Digital Microstructure Analysis

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The paper proposes an automatic digital microstructure image analysis system to quantify and qualify graphite nodules in ductile cast iron based on the ASTM E2567-11 standard. It aims to overcome inconsistencies and unreliability of manual methods.

The ASTM E2567-11 standard specifies a method for determining the nodularity and nodule count in ductile iron using image analysis. It involves distinguishing between 'nodular' and 'non-nodular' graphite grains based on a nodularity shape factor value.

The ASTM E112 standard proposes manual planimetric and Jeffries' point count methods. The planimetric method involves tracing the graphite outlines and the point count method involves counting points falling on graphite or matrix.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

Volume 19– No.3, April 2011

Digital Microstructure Analysis System for Testing and

Quantifying the Ductile Cast Iron
Pattan Prakash V. D. Mytri P. S. Hiremath
Dept. of Computer Science and GND College of Engineering Dept. of Computer Science,
Engineering, Bidar-585403, India Gulbarga University,
PDA College of Engineering, Gulbarga.-585106,India
Gulbarga -585102,India

ABSTRACT imperative that the control of graphite shape is critical to nodular

In this paper, we propose an automatic digital microstructure iron properties.
image analysis system to qualify and quantify the graphite in the
form of nodular shape in ductile cast iron material based on 1.1 The need of nodule count
ASTM E2567–11 standard specifications. The ASTM E2567-11 The shape and nodule count, (expressed as the number of graphite
standard is for determining the nodularity and nodule count in nodules/mm2), influences the mechanical properties of ductile cast
ductile iron using image analysis method. The proposed system iron. Nodule count is a sensitive parameter in production of
can distinguish between the two forms of graphite grains from ductile cast iron . Generally, the high nodule count indicates good
microstructure images of ductile cast iron, namely, ‘nodular’ and metallurgical quality, but there is an optimum range of nodule
‘non-nodular’, based on the nodularity shape factor value. The count for each section size of casting, and nodule counts in excess
proposed method implements the standard test procedure, of this range may result in a degradation of properties [1,3]. The
proposed by ASTM E2567-11 standard. The proposed system is nodule count affects graphite size and shape. Increase in the
tested on various microstructure images of ductile cast iron. The nodule count results in a decrease in nodule size which improves
images are obtained from the light optical microscope. The results tensile, fatigue and fracture properties. Inoculation practices used
are consistent over a wide range of images (in terms of resolution, to improve nodule count often make the nodules more spherical.
noise and composition) in comparison with manual method. The Thus, high nodule count is generally associated with improved
results are compared with expert methods and they are found to be nodularity [8]. A consistent method is required for evaluation of
very close, reliable and reproducible in nature. The paper also the cast product and to control process variability. There are
demonstrates the inconsistencies and unreliability of manual standard manual methods in practice for assessing the nodularity
method. of specimen using laser printout of microstructure image.

