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FprEN 16584-3 - 2015

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CEN/TC 256

Date: 256/WG
2015-06 44 N 324

FprEN 16584-3:2015

CEN/TC 256

Secretariat: DIN

Railway Applications — Design for PRM Use - General

Requirements — Part 3: Optical and Friction Characteristics
Einführendes Element — Haupt-Element — Teil 3: Ergänzendes Element

Élément introductif — Élément central — Partie 3 : Élément complémentaire


prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

Contents Page

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1 Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 6
3 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................... 7
4 Symbols and abbreviations ............................................................................................................... 11
5 Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 11
5.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 11
5.2 Infrastructure ....................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.1 Obstacle-free route ............................................................................................................................. 11
5.2.2 Floor surfaces ..................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.3 Transparent obstacles ........................................................................................................................ 12
5.2.4 Lighting ................................................................................................................................................ 12
5.2.5 Visual information: signposting, pictograms, dynamic information ............................................. 13
5.2.6 Platform danger area and edge of platform ..................................................................................... 13
5.2.7 Level track crossings ......................................................................................................................... 14
5.3 Rolling stock ........................................................................................................................................ 14
5.3.1 Interior doors ....................................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.2 Lighting ................................................................................................................................................ 14
5.3.3 Access/egress steps........................................................................................................................... 15
5.4 Boarding aids (ramps, lifts and bridging plates) for infrastructure and rolling
stock ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
6 Methodologies ..................................................................................................................................... 15
6.1 Slip resistance test ............................................................................................................................. 15
6.1.1 Principle ............................................................................................................................................... 15
6.1.2 Preparation and procedure ................................................................................................................ 15
6.1.3 Expression of results.......................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.4 Test Report .......................................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.5 Friction test piece ............................................................................................................................... 17
Annex A (normative) EC verification ............................................................................................................. 18
A.1 Interoperability constituents .............................................................................................................. 18
A.1.1 Conformity assessment ..................................................................................................................... 18
A.1.2 Application of modules ...................................................................................................................... 18
A.2 Subsystems ......................................................................................................................................... 19
A.2.1 EC verification (general) ..................................................................................................................... 19
A.2.2 Procedures for EC verification of a subsystem (modules) ............................................................. 19
Annex B (normative) Summary of testing requirements ............................................................................ 21
Annex C (informative) Colour temperature for Lighting ............................................................................. 23
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 2008/57/EC ....................................................................................... 24
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 26

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

This document (FprEN 16584-3:2015) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 256
“Railway applications”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.

This document is currently submitted to the Formal Vote.

This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and
the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).

For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, B, C or D, which is an integral part of
this document.

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

This document is part of a suite of four ‘Design for PRM Use’ standards that have in total nine parts:

 EN 16584 is a standard that covers both Infrastructure and Rolling Stock — Railway
Applications — Design for PRM Use - General Requirements:

 Part 1: Contrast (EN 16584-1)

 Part 2: Information (EN 16584-2)

 Part 3: Optical and Friction Characteristics (EN 16584-3)

 EN 16585 is a standard that covers Rolling Stock - Railway Applications - Design for PRM
Use - Equipment and Components On Board Rolling Stock:

 Part 1: Toilets (EN 16585-1)

 Part 2: Elements for Sitting, Standing and Moving (EN 16585-2)

 Part 3: Clearways and Internal Doors (EN 16585-3)

 EN 16586 is a standard that covers Rolling Stock — Railway Applications — Design for PRM
Use - Accessibility of Persons with Reduced Mobility to Rolling Stock:

 Part 1: Steps for Access and Egress (EN 16586-1)

 Part 2: Boarding Aids (EN 16586-2)

 EN 16587 is a standard that covers Infrastructure — Railway Applications — Design for PRM
Use - Requirements for Obstacle Free Routes for Infrastructure.

