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The document discusses different types of assessments that can be used for intermediate and final evaluation of students in algebra, including chapter tests, quizzes, and standardized practice tests.

The different types of assessments discussed include chapter tests in multiple forms for different levels, quizzes, open-ended assessments, vocabulary tests, and standardized practice tests.

Examples of continuing assessments mentioned include the cumulative review, which can be used to reinforce and retain skills, and the standardized test practice, which offers continuing review of algebra concepts.

Chapter 5

Resource Masters
Consumable Workbooks
Many of the worksheets contained in the Chapter Resource Masters booklets
are available as consumable workbooks.
Study Guide and Intervention Workbook 0-07-828029-X
Skills Practice Workbook 0-07-828023-0
Practice Workbook 0-07-828024-9

ANSWERS FOR WORKBOOKS The answers for Chapter 5 of these workbooks

can be found in the back of this Chapter Resource Masters booklet.

M cGr

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ISBN: 0-07-828008-7 Algebra 2

Chapter 5 Resource Masters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 066 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02
Vocabulary Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Lesson 5-7
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 275–276
Lesson 5-1 Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 239–240 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 279
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 243
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Lesson 5-8
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 281–282
Lesson 5-2 Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 245–246 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 285
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 249
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Lesson 5-9
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 287–288
Lesson 5-3 Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 251–252 Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 291
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 255
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Chapter 5 Assessment
Chapter 5 Test, Form 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 293–294
Lesson 5-4 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2A . . . . . . . . . . . 295–296
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 257–258 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2B . . . . . . . . . . . 297–298
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2C . . . . . . . . . . . 299–300
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2D . . . . . . . . . . . 301–302
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 261 Chapter 5 Test, Form 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 303–304
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Chapter 5 Open-Ended Assessment . . . . . . 305
Chapter 5 Vocabulary Test/Review . . . . . . . 306
Lesson 5-5 Chapter 5 Quizzes 1 & 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 263–264 Chapter 5 Quizzes 3 & 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Chapter 5 Mid-Chapter Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Chapter 5 Cumulative Review . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 267 Chapter 5 Standardized Test Practice . . 311–312
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Standardized Test Practice
Lesson 5-6 Student Recording Sheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A1
Study Guide and Intervention . . . . . . . . 269–270
ANSWERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2–A38
Skills Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Reading to Learn Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . 273
Enrichment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill iii Glencoe Algebra 2

Teacher’s Guide to Using the
Chapter 5 Resource Masters
The Fast File Chapter Resource system allows you to conveniently file the resources
you use most often. The Chapter 5 Resource Masters includes the core materials needed
for Chapter 5. These materials include worksheets, extensions, and assessment options.
The answers for these pages appear at the back of this booklet.
All of the materials found in this booklet are included for viewing and printing in the
Algebra 2 TeacherWorks CD-ROM.

Vocabulary Builder Pages vii–viii Practice There is one master for each
include a student study tool that presents lesson. These problems more closely follow
up to twenty of the key vocabulary terms the structure of the Practice and Apply
from the chapter. Students are to record section of the Student Edition exercises.
definitions and/or examples for each term. These exercises are of average difficulty.
You may suggest that students highlight or
star the terms with which they are not WHEN TO USE These provide additional
familiar. practice options or may be used as
homework for second day teaching of the
WHEN TO USE Give these pages to lesson.
students before beginning Lesson 5-1.
Encourage them to add these pages to their Reading to Learn Mathematics
Algebra 2 Study Notebook. Remind them One master is included for each lesson. The
to add definitions and examples as they first section of each master asks questions
complete each lesson. about the opening paragraph of the lesson
in the Student Edition. Additional
Study Guide and Intervention questions ask students to interpret the
Each lesson in Algebra 2 addresses two context of and relationships among terms
objectives. There is one Study Guide and in the lesson. Finally, students are asked to
Intervention master for each objective. summarize what they have learned using
various representation techniques.
WHEN TO USE Use these masters as
reteaching activities for students who need WHEN TO USE This master can be used
additional reinforcement. These pages can as a study tool when presenting the lesson
also be used in conjunction with the Student or as an informal reading assessment after
Edition as an instructional tool for students presenting the lesson. It is also a helpful
who have been absent. tool for ELL (English Language Learner)
Skills Practice There is one master for
each lesson. These provide computational Enrichment There is one extension
practice at a basic level. master for each lesson. These activities may
extend the concepts in the lesson, offer an
WHEN TO USE These masters can be historical or multicultural look at the
used with students who have weaker concepts, or widen students’ perspectives on
mathematics backgrounds or need the mathematics they are learning. These
additional reinforcement. are not written exclusively for honors
students, but are accessible for use with all
levels of students.
WHEN TO USE These may be used as
extra credit, short-term projects, or as
activities for days when class periods are

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill iv Glencoe Algebra 2

Assessment Options Intermediate Assessment
The assessment masters in the Chapter 5 • Four free-response quizzes are included
Resource Masters offer a wide range of to offer assessment at appropriate
assessment tools for intermediate and final intervals in the chapter.
assessment. The following lists describe each
• A Mid-Chapter Test provides an option
assessment master and its intended use.
to assess the first half of the chapter. It is
composed of both multiple-choice and
Chapter Assessment free-response questions.
• Form 1 contains multiple-choice questions Continuing Assessment
and is intended for use with basic level • The Cumulative Review provides
students. students an opportunity to reinforce and
retain skills as they proceed through
• Forms 2A and 2B contain multiple-choice
their study of Algebra 2. It can also be
questions aimed at the average level
used as a test. This master includes
student. These tests are similar in format
free-response questions.
to offer comparable testing situations.
• The Standardized Test Practice offers
• Forms 2C and 2D are composed of free-
continuing review of algebra concepts in
response questions aimed at the average
various formats, which may appear on
level student. These tests are similar in
the standardized tests that they may
format to offer comparable testing
encounter. This practice includes multiple-
situations. Grids with axes are provided
choice, grid-in, and quantitative-
for questions assessing graphing skills.
comparison questions. Bubble-in and
• Form 3 is an advanced level test with grid-in answer sections are provided on
free-response questions. Grids without the master.
axes are provided for questions assessing
graphing skills.
All of the above tests include a free- • Page A1 is an answer sheet for the
response Bonus question. Standardized Test Practice questions
• The Open-Ended Assessment includes that appear in the Student Edition on
performance assessment tasks that are pages 282–283. This improves students’
suitable for all students. A scoring rubric familiarity with the answer formats they
is included for evaluation guidelines. may encounter in test taking.
Sample answers are provided for • The answers for the lesson-by-lesson
assessment. masters are provided as reduced pages
• A Vocabulary Test, suitable for all with answers appearing in red.
students, includes a list of the vocabulary • Full-size answer keys are provided for
words in the chapter and ten questions the assessment masters in this booklet.
assessing students’ knowledge of those
terms. This can also be used in conjunc-
tion with one of the chapter tests or as a
review worksheet.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill v Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Vocabulary Builder

Vocabulary Builder
This is an alphabetical list of the key vocabulary terms you will learn in Chapter 5.
As you study the chapter, complete each term’s definition or description. Remember
to add the page number where you found the term. Add these pages to your Algebra
Study Notebook to review vocabulary at the end of the chapter.

Vocabulary Term Definition/Description/Example
on Page



complex conjugates


complex number


extraneous solution


FOIL method

imaginary unit

like radical expressions

like terms

(continued on the next page)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill vii Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Vocabulary Builder (continued)
Vocabulary Term Definition/Description/Example
on Page

nth root



principal root

pure imaginary number

radical equation

radical inequality

rationalizing the

synthetic division



© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill viii Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-1 Study Guide and Intervention

Monomials A monomial is a number, a variable, or the product of a number and one or
more variables. Constants are monomials that contain no variables.

1 1
Negative Exponent an   n  a for any real number a  0 and any integer n.
n and 
a a

When you simplify an expression, you rewrite it without parentheses or negative

exponents. The following properties are useful when simplifying expressions.

Product of Powers am  an  am  n for any real number a and integers m and n.

Lesson 5-1
Quotient of Powers   am  n for any real number a  0 and integers m and n.
For a, b real numbers and m, n integers:
(am )n  amn
(ab)m  ambm
Properties of Powers
n an
 ab    ab  or 
n bn
, a  0, b  0

Example Simplify. Assume that no variable equals 0.

a. (3m4n2)(5mn)2 b. 
(3m4n2)(5mn)2  3m4n2  25m2n2 (m4)3
 75m4m2n2n2  m12
(2m )2  
 75m4  2n2  2 
 m12  4m4

Simplify. Assume that no variable equals 0.
1. c12  c4  c6 c14 2. 2 b 6 3. (a4)5 a 20

x2 y y 2
a2b 1 b x2y 2 x2
x4y1  6x
3 2 a b  
6. 3 


1 8m3n2 2m2
7.  (5a2b3)2(abc)2 5a6b 8c 2 8. m7  m8 m15 9. 3 
5 4mn n

23c4t2 24j 2 2mn2(3m2n)2 3

2 4 2 2 11. 4j(2j2k2)(3j 3k7)  12. 
3 4 m 2
2 c t 5 k 12m n 2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 239 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-1 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Scientific Notation
Scientific notation A number expressed in the form a  10n, where 1  a 10 and n is an integer

Example 1 Express 46,000,000 in scientific notation.

46,000,000  4.6  10,000,000 1  4.6 10
 4.6  107 Write 10,000,000 as a power of ten.

Example 2 3.5  104

2 . Express the result in scientific notation.
5  10
3.5  104 3.5 104
5  10 5 102
 0.7  106
 7  105

Express each number in scientific notation.

1. 24,300 2. 0.00099 3. 4,860,000

2.43  104 9.9  104 4.86  106
4. 525,000,000 5. 0.0000038 6. 221,000
5.25  108 3.8  106 2.21  105
7. 0.000000064 8. 16,750 9. 0.000369
6.4  108 1.675  104 3.69  104

Evaluate. Express the result in scientific notation.

10. (3.6  104)(5  103) 11. (1.4  108)(8  1012) 12. (4.2  103)(3  102)
1.8  108 1.12  105 1.26  104
9.5  107 1.62  102 4.81  108
13. 2 14.  15. 
3.8  10 1.8  10
5 6.5  10

2.5  109 9  108 7.4  103

16. (3.2  103)2 17. (4.5  107)2 18. (6.8  105)2
1.024  105 2.025  1015 4.624  109
19. ASTRONOMY Pluto is 3,674.5 million miles from the sun. Write this number in
scientific notation. Source: New York Times Almanac 3.6745  109 miles
20. CHEMISTRY The boiling point of the metal tungsten is 10,220°F. Write this
temperature in scientific notation. Source: New York Times Almanac 1.022  104
21. BIOLOGY The human body contains 0.0004% iodine by weight. How many pounds of
iodine are there in a 120-pound teenager? Express your answer in scientific notation.
Source: Universal Almanac 4.8  104 lb

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 240 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-1 Skills Practice

Simplify. Assume that no variable equals 0.

1. b4  b3 b 7 2. c5  c2  c2 c 9

3. a4  a3 7 4. x5  x4  x x 2

5. (g4)2 g 8 6. (3u)3 27u 3

Lesson 5-1
7. (x)4 x 4 8. 5(2z)3 40z 3

9. (3d)4 81d 4 10. (2t2)3 8t 6

11. (r7)3 r 21 12. 
12 s

k9 1
13.  14. (3f 3g)3 27f 9g 3
k k

15. (2x)2(4y)2 64x 2y 2 16. 2gh( g3h5) 2g 4h 6

24wz7 8z 2
17. 10x2y3(10xy8) 100x 3y11 18. 3 5 2
3w z w
6a4bc8 c7 10pq4r 2q
19.  3 20.  
7 2
36a b c 6a b 5p q r p
3 2 2

Express each number in scientific notation.

21. 53,000 5.3  104 22. 0.000248 2.48  104

23. 410,100,000 4.101  108 24. 0.00000805 8.05  106

Evaluate. Express the result in scientific notation.

9.6  107
25. (4  103)(1.6  106) 6.4  103 26. 3 6.4  10
1.5  10

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 241 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-1 Practice (Average)

Simplify. Assume that no variable equals 0.

1. n5  n2 n7 2. y7  y3  y2 y12

3. t9  t8 t 4. x4  x4  x4 4
5. (2f 4)6 64f 24 6. (2b2c3)3  
20d 3t 2
7. (4d 2t5v4)(5dt3v1)  5 8. 8u(2z)3 64uz 3
12m8 y64m 7y 2 6s5x3 s4
9. 4 
9my 3
10. 7 4
18sx 3x
27x (x ) 27x 6
3 7 4
 3r 2s z 
11.   12.  
16x4 16 2 3 6
9r 4s 6z 12
13. (4w3z5)(8w)2  5 14. (m4n6)4(m3n2p5)6 m 34n 36p 30
2x3y2 2 y
4 3
15.  d 2f 4   d 5f 12d 23f 19 16.  
2 3 2 5 x y 4x 2
(3x2y3)(5xy8) 15x11 20(m2v)(v)3 4v2
3 4 2 3
(x ) y
2 4 2
y 5(v) (m ) m
Express each number in scientific notation.

19. 896,000 20. 0.000056 21. 433.7  108

8.96  105 5.6  105 4.337  1010

Evaluate. Express the result in scientific notation.

2.7  106
22. (4.8  102)(6.9  104) 23. (3.7  109)(8.7  102) 24. 
9  10

3.312  107 3.219  1012 3  105

25. COMPUTING The term bit, short for binary digit, was first used in 1946 by John Tukey.
A single bit holds a zero or a one. Some computers use 32-bit numbers, or strings of
32 consecutive bits, to identify each address in their memories. Each 32-bit number
corresponds to a number in our base-ten system. The largest 32-bit number is nearly
4,295,000,000. Write this number in scientific notation. 4.295  109

26. LIGHT When light passes through water, its velocity is reduced by 25%. If the speed of
light in a vacuum is 1.86  105 miles per second, at what velocity does it travel through
water? Write your answer in scientific notation. 1.395  105 mi/s

27. TREES Deciduous and coniferous trees are hard to distinguish in a black-and-white
photo. But because deciduous trees reflect infrared energy better than coniferous trees,
the two types of trees are more distinguishable in an infrared photo. If an infrared
wavelength measures about 8  107 meters and a blue wavelength measures about
4.5  107 meters, about how many times longer is the infrared wavelength than the
blue wavelength? about 1.8 times

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 242 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-1 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Pre-Activity Why is scientific notation useful in economics?
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-1 at the top of page 222 in your textbook.
Your textbook gives the U.S. public debt as an example from economics that
involves large numbers that are difficult to work with when written in
standard notation. Give an example from science that involves very large
numbers and one that involves very small numbers. Sample answer:
distances between Earth and the stars, sizes of molecules
and atoms

Lesson 5-1
Reading the Lesson
1. Tell whether each expression is a monomial or not a monomial. If it is a monomial, tell
whether it is a constant or not a constant.

a. 3x2 monomial; not a constant b. y2  5y  6 not a monomial

c. 73 monomial; constant d. 
z not a monomial

2. Complete the following definitions of a negative exponent and a zero exponent.


For any real number a  0 and any integer n, an  n.

For any real number a  0, a0  1 .

3. Name the property or properties of exponents that you would use to simplify each
expression. (Do not actually simplify.)

a. 3 quotient of powers

b. y6  y9 product of powers

c. (3r2s)4 power of a product and power of a power

Helping You Remember

4. When writing a number in scientific notation, some students have trouble remembering
when to use positive exponents and when to use negative ones. What is an easy way to
remember this? Sample answer: Use a positive exponent if the number is
10 or greater. Use a negative number if the number is less than 1.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 243 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-1 Enrichment

Properties of Exponents
The rules about powers and exponents are usually given with letters such as m, n,
and k to represent exponents. For example, one rule states that am  an  am  n.

In practice, such exponents are handled as algebraic expressions and the rules of
algebra apply.

Example 1 Simplify 2a2(a n  1  a 4n).

2a2(an  1  a4n)  2a2  an  1  2a2  a4n Use the Distributive Law.

 2a2  n  1  2a2  4n Recall am  an  am  n.

 2an  3  2a2  4n Simplify the exponent 2  n  1 as n  3.

It is important always to collect like terms only.

Example 2 Simplify (a n  bm)2.

(an  bm)2  (an  bm)(an  bm)
 a  a  a  b  a  b  b  bm
n n n m n m m The second and third terms are like terms.

 a2n  2anbm  b2m

Simplify each expression by performing the indicated operations.

1. 232m 2. (a3)n 3. (4nb2)k

4. (x3a j )m 5. (ayn)3 6. (bkx)2

7. (c2)hk 8. (2dn)5 9. (a2b)(anb2)

an 12x3
10. (xnym)(xmyn) 11. 2 12. n

13. (ab2  a2b)(3an  4bn)

14. ab2(2a2bn  1  4abn  6bn  1)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 244 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-2 Study Guide and Intervention

Add and Subtract Polynomials
Polynomial a monomial or a sum of monomials
Like Terms terms that have the same variable(s) raised to the same power(s)

To add or subtract polynomials, perform the indicated operations and combine like terms.

Example 1 Simplify 6rs  18r 2  5s2  14r 2  8rs  6s2.

6rs  18r2  5s2 14r2  8rs 6s2
 (18r2  14r2)  (6rs  8rs)  (5s2  6s2) Group like terms.
 4r2  2rs  11s2 Combine like terms.