Keywords: Nodularity, ASTM E2567-11 standard, Nodularity 1.2 Manual methods for assessing the
shape factor, active contours. nodularity
The ASTM E 112 standard has proposed the manual methods,
1. INTRODUCTION namely, planimetric or Jeffries’ circle, lineal intercept, Heyn
The ductile cast iron (also known as nodular cast iron / spheroidal lineal intercept and circular intercept methods for determining
graphitic iron), is produced with graphite in a spherulitic form. average grain size in a microstructure image. Shape is typical
The nodularizing elements such as magnesium, cerium, lithium, parameter to assess using standard chart methods, unless the shape
sodium etc., are added to a molten metal bath of proper chemical is very close to well recognized geometric shapes. Nodules
composition to produce discrete particles of spheroidal shape density is also difficult to assess by chart methods as nodule size
graphite. The carbon in the form of graphite is often used as an is also a variable and the chart cannot depict the nodule density
additive in the production of cast iron, amounting to 2 to 4 percent variations for nodules of all possible sizes. The manual methods
by weight or 6 to 10 percent by volume in typical castings [2]. are inconsistent and difficult to quantity the required parameters
The microstructure of graphite within cast iron has major effects of grains [3]. These manual methods are tedious, tire some. The
on the casting's mechanical properties. When graphite arranges manual methods need minimum of 20 to 30 minutes to analyze a
itself as thin flakes the result is gray iron, which is hard and sample and apart from this, the results obtained from experts on
brittle. When graphite takes the form of spherical nodules the the same sample microstructure image have considerable
result is nodular iron, which is soft and malleable. If the mixing is deviations. It is due to individual’s physiological capabilities and
non-uniform or the casting process is otherwise imperfect, it is the amount of expertise. Our study with regard to assessing the
possible to make a casting with variations in nodularity, or quality of ductile iron based on graphite grain morphology
pockets of gray iron within a nodular iron casting. Because this indicates that the development of an automatic image analysis
will significantly change the mechanical properties of the metal, system is essential.
foundries need to check nodular iron for uniformity. It is
important that the distribution of graphite in the casting be In our literature survey, we came across some of the attempts made
uniform, and that the graphite inclusions be of the right form to automate the microstructure image analysis. In [1], the
(nodules rather than flakes). Nodular cast iron is used widely in morphological and contour analysis methods are used for grain
the production of mechanical accessory and structural parts. It is boundary segmentation to determine the average grain size of
super-alloy micrographs. In [2], the presentations discusses the

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 19– No.3, April 2011

grain stereology with illustrations. In [3], a digitial microstructure 1.4 Materials used
image analysis methods are discussed. In [7], segmentation and The microstructure images used for testing are from ductile cast
determining the grain size of ceramics is discussed. The iron samples with various compositions, images of various
morphological operations, namely, tophat, skeletonization and resolutions (ie magnifications). The images are drawn from
dilations are employed for segmentation and for revealing the grain microstructure library [4].
boundaries. In [10], the characterization of graphite particles in
spheroidal graphite is performed using a computer-based image
analyzer using microstructure images acquired from SEM. 2. PROPOSED METHOD
Recently, the ASTM has approved and released an improved The proposed method is based on the test procedure proposed by
standard test method for determining nodularity and nodule count ASTM E2567-11 standard.
in ductile cast iron using image analysis (E 2567-11).
2.1 Preprocessing and segmentation
With this motivation and background, we propose an image Generally, the microstructure images suffer from defects of
analysis system that is developed based on ASTM E2567-11 improper illumination, artifacts that are developed at the time of
standard that uses the digital image processing techniques. In the specimen preparation and noise. This stage is important to achieve
following section, the standard test procedure defined in E2567- good segmentation classification and quantification. We have
11 is discussed. used active contour segmentation method for segmentation [5].
The Otsu’s segmentation method is also a widely used method for
1.3 ASTM 2567-11 standard segmentation [9]. The Otsu’s segmentation method needs a
This standard defines a procedure for measuring the number of perfect noise suppression mechanism and generally the noise
nodules and the quality of nodularity of spherulitic graphite in a removal algorithms use the morphological methods to eliminate
cast iron microstructure. The gist of the standard for test practices noise. This could effect on the final quantification results. On the
in determining the nodularity parameters from the specimen other hand, the reason for choosing the active contour
microstructure images is : the preprocessing methods used on segmentation is that it acts very well on noise without using the
microstructure images shall not use the smoothing or averaging morphological operations. The result of active contour
filters for enhancing grain structures; eliminate the features that segmentation is a binary image which is free from noise and
are smaller than the minimum size; use a properly sized guard regions are well delineated from neighboring regions. The grains
frame to eliminate the border touching, incomplete graphite touching the border are eliminated using a guard frame from
grains; qualify a graphite grain as nodule based on two criteria. binary segmented image. The guard frame is applied just inside
First, the particle must have a minimum of maximum ferret size of the border region of the image boundary (a distance of 5 pixels
50 pixels. Second, the grain’s shape factor value must be equal to inside the boundary region). In the next step, the segmented
or exceed the value 0.50. The roundness or circularity is assessed regions having ferret length of less than 50 pixels are eliminated
by shape factor that does not require perimeter measurement. and the binary image is labeled. Each labeled region in binary
Such a shape factor is defined in Eq. 1 by the ASTM standard that image is a graphite grain. The grains are subjected to calculate the
does not depend on the measurement of perimeter value. SF, percent nodularity by area and percent nodularity by count.
The following algorithm is to assess the quality of ductile cast
(1) iron.
Step 1: Input the RGB microstructure image and convert it
For a perfect circle, the SF value reaches 1. As the grain shape into grayscale image.
becomes less round the shape factor reduces to zero. The Step 2: (Preprocessing): Apply active contours
quantification of microstructure is performed using Eq.3 and Eq.4 segmentation method for segmenting the image.
are defined for and Label the image.
Step 3: Eliminate the border touching grains and the grains of
maximum ferret length less than 50 pixels from the
segmented binary image.