These standards aim to clarify the requirements (with clear and consistent terms and definitions) and
to define the associated criteria and, where appropriate, methodologies to allow a clear pass/fail

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

1 Scope
This European standard describes the specific ‘Design for PRM Use’ requirements applying to both
infrastructure and rolling stock and the assessment of those requirements. The following applies to
this standard:

 The definitions and requirements describe specific aspects of ‘Design for PRM Use’ required
by people with reduced mobility as defined in the PRM TSI.

 This standard defines elements which are universally valid for obstacle free travelling
including lighting, contrast, tactile feedback, transmission of visual and acoustic information.
The definitions and requirements of this standard are to be used for infrastructure and rolling
stock applications.

 This standard only refers to aspects of accessibility for PRM passengers it does not define
non PRM related requirements and definitions.

 This standard assumes that the infrastructure or rolling stock is in its defined operating

 Where minimum or maximum dimensions are quoted these are absolute NOT nominal

The ‘General Requirements’ standard is written in three parts:

 Part 1 contains

 Contrast;

 Part 2 contains

 Spoken information;

 Written information;

 Tactile information;

 Pictograms;

 This document is Part 3 and contains

 Lighting;

 Low reflecting properties;

 Transparent obstacles;

 Slip resistance.

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 12464-1:2011 Light and lighting. Lighting of work places. Indoor work places

EN 12464-2: 2014 Light and lighting. Lighting of work places. Outdoor work places

EN 1838:2013 Lighting applications. Emergency lighting

EN 13272:2012, Railway applications. Electrical lighting for rolling stock in public transport systems

EN 16584-1, Railway Applications — Design for PRM Use — General Requirements — Part 1:

EN 16584-2, Railway Applications — Design for PRM Use — General Requirements — Part 2:

EN 16587, Railway Applications — Design for PRM Use — Requirements for Obstacle Free Routes
for Infrastructure

ISO 2813:1999, Determination of specula gloss of non-metallic paint films at 20 degrees, 60 degrees
and 85 degrees

ISO 4649:2010, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic — Determination of abrasion resistance using a

rotating cylindrical drum device

ISO 21542:2011 Building construction - Accessibility and usability of the built environment

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

that part of any of the characters b, d, f, h, i, j, k, l or t which protrudes above the x-height of the

raised area that surrounds a pressel as part of a pushbutton

character height
vertical size of uppercase letters or numbers

compressed ‘ascender’
when the ascender has been compressed or squashed or misaligned and does not use a consistent
x-height and/or ascender height

compressed ‘descender’
when the descender has been compressed or squashed or misaligned and does not use a consistent
x-height and/or descender height

perception of a difference visually between one surface or element of a building/rail vehicle and
another by reference to their light reflectance values (LRV) or luminance values

Note 1 to entry: see BS 8300:2009+A1:2010 for further information

customer information
all visual and spoken information other than information intended only for staff

that part of any of the characters g, j, p, q or y which protrudes below the level of the baseline

essential information
subset of customer information delivered within the confines of the infrastructure comprising
information concerning the departure of train services and safety instructions

Note 1 to entry: Platform number, train routeing information, departure times and any updates/changes to
previously available information and actions required in reaction to a threat to personal safety (e.g. evacuate
station FIRE!, stand back from platform edge train approaching)

first step
step that is the first step for a passenger to use, to overcome a height change

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

Note 1 to entry: For the external access/egress steps this will normally be the step that is closest to the
platform edge (it may be a fixed or a moveable step), therefore this is the first step when boarding and the last
step when alighting.

Note 2 to entry: In the context of steps for internal height changes (other than the external access/egress
steps) this means the first usable step when ascending and the edge of the walking floor when descending

fixed longitudinal seats
passenger seats which are installed along the body side (not foldable or intended to tip up) facing
perpendicular to the direction of travel

free standing devices
all elements or items within the confines of the station and on platforms, whether fixed or removable,
that are not part of the station structures

