DIS 11-12 W04 Lecture PDF

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Distributed Intelligent Systems – W4

An Introduction to
Localization Methods for
Mobile Robots

• Localization for mobile robots

– Positioning systems
– Kinematic models
– Odometry (with and w/o noise)
• Localization uncertainties and
– Error sources
– Methods
M th d ffor hhandling
dli uncertainties
t i ti
– Odometry-based and feature-based
navigation methods
Robot Localization
• Key task for:
• Path planning
• Mapping
• Referencing
• Coordination
di i
N 46° 31’ 13’’
E 6 ° 34’ 04’’
• Type of localization
• Absolute coordinates
• Local coordinates
• Topological information
Positioning Systems
Classification axes
• Indoor vs. outdoor techniques
• Absolute vs.
vs relative positioning systems
• Line-of-sight vs. obstacle passing/surrounding
• U d l i physical
Underlying h i l principle
i i l andd channel
h l
• Positioning available on-board vs. off-board
• Scalability in terms of number of nodes
Selected Indoor Positioning Systems
• Laser-based indoor GPS
• Ultrasound ((US)) + radio frequency
q y ((RF)) technology
• Infrared (IR) + RF technology
• Vision-based overhead system
• Impulse Radio Ultra Wide Band (IR-UWB)
Laser-Based Indoor (KPS)
( )

• Performance: a few mm in position over 5x5 m arena,

25-50 Hz, a few degrees in orientation
• Position available on the robot without com (GPS-like)
( )
• Line-of-Sight (LOS) method
• Tested in 2D but extendable in 3D (2 laser base stations)
Overhead (Multi-)Camera Systems
• Tracking objects with one
(or more) overhead
• Absolute positions,
available outside the
b t/
• Active, passive,
or no markers
• Open source software
• Major issues: Accuracy ~ 1 cm (2D)
li ht calibration
light, lib ti
Update rate ~ 20 Hz
• E.g. open-source software
Sw s ac (deve
oped at # agents
g ~ 100
Area ~ 10 m2
Overhead Camera System
Ultrasound + Radio Technology

[From Introduction to Autonomous Mobile

Robots, Siegwart R. and Nourbakhsh I. R.]
Ultrasound + Radio Technology
• Principle: time of arrival on 3 (2D) or 4 (3D) US
receptors, synchronization with radio signal
• Used for relative (on the robots) and absolute
i i i (fixed
(fi d beacons)
b )
• Accuracy: sub cm accuracy over several m for a 30 cm
radius platform (e.g. Michaud et al, ICRA 2008)
• Accuracy inversely proportional with size of the
module (proportional to distance between US receptors)
• Updating
U d i speed: d 1/(0.075*N_robots)
1/(0 075*N b ) Hz H ((e.g., < 1 Hz
with 14 or more robots) (Michaud et al, ICRA 2008)
• Better than LOS but obstacle influence sound
Infrared + Radio Technology
• Principle:
– belt of IR emitters (LED) and receivers
– IR LED used as antennas; modulated
g ((carrier 10.7 MHz),
light ), RF chip
p behind
– Range: measurement of the Received
Signal Strength Intensity (RSSI)
– Bearing: signal correlation over multiple
– Measure range & bearing can be coupled
with standard RF channel (e.g. 802.11)
for heading assessment
– Can also be used for 20 kbit/s IR com [Pugh et al., IEEE Trans. on
channel Mechatronics, 2009]
– Robot ID communicated with the IR
channel (ad hoc protocol)
Infrared + Radio Technology

P f summary:
• Range: 3.5 m
• Update frequency 25 Hz with 10 neighboring robots (or
250 Hz with 2)
• Accuracyy range:
g <7% (MAX),
( ) generally
g y decrease 1/d
• Accuracy bearing: < 9º (RMS)
• LOS method
• Possible
P ibl extension i in
i 3D,
3D larger
l range (but
(b more power))
and better bearing accuracy with more photodiodes (e.g.
Bergbreiter PhD UCB 2008,
Bergbreiter, 2008 dedicated asic,
asic up to 15 m,
256 photodiodes, single emitter with conic lense)
Range & Bearing IR+RF System
IR-UWB System - Principles
• Based on time-of-flight (TDOA)
• UWB tags (emitters, a few cm, low-
power) and multiple synchronized
• Emitters can be unsynchronized but then
dealingg with interferences not trivial
(e.g., Ubisense system synchronized)
• Absolute positions available on the
receiving system
• Positioning information can be fed back
to robots using a standard narrow-bad
• 6 - 8 GHz central frequency
• Very large bandwidth (>0.5GHz)
→ high material penetrability
• Fine time resolution
→ high theoretical ranging accuracy
(order of cm)
IR UWB System – Shortcomings
Accuracy 15 cm (3D)
Ex. State-of-art system Update rate 34 Hz / tag
g Ubisense 7000
# agents ~ 10000
Series, Compact Tag)
Area ~ 1000 m2

