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Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 12837–12847 www.materialstoday.com/proceedings

ICMMM - 2017

An investigation on the tribological characteristics of Al 7075 based

single and hybrid nanocomposites
C Kannana*, R Ramanujamb, K Venkatesanc, N Vf Dheerajd, Raudhraa Sundaresh Me,
Abheek Vimal
School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT UNiveristy, Vellore – 632 014, India


In this investigation, laboratory based experiments are conducted to predict the tribological characteristics of a single and hybrid
reinforced nanocomposite developed through a stir casting technique. A single reinforced nanocomposite is manufactured by
reinforcing 2 wt.% nano alumina (Al2O3) particles in the base matrix of Al 7075 alloy. A hybrid reinforced nanocomposite is
produced with the secondary reinforcement of 4 wt.% micro silicon carbide (SiC) particles in addition to the primary
reinforcement of 2 wt.% Al2O3 in the base matrix. A time bound wear analysis is performed on these composites by simulating
the test conditions, which reflects the static and dynamic loading conditions of various applications viz. automotive braking,
clutching and friction coupling etc. For the same loading conditions, improved wear resistance is observed for both single and
hybrid reinforced nanocomposite over the unreinforced alloy. The experimental results endorse the usage of these
nanocomposites for the wear applications to enhance the performance and product life.

© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and/or Peer-review under responsibility of International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Modelling (ICMMM - 2017).

Keywords: wear analysis; nanocomposite; tribological characteristics; alumina; Al 7075; stir casting

1. Introduction

The association with high tensile strength and higher toughness makes Al 7075, an aluminium alloy as the
most preferred material for automotive and aerospace applications [1]. The manufacturing of metal matrix
composites (MMCs) postulates aluminium as favourable matrix due to their excellent fabrication and engineering
properties [2]. Aluminium based metal matrix composites (AMMCs) are being developed to meet the demands such

Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-416-2243091; fax: +91-416-2243092.
E-mail address: [email protected]

2214-7853 © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Selection and/or Peer-review under responsibility of International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Modelling (ICMMM - 2017).
12838 C Kannan et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 12837–12847

as better wear resistance, high stiffness, high strength to weight ratio and improved fracture toughness. Elevated
temperature properties are good for these composites when they have been reinforced with ceramic particles [3].
The ceramic particles can be incorporated in the base matrix of aluminium alloy through different techniques viz.
powder metallurgy [4-6], plasma spraying [7], spray atomization casting [8], stir [9-10] and squeeze casting 11]. The
liquid processing techniques such as stir and squeeze casting are preferred over others due to their cost effectiveness

In the liquid processing of composites, typically ceramic reinforcements such as carbides, nitrides, and oxides
are being considered for the production of MMC due to their high temperature stability and high strength and
stiffness [14]. Most of the previous works are limited to micron size reinforcement particles [11,15-17]. Recent
times, researchers have focused their attention on nano size reinforcements to develop high performance composites
[18-20]. In contrast to the conventional composites reinforced with micro particles; the nanocomposites are found to
possess enhanced strength with a good amount of ductility [21,22]. The nature of bonding established between the
matrix and ceramic interfaces is the dominant factor in determining the final properties of nanocomposites [23,24].

Wear is inevitable in all mechanical elements that are subjected to either reciprocating or rotary and/or the
combination of these motions. The piston, connecting rods, cylinder bore, brake rotors and bearings are some
mechanical elements falling into this category. In order to ensure the reliable operation, a tribological investigation
should be carried out on these machine elements during their development [25]. Due to the fact of enhanced
mechanical properties, composites are almost replacing the unreinforced aluminium alloy. Hence, it is essential to
carry out an investigation to study the tribological behaviour of aluminium based nanocomposites that have strong
potential for manufacturing these machine elements.

