Evaluation of Uphole Seismic PDF
Evaluation of Uphole Seismic PDF
Evaluation of Uphole Seismic PDF
The up-hole refraction survey was carried out in Chad Basin field, to evaluate the weathering thickness and the
velocity of the low velocity layer (LVL). Twenty five up-hole locations were made and the time intercept technique
to the seismic refraction curve was employed. In other to obtain the weathering information and velocity variation
with depth of the near surface layer, (25) up-hole spread shots in grid of 5km x 4.8kilometres were made. The
information obtained was used to calculate the refraction statics, which can be used to eliminate the effect of low
velocity layers at a regional level in a prospect. The dominant lithology encountered are; sand, clay, and silt. The
weathering thickness was found to vary from 4.2-14.88m with velocity from 224-580msec-1. A sub weathering
layer was also observed in some locations. The velocity of the consolidated layer ranges from 1015 to 2450m sec-
1 with a mean velocity of 2031.84m sec -1. The average time used to travel to weathered and consolidated layers
are 0.237744 and 0.01458 seconds respectively. The research showed that the elevation and weathering
correction (static) was eliminated at a depth of 4.23m.
Keywords: Uphole, Chad Basin, refraction, Velocity and weathering
The move for the Federal Government to build up the nations proven oil reserve through exploitation
new field for oil and gas production, there is need to apply good near’ surface structural models to
bypass the erratic features and minimized the effect of the weathering layer in Chad Basin of Nigeria. In
mono-field north western Nigeria Delta, Enikanselu (2008) studied the seismic refraction and uphole
survey analysis of weathering layer characteristics. Igboekwe and Ohaegbuchi (2011) investigated into
the weathering layer using uphole methods of seismic refraction. Oil has been discovered by Coloco in
Mesozoic continental formation in the Chad Republic while the efforts on the Nigeria end are yet to
prove successful. Avbavbo et.,al (1986) gave some insight on depositional and structural styles in Chad
Kwaya, et al., (2013) evaluated the depth to Basement Complex and Celozoic unconformity from seismic
profiles and boreholes in the Nigeria sector of the Chad Basin, thereby estimated the depth to the
unconformity which will help to determine the thickness of Chad Formation. Umoetok, et al., (2018)
investigated near-surface seismic characteristics in Bornu-Chad Basin, thereby calculated the low-
velocity-layer depth, velocity structure and lithology of the near surface layers. The aim of the study is
to evaluate the weathering thickness, the time used to traverse the weathered and consolidated layer
and the velocity of the low velocity layer which will guide to compute weathering statics corrections
during the processing of the reflection seismic data.
and longitudes 90E and 140E.The study area covers some towns in Bornu State they are: Suleman, Cross-
kawa, Baga and Tunpu.
Fig. 1: Map of Nigeria showing the location of Chad (Bornu) Basin, inset is a map of Africa showing
the location of Nigeria. (Source: modified from Obaje, 2008).
grained. The grains are sub angular to angular. The sandstone contains quartz pebble and minor
intercalation of silt.
Up-hole data was acquired using a single trace GEOMETRIC STRATAVISOR NZXP portable digital
recorder the refraction spread consisted of a single SM4, 10H geophones positioned as shown in (fig
2) the Harness diagram uphole recoding was carried out in the areas using water tankers, out of drill
rig. The points were drilled to a depth of recording in most cases. The technique used was the down-
hole receiver (i.e. up-hole survey) method with a surface energy source; this method allows for higher
reliability of measurement and multiple records taken at multiple depths as the tool is pulled up
gradually for the entire survey. A cylindrical weight of 5kg was attached to the bottom of the cable
with a rope to prevent lost or damage to the cable in case of hole collapse and also to allow the operator
to know when cable reaches the bottom of the hole. Measurement were taken when the cables were
eased out to the bottom of the hole, further measurement in the real cases are carried out by pulling
up the cable and maintaining a coverage of at a single succeeding position to the former. A hammer
was used as the energy source and placed about 3 meter always from hole to obtain the first breaks.
This guaranteed that the first breaks were vertical. The recording sample rate is 500µsec. A total of
twenty five upholes were recorded.
