraction grating on the photonic
integrated circuit.
The approach we followed for such an optical probe is, instead of defining the
diffraction grating on the photonic integrated circuit, to implement a high refractive
index contrast grating on the facet of a single-mode optical fiber [19]. By making
physical contact between this probe and an input/output waveguide of an individ-
ual component of the integrated circuit, a grating coupler is formed allowing the
coupling of light to and from the photonic integrated circuit. A prototype fiber
probe was realized by defining a uniform metallic periodic structure on the core
of a single-mode fiber, by means of an imprint technology. First, the fiber with
UV-curable resist on the facet is aligned over a specially prepared mold carrying
the 10 by 10 μm gold grating pattern in the mold trenches. The mold was obtained
by starting off from an SOI sample containing silicon gratings of 630 nm period and
an etch depth of 220 nm. This surface was treated with an antistiction coating. Then,
gold was evaporated onto the mold. Finally, the gold on top of the mold grating lines
was selectively removed by microcontact printing on another substrate. In this way,
the original SOI mold becomes a carrier of the gold grating pattern by leaving the
gold only in the grating trenches. After attachment of the fiber to the mold, the
cavities are filled and the resist is UV cured. Finally, the mold is released. The metal
grating is now attached to the fiber. The fabrication process is schematically outlined
in Fig. 3.15a together with an SEM picture of a fabricated device, while Fig. 3.15b
92 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

Fig. 3.15 The optical probe: (a) probe fabrication and SEM image of a transferred grating onto a
fiber facet and (b) artist’s impression of how the optical probe is used to probe individual integrated
optical functions [19]

shows an artist’s impression of how this optical probe is used to assess the properties
of individual components on a photonic integrated circuit.
Two gold grating fiber probes were fabricated, both consisting of a gold grating
of 20 nm thickness. Both probes were brought into contact with a straight 220 nm by
3 μm SOI waveguide. A 15% coupling efficiency and a 1-dB bandwidth of 38 nm
was demonstrated in this way for transverse electric polarized light, which is suffi-
cient for testing purposes.

3.10 Conclusions

Diffractive grating structures provide an elegant way of interfacing a high refractive

index contrast single-mode fiber and a nanophotonic integrated circuit. Polarization-
independent, large optical bandwidth, high-efficiency coupling can be obtained.
Even duplexing of two wavelength bands can be realized using the same type of
structure. As diffractive grating structures allow accessing a photonic integrated
circuit, it paves the way to wafer scale testing of photonic integrated circuits and
wafer level packaging of photonic integrated circuits. In this chapter the main
focus was on the interfacing of a single mode fiber and a photonic integrated cir-
cuit. We showed, however, that it is possible to also interface hybrid integrated
opto-electronic components such as flip-chipped photodetectors and VCSELs with
the photonic integrated circuit, allowing the realization of complex active/passive
photonic integrated circuits. Finally, an optical probe has been presented, creating
3 Interfacing Integrated Circuits and Optical Fibers with Diffraction Gratings 93

the possibility to assess the performance of the individual subcomponents forming

the photonic integrated circuit.

Acknowledgments We would like to thank Dr. Dirk Taillaert, Dr. Frederik Van Laere, Dr. Wim
Bogaerts, Dr. Jonathan Schrauwen, Dr. Pieter Dumon, Ir. Diedrik Vermeulen, Ir. Shankar Selvaraja,
and Prof. Roel Baets for the fruitful discussions.

1. W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, B. Luyssaert, P. Dumon, J. Van Campenhout, P. Bienstman, D. Van
Thourhout, R. Baets, V. Wiaux, S. Beckx, Opt. Express 12, 1583 (2004) 71
2. A. Sure, T. Dillon, J. Murakowski, C.C. Lin, D. Pustai, D.W. Prather, Opt. Express 11, 3555
(2003) 72
3. S.J. McNab, N. Moll, Yu.A. Vlasov, Opt. Express 11, 2927 (2003) 72
4. D. Taillaert, W. Bogaerts, P. Bienstman, T.F. Krauss, P. Van Daele, I. Moerman, S. Verstuyft,
K. De Mesel, R. Baets, J. Quantum Electron 38, 949 (2002) 73, 76, 88
5. F. Van Laere, G. Roelkens, M. Ayre, J. Schrauwen, D. Taillaert, D. Van Thourhout, T. Krauss,
R. Baets, J. Lightwave Technol. 25, 151 (2007) 78, 79
6. S. Selvaraja, D. Vermeulen, M. Schaekers, E. Sleeckx, W. Bogaerts, G. Roelkens, P. Dumone,
D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Highly efficient grating coupler between optical fiber and silicon
photonic circuit, p. CTuC6, CLEO, Baltimore, 2009 78, 79
7. G. Roelkens, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Opt. Express 14, 11622 (2006) 80
8. G. Roelkens, D. Vermeulen, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, S. Brision, P. Lyan, P. Gautier,
J.M. Fedeli, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 131101 (2008) 80, 81
9. L. Vivien, D. Pascal, S. Lardenois, D. Marris-Morini, E. Cassan, F. Grillot, S. Laval,
J.M. Fedeli, L.El Melhaoui, J. Lightwave Technol. 24, 3810 (2006) 80
10. G. Roelkens, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Opt. Express 15, 10091 (2007) 81, 82
11. D. Vermeulen, G. Roelkens, J. Brouckaert, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, R. Duijn, E. Pluk,
G. Van den Hoven, Silicon-on-insulator nanophotonic waveguide circuit for Fiber-to-the-
Home transceivers, p. Tu3C6, ECOC, Brussels, 2008 82, 83
12. H. Fukuda, K. Yamada, T. Tsuchizawa, T. Watanabe, H. Shiojima, S. Itabashi, Opt. Express
16, 4872 (2008) 83, 84
13. D. Taillaert, H. Chong, P.I. Borel, L.H. Frandsen, R.M. De La Rue, R. Baets, Photon. Technol.
Lett. 15, 1249 (2003) 83
14. W. Bogaerts, D. Taillaert, P. Dumon, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Opt. Express 15, 1567
(2007) 84
15. D. Vermeulen, G. Roelkens, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Silicon-on-insulator polarization
independent one-dimensional grating duplexer for fiber-to-chip coupling, submitted for pub-
lication in J. Lightwave Technol. 86
16. G. Roelkens, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Opt. Lett. 32, 1495 (2007) 88
17. J. Schrauwen, S. Scheerlinck, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Polymer wedge for coupling
VCSELs to a silicon photonic integrated circuit, p. 72180B, PhotonicsWest, San Jose, 2009 88, 89
18. F. Van Laere, W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, G. Roelkens, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Group IV
photonics 15, 10091 (2007) 90, 91
19. S. Scheerlinck, D. Taillaert, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 031104
(2008) 91, 92
94 G. Roelkens and D. Van Thourhout

In this appendix the device parameters and measurement conditions for the various
types of considered grating coupler structures are listed.

Table 3.1 Parameters of the various types of fiber-to-chip grating coupler structures (DC is the
grating duty cycle, n sup is the refractive index of the medium on top of the grating and N is the
number of grating periods)
Period Etch Fiber tilt
Coupler (nm) (nm) DC (Degrees) n sup N
Standard 630 70 0.5 10 1.0 20
Gold mirror 630 70 0.5 10 1.0 20
DBR bottom mirror 630 70 0.5 10 1.45 20
Silicon overlay 610 250 0.5 10 1.45 20
1D duplexer 520 70 0.5 10 1.45 20
2D coupler 605 70 Diam = 390 10 1.0 Rows = 19
1D pol. div. 535 70 0.5 14 1.45 18

Bandwidth, 72, 76, 79–81, 92 Hybrid, 88, 92
Birefringence, 76, 83
Bragg reflectors, 77 I
Buried oxide (BOX), 77, 79 Integrated circuits, 71–93
Integrated photonic circuits, 71–93
Chip/s, 72–92 L
Coupler (grating), 73–86, 88–91 Laser, 73, 88
CMOS, 71–72, 79–80, 91 Lithography, 72, 76, 79, 84, 88

Epitaxial growth, 80 Metal, 77–79, 91
Etch, 74, 77, 79–81, 83, 87, 90–91 Modulators, 80
Chapter 4
Development and Application of Er-Doped
Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates
for On-Chip Light Sources

Jee Soo Chang, Kiseok Suh, Moon-Seung Yang, and Jung H. Shin

Abstract On-chip light sources are a critical part for an integrated Si photonic
technology, yet they lag other photonic components in their level of development.
In this chapter, Er used as an optical dopant and utilizing its intra-4f transition
at 1.54 μm will be introduced as a viable means for on-chip light generation that
has the advantage of being compatible with long-distance telecom as well. First, a
general introduction to the topic of developing a Si-based/compatible light source
will be presented, with emphasis on the need for a novel high-index material for
Er-doping that can provide both a higher Er content and refractive index than has
been reported so far. Second, Er-doped silicon-rich silicon nitride (SRSN) and Er
silicates will be introduced as a promising host material for compact on-chip light
sources. Finally, results of fabricating basic photonic components using Er-doped
SRSN and Er-silicates will be presented.

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Si Photonics and Light Sources

In the developing field of Si photonics, great strides have been made in developing
compact active photonic devices such as ultra-fast modulators [1, 2], optical buffers
[3], and detectors [4, 5] that seemed impossible just a few years ago. By leveraging
the astronomical infrastructure for Si processing, these devices hold the promise of
achieving an electronic-photonic convergence on a Si platform that can overcome
the “interconnect bottleneck.”

J.S. Chang, K. Suh, and M.-S. Yang (B)

Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
Daejeon, Republic of Korea
J.H. Shin (B)
Department of Physics; Graduate School of Nanoscience and Technology (WCU),
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Republic of Korea
e-mail: [email protected]

D.J. Lockwood, L. Pavesi (Eds.): Silicon Photonics II. 95

Topics in Applied Physics 119, 95–130 (2011)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10506-7_4 C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
96 J.S. Chang et al.

However, a comparable advancement in developing a Si-based/compatible light

source has so far been lacking, as no amount of advanced processing can overcome
the fundamental limitation on light emission imposed by the indirect bandgap of Si.
In a semiconductor, light emission typically involves recombination of an electron
with a hole. As the momentum of a photon is negligible when compared with the
crystal momentum of carriers in a semiconductor, electrons and holes need to have
the same wave-vector, k, if their radiative recombination is to occur efficiently. This
is the case for III–V compound semiconductors such as GaAs, whose valence band
maximum and conduction band minimum both occur at the central  point of the
first Brillouin zone. In case of Si, on the other hand, the conduction band minimum
occurs along the [100] direction of the first Brillouin zone. Therefore, a third parti-
cle – such as a phonon – is required to supply the extra momentum, which greatly
reduces the probability for radiative recombination of carriers in Si.
Thus, one obvious method of increasing the luminescence efficiency of Si is to
suppress all other competing carrier recombination paths by starting with ultra-high
purity Si wafers, and then thoroughly passivating all defects and surfaces. Using
this approach, Green et al. have reported that Si light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can be
made to luminesce as efficiently as conventional LEDs based on III–V compound
semiconductors [6]. Another well-established method of increasing the lumines-
cence efficiency of Si is to use Si nanostructures such as quantum dots and wires.
Use of Si nanostructures modifies the light emission properties of Si in several
important ways. First, the bandgap is increased due to the quantum confinement
effect, leading to luminescence in the visible range [7]. Second, the radiative tran-
sition probability can be greatly increased [8]. Finally, the formation of individual
nanocrystals (NCs) results in physical isolation of non-radiative defects, leading
to an enhanced overall luminescence efficiency [9]. In fact, it had been reported
that while the ensemble average of Si NCs luminescence efficiency can be quite
low due to defective Si NCs that do not luminesce, the luminescence efficiency
of individual luminescent Si NCs can be very close to 100% [10]. Since the first
report on light emission from porous Si by Canham et al. [11], intense research
into the subject of light emission from Si nanostructures has provided a wealth of
impressive results, including the fabrication of visible LEDs and their integration
with electronic circuits [12], photonic crystal LEDs [13], and optical gain under
optical pumping [14, 15].
Yet despite the many impressive developments and the elegance of a monolithic
all-Si electro-photonic convergence, the direct use of Si for light emission presents
several difficulties. First, light emitted by Si is also absorbed by Si. Thus, the use
of Si for a light source precludes its integration with developed Si electro-photonic
devices, nearly all of which use the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. Second,
carrier recombination in Si remains indirect even for nanometer-sized clusters [16].
Thus, the high radiative efficiency is obtained under low-power or ultra-short pump-
ing conditions only, as non-linear effects such as Auger-recombination quickly dom-
inate under the high excitation conditions necessary for population inversion and
lasing. This presents difficulties for the use of a Si-based light source for inter- and
intra-chip communication applications that require high bandwidth and fast modu-
lation speed.
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 97

High bandwidth and efficiency under high excitation conditions can be obtained
by use of compound semiconductors dedicated for light generation. The traditional
approach of heteroepitaxy of a compound semiconductor thin film on Si has the
limitations imposed by the lattice mismatch. However, recent development in wafer-
bonding technique may offer the possibility of wafer-scale integration of compound
semiconductor photonic devices with Si electronic circuits regardless of their lat-
tice mismatch [17]. Still, whether such a method can be used to reliably scale to
CMOS production lines has yet to be determined. We note that there have been
recent reports that strain-engineered Ge grown heterepitaxially on Si can be used
for both the generation and detection of light at the technologically important wave-
length range of 1.54 μm. [18]. At this moment, more research is needed before the
feasibility of a Ge-based light source can be ascertained. But if successful, such
Ge-based light source would have the advantage of easy wafer-scale fabrication
with full CMOS compatibility.

4.1.2 Er as an Optical Dopant

An approach that is quite different from the ones discussed so far is the use of Er
as an optical dopant for Si. The important point that sets Er-doping apart from other
approaches is that even when Er is doped into a host, the light emission occurs via
intra-4f-shell electronic transitions within the atom without involving carriers in the
host matrix. These transitions are parity-forbidden, but occur due to the effects of
the crystal field. This gives rise to stable luminescence properties and long lumi-
nescence lifetimes that allow easy population inversion. Furthermore, as these are
core-level transitions, the overall luminescence properties are affected only weakly
by external factors such as the host material and temperature. In particular, since the
intra-4f transition from the first excited state to ground state emits light at the stan-
dard telecommunication wavelength 1.54 μm, use of Er enabled the development
of Er-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFA) that have enabled the realization of all-optical
long-distance optical telecom networks [19].
The most direct way of exciting Er3+ ions in any host material is through direct
resonant optical pumping with a pump beam tuned to one of the higher optical
absorption bands of Er3+ . On the other hand, in the case of a semi-conducting host
material, it is possible to excite Er3+ ions indirectly via energy transfer from carriers
to the 4f electrons [20, 21], as shown schematically in Fig. 4.1. In particular, Si could
be used as an effective host material since its bandgap of 1.1 eV provides sufficient
energy for excitation of 4f electrons of Er3+ , yet provides complete transparency
to emitted 1.54 μm photons. Furthermore, using Si allows one to leverage the vast
Si processing infrastructure and technological know-how as well, enabling a cost-
effective large-scale production. These factors, together with the great success of
EDFA in telecom applications, have led to investigation of Er-doping of Si as a
viable means of developing an on-chip Si-compatible light source. Since the first
work by Ennen et al. [22], a great explosion of research into Er doping of Si has led
to demonstrations of not only photoluminescence (PL) but also electroluminescence
(EL) at room temperature from Er-doped Si [23, 24].
98 J.S. Chang et al.

Fig. 4.1 Schematic description of (a) direct resonant optical excitation of Er without nc-Si sensi-
tization; (b) Indirect carrier-mediated excitation of Er with nc-Si sensitization

Despite such success, Er-doping of bulk Si remains impractical because Er can

react with Si to form non-luminescent configurations [25], and because excited Er3+
ions can back-transfer energy to the host electrons, resulting in a strong temperature
quenching of Er3+ luminescence in Si [26]. These problems, however, can be solved
by co-doping Er with activating ligands such as oxygen [25, 27] and using a host
material with a wide bandgap [28]. Thus, silicon-rich silicon oxide (SRSO), which
consists of nanocluster-Si (nc-Si) embedded inside an SiO2 matrix, has emerged
as an attractive host material that in effect combines the efficient Er3+ excitation
properties of Si with the well-known and stable luminescent properties of Er3+ in
SiO2 [29–34]. In this case, nc-Si plays the role of classical sensitizers that efficiently
absorb pump photons with a large absorption cross-section, then transferring it to
nearby Er3+ ions. This process can be surprisingly efficient, with a transfer time of
≤ 1 μs−1 and transfer efficiency of ≥ 55% [35], and by now, efficient light emit-
ting diodes [36] as well as signal enhancement under optical pumping have been
demonstrated [37, 38].
Yet SRSO, in attempting to combine the best of Si and SiO2 , can also combine
the worst of Si and SiO2 . Er-doped SRSO is usually formed by annealing Er-doped
amorphous SiOx both to precipitate excess Si into nc-Si and to optically activate
Er [29–34]. Within this annealing process, Er atoms can both diffuse and react
with excess Si, leading to a loss of optically active Er, as is observed for Er-doped
bulk Si, and to breaking of the nc-Si/Er coupling necessary for nc-Si sensitization.
[39–41]. There have been several reports that the number of Er atoms in SRSO
that can be excited via nc-Si in SRSO can be very small – as low as only a few
percent of the doped Er atoms – and that in many cases, less than half of the
total Er can be excited at all, even with direct optical pumping [42], thereby pre-
cluding the possibility of optical inversion necessary both for lasing and optical
These issues are serious, but with the selection of proper materials and processing
conditions, solutions may still be found. Indeed, there already exist several reports
that a great improvement can be obtained by reducing the excess Si content and the
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 99

annealing temperatures [37]. However, even then, the use of SRSO – or, in fact, any
SiO2 -based host material – for a compact on-chip light source faces fundamental
difficulties due to (1) the low solubility of Er in SiO2 , and (2) the low refractive
index contrast achievable against possible cladding materials. First, because the
light emission occurs via the atomic intra-4f transition, the amount of light that
can be generated is limited strictly by the number of optically active Er3+ ions.
Yet the concentration of optically active Er that can be doped into silica without
clustering is limited to ∼1020 cm−3 [43]. Given that the emission cross-section of
Er3+ is 10−21 –10−20 cm2 , this limits the maximum gain that can be obtained by any
SiO2 -based material to a few dB/cm at most. Thus, obtaining a net gain from such a
material will require a large device and/or highly advanced processing techniques to
reduce any parasitic losses. Second, for a stable operation in integrated devices, all
photonic devices need outer cladding layers. However, because the refractive index
of SRSO is very close to that of SiO2 with n ≤ 0.1, it requires waveguides with
a width >1 μm, a bending radius >100 μm, and an areal footprint > 108 μm2 for a
3 dB gain, as shown in Fig. 4.2 [44]. These values do not present any problem for
stand-alone telecom devices, but are unacceptably large for electro-photonic inte-
gration. Indeed, it is instructional to realize that the only reported case of an on-chip
light source based on Er-doped silica required a micro-disk resonator of 120-μm
diameter with air-cladding [45].

Fig. 4.2 (a) Plot of waveguide width and bend radius necessary for 0.042 dB/cm loss per turn;
(b) plot of serpentine (solid) and coil (dotted) footprints versus n. Footprints are shown for
constant device lengths and constant device gain. From [44]

4.1.3 Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitride and Er Silicates

In this chapter, silicon-rich silicon nitride (SRSN) and Er silicates will be introduced
as novel materials that can solve the above problems, and enable development of a
compact efficient light source based on Er.
100 J.S. Chang et al.

Nitrides were chosen for several reasons. First, nitrides are used widely in the
Si industry, and thus are fully CMOS compatible. Second, they have refractive
indices that are much higher than that of oxide and can be controlled by varying
the silicon content, thereby allowing compact optical devices on a chip without
requiring cladding layers that are several microns thick. Third, nitrogen has been
reported to be even more effective than oxygen in optically activating Er in Si [27],
indicating that nitrides may offer an efficient environment of Er3+ luminescence.
Finally, nitrides have a bandgap that is much smaller than that of oxide, which would
allow easier injection of current for the possible development of electrically excited
devices [46]. We find that nitrides do indeed offer all of the above advantages, and, in
addition, are much more resistant to Er clustering, such that higher Er concentrations
and annealing temperatures can be used. We note that there have been several recent
reports on Er-doped SRSN that confirm the results presented here [47].
Er silicates present an interesting solution to the problem of low solubility of
Er. By raising the Er concentration high enough, Er-rich crystalline rare-earth oxy-
orthosilicates (R2 SiO5 , R2 Si2 O7 , etc), which are stable phases in the SiO2 –R2 O3
system, can form [48]. They provide a combination of a very high concentration
of optically active rare earth ions in a stable material, as the crystalline structure
prevents clustering of Er on the atomic scale. In fact, the maximum possible Er3+
ion concentration is 2 ×1022 cm−3 for Er2 SiO5 , nearly two orders of magnitude
higher than that of silica. Furthermore, they have a high refractive index of about
1.825 [49], enabling compact optical devices with footprints that are only 1/70th of
that of comparable silica-based devices. However, their compatibility with standard
Si processes still needs to be resolved. We find that Er silicates can indeed offer a
much higher Er concentration than is possible elsewhere. The maximum Er con-
centration that can be used is limited by cooperative upconversion. Still, the coop-
erative upconversion coefficient of Er silicates are much lower than that expected
from silica-based thin films, demonstrating the promise of Er silicate thin films for
high-gain compact light sources.
Finally, the applicability of Er-doped SRSN will be demonstrated by fabricating
high-Q microdisks, which can form the basis for many important photonic com-
ponents such as switches, filters, and light sources, and characterizing their optical

4.2 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitride

4.2.1 Experimental
SRSN:Er films of ∼100 nm thickness were deposited on Si substrates by means of
the ultra high vacuum (UHV) ion beam sputter method using a 750 eV N+ beam
from a Kaufmann-type ion gun. The base pressure of the system was 1 × 10−8
torr, and the stoichiometry of deposited films was controlled by varying the N2
gas flow rate. The composition of the film was calibrated by in situ X-ray pho-
toelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Rutherford backscattering (RBS) analysis. The
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 101

excess Si content ranged from 0 (pure Si3 N4 ) to 17 at.%, while the Er content was
fixed at 0.09 at.% for all films. After deposition, the films were furnace-annealed
at 300–1,100 ◦ C for 30 min in a flowing N2 environment to precipitate nc-Si [50]
and activate Er. A subsequent anneal at 650 ◦ C in forming gas for 1 h was used to
hydrogenate the film and passivate defects. For comparison, SRSO:Er and SiO2 :Er
thin films of similar thickness, excess Si content, and Er content were also prepared
using identical procedures.
The photoluminescence (PL) spectra were obtained using either the 477-nm line
of an Ar laser or a 980-nm distributed feedback (DFB) laser diode. The 477-nm
line excites Er3+ ions via nc-Si only, as it is non-resonant with optical transitions
of Er3+ , while the 980-nm DFB laser excites Er3+ ions via direct optical absorp-
tion only, as it is resonantly absorbed by Er3+ ions but is hardly absorbed by nc-Si
[51]. The low temperature PL spectra were measured using a closed-cycle helium
cryostat, and the luminescence decay traces were measured using a digitizing oscil-
loscope. Finally, photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectroscopy was performed
using a Xe lamp (450 W) dispersed by a monochromator with 18-nn resolution.

4.2.2 Results and Discussion

Figure 4.3a shows the refractive indices of deposited SRSN:Er thin films, as mea-
sured by ellipsometry. We find that they all have refractive indices in excess of 2.0
in the visible range. By extrapolating the measured refractive index to the near-IR
range using a single-pole Sellmeier equation, we estimate the refractive index at
1.54 μm to be in excess of 2.1 for all films considered (data now shown). However,
the SRSN films remain highly transparent in the near-IR range. This is shown in
Fig. 4.3b that shows the absorption coefficient of an SRSN film with excess Si
content of 9 at.%. A clear absorption band edge near 650 nm can be observed.

Fig. 4.3 (a) The refractive index of SRSN:Er thin films, as measured by ellipsometry. (b) The
absorption coefficient of an SRSN:Er thin film with 8–9% excess Si. Note the clear absorption
band edge near 650 nm
102 J.S. Chang et al.

Fig. 4.4 (a) The effect of excess Si content on nc-Si sensitized Er3+ luminescence from SRSO:Er
and SRSN:Er thin films obtained with 200 mW of a 477-nm pump beam. All samples were
annealed at 950 ◦ C. The inset shows actual PL spectra from SRSO:Er and SRSN:Er films that
displayed the maximum PL intensities. (b) The effect of excess Si content on the Er3+ lumines-
cence lifetimes. Again, all samples were annealed at 950 ◦ C

Figure 4.4a shows the effect of excess Si content on the Er3+ luminescence from
SRSO:Er and SRSN:Er thin films, obtained with 200 mW of the 477 nm pump beam.
All samples were annealed at 950 ◦ C in this case. The inset shows actual PL spectra
from SRSO:Er and SRSN:Er films that displayed the maximum PL intensities. Stoi-
chiometric SiO2 and Si3 N4 :Er show very little Er3+ PL, indicating that the presence
of excess-Si is necessary for Er3+ sensitization for nitrides as well. In the case of
SRSO:Er, the Er3+ PL intensity reaches a maximum near an excess Si content of
6 at.%, and decreases strongly as the excess Si content is increased further. In the
case of SRSN:Er, a much higher excess Si content is needed for nc-Si sensitization
to occur, and the maximum Er3+ PL intensity is reached near an excess Si con-
tent of 12 at.%. Note that the Er3+ PL intensity from SRSN:Er is lower than that
from SRSO:Er, which seems to indicate that nc-Si sensitization is less effective in
SRSN:Er. That is not the case, as will be shown later.
The effect of excess Si content on the Er3+ luminescence lifetimes is shown
in Fig. 4.4b. Again, all samples were annealed at 950 ◦ C. We find that for both
SRSO:Er and SRSN:Er, increasing the excess Si content leads to a reduction of
the Er3+ luminescence lifetimes. In case of the SRSO:Er film, the reduction in the
Er3+ lifetime is quite drastic, as it decreases from nearly 3.7 to 1.5 ms as the excess
Si content is increased by 1 at.% from 3 to 4 at.%. As the excess Si content is
increased further, the Er3+ luminescence lifetime decreases further to 0.97 ms. In
case of SRSN:Er, on the other hand, increasing the excess Si content from 0 all the
way to 17 at.% results in a reduction in the luminescence lifetime from 3.2 to 1.4 ms
only, indicating that the reduction of the Er3+ luminescence efficiency by excess Si
is much less severe in SRSN, and can result in a luminescence efficiency that is even
slightly higher than that in SRSO:Er.
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 103

Integrated Er3+ PL intensity (a.u.)

Fig. 4.5 The temperature
dependence of the Er3+ PL Er:SRSN (Siex=12)
intensity and lifetime for
SRSN:Er. The Er3+ ions
were excited using the 100 5

Er decay lifetime (msec)

Er decay lifetime
477-nm line of an Ar laser to 4

ensure nc-Si sensitization 3

0 10 20 30 40
1000/T (1/K)
0 10 20 30 40
1000/T (1/K)

Figure 4.5 shows the effect of temperature on the Er3+ PL intensity and lifetimes
from SRSN:Er. We find that neither the PL intensity nor the luminescence lifetimes
from SRSN:Er show any significant temperature quenching, similar to what has
been reported for SRSO:Er [52].
The results so far seem to indicate that while nc-Si sensitization does occur in
SRSN:Er, it is not much different from, and does not possess a great advantage over,
SRSO:Er in almost every way, especially when compared at the optimum condition
of 6 at.% excess Si for SRSO:Er and 12 at.% excess Si for SRSN:Er. Such, however,
is not the case when we compare the effect of increasing the annealing temperature
beyond the optimum temperature of 950 ◦ C. As shown in Fig. 4.6a, we observe a
clear reduction of Er3+ PL intensity above the anneal temperature of 950 ◦ C, reflect-
ing the previously reported effect of Er clustering [12] and optical de-activation in
the presence of nc-Si [20]. As shown in Fig. 4.6b, no such effect is observed from
SRSN:Er, as the Er3+ PL intensity remains stable even after an anneal at 1,100 ◦ C.
A clear difference that highlights the advantage of SRSN:Er, however, emerges
in their Er3+ PLE spectra monitored at the Er3+ PL peak position of 1,535 nm,
as is shown in Fig. 4.7. Also shown for comparison is the PLE spectrum from
stoichiometric SiO2 :Er. The sharp kink near 490 nm is an optical artefact of the
measurement system. In the case of SiO2 :Er, we clearly observe peaks at 380, 405,
and 525 nm corresponding to 4I15/2 →4G 11/2 , 4I15/2 →2H9/2 , and 4 I15/2 →2H11/2
direct optical transitions, respectively [53]. On the other hand, both SRSO:Er
and SRSN:Er films show broad continuous PLE spectra, reflecting the broadband
absorption spectrum of nc-Si. Note, however, that the nc-Si sensitized Er3+ PL
intensity from the SRSN:Er film is much higher than that from the SRSO:Er film
below the pump wavelength of 500 nm. Near the pump wavelength 350 nm, at which
the nc-Si sensitized Er3+ PL is at the maximum for both SRSN:Er and SRSO:Er, the
nc-Si sensitized Er3+ PL intensity from the SRSN:Er film is more than four times
higher than that from the SRSO:Er film.
Part of the reason for the higher Er3+ PL intensity from SRSN:Er at shorter
pump energies can be attributed to the larger bandgap of nitride-passivated nc-Si.
The effect of surface passivation on the “bandgap” of nc-Si is well-documented
104 J.S. Chang et al.

Fig. 4.6 (a) The effect of annealing temperature on nc-Si sensitized Er3+ emission from SRSO:Er.
Note that the Er3+ PL intensity decreases for annealing temperatures above 950 ◦ C; (b) the effect
of annealing temperature on nc-Si sensitized Er3+ emission from SRSN:Er. The Er3+ PL intensity
remains stable even after an anneal at 1,100 ◦ C

[54], and it has been reported by several investigators that nitride passivated nc-Si
shows visible luminescence at wavelengths that are much shorter than that from
oxide-passivated nc-Si [55], and that host-sensitized excitation of a rare earth doped
into nitride thin films requires pump wavelengths in the near UV range [56].
Still, the larger bandgap of nitride-passivated nc-Si does not explain the larger
Er3+ PL intensity near the pump wavelength of 350 nm, when Er3+ PL intensities
from both SRSO:Er and SRSN:Er are saturated. In fact, the higher Er3+ PL inten-
sity from SRSN:Er is observed regardless of nc-Si sensitization. This is shown in
Fig. 4.8, which shows the Er3+ PL spectra of the same films obtained under 980 nm
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 105

Fig. 4.7 The photolumines-

cence excitation (PLE)
spectra of SRSN:Er,
SRSO:Er, and SiO2 :Er,
monitored at the Er3+ PL
peak position of 1,535 nm.
The sharp kink near 490 nm
is an optical artefact of the
measurement system. The
sharp peaks at 380, 405, and
525 nm from SiO2 :Er
correspond to the
15/2 → G 11/2 , I15/2 → H9/2 ,
4I 4 4 2

and I15/2 → H11/2 direct

4 2

optical transitions,

Fig. 4.8 Er3+ PL spectra

from SRSN:Er, SRSO:Er, and
SiO2 :Er obtained under
resonant optical excitation
using a 980-nm laser

excitation. As nc-Si sensitization is negligible at 980 nm [51], the Er3+ PL observed

in this case is due to the direct optical excitation of Er3+ ions only. Furthermore,
as the Er luminescence lifetimes from SRSO:Er and SRSN:Er are similar as well,
the differences in PL intensities under direct optical pumping reflect the fraction of
optically active Er3+ ions. We find that Er3+ PL intensity from SRSN:Er is higher
than that from SRSO:Er even when excited directly. In fact, it is higher than even
that from SiO2 :Er, which is often considered to be the standard for Er doping, and
has an Er luminescence lifetime in the excess of 5 ms (data not shown).
A detailed quantitative comparison of PL intensities from different films can
be difficult due to the possibility of refractive index-dependent optical artefacts
[57]. However, the advantage of nitrides for Er-doping is real, as is further demon-
strated in Fig. 4.9, which shows the anneal temperature dependence of the 980 nm
pumped Er3+ PL intensity. We find that the Er3+ PL intensity from both SRSO:Er
and SiO2 :Er decreases abruptly as the annealing temperature is increased beyond
950 ◦ C, in agreement with previous reports of clustering and optical de-activation of
106 J.S. Chang et al.

Fig. 4.9 The anneal-temperature dependence of the Er3+ PL intensity of SRSN:Er, SRSO:Er, and
SiO2 :Er, obtained under resonant optical excitation using a 980-nm laser. Note the decrease in
the Er3+ intensity from SRSO:Er and SiO2 :Er thin films at anneal temperatures above 1,000 ◦ C,
indicating optical de-activation of Er as distinct from de-coupling of Er from nc-Si

Er in silica at high temperatures [43]. In the case of SRSN:Er, however, the Er3+ PL
intensity under resonant optical pumping keeps increasing with increasing anneal
temperature, indicating that such optical de-activation of Er3+ is greatly suppressed
in nitrides. Indeed, the Er3+ PL intensity from the SRSN:Er film after an anneal of
1,100 ◦ C is nearly two times larger than that from the optimized SiO2 :Er film.
The exact reason for such thermal stability of SRSN:Er against optical de-
activation of Er at high temperatures is not clear, but it is consistent with reports that
metal diffusivity in nitrides is much lower than that in silica [58]. As atomic motion
of both Er and Si is necessary for their reaction and subsequent optical de-activation
of Er, suppression of Er diffusion in nitrides is consistent with the observed reduc-
tion of optical-deactivation of Er in SRSN even after high temperature annealing.
For the purpose of Er doping, however, the implication of such suppression of opti-
cal de-activation of Er in nitrides is significant, as it opens up the possibility of a
much greater degree of freedom in designing a nc-Si sensitized Er-doped Si thin
film for use in optically active devices without needing to compromise between
effective nc-Si sensitization and maintaining the optical activity of Er.

