Oracle® Applications: User's Guide Release 12.1
Oracle® Applications: User's Guide Release 12.1
Oracle® Applications: User's Guide Release 12.1
User's Guide
Release 12.1
Part No. E12896-02
April 2009
Oracle Applications User's Guide, Release 12.1
Copyright © 2000, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Author: Leslie Studdard, Jennifer Collins, Mildred Wang, Melody Yang
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks
of their respective owners.
This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on
use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your
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engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If
you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.
If this software or related documentation is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf
of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable:
This software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not
developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications which may
create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software in dangerous applications, then you shall be
responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of
this software. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this
software in dangerous applications.
This software and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services
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warranties of any kind with respect to third party content, products and services. Oracle Corporation and its
affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third
party content, products or services.
2 Forms-Based Applications
Using Forms-Based Applications.............................................................................................. 2-1
The Forms Toolbar.................................................................................................................... 2-3
Entering Data in Forms............................................................................................................. 2-4
Searching for Data..................................................................................................................... 2-9
Customizing the Presentation of Data.................................................................................... 2-11
Running Reports and Programs.............................................................................................. 2-13
Monitoring Requests............................................................................................................... 2-16
Viewing Request Output........................................................................................................ 2-17
Exporting Records to a File..................................................................................................... 2-19
Attachments............................................................................................................................. 2-19
Defining Preferences with User Profile Options................................................................... 2-21
3 HTML-Based Applications
Using HTML-Based Applications............................................................................................. 3-1
Using Oracle E-Business Suite Secure Enterprise Search........................................................ 3-2
Querying and Viewing Data..................................................................................................... 3-6
Entering Data............................................................................................................................. 3-7
Scheduling Requests and Request Sets.................................................................................... 3-9
Monitoring Requests................................................................................................................. 3-9
Using Attachments.................................................................................................................... 3-9
Personalizations...................................................................................................................... 3-11
A Using Help
Getting Help.............................................................................................................................. A-1
Searching For Help................................................................................................................... A-1
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle welcomes customers' comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document.
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• Are the implementation steps correct and complete?
• Did you understand the context of the procedures?
• Did you find any errors in the information?
• Does the structure of the information help you with your tasks?
• Do you need different information or graphics? If so, where, and in what format?
• Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?
If you find any errors or have any other suggestions for improvement, then please tell us your name, the
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the chapter, section, and page number (if available).
Note: Before sending us your comments, you might like to check that you have the latest version of the
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current Documentation Library plus all documents revised or released recently.
Send your comments to us using the electronic mail address: [email protected]
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and inquire about our Oracle University offerings. A list of Oracle offices is available on our Web site at
Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.1 of the Oracle Applications User's Guide.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
• The principles and customary practices of your business area.
If you have never used Oracle Applications, we suggest you attend one or more of the
Oracle Applications training classes available through Oracle University.
See Related Information Sources on page viii for more Oracle Applications product
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible
to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our documentation includes
features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This
documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by
the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and
Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address
technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers.
For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at
1 Getting Started with Oracle Applications
2 Forms-Based Applications
3 HTML-Based Applications
A Using Help
B Oracle Applications Accessibility Features
current PDF documentation for your product with each release. The Oracle
Applications Documentation Library is also available on My Oracle Support and is
updated frequently.
Related Guides
You should have the following related books on hand. Depending on the requirements
of your particular installation, you may also need additional manuals or guides.
Oracle Alert User's Guide
This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of
your Oracle Applications data.
Oracle Workflow User's Guide
This guide describes how users can view and respond to workflow notifications and
monitor the progress of their workflow processes.
Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
Because Oracle Applications tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle Applications form can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle
Applications data using anything other than Oracle Applications, you may change a
row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tables
get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous information
and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle Applications.
When you use Oracle Applications to modify your data, Oracle Applications
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle Applications also keeps track
of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.
Getting Started with Oracle Applications
Oracle E-Business Suite is a complete set of business applications for managing and
automating processes across your enterprise. This guide describes the user interface
features that are common to Oracle E-Business Suite applications, including:
• List of Values (LOV), page 2-6
The E-Business Suite Home page is your entry point to Oracle E-Business Suite. From
this page you can:
1. View or respond to your most important notifications from the Worklist.
3. Set Preferences.
Using Worklists
The Worklist displays your most important notifications. Select the Subject to respond,
or select Full List to see all of your notifications.
To access a function
To add or delete functions shown in the Navigator from all functions available to you,
select Edit Navigator.
Set Preferences
Select Preferences to set personal options. Options include language, territory, time
zone, notification style, accessibility setting, and formats for dates and numbers. You
can also reset your password from the Preferences page.
