Oracle® Workflow: Client Installation Guide Release 12.2

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Oracle® Workflow

Client Installation Guide

Release 12.2
Part No. E22010-05
July 2013

This document explains how to install or upgrade the Oracle Workflow and Oracle XML
Gateway client components available with Oracle E-Business Suite. Oracle Workflow and
Oracle XML Gateway provide the following client components that are installed using the
Oracle Universal Installer from the Start Here disk:
• Oracle Workflow Builder

• Oracle Workflow Common Files

• Oracle Workflow HTML help

• Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer

• Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer HTML help

The Oracle Universal Installer and this installation guide are included on the Start Here disk.
The disk includes the following directory structure and files:
• Oracle Universal Installer -

• Installation Guide - <drive_letter>:\WFEMB\wfclnt26\wfinstcl.pdf,


Oracle Workflow Builder and Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer

Hardware and Software Requirements
Oracle recommends that all components requiring direct connection to the Oracle E-Business
Suite database be deployed on servers rather than on end user desktop clients. For the Oracle

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trademark of The Open Group.
Workflow and Oracle XML Gateway client components, Oracle recommends that they be
deployed in a remote server environment using either Windows Server Terminal Services,
Citrix, or Tarantella. For more information, see: Recommended Set Up for Client/Server Products
with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i & R12 (My Oracle Support Document 277535.1).
Oracle Workflow Builder and Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer must be installed into
an Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2) client Oracle Home directory. They require the following hardware
and software configurations.

Oracle Workflow Builder

Oracle Workflow Builder is a GUI tool that allows you to create and edit workflow definitions
on a PC running Microsoft Windows. A workflow definition can be saved to a flat file or to
your Oracle E-Business Suite database through Oracle Net. Oracle Workflow Builder requires
the following:
• Oracle Net Client Version or higher (included in the Oracle Workflow Builder

• Required Support Files Version or higher (included in the Oracle Workflow
Builder installation)

• Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7

• At least 65 Mb of available disk space to install Oracle Workflow Builder, Oracle Net, and
Required Support Files

• At least 32 Mb of memory, 64 Mb recommended

Note: The Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter requires and only supports the use
of Microsoft's TCP/IP drivers.

Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer

Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer is a wizard-guided, GUI-oriented, repository-based
tool that allows you to create XML message maps on a PC running Microsoft Windows.
Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer requires the following:
• Either JDK 1.1.8 or JRE 1.1.8 or higher (JRE 1.1.8 is included in the Message Designer

• Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7

• At least 15 Mb of available disk space to install Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer,
HTML help, and JRE 1.1.8

Installation Steps
Use Oracle Universal Installer to install Oracle Workflow Builder or Oracle XML Gateway
Message Designer.
• To install on Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7, you must run the Oracle Universal
Installer executable in Windows XP compatibility mode. You can either set the
compatibility mode manually before running the installer, or let Windows set the
compatibility mode when you begin running the installer, as described below. For more
information, see: Recommended Set Up for Client/Server Products with Oracle E-Business Suite
11i & R12 (My Oracle Support Document 277535.1).

• If you are installing products onto Windows Terminal Server and you are not using
Remote Administration mode, you may first need to place the system into the Windows
Terminal Server install mode. For more information, refer to your Windows Terminal
Server documentation or see: Recommended Set Up for Client/Server Products with Oracle
E-Business Suite 11i & R12 (My Oracle Support Document 277535.1).

Note: Any variable input in the following commands is enclosed in brackets

and is italicized. Replace these variables with the appropriate information
specific to your environment.

Step 1. Install Oracle Workflow Builder or Oracle XML Gateway Message

Designer using the Oracle Universal Installer:
1. If you are installing on Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7 and you want to set
Windows XP compatibility mode manually, perform these steps. Otherwise, skip to step
• Insert the Start Here disk in the DVD-ROM drive of your PC.

• Navigate to the Oracle Universal Installer executable in Windows Explorer and

right-click the executable.

• Select 'Troubleshoot Compatibility'.

• In the Program Compatibility window, choose the 'Try recommended settings'


• Ensure that the Windows compatibility mode is set to 'Windows XP (Service

Pack 2)' or 'Windows XP (Service Pack 3)'.

• Choose 'Start the program...'.

• If the User Account Control window appears with the message 'Do you want to

allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make
changes to this computer?', select 'Yes'.

• Skip to step 3.

2. Insert the Start Here disk in the DVD-ROM drive of your PC. Choose Run from the
taskbar Start button and enter the following command to run the Oracle Universal

If you are installing on Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows 7 and you have not yet set
Windows XP compatibility mode, perform these additional steps.
• If the User Account Control window appears with the message 'Do you want to
allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make
changes to this computer?', select 'Yes'.