4.2.3 Conclusion
In conclusion, we have investigated the luminescence property and thermal stability
of erbium-doped silicon-rich silicon nitride. We find nitrides offer both more effec-
tive nc-Si sensitization and much higher thermal stability for optically active Er than
oxides, provided that higher pump energy is used to take into account the larger
bandgap of nitride-passivated nc-Si. The results show that SRSN:Er is a promising
alternative to SRSO:Er for a compact, low-cost Si-based light source.
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 107

4.3 Er Silicates

4.3.1 Experimental
Er silicates were formed by coating a dense array of Si nanowires (Si-NW) with a
solution prepared by dissolving either pure ErCl3 ·6H2 O or a mixture of ErCl3 ·6H2 O
and YCl3 ·6H2 O in ethanol followed by rapid thermal annealing at high tempera-
tures. Si-NWs were grown by the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism [59, 60] using an
Au catalyst deposited on Si (111) substrates by sputtering. During growth, SiCl4 was
introduced into the growth furnace held at 900 ◦ C by bubbling H2 carrier gas through
liquid SiCl4 held at 0 ◦ C at a flow rate of 1–10 sccm. Ar and H2 gas was also intro-
duced into the furnace at a flow rate of 100 sccm. The growth time was 20–30 min.
After Si-NW growth, a solution prepared by dissolving either pure ErCl3 ·6H2 O
or a mixture of ErCl3 ·6H2 O and YCl3 ·6H2 O in ethanol was spin coated on the
Si-NWs at 4,000 rpm for 1 min. Following spin-coating, a rapid thermal anneal at
various temperatures and times were used to form the silicates. The use of Si-NWs
is critical for uniform formation of silicates, as they provide the nanometer-sized
diameter and large surface area that are better suited for chemical reaction and
atomic transport between crystalline Si and Er solutions that are necessary for the
formation of silicates [61]. Dilution of the Er with Y was done in order to control
the Er concentration while keeping the crystalline structure constant, as Y forms
silicate phases that have nearly the same lattice constants as Er silicates [62, 63].
Indeed, Czochralski-grown Er and Yb co-doped Y2 SiO5 bulk crystals have been
used successfully to fabricate solid state lasers [64]. Table 4.1 shows the weight and
corresponding quantity in mol of YCl3 ·6H2 O and ErCl3 ·6H2 O, both in solution and
in the final silicates as determined by EDS.
The structure of the resulting silicate film was analyzed using fixed angle (θ)
X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). PL spectra
were obtained using either the 488-nm line of an Ar laser or a 532-nm frequency-
doubled Nd:YVO4 laser, a grating monochromator, and employing the standard
lock-in technique. Note that in the case of silicates, excitation of Er occurs via direct

Table 4.1 The weights and corresponding quantities in mol of YCl3 ·6H2 O and ErCl3 ·6H2 O added
to 2.0 g of ethanol. The actual concentrations of Er in the final silicate thin films were measured by
energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) to be 1.5, 2.5, 5, 8.8, 17, and 25 at.%, except for the
sample with the nominal Er concentration of 0.26 at.% that was below the detection limit of EDS
Y (mg) Er (mg) Y (mol) ×10−4 Er (mol) ×10−4 Er at.% Er at.% (EDS)
368.2 0 12.14 0 0 –
358.5 4.8 11.82 0.126 0.26 –
346.7 18.1 11.43 0.474 1.0 1.5
259.0 28.5 8.54 0.747 2.0 2.5
277.5 86.4 9.15 2.26 5.0 5.0
199.1 163.9 6.56 4.29 10 8.8
85.5 275.4 2.82 7.21 18 17
0 366.4 0 9.6 25 –
108 J.S. Chang et al.

optical absorption only, as there is no excess Si to form nc-Si that could sensitize
Er. We note, however, that Er ions in silicates can also be non-resonantly excited
via carriers, if a Si layer can be made to intimately contact the silicate layers [65].
The pump beam size, as determined using a CMOS image sensor, was 0.15 mm2 for
the Ar laser and 0.14 mm2 for the frequency-doubled Nd:YVO4 laser. The PL decay
traces were collected with a digitized oscilloscope. All spectra were corrected for
the system response.

4.3.2 Results and Discussion

Figure 4.10 shows a scanning-electron microscope (SEM) image of as-grown Si-
NWs at a tilt angle of (a) 45◦ and (b) 90◦ . We observe a dense array of straight
Si-NWs of about 100 nm in diameter and ∼10 μm in length with a Si-NW density
of 1.4×109 cm−2 .
Figure 4.11a shows the SEM image of the sample that is spin-coated with pure Er
solution and then annealed. We find that the Si-NWs have disappeared, and instead
observe a “nano-bush” of roughly spherical grains. The formation of these grains is
uniform across a large area, as is shown in Fig. 4.11b. In fact, the entire wafer turns
uniformly white to the naked eye (data not shown).
The material phase of the “nano-bush” is identified by XRD analysis, as is shown
in Fig. 4.12. From the position of the diffraction peaks, we identify the “nano-bush”
to consist of nearly pure Er2 SiO5 [62], which is a stable phase in the Er2 O3 –SiO2
system [66] with a monoclinic symmetry of space group P21 /c. More details about
the shape of the silicate grains can be found in Fig. 4.13, which shows the TEM
images of the fabricated silicate thin film. We find that the film consists of loose
aggregates of Er2 SiO5 nanocrystals that are about 50–200 nm in diameter. The
nanocrystal grains are randomly oriented, but are single-crystalline, as is shown
by the high-resolution TEM image shown in the inset.

Fig. 4.10 SEM images of Si-NWs grown via the VLS method for use in fabricating Er silicates
(a) at a tilt angle of 45◦ , and (b) at a tilt angle of 90 ◦
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 109

Fig. 4.11 SEM images of Si-NWs that were spin-coated with pure Er solution and then annealed
in order to fabricate Er silicates (a) at high resolution and (b) low resolution

Fig. 4.12 The XRD spectrum

of the fabricated silicate
“nano-bush.” Also shown are
the expected peak positions
and relative intensities for
Er2 SiO5 . We obtain a near
perfect match, indicating the
formation of single-phase
Er2 SiO5

Fig. 4.13 The TEM images

of fabricated Er2 SiO5
nanograins. The scale bar
represents 200 nm. The inset
shows the high-resolution
TEM image of an individual
nanograin, showing
well-developed lattice fringes
indicative of high crystalline
quality. The scale bar
represents 5 nm
110 J.S. Chang et al.

Fig. 4.14 PL spectra of the

Er2 SiO5 nanocrystals,
measured both at room
temperature and at 25 K using
the 488 nm line of an Ar ion
laser to optically excite the
15/2 → F7/2 transition of
4I 4

Er3+ ions. At 25 K, the width

of the central peak at
1,530 nm is limited by the
system resolution, which is
1.5 nm

This formation of single-phase single-crystalline Er2 SiO5 nanograins is con-

firmed from PL spectra as well. Figure 4.14 shows the PL spectra of the Er2 SiO5
nanocrystals, measured both at room temperature and at 15 K using the 488 nm line
of an Ar ion laser to optically excite the 4 I15/2 →4 F7/2 transition of Er3+ ions. We
find that at low temperature, the PL spectrum is nearly atom-like with a series of
sharp peaks, consistent with the single-crystalline nature of the fabricated silicate
nanograins. The width of the central peak at 1,530 nm is limited by the system
resolution, which is 1.5 nm. Even at room temperature, the central peak dominates
the PL spectrum with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of less than 4.5 nm,
or 3 meV. It should be noted here that the spectra are not intentionally offset – the
Er3+ PL intensity increases strongly as the temperature is raised. The peak intensity
increases by 50%, while the integrated PL intensity increases more than sevenfold.
Such a sharp atom-like luminescence is not an inevitable byproduct of using a
crystalline material. In many cases where a polycrystalline thin film is used, the
presence of grain boundaries and strain often results in a very large inhomogeneous
broadening not only from Er-doped polycrystalline Al2 O3 [67], but also from pure
Er2 O3 as well [68]. In contrast, no such inhomogeneous broadening is observed
from the Er2 SiO5 film investigated here as it consists of a loose aggregate of high-
quality single-crystalline nanograins. We also would like to note that that obtaining
pure single-phase silicate material requires a careful control over the processing
conditions. For instance, if we change the spin-coating speed to 1,000 rpm such that
more of the solution remains on the Si nanowires, the resulting “nano-bush” consists
of a mixture of Er2 SiO5 and Er2 O3 grains, as is shown in Fig. 4.15.
Given the Er concentration of 25 at.% in Er2 SiO5 , the maximum possible gain
from Er2 SiO5 would be in the excess of at least 200 cm−1 . In reality, however, such
a high concentration leads to cooperative upconversion (CU) that limits the possible
gain [69–71]. Figure 4.16 shows the schematic description of the CU process at
the 4 I13/2 energy level. The CU is a dipole-dipole interaction between (a) two Er3+
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 111

Fig. 4.15 Room temperature PL spectra of (a) pure Er2 SiO5 and Er2 O3 thin films; (b) Er sili-
cate thin films formed by 4,000 and 1,000 rpm spin-coating. The one formed with 1,000 rpm spin
coating shows peaks due to both Er2 SiO5 and Er2 O3 phases

ions in the first excited state, in which (b) an Er3+ ion in the first excited state
(4 I13/2 ) decays non-radiatively to the ground state (4 I15/2 ) by exciting another Er3+
ion in the first excited state to the third excited state (4 I9/2 ), which then (c) ther-
malizes rapidly to lower-lying states. Indeed, such CU can also occur between any
two excited states of Er3+ . As CU annihilates one excited Er3+ ion without photon
emission, it is an important loss mechanism that limits optical gain at a given pump
power that needs to be investigated before the merits of Er silicates can be fully
The effect of CU is investigated by observing the changes in the Er3+ lumi-
nescence properties as the Er3+ concentration is varied via Y dilution. Figure 4.17
112 J.S. Chang et al.

Er3+ Er3+ Er3+ Er3+

4I 4I
9/2 9/2
4I 4I
11/2 11/2
4I 4I
13/2 13/2

4I 4I
15/2 15/2
(a) (b)

Er3+ Er3+


Fig. 4.16 The schematic description of the cooperative upconversion process at the Er3+ energy
level 4 I13/2 . The cooperative upconversion is a dipole-dipole interaction between (a) two Er3+
ions in the first excited state, in which (b) an Er3+ ion in the first excited state (4 I13/2 ) decays
non-radiatively to the ground state (4 I15/2 ) by exciting another Er3+ ion in the first excited state to
the third excited state (4 I9/2 ), which then (c) thermalizes rapidly to lower-lying states

Fig. 4.17 The fixed θ X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra from nanocrystals fabricated with various
Er concentrations. Also shown are the expected XRD peak positions of Er2 SiO5 and Y2 SiO5
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 113

shows the X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra from fabricated Er-Y silicate nanocrys-
tals. The reported peak positions of Er2 SiO5 and Y2 SiO5 from the Joint Committee
on Power Diffraction Standards (JCPDS) are also indicated. We observe identical
spectra from all samples ranging from pure Y2 SiO5 to pure Er2 SiO5 , with peaks
that agree well with the reported peak positions from JCPDS [62].
Figure 4.18 shows the near-infrared PL spectra from the fabricated nanocrystals,
normalized to the intensity at 1.53 μm. The shape of the PL peak near 1.53 μm
due to the 4 I13/2 →4 I15/2 transition is the same for all Er concentrations, and is
very similar to PL spectra from pure Er silicate thin films, as shown above. As the
intra-4f transitions of Er3+ are parity forbidden but become allowed by the crystal
field, the changes in the atomic environment of Er are reflected in the details of the
Er PL spectrum shape. Thus, the fact that we observe the same sharp PL spectra
for all Er concentrations, together with the XRD spectra shown in Fig. 4.17, clearly
demonstrates that the crystal structure of the fabricated Erx Y2−x SiO5 nanocrystals
is the same for all Er concentrations, right down to the atomic level.
Note that, on the other hand, the PL peak near 0.98 μm due to the 4 I11/2 →4 I15/2
transition is observable only for an Er concentration of 5.0 at.% or higher, even
though the pump power was the same for all samples. A similar concentration
dependence is shown in Fig. 4.19a, which shows the decay traces of the 1.53 μm
Er3+ PL intensity for different Er3+ concentrations. At an Er3+ concentration of
0.26 at.%, we observe a single-exponential decay with a luminescent lifetime of
7.4 ms. As the Er concentration is increased further, the decay traces become non-
exponential characterized by a fast initial decay. Figure 4.19b shows the decay traces
of the 1.53 μm Er3+ PL intensity from the sample with 1.5 at.% Er at different
pump powers. At 2 mW pump power, the decay trace is a single-exponential, with
a luminescent lifetime of 8 ± 0.5 ms. As the pump power is increased, the decay

Fig. 4.18 The near-infrared PL spectra from the fabricated nanocrystals with various Er
concentrations, normalized to the intensity at 1.53 μm. The curves are offset for clarity
114 J.S. Chang et al.

Fig. 4.19 (a) The time decay traces of the 1.53-μm Er3+ PL intensity for different Er3+
concentrations, after reaching steady state under a pump power of 130 mW. (b) The time decay
traces of the 1.53-μm Er3+ PL intensity from the sample with 1.5 at.% Er at different pump powers

traces become non-exponential with shorter lifetimes. We note, however, that all
decay traces, after the fast initial decay, approach a single exponential decay with a
luminescent lifetime of 7.4 ms.
Such a concentration-dependent 0.98 μm Er3+ PL intensity, together with the
concentration- and pump-power-dependent 1.53-μm Er3+ PL decay traces, bears
the hallmark of CU. In investigating CU in Erx Y2−x SiO5 , we first note that we
do not observe a 0.98-μm PL peak at low Er concentrations even though we are
exciting the 4f electrons to the higher-lying 4 F7/2 level by using the 488-nm pump
beam. This indicates that the thermalization of the 4f electrons down to the 4 I13/2
level is very rapid, consistent with the high phonon energies reported for rare-earth
oxyorthosilicates. [69, 72] Thus, we approximate the 4f electron distribution in low
Er3+ concentration nanocrystals by a two-level model in which we consider the
ground- and first-excited states of Er3+ only [70]. In such a case, we can write

dn(t) n
= σabs φ(1 − n) − σem φn − − C N n 2 (4.1)
dt τ

where n, σabs , σem , φ, τ, C, and N are the fraction of Er3+ in the first excited
state, the absorption (excitation) cross-section, emission cross-section, pump photon
flux, decay lifetime, cooperative upconversion coefficient (CUC), and concentration
of Er, respectively. Note that since we are using the 488 or 532 nm pump, the emis-
sion cross-section at 1.54 μm is assumed to be 0. The analytic solution of Eq. (4.1) is
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 115

1 1
n(t) = + C N exp(t/τ ) − C N (4.2)
τ τ n(0)
σabs φ + σem φ + 1/τ 4C N σabs φ
n(0) = 1+ −1 (4.3)
2C N (σabs φ + σem φ + 1/τ )2

In Eqs. (4.2) and (4.3), n(0) represents the steady-state value of n, and n(t) rep-
resents the time evolution n at time t after the pump beam has been turned off at
t = 0. As n(0) is proportional to the 1.53 μm Er3+ PL intensity, C can be found
by fitting Eqs. (4.2) and (4.3) to the luminescence decay curve and the pump power
dependence of the 1.53 μm Er3+ luminescence intensity, provided that σ and τ
are known.
For τ , we use 7.4 ms, which is the lifetime observed under conditions where
CU is negligible. To obtain σ , we have measured the rise time of the 1.53 μm
Er3+ PL from the sample with 0.26 at.% Er at different pump powers, under the
condition that no CU effects appear. The results are shown in Fig. 4.20. The slope
of the curve then gives σ, which was found to be (a) (4.5 ± 0.2) × 10−20 cm2 and
(b) (2.3 ± 0.1)×10−20 cm2 at 488 and 532 nm, respectively. This value is much
higher than the value of ∼(2–3)×10−21 cm2 typically reported [9] for the 4 F7/2
level of Er3+ , which we attribute to the multiple scattering of the pump beam by
nanocrystal aggregates. Because of the multiple scattering, the effective excitation
cross-section can vary from sample to sample, even though the true atomic excita-
tion cross-section should be the same for all samples. To investigate the variation,
we measured the Er3+ PL properties from more than 30 samples with 2.5 at.%
Er and found the variation in the PL intensity to be about ±50% and the varia-
tion of the Er3+ luminescence decay time to be ±10% (data not shown). Based on
these data, we calculate the excitation cross-section of Er3+ in Erx Y2−x SiO5 to be
(4.5 ± 2.3) × 10−20 cm2 at 488 nm and (2.3 ± 1.2) × 10−20 cm2 at 532 nm.
Figure 4.21 shows (a) the luminescence decay curve at the pump power of
650 mW and (b) the pump power dependence of the 1.53 μm Er3+ luminescence

Fig. 4.20 The rise time of

1.53 μm Er3+ PL from the
sample with 0.26 at.% Er at
different pump powers at the
pump wavelengths of 488 and
532 nm, under the condition
that no CU effects appear.
The slope then gives the
effective excitation
cross-section indicated
116 J.S. Chang et al.

Fig. 4.21 The luminescence time decay curve at a pump power of 650 mW and the pump power
dependence of the 1.53-μm Er3+ luminescence intensity for 1.5 and 2.5 at.% Er at the pump
wavelength of 532 nm. The fitting results of C = 1.7 × 10−18 cm3 /s with n(0) = 0.086 for 1.5
at.% Er and C = 5.1 × 10−18 cm3 /s with n(0) = 0.049 for 2.5 at.% Er (when σ = 2.3 × 10−20 cm2
is used) are shown by the solid curves

intensity for 1.5 and 2.5 at.% Er. By using a single set of parameters to fit both
curves to Eqs. (4.2) and (4.3) with a σ value in the range of (2.3±1.2)×10−20 cm2 ,
we obtain values of C = (2.2±1.1)×10−18 cm3 /s with n(0) = 0.08±0.04 for 1.5
at.% Er and C = (5.4±2.7)×10−18 cm3 /s with n(0) = 0.05±0.03 for 2.5 at.% Er.
The fitting results of C = 1.7×10−18 cm3 /s with n(0) = 0.08 for 1.5 at.% Er and
C = 5.1×10−18 cm3 /s with n(0) = 0.05 for 2.5 at.% Er (when σ = 2.3×10−20 cm2
is used) are shown by solid curves in Fig. 4.21
These values are very low, especially given the high Er concentrations used.
Figure 4.22 shows the previously reported values of CUC [73], together with the

Fig. 4.22 Reported values of

the cooperative upconversion
coefficient at the 4 I13/2
energy level of Er in various
hosts from [73]. For
comparison, the cooperative
upconversion coefficients
obtained for Erx Y2−x SiO5
with 1.5 and 2.5 at.% Er are
indicated by filled circles
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 117

value of CUC obtained here. In case of Er-doped silica, C was reported to be as

high as 1.7×10−17 cm3 /s at an Er concentration of 1×1020 cm−3 . [74] A value
of 4×10−18 cm3 /s was reported for Er-doped Al2 O3 , but at an Er concentration
of only 6×1019 cm−3 . [75] A lower value of 3×10−18 cm3 /s had been reported
for Ge/Al doped fused-silica optical fibers, but only at a low Er concentration
of ∼2×1019 cm−3 . [76] A low value of 1.2×10−18 cm3 /s at an Er concentration
of 6×1020 cm−3 has been reported, but in the case of bulk soda-lime silicate
glasses prepared from batches melted at 1,400 ◦ C for as long as 50 h. [73]. In other
words, the CUCs obtained for Erx Y2−x SiO5 nanocrystals are among the lowest ever
reported, at an Er concentration that is among the highest ever reported.
Such a low value of C is critical for efficient optical amplification at the high
Er concentrations necessary for compact optical amplifiers, and demonstrates the
viability of using Erx Y2−x SiO5 nanocrystals. The exact reason for such a low value
of C is not yet clear. We postulate, however, that the high crystalline quality of the
fabricated Erx Y2−x SiO5 nanocrystals is at least partially responsible, as the crystal
structure of oxyorthosilicates has only two sites for rare earth ions that are separated
by either a bridging oxygen or a SiO4 tetrahedron [77], and thereby precludes the
possibility of the formation of Er clusters that are known to lead to high values of
C. [71] In addition, the near-perfect lattice matching between Er2 SiO5 and Y2 SiO5
allows dilution of Er within the matrix without the formation of Er2 SiO5 domains.
For amplifier applications, it is more likely that either a 0.98 μm or 1.48 μm
pump beam will be used. We can use Eq. (4.3) to obtain the inversion curve under
the 1.48 μm pump, as shown in Fig. 4.23. The inversion level is defined as the
fraction of the population at the 4 I13/2 state, N2 /N. In case of the 1,480 nm pump,
stimulated emission as well as absorption of pump light should be considered. The
values of absorption and emission cross-section of Er in Erx Y2−x SiO5 at 1.48 μm
are obtained based on the peak absorption cross-section of Er3+ in Erx Y2−x SiO5
(∼ 1.1 × 10−20 cm2 ) and the McCumber theory. The simulation results indicate
that population inversion can be achieved at a pump intensity of 0.6 mW/μm2 , and

Fig. 4.23 The simulated

inversion level as a function
of 1,480 nm pump intensity
of Erx Y2−x SiO5 with 1.5 and
2.5 at.% Er in considering
only cooperative
upconversion at the 4 I13/2
state. Here, we consider
stimulated emission as well
as absorption of pump light,
which limits the maximum
inversion level to ∼0.7
118 J.S. Chang et al.

23 dB/cm gain, corresponding to 70% inversion, can be achieved at a pump intensity

of 6.5 mW/μm2 for 1.5 at.% Er. Even higher gain could be possible by using a higher
Er concentration. In 2.5 at.% Er, population inversion can be achieved at a pump
intensity of 2.2 mW/μm2 , and 38 dB/cm gain, corresponding to 70% inversion, can
be achieved at a pump intensity of 25 mW/μm2 . Note, however, that we only con-
sider the cooperative upconversion for the simulation result. The inclusion of other
effects such as excited state absorption and higher order cooperative upconversion
can lead to less than optimum results. Furthermore, that the silicates need yet to
be fabricated in a dense continuous thin film before they can be used for photonic
devices, and it still needs to be determined whether such a dense thin film will have
the advantageous properties of nanograins.

4.4 Applications of Er-Doped SRSN: High-Q Microdisks

4.4.1 Experimental

A 330 nm thick Er-doped a-SiNx film (8–9 at.% excess Si) with 0.2 at%
(2×1020 cm−3 ) Er was deposited on Si substrate at room temperature by means of
the reactive ion beam sputtering deposition method using a combination of 600 eV
Ar+ and N+ beams. Subsequently, a 280-nm-thick SiO2 layer was deposited on the
top to be used as a hard mask. After deposition, the films were annealed at 950 ◦ C
for 30 min in a flowing Ar environment to both precipitate nc-Si and activate Er.
Finally, the films were hydrogenated by a 30 min anneal in a flowing forming gas
environment (10% H2 /90% N2 ) at 650 ◦ C to passivate defects. The finished samples
all showed strong Er3+ luminescence with a luminescence lifetime of 0.69 ms when
pumped off-resonantly at 477 nm that did not coincide with any optical transitions
of Er3+ ions, indicating both successful optical activation and nc-Si sensitization of
doped Er ions.
Disk patterns 25.2 μm in diameter were formed using an ELS-7000 electron
beam lithography system. Afterwards, disks were formed by dry-etching using a
combination of CHF3 /O2 gases in an inductively coupled plasma (ICP). Finally, an
HNO3 /HF wet etch was used to undercut the Si layer and form a pedestal.

4.4.2 Results and Discussion

Figure 4.24 shows the SEM image of the fabricated microdisk. The pedestal is
11 μm high, with a center contact patch diameter of 5.2 μm. The surface rough-
ness of the film before and after the microdisk fabrication is shown in Fig. 4.25.
Prior to microdisk fabrication, the film is very smooth, with a root mean square
(RMS) roughness of 0.14 nm with a correlation length of 22.1 nm. After the fabri-
cation process, the film is much rougher, with an RMS roughness of 1.15 nm with
a correlation length of 25 nm. Using the analytical expression derived by Payne
et al. [78] that relates surface roughness to scattering loss, we estimate that the
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 119

Fig. 4.24 SEM image of a

fabricated SRSN:Er
microdisk. The pedestal is
11 μm high, with a center
contact patch diameter of
5.2 μm

Fig. 4.25 AFM image of the SRSN:Er film (a) prior to and (b) after microdisk fabrication. The
fabrication process increases the rms roughness from 0.14 to 1.15 nm
120 J.S. Chang et al.

Fig. 4.26 Top: High-resolution SEM image of the microdisk edge. Bottom: The position of the
disk edge, as measured from the SEM image. Positive height denotes position beyond the mean
radius, and negative height denotes position below the mean radius

surface roughness contributes about 1 dB/cm to the loss factor. Another factor that
can contribute to scattering loss is the edge roughness. The sidewall roughness was
measured by extracting the contour from a high-resolution SEM image of the disk
edge, as is shown in Fig. 4.26. Using the analytical expressions in [79] and [80] that
relate edge roughness of a waveguide to scattering loss, we estimate that the edge
roughness will contribute an additional loss factor of about 1 dB/cm.
The |E|2 -field distributions of the first-order transverse electric-like (TE) and
transverse magnetic-like (TM) whispering gallery modes (WGM) of the fabri-
cated microdisk, with azimuthal numbers of 79 and 60, respectively, simulated by
the three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method are shown in
Fig. 4.27. We find that the TE-like mode is confined very strongly within the disk
with a mode overlap of 0.94 ± 0.01. Such tight confinement leads to a negligible
radiation loss such that the theoretical Q-factor greatly exceeds 106 . Note, however,
the large mode overlap also leads to a large absorption by Er. Assuming a typical
Er absorption cross-section of 0.8×10−20 cm2 [81] we expect the Er absorption to
contribute about 6.5 dB/cm to the cavity loss at the wavelength of at 1.54 μm. The
TM-like mode, on the other hand, extends far out of the disk, resulting in a mode
overlap of 0.50 ± 0.02, and a radiation limited theoretical Q-factor of only 80,000.
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 121

Fig. 4.27 FDTD-simulated |E|2 -field distributions of the first-order transverse electric-like (TE)
and transverse magnetic-like (TM) WGM modes of the fabricated microdisk, with an azimuthal
number of 79 and 60, respectively. Note that the plan-view image is given in log scale to accentuate
the large radiation loss of the TM-like mode

The actual Q-factors of the fabricated microdisks were measured using a U-bent
tapered fiber [82] mounted on a three-axis translator with sub-nm resolution. The
diameter of the tapered section was measured to be 1.36 μm. Due to the strong
electrostatic force between the fiber and the disk, all measurements were performed
with the fiber directly in contact with the disk edge. Light from a tunable laser
(1,475–1,545 nm) with a linewidth <300 kHz and controlled polarization was then
coupled into the tapered fiber. Resonance modes of the microdisk were investigated
by measuring the change in the transmitted beam intensity as the signal wavelength
was swept. The details of the measurement setup are shown in [83].
Figure 4.28 shows a CCD camera image of the disk in contact with the tapered
fiber. The U-bent fiber is essentially straight at this scale, and is resting on the
top edge of the disk. Also shown are the transmission spectra for TE- and TM-
polarized input signals. We obtain clear dips in the transmitted signal intensity. In
particular, we obtain major dips occurring in pairs near 1,490, 1,505, and 1,520 nm,
corresponding to a free spectral range of 14.4 nm. This corresponds to a modal
index and effective resonator diameter of 1.98 and 25.3 μm, respectively, in excel-
lent agreement with the data presented above. Furthermore, the position of these
transmission dips agree very well with the expected positions of the first- and
second-order radial TE-like modes, calculated by FDTD simulations (indicated
122 J.S. Chang et al.

Fig. 4.28 The transmission spectra for TM- and TE-polarized input light, together with the
expected position for first-order radial modes for TE-like modes. Shown in the inset is the optical
microscope image of the SRSN:Er microdisk in contact with the coupling fiber

by short vertical lines). Thus, we identify them to be the first- and second-order
whispering gallery modes. The remaining transmission dips are ascribed to be
higher order radial modes. The measured Q-factors of the first-order TE-like modes,
obtained by dividing the resonance wavelength by the transmission dip width, are
∼ 5,000 and ∼ 8,900 for the disks with 0.2 and 0.02 at.% Er, respectively. For the
higher order TE-like modes, the Q-factor can be as high as 13,000. For the TM-like
mode, however, the Q-factors are much lower, being around 1,000 only.
These Q-factors are comparable to those reported previously from SiN micro-
ring resonators [84], but much lower than the intrinsic Q-factors estimated by
FDTD. Surface and edge scattering and absorption by Er cannot be the reason for
such low values, as it can induce a loss of at most 10 dB/cm, corresponding to a
Q-factor of 46,900 for the TE-like mode. On the other hand, the microdisk cavity is
coupled very strongly to the fiber due to the direct contact of the fiber with the disk.
Furthermore, the fact that the weakly coupled higher-order modes consistently show
a much higher Q-factor suggests that the coupling fiber itself is a significant source
of the loss. Therefore, we have extracted the fiber-induced loss using the coupled
mode theory [85, 86]. As shown in Fig. 4.29, the theory considers the loss due to
the coupling with the fiber in fitting the Lorentzian dip in the transmission spectrum.
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 123

Fig. 4.29 Terms considered in coupled mode theory for extracting the cavity Q-factor from mea-
sured transmission spectra

Since the coupling fiber is very thin, we neglect the higher order mode of the fiber,
in which case we can describe the Lorentzian dip by

FWHM = 1/τcavity + 1/τfiber


1/τcavity − 1/τfiber
0 (4.4)
Lorenztian dip = (1 − s · loss) × 1 −
1/τcavity + 1/τfiber

where 1/τcavity represents the entire cavity loss (including scattering, absorption,
and radiation), 1/τfiber represents the fiber coupling loss, and s·loss represents the
loss of the input power at the fiber-cavity contact.
Figure 4.30 shows a detailed fit to a transmission dip due to a first-order radial
mode of the microdisk, and the results of the fits. We find that TE-like modes cou-
pling with the fiber dominate the overall loss. The intrinsic cavity Q-factor for the
first-order radial modes can be as large as 26,580. Since this contains the Er absorp-
tion loss, the intrinsic Q factor of the resonator structure itself is much higher, and
is estimated to be 4.5 × 104 . This corresponds to a loss of about 9 dB/cm, which
is significantly larger than the calculated values. For the TM-like modes, on the
other hand, the Q-factor is dominated by the intrinsic cavity Q-factor, which can be
as low as 2,100, corresponding to a very large cavity loss of >180 dB/cm that is
several orders of magnitude larger than the calculated values.
In order to investigate the origin of the large cavity losses, we have performed
FDTD simulations that included the coupling fiber. The results of the simulation,
together with the structure used in the simulation, are shown in Fig. 4.31. As shown
in Fig. 4.31b, we find that with the fiber in contact with the disk the TE-like mode
excited in the disk decays exponentially with a decay time of 0.02 ns, corresponding
to a Q-factor of only 26,520 even though no scattering or absorption losses were
included, indicating the coupling with the fiber is a major source of optical loss for
the microcavity. In addition, as Fig. 4.31c shows, the shape of the Hz field is no
124 J.S. Chang et al.

Er 0.2 at.%
TE-like Q0 fiber Qcavity Qcavity without Er Qmeasured
1st order 6990 26,580
45,000 5700 (max)
@ 1492 nm (57 dB/cm) (14 dB/cm)
Higher order 1.4×105 10,017
12,900 9400 (max)
@ 1498 nm (2.7 dB/cm) (38 dB/cm)


1st order
2104 5745 6100 1540
@ 1483 nm

Fig. 4.30 A typical fit to the transmission spectrum using the coupled mode theory, and results of
the fits for TE-like and TM-like modes

longer circular even though only the first-order radial mode was excited, indicating
that the fiber induces a cavity loss of the first-order TE-like mode via coupling with
higher-order modes as well. On the other hand, as Figs. 4.31d and e show, the values
of |Hz |2 and |H|2 are identical, indicating that the overall mode remains TE-like.
With the fiber in contact with the disk, the TM-like mode decays even more
rapidly with a decay time of 3.75 ps, corresponding to a Q-factor of 5,560, as shown
in Fig. 4.31f. This is partly due to the large mode overlap of the TM mode with
the fiber that results in a stronger coupling with the fiber, as indicated by the large
light intensity in the fiber shown in Fig. 4.31g. Another important reason for such
low Q-factor is shown in Figs. 4.31h and i. We find that the value of |Hz |2 , which
corresponds to the TE-like component, is within 99.5% of the total |H|2 , indicating
that the overall steady-state mode is TE-like even though the disk was excited via a
TM-polarized source within the disk. This indicates that the contact with the fiber
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 125

Fig. 4.31 (a) The structure used in calculations that include the coupling fiber in contact with the
disk. A Gaussian-shaped source located inside the disk was used to excite the cavity; (b) calculated
decay of the excited TE-like mode; (c) Hz field; (d) |Hz |2 distribution, with a maximum value of
1 a.u.; and (e) |H|2 distribution, with a maximum value of 1 a.u. of the excited TE-like mode. (f)
Calculated decay of the excited TM-like mode; (g) Ez field; (h) |Hz |2 distribution, with a maximum
value of 0.995 a.u.; and (i) |H|2 distribution, with a maximum value of 1 a.u. of the excited TM-like

breaks the symmetry to such a degree that the disk effectively ceases to support the
TM-like modes, resulting in a large cavity loss (as distinct to coupling loss) for the
TM-like modes.
Such mode coupling, and the resulting cavity loss, depends sensitively on the
details of the fiber-disk coupling [84]. Thus, the values obtained above cannot be
compared directly with experimental values. Still, the simulated values agree quite
well with the experimentally obtained values, indicating that the contact with the
coupling fiber, rather than scattering or absorption in the microdisk, plays a major
role in determining the Q-factor of the fundamental WGM of the microdisk, by
inducing not only the coupling loss, but also a large cavity loss due to symmetry-
breaking induced coupling of the fundamental mode with other cavity modes. This
is consistent with recent results obtained by several investigators who have reported
that with optimization SiN-based waveguides can have propagation losses that are
less than 1 dB/cm and a bending loss of less than 1 dB for a 1-μm radius bend
[5, 87]. Thus, the results indicate that with an optimized processing condition and
better coupling scheme (e.g., with a well-defined waveguide instead of a fiber in
contact with the disk), it should be possible to increase the disk Q-factor to a point
where net optical gain is possible.
126 J.S. Chang et al.

Fig. 4.32 (a) A schematic description and (b) a CCD image of an SRSN:Er microdisk under
top pumping. The position of the disk is indicated by the dotted circle. A 473-nm DPSS laser
was used to illuminate the edge of the disk, and a tapered fiber was used to measure both the
transmission and emission spectra shown on the right. Note the exact correspondence between the
dips in transmission and the peaks in emission. The width of the emission peaks is limited by the
detector resolution, which was set at 2 nm

Still, the fabricated microdisks posses the critical advantage of SRSN:Er

microdisk resonators – the ability to be pumped off-resonantly from the top without
the need for a laser tuned precisely to one of the resonant modes and to be cou-
pled via a fiber or waveguide. This is demonstrated in Fig. 4.32, which shows the
Er3+ emission spectrum collected via a tapered fiber and observed by an optical
spectrum analyzer (OSA) at a resolution bandwidth (RBW) of 2 nm. When illumi-
nated from the top by a 473 nm laser, we observe peaks precisely at wavelengths that
correspond to high-Q fundamental whispering gallery modes in the transmission
spectrum obtained by the same setup. This demonstrates the core advantage of a
nc-Si sensitized Er microdisk over conventional Er-doped microdisks, as excitation
of whispering gallery modes does not require a pump laser tuned precisely to one of
the whispering gallery modes of the disk together with a coupling fiber/waveguide
whose coupling needs to be optimized for both excitation and emission wavelengths.
Furthermore, the pumping scheme is quite robust, as changes in temperature or cou-
pling will not affect the pump efficiency.
It should be noted, however, that such nc-Si sensitization suffers from built-in
inefficiencies such as (a) a low degree of absorption within the thin microdisk (only
17% of the pump beam is absorbed); (b) a low excitation efficiency of the WGM
(pump light not absorbed within the mode volume does not lead to excitation of the
WGM); and (c) an intrinsically low quantum efficiency (a 2.62 eV photon is used
to obtain an 0.8 eV photon). Furthermore, increasing the absorption while main-
taining uniform excitation is difficult. Also, shaping the top-pumping beam into a
4 Er-Doped Silicon-Rich Silicon Nitrides and Er Silicates for On-Chip Light Sources 127

well-aligned annulus is non-trivial [88]. In other words, while nc-Si sensitization

plus top-pumping offer advantages in terms of cost and robust pumping, it also
introduces factors that can substantially lower the overall efficiency of the final
device even under the best conditions, and this should be taken into account when
developing this technology into a practical application.

4.5 Conclusion

In conclusion, we have introduced Er-doped silicon-rich silicon nitride (SRSN:Er)

and Er silicates as novel materials that can provide high and stable Er concentra-
tions and a high refractive index for compact on-chip light sources. SRSN:Er allows
sensitization of Er by nc-Si without optical de-activation of Er, and Er silicates can
provide gain in excess of 30 dB/cm, while at the same time providing a much sup-
pressed cooperative upconversion. The actual realization of light sources using these
materials still needs more research, but as the work on SRSN:Er demonstrates, many
promising on-chip photonic devices can already be realized with them.

Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by grant No. (R11-2003-022) through Optics
and Photonics Elite Research Academy (OPERA) and by grant No. (R01-2007-000-21036-0) of
the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), and by KINC. The authors also acknowl-
edge Dr. K.-J. Kim, G. Y. Sung, and Y. H. Lee for valuable discussion, knowledge, and help.

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130 J.S. Chang et al.

Absorption, 97–98, 101, 103, 108, 114, Infrared, 113
117–118, 120, 122–123, 125–126 Interconnect bottleneck, 95

Bandwidth, 92 Laser, 101, 103, 105–108, 110, 121, 126
Lattice mismatch, 97
C Lifetime, 97, 102–103, 105, 113–115, 118
Chip/s, 95–127 Light emitting diodes (LEDs), 96, 98
Conduction band, 96 Linewidth, 121
Coupler (fiber waveguide), 126 Lithography, 118
CMOS, 97, 100, 108 Luminescence efficiency, 96, 102
Luminescence quenching, 98, 103
Detector, 95, 126 M
Metal, 106
E Microcavities, 123
Er3+ ion, 97–101, 103, 105, 110–112, 118 Microdisks, 100, 118–127
Er silicates, 95–127 Microrings, 122
Modulation, 96
G Modulators, 95
GaAs, 96 Monolithic, 96
Gain, 96, 99–100, 110–111, 118, 125, 127
Ge, 97, 117 N
Nanocrystals, 96, 108, 110, 112–115, 117
H Nanostructures, 96
Heteroepitaxy, 97 Nonradiative recombination, 96
Chapter 5
Germanium as a Material to Enable
Silicon Photonics

R. Ichikawa, S. Takita, Y. Ishikawa, and K. Wada

Abstract Germanium has been an enabler of the information age. Ge on Si nucle-

ates Si photonics as well as high-speed CMOS electronics. Recently, Ge has played
a significant role in integrating materials such as III–Vs on Si. The structure of
GaAs on a thick Ge layer on Si has been studied for many years to expand its device
application menu such as lasers, high-performance transistors, and tandem solar
cells on Si. However, an ultra-thin Ge buffer layer (referred to as (Ge) hereafter)
technology described in this chapter has created new fields for applications. One
of the emerging fields is the structure and properties of AlGaAs/GaAs/(Ge)/Si/Ge,
which has been impossible to create previously using the thick Ge buffer on Si
technology. Here, we demonstrate an application as a new green power generation
platform, i.e., high-efficiency cost-effective tandem solar cells using Si as a cell as
well as the mechanical substrate. The (Ge) thickness has not been fully optimized
yet, but is in the range 10–20 nm. Our design for a tandem solar cell shows that
its theoretical efficiency reaches 43%. The key attributes are the crystalline quality
and surface roughness of ultrathin (Ge). We have experimentally optimized the (Ge)
buffer thickness to achieve both requirements and prototyped Ge solar cells on Si.
The Ge solar cells have successfully reproduced their ideal external quantum effi-
ciency. This is the proof of concept of the success of the Ge challenge as the material
enabler to integrate Si and GaAs.

5.1 Introduction

Germanium has nucleated solid-state electronics as a material for transistors [1],

and has now empowered current electronics as a stressor of Si complementary metal
oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuits [2]. It is considered that Ge will be a material

R. Ichikawa, S. Takita, and Y. Ishikawa (B)

Department of Materials Engineering, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo
113-8656, Japan
K. Wada (B)
Department of Materials Engineering, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo
113-8656, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]

D.J. Lockwood, L. Pavesi (Eds.): Silicon Photonics II. 131

Topics in Applied Physics 119, 131–141 (2011)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10506-7_5 
C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
132 R. Ichikawa et al.

of p-MOS in the scheme referred to as the extension of “Moore’s Law” [3]. Ge has
enabled CMOS-compatible photodetectors on a Si chip [4] and, recently, modula-
tors [5], and even an optical gain media in the optical communication wavelength
range [6]. Thus, Ge has been regarded as a material enabler to converge electronics
and photonics on the Si CMOS platform, i.e., Si photonics. In the current stage of
Si photonics development, such an ultrathin layer of Ge, hereafter referred to as
(Ge), can perform as an excellent buffer layer between Ge and Si, i.e., highly lattice
mismatched material systems. The natural consequence of the (Ge) technology is
to combine heterogeneous materials such as GaAs on Si, since Ge perfectly lattice-
matches with GaAs-based devices that can be light emitters, high-speed transistors,
and solar cells. In this chapter, we will explore another challenge of (Ge) as a mate-
rial integration platform of Si and GaAs, which can be referred to as a “green power
generation platform.” We design a four-junction AlGaAs(1)/AlGaAs(2)/(Ge)/Si/Ge
tandem solar cell, that could not be done previously without the ultrathin (Ge)
technology. We present the theoretical design of the tandem cells, the experimental
results of the (Ge) buffer layer optimization, and a prototype Ge/Si solar cell as a
proof of concept.

5.2 Material Design

Ge is an element that lies between Ga and As in the periodic table, and thus there are
many similarities in the physical and chemical properties of Ge and GaAs. Typical
examples are the lattice constant, linear expansion coefficient, and thermal conduc-
tivity, as given in Table 5.1 [7]. These similarities favor hetero-epitaxial growth
of GaAs on Ge or vice versa. Despite the fact that Ge is a non-polar material
while GaAs is a polar material, anti-phase domain boundaries (APDs) of GaAs on
Ge have naturally been suppressed by introducing a miss-orientation of the sub-
strate surface orientation. High-quality GaAs epilayers on Ge bulk substrates and
its hetero-structures have been achieved [8].
On the other hand, Ge is limited in natural abundance and in technological matu-
rity, compared with Si where 30-cm-diameter dislocation-free wafers are commer-
cially available. Thus, the first material integration was attempted for GaAs on Si.
As calculated from Table 5.1, the lattice mismatch between GaAs and Si is as large
as 4%, which naturally lead to a high density of dislocations in GaAs on Si [9].
These defects have made the material integration of Si and GaAs unsuccessful. On
the other hand, it has recently been reported that dislocation-free Ge mesas can
be grown on Si [1]. In this method a (Ge) buffer layer was first grown on Si at a

Table 5.1 Material parameters of Ge, GaAs, and Si at 300 K

Lattice constants Linear expansion Thermal conductivity
Materials (nm) coefficient (10−6 /◦ C) (W/cm/◦ C) Bandgap (eV)
Ge 0.5658 5.9 0.58 0.661
GaAs 0.565325 5.73 0.55 1.424
Si 0.5431 2.6 1.3 1.12
5 Germanium as a Material to Enable Silicon Photonics 133

low temperature (around 300–400 ◦ C) and a Ge epilayer was then grown on it at a

medium temperature (around 600 ◦ C), hereafter referred to as two-step growth. The
(Ge) buffer layer is highly dislocated but the subsequently grown Ge epilayers con-
tain a reduced density of threading dislocations, i.e., ∼109 cm−3 . Such a high den-
sity of threading dislocations was reduced during a high temperature post-growth
annealing. The mechanism should be a strain-driven dislocation glide and reaction:
Ge has a linear expansion coefficient twice that of Si, as indicated in Table 5.1,
inducing thermal mismatch during the post-growth annealing. Threading disloca-
tions in the Ge epilayer become mobile in terms of stress generated in the Ge layer
annealed at high and low temperatures cyclically. In other words, heating the Ge
epilayers on Si substrates to a higher temperature near the melting point introduces
compressive strain within the Ge epilayer. The strain mobilizes threading disloca-
tions, gliding the dislocations to relax in the epilayer. Cooling the structure down
to a lower temperature around 700 ◦ C where threading dislocations are still mobile
in Ge introduces tensile strain in the Ge epilayer that also glides back dislocations
to relax in the epilayer. These motions of threading dislocations eventually reduce
the dislocation density in terms of dislocation annihilation in pairs with opposite
Burgers vectors. When the Ge epilayers are smaller than the gliding distance for
dislocations, dislocation-free Ge epilayers on Si should be obtained [1]. In addition,
Ge never grows on silica masks in terms of the reduction reaction of silica by Ge,
resulting in Ge on Si patterns with no islands on silica patterns. Currently, square
Ge mesas of 10 × 10 μm2 have been reported dislocation-free even on Si. This
suggests that the dislocation glide distance would be about 5 μm. Larger mesas can
be dislocation-free, when the larger stress is accumulated in the mesas in terms of
rapid thermal processing.
These experiments are strongly suggestive that dislocation-free GaAs on (Ge)
on Si should be possible provided that the Ge on Si is dislocation-free. AlGaAs
is a lattice matching system of GaAs, and indeed dislocation-free on GaAs. Thus,
AlGaAs/GaAs hetero-structures should be possible on Si using the (Ge) buffer and
mesa technology. Since threading dislocations in GaAs and AlGaAs systems act as
efficient recombination centers to degrade device performance, the dislocation-free
Ge on Si would be a new material integration platform to integrate Si with GaAs.
The material integration would enable electronic and photonic convergence on the Si
CMOS platform. Si has a twice larger thermal conductivity (see Table 5.1), acting
as an excellent heat sink as well for the high injection devices if realized on Si.
Actually, such material integration has been performed to demonstrate lasers and
light emitting diodes on Si [10]. It required thick (Ge) buffer layers to grow GaAs
on Si and is difficult to apply to tandem solar cell stacks. We will come back this
point later on.

5.3 Device Design: Tandem Cells

Highly efficient, series-connected tandem solar cells using Ge and III–V compounds
such as GaAs/Ge, InGaP/InGaAs/Ge, and InGaP/GaAs/Ge have attracted much
attention due to their lattice matching characteristics [11]. However, it was quite
134 R. Ichikawa et al.

challenging to achieve four-junction tandem solar cells with the materials system of
interest: Ge and GaAs. It is because of the current mismatch due to the large differ-
ence in the bandgap energy (E g ) between GaAs (1.424 eV) and Ge (0.661 eV), as
shown in Table 5.1. Recently, GaInNAs has attained technological interest because
of the following reasons: first, the bandgap can be controlled to be ∼1 eV at the mid-
dle of GaAs and Ge enabling current matching, and second, the lattice constant can
be matched to Ge and GaAs. Indeed, the four-junction GaInP/GaAs/GaInNAs/Ge
tandem solar cell has been prototyped [12]. However, there is still the challenging
issue associated with Ge substrates, i.e., low thermal conductivity (see Table 5.1).
Its technical immaturity is always the issue. Si is an ideal material to breakthrough
these issues and to meet the bandgap requirement of ∼1 eV, as indicated in Table 5.1,
provided that the lattice mismatch issue is solved.
We have designed a four-junction tandem solar cell using Si highlighting a
middle bandgap material and a substrate with technical maturity. In other words,
the four tandem cell structure can basically be AlGaAs/GaAs/(Ge)/Si/Ge and
GaInP/GaAs/(Ge)/Si/Ge. We have chosen the former cell structure to design the
structure and the layer thicknesses together with the alloy content of the AlGaAs
layer on a quantitative basis. This tandem solar cell was designed, focusing on the
current matching by calculating the photocurrent generation at each thickness, using
the following equation [13].

Jsc = φ(λ) × (1 − exp[−α(λ) × L])dλ, (5.1)

where Jsc denotes the short-circuit current density (mA/cm2 ), φ(λ) is the number of
incident photons of AM1.5G (/nm) [14], α(λ) is the optical absorption coefficient
(/cm), and L is the thicknesses of the cells (cm). For simplicity, we assumed the

(a) The ideal current collection conditions of all the layers, i.e., external quantum
efficiency (EQE) = 1.
(b) Light passes through each cell once with internal reflections ignored.

The absorption coefficients of GaAs and AlGaAs employed are taken from [15]
and [16]. It turned out that the GaAs layer should be an Al-lean AlGaAs layer for
perfect current matching.
Figure 5.1 shows the structure of a tandem solar cell Alx Ga1−x As/Aly Ga1−y As/Si/
Ge with a Ge buffer layer on Si, which meets the current matching requirement. As
in Fig. 5.2, the photocurrent accumulated from 300 to 1,550 nm is 54.05 mA, assum-
ing the AM1.5G current spectrum (100 mW/cm2 , 1 sun). The dotted and dashed
lines are referred to as the current division by four cells and the Ge buffer layer,
respectively. The bottom cell is Ge and its bandgap (E g,Ge direct ) is 0.80 eV. The
reason for using the direct gap here is our assumption that the Ge layer is thin,
because of epitaxial growth. Ge generates 54.05 mA when it absorbs light shorter
than 1,550 nm (0.8 eV) in wavelength. However, the weak Ge absorption near the
5 Germanium as a Material to Enable Silicon Photonics 135

Fig. 5.1 Schematic of the

Alx Ga1−x As/Aly Ga1−y As/Si/Ge
tandem solar cell

Fig. 5.2 The AM1.5G

current spectrum division in
the tandem cell of Fig. 5.1

band edge generates a slightly lower current. For example, it is 53.3 mA/cm2 instead
when the Ge epilayer is 3 μm thick. Therefore, Jsc of each cell is about 13 mA/cm2 ,
as in Fig. 5.2. Here, we ignored the absorption by the (Ge) layer, which does not
alter the final thickness determination, as described next.
The (Ge) buffer accumulates most defects in the layer, especially in the vicinity
of the Si and (Ge) interface, allowing a nearly perfect subsequent Aly Ga1−y As layer
to grow on it. However, the Ge buffer layer should act as an absorber causing light
loss. This is because photo-excited charges generated in Ge buffer layer may easily
recombine through defects in the layer and do not contribute to the short-circuit
current. This loss of photocurrent reduces the total Jsc in terms of the lower pho-
tocurrents in the lower-positioned Si and Ge cells. The photocurrent calculated to
be generated in the (Ge) buffer layer is shown in Fig. 5.3. Here, we assumed that the
top and second-to-top cells are Al0.30 Ga0.70 As (223 nm thick) and Al0.05 Ga0.95 As
(878 nm thick), respectively. Although the photocurrent generated in the (Ge) buffer
layer increases with the (Ge) buffer layer thickness, the photocurrent loss is below
2 mA/cm2 when the (Ge) buffer thickness is a typical one, i.e., 10–30 nm in the
growth of Ge on Si. Thus, the (Ge) layer can be neglected in the calculation of
the photocurrents for current matching. Nonetheless, we have rigorously counted
its loss effect in the design of our tandem structures. Figure 5.4 shows the thick-
ness of the Si and Ge cells as a function of the thickness of the (Ge) buffer layer.
136 R. Ichikawa et al.

Fig. 5.3 Photocurrent

generated by the Ge buffer
layer as a function of the
thickness of the Ge buffer
layer below Al0.30 Ga0.70 As
(223 nm thick) and
Al0.05 Ga0.95 As (878 nm
thick) cells

Fig. 5.4 Thickness of the (a)

Si and (b) Ge cell as a
function of the thickness of
the Ge buffer layer with
short-circuit current density
Jsc in the case that the top
and the second cells are
Al0.30 Ga0.70 As and
Al0.05 Ga0.95 As, respectively

The variable parameter is the short-circuit current density when the top and the
second cells are Al0.30 Ga0.70 As and Al0.05 Ga0.95 As, respectively. It is clear that the
Si and Ge cells should thicken with the (Ge) buffer layer. One of the material set
properties is that the Si layer should be 101–307 μm thick when the (Ge) buffer
layer is ∼15 nm thick, generating Jsc = 12–13 mA/cm2 in the Si cell. Since Si
solar cells are currently around 200 μm thick, the Si wafer can be used as both a
substrate and one of tandem cells as previously noted. Furthermore, the Ge layer
should be 1.168–2.580 μm thick when the (Ge) buffer layer is again ∼15 nm thick.
This material set property is also realistic according to our experience. The Ge cell
generates Jsc = 12–13 mA/cm2 when meeting the current matching condition.
The final issue is to design the composition and thickness of the upper AlGaAs
cells on the (Ge) buffer to get a Jsc of 12–13 mA/cm2 . Figure 5.5 shows the thick-
ness of these AlGaAs cells as a function of the short-circuit current density of
12–13 mA/cm2 . The variable parameter is the Al composition x and y. Figure 5.5a
is for the top cell, and Fig. 5.5b is for the second cell when the top cell is
5 Germanium as a Material to Enable Silicon Photonics 137

Fig. 5.5 Thickness of

(a) Alx Ga1−x As and
(b)Aly Ga1−y As cells with Al
composition x and y as a
function of short-circuit
current density Jsc . b is for
the case that the top cell is
Al0.30 Ga0.70 As

Al0.30 Ga0.70 As. To achieve a high open-circuit voltage, the Al composition should
be high. It is found from Fig. 5.5a that the top cell’s thickness should increase
with Al composition because the Al rich AlGaAs causes a blue-shift of the optical
absorption edge. However, the high Al composition (x > 0.3) AlGaAs frequently
results in Al oxidation, which could generate unwanted recombination centers and
lead to current mismatch between the cells. To compromise on the above mentioned
issues, we have chosen Al0.30 Ga0.70 As as the top cell. For a high short-circuit cur-
rent density, the Aly Ga1−y As cell must be thick, but it is better to keep the thickness
under about 1 μm when considering a practical epitaxial growth time. These consid-
erations determine that the best composition for the second cell is Al0.05 Ga0.95 As.

5.4 Materials and Device Characteristics: (Ge) Buffer

on Si and Ge Solar Cell on Si
The quality of the (Ge) buffer layer is the key to realize this tandem cell, because
Al1−y Gay As growth on Ge and Al1−x Gax As growth on Al1−y Gay As are thus pos-
sible. To obtain a high-quality AlGaAs layer, the surface roughness of Ge buffer
layer should be low. We implemented the Ge growth experiment on a non-vicinal
p− Si (100) wafer at 370 ◦ C without annealing using ultra-high vacuum chemical
vapor deposition (UHV – CVD). The (Ge) buffer layer thicknesses were 15, 30, and
60 nm. Figure 5.6 shows the root-mean-square (RMS) roughness of the Ge surface
measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) as a function of the Ge thickness. It
is clear that the RMS roughness increases with the (Ge) buffer thickness. Figure 5.7
shows the full width at a half maximum (FWHM) of the (Ge) buffer peak in X-ray
diffraction (XRD) measurement as a function of the Ge thickness. The FWHM
138 R. Ichikawa et al.

Fig. 5.6 RMS roughness of

the as-grown Ge surface
measured by atomic force
microscopy (AFM) as a
function of the thickness of
Ge, which was grown at
370 ◦ C on a p− Si (100)
wafer by UHV–CVD

Fig. 5.7 Full width at half

maximum (FWHM) of the
Ge peak in XRD
measurements as a function
of the thickness of Ge, which
is grown at 370 ◦ C on a p− Si
(100) wafer by UHV–CVD

provides information on the variation of the Ge lattice, which reflects its crystalline
quality. The FWHM decreases with the (Ge) buffer thickness, indicating that better
crystalline quality is obtained with the thicker (Ge) buffer.
To decide the optimum thickness, we have defined the figure of merit (FOM) as
a qualitative measure:

FOM = . (5.2)
RMS · FWHM · absorption

Here, the absorption is a measure of the photocurrent generated by the (Ge) buffer
layer. The RMS roughness, crystalline quality (FWHM), and light loss are shown
in Figs. 5.6, 5.7, and 5.3, respectively. Figure 5.8 shows the FOM as a function of
the thickness of the (Ge) buffer layer. From consideration of the FOM, a thin (Ge)
buffer layer 15 nm thick is optimal, as shown in this experiment.
To check the abovementioned buffer layer technology, we have fabricated the Ge
solar cells on a Si substrate and measured the efficiency of Ge solar cells on Si. The
solar cell structure from the top down is the following: 50-nm Si cap/1-μm Ge with
15 nm (Ge) buffer layer/p+ Si substrate. The growth temperatures of the (Ge) buffer
and upper Ge epilayer were 370 and 600 ◦ C, respectively. After epitaxial growth,
phosphorous ions were implanted at 70 keV at a dose of 6 × 1014 cm−2 into the
5 Germanium as a Material to Enable Silicon Photonics 139

Fig. 5.8 Figure of merit

(FOM = 1/[RMS roughness
× crystalline
quality{FWHM} × light
loss]) as a function of the
thickness of the Ge, which
was grown at 370 ◦ C on a p−
Si (100) wafer by UHV–CVD

Fig. 5.9 External quantum

efficiency (EQE) of our
photodiode and the
theoretically predicted
response as a function of

Si cap layer. Figure 5.9 shows the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the Ge
solar cell on Si. The solid and dashed lines are the EQE of the solar cell and of a
theoretical calculation assuming 1 μm Ge as an active layer, respectively. It is clear
that the experimental data have been reproduced by the theory. The red-shift of the
experiment compared with the theoretical calculation is the bandgap shrinkage in
terms of the tensile strain induced by thermal mismatch between the Si and Ge
expansion coefficients [17].
Table 5.2 summarizes the optimum thickness of each cell at Jsc = 13 mA/cm2
considering the experiment noted above. The top Al0.30 Ga0.70 As cell is 223 nm
thick, which fits with a short growth time and allows the formation of a thin p+
and n+ layer at the top and bottom subsurface layer. The second Al0.05 Ga0.95 As cell
is suitable for a reasonable growth time. The thickness of the Si and Ge cells are
also appropriate as a wafer and for epitaxial growth, respectively.

Table 5.2 The optimum Layer Thickness (μm)

thickness of each cell for the
tandem solar cell at Al0.3 Ga0.7 As 0.223
Jsc = 13 mA/cm2 Al0.05 Ga0.95 As 0.878
(Ge) buffer 0.015
Si 307
Ge 2.58
140 R. Ichikawa et al.

We have estimated that the total power efficiency of this tandem cell is 43.07% at
Jsc = 13 mA/cm2 . For simplicity, the fill factors (FF) have been derived assuming
that the ideality factor of the pn diodes would be 1 and Voc = E g − 0.4. Here E g =
1.798 eV for Al0.30 Ga0.70 As, E g = 1.486 eV for Al0.05 Ga0.95 As, E g = 1.12 eV for
Si, and E g = 0.8 eV for Ge. A very high-power efficiency should be obtained by
the present tandem solar cell using a Si wafer.

5.5 Summary
We have described the use of Ge as a material enabler for Si photonics, especially
for green power generation technology based on Si. The role of Ge as a materi-
als integration platform of GaAs with Si and the newly developed ultrathin (Ge)
buffer layer play an essential part in this solar cell application. We have designed
four-junction tandem cells of the type Alx Ga1−x As/Aly Ga1−y As/(Ge)/Si/Ge, as
described in Table 5.2. Here, Si acts as a solar cell with E g = 1.12 eV and as a
substrate with the required mechanical strength. A theoretical calculation indicates
the cell efficiency to be 43% under AM1.5G and 1-sun conditions. This should be
equivalent to the tandem cell of a GaInNAs cell on Ge instead of the Si cell. The Ge
solar cell fabricated on Si has reproduced the theoretically predicted external quan-
tum efficiency, which overcomes the potential weak point of the tandem structure
induced by the (Ge) buffer layer. This gives us clear evidence that Ge should be an
enabler of materials integration of GaAs with Si.
The materials integration based on Ge will stimulate GaAs-based photonic and
electronic devices as well. As shown in Table 5.1, the thermal conductivity of Si is
twice as high as that of Ge and GaAs, which should be another benefit from the use
of Si. In other words, the heat penalty is always the factor limiting the performance
and reliability of high injection devices such as lasers and high electron mobility
transistors (HEMTs).

Acknowledgments The basic concept was created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) and submitted as the MIT case number 10445 while one of the authors (KW) was at the
MIT Microphotonics Center. We are grateful to our collaborators, D.T. Danielson, T. Montalbo,
J. Graham, J. Michel, and L.C. Kimerling at MIT, and Y. Okita and J. Osaka at the University
of Tokyo.

1. W.H. Braten, Entry of 15 Dec. 1947, laboratory note, case number 38139-7, Bell Laboratories
archives 131, 132, 133
2. J. Welser, J.L. Hoyt, J.F. Gibbons, IEEE Electron. Dev. Lett. 15, 100, (1994) 131
3. G. Moore, Proc. SPIE 2440, 2 (1995) 132
4. H.-C. Luan, D.R. Lim, K.K. Lee, J.G. Sandland, K. Wada, L.C. Kimerling, Appl. Phys. Lett.
75, 2909 (1999) 132
5. J.-F. Liu, M. Beals, A. Pomerenke, S. Bernardis, R. Sun, J. Cheng, L.C. Kimerling, J. Michel,
Nat. Photonics. 2, 433 (2008) 132
5 Germanium as a Material to Enable Silicon Photonics 141

6. J. Liu, X. Sun, D. Pan, X. Wang, L.C. Kimerling, T.L. Koch, J. Michel, Opt. Express 15,
11272 (2007) 132
7. http://www.ioffe.rssi.ru/SVA/NSM/Semicond/ 132
8. S.M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd edn. (Wiley, New York, 1981) 132
9. M. Yamaguchi, Y. Ohmachi, T. Oh’hara, Y. Kadota, M. Imaizumi, S. Matsuda, Prog. Photo-
volt.: Res. Appl. 9, 191 (2001) 132
10. M.E. Groenert, C.W. Leitz, A.J. Pitera, V. Yang, H. Lee, R.J. Ram, E. Fitzgerald, J. Appl.
Phys. 93, 362 (2003) 133
11. T. Takamoto, T. Agui, E. Ikeda, H. Kurita, Conference Record of the 28th IEEE Photovoltaic
Specialists Conference (Anchorage, AK, USA, 2000), pp. 976–981 133
12. D.J. Friedman, S.R. Kurtz, Prog. Photovolt.: Res. Appl. 10, 331 (2002) 134
13. S.R. Kurtz, A.A. Allerman, E.D. Jones, J.M. Gee, J.J. Banas, B.E. Hammons, Appl. Phys.
Lett. 74, 729 (1999) 134
14. http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/spectra/am1.5/ ASTM Standard Tables for Reference Solar Spec-
tral Irradiance at Air Mass 1.5: Direct Normal and Hemispherical for a 37◦ Tilted Surface,
Standard G159-99, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, 1999 134
15. D.E. Aspnes, S.M. Kelso, R.A. Logan, R. Bhat, J. Appl. Phys. 60, 754 (1986) 134
16. D.E. Aspnes, Properties of Silicon (INSPEC, IEE, London, 1988), p. 59 134
17. Y. Ishikawa, K. Wada, D.D. Cannon, J.F. Liu, H.C. Luan, L.C. Kimerling. Appl. Phys. Lett.
82, 2044 (2003) 139


Absorption, 134–135, 137–138 GaAs, 132–134
Gain, 132
C Ge, 131–140
Chip/s, 132
CMOS, 131–133 L
CVD, 137–139 Laser, 133
Lattice mismatch, 132, 134
D Light emitting diodes (LEDs), 133
Direct gap, 134 Light emitters, 132

Epitaxial growth, 132, 134, 137–139 Metal, 131
External quantum efficiency, 134, 139–140 Modulators, 132
Chapter 6
Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip

Alberto Scandurra

Abstract This chapter describes possible applications of silicon photonics to the

System on Chip (SoC) domain. Systems on Chip (SoCs) are complex systems con-
taining billions of transistors integrated in a unique silicon-chip, implementing even
complex functionalities by means of a variety of modules communicating with the
system memories and/or between them through a proper communication system.
The higher and higher integration density is becoming such that many issues arise
when a SoC has to be integrated, and electrical limits of interconnect wires are a
limiting factor for performance. According to this scenario, a new technology is
required for the on-chip interconnect, in order to overcome current physical and
performance issues; one possible solution is the optical interconnect, exploiting the
many benefits of light to transport information across the chip. From an industrial
point of view it is fundamental that such a new technology be fully CMOS compati-
ble, in order to be able to continue to use current SoC design methodologies as well
as present manufacturing equipment for the whole electronic part of the chip. Many
semiconductor industries are today investigating such a novel field and a number
of projects are currently running in order to demonstrate the feasibility of such a
revolutionary on-chip communication system relying on both CMOS technology
and photonics.

6.1 Introduction

Systems on Chip (SoCs) are complex systems containing billions of transistors

integrated in a unique silicon-chip, implementing even complex functionalities by
means of a variety of modules communicating with the system memories and/or
between them through a proper communication system. The higher and higher inte-
gration density is becoming such that many issues arise when a System on Chip
(SoC) has to be integrated, and electrical limits of interconnect wires are a limiting

A. Scandurra (B)
Technical Staff and Advanced Programs Responsible, On-Chip Communication Systems Group,
STMicroelectronics, Catania, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]

D.J. Lockwood, L. Pavesi (Eds.): Silicon Photonics II. 143

Topics in Applied Physics 119, 143–168 (2011)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10506-7_6 
C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
144 A. Scandurra

factor for performance. According to this scenario, a new technology is required for
the on-chip interconnect, in order to overcome current physical and performance
issues; one possible solution is the optical interconnect, exploiting the many benefits
of light to transport information across the chip. From an industrial point of view
it is fundamental that such a new technology be fully CMOS compatible, in order
to be able to continue to use current SoC design methodologies as well as present
manufacturing equipment for the whole electronic part of the chip. Many semicon-
ductor industries are today investigating such a novel field and a number of projects
are currently running in order to demonstrate the feasibility of such a revolutionary
on-chip communication system relying on both CMOS technology and photonics.
To cover all the topics introduced above, this chapter is organized as follows:
• Section 6.2, The System on Chip paradigm: describes the SoC as the modern
approach for designing and integrating complex systems;
• Section 6.3, On-chip communication: deals with the SoC communication infras-
tructure, illustrating the concepts of the on-chip bus and Network on Chip;
• Section 6.4, SoC integration issues: describes physical and performance issues
usually met during the SoC integration phase, and the origin of such issues,
mainly at the physical level;
• Section 6.5, On-chip optical interconnect: describes the on-chip optical intercon-
nect as a possible solution to the SoC integration issues, detailing the PICMOS
project and the WADIMOS project as state-of-the-art examples of the work being
carried out in this novel field;
• Section 6.6, Conclusion: contains a summary of what has been described in the
overall chapter;
• References: contains the list of books, papers, and Internet websites where some
information for writing this chapter has been taken from.

6.2 The System on Chip Paradigm

The SoC is the essential solution for delivering competitive performance and cost in
today’s challenging electronics market. Consumers using PCs, PDAs, cell-phones,
games, toys, and all the other products you can think of, demand more features,
instant communications, and massive data storage in ever smaller and more afford-
able products. The unstoppable drive in silicon fabrication has delivered technol-
ogy to meet this demand – chips with 50 million gates using 130 nm processes are
no more than the size of your thumbnail. These SoCs present one of the biggest
challenges engineers ever faced; how to manage and integrate enormously complex
designs that combine the richest imaginable mix of microprocessors, memories,
busses, architectures, communications standards, protocol processors, interfaces,
and other intellectual property components where system level considerations of
synchronization, testability, conformance, and verification are crucial. Integrated
circuit (IC) design has become a multi-million-gate challenge for which only the
best design teams are good enough.
6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 145

The techniques used in designing multi-million-gate SoCs employ the world’s

most advanced electronic design automation (EDA), with a level of sophistication
that requires highly trained and experienced engineers. Key issues to be managed in
the design process include achieving timing closure that accounts for wire delays in
the metal interconnects inside the chip, and designs for tests so that the chips can be
manufactured economically. Early prediction of the right architecture, design-flow,
and best use of EDA solutions is required to achieve the first silicon success that can
decrease the time-to-market from years to months.
The building-blocks of a SoC can be distinguished in initiators, or processing
elements (PEs) and targets, or storage elements (SEs); initiators are all the blocks
able to generate traffic, i.e., write data into a SE and read data from a SE; targets are
blocks able to manage the traffic generated by the initiators.
Among the initiators of the system the following classes can be identified:
• processors;
• real time initiators;
• DMAs (Direct Memory Access).
Processors, like ST20, ST40, ST50, and LX from STMicroelectronics, have strict
requirements in terms of latency and bandwidth. Anyways, their bandwidth must be
in some way limited to allow the other initiators to be serviced.
Real time initiators, like audio/video blocks, are more latency tolerant than the
processors, but have strict needs in terms of bandwidth.
DMAs do not have any particular requirements in terms of latency or bandwidth,
and normally they can work using the remaining bandwidth, that is the part of the
bandwidth not consumed by the processors and the real time initiators.
Among the targets the following classes can be identified:
• external fast memories;
• internal slow memories;
• peripherals.
External fast memories comprise high performance memories such as SDRAM
(synchronous dynamic random access memory) and DDR (dual data rate) SDRAM,
used mainly for real time applications like video, and today working at around
400 MHz. Their speed is limited by physical constraints imposed by pads.
Slow memories are usually low performance memories like SRAM and Flash,
used for storage of huge amounts of data, whose access is managed by caches,
working at around 200 MHz. Their speed is limited by application reasons.
Peripherals are slow memories such as I2 C and Smartcard, used where no high
performances are required, and working at around 50/100 MHz.
Normally the CPUs run at the highest speed and the memory system represents
the SoC bottleneck in terms of performance.
The different clock frequencies required to operate the different subsystems are
generated by the clockgen, i.e., the clock generator; this approach consisting of hav-
ing within a chip different islands running at different frequencies is called GALS
(globally asynchronous locally synchronous) and is widely used today.
146 A. Scandurra

Fig. 6.1 SoC typical Initiators External fast

organization (processors, memories
real time
blocks, DMAs)

On-chip communication system

Slow memories Peripherals

The different subsystems working at different frequencies are linked together by

the on-chip interconnect (Fig. 6.1), such as the STBus/STNoC [1] in the case of
STMicroelectronics products.
Typically the on-chip interconnect optimizes the CPU path; that is the intercon-
nect normally works at the same frequency as the CPU.
Proper frequency converters have to be placed between the interconnect and the
other subsystems to perform the required frequency conversion in order to make the
different subsystems communicate with each other.

6.3 On-Chip Communication

From a communication point of view, a typical SoC can be seen as a number of pro-
cessing elements and storage elements connected by proper communication archi-
As shown in Fig. 6.2, a central and key element in a complex SoC is the
global on-chip communication architecture (OCCA), the infrastructure that inter-
connects these devices and provides the communication mechanisms necessary for
distributed computation among different processing elements. The throughput and

Fig. 6.2 Generic SoC

6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 147

latency of the communication infrastructure, and also the relevant power consump-
tion, often limit the overall SoC performance.
Till now the prominent type of OCCA has been the on-chip bus, such the
STBus from STMicroelectronics, the AMBA bus from ARM, CoreConnect from
IBM or SiliconBackplane from Sonics, which represent the traditional shared-
communication medium; such an OCCA, not scalable at all, has been able to fulfill
SoC requirements because the performance bottleneck has always been the memory
With the growing requirements of more modern SoCs and CMOS technology
scaling, the performance bottleneck is moving from memories to interconnect, as
detailed in Sect. 6.4.
To overcome this limit, a new generation architecture, called Network on Chip
(NoC), has been deeply studied and proposed; it is an attempt to translate the
networking and parallel computing domain experience into the SoC world, relying
on a packet-switched micro-network backbone based on a well-defined protocol
stack. Innovative NoC architectures include VSTNoC from STMicroelectronics,
Æthereal (Philips Research Lab), and Xpipe (University of Bologna).