Optionally specify a Start Page for all future sessions from available pages (organized
by responsibility).
Note: From the Forms interface, change your Start Page using the
"Applications Start Page" profile option.
Set additional preferences using user profile options. For more information, see
Defining Preferences with User Profile Options, page 2-21.
The Navigator
Open Forms
The Functions tab provides links to the forms accessible to your current responsibility.
To open a form, expand the function heading and double-click the form name.
2. Enter the new name in the Rename Label window and click OK.
• Advance to the next step of a process from within a form by using the Next Step
toolbar icon.
The toolbar icons and the actions they perform are as follows:
1. The New icon opens a new record.
5. The Next Step icon advances you to the next step of a process. See Launch Business
Processes, page 2-2.
6. The Switch Responsibilities icon invokes the list of your responsibilities for you to
choose another.
7. The Print... icon prints the current screen. In some cases it may print a report
associated with the current data.
10. The Copy icon copies the current selection to the clipboard.
11. The Paste icon pastes from the clipboard into the current field.
12. The Clear Record icon erases the current record from the form.
13. The Delete icon deletes the current record from the database.
14. The Edit Field... icon displays the Editor window for the current field.
16. The Translations... icon invokes the Translations window. See Creating
Translations for a Record, page 2-9.
17. The Attachments icon invokes the Attachments window. If attachments already
exist, the icon appears as a paperclip holding paper. See Attachments, page 2-19.
18. The Folder Tools icon invokes the Folder Tools palette window. See Customizing
the Presentation of Data, page 2-11.
19. The Window Help icon invokes online help for the current window.
2. Multi-Row Block
3. Folder Indicator
5. Record
6. Field
8. Descriptive Flexfield
Organization of a Form
Use fields to enter, view, update, or delete information.
By default, a required field is displayed in yellow, and a read-only field is displayed in
gray. These colors can be changed or turned off using profile options. See Defining
Preferences with User Profile Options, page 2-21.
A record is a logical grouping of fields. A record is also referred to as a row or a
transaction, since one record corresponds either to a row in a database table or to a
You must complete all required fields in a record before moving to the next record.
A block displays a set of records either in a single-row format or a multi-row format.
Tip: To clear data at the block level: From the Edit menu, choose Clear,
then Block.
2. After entering data for your new record, choose Save or Save and Proceed from the
File menu to save the record to the database. Choosing Save and Proceed
automatically advances you to the next record.
To delete a record
1. Choose Delete from the Edit menu.
This action erases the current record from your screen, and returns your cursor to
the first field of the next record.
2. To delete the record from the database, choose Save or Save and Proceed from the
File menu.
Note: Lists that require a Find string do not use the autoreduce
• In the list window, enter any group of characters in the Find field and select the
Find button.
Power List
Power List enables you to enter a search string or partial value in an LOV field without
opening the list window.
To use Power List
Enter the initial characters of a value in the field and press the Tab key. Power List
completes the entry for you.
Your entry can include wildcard characters.
If more than one value matches the characters you specify, a list window opens
containing those values.
Master-Detail Relations
A Master-Detail relation is an association between two records. An example is the
relationship between the Batch and Journals records in Oracle General Ledger. Each
batch (master record) is associated with a set of journal entries (detail records).
Some master-detail blocks contain a coordination check box that allows you to choose
whether detail records are queried. Select the master-detail coordination check box to
automatically coordinate the update of records between the master and detail blocks. If
you deselect the check box, the detail data is not displayed until you move your cursor
into the detail block.
A flexfield is a flexible data field that can be customized by your enterprise. Oracle
E-Business Suite uses two types of flexfields:
• Key flexfield - a field you customize to enter multi-segment values, such as part
numbers or account numbers.
Key Flexfields
A key flexfield is composed of segments, where each segment has both a value and a
meaning. For example, an Accounting Flexfield can be composed of segments that
represent Company, Department, and Account. The segments are delimited by a
segment separator (usually a "." or a "-").
A range flexfield is a type of key flexfield in which you can input a low and a high value
for each segment to express a range of combinations.
A key flexfield looks like any other field. You can enter the segments directly or use the
Flexfield window to enter each segment separately.
To enter data directly into a key flexfield
• Enter the segment values, separating each with the segment separator.
2. Enter a value for each segment, or use the list of values where available.
3. Select the Combinations button in the flexfield window to search the list of existing
segment combinations.
Descriptive Flexfields
A descriptive flexfield appears as a two-character, unnamed field enclosed in brackets.
Move your cursor into the bracketed field to open the descriptive flexfield window. The
2. Enter a value for each segment, or use the list of values where available. Default
values can be overwritten.
