Kochi Metro Rail Limited

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Mar, 2020
Kochi Metro Rail Ltd.

(A Joint venture company of Govt. of India & Govt. of Kerala)

4th Floor, JLN Metro Station,
Kaloor, Ernakulam ,Kerala-
Website: www.kochimetro.org



Table of Contents

1. PREAMBLE ......................................................................................................................... 3

2. EXPLANATORY NOTES OF BOQ................................................................................. 10

3. BOQ 2. General Requirements .......................................................................................... 11

4. BOQ 3. (TRS)Third Rail System ...................................................................................... 13

5. BOQ 4. (ASS): AUXILIARY LINE................................................................................... 16

6. BOQ 5. (TSS): TRACTION Substation ............................................................................ 24

7. BOQ 6. (EBS): Earthing, Bonding & Stray Current Mitigation .................................... 27

8. BOQ 7. CW1: CIVIL WORKS LINE ............................................................................... 28

9. BOQ 8. CM: CONTROL & MONITORING – LINE EQUIPMENTS ......................... 29

10. BILL OF QUANTITIES .................................................................................................... 32

Contract KAE‐04/2020 Explanatory Note for Bill of Quantities

1.1 General Requirements
The Tenderer's attention is drawn to the General Conditions of Contract, Special
Conditions of Contract, Employer's Requirements (General specifications and Particular
specifications) and Drawings, which are to be read in conjunction with the Bill of
Quantities. This Preamble shall serve as a definitive guide to the measurement of
quantities and payment.

The Tenderer should quote the rates considering that this contract is on Turnkey basis.

This Contract is a re-measurement Contract for Supply, Installation, Testing and

Commissioning (including Integrated Testing and Commissioning) of 750V DC third
rail system for elevated corridors, 33kV ring main, Auxiliary Sub Stations, Traction Sub
Stations and SCADA for both elevated corridors

Sr. No. Corridor Ref. Name of Section

1 S13 Petta – Thripunithura

The Scope shall include and not limited to:

The construction studies and drawings,
The procurement of the whole equipment including :
spare parts,
The on-site erection and setting of electrical fixed installations and technical
buildings described in relevant Basic Design documents,
The in-plant testing, and acceptance tests,
The on-site testing,
The commissioning of installation, and acceptance protocols,
The supply of relevant documentation mainly including :
Installation, execution, and as-built drawings,
Test procedures,
Maintenance operation manuals:- The contractor is required to submit soft
copies of all the documents,

1.2 Tender Prices

The tenderer is required to note the provisions of Sub-Clause 14.1of PC.
Price Adjustment
 Price adjustment in 33 kV AC & 750 V DC Cables: It shall be governed by
the formula as given in the Annexure -1 of Preamble. It shall be applicable
only on the supply price of 33 kV AC & 750 V DC Cables.
 Price adjustment in Installation of Plant and Equipments: It shall be
governed by the formula as given in the Annexure -3 of Preamble.
1.3 Quantities
For the purpose of this Contract, all unit quantities given in the Bills of Quantities are
the estimated quantities of the Works and are intended in the first instance to provide a
common basis for Tendering and Tender Evaluation. When a contract has been entered
into, the function of priced Bills of Quantities is to provide for the valuation of the work
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executed. No alteration of any rate or price shall be allowed on account of any difference
between the quantities billed and the actual quantities measured from the drawings.
The Tenderer shall make himself completely acquainted with all conditions, obligations,
specifications, drawings, etc. of the Tender Documents before giving his prices. He shall
have no right to claim any price revision on the basis of ignorance of the Tender
Documents or local conditions, or to make any claims as regards the integrity of the unit
prices of the Bills of Quantities.

1.4 Units and Currency

All sizes and quantities entered in the Bills of Quantities are in metric units.

The Tenderer shall fill in each column with unit rate or lump sum, whichever the case
may be, for each bill item of the various Bills, provided that he should consider it a
reimbursable item, on the basis of the Tender Documents and pre-tender survey.

1.4.1 Rates and Sums to be for Work Finished Complete

Tenderers shall be deemed to have read the Employer‟s Requirements and other parts of
the Tender Documents and reviewed the Drawings to ascertain the full scope of the
requirements included in each item prior to filling in the rates and prices. The entered
rates and prices shall be deemed to include for the full scope of the Contract, including
overheads and profits and shall bear a proper relationship to the cost of carrying out the
work described.

Notwithstanding any limits that may be implied by the wording of the individual items
and/or the explanations in the Preamble, the rates and sums, which the Tenderer enters
in the Bill of Quantities, shall be for the work finished complete in every respect.

The Tenderer shall be deemed to have taken full account of all requirements, liabilities,
obligations and risks, whether expressed or implied, and to have priced the items
accordingly. The Items in the Bills of Quantities are the only items against which
payment will be made. The cost of any item of work not specifically described or
measured in the Bills of Quantities but required for the execution of the Contract shall
be included in the unit rates for the measured items in the Bills of Quantities. The rates
and sums shall therefore include for all incidental and contingent expenses and risks of
every kind necessary to supply, install, test and commission (including Integrated
Testing and Commissioning) complete, and remedying any defects in the whole of the
Works in accordance with the Contract.

1.4.2 Allowances in rates

Full allowance shall be made in the rates and sums against the various items in the Bills
of Quantities for all costs involved in performing the following except to the extent that
work is specifically described and paid for in the Bills of Quantities. The list below is
not exhaustive and the Tenderers are expected to take all costs involved while quoting
the rates that will not be subject to variation on any account.

a. all setting out and survey work;

b. temporary access roads and bridges, fencing, watching and security , lighting;
c. paying fees and giving notices to Authorities;
d. payment of all patent rights and royalties;
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e. reinstatement of the Site;
f. safety precautions and all measures to prevent erosion and suppress fire and other
g. interference to the Works by persons, vehicles, and the like being legitimate users
of the facilities on or in the vicinity of the Site;
h. the protection and safety of Southern Railway trains and services on adjacent
i. supplying, maintaining and removing on completion, the Contractors own
accommodation, offices, depots, stores, workshops, transport, welfare services
and other facilities including telephones and facsimile machines and all charges
in connection therewith;
j. the supply, inspection, testing, packaging and transportation of materials and of
the Works as specified including the provision and use of equipment and
arrangements for the Engineer's Inspectors and others;
k. maintaining public thorough fares and footpaths, and maintaining access upon
existing recognized routes;
l. providing, transporting to the Site, setting to work, operating (including all fuel
and consumable stores), maintaining and removing from the Site upon
completion all Construction Plant and Contractor's Equipment necessary for the
execution of the Works and including the cost of all tests and other requirements
in respect of such; plant and equipment;
m. working adjacent to or across existing services and installations;
n. complying with the requirements of the Employer in regard to Safety and Health,
Quality Assurance, Environmental, and project implementation plans and
making periodical submissions;
o. co-ordination and interference to the Works by the works of Designated
Contractors and others employed by KMRL being legitimate users of the facilities
on or in the vicinity of the Site;
p. remedying of defects and shrinkage, and works of amendment, reconstruction,
replacement of other faults, fair wear and tear excepted, during Defects Liability
q. Protections to be implemented against Electromagnetic interference effects
following line energisation;
r. Insurance, including all risks in supply, erection, storage, transit, third party,
Workmen’s Compensation and others;
s. All tools, and equipment required for all tests prior and after delivery, and for
testing and commissioning installed systems;
t. Carrying out all modifications to the given drawings, preparing construction
detailed drawings and supplying originals, copies, and electronic files in
accordance with employer‟s requirement.
u. Marine Insurance
v. All risk Insurance after arrival of goods in India
w. Custom clearance / Port Clearance
x. Handling at Port of arrival in India
y. Inland transportation from port of arrival to site of work
z. Various bank guarantees/warranties/undertakings

1.4.3 Non-priced Items

Items against which no rate or sum is entered by the Tenderer, whether quantities are
stated or not, shall be regarded as covered by other rates in the Bills of Quantities.

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1.4.4 Tender Pricing
The tenderer shall take regard of the actual site conditions and the estimated quantities
entered in the various bills. The tenderer shall price his tender accordingly and the unit
prices entered against a bill line item shall be the full and only price paid for all work
performed against that item except as described in the Tender Documents.

The tenderer shall price the Bills of Quantities in Indian Rupees, and/or in freely
convertible international trading currencies only.

1.4.5 Measurement and Payment

1) This Contract is primarily a re-measure contract with items that are described
herein. For the re-measure items the total price paid for a work item will be varied
by the quantities actually performed. The contract also contains some lump sum
items for which special payment terms are described.

2) The measurement and payment described is for the purpose of making a valuation
of the work acceptable to the Engineer, and Interim Payments to the Contractor, as
work proceeds. The works as executed will be measured for assessment of progress
for interim payments in accordance with the method adopted in the Specification,
the Bills of Quantities and under the items as set forth notwithstanding any custom
to the contrary.

3) Building works will be measured in accordance with the local practice as proposed
by the Contractor and accepted and approved by the Employer. For the
measurement of “Numbers” and “Sets” these shall be by count, using dimensions
and contents as described in the specifications.