6.3.1 On-Chip Bus

On-chip busses are communication systems composed of an intelligent logic,
responsible for arbitration among the possible traffic flows injected by the different
SoC initiators (PEs able to generate traffic), and a set of physical channels through
which the traffic flows are routed from initiators to targets (PEs able to receive and
process traffic) and vice versa.
The peculiarities of a bus, which are also the main drawbacks, are
• limited available bandwidth, given by the product of the bus size by the bus
operating frequency; getting a higher available bandwidth would result in widen-
ing the bus size, thereby amplifying physical issues such as wire congestion, or
increasing the operation frequency, having an impact on the power consumption,
and in turn limited by physical issues such as capacitive load and capacitive cou-
• lack of bandwidth scalability, since connecting more IPs to the bus means to
divide the total available bandwidth among all the IPs, thereby allocating to each
of them a lower bandwidth;
• limited system scalability, since connecting more IPs to the bus results in an
increase of the capacitive load, responsible for an operating frequency drop;
• limited quality of service, since there is no possibility to treat in a different way
different traffic classes, such as low latency CPUs, high bandwidth demanding
video/audio processors, and DMAs;
• high area occupancy, due to the high number of wires required to transport all
the protocol information, i.e., data and control signals (STBus interfaces, for
example, are characterized by hundreds of wires);
• high power consumption, determined by the switching activity potentially affect-
ing all the wires of the bus.
148 A. Scandurra

6.3.2 Network on Chip

As already mentioned, to overcome the disadvantages of on-chip busses, both the
classic shared-bus (like AMBA AHB) and the more advanced communication sys-
tems supporting crossbar structures (such as the STBus) used in current SoCs, high-
lighted by the new requirement and needs of modern applications in conjunction
with the most recent technology features, a novel on-chip communication architec-
ture called NoC has been proposed.
It is important to highlight that the NoC concept is not a mere adaptation to the
SoC context of the parallel computing or the wide area network domains; many
issues are in fact still open in this new field, and the highly complex design space
requires a deep exploration. Key open points are, for instance, the choice of the net-
work topology, the message format, the end-to-end services, the routing strategies,
the flow control and the queuing management. Moreover which kind of Quality of
Service (QoS) to provide is another open issue, as well the most suitable software
view for allowing the applications to exploit the NoC infrastructure peculiarities.
Exploiting the lesson learned by the telecommunication community, the global
on-chip communication is decomposed into layers similar to the ISO-OSI Refer-
ence Model (see Fig. 6.3). The protocol stack enables different services and allows
QoS, providing to the programmer an abstraction of the communication framework.
Layers interact through well-defined interfaces and they hide the low-level physical
DSM (Deep SubMicron) issues.
The Physical layer refers to all that concerns the electronic details of wires, the
circuits and techniques to drive information (drivers, repeaters, layout); data link
ensures a reliable transfer despite the physical unreliability and deals with medium
access (sharing/contention). At the Network level there are issues related to the
topology and the consequent routing scheme, while the Transport layer manages
the end-to-end services and the packet segmentation/re-assembly. The other levels,
up to the Application layer, can be viewed as a sort of merged adaptation layer
that implements (in HW or through part of an OS) services and exposes the NoC
infrastructure according to a proper programming model, e.g., the message passing
(MP) paradigm.

Fig. 6.3 ISO-OSI protocol

6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 149

Despite the similarity discussed above, it is clear that the micro-network in the
single chip domain differs from the wide-area network; NoC unique features are
the spatial locality of connected modules, the reduced non-determinism of the on-
chip traffic, the energy and latency constraints, the possibility of application specific
stack services, and the need for low cost solutions.
An open issue in the NoC literature is the trade-off between the QoS provided by
the network and the relevant implementation cost; on the other hand, a best effort
service allows for a better average utilization but it cannot support a QoS. Users
demand predictability of the application, so to mix both approaches could be a smart
solution. Some papers provided an exhaustive overview of a QoS approach. QoS
must be supported at all layers, and basic services are a fixed bandwidth, a maximum
latency, and the correctness (no errors) and the completion (no packet loss) of the
The NoC communication is packet-based and the generally accepted forwarding
scheme is a wormhole because it allows for a deeper pipeline and a reduced buffer-
ing cost. Packets are divided into basic units called flits; the queues in each node
have the flit granularity and the physical node-to-node links are managed by a flow
control that works on a flit per flit basis.
Another key point is the network topology, which has to be regular and simple.
Literature foresees hybrid solutions with the local cluster based on shared buses and
NoC for global communication. Some NoC state-of-the-art projects are based on
the simple ring, two-dimensional mesh, fat tree [2], and Octagon [3] topologies, as
shown in Fig. 6.4.
As far as the routing policy is concerned, it is possible to choose between
deterministic, adaptive, source, arithmetic, or table-driven schemes; the dead-
lock handling is topology dependent. Input queues are suitable for a low cost
implementation, but they show limited performance with respect to output buffering.
In terms of control flow many solutions select a simple request/grant scheme, others
a more efficient credit-based one. Links can be noise channels, so the literature
begins to present work on error detection code or error correction code applied to
on-chip interconnections, with distributed or end-to-end error recovery strategies.

Fig. 6.4 Different NoC topologies

150 A. Scandurra

Besides routers, a significant amount of area is consumed by the so-called net-

work interface (NI) that is the “access” to the NoC, translating the connected IP
transactions to packets that are exchanged in the network. The NI hides network-
dependent aspects to the PE, covering the Transport layer (connection handling,
de-assembling of messages, higher level services).
To summarize, here is a list of the main benefits of the NoC approach:

• modularity, thanks to standard basic components, the NI, and the Router;
• abstraction as an inherent property of the layered approach, fitting also the
demands of QoS;
• flexibility/scalability of the network as a benefit of a packet-based communica-
• regular and well-controlled structure to cope with DSM issues;
• re-use of the communication infrastructure viewed as a platform. Topology
Two different approaches can be followed for the specification of the topology of a

• topology dependent
• topology independent

The former approach specifies the network architecture and its building blocks
assuming a well-defined topology. The latter one aims at providing flexibility to
the SoC architect in choosing the topology for the interconnect, depending on the
application. This means that it is possible to build any kind of topology by plug-
ging together the NoC building-blocks in the proper way. Even though it is more
versatile because of the higher configurability allowed, this second approach has the
following drawbacks:

• a very wide design and verification space, which would require a very big effort
to ensure to the NoC user a high-quality product;
• the complexity of the network layer design (including issues such as deadlock)
would be exposed to the SoC architect, thus requiring novel specific compe-
tencies and high effort in defining an effective (in terms of performance) and
deadlock-free architecture;
• the need of high parametric building blocks, with few cost optimization possibil-

Moreover the NoC built on top of a specific topology still presents a high degree
of flexibility (routing, flow control, queues, QoS) in order to properly configure the
interconnect for supporting different application requirements.
A topology is said to be scalable if it is possible to create larger networks of any
size, by simply adding new nodes.
6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 151 Routing Algorithms

Routing algorithms are responsible for the selection of a path from a source node to
a destination node in a particular topology of a network.
A good routing algorithm balances the load across the various network channels
even in the presence of non-uniform and heavy traffic patterns. A well-designed
routing algorithm also keeps path lengths as short as possible, reducing then the
overall latency of a message.
Another important aspect of a routing algorithm is its ability to work in the pres-
ence of faults in the network. If a particular algorithm is hardwired into the routers
and a link or node fails, the entire network fails. If the algorithm can instead be
reprogrammed or adapted to bypass the failure, the system can continue to operate
with only a slight loss in performance.
Routing algorithms are classified depending on how they select between the pos-
sible paths from a source node to a destination node. Three main categories are
• deterministic, where always the same path is chosen between a source and a
destination node, even if multiple paths exist;
• oblivious, where the path is chosen without taking into account the present state
of the network; oblivious routing algorithms include deterministic routing algo-
rithms as a subset;
• adaptive, where the current state of the network is used to select the path. Deadlock
A deadlock is the condition occurring in an interconnection network when a set of
packets are unable to make any progress because they are waiting for one another to
release network resources, such as buffers or channels.
Deadlock is a catastrophic event for the network. After a few resources are kept
busy by deadlocked packets, other packets get blocked on these resources, thus par-
alyzing the network operation. To prevent such a problem, two solutions can be put
in place:
• deadlock avoidance, a method to guarantee that the network cannot become dead-
• deadlock recovery, a method consisting of detecting and correcting deadlock.
If deadlock is caused by dependencies external to the network, it is called high
level deadlock or protocol deadlock (hereafter we call low-level deadlock the one
related to the dependencies of the topology plus the relevant routing algorithm).
For instance a simple request/response protocol could lead to deadlock conditions
when dependencies occur in target devices between the incoming requests and the
outgoing responses.
A network must always be free of deadlock, livelock, and starvation. A livelock
refers to packets circulating the network without making any progress toward their
destination. Starvation refers to packets indefinitely waiting at a network buffer (due
152 A. Scandurra

to an unfair queuing policy). Both livelock and starvation reflect problems of fair-
ness in network routing or scheduling policies.
As far as deadlock is concerned, in the case of deterministic routing, dead-
lock is avoided by eliminating cycles in the resource dependency graph; this is
a directed graph, which depends on the topology and the routing, where the ver-
tices are the resources and the edges represent the relationships due to the routing
function. In the case of wormhole packet switching, these resources are the virtual
channels; so we talk about a virtual channel dependency graph. A virtual channel
(VC) provides logical links over the same shared physical channels, by establish-
ing a number of independently allocated flit buffers in the corresponding trans-
mitter/receiver nodes. When the physical link is not multiplexed among different
VCs, the resource dependency graph could be simply called a channel dependency
The protocol (or high level) deadlock refers to a deadlock condition due to
resource dependencies external to the network. For instance, when a request-
response protocol, such as STBus from STMicroelectronics or AMBA AXI from
ARM, is adopted as end-to-end in the network, a node connected as target introduces
dependencies between incoming requests and outgoing responses: the node does not
perform as a sink for incoming packets, due to the finite size of the buffers and the
dependencies between requests and responses.
In shared memory architectures, complex cache-coherent protocols could lead to
a deeper level of dependencies. The effect of these protocol dependencies can be
eliminated by using disjoint networks to handle requests and replies; the following
two approaches are possible:

• two physical networks, i.e., separated physical data buses for requests and
• two virtual networks, i.e., separated virtual channels for requests and responses. Quality of Service

The set of services requested by the IPs connected to the network (called network
clients) and the mechanisms used to provide these services are commonly referred
to as QoS.
Generally, it is useful to classify the traffic across the network into a number
of classes, in order to efficiently allocate network resources to packets. Different
classes of packets usually have different requirements in terms of importance, toler-
ance to latency, bandwidth, and packet loss.
Two main traffic categories are specified:

• guaranteed service;
• best effort.

Traffic classes belonging to the former category are guaranteed a certain level of
performance as long as the injected traffic respect a well-defined set of constraints.
6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 153

Traffic classes belonging to the latter category do not get any strong guarantee
from the network that instead will simply make its best effort to deliver the packets
to their destinations. Best effort packets may then have arbitrary delay, or even be
The key quality of service concern in implementing best effort services is provid-
ing fairness among all the best effort flows. Two alternative solutions exist in terms
of fairness:

• Latency-based fairness, aiming at providing equal delays to flows competing for

the same resource;
• Throughput-based fairness, aiming at providing equal bandwidth to flows com-
peting for the same resource.

While latency-based fairness can be achieved implementing a fair arbitration

scheme (such as round-robin or less recently used (LRU,)), throughput-based fair-
ness can be achieved in hardware by separating each flow requesting a resource into
a separate queue, and then serving the queues in round-robin fashion. The imple-
mentation of such a separation can be expensive; in fact while physical channels
(links) do not have to be replicated because of their dynamic allocation, virtual
channels and buffers, requiring FIFOs, have to be replicated for each different class
of traffic. So it is very important to choose the proper number of classes needing
true isolation, keeping in mind that in many situations it may be possible to combine
classes without a significant degradation of quality of service but gaining a reduction
in hardware complexity. Error Recovery

A high-performance, reliable, and energy-efficient NoC architecture requires a good
utilization of error-avoidance and error-tolerance techniques, at most levels of its
layered organization.
Modern technologies used to implement the present day systems, in order to
reduce power consumption, adopt lower values of the power supply voltage, thus
reducing the margins of noise immunity for the signals transmitted over the com-
munication network of the system.
This leads to a noisy interconnect, behaving as an unreliable transport medium,
and introducing errors in the transmitted signals. So the communication process
needs to be fault tolerant to ensure correct information transfer. This can be achieved
through the use of channel coding; channel coding schemes introduce a controlled
amount of redundancy in the transmitted data, increasing its noise immunity.
Linear block codes are commonly used for channel encoding. Using an (n,k)
linear block code, a data block k bits long is mapped onto an n bit code word,
which is transmitted over the channel. The receiver examines the received signal
and declares an error if it is not a valid code word.
154 A. Scandurra

Once an error has been detected, it can be handled in one of two different ways:

• Forward error correction (FEC), where the properties of the code are used to
correct the error;
• Retransmission, also called automatic repeat request (ARQ), where the receiver
asks the sender to retransmit the code word affected by the error.

FEC schemes require a more complex decoder, while ARQ schemes require the
existence of a reverse channel from the receiver to the transmitter, in order to ask
for the retransmission.

6.4 SoC Integration Issues

Using the newest CMOS technologies, where the DSM effects are so evident, the
physical design of a SoC is facing more and more two types of issues:

• Physical issues, related to the difficulties encountered mainly during the place-
ment of the hard macros and the standard cells, and during the routing of clock
nets and communication system wires;
• Performance issues, related mainly to the bandwidth requirements of the different
IPs, that in order to be fulfilled, would require SoCs to run at very high speeds.

Figure 6.5 is an illustration of the physical issues; it shows the floorplan of an

sample CMOS chip for consumer application and the interconnect implemented
with the VSTNoC solution.
In this figure the blue squares are the network Interfaces of the various IPs of
the chip (both initiators and targets), the blue rectangles are the nodes, responsible
for arbitration and propagation of information, and the blue lines are the physical
channels connecting the different NoC devices. All these elements must be phys-
ically located in the grey area, representing the physical space available for the
interconnect. Because of the shape (quite irregular and with thin regions) and the
area size, it is evident that the placement of the interconnect standard cells can be
difficult, and the routing of the wires that can be also very long can suffer from
As far as performance is concerned, two main factors influence the overall oper-
ating frequency of a SoC, i.e., device switching times and the interconnect offered
bandwidth. Current technologies can achieve unprecedented transistor transition
frequencies due to short transistor lengths. However, the same is not true for inter-
connects. Indeed, continually shrinking feature sizes, higher clock frequencies, and
growth in complexity are all negative factors as far as switching charges on metallic
interconnect are concerned. This situation is shifting the IC design bottleneck from
computing capacity to communication.
Feature sizes on integrated circuits and also, therefore, circuit speed have fol-
lowed Moore’s law for over 3 decades and the CMOS integration capability is still
increasing. In this respect, according to the international technology roadmap for
6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 155

CMOS chip
CMOS chip
Network Interface
NoC node

Fig. 6.5 CMOS chip with VSTNoC physical design

semiconductors (ITRS [4]), the RC time constants aSoCsiated with metallic inter-
connects will not be able to decrease sufficiently for the high-bandwidth applications
destined to appear in the next few years (see Fig. 6.6). Internal data rates of proces-
sors fabricated in deep submicron CMOS technology have exceeded gigahertz rates.
While processing proceeds at GHz internally, off-chip wires have held inter-chip
clock rates to hundreds of MHz.
The rate of inter-chip communication is now the limiting factor in high perfor-
mance systems. The function of an interconnect or wiring system is to distribute
clock and other signals to and among the various circuits/systems on a chip. The
fundamental development requirement for interconnects is to meet the high-speed
transmission needs of chips despite further scaling of feature sizes. This scaling
down, however, has been shown to increase severely the signal runtime delays in
the global interconnect layers. Indeed, while the reduction in transistor gate lengths
increases the circuit speed, the signal delay time for global wires continues to
increase with technology scaling, primarily due to the increasing resistance of the
wires and their increasing lengths. Current trends to decrease the runtime delays,
the power consumption, and the crosstalk, focus on lowering the RC-product of
the wires, by using metals with lower resistivity (i.e., copper instead of aluminum)
and by the use of insulators with lower dielectric constant. Examples of the latter
include nanoporous SiOC-like or organic (SiLK type) materials, which have dielec-
tric constants below 2.0 or air gap approaches, which reach values close to 1.8–1.7.
Integration of these materials results in an increased complexity, however, and they
156 A. Scandurra

Fig. 6.6 Average interconnect delay as a function of process

have an inherent mechanical weakness. Moreover, introducing ultra low dielectric

constant materials reaches its fundamental physical limit when one considers that
the film permittivity cannot be less than 1.

6.4.1 Electrical Interconnect Classification

From a technological point of view, interconnects can be classified in the following
categories (see Fig. 6.7):

Fig. 6.7 Interconnect

classification from
a technological
point of view
6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 157

• local interconnect, used for short-distance communication, typically between

logic units, and comprising the majority of on-chip wires; they have the smallest
pitch and a delay of less than one clock cycle;
• global interconnect, providing communication between large functional blocks
(IPs); they are fewer than local interconnects, but are no less important.
Improving the performance of a small number of critical global links can sig-
nificantly enhance the total system performance. Global interconnects have the
largest pitch and a delay longer than one or two clock cycles typically.
• intermediate interconnect, having dimensions that are between those of local and
global interconnects.
A key difference between local and global interconnect is that the length of the
former scales with the technology node, while for the latter the length is approxi-
mately constant.
From a functional point of view, the two main important and performance-
demanding applications of interconnects in SoC are signaling (i.e., the communi-
cation of different logic units) and clock distribution. In this context they can be
classified as
• point-to-point links, used for critical data-intensive links, such as CPU-memory
buses in processor architectures;
• broadcast links, representing physical channels where the number of receivers
(and therefore repeaters) is high and switching activity is also high
• network links, targeted at system buses and reconfigurable networks, aiming at
serving complete system architectures, whose typical communication is around
several tens of Gb/s.

6.4.2 Electrical Interconnect Metrics

An ideal interconnect should be able to transmit any signal with no delay, no degra-
dation (either inherent or induced by external causes), over any distance without
consuming any power, requiring zero physical footprint and without disturbing the
surrounding environment.
According to this, a number of metrics have been defined in order to characterize
the performance and the quality of real interconnects, such as
• propagation delay
• bandwidth density
• power-delay product
• bit error rate Propagation Delay

The propagation delay is the time required by a signal to cross a wire. Pure intercon-
nect delay depends on the link length and the speed of propagation of the wavefront
158 A. Scandurra

Fig. 6.8 Interconnect delay

as function of
interconnect width

(time of flight). Electrical regeneration introduces additional delay through buffers

and transistor switching times. Additionally, delay can be induced by crosstalk.
It can be reduced by increasing the interconnect width at the expense of a smaller
bandwidth density.
Technology scaling has insignificant effect on the delay of an interconnect
with an optimal number of repeaters. The minimum achievable interconnect delay
remains effectively fixed at approximately 20 ps/mm when technology scales from
90 (year 2004) to 22 nm (year 2016), as shown in Fig. 6.8. Bandwidth Density

Bandwidth density is a metric that characterizes information throughput through
a unit cross-section of an interconnect. Generally, it is defined by the pitch of the
electrical wires. Power-Delay Product

Signal transmission always requires power. In the simplest case, it is required to
change the charge value on the equivalent capacitor of a metallic wire. In more
realistic cases, power will also be required in emitter and receiver circuitry, and in
regeneration circuits.
A distinction can also be made between static and dynamic power consumption
by introducing a factor a representing the switching activity of the interconnect link
(0 < a < 1).
The power and delay product (PDP) is routinely used in the technology design
process to evaluate circuit performance.
6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 159 Bit Error Rate

The bit error rate (BER) may be defined as the rate of error occurrences and is the
main criterion in evaluating the performance of digital transmission systems.
For an on-chip communication system a BER of 10−15 is acceptable; electrical
interconnects typically achieve BER figures better than 10−45 . That is why the BER
is not commonly considered in integrated circuit design circles. However, future
operation frequencies are likely to change this, since the combination of necessarily
faster rise and fall times, lower supply voltages, and higher crosstalk increases the
probability of wrongly interpreting the signal that was sent.
Errors come from signal degradation. Real signals are characterized by their
actual frequency content and by their voltage or current value limits. The frequency
content will define the necessary channel bandwidth, according to Shannon – Hart-
ley theorem. Analogue signals are highly sensitive to degradation and the preferred
mode of signal transmission over interconnect is digital.
Signal degradation can be classed as time-based, inherent, and externally
• Time-based: non-zero rise-time, overshoot, undershoot, and ringing time-based
degradation can be incorporated into the delay term for digital signals. While the
whole of these degradations can be assimilated into a quasi-deterministic behav-
ior that does not exceed the noise margins of the digital circuits, a transforma-
tion in temporal space is possible (to contribute to the regeneration delay term).
This assumption is however destined to disappear with nanometric technologies
because of a more probabilistic behavior and especially of weaker noise margins.
• Inherent: attenuation (dB/cm), skin effect, and reflections (dB).
• Externally induced: crosstalk (dB/cm) and sensitivity to ambient noise.
The allowable tolerance on signal degradation and delay for a given bandwidth
and power budget forces a limit to the transmission distance. The maximum inter-
connect segment length can in fact be calculated, a segment being defined as a por-
tion of interconnect not requiring regeneration at a receiver point spatially distant
from its emission point.
Signal regeneration in turn leads to a further problem, i.e., the energy used to
propagate the signal in the transmission medium can escape into the surrounding
environment and perturb the operation of elements close to the transmission path.

6.5 On-Chip Optical Interconnect

Because of the electrical interconnect limitations highlighted in previous section,
several researchers have come to the conclusion that “the global interconnect per-
formance needed for future generations of ICs cannot be achieved even with the
most optimistic values of metal resistivity and dielectric constants.” Currently, low
values of resistivity are 2.2 μOhm × cm offered by copper and 1.6 μOhm × cm
offered by silver, while low values of dielectric constant, lower than 2 (between
160 A. Scandurra

1.7 and 1.8) are offered by SiOC-type nanoporous materials or SiLK-type organic
materials. However, evolutionary solutions will not suffice to meet the performance
roadmap and therefore radical new approaches are needed.
Several different such possibilities are now envisaged, the most prominent of
which are the use of RF or microwave interconnects, optical interconnects, three-
dimensional interconnects, and cooled conductors.
As industrial partner of two funded European projects (PICMOS and WADI-
MOS), STMicroelectronics is currently investigating the optical interconnect solu-
tion because of the potential intrinsic advantages of such a technology, i.e.,

• high bandwidth available thanks to the light frequency (THz);

• immunity to noise;
• no crosstalk between light beams;
• removal of physical issues affecting CMOS chip fabrication thanks to a separated
photonic interconnect chip.

The communication system architecture and the materials used for realizing the
optical interconnect play a key role in such a novel approach.
A smart choice of the interconnect architecture helps to bypass some physical
problems (such as beams crossing, the need for multiple wavelengths emitters, and
even the need for extremely high frequencies such as the light frequency), and on the
opposite side some intrinsic physical issues drive the choice of the communication
system architecture. The key factors are illustrated in the following:

• Bandwidth: in current SoCs the bottleneck is the main memory, usually a

DDR/DDR2 SDRAM. Due to the clock frequency, data bus size, refresh, page
open overhead, and other factors, its available bandwidth is limited. A link able
to support a much higher bandwidth is useless if the memory is not able to exploit
it; this should lead to the development of memories able to guarantee a higher
bandwidth, and allow optimizing the efforts in developing high bandwidth links.
• Power: according to the consumer market needs, modern SoCs need to reduce
power consumption in order to guarantee a higher life to batteries and to reduce
the device heating. Low power architecture and design techniques are today
widely applied, so the high-power potentially consumed by light emitters is a
big enemy for the chip industry.
• Clocking: the complexity of modern systems, together with the collaborations
between different industries and organizations, is leading to heterogeneous sys-
tems where the different intellectual properties (IPs) run at different speeds. This
means that the concept of a synchronous system is going to be lost, while the
globally asynchronous locally synchronous (GALS) approach will be more and
more applied. We will have systems where the different IPs are locally clocked
by a specific clock, but at global level they communicate with each other asyn-
chronously. The global clock distribution problem could then disappear, and the
application of an optical clock to overcome the usual clock tree distribution prob-
lem would be not so significant.
6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 161

• Topology: the choice of the on-chip communication architecture impacts its low-
level implementation, also in terms of physical issues. It makes sense to have a
ring or a mesh topology where no crossings are required. This would allow using
only one wavelength without the need for multiplexing. Also, avoiding cross-
ings would make waveguide implementation easier and would reduce undesired
coupling and degrading effects.
• Technology: being CMOS compatible is the key to having the optical interconnect
solution adopted by industries. The implementation of the optical communication
network has to be done keeping the current Si-based CMOS technology in order
to reduce the impact on tools and cost. Being able to have standard cells specif-
ically for the driving circuitry of both emitters and detectors will be required
as well.
• Integration capability: this is another key point. Whatever the material will be
(Si, Ge, SiGe, GaAs) there is a need to integrate a huge number of emitters (or
modulators) and detectors, as well as a huge number of waveguides according to
the selected topology. Current SoCs are composed of a number of IPs of the order
of 50–100, so 50–100 emitters (modulators) and detectors would be required on
a chip. This must be ensured by the technology.
Of course the materials and the processes required to implement an on-chip opti-
cal interconnect must be CMOS compatible. This is the key to guarantee industries
will adopt such a novel technological solution with no need for completely changing
the design and manufacturing processes, which would have a dramatic impact in
terms of cost.
To guarantee CMOS compatibility, an accurate choice of the materials used to
build an optical interconnect has to be made. The most promising candidates are as
• III–V compounded semiconductors (e.g., InP or GaAs), giving the best perfor-
mance devices, but their integration with silicon-based chips is highly costly at
the moment; growing GaAs on Si has, for example, a very high cost. However,
the integration of III–V emitters and detectors and SOI waveguides on-chip has
been demonstrated.
• Germanium and Si-Ge alloys, being fairly easy to grow on Si due to their similar
lattice structure (they both belong to group IV of Mendeleiev’s table); the real-
ization of good detectors, compatible with SOI waveguides, have been demon-
• Silicon, giving of course the best advantages in terms of technology since the Si
planar technology has been stable and widely used for a long time, but the per-
formance obtained from Si optical devices is currently very low, mainly because
of its indirect band gap; moreover, up to now there are no effective Si LASER
sources available, not even exploiting the Raman effect, thanks to whom LASER
emission from Si has been demonstrated. SOI technology allows the construction
of effective optical waveguides exploiting the refraction index difference between
Si and SiO2 .
162 A. Scandurra

6.5.1 The PICMOS Project

The PICMOS project [5] is a European Commission funded program, completed on
March 2007. The main objective was to demonstrate the feasibility of building an
optical interconnect layer on top of CMOS.
The photonic interconnect layer exploits waferscale technologies as much as
possible; a heterogeneous integration technology based on wafer bonding has been
developed. The actual information transport medium, being a passive structure, con-
sists of high index contrast waveguides in silicon; emitters and detectors, being the
active devices, have been fabricated in InP-based materials.
For the integration of the photonic interconnect layer with the CMOS chip, two
different integration strategies have been investigated (see Fig. 6.9):

• the wafer-to-wafer bonding approach, such that the photonic interconnect layer is
fabricated in parallel with and independent of the wafer containing the electronic
circuits; subsequently, the latter is wafer bonded to the wafer with the photonic
wiring circuits and the required electrical connections are provided using wafer
scale technologies; finally, the wafer is diced and packaged using standard tech-
• the above-IC approach, consisting in fabricating the photonic interconnect layer
directly on-top of the electronic circuits.

The wafer-to-wafer bonding approach (Fig. 6.10) has several advantages; the
photonic interconnect layer can be tested before bonding and for its fabrication
processing steps (e.g., high temperature steps), which are usually not compatible
with CMOS, back-end processing can be employed. Moreover, one could envisage
standardized (off-the-shelf) photonic interconnect circuits compatible with multiple
electronic circuit designs.
The main advantage of above-IC approach (Fig. 6.11) is the on-line integration
ability, including the fact that this approach is similar to current CMOS-fabrication.

Fig. 6.9 Different approaches for optical interconnect fabrication

6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 163

Fig. 6.10 Wafer-to-wafer bonding approach

Fig. 6.11 Above-IC approach

164 A. Scandurra

Both the approaches described in this section rely on a hybrid integration of

III–V devices on a silicon substrate, with different techniques; silicon photonics
would allow both functionality and communication on the same silicon-chip, with
big advantages in terms of manufacturing process. So the ability to have efficient
optoelectronic devices based on silicon is mandatory to embrace silicon photonics
in a SoC networking context.

6.5.2 The WADIMOS Project

The objective of the WADIMOS project [6] is to build a complex photonic
interconnect layer incorporating multi-channel microsources, microdetectors, and
different advanced wavelength routing functions directly integrated with electronic
driver circuits and to demonstrate the application of such electro-photonic ICs in
two representative applications, as described in the following.

• Optical network on chip: the main objective of the WADIMOS project is

the realization of an optical NoC (ONoC) for STMicroelectronics chips. The
NoC photonic layer will include complex wavelength division multiplexing
functionality both for increasing the data rate and for increasing the routing
• Terabit optical datalink: Mapper Lithography is a semiconductor equipment
company focusing on the development and manufacturing of a new and highly
competitive maskless lithography machine using thousands of electron beams
for writing the desired patterns. This requires a data-rate of over 100 TB/s
between the subfab, where the patterns are generated, and the actual lithography

The ONoC [7, 8] is a novel on-chip communication system where information

is transmitted in the form of light, in opposition to what happens in classical elec-
trical NoC where the information is transmitted in form of voltage levels (and then
It relies on the ISO-OSI protocol stack, and can be seen as being very close to
the ST NoC (VSTNoC) architecture, where the physical layer is replaced with a
completely new one, exploiting optoelectronics in order to transmit information in
the form of light [9].
The ONoC architecture consists of three main sets of building-blocks:
• The initiator optical network interface (IONI) responsible for the conversion of
the traffic generated by an initiator into a form suitable to be transmitted in form
of light over the ONoC reducing to a minimum the amount of “1”s to be trans-
mitted, thus limiting the time an emitter is required to be turned on and thereby
the power consumption, and, for the actual conversion of information from the
electrical form into optical form, by means of information serialization, emitter
6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 165

selection, and emitter driving; moreover, to obtain responses (for example, when
reading data from memory), a structure replicating the main behavior of the TONI
(see later) is also implemented.
• The lambda-router, responsible for the actual propagation of optical information
streams from sources to destinations;
• The target optical network interface (TONI) responsible for the conversion of
information from optical form into electrical form, by means of photocurrent to
voltage conversion, level adjustment, and information deserialization and for the
conversion of the traffic generated by the ONoC receiver into a form suitable to
be received by the target. Moreover, to send responses, a structure replicating the
main behavior of the IONI (see above) is also implemented.
Such building blocks can be assembled together to build proper on-chip commu-
nication architectures, as illustrated in Fig. 6.12.
From a physical point of view the electronics implementing the driver of emitters
and the control of detectors will be in the CMOS chip, while the actual emitting
and detecting devices will be in the photonic chip where the optical interconnect is
fabricated. The link between the CMOS electronics and the photonic layer will be a
set of vias carrying the information in electrical form from one layer to the other, as
shown in Fig. 6.13.
According to that plan, the placement of the ONoC transmitters and receivers
within the various IPs in the CMOS chip has to take into account somehow the
placement of the photonic layer above the CMOS chip itself, considering that the
size of the photonic layer is usually much smaller than the size of the CMOS
This means that for the CMOS chip a special effort is needed in clustering
the different IPs, and, within them, clustering the LASER drivers and detectors
control logic, in order to place properly the vias responsible for the exchange of
information between the CMOS chip and the photonic layer. This is shown in
Figs. 6.14 and 6.15.


IP IONI λ-router TONI IP

Fig. 6.12 Example of ONoC
166 A. Scandurra

Fig. 6.13 Connection between a CMOS chip and an optical interconnect

CMOS chip

Network Interface

ONoC Tx/Rx

λ router

Photonic chip

Fig. 6.14 An optical interconnect above a CMOS chip

6 Silicon Photonics: The System on Chip Perspective 167

CMOS chip

Network Interface
ONoC Tx/Rx

λ router

Photonic chip

Fig. 6.15 CMOS chip and optical interconnect as two separated chips

6.6 Conclusion
This chapter describes how silicon photonics could help SoC design and implemen-
tation from an industrial perspective, based on the vision of STMicroelectronics.
The SoC concept is introduced, and current SoC communication systems are
described, highlighting their features and limitations.
Moving from such limitations, on-chip optical interconnect is described in terms
of its potential advantages according to light properties and technology capabili-
ties, and the European projects PICMOS and WADIMOS are described in order to
highlight current work in the field of on-chip optical interconnect.
Overall, this chapter is based on the assumption that, according to current tech-
nology capabilities and trends, on-chip optical interconnect will be strongly based
on III–V semiconductors, with all the issues coming from the need for ensuring
CMOS compatibility. An efficient and reliable silicon photonics would be a big step
forward in this field.
168 A. Scandurra

1. A. Scandurra, STBus communication system: concepts and definitions. (Public specification,
STMicroelectronics web site, 2009) 146
2. W.J. Dally, B. Towles, Principles and Practices of Interconnection Networks (Morgan Kauf-
mann, San Francisco, 2003) 149
3. M. Coppola, R. Locatelli, G. Maruccia, L. Pieralisi, A. Scandurra, Spidergon: a novel on-chip
communication network, SOC working conference, Tampere, 2004 149
4. ITRS web site, http://www.itrs.net 155
5. PICMOS project web site, http://picmos.intec.ugent.be 162
6. WADIMOS project web site, http://wadimos.intec.ugent.be 164
7. A. Scandurra, I. O’Connor, Scalable CMOS-Compatible Photonic Routing Topologies for Ver-
satile Networks On-Chip (NoCArc, Como, 2008) 164
8. I. O’Connor, F. Mieyeville, F. Gaffiot, A. Scandurra, G. Nicolescu, Reduction Methods for
Adapting Optical Network On-Chip Topologies to Specific Routing Applications (DCIS, Greno-
ble, 2008) 164
9. A. Scandurra, M. Lenzi, R. Guerra, F.G. Della Corte, M.A. Nigro, Optical Interconnects for
Network On-Chip (Nanonets, Lausanne, 2006) 164

Alloys, 161 GaAs, 161
Ge, 161
Band gap, 161 Hybrid, 149, 164
Bandwidth, 145, 147, 149, 152–155, 157–160 Hybrid integration, 164
Bit error rate, 157, 159 Hybrid technologies, 164

Integrated circuits, 144, 154, 159
Chip/s, 143–167
Interconnect, 143–147, 149–151, 153–167
Clock, 145, 154–155, 157, 160
ITRS, 155
CMOS, 144, 147, 154–155, 160–162, 165–167
D Laser, 161, 165
Data rate, 145, 155, 164 Latency, 145, 147, 149, 151–153
Delay, 145, 153, 155–159 Light emitters, 160
Detector, 161–162, 164–165 Lithography, 164

F Metal, 145, 154–155, 158–159
Fall time, 159 Modulators, 161
Chapter 7
High-Speed Photonic Integrated Chip
on a Silicon Platform

Ling Liao, Ansheng Liu, Hat Nguyen, Juthika Basak, Mario Paniccia,
Yoel Chetrit, and Doron Rubin

Abstract As microprocessor technology advances toward multi-core and

many-core architectures, optical interconnect is considered a promising way of
meeting the associated demand for giga-scale and tera-scale input/output (I/O).
While traditional optical communication systems demonstrate good performance,
they are based on discrete components and are not suitable for computing appli-
cations, which require solutions with much lower cost and smaller size. Photonic
integration, particularly when based on a silicon platform, has emerged as a key
approach to realize the required low cost and small form factor optical transceivers.
This chapter highlights a recent demonstration of a silicon photonic integrated chip
that is capable of transmitting data at an aggregate rate of 200 Gb/s. It is based on
wavelength division multiplexing where an array of eight high-speed silicon opti-
cal modulators is monolithically integrated with a demultiplexer and a multiplexer.
This demonstration represents a key milestone on the way to fabricating terabit per
second transceiver chips to meet the demand of future tera-scale I/O.