Note 1 to entry: Elements that are not included in this definition are lifts, external staircases, walls, any
suspended devices, (the lower most part of which is more than 2 100 mm above the walking floor) and items that
have a dimension greater (perpendicular to the walking direction) than 2 000 mm (e.g. fence, waiting shelter)

illuminated ring surrounding a pressel, not necessarily continuous

hue and chroma
attributes of a colour which include its hue (frequency) and saturation (the dominant wavelength of a
colour) also known as "chromaticity"

Note 1 to entry: A colour system (colour space, colour model) defines colour by hue, saturation and brightness.
The hue is the predominant colour, the saturation is the colour intensity from achromatic (colourless) to the pure
colour and the value (result) is the brightness from light to dark.

innovative solution
technological progression that results in a solution that does not comply with the specification set out
in clause 5 of this standard or for which there are no assessment methods

Note 1 to entry: An innovative solution may only be used following a positive opinion from the European

last step
final step for an ascending passenger to use to overcome a height change, forming the edge of the
walking floor

Light Reflectance Value (LRV)
total quantity of visible light that is reflected by a surface at all wavelengths and directions when
illuminated by a light source, the measured range of LRV is between 0 and 100 points

low reflecting properties
characteristics that reduce reflection of light from a surface

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

mixed case
text using a combination of upper and lower case characters

graphical symbol, diagram or figure with a particular meaning which directly represents or conveys its
meaning independently of language through a pictorial representation of a physical object, action or

Note 1 to entry: Refer to ISO 7001:2007, ISO/TR 7239 and ISO 9186 for rules regarding Graphical symbols
and frames

surface of the pushbutton which is pressed in order to activate the pushbutton

routeing information
this information is used by a passenger to guide them on their journey, a guide as to which route to
take to get to a required destination or facility and changes along that journey

Note 1 to entry: This can be temporary information to an event e.g. exhibition or sporting event but NOT any
form of commercial advertising

Sans Serif font
uses the characters from a Sans Serif typeface

Sans Serif
without serifs

additional stroke or line attached to the main strokes of a character or number

sharp edge
thin edge capable of cutting or an abrupt end or discontinuity of a surface which has the potential to
injure a passenger in normal use

slip resistant
a surface finish that is sufficiently rough or otherwise specially formulated so that friction between the
surface and a person's footwear or mobility aid is maintained at an acceptable level in both wet and
dry conditions

Note 1 to entry: Snow and ice are outside this definition and this standard, therefore other special measures
should be taken for steps and platforms etc that are exposed to these weather conditions

spoken information
all information audibly communicated in words

Note 1 to entry: This can be direct, pre-recorded or synthesised information

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

any form of infrastructure where a train operates and passengers can board or alight in normal

station building
any buildings or structures within the confines of the station in areas for use by passengers which can
be open at different times to the overall station

Note 1 to entry: This does not include other commercial structures that are not essential for travel

standard toilet
toilet not designed to be accessible to a passenger in a wheelchair

information that is understood through the physical sense of touch

Note 1 to entry: Tactile signs, controls, symbols, pictograms, guide path and Braille or raised characters are a
physical means by which tactile information is provided

transparent obstacles
obstacles that allow objects or images to be seen as if there were no intervening material, seen
through with a level of clarity

Note 1 to entry: Transparency in this standard is when an obstacle allows at least 50 % direct light

characters (letters and numbers) of a particular design that are categorised as either ‘Serif’ or ‘Sans
Serif’ where this is a collective definition of all the characters in that typeface and not the individual

universal toilet
toilet designed to be used by all passengers including passengers in wheelchairs

visual acuity
clearness or acuteness of vision

visual information
all written information and pictograms

written information
all information visually communicated in words, letters and numerals, excluding pictograms

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

4 Symbols and abbreviations

Table 1 — Abbreviations

Abbreviation Designation
CIE International Commission on Illumination
EN European Standard (Euronorm)
ISO the International Organization for Standardization
TSI Technical Specification for Interoperability

Table 2 — Symbols

Symbol Designation Unit

Hz Unit of frequency Hertz
K Unit of temperature Kelvin
LRV Light Reflectance Value point
lx Unit of illuminance lux
m Unit of length metre
mm Unit of length millimetre
s Unit of time second

5 Requirements

5.1 General

Assessment of the requirements identified in clause 5 shall be according to Annex A and Annex B.
Where additional assessment criteria apply, these will be identified against the relevant clause.