The wear behaviour of Al 6061-Al2O3 and its associated physical mechanism was examined by Martin and his
fellow workers [26]. A similar kind of investigation carried out by Straffelini et al. [27] on Al 6061-Al2O3
composites revealed that dry sliding behaviour of composites is much influenced by matrix hardness. Using a pin on
disc wear tester, Suresh [28] conducted the sliding wear tests on aluminium based composites that are reinforced
with different reinforcements such as TiB2, TiC, B4C and SiC at 80 and 160 N loads. The test results revealed that
wear rate is not much influenced by the variation in the type and size of the reinforcements; while marginal
influence was observed with a change in the volume fraction of reinforcement. Tribological behaviour of an
aluminium alloy (Al-Si10Mg) reinforced with 9 wt.% Al2O3 and 3 wt.% graphite (Gr) was studied by Radhika et
al.[29]. This study disclosed that wear rate is majorly influenced by the sliding distance followed by the load and
speed. Kok and Ozdin [30] studied the effect of Al2O3 content on the wear characteristics of Al 2024/Al2O3
composites. Venkataraman and Sundararajan [31] performed wear experiments on TiC reinforced Al 7075
composites. A correlation between wear behaviour of composites, TiC content and applied load was developed.

At the closure of literature review, the authors claimed to the best of their knowledge that limited research has
been established on the tribological behaviour of Al 7075 based nanocomposites. Hence, in this research work, an
investigation is going to be carried out on Al 7075 based single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposites to study their
dry tribological characteristics under the influence of different loads and sliding velocities.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Nanocomposites fabrication

For the fabrication of single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposites, Al 7075 was selected as base matrix and
the chemical composition of this aluminium alloy is presented in Table 1. Nano alumina particles (30-50 nm) was
selected as reinforcement for the production of single reinforced nanocomposite; while SiC particles (5-10 µm) was
identified as secondary reinforcement in addition to primary reinforcement of nano Al2O3 for manufacturing the
hybrid reinforced nanocomposite.
C Kannan et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 12837–12847 12839

Table 1. Chemical Composition of Al 7075

Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Al
0.13 0.42 1.42 0.12 2.42 0.21 5.4 0.11 Bal.

Single reinforced nanocomposite was made by reinforcing Al 7075 with 2 wt.% nano Al2O3 particles; while
the hybrid reinforced nanocomposite was developed with the reinforcement of 2 wt.% nano Al2O3 particles and 4
wt.% micro SiC particles in the base matrix. The economical stir casting process was adopted to fabricate these
nanocomposites. About 1.2 kg Al 7075 was melted in a crucible using an electrical heating element. The
photographic view of bottom type stir casting set up used for the fabrication of composites in the investigation is
shown in Fig. 1. The reinforcement particles were preheated to 500°C to remove surface impurities and alter surface
composition; these preheated particles were added to melt in the crucible. A preheated stirrer was introduced into the
molten metal when its temperature is about 30°C above the pouring temperature. The depth of the stirrer was kept at
2/3 of the height of the molten metal in the crucible in order to attain favourable turbulence motion to disperse the
particles uniformly in the molten metal. The wettability of reinforced nanoparticles by the melt was improved with
the addition of 1 wt.% magnesium during the mechanical stirring. The stirrer was set to rotate at 600 rpm for 4
minutes. Finally, the molten metal was poured into the preheated steel die to obtain the castings.

Fig. 1. A photographic view of bottom type stir casting set up

2.2. Mechanical properties of nanocomposites

Test specimens were prepared from the castings to determine the properties like density, hardness and ultimate
tensile strength (UTS) of the nanocomposites under investigation. Archimedes principle was employed to determine
the density and the density variation among the samples is shown in Table 2. The hardness of nanocomposites and
unreinforced alloy was determined using a brinell hardness testing machine according to ASTM E10-07 standards.
All hardness tests were performed at the temperature of 30°C with a 10 mm ball indenter and 500 kg load.
Measurements were taken at five different places of each specimen to determine average hardness value. The
comparison of hardness values for unreinforced Al 7075, Al 7075 reinforced with 2 wt.% nano Al2O3 (single
reinforced nanocomposite) and Al 7075 reinforced with 2 wt. % nano Al2O3 and 4 wt. % SiC (hybrid reinforced
nanocomposite) is shown in Fig. 2.
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Table 2. Density of stir cast unreinforced Al 7075 and nanocomposites

Material Unreinforced alloy, Al 7075 reinforced with 2 wt.% Al 7075 reinforced with 2 wt.% nano Al2O3
nano Al2O3 particles and 4 wt. % SiC particles
Al 7075
Density (kg/m3) 2767 2774 2751