UPH-01 50242342 326706.1 1432429 944.3 8.01 420 2161
0.01978 0.00527
UPH-02 50242442 328001.4 1427600 951.8 4.43 224 5.9 1120
UPH-03 51202342 331343.9 1433670 949.2 6.24 472 2109
UPH 04 51202442 332636.5 1428839 950.2 8.81 450 2236
UPH 05 52162342 335979.9 1434911 943 6.73 282 2309
UPH 06 52162442 337271.9 1430082 945.3 9.84 495 2450
UPH 07 53122342 340615.3 1436150 955.8 10.20 421 1015
UPH 08 53122442 341909.6 1431325 944.6 7.32 389 2053
UPH 09 54082342 345252.3 1437395 932.8 14.82 554 1726
UPH 10 54082442 346559.3 1432565 940 14.31 415 2087
UPH 11 55042342 349888.1 1438639 945.3 4.23 448 2130
0.00111 0.00513
UPH 12 55042442 351181.6 1433809 944.9 4.92 443 11.5 2242
UPH 13 56002342 354522 1439880 937.4 4.34 511 2309
UPH 14 56002442 355819.5 1435051 938.4 5.35 485 2308
UPH 15 56962342 359159.2 1441125 925.2 4.33 374 1922
UPH 16 56962442 360454.8 1436295 932.1 5.54 580 2309
0.01618 0.00418
UPH 17 57922342 363797.7 1442364 920 4.32 267 7.1 1700
UPH 18 57922442 365091 1437536 932.8 5.81 402 2090
UPH 19 57922532 366257.2 1433193 951.2 5.44 491 2251
UPH 20 58882342 368435 1443609 933.8 6.83 484 2188
UPH 21 58882442 369730.4 1438780 928.5 4.84 372 2004
UPH 22 58882532 370892.6 1434431 918.4 5.42 344 2081
UPH 23 59842342 373071.4 1444850 930.5 5.53 381 2060
UPH 24 59842442 374364.6 1440022 925.2 4.64 529 1909
UPH 25 59842532 375529.3 1435677 924.3 5.33 539 2027
From the research carried out in the study area, a total of twenty five uphole data were acquired at
various selected station points randomly (table1). From the data acquired their individual graphs of
depth against time was plotted (Table:2 to26).The average total depth penetrated by each uphole
sounding is about 75m.The results of the soundings revealed two predominant lithostratigraphic
layering sequence, where by the younger lithologic unit is the weathered zone and older unit is the
consolidated zone. The thickness of the weathered zone ranged from 4.4m to 14.8m while the
thickness of the consolidated zone was undefined except for uphole 2, 12 and 17 data, which gave a
three layer lithologic sequence. The second layer had thickness of 5.9m, 11.5m and 7.1m respectively.
Velocity range for weathered layer was found to be 279.9m-291.3m/s, and its mean velocity is about
285.3m/s, while the velocity range for the consolidated layer is 1015-2450m/s and its mean velocity
is about 1732.5m/s. The average time taken to traverse the weathered and consolidated layer is
about 0.016 and 0.015 seconds respectively (table 1). The individual time for each layer is shown in
table 1 above .Predominantly, the uphole data reveal that the study area is characterized by sands
and clay, with minor grits, and ironstone.
The low velocity layer of the earth crush correspond to the topmost layer of the earth’s surface which
is characterized by the presence of loose, unconsolidated or weathered sedimentary materials or an
exfoliated materials of metamorphic or igneous rocks. There is a great disparity in the velocity of the
weathering layer (LVL) and that of the underlying consolidated strata and this variation causes error
in the arrival time of the reflected/refracted vibrations associated with the small changes in thickness
of the weathered layer.
Low velocity layer can be eliminated by correcting for the near statics surface velocity and
topographic differences. Differences in arrival time due to difference in the elevation of the geophone
will have the effects of positioning a syncline under a hill or an anticline under a valley or a fault
under a cliff. It is therefore, required that low velocity layer data acquired during seismic prospecting
be corrected to take care of this anomaly. Therefore, this research showed that the elevation and
weathering correction (static) was eliminated at a depth of 4.23m.The results can be used to
eliminate the effect of low velocity layers at a regional level in seismic processing, planning and
assessing risk for engineering structures, and for groundwater exploration.
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