Example 2 Simplify 4xy2  12xy  7x 2y  (20xy  5xy2  8x 2y).

4xy2  12xy  7x2y  (20xy  5xy2  8x2y)
 4xy2  12xy  7x2y  20xy  5xy2  8x2y Distribute the minus sign.
 (7x2y  8x2y )  (4xy2  5xy2)  (12xy  20xy) Group like terms.

Lesson 5-2
 x2y  xy2  8xy Combine like terms.


1. (6x2  3x  2)  (4x2  x  3) 2. (7y2  12xy  5x2)  (6xy  4y2  3x2)

2x 2  4x  5 3y 2 18xy  8x 2
3. (4m2  6m)  (6m  4m2) 4. 27x2  5y2  12y2  14x2
8m 2  12m 13x 2  7y 2
5. (18p2  11pq  6q2)  (15p2  3pq  4q2) 6. 17j 2  12k2  3j 2  15j 2  14k2
3p 2  14pq  10q 2 5j 2  2k 2
7. (8m2  7n2)  (n2  12m2) 8. 14bc  6b  4c  8b  8c  8bc
20m 2  8n 2 14b  22bc  12c
9. 6r2s  11rs2  3r2s  7rs2  15r2s  9rs2 10. 9xy  11x2  14y2  (6y2  5xy  3x2)
24r 2s  5rs 2 14x 2  4xy  20y 2
11. (12xy  8x  3y)  (15x  7y  8xy) 12. 10.8b2  5.7b  7.2  (2.9b2  4.6b  3.1)
7x  4xy  4y 7.9b 2  1.1b  10.3
13. (3bc  9b2  6c2)  (4c2  b2  5bc) 14. 11x2  4y2  6xy  3y2  5xy  10x2
10b 2  8bc  2c 2 x 2  xy  7y 2
1 3 1 1 1 3
15.  x2   xy   y2   xy   y2   x2 16. 24p3  15p2  3p  15p3  13p2  7p
4 8 2 2 4 8
1 7 3
  x 2   xy   y 2 9p 3  2p 2  4p
8 8 4

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 245 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-2 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Multiply Polynomials You use the distributive property when you multiply
polynomials. When multiplying binomials, the FOIL pattern is helpful.

To multiply two binomials, add the products of

F the first terms,
FOIL Pattern O the outer terms,
I the inner terms, and
L the last terms.

Example 1 Find 4y(6  2y  5y 2).

4y(6  2y  5y2)  4y(6)  4y(2y)  4y(5y2) Distributive Property
 24y  8y2  20y3 Multiply the monomials.

Example 2 Find (6x  5)(2x  1).

(6x  5)(2x  1)  6x  2x  6x  1  (5)  2x  (5)  1
First terms Outer terms Inner terms Last terms
 12x  6x  10x  5
2 Multiply monomials.
 12x2  4x  5 Add like terms.

Find each product.

1. 2x(3x2  5) 2. 7a(6  2a  a2) 3. 5y2( y2  2y  3)

6x 3  10x 42a  14a 2  7a 3 5y 4  10y 3  15y 2

4. (x  2)(x  7) 5. (5  4x)(3  2x) 6. (2x  1)(3x  5)

x2  5x  14 15  22x  8x 2 6x 2  7x  5

7. (4x  3)(x  8) 8. (7x  2)(2x  7) 9. (3x  2)(x  10)

4x 2  35x  24 14x 2  53x  14 3x 2  28x  20

10. 3(2a  5c)  2(4a  6c) 11. 2(a  6)(2a  7) 12. 2x(x  5)  x2(3  x)
2a  27c 4a 2  10a  84 x 3  x 2  10x

13. (3t2  8)(t2  5) 14. (2r  7)2 15. (c  7)(c  3)

3t 4  7t 2  40 4r 2  28r  49 c 2  4c  21

16. (5a  7)(5a  7) 17. (3x2  1)(2x2  5x)

25a 2  49 6x 4  15x 3  2x 2  5x

18. (x2  2)(x2  5) 19. (x  1)(2x2  3x  1)

x 4  7x 2  10 2x 3  x 2  2x  1

20. (2n2  3)(n2  5n  1) 21. (x  1)(x2  3x  4)

2n 4  10n 3  5n 2  15n  3 x 3  4x 2  7x  4

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-2 Skills Practice

Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it is a polynomial, state the
degree of the polynomial.
b2c 1
1. x2  2x  2 yes; 2 2. 4 no 3. 8xz   y yes; 2
d 2


4. (g  5)  (2g  7) 5. (5d  5)  (d  1)
3g  12 4d  4

6. (x2  3x  3)  (2x2  7x  2) 7. (2f 2  3f  5)  (2f 2  3f  8)

3x 2  4x  5 4f 2  6f  3

8. (4r2  6r  2)  (r2  3r  5) 9. (2x2  3xy)  (3x2  6xy  4y2)

5r 2  9r  3 x 2  3xy  4y 2

Lesson 5-2
10. (5t  7)  (2t2  3t  12) 11. (u  4)  (6  3u2  4u)
2t 2  8t  5 3u 2  5u  10

12. 5(2c2  d 2) 13. x2(2x  9)

10c 2  5d 2 2x 3  9x 2

14. 2q(3pq  4q4) 15. 8w(hk2  10h3m4  6k5w3)

6pq 2  8q 5 8hk 2w  80h 3m 4w  48k 5w 4

16. m2n3(4m2n2  2mnp  7) 17. 3s2y(2s4y2  3sy3  4)

4m 4n 5  2m 3n 4p  7m 2n 3 6s 6y 3  9s3y 4  12s 2y

18. (c  2)(c  8) 19. (z  7)(z  4)

c2  10c  16 z 2  3z  28

20. (a  5)2 21. (2x  3)(3x  5)

a2  10a  25 6x 2  19x  15

22. (r  2s)(r  2s) 23. (3y  4)(2y  3)

r2  4s 2 6y 2  y  12

24. (3  2b)(3  2b) 25. (3w  1)2

9  4b 2 9w 2  6w  1

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-2 Practice (Average)

Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it is a polynomial, state the
degree of the polynomial.
4 12m8n9
1. 5x3  2xy4  6xy yes; 5 2.   ac  a5d3 yes; 8 3. 2 no
3 (m  n)
5 6
4. 25x3z  x78
 yes; 4 5. 6c2  c  1 no 6.    no
r s


7. (3n2  1)  (8n2  8) 8. (6w  11w2)  (4  7w2)

11n 2  7 18w 2  6w  4
9. (6n  13n2)  (3n  9n2) 10. (8x2  3x)  (4x2  5x  3)
9n  4n 2 4x 2  8x  3
11. (5m2  2mp  6p2)  (3m2  5mp  p2) 12. (2x2  xy  y2)  (3x2  4xy  3y2)
8m 2  7mp  7p 2 x 2  3xy  4y 2
13. (5t  7)  (2t2  3t  12) 14. (u  4)  (6  3u2  4u)
2t 2  8t  5 3u 2  5u  10
15. 9( y2  7w) 16. 9r4y2(3ry7  2r3y4  8r10)
9y 2  63w 27r 5y 9  18r 7y 6  72r14y 2
17. 6a2w(a3w  aw4) 18. 5a2w3(a2w6  3a4w2  9aw6)
6a 5w 2  6a 3w 5 5a4w 9  15a 6w 5  45a 3w 9
19. 2x2(x2  xy  2y2) 20.   ab3d2(5ab2d5  5ab)
2x 4  2x 3y  4x 2y 2 3a 2b 5d 7  3a 2b4d 2
21. (v2  6)(v2  4) 22. (7a  9y)(2a  y)
v4  2v 2  24 14a 2  11ay  9y 2
23. ( y  8)2 24. (x2  5y)2
y 2  16y  64 x 4  10x 2y  25y 2
25. (5x  4w)(5x  4w) 26. (2n4  3)(2n4  3)
25x 2  16w 2 4n8  9
27. (w  2s)(w2  2ws  4s2) 28. (x  y)(x2  3xy  2y2)
w3  8s3 x 3  2x 2y  xy 2  2y 3
29. BANKING Terry invests $1500 in two mutual funds. The first year, one fund grows 3.8%
and the other grows 6%. Write a polynomial to represent the amount Terry’s $1500
grows to in that year if x represents the amount he invested in the fund with the lesser
growth rate. 0.022x  1590

30. GEOMETRY The area of the base of a rectangular box measures 2x2  4x  3 square
units. The height of the box measures x units. Find a polynomial expression for the
volume of the box. 2x 3  4x 2  3x units3

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5-2 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Pre-Activity How can polynomials be applied to financial situations?
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-2 at the top of page 229 in your textbook.
Suppose that Shenequa decides to enroll in a five-year engineering program
rather than a four-year program. Using the model given in your textbook,
how could she estimate the tuition for the fifth year of her program? (Do
not actually calculate, but describe the calculation that would be necessary.)
Multiply $15,604 by 1.04.

Reading the Lesson

1. State whether the terms in each of the following pairs are like terms or unlike terms.
a. 3x2, 3y2 unlike terms b. m4, 5m4 like terms
c. 8r3, 8s3 unlike terms d. 6, 6 like terms

Lesson 5-2
2. State whether each of the following expressions is a monomial, binomial, trinomial, or
not a polynomial. If the expression is a polynomial, give its degree.
a. 4r4  2r  1 trinomial; degree 4 b. 3x
 not a polynomial
c. 5x  4y binomial; degree 1 d. 2ab  4ab2  6ab3 trinomial; degree 4

3. a. What is the FOIL method used for in algebra? to multiply binomials

b. The FOIL method is an application of what property of real numbers?
Distributive Property
c. In the FOIL method, what do the letters F, O, I, and L mean?
first, outer, inner, last
d. Suppose you want to use the FOIL method to multiply (2x  3)(4x  1). Show the
terms you would multiply, but do not actually multiply them.
F (2x)(4x)
O (2x)(1)
I (3)(4x)
L (3)(1)

Helping You Remember

4. You can remember the difference between monomials, binomials, and trinomials by
thinking of common English words that begin with the same prefixes. Give two words
unrelated to mathematics that start with mono-, two that begin with bi-, and two that
begin with tri-. Sample answer: monotonous, monogram; bicycle, bifocal;
tricycle, tripod

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5-2 Enrichment

Polynomials with Fractional Coefficients

Polynomials may have fractional coefficients as long as there are no variables
in the denominators. Computing with fractional coefficients is performed in
the same way as computing with whole-number coefficients.

Simpliply. Write all coefficients as fractions.

 35 2 1
1. m  p  n  p  m  n
7 3

4 5 1 2 7 6 1 3
2.  x   y   z   x  y   z   x   y   z 
3 4 4 5 8 7 2 8

 12   56 
1 1 2 3 4
3.  a2   ab   b2   a2   ab   b2 
3 4 3 4 3

 12 1 1
4.  a2   ab   b2   a2   ab   b2 
3 4

 12   12 
1 1 2 1
5.  a2   ab   b2   a   b 
3 4 3 4

 23 1 2
6.  a2   a     a3   a2   a 
5 7

 23 3
7.  x2   x  2   x   x2  

 16   16 
1 1 1 1 1 1
8.    x   x4   x2   x3     x 
3 6 2 3 3 3

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5-3 Study Guide and Intervention

Dividing Polynomials
Use Long Division To divide a polynomial by a monomial, use the properties of powers
from Lesson 5-1.
To divide a polynomial by a polynomial, use a long division pattern. Remember that only
like terms can be added or subtracted.

Example 1 12p3t2r  21p2qtr2  9p3tr

2 .
3p tr
12p3t2r  21p2qtr2  9p3tr 12p3t2r 21p2qtr2 9p3tr
3p2tr 3p2tr 3p2tr 3p2tr
12 21 9
  p3  2t2  1r1  1   p2  2qt1  1r2  1   p3  2t1  1r1  1
3 3 3
 4pt 7qr  3p

Example 2 Use long division to find (x3  8x2  4x  9)  (x  4).

x2  4x  12
x  4
()x  4x
3 2

4x2  4x
()4x2  16x
12x  9
()12x  48
The quotient is x2  4x  12, and the remainder is 57.
x3  8x2  4x  9 57

Lesson 5-3
Therefore   x2  4x  12   .
x4 x4

18a3  30a2 24mn6  40m2n3 60a2b3  48b4  84a5b2
1.  2. 
2 3 3. 
3a 4m n 12ab

6n 3 4b2
6a 2  10a   10 5ab    7a 4
m a
4. (2x2  5x  3)
(x  3) 5. (m2  3m  7)
(m  2)
2x  1 m5
6. (p3  6)
(p  1) 7. (t3  6t2  1)
(t  2)
5 31
p2  p  1  
t 2  8t  16  
8. (x5  1)
(x  1) 9. (2x3  5x2  4x  4)
(x  2)

x4  x3  x2  x  1 2x 2  x  2

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5-3 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Dividing Polynomials
Use Synthetic Division
a procedure to divide a polynomial by a binomial using coefficients of the dividend and
Synthetic division
the value of r in the divisor x  r

Use synthetic division to find (2x3  5x2  5x  2)

(x  1).

Step 1 Write the terms of the dividend so that the degrees of the terms are in 2x 3  5x 2  5x  2
descending order. Then write just the coefficients. 2 5 5 2
Step 2 Write the constant r of the divisor x  r to the left, In this case, r  1. 1 2 5 5 2
Bring down the first coefficient, 2, as shown.
Step 3 Multiply the first coefficient by r, 1  2  2. Write their product under the 1 2 5 5 2
second coefficient. Then add the product and the second coefficient: 2
5  2   3. 2 3
Step 4 Multiply the sum, 3, by r: 3  1  3. Write the product under the next 1 2 5 5 2
coefficient and add: 5  (3)  2. 2 3
2 3 2
Step 5 Multiply the sum, 2, by r: 2  1  2. Write the product under the next 1 2 5 5 2
coefficient and add: 2  2  0. The remainder is 0. 2 3 2
2 3 2 0

Thus, (2x3  5x2  5x  2)

(x  1)  2x2  3x  2.


1. (3x3  7x2  9x  14)

(x  2) 2. (5x3  7x2  x  3)
(x  1)
3x 2  x  7 5x 2  2x  3

3. (2x3  3x2  10x  3)

(x  3) 4. (x3  8x2  19x  9)
(x  4)
2x 2  3x  1 x 2  4x  3  
5. (2x3  10x2  9x  38)
(x  5) 6. (3x3  8x2  16x  1)
(x  1)
7 10
2x 2  9  
3x 2  5x  11  
7. (x3  9x2  17x  1)
(x  2) 8. (4x3  25x2  4x  20)
(x  6)
5 8
x 2  7x  3  
4x 2  x  2  
9. (6x3  28x2  7x  9)
(x  5) 10. (x4  4x3  x2  7x  2)
(x  2)
6x 2  2x  3  
x 3  2x 2  3x  1
11. (12x4  20x3  24x2  20x  35)
(3x  5) 4x 3  8x  20  
3x  5

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5-3 Skills Practice

Dividing Polynomials
10c  6 12x  20
1.  5c  3 2.  3x  5
2 4

15y3  6y2  3y 12x2  4x  8 2

3.  5y 2  2y  1 4.  3x  1  
3y 4x x

5. (15q6  5q2)(5q4)1 6. (4f 5  6f 4  12f 3  8f 2)(4f 2)1

1 3f 2
3q 2  2 f 3    3f  2
q 2
7. (6j 2k  9jk2)
3jk 8. (4a2h2  8a3h  3a4)
3a 2
2j  3k 2h 2  4ah  
9. (n2  7n  10)
(n  5) 10. (d 2  4d  3)
(d  1)

n2 d3

11. (2s2  13s  15)

(s  5) 12. (6y2  y  2)(2y  1)1

2s  3 3y  2

Lesson 5-3
13. (4g2  9)
(2g  3) 14. (2x2  5x  4)
(x  3)
2g  3 2x  1  
u2  5u  12 2x2  5x  4
15.  16. 
u3 x3
12 1
2x  1  
17. (3v2  7v  10)(v  4)1 18. (3t4  4t3  32t2  5t  20)(t  4)1
3v  5  
3t 3  8t 2  5
y3  y2  6 2x3  x2  19x  15
19.  20. 
y2 x3
18 3
y 2  3y  6  
2x 2  5x  4  
21. (4p3  3p2  2p)
( p  1) 22. (3c4  6c3  2c  4)(c  2)1
3 8
4p 2  p  3  
3c 3  2  

23. GEOMETRY The area of a rectangle is x3  8x2  13x  12 square units. The width of
the rectangle is x  4 units. What is the length of the rectangle? x 2  4x  3 units

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5-3 Practice (Average)

Dividing Polynomials
15r10  5r8  40r2 8 6k2m  12k3m2  9m3 3k 9m
1.  4 3r 6  r 4  2 2. 
2   6k 2  
5r r 2km m 2k

3. (30x3y  12x2y2  18x2y)

(6x2y) 4. (6w3z4  3w2z5  4w  5z)
3z 2 4 5
5x  2y  3 3wz 3      2
2 wz 2w
5. (4a3  8a2  a2)(4a)1 6. (28d 3k2  d 2k2  4dk2)(4dk2)1
a d
a 2  2a   7d 2    1
4 4
f 2  7f  10 2x2  3x  14
7.  f  5 8.  2x  7
f2 x2