• A list window that shows all possible records that you can retrieve for the block.
Generally, a find window appears for a multi-record block, while a list window appears
for a single-record block.
Query by Example
To retrieve a group of records based on more sophisticated search criteria than Find
allows, use Query by Example. Query by Example allows you to specify search criteria
in any of the queryable fields in the current block. The search criteria can include
specific values, phrases containing wildcard characters, or query operators.
If you do not need to retrieve the records, but only want to know how many records
match your search criteria, perform a query count.
2. Enter search criteria in the queryable fields. (Fields may be case-sensitive). To reuse
criteria from your last search: From the View menu, choose Query by Example,
then Show Last Criteria.
3. To perform the search: From the View menu, choose Query by Example, then Run.
2. From the View menu, choose Query by Example, then Count Matching Records.
The window's message line displays the number of matching records.
Query Operators
The following table shows the query operators for most fields, their meanings, and an
example expression:
Query Operators
2. Save your query criteria by choosing Save As from the Folder menu.
4. Select Always, Never, or Ask Each Time from the Autoquery option group to
define how frequently to perform the saved query.
5. Select the Open as Default check box to set this folder definition as the default
every time you navigate to this form.
6. Select the Public check box to allow other users to access your folder definition.
Selecting Public does not enable other users to modify your folder.
7. Select the Include Query check box to include your query in the folder definition. If
you do not select this check box, only the folder layout is saved.
2. Perform another query and choose Save from the Folder menu to save the new
query to your current folder.
• Change the name of a column by using the right mouse button on the column's
heading. A window prompts you for the new name.
Request Submission
1. Choose the Program Name from the list of available requests and then enter a
Request Name, which can be used later to search and monitor your request.
Use the Copy... option to choose and submit a request that you have previously
submitted from this responsibility.
2. Define parameters.
If a request requires parameter values, the Parameters window opens. Enter the
values in the required parameter fields.
4. Define a schedule.
Specify when you would like your request to run. You can choose a simple
schedule such as, as soon as possible, a specific date and time, or recurring intervals; or
you can choose a more advanced schedule such as specific days of the week or specific
dates in a month. You can also choose a previously saved schedule.
Note: If you do not select an end date for the more advanced
schedules, the request will continue to run until it is cancelled.
• Template Language – This field defaults to the language selected for the
request. If the template is not available for a selected language, this field
defaults to the session language.
• Format – The output format selection varies by template. Some options are
• Preview - If sample data is available for the request, select the Preview button
to display the selected template with the sample data.
6. Notify employees.
8. Review your choices, make any necessary changes, and submit your request.
Request Sets
1. Choose the Request Set Name from the list of available request sets.
Use the Copy... option to choose and submit a request set that you have previously
submitted from this responsibility.
2. Define the parameters, layout, notification, and printer output information for each
report or program listed in the request set.
4. Review your choices, make any necessary changes, and submit your request set.
Monitoring Requests
The Requests window allows you to:
• View the status of your submitted requests.
• Diagnose errors.
Important: You can view only those requests to which you have been
granted access by an administrator.
For more information about the status of your request, select the Diagnostics button in
the Requests window.
Finding Requests
1. Open the Requests window (navigation varies by application).
When you open the Requests window, you are directed to the Find Requests
Note: You can use the Specific Requests region to view a list of
requests that you did not submit by entering a requestor other than
yourself. However, you can only view details, output, and log files
for requests submitted by you or your responsibility.
3. Select Find.
2. Select the View Details... button to launch the Request Detail window.
• To update a request's schedule, select the Schedule... button.
• To update a request's completion options, select the Options... button from the
Upon Completion... region.
2. Select the completed request and select the View Output button.
Tip: To view request log files: Select the View Log button.
2. Select an output file format. This action opens your browser window.
3. From the browser window, use your browser's tools to save your request output to
a file.
2. In the Republish and Reprint Request window, choose one of the following:
Republish & Print - Allows you to select a new layout template, language, and
output format for the data already generated by your request, and print the output.
Republish & View - Allows you to select a new layout template, language, and
output format for the data already generated by your request and simply view the
output online.
Reprint existing output - Reprints the request.
3. Choose the Layout and Printer options as appropriate for your selection.
2. Place your cursor in the multi-row block that contains the records to be exported.
Continue - Select the next 100 records for export. You are prompted every 100 records
until all records are selected, or you choose Stop or Continue to End.
Use the Attachments feature to link text or other files to a record.
The Attachments... toolbar icon is enabled when the attachments feature is available. If
the current record already has an attachment, the icon appears to hold a piece of paper.