7.1 Introduction
The computer industry is migrating to a many-core processor architecture to main-
tain the pace of increasing computational capability while at the same time meet
the energy efficiency needs of mobile computing and data center power limits [1].
For these new processor designs, power consumption can be optimized by using
multiple types of cores tailored to match the needs of different usage models. Also,
cores that are not busy can be turned off temporarily to reduce power consumption
during idle times. While quad-core systems are the state of the art today, computers
with tens or even hundreds of cores will be the norm over the next decade. One of
the challenges with realizing such parallel computing will be the transport of the

L. Liao, A. Liu, H. Nguyen, J. Basak, and M. Paniccia (B)

Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA
Y. Chetrit and D. Rubin (B)
Numonyx Israel Ltd., Qiryat Gat, 82109, Israel

D.J. Lockwood, L. Pavesi (Eds.): Silicon Photonics II. 169

Topics in Applied Physics 119, 169–186 (2011)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10506-7_7 
C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
170 L. Liao et al.

massive amounts of data into and out of the chip, into and out of the board, and into
and out of the system. Although present implementations of chip-to-chip copper
interconnects are being pushed to deliver giga-scale bandwidths with the design of
transceivers that use active or passive equalization [2, 3], this is unlikely to be a
frequency scalable option. A subset of the future input/output (I/O) interconnects
will require an aggregate bandwidth of 100’s of Gb/s or even Tb/s for occasions
when most of the cores are operating at the same time, so the need to transmit some
of these signals optically is a near certainty.
For these interconnections in and around the computer, the optical solution not
only needs to meet the performance requirements, it must also be cost effective,
compact, and highly integrated. Silicon photonics has emerged as a technology
uniquely suited to meet these requirements [4, 5]. It assures low process develop-
ment and manufacturing costs, as it has ready access to the infrastructure, toolsets,
knowledge, and capacity that have been and will be developed for silicon micro-
electronics. It also benefits from silicon’s proven promise of integration, which
should lead to further reduction in cost and size. Furthermore, the pace at which
the performance of silicon photonic components is advancing demonstrates rapid
maturing of this field [6–21]. Integrated Tb/s transmitters and receivers on a silicon
platform should not be far on the horizon when using wavelength division multi-
plexing (WDM) [22]. For instance, an integrated 1 Tb/s transmitter can be realized
by using a multiplexer (MUX) to combine 25 laser signals at different wavelengths,
each encoded with 40 Gb/s data by a silicon modulator. A 1 Tb/s receiver is possible
by using a demultiplexer (DEMUX) connected to an array of 25 photodetectors,
each receiving 40 Gb/s data. To date, all the required optical components have been
individually demonstrated on the silicon platform. The natural next step is device
This chapter presents a proof of concept demonstration of a silicon photonic
integrated chip (PIC) where an array of eight high-speed silicon optical modulators
is monolithically integrated with a wavelength DEMUX and a wavelength MUX.
The modulators are based on the carrier depletion effect of PN diodes, and the
DEMUX/MUX is based on a cascaded asymmetric Mach Zehnder interferometer
(MZI) design. This integrated transmitter is capable of sending data at an aggre-
gate rate of 200 Gb/s over a single fiber. Section 7.2 outlines the architecture of
this integrated chip and presents design details for both the modulators and the
MUX/DEMUX. Section 7.3 describes device fabrication. Section 7.4 first details
the testing results of the individual components that make up the integrated chip,
and it then discusses the measured DC as well as high-speed performance of the
fully integrated device.

7.2 Silicon Photonic Integrated Chip Design

The silicon PIC is based on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. To target high

aggregate data transmission over a single fiber, an eight-channel WDM design is
employed. Figure 7.1 shows a top–down schematic of this chip, which includes
7 High-Speed Photonic Integrated Chip on a Silicon Platform 171

λ1 Si MZMs


1:8 Demux

8:1 Mux
input output

λ1,λ2,…,λ8 λ1,λ2,…,λ8


Fig. 7.1 Schematic representation of the silicon photonic integrated chip on SOI substrate. It con-
sists of a 1:8 demultiplexer, eight high-speed silicon MZMs, and an 8:1 multiplexer. A continuous-
wave multi-wavelength laser source is outside of the chip. After DEMUX, the individual wave-
lengths are modulated by their corresponding silicon modulators

a 1:8 DEMUX, 8 high-speed silicon Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZMs), and an

8:1 MUX. As Fig. 7.1 illustrates, a continuous-wave (CW) multi-wavelength laser
beam is first split by the DEMUX. Each wavelength then propagates through its
corresponding modulator. The CW light in each wavelength channel is amplitude
modulated by the MZM so that high-speed signal is encoded onto the optical beam.
The modulators are followed by the MUX, where all eight wavelengths are com-
bined into the output waveguide to be coupled off chip. For this transmitter proof
of concept demonstration, the laser sources are not integrated onto the silicon chip.
While this implementation does not provide the final transmitter solution, it is a
first step toward full photonic integration. In the future, the DEMUX in Fig. 7.1 can
be replaced by an array of hybrid lasers [21] monolithically integrated on-chip to
enable a fully integrated transmitter.
The first key component of the PIC is the high-speed silicon MZM. Its operating
speed, together with the number of wavelength channels, fundamentally determines
the total data transmission capacity of the chip. To achieve >100 Gb/s, it is critical
to design a high-speed modulator with a data transmission capability greater than
10 Gb/s. The silicon modulator design chosen for this demonstration is based on the
free carrier plasma dispersion effect [23, 24], where a change in free carrier distribu-
tion alters the refractive index of the material and the optical phase of light passing
through it. The absorption coefficient change (Δα) and refractive index change (Δn)
in silicon are related to the change in the concentration of electrons (ΔNe ) and holes
(ΔNh ) and are generally described by Drude–Lorentz equations:
e 3 λ2 ΔNe ΔNh
Δα = + (7.1)
4π 2 c3 ε0 n μe (m ∗e )2 μh (m ∗h )2
−e2 λ2 ΔNe ΔNh
n = + ∗ (7.2)
8π 2 c2 ε0 n m ∗e mh
172 L. Liao et al.

where e is the electron charge, c is the light velocity in vacuum, ε0 is the vacuum
permittivity, λ is the wavelength in vacuum, n is the refractive index of intrinsic
silicon, m ∗e and m ∗h are the electron and hole effective masses, and μe and μh are
the electron and hole mobilities. At the wavelength of 1,550 nm, the refractive index
change is empirically related to the free carrier density changes (in units of cm−3 ) as

Δn = −(8.8 × 10−22 ΔNe + 8.5 × 10−18 ΔNh0.8 ) (7.3)

This optical phase shift or modulation can then be converted into the desired
optical amplitude modulation using an MZI. To obtain the needed change in car-
rier concentration, a PN diode is embedded inside a rib waveguide and is driven in
reverse-bias to induce carrier depletion [6, 7]. Because the operation of this device
relies on majority carrier dynamics that are inherently fast, this modulator is capable
of tens of Gb/s bandwidth. Figure 7.2 is a top-down schematic of this modulator,
which has a waveguide-based MZI design with PN diode phase shifters placed in
both of its two arms. The waveguide has a 0.6 μm rib width, 0.22 μm rib height, and
0.5 μm total height. Both modeling and experiment confirm that these cross-section
dimensions yield single mode operation for wavelengths around 1,550 nm. The MZI
splitter and combiner are both 1 × 2 multi-mode interference (MMI) couplers.
Figure 7.3 is a cross-section schematic of the phase shifter. It has a horizontal
junction where the waveguide slab and part of the rib is doped p-type; the remaining
top portion of the rib is doped n-type. In this manner, the p-n junction and built-in
depletion region is slightly above the center of the optical mode. This design is
aimed at optimizing phase efficiency because when a reverse-bias voltage is applied,
the depletion region widens and sweeps across the mode center, allowing for good
charge-mode overlap. To electrically contact the n-type region without additional
optical loss, a thin silicon layer is grown on top of the rib so that the metal and
high concentration doping for Ohmic contact are located close to the waveguide
but do not overlap the optical mode. To bias the MZM at the quadrature point, a

pn diode phase shifters

input output

1x2 MMI 2x1 MMI

~ Load resistor
RF source

Fig. 7.2 Top–down view of the silicon MZM. It contains a PN diode phase shifter in each arm as
the high-speed modulating element and 1 × 2 MMI couplers as the 3-dB splitter and combiner. A
thermal heater (not shown) is used to bias the MZI at the quadrature point. On-chip resistors are
used to terminate the traveling wave electrodes to reduce RF reflection
7 High-Speed Photonic Integrated Chip on a Silicon Platform 173

Fig. 7.3 Schematic of the PN Traveling-wave electrodes

diode waveguide phase
shifter. A traveling wave ground signal ground
electrode based on a coplanar
waveguide design allows
co-propagation of the n++
electrical and optical waves
p++ p-Si p++

oxide waveguide

Si substrate

thermal heater is included on each arm of the MZI. Note that a forward biased PIN
diode in silicon can also be used for the quadrature tuning and should consume less
electrical power.
Although the silicon modulator based on the reverse-biased PN diode has high
intrinsic speed, the actual demonstrated device speed is usually limited by device
parasitics. To reduce the capacitance of the phase shifter, the thin silicon cap layer
for metal contact has a single-sided asymmetric design. To further minimize the
RC limitation of the frequency response of the modulator [25, 26], a traveling wave
electrode based on a coplanar waveguide structure, as shown in Fig. 7.3, is used. The
“signal” metal layer is ∼6 μm wide and is connected to the n-type silicon region
through a 1-μm contact. The separation between the signal and ground metal layers
is ∼3 μm and the metal thickness is ∼1.5 μm. The RF traveling wave coplanar
waveguide and modulator optical waveguide are carefully designed so that both
electrical and optical signals co-propagate along the length of the phase shifter
with similar speeds, while, at the same time, the RF attenuation is kept as small
as possible. The transmission line loss, impedance, and phase velocity were calcu-
lated using the commercial software package HFSS [27]. These parameters strongly
depend on the metal trace dimensions as well as the silicon doping concentration and
profile. To realize high-speed performance, it is also critical to optimize the termina-
tion impedance of the traveling wave electrode to minimize RF reflections that can
degrade signal integrity. This termination resistor is monolithically integrated with
the modulator and is made of titanium nitride (TiN) thin film.
The MUX/DEMUX is another key component of the integrated chip. In inte-
grated photonics, the MUX/DEMUX is usually based on an arrayed waveguide grat-
ing (AWG) [28], a planar Echelle grating [29], or cascaded MZIs [30]. In this work,
the cascading MZI design is chosen. Figure 7.4 is a schematic representation of the
eight-channel MUX consisting of 3 stages of asymmetric MZIs. Each asymmetric
MZI consists of a 1×2 MMI splitter and a 2×2 MMI coupler. Each MZI in the third
stage has a length difference between the two arms of ΔL, of 2 · ΔL in the second
stage, and of 4·ΔL in the first stage. To compensate for the MZI phase error that can
result from fabrication imperfections, a thermal heater is added to each MZI. Again,
the heaters used in the current design can be replaced by a forward biased PIN diode
174 L. Liao et al.

(a) ΔL



1 × 2 MMI 2 × 2 MMI


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3


Fig. 7.4 (a) Schematic of a 1:8 demultiplexer based on cascaded asymmetric 1 × 2 MZIs. For each
MZI, a 1 × 2 MMI is used for the input splitter and a 2 × 2 MMI is used for the output. (b) A screen
capture of the 1:8 multiplexer device layout. The large dark regions are metal traces and pads for
the metal heaters

in the future for possibly lower power dissipation. The channel wavelength spacing
(Δλ) and ΔL are related according to the following equation

Δλ = (7.4)
2 · n g · (4 · ΔL)

where λ0 is the central resonance wavelength and n g is the group refractive index of
waveguides, given by

dn eff
n g = n eff − λ (7.5)

where n eff is the effective refractive index.

Because of the small waveguide dimensions used in the silicon PIC, care is
taken in modeling n eff as well as n g of the waveguide using a fully vectorial mode
solver based on the local mode expansion method [31]. The MUX is designed with
4•ΔL = 97.2 μm to target a channel spacing of 3.2 nm (400 GHz) for wavelengths
7 High-Speed Photonic Integrated Chip on a Silicon Platform 175

Fig. 7.5 Modeled 2 × 2 MMI 0.0

coupler loss as a function of 1–1
wavelength. The MMI width 1–2
is 7 μm and length is 220 μm. –0.5
TE polarization was used in

Output (dB)
the simulation

2 × 2 MMI
–2.0 W = 7 um
L = 220 um

1.50 1.52 1.54 1.56 1.58 1.60

Wavelength (μm)

around 1,550 nm. For both the MZI input (1 × 2) and output (2 × 2) couplers, the
MMI width is designed to be 7 μm. The length of the 1 × 2 MMI is 54.4 μm,
while the length of the 2 × 2 MMI is 220 μm. The MUX performance is critically
dependent on the behavior of the 2 × 2 MMI coupler, so it is carefully modeled
to understand its wavelength dependence both in terms of the splitting ratio and
device insertion loss. The results are shown in Fig. 7.5. Note that while the splitting
ratio is quite insensitive to the wavelength, the insertion loss has strong wavelength
dependence. The operating wavelength range of the MUX is therefore primarily
limited by the insertion loss of the 2 × 2 MMIs. This simulation result shows that
the −0.5 dB bandwidth is ∼39 nm. The MMI coupler fabrication tolerance is also
modeled. Figure 7.6 shows the optimal MMI length as a function of MMI width for
the wavelength of 1,550 nm. With a ±0.1 μm MMI width variation, the correspond-
ing MMI length change is about ±4%. Such process tolerances can be reasonably
met with today’s photo-lithography technology.

λ = 1550 nm
240 TE polarization
0.6 × 0.5 × 0.28
MMI length (μm)



Fig. 7.6 Modeled optimal
MMI length as a function of
the MMI width for a 2 × 2
MMI coupler at 1,550 nm. TE
polarization was used in the 6.0 6.4 6.8 7.2 7.6
simulation MMI width (μm)
176 L. Liao et al.

7.3 Integrated Chip Fabrication

To fabricate the integrated silicon PIC, SOI wafers with 1-μm-thick buried oxide
and ∼0.5 μm thick top silicon layer are used as the starting material. Regions where
the high-speed modulators are to be created are first implanted with boron to form
the p-type region of the diode. A single silicon etch step then creates all of the MMI
couplers and 0.6 μm wide rib waveguides for the DEMUX, MUX, and MZMs. A
short thermal oxidation is then used as an oxide smoothing step to reduce rib side-
wall roughness [32], which can dominate passive waveguide transmission loss for
the sub-micrometer devices used here. A SiO2 deposition and chemical-mechanical
polishing (CMP) subsequently planarizes the wafer, with the CMP stopping above
the waveguide rib.
To complete the fabrication of the PN diodes, 2.7-μm-wide trenches are etched
in the oxide, asymmetrically positioned above the rib. Silicon is then grown using
a non-selective epitaxial process, which fills the trench with single crystalline sili-
con directly above the rib and poly-Si above the oxide around the rib. To improve
the material quality of the poly-Si, the wafers are annealed at 1, 100 ◦ C for 1 h.
This same anneal also serves to uniformly distribute the boron dopants that were
previously implanted. A silicon CMP then planarized the wafer and ensured that
the top silicon layer, also known as the silicon wing, is 0.1 μm thick. Phosphorus
is then implanted into the wing and rib to form the n-type region of the diode.
The p-doping concentration of the diode is targeted to be 1.5 × 1017 cm−3 , and
the n-doping concentration varies from 3 × 1018 cm−3 near the top of the wing
to ∼ 1.5 × 1017 cm−3 at the PN junction, which is ∼0.4 μm above the buried
To electrically contact the n and p regions, part of the poly-Si wing and silicon
slab regions on both sides of the rib are heavily implanted with phosphorus and
boron, respectively, to reach surface doping concentrations of ∼1 × 1020 cm−3 for
Ohmic contact with the metal. Aluminum (Al) is then deposited and patterned to cre-
ate the traveling wave electrodes and quadrature biasing heaters for the modulators,
as well as the thermal heaters for compensating fabrication-induced phase mismatch
in the MUX/DEMUX MZIs. A silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) layer separates the heaters
from the waveguides, so there is no metal induced optical loss. The cross-sectional
area of the Al heater is approximately 2.5 μm2 and the heater lengths for stages 1, 2,
and 3 are 797.2, 608.6, and 484.3 μm, respectively. Scanning electron microscope
(SEM) pictures of a PN diode phase shifter and the MUX waveguide with Al heater
are shown in Fig. 7.7a and b, respectively.
To monolithically integrate the modulator with the termination resistors, which
are needed for high-speed operation, a 0.1-μm-thick TiN layer is deposited and
patterned to target a resistance value of 15 . To make electrical contact between the
traveling wave electrodes and the TiN resistors, another aluminum film is deposited
and patterned as an interconnecting layer. Figure 7.8 shows a top–down microscope
image and a cross-sectional schematic of the TiN resistor connected to the output
end of the traveling wave electrode.
7 High-Speed Photonic Integrated Chip on a Silicon Platform 177

Al contact to Si wing

Phase shifter

(a) (b)

Fig. 7.7 SEM cross-section of (a) a PN diode phase shifter, shown with the Al contacting the
n-type silicon wing and (b) a MUX waveguide with the Al heater for phase error compensation

Al metal Al


signal ground
metal TiN resistor

(a) (b)

Fig. 7.8 (a) Top–down optical microscope image and (b) cross sectional schematic of the TiN
resistor that is monolithically integrated with the PN diode modulator

7.4 Device Performance

As the performance of the silicon PIC is critically dependent on the performance

of its individual components, it is useful to understand each device element first. In
this manner, the key results of the high-speed modulators, which have been recently
shown to transmit data up to 40 Gbps [7], are presented. This is followed by a discus-
sion of the testing results of a single MUX. Lastly, both DC testing and high-speed
data transmission performance of the fully integrated chip are reported.

7.4.1 High-Speed Performance of the Stand-Alone Silicon MZM

One of the device parameters that govern the speed performance of the silicon MZM
is the length of the optical phase shifters. Shorter length means higher speed because
the device has lower RF loss and less electrical-to-optical signal delay or “walk-off.”
178 L. Liao et al.

To demonstrate ultra high-speed performance, a silicon MZM with a 1-mm phase

shifter in each arm was previously designed and fabricated. Its high frequency per-
formance was characterized by measuring both its optical frequency response and
data transmission capability. Since the modulator has been designed with traveling
wave electrodes, it is imperative to ensure proper termination of the transmission
lines to keep the RF signal reflections at a minimum. To enable this, two different
approaches have been used for device termination. One approach is to flip-chip bond
the silicon MZM chip to a printed circuit board (PCB) and surface mount external
resistors on the PCB traces that are connected to the output end of the modulator
electrode. The PCB is designed for high-speed performance with low RF loss con-
nectors and PCB traces that have 50 ohm impedance at 40 GHz. The other approach
for terminating the device is to monolithically integrate thin film resistors onto the
silicon modulator die (see Fig. 7.8).
For the optical frequency roll-off measurement, the signal generator is swept
from 100 MHz to 40 GHz. The RF signal is combined with a DC bias using a
bias-tee to ensure that the device is always reverse biased. This DC-coupled signal
is first measured as a function of frequency using a digital communications analyzer
(DCA) electrical module with 63 GHz bandwidth. The RF signal is then connected
to either the PCB or the probes that are used to drive the modulator. The modulated
optical signal is measured as a function of frequency using a DCA 53-GHz optical
module. The frequency response of the MZI modulator is obtained by normalizing
the optical output by the input drive voltage for all frequencies. This ensures that the
frequency roll-off is independent of any bandwidth limitation of the signal source.
The results of the bandwidth measurements for both the device packaged on a PCB
as well as that with an on-chip resistor are plotted in Fig. 7.9a. One can see that both
devices have a 3-dB roll-off frequency greater than 30 GHz.
The high-speed data transmission performance of the MZI modulator is mea-
sured using a pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) source with [231 −1] pattern
length as the RF input. The output of the PRBS source is sent through a modu-
lator driver, which is adjusted to give an amplified output of 6.2 Vpp . Before being

Normalized Modulator Output (dB)

–5 On-chip termination
External termination
0 1 10 100
Frequency (GHz)
(a) (b)

Fig. 7.9 High speed performance of a silicon MZM with 1-mm-long phase shifters: (a) normalized
optical response as a function of RF frequency and (b) optical eye diagram at a bit rate of 40 Gb/s
7 High-Speed Photonic Integrated Chip on a Silicon Platform 179

Fig. 7.10 22.5 Gb/s optical eye diagram of a silicon MZM with a 1.5 mm phase shifter in each
arm. Based on its fast rise/fall times of 18–20 ps, the device is clearly capable of higher data rates

applied to the modulator, this signal is combined with 3.1 VDC using a bias tee to
ensure reverse bias operation of the entire AC voltage swing. Figure 7.9b shows the
eye diagram of the modulator optical output at a bit rate of 40 Gb/s. The extinction
ratio (ER) is measured to be 1.1 dB with a rise/fall time of ∼14 ps. The open eye
diagram proves that the modulator is capable of transmitting data at 40 Gb/s, which
is consistent with the 3-dB roll-off frequency of >30 GHz.
While this 40 Gb/s performance is unprecedented for a silicon modulator, the
device’s ∼1 dB ER needs improvement. One simple way to achieve higher ER is
to increase the phase shifter length, thereby increasing the amount of obtainable
phase shift for a given applied voltage. The associated drawback is higher RF loss
and lower speed performance. For the silicon PIC, the length of the phase shifters
inside the MZMs is chosen to be 1.5 mm as a compromise between speed and ER.
Figure 7.10 shows the data transmission capability of this new design. Note that the
optical eye diagram is captured at a bit rate of 22.5 Gb/s. It shows ∼2 dB ER and a
18–20 ps rise/fall time. Both the open eye diagram and its fast transitions indicate
that this device is capable of even higher data transmission rates.

7.4.2 Performance of the Standalone MUX/DEMUX

To characterize the performance of the stand-alone 1:8 MUX/DEMUX, it is placed

on a PCB and the Al heaters for phase error compensation are wire-bonded so they
180 L. Liao et al.

–20 –20
Before Tuning After Tuning

Normalized Output (dB)

Normalized Output (dB)

–40 Outport –35
–45 1
2 –40 2
–50 3
4 –45
–55 4
6 –50
–60 6
–65 8 –55 8
1535 1540 1545 1550 1555 1560 1565 1535 1540 1545 1550 1555 1560 1565
wavelength (nm) wavelength (nm)
(a) (b)

Fig. 7.11 Output spectra of a 1:8 demultiplexer (a) before and (b) after thermal tuning optimization

can be simultaneously and independently adjusted. Light from a polarized broad-

band source, a superluminescent light emitting diode (SLED), is coupled into and
out of the device using lensed single-mode fibers with a mode field diameter of
3 μm. Because the waveguides and MMIs have optimum performance for transverse
electric (TE) polarization, a polarization controller is inserted between the SLED
and input lensed fiber to set the desired polarization. An optical spectrum analyzer
(OSA) is used to measure the output spectrum.
Figure 7.11a shows the spectra of all outputs of the eight-channel DEMUX
before phase mismatch compensation, and Figure 7.11b shows the spectra of the
same device after metal heater tuning optimization. The measured on-chip loss is
3.2 dB, of which ∼0.6 dB is due to the propagation loss of straight waveguides. The
channel spacing is 3.2 nm, 3-dB bandwidth is 3 nm, and adjacent channel isolation
is 13 dB. The channel uniformity, defined here as the difference between the best
and worst excess losses over all channels, is ∼1.5 dB from 1,537 to 1,562 nm. It is
found that the loss slowly decreases as the wavelength increases; this is due to the
wavelength dependence of the MMI, which was predicted by simulation. In practice,
the wavelength dependence is one of the key factors in determining the operating
wavelength range. The tuning efficiency of the Al heaters, defined as the electrical
power needed for π-phase shift, is approximately 83 mW. Additionally, the thermal
crosstalk is investigated by measuring the phase shift caused by adjacent heaters. It
is found to be negligible, where >6 W of electrical power is needed to produce a
π-phase shift using a heater on an adjacent MZI.

7.4.3 DC Performance of an Integrated DEMUX, MZM,

and MUX Chip

An integrated device with a single-input waveguide and a single-output waveguide

similar to that depicted in Fig. 7.1 is characterized at DC. It contains a 1:8 DEMUX,
7 High-Speed Photonic Integrated Chip on a Silicon Platform 181

8 symmetric modulator MZIs, and an 8:1 MUX. It differs from the final silicon
PIC in that not all of the doping and metal for high-speed modulation have been
incorporated. Like the stand-alone DEMUX, it is also wire-bonded to a PCB so that
the heaters can be easily adjusted for phase mismatch compensation. To character-
ize this integrated device, the outputs of distributed feedback (DFB) lasers, with
wavelengths 3.2 nm apart and comparable output powers, are multiplexed together
off-chip using fiber-based couplers. This combined output is used as the optical
source for testing and is coupled into the silicon device using a lensed polarization
maintaining fiber. Again, an OSA is used to measure the device output spectrum.
Figure 7.12a shows the spectrum of the integrated device before and after heater
adjustment. With phase mismatch compensation, the channel uniformity improved
from 13 to 1.6 dB. The on-chip loss is approximately 7.5 dB, of which 6.4 dB is
due to the DEMUX and MUX. The remaining 1 dB can be accounted for by the
modulator MZIs placed in between the DEMUX and MUX. To quantify the DC
ER of the silicon MZMs, the heater for quadrature biasing is tuned to induce a
π –radian phase shift between the two arms of each MZI. The introduction of this
π –radian phase difference should result in destructive interference and should lead
to minimum optical transmission through the modulator. The output spectrum of the
integrated device before and after this heater tuning is given in Fig. 7.12b. Note that
light passing through the adjusted channel, which corresponds to ∼1,533 nm, is at
a maximum when there is no phase difference between the two MZI arms and is at
a minimum when a π –radian phase is introduced. The resulting ER is in excess of
30 dB.
To verify that the DEMUX is operating correctly such that only one wavelength
is propagating through each modulator MZI, the output spectrum the integrated
device is monitored while the input DFB lasers are selectively switched on or off.
Figure 7.13 shows the device output spectra for when all the lasers are turned on

–20 –20
1530 1535 1540 1545 1550 1555 1530 1535 1540 1545 1550 1555
–30 –30
Optical Power (dBm)

Optical Power (dBm)

Tuned no phase shift
–80 –70
pi phase shift
–90 –80
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)
(a) (b)

Fig. 7.12 (a) Output spectra of the integrated device before and after phase mismatch compensa-
tion. Note the significant improvement in device loss and channel uniformity with heater tuning
optimization. (b) Output spectra of the integrated device when 0 and π –radian phase difference is
introduced between the modulator MZI arms for channel 1. A comparison of the spectra indicates
that the DC ER of the modulator is >30 dB
182 L. Liao et al.

1530 1535 1540 1545 1550 1555 1560

Power (dBm)



–80 all lasers on

two lasers on
Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 7.13 Output spectra of the integrated device for when all input lasers are turned on and when
only those corresponding to channels 2 and 4 are turned on. Note that optical cross-talk is better
than −40 dB

and when only lasers corresponding to channels 2 and 4 are on. The latter scenario
clearly confirms that the input wavelengths are properly demultiplexed because the
optical cross-talk, as measured by a comparison of the optical power through “on”
channels and “off” channels, is better than −40 dB.

7.4.4 High-Speed Performance of the Silicon PIC

The final silicon PIC, with the DEMUX, the array of eight high-speed silicon
MZMs, and the MUX, is wire-bonded to a PCB with low loss RF connectors and
routing traces. The PCB, as shown in Fig. 7.14, is also designed for DC bias con-
trol of the metal heaters to tune the phase of the MZMs and MUX/DEMUX. For
high-speed testing, the differential RF signals from a PRBS generator with [231−1]
pattern length are amplified using a commercially available dual-output driver. The

Fig. 7.14 Photograph of the

packaged silicon PIC. It is
wire-bonded onto a PCB with
low-loss RF connectors as
well as DC controls for heater
tuning adjustment
7 High-Speed Photonic Integrated Chip on a Silicon Platform 183

1534.6 nm 1537.8 nm

1541 nm 1544.2 nm

1547.4 nm 1550.7 nm

1553.9 nm 1557.1 nm

Fig. 7.15 Optical eye diagrams of the eight wavelength channels of the Si PIC. Each is transmitting
data at 25 Gb/s with 19 ps rise time, 19 ps fall time, and 2 dB ER
184 L. Liao et al.

amplified single-ended output of 3.2 Vpp (6.4 Vpp differential) is combined with
2 VDC using a bias tee to ensure reverse bias operation for the entire AC voltage
swing. This DC-coupled drive signal is supplied to each modulator phase shifter
through a high-speed coaxial cable that is attached to the PCB RF connector. The
MZI modulators are biased at quadrature for all high-speed measurements.
To characterize the silicon PIC, the multiplexed outputs of eight DFB lasers is
again used as the optical source. On-chip loss is measured to be 10 dB, of which
6.4 dB is due to the DEMUX and MUX, 2 dB is due to the high-speed phase shifters,
and the remaining 1.6 dB is due to the modulator MZIs as well as passive waveg-
uides used for on-chip optical routing. The high-speed data transmission of the
integrated device is tested one channel at a time. Figure 7.15 shows the 25 Gb/s
eye diagrams of the eight wavelength channels. They all yield similar rise time, fall
time, and ER, which are 19 ps, 19 ps, and 2 dB, respectively. These performance
results are very similar to those obtained for the stand-alone MZM; this close match
is a good indication that device integration did not compromise performance. Clear
open eye diagrams at 25 Gb/s suggest that the Si PIC is capable of transmitting data
at an aggregate data rate of 200 Gb/s.

7.5 Conclusion

This chapter presents the design, fabrication, and performance of a WDM-based

silicon optical transmitter that monolithically integrates an array of eight high-speed
silicon modulators with silicon based 8:1 DEMUX/MUX. The inclusion of both a
DEMUX and a MUX allows for fiber-to-chip coupling using a single input and a
single output fiber. The silicon MZM is based on the free carrier plasma disper-
sion effect, which is obtained through electric-field-induced carrier depletion of a
PN diode embedded inside a rib waveguide. To enable high-speed performance, a
traveling wave electrode design is used to allow co-propagation of the optical and
electrical waves. Termination resistors are also monolithically integrated with the
electrodes to minimize RF reflections that can compromise signal integrity. The
MUX/DEMUX is based on cascaded MZIs with integrated metal heaters to allow
compensation of MZI phase error that can result from device fabrication.
The silicon photonic integrated chip has a total on-chip optical loss of 10 dB,
of which ∼3.5 dB is due to the high-speed silicon MZMs and the remaining is
due to the DEMUX/MUX. High-speed testing shows that all eight modulators are
functional and are each capable of at least 25 Gb/s data transmission. The silicon
PIC is therefore capable of an aggregate data rate of 200 Gb/s. This is an important
demonstration of the benefits of silicon photonic integration and its feasibility as a
platform for future high-speed interconnects.

Acknowledgments The authors thank Fiel Concepcion for sample preparation, D. Li for data
collection software, R. Gabay, A. Ugnitz, and G. Nutrica for device fabrication assistance, L. Kulig
for material analysis, and T. Mader, S. Q. Shang, G. Sarid, D. D. Lu, H. Braunisch, G. T. Reed, and
J. E. Bowers for useful discussions.
7 High-Speed Photonic Integrated Chip on a Silicon Platform 185

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Absorption, 171 Fall time, 179, 183–184
AWG, 173
B Hybrid, 171
Bandwidth, 170, 172, 175, 178, 180 Hybrid technologies, 171
Bit rate, 178–179
Buried oxide (BOX), 176 I
Interconnect, 170, 176, 184
Charge carrier, 172
Laser, 170–171, 181–182, 184
Chip/s, 169–184
Lithography, 175

Data rate, 179, 184 Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), 170,
Delay, 177 172–176, 178, 180–181, 184
DEMUX, 170–171, 173, 176, 179–182, 184 Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM), 171
DFB lasers, 181, 184 Metal, 172–174, 176–177, 180–181, 184
Modulation, 172, 181
E Modulators, 170–173, 176–179, 181, 184
Etch, 176 Monolithic, 170–171, 173, 176–178, 184
Eye diagram, 178–179, 183–184 MUX, 170–171, 173–177, 179–182, 184
Chapter 8
CMOS Photonics: A Platform
for Optoelectronics Integration

Thierry Pinguet, Steffen Gloeckner, Gianlorenzo Masini, and Attila Mekis

Abstract We describe the intimate relationship between process, devices, and

system design by examining the development of Luxtera’ s CMOS Photonics tech-
nology. We address the challenges of integrating optoeletronic elements, includ-
ing germanium photodiodes, in a commercial CMOS process without significantly
affecting the electronics performance and the manufacturability of the process. The
common practices of the electronics design and manufacturing industry are applied
to our optoelectronic technology; we discuss our device library and our design and
testing infrastructure in support of the engineering of complex optoelectronic cir-
cuits and systems. Finally, we use a complete monolithically integrated wavelength
division multiplexed 40 Gbps transceiver chip as an example of the application of
our complete technology platform and the demonstration of its capabilities for opto-
electronic integration.

8.1 Introduction
Silicon photonics as a discipline exploits the optical and electrical material proper-
ties of silicon. Various integration schemes that embed the silicon photonic devices
into higher level systems have been reported and cover the whole spectrum from
hybrid to monolithic implementations [1–3].
Luxtera has taken a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) first-
approach to silicon photonics, incrementally adding process modules to a well-
characterized and maintained CMOS-process baseline in order to enable the optical
functionalities. This approach is driven by the desire to leverage the advanced fabri-
cation processes run on state-of-the-art toolsets as well as the continuous improve-
ment efforts in all aspects of CMOS-design and manufacturing, but also by the
economic reality of the tremendous costs involved in building and maintaining an

T. Pinguet (B)
Luxtera Inc., Carlsbad, CA 92011, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
S. Gloeckner, G. Masini, and A. Mekis (B)
Luxtera Inc., Carlsbad, CA 92011, USA

D.J. Lockwood, L. Pavesi (Eds.): Silicon Photonics II. 187

Topics in Applied Physics 119, 187–216 (2011)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10506-7_8 
C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
188 T. Pinguet et al.

Fig. 8.1 Devices, process,

and applications are strongly

advanced node CMOS-fab, which does not allow building and supporting such
a fab purely from an emerging optoelectronic application. Luxtera is a commer-
cial entity and this has strongly impacted the selected integration approach. In our
view, applications, technology, and devices cannot be considered in isolation and
trade-offs in devices and technology need to be cross-checked against application
The application defines the required functionalities and to some extent the perfor-
mance of the devices and we have found in our work here that the coupling between
system, devices, and process is extremely tight (illustrated in Fig. 8.1). Just like in
electronics, optical device performance is bounded by the capabilities of the CMOS
technology and its limitations at a particular process generation (i.e., lithography,
etch depth control, etc.). As such, the improvement path for the devices is closely
tied to process improvements. Better individual devices can be realized in different
material systems, but these so far do not support high levels of system integration.
The benefits of integration then will most likely be realized at the system level rather
than at the device level. Preferred applications have a predictable roadmap that can
be intersected by predictable advances in CMOS technology. Luxtera selected opti-
cal interconnects as the target application space due to the required scaling both
in performance (speed, power) as well as market-volume (cost) that match scaling
characteristics usually associated with CMOS technology.
In Sect. 8.2 we describe how photonic functionality was integrated into a CMOS-
process flow. Aside from laser light sources, Luxteras CMOS Photonics technology
integrates all components required for optical transceivers. Our approach toward
device development was also strongly guided by methodologies used in the CMOS-
industry, which we will describe in Sect. 8.3. Section 8.4 gives an overview on
design and testing infrastructure, which is a prerequisite for design and design ver-
ification of integrated optoelectronic systems. Finally, in Sect. 8.5 we describe an
integrated optoelectronic transceiver system, which served as a demonstration vehi-
cle verifying the design flow around which Luxteras CMOS-Photonics technology
has been constructed.