4) For the purposes of making interim payment for Lump Sum items and line items
not subject to re-measure, such as described as “Lot”, the Contractor shall submit
with his tender a breakdown of the rates making up the total for those items for
which the Contractor may wish to receive interim payments. These breakdowns
shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer, and no interim payment shall be
made on such items until the breakdown has been approved, with the approval of
Engineer. The items described as „set‟ may also be broken down in a maximum
of two lots for the purpose of interim payment under exceptional circumstances
when it is established that the contractor is not able to complete the „set‟ for
reasons not attributable to him.

5) Notwithstanding anything stated herein the Engineer retains the right to withhold
payment on any pay item due for payment when the service to be performed is not
performed, or is not carried out to the Engineer‟s satisfaction.

6) Prices for documents, drawings, design calculations, test procedures, interface co-
ordination documents, operation and maintenance manuals and the like for review
by the Engineer shall be the full compensation for documents and the like in
accordance with the specifications. Compensation shall include for the preparation,
submission, and all subsequent revisions, changes required and re- submittals as
necessary as required by the specifications until accepted by the Engineer.

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7) Prices for training of Employer‟s staff shall be full compensation for the training
of Employer‟s staff in different disciplines overseas and inside India in accordance
with the specifications. Compensation shall include for preparation, submittal and
revisions as required by the Engineer of training manuals and curricula,
employment of approved training staff and all associated costs and travel costs;
provision of all manuals for each training course; provision and maintenance of
training facilities. Payment shall be made at the quoted man- week rate as defined
in BOQ on completion of training.

8) Prices for Maintenance Supervision shall be full compensation for the supervision
by the Contractor of the Employer‟s maintenance staff in different disciplines in
accordance with the specifications. Compensation shall include for the approval of
the supervisors and replacement as required by the Employer, employment of
approved staff including salaries, overtime, airfares, lodging allowances, their
office expenditure, telephones/mobile bills, local travel costs to and from site,
training materials, income tax and other taxes deducted at source. Payment shall
be made at the quoted man-month rate for each approved supervisor who is at site.

9) Prices for Integrated Testing and Commissioning shall be full compensation for
the integrated testing and commissioning of plant and equipment supplied under
the Contract in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Compensation
shall include for preparation, submittal, and revisions as required by the Engineer
of testing plans and procedures; co-ordination with other Designated Contractors;
conduct of approved tests as directed by the Engineer on equipment, sub- systems,
and systems; revisions, re-testing, fault finding, adjustments and reworking as
necessary; submittal of all test reports and other documents all to the approval of
the Engineer. Payment will be made for each Section after certification by the
Contractor and acceptance of the Employer‟s representatives that the sub-systems
and systems, including all equipment have successfully completed the test
procedures, and have been set-to-work and all test results and other documentation,
as described in the specifications.

10) Prices for spares shall be full compensation for supplying the spare parts for the
equipment, sub-systems, and systems provided under the Contract in accordance
with the specifications. Compensation shall include provision of all spare parts and
lists as required by the specifications complete in every respect, fully catalogued
and marked for identification purposes for each discipline and to the approval of
the Engineer. Payment shall be made when all spare parts and associated
documentation have been delivered to the Employer and accepted by the Engineer.

11) Prices for Tools shall be full compensation for supplying all tools, special tools
and special test instruments and equipment in accordance with the specifications.
Compensation shall include provision of tools etc., as required by the
specifications, complete in every respect with operating instructions as necessary.
Payment shall be made when all tools have been delivered to the Employer and
accepted by the Engineer.

12) Prices for As-Built drawings shall be full compensation for the provision of As-
Built drawings in accordance with the specifications. Compensation shall include

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for the preparation, submission, and all subsequent revisions, changes required and
re-submittals as necessary as required by the specifications until accepted by the
Engineer. Payment shall be made when all the As-Built drawings for each
discipline have been reviewed and accepted by the Engineer.

13) Prices for supply items shall be for the full compensation for supplying the items
in accordance with the drawings and specifications. The Bill items covered by this
clause are:

Bill No. Item Covered

XX TRS 1.0,2.0,3.1, 4.1
XX ASS 1,2,3.1,3.2, 4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4
XX TSS 1,2,

14) Compensation for items listed at 13 above, shall include for all costs incurred in
procurement/manufacture, testing, inspection, shipping, hauling, off-loading,
storing at site in Kochi Payment will be made for the items delivered and stored in
a place and manner approved by the Engineer. Payment will be made on the basis
of PC-11. Payment on dispatch/delivery will be made against the following
- certification of Factory Acceptance Tests;
- provision of Safe Custody Bank Guarantee as per PC-9of PC in case of
dispatch and Indemnity bond as per PC-10 of PC in case of delivery;
- proof of insurance; and
- Packing list

15) Prices for supply of plant, equipment and materials not covered by the items given
in 13 above shall include the full compensation for the plant, equipment and
materials in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Compensation shall
include all costs incurred in procurement/manufacture; testing, inspection, and
shipping; hauling, off-loading, and moving to approved depot or point of
installation/erection, all to the approval of the Engineer. Payment for such items
(excluding CM1, CM2 & CM) shall be made as per PC-11. The payments for this
clause are subject to submission of relevant documents as listed in clause 14.
- For CM (Line equipments)
A) Stages of payment for station side CM 3:
RTUs Supply – 30%
Erection of RTU including C & M cabling – 30%

Balance on integrated testing and commissioning of the

respective section – 40%.
16) Prices for installation/erection of items of plant and equipment shall be for the full
compensation for the installation/erection of plant and equipment in accordance
with the drawings and specifications. Compensation shall include for all costs
incurred for transporting to location, off-loading and moving to point of
installation/erection; provision of specified foundations; preparing for
installation/erection and mounting on foundations; supply of left out items,
aligning, fastenings and securing devices; adjusting as necessary, making good and
clearing the location on completion, all to the approval of the Engineer. Payment
will be made for each item of installed plant and equipment completed and

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accepted by the Engineer.

17) Testing and commissioning shall be full compensation for the testing and
commissioning of Plant and equipment forming the Works in accordance with
the specifications. Compensation shall include for all testing and putting-to- work
of all equipment, sub-systems, and systems; re-testing, fault finding, adjustments
and reworking as necessary; submittal of all test reports and other documents all
to the approval of the Engineer. Payment will be made after certification by the
Contractor and acceptance by the Engineer that the sub- systems and systems,
including all equipment have successfully completed the test procedures, and
have been set-to-work and that all test results and other documentation, as
described in the specifications, have been approved by the Engineer.

18) Vendor Approval procedure: As per Annexure - 3

19) Spare Parts Policy: As per Annexure - 4

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2.1 General
The item description is intended to briefly describe the work to be performed under the
item and to identify associated work. It is not a full and complete description of the work
to be performed. The Contractor shall carry out all the work necessary to meet the
requirements of the Specification and the contract.

2.2 Corridor
Sr.N Corridor Name of Section
o. Ref.
1 S13 Petta - Thripunithura Corridor
The Bidder is required to note the above while quoting the prices, in the various Bills
relating to different Corridors.

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3. BOQ 2. General Requirements

3.1 Item 1: Training of Employer’s staff
This item shall cover the Training of Employer‟s staff as specified in the chapter 6 of PS
of Employer‟s requirement. The total man-weeks included therein shall be broken down
between Bills G-1A and G-1B as follows:

Item G-1A

Off-shore (Man-weeks of Employer's personnel) 00

In India (Man-weeks of Contractor's Training Instructors) 01

It shall essentially include, but not limited to: Training plan

Training tools and staff wages Training documentation
The price shall also include the cost of the training documents implementing as well as
advises after the contract.

The price shall not include the travelling and accommodation cost of trainees.

3.2 Item 2 Maintenance & Operations manuals.

This item shall cover the Maintenance & Operations manuals as specified in the chapter
11 of GS & chapter 6 of PS of Employer‟s requirement

One set of Manuals shall include all Operations and Maintenance Manuals pertaining to
all equipments/systems which have been used /deployed in Petta – S N Junction Corridor.

One set of Manuals is meant to essentially include, but not limited to: Operation

Maintenance manuals, drawings and procedures
The price shall also include the Maintenance & Operations documents implementing as
well as documents originals, copies, and electronic files cost.

The documents shall be supplied in the prescribed number of copies in hard and soft form.
3.3 Item 3: Maintenance supervision
This item shall cover the Maintenance supervision for defect liability period as specified
in the chapter 12 of GS of Employer‟s requirement.
The role of the relevant and experienced engineers will be to ensure that the maintenance
during this period is carried out by the employer‟s staff properly and that the
warranty/guaranty obligations of the Contractor remain undiluted.

For this purpose the Contractor shall provide a Maintenance Supervision team deployed
at depot/Station as follows or as mutually agreed between the Employer and the

Team 1For Petta – Thripunithura Section

Team shall, at the minimum, contain either one experienced Engineer or one Senior
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Supervisor and 1 skilled staff. Unskilled staff, if any, required for maintenance
supervision, will be provided by the Employer. This is the minimum requirement, if
needed the contractor will be required to augment it at contract rates.

Contractor shall comply with all statutory regulation & labour laws irrespective of rates
3.4 Item 4: Integrated testing & commissioning
These items shall cover the integrated testing & commissioning as specified in the chapter
4 of PS of Employer‟s requirement.

As explained in Chapter 4 of PS, the integrated testing and commissioning shall be

performed for each section of Corridor, after the first 15 days of operation, during which
the various actuation and operation situations (putting into service, normal actuation,
failure tripping etc) shall be simulated.