All dimensions in the figures are in millimetres (mm) unless otherwise stated.

5.2 Infrastructure

5.2.1 Obstacle-free route

Obstacle-free route floor surfaces and ground surfaces shall have low reflecting properties.

 Assessment shall be in accordance with ISO 2813:1999 for paints and varnishes, an
achieved gloss level of 50 or lower shall be assumed to be compliant. For any other
ground material and/or surface materials an assessment is not necessary

5.2.2 Floor surfaces

All floor coverings, ground surfaces and stair tread surfaces shall be slip resistant.

 Assessment shall be according to international or national standards.

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

5.2.3 Transparent obstacles

Transparent obstacles on or along the main routes used by passengers, consisting of glass doors or
transparent walls, shall be marked. These markings shall highlight the transparent obstacles.

 Assessment of transparency shall be carried out with a Glass transparency meter, if

transparency is greater than 50 % then the obstacle shall be marked.

 Assessment of the markings shall be according to EN 16584-1.

These markings are not required along transparent walls if passengers are protected from impact by
other means — for example, by handrails or continuous benches.

Glass or other transparent/translucent materials that are coated or treated to reduce the light
transmission shall have low reflective properties so as not to create a mirror effect (Lighting is
assumed to be the normal operating conditions).

5.2.4 Lighting

1) The illuminance level of the external areas of the station shall be sufficient to facilitate way
finding and to highlight the changes of level, doors and entrances.

 Light levels shall be according to either ISO 21542 or EN 12464 and method of
assessment according to EN 12464

2) The illuminance level along obstacle-free routes shall be adapted to the visual task of the
passenger. Particular attention shall be paid to the changes of levels, ticket vending offices
and machines, information desks and information displays.

i. From the accessible building entrance to the platform access point, the obstacle-free
route shall be illuminated, measured at floor level, within the confines of the station

 Light levels shall be according to either ISO 21542 or EN 12464 and method of
assessment according to EN 12464

ii. The minimum lighting level shall be across the full width of the obstacle free route.

 The obstacle free route shall be according to EN 16587

 The measurement shall be taken at floor level.

iii. The minimum required light level on stairs and at the start and end of ramps, shall be
measured at floor level.

 Light levels shall be according to either ISO 21542 or EN 12464 and method of
assessment according to EN 12464

3) The platforms shall have a minimum average illumination level measured at floor level.

 Light levels shall be according to either ISO 21542 or EN 12464 and method of
assessment according to EN 12464.

4) If artificial lighting is required to achieve this.

 The colour temperature of the artificial light source will be in excess of 5 000 K. (See
Annex C)

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

 Where the artificial lighting provides a lighting level of 100 lux or more then this
requirement is assumed to be met.

5) Where artificial lighting is required to allow detailed information to be read, these locations
shall be highlighted by lighting with a minimum 15 lux increase over that provided in adjacent

 The lighting local to information sources shall be 15 lux more than the average
ambient lighting level, unless it is backlit information.

NOTE 2 Lighting should not produce glare or reflectance, see ISO 21542 and methodology defined by CIE.

6) Such increased lighting shall also have a different colour temperature to that in the adjacent

 the localised light source shall have a colour temperature that differs from the
ambient lighting. This shall be achieved by being either less than 4 000 K or greater
than 6 000 K.

7) Emergency lighting shall provide sufficient visibility for evacuation and for identification of fire-
fighting and safety equipment

 Assessment shall be according to ISO 21542 and/or EN 1838.

NOTE 3 While the advantages of higher colour temperature in aiding visual acuity and alertness are known and
beneficial for partially sighted and elderly passengers, there is also general concern over the prolonged effect of
exposure to blue light. Certain technologies, for example Light Emitting Diode (LED) have raised further concerns
with the effect of what is termed 'blue light hazard'. When designing any lighting installation, consideration should
be given to the proximity to the light emitter, the directness of the light source, use of diffusers etc. in combination
with the above information.