8.2 Enabling a CMOS Process for Photonics Integration

The idea of using silicon as a material for photonic integration has been investigated
for decades [4] ever since the rise of microelectronics as an industry and the large
investment in tools and processes associated with silicon fabrication. Beyond sim-
ply using silicon as a source material to build optical-only integrated devices and
8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 189

circuits (like for instance silica-on-silicon photonic lightwave circuits), many differ-
ent approaches have been proposed to achieve tight integration between photonics
and electronics on a silicon substrate [5, 6]. The path followed by Luxtera was to
integrate all photonic components in the front-end of a standard CMOS process. In
this section we describe the challenges encountered and eventual selections made
during the development process and we hope to make evident that there is a large
gap between claiming CMOS compatibility, and actually achieving it.

8.2.1 Rationale for Front-End Integration

Luxtera’ s philosophy is to extend the general electronics design and fabrication

processes to optical components: we want photonics to be just another part of the
toolkit that an integrated circuit designer can use to create complex circuits and
systems with additional functionality. Thus we want optical components to become
basic elements just like transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc. Additionally, we want
them to be built in the same silicon, at the same time as the basic electrical devices,
so that they are completely compatible with CMOS and can benefit from advance-
ments in silicon processing. Those considerations were the driving factors behind
front-end integration.
Figure 8.2 shows a schematic cross-section of the front-end integration
approach, showing the monolithic integration of electronics (transistor), passive
optical devices (waveguide), active optical devices (modulator), and photodetec-
tion (Ge-based waveguide photodetector), all of which are discussed in subsequent
Evidently, the only element of an optical data transmission link that is missing is
the light source. While research is ongoing on the monolithic integration of optical

Fig. 8.2 Schematic cross-section of a photonically enabled CMOS process

190 T. Pinguet et al.

gain media in silicon [7, 8], the various technologies at the time of writing are far
too immature for commercial deployment, so Luxteras products rely on an external
laser hybridly co-packaged with the CMOS Photonic chip.

8.2.2 SOI Substrate Design

Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates have traditionally been the wafers of choice
for fabricating optical devices, since they provide a high-quality crystalline silicon
layer over a silicon dioxide buried layer which acts as a built-in cladding layer for
any waveguide-based device. Over the last 10 years, SOI has also become a standard
technology for microelectronics, thus promoting the development of SOI substrates.
Naturally then, a CMOS SOI process would be an excellent candidate as a starting
point for photonic integration.
At the time of the start of development of Luxtera’ s process, some SOI pro-
cess nodes were available and the state of the art was around 130–90 nm (referring
to the half pitch of the finest metal lines printable in that process). Freescale (at
the time still Motorola) agreed to become Luxteras partner for development, giv-
ing us access to their 130 nm SOI process. This process was extensively used for
building high-performance PowerPC microprocessors. A 130-nm SOI process was
also a good choice because it provides sufficient electronics performance to design
10 Gbps analog circuits used in communication systems (trans-impedance ampli-
fiers, modulator drivers, clock and data recovery circuits, etc.). Unfortunately, while
this appeared like a marriage made in heaven, SOI substrate thicknesses designed for
electronics tend to have relatively thin top silicon layers, on the order of 100 nm or
less in more advanced nodes. This thickness is practically incompatible with design-
ing high-confinement single-mode waveguides: the optical mode at wavelengths of
interest (considered to be in the 1,310–1,550 nm range in this chapter) would extend
well outside of the silicon, resulting in side-effects: low efficiency of any electro-
optic effect where overlap with silicon is necessary, degraded bending radius, and
the need to have a very thick buried silicon dioxide layer to prevent leakage to
the silicon substrate (which would create high propagation loss in waveguides).
Increasing the top silicon thickness was thus needed to enable high performance
optical elements, but at the penalty of changing (not necessarily degrading) the per-
formance of the transistors compared to the starting process. While this does not
sound like a large issue, it triggers additional development efforts, like for instance
the need to re-extract models for all electrical devices in the process. Good models
are necessary to design high-yield circuits in CMOS. The selection of the final top
silicon thickness for Luxtera (in the range of a few hundreds of nanometers) was the
result of a global optimization of multiple parameters: transistor behavior, waveg-
uide loss, grating coupler efficiency (see subsequent section), modulator efficiency,
etc., with the goal to build an optical data transmission system. For a different
target application the optimization and selection of thicknesses could have been
8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 191

8.2.3 Waveguide Integration

Once the substrate was selected, the next task was to ensure that the most basic
of devices, the waveguide, provided sufficient performance to be usable. Much
research has been performed on processes to realize low-loss waveguides in silicon
[9, 10]. Special processes have been studied, demonstrating a reduction in waveg-
uide loss, for instance by improving the sidewall roughness of etched rib waveguides
or other sidewall-related effects by treatment of the etched surface. Unfortunately,
few, if any, of these processes have been demonstrated to translate directly to a
CMOS process, and additionally, most of the research has failed to deal with other
aspects of waveguides in a CMOS process, in particular the effect of the rest of the
CMOS process on the waveguide loss and other performance parameters.
In a CMOS process, other effects have an impact on the performance of the
optical devices, for instance:

– the presence of other process dielectrics on the silicon layer or near the waveguide
– the oxidation/strip/clean cycles of the exposed silicon surface (used to reduce
surface states for electronics performance)
– subsequent steps like implantation, anneals, and other thermal treatments (which
could impact for instance the stress in the silicon film)

Extensive characterization of the local environment of the waveguide, in particu-

lar the dielectric films in contact with the silicon, is necessary to quantify its impact
on waveguide loss.
In Luxtera’ s process (Fig. 8.3), the waveguide is a rib waveguide defined by
a partial etch of the silicon layer, and is covered with a set of silicon nitride and
oxynitride layers that are part of the standard CMOS, to block salicidation locally
or form a gate spacer layer. The sidewalls of the waveguide go through the same

Fig. 8.3 Cross-section scanning-electron microscope picture of rib waveguide and its local
192 T. Pinguet et al.

Fig. 8.4 Multimode waveguide loss and its variation through the process flow

oxidation/strip/clean steps as the sidewall of the silicon islands that will eventually
form the body of transistors. Beyond the first couple of dielectric layers lie low-k
dielectrics used in the back-end. We showed that the first two metal levels and asso-
ciated dielectrics had an impact on the waveguide loss.
We removed wafers from the process flow at different points of the process, not
letting them finish the complete flow, to observe the effects of various process steps
on waveguide loss. Figure 8.4 shows the evolution of loss with process steps. There
is clear evidence that waveguide loss is strongly affected by many other aggres-
sors besides sidewall formation. Photolithography, due to its impact on the local
waveguide geometry, is a key driver of optical loss performance. Figure 8.5 shows a
comparison of optical propagation loss for the same waveguide design printed with
248-nm lithography versus 193-nm lithography.

8.2.4 Photolithography
Beyond providing benefits to waveguide loss, as we have just shown, the contin-
ual reduction of feature sizes driven by the electronics industry has finally reached
a point where it can benefit and even enable novel photonic devices beyond the
research laboratory. In the past, very small features (on the scale of a quarter the
wavelength of light) could only be printed reliably using an electron-beam tool.
But this restricted the designs to small areas and it is not at this point a volume-
capable production tool. In Luxteras process, a single photolithography step is used
to define all optical devices (except for Ge devices). The lithography is performed
8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 193

Fig. 8.5 Improvement of

waveguide propagation loss
with lithography technology

in an advanced 193-nm stepper and is used to print a wide array of different features
that are completely different from what is traditionally printed in electronic circuits
(often referred to as Manhattan geometries, only oriented along X and Y axes):
straight and curved waveguides, tapers, arrays of holes, arrays of curved gratings,
etc. In the 193-nm-based process we can print features as small as 100 nm reliably
(see Fig. 8.6), and this also provides a side-benefit: larger feature sizes are much
better controlled and have less variability in their dimensions across a field or a
wafer, or even from wafer to wafer and from lot to lot.

8.2.5 Active Optical Device Integration

As discussed previously, a single photolithography step is used to define all opti-

cal devices in the silicon layer. Ge-based devices require the additional step of
growing the Ge film, which is discussed below. Other active optical devices in our

Fig. 8.6 Examples of optical features printed with 193 nm lithography

194 T. Pinguet et al.

process (mainly, modulators, either of amplitude or of phase, see Sect. 8.3) rely on
carrier-based mechanisms to create electro-optical effects [11, 12]. We use standard
implantation techniques to create the doping profiles needed for the various devices.
The implant steps used for our modulators are integrated with the standard nwell
and pwell implant modules, and use the same implanter tools, as well as the same
activation steps, thus not necessitating additional thermal treatment. Various implant
dopings are used, most of them sharing a similar profile in an attempt to achieve a
uniform doping across the thickness of the silicon with different peak densities. Each
doping profile is typically a multi-step implant module, where at least two different
doping peaks provide a quasi-uniform profile in the vertical direction. A modulator
device will typically contain multiple implants, for instance to achieve low doping
in areas where low optical loss is desired, and high doping in areas where low series
resistance is needed.
To provide contacts to the active optical devices, including Ge photodiodes, we
use the standard contact module of the original CMOS process and the standard
source/drain implants and salicidation to provide ohmic contacts to silicon (our Ge
module uses different implants and no salicidation to provide contacts to Ge), as
shown in Fig. 8.3. Salicidation is blocked over the waveguiding region where the
optical mode resides (or else optical propagation loss would be extremely high) by
the presence of a dielectric layer. That layer is not present over the contact area. The
contact module is designed for a wide range of topography in the original process:
contact to the silicon layer, contact to the top of the gate, and contact to the substrate.
Thus, it can easily handle contacting our optical devices as well as the Ge layer, as
long as it does not differ too much in thickness from the transistor gate poly layer.

8.2.6 Germanium Module

The use of Ge and SiGe alloys has been proposed for photonics applications, as
well. SiGe has higher refractive index than Si and its absorption edge extends fur-
ther in the near infrared allowing efficient light absorption at the wavelengths used
in optical communications. Discrete Ge detectors compete with III–V ones in the
market of near infrared photodetection by offering a cheaper product though limited
in use to the C-band (around 1,550 nm) with the absorption coefficient of Ge being
too low in the L-band (1,600 nm) to provide efficient photoresponse. At much lower
speed, when the size of the sensitive area is a key factor, Ge detectors are preferred
to InGaAs, once again for cost reasons.
Ge-on-Si based photodetectors [13] have been investigated since 1966 [14], and
high-speed waveguide SiGe devices were demonstrated in the 1980s at Bell Labs
[15]. Those pioneering works evidenced the importance of a buffering technique in
the epitaxial growth to reduce and confine the defects (dislocations) far from the
active region of the device while enabling a planar, smooth two-dimensional growth
of the semiconductor film. The limits of SiGe alloys and superlattices in access-
ing the III window of optical communications (1,550 nm) even using a waveguide
8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 195

configuration [16] triggered a new effort at the end of the 1990s to identify a suitable
epi technique enabling the growth of photodetector-grade Ge films on Si substrates.
A few buffering techniques were proposed and investigated in those years. Among
them, the most relevant are the gradual buffer approach (sometimes including a
chemical-mechanical polishing step about half way from Si to Ge) detailed in [17]
and the low temperature buffer originally introduced in [18]. While the former yields
films of higher quality (record low dislocation counts have been reported using this
technique complemented by cyclic annealing steps [19]), the latter is preferred for
integration with CMOS for its lower thermal budget and total thickness/growth time
required. Surface illuminated and waveguide photodetectors using variants of the
low temperature buffer method have been reported with very high efficiency and
speed by several groups [20, 21]. Recently, Luxtera demonstrated waveguide Ge
photodetectors integrated in a CMOS process using a low temperature process [22]
and we discuss in the next section the challenges of the integration of the Ge module
in the CMOS flow. Germanium Module Integration

The integration of Ge to enable photodetectors in a CMOS process requires a care-
ful identification of constraints imposed by the baseline process and the desire to
minimize changes and subsequent process development. Such a module consists
of a significant number of additional steps, and interactions between these steps and
earlier and later stages of the process require a development approach that addresses
these challenges from the start.
Three main factors drive the choice of processes and device architecture in the
integration process: thermal budget, contamination, and device size. Thermal budget
constraints dictate the placement of the Ge epi step after the main doping and the
poly annealing step have been performed since Ge cannot withstand their temper-
ature. On the other side, todays low-K backend films are not compatible with the
temperatures required during Ge epi. As a consequence, the growth of the Ge film
must be placed somewhere before the contact module and after the poly gate for-
mation. Luxteras process inte- grates Ge after salicidation to minimize interactions
with the critical transistor spacers (see Fig. 8.7).

Fig. 8.7 Schematic of location of Ge module within CMOS process flow

196 T. Pinguet et al.

Compatibility with CMOS backend processes in essence restricts the device

architecture to a waveguide-based photodetector. The headroom limits imposed
by the planarization techniques (CMP) in todays technologies force the maximum
height of the Ge film used for the photodetector to be less than a few hundred
nanometers (the space between the Si surface and the first metal level in a typical
CMOS process). This rules out completely the possibility to use surface illuminated
devices. The latter, indeed, would require a film thickness of 3–4 μm, at the wave-
length of 1,550 nm, to absorb efficiently the light. Fortunately, the waveguide con-
figuration relaxes this constraint due to the light propagation in the wafer plane thus
transforming a thickness requirement into length. The film must be thick enough to
admit optical modes at the chosen wavelength, which is possible thanks to the very
high refractive index of Ge (about 4). The waveguide configuration is appealing
also for its potentially higher speed, when compared to the surface illuminated one.
By decoupling the absorption from the collection length (the former along the light
propagation path, the latter perpendicular to it), the waveguide design allows an
almost independent optimization of both. In other words, speed can be optimized
without compromising the photoresponse.
The Luxtera process uses the selective growth of Ge in recesses opened in a
dielectric stack to form the body of the photodetector (see figure top view SEM).
After the Si surface is cleared in the selected areas, the wafer is cleaned using a
wet process and introduced in the epi chamber. The selective growth is preceded
by an in situ cleaning step aimed at removing the residual oxygen contamination
and creates a film 300 nm thick. The wafer is, then, deposited with a dielectric
film which protects the semiconductor during the following lithographically defined
implant steps. At the end of this process the protective dielectric film is patterned
and the wafer proceeds through the standard contact module and the rest of the
back-end. The Luxtera process uses the selective growth of Ge in recesses opened
in a dielectric stack to form the body of the photodetector (see Fig. 8.8). After the
Si surface is cleared in the selected areas, the wafer is cleaned using a wet process
and introduced in the epi chamber. The selective growth is preceded by an in situ

Fig. 8.8 Top view SEM of

Ge boxes selectively grown
over silicon
8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 197

cleaning step aimed at removing the residual oxygen contamination and creates a
film 300 nm thick. The wafer is then coated with a dielectric film, which protects the
semiconductor during the following lithographically defined implant steps. At the
end of this process the protective dielectric film is patterned and the wafer proceeds
through the standard contact module and the rest of the back-end process.

8.2.7 Process Control and Monitoring

The last critical piece of the process development involved the creation and/or
selection of appropriate process control monitors. Typically a CMOS manufacturing
line will employ of combination of built-in equipment monitors (pressure gauges,
temperature sensors, etc.), metrology (critical dimension measurements, etch depth
measurements using SEMs and atomic force microscopes or profilometers), and
inline electrical probing (measured when the first metal interconnect layer is avail-
able, and then again at the end of the line). There is an extensive infrastructure of
tools and measurement equipment that has been developed to support this activity
in the semiconductor industry, with two primary goals: control the various process
steps and be able to react quickly when the process gets out of control, and screen
and scrap bad wafers as early as possible in the line to minimize cost.
During our development efforts, the issue of appropriate process control monitors
and wafer acceptance criteria became extremely critical. For instance, the critical
dimensions of the optical devices (width of features, etch depth) are primary drivers
of the final optical performance, and needed to be tightly controlled. The lithography
and etch steps defining the optics occur essentially at the very beginning of the
process, so it would be extremely costly to carry out optical probing at the end of
the line to determine whether the process yielded in-spec optical devices. Bringing
optical probing into the fab quickly proved to be an unfeasible proposition (due to
non-standard equipment and lack of trained operators).
Luxtera, in conjunction with our manufacturing partner, ended up developing a
set of structures used for inline metrology and inline electrical testing. These struc-
tures were carefully designed and measured to generate data that could be directly
correlated to final device performance. Examples of such structures included the

– arrays of holes and line/spaces of various dimensions measured by critical-

dimension (CD)-SEM and wafer-scale AFM,
– inline electrical structures (diffusion resistors, capacitors, diodes) used to validate
correct processing of our active optoelectronic devices,
– ring oscillators with optoelectronic devices built in to determine yield of high-
speed integrated optoelectronic circuits (for instance a modulator with driver).

It was necessary to run a significant number of wafers and lots (on the order
of 30 lots of 25 wafers) to extract the true variability of the process and create
statistical models and come to a frozen process with well-understood characteristics
and capable process monitors.
198 T. Pinguet et al.

8.2.8 Other Integration Elements

Figure 8.9 shows a summary schematic of all the requisite incremental modifica-
tions to the original CMOS process to enable photonics. In addition to the critical
elements discussed above, the figure shows some other issues to be overcome when
integrating photonics in the front-end:

– Ensuring planarity of the silicon and silicon dioxide trench fill after CMP is crit-
ical but made difficult by the widely different densities of features on the optical
devices versus transistors in our dual-trench approach. Care has to be taken to
match densities across designs to ensure compliance with process targets.
– Data processing of the various design layers had to be modified slightly to add
compatibility with optical devices and to block nefarious effects of many process
steps. For instance, many implant layers are derived from other design layers (for
instance, n-type implant mask = NOT p-type implant mask) and could result in
the unintentional implantation of optical devices, so blocking layers have to be
employed, and boolean operations have to be modified to take this into account.
– Tiling of metal layers (which is usually an automated step that fills empty areas of
metal masks with dummy structures to equalize density, again for CMP process
window purposes) has to be controlled to keep some empty areas untiled. This
is to allow light to travel through the back-end of the chip between the grating
couplers etched in the silicon layer and the top surface of the chip where light
may couple to/from an optical fiber or a hybridly attached laser.

Fig. 8.9 Process flow of photonically enabled CMOS process

8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 199

In the next section, we discuss the concept of a device library and our develop-
ment approach.

8.3 Photonic Device Library

8.3.1 Electronics Libraries: The Inspiration

Luxtera’ s photonic device library was modeled on electronic circuit design libraries.
An electronic library is built on simple elements whose physics is well-understood
and whose performance is thoroughly characterized. These elements include tran-
sistors, resistors, capacitors, and inductors. The library does not simply contain the
layouts for these elements but also models that describe their behavior as a func-
tion of inputs to the device, such as voltage or current, as well as their sensitivities
to environmental conditions, such as temperature. In addition, the models contain
information on how the performance changes with process variability, with best,
typical, and worst cases traditionally called process corners.
From the basic elements, simple cells can be built, for example, logic gates
for a digital library or amplifiers for an analog library. These lower level ele-
ments can then be further referenced in higher level blocks and subsystems, such
as driver circuits or digital-to-analog or analog-to-digital converters (DACs and
ADCs). Because each of the building blocks has been comprehensively character-
ized, it is possible to simulate the behavior of the blocks accurately and derive their
range of performance due to natural variations in the fabrication process.
Even though complex electronics blocks may contain millions of basic elements,
they are always built up in a hierarchical form. This approach allows top-level simu-
lations to be tractables, as they can reference simulation results for smaller blocks in
the hierarchy. The hierarchical design based on precise models allows the designer
to devise complex systems accurately to given specifications.

8.3.2 Library Hierarchy and Design Flow

Luxtera’ s photonic device library is built up in a fashion analogous to its electronic

counterpart. The library begins with a collection of optical and opto- electronic
elements that serve as a starting point for building complex PICs. These basic pho-
tonic elements, such as waveguides, fiber-to-chip couplers, light modulators, and
receivers are treated in a similar fashion to transistors and resistors in a library of
electronic circuits. The photonic library is fully integrated with the electronic library
so that the two types of elements seamlessly combine to construct optoelectronic
As an example, let us consider a high-speed modulator subsystem, built up hier-
archically from elements of different complexities. Figure 8.10 shows a schematic
of a simplified hierarchy of the high-speed modulator. The subsystem comprises two
main blocks, a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) modu- lator and a control block
200 T. Pinguet et al.

Fig. 8.10 Sample library hierarchy: the high-speed modulator

that controls the relative DC optical phase of the two arms. The MZI modulator
block further consists of waveguides, Y-junctions, transmission lines, and several
modulator sections, each instance of the latter being made of a pn-diode with a
unit driver circuit. The control block con- tains a phase control block and a control
signal acquisition block. The former comprises a thermal phase modulator (TPM)
phase tuner, driven by a TPM driver controlled by a DAC from the control bus.
The latter employs optical taps feeding the light from the waveguides into monitor
photodiodes, whose signal in turn is converted to a digital signal by an ADC.
The design of each of the basic components follows a well-defined flow, shown
schematically in Fig. 8.11. It begins with a device concept that is naturally con-
strained by the process. The design selection phase employs a design methodology
based on a design-of-experiment (DOE) approach and relies on the testing infras-
tructure providing an accurate and automated test capability. The outcome of the
third phase design verification is a model that describes the performance of the
library element. The models provide the performance of each fundamental element
as a function of the process variations as well as other inputs to the device, such as
wavelength or temperature. In the next subsections we describe the main steps in the
design flow and illustrate our approach with an application to the design of a grating

8.3.3 Device Concepts

The photonic device concepts are enabled by our integration approach, which con-
sists of adding photonics capability into a CMOS process with minimal changes to
8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 201

Fig. 8.11 Overview of device design flow

the baseline process. This philosophy allows carrying forward the existing electronic
cells with the least amount of modifications. Admittedly, the approach also puts
some limits on the component design.
As an example of what constraints the process requirements may place on device
concepts, let us consider how to transfer the light signal from a fiber into the CMOS
die. The common approach of edge-coupling is not possible in a CMOS process
because of the existence of a guard ring around the edge of the chip. This ring
comprises metal lines and it has a two fold purpose. It prevents mobile ions from
entering the transistors in the chip and bars cracks from propagating to the inside of
the chip. Light signals propagating through the guard ring would suffer prohibitively
high losses for this approach to be feasible.
One solution is to access the chip surface for light transfer. Just as electri-
cal signals enter the CMOS chip through wirebonds from the top side of the die
through bond pads, we can envision “optical bond pads” where the fiber is posi-
tioned along the normal to the chip. The light is then “bent” using a photonic library
element and directed into waveguides inside the chip. The advantage of such an
approach is that the optical interface can now placed virtually anywhere on the two-
dimensional surface of the die, providing much more flexibility in the PIC layout
compared to the case where optical signal entry is restricted to points along the die
202 T. Pinguet et al.

Another issue that one must contend with, whether we use edge or surface cou-
pling, is that the fundamental mode size is orders of magnitude smaller in a silicon-
based system on the chip than in standard single-mode fibers. It is again CMOS
compatibility that restricts the design space. To be able to utilize the same silicon
film for the optical waveguides and the transistor bodies, the waveguide must be
built in a thin layer, resulting in a small fundamental mode.
Figure 8.12 illustrates the coupling scheme employed on our CMOS platform.
The fiber is aligned near normal to the chip and is attached to a polarization split-
ting grating coupler (PSGC) built into the silicon optical layer. The curved lines
represent bent diffractive gratings comprising the coupler and the solid arrows show
the direction of light propagation. The gratings have two functions. They scatter
light from the fiber into the slab waveguides into which the waveguide is etched,
redirecting the light by about 90◦ . The light is at the same time focused in the
transverse direction inside the slab due to the curvature of the grating. The unetched
horn-shaped triangular sections of the coupler allow for a smooth transition between
the slab waveguides and the narrow single-mode waveguides used in the PIC.
To achieve high coupling efficiency for both polarization modes in the fiber, two
sets of gratings are overlaid in a perpendicular configuration. They redirect light
with the appropriate linear polarization into their respective waveguides. The polar-
ization of the light in each waveguide as well as in the fiber is shown in Fig. 8.12 with
dashed arrows. As a polarized coherent beam propagating in the fiber can always be
written as a linear combination of two orthogonal linearly polarized components,
this device can efficiently couple light in any polarization into the chip. By appro-
priately designing the coupler, it is possible to ensure that light in all polarizations
experiences the same coupling loss.
This coupling approach is unlike many other polarization diversity schemes
where the two polarization modes in the fiber couple into the two orthogonally

Fig. 8.12 Schematic view of

the polarization-splitting
grating coupler with a fiber
8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 203

polarized modes of a single waveguide and then separated out inside the chip to
be processed individually. In our approach, the two orthogonal polarizations are
separated spatially as soon as light enters the chip. The other difference between
this and edge-coupling schemes is that both waveguides carry the light signal in
the same fundamental transverse-electric (TE)-polarized mode, not in a TE-mode in
one waveguide and a transverse magnetic (TM)-mode in the other waveguide.

8.3.4 Design Selection: The Design-of-Experiment Approach

After formulating the device concept, the next step in the design flow is optimizing
the device in the given process. Regardless of whether a library element is relatively
simple, like a waveguide, or more complex, like a PSGC, it can be described in
terms of a number of parameters, or factors, that determine the response of the
device. The factors can be defined by the design, by the process, or by environmental
conditions. For instance, some of the design parameters of the PSGC are the number
of scattering elements in the grating, their positions in the plane, the width of the
input waveguide, the angle of the horn, or the distance of the grating from the input
waveguides. Process factors can be the thickness and refractive index of the silicon
film as well as that of the backend dielectrics above the coupler. In addition, there
are environmental parameters, such as the angle of the fiber attached to the chip or
the chip temperature.
Once all the factors are enumerated, the device response parameters are defined,
which then fully describe the performance of the particular device. For the PSGC,
the response is the transmission efficiency as a function of wavelength and the polar-
ization of the light incident onto the grating. We can further simplify this set of
responses by defining a parameterized version of the spectrum. One option is to
describe the spectrum in terms of peak wavelength, minimum loss, 1 dB bandwidth,
and polarization-dependent loss.
The PSGC then can be considered a black box that takes the factors and turns
them into responses, as illustrated in Fig. 8.13. Each factor can vary, be it via
design or layout changes, through natural variations in the process, deliberate pro-
cess changes, or through variations in environmental conditions.

Fig. 8.13 Input factors and response

204 T. Pinguet et al.

Armed with a list of parameters, the next step is to quantify the effect of each fac-
tor on each response. We can use the design-of-experiment (DOE) approach to map
efficiently the effects on the responses as well as interactions between the factors. A
systematic approach clears away two main types of stumbling blocks in approaching
relatively complex designs like that of the PSGC.
We have avoided the approach that finds an ideal value for the parameters sep-
arately because in the presence of interactions, a design determined in this fashion
frequently turns out not to be a global optimum. This is because the optimum in
some factors is a strong function of the value of other factors, which is due to
the interaction between the parameters. In the DOE methodology, the experimental
points cover the full N -dimensional parameter space defined by the N parameters.
With such an approach, we were able to locate the optimum design point with a
single set of experiments.
We used the DOE methodology fully to our advantage when the number of fac-
tors is large and all interactions between them need to be mapped out. For the pho-
tonic elements, like the PSGC, the number of input parameters is frequently in the
dozens when all effects are carefully considered. If each parameter was varied inde-
pendently, the number of experiment would scale exponentially with the number of
factors. The DOE approach can be very economical in that, if appropriately used,
the scaling with the number of factors is much weaker. For instance, the parameter
space for a design with eight parameters can be fully mapped using a cubic-centered
DOE design with only 82 points, whereas a set of experiments where all parameters
take three values would contain 38 = 6,561 points.
Due to the large number of factors, in the design flow we first run a screening
DOE to identify the most important factors. This experiment has two major goals:
(1) finding the few input parameters that have the greatest effect on each of the
responses and (2) identifying the strongest interactions between the factors. The
factors we choose for the experiment include both design and process parameters
in order to gain insight into the main drivers of the device performance and their
interactions. The screening DOE is also guided by a deep physical understanding of
the device as well as the modeling of results in order to reduce the complexity of
the experiments.
Once the most important factors have been identified and the approximate opti-
mum design point is located, the device response surface is mapped out. This surface
describes the quantitative dependence of each response on its driving factors near
the optimum design point.
Even with all the simplifications that the DOE approach affords, we need a
reliable testing infrastructure to make it practical (in terms of time, complexity, or
setup, and validity of measurement results) to measure the thousands of fabricated
devices to obtain necessary information about their design and process sensitivities.
What has allowed Luxtera to develop a thoroughly characterized set of devices for
the photonic library was our automated wafer scale testing capability, described in
Sect. 8.4.
Another very important element in being able to develop the best design for each
device is a good understanding of the measurement capabilities of the test systems
8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 205

utilized. Gage studies were run for each type of measurement to understand the
capabilities of the test and the errors introduced by variations in measurement. Typ-
ically, the gage of a measurement was considered capable if it was about an order of
magnitude better than the difference between devices that it was intended to detect.

8.3.5 The Role of Process Variability in Design Selection

Since process factors often turned out to be the strongest ones that determine the
variations in device response, these were also exercised in order to obtain a full
model for the device: corner lots were run where process parameters were inten-
tionally targeted toward the edges of the normal process distribution. Intrinsic pro-
cess variations are unavoidable, so to design a robust device, we took into account
not only the nominal process points but also its normal variations. Therefore, the
primary goal of component library design was not necessarily to achieve a world-
class performance for each component but to find a design point with low process
sensitivity, while still maintaining sufficiently good performance.
One trade-off that occasionally emerges when selecting a design is the trade-off
between producing excellent performance some of the time and designing for low
variability, as exemplified in the distributions in Fig. 8.14. A device, whose perfor-
mance is described using a certain figure of merit (FOM), may have two embod-
iments. By way of example, one of these designs has low variability, or process
sensitivity (dashed line), whereas the other one has high process sensitivity (dotted
line). The process may have large enough variations to produce a device with an
excellent figure of merit in a small number of cases (a hero device) but at the expense
of a very wide distribution over all process corners. To be commercially competitive,
it was essential that Luxteras designs were selected with the purpose of having low
variability in order to keep the entire population within specifications.
To achieve optimal performance for the device, we can implement process
improvements to shift the FOM distribution higher (solid line). In the specific case
of the PSGC, these improvements included tightening the depth control of the etch
defining the grating features and a smaller linewidth, more accurate lithography

Fig. 8.14 Comparison of the

figure of merit (FOM)
distributions. Solid line:
library element optimized for
minimal process sensitivity.
Dotted line: device optimized
for hero performance
206 T. Pinguet et al.

process. For all process modifications or improvements, one important goal is to

retain low process sensitivity for the photonic library elements.

8.3.6 Design Verification and Device Models

With an accurate and automated testing capability in hand, we have characterized
each photonic library element similar to the methodology used for creating transis-
tor models for an electronic library. By measuring thousands or tens of thousands
of fabricated instances of each device we have verified device performance across
many lots and understood their process sensitivity in depth. The outcome of the
design verification effort is a faithful model that describes the device response as a
function of design, process, and environmental factors.
Once the models have been determined for a library element, it is released for use
in a photonic circuit. However, the device development does not necessarily stop
here. Automated wafer scale testing enables us to determine individual variance
components of the device comprising within wafer, wafer-to-wafer, and lot-to-lot
variations. This information can point us toward potential process improvement

8.4 Design and Testing Infrastructure: The Tools of Success

8.4.1 Wafer-Scale Optoelectronic Testing

Beyond the concept of a device library, Luxtera has also extended the philosophy
of the microelectronics world to the design and testing infrastructure. As discussed
above, the approach taken for the development of the process and the devices would
not have been possible without the availability of a similar wafer-scale testing capa-
bility to that of the electronics world. The design of grating couplers and the normal
coupling of light in and out of the wafers allowed us to use the existing tools and
equipment for wafer-scale electrical probing by adding an equivalent fiber-based
optical probe to a standard setup.
One of our optoelectronic probestations is shown in Fig. 8.15. We used as the
starting platform a prober made by Cascade Microtech, which is capable of load-
ing 8-inch wafers. The optical probe setup is shown in the inset of the figure and
consists of a fiber array (typically 16 fibers, with a combination of single-mode and
polarization maintaining fibers) mounted at the end of an arm. The arm is attached to
a piezoelectric x-y-z stage. The probestation chuck is used to provide large motion
across the wafer, while the piezo stage is coupled to an active analog feedback sys-
tem for automated alignment. The feedback signal can be a combination of sum,
differences, or multiples of different optical powers coming from the different fibers
in the array. We designed an alignment feature that is placed within each chip on
the wafer. A single alignment is performed for every wafer loaded and is sufficient
8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 207

Fig. 8.15 Photograph of wafer-scale optical probestation

to ensure that any subsequent spot on the wafer can be tested. Any combination of
wavelength scans and optoelectronic tests (light-current-voltage/LIV, s-parameters,
photoresponsivity) can be run automatically across an entire wafer.
This capability is what has enabled Luxtera to approach the development of our
device library in the way described in Sect. 8.3. Without such test automation, cap-
turing enough data to obtain statistically relevant information about the response of
the performance to the design variations would have been impossible. This capa-
bility has enabled Luxtera to approach the development of our device library in the
way described in Sect. 8.3 Without such test automation, capturing enough data to
obtain statistically relevant information about the response of the performance to
design variations would have been impossible.

8.4.2 Design Automation Tools

With the continuous improvement of CMOS process nodes has also come the
increase in costs associated with the fabrication of masks and the actual processing
in the fab. It is typical for advanced nodes to have costs measured in many millions
of dollars for a single tapeout and even at 130 nm the mask costs are far from neg-
ligible. So any error in the design can result in the scrapping of an entire maskset
and costing enormous amounts. Considering the complexity of VLSI circuits with
208 T. Pinguet et al.

hundreds of thousands or even millions of gates on a single chip, an error is most

likely to happen.
To prevent this, the electronics industry has heavily invested in the development
of software tools to aid designers in creating error-free designs capable of first-
silicon success. There are three main types of tool categories:

– physical design verification, i.e., does the layout of the chip break any rules mak-
ing it likely that the yield of the chip will be impacted or even that the chip will
be non-functional?
– layout versus schematic, i.e., does the layout actually match the desired circuit
– simulation, i.e., does the schematic of the circuit provide the expected function-
ality, performance, power, etc.?

With the capabilities of tight integration of optics and electronics that Luxtera
developed came also the dangers of incorrect layouts, so we had to develop addi-
tional elements to complement existing electronics tools. The complete toolkit of
all these is called the PDK or physical design kit, and Luxtera created a complete
optoelectronic PDK capable of performing DRC (design rule checks), LVS (layout
versus schematic), and simulations of optoelectronic systems. Our toolkit was based
on the initial electronics-only PDK provided by Freescale and was subsequently
modified to provide the additions. An example of an optoelectronic schematic (in
this case an MZI modulator with electrical driver) and its simulated OPTICAL eye
diagram at 10 Gbps is shown in Fig. 8.16.

Fig. 8.16 Example of optoelectronic schematic and simulated eye diagram

8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 209

Without such tools, it would have been inconceivable for Luxtera to successfully
design and fabricate the chip that is discussed in Sect. 8.5.

8.5 Example of CMOS Photonic System

To validate the technology platform, we designed, assembled, and tested a technol-
ogy demonstration vehicle. We decided to build a wavelength-division-multiplexed
(WDM) transceiver that integrates:

– Four 10 Gbps transmitters, which are fed by 4 WDM-signals that are spaced at
200 GHz wavelengths.
– A 4-channel WDM-multiplexer (MUX) with 200-GHz spacing.
– A 4-channel WDM-demultiplexer (DEMUX).
– Four 10-Gbps receivers using Ge-PIN photodetectors.