The Integrated Testing & Commissioning shall essentially include, but not limited to:

Integrated testing & commissioning plan

Tools, instruments, tackles, and documents required;
Providing attendance to the Employer‟s Representative, including during
inspection by statutory Authorities, Ministry of Railways and Commissioner of
Railway safety.
Carrying out the appropriate integrated testing & commissioning functions.

3.5 Item 5: Tools and Plant

The price, under this item, shall include the cost of supplying special tools, plant and
equipment for maintenance and/or routine repairs as detailed in the chapter 7 of PS (Part
2 Section VII B) of employer‟s requirements and listed in Annexure - A of BOQ.

If however the Tenderer feels that some more items or more quantities are required for
the proper operation and maintenance of the installations supplied and erected by him,
for a period of at least 2 years commencing from the expiry of the defect liability period,
the Tenderer shall in that case include such items and quantities in his bid and quote them
in this very item.
3.6 Item 6: Spare parts
The price under this item shall include the cost of supplying spare parts, as listed in the
chapter 7 of PS of the employer‟s requirements and listed in Annexure - B of BOQ.
However, if the Tenderer feels that some more items or more quantities are required for
the proper operation and maintenance of the installations supplied and erected by him,
for a period of at least 2 years commencing from the expiry of the defect liability period,
the Tenderer shall in that case include such items and quantities in his bid and quote them
in this very item.
3.7 Item 7: As-Built drawings
The price, under this item, shall include the cost of supplying As-Built drawings for the
section (S13) of the Corridor included in this Bill

Under this item, the contractor shall prepare the following drawings:

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As built drawings depicting the completed works that have been certified as
Shop drawings containing information related to the permanent works.
Working drawings containing the information related to the temporary works
depicting the construction of permanent works.
3.8 Item 8: Design
The price shall include design of substation layout and 3rd rail layouts, cable routing
validation of simulation etc of the contracted section based on the existing design
followed in the Phase 1 section of the project.

3.9 Item 9: Deployment of Experts

Price shall include cost of following experts with minimum 10 years relevant experience.
Contractor shall get approval from Employer representative prior deployment for the

 1 No. for Power Supply & Traction expert

Bill No. S13. TRS: Third Rail System Equipment

The Explanatory Notes given here under are applicable to the Third Rail Supply &
Erection items. Special tools specifically applicable to each of the equipment/device for
operation and maintenance including creating accessibility to the equipment shall form
part of the supply and the cost for the same is deemed to have been included in the
equipment cost.


4.1 Item 1: Third Rail Assembly
The price shall include the cost of supplying Conductor rail of aluminium body and
stainless steel contact path of minimum 11 meters, designed to carry 4500 A, included
special protective cover along with all accessories but not limited, including Rail
connection fastening, Splice joint assemblies, Conductor rail ramp (High & low speed),
Insulated joint, Expansion joint, Anchor assembly, Support assembly, feeding point
assembly, Caution board, as per specification

All items shall be delivered in sea-worthy container, as per specification, in appropriate

approved lengths.

Note: Unit of measurement for this item shall be in meters. And it shall be measured as
the erected length between the two ending ramps, on either side.

Payment will be made for the above measurements only. Leftover, scrap conductor Rail
and empty containers will remain the Contractor’s property

4.2 Item 2: Deleted

4.3 Item 3.0: DC Disconnector Switch

The price shall cover supply Motorised/ Manual switches 1,000 V, 2600 A which includes
auxiliary components.

Price shall include steelwork and other component for erection of switch, terminal
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connectors and equipment number plate the any other component or accessories for
completion of work.

4.4 Item 4.0 : Cabling

Price shall cover supply of 300 sq mm XLPE isolated copper cable 1.8/3 kV cable and
all associated accessories for completion of work.

Price of all connectors, terminals, clamps, joints etc, required for connection shall be
included in this item.
4.5 Item 5.0 ERECTION

4.5.1 Item 5.01: Third Rail System

The price shall include the cost for erection of Third Rail Assembly and all associated
accessories in all respect to completion of work.

Note: Unit of measurement for this item shall be in meters. And it shall be measured as
the erected length. Payment will be made for the above measurements only.

4.5.2 Item 5.02: Deleted

4.5.3 Item 5.03: DC Disconnector Switch

The price shall cover erection of Motorised/ Manual switch 1,000V, 2600A which
includes auxiliary components in all respect to completion of work.

4.5.4 Item 5.04: Cabling (XLPE Isolated copper cable, 1,8/3 kV (300) mm2)
The price shall include the cost of laying jointing & termination etc of cable with all
associated accessories in all respect to completion of work.

Note: Unit of measurement for this item shall be in meters. And it shall be measured as
the erected length. Payment will be made for the above measurements only.

4.6 Item 6.0: Testing & Commissioning

The price shall include the cost of testing and commissioning as per Employer‟s
requirements, of the entire Third rail

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The Explanatory Notes given hereunder are applicable to the Auxiliary Line. Special
tools specifically applicable to each of the equipment/device for operation and
maintenance including creating accessibility to the equipment shall form part of the
supply and the cost for the same is deemed to have been included in the equipment cost.

5.1 Item 1.0: 33kV/415V Transformers

The price shall cover the cost of supplying a 33kV/415V, 3 phase (cast resin dry type)
transformer, as per specification, complete in all respects.

The price shall also include the cost of necessary arrangements for installing the
transformer inside the ASS Room, in a metallic enclosure to be provided along with the
transformer, by the contractor, complete with doors, locks, interlocking arrangements etc.

The price shall essentially include, but not limited to, the following:

- Winding Temperature Scanner (Digital) with 4-20mA output and alarm / Trip
contacts for SCADA Interface.
- PT -100 Type RTD sensors per LV windings.
- Surge Arrestors
- Limit Switch on HT side doors of Enclosure.
- The Tenderer shall ensure that all equipment, interlocks and interface equipment
specified in the tender document are included under this item and detail of
equipment etc., if any, other than those listed above, should be explicitly included
hereunder, in the tender.

5.2 Item 2.0: 33kV Switchgear

General applicable for each sub-item under item-2: The price shall essentially include,
but not limited to, the following:

- Measurement and protection equipment:- Under this item, the price of supplying
all equipment, including all control and relay boards along with necessary control
switches, indications, relay and meters and all associated components, terminals
and fittings, shall be included
- Ammeter with Selector Switch wherever specified.
- Over-current and Earth fault relays,(directional / non directional) with ports to
synchronize the relay with RTU on IEC 61850 or IEC 60870-5-103 protocol
wherever specified.
- Control and relay panel
- Interfaces with SCADA equipment,
(All the protection to be as per PS)

The Tenderer shall ensure that all equipment, relays (excluding the Pilot wire equipment)
and interface equipment for achieving the protection arrangement specified in the tender
document, are included under this item and detail of equipment etc., if any, other than
those listed above, should be explicitly included here under, in the tender.

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5.2.1 Item 2.01: Protection Circuit Breaker Panel (1250A), with CT and PT,
The price shall cover the cost of supplying 33kV Circuit Breaker (AIS) including Earthing
Switch Assembly, as per specification, for indoor installation in the ASS Room, complete
in all respects. The price shall also include the cost of

- Current transformer for measurement and protection, as per specifications

- Potential transformer, as per specifications.
The price shall cover the cost of padlocks/interlocks to be provided on these breakers, in
accordance with specifications.

5.2.2 Item 2.02 : Protection Circuit Breaker Panel (1250A), with PT, complete
The price shall cover the cost of supplying 33kV Circuit Breakers (AIS) including
Earthing Switch Assembly, as per specification, for indoor installation in the ASS Room,
complete in all respects. The price shall also include the cost of

- Potential transformer, as per specifications

The price shall cover the cost of padlocks/interlocks to be provided on these breakers, in
accordance with specifications.

5.2.3 Item 2.03 : Protection Circuit Breaker Panel (1250A), with CT complete
The price shall cover the cost of supplying 33kV Circuit Breakers(AIS) including
Earthing Switch Assembly, as per specification, for indoor installation in the ASS Room,
complete in all respects. The price shall also include the cost of

- Current transformer for measurement and protection, as per specifications

The price shall cover the cost of padlocks/interlocks to be provided on these breakers, in
accordance with specifications.

5.2.4 Item 2.04: Transformer Protection Circuit Breaker Panel (400A), with CT
The price shall cover the cost of supplying 33kV Circuit Breakers (AIS) including
Earthing Switch Assembly, as per specification, for indoor installation in the ASS Room,
complete in all respects. The price shall also include the cost of

- Current transformers for measurement and protection, as per specifications

The price shall cover the cost of padlocks/interlocks to be provided on these breakers, in
accordance with specifications.

5.2.5 Item 2.05 : Coupling Circuit Breakers (1250A)panels complete

The price shall cover the cost of supplying 33kV coupling Circuit Breaker (AIS), as per
specification, for indoor installation inside the ASS room, in order to couple the two 33kV
feeders as required. The price shall cover the cost of padlocks/interlocks to be provided
on these Circuit Breaker, in accordance with specifications.

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5.2.6 Item 2.06: Bus PT Panel

The price shall cover the cost of supplying 33kV Panel with a 33 kV Potential Transformer,
as per specification, for being deployed at Loop-coupling ASS’s or other locations as per
SLD for indoor installation for Air insulated Switchgear, complete in all respects.