9. (a3  64)
(a  4) a 2  4a  16 10. (b3  27)
(b  3) b 2  3b  9

2x3  6x  152 2x  4x  6
3 72
11.  2x 2  8x  38 12.  2x 2  6x  22  
x4 x3 x3

13. (3w3  7w2  4w  3)

(w  3) 14. (6y4  15y3  28y  6)
(y  2)
3 26
3w 2  2w  2   6y 3  3y 2  6y  16  
w3 y2
15. (x4  3x3  11x2  3x  10)
(x  5) 16. (3m5  m  1)
(m  1)
x3  2x 2  x  2 3m4  3m 3  3m 2  3m  4  
17. (x4  3x3  5x  6)(x  2)1 18. (6y2  5y  15)(2y  3)1
24 6
x 3  5x 2  10x  15   3y  7  
x2 2y  3
4x2  2x  6 6x2  x  7
19.  20. 
2x  3 3x  1
12 6
2x  2   2x  1  
2x  3 3x  1
21. (2r3  5r2  2r  15)
(2r  3) 22. (6t3  5t2  2t  1)
(3t  1)
r 2  4r  5 2t 2  t  1  
3t  1
4p4  17p2  14p  3 2h4  h3  h2  h  3
23.  24. 
2p  3 2 h 1
2p  3p 2  4p 
3 1 2h  h  3

25. GEOMETRY The area of a rectangle is 2x2  11x  15 square feet. The length of the
rectangle is 2x  5 feet. What is the width of the rectangle? x  3 ft

26. GEOMETRY The area of a triangle is 15x4  3x3  4x2  x  3 square meters. The
length of the base of the triangle is 6x2  2 meters. What is the height of the triangle?
5x 2  x  3 m

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-3 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Dividing Polynomials
Pre-Activity How can you use division of polynomials in manufacturing?
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-3 at the top of page 233 in your textbook.
Using the division symbol (
), write the division problem that you would
use to answer the question asked in the introduction. (Do not actually
divide.) (32x2  x)  (8x)

Reading the Lesson

1. a. Explain in words how to divide a polynomial by a monomial. Divide each term of
the polynomial by the monomial.
b. If you divide a trinomial by a monomial and get a polynomial, what kind of
polynomial will the quotient be? trinomial

2. Look at the following division example that uses the division algorithm for polynomials.
2x  4
x  4
2x2  4x  7
2x2  8x
4x  7
4x  16
Which of the following is the correct way to write the quotient? C
23 23
A. 2x  4 B. x  4 C. 2x  4   D. 
x4 x4

Lesson 5-3
3. If you use synthetic division to divide x3  3x2  5x  8 by x  2, the division will look
like this:
2 1 3 5 8
2 10 10
1 5 5 2
Which of the following is the answer for this division problem? B
A. x2  5x  5 B. x2  5x  5  
C. x3  5x2  5x   D. x3  5x2  5x  2

Helping You Remember

4. When you translate the numbers in the last row of a synthetic division into the quotient
and remainder, what is an easy way to remember which exponents to use in writing the
terms of the quotient? Sample answer: Start with the power that is one less
than the degree of the dividend. Decrease the power by one for each
term after the first. The final number will be the remainder. Drop any term
that is represented by a 0.

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-3 Enrichment

Oblique Asymptotes
The graph of y  ax  b, where a  0, is called an oblique asymptote of y  f(x)
if the graph of f comes closer and closer to the line as x → ∞ or x → ∞. ∞ is the
mathematical symbol for infinity, which means endless.
For f(x)  3x  4  , y  3x  4 is an oblique asymptote because
f(x)  3x  4  , and  → 0 as x → ∞ or ∞. In other words, as | x |
2 2
x x
increases, the value of  gets smaller and smaller approaching 0.

Example x2  8x  15
Find the oblique asymptote for f(x)  .
2 1 8 15 Use synthetic division.
2 12
1 6 3

x2  8x  15 3
y    x  6  
x2 x2

As | x | increases, the value of  gets smaller. In other words, since

 → 0 as x → ∞ or x → ∞, y  x  6 is an oblique asymptote.

Use synthetic division to find the oblique asymptote for each function.

8x2  4x  11
1. y  

x2  3x  15
2. y  

x2  2x  18
3. y  

ax2  bx  c
4. y  

ax2  bx  c
5. y  

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5-4 Study Guide and Intervention

Factoring Polynomials
Factor Polynomials
For any number of terms, check for:
greatest common factor
For two terms, check for:
Difference of two squares
a 2  b 2  (a  b)(a  b)
Sum of two cubes
a 3  b 3  (a  b)(a 2  ab  b 2)
Difference of two cubes
a 3  b 3  (a  b)(a 2  ab  b 2)
Techniques for Factoring Polynomials For three terms, check for:
Perfect square trinomials
a 2  2ab  b 2  (a  b)2
a 2  2ab  b 2  (a  b)2
General trinomials
acx 2  (ad  bc)x  bd  (ax  b)(cx  d)
For four terms, check for:
ax  bx  ay  by  x(a  b)  y(a  b)
 (a  b)(x  y)

Example Factor 24x2  42x  45.

First factor out the GCF to get 24x2  42x  45  3(8x2  14x  15). To find the coefficients
of the x terms, you must find two numbers whose product is 8  (15)  120 and whose
sum is 14. The two coefficients must be 20 and 6. Rewrite the expression using 20x and
6x and factor by grouping.
8x2  14x  15  8x2  20x  6x  15 Group to find a GCF.
 4x(2x  5)  3(2x  5) Factor the GCF of each binomial.
 (4x  3)(2x  5) Distributive Property

Thus, 24x2  42x  45  3(4x  3)(2x  5).

Lesson 5-4
Factor completely. If the polynomial is not factorable, write prime.

1. 14x2y2  42xy3 2. 6mn  18m  n  3 3. 2x2  18x  16

14xy 2(x  3y) (6m  1)(n  3) 2(x  8)(x  1)

4. x4  1 5. 35x3y4  60x4y 6. 2r3  250

(x 2  1)(x  1)(x  1) 5x 3y(7y 3  12x) 2(r  5)(r 2  5r  25)

7. 100m8  9 8. x2  x  1 9. c4  c3  c2  c
(10m 4  3)(10m 4  3) prime c(c  1)2 (c  1)

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-4 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Factoring Polynomials
Simplify Quotients In the last lesson you learned how to simplify the quotient of two
polynomials by using long division or synthetic division. Some quotients can be simplified by
using factoring.

Example 8x2  11x  12

Simplify  .
2x  13x  24

8x2  11x  12 (2x  3)( x  4)

   Factor the numerator and denominator.
2x2  13x  24 (x  8)(2x  3)
Divide. Assume x  8,   .
x8 2

Simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to 0.
x2  7x  12 x2  6x  5 x2  11x  30
1.  2.  3. 
x x6
2 2x  x  3
2 x  5x  6

x4 x5 x5

x2 2x 3 x1

x2  x  6 2x2  5x  3 5x2  9x  2
4.  5.  6. 
x  7x  10
2 4x  11x  3
2 x  5x  6

x3 2x  1 5x  1
x5 4x  1 x3

4x2  4x  3 6x2  25x  4 x2  7x  10

7.  8.  9. 
2x  x  6
2 x  6x  8
2 3x  8x  35

2x  1 6x  1 x2
x2 x2 3x  7

4x2  16x  15 3x2  4x  15 x2  14x  49

10.  11.  12. 
2 2x  x  3 2x  3x  9
2 2x  2x  35
2x  5 3x  5 x7
x1 2x  3 x5

x2  81 7x2  11x  6 4x2  12x  9

13.  14.  15. 
2 2x  23x  45 2 x 4 2x  13x  24

x9 7x  3 2x  3
2x  5 x2 x8

4x2  4x  3 y3  64 27x3  8
16.  17.  18. 
3 8x  1 3y  17y  20
2 9x  4

2x  3 y 2  4y  16 9x 2  6x  4
4x  2x  1
2 3y  5 3x  2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 258 Glencoe Algebra 2

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5-4 Skills Practice

Factoring Polynomials
Factor completely. If the polynomial is not factorable, write prime.

1. 7x2  14x 2. 19x3  38x2

7x(x  2) 19x 2(x  2)

3. 21x3  18x2y  24xy2 4. 8j 3k  4jk3  7

3x(7x2  6xy  8y 2) prime

5. a2  7a  18 6. 2ak  6a  k  3
(a  9)(a  2) (2a  1)(k  3)

7. b2  8b  7 8. z2  8z  10
(b  7)(b  1) prime

9. m2  7m  18 10. 2x2  3x  5
(m  2)(m  9) (2x  5)(x  1)

11. 4z2  4z  15 12. 4p2  4p  24

(2z  5)(2z  3) 4(p  2)(p  3)

13. 3y2  21y  36 14. c2  100

3(y  4)(y  3) (c  10)(c  10)

15. 4f 2  64 16. d 2  12d  36

4(f  4)(f  4) (d  6)2

17. 9x2  25 18. y2  18y  81

Lesson 5-4
prime (y  9)2

19. n3  125 20. m4  1

(n  5)(n 2  5n  25) (m 2  1)(m  1)(m  1)

Simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to 0.

x2  7x  18 x  2
 x2  4x  3 x  1

21.  22. 
x2  4x  45 x  5 x2  6x  9 x  3

x  10x  25 
2 x5 x2  6x  7 x  1
23.  24.  
2 x  5xx x2  49 x7

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 259 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-4 Practice (Average)

Factoring Polynomials
Factor completely. If the polynomial is not factorable, write prime.

1. 15a2b  10ab2 2. 3st2  9s3t  6s2t2 3. 3x3y2  2x2y  5xy

5ab(3a  2b) 3st(t  3s 2  2st) xy(3x 2y  2x  5)
4. 2x3y  x2y  5xy2  xy3 5. 21  7t  3r  rt 6. x2  xy  2x  2y
xy(2x 2  x  5y  y 2) (7  r)(3  t) (x  2)(x  y)
7. y2  20y  96 8. 4ab  2a  6b  3 9. 6n2  11n  2
(y  8)(y  12) (2a  3)(2b  1) (6n  1)(n  2)
10. 6x2  7x  3 11. x2  8x  8 12. 6p2  17p  45
(3x  1)(2x  3) prime (2p  9)(3p  5)
13. r3  3r2  54r 14. 8a2  2a  6 15. c2  49
r(r  9)(r  6) 2(4a  3)(a  1) (c  7)(c  7)
16. x3  8 17. 16r2  169 18. b4  81
(x  2)(x 2  2x  4) (4r  13)(4r  13) (b 2  9)(b  3)(b  3)
19. 8m3  25 prime 20. 2t3  32t2  128t 2t(t  8)2

21. 5y5  135y2 5y 2(y  3)(y 2  3y  9) 22. 81x4  16 (9x 2  4)(3x  2)(3x  2)

Simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to 0.

x2  16 x4 x2  16x  64 x  8 3(x  3)
3x  27 
23.   24.   25. 
x2  x  20 x  5 x2  x  72 x  9 x  27 x  3x  9
3 2

26. DESIGN Bobbi Jo is using a software package to create a x cm

drawing of a cross section of a brace as shown at the right.
Write a simplified, factored expression that represents the
area of the cross section of the brace. x(20.2  x) cm2
12 cm

x cm
8.2 cm

27. COMBUSTION ENGINES In an internal combustion engine, the up

and down motion of the pistons is converted into the rotary motion of r1
the crankshaft, which drives the flywheel. Let r1 represent the radius r2
of the flywheel at the right and let r2 represent the radius of the
crankshaft passing through it. If the formula for the area of a circle
is A  r2, write a simplified, factored expression for the area of the
cross section of the flywheel outside the crankshaft.  (r1  r2)(r1  r2)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 260 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-4 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Factoring Polynomials
Pre-Activity How does factoring apply to geometry?
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-4 at the top of page 239 in your textbook.
If a trinomial that represents the area of a rectangle is factored into two
binomials, what might the two binomials represent? the length and
width of the rectangle

Reading the Lesson

1. Name three types of binomials that it is always possible to factor. difference of two
squares, sum of two cubes, difference of two cubes

2. Name a type of trinomial that it is always possible to factor. perfect square


3. Complete: Since x2  y2 cannot be factored, it is an example of a prime


4. On an algebra quiz, Marlene needed to factor 2x2  4x  70. She wrote the following
answer: (x  5)(2x  14). When she got her quiz back, Marlene found that she did not
get full credit for her answer. She thought she should have gotten full credit because she
checked her work by multiplication and showed that (x  5)(2x  14)  2x2  4x  70.
a. If you were Marlene’s teacher, how would you explain to her that her answer was not
entirely correct? Sample answer: When you are asked to factor a
polynomial, you must factor it completely. The factorization was not
complete, because 2x  14 can be factored further as 2(x  7).

b. What advice could Marlene’s teacher give her to avoid making the same kind of error
in factoring in the future? Sample answer: Always look for a common
factor first. If there is a common factor, factor it out first, and then see

Lesson 5-4
if you can factor further.

Helping You Remember

5. Some students have trouble remembering the correct signs in the formulas for the sum
and difference of two cubes. What is an easy way to remember the correct signs?
Sample answer: In the binomial factor, the operation sign is the same as
in the expression that is being factored. In the trinomial factor, the
operation sign before the middle term is the opposite of the sign in the
expression that is being factored. The sign before the last term is always
a plus.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 261 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-4 Enrichment

Using Patterns to Factor

Study the patterns below for factoring the sum and the difference of cubes.
a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2)
a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2)
This pattern can be extended to other odd powers. Study these examples.

Example 1 Factor a5  b5.

Extend the first pattern to obtain a5  b5  (a  b)(a4  a3b  a2b2  ab3  b4).
Check: (a  b)(a4  a3b  a2b2  ab3  b4)  a5  a4b  a3b2  a2b3  ab4
 a4b  a3b2  a2b3  ab4  b5
 a5  b5

Example 2 Factor a5  b5.

Extend the second pattern to obtain a5  b5  (a  b)(a4  a3b  a2b2  ab3  b4).
Check: (a  b)(a4  a3b  a2b2  ab3  b4)  a5  a4b  a3b2  a2b3  ab4
 a4b  a3b2  a2b3  ab4  b5
 a5  b5

In general, if n is an odd integer, when you factor an  bn or an  bn, one factor will be
either (a  b) or (a  b), depending on the sign of the original expression. The other factor
will have the following properties:
• The first term will be an  1 and the last term will be bn  1.
• The exponents of a will decrease by 1 as you go from left to right.
• The exponents of b will increase by 1 as you go from left to right.
• The degree of each term will be n  1.
• If the original expression was an  bn, the terms will alternately have  and  signs.
• If the original expression was an  bn, the terms will all have  signs.

Use the patterns above to factor each expression.

1. a7  b7

2. c9  d 9

3. e11  f 11

To factor x10  y10, change it to (x 5  y 5)(x 5  y 5) and factor each binomial. Use
this approach to factor each expression.

4. x10  y10

5. a14  b14

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 262 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-5 Study Guide and Intervention

Roots of Real Numbers
Simplify Radicals
Square Root For any real numbers a and b, if a 2  b, then a is a square root of b.
For any real numbers a and b, and any positive integer n, if a n  b, then a is an nth
nth Root
root of b.
1. If n is even and b 0, then b has one positive root and one negative root.
Real nth Roots of b, 2. If n is odd and b 0, then b has one positive root.
n n
, b
 3. If n is even and b 0, then b has no real roots.
4. If n is odd and b 0, then b has one negative root.

Example 1 Simplify 
49z8. Example 2 Simplify  

(7z4)2  7z4  1)6  
1)2]3  (2a  1)2
z4 must be positive, so there is no need to
take the absolute value.


1. 81
 2. 343
9 7 12| p 3 |

4.  5. 
243p10 6. 
5 3
4a10 m6n9
2a 5 3p 2 m 2n 3

7.  8. 
16a10 9. 
b12 b8 121x6
b4 4| a 5| b4 11| x 3 |

10.  11.  12. 27p

(4k)4 169r4
16k 2 13r 2 3p 2

z4 14. 
36q34 15. 
25| y | z 2 6 | q17| 10| x | y 2 | z 3|

18. 0.64p
16. 0.02
7  17. 0.36

0.3 not a real number 0.8 | p 5|

19.  20. 
(11y2)4 21. 
4 3
Lesson 5-5

4x 2 121y 4 25a 4b 2

(3x  23. 
(m   24. 
1)2 5)6 1
| 3x  1| (m  5)2 | 6x  1|
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 263 Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-5 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Roots of Real Numbers

Approximate Radicals with a Calculator
Irrational Number a number that cannot be expressed as a terminating or a repeating decimal

Radicals such as 2 and 3  are examples of irrational numbers. Decimal approximations
for irrational numbers are often used in applications. These approximations can be easily
found with a calculator.

Example Approximate 18.2

 with a calculator.