Four external continuous-wave-WDM light sources that are centered at 1,552 nm

are used and coupled via grating couplers that serve as optical interface into the
chip. The light is routed trough MZI-based modulators. Each modulator block
includes optical biasing elements, integrated Ge-monitor photodiodes, and a feed-
back loop that stabilizes the operation of the transmitter. This is required to guar-
antee operation throughout the operational temperature range of 0–70◦ C. After
modulation the four signals are multiplexed in the interleaver-based WDM–MUX,
which also contains biasing and monitoring elements as well as control electronics.
The multiplexed signals are coupled via the optical interface grating coupler into
a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber and transmitted to the WDM-receiver,
where an interleaver-based WDM–DEMUX separates the signals and couples into
four Ge-PIN photodetectors followed by trans-impedance/limiting amplifier cir-
cuitry. We also integrated a BIST-block (build-in self test) that allows testing of
the high-speed performance of the transmitters. The SFI interface was chosen as the
electrical interface. A complete link transmits and receives 4×10 Gbps bidirectional
data streams.
EDA tools are an integral part of the technology platform. This chip was designed
using validated electronic and optical libraries, automated design-rule-checking
(DRC), and layout-versus-schematic (LVS) verification. Figures 8.17 and 8.18 show
a schematic architecture and a top view of the transceiver die highlighting the critical
functional blocks. The die has a footprint of 9 × 8 mm2 .
The die was packaged into a quad-small-form-factor-pluggable (QSFP) module
as shown in Figs. 8.19 and 8.20. The optical connections to the die were made via
the optical interface, which consists of a linear array of grating coupler spaced at 250
microns to which a fiber array assembly can be bonded. The electrical high-speed
signals are routed to the module edge connector via a flex circuit. The flex circuit
also accommodates the dense routing of power and control signals to the die and
contains necessary decoupling capacitors as well as a connector to a low-speed PCB
that contains a micro-controller and voltage regulators.
210 T. Pinguet et al.

Fig. 8.17 WDM transceiver architecture

We tested transmitter and receiver performance and typical results are shown in
Figs. 8.21, 8.22, and 8.23. The receiver subsystem consisting of grating coupler,
DEMUX, waveguide routing, and that overall first generation receiver achieved a
sensitivity of approximately −10 dBm at BER = 1e-12 with the Ge-PIN receivers
achieving a sensitivity of −17 dBm. Link tests were conducted with transmitters
8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 211

Fig. 8.18 WDM transceiver die shot

Fig. 8.19 WDM transceiver


configured to emit average powers of −5 dBm per channel with −15 dB cross-
talk from adjacent WDM-channels, and error-free bidirectional transmission was
obtained. All module-level and subsystem-level test results are in close agreement
with system-level simulations conducted during the chip design phase and validate
the chosen design flow.
Due to the lack of integrated light sources this demonstrator is of no commer-
cial value. In general the light source is of critical importance for silicon photonics
applications and has been delaying the introduction of commercial products. It is
not a coincidence that the detector-only optical functionality of silicon has resulted
in commercial success in CMOS-image sensors a long time ago.
Historically, new applications and markets in the photonic industry have often
emerged whenever new or critically improved light sources became available. For
212 T. Pinguet et al.

Fig. 8.20 WDM transceiver

in test board

CMOS-photonics to become more than a curiosity a convincing solution to the light

source problem is required. A cheap, volume-capable laser is required that can be
integrated with the CMOS-photonics chip and meets the optical power requirements
set by the applications. We believe that this is an engineering problem rather thena
science problem and that all critical pieces required to build such a laser are in

Fig. 8.21 WDM transmitter multiplexed optical output spectrum

8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 213

Fig. 8.22 WDM transmitter typical eye diagram for one of the four channels

Fig. 8.23 WDM receiver typical performance

214 T. Pinguet et al.

8.6 Conclusions
In this book chapter we have described how we constructed a platform technology
for optoelectronic integration. We followed a CMOS-first approach by inserting
enabling process modules into a baseline CMOS-process flow and by attempting
to minimize the number of process modifications and adjustment that are required
to maintain the performance of the baseline process. A critical input into the fab-
rication process is the starting SOI substrate, which needs to be selected in a way
to enable optical devices with sufficient optical performance to address the targeted
optoelectronic applications and which has a direct impact on the integration of the
CMOS modules.
To enable the photonic devices we integrated a trench etch module to form all
passive devices, implant modules to form modulators, and a germanium module for
light detection. The CMOS photonics technology platform consists of

– photonic and electronic libraries

– design verification and layout verification tools and processes
– system modeling tools
– fabrication of the photonically enabled CMOS-wafers
– wafer-level optical and optoelectronic device and system testing
– module-level photonic packaging and testing.

There is a lot of focus within the scientific and research and development com-
munity on the optical devices and their fabrication. We want to emphasize the
importance of design and verification tools to create higher level optoelectronic
systems that can take advantage of the monolithic integration of the optical devices.
We have unified the design flow for optical and electrical CMOS devices in this
We followed a systematic process to develop, characterize, and integrate a pho-
tonic library into a chip design flow. All photonic devices were developed with a
DOE-based design methodology that exercises design and process factors during
development and device verification. The photonic device library with device mod-
els is available as input for system designers to model higher-level systems. The
library is integrated into a state-of-the-art EDA tool. Wafer-level testing played a
crucial rule in the development of the photonic device library as it allowed auto-
mated optical testing of the device library elements.
The enabling photonic device for wafer-level testing is the grating coupler,
which also forms the optical I/O for all optoelectronic systems. We have demon-
strated testing of integrated sub-systems on wafer. From an application perspec-
tive CMOS Photonics accomplished monolithic receiver integration by inserting a
germanium module into the process flow. Besides enabling high-speed receivers it
also provides optoelectronic systems with the critical ability to monitor the light
flow and control the operation of higher level subsystems such as modulators and
8 CMOS Photonics: A Platform for Optoelectronics Integration 215

A demonstration vehicle (40 Gbps WDM transceiver) exercised the complete

flow covering die design, design verification, fabrication, wafer test, and module
test and validated the Luxtera CMOS photonics technology platform.

Acknowledgments The development of this technology was truly a team effort for which credit
goes to the whole Luxtera team as well as our foundry partner Freescale. The technology demon-
strator was built under the DARPA-program Electronic and Photonic Integrated Circuit (EPIC)
program. We also would like to thank Neil Berglund for critical input and guidance on the path
from concept to implementation of the technology.

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19. M.T. Currie, S.B. Samavedam, T.A. Langdo, C.W. Leitz, E.A. Fitzgerald, Controlling thread-
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Absorption, 194, 196 Gain, 190, 204
Alloys, 194 Ge, 189, 192–196, 209–210
Ge photodetector, 195
Bandwidth, 203 H
Hybrid, 187, 190, 198
Chip/s, 190, 198–199, 201–203, 206, 208–209,
Infrared, 194
211–212, 214
Interconnect, 188, 197
Clock, 190
Coupler (grating), 190, 198, 200, 202, 206,
209–210, 214
Laser, 188, 190, 198, 212
CMOS, 187–215
Lateral photodiode, 194, 200, 209
Linewidth, 205
D Lithography, 188, 192–193, 197, 205
Delay, 211
DEMUX, 209–210 M
Detector, 211 Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), 199
Metal, 187, 190, 192, 196–198, 201
E Modulation, 209
Electro-optics, 194 Modulators, 189–190, 194, 197, 199–200,
Epitaxial growth, 194 208–209, 214
Etch, 188, 191, 197–198, 202, 205, 214 Monolithic, 187, 189, 214
Eye diagram, 208, 213 MUX, 209
Chapter 9
Photonics and Electronics Integration

J.-M. Fedeli, B. Ben Bakir, L. Grenouillet, D. Marris-Morini, and L.Vivien

Abstract Different ways to merge photonics devices on an electronic circuit with

microelectronics tools on large-size wafers are addressed. This full integration
enables improvement of either the functionalities of the electronic circuits or the
miniaturization of optical functions. The above-integrated-circuit fabrication is pre-
ferred to a combined fabrication process, with two options ruled by thermal con-
straints. The high-temperature option is based on wafer bonding on an optical
silicon-on-insulator module, and the low temperature option relies on the heteroge-
neous integration of III–V devices. Compatible with these options, several silicon-
based building blocks have been developed, such as slightly etched rib waveguides
with low propagation loss (0.1 dB/cm), crystalline and amorphous waveguides, effi-
cient fiber couplers, a 42-GHz Ge integrated photodetector, and a 15-GHz Si mod-
ulator. Using molecular bonding of InP dice and processing in a microelectronics
environment, InP laser sources have been achieved on silicon.

9.1 Introduction
Silicon-based photonics has generated an increasing interest in recent years,
mainly for optical telecommunications or for optical interconnects in microelec-
tronic circuits [1]. The development of elementary passive and active compo-
nents (input/output couplers, modulators, passive functions, and photodetectors) has
reached such a performance level that the integration challenge of silicon photonics
with microelectronic circuits has been discussed in the literature [2] and active optics
cables are now produced. The rationale of silicon photonics is the reduction of the
cost of photonic systems through the integration of photonic components and an

J.-M. Fedeli, B. Ben Bakir, and L. Grenouillet (B)

CEA-Leti, MINATEC, 38054 Grenoble, France
D. Marris-Morini and L.Vivien (B)
Institut d’Electronique Fondamentale, UMR8622, CNRS – Université Paris-Sud XI,
91405 Orsay Cedex, France

D.J. Lockwood, L. Pavesi (Eds.): Silicon Photonics II. 217

Topics in Applied Physics 119, 217–249 (2011)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10506-7_9 
C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
218 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

electronic integrated circuit (EIC) on a common chip, or in the longer term, the
enhancement of EIC characteristics with the introduction of optics inside a high-
performance circuit. To achieve such a high level of photonic function integration,
the light has to be strongly confined in submicron waveguides with a large refractive
index contrast (n ∼ 2 typically) between the core and the surrounding environ-
ment. When one wants to integrate an electronic circuit with some photonic func-
tions in order to build a photonic electronic integrated circuit (PEIC), the question
of how to combine the photonic with the electronic parts is raised. The goal of this
chapter is to discuss the routes of convergence of photonics and electronics on large
wafers and to present the building blocks developed in our laboratories to address
this challenge.

9.2 Ways to Integrate Photonics Devices on an Electronic Wafer

Silicon photonics has been developed thanks to the development of high-quality
specific silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers. The buried oxide thickness was designed
to be thick enough to reduce any optical leakage to the substrate. It is compara-
ble to silica-on-silicon technology, which is in production today. Here, the silicon
substrate acts only as a convenient and cheap substrate and the difference resides
in the waveguiding layer that is made on silicon. In the 1990s, this SOI technology
was pioneered by Bookham with waveguide dimensions typically in the micrometer
range and is now in production by Kotura for their different products. The ratio-
nale for highly integrated photonics is the reduction of the cost and the increase in
performance by merging the photonics and the control electronics parts. Different
integration technology options are presented in Fig. 9.1. Each one has its own merit
and will be discussed. The hybrid solution consists in assembling EICs with silicon

Option 1
Photonic layer at
the last levels of
metallizations with
back-end fabrication

Option 2
Combined front-end

Option 3
Backside fabrication

Fig. 9.1 Integration routes

9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 219

photonic integrated circuits (PICs) by the well developed flip-chip technique. The
silicon photonics circuit is considered as a board where the different circuits are
attached (laser diodes, drivers, photodetectors, transimpedance amplifiers, etc. . .).
However, full integration offers a reduced assembly and packaging cost reduction
and will be only considered in this chapter.
Considering the cross-section of the EIC shown in Fig. 9.1, three options can be

• The first option is often called three-dimensional (3D) or above integrated circuit
(AIC) integration, where the photonic layer is realized at the metallization levels
with back-end of the line technology (BEOL).
• The second option combines the fabrication of transistors and the photonic
devices at the front-end fabrication level (FEOL).
• The third option takes advantage of the flat surfaces at the back-side of EIC
wafers, but requires double-side processing.

9.2.1 Above IC Fabrication

With above IC fabrication, the thermal budget is limited to 400 ◦ C in order to

avoid any degradation of the EIC, mostly of the interconnections underneath. Two
routes were developed, considering the need of introducing devices fabricated with
a high-temperature process or using only low temperature fabrication. The high-
temperature route takes advantage of the well developed wafer bonding technology.
The second one aims to process all the photonic devices with a low temperature and
uses the efficient III–V technology. SOI Photonics and Electronic Wafer Bonding

Using the wafer bonding technique, one can introduce a photonic layer at some level
in the processing steps of complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS)
technology. Since the first metal layers are too densely packed and thin, introduction
at the upper metal layers must be considered. The process is described in Fig. 9.2.
After fabrication of the last metal layer in an advanced electronic process, a pla-
narized surface can be formed by first coating the surface with a deposited oxide,
and then perform chemical mechanical polishing (CMP). On a separate SOI wafer,
a photonic circuit is fabricated with silicon waveguides and electro-optical com-
ponents. After cladding the optical wafer with oxide and planarization with CMP,
perfect cleaning of both wafers facilitates their molecular bonding at room tem-
perature. The substrate of the SOI wafer is then removed by mechanical grinding,
followed by a chemical etching of Si in order to stop at the buried oxide (BOX) inter-
face. Then, the electro-optical and electrical components are connected by means of
silica etching followed by the metal deposition and etch. The alignment between
the electrical and the photonic wafers can be performed with present equipment as
precise as ±2 μm. Therefore, the design rules between the metal layers have to take
220 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

modulator photodetector

Si substrate

Si substrate


CMOS Si substrate CMOS Si substrate CMOS Si substrate CMOS Si substrate

Preparation of Bonding of Removal of Connections

PIC and EIC PIC on EIC PIC substrate of PIC and EIC
wafers wafer

Fig. 9.2 AIC integration with wafer bonding

this alignment margin into account. This technique is often called 3D heterogeneous
integration because the electric part is separated from the photonic part without any
silicon surface waste at the transistor level. With this approach, any microelectron-
ics technologies can be used for the electrical parts, monocrystalline silicon optical
functions such as modulators or Ge photodetectors as well as III–V components can
be embedded in the photonic layer and bonded above the integrated circuit.
As a demonstration, on a SOITEC SOI wafer with a 400-nm thick Si layer, we
have processed a silicon rib network with cavities filled with germanium. After
a SiO2 cladding deposition, the optical wafer was carefully polished and bonded
onto a CMOS wafer coming from STMicroelectronics before substrate removal
(Fig. 9.3). A SEM cross-section observation did not reveal any interface defect
between the two SiO2 layers and any degradation of either the metal or the photonic
layers (Fig. 9.4).
This wafer bonding technique is a very promising way to integrate a photonic
layer into CMOS technology. The wafer bonding technique is mature and the intra
connections (3D techniques) between levels of metallization are well addressed by
the electronics community. However, the main challenge that needs to be faced is
the bonding cost issue compared to the combined fabrication approach. Heterogeneous Integration

As long as the temperature is constrained so that it does not exceed 400 ◦ C, a pho-
tonic layer can be defined above the transistors and the dielectric/metallic levels.
The obvious way to introduce such a photonic layer is to include it in the same
manner as an additional metallic layer in the process flow, i.e., on the top of the
stacked layers that have been used for the electrical interconnect. For the passive
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 221

Fig. 9.3 Rib waveguides with

splitters, corner mirrors, and
rectangular cavities filled
with germanium on a CMOS
wafer above metallization

Corner mirror


Ge cavity

Fig. 9.4 Cross-section of a

CMOS wafer with metal
levels and a bonded photonic
layer with rib waveguides and Silicon
rectangular cavities filled
with germanium Ge cavity



circuitry, one has to rely on a deposited waveguide process, such as SiON, SiN,
or hydrogenated amorphous silicon layer, which has a high-contrast index. For the
active parts, efficient III–V compounds materials can be bonded and processed to
form lasers, modulators and photodetectors coupled to the silicon passive circuitry.
Like the introduction of copper in a microelectronics circuit, contamination has to
be controlled and some parts of the process have to take place in a dedicated part of
the microelectronics clean room. After the amorphous silicon waveguide circuitry is
defined, a silica deposition followed by a CMP planarization and a surface function-
alization are performed. Active heterostructures grown on InP substrates are bonded
on silicon without the need of precise alignment. The InP substrates of these dies
are then removed by selective chemical etching and further processing steps are
performed that lead to sources and detectors connected to the metallic interconnects
of the integrated circuit.
222 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

9.2.2 Combined Fabrication

The integration of optical functions that are compatible with microelectronic pro-
cess technologies presents new and powerful potentialities for integrated circuits.
However, a monolithic integration of dissimilar functions still remains a difficult
technological challenge. With a combined integration scheme, the new components
(waveguides and optoelectronic components) have to be fabricated aside from the
transistors. So the process has to take into account both constraints for the elec-
tronics and the photonics such as withstanding thermal treatment. Starting with the
substrate, photonics components need a separation of larger than 1 μm between the
waveguide core (thickness between 200 and 400 nm for a submicron waveguide) and
the silicon substrate to avoid light leakage. On the contrary, CMOS technologies are
based on either a bulk type substrate or an SOI type with thin BOX and silicon layers
(50 nm of Si on a 145-nm BOX, for example). So, as regards the microlectronics
technology used, different choices of substrate can be relevant (Fig. 9.5). As the
thickness of the BOX is defined by the photonic parts, a modified CMOS technology
can be developed using an SOI substrate with around a 1-μm-thick BOX and a thick

Si upper layer

photonics BOX

Si Substrate

photonics area SOI electronics area b

electronics BOX
photonics BOX

Bulk electronics area photonics area c

photonics BOX

Fig. 9.5 Substrates for combined fabrication

9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 223

silicon layer (Fig. 9.5a). By engineering the SOI fabrication, a localized thick BOX
area for the photonics area can coexist with a thinner BOX for the electronics area
(Fig. 9.5b). However the cost could be a stopper. Another option, in order to use
bulk electronics technology, consists in defining a photonics area on a bulk substrate
where a buried oxide or a cavity (Silicon On Nothing) is formed under a silicon layer
(Fig. 9.5c). To combine both process steps, the thermal budget rules the sequence of
fabrication. An analysis of the process flow for both technologies reveals that high
temperatures (≈1,000 ◦ C) are necessary for the shallow trench isolation and implant
activation as well as for the optimization of waveguide losses. Medium temperature
(≈700 ◦ C) steps are used for gate oxide, implant anneal and for active photonic
layers like a silicon-doped region for modulation and Ge epitaxy for photodetec-
tion. BEOL technology is used for metallization on both, with an obvious savings
in process steps. So combining steps for the electronic and the photonic parts in
order to avoid redundant steps is feasible on an optical SOI substrate, leading to a
photonic SOI technology (PSOI), as successfully demonstrated by Luxtera. How-
ever, some process steps like higher temperature annealing of material grown at a
medium temperature to improve its structural property are forbidden with a conse-
quence of reduced performance. As the microelectronic process is very mature, the
introduction of a new photonic part in a large CMOS foundry requires a lot of effort
for changing the process. Low and medium scale IC foundries are more suitable to
accept such modifications, as they can differentiate their process and address new
markets. Moreover, this combined fabrication is fixed for one particular electronic
technology and not compatible with other technologies (SiGe, sSOI, GOI, etc.). As
an example, a typical 130-nm CMOS technology suitable for 10-GHz components
may not be suitable for 40-GHz devices, due to limitations in transistor performance
or voltage for amplifiers and drivers.

9.3 Back-Side Fabrication

Fabrication of a photonic layer on the back side of the EIC can be considered and
developed thanks to through-silicon vias (TSV). After electronics circuit fabrication
on the front side, connections through the substrate (100–200 μm thick typically)
allow using the back side of the wafer as another substrate for integration of a
different technology (sensors, MEMS, photonics, etc.). Then the solutions for AIC
integration described in Section 9.2.1 with either wafer bonding or low tempera-
ture processing are applicable. So the main challenge lies in the ability of forming
TSV with a high aspect ratio (depth versus width). A low ratio limits the frequency
operation in the MHz range, which is incompatible with applications of silicon pho-
tonics for communications or optical interconnects with operation in the 10-GHz
range. However, for other applications like sensing, the circuit can be connected by
flip-chip on a board, leaving the back side accessible for the elements to be detected
(biomolecules, gases, . . .) or for assembly with microtubes (microfluidics, lab-on-a
chip, . . ..).
224 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

9.4 Passive Photonic Circuitry

9.4.1 Guided Structures

According the integration schemes, SOI or amorphous photonic structures should
be considered to guide, turn, split, and distribute optical signals. Silicon-on-Insulator Devices

The propagation of the light in a silicon circuit can be done using either rib (partial
etching of the silicon film) or strip (full etching of the silicon film down to the buried
oxide film) waveguides. The latter allows achieving the highest compactness of the
optical mode but propagation losses are higher than those obtained with rib struc-
tures. Numerous studies have been done on both kinds of waveguides. Most of the
strip waveguides studied in the literature have a height of about 220 nm and a width
lower than 500 nm to have single-mode propagation [3–5]. These waveguides allow
reaching a very high optical mode confinement and a very low crosstalk between
neighboring waveguides separated by 1 μm. Such a strip structure is often used to
define optical fiber couplers based on an inverted taper [6, 7] and also for the hetero-
geneous integration of active III–V material for the provision of an optical source
on silicon [8]. However, they suffer from a high-propagation-loss level induced by
the lithography and etching processes and the difficulty in reducing these losses to
a negligible level.
Rib waveguides are mainly used in the realization of silicon-based optoelectronic
devices, such as optical modulators, photodetectors, switches, etc., and also to prop-
agate the light for a long distance on a silicon chip. Indeed, rib SOI waveguides
are much less sensitive to scattering losses due to the low interaction between the
optical mode and the side-wall roughness [9].Typically, the height and width of
such a waveguide are about 400 and 600 nm, respectively, and the etching depth
is adjusted to have a single-mode and low loss propagation. Propagation losses as
low as 0.1 dB/cm have been obtained using a slightly etched rib waveguide (etching
depth: 70 nm) [10]. Such a low loss level has been reached by performing specific
process steps to reduce the sidewall roughness, which consists of a 10-nm thermal
oxidation at 1100◦ C, followed by a de-oxidation, and followed again by a second
oxidation. Vacuum hydrogen annealing can also be used to reconstruct the silicon
edges before thermal oxidation.
From the rib geometry, compact 90◦ turns and beam splitters can be defined
(Fig. 9.6a). To make a direction change of the light, a corner mirror is preferred in
comparison to a bend for which the curvature radius has to be large enough to avoid
light radiation toward the silicon slab. A corner mirror is formed by fully etching the
silicon guide at a 45◦ angle down to the bottom silicon oxide layer. The theoretical
and experimental losses are 0.1 dB and less than 0.5 dB, respectively [11]. The loss
can be reduced by improving the ability to vertically etch the silicon waveguide
without roughness. To split the light, several possibilities are available: multimode
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 225

Si Si
8 µm

14 µm


(a) (b)

Fig. 9.6 3D-finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations and scanning electron microscope
views of (a) a corner mirror and (b) a compact T-splitter based on rib waveguides

interferometer (MMI), Y-junction, and star couplers, for example. MMI splitters
are rather long for rib waveguides and Y-junction splitters are difficult to fabricate
because of their small tip. Low loss and compact T-splitters have thus been con-
ceived to be compatible with the minimum size of the deep-UV lithography equip-
ment (Fig. 9.6b). Such a splitter is very compact (8 μm wide and 16 μm long) and
the theoretical and experimental excess losses are 0.2 and 0.5 dB, respectively [11].
Such rib structures allow defining passive optical links to distribute light everywhere
on a silicon chip [11, 12].
In future photonic circuits, both strip and rib waveguides will be used: strip for
fiber coupler and rib for optoelectronic devices, for example. To harmonize such a
circuit, optical transitions from strip to rib waveguides and vice versa have to be
defined. An example is given in Figs. 9.7 and 9.8.
The optical transition from a rib waveguide (height = 390 nm, width = 420 nm
and etching depth = 170 nm) to a strip waveguide (height = 220 nm, width =
460 nm) has been designed, fabricated using deep-UV lithography and character-
ized at the wavelength of 1.55 μm. The length of the transition is 50 μm, which
is long enough to avoid guided mode mismatch. Furthermore, the etching depth of
the rib waveguide (170 nm) is chosen to perfectly reach the strip waveguide height.
Theoretically, such a transition is lossless (determined by FDTD simulation). Exper-
imentally, losses are lower than 0.1 dB in the wavelength range between 1.45 and
1.6 μm [13].
Passive photonic structures are becoming more and more well-defined and
impressive results have been obtained to guide, turn, split, and distribute light on a
SOI substrate. This technology can be considered in several integration approaches.
226 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

tip size: 120 nm

L = 50 µm
420 nm
460 nm

Waveguide height: 390 nm Waveguide height: 220 nm

Etching depth: 170 nm

Fig. 9.7 Optical transition from a rib waveguide to a strip waveguide. Rib waveguide: height =
390 nm, width = 420 nm and etching depth = 170 nm. Strip waveguide: height = 220 nm, width =
460 nm. The length of the transition is 50 μm

Fig. 9.8 Electron microscope

view of a transition from rib
to stripe and a transition from
stripe to rib waveguides

9.4.2 Amorphous Silicon Waveguide Fabrication

For the low temperature processing integration option, amorphous silicon (a:Si)
films were deposited by a capacitively coupled plasma reactor, with a RF exci-
tation frequency (13.56 MHz). The power can be tuned from 30 to 1200 W and
the operating pressure can be varied from 0.2 mtorr to a few torr. All films were
deposited at temperatures lower than 400 ◦ C to avoid damage to the interconnect
layers. Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) was used as the precursor for oxide deposi-
tion and a silane/H2 mixture for the amorphous silicon. By monitoring the power, the
index of the layer was adjusted to be close to the monocrystalline Si one: n = 3.4913
at λ = 1310 nm and n = 3.4633 at λ = 1, 550 nm. Sheet optical guided losses were
measured during the fabrication process using a prism coupling technique (MET-
RICON 5010) at λ = 1.3 and 1.55 μm. By optimising the H2 /silane ratio in the
deposition chamber, silicon films with losses as low as 0.2 dB/cm at λ = 1.55 μm
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 227

Fig. 9.9 Amorphous Si

waveguide with
resonating disk aSi:H waveguide

aSi:H disk

after 350 ◦ C annealing were deposited on silicon wafers covered with 1 μm of

TEOS. Deep-UV 193 or 248 nm lithography with or without a hard mask and HBr
silicon etching were used to define the waveguide and basic passive functions for
optical links (Fig. 9.9). A 1-μm thick SiO2 oxide layer was deposited to provide an
upper cladding. Measurements were performed at a spectral range between 1.25 and
1.65 μm. Results are compared to previous SOI waveguide data [14] and the losses
are comparable to that of an SOI waveguide. We notice that for this a:Si waveguide,
the losses are respectively equal to 5 and 4 dB/cm for the wavelengths of 1,300
and 1,550 nm. We can consider that these losses are essentially due to the diffrac-
tion phenomenon resulting from the side wall roughness of the waveguide. For the
waveguide of 800 nm width, the losses become very weak, lower than 1 dB/cm for
wavelengths close to 1,300 nm and tend toward the values of a planar waveguide
for both types of waveguides (with or without thermal annealing at 350 ◦ C). This
shows that the material has a good stability in time. The most important features
for a:Si circuitry is the easy possibility to pile up layers and therefore to open up
new design concepts or to ease designs such as crossings or coupling. However, the
main limitation is due to the limited silicon processing that can be used (lack of ion
implantation for doping, silicide, etc.)

9.4.3 Optical Couplers

The coupling of submicron photonic devices and a single-mode fiber (mode diame-
ter = 10 μm) is a real challenge due to their optical mode mismatch. Several strate-
gies are being studied to overcome this issue using either spot size converters [6, 7]
or grating couplers [15–19]. The main objective is to adapt the mode sizes between
a silicon-based waveguide and a single-mode fiber. Grating Couplers

For several years, grating couplers have been studied for coupling light from and to a
submicron waveguide. The main advantages of such a structure are that it is possible
228 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

to inject light anywhere on an optical circuit and not only at the chip edges, contrary
to tapers. Thus, polished facets and anti-reflection coatings are no longer necessary.
They can also be used to couple light in every kind of strip or rib waveguide geome-
tries and using any materials, especially silicon-based materials (Si, a-Si, Si3 N4 ,
etc.) [15–18]. Furthermore, grating couplers can be used to carry out wafer-level
testing of photonic devices. This point is crucial for application developments. In
the following, theoretical and experimental results for silicon and silicon nitride
grating couplers [20] are given at the wavelength of 1.31 μm for TE polarization
(Fig. 9.10). The coupling efficiency depends on the bottom and top cladding silica
layer thicknesses as well as the silicon-based film thickness. In general, the approach
used for the related optimization is based on a differential analysis allowing the
determination of the optical field under the grating for the input plane wave [18].
For the two examples presented in Fig. 9.10, the wavelength is 1.31 μm and
the duty ratio is 50%. The periods of the silicon (380-nm-thick silicon film) and

Top cladding Λ SiO2

guide grating depth

Bottom cladding SiO2

Si Substrate
Slightly etched silicon grating Fully etched silicon nitride grating


Fig. 9.10 Schematic view of grating coupler:  is the period. (a) SEM view and coupling effi-
ciency versus incident angle of a slightly etched silicon grating coupler. (b) SEM view and coupling
efficiency versus wavelength of a fully etched silicon nitride grating coupler
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 229

silicon nitride (300 nm thick silicon nitride film) grating couplers are 430 and 1 μm,
respectively, and the etching depths are 70 nm (slightly etched) and 300 nm (fully
etched), respectively. The resonance angle is chosen to be close to 10◦ for both
The coupling efficiencies measured under both silicon and silicon nitride grating
couplers are higher than 50 and 60%, respectively, for TE polarization at the wave-
length of 1.31 μm. Similar results can also be achieved at a wavelength of 1.55 μm.
Furthermore, the angular and wavelength tolerances are higher than 3◦ and 20 nm,
respectively, for both configurations. By optimizing all layer thicknesses, etching
depth, grating geometry, etc., an insertion loss lower than 1 dB in the telecom wave-
length range can be achieved [2]. The remaining drawbacks of grating couplers are
a limited optical bandwidth and their high polarization-dependence.

9.4.4 Efficient and Polarization Insensitive In-Plane

Fiber Couplers

Direct in-plane light coupling from a single-mode fiber (mode diameter of 10 μm)
into a submicron silicon waveguide is rather difficult because of the weak overlap
between the waveguide mode and the fiber mode. Furthermore, another issue is
the polarization management. Depending on their cross-section (waveguide height,
width, and etching depth), silicon waveguides are generally highly birefringent, and
on the other hand, the polarization in fiber-based networks is unpredictable and
varies continually with time. The design of an interface building block that enhances
light-coupling for all polarization states is therefore a critical issue.
An alternative approach to grating couplers, already extensively discussed in the
literature [21, 22], is to use a spot-size converter that transforms gradually the silicon
waveguide mode into a wider mode supported by a low-index-contrast waveguide
(such as polymers or oxides) and that properly matches a lensed fiber [2, 3], as
described in Fig. 9.11. For the common cases where SOI waveguides exhibit a large
aspect ratio, silicon couplers are targeted to operate in a single polarization regime
(TE, in particular). As it is discussed below, for specific designs, a high-coupling
efficiency could be attained for both TE/TM polarizations.
The coupling scheme is presented in Fig. 9.11. The design consists of a tapered
nano-wire collector embedded in a low index contrast injector that adiabatically
transforms the lensed-fiber mode into a highly confined mode. A silicon strip waveg-
uide of 500 nm width and 220 nm thickness is tapered down to 80 nm by means of
deep UV-193 nm lithography and RIE etching techniques. The linear variation of
the waveguide width is carried out over a length ranging between 200 and 300 μm,
depending on the device design. A 3.5-μm-thick layer of silicon rich oxide (SiOx)
is then deposited by PECVD. The amount of silicon nanocrystals in the layer
is tailored to obtain a refractive index around 1.6, i.e., close to that of the fiber
cores. Then, the thick layer is partially etched (∼1.5 μm) to form a rib-waveguide
shaped injector. The unit is encapsulated in silica, and finally planarized by means
of CMP.
230 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

Fig. 9.11 3D representation

of the fiber coupler. Insert:
Nomarsky image of the
silicon nano-tip

This coupling mechanism is based on a phase-matching condition of the funda-

mental modes of the SOI waveguide and the SiOx injector (for the sake of clarity,
only the TE polarization case is presented). Figure 9.12 shows the operating princi-
ple of the SOI adiabatic taper structure. The TE effective indices of the supermodes
of the entire structure, as well as the effective indices of the local modes, which
are the modes of the uncoupled waveguides, are plotted versus silicon waveguide
width. When the local mode of the injector excites a supermode and that supermode
is transformed adiabatically over the phase matching region, light is coupled to the
silicon waveguide. At the tip, the supermode field profile is delocalized from the
SOI waveguide core. This delocalization of the field profile ensures a strong overlap
with the local mode of the injector. In addition, almost the entire field resides in the

Fig. 9.12 Modal effective index as a function of the SOI waveguide width (TE case). The dashed
circle is centered on the phase-matching region
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 231

Fig. 9.13 3D beam-propagation-method simulations of the fiber coupler operating at 1.55 μm;
electric field patterns and registered power in various detectors (TE case)

SiOx material at the tip, causing the effective index to be close to that of the fiber,
which results in negligible scattering losses and back reflections.
Figure 9.13 presents simulation results of a fiber-coupler with a 300 μm taper
length, performed at 1.55 μm (TE case). The field patterns clearly demonstrate that
the fiber mode easily penetrates into the “injector part” of the device. This gentle
transition is ensured thanks to the similar shapes and index contrasts between the
lensed-fiber and the injector. The mode is then evanescently coupled into the SOI
waveguide along the taper length. It should be pointed out that this design is very
robust with respect to variations induced by the fabrication processes. As a relevant
example, simulations results indicate insignificant changes of the coupling efficien-
cies for a taper length variation ranging between 200 and 300 μm. Less than 1 dB
coupling losses were calculated over the 1,500–1,600 nm wavelength range.
For the optical characterization of the fabricated devices, a single-mode lensed
fiber with a mode field diameter MFD = 3 μm was used as an input reference.
The experimental results (Fig. 9.14) demonstrate an excellent agreement with the
numerical forecasts. The coupling efficiency remains high in a broad spectral range:
the bandwidth at 1 dB is around 100 nm (>300 nm at 3 dB) for both TE and TM
polarization states. Future developments will focus on the increase of the cross-
section of the injectors in order to achieve an efficient coupling with cleaved single-
mode fibers (MFD ∼ 10 μm) and on the fabrication of silicon V-grooves at the
input for packaging purposes.