To open the Attachments window
• Click the toolbar icon or choose Attachments... from the View menu.
• File - Launch the Upload a File window in your browser. Select the Browse
button to locate the file in your file system or enter the file location in the File
• Web Page - Your cursor advances to the URL field on the Source tab of the
window. Enter the URL for the Web page.
4. Select the May Be Changed check box to allow changes to the attachment.
2. Use the Find Existing Documents region to query existing documents. Matching
documents are returned in the Documents region.
3. To view a document before attaching it, select it and then choose the Preview
5. Choose the Attach (n) button, where n is the number of documents selected.
3. Select a button in the Decision window to remove either the Document and
Profile Hierarchy
Profile options can be set at four levels:
• Site - affects all applications installed at a site.
Note: There are some profile options that you can view but not change.
For example, you can view the value for Concurrent:Request Priority,
which is set at the User level, but only your system administrator can
change its value.
If you do not set a user profile option, it assumes a default value set either by your
system or your system administrator.
To set a profile option
1. Navigate to the Profile Values window (navigation varies by application.)
• To view a specific profile, use Find or Query by Example.
The Profile Values window displays the Profile Name, Default Value, and
User Value.
Important: Number and date values are not validated. Ensure that
you enter a valid number or date, or the associated profile option
may not work as you expect.
3. Choose Save from the File menu or select the Save toolbar icon.
Note: Some profile option changes do not take effect until you
change responsibilities or restart your session.
Folders:Allow Customization
Determines whether you can personalize folders. Valid values are:
• Yes - you can create or customize folder definitions.
Note: Only the system administrator can update this profile option.
Indicate Attachments
Turns off the indication of attachments when querying records (for performance).
Valid values are Yes and No. Yes displays a message at login that indicates:
• If any concurrent requests failed since your last session.
• How many times an incorrect password was used with your username since you
last logged on.
• If the default printer identified in your user profile is unregistered or not specified.
Viewer: Text
Sets the display viewer for text report output. Valid values are Browser and Report
1. Process Train
2. Date Picker
3. Global Links
Process Train
If you are executing a process, a process train shows the location of the current page in
the process. Some process trains are interactive. These allow you to jump one or more
steps backward in the process by selecting the step icon.
Locator Links
Locator links (sometimes called "breadcrumbs") are series of links and text that show
your navigation path through an application. Use the links to return to a previous point
in your navigation path.
Note: Oracle E-Business Suite Secure Enterprise Search does not replace
all the Search pages, instead it is deployed where it makes the most
sense in searching for applications content. See Querying and Viewing
Data, page 3-6 for other search pages.
For more information on administering Oracle E-Business Suite Secure
Enterprise Search, see the Oracle Applications System Administrator's
Guide - Maintenance.
4. Roll back to your previous search results using the Expand By region.
5. Enter filters in the Filter region to narrow down the search results on a searchable
object only.
Note: If "All" business category is selected, then you will not find
search results for objects that require security based on full security
context privileges such as "Vacancies" object in iRecruitment. This
is because "All" category search is designed to give results for
objects with normal security (or not based on full security context)
only. Instead, you will need to search on the group (such as
"Vacancies") or narrow down to the object to get results if you have
the access privileges.
The search result is displayed in the Results region. The search text entered here is
also recorded in the Expand By region. See: Tracing Back the Results Using Expand
By, page 3-6.
If the 'Customer Relation' business category contains Contracts and Customer
Account business objects, after executing a search on 'Customer Relation' category,
you will find these two business objects displayed in a tree structure in the Narrow
By region. See: Narrowing Down the Search Results Using Narrow By, page 3-5.
The result records can be displayed in the classic, title-description style if the search is
on a searchable category. If it is on a searchable object selected in the Narrow By region,
you can change the display from the default classic style to tabular format.
• Related Search: If a relation exists between the object searched on and other objects.
This lets you perform a search on related object.
The related search content is secured by authorization. Only users with appropriate
access privileges can execute search on the related objects. Otherwise, an
unauthorized access message appears indicating that you do not have the access
For example, 'Customer Invoices' might be displayed as a related object while
searching for 'Customer Relation'. Clicking on the 'Customer Invoices' object link
will execute another search on the related object only if you have the access
privileges. Otherwise, an unauthorized access message appears.
Note: For better query time performance, the search result will
display related objects along with other search hits even though
you do not have the access privileges to some of the objects.
• Searchable Object
A searchable object node is preceded with the "object" icon in the tree. When
refining your search on a searchable object, the selected object name becomes a
See: Narrowing Down the Search Results Using Narrow By, page 3-5.