5.2.5 Visual information: signposting, pictograms, dynamic information

Visual information shall be easily readable in all lighting conditions when the station is operational.

 Lighting conditions shall be according to 5.2.4 of this standard.

 Visual information readability shall be assessed according to EN 16584-1 and

EN 16584-2.

5.2.6 Platform danger area and edge of platform

1) The danger area of a platform commences at the rail side edge of the platform and is defined as
the area where passengers are not allowed to stand when trains are passing or arriving.

 For the conventional rail system, this danger area shall be according to National

2) The boundary of the danger area, furthest from the rail side edge of the platform, shall have visual
marking and tactile walking surface indicators.

 The tactile walking surface indicators shall be according to EN 16584-2

3) The visual marking shall be a contrasting, slip resistant, warning line with a minimum width of
100 mm:

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

 Contrast shall be assessed according to EN 16584-1

 Slip resistance shall be assessed according to international or national


 the width shall be measured horizontally and perpendicular to the track

4) The material at the rail side edge of the platform shall be slip resistant.

 Slip resistance shall be assessed for the walking surface according to

international or national standards.

5.2.7 Level track crossings

If level track crossings are used as part of obstacle free routes, or are the unique solution for all
passengers, they shall have:

1) a visual warning line at the beginning and the end of the crossing surface that shall be:

i. colour contrasting

 Assessment shall be according to EN 16584-1

ii. slip resistant

 Assessment shall be according to international or national standards.

iii. a minimum width of 100 mm.

2) a ground surface that is slip resistant (this excludes the rail head)

 Assessment shall be according to international or national standards.

5.3 Rolling stock

5.3.1 Interior doors

If more than 75% of a door’s surface is made of a transparent material, it shall be clearly marked with
visual indicators

 Assessment of transparency shall be carried out with a Glass transparency meter, if

transparency is greater than 50 % then the door surface shall be marked.

 Assessment of the visual indicators shall be according to EN 16584-1.

Glass or other transparent/translucent materials that are coated or treated to reduce the light
transmission shall have low reflective properties so as not to create a mirror effect (Lighting is
assumed to be the normal operating condition).

5.3.2 Lighting

Minimum values of average illuminance in the passenger areas shall be according to EN 13272:2012
4.1.2. Requirements relative to the uniformity of these values are not applicable for conformity with
this standard.

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

5.3.3 Access/egress steps

All steps for access and egress shall be slip resistant.

 Slip-resistance shall be assessed for the walking surface of the step according to
‘6 Methodologies’ of this standard.

5.4 Boarding aids (ramps, lifts and bridging plates) for infrastructure and rolling

The surface of boarding aids shall be slip resistant.

 Slip-resistance shall be assessed for the walking surface of the step according to
‘6 Methodologies’ of this standard.

6 Methodologies

6.1 Slip resistance test

6.1.1 Principle

This test method is to determine the slip resistance of the surface of entrance steps, separate,
attachable or integral, ramps and lifts. The slip resistance test methodology described below is a
specific test for entrance steps, ramps and lifts and is an extract from EN 1645-1 / EN 1646-1.

6.1.2 Preparation and procedure

a) Place the step (separate, attachable or integral) in an horizontal position ± 2° (3,5 %) (See
Figure 1);

b) carry out the test at an ambient temperature of 15 °C ± 10 °C;

c) roughen the surface of the rubber sole of the friction test piece once before each test by placing it
on a sheet of grade 60 to 63 emery paper and pull it, at a constant rate of (150 ± 10) mm/s, a
distance of 300 mm across the surface of the emery paper;

d) spray evenly the top surface of the tread to be tested with a minimum of 1 litre of drinking water
immediately prior to carrying out procedures e) and f);

e) place the friction test piece (see Figure 2) upon the step;

f) apply a horizontal force of 150 N for approximately 10 s, using a load cell, to the friction test piece
during which there shall be no visually discernible movement of the friction test piece;

g) for devices external to the vehicle the test shall be carried out in three directions as shown in
Figure 1a);

h) for internal steps for access/egress to the vehicle tests shall be carried out in the direction as
shown in Figure 1b);

i) the above procedures d), e), f), g) and h) shall be carried out as many times as necessary to test
the complete surface of the device(s) or the tread(s) of the step(s).