9.4.5 Silicon-Based Optical Modulator

The optical signal generated by an integrated source has to be encoded to ensure

information transmission at high data rates (>10 Gbit/s). This operation can be
done in the silicon chip. Indeed, for several years now, impressive progress has
232 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

Fig. 9.14 Measured coupling efficiencies for both polarizations

been obtained on silicon-based optical modulators. Several physical effects have

been investigated: electro-optical effects in strained silicon [23] and in bulk silicon-
germanium [24] or the quantum-confined Stark effect in SiGe/Ge quantum wells
[25] have been recently demonstrated. However, most of the fast modulators inte-
grated in a silicon waveguide are based on free carrier concentration variations
[26–36]. The first silicon modulator achieving a 1-GHz bandwidth was based on
carrier accumulation in a MOS capacitor [26, 27]. Carrier injection has been widely
studied, with record data rates of 18 Gbit/s [28, 29]. The most impressive results
have been achieved using a carrier depletion phenomenon [30–36]. Indeed, as it
is a unipolar effect, it is intrinsically fast (>10 GHz). Furthermore, as a reverse
bias is used to sweep carriers out, the electrical current is very low, which leads
to low power dissipation. Carrier depletion can be achieved in either a PN or PIN
diode using either SiGe/Si modulation-doped quantum wells or all-Si doped layers
integrated in a SOI rib microwaveguide.
The principle is the following: at equilibrium (without voltage bias), carriers pro-
vided by a doped layer are confined in the microwaveguide. When a reverse bias is
applied to the diode, the electrical field sweeps the carriers out of the active region,
which is responsible for local refractive index variations. This latter effect induces a
phase shift of the guided wave. An interferometer such as a Mach – Zehnder inter-
ferometer, a Fabry – Perot microcavity or a microring resonator is used to convert
the phase modulation into an intensity modulation.
The main frequency limitation of such a modulator is due to a resistance – capac-
itor product limitation. Indeed, the reverse biased active diode is a capacitance (C)
in series with an access resistance (R) due to the doped silicon regions between
the metal and the active region. The device is electrically equivalent to a low pass
filter, with a cut-off frequency of 1/ (2π RC) : R and C have to be minimized to
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 233

increase the cut-off frequency. As the modulator capacitance is directly proportional

to the active region area, this area has to be as low as possible. Resistances mainly
depend on access region geometries and doping levels. However, as the optical loss
increases with doping level, a trade-off has to be found between low optical loss and
low electrical resistance.
Figure 9.15 presents an example of an all-silicon optical modulator using carrier
depletion variation. It is based on reverse bias PIN diode where a thin P+ doped slit,
localized in the intrinsic region, is inserted in the middle of the rib waveguide. With
such a structure, a good overlap between the optical mode and the P-doped slit is
then obtained to reach good modulation efficiency [30]. Under a reverse-bias, holes
located in the slit at equilibrium are sweep out with a rise time lower than 2 ps [36].
The phase shifter structure based on a lateral PIN diode (Fig. 9.15) allows a low
capacitance thanks to a low diode area (phase shifter length × waveguide height).
As a large part of the active structure is non-intentionally doped, the optical loss is
then reduced.
The optical modulator was fabricated on an undoped 200-mm-diameter SOI sub-
strate with a 1-μm-thick BOX layer. The silicon rib waveguide width was 660 nm,
the rib height was 400 nm, and the etching depth was 100 nm, leading to a single-
mode propagation of the guided mode at a wavelength of 1.55 μm. The doping
concentrations in the p- and n-doped regions of the PIN diode were 1018 cm−3 . A
100-nm-wide p-doped slit, with a doping concentration of about 1018 cm−3 was
inserted in the intrinsic region. The silicon modulator was based on an asymmet-
ric Mach – Zehnder interferometer, as illustrated in Fig. 9.16. The phase shifter
was inserted in both arms over a length of 4 mm, and coplanar waveguide metallic

Fig. 9.15 Schematic view of a silicon phase shifter based on a P+ doped region in a lateral
PIN diode

Fig. 9.16 Asymmetric Mach – Zehnder interferometer with the active region localized in both arms
234 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

Fig. 9.17 (a) Experimental transmission of the modulator as a function of the wavelength, for
several reverse bias voltages. (b) Normalized optical response of the modulator as a function of the
RF signal frequency

electrodes were used to bias one arm [30]. The whole process is fully compatible
with microelectronics technology and could be transferred to high-volume micro-
electronic manufacturing.
Very low values of the reverse current (−2 μA at −10 V) are obtained, which
ensures low electrical power dissipation in DC configurations. The transmission of
the optical modulator is obtained using a tuneable laser around 1,550 nm for TE
polarization. The normalized output spectra of the modulator were measured for
a bias from 0 to −10 V (Fig. 9.17a). The effective index variation induced in the
phase shifter is due to hole depletion, which creates a red-shift of the spectrum. The
insertion loss is as low as 5 dB for a 4-mm-long active region. At a given wavelength,
a large transmission variation is obtained that leads to a DC extinction ratio larger
than 15 dB from 0 to −10 V. The normalized optical response as a function of the
frequency of the modulator is given in Fig. 9.17b. A −3-dB cut-off frequency of
15 GHz has been obtained. The speed limitation of the tested device is not due to
carrier transport mechanisms, but rather to the electrical supply.

9.5 Germanium Waveguide Photodetectors

The last photonic element needed to complete the high-speed optical link is the
integrated photodetector. Such a component has been available for several years
from the III–V semiconductor technology on InP and GaAs wafers. Nevertheless,
its integration on large wafers within the mainstream silicon technology requires a
hybrid integration approach [36–38]. Within group IV materials, silicon is transpar-
ent throughout the required wavelength range (1.25–1.65 μm) and only pure germa-
nium allows light detection up to 1.6 μm [39–41]. Basically, the growth of a thick
Ge layer on Si is rather difficult because of the large lattice parameter mismatch
between Si and Ge (≈4.17 %). To overcome this, a two-step epitaxial growth of Ge
is used. First, a thin Ge layer is grown at low temperature to avoid three-dimensional
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 235

growth and to concentrate most of the dislocations. This first step allows a growth at
a higher temperature of a thick Ge layer with a good structural quality [42, 43].
The absorption coefficient of such a Ge layer is very close to that of bulk Ge
(∼10,000 cm−1 and 5,000 cm−1 at 1.31 and 1.55 μm, respectively). A band-gap
shrinkage that leads to absorption up to 1.6 μm is then observed. This red shift of
the absorption edge is directly related to a tensile strain induced in the Ge layer. The
measured hole mobility is close to 1,300 V cm−2 s−1 with a residual carrier density
smaller than 1016 cm−3 . Furthermore, the carrier lifetime is estimated to be much
higher than the carrier collection time, which avoids the possible recombination of
the photogenerated carriers.
Two kinds of germanium on silicon photodetectors have been demonstrated,
including MSM (metal-semiconductor-metal) or PIN structures: a surface illumi-
nated photodetector [3–5] and an integrated photodetector in a SOI waveguide
[44–49]. Embedding Germanium in a SOI waveguide allows monolithic integration
in a photonic circuit. Furthermore, high responsivity and high bandwidth can be
simultaneously obtained for waveguide photodetectors.
Two integration schemes for the Ge photodetectors in SOI waveguides can be
considered: either evanescent or butt coupling of light from the Si waveguide to
the Ge layer. For both integration methods, the direct coupling allows reducing the
absorption length down to few microns without any considerations on the Ge layer
Recently, a 42-GHz waveguide Ge photodetector has been designed, fabricated,
and characterized at a wavelength of 1.55 μm (Fig. 9.18) [49].
In such a structure, butt coupling integration has been considered. The rib waveg-
uide width and height are 660 and 380 nm, respectively. The etching depth was about
110 nm. First, a silicon recess is etched down to a 50-nm-thick silicon layer at the
end of the rib waveguide. This recess is locally implanted with phosphorus followed

Fig. 9.18 Schematic view of PIN Ge diode integrated in a SOI waveguide

236 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

by thermal annealing at 1, 050 ◦ C to form the P+ ohmic contact. Germanium is then

selectively grown by reduced pressure chemical vapour deposition (RP-CVD) in the
silicon recess. A 40-nm-thick Ge buffer layer grown at low temperature (400 ◦ C) is
followed by a 300-nm-thick Ge film at higher temperature (730 ◦ C) and finally by a
90-nm-thick P-doped Ge layer. An annealing step is performed to reduce the thread-
ing dislocation density in the Ge layer (estimated to about 5.106 cm−2 ). Bottom con-
tacts are then defined. A 300-nm-thick silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) layer is deposited onto
the wafer using plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). Openings
on both top P+ and bottom N+ regions are patterned in the silicon dioxide and a
Ti/TiN/AlCu metal stack is deposited to form metallic contacts.
The dark current of the PIN Ge photodiode (15 μm long and 3 μm wide) is as
low as 18 nA at a reverse bias of 1 V. That corresponds to a current density of about
60 mA/cm2 . This rather low dark current value is the result of the thermal annealing
after the epitaxial growth. However, more efforts should be made to reduce it for
low sensing applications.
Under illumination, photocurrent is generated. The responsivity at a wavelength
of 1.55 μm is 0.2 A/W without voltage bias and rapidly increases to about 0.9 A/W
at 0.3 V reverse bias to finally reach 1 A/W at −4 V. The external quantum effi-
ciency was about 80%. At −0.5 V, the responsivity reaches 1 A/W at a wavelength
of 1.52 μm and is still 0.2 A/W at 1.6 μm (Fig. 9.19a).
The −3-dB cut-off point is at a wavelength of around 1.5 μm. The normalized
optical responses as a function of frequency, from 0.1 to 50 GHz, are plotted in
Fig 9.19b. The −3-dB bandwidths are 12, 28, and 42 GHz at 0, −2, and −4 V biases,
For several years now, impressive results have been obtained on Ge waveguide
photodetectors. The technological process used to fabricate such a photodetector is
fully compatible with technologies developed for microelectronic circuits. Future
developments will focus on specific requirements for applications such as high-
speed optical links between cores of microprocessors or low cost optical communi-
cation systems.

Fig. 9.19 (a) Ge photodiode responsivity as a function of wavelength under 0.5 V reverse bias.
(b) Normalized optical response as a function of the frequency under 0, −2 and −4 V. The pho-
todetector length is 15 μm
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 237

9.6 Laser Fabrication on 200 mm Wafer

As efficient modulators can be fabricated, a continuous wave (CW) light source
is now needed. A proposed solution is that the light comes from an external InP
laser connected with I/O couplers to the passive circuitry of the chip. This requires
efficient couplers and expensive packaging. In recently released products [2], the
laser source is flip-chipped and the emitted light is injected vertically via a surface
grating coupler. The Graal option would be to process a silicon source. Even with the
latest developments on Si-based emitters for silicon photonics [50], III–V devices
remain today the only solution for lasing. Indeed compared to what happens in sili-
con – whose (only) disadvantage is to have an indirect bandgap – III–V semiconduc-
tors like InP, GaAs, and their associated compounds (GaInAs, GaInNAs, GaInAsP,
AlGaInAs) all have direct bandgaps, which means basically that an electron-hole
pair created in these kind of active layers has intrinsically around 104 times more
chance to recombine radiatively into a photon than non-radiatively. Furthermore,
InP and GaAs-based materials offer the possibility to address the telecom windows
in terms of emission wavelength (1.31 and 1.55 μm). However, the cost of wafers
and processing on small diameter InP or GaAs substrates leads to rather expen-
sive components. Therefore, integration of III–V components coupled to passive
optical functions on top of an EIC requires new approaches with more integration
than the flip-chip approach. To create III–V integration with silicon as intimately
as possible, III–V direct epitaxial growth on silicon was studied [51] and lasers
on silicon obtained [52, 53]. But due to the high-lattice mismatch between III–Vs
and Si, a misoriented Si substrate and/or thick epilayers have to be used, thereby
compromising a full compatibility with standard microelectronics. Furthermore, the
growth temperature used is not compatible with the above-IC option.
So for the combined fabrication route, light generation is really a difficult issue.
With the above-IC route, InP sources can be processed with microelectronics tools
after transistor fabrication using bonding of InP dice.

9.6.1 Die to Wafer Bonding of III–V Semiconductor on Silicon

Thus, the issue would be to enable integration of the naked planar III–V-based
(active) heterostructures on top of an EIC only where it is required and then to
process the III–V in the microelectronics fab. The idea behind this approach is first
to reduce the cost of the III–V’s introduction on the EIC wafer and second to use the
possibilities of microelectronics lines in terms of lithography resolution and align-
ment to design new generation devices with sub micron design rules. Among these
new generation devices, ultra-compact hybrid devices with low power consumption
and operating speed >10 Gb/s [54] should be mentioned.
Therefore our approach consists in dicing a III–V (usually InP-based) wafer with
all the heteroepitaxial layers grown upside down with respect to standard epitaxy.
Then the dice are bonded to the required places, and the InP substrate selectively
238 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

Fig. 9.20 Schematics of the die-to-wafer process

removed in order to leave only the active thin films (∼1 μm thick) attached to the
EIC wafer, thus enabling processing of InP components on a dedicated 200- or 300-
mm fabrication line, as shown in Fig. 9.20. Using this approach where the III–V
dice is bonded unprocessed, no precise positioning is required during the bonding
step, since the alignment precision between the silicon passive circuits and the III–V
active devices is given by the lithography resolution, which is typically ±125 nm for
a standard 248-nm deep-UV stepper.
The die-to-wafer bonding technology chosen in our labs is molecular bonding
and in particular SiO2 /SiO2 molecular bonding. This means that SiO2 is deposited
on the III–V dice prior to bonding on a planarized SiO2 top surface of the EIC.
A complete physical model of such a molecular bonding was proposed and pre-
sented by Stengl et al. [55] and Gösele et al. [56]. SiO2 /SiO2 molecular bonding
enables good bonding quality without any additional adhesive materials [57], which
could inhibit efficient optical coupling. Furthermore, molecular bonding satisfies the
requirements better in terms of thermal conductivity and dissipation, transparency at
the device working wavelengths and mechanical resistance. SiO2 /SiO2 molecular
bonding was chosen since it is fully compatible with both microelectronics (SiO2 is
a standard material) and the above-IC route in terms of thermal budget (the bonding
step occurs at room temperature and the bonding strength can support a thermal
budget of 400 ◦ C maximum). However, it requires quasi-perfect interfaces; meaning
that surface roughness, defect density, particular contamination, and wafer bowing
are critical issues. The required flatness and uniformity can be obtained by use of
CMP. The additional role of CMP is to adjust the thickness of the silicon dioxide
cladding layer in order to satisfy the optical coupling conditions. The III–V part
needs much more “care” since dicing/cleaving of the III–V material can generate a
lot of particles, and since III–V epitaxies generally result in emerging defects. The
adhesion of the thin SiO2 layer deposited on the III–V compound has also to be well
controlled, as well as its roughness.
Further details on InP-on-Si wafer bonding can be found in [58]. The smallest
die size we have bonded is 1 × 1 mm2 . A pick and place apparatus can be used
to mount the InP die onto the silicon substrate. As mentioned above, the bonding
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 239

Fig. 9.21 A 1.2 × 1.2 mm2 ,

200-μm-thick InP die bonded
on an optical layer on a
CMOS substrate

Fig. 9.22 Top view of a

processed InP heterostructure
bonded on silicon passive

itself occurs spontaneously at room temperature; however, an annealing at 200 ◦ C

for several hours reinforces adhesion. Mechanically thinning the die down to 20 μm
was performed after bonding without degrading the quality of the remaining bonded
material. The remaining InP substrate and the sacrificial InGaAs layer can then be
chemically and selectively back-etched. The additional post-bonding technologi-
cal steps such as polishing show that the assembled InP dice on the Si substrate
can endure many kinds of mechanical maltreatment without debonding. The bond
strength between the die and the substrate was measured using Die Shear testing
equipment. The shear strength is of 5 MPa ± 1.4 MPa for a 1-mm2 , 360-μm-thick
InP dice. Some demonstrations of die bonding are highlighted in Figs. 9.21 and 9.22.

9.6.2 Design and Fabrication of InP Lasers

with Microelectronics Tools
After the bonding of the III–V heterostructure on 200 or 300 mm diameter EICs, the
processing for III–V active devices such as the laser, modulator, and photodetector
has to take place inside a microelectronics line. We first discuss in this Section the
main building blocks that are currently developed to achieve this goal and then give
240 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

some examples of InP-based lasers on silicon and investigate in terms of integration

which approach will pave the way to a full convergence of photonics and electronics. III–V Process with Microelectronics Tools

The main challenge for the processing of III–V materials with microelectronics tools
can be summarized as contamination, which is overcome with careful cleaning pro-
cedures. Another issue is the development of III–V dry etching with large-size wafer
equipment. Last, but not least, one has also to eliminate the gold-based metals that
are usually used to fabricate ohmic contacts on III–V materials, since gold creates
a deep level in silicon and is therefore strongly contaminating from a transistor
fabrication viewpoint.
To fabricate such lasers on 200 mm wafers, plasma etching of InP and related
compounds was investigated on 200-mm processing tools using either HBr, Cl2 /H2 ,
or CH4 /H2 based chemistries. The results obtained are shown in Fig. 9.23. HBr
etching using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching was found to generate no
steep profiles, but rather 45◦ sidewalls (cf. Fig. 9.23a). Furthermore, trenching was
observed. These two results are unsuitable for obtaining good quality factors for the
lasers and detrimental for electrical injection, respectively. Therefore this kind of
chemistry probably needs more optimization. Using Cl2 /H2 chemistry under ICP
plasma mode, steep profiles were achieved, as shown in Fig. 9.23b. However, etch-
ing rates of around 2 μm/min were observed, which could induced difficulties in
precisely stopping etching on a given epilayer, particularly for thin epistructures.
Moreover, etching rates are very sensitive to temperature and the etching quality
was found to be very sensitive to the III–V environment (silicon, silicon dioxide), as
already reported [59]. This can be a problem when processing an InP dice bonded
on a silicon substrate whose SiO2 versus Si fraction at the surface may vary. Using
CH4 /H2 -based chemistry in the RIE plasma mode, a 100 nm/min etching rate was
achieved, as well as relatively steep profiles and smooth surfaces (Fig. 9.23c). Fur-
thermore, the etching results seem not to depend on whether the surface exposed to
the plasma outside the dice is SiO2 or Si, making this kind of chemistry suitable for
InP/Si laser fabrication.
Ohmic contacts in the world of III–V semiconductors are commonly obtained
with Ti/Pt/Au and/or Ni/Ge/Au using a lift-off process. As gold is strictly forbidden
in silicon microelectronics, and as lift-off processes are not common in CMOS

Fig. 9.23 Etching profiles obtained on InP-based dice bonded on silicon using (a) ICP HBr plasma,
(b) ICP Cl2 /H2 plasma, and (c) RIE CH4 /H2 etching
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 241

foundries, an alternative metals deposition and metals etching process must be used
for fully CMOS compatible processing. Different metallization schemes, such as
Ti/TiN/AlCu or Ni/AlCu, are currently being explored, in terms of process and
electrical characterization points of view. The former metallization was used for
the microdisk device fabrication detailed below. Fabry – Perot (FP) Lasers on Silicon

Among the different kind of lasers that can be fabricated on silicon, one can distin-
guish broad area lasers emitting in the milliwatt range and microlasers emitting in
the tens of microwatts range dedicated to chip external interconnections or intrachip
connections, respectively.
As a demonstration of a laser on silicon, simple broad area FP lasers were fabri-
cated on silicon by means of die-to-wafer bonding, followed by a III–V process
technology with facet dry etching. Ti/Pt/Au and Ni/Ge/Au/Ni/Au contacts were
deposited by evaporation and lift-off for the p and n contacts, respectively [60].
The 1.55-μm InGaAsP/InP lasers run under continuous wave (CW) operation at
room temperature with an output power in excess of 4 mW and a threshold current
of 108 mA at 15 ◦ C. Figure 9.24 shows an SEM image of such lasers, whose facets
were etched with ICP Cl2 /H2 plasma, as well as a spectrum obtained at 15 ◦ C and
infrared images recorded in stages from below threshold to above threshold. An
overall characteristic temperature of 49 K was derived from L-I curves obtained
under pulsed operation at different temperatures. We also obtained such FP lasers
with facets defined by CH4 /H2 RIE plasma etching.
Compared to previous results these lasers offer the advantages of having etched
facets instead of using dicing and facet polishing, the latter being incompatible with
CMOS, and have better thermal characteristics than what can be obtained with ben-
zocylobutene (BCB) as a bonding agent [61].

Fig. 9.24 SEM picture of an InGaAsP/InP laser on silicon with ICP Cl2 /H2 etched facets, L-
I curves obtained at different temperatures with a spectrum in the inset obtained at 15 ◦ C, and
infrared images of the FP laser obtained at different currents
242 J.-M. Fedeli et al. Microdisk Lasers on Silicon

To address intrachip interconnections, microdisk lasers that make use of whispering
gallery modes created at their periphery are good candidates, since they are com-
pact (disk radius in the 3–10 μm range) and offer potentially low power consump-
tion. Electrically driven InGaAsP/InP microdisk lasers were successfully obtained
[62–64] for the demonstration of a full optical point-to-point link on CMOS [65],
within the frame of the European project PICMOS.
Fabrication of an electrically driven microlaser was then studied and consists of
microdisks with a vertical P-I-N junction. The process started by a contamination
analysis of the 200-mm-diameter wafers after the bonding step and the InP substrate
removal, as it was not performed in the same clean room. Then a special decontam-
ination of the rear face of the wafers was performed, in order to avoid any contami-
nation of the chucks of the clean-room equipment. A SiO2 hard mask of 100 nm was
deposited by PECVD. Microdisks were defined with 248-nm deep-UV lithography.
Special attention has to be given to the optical focus, due to the presence of the dice
on a limited area of the wafer. The hard mask is then etched with InP as the stopping
layer. The partial etching was performed with 200-mm ICP equipment using HBr
RIE, as it was the only one available at that time. A second lithography step followed
by an InP etching defined the slab necessary for the bottom contact. Then 1.5 μm of
SiO2 , which is a low index and electrical isolating material, was deposited in place
of the BCB used for planarization in the PICMOS demonstration. CMP was then
performed to get a planar surface with a 400-nm separation from the upper surface of
the InP disk. Even if gold-based contacts have well known properties on InP, CMOS
processes are not compatible with such a metal (except for back-end metallization)
because of contamination risks. Ti/TiN/AlCu contacts were an alternative solution
since they allow a low resistive contact. TLM measurements were performed on a
trial InP wafer with a 500-nm-thick 5.1018 cm−3 N+ Si doped layer and showed
that the contacts were of ohmic types. Top and bottom electrodes were formed via
openings in the SiO2 to the bottom and upper InP N doped surface and by patterning
the electrodes after the Ti/TiN/AlCu deposition. Figure 9.25 shows the final device.
Light emission produced by continuous wave (CW) electrical injection at room
temperature was observed (see Figs. 9.26 and 9.27), but optical characterization
proved that the structure was not lasing, even in pulsed mode, due to the slanted

Fig. 9.25 Optical top view of

a micro disk
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 243

Fig. 9.26 PIN characteristic for Ti/TiN/AlCu contacts

Fig. 9.27 Light power emission at room temperature

244 J.-M. Fedeli et al.

edges which result in a poor quality factor for whispering gallery operation. Never-
theless, basic elementary building blocks for the demonstration of a laser source
coupled to a silicon waveguide and photodetectors have been demonstrated and
fabrication is possible on a 200-mm-diameter Si fabrication line. However, more
studies such as optimization of the etching process, investigations of temperature
dependency, power range, etc., have to be performed before they can be used in

9.7 Conclusion
Several different approaches to the integration of a photonic layer on a CMOS circuit
have been reported: a combined fabrication at the front end level, the wafer bonding
of SOI photonic circuit at the back-end level, or low temperature processing of pho-
tonic devices either on top metallization or on the back side of the electronic wafer.
These different approaches lead to different technologies with their own merits and
drawbacks. Depending on the applications and the associated fabrication volumes
the system designers would be able to choose the best way to make their desired
system with the necessary building blocks. With the goal of fabrication with micro-
electronics, we developed submicron silicon photonics functions using either SiGe
technology or the InP heterogeneous bonded one. Due to the cost and intellectual
property issues, it is rather difficult to get electronic wafers for research. Thus only
one demonstration of integration could be achieved, which was the bonding of a
SOI wafer with a silicon rib waveguide and cavities filled with germanium above
the metallization of a dummy CMOS wafer. As long as contamination was well
controlled with appropriate cleaning process steps, the fabrication of InP devices on
top of a silicon wafer with low temperature processes was established with micro-
electronics tools. This opens the way to the integration of efficient laser sources as
well as photodetectors and modulators.

Acknowledgments This paper summarizes the work of numerous other colleagues who could not
be all cited and the authors want to acknowledge their contributions. This work is supported by the
European community projects FP6-2002-IST-1-002131-PICMOS and FP7-2008-IST-2-HELIOS
and by the French RMNT programs “CAURICO.”

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A Epitaxial layer, 237
Absorption, 235 Epitaxy, 223, 237
Etch, 219, 221, 224–229, 233, 235,
B 239–242, 244
Band gap, 235 External quantum efficiency, 236
Bandwidth, 229, 231–232, 235–236
Buried oxide (BOX), 218–220, 222–224, 233 F
Fabry–Perot microcavity, 232
Carrier injection, 232
Chip/s, 218–219, 223–225, 228, 231, 237,
GaAs, 234, 237
Ge, 220–221, 223, 232–236, 240–241
Coupler (grating), 227–229, 237
Ge photodetector, 220, 235
CMOS, 219–223, 239–242, 244
CVD, 236
D Hybrid, 218, 234, 237
Data rate, 231–232 Hybrid devices, 237
Detector, 221, 231 Hybrid integration, 234

Electro-optics, 219, 232 Infrared, 241
Epitaxial growth, 234, 236–237 Integrated circuits, 218–222
9 Photonics and Electronics Integration 249

Integrated photonic circuits, 225 Metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM), 235

Interconnect, 217, 219–221, 223, 226, Microcavities, 232
241–242 Microdisks, 241–242
Microrings, 232
Modulation, 223, 232–233
Laser, 219, 221, 234, 237–244
Modulators, 217, 220–221, 224, 231–234, 237,
Lattice mismatch, 237
239, 244
Lifetime, 235
Lithography, 224–225, 227, 229, Monolithic, 222, 235
237–238, 242

Metal, 218–221, 223, 232–233, 235–236, Nanocrystals, 229
240–242, 244 Nonradiative recombination, 235

A Coupler (grating), 9, 22, 73–83, 86–88, 91,

Absorption, 2, 12, 17, 21, 97–98, 101, 108, 190, 198, 200, 202, 206, 209–210, 214,
114, 117–118, 120, 123–123, 125–126, 227–229, 237
134–135, 137–138, 171, 194, 196, 235 CVD (chemical vapor deposition), 79
Alloys, 134, 161
Arrayed waveguide gratings (AWG), 5, 7, 14, D
33–34, 52–54, 58–60, 65, 173 Data rate, 145, 155, 164, 179, 184, 231–232
Delay, 5, 7, 56–57, 145, 153, 155–159,
B 177, 211
Band gap, 4, 7, 16, 161, 235 DEMUX (demultiplexer), 170–171, 173, 176,
Band structure, 73, 75, 81 179–182, 184, 209–210
Bandwidth, 7, 12, 19, 21, 23, 58, 60, 72, 76, Dense wavelength division multiplexing
79–81, 92, 96–97, 126, 145, 147, 149, (DWDM), 5, 34
152–155, 157–160, 170, 172, 175, 178, Detector, 95, 126, 161–162, 165, 194, 211,
180, 229, 231–232, 235–236 221, 231
Birefringence, 5–7, 13, 15, 31–55, 57–58, DFB (distributed feedback) lasers, 101,
60–65, 76, 83 181, 184
Bit error rate (BER), 157, 159, 210 Direct gap, 134
Bit rate, 178–179 Directional couplers, 15, 22, 54–58, 83
Bragg reflectors, 77 DWDM (dense wavelength division
Buried oxide (BOX), 18, 34, 42, 77, 79, 176, multiplexing), 5, 34
218–220, 223–224
C Electro-optics, 40, 52, 63–65, 190, 194,
Carrier injection, 15–19, 232 219, 232
Channel waveguide, 33–34 Epitaxial growth, 80, 132, 134, 137–138, 194,
Charge carrier, 17, 172 234, 236–237
Chips, 2, 19, 22, 57, 72–91, 95–127, 128, Epitaxial layer, 237
143–167, 169–184, 190, 198–199, Epitaxy, 223, 237
201–203, 206, 208–209, 211–212, 214, Er3+ ion, 97–101, 103, 105, 110–112, 118
218–219, 223–225, 228, 231, 237, 241 Er silicates, 95–127
Clock, 145, 154–155, 157, 160, 190 Etch, 2, 4, 9, 10–11, 34–39, 45–46, 49,
CMOS (complementary metal oxide 51, 53–55, 60, 62, 74, 77, 79–81, 83,
semiconductor), 64, 71–72, 79–80, 91, 97, 87–91, 118, 176, 188, 191, 197–198, 202,
100, 108, 131–133, 144, 147, 154–155, 205, 214, 219, 221, 224–229, 233, 235,
160–162, 165–167, 187–215, 219–223, 239–242, 244
239–242 External quantum efficiency (EQE), 134,
Conduction band, 96 139, 236
Coupler (fiber waveguide), 126 Eye diagram, 178–179, 183–184, 208, 213

D.J. Lockwood, L. Pavesi (Eds.): Silicon Photonics II. 251

Topics in Applied Physics 119, 251–253 (2011)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10506-7 
C Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
252 Index

F Low-loss optical waveguides, 9

Fabry-Perot cavity, 232 Luminescence efficiency, 96, 102
Fall time, 159, 179, 183–184 Luminescence quenching, 98, 103
Fiber-optics, 8, 11–12, 22, 32, 71–93, 117,
198, 224 M
Fiber-optic transmitters, 8, 11–12, 22, 32, Mach-Zehnder filter, 57–58
71–93 Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), 16, 33,
Flip-chip bonding, 178, 223 47, 52, 54–58, 60, 62, 170, 172–175, 178,
180–181, 184, 199–200, 208–209
G Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM), 171–172,
GaAs, 42, 63, 96, 132–134, 161, 234, 237 177–182, 184
Gain, 62, 96, 99–100, 110–111, 118, 125, 132, Material gain, 99
190, 204 Metal, 40, 52, 91, 106, 131, 145, 155, 159,
Ge (Germanium), 42, 64, 97, 117, 131–140, 172–174, 176–177, 180–181, 184, 187,
161, 189, 192–197, 209–210, 214, 190, 192, 196–198, 201, 219–221, 232,
220–221, 223, 232, 234–236, 240–241, 244 235–236, 240–242
Ge photodetector, 195, 220, 235 Metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM), 235
Microcavities, 123, 232
H Microdisks, 100, 118–126, 241–244
Heteroepitaxy, 97, 237 Microrings, 122, 232
Hybrid, 88, 93, 149, 164, 171, 187, 189, 198, Mode polarization, 7, 58, 202
218, 234, 237 Modulation, 20, 96, 172, 181, 209, 223,
Hybrid devices, 237 232–233
Hybrid integration, 164, 234 Modulators, 2, 17, 63, 80, 95, 132, 161,
Hybrid technologies, 88, 92, 164, 218, 234, 237 170–172, 176–179, 181, 184, 189–190,
194, 199–200, 208–209, 214, 216,
I 220–221, 224, 231–234, 237, 239, 244
Infrared, 2, 4, 8, 16, 18, 22, 99, 113, 194, 241 Monolithic, 2, 96, 187, 189, 214, 222, 235
Integrated circuits (IC), 71–93, 144, 154, 159, MUX (multiplexer), 180–181, 183–187,
162–163, 189, 218–223, 237–239 189–192, 194, 219
Integrated photonic circuits, 61
Integrated photoreceivers, 81, 188 N
Interconnect, 1, 32, 54, 95, 143–147, 149–151, Nanocrystals (NCs), 96, 108, 110, 112–115,
153–167, 169, 176, 184, 188, 217, 117, 229
219–221, 223, 226, 241–242 Nanostructures, 96
Interconnect bottleneck, 95 Nonlinear, 19–22, 62–63
ITRS (international technology roadmap for Nonradiative recombination, 237
semiconductors), 154–155
L Optical amplifiers, 62, 117
Laser, 9, 32, 56, 60, 62, 73, 88, 101, 103, Optical clock, 160
105–108, 110, 121, 126, 133, 161, 165, Optical components, 83–84, 170, 189, 219
170–171, 181–182, 184, 188, 190, 198, Optical eye diagram, 178–179, 183, 208
212, 219, 221, 234, 237–244 Optical fibers, 8, 11–12, 22, 32, 71–93, 117,
Latency, 145, 147, 149, 151–153 198, 224
Lateral photodiode, 139, 194, 200, 209, 236 Optical filter, 5, 82
Lattice mismatch, 63, 97, 132, 134, 237 Optical gain, 96, 111, 125, 132
Lifetime, 97, 102–103, 105, 113–115, 118, 235 Optical interconnects, 1, 144, 159–167, 188,
Light emitters, 132, 160 217, 223
Light emitting diodes (LEDs), 96, 98, 133, 180 Optical losses, 86, 123, 172, 176, 184, 192,
Linewidth, 121, 205 194, 233
Lithography, 9–10, 18, 38, 60, 72, 75, 84, 89, Optical microcavities, 123
118, 164, 175, 188, 192–193, 196–197, Optical modulators, 170, 224, 231–234
205, 224–225, 227, 229, 237–238, 242 Optical wavelength converters, 72
Index 253

PDL (polarization-dependent loss), 25–26, Scaling, 33, 38–39, 50–51, 72, 147, 155, 158,
31–32, 54, 57, 59, 65, 86, 203 188, 204
PECVD (plasma enhanced chemical vapour Scattering, 7, 20, 29, 35, 55, 62, 76, 80, 100,
depositions), 42, 45, 54, 60–61, 229, 115, 118, 120, 122–123, 125, 203, 224, 231
236, 242 Scattering loss, 7, 35, 118, 120, 224, 231
Photodetectors, 88, 92, 132, 170, 189, Silicon-on-insulator (SOI), 3, 9–10, 33–36,
194–196, 209, 217, 219–221, 224, 38–39, 42, 45, 47–57, 59–60, 62–65,
234–236, 239, 244 71–72, 76, 79, 83, 84, 91–92, 96, 161,
Photoluminescence (PL), 97, 101–108, 170–171, 176, 190, 214, 218–220,
110–111, 113–115 222–227, 229–233, 235, 244
Photonic integrated circuits, 72–73, 75–76, Silicon nanocrystals, 229
81–84, 86, 88, 91–93 Silicon rich silicon nitride (SRSN), 95–127
PIN photodiode, 236 Silicon rich silicon oxide (SRSO), 98–99,
Polarization, 5–8, 15, 17, 20, 22–26, 31–65, 101–106
73, 76, 83–88, 90–92, 121, 175, 180–181, Silicon waveguide, 2, 24, 31, 40, 43, 45, 58,
202–203, 206, 209, 228–232, 234 63, 71–73, 77–80, 83, 85, 87, 90–91, 219,
Power, 3, 7, 15–17, 19–22, 42, 54–55, 221, 224, 226–227, 229–230, 232, 244
59–60, 62, 75, 77, 96, 111, 113–116, 123, Single-mode waveguides, 200, 202
132, 140, 147, 153, 155, 157–160, 164, Spontaneous emission, 32
169, 173–174, 180–182, 188, 190, 206, Strain, 40–45, 63–64, 97, 110, 133, 139,
208–209, 211–212, 226, 231, 232, 234, 232, 235
237, 241–244
Power efficiency, 140 T
Process, 2–3, 9–11, 32, 42, 60, 62, 65, 79–80, Taper, 8–11, 72–73, 83, 89–90, 121, 126, 193,
89, 91, 98, 110, 112, 118–119, 145, 147, 224, 228–231
153, 156, 158, 164, 170, 173, 175–176, TE (transverse electric) mode, 23, 25, 35,
187–201, 203–207, 214, 219–224, 226, 37, 203
234, 236–238, 240–242, 244 Thermal expansion coefficient, 36, 40, 42, 44
III-V (three-five) lasers, 231, 247, 249
Q TM (transverse magnetic) mode, 13, 25, 39,
Quality factor (Q-factor), 54–56, 120–125, 45, 47, 49, 52, 57, 120–121, 124, 203
240, 244 Transceiver, 81, 87, 170, 188, 209–212, 215
Quantum confinement, 96
Quantum dot, 96
Quantum efficiency, 126, 134, 139, 236
Upconversion, 100, 110, 112, 114,
Quantum well, 232
116–118, 127
Radiative recombination, 96 V
Raman scattering, 20, 62 Valence band, 96
Rare earth, 100, 104, 114, 117
Refractive index, 17, 23, 27, 35, 45, 48–50, W
57, 60, 71–72, 74, 83, 89–92, 99–101, 105, Waveguide, 1–26, 31–65, 71–72, 166–167,
127, 171–172, 174, 194, 196, 203, 218, 191–192, 226–227, 234–236
229, 232 Waveguide birefringence, 31–32, 35–40, 45, 54
Responsivity, 235–236 Wave vector, 74, 85, 96
RIE (reactive ion etching), 11, 38, 62, 229, WDM (wavelength-division-multiplexed), 170,
240–242 184, 209–213, 215
Rise time, 115, 159, 183–184, 233 WDM transceivers, 209–212, 215

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