Use a calculator to approximate each value to three decimal places.
1. 62
 2. 1050
 3. 0.054

7.874 32.404 0.378
4. 5.45
 5. 5280
 6. 18,60
1.528 72.664 136.382
3 5
7. 0.095
 8. 15
 9. 100

0.308 2.466 2.512
10. 856
 11. 3200
 12. 0.05

3.081 56.569 0.224
13. 12,50
0  14. 0.60
 15. 500

111.803 0.775 4.729
3 6
16. 0.15
 17. 4200
 18. 75

0.531 4.017 8.660

19. LAW ENFORCEMENT The formula r  25L  is used by police to estimate the speed r
in miles per hour of a car if the length L of the car’s skid mark is measures in feet.
Estimate to the nearest tenth of a mile per hour the speed of a car that leaves a skid
mark 300 feet long. 77.5 mi/h

20. SPACE TRAVEL The distance to the horizon d miles from a satellite orbiting h miles
above Earth can be approximated by d  8000h   h2. What is the distance to the
horizon if a satellite is orbiting 150 miles above Earth? about 1100 ft

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 264 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-5 Skills Practice

Roots of Real Numbers
Use a calculator to approximate each value to three decimal places.

1. 230
 15.166 2. 38

3. 152 4. 5.6

3 3
5. 88
 4.448 6. 222

4 5
7. 0.34 8. 500


9. 81 10. 144

(5)2 5 12. 
52 not a real number

13. 0.36
 0.6 14.   23


 2  3
3 3
15. 8 16. 27

3 5
17. 0.064
 0.4 18. 32

y2 | y |
19. 81

21.  64x6 8| x 3|
125s3 5s

6 3a 2
23. 27a 24. 
m8n4 m 4n 2

q2 10p 2| q | 16w4v8 2| w | v 2
Lesson 5-5

100p4 26. 

(3c)4 9c 2 28.  )2 | a  b |
(a  b

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 265 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-5 Practice (Average)

Roots of Real Numbers

Use a calculator to approximate each value to three decimal places.
3 3
1. 7.8
 2. 89
 3. 25
 4. 4

2.793 9.434 2.924 1.587
8. (0.94)
4 5 6 4
5. 1.1
 6. 0.1
 7. 5555

1.024 0.631 4.208 0.970

4 6
9. 0.81
 10. 324
 11. 256
 12. 64

0.9 18 4 2
3 3 5 4
13. 64
 14. 0.512
 15. 243
 16. 1296

4 0.8 3 6
5 1024

(14a)2 20. (14a
 )2 not a
real number
14| a|
 3x 2

49m2t8 23. 
64r6 24. 
22.  w15 (2x)8
4| m |
7| m | t 4  4r 2w 5 16x 4
25.  26. 
216p3 27. 
676x4  28. 
4 3 3
625s8 q9 y6 y12
5s 2 6pq 3 26x 2| y 3| 3x 3y 4
29. 144m
8 30. 
32x5 31. 
(m   32. 
5 6 3
n6 y10 4)6 1)3
12m 4| n 3| 2xy 2 | m  4| 2x  1
49a10 34. 
(x  5 35.  36. 
x2  1 
4 3
b16 )8 343d6 0x  25
7| a 5 | b8 (x  5)2 7d 2 | x  5|
37. RADIANT TEMPERATURE Thermal sensors measure an object’s radiant temperature,
which is the amount of energy radiated by the object. The internal temperature of an
object is called its kinetic temperature. The formula Tr  Tke relates an object’s radiant
temperature Tr to its kinetic temperature Tk. The variable e in the formula is a measure
of how well the object radiates energy. If an object’s kinetic temperature is 30°C and
e  0.94, what is the object’s radiant temperature to the nearest tenth of a degree?
29.5 C
38. HERO’S FORMULA Salvatore is buying fertilizer for his triangular garden. He knows
the lengths of all three sides, so he is using Hero’s formula to find the area. Hero’s
formula states that the area of a triangle is  s(s  
a)(s b)(s c), where a, b, and c are
the lengths of the sides of the triangle and s is half the perimeter of the triangle. If the
lengths of the sides of Salvatore’s garden are 15 feet, 17 feet, and 20 feet, what is the
area of the garden? Round your answer to the nearest whole number. 124 ft2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 266 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-5 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Roots of Real Numbers
Pre-Activity How do square roots apply to oceanography?
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-5 at the top of page 245 in your textbook.
Suppose the length of a wave is 5 feet. Explain how you would estimate the
speed of the wave to the nearest tenth of a knot using a calculator. (Do not
actually calculate the speed.) Sample answer: Using a calculator,
find the positive square root of 5. Multiply this number by 1.34.
Then round the answer to the nearest tenth.

Reading the Lesson

1. For each radical below, identify the radicand and the index.
a. 23
 radicand: 23 index: 3

15x2 radicand: 15x 2 index: 2
c. 343
 radicand: 343 index: 5

2. Complete the following table. (Do not actually find any of the indicated roots.)

Number of Positive Number of Negative Number of Positive Number of Negative

Square Roots Square Roots Cube Roots Cube Roots

27 1 1 1 0

16 0 0 0 1

3. State whether each of the following is true or false.

a. A negative number has no real fourth roots. true

b. 121
 represents both square roots of 121. true

c. When you take the fifth root of x5, you must take the absolute value of x to identify
the principal fifth root. false

Helping You Remember

Lesson 5-5

4. What is an easy way to remember that a negative number has no real square roots but
has one real cube root? Sample answer: The square of a positive or negative
number is positive, so there is no real number whose square is negative.
However, the cube of a negative number is negative, so a negative
number has one real cube root, which is a negative number.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 267 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-5 Enrichment

Approximating Square Roots

Consider the following expansion.
2 b2
(a  2ba) 2ab
 a2    2
2a 4a
 a2  b  2
Think what happens if a is very great in comparison to b. The term 2 is very
small and can be disregarded in an approximation.
(a  2ba) a2  b

a2  b
Suppose a number can be expressed as a2  b, a b. Then an approximate value
b b
of the square root is a  . You should also see that a   
a2  b.
2a 2a

Example Use the formula 

  a   to approximate 101
a2  b  and 622

a. 101
100  102 
1 b. 622
625  252 

Let a  10 and b  1. Let a  25 and b  3.

1 3
 10   622
2(10) 2(25)
10.05 24.94

Use the formula to find an approximation for each square root to the
nearest hundredth. Check your work with a calculator.

1. 626
 2. 99
 3. 402

4. 1604
 5. 223
 6. 80

7. 4890
 8. 2505
 9. 3575

10. 1,441
,100 11. 290
 12. 260

13. Show that a   

a2  b for a b.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 268 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-6 Study Guide and Intervention

Radical Expressions
Simplify Radical Expressions

Lesson 5-6
For any real numbers a and b, and any integer n 1:
n n n
Product Property of Radicals 1. if n is even and a and b are both nonnegative, then ab
  a  b.
n n n
2. if n is odd, then ab
  a  b.

To simplify a square root, follow these steps:

1. Factor the radicand into as many squares as possible.
2. Use the Product Property to isolate the perfect squares.
3. Simplify each radical.

For any real numbers a and b  0, and any integer n 1,

ab  ab , if all roots are defined.

Quotient Property of Radicals n

To eliminate radicals from a denominator or fractions from a radicand, multiply the

numerator and denominator by a quantity so that the radicand has an exact root.

Example 1 3
Simplify 16a
5 b7 . Example 2 Simplify  .
45y 5
5 b7  
 2  a

3 3 3  a2 
 (b2) 3
b 8x3 8x3
  Quotient Property
 2ab 2a
2 3 2b 45y 5

 (2x)2  2x
  Factor into squares.
 2 ) 
2  5y
  Product Property
 2 )  5y
2| x|2x
2| x|2x

   Rationalize the
23y 5y

2| x|10xy

3 Simplify.


 2a 2|b 5| 2a
1. 554  2.   75x4y7 5x 2y 3 5y

36 65 a6b3 |a 3 |b2b
 p5q3 pq 5p 2
4.   5.   6. 3
125 25 98 14 40 10

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 269 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-6 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Radical Expressions
Operations with Radicals When you add expressions containing radicals, you can
add only like terms or like radical expressions. Two radical expressions are called like
radical expressions if both the indices and the radicands are alike.
To multiply radicals, use the Product and Quotient Properties. For products of the form
(ab  cd )  (ef  gh), use the FOIL method. To rationalize denominators, use
conjugates. Numbers of the form ab   cd
 and ab   cd, where a, b, c, and d are
rational numbers, are called conjugates. The product of conjugates is always a rational

Example 1 Simplify 250

  4500   2
  6125 52  2  4102  5  652  5 Factor using squares.
 2  5  2  4  10  5
  6  5  5
 Simplify square roots.
 10 2  405   305  Multiply.
 10 2  10 5 Combine like radicals.

Example 2 Example 3 2  5

Simplify (2
3  4
2 )(
3  2
2 ). Simplify  .
3  5

(23  42 )(3  22 ) 2  5
 2  5
 3  5

 23  3  23  2
2  4
3  4
2  2
3  5
 3  5
 3  5

 6  46   46  16
6  25
2 2 3  (5
6  55

11  55



1. 32
 2. 20
 3. 300

0 45

4. 81

3 3
5. 2 (

) 6. 23
3 3
 2  23

7. (2  37
 )(4  7
) 8. (63
) 9. (42
 )(2 )
20  5

29  147
 46  66

 4  2
5  33   23
10.  5 11.  5  32
 2  2
 1  23

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 270 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-6 Skills Practice

Radical Expressions

Lesson 5-6
1. 24   53
2. 75 

3 4
  2 3

3 4
3. 16 4. 48

64a4b4 2| ab | 4
50x5 20x 22x
5. 4  6.  

7.  12 f 
3 1
  d 2f 5
d f
2 2 8.  56 |s |t

3 21
 2 6

 10. 3
7 3

g 10gz


12. (33
 ) 45

13. (412  ) 4815

 )(320  14. 2
  8  82

15. 12
  23  63
  108  16. 85

17. 248
 18. (2  3  ) 12  22
 )(6  2   63

19. (1  5  ) 4
 )(1  5 20. (3  7  ) 15  32
 )(5  2   57

3 21  32

21. (2  ) 8  43
  6  2
7  2

4 12  42
 5 40  56

23.   24.  
3  2
 7 8  6

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 271 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-6 Practice (Average)

Radical Expressions
3 3

3 3
1. 540 2. 432 3. 128

4 3 5
  10 5

4 3 5
4. 405 5. 500
0 6. 121

125t6w2 5t 2  8g3k8 2gk 2 

3 4 3
7.  8.   2v 2z 33z
3 4 3
w2 48v8z13 k2

45x3y8 3xy 45x

10.   11.  


12.  9
3 216



1 1
 c4d 7  c 2d 32d
 14. 3a a
15. 4 

128 16 64b4
8b 2 9a3

16. (315
) 17. (224
) 18. 810


19. 620
 20. 848
 21. (32
 30  126

22. (3  7
 )2 23. (5
) 24. (2
16  67
 5  10

25. (1  6
 )(5  7
) 26. (3
 )2 27. (108
5  7
 115  821

3 6  17  3
5  3 
28.  15
 29.  62
6 30.  
2 2
1 4  3

 8  52
3  2  3  6 3  x 6  5x
31.   32.  27  116
2  2
 2 5  24
 2  x 4x

34. BRAKING The formula s  25  estimates the speed s in miles per hour of a car when
it leaves skid marks  feet long. Use the formula to write a simplified expression for s if
  85. Then evaluate s to the nearest mile per hour. 1017 ; 41 mi/h
35. PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM The measures of the legs of a right triangle can be
represented by the expressions 6x2y and 9x2y. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find a
simplified expression for the measure of the hypotenuse. 3x 2 | y | 13

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 272 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-6 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Radical Expressions
Pre-Activity How do radical expressions apply to falling objects?

Lesson 5-6
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-6 at the top of page 250 in your textbook.
Describe how you could use the formula given in your textbook and a
calculator to find the time, to the nearest tenth of a second, that it would
take for the water balloons to drop 22 feet. (Do not actually calculate the
time.) Sample answer: Multiply 22 by 2 (giving 44) and divide
by 32. Use the calculator to find the square root of the result.
Round this square root to the nearest tenth.

Reading the Lesson

1. Complete the conditions that must be met for a radical expression to be in simplified form.

• The index n is as small as possible.

• The radicand contains no factors (other than 1) that are nth

powers of a(n) integer or polynomial.

• The radicand contains no fractions .

• No radicals appear in the denominator .

2. a. What are conjugates of radical expressions used for? to rationalize binomial

1  2

b. How would you use a conjugate to simplify the radical expression  ?
3  2

Multiply numerator and denominator by 3  2
c. In order to simplify the radical expression in part b, two multiplications are
necessary. The multiplication in the numerator would be done by the FOIL
method, and the multiplication in the denominator would be done by finding the
difference of two squares .

Helping You Remember

3. One way to remember something is to explain it to another person. When rationalizing the
denominator in the expression 
3 , many students think they should multiply numerator

and denominator by 
3 . How would you explain to a classmate why this is incorrect
and what he should do instead. Sample answer: Because you are working with
cube roots, not square roots, you need to make the radicand in the
denominator a perfect cube, not a perfect square. Multiply numerator and
4 3
denominator by 
3 to make the denominator 8, which equals 2.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 273 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-6 Enrichment

Special Products with Radicals

Notice that (3
 )  3, or (3
 )  3.
In general, (x )  x when x  0.
Also, notice that (9
)  36
In general, (x )(y )  xy
 when x and y are not negative.
You can use these ideas to find the special products below.
(a  b )(a  b )  (a)2  (b )2  a  b
(a  b )2  (a )2  2ab
  (b  )2  a  2abb
2 2 2
(a  b )  (a )  2ab   (b  )  a  2ab b

Example 1 Find the product: (2  )(2

  5  ).
(2  5 )(2  5 )  (2)2  (5 )2  2  5  3

Example 2 Evaluate (2 ) .

  8 2

(2  8)2  (2)2  228  (8)2

 2  216
  8  2  2(4)  8  2  8  8  18


1. (3
) 2. (10
3. (2x
) 4. (3
5. (1000
) 6. (y  5
 )(y  5
2 2
7. (50
  x ) 8. (x  20)

You can extend these ideas to patterns for sums and differences of cubes.
Study the pattern below.
(   x )(   
8  8x x )  
3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
8 x 8x


9. (2  )(
22  10
3 3 3 3 3
52 )

10. (y  w   
y2  yw
3 3 3 3 3
w2 )

1 1. (7  )(
72  140
3 3 3 3 3
202 )

12. (11  )(

112  88
3 3 3 3 3

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 274 Glencoe Algebra 2

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5-7 Study Guide and Intervention

Rational Exponents
Rational Exponents and Radicals
1 For any real number b and any positive integer n,
Definition of b n 1
b n  b
, except when b 0 and n is even.
 For any nonzero real number b, and any integers m and n, with n 1,
Definition of b n m

b n  
bm  (b
 ) , except when b 0 and n is even.
n n

Example 1 Example 2

Lesson 5-7
Write 28 2 in radical form. Evaluate  3 .
Notice that 28 0.
Notice that 8 0, 125 0, and 3 is odd.

28  28
2 8
1 3


22  7 125 125


22  7



Write each expression in radical form.
1 1 3
1. 11 7 2. 15 3 3. 300 2


Write each radical using rational exponents.

5.  6. 
3 4
4. 47
 3a5b2 162p5
1 1 5 2 1 5
47 2 33a3b3 3

Evaluate each expression.

2   1
 5 2 
7. 27 3
8.  9. (0.0004) 2

9  0.02
1 1
2 3    
  144 2 16 2
10. 8  4 3 2
11.  1
12.  1
27 3 (0.25) 2
1 1
4 2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 275 Glencoe Algebra 2

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5-7 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Rational Exponents
Simplify Expressions All the properties of powers from Lesson 5-1 apply to rational
exponents. When you simplify expressions with rational exponents, leave the exponent in
rational form, and write the expression with all positive exponents. Any exponents in the
denominator must be positive integers
When you simplify radical expressions, you may use rational exponents to simplify, but your
answer should be in radical form. Use the smallest index possible.

2 3
Example 1  
Simplify y 3
y 8 . Example 2 Simplify 

2 3 2 3 25 1

y3  y8  y3 8  y 24 144x6  (144x6) 4

 (24  32  x6) 4
1 1 1
 (24) 4  (32) 4  (x6) 4
1 3 1
 2  3 2  x 2  2x  (3x) 2  2x3x

Simplify each expression.

2.  y 3  4
4 6 2 3 4 7
1. x 5  x 5 3. p 5  p 10
1 3
x2 y2 p2

4. m  6. s 
6 2 3 4 1 4
5  8  6 3
5 5. x  x3
23 2
 x 24 s9
x 2

8. a   a 
p 2 6
7. 1 3 5 5 9.  1
x 3

a2 x6
p 3 
6 4 5
10. 128
 11. 49
 12. 288


3 6
13. 32
 14. 25
 15. 16

6 3

3 3
x  3 b4
16.  48
 18. 3
6 6

x 3 35 6
a b5

6 b

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 276 Glencoe Algebra 2

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5-7 Skills Practice

Rational Exponents
Write each expression in radical form.
1 1 5

1. 3 6 2. 8 5

2 3
122 or (12
 ) 4. (s3) 5 s
 3 2 3  5
3. 12 3 s4

Write each radical using rational exponents.

Lesson 5-7
1 1
5. 51
 51 2
6. 37
 37 3

3 1 1 2
7.  8. 
4 3
153 15 4 6xy2 6 3 x 3 y 3

Evaluate each expression.