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

1 Friction test piece (see Figure 2)
F horizontal force of 150 N

Figure 1a — Friction Test Piece shown on any step or device external to the vehicle


1 Friction test piece (see Figure 2)

F horizontal force of 150 N

Figure 1b — Friction Test Piece shown on internal step for access or egress to the vehicle

6.1.3 Expression of results

The vehicle shall be considered to have passed the test and for its step(s) to be suitably slip resistant
in accordance with the requirements if during the test as described in 6.1.2 there was no visually
discernible movement of the friction test piece.

6.1.4 Test Report

A test report shall be prepared stating whether the vehicle passed or failed the test.

The report shall state the following, if applicable:

a) the approximate degree of movement of the friction test piece on the step;

b) the position of the friction test piece on the step when movement was discerned.

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

6.1.5 Friction test piece

The friction test piece is comprised of a 30 kg steel block, 200 mm long, 100 mm wide approximately
190 mm deep (depending on the density of the steel) with an 8 mm thick rubber sole bonded to its
base. The rubber sole shall be as specified in ISO 4649:2010. A typical friction test piece is shown in
Figure 2.

1 Pulling hook securely attached
2 8 mm rubber sole

Figure 2 — Typical friction test piece

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

Annex A

EC verification

A.1 Interoperability constituents

A.1.1 Conformity assessment

An EC declaration of conformity or suitability for use shall be drawn up by the manufacturer or his
authorised representative established in the Union before placing an 'interoperability constituent' on
the market.

The conformity assessment of an interoperability constituent shall be according to the prescribed

module(s) of that particular constituent specified in A.1.2 of this standard.

A.1.2 Application of modules

The modules for the EC certification of conformity of interoperability constituents are listed in the table

Table A.1: Modules for EC certification of conformity of interoperability constituents

Module CA Internal production control

Module CA1 Internal production control plus product verification by individual


Module CA2 Internal production control plus product verification at random


Module CB EC-Type examination

Module CC Conformity to type based on internal production control

Module CD Conformity to type based on quality management system of the

production process

Module CF Conformity to type based on product verification

Module CH Conformity based on full quality management system

Module CH1 Conformity based on full quality management system plus design

Module CV Type validation by in service experience (Suitability for use)

The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Union shall choose one of
the modules or module combinations indicated in the following table for the constituent to be

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

Table A.2: Combination of modules for EC certification of conformity of interoperability


Constituents to be Module Module Module Module Module Module
Clause CA1 or
assessed CA CB +CC CB +CD CB +CF CH* CH1
Boarding aids (ramps,
5.3 X X X X X
lifts and bridging plates)

(*) Modules CA1, CA2 or CH may be used only in the case of products manufactured according to a
design developed and already used to place products on the market before the application of relevant
TSIs applicable to those products, provided that the manufacturer demonstrates to the notified body
that design review and type examination were performed for previous applications under comparable
conditions, and are in conformity with the requirements of the relevant TSI; this demonstration shall be
documented, and is considered as providing the same level of proof as module CB or design
examination according to module CH1.

