Interfacing and Communicating With The 68Hc05/705 Microcontroller Family
Interfacing and Communicating With The 68Hc05/705 Microcontroller Family
Interfacing and Communicating With The 68Hc05/705 Microcontroller Family
NOTE: Some members of the 68HC05 family do not support the function which allows a binary program to be loaded into the
RAM area at $0050 and executed. If this function is not supported, the communication program upload will fail. An example part
which does not support the binary upload function is the 68HC705B5.
EPROM MODE (68HC705EP) - Choosing the 68HC705EP will upload the communication program which allows reading and
programming of any EPROM area of a 68HC705. You are actually permitted access to the entire 64K ($0-$FFFF) address range as
there is no consistent block of memory allocated only to EPROM in the 68HC05 family. When accessing a 68HC705 or 68HC05
part, you may examine any address within the 64K range. In order to program the EPROM area you must apply the required exter-
nal programming voltage to the Vpp pin on the processor. For the 68HC705C8 device, the is 14.75 volts. The buffer editor “W”
(write) command must be used to write the data from the buffer into the 68HC705 over the desired address range.
4 - The EPROM+ software will now attempt to confirm that communication can be established with the 68HC05.
If communications is established you will see (COMMUNICATION VERIFIED) displayed directly below * BUFFER UPLOAD COMPLETE *. Watch for it. If the
COMMUNICATION VERIFIED message is not displayed, communication with the 68HC05 part has not been established and no system commands will function.
If this happens, you must determine the cause and correct the problem. Note: The * BUFFER UPLOAD COMPLETE * and (COMMUNICATION VERIFIED) mes-
sages are displayed for a short period and then automatically erased.
1. The communication program will continue to run in the 68HC05 until power is removed or the processor is reset. Remember
that if you temporarily remove power from the part, you must again upload the communication program.
2. The communication program loads and runs in the 68HC05 RAM area beginning at $0050. If you use the memory write function
of the program to alter any addresses in this area, you will corrupt the program and communication will stop.