1 1
9. 32 5 2 10. 81 4 3

1 1 1
11. 27  12. 42 
3 2
3 4
13. 16 2 64 14. (243) 5 81

1 5 3
15. 27 3  27 3 729 16.  2


Simplify each expression.

12 3 2 16
17. c 5  c 5 c 3 18. m 9  m 9 m 2


1 3 1
19. q 2 q 2
20. p 

5 5

6 11 
21. x x

22.  x 12
1 2
1  1
y 2 y4 n3 n3
23.  1  24. 1 1 
y n6  n2 n

49a8b2 | a | 7b
25. 64

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 277 Glencoe Algebra 2

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5-7 Practice (Average)

Rational Exponents
Write each expression in radical form.
1 2 4 2
1. 5 3 2. 6 5 3. m 7 4. (n3) 5

62 or (6
 ) m4 or (m
3 5 2 5 7 4 7 5
 n n

Write each radical using rational exponents.

27m6n4 8. 5
4 3
5. 79
 6. 153
1 1 4 1 1
2 2 |a 5 | b 2

79 2 153 4 3m 2n 3

Evaluate each expression.

1 1 5
 5 1 3 1
9. 81 4 3 10. 1024  11. 8 
4 32

3 2 1 4
4 1 3 1  
12. 256  13. (64)  14. 27 3  27 3 243
64 16

 1 1
25 64 3 16 5
125 2 

3  16.   17. 25 2 64 
36 2
 49 4
343 3

Simplify each expression. 1


4 3 3 13 1 4 1
    3 5 2
18. g  g 7 7 g 19. s  s
4 4 s4 20. u u 15
21. y 
2 1


2z  2z 2
1 2 1
5 b 5 q5  12
22. b  23. 2 q 5
24.  t t

25. 2z 

b  1 3
 4 5 1

q5 5t 2  t z2  1
85 22
27. 12 123
5 4
28. 6

4 a a3b
10 3b

30. ELECTRICITY The amount of current in amperes I that an appliance uses can be

calculated using the formula I   2 , where P is the power in watts and R is the
resistance in ohms. How much current does an appliance use if P  500 watts and
R  10 ohms? Round your answer to the nearest tenth. 7.1 amps


31. BUSINESS A company that produces DVDs uses the formula C  88n 3  330 to
calculate the cost C in dollars of producing n DVDs per day. What is the company’s cost
to produce 150 DVDs per day? Round your answer to the nearest dollar. $798

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 278 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-7 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Rational Exponents
Pre-Activity How do rational exponents apply to astronomy?
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-7 at the top of page 257 in your textbook.
The formula in the introduction contains the exponent  . What do you think
it might mean to raise a number to the  power?
Sample answer: Take the fifth root of the number and square it.

Reading the Lesson

Lesson 5-7
1. Complete the following definitions of rational exponents.
1 n

• For any real number b and for any positive integer n, b n  b

when b 0 and n is even .

• For any nonzero real number b, and any integers m and n, with n 1 ,
n n m

bm  (b ) , except when b 0 and

n is even .

2. Complete the conditions that must be met in order for an expression with rational
exponents to be simplified.

• It has no negative exponents.

• It has no fractional exponents in the denominator .

• It is not a complex fraction.

• The index of any remaining radical is the least

number possible.

3. Margarita and Pierre were working together on their algebra homework. One exercise

asked them to evaluate the expression 27 3 . Margarita thought that they should raise
27 to the fourth power first and then take the cube root of the result. Pierre thought that
they should take the cube root of 27 first and then raise the result to the fourth power.
Whose method is correct? Both methods are correct.

Helping You Remember

4. Some students have trouble remembering which part of the fraction in a rational
exponent gives the power and which part gives the root. How can your knowledge of
integer exponents help you to keep this straight? Sample answer: An integer3

exponent can be written as a rational exponent. For example, 23  2 1 .
You know that this means that 2 is raised to the third power, so the
numerator must give the power, and, therefore, the denominator must
give the root.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 279 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-7 Enrichment

Lesser-Known Geometric Formulas

Many geometric formulas involve radical expressions.

Make a drawing to illustrate each of the formulas given on this page.

Then evaluate the formula for the given value of the variable. Round
answers to the nearest hundredth.
1. The area of an isosceles triangle. Two 2. The area of an equilateral triangle with
sides have length a; the other side has a side of length a. Find A when a  8.
length c. Find A when a  6 and c  7. a2
A  3

c 4
4 A  27.71
A  17.06

3. The area of a regular pentagon with a 4. The area of a regular hexagon with a
side of length a. Find A when a  4. side of length a. Find A when a  9.
a2 3a2
 A  3

4 2
A  27.53 A  210.44

5. The volume of a regular tetrahedron 6. The area of the curved surface of a right
with an edge of length a. Find V when cone with an altitude of h and radius of
a  2. base r. Find S when r  3 and h  6.
V  2
 S  r
r2  h2
V  0.94 S  63.22

7. Heron’s Formula for the area of a 8. The radius of a circle inscribed in a given
triangle uses the semi-perimeter s, triangle also uses the semi-perimeter.
abc Find r when a  6, b  7, and c  9.
where s  . The sides of the

triangle have lengths a, b, and c. Find A r  
when a  3, b  4, and c  5.
r  1.91

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 280 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-8 Study Guide and Intervention

Radical Equations and Inequalities
Solve Radical Equations The following steps are used in solving equations that have
variables in the radicand. Some algebraic procedures may be needed before you use these

Step 1 Isolate the radical on one side of the equation.

Step 2 To eliminate the radical, raise each side of the equation to a power equal to the index of the radical.
Step 3 Solve the resulting equation.
Step 4 Check your solution in the original equation to make sure that you have not obtained any extraneous roots.

Example 1 Solve 2   4  8.

4x  8 Example 2 Solve 3x
1   1.
4x  8  4  8 Original equation 3x  1  5x 1 Original equation
24x  8  12 Add 4 to each side. 3x  1  5x  2 5x  1 Square each side.
4x  8  6 Isolate the radical. 25x
  2x Simplify.
4x  8  36 Square each side. 5x
x Isolate the radical.
4x  28 Subtract 8 from each side. 5x  x 2 Square each side.

Lesson 5-8
x7 Divide each side by 4. x  5x  0
2 Subtract 5x from each side.
Check x(x  5)  0 Factor.

848 x  0 or x  5
48 Check
2(6)  4  8 3(0)  1  1, but 5(0)
  1  1, so 0 is
not a solution.
3(5)  1  4, and 5(5)
  1  4, so the
The solution x  7 checks. solution is x  5.

Solve each equation.

1. 3  2x3
5 2. 2
3x  4  1  15 3. 8  

 15 no solution

5x46 5. 12  
2x  1  4 6. 
12  x  0
95 no solution 12

7. 21
5x  4  0 8. 10  2x
5 9. 
x2  7x  
7x  9
5 12.5 no solution

10. 4   2  10
2x  11 11. 2
x  11  
x  2  
3x  6 12.  x1
9x  11
8 14 3, 4
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 281 Glencoe Algebra 2
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-8 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Radical Equations and Inequalities

Solve Radical Inequalities A radical inequality is an inequality that has a variable
in a radicand. Use the following steps to solve radical inequalities.

Step 1 If the index of the root is even, identify the values of the variable for which the radicand is nonnegative.
Step 2 Solve the inequality algebraically.
Step 3 Test values to check your solution.

Example Solve 5  
4 3.
Since the radicand of a square root Now solve 5  
4   3.
must be greater than or equal to
zero, first solve 5  
20x 4  3 Original inequality

20x  4  0. 
20x 48 Isolate the radical.

20x  4  0 20x  4  64 Eliminate the radical by squaring each side.

20x  4 20x  60 Subtract 4 from each side.
1 x3
x   Divide each side by 20.
It appears that    x  3 is the solution. Test some values.

x  1 x0 x4

 )  4 is not a real 5  20(0)
  4  3, so the 5  20(4)
  4  4.2, so
number, so the inequality is inequality is satisfied. the inequality is not
not satisfied. satisfied

Therefore the solution    x  3 checks.

Solve each inequality.

c247 2. 3
2x  1  6 15 3. 
92 5
c 11 x 5 x 4
4. 5
x28 2 5. 8  
3x  4  3 6. 
2x  8  4 2
x 6   x  7 x 14
7. 9  
6x  3  6 8.   4 9. 2
5x  6  1 5

3x  1
1 6
  x  1 x 8 x 3
2 5

10.    4  12
2x  12 11.    d
2d  1 5 12. 4
b  3  
b  2  10

x 26 0d4 b 6

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 282 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-8 Skills Practice

Radical Equations and Inequalities
Solve each equation or inequality.

1. x  5 25 2. x  3  7 16

3. 5j  1  4. v 2  1  0 no solution

5. 18  3y 2  25 no solution 6. 2w
  4 32

b  5  4 21 8.  5 8
3n  1

Lesson 5-8
3r  6  3 11 10. 2   6 3
3p  7

k  4  1  5 40 12. (2d  3) 3  2 

1 1
13. (t  3) 3  2 11 14. 4  (1  7u) 3  0 9

3z  2  
z  4 no solution 16. 
g  1    8
2g  7

x  1  4
x  1 no solution s36 3s4
18. 5  

3x  3 7 1 x 26
19. 2   20.    6 2  a  16
2a  4

4r  3 10 r 7
21. 2 3x  1 3   x 0
22. 4  

y  4  3  3 y 32
23.  24. 3 3  15    r  2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 283 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-8 Practice (Average)

Radical Equations and Inequalities

Solve each equation or inequality.

1. x  8 64 2. 4  x  3 1

49 1
3. 2p
  3  10  4. 43h
2 12
1 1
5. c 2  6  9 9 6. 18  7h 2  12 no solution

3 5
d  2  7 341 8. 
w71 8

3 4
9. 6  
q  4  9 31 10. 
y  9  4  0 no solution

3 63
6  16  0 131 12. 
1 22 
7 3
13.  12 
8n  5 1  4t  8  6  
4 4
2t  5  3  3  16. (7v  2) 4  12  7 no solution
1 1
17. (3g  1) 2  6  4 33 18. (6u  5) 3  2  3 20

2d  5 d1 4 20. 
4r  6  r 2

6x  4    
2x  10 22. 
2x  5  
2x  1 no solution

  12 a 16
23. 3a z  5  4  13 5  z  76

25. 8  2q
  5 no solution 26.   5  a 14
2a  3

c46 c 5 x  1 2 x 7
27. 9   28. 

29. STATISTICS Statisticians use the formula   v  to calculate a standard deviation ,

where v is the variance of a data set. Find the variance when the standard deviation
is 15. 225

30. GRAVITATION Helena drops a ball from 25 feet above a lake. The formula
t     describes the time t in seconds that the ball is h feet above the water.
25  h
How many feet above the water will the ball be after 1 second? 9 ft

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 284 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-8 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Radical Equations and Inequalities
Pre-Activity How do radical equations apply to manufacturing?
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-8 at the top of page 263 in your textbook.
Explain how you would use the formula in your textbook to find the cost of
producing 125,000 computer chips. (Describe the steps of the calculation in the
order in which you would perform them, but do not actually do the calculation.)
Sample answer: Raise 125,000 to the  power by taking the
cube root of 125,000 and squaring the result (or raise 125,000
to the  power by entering 125,000 ^ (2/3) on a calculator).
Multiply the number you get by 10 and then add 1500.

Reading the Lesson

1. a. What is an extraneous solution of a radical equation? Sample answer: a number
that satisfies an equation obtained by raising both sides of the original

Lesson 5-8
equation to a higher power but does not satisfy the original equation

b. Describe two ways you can check the proposed solutions of a radical equation in order
to determine whether any of them are extraneous solutions. Sample answer: One
way is to check each proposed solution by substituting it into the
original equation. Another way is to use a graphing calculator to graph
both sides of the original equation. See where the graphs intersect.
This can help you identify solutions that may be extraneous.

2. Complete the steps that should be followed in order to solve a radical inequality.

Step 1 If the index of the root is even , identify the values of

the variable for which the radicand is nonnegative .

Step 2 Solve the inequality algebraically.

Step 3 Test values to check your solution.

Helping You Remember

3. One way to remember something is to explain it to another person. Suppose that your
friend Leora thinks that she does not need to check her solutions to radical equations by
substitution because she knows she is very careful and seldom makes mistakes in her
work. How can you explain to her that she should nevertheless check every proposed
solution in the original equation? Sample answer: Squaring both sides of an
equation can produce an equation that is not equivalent to the original
one. For example, the only solution of x  5 is 5, but the squared
equation x2  25 has two solutions, 5 and 5.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 285 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-8 Enrichment

Truth Tables
In mathematics, the basic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, finding a root, and raising to a power. In logic, the basic operations
are the following: not (
), and ( ), or ( ), and implies (→).

If P and Q are statements, then

P means not P;
Q means not Q; P Q
means P and Q; P Q means P or Q; and P → Q means P implies Q. The
operations are defined by truth tables. On the left below is the truth table for
the statement
P. Notice that there are two possible conditions for P, true (T)
or false (F). If P is true,
P is false; if P is false,
P is true. Also shown are the
truth tables for P Q, P Q, and P → Q.


You can use this information to find out under what conditions a complex
statement is true.

Example Under what conditions is P

Q true?

Create the truth table for the statement. Use the information from the truth
table above for P
Q to complete the last column.

The truth table indicates that
P Q is true in all cases except where P is true
and Q is false.

Use truth tables to determine the conditions under which each statement is true.

Q 2.
P → (P → Q)

3. (P Q) (
Q) 4. (P → Q) (Q → P)

5. (P → Q) (Q → P) 6. (
Q) →
(P Q)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 286 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-9 Study Guide and Intervention

Complex Numbers
Add and Subtract Complex Numbers
A complex number is any number that can be written in the form a  bi,
Complex Number where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit (i 2  1).
a is called the real part, and b is called the imaginary part.
Addition and Combine like terms.
Subtraction of (a  bi)  (c  di)  (a  c)  (b  d )i
Complex Numbers (a  bi)  (c  di)  (a  c)  (b  d )i

Example 1 Simplify (6  i)  (4  5i). Example 2 Simplify (8  3i)  (6  2i).

(6  i)  (4  5i) (8  3i)  (6  2i)
 (6  4)  (1  5)i  (8  6)  [3  (2)]i
 10  4i  2  5i
To solve a quadratic equation that does not have real solutions, you can use the fact that
i2  1 to find complex solutions.

Example 3 Solve 2x2  24  0.

2x2  24  0 Original equation
2x2  24 Subtract 24 from each side.
x2  12 Divide each side by 2.
x  12 Take the square root of each side.
x  2i
3 12

Lesson 5-9

1. (4  2i)  (6  3i) 2. (5  i)  (3  2i) 3. (6  3i)  (4  2i)

2i 2i 10  5i

4. (11  4i)  (1  5i) 5. (8  4i)  (8  4i) 6. (5  2i)  (6  3i)

12  9i 16 11  5i

7. (12  5i)  (4  3i) 8. (9  2i)  (2  5i) 9. (15  12i)  (11  13i)
8  8i 7  7i 26  25i

10. i4 11. i6 12. i15

1 1 i

Solve each equation.

13. 5x2  45  0 14. 4x2  24  0 15. 9x2  9

3i i 6

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 287 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-9 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Complex Numbers
Multiply and Divide Complex Numbers
Use the definition of i 2 and the FOIL method:
Multiplication of Complex Numbers
(a  bi)(c  di)  (ac  bd )  (ad  bc)i

To divide by a complex number, first multiply the dividend and divisor by the complex
conjugate of the divisor.

a  bi and a  bi are complex conjugates. The product of complex conjugates is

Complex Conjugate
always a real number.

Example 1 Simplify (2  5i)

(4  2i).
(2  5i)  (4  2i)
 2(4)  2(2i)  (5i)(4)  (5i)(2i) FOIL
 8  4i  20i  10i 2 Multiply.
 8  24i  10(1) Simplify.
 2  24i Standard form

Example 2 3i
Simplify  .
2  3i
3i 3i 2  3i
 Use the complex conjugate of the divisor.
2  3i 2  3i 2  3i
6  9i  2i  3i2
4  9i2
3  11i
 i 2  1
3 11
   i Standard form
13 13


1. (2  i)(3  i) 7  i 2. (5  2i)(4  i) 18  13i 3. (4  2i)(1  2i) 10i

4. (4  6i)(2  3i) 26 5. (2  i)(5  i) 11  3i 6. (5  3i)(1  i) 8  2i

7. (1  i)(2  2i)(3  3i) 8. (4  i)(3  2i)(2  i) 9. (5  2i)(1  i)(3  i)

12  12i 31  12i 16  18i
5 3 1 7  13i 13 7 6  5i 5
10.     i 11.      i 12.     2i
3i 2 2 2i 2 2 3i 3
4  2i 5  3i 1 3  4i 8 31
13.  1  i 14.     2i 15.      i
3i 2  2i 2 4  5i 41 41
3  i5
16.     3i 5
 4  i2
17.  1  2i 2

6  3
2i 6

3  i5
 7 7 i2 2
i 3 3

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 288 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-9 Skills Practice

Complex Numbers

1. 36
 6i 2. 196

81x6 9 | x 3 | i
3.  4. 23  232

5. (3i)(2i)(5i) 30i 6. i 11 i

7. i 65 i 8. (7  8i)  (12  4i) 5  12i

9. (3  5i)  (18  7i) 15  2i 10. (10  4i)  (7  3i) 3  7i

11. (2  i)(2  3i) 1  8i 12. (2  i)(3  5i) 11  7i

13. (7  6i)(2  3i) 4  33i 14. (3  4i)(3  4i) 25

8  6i 6  8i 3i 3  6i
15.   16.  
3 4  2i

Lesson 5-9

Solve each equation.