A.2 Subsystems

A.2.1 EC verification (general)

The EC verification procedure shall be performed according to the prescribed modules(s) specified in
point A.2.2 of this standard.
For the infrastructure subsystem, if the applicant demonstrates that tests or assessments of a
subsystem or parts of a subsystem are the same or have been successful for previous applications of
a design, the notified body shall consider the results of these tests and assessments for the EC
The approval process and the contents of the assessment shall be defined between the applicant and
a notified body according to the requirements defined in the relevant TSI and in conformance with the
rules set out in section 7 of this TSI.
A.2.2 Procedures for EC verification of a subsystem (modules)

The modules for the EC verification of subsystems are listed in the table below:

Table A.3: Modules for the EC verification of subsystems

Module SB EC-type examination

Module SD EC verification based on quality management system of the production
Module SF EC verification based on product verification
Module SG EC verification based on unit verification
Module SH1 EC verification based on full quality management system plus design

The applicant shall choose one of the modules or module combinations indicated in Table A.4.

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

Table A.4: Combination of modules for the EC verification of subsystems

Subsystem to be Module Module Module SG Module

assessed SB+SD SB+SF SH1

Rolling Stock Subsystem X X X

Infrastructure Subsystem X

The characteristics of the subsystem to be assessed during the relevant phases are indicated in
Annex B, Table B.1 for infrastructure subsystem and Table B.3 for rolling stock subsystem. The
applicant shall confirm that each subsystem produced complies with the type.

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

Annex B

Summary of testing requirements

The sub-system characteristics that shall be assessed in the different phases of design, development
and production are marked by 'X' in Table B.1 for Infrastructure subsystem.

Table B.1 — Test Plan for Infrastructure requirements

Assessment of the Infrastructure subsystem (constructed and supplied as single entity)

Design and Construction phase
development phase
Feature to be tested (all sub-clauses
included) Design review and/or Site Inspection
design examination
5.1.1 Obstacle-free route X (X)*
5.1.2 Floor Surfaces X (X)*
5.1.3 Transparent Obstacles X (X)*
5.1.4 Lighting X X
5.1.5 Visual information: signposting, X (X)*
pictograms, dynamic information
5.1.6 Platform danger area and edge of X (X)*
5.1.7 Level track crossings X (X)*
5.3 Boarding aids (ramps, lifts and X (X)*
bridging plates)
* As-built drawings shall be provided or a site inspection shall be carried out when the realization differs from the design rules
or drawings that were examined.

The sub-system characteristics that shall be assessed in the different phases of design, development
and production are marked by X in Table B.2 for interoperable constituents.

Table B.2 — Test Plan for Interoperable Constituents

Assessment in the following phase

Design and development phase

Design Verification
Review of
Interoperability Constituents and review and/or of
manufacturing Type test
characteristics to be assessed Design conformity
examination to type

5.3 Platform ramps X X X

5.3 Platform lifts X X X

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

Assessment in the following phase

Design and development phase

Design Verification
Review of
Interoperability Constituents and review and/or of
manufacturing Type test
characteristics to be assessed Design conformity
examination to type

5.3 Movable step and bridging plate X X X

5.3 On-board ramp X X X

5.3 On-board lift X X X

The sub-system characteristics that shall be assessed in the different phases of design, development
and production are marked by X in Table B.3 for Rolling stock subsystem.

Table B.3 — Test Plan for Rolling Stock requirements

Design and development Production
phase phase

Characteristics to be assessed Design

review and/or Routine
Type Test
design Test

5.2.1 Interior doors X X

5.2.2 Lighting X

5.2.3 Access/egress steps X

5.3 Boarding aids (ramps, lifts and bridging plates) X X X

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

Annex C

Colour temperature for Lighting

The following table indicates colour temperatures for typical light sources.

Table C.1 — Indicative colour temperatures for lighting

Temperature (K) Source

1 700 Match flame and oil lamps

1 850 Candle flame

2 300 Early morning sunrise

2 700 - 3 300 Incandescent light bulb

3 400 Studio lamps, photofloods, etc.

3 800 Fluorescent lights

4 100 Moonlight

5 000 Warm / horizon daylight

Cool daylight (12h00 midday),

5 500 - 6 000
electric flash
6 420 Xenon arc lamp

6 500 Daylight, overcast

9 300 TV (analogue) screen

NOTE These temperatures are characteristic examples; considerable variation can be present.