(3) Step 4: Compute SF of graphite grain using the Eq. 1 and

Eq. 2.
Step 5: Qualify the grain as ‘nodular’ if its SF value
exceeds 0.50.
Step 6: Repeat the Steps 4 and 5 for all the grains.
(4) Step 7: Compute average SF. If the average SF value of a
sample is more than 0.80, qualify the sample as
‘good’ else ‘poor’.
Step 8: Compute and
As per the standards, if the value of nodularity percent is equal or using the equation Eq. 3
more than 80%, then the sample is said to be a ‘good’ malleable
and Eq. 4 respectively for the ‘nodular’ grains.
ductile cast iron, otherwise, sample is said to be a ‘poor’ ductile
cast iron.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 19– No.3, April 2011


DISCUSSION In this paper, an automatic digital microstructure image analysis
For the experimentation we have used more than 100 system to qualify and quantify the graphite in the form of nodular
microstructure images of ductile cast iron of various resolutions shape in ductile cast iron material based on ASTM E2567–11
(i.e. magnifications) & grain shapes. The etching medium used for standard specifications is developed. The method is robust and
preparing specimen is 3% alcoholic nitric acid. These images are computationally inexpensive. It demonstrates its accuracy and its
obtained from light optical microscope. Two sample usefulness by comparing the computed values with manual
microstructures images of ductile cast iron are as shown in Fig. 1. method. The results obtained by proposed method are
reproducible and repeatable. The results are consistent over a wide
The Fig. 2 shows the segmentation results of microstructures variety of images. The proposed method is fast and qualifies a
shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b) by applying active contours given sample within few seconds. The proposed method has
segmentation method. potential for considerable industrial applications in the field of
material manufacturing industry.
The experts are given the laser printer printout of microstructure
image to carryout qualification and quantification. It is observed 5. REFERENCES
in this experimentation that the experts are able to complete the [1] Wanda Benesova, Alfred Rinnhofer and Gerhard Jacob.
evaluation of the given microstructure image in 20 to 30 minutes, Determining the Average Grain Size of Super-Alloy
whereas, the time required for the proposed system is, less than a Micrographs. In Proc. of IEEE International conference on
minute per sample. The Table 1 shows the nodularity decision on Image Processing (ICIP 2006),2749-2752.Atlanta, USA,
each graphite grain and the computed values using microstructure 2006.
image shown in Fig. 1(a). The results are compared with the
results that are obtained by experts. It is found that in terms of [2] George Vander Voort,
effort, amount of time and accuracy, the method proposed needs com/mic_met_pdf/ IntroToStereologyGrainSize.pdf and
less eoffort, fast and accurate.,
The Table 2 presents the final results of quality assessment of [3] ASM International Handbook Committee, ASM Handbook,
ductile iron samples along with the quantification results, namely, Metallography and Microstructures, Vol 9, ASM
percent nodule by area and percent nodule by count. International, USA, 2004.
[4] Microstructure Library:
3.1 Difference and inconsistency in manual index.php
The following Fig. 4 shows the difference in computation of [5] T.F. Chan and L. Vese, IEEE Trans. on Image Processing,
shape factor between the proposed and manual method using Vol. 10, No. 2, pp 266-277, 2001.
microstructure image shown in Fig. 1 (a). [6] Vander Voort G.F. Metallography: Principles and Practice,
ASM International, 1999.
The Fig. 4 shows the deviations in computation of shape factor
(SF) value by three experts. The deviation indicates the [7] Xaviour Arnold, Michel Coster, Jean-Louis Chermant, Liliane
inconsistency in the manual estimation methods. Chermant, Thierry Chartiers & Abder Elmoataz.
The shape factor values computed by three experts are with Segmentation and Grain Size of Ceramic. Image Anal
considerable variations, although, all have used the same set of Stereol, 131-135, France, 2001.
images. Also, it is observed during our experimentation that the [8] Leonard E. Samuels, Light Microscopy of Carbon Steels,
results are non reproducible. It is due to the human physiological ASM International, USA, 1999.
capabilities and also the fatigue. The more variations in the
manual results are observed when the density of graphite grains is [9] Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle. Image
more in microstructure images. The quantification of the Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, 2e. PWS
percentage nodule by area is more difficult for almost all the Publishing. India,1999.
experts and the results are more scattered in the case of
[10] B.I. Imasogie and U.Wend, Characterization of Graphite
microstructure that has densely populated graphite grains.
Particle Shape in Spheroidal Graphite Iron using a
Computer-Based Image Analyzer, Journal of Minerals &
Materials Characterization & Engineering , Vol. 3, No.1, pp
1-12, 2004.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 19– No.3, April 2011