17. 3x2  3  0 i 18. 5x2  125  0 5i

19. 4x2  20  0 i 5
 20. x2  16  0 4i

21. x2  18  0 3i 2
 22. 8x2  96  0 2i 3

Find the values of m and n that make each equation true.

23. 20  12i  5m  4ni 4, 3 24. m  16i  3  2ni 3, 8

25. (4  m)  2ni  9  14i 5, 7 26. (3  n)  (7m  14)i  1  7i 3, 2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 289 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-9 Practice (Average)

Complex Numbers

1. 49
 7i  12i 3
2. 612  3. 121
 s8 11s 4i

4. 36a
3 b4 5. 8
 6. 15

6| a| b2i a
 16 515

7. (3i)(4i)(5i) 8. (7i)2(6i) 9. i 42
60i 294i 1

10. i 55 11. i 89 12. (5  2i)  (13  8i)

i i 8  10i

13. (7  6i)  (9  11i) 14. (12  48i)  (15  21i) 15. (10  15i)  (48  30i)
16  5i 3  69i 38  45i

16. (28  4i)  (10  30i) 17. (6  4i)(6  4i) 18. (8  11i)(8  11i)
18  26i 52 57  176i
6  5i 5  6i
19. (4  3i)(2  5i) 20. (7  2i)(9  6i) 21.  
23  14i 75  24i
2 14  16i 3i 7i 2  4i
22.   23.   24.  1  i
7  8i
113 2i 5 1  3i

Solve each equation.

25. 5n2  35  0 i 7
 26. 2m2  10  0 i 5

27. 4m2  76  0 i 19
 28. 2m2  6  0 i 3

29. 5m2  65  0 i 13
 30.  x2  12  0 4i

Find the values of m and n that make each equation true.

31. 15  28i  3m  4ni 5, 7 32. (6  m)  3ni  12  27i 18, 9

33. (3m  4)  (3  n)i  16  3i 4, 6 34. (7  n)  (4m  10)i  3  6i 1, 4

35. ELECTRICITY The impedance in one part of a series circuit is 1  3j ohms and the
impedance in another part of the circuit is 7  5j ohms. Add these complex numbers to
find the total impedance in the circuit. 8  2j ohms

36. ELECTRICITY Using the formula E  IZ, find the voltage E in a circuit when the
current I is 3  j amps and the impedance Z is 3  2j ohms. 11  3j volts

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 290 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-9 Reading to Learn Mathematics

Complex Numbers
Pre-Activity How do complex numbers apply to polynomial equations?
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-9 at the top of page 270 in your textbook.
Suppose the number i is defined such that i 2  1. Complete each equation.
2i 2  2 (2i)2  4 i4  1

Reading the Lesson

1. Complete each statement.

a. The form a  bi is called the standard form of a complex number.

b. In the complex number 4  5i, the real part is 4 and the imaginary part is 5 .

This is an example of a complex number that is also a(n) imaginary number.

c. In the complex number 3, the real part is 3 and the imaginary part is 0 .

This is example of complex number that is also a(n) real number.

d. In the complex number 7i, the real part is 0 and the imaginary part is 7 .

This is an example of a complex number that is also a(n) pure imaginary number.

2. Give the complex conjugate of each number.

a. 3  7i 3  7i

Lesson 5-9
b. 2  i 2i

3. Why are complex conjugates used in dividing complex numbers? The product of
complex conjugates is always a real number.

4. Explain how you would use complex conjugates to find (3  7i)

(2  i). Write the
division in fraction form. Then multiply numerator and denominator by
2  i.

Helping You Remember

1  3

5. How can you use what you know about simplifying an expression such as  to
2  5

help you remember how to simplify fractions with imaginary numbers in the
denominator? Sample answer: In both cases, you can multiply the
numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 291 Glencoe Algebra 2

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-9 Enrichment

Conjugates and Absolute Value

When studying complex numbers, it is often convenient to represent a complex
number by a single variable. For example, we might let z  x  yi. We denote
the conjugate of z by z. Thus, z  x  yi.

We can define the absolute value of a complex number as follows.

z  x  yi  
x2  y2

There are many important relationships involving conjugates and absolute

values of complex numbers.

Example 1 Show z 2  zz
 for any complex number z.
Let z  x  yi. Then,
z  (x  yi)(x  yi)
 x2  y2
 (x2  y2 )2
 z 2

Example 2 z
 is the multiplicative inverse for any nonzero
Show 2 z
complex number z.

We know z 2  zz. If z  0, then we have z   1.
z 2
Thus,  2 is the multiplicative inverse of z.

For each of the following complex numbers, find the absolute value and
multiplicative inverse.

1. 2i 2. 4  3i 3. 12  5i

4. 5  12i 5. 1  i 6. 3

 1 3

i 8. 
i 9.   

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 292 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 1 SCORE

Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Simplify (3x0)2(2x4).
A. x4 B. 12x4 C. 18x6 D. 18x4 1.

2. Simplify  5 . Assume that no variable equals 0.
y3 z y7 z
A. z3 B.  C. 5y3z D.  2.
5y 5 5

3. Scientists have determined that the speed at which light travels is

approximately 300,000,000 meters per second. Express this speed in
scientific notation.
A. 3  107 m/s B. 3  108 m/s
C. 3  108 m/s D. 30  107m/s 3.

4. Simplify (5m  9)  (4m  2).

A. 9m  11 B. m  11 C. 9m  7 D. 20m2  18 4.

5. Simplify 3x(2x2  y).

A. 5x3  3xy B. 12x  y C. 6x2  3y D. 6x3  3xy 5.

6. Simplify (x2  2x  35)  (x  5).

A. x2  x  30 B. x  7
C. x  5 D. x3  3x2  45x  175 6.

7. Which represents the correct synthetic division of (x2  4x  7)  (x  2)?

A. 2 1 4 17 B. 2 1 4 17
2 12 2 14
1 6 19 1 2 11

C. 2 1 4 17 D. 2 1 4 7 7.
2 16 2 4
1 8 19 1 2 3

8. Factor m2  9m  14 completely.
A. m(m  23) B. (m  14)(m  1)
C. (m  7)(m  2) D. m(m  9)  14 8.

t2  t  6
9. Simplify  . Assume that the denominator is not equal to 0.
2 t  7t  10
t3 t2 t3 t3
A.  B.  C.  D.  9.
t5 t5 t5 t5

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 293 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 1 (continued)

10. Simplify 121

A. 11 B. 11 C. 11 D. 11

11. Use a calculator to approximate 224

 to three decimal places.
A. 15.0 B. 14.97 C. 14.966 D. 14.967 11.

12. Simplify 48

A. 163  
B. 43 C. 6 
D. 46 12.

13. Simplify (2  5
)(3  5).
A. 1  5  B. 1  5 C. 1  5
 D. 1  5

14. Simplify 75

A. 21 B. 87
C. 103 
D. 73 14.

15. Write the expression 5 7 in radical form.
7 7 5
A. 51
 B. 35 C. 5 D. 7
2 1
16. Simplify the expression m 5  m 5 .
5 3 2 2
A. m 3 B. m 5 C. m 25 D. m 5 16.

17. Solve 3x

  4  5.
A. 7 B. 7 C. 21 D.   17.

18. Solve 2  5x

  1 5.
A. x 5 B. x 2 C. x
2 D. x 2 18.

19. Simplify (5  2i)(1  3i).

A. 5  6i B. 1 C. 1  17i D. 11  17i 19.

20. ELECTRICITY The total impedance of a series circuit is the sum of the
impedances of all parts of the circuit. A technician determined that the
impedance of the first part of a particular circuit was 2  5j ohms. The
impedance of the remaining part of the circuit was 3  2j ohms. What
was the total impedance of the circuit?
A. 5  3j ohms B. 5  7j ohms
C. 1  7j ohms D. 16  11j ohms 20.

Bonus Find the value of k so that x  3 divides

2x3  11x2  19x  k with no remainder. B:

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 294 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2A SCORE

Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Simplify (3a0b2)(2a3b2)2.
12b 6 36b8 12b6
6 B.  
6 C. 6b8 D.   1.
a a a

4a b c 4 2
2. Simplify  25 3 . Assume that no variable equals 0.
12a b c
a2b7 a2b3 a2c2 a2b7
2 B.  2 C.  3 D.  2 2.
8c 3c 3b 3c

3. Neptune is approximately 4.5  109 kilometers from the Sun. If light

travels at approximately 3.0  105 kilometers per second, how long does
it take light from the Sun to reach Neptune? Express your answer in
scientific notation.
A. 15  104 s B. 1.5  104 s C. 1.5  103 s D. 1500 s 3.

4. Simplify (3a3  7a2  a)  (6a3  4a2  8).

A. 3a6  3a4  a  8 B. 3a3  11a2  a  8
C. 3a6  11a4  a  8 D. 3a3  3a2  a  8 4.

5. Simplify (7m  8)2.

A. 49m2  64 B. 49m2  64
C. 49m2  112m  64 D. 49m2  30m  64 5.

6. Simplify (4x3  2x2  8x  8)  (2x  1).

A. 2x2  2x  5  3 B. 2x2  4  9
2x  1 2x  1
12 14
C. 2x2  4    D. x2  4x  6    6.
2x  1 2x  1

7. Which represents the correct synthetic division of

(2x3  5x  40)  (x  3)?
A. 3 2 5 40 B. 3 2 5 40

6 33 6 13
2 11 73 2 1 43

C. 3 2 0 5 40 D. 3 2 0 5 40 7.
6 18 39 6 18 39
2 6 13 41 2 6 13 79

8. Factor y3  64 completely.
A. (y  4)3 B. (y  4)(y2  4y  16)
C. (y  4)(y  4)2 D. (y  4)(y2  4y  16) 8.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 295 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2A (continued)

x2  3x  28
9. Simplify  . Assume that the denominator is not equal to 0.
2 x  9x  14
x7 x4 x4 x4
A.   B.   C.   D.   9.
x2 x2 x7 x2

10. Simplify 64n


A. 8 n w
3 2 B. 8n3w2 C. 8n3w2 D. 32 n3 w2 10.
11. Use a calculator to approximate 257
 to three decimal places.
A. 6.357 B. 4.004 C. 16.031 D. 6.358 11.

12. Simplify 
C. 5x D. 5x5x

3 3 3
A. 25x B. 25x2 5x2 12.

13. Simplify 5
  27  147
A. 536   43
B. 35    103
C. 35    33
D. 25  13.

14. Simplify 6.

4  2

12  62
 4  2
 4  2
 12  32

A.   B.   C.   D.   14.
7 2 3 7

15. Write the radical 

y4 using rational exponents.
1 3 2
A. y 6 B. y 2 C. y 3 D. y24 15.

m3 .
16. Simplify the expression 1

  1 15


A. m 15 B. m 2 C. m 7 D. m 8 16.

17. A correct step in the solution of the equation (2m  1) 4  2  1 is _____.
A. (2m  1)  16  1 B. 2m  1  81
1 1
C. (2m  1) 4  1 D. 2m  1  3 4 17.

18. Solve 2x

  4  1 5.
A. x 0 B. x 2 C. 2 x 6 D. x 6 18.

19. Simplify (4  12i)  (8  4i).

A. 12  8 B. 28 C. 12  16i D. 12  16i 19.

4  2i
20. Simplify  .
7  3i

A. 11  
i B. 11  
C.  17
D.  13
   i 20.
29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

Bonus Find the value of k so that (x3  2x2  kx  6)  (x  2)

has remainder 8. B:

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 296 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2B SCORE

Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. Simplify (3x0y4)(2x2y)3.
24x 6 216x6 6x6
A.   B.  
9 C. 24x5 D.  1.
y y y

2. Simplify  6 3 . Assume that no variable equals 0.
8x yz
4 4 4 y4 z
A. y B. y47 C. y47 D.  2.
4x4z 6x z 4x z 4

3. Saturn is approximately 1.4  109 kilometers from the Sun. If light

travels at approximately 3.0  105 kilometers per second, how long does
it take light from the Sun to reach Saturn? Express your answer in
scientific notation.
A. 4.7  104 s B. 4700 s C. 4.7  103 s D. 47  103 s 3.

4. Simplify (7x3  2x2  3)  (x2  x  5).

A. 7x3  2x2  x  2 B. 7x3  3x2  2
C. 8x5  3x3  2 D. 7x3  x2  x  2 4.

5. Simplify (5x  4)2.

A. 25x2  16 B. 25x2  20x  16
C. 25x2  40x  16 D. 25x2  18x  16 5.

6. Simplify (6x3  16x2  11x  5)  (3x  2).

A. 6x2  12x  3  9 B. 2x2  4x  1  3
3x  2 3x  2

C. 2x2  4x  1  1 D. x2  8x  3  9 6.

3x  2 3x  2

7. Which represents the correct synthetic division of (3x3  2x  5)  (x  2)?

A. 2 3 2 15 B. 2 3 2 15

6 18 6 16
3 4 13 3 8 21

C. 2 3 0 2 15 D. 2 3 0 2 25 7.
6 12 20 6 12 20
3 6 10 25 3 6 10 15

8. Factor 27x3  1 completely.

A. (3x  1)(9x2  3x  1) B. (3x  1)(9x2  3x  1)
C. (3x  1)3 D. (3x  1)(9x2  3x  1) 8.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 297 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2B (continued)

x2  3x  18
9. Simplify  . Assume that the denominator is not equal to 0.
2 x  8x  15
x6 x6 x3 x6
A.   B.   C.   D.   9.
x5 x5 x5 x3

10. Simplify 25p


A. 5 p q
2 B. 5p2q C. 5p2q D. 5p2 q  10.
11. Use a calculator to approximate 160
 to three decimal places.
A. 3.556 B. 12.649 C. 3.557 D. 5.429 11.

12. Simplify 
3 3 3

A. 4t4t B. 16tt C. 4t4t
D. 4t4t 12.

13. Simplify 32

A. 72    86
B. 72    36
C. 32  D. 2

14. Simplify 5.

2  3

A. 10  53
 B. 10  53
 C. 10  53
 D. 10  53

15. Write the radical 

m3 using rational exponents.
5 3
A. m2 B. m 3 C. m 5 D. m15 15.

t4 .
16. Simplify the expression 1

11 19 3
A. t2 B. t 20 C. t 20 D. t 20 16.

17. A correct step in the solution of the equation (5z  1) 3  3  1 is _____.

A. 5z  1  43 B. (5z  1)  27  1
C. (5z  1)  9  3 D. 5z  1  64 17.

18. Solve 3x

  6  1 5.
A. x 0 B. 2 x 10 C. x 10 D. x 2 18.

19. Simplify (15  13i)  (1  17i).

A. 16  30i B. 16  4i C. 16  30i D. 46 19.

1  2i
20. Simplify  .
2  3i

A. 8  1i B. 8  i C. 4  7i D. 4  7i 20.

7 7 7 13 13

Bonus Factor x2z2  36y2  4y2z2  9x2 completely. B:

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 298 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2C SCORE

Simplify. Assume that no variable equals 0.

1. (5r2t)2(3r0t4) 1.

2a bc 4 5
2.  27 1 2.
18a b c

For Questions 3–12, simplify.

3. (4c2  12c  7)  (c2  2c  5) 3.

4. (9p2  7p)  (5p2  4p  12) 4.

5. (3x  4)(2x  5) 5.

6.  6.

7. 49x
6y4 7.


9. 572   288

10. (5  6
)(4  6
) 10.

11. (7  12i)  (15  7i) 11.

12. (2  3i)(6  i) 12.

13. Evaluate (8  104)(3.5  109). Express the result in 13.
scientific notation.

14. Use long division to find

(10y3  9y2  6y  10)  (2y  3). 14.

15. Use synthetic division to find

(x3  4x2  17x  50)  (x  3). 15.

16. Factor 2xz  3yz  8x  12y completely. If the polynomial 16.

is not factorable, write prime.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 299 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2C (continued)

x  36
17. Simplify  . Assume that the denominator 17.
2 x  2x  24
is not equal to 0.

18. TREES The diameter of a tree d (in inches) is related to its 18.

basal area BA (in square feet) by the formula d  .

If the basal area of a tree is 12.4 square feet, what is the
diameter of the tree? Use a calculator to approximate
your answer to three decimal places.

19. Write the radical 
32m3 using rational exponents. 19.

20. Simplify the expression 
1 1 . 20.
x2  x3

21. Solve 
1  4. 21.

22. Solve 4  5y

0  1 1. 22.

23. POPULATION In 2000, the population of New York City 23.

was approximately 8,000,000. Its total area is about
300 square miles. What was the population density
(number of people per square mile) of New York City
in 2000? Express your answer in scientific notation.

24. ELECTRICITY The total impedance of a series circuit is 24.

the sum of the impedances of all parts of the circuit.
Suppose that the first part of a circuit has an impedance
of 6  5j ohms and that the total impedance of the circuit
is 12  7j ohms. What is the impedance of the remainder
of the circuit?