• Degraded accuracy performance if

– Inter-emitter interferences
– Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) bias → Often onlyy
– Multi-path <1 m accuracy on
smaller areas
IR UWB System – Possible Fixes
– Inter-emitter interferences
→ robust algorithms at the receiver side;
emitter synchronization
– Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) bias
→ bias modeling, inter-robot collaborative
– Multi-path
→ robust algorithms at the receiver side,
inter-robot collaborative algorithms
Selected Outdoor Positioning
• Differential GPS (dGPS)
Global Positioning System
Global Positioning
g System
• 24 satellites (including three spares) orbiting the earth every 12 hours at a height
of 20.190 km.
• Satellites synchronize
s nchroni e their transmission (location + time stamp) so that signals
are broadcasted at the same time (ground stations updating + atomic clocks on
• Location of any GPS receiver is determined through a time of flight measurement
( accuracy!))
• Real time update of the exact location of the satellites:
- monitoring the satellites from a number of widely distributed ground stations
- a master station analyses all the measurements and transmits the actual position to
each of the satellites
• Exact measurement of the time of flight
– the receiver correlates a pseudocode with the same code coming from the satellite
– Th delay
The d l timei forf best
b correlation
l i represents theh time
i off flight.
fli h
– quartz clock on the GPS receivers are not very precise
– the range measurement with (at least) four satellites allows to identify the three values
(x, y, z) for the position and the clock correction ΔT
• Recent commercial GPS receiver devices allows position accuracies down to a
couple meters.
• 200-300 ms latency, so max 5 Hz GPS updates
Positionaccuracy: typically from a few to a few tens of cm
R b t Localization
L li ti using
On-Board Sensors
Sensors for localization
• Proprioceptive sensors:
• Epuck:
• 3D accelerometer
• Motor step counter
• Others:
• Wheel encoder
• Odometer
• Exteroceptive sensors:
• Epuck:
• IR range proximity
i i sensor
• Camera
• Others:
• Laser range finder
• Ultrasonic range finder
Odometry: Idea and Motivation
• Positioning (and orientation) for a mobile robot is key
• Q:
Q can we track k the
h absolute
b l position
i i andd orientation
i i
(global/environmental reference frame) based on
movement information exclusively measured by on on-
board proprioceptive information?
• A: yes, using odometry! (and knowledge of initial
position and orientation)
• Needed: propioceptive movement sensors such as
– DC motors
t + encodersd (closed-loop
( l dl control)
t l)
– motor step counters (open-loop control of stepper motors but
pre-established fixed increment per pulse, as on e-puck)
– accelerometers (e-puck has a 3D one on board)
Encoder Based Odometry
for Differential-Wheel
Optical Encoders
• Measure displacement (or speed) of the wheels
• Principle: mechanical light chopper consisting of photo-barriers (pair of light
i andd optical
i l receiver)
i ) + pattern on a disc
di anchored
h d to theh motor shaft
h f
• Quadrature encoder: 90º placement of 2 complete photo-barriers, 4x increase
resolution + direction of movement
• Integrate wheel movements to get an estimate of the position ->
> odometry
• Typical resolutions: 64 - 2048 increments per revolution.
• For high resolution: interpolation
Pose (Position and Orientation)
off a Differential-Drive
Diff i lDi R Robot
YI ⎡ xI ⎤ ⎡ xR ⎤
YR ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ yR ⎥ = R (θ )ξ
ξ =
ξ I = ⎢ yI ⎥ R ⎢ ⎥ I

⎢⎣θ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ θ ⎥⎦
P ⎡ cos θ i θ
sin 0⎤
R(θ ) = ⎢⎢− sin θ cos θ 0⎥⎥
yI ⎢⎣ 0 0 1⎥⎦
From Introduction to
Autonomous Mobile
xI Robots, Siegwart R. and
Nourbakhsh I. R.
Absolute and Relative Pose of a
Differential-Drive Robot
ξ&R = R(θ )ξ&I
Ex θ =π/2
P ⎡ x& R ⎤ ⎡ 0 1 0⎤ ⎡ x& I ⎤ ⎡ y& I ⎤
YR ⎢ y& ⎥ = ⎢− 1 0 0⎥ ⎢ y& ⎥ = ⎢− x& ⎥
⎢ R⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ I ⎥ ⎢ I ⎥
⎢⎣θ&R ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 0 0 1⎥⎦ ⎢⎣θ&I ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ θ&I ⎥⎦

