ABM 2 Final PT

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Video Reporting Rubrics

Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 2

Performace Task

Group : ______________________

Task Description: Students will work to create a video project that details a specific aspect of the course. The
presentation should include appropriate photographs, video, music (if necessary), graphs, and other visual aids.

ACTIVITY Exemplary Proficient Partially Proficient Incomplete POINTS

Concept 15-20 points 10-14 points 5-9 points 0-4 points

Has a clear picture of what Has a fairly clear picture of Has brainstormed their Little effort has been spent
they are trying to achieve. what they are trying to concept, but no clear on brainstorming and
Adequate description of achieve. Can describe what focus has emerged. refining a concept. Unclear
what they are trying to do they are trying to do overall Goals/final product not on the goals and how the
and generally how his/her but has trouble describing clearly defined. project objectives will be
work will contribute to the how his/her work will met.
final project. contribute to the final
12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points
Storyboard The storyboard illustrates The storyboard includes The thumbnail sketches There is no evidence of a
the video presentation thumbnail sketches of each on the storyboard are storyboard or script.
structure with thumbnail video scene and includes text not in logical sequence
sketches of each scene. for each segment of the and do not provide
Notes of proposed presentation, descriptions of complete descriptions
transition, special effects, background audio for each of the video scenes,
sound and title tracks scene, and notes about audio background, or
including: text, color, proposed shots and dialogue. notes about the
placement, graphics, etc. dialogue.
Notes about proposed
dialogue/ narration text are
15-20 points 10-14 points 5-9 points 0-4 points
Organization The content includes a Information is presented as a The content does not Content lacks a central
clear statement of purpose connected theme with present a clearly stated theme, clear point of view
or theme and is creative, accurate, current supporting theme, is vague, and and logical sequence of
compelling and clearly information that contributes some of the supporting information. Much of the
written. A rich variety of to understanding the information does not supporting information is
supporting information in project’s main idea. Details seem to fit the main irrelevant to the overall
the video contributes to are logical and persuasive idea or appears as a message. The viewer is
the understanding of the information is effectively disconnected series of unsure what the message is
project’s main idea. Events used. The content includes a scenes with no unifying because there is little
and messages are clear point of view with a main idea. Includes few persuasive information and
presented in a logical progression of ideas and citations and few facts. only one or two facts about
order. Includes properly supporting information. the topic are articulated.
cited sources. Includes properly cited Information is incorrect,
sources. out of date, or incomplete.
No citations included.
Quality 12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points

The Video reporting was The video reporting was The video reporting There was no video
completed and had all completed and contained all was made, but had very reporting, or tape was
required elements. The required items. Editing was little if any editing. totally unedited with no
video was well edited and not done as well as it should Many poor shots transitions or audio support
moves smoothly from have been. Some poor shots remain. Video was very of any kind.
scene to scene with proper remain. Movie is still fragmented and
use of transitions. Audio somewhat choppy. Audio and choppy with little to no
and other enhancements other enhancements were audio reinforcement.
were well used. utilized, but not for maximum
Teamwork 12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points

Student met and had Students met and had Only a couple of team Meetings were not held
discussions regularly. All discussions regularly. Most of meetings were held. and/or some of the team
students on the team the students on the team Most of the students members did not
contributed to the contributed to the discussion on the team contribute at all to the
discussion and were part of and were part of the final contributed at some project. Low levels of
the final project. Team project. Team members level, but a majority of respect were evident
members showed respect mostly showed respect with the work was done by within the team.
with each other. each other. one or two.
12-15 points 8-11 points 4-7 points 0-3 points
All project deadlines were Most project deadlines were Many project deadlines Deadlines were regularly
met. met. Those that were late did were not met, resulting missed, having a significant
not have significant impact in some impact on the impact on the final project.
on the finished project. finished project.

Final Score

Note: Final Submission will be on October 10, 2019

Performance Task ( By Group, but Individual Video Reporting)

1. The students will be divided into five groups with five members each group.
2. The members will choose a leader and the leader will disseminate and assigned the topics to the members.
3. Each member must report clearly and precisely the topics being assigned to them by their leader.
(minimum of 15 minutes)
Topics are the following: (you can surf in the internet for reference)
1. (Group 1 ) Identify and explain the elements of the Statement of Financial Position and describe
each of them. Explain each and give or enumerate the account titles of the following elements of
the Statement of Financial Position ( Assets, Liabilities, and Owners Equity)
2. (Group 2) Classify the elements of the Statement of Financial Position into current and noncurrent
items and give example. (Enumerate the elements of Statement of Financial Position and explain
each )
3. (Group 3) Elements of the Statement of Comprehensive Income and describe each of these items
for a service business and a merchandising business.
4. (Group 4) Statement of Comprehensive Income - single-steps and a multi-step format. Explain
which SCE is used by service business and which SCE is used by merchandising business.
5. (Group 5)Forms of business organization and explain each
• The different forms of organization
• Differentiate the forms of business according to their type and function
• Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each form
4. Your group will be graded base on the rubrics being presented above.
5. Be creative in presenting your video reporting and use the internet to surf more ideas about the topics

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