25. ELECTRICITY In an AC circuit, the voltage E (in volts), 25.

current I (in amps), and impedance Z (in ohms) are
related by the formula E  I  Z. Find the current in a
circuit with voltage 10  3j volts and impedance
4  j ohms.

Bonus Simplify 3

. B:
2i 2i

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 300 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2D SCORE

Simplify. Assume that no variable equals 0.

1. (2c2d0)3(5c7d2) 1.

2.  63 3 2.
48a b c

For Questions 3–12, simplify.

3. (3f 2  5f  9)  (4f 2  7f  12) 3.

4. (6g3  2g  1)  (3g2  5g  7) 4.

5. (5m  6)(2m  1) 5.

6.  6.

16x4y8 7.

8. 64a
6 b7 8.

9. 250   18

10. (2  3
)(4  3
) 10.

11. (7  6i)  (3  2i) 11.

12. (4  i)(1  7i) 12

13. Evaluate(6  104)(2.5  106). Express the result in 13.
scientific notation.

14. Use long division to find (8x3  10x2  9x  10)  (2x  1). 14.

15. Use synthetic division to find (x3  4x2  9x  10)  (x  2). 15.

16. Factor 20x2  8x  5xy  2y completely. If the polynomial 16.

is not factorable, write prime.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 301 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 2D (continued)

x2  x  20
17. Simplify  2 . Assume that the denominator is 17.
x  25
not equal to 0.

18. TREES The diameter of a tree d (in inches) is related to its 18.

basal area BA (in square feet) by the formula d  .

If the basal area of a tree is 8.9 square feet, what is the

diameter of the tree? Use a calculator to approximate your
answer to three decimal places.

19. Write the radical 125

 x2 using rational exponents. 19.


20. Simplify the expression  x5 . 20.

x  x2

21. Solve 
1  3. 21.

22. Solve 2  3t

  6 5. 22.

23. POPULATION In 2000, the population of Hong Kong 23.

was approximately 6.8 million. Its total area is about
1000 square kilometers. What was the population
density (number of people per square kilometer) of
Hong Kong in 2000? Express your answer in
scientific notation.

24. ELECTRICITY The total impedance of a series circuit is 24.

the sum of the impedances of all parts of the circuit.
Suppose that the first part of a circuit has an impedance
of 7  4j ohms and that the total impedance of the
circuit is 16  2j ohms. What is the impedance of
the remainder of the circuit?

25. ELECTRICITY In an AC circuit, the voltage E (in volts), 25.

current I (in amps), and impedance Z (in ohms) are related
by the formula E  I  Z. Find the impedance in a circuit
with voltage 12  2j volts and current 3  5j amps.

Bonus Simplify 4

. B:
3i 3i

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 302 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 3 SCORE

Simplify. Assume that no variable equals 0.

2 1.

2.   2.
5(2xy )

For Questions 3–11, simplify.

 5 3 
3. 12p2  6r2  4pr  (3pr  2r2) 3.

4. (m  2n)2 4.

5. 4x
25 5.

6. y
27x63 6.

x5y7 7.

8. 215   345

9.  9.

10. (3  2i)(1  4i) 10.

11. (5  i)  (2  4i)  (3  i) 11.

3.9  104
12. Evaluate   1 . Express the result in scientific notation. 12.
3.0  10

x4  x2  2x  7
13. Use long division to find  . 13.
2x  3x  1

2x3  x2  1
14. Use synthetic division to find  . 14.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 303 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Test, Form 3 (continued)

For Questions 15 and 16, factor completely. If the

polynomial is not factorable, write prime.
15. 162w4  2n4 15.

16. x6  8y6 16.

17. Simplify 
(m2  4m  5)(m  5)2
. Assume that the 17.
denominator is not equal to 0.

18. GEOMETRY The volume V of a sphere and the length of 18.

3 3V
its radius r are the related by the formula r  . Use the
formula to find radius of a sphere with volume 800 cubic
meters. Approximate your answer to three decimal places.

19. Write the expression 
16x9y4 using rational exponents. 19.


32  1 .
20. Simplify the expression  20.

2  32

21. Solve x

 11  10  14. 21.

22. Solve x

5  2x
. 5 22.

2  i5

23. Simplify  . 23.
2  i5

24. Solve 3x2  5  0 24.


25. STATISTICS During fiscal year 1998, total New York state 25.
expenditures were approximately $87.3 billion dollars. The
population of New York in 1998 was approximately
18 million. Find New York’s 1998 per capita (per person)
expenditures. Express your answer in scientific notation.

Bonus For a circuit with two impedances in parallel, the total

impedance of the circuit Zt is given by the equation
Zt  1
, where Z1 and Z2 are the parallel
Z1  Z2
impedances. Find the total impedance of a circuit with
Z1  3  4j ohms and Z2  6  2j ohms. B:

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 304 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Open-Ended Assessment SCORE

Demonstrate your knowledge by giving a clear, concise solution

to each problem. Be sure to include all relevant drawings and
justify your answers. You may show your solution in more than
one way or investigate beyond the requirements of the problem.
1. Jorge works for the A-Glide Sled Company. This company estimates its
monthly profit for the sale of x sleds, in hundreds of dollars, is given by
the expression 3x9  1. Tia works for a competing sled manufacturer,
SnowFun. Tia’s company estimates that its monthly profit for the sale of
x sleds, in hundreds of dollars, is given by the expression 3  2x .
Mark has been offered a job at both companies and decides he will work
for the company that has the greatest monthly profit. Before he makes
his decision, however, he asks Jorge and Tia the average number of sleds
sold each month by each of their companies.
a. Why is the number of sleds sold important to Mark?
b. Assume both companies make the same number of sleds in a certain
month. Determine the number of sleds that would make Mark want
to work for SnowFun, and give the profit, to the nearest dollar,
earned by each company during that month.
c. After talking to Jorge and Tia, Mark decided to work for A-Glide.
Assume that both companies average the same number of sleds sold
per month. Write and solve an inequality to determine the possible
responses Mark might have heard from Jorge and Tia. What does
this tell you about the number of sleds sold each month?

2. You are given an unlimited number of tiles with the given dimensions.
length: x units length: x units length: 1 unit
width: x units width: 1 unit width: 1 unit
area: x2 units2 area: x units2 area: 1 unit2
The polynomial 2x2  3x  1 can be represented
2 2
by the figure at the right. x x x x x
These tiles can be arranged to form the rectangle shown.

2 2
Notice that the area of the rectangle is 2x2  3x  1 units2. x x x
a. Find the length and width of the rectangle.
x x 1
b. Explain how to find the perimeter of the rectangle.
Then find the perimeter.
c. Select a value for x and substitute that value into each of the
expressions above. For your value of x, state the length, width,
perimeter, and area of the rectangle. Discuss any restrictions on your
choice of x.
d. Factor the polynomial 2x2  3x  1.
e. Compare your answers to parts a and d.
f. Draw a tile model for a different polynomial. Then write your
polynomial and its factors. Explain how your model relates to the
factors of your polynomial.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 305 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Vocabulary Test/Review SCORE

absolute value dimensional analysis polynomial scientific notation

binomial extraneous solution power simplify
coefficient FOIL method principal root square root
complex conjugates imaginary unit pure imaginary number synthetic division
complex number like radical expressions radical equation terms
conjugates like terms radical inequality trinomial
constant monomial rationalizing the
degree nth root denominator

Underline or circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1. A polynomial with two terms is called a (monomial, binomial, trinomial).

2. 4  5i is a(n) (pure imaginary number, imaginary unit, complex number).

3. (Scientific notation, Synthetic division, Absolute value) is used to write

very large and very small numbers without having to write many zeros.

4. If you square both sides of a radical equation and obtain a solution

that does not satisfy the original equation, you have found a(n)
(coefficient, complex number, extraneous solution).

5. 3x  5
0 and 2x   1 0 are (radical equations, radical inequalities,
like radical expressions).

6. The expressions 7  5
 and 7  5
 are (complex conjugates, conjugates,
like terms).

7. The monomials that make up a polynomial are called (conjugates, terms,

principal roots).

8. A monomial that contains no variables is called a (power, constant, degree).

9. The expression 106 is a (trinomial, nth root, power).

10. One of the steps that may be necessary to simplify a radical expression
is (synthetic division, scientific notation, rationalizing the denominator).

In your own words–

Define each term.
11. square root

12. pure imaginary number

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 306 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Quiz SCORE

(Lessons 5–1 through 5–3)

For Questions 1 and 2, simplify. Assume that no variable

equals 0. 1.
1. (4n5y2)(6n2y5) 2.   2.

3. Express 0.00000068 in scientific notation. 3.

4. Evaluate (3.8  102)(4  105). Express the result in 4.

scientific notation.

5. (3p  5q)  (6p  4q) 5.

6. (2x  3)  (5x  6) 6.

7. (4x  5)(2x  7) 7.

8. Standardized Test Practice Which expression is equal to

(30a2  11a  15)(5a  6)1?
A. 6a  5    B. 6a  5
5a  6
45 45
C. 6a  5    D. 6a  5    8.
5a  6 5a  6
9. (m2  m  6)  (m  4) 9.

10. (a3  6a2  10a  3)  (a  3) 10.


5 Chapter 5 Quiz SCORE

(Lessons 5–4 and 5–5)

For Questions 1 and 2, factor completely. If the
polynomial is not factorable, write prime.
1. 2c2  98 1.

2. 6a2  3a  18 2.

x2  7x  12
3. Simplify  2 . Assume that the denominator is not 3.
x  16
equal to 0.
4. Simplify 27w
9. y6 4.
5. Use a calculator to approximate 56
 to three decimal 5.
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 307 Glencoe Algebra 2

5 Chapter 5 Quiz SCORE

(Lessons 5–6 and 5–7)

For Questions 1–6, simplify.

 5 1.
1.  2. 18m
3. 412   108

4. (5 )2 4.

2  6

5. (7  5
)(3  25
) 6.  
4  6


7. Write the expression x8 in radical form. 7.

5 8.
8. Write the radical 
32z3 using rational exponents.

9. Evaluate 16 2. 10. Simplify 6t 3  t 3 .


5 Chapter 5 Quiz SCORE

(Lessons 5–8 and 5–9)

Solve each equation

1. 5y
  3  7y
2v  7  2 2.

For Questions 3 and 4, solve each inequality.

3. 2  5x
 1 4
4. 2x
 51 4
5. Solve 5x2  100  0.
6. 80
 7. 6

8. (6  9i)  (17  12i) 9. (7  3i)(8  4i)
© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 308 Glencoe Algebra 2

5 Chapter 5 Mid-Chapter Test SCORE

(Lessons 5–1 through 5–5)

Part I Write the letter for the correct answer in the blank at the right of each question.
1. (5x3y)2(2x5y1)
A. 50x10y B.   C. 50x11y D. 10x8y 1.

2.  2 3
12xy z
2 2 2 x3y2
A. y33 B. y3 C. y23 D.  2 2.
4x z 4xz 9x z 4z

3. (x2  2x  5)  (3x2  4x  7)
A. 2x2  2x  12 B. 2x2  6x  12 C. 4x2  2x  2 D. 4x2  6x  2 3.

4. (s  3)(s  4)
A. s2  7s  12 B. s  1 C. s2  7s  12 D. s2  s  12 4.

x  4x  5
5.   (Assume that the denominator is not equal to 0.)
2x  11x  30
x1 x1 x1
A.   B. 1 C.   D.   5.
x6 x6 x6
6. 216x9
A. 6x6 B. 6 x3  C. 6x3 D. 6x3 6.

7. 4x
A. 2xyz 2 B. 2 xy z2 C. 2xyz2 D. 2x2y2z4 7.

Part II
8. Use long division to find (2x3  7x2  7x  2)  (x  2). 8.

9. Use synthetic division to find (x3  2x2  34x  9)  (x  7). 9.

10. Use a calculator to approximate 287
 to three decimal 10.

11. Some computer chips can perform a floating point 11.

operation in less than 0.00000000125 second. Express this
value in scientific notation.

12. Evaluate (4  106)(2.8  103). Express your answer in 12.

scientific notation.

13. Factor ax2  4a  5x2  20 completely. If the polynomial is 13.

not factorable, write prime.

14. Simplify (5x4  22x2  7x  6)  (x  2). 14.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 309 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Chapter 5 Cumulative Review

(Chapters 1–5)

1. Write an algebraic expression to represent the verbal 1.

expression the square of the sum of a number and three.
(Lesson 1-3)

2. If f(x)  x2  3x, find f(2  a). (Lesson 2-1) 2.

3. Write an equation in slope-intercept form of the line 3.

through (1, 3) and (–3, 7). (Lesson 2-4)

4. Solve the system of equations 2x  5y  16 4.

4x  3y  6 by using elimination. (Lesson 3-2)

5. STORES The floor area of a furniture storeroom is 5.

500 square yards. One sofa requires 3 square yards and one
dining table requires 4 square yards of space. The room can
hold a maximum of 150 pieces of furniture. Let s represent
the number of sofas and t represent the number of tables.
Write a system of inequalities to represent the number of
pieces of furniture that can be placed in the storeroom.
(Lesson 3-4)

0 3
6. State the dimensions of matrix A if A  10 7 . (Lesson 4-1) 6.
0 4

7. Find the product 
3 6 4
0 5 2
 5 , if possible. (Lesson 4-3) 7.

8. Write a matrix equation for the system of equations 8.

3m  2n  16
4m  5n  9. (Lesson 4-8)

2.4  109
9. Evaluate   2 . Express the result in scientific notation. 9.
1.6  10
(Lesson 5-1)

10. Use long division to find (6x3  x2  x)  (2x  1). (Lesson 5-3) 10.

11. Simplify 49x

2y4 (Lesson 5-5) 11.

12. Write the radical 
25z6 using rational exponents. (Lesson 5-7) 12.

3  2i
13. Simplify  . (Lesson 5-8) 13.
1  4i

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 310 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Standardized Test Practice

(Chapters 1–5)

Part 1: Multiple Choice

Instructions: Fill in the appropriate oval for the best answer.

1. In the figure, circle P represents all prime P Q

numbers, circle Q represents all numbers
whose square roots are not integers, and
circle R represents all multiples of 4. b d
In which region does 24 belong?
A. a B. b
C. c D. d 1. A B C D

2. Find the reciprocal of 3  2.

x 5
2x  15
E.   F. 5
G. 5
H. x 2. E F G H
5x 6 2x  15

3. Suppose a set of data contains just two data items. If the median
is w, the mean is x, and the mode is y, which of the following must
be equal?
A. w, x, and y B. x and y C. w and x D. w and y 3. A B C D

4. What is the value of cd in the equation 32cd  11cd  42?

E. 1 F. 1 G. 2 H. –2 4. E F G H
2 2

5. Hoshiko owns one-fifth of a business. She sells her share for

$15,000. What is the total value of the business?
A. $3000 B. $75,000 C. $100,000 D. $150,000 5. A B C D

6. If r is an odd integer and m  8r, then m will always be _____.

E. odd F. even G. positive H. negative 6. E F G H

7. 13% of 160 is 16% of _____.
A. 13 B. 130 C. 1300 D. 13,000 7. A B C D

8. If m2  3, then what is the value of 5m6?

E. 15 F. 30 G. 45 H. 135 8. E F G H

9. Which is the equation of a line that passes through a point with

coordinates (7, –1) and is perpendicular to the graph of y  2x  1?
A. y  2x  15 B. y  2x  13 C. y  1x  21 D. y  1x  41 9. A B C D
2 2 2 2

10. If mn  16 and m2  n2  68, then (m  n)2  _____.

E. 68 F. 84
G. 100 H. cannot be determined 10. E F G H

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5 Standardized Test Practice (continued)

Part 2: Grid In
Instructions: Enter your answer by writing each digit of the answer in a column box
and then shading in the appropriate oval that corresponds to that entry.

11. What is the value of  a  b    b  a  if 11. 12.

a  b  1? / / / /
3 . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0
12. The volume of a cube with a surface area of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
384 in.2 is _____ in3. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

13. The circle is divided into eight 13. 14.

sectors of equal area. In two 50 35
/ / / /
consecutive spins, what is the 45 5 . . . . . . . .
probability of spinning a “50” 30 15
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
and then spinning an 25 40 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
odd-numbered region? 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
14. For all positive integers m, m  2m2  1. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
What is the value of x if x  45,001? 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Part 3: Quantitative Comparison

Instructions: Compare the quantities in columns A and B. Shade in
A if the quantity in column A is greater;
B if the quantity in column B is greater;
C if the quantities are equal; or
D if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Column A Column B
15. 15. A B C D

y˚ (y 30)˚

2y 70

16. x 0 16. A B C D

 80% of x

17. xk 17. A B C D

2(x  k) 2(x  k)

18. 2x1  128 18. A B C D

x 7

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill 312 Glencoe Algebra 2


5 Standardized Test Practice

Student Record Sheet (Use with pages 282–283 of the Student Edition.)

Part 1 Multiple Choice

Select the best answer from the choices given and fill in the corresponding oval.

1 A B C D 4 A B C D 7 A B C D

2 A B C D 5 A B C D 8 A B C D

3 A B C D 6 A B C D 9 A B C D

Part 2 Short Response/Grid In

Solve the problem and write your answer in the blank.
Also enter your answer by writing each number or symbol in a box. Then fill in
the corresponding oval for that number or symbol.

