SCADA Project Guide - 24
SCADA Project Guide - 24
SCADA Project Guide - 24
with the Billing system in Data centre & DR Under R-APDRP IT implementation/
legacy master billing centre on daily basis and on demand. This table shall be
created on daily basis. Such daily tables for two months duration shall be stored
on auxiliary memory. Daily Energy data table for the previous month shall be
backed up to Magnetic tape by the user on the 10th of every month.
ISR system shall maintain a Load priority table containing information such as
breaker name, number of consumers connected to each Breaker and Load
priority of each Breaker. This table shall be updated by the Billing system in Data
centre. Under R-APDRP IT implementation/ legacy master billing centre .
SCADA /DMS control centre operator can also assign priorities in load priority
table & the priorities assigned by the Billing system in Data centre & DR Under
R-APDRP IT implementation/ legacy billing system may be accepted/ rejected by
him. There shall be suitable alarm/event message including user ID for such
activity. The table information shall be used by various DMS applications.
ISR system shall maintain SOE data table which shall store the SOE data for
complete distribution system . It shall be possible to sort the table by Time, Date,
Substation name feeder/line name,device name etc. using SQL commands. This
table shall be made on daily basis. Such daily tables for two months duration shall
be stored on auxiliary memory. For the purpose of sizing of table, daily 4 changes
per SOE point may be considered. All CBs, protection and alarm contacts shall be
considered as SOE. Tables for the previous day shall be backed up to Magnetic
tape/ MO disks by the user at 10AM of every day.
1.3.7 Data exchange with Billing system (Data centre & DR centre) Under R-
APDRP IT implementation
The ISR function shall provide daily energy values along with associated quality codes to
Billing system Under R-APDRP IT implementation or any legacy master billing centre
once in a day and on demand. SCADA/DMS System shall have the provision to
import/export energy values with Billing system at data centre/DR Under R-APDRP IT
implementation. This information of Load priority in ISR system shall be updated by
Billing system at data centre /DR Under R-APDRP IT implementation shall be used by
DMS applications. Further data from snapshot table shall be transferred to IT system in
This data exchange shall be done using SOA / Enterprise Services Bus already provided
by ITIA, over Open XML Models like CIM/XML, or over ICCP / OPC/ODBC.