• When the Oracle Universal Installer window begins to open, an Error window
appears with the following message:
OUI cannot determine the platform of this system. This may occur if
OUI is running on a system that is not supported or there is a bug in
OUI. Please confirm that the system is a supported configuration; and
if it is supported, then please contact Oracle Support.

Choose 'OK'.

• In the Program Compatibility Assistant window, select the 'Reinstall using

recommended settings' option.

• If the User Account Control window appears with the message 'Do you want to
allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make
changes to this computer?', select 'Yes'.

3. When the Oracle Universal Installer is started, the Welcome window appears. Choose

Note: Choose Help in any Oracle Universal Installer window for more
information about that window.

4. The File Locations window appears. Review the stage location of the Oracle Workflow
Builder and Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer files, and enter the Oracle Home
location where you want to install client components. Then choose Next.

5. The Available Products window appears. Select whether you want to install Oracle
Workflow Builder or Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer . Then choose Next.

Note: When you install Oracle Workflow Builder, the Oracle Workflow

Common Files and the Oracle Workflow HTML help are automatically
installed as well.
When you install Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer, its HTML help
is automatically installed as well.

6. If you are installing Oracle Workflow components and you are installing Java Runtime
Environment for the first time, the Component Locations window appears. Enter the
destination location where you want to install Java Runtime Environment. Then choose

7. The Summary window appears. Review the summary information to ensure you have
enough disk space. When you are ready to begin the installation, choose Install.

8. The Install window appears, displaying the progress of the installation.

9. If you are installing Oracle Workflow components and you are installing Oracle Net
Client for the first time, the Configuration Tools window appears when the installation is
complete, and the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant automatically starts.
In the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant window, select a method by which to configure
client access to your Oracle database. The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant helps you
configure your client access.

Note: Refer to the Oracle9i Client Installation Guide for more information
about running the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant.

10. The End of Installation window appears. Choose Exit to exit the Oracle Universal
Installer. You can also choose Next Install to return to the File Locations window and
install another component.

Step 2. Set up the Oracle Workflow HTML help (optional):

When you install Oracle Workflow Builder, the Oracle Universal Installer copies a zip file
containing the HTML help to the Oracle Workflow directory in your Oracle Home. The zip
file is <ORACLE_HOME>\wf\ Before you can view the HTML help, you must
extract the doc directory tree from the zip file to your file system.
1. Use an unzip utility to extract the doc directory tree from the zip file within the Workflow
directory. You need at least 7 Mb of free disk space to extract the zip file.
The doc directory tree that is created includes the Oracle Workflow documentation area,
<ORACLE_HOME>\wf\doc, and the following subdirectories:
• <ORACLE_HOME>\wf\doc\<lang>\wf - Oracle Workflow online help.

• <ORACLE_HOME>\wf\doc\<lang>\wfcust - Custom help. You can optionally add

your own customized Workflow help in this directory.

Note: You can also install the doc directory tree in a directory that you
choose on your PC file system. Create a directory for the HTML help.
Then transfer the HTML help zip file,, from the Workflow
subdirectory within your Oracle Home to the new directory. Use an
unzip utility to extract the doc directory tree from the zip file in that

2. After extracting the doc directory tree, you can optionally remove the zip file.

3. You can now view the HTML help using a Web browser.
The path for the contents page of the Oracle Workflow documentation is:

The path for the contents page of your Oracle Workflow custom help is:

You can also view context-sensitive help for Oracle Workflow Builder in Winhelp format
by choosing Contents from the Help menu within Oracle Workflow Builder.

4. If you want to add custom help, you can replace the placeholder file in the wfcust
directory, wfcust.htm, with your own help material. The HTM file that is the main entry
point for your custom help must be named wfcust.htm and must contain an anchor
named contents. Your custom help will be accessible through the Custom Help link on
the contents page of the Oracle Workflow online help.

Step 3. Modify fonts in Oracle Workflow Builder (optional):

If you are installing Oracle Workflow Builder in another language such as Japanese, you can
modify the font used by the windows in Oracle Workflow Builder to a font that is appropriate
for your language. Any change you make applies to all windows within the program.
1. Choose Font from the View menu to display the Fonts properties page.

2. Choose Font from the View menu to display the Fonts properties page.

3. Select the font style: Regular, Bold, Italic, or Bold Italic. Some fonts have a limited
selection of font styles.

4. Select the font size to use. Some fonts have a limited selection of font sizes.

5. Select the Underline or Strikeout check boxes to apply those effects.

6. Choose OK when you are finished.

7. Close and restart Oracle Workflow Builder. The new font settings should then take effect.

Step 4. View the Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer HTML help (optional):
When you install Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer, the Oracle Universal Installer
automatically installs the Message Designer HTML help as well. The HTML help is located in
the ecx\help subdirectory within your Oracle Home. You can view the help by choosing
Help Topics from the Help menu within Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer, or you can
access the help directly using a Web browser. The path for the contents page of the Message
Designer help is:

Step 5. Deploy Oracle Workflow Builder or Oracle XML Gateway Message

Designer on a server:
Oracle recommends that you deploy Oracle Workflow Builder and Oracle XML Gateway
Message Designer in a remote server environment using either Windows Server Terminal
Services, Citrix, or Tarantella. To help ensure a secure environment, you should allow users to
access the required client component only through a 'dumb' window, rather than allowing
desktop access.
• When using Citrix or Tarantella, specify the startup program for Oracle Workflow Builder
or Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer within the object or published application file.