1. Locator links define the position of the displayed grid in the navigation hierarchy.
2. Use the Hide/Show icon to expand and collapse the branches of the tree.
3. Use the Focus icon to display only a specific branch in the tree.
Entering Data
4. To reorder the list, select the Reorder button. In the Reorder page, select a value
you want to move and use the Move icons to position it in the list. When finished,
select the Apply button.
Entering Dates
Enter a date directly in a field using the format defined in your Preferences.
Alternatively, select the calendar icon to launch the Date Picker pop-up window. When
you select a date, the window closes and inserts the date into the field.
Action Key
Apply p
Back k
Cancel l
Continue c
Finish i
Next x
No n
Save s
Search r
Submit m
Yes y
Monitoring Requests
The Monitor Requests pages provide a summary of requests and details of each
Select the Search button to specify your search criteria.
Related Topics
Monitoring Requests in Forms-Based Applications, page 2-16
Using Attachments
Use the Attachments feature to link text or other files to a record.
If the Attachments feature is available the page will display either the Attachment List
link or the Attachments icon.
2. Using the Add poplist, select how you want to add the attachment:
From a Desktop File/Text/URL
1. Select a Category from the list of values. The Category defines the purpose of
an attachment, and controls which forms or pages can access it.
• Text - Enter text that is less than 2000 characters. If the text you want to
attach is more than 2000 characters, upload it in a file.
2. Select the Document Name link to view a document before attaching it.
Save your work in the application page from which you launched the attachments flow.
The attachments are not added until you save your work in the parent region.
To view an attached document
In the Attachments page or Attachments table, select the File Name link.
• If the attachment is a URL, the Web page will launch.
• If the attachment is a file, a dialog box prompts you to open or save the file.
• If the attachment is text, the View Attachment page displays the text content.
To edit an attachment
1. Display the Attachments page or Attachments table.
5. Return to the application page from which you launched the attachments flow and
save your work.
Some tables allow you to save queries and personalize the presentation of data. If a
table can be personalized, you see the Views panel or the Save Search button.
Personalizing Tables
To create a personalized view
1. Use the search panel to query for results in the table.
• The Views button displays the Views panel. Select the Personalize button to
launch the Personalize Views page. This page displays existing views. Select the
Create View button to launch the Create View page.
5. Choose the Set as Default check box to make this view the default when you
navigate to this page.
• Select the Duplicate button to create a duplicate of the selected view. Enter a
new View Name. Make other modifications as desired and select Apply.
Getting Help
To get help
1. Choose Window Help from the Help menu, click the Help button on the toolbar, or
press Ctrl+h to display help for the current window:
2. Navigate to the Contents tab to display online help for any of the Oracle
Applications products.
Note: You can also choose Oracle Applications Library from the Help
1. Click on a product name to display the list of top-level topics in that product's
online documentation.
3. Navigate to the Search tab to find specific Oracle Applications information. Simply
enter your search criteria in the text field and then press Go. For more search
options click on the Advanced Search link.
2. Navigate to the Search tab, enter your search criteria in the text field, then press Go
3. Click on whichever title seems to best answer your needs to display the complete
Simple Search
Simple search implies that the search should return documents that contain any
expression entered in the search field.
The following table lists examples:
Advanced Search
The advanced search feature contains these options:
• All Words
• Any Words
• Boolean
All Words
The All Words option implies that the search should return documents that contain ALL
of the expression entered in the search field. For example, if you enter the expression
system administration, the system finds documents containing both "system" and
The Boolean option implies that the search should return documents based on the truth
value of the expression entered in the search field. The values for the valid operators
that you can use are shown in the following table:
Or OR, or, |
"concurrent manager" & "profile options" the phrases "concurrent manager" and
"profile options"
"menu options" - "profile options" the phrase "menu options" and not the phrase
"profile options"
((profile & categories) ~ options) the words "profile" and "categories" and not
the word "options"
("concurrent manager" & (request submission)) the phrase "concurrent manager" and the
words "request" and "submission"
Note: The Java Color Scheme profile option has no effect if Java Look
and Feel is set to generic.
Note: The KEY-F8 and KEY-F9 functions may not be mapped to the
corresponding function keys in your system. Use the Keys window
(Help > Keyboard Help... or Ctrl+k) to view the current mappings for
your system.
2. Copy the file, rename it as appropriate, and locate it in the same directory as the
Tip: Comments at the top of the file explain how the mappings are
4. To run this new mapping file, specify the complete path in addition to the filename
in the profile Forms Keyboard Mapping File.
The Self Service Accessibility Features profile option determines the level of
accessibility support in HTML-based applications.