The price shall cover the cost of padlocks/interlocks to be provided on these breakers, in
accordance with specifications.

5.2.7 Item 2.07: Bus riser (1250A, 400A) with PT complete

Price shall cover cost of supplying 33kV bus riser where required including padlocks etc.
with a 33 kV Potential Transformer, as per specification, for being deployed at Loop-
coupling ASS‟s or other locations as per SLD for indoor installation for Air insulated
Switchgear, complete as required.

5.2.8 Item 2.08: TVM Meters (For Transformer Panels)

Under this item the price of supplying the Tri Vector Meter of accuracy class 0.2 along
with associated fitting and wiring along with TOD facility for only Transformer Load 33kV
panels. The TVM meters shall support MODBUS RS485 as well as TCP/IP.

5.2.9 Item 2.09: Pilot Wire Relays

The cost shall include the supply and erection of pilot wire relay and suitable modem if
required and any other items required for completion of work Excluding CTs. This pilot
wire relay shall be installed in 33KV panels as required.

Unit set corresponds to quantity required for two CB.

5.2.10 Item 2.10: Automatic Fire protection system for panels

All the 33kV Switchgear panels installed in the ASS, shall be provided with an Automatic
Fire protection System Linear heat sensing system. Depending upon the no. of 33kV
Switchgear panels in the ASS and the total volume content, the quantity requirement of
Fire Protection Fluid shall be calculated by the Contractor and submitted to the Employer‟s
representative, for approval as per PS.

5.3 Item 3: Auxiliaries

Auxiliary Feeding (DC-UPS Protection)

5.3.1 Item 3.1: Battery and Battery Chargers (Type 1 System)

The price shall cover the cost of supplying 1 set of Battery and 2 sets of Battery chargers
of not less than 180AH at ASS, as per specifications. The price shall also include the cost
of automatic change-over system for the battery chargers and all other protective devices.

5.3.2 Item 3.2: Battery and Battery Chargers (Type 2 Systems)

The price shall cover the cost of supplying 1 set of Batteries and 2 sets of Battery chargers
of not less than 300AH at ASS+TSS, as per specifications. The price shall also include the
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cost of automatic change-over system for the battery chargers as per specifications, and all
other protective devices.

5.3.3 Item 3.3: All other Equipment’s (ACDB, DCDB etc.)-TYPE-1

The price shall cover all other equipment‟s required to make the 110 V DC and Low
voltage Auxiliary AC Power Supply System complete and fit to the deliver 110 V DC and
Low voltage Auxiliary AC Power Supply to the equipment‟s located in the ASS, as well
as to equipment‟s located in Switching Stations, as required under Specifications.

5.3.4 Item 3.4: All other Equipment’s (ACDB, DCDB etc.)-TYPE-2

The price shall cover all other equipment‟s required to make the 110 V DC and Low
voltage Auxiliary AC Power Supply System complete and fit to the deliver 110 V DC and
Low voltage Auxiliary AC Power Supply to the equipment‟s located in the ASS+TSS, as
well as to equipment‟s located in Switching Stations, as required under Specifications.

5.3.5 Item 3.5: Safety Equipment

The price shall cover the cost of supplying all safety equipment, as per
specification/statutory regulations, in the ASS & ASS+TSS room. The indicative list of
Safety equipment to be provided is as follows:

- Tool Board with safety tools.

- Safety tools: first-aid kit, first-aid chart, insulated gloves, A-ladder/stool and
insulated mat for 33 kV, HV panels, transformers, ACDB, DCDB, chargers.
- Fire protection equipment, such as fire buckets, sand buckets, portable fire
extinguishers, wall-mounted or wheel-type fire extinguishers etc.
- Keyboard.
- Gas Resuscitation Kit.
- Insulation Mat
- And any other item as required by statutory Regulation
Fire detection and hydrant system for the room is not to be considered as it is included in
station buildings works (For Station) and Depot Civil Works (For Depot).

5.4 Item 4.0: Wiring

33 kV Cable and Connections for the ASS or ASS+TSS at station and Depot

5.4.1 Item 4.1: 33 kV Cables (240 sq mm Copper)

The price shall include the cost of supplying all medium voltage (33kV) cables, as per
specifications, The price shall also include all the necessary termination and jointing kit to
make all connections.

Note: The Unit rate for this item shall be for 1 km of 33 kV cables, consisting of 1 Nos.
single core cables and the terminations/ jointing sheath earth connection materials(To
existing earth terminal) required for all the 3 cables per feeder.

5.4.2 Item 4.2: 33 kV Cables (95 sq mm Copper)

The price shall include the cost of supplying all medium voltage (33kV) cables, as per
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specifications, The price shall also include all the necessary termination and jointing kit to
make all connections.

Note: The Unit rate for this item shall be for 1 km of 33 kV cables, consisting of 1 Nos.
single core cables and the terminations/ jointing sheath earth connection materials (To
existing earth terminal) .required for all the 3 cables per feeder

5.4.3 Item 4.3: Low Voltage cables and Connections

The price shall include the cost of supplying low voltage cables, as per specification,
including AC, DC control supply to all ASS / TSS equipment including RTU.

It includes the cost of all LV cables except C&M (SCADA) Cables connected to RTU,
power socket cables, Viaduct lighting point cables and pilot wire cables.

5.4.4 Item 4.4: Pilot wire cable & for intertripping of HSCB of adjacent TSS.
The price shall essentially include, but not limited to, the following:

Cost of supply of pilot wire armoured Fibre Optical cables as per specifications, The price
shall also include 20mm PVC conduit to be provided for complete length of viaduct and
all the necessary termination kit to make all connections. Note: The Unit rate for this item
shall be for 1 km of cable and the terminations/ jointing required for the same.
Item 4.5: Protection cover for 33 kV cables.
The price shall include the cost of supplying of PVC cover to be provided all along the
viaduct for protection of 33 kV cables.

5.5 Item 5.0: Socket along the Viaduct

Power Sockets, Associated fittings & Cabling

The price shall cover the cost of supply of the following but not limited to:

16A sockets in a lockable enclosure IP65 and suitable fixing arrangement, along on one
side of the viaduct.

Armoured cables and cable connection/termination from the appropriate station panel,
suitable for carrying the current required by the 16A sockets, 3-phase. The cable should be
designed for carrying a continuous rated current of 32A, after considering the de- rating
factors, as applicable.

5.6 Item 6.0: Earthing

The price shall cover the cost of providing the necessary earthing materials for:

5.6.1 Item 6.01: Earth bus inside ASS/ASS+TSS

Laying Earth BUS inside the room

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Connecting the metallic parts of Power Supply equipments and cable path in the
ASS/ASS+TSS to the Earth bus/MET (Main Earth Terminal).

5.6.2 Item 6.02: Earthing Connections

Connecting the neutral of the transformers to the Transformers Earth bus/MET. In elevated
stations: Provision for earthing of body & Neutral of one Nos. future transformer & body
earthing of one no. future MVCB for PD shall also be made by providing embedded GI
flats connected to the Earth BUS.

The price shall cover all necessary materials to provide an effective earthing system, as per

5.7 Item 7.0: Erection

5.7.1 Item 7.01: Erection (other than 33kV Network Cable & Pilot Wire Cables)

The price shall include the cost of

- foundations for transformers, panels etc as necessary

- erection, of all ASS equipments in each ASS‟s covered in the respective Bill
- Erection, including jointing and termination of all 33 kV cables from MVCB to
transformer and LT Control cable for the 33 kV inside each ASS‟s.

5.7.2 Item 7.02: Erection of 33kV Network Cables & Pilot Wire Cables

The price shall include the cost of erection including protection cover, 20mm conduit,
jointing and termination of all 33 kV cables and (pilot wire cable.) from AMS right up to
the ASS/ASS+TSS, and for 33kV Network in between the ASS/ASS+TSS including
sheath voltage limiters (if required) and sheath earthing.

The unit KM will correspond to length of 1 KM of 33 kV cables, consisting of 3 Nos.

single core cables and the terminations/ jointing required for all the 3 cores plus pilot wire
cable for one circuit of 33 KV cables, if any.

5.7.3 Item 7.03: Erection and testing commissioning of Power Socket, Cables and
associated fittings

The price shall include the Erection testing & commissioning of Power Socket, cables,
associated fitting etc on Viaduct.

The price shall cover the cost of cable laying and connection from each station in both the
direction, and shall feed the Socket load up to point falling approx. at midway between
The Unit rate shall be in Km in all respect along with sockets and cables.

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5.8 Item 8.0: Testing and Commissioning

The price shall include the cost of testing and commissioning, as per employers
requirement of the entire substation equipment and systems, in all substation and in
between the substation and AMS in the designated section.