Fig. 2. Hardness of unreinforced Al 7075 alloy, single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposites
The ultimate tensile strength of the nanocomposites was determined according to ASTM E08-8 standards
using UTM – INSTRON 400 machine loaded with 10 kN load cell. The ultimate tensile strength for the investigated
single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposites are shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Ultimate tensile strength of unreinforced Al 7075 alloy, single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposites
C Kannan et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 12837–12847 12841

2.3. Experimental setup

According to ASTM G99-05 standards, the tribological characteristics of Al 7075 based nanocomposites were
studied. A pin-on disc wear tester (TR 20LE, DUCOM) was used for this study and all the tests were carried out
under dry conditions. Applied load, sliding velocity and sliding distance were identified as predominant parameters
for this wear investigation. Load and sliding velocity were considered with three levels for the sliding distance of
1000 m in order to overcome the non-linear behaviour existing between the parameters. The parameters considered
in this investigation with their levels are given in Table 3. A total of 12 cylindrical pins were machined from the
casted samples and polished. The diameter of these pins was kept at 6 mm while their height was maintained at 30
mm. During the test, these pins were made to press against a rotating disc made of EN 32 steel. This was achieved
by applying a load that acts as a counter weight and balances the pin.

Table 3. Wear parameters and levels

Parameter Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Load (N) 10 20 30
Sliding velocity (m/s) 0.75 1.5 -
Sliding distance (m) 1000 1000 1000

With the continuous monitoring of arm movement that is further coupled to a linear variable differential
transducer (LVDT), the wear of the samples at any time can be determined. The arm movement generates a signal
that was utilized to compute the wear. Using an electronic weighing machine, the weight loss was determined by
measuring the weight before and after each experimental runs. Furthermore, the wear tester had the capability for
continuous recording of the friction coefficient all along the sliding distance. The photographic view of the wear
tester used for the present investigation is shown in Fig 4.

Fig. 4. A photographic view of wear tester (pin on disc type)

12842 C Kannan et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 12837–12847

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Effect of applied load on the wear loss of nanocomposites

The wear loss of unreinforced alloy was found to be increasing in proportion to an increase in applied load.
While the applied load is increased from 10 N to 30 N, about 26 % higher wear loss was observed for unreinforced
alloy. Although single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposites complied with the same trend of unreinforced alloy
with the variation in applied load, the wear loss was found to be lower in nanocomposites. This might be due to
improved wear resistance exhibited by them over the unreinforced. This improved wear resistance is attributed to
nano reinforcements. In addition, an increase in applied load increases the interfacial temperature between the pin
and disc material, which in turn accelerates the wear loss. At high applied loads, higher interfacial temperatures are
being established that makes the material relatively soft and enhances the plastic flow. Due to this fact, the wear loss
is proportionally higher at these loads. With the inclusion of nano Al2O3 reinforcements, the wear loss was getting
suppressed over the unreinforced alloy. This might have been associated hard ceramic nano alumina particles. Under
all loads, the hybrid reinforced nanocomposite was found to produce low wear loss. This may be due to the addition
of secondary reinforcement (4 wt.% SiC particles) in combination with primary reinforcement (2 wt.% Al2O3
particles). It is well known that SiC particles are having better wear resistance than Al2O3 particles. Due to this
reason, wear loss could be reduced to a minimum possible extent with hybrid reinforcements. Even at high applied
load of 30 N, reduced wear loss of about 18 % was observed with hybrid reinforced nanocomposite. This is shown
from Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Effect of applied load on the wear loss for unreinforced alloy, single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposite

3.2. Effect of sliding velocity on the wear loss of nanocomposites

Irrespective of pin material (unreinforced, single and hybrid reinforced composite), reduced wear loss was
observed when the sliding velocity was increased from 0.75 m/s to 1.5 m/s. The trend was matching with that of
works established by earlier researchers [32]. This might be associated with the formation of the layer between the
pin and the counter face disc material, when the sliding velocity was increased [33]. This layer is essentially
consisting of Fe3O4, Fe and Al2O3 (single reinforced) and additional SiC particles (hybrid reinforced
composite).This layer might have played a major role in reducing the wear loss, while the sliding velocity was
increased. Wear loss was observed still lower in a hybrid nanocomposite than single nanocomposite. This is due to
the fact that intermediate layer was made of four different elements instead of three in the case of single reinforced
C Kannan et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 12837–12847 12843

nanocomposite. When sliding velocity was increased from 0.75 m/s to 1.5 m/s, reduced wear loss was observed in
unreinforced alloy, single and hybrid reinforced composites. The corresponding reduction was about 57.4 %, 27.4 %
and 2.8 %. This is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. Effect of sliding velocity on the wear loss for unreinforced alloy, single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposite

3.3. Effect of load on the frictional force of nanocomposites

Fig. 7. Effect of load on frictional force for unreinforced alloy, single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposite

The average frictional force exerted by different pin materials during the test for different applied loads is
presented in Fig. 7. The frictional force was found to increase when the applied load increased from 10 N to 30 N.
The frictional force was found to be higher for unreinforced alloy over the composites. For the unreinforced alloy,
the frictional force exerted at 10 N was getting multiplied by a factor of 1.73, while the load increased to 30N. The
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composites were showing relatively lower frictional force. This might have associated with migration of the
mechanism from sliding to rolling wear with the desquamated nano reinforcements. This, in turn, reduces the
effective area of contact and resulted in lower frictional force for the composites. Thus hybrid nanocomposite was
subjected to 11 % reduced frictional force than unreinforced alloy. This can be inferred from Fig. 7.

3.4. Effect of sliding velocity on the frictional force of nanocomposites

The average frictional force exerted by the nanocomposites under different sliding velocities is presented in
Fig. 8. A trend of decreasing frictional force was observed when the sliding velocity was increased except hybrid
nanocomposite. This decreasing trend might have been linked with the frictional coefficient that exists between the
pin and mating surface at high velocities. It was also found that the average frictional force was getting reduced
under all loads expect for the hybrid nanocomposite at higher load (30 N). For a constant load of 20 N, about 40.5 %
reduction in average frictional force was observed when sliding velocity was increased from 0.75 m/s to 1.5 m/s.
This is shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8. Effect of sliding velocity on frictional force for unreinforced alloy, single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposite

The variation in the frictional force observed all along the sliding distance of 1000 m for the unreinforced
alloy, single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposite under a medium load of 20 N and low velocity of 0.75 m/s is
presented in Fig. 9. It can be inferred from the figure that frictional force exerted by the unreinforced alloy is
relatively higher than the nanocomposites. This might be associated with the low hardness value of unreinforced
alloy over the nanocomposites that are under investigation.

Under the low load and high velocity conditions (10 N, 1.5 m/s), the variation of frictional force for all
investigated materials is shown in Fig. 10. After the initial period of about 50s, it was observed that single reinforced
nanocomposite was exerting low frictional force over the unreinforced alloy and hybrid nanocomposite.
C Kannan et al./ Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 12837–12847 12845

Fig. 9. Variation in the frictional force for unreinforced alloy, single and hybrid reinforced under medium load and low velocity

Fig. 10. Variation in the frictional force for unreinforced alloy, single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposites under low load and high
velocity conditions

4. Conclusions

In the present study, an investigation is carried out on density, hardness, the tensile strength of nanocomposites
and also the effect of parameters such as load, sliding velocity on the wear behaviour of unreinforced aluminium
alloy, single and hybrid nano composites and the outcomes are summarized below.
1. The density of Al2O3p reinforced and Al2O3p/SiCp reinforced nanocomposites are found to be higher than
the aluminium alloy; hence, an increase in reinforcement content will increase the density of the
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2. Ultimate tensile strength of all nanocomposites increased significantly with the addition of Al2O3p and
Al2O3p/SiCp that of the unreinforced alloy. About 60.1% higher UTS is observed for 7075/Al2O3p
nanocomposite; while an improvement of 73.8 % is observed with 7075/Al2O3p/SiCp nanocomposites over
the unreinforced alloy.
3. The wear characteristics of single and hybrid reinforced nanocomposite are mostly influenced by a change
in applied load than the corresponding change in sliding velocity. For nanocomposites, the wear loss could
be reduced either by decreasing the applied load or increasing the sliding velocity within the operational
region considered in this investigation.
4. An increase in sliding velocity results in a lower frictional force. Under the combined influence of applied
load and sliding velocity, single reinforced nanocomposite is found to produce lower frictional force than
hybrid reinforced nanocomposite at higher loads.


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