Forward Kinematic Model
How does the robot move given the wheel speeds and geometry?
• Assumption: no wheel slip (rolling mode only)!
• In miniature robots no major
j dynamic
y effects due to low mass-
to-power ratio
⎡ x& ⎤
YI v(t) ξ&I = ⎢⎢ y& ⎥⎥ = f (l , r , θ , ϕ&1 , ϕ& 2 )
2 ⎢⎣θ& ⎥⎦

ϕ&i = wheel i speed
l r (wheel radius)

Recap ME/PHY Fundamentals

P v = ωr = ϕ&r
v v = tangential speed
φ ω = rotational speed
r r = rotation radius
Wheel φ = rotation
t ti anglel
Motion C
r ω C = rotation center
P = peripheral point
t-δt t P’= contact point at time t
v PP’
Forward Kinematic Model
Linear speed = average YI YR XR
wheel speed 1 and 2:
rϕ&1 rϕ& 2 2 v
v= + ω θ
2 2 P 1

Rotational speed = l r
sum of rotation speeds
(wheel 1 clockwise, XI
wheel 2 counter-
clockwise): Idea: linear superposition
rϕ&1 − rϕ& 2 of individual wheel
ω= + contributions
ib i
2l 2l
Forward Kinematic Model
1. ξ I = R (θ )ξ&R
& XR
rϕ&1 rϕ& 2 v
2. x& R = v = + 2
2 2 ω P
3. y& R = 0 l r
& rϕ&1 − rϕ& 2
4. θ R = ω =
4 +
2l 2l XI
⎡ rϕ&1 rϕ& 2 ⎤
⎡cos θ − sin θ 0⎤ ⎢ + ⎥
2 2
ξ&I = ⎢⎢ sin θ cos θ 0⎥⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎢ rϕ& − rϕ& ⎥
⎣⎢ 0 0 1⎥⎦ ⎢ 1 + ⎥

⎢⎣ 2l 2l ⎥⎦
• Q: given our absolute pose over time, how can we calculate
the robot pose after some time t?
• A: integrate!
• Given the kinematic forward model, and assuming no slip on
both wheels
heels T T
ξ I (T ) = ξ I 0 + ∫ ξ I dt = ξ I 0 + ∫ R (θ )ξ&R dt
& −1

0 0
• Given an initial pose ξI0, after time T, the pose of the vehicle
will be ξI(T)
• ξI(T) computable with wheel speed 1, wheel speed 2, and
parameters r and l
Real world odometry examples
• Human in the dark
• Very bad odometry sensors
• dOdometry= O(m)
• (Nuclear) Submarine
• Very good odometry sensors Courtesy of US Navy

• dOdometry= O(103 km)

• Navigation system in tunnel
uses dead reckoning based on
• Last velocity as measured by GPS
• Car’s odometer, compass

Courtesy of NavNGo
E d B d Odometry
Od t
with Uncertainities
Odometric Error Sources
• Focus on encoder-based odometry
• Deterministic sources of error
• Limited encoder resolution
• Wheel misalignment and small differences in wheel
¾ Can be fixed by calibration
• Nondeterministic sources of error
• Variation of the contact point of the wheel
• Unequal floor contact (e.g., wheel slip, nonplanar surface)
¾ Wheels cannot be assumed to perfect roll
¾ Measured encoder values do not perfectly reflect the actual
¾ Pose error is cumulative and incrementally increases
Odometric Error Types
• Range error: sum of the wheel movements