5.9 Item 9: Manning of Commissioned ASS/TSS

The Contractor shall, if required by the Employer, provide Man Power in the ASS‟s/TSS‟s
already commissioned and handed over to the Employer, for manning the installations,
before commencement of the Revenue operation of the line. The staff team deployed at the
ASS‟s/TSS shall be thoroughly conversant and competent to operate the various
switchgear and systems and shall be able to provide auxiliary power, if so desired by
KMRL, to other Agencies working in the Station area or elsewhere and also to provide
power shut-downs of the commissioned systems, if so directed by KMRL. The all-inclusive
man-day charges shall be included against the relevant sub- item under this Item. For
measurement purposes, a period of 8 hours of deployment of one staff should be considered
as 1 man-day. Three shifts per day should be considered. Compensation shall include for
the approval of the supervisors and replacement as required by the Employer, employment
of approved staff including salaries, overtime, airfares, lodging allowances, their office
expenditure, telephones/mobile bills, local travel costs to and from site, training materials,
income tax and other taxes deducted at source. The Contractor shall follow/comply all
labour laws irrespective of rates quoted.
Any other item required to complete the intent work

5.10 Item 10: Emergency Tripping System

The price shall include the cost of supply erection testing & commissioning of Emergency
Trip system. Emergency Trip System shall be provided at every station, TSS & Depot as
per specification.

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6. BOQ 5 TSS: TRACTION Substation

6.1 Item 1.0: TSS Equipments
The Explanatory Notes given hereunder are applicable to the Traction substations. Special
tools specifically applicable to each of the equipment/device for operation and
maintenance including creating accessibility to the equipment shall form part of the
supply and the cost for the same is deemed to have been included in the equipment cost.

6.1.1 Item 1.1: Transformer

The price shall include the supply of Indoor cast resin dry type Rectifier transformer 2600
KVA, 33.000 / 590-590 V configuration Dd0Dy5, short circuit voltage 8%, included all
accessories for completion of work, as per particular specification.

6.1.2 Item 1.2: Rectifier

The price shall include the supply of Indoor type diode based twelve pulse traction silicon
rectifier, with two parallel connected six pulse converters one fed from Y and other fed
from D secondary winding. Rated output power 2500 KW, Vn=750 Vdc, In=3333 A. AN,
Natural air convection. Metal enclosed, free standing, connected in a double full wave
bridge configuration complete with smoothing reactor, wave filter, compensation
winding, surge suppression equipment, input and output terminals for all cable
connections and the control cubicle in a mounted frame with lockable doors. Included
protective devices conforming to IS 4540-1968, BS 4417-1969. Operation rating 100%
continuous, 150% for 2 Hrs, during an interval of 3 Hrs. 300% for 1 min during an interval
of 30 min, for completion of work as per particular specification.

6.1.3 Item 1.3: HSCB 3600 A

The price shall include the supply of Indoor, dead-front, metal-enclosed, High Speed
Circuit Breaker switchgear for incoming feeder from traction rectifier, rated voltage
900V, rated continuous current 3600 A. Included cable compartments, indicating lights,
auxiliary relays, interlocks, control circuitry, wiring, terminal blocks, and any other
devices necessary to make a complete and operable assembly, for completion of work as
per particular specification.

6.1.4 Item 1.4: HSCB 2600 A

The price shall include the supply of Indoor, dead-front, metal-enclosed, High Speed
Circuit Breaker switchgear for outgoing feeder from traction rectifier, rated voltage 900V,
rated continuous current 2600 A. Included cable compartments, indicating lights,
auxiliary relays, interlocks, control circuitry, wiring, terminal blocks, and any other
devices necessary to make a complete and operable assembly, for completion of work as
per particular specification.
Busbar made of copper plate rated for 4000A, rated voltage 900Vand operable assembly.

6.1.5 Item 1.5: DC Single Pole Disconnector Switchgear -2600 A

The price shall include the supply of Indoor, dead-front, metal-enclosed DC single-pole
isolator switchgear, rated voltage 900 V, rated continuous current 2600 A, off load
operation, motor operated by 110 V DC control voltage. Included cable compartments,
indicating lights, auxiliary relays, interlocks, control circuitry, wiring, terminal blocks,
and any other devices necessary to make a complete and operable assembly, for
completion of work as per particular specification.
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6.1.6 Item 1.6: Load Break switchgear -2600 A
The price shall include the supply of Indoor, dead-front, metal-enclosed, Load Break
switchgear for outgoing feeder from traction rectifier, rated voltage 900V, rated
continuous current 2600 A. Included cable compartments, indicating lights, auxiliary
relays, interlocks, control circuitry, wiring, terminal blocks, and any other devices
necessary to make a complete and operable assembly, for completion of work as per
particular specification.

6.1.7 Item 1.7: Negative return panel

The price shall include the supply of Negative return panel including a common DC
negative equalizer bus and bus connections to two rectifier negative disconnect switches,
rated 750 volt DC, 3600 A, with provision for connecting negative return cables from the
tracks, running rail grounding contactor and associated devices, for completion of work
as per particular specification.

6.1.8 Item 1.8: short circuiting device

The price shall include the supply of Indoor type negative earthing contact equipment
(short circuiting device) rated 200 V DC and 1000 A, for completion of work as per
particular specification.

6.1.9 Item 1.9: stray current monitoring device in OCC & BCC
The Price shall include the cost of integration and testing of Indoor type stray current
monitoring device with the existing stray current management system with the OCC and
BCC. The integration will involve updation of base line in the SCMS software. The
contractor shall interface with the track contractor to ensure satisfactory track
conductance as per EN standard.

6.1.10 Item 1.10 event logger

Portable event logger with flash card memory for storage of 7 days events. will be
provided by the contractor.

6.2 Item 2.0: Wiring

The price shall cover the cost of supplying of

A) Compact circular stranded copper conductor, XLPE insulated, steel wire

armoured 1x 400 mm2 cable and outer sheathed cable of rated voltage grade 3.3
kV (Um) for connection of traction transformer to rectifier. Compact circular
stranded copper conductor, XLPE insulated, steel wire armoured 1x400 mm2
cable and outer sheathed cable of rated voltage grade 3.3 kV (Um) for connection
of traction rectifier to HSCB.

B) Compact circular stranded copper conductor, XLPE insulated, steel wire

armoured 1x 300 mm2 cable and outer sheathed cable of rated voltage grade 3.3
kV (Um) for connection of HSCB to DC isolator switchgear.

C) Compact circular stranded copper conductor, XLPE insulated, steel wire

armoured 1x 300mm2 cable and outer sheathed cable of rated voltage grade 3.3
kV (Um) for connection of traction rectifier to DC isolator switchgear to DC load
breaker switch.

D) Compact circular stranded copper conductor, XLPE insulated, steel wire

armoured 1x 300mm2 cable and outer sheathed cable of rated voltage grade 3.3
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kV (Um) for connection of traction rectifier to DC load breaker switch to third
E) Compact circular stranded copper conductor, XLPE insulated, steel wire
armoured 1x 300mm2 cable and outer sheathed cable of rated voltage grade
1.1 kV (Um) from running rails to DC negative return panel.

F) Compact circular stranded copper conductor, XLPE insulated, steel wire

armoured 1x 400mm2 cable and outer sheathed cable of rated voltage grade
1.1 kV (Um) from DC negative return panel to Short circuiting device.

G) Compact circular stranded copper conductor, XLPE insulated, steel wire

armoured 1x 300mm2 cable and outer sheathed cable of rated voltage grade
1.1 kV (Um) from Short circuiting device to Stray current monitoring panel.

Price of all connectors, terminals, clamps, joints etc, required for connection shall be
included in this item.

6.3 Item 3.0: Erection

The price shall include the cost of

- foundations for transformers & Rectifier, all panels etc as necessary

- Erection, of all TSS equipments in each TSS‟s covered in the respective Bill.
- Erection, including jointing and termination of all 750V DC cables and control
- Erection of all necessary fittings, components and terminals used on the

6.4 Item 4.0: Testing and Commissioning

The price shall include the cost of testing and commissioning, as per employers
requirement of the entire substation equipment and systems, in all substation.

6.5 Item 5.0 : Portable Short Circuiting Device

The price shall include the cost of supply of portable short circuiting device at
KMRL site including shipping and all complete.

6.6 Item 6.0 : Voltage Detecting Device

The price shall include the cost of supply of portable voltage detecting device at
KMRL site including shipping and all complete.

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7. BOQ 6 EBS: Earthing, Bonding & Stray Current Mitigation

7.1 Item No1 : Earthing & Bonding :
The price shall include the supply of 93.3 mm sq ACSR & all associated fittings
required for completion of work, along the viaduct for Up & Dn lines. All metallic
structure will be connected to ACSR. ACSR is to be connected to Earthing System at
every Station, as per specifications.

Price of all connectors, terminals, clamps, joints etc, required for connection shall be
included in this item for completion of work.

7.2 Item No2 : Stray Current Mitigation:

The price shall include the supply of 185 mm sq 0.6/1 kV, XLPE , FRLS cable to be
provided along the viaduct for Up & Dn lines. It is to be connected to Track plinth at
every alternate span of U Girder (approximately at interval of 50 m) as per

Price of all connectors, terminals, clamps, joints etc, required for connection shall be
included in this item for completion of work.

7.3 Item No.3 Erection

7.3.1 Item No.3.1 Erection of Earthing & Bonding

The price shall include the laying jointing & termination etc. (as required) for
completion of work of 93.3 mm sq ACSR & all associated fittings required for
completion of work, along the viaduct for Up & Dn lines. All metallic structure will
be connected to ACSR. ACSR is to be connected to Earthing System at every Station,
as per specifications.