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

Annex ZA

Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential

Requirements of EU Directive 2008/57/EC

This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN/CENELEC/ETSI by the
European Commission and the European Free Trade Association to provide a means of conforming
to Essential Requirements of the New Approach Directive 2008/57/EC.

Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive and has
been implemented as a national standard in at least one Member State, compliance with the clauses
of this standard given in Table ZA.1, confers, within the limits of the scope of this standard, a
presumption of conformity with the relevant Essential Requirements of that Directive and associated
EFTA regulations.

Table ZA.1 — Correspondence between this European Standard, the PRM TSI 1
and Directive 2008/57/EC

Clause/ subclauses of this Chapter/§/annexes Corresponding text, Comments

European Standard of the TSI articles/§/annexes of
the Directive
5.2.1 Obstacle free route (3)
Annex III
5.2.2 Floor surfaces (1) Essential Requirements
1 General Requirements
5.2.3 Transparent obstacles

5.2.4 Lighting 1.1 Safety

5.2.6 Platform danger area and 1.1.1

edge of platform

5.3.1 Interior doors (6) 1.1.5

5.3.2 Lighting 1.2 Reliability and

5.3.3 Access/Egress steps (1)
1.3 Health
5.4 Boarding aids (ramps, lifts and (5)
bridging plates) for infrastructure 1.3.1
and rolling stock
5.4 Boarding aids (ramps, lifts and (4) 1.6 Accessibility
bridging plates) for infrastructure
and rolling stock 1.6.1

5.4 Boarding aids (ramps, lifts and (4) 2 Requirements specific to
bridging plates) for infrastructure

1 Technical Specification for interoperability relating to ‘Persons with reduced mobility’ in the European Union Rail
system; Commission Regulation (EU) No 1300/2014
2 including additional Essential Requirements following Commission Directive 2013/9/EU

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)

and rolling stock each subsystem

5.4 Boarding aids (ramps, lifts and (5) 2.1 Infrastructure
bridging plates) for infrastructure
and rolling stock 2.1.1 Safety

5.4 Boarding aids (ramps, lifts and (2) 2.1.2 Accessibility
bridging plates) for infrastructure
and rolling stock
2.4 Rolling stock

2.4.1 Safety

2.4.2 Reliability and


2.4.3. Technical

2.4.5 Accessibility

WARNING — Other requirements and other EC Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling
within the scope of this standard.

prEN 16584-3:2015 (E)


[1] BS 8300:2009+A1 2010, Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of
disabled people. Code of practice

[2] EN 1645-1:2012, Leisure accommodation vehicles. Caravans. Habitation requirements

relating to health and safety

[3] EN 1646-1:2012, Leisure accommodation vehicles. Motor caravans. Habitation requirements

relating to health and safety

[4] EN 16585-1, Railway applications — Design for PRM Use — Equipment and Components on
board Rolling Stock — Part 1: Toilets

[5] EN 16585-2, Railway applications — Design for PRM Use — Equipment and Components on
board Rolling Stock — Part 2: Elements for sitting, standing and moving

[6] EN 16585-3, Railway applications — Design for PRM Use — Equipment and Components on
board Rolling Stock — Part 3: Passageways and Internal doors

[7] EN 16586-1, Railway applications — Design for PRM Use — Accessibility of Persons with
Reduced Mobility to rolling stock — Part 1: Steps for Egress and Access

[8] EN 16586-2, Railway applications — Design for PRM Use — Accessibility of Persons with
Reduced Mobility to rolling stock — Part 2: Boarding Aids

[9] Commission Regulation (EU) No 1300/2014, Technical Specification of Interoperability for

Persons of Reduced Mobility

[10] ISO 7001:2007, Public information symbols

[11] ISO/TR 7239:1984, Development and principles for application of public information symbols

[12] ISO 9186-1:2007, Graphical symbols — Test methods — Part 1: Methods for testing

[13] ISO 9186-2:2008, Graphical symbols — Test methods — Part 2: Method for testing perceptual


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