Fig. 1 (a) and (b): Two sample microstructure images of ductile cast iron

(a) (b)
Fig. 2 Segmentation of microstructure images shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b).

Comparison of Computed SF Values by Experts and Proposed Method for

Microstructure Image shown in Fig.1(a)


0.80 Method
SF value




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Fig.3. Comparison of ASTM shape factor values computed using proposed system and manual methods from image
shown in Fig.1 (a)

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 19– No.3, April 2011

Deviation in computation of Shape Factor (SF) value by three experts

0.9 0.85
0.8 0.8 0.79 0.8
0.8 0.74 0.750.75
Shape Factor (SF) value

0.6 Expert 1

Expert 1

0.3 Expert 3

Std. Deviation
0.1 0.06 0.05 0.06
1 2 3 4

Microstructure images

Fig.4 Deviation in computation of Shape Factor (SF) value by three experts

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 19– No.3, April 2011

Table 1. Decision of each graphite grain (nodular or non-nodular) seen in the microstructure image shown in Fig. 1(a)

Decision of grain as
Max. ferret length of Shape Factor
Object ID Nodule (1) and
grain (SF)
Non-Nodule (0)
1 140.11 0.85 1
2 85.09 0.86 1
3 91.04 0.82 1
4 124.72 0.74 1
5 125.18 0.07 0
6 182.40 0.86 1
7 158.58 0.95 1
8 161.39 0.14 0
9 159.79 0.09 0
10 133.49 0.97 1
11 101.77 0.92 1
12 98.83 0.04 0
13 54.39 0.41 0
14 69.12 0.04 0
15 337.20 0.44 0
16 169.90 0.92 1
17 71.84 0.52 0
18 98.83 0.76 1
19 135.64 0.93 1
20 141.73 0.78 1

Table 2. Results of quality assessment of sample images

Average SF Percent Percent
Qualification of the sample
computed by nodule by nodule by
Image GOOD:Average SF > or =0.80 ).
Proposed area count
POOR:Average SF<0.80
method (%) (%)
Image 1
0.85 75.20 60.00 GOOD
(Fig. 1 (a))
Image 2
0.84 72.20 74.21 GOOD
(Fig. 1 (b))
Image 3 0.77 57.27 39.13 POOR
Image 4 0.83 76.16 75.22 GOOD


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