7.3.2 Item No.3.2 Erection Stray Current Mitigation

The price shall include the laying jointing & termination etc. (as required) for
completion of work of 185 mm sq XLPE , FRLS 0.6/1KV single core armoured cable
to be provided along the viaduct for Up & Dn lines. It is to be connected to Track
plinth at every alternate span of U Girder (approximately at interval of 50 m) as per

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The Explanatory Notes given hereunder are applicable to the Civil Works Line

8.1 Item 1.0: Sealing of cable entry/exit points in substations

Price shall include sealing of cable entry/exit points in substations, only at exist points
of 33kV cable. Refer to clause 8.6.5 Detail sealing of Cut-out of Chapter 8 , Volume

8.2 Item 2.0: Provision of HDPE pipes for 33kV, 750V DC positive, negative
and control cables at track crossing points

It may be necessary to run cables (power and/or control), across or along tracks, to
make the connections between various equipments and Switchgear.. The price under
this item shall include the cost of providing HDPE pipes of appropriate sizes, in
required numbers, to carry such cables.

8.3 Item 3.0: Cable Paths

8.3.1 Inside ASS/ASS+TSS Rooms

The price shall cover the cost of providing GI cable trays and GI supports, inside the
ASS/ASS+TSS Room for 33kV cables, 750 V DC Positive & Negative cables &
control cables in appropriate arrangement, as per specifications.

Note: Unit corresponds to one ASS/ASS+TSS.

8.4 Item 4.0: AMS to ASS/ASS+TSS

The price shall include the cost of providing cable trenches/path, as per particular
specification and approved plan including the following:

- GIS mapping,
- Supply and laying of required HDPE pipes for SCADA cables, and 1 Nos
100mm dia HDPE pipe for telecom cable of telecom contractor for entire
route from the point of exit (boundary wall) of the RSS-cum-AMS to the
designated station viaduct/depot in the line.
- Complete HDPE pipes and GI pipe for vertical rises etc (as required),
- Spare pipes: 1 No. 160 mm dia HDPE pipe each for 33kV cables, 1. No.
100mm dia HDPE pipe for C &M cables along with other HDPE pipes,
- Cut and cover trenches, protective covers, sand cushioning, brick work,
warning tape.
- Cable pull boxes,
- Cable markers, joint location boards,
- The prices for different types of cable paths, for laying cables not limited to
below the footpath or below the road, in trenchless piping, in rail track
crossings, on nallah crossing with GI support structure. The minimum coating
thickness of zinc for galvanization of GI support structure as 1000 g/m2 for
coastal and highly polluted area.
- in air supported on piers, walls
- GI structure for vertical raising of cables from ground to viaduct including
foundations . The approximate height is around 6 to 10 meters.

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- metallic fence upto viaduct soffit, sleeves for wall/parapets crossing etc is to
be provided by the contractor.
Length of GI cable brackets/supports path will be common route length in meter for all
the cables combined under relevant sub-items in horizontal / vertical direction.

The price shall also include the fees payable for securing right of way & permission to
work, deposits for reconstruction/restoration, damage/demur on account of cable laying
and giving notices to Authorities and taking final clearance after completion of all
works and site restoration including pucca road restoration, which shall be included in
unit rate of per meter basis.

8.5 Item 5.0: Cable Path on Viaduct

Providing the cable path, i.e. Clamps, supports, protection covers support for 2 circuits
of 33kV cables, GI Trays for laying in appropriate formation as per specifications.

The unit KM for this item shall be same as route KM of viaduct cables.




The price shall include the cost of supplying one RTU (hardware/software) needed for
control, monitoring, protection, interlocking and Automatic sequencing of:

- the 750 V DC Traction Substation

- the 33 kV Auxiliary Substations

The price shall essentially include, but not limited to,

- Redundant Central Processing Units (CPU), hot and standby.

- Input-Output Racks with extension racks if required ( No redundancy for IO


- Redundant power supply cards

- Redundant Power Supply units, hot and standby.

- Redundant Communication cards, hot and standby.

- Interface converters, LIUs, switches, communication ports etc as required.

- Rack needed for the installations of the RTUs.

- Redundant OFC Communication cables for linking RTU to TER

- Earth Connection from MET to RTU.

- RTU Programming.
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- RTU shall be configured to communicate with at least 3 OCCs.

- The price shall also include the cost of communication cables for linking RTU
to TER or intermediate switch and earthing connection from MET to RTU

9.2 Item 2.0:C&M Cables

9.2.1 Item 2.01: Cables from RSS Gateway/ port to TER Connection
The price shall include cost of OFC cable, switches, Converters, LIUS, etc. for OFC
link for RSS Gateway signals and meter data.

9.2.2 Item 2.02: Cables from ASS/ ASS+TSS equipments to RTU

The price shall cover the cost of supplying all control and monitoring cables, required
for interconnection of the equipment's at the ASS, & ASS+TSS .The prices of all
connectors, terminals, clamps etc. required for the connections with RTU be included
in this item.

9.3 Item 3.0: Erection

The price shall include erection, of all equipments covered under this BOQ schedule at
the designated location.

9.4 Item 4.0: Testing and commissioning

The price shall include the cost of SCADA integration testing and commissioning, as
per Employer‟s Requirements and Specifications, the entire C&M equipment, systems
and Software, at all controlled stations covered under various sub items of BOQ.

9.5 Item 5.0: Integration with existing OCC and BCC

The price shall include the cost of SCADA configuration, integration and testing with
the existing OCC and BCC including configuration changes in video wall display as
per the Employer‟s Requirements and Specifications, the entire C&M equipment,
systems and Software, at all controlled stations covered under various sub items of
BOQ. In case of revision of the existing SCADA softwares like kepware, iconics etc..
required to be done for integrating the new section that shall also form part of the item
in the BoQ.

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The Bills of Quantities consists of bills; the Tender total collects all prices in the Bills.

The tenderer shall bring forward totals of all bills and show them in the Tender Total (Base
Tender). The prices shall be appropriately shown with the imported part expressed in
Foreign Currency and local part expressed in Indian Rupees.

The contractor shall provide the reference of economical conditions of prices.

The cost of supplies shall comply with Employer‟s requirement and cover:

Equipment and required materials,

In plant and acceptance tests,


Transportation and handling,

Storing an/or placing the equipment and materials in formation

Documentation and drawings of equipment and materials

The cost of erection testing and commissioning shall comply with Employer‟s
requirement and cover:

Wages and compensations

Administrative equipment

Precaution to avoid damage to existing buildings, structures, services and


Temporary works (traffic, access, water, electricity, soils, supply management)

Erecting materials (screw, bolts…)

The cost of complying with the employer‟s requirement.

The Tenderer shall complete and submit all bill sheets endorsed by the signature of his

The Bills of Quantities consists of Bills, as follows:

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10.1 General
BOQ 2 General Requirement

BOQ for Section Petta - Thripunithura

BOQ 3 TRS Third Rail System

BOQ 4 ASS Auxiliary System
BOQ 5 TSS Traction System
BOQ 6 EBS Earthing Bonding & Stray Current
BOQ 7 CM Civil Works
BOQ 8 CW Control and Monitoring

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Annexure -1

Price Variation for 33 kV AC & 750 V DC Copper Cables.

The Price Variation for 33kV AC & 750V DC Copper Cables.

The price variation on 33 kV AC & 750V DC Copper Cables shall be applicable for
supply prices only. The erection prices shall not be subjected to any price variation.

For 33 kV AC & 750 V DC copper cables, the latest date of delivery of material for
considering price variation shall not be later than 180 (One Hundred Eighty) days
before that relevant key date for commission of 33 kV AC & 750 V DC Copper cables.
However, if the price variation calculated as per the actual date of notification of
inspection is resulting in a price advantage to the employer; the actual date of
notification shall be considered for evaluating the price variation.

Price variation that may accure during the period from the date of tender submission
will not be considered for tender evaluation and for deciding inter-se position of the

Price variation shall be applicable for cable manufactured in India.


For PV formulas refer attached IEEEMA circular.

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Annexure – 2

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Annexure – 3
Vendor Approval and Selection Procedure