• Turn error: difference of wheel motion

• Drift error: difference between wheel errors

lead to heading error
Qualitatively: turn and drift errors dominant
Quantitatively: error model!
Pose Variation during Δt
Δ sr + Δ sl
Δs =
Δ x = Δ s cos( θ + )
Δ y = Δ s sin( θ + )
Δ s r − Δ sl
Δθ = b = 2l = inter-wheel distance
Δsr = traveled distance right wheel
⎡x⎤ ⎡ x′⎤ Δsl = traveled distance left wheel
p = ⎢⎢ y ⎥⎥ ⎯ t⎯′= t + Δ t
⎯→ p′ = ⎢ y ′⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣θ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣θ ′ ⎥⎦
⎡ Δ sr + Δ sl Δ s r − Δ sl ⎤
⎢ cos( θ + )⎥
⎡ x ⎤ ⎡ Δ s cos( θ + Δ θ / 2 ) ⎤ ⎡ x ⎤ ⎢ 2 2b
Δsr + Δ sl Δ sr − Δ sl ⎥
p ′ = ⎢⎢ y ⎥⎥ + ⎢⎢ Δ s sin( θ + Δ θ / 2 ) ⎥⎥ = ⎢⎢ y ⎥⎥ + ⎢ sin( θ + )⎥
⎢ 2 2b ⎥
⎢⎣θ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ Δθ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣θ ⎥⎦ ⎢ Δ sr − Δ sl ⎥
⎢⎣ b ⎥⎦
Actuator Noise → Pose Noise
• Covariance
i i Σp at the
matrix h bbeginning
i i is i known
• Errors of the two individual wheels are independent
• Errors
E are independent
i d d t off direction
di ti off motion
• Errors are proportional to the distance traveled (kr, kl model

⎡k r Δsr 0 ⎤ ⎡σ s2r 0 ⎤
∑ Δ
= cov( Δ s r , Δ s l ) = ⎢ ⎥ = ⎢
k l Δ s l ⎦ ⎢⎣ 0

σ s2l ⎥⎦
⎣ 0
Actuator Noise → Pose Noise
• How is the actuator noise (2D) propagated to the pose (3D)?
σ x2 ⎡ σ xx2 σ xy2 σ x2θ ⎤
⎡σ 2
0 ⎤ σ 2

? ⎢ 2 ⎥
sr sr
ΣΔ = ⎢ ⎥ σ y2 ⎢σ yx σ yy2 σ y2θ ⎥ = Σp
⎢⎣ 0 σ s2l ⎥⎦ σ s2
σ θ2 ⎢ 2 ⎥
⎣σ θx σ θ2y σ θθ2

• 1D to 1D example N ( μ s , σ s ) → N ( μ x , σ x )
r r

f (sr )
μx +σ x

μx −σ x

μs − σ s μs μs + σ s
r r r r r
• We need to linearize → Taylor Series
1 ∂f 1 ∂2 f
x ≈ f (sr ) s r = μ sr
≈ f (sr ) + ( s r − μ sr ) + ( s r − μ sr ) 2 + K
1! ∂ s r 2! ∂ s r 2
Actuator Noise → Pose Noise
∂ f1 xy
x ≈ f1 ( s r ) s = μ ≈ f1 ( s r ) + ( s r − μ sr )
r sr
x ≈ f1 ( s l ) s = μ ≈ f1 ( s l ) + 1 ( s l − μ sl ) μ + σ ff21 ( s rl )
l sl
∂sl xy xy

∂f μ xy
y ≈ f 2 ( s r ) s = μ ≈ f 2 ( s r ) + 2 ( s r − μ sr )
r sr
∂sr μ xy − σ xy

⎡ ∂ f1 ∂ f1 ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ∂sr ∂sl ⎥
∂f ∂f 2
F Δ rl = ⎢ 2 ⎥ μ ss − σ s μμss μ ss + σ s s rl
⎢ ∂sr ⎥

rrl rlr r rrl rlr

⎢ ∂f ∂f3 ⎥
⎢ 3 ⎥
⎣⎢ ∂ s r ∂sl ⎥⎦ Jacobian

• General error propagation law

Σ Δrl = FΔrl Σ Δ F T
Actuator Noise → Pose Noise
How does the state covariance Σ p evolve over time?
• Initial covariance of vehicle at t=0:
⎡ σ xx2 σ xy2 σ x2θ ⎤ ⎡0 0 0⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢
Σ (pt = 0 ) = ⎢σ yx2 σ yy2 σ y2θ ⎥ = ⎢0 0 0 ⎥⎥
⎢ σ θ2x σ θ2y σ θθ2 ⎥ ⎢⎣ 0 0 0 ⎥⎦
⎣ ⎦
• Additional noise at each time step Δt: Σ Δrl = FΔrl Σ Δ FΔTrl
• Covariance at t=1: Σ (pt =1) = Σ (pt =0) + Σ Δrl = Σ Δrl
• Covariance at t=2: ⎡ ∂f

∂f ∂f ⎤

1 1 1

⎢ ∂x ∂y ∂θ ⎥
(t =2) ( t =1)
Σ p = Fp Σ p F + FΔrl Σ Δ F
⎢ ∂f
Fp = ⎢ 2
∂f 2 ∂f 2 ⎥