• When using Windows Server Terminal Services, specify the startup program for Oracle
Workflow Builder or Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer in the user properties on
the Windows server where the client software is installed.

The startup programs for Oracle Workflow Builder and Oracle XML Gateway Message
Designer are located in the following subdirectories in your Oracle Home:
• Oracle Workflow Builder - <ORACLE_HOME>\bin\WFBLDR.EXE

• Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer - <ORACLE_HOME>


The following sections provide some steps to specify a startup program for a user on a
Windows server. For more information about deploying on Windows Server Terminal
Services, Citrix, or Tarantella, consult your server documentation.

To specify a startup program for a user on Windows Terminal Server 2003

1. Sign on to Windows Terminal Server as a user with administrative privileges.

2. Navigate to Start > All Programs > Administrative Tasks > Computer Management >
System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users.

3. From the Action menu, select New User.

4. Enter the user name and any other details as required, and choose the Create button.

5. Double-click the newly created user.

6. In the User Properties window, select the Environment tab, and select the 'Start the
Following Program at Login' option.

7. In the Program File Name field, enter the path to the appropriate startup program, either
Oracle Workflow Builder or Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer, as listed above.

8. In the User Properties window, select the Member Of tab, and add the group 'Remote
Desktop Users'. You can optionally remove the default 'Users' group.

To specify a startup program for a user on Windows Terminal Server 2000

1. Sign on to Windows Terminal Server as a user with administrative privileges.

2. Navigate to Start > Programs > Administrative Tasks > Computer Management > System
Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users.

3. From the Action menu, select New User.

4. Enter the user name and any other details as required, and choose the Create button.

5. Double-click the newly created user.

6. In the User Properties window, select the Environment tab, and select the 'Start the
Following Program at Login' option.

7. In the Program File Name field, enter the path to the appropriate startup program, either
Oracle Workflow Builder or Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer, as listed above.

To specify a startup program for a user on Windows NT Server

1. Sign on to Windows NT Server as a user with administrative privileges.

2. Navigate to Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Administrative Wizards > Add
User Account.

3. Select the appropriate domain name and choose Next.

4. Enter the user name and choose Next.

5. Enter the password and choose Next.

6. In the Add User Account Wizard, select the Users group and choose the Add button.
Then choose Next.

7. Add any configuration options as required, and choose Next.

8. Add any restrictions as required, and choose Next.

9. Choose Finish to complete the process of adding a new user.

10. Navigate to Start > Programs > Administrative Tools and open the User Manager

11. Select the user name, and choose User > Properties from the menu.

12. In the User Properties window, select the Config button.

13. In the Initial Program region of the User Configuration window, deselect the 'Inherit
client config' option.

14. In the Command Line field, enter the path to the appropriate startup program, either
Oracle Workflow Builder or Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer, as listed above.

Step 6. Assign user privileges:

To help ensure a secure environment, Oracle recommends that you assign users only User
privileges on the server where Oracle Workflow Builder or Oracle XML Gateway Message
Designer is installed, rather than Administrator privileges.
However, if you deploy Oracle Workflow Builder on a Windows Terminal Server 2003 or
Windows Terminal Server 2000 platform, you can assign users Power User privileges to grant
them full access to Oracle Workflow Builder. On these platforms, users with only User
privileges cannot access Developer Mode or the online help within Oracle Workflow Builder.
Additionally, to enable the Oracle Workflow Builder templates and icons for those users, you
must copy the template files from the <ORACLE_HOME>\wf\DATA\US directory and the icon
files from the <ORACLE_HOME>\wf\ICON directory to the root directory of the drive where
you installed Oracle Workflow Builder. For example, the root directory may be C:\.

Known Issues
This section lists known issues for the Oracle Workflow Builder installation and possible
workarounds for those issues.
In some cases you may see the following error message during the installation: "Error
encountered when registering <filename>, please run regsvr32.exe
manually to register this file after the installation completes." For
example, you may see this error for the wfnvg.ocx file.
If you encounter this error, close the error message and proceed with the installation. After
the installation is complete, register the specified file manually by running the following
command from a DOS prompt:
regsvr32 <path>\<filename>

Replace <path> with the path to the file and <filename> with the name of the file to
register. The wfnvg.ocx file is normally located in the <ORACLE_HOME>\bin directory.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility

Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For
information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Legal Notices
This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing
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