(1) In the event of contractor wanting to use alternate makes other than those stipulated, for
any reason, the contractor can send a proposal after ensuring that what he proposes at
least meets the specifications both, the quality and safety standard of the stipulated makes,
the alternate proposed product should be a proven one. He shall also stand full guarantee
to his alternate proposal and if at any stage it is found that the material is not suitable or
meeting the tender requirement, the contractor shall replace the material and provide the
material from the approved vendor without any additional cost to KMRL. The alternate
makes can be used only after an approval accorded by the Employer, whose decision will
be final in the matter.
(2) The approval of any equipment or product to be used shall be done in two stages:-
(a) Stage-I
• Assessment of capability of proposed Vendor to supply a particular equipment
or product, with quality and performance requirements, as
required by Specifications as well as other contract conditions. The
proposed product should be a proven product in service for at least 3 years.
• Assessment of the financial and' functional strength of the Vendor to supply
the requisite quantity of equipment and product as per delivery schedule
acceptable to contractor and engineer to deliver the project in time.
(b) Stage-II
Stage-II called as Technical Submission Approval Stage, selection of Equipment
or product from the equipment / products manufactured / supplied by the approved
vendor will be done. This stage includes thorough technical assessments about
the conformance of the offered equipment / product to the Specifications and other
(c) To obtain Vendor Approval the Contractor must apply with the four sets of the
following documents to the Engineer
(i) Company Profile and Experience of the Vendor
(ii) Clause wise compliance of the relevant Clauses of Specifications.
(iii) Details of supplies / orders executed in last ten years for the type of
equipment/ product offered. Supplies/ orders executed for Underground
Metro Systems shall be specifically mentioned
(iv) Details of the facilities available at the Works / Manufacturing Unit where
the proposed equipment / product shall be manufactured.
(v) ISO 9000 Certification for the Works / Manufacturing Unit where the
proposed equipment / product shall be manufactured (The Works /
Manufacturing Unit where the proposed equipment / product shall be
manufactured must have ISO 9000 Certification)
(vi) Proof regarding compliance to Manufacturer's Qualifications. The offered
products must be proven in service.
(vii) Audited Financial Statements of the Vendor for the last three years.
(viii) Type test certificates/ Performance certificate from accredited laboratories for
the proposed type of equipment / products to establish the technical capability
of the vendor (In case, specific requirements are mentioned in the relevant
sections of Specifications with regard to type testing, same shall also be
complied additionally).
(ix) The vendor shall not have been blacklisted by any Govt. Agency in India.
(x) Any other item as required by Employer / Employer's Representative.
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(d) Contractor must certify the check list provided that vendor Proposal is
complete, and all the above documents are available in the Vendor Proposal.
In addition, the Contractor must check / certify compliance to the
Specifications before forwarding the same.
(e) Incomplete Vendor Proposal will not be treated as a submission and will be
(f) Engineer will give Approval to the Vendor Proposal (received complete with
all the documents mentioned above) expeditiously .
(g) Technical submission shall be accompanied with the calculations / other
technical documents to justify the selection of any particular model of equipment
/ product, detailed technical features / parameters of the selected product, type
test certificates from the accredited laboratories for the offered products, any
other document required by the Engineer.
(h) Engineer will give Approval to the Technical Proposal (received complete with
all the documents mentioned above) expeditiously.

(3) It may be noted that Approval of Vendors as per Point (2) above shall only be
done by Employer/Engineer after the award of the work. Vendor submissions
shall not be evaluated during the tender evaluation. Conditional Tender offers
received from Tenderers with particular Vendors for supply of equipment/
products will not be evaluated during evaluation and will be dealt with after award
of the work.
(4) It may further be noted that Employer I Engineer shall be under no obligation to
accept equipment / products manufactured by the successful Tenderer, unless
it meets the entire criterion mentioned above.

For Design and Build Contracts

In addition to above, in Design and Build Contracts the following shall also be
ensured for the Vendor Approval and Selection:-
Proven Design

The Contractor shall develop the design based on this specification and on sound
proven and reliable engineering practices. The broad design details shall be
submitted with technical support data in the technical bid. Detailed calculations shall
be submitted to the Engineer during the design process stage for review and

1.1 Systems and Sub-Systems

Manufacturer shall have at least 5 years experience of design and manufacturing of

similar system. Proposed systems from the proposed manufacturing unit shall have
been in use and have established their satisfactory performance and reliability for 3
years in minimum.

All sub-systems, equipments and major components etc. (hereinafter referred as 'sub-
systems') shall be state-of-art and of proven design.

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Proposed Systems/ sub-systems shall have been in use and have

established their satisfactory performance and reliability on at least Two mass
rapid transit systems (including Railway or "Airports) in revenue service over
a period of three years or more either outside the country of origin at an
average in two different countries or in KMRL. Systems/ Sub-systems/
components used in KMRL do not get automatically qualified for use unless
specifically approved by the Engineer for this project. If required by the
Engineer, Contractor shall provide certificate of satisfactory performance for a
period of five years or more from the Metro operators. Where similar System/
Sub-systems of a different rating are already proven in service as per the
above criteria then the supply shall be based on such sub-systems.

All 'sub systems' shall be procured from the approved vendors and sourced
from only such manufacturing units that have supplied the sub-systems that
fulfill the proven design requirements as above.

In case the contractor proposes to use systems or sub-system(s) that do not

fulfill the above said criteria then the contractor shall furnish sufficient
information to prove the basic soundness and reliability of the offered
systems and sub-system(s) for review of the Engineer. ·

The Engineer's decision on contractor's proposal shall be final and binding.

For sourcing the equipment from indigenous manufacturing facilities,

following conditions shall be complied: -

(i) ln case the vendor uses his own facilities for indigenization after part supply
of equipment from the approved manufacturing unit, no change in design;
component type/make, quality standards, manufacture procedure, etc. shall
be made without specific approval of the Engineer.
(ii) In case OEM wants to use manufacturing facilities in India (other than his own)
for items for which the OEM has been approved, it shall enter into an
agreement with such selected Indian equipment manufacturer and obtain
prior approval from KMRL. No change in composition, rating, type, model no.,
manufacturing process, quality standards, design, etc. and make of the
components used in assemblies/sub-assemblies of such equipment as
manufactured by the approved parent vendor shall be made without specific
approval of the Engineer.
(iii) In case OEM wishes to change/make/type specifications, etc. of any sub-
components for supplies to be sourced from Indian facility, specific prior
approval of the Engineer shall be obtained for changes made, model,
specification, etc. Responsibility for obtaining such prior approval shall rest
solely with the contractor.

Format for submitting the vendor approval request shall be given to the
contractor during initial stages and approved format shall be followed
throughout the contract.

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Annexure – 4

Management of Contract Spares

Spares Management is to be linked with "Product Life Cycle" (PLC). Contractor

will be able to supply spares as per various stages of PLC. The optimum support
to product will be available and spares management is to be matched with
1 manufacturer's phasing-out and obsolescence policy.

PLC has following stages:-

1. Current
2. Active
3. Mature
4. Limited
Pictorial representation of Product Life Cycle Model of Spares Management is as
follows: -

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1. Current: - In this stage of PLC, the supplied product is latest in terms of

technology. Comprehensive support to the product in terms of spares is

2. Active: - In this stage of PLC, the supplied product has passed a sufficient
duration in market. Comprehensive support to the product in terms of spares
availability and their manufacturing should be available.
Note: - Comprehensive--Support to the product in terms of spares availability
and their manufacturing should be available in both i.e. "Current" as well as
"Active" stages of PLC. However, these stages should be clearly known so as
to keep track of various stages of PLC and adjudge the availability of spares.

3. Mature: - At this stage, a product of better technology has been developed,

which is gradually replacing the supplied product. The manufacturer will classify
which spares are covered under this stage of PLC. At this stage, the spares will
be classified as follows: -

a) Usual spares i.e. which of those of the spares which were available in
"Current" and "Active" stage of PLC are available at this stage.

b) Spares as " Exchange modules" which are of updated technology and

compatible to components of offered product.

c) Spares required for repairing of selected modules.

During "Mature" stage the product is fully supported with usual spares/exchange
modules/repairing modules for a sufficient duration before it goes into the last stage
of "PLC" i.e. "Limited" stage.

4. Limited: - Here the new product has covered the market to a great extent. The
product supplied by the manufacturer is approaching obsolescence stage. At
this stage spares will be classified as follows: -
a) Spares required for repairing of selected modules.
b) Usual spares i.e. which of those of the spares which were available in
"Current", Active" and "Mature" stage of PLC are available at this stage.
• c) Spares as "Exchange Modules" which are of updated technology and
compatible to components of offered product.

In view of the above, it is required to know that the product being offered / being
supplied is in which stage of Product Life Cycle which will govern the requirement
of spares. Accordingly, following uniform policy for spares is to be followed.

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Spare Policy for Electrical Contracts

1.1 General

1.1.1 Consumable Spares

I. The Contractor shall supply the following spares:-

1. The 'consumable spares' shall include items such as lubricants, oils, greases, sealants,
filter Medias, gaskets, lamps and wearable parts etc. whose declared life is less than one
year. This will not include the consumables like Diesel Salt etc. required for operation of
the equipment.

2. The Tenderer shall provide a recommended unpriced list of 'consumable' spares in

Annexure-A as noted above for maintenance and repairs of equipment in technical
package. Any consumable item if required but not included in the above recommended
list by the tenderer will be deemed to have been included and shall be supplied as per
the provisions of this contract without any extra financial implication to the Employer.
Contractor will be required to supply the requisite quantity of spares, as required
irrespective of the quantities indicated by the contractor in the recommended list.
Employer's decision in determining any particular item(s) as consumable in line with
above guideline will be final and binding. In case any changes are required in the supply
of consumables on account of changes at design stage, the contractor shall have to
supply the required consumables also.

3. List of consumable spares furnished in the technical package shall be updated during
the execution of Contract and following information as minimum shall be provided.
(a) Names, addresses, telephone numbers and other particulars of
manufacturers and their local representatives;
(b) Models and part numbers,
(c) Full description of spares including a note whether it is sealed unit
or an assembly or sub-assembly which can be broken down into
component parts;
(d) Quantity installed in the system;
(e) Expected consumption rates;
(f) Overall dimensions and weight including minimum packing (if any)
for shelf space purposes;
(g) Inter-changeability or otherwise with similar parts;
(h) Normal manufacturing and shipment lead times; and
4. Shelf life.
5. The consumable spares shall be stored at the location agreed to by the Engineer.
6. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to maintain sufficient stock of
consumable spares till the end of DLP. These spares will be utilized by the
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Contractor during the maintenance etc. and its consumption to be countersigned

with Operation & Maintenance of KMRL and the old replaced parts shall be
destroyed in the presence of KMRL representative. Unused spares, if any, by the
end of DLP shall be handed over to KMRL and it will become property of employer.
· (vi) Recommended list shall be furnished by the contractor as part of design
submission / vendor approval for respective systems and subsystems. (The price of
these spares will be part of tender evaluation while assessing the L-1 bidders).