⎢ ∂x ∂y ∂θ ⎥
⎢ ∂f3 ∂f3 ∂f3 ⎥
⎢∂ ∂y ∂θ ⎥
⎣ x ⎦
Actuator Noise → Pose Noise
• Determine actuator noise Σ Δrl
• Compute mapping actuator-to-pose noise incremental FΔrll
• Compute mapping actuator-to-pose noise absolute Fp
• Initialize Σ (pt =0 ) = [0]
Σ (pt = 2 ) = Fp Σ (pt =1) FpT + FΔrl Σ Δrl FΔTrl
Accelerometer Based
Odometry with
Accelerometer based odometry
Error modeling
• Error happens!
• Odometryy error is cumulative.
→ grows without bound
• We need to be aware of it.
→ We need to model odometry error.
→ We need to model sensor error.
• Acceleration is random variable A
drawn from “mean-free” Gaussian
(“Normal”) distribution
Why Gaussian ?
→ Position X is random variable with
Gaussian distribution.
Accelerometer based odometry
Accelerometer based odometry 2D
Accelerometer based odometry 2D
Classical 2D representation

y of R. Siegwart
g and R. Nourbakhsh

Ellipses: typical 3σ bounds

Robot Localization based
on Propioceptive and
Exteroceptive Sensors
• Odometry based position error grows without bound.
• Use relative measurement to features (“landmarks”)
( )
to reduce position uncertainty
• Feature:
• Uniquely identifiable
• Position is known
• We can obtain relative measurements between robot and
feature (usually angle or range).
• Examples:
• Doors, walls, corners, hand rails
• Buildings, trees, lanes
Courtesy of Albert Huang
• GPS satellites
Automatic feature extraction
• High level features:
• Doors,, ppersons

• Simple visual features:
• Edges
g (Canny
( y Edge
g Detector 1983))
• Corner (Harris Corner Detector 1988)
• Scale Invariant Feature Transformation (2004)

• Simple geometric features
• Lines
• Corners
• “Binary”
y feature
Courtesy of R. Siegwart and R. Nourbakhsh
Feature-based navigation
Sensor fusion
• Given:
• Position estimate X ← N(μ=5;σ=1)
• Range estimate R ← N(μ=3.2;σ=1.2)
What is the best estimate AFTER
incorporating r ?
→ Kalman Filter
R ← N(μ=3.2;σ=1.2)
(μ=3 2;σ=1 2)
• Requires:
• Gaussian noise distribution X ← N(μ=5;σ=1) Kalman
for all measurements
X ← N(μ=5.5;σ=0.6)
• Linear motion and measurement
d l
• …
Feature-based navigation
Feature-based navigation
Belief representation trough Gaussian distribution
g :
• Advantages
• Compact (only mean and variance required)
• Continuous
• Powerful tools (Kalman Filter)
• Disadvantages:
• Requires Gaussian noise assumption
• Uni-modal
• Cannot represent ignorance (“kidnapped robot problem”)
Feature-based navigation
Feature-based navigation
Feature-based navigation
Feature-based navigation
Belief representation trough particle distribution
g :
• Advantages
• Can model arbitrary beliefs
• No assumptions on noise characteristic
• Disadvantages:
• No unique solution
• Not continuous
• Computationally expensive
• Tuning required
Feature-based navigation
Feature-based navigation
t=2 t=3 t=4
Take Home Messages
• There are several localization techniques for indoor and
outdoor systems
• Each of the localization methods/positioning system has
advantage and drawbacks
• Odometry
Od t isi an absolute
b l t positioning
iti i methodth d using
i onlyl
propioceptive sensors but affected by a cumulative error
• Localization error can be modeled and estimated
• The error propagation methods/filtering techniques are
tools applicable to a large variety of noisy problems, not
just localization and navigation
• Feature-based navigation is a way to compensate
odometry limitations
Additional Literature – Week 4
• Siegwart R., Nourbakhsh I. R., and Scaramuzza D.,
“Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots”, MIT
Press, 2011 (2nd edition).
• Choset H.,
H Lynch K K. M
M., Hutchinson S.,
S Kantor G., G
Burgard W., Kavraki L., and Thrun S., “Principles of
Robot Motion”. MIT Press, 2005.
• Thrun
Th S Burgard
S., B d W.,
W andd Fox
F DD., “P
b bili ti
Robotics”, MIT Press, 2005.
• Maybeck
y P. S. “Stochastic Models,, Estimation,, and
Control”, Academic press, 1979, ch. 1. Out of print
but available at:
cs.unc.edu/ welch/media/pdf/maybeck_ch1.pdf

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