II. Unit Exchange Spares

The Contractor shall supply the Unit Exchange Spares as listed in the Annexure-B
of this Chapter on Employer's Requirements. The Unit Exchange Spares shall be
supplied in the Store nominated by the Engineer. The delivery requirements of
different lots are mentioned in the Annexure-B. These shall be delivered as per the
key dates defined. Any delay in this regard will make the Contractor liable for
liquidated damages as per tender conditions. This will be part of tender evaluation
while assessing the L-1 bidder.

Ill. Commissioning and DLP Spares

(i) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for review a list of minimum spare
parts that that he intends to make available during the installation, erection,
commissioning and defect liability periods.

.(ii) The Contractor shall keep on Site, at his own cost, throughout the installation,
erection, commissioning and defect liability periods, stocks of spare parts, as per
the list to enable rapid replacement of any item found to be defective or in any way
in non-conformance with the Specification.
(iii) The Contractor shall generally not be entitled to use any of the Employer's spare
parts during the installation, erection and commissioning periods or during the
Defects Liability Period.
(iv) Contractor shall not be permitted to remove any working/healthy equipment /
components / sub-systems / systems for any reason whatsoever without specific
approval in writing from KMRL's Engineer or Engineer's authorized representative.
(v) Spares as per the agreed list shall be supplied at least three months before ROD.
Stocks of such spares as available in Contractor stores will be jointly checked with
Engineer every three months. Certificate by Engineer confirming availability of the
spares in contractor stores / in Depots as per agreed list will be a pre-requisite for
release of interim payments of the Contractor. However, this condition will not be
applicable for six months before the expected expiry of the DLP period.
(vi) The Contractor shall include the price of this item in cost of DLP in their Financial
bid. This will be part of tender evaluation while assessing the L-1 bidder. ·

IV. Mandatory spares

(i) The Contractor shall supply the Mandatory Spares as listed in the Annexure-C of
this Chapter of Employer's Requirements. The Spares shall be supplied at the
location nominated by the Engineer. The price of these spares shall be quoted at
actual and will also be part of the evaluation for assessing L-1 bidder.
(ii) No change in quoted price of any spare will be allowed even when there is change
in design of any equipment/sub-system during the execution of the contract.
(iii) Contractor will furnish complete details during contract execution (detailed design

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stage) as noted below for the listed spares;

(a) Names, addresses, telephone numbers and other particulars of
manufacturers and their local representatives;
(b) Models and part numbers
(c) Full description of spares including a note whether it is sealed unit or an
assembly or sub-assembly, which can be broken down into component
(d) Quantity installed in the system;
(e) Overall dimensions and weight including minimum packing (if any) for shelf
space purposes;
(f) Designed and shelf life;
(g) Interchangeability or otherwise with similar parts;
(h) Normal manufacturing and shipment lead times;
(i) Purchase Technical Specification with relevant drawings.

The information as above shall also be given for all other components/equipments etc.
which may have to be changed / replaced during maintenance as decided by the Engineer
based on the proposed maintenance practices.

V. Recommended Spares
(i) The Tenderer shall furnish priced list of the 'recommended spares' not covered under 'Unit
Exchange Spares', 'consumables' and 'mandatory' spares but the Contractor expects
them to be required during three years after expiry of defect liability period, along with the
bid as per format enclosed in Annexure-D of this Chapter of Employer's Requirements.
The prices should be proportionate and reasonable. Employer may decide to procure any
number of these spares at quoted / negotiated rates before the end of DLP. The Spares
shall be supplied at a location nominated by the Engineer.
(ii) Contractor shall supply all the spares recommended by equipment/sub-system
manufacturers within the quoted cost for recommended spares. Contractor shall update
list of spares recommended by equipment/sub-system manufacturers at design
submission stage.
(iii) This will not be part of tender evaluation while assessing the L-1 bidder.

VI. 10 years spares beyond DLP (Purchase of spares from Vendors)

(i) The Contractor shall ensure availability of spare parts for a period of ten
years from the last date of taking over of whole of Works. The Tenderer
shall furnish an unpriced list of spares for maintenance and repair for a
period of ten years from the date of taking over in the Technical Package
in Annexure-E. The spares shall be in kit form/ items. The Tenderer shall
also quote unit prices for the kit / items, spare item with escalation clause
in the Financial Package. The Employer at his discretion, during a period
of ten years from the date of taking over of the whole works, purchase as
many kits / items of spare parts as required by him, at the rates indicated
in this schedule.
(ii) If during the period of ten years, the manufacturer/vendor intends to
discontinue the manufacture of spare or replacement parts, the
manufacturer / Contractor shall immediately give notice to the Employer of
such intention. The Employer shall be given the opportunity of ordering at
contracted prices such quantities of such spare or replacement parts as

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the Employer shall reasonably require in relation to the anticipated life of

the equipment.
(iii) In the event of Vendor/manufacturer/Contractor failing to supply the spare
parts in accordance with this Clause, he shall in respect of each item of
spare, furnish free of cost to the Employer, the drawings, specifications,
patterns and other information to enable the Employer to make or have
made such spare parts. The Employer shall be entitled to retain the
aforesaid drawings etc., for such time only as is necessary for the exercise
by the Employer of his rights under this clause and the drawings, if the
Manufacturer/ Contractor so requires, shall be returned by the Employer to
the Contractor in good order and condition (fair wear and tear excepted).
Also in the event of vendor / manufacturer/ contractor failing to supply the
spare parts in accordance with this clause are liable to be blacklisted.
(iv) Under such circumstances, the Contractor shall also grant to the Employer,
without payment of any royalty or charge, full right and liberty to make or have
made spare or replacement parts as aforesaid and for such purposes only to
use, make and have made copies of all drawings, patterns, specifications and
information supplied by the Contractor to the Employer pursuant to the
(v) The Contractor will, so far as he is reasonably able to bind his sub-contractors
/ vendors to conform with the requirements of this Clause and shall, prior to
entry into any sub-contracts, provide the Employer with full details of any sub-
contractor/vendor who will not so conform in which event the Employer may
direct the Contractor to seek an alternative sub-contractor/vendor.
(vi) If the Contractor fails to provide spare or replacement ·parts as described in
this Sub-clause and these are available from the Contractor's sub-contractor,
the Employer shall have the right to obtain such spare and replacement parts
from the sub-contractor or any other supplier. (and any additional cost incurred
by the Employer shall be recoverable from the Contractor)
(vii) In case the Contractor is unable to supply spares in accordance with Clause
above, he shall furnish, free of cost to the Employer, the drawings,
specifications, and other technical details, to enable the Employer to
manufacture parts, or have them manufactured. Such drawings and technical
data shall be provided free of any charge or royalty, on the understanding that
the Employer will use such data and drawings, only for the manufacture of parts
for his own use.
(viii) The foregoing shall hold equally good for the Contractor, any or all of his sub-
contractors, and vendors.
(ix) In the event that technological progress results in improved versions of spares
and replacement parts, the latest version shall have the same plug
compatibility, and spatial needs of its predecessor, to avoid modifications being
required, to accept the up-graded version of the part.

1.2 Manufacture, Delivery and Warranty

The major spare parts ordered under the Contract shall be manufactured, tested and
inspected in accordance with the relevant quality system, suitably packed and labeled.
All spares shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer. In the event that any item is
known to be going out of production, then the Contractor shall give advance notice to
the Engineer.
(i) The warranty period of 'unit exchange' and 'mandatory spares', delivered shall be:
(a) Either 24 months from the date of acceptance or

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(b) Up to expiry of the defect liability period, whichever is later.

1.3 Purchase of Spares from Vendors

(i) The Contractor shall furnish an undertaking that he has no objection whatsoever to and
shall not in any way deter or obstruct the Employer, its licensee or its representative from
dealing directly with the Contractor's Vendors for the purchase of the spares during the
Contract period. The spares purchased shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer.
(ii) Contractor shall obtain an undertaking from vendors, OEMs etc. at detailed design
submission stage that they will deal directly with Employer for supply of spares, equipment
and/or sub-systems.

1.4 The relevant list of the spares mentioned above shall be submitted in the
technical bids after blanking the prices, where applicable. The financial bid shall have
the price details.
1.5 Contractor shall submit technical specifications of the items used in this project for the
purpose of purchasing. Engineer's views, if any, shall be suitably incorporated.

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List of Recommended & Consumable Spares

S.No. Description Quantity Unit Price Total Amount

Foreign INR


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Unit Exchange Spares

S.No . ltem Quantity Unit Price Total Amount

Foreign INR


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Mandatory Spares

S.No. Item Quantity Unit Price Total Amount

Foreign INR
5 '.


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Annexure – D
Recommended Spares for three years After DLP

S.No. Item Quantity Unit Price Total Amount

Foreign INR

(contractor need to submit the unpriced list in the technical package)

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Annexure - E
List of Spares for 10 years beyond the DLP

S.No. Item Quantity Unit Price at the Base Year Rate of

................ Escalation per
Foreign INR year over the
Currency base year
- '

(contractor need to submit the unpriced list in the technical package)

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