10 12 14 16

/ / / / / / / /
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

11 13 15 17

/ / / / / / / /
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Part 3 Quantitative Comparison


Select the best answer from the choices given and fill in the corresponding oval.

18 A B C D 20 A B C D 22 A B C D

19 A B C D 21 A B C D

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-1 Study Guide and Intervention 5-1 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Monomials Monomials
Monomials A monomial is a number, a variable, or the product of a number and one or Scientific Notation
more variables. Constants are monomials that contain no variables.
Scientific notation A number expressed in the form a  10n, where 1  a 10 and n is an integer
1 n 1
Negative Exponent an  n and 
n  a for any real number a  0 and any integer n.
a a

Example 1 Express 46,000,000 in scientific notation.
When you simplify an expression, you rewrite it without parentheses or negative
exponents. The following properties are useful when simplifying expressions. 46,000,000  4.6  10,000,000 1  4.6 10
 4.6  107 Write 10,000,000 as a power of ten.
Product of Powers am  an  am  n for any real number a and integers m and n.
am 3.5  104
Quotient of Powers   am  n for any real number a  0 and integers m and n. Example 2
an Evaluate 
2 . Express the result in scientific notation.
5  10
For a, b real numbers and m, n integers:
3.5  104 3.5 104
(am )n  amn  
5  102 5 102
(ab)m  ambm
Properties of Powers

Lesson 5-1
n a n  0.7  106
 ab     7  105
a n b n bn
, a  0, b  0
 b    a  or 
Example Simplify. Assume that no variable equals 0. Express each number in scientific notation.
(m4)3 1. 24,300 2. 0.00099 3. 4,860,000
a. (3m4n2)(5mn)2 b. 

(2m2)2 2.43  104 9.9  104 4.86  106

(3m4n2)(5mn)2  3m4n2  25m2n2

(m4)3 m12
 75m4m2n2n2  1 4. 525,000,000 5. 0.0000038 6. 221,000
 75m4  2n2  2 4 4m 5.25  108 3.8  106 2.21  105
 75m6  m12  4m4
 4m16 7. 0.000000064 8. 16,750 9. 0.000369
6.4  108 1.675  104 3.69  104
Evaluate. Express the result in scientific notation.
(Lesson 5-1)

Simplify. Assume that no variable equals 0. 10. (3.6  104)(5  103) 11. (1.4  108)(8  1012) 12. (4.2  103)(3  102)
b8 1.8  108 1.12  105 1.26  104
1. c12  c4  c6 c14 2. 2 b6 3. (a4)5 a 20
b 9.5  107 1.62  102 4.81  108
13.  14.  15. 4
3.8  102 1.8  105 6.5  10
2.5  109 9  108 7.4  103
x2 y y2 a2b 1 b x2y 2 x2
4 1 6 5. 
3 2  6. 3 
x y x  a b  a5 xy
  y4 16. (3.2  103)2 17. (4.5  107)2 18. (6.8  105)2
1.024  105 2.025  1015 4.624  109
19. ASTRONOMY Pluto is 3,674.5 million miles from the sun. Write this number in
1 8m3n2 2m2
7.  (5a2b3)2(abc)2 5a6b 8c 2 8. m7  m8 m15 9. 3  scientific notation. Source: New York Times Almanac 3.6745  109 miles
5 4mn n
20. CHEMISTRY The boiling point of the metal tungsten is 10,220°F. Write this
temperature in scientific notation. Source: New York Times Almanac 1.022  104
23c4t2 24j 2 2mn2(3m2n)2 3
2 4 2 2 11. 4j(2j2k2)(3j 3k7)  12. 
3 4 m 2 21. BIOLOGY The human body contains 0.0004% iodine by weight. How many pounds of
2 c t 5 k 12m n 2
iodine are there in a 120-pound teenager? Express your answer in scientific notation.
Source: Universal Almanac 4.8  104 lb

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5-1 Skills Practice 5-1 Practice (Average)

Monomials Monomials
Simplify. Assume that no variable equals 0. Simplify. Assume that no variable equals 0.

1. b4  b3 b 7 2. c5  c2  c2 c 9 1. n5  n2 n7 2. y7  y3  y2 y12

3. t9  t8 t 4. x4  x4  x4 4
1 x
3. a4  a3 7 4. x5  x4  x x 2
a 8c9
5. (2f 4)6 64f 24 6. (2b2c3)3  
5. (g4)2 g 8 6. (3u)3 27u 3 20d 3t 2
7. (4d 2t5v4)(5dt3v1)  5 8. 8u(2z)3 64uz 3
12m8 y64m 7y 2 6s5x3 s4
9. 4  10. 7 4
7. (x)4 x 4 8. 5(2z)3 40z 3 9my 3 18sx 3x
27x3(x7) 27x 6 2 4

Lesson 5-1
11.   12. 
2 3 6 
16x4 16  3r 2s z  9r 4s 6z 12
9. (3d)4 81d 4 10. (2t2)3 8t 6 256
13. (4w3z5)(8w)2  5 14. (m4n6)4(m3n2p5)6 m 34n 36p 30
3 4 3 2x y
3 2 2 y6
11. (r7)3 r 21 12.  15.  d 2f 4 12d 23f 19 16. 
2 5 
12 s
 32  43 d 5f  x y  4x 2
(3x2y3)(5xy8) 15x11 20(m2v)(v)3 4v2
3 4 2 3 18. 
2 4 2
k9 1 (x ) y y 5(v) (m ) m

10  14. (3f 3g)3 27f 9g 3
k k

Express each number in scientific notation.

15. (2x)2(4y)2 64x 2y 2 16. 2gh( g3h5) 2g 4h 6 19. 896,000 20. 0.000056 21. 433.7  108
8.96  105 5.6  105 4.337  1010
24wz7 8z 2
17. 10x2y3(10xy8) 100x 3y11 18. 3 5 2 Evaluate. Express the result in scientific notation.
3w z w
2.7  106
22. (4.8  102)(6.9  104) 23. (3.7  109)(8.7  102) 24. 
2 9  10
(Lesson 5-1)

6a4bc8 c7 10pq4r 2q
19.   20.   3.312  107 3.219  1012 3  105
36a7b2c 6a 3b 5p3q2r p 2
25. COMPUTING The term bit, short for binary digit, was first used in 1946 by John Tukey.
A single bit holds a zero or a one. Some computers use 32-bit numbers, or strings of
Express each number in scientific notation.
32 consecutive bits, to identify each address in their memories. Each 32-bit number
corresponds to a number in our base-ten system. The largest 32-bit number is nearly
21. 53,000 5.3  104 22. 0.000248 2.48  104
4,295,000,000. Write this number in scientific notation. 4.295  109

26. LIGHT When light passes through water, its velocity is reduced by 25%. If the speed of
23. 410,100,000 4.101  108 24. 0.00000805 8.05  106 light in a vacuum is 1.86  105 miles per second, at what velocity does it travel through
water? Write your answer in scientific notation. 1.395  105 mi/s

27. TREES Deciduous and coniferous trees are hard to distinguish in a black-and-white
Evaluate. Express the result in scientific notation. photo. But because deciduous trees reflect infrared energy better than coniferous trees,
9.6  107 10 the two types of trees are more distinguishable in an infrared photo. If an infrared
25. (4  103)(1.6  106) 6.4  103 26. 3 6.4  10 wavelength measures about 8  107 meters and a blue wavelength measures about
1.5  10
4.5  107 meters, about how many times longer is the infrared wavelength than the
blue wavelength? about 1.8 times

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5-1 Reading to Learn Mathematics 5-1 Enrichment

Pre-Activity Why is scientific notation useful in economics? Properties of Exponents
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-1 at the top of page 222 in your textbook. The rules about powers and exponents are usually given with letters such as m, n,
Your textbook gives the U.S. public debt as an example from economics that and k to represent exponents. For example, one rule states that am  an  am  n.

involves large numbers that are difficult to work with when written in
In practice, such exponents are handled as algebraic expressions and the rules of
standard notation. Give an example from science that involves very large
algebra apply.
numbers and one that involves very small numbers. Sample answer:
distances between Earth and the stars, sizes of molecules
and atoms Example 1 Simplify 2a2(a n  1  a 4n).
2a2(an  1  a4n)  2a2  an  1  2a2  a4n Use the Distributive Law.

 2a2  n  1  2a2  4n Recall am  an  am  n.

 2an  3  2a2  4n Simplify the exponent 2  n  1 as n  3.
Reading the Lesson

Lesson 5-1
It is important always to collect like terms only.
1. Tell whether each expression is a monomial or not a monomial. If it is a monomial, tell
whether it is a constant or not a constant.
Example 2 Simplify (a n  bm)2.
a. 3x2 monomial; not a constant b. y2  5y  6 not a monomial (an  bm)2  (an
 bm)(an  bm)
1  an  an  an  bm  an  bm  bm  bm The second and third terms are like terms.
c. 73 monomial; constant d. 
z not a monomial

 a2n  2anbm  b2m

2. Complete the following definitions of a negative exponent and a zero exponent.
1 Simplify each expression by performing the indicated operations.

For any real number a  0 and any integer n, an  an .
1. 232m 23  m 2. (a3)n a 3n 3. (4nb2)k 4knb 2k

For any real number a  0, a0  1 .

3. Name the property or properties of exponents that you would use to simplify each 4. (x3a j )m x3ma jm 5. (ayn)3 a 3y 3n 6. (bkx)2 b 2kx 2
(Lesson 5-1)

expression. (Do not actually simplify.)

a. 3 quotient of powers 7. (c2)hk c 2hk 8. (2dn)5 32d 5n 9. (a2b)(anb2) a 2  nb 3

b. y6  y9 product of powers
an 12x3
10. (xnym)(xmyn) 11. 2 12. n
c. (3r2s)4 power of a product and power of a power a 4x
xn  myn  m an  2 3x 3  n

Helping You Remember 13. (ab2  a2b)(3an  4bn) 3a n  1b 2  4ab n  2  3an  2b  4a 2b n  1

4. When writing a number in scientific notation, some students have trouble remembering
when to use positive exponents and when to use negative ones. What is an easy way to
remember this? Sample answer: Use a positive exponent if the number is 14. ab2(2a2bn  1  4abn  6bn  1) 2a 3b n  1  4a 2b n  2  6ab n  3
10 or greater. Use a negative number if the number is less than 1.

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5-2 Study Guide and Intervention 5-2 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Polynomials Polynomials
Add and Subtract Polynomials Multiply Polynomials You use the distributive property when you multiply
polynomials. When multiplying binomials, the FOIL pattern is helpful.
Polynomial a monomial or a sum of monomials
To multiply two binomials, add the products of
Like Terms terms that have the same variable(s) raised to the same power(s)

F the first terms,
To add or subtract polynomials, perform the indicated operations and combine like terms. FOIL Pattern O the outer terms,
I the inner terms, and
Example 1 L the last terms.
Simplify 6rs  18r 2  5s2  14r 2  8rs  6s2.
6rs  18r2  5s2 14r2  8rs 6s2 Example 1 Find 4y(6  2y  5y 2).
 (18r2  14r2)  (6rs  8rs)  (5s2  6s2) Group like terms.
 4r2  2rs  11s2 Combine like terms. 4y(6  2y  5y2)  4y(6)  4y(2y)  4y(5y2) Distributive Property
 24y  8y2  20y3 Multiply the monomials.

Example 2 Simplify 4xy2  12xy  7x 2y  (20xy  5xy2  8x 2y). Example 2 Find (6x  5)(2x  1).
4xy2  12xy  7x2y  (20xy  5xy2  8x2y)
(6x  5)(2x  1)  6x  2x  6x  1  (5)  2x  (5)  1
 4xy2  12xy  7x2y  20xy  5xy2  8x2y Distribute the minus sign.
First terms Outer terms Inner terms Last terms
 (7x2y  8x2y )  (4xy2  5xy2)  (12xy  20xy) Group like terms.
 12x2  6x  10x  5 Multiply monomials.
 x2y  xy2  8xy Combine like terms.
 12x2  4x  5 Add like terms.

Exercises Exercises

Lesson 5-2
Simplify. Find each product.

1. (6x2  3x  2)  (4x2  x  3) 2. (7y2  12xy  5x2)  (6xy  4y2  3x2) 1. 2x(3x2  5) 2. 7a(6  2a  a2) 3. 5y2( y2  2y  3)
2x 2  4x  5 3y 2 18xy  8x 2 6x 3  10x 42a  14a 2  7a 3 5y 4  10y 3  15y 2
3. (4m2  6m)  (6m  4m2) 4. 27x2  5y2  12y2  14x2 4. (x  2)(x  7) 5. (5  4x)(3  2x) 6. (2x  1)(3x  5)
8m 2  12m 13x 2  7y 2 x 2  5x  14 15  22x  8x 2 6x 2  7x  5
(Lesson 5-2)

5. (18p2  11pq  6q2)  (15p2  3pq  4q2) 6. 17j 2  12k2  3j 2  15j 2  14k2
7. (4x  3)(x  8) 8. (7x  2)(2x  7) 9. (3x  2)(x  10)
3p 2  14pq  10q 2 5j 2  2k 2 4x 2  35x  24 14x 2  53x  14 3x 2  28x  20
7. (8m2  7n2)  (n2  12m2) 8. 14bc  6b  4c  8b  8c  8bc
10. 3(2a  5c)  2(4a  6c) 11. 2(a  6)(2a  7) 12. 2x(x  5)  x2(3  x)
20m 2  8n 2 14b  22bc  12c
2a  27c 4a 2  10a  84 x 3  x 2  10x
9. 6r2s  11rs2  3r2s  7rs2  15r2s  9rs2 10. 9xy  11x2  14y2  (6y2  5xy  3x2)
24r 2s  5rs 2 14x 2  4xy  20y 2 13. (3t2  8)(t2  5) 14. (2r  7)2 15. (c  7)(c  3)
3t 4  7t 2  40 4r 2  28r  49 c 2  4c  21
11. (12xy  8x  3y)  (15x  7y  8xy) 12. 10.8b2  5.7b  7.2  (2.9b2  4.6b  3.1)
7x  4xy  4y 7.9b 2  1.1b  10.3 16. (5a  7)(5a  7) 17. (3x2  1)(2x2  5x)
25a 2  49 6x 4  15x 3  2x 2  5x
13. (3bc  9b2  6c2)  (4c2  b2  5bc) 14. 11x2  4y2  6xy  3y2  5xy  10x2
10b 2  8bc  2c 2 x 2  xy  7y 2 18. (x2  2)(x2  5) 19. (x  1)(2x2  3x  1)
1 3 1 1 1 3 x 4  7x 2  10 2x 3  x 2  2x  1
15.  x2   xy   y2   xy   y2   x2 16. 24p3  15p2  3p  15p3  13p2  7p
4 8 2 2 4 8
1 7 3 20. (2n2  3)(n2  5n  1) 21. (x  1)(x2  3x  4)
  x 2   xy   y 2 9p 3  2p 2  4p
8 8 4 2n 4  10n 3  5n 2  15n  3 x 3  4x 2  7x  4

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5-2 Skills Practice 5-2 Practice (Average)

Polynomials Polynomials
Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it is a polynomial, state the Determine whether each expression is a polynomial. If it is a polynomial, state the
degree of the polynomial. degree of the polynomial.
b2c 1 4 12m8n9
1. x2  2x  2 yes; 2 2. 4 no 3. 8xz   y yes; 2 1. 5x3  2xy4  6xy yes; 5 2.   ac  a5d3 yes; 8 3. 2 no
d 2 3 (m  n)

5 6
4. 25x3z  x78
 yes; 4 5. 6c2  c  1 no 6.    no
r s
4. (g  5)  (2g  7) 5. (5d  5)  (d  1)
7. (3n2  1)  (8n2  8) 8. (6w  11w2)  (4  7w2)
3g  12 4d  4 11n 2  7 18w 2  6w  4

6. (x2  3x  3)  (2x2  7x  2) 7. (2f 2  3f  5)  (2f 2  3f  8) 9. (6n  13n2)  (3n  9n2) 10. (8x2  3x)  (4x2  5x  3)
3x 2  4x  5 4f 2  6f  3 9n  4n 2 4x 2  8x  3
11. (5m2  2mp  6p2)  (3m2  5mp  p2) 12. (2x2  xy  y2)  (3x2  4xy  3y2)
8. (4r2  6r  2)  (r2  3r  5) 9. (2x2  3xy)  (3x2  6xy  4y2) 8m 2  7mp  7p 2 x 2  3xy  4y 2
5r 2  9r  3 x 2  3xy  4y 2 13. (5t  7)  (2t2  3t  12) 14. (u  4)  (6  3u2  4u)
2t 2  8t  5 3u 2  5u  10
10. (5t  7)  (2t2  3t  12) 11. (u  4)  (6  3u2  4u)
15. 9( y2  7w) 16. 9r4y2(3ry7  2r3y4  8r10)
2t 2  8t  5 3u 2  5u  10

9y 2  63w 27r 5y 9  18r 7y 6  72r14y 2

Lesson 5-2

12. 5(2c2  d 2) 13. x2(2x  9) 17. 6a2w(a3w  aw4) 18. 5a2w3(a2w6  3a4w2  9aw6)
10c 2  5d 2 2x 3  9x 2 6a 5w 2  6a 3w 5 5a4w 9  15a 6w 5  45a 3w 9
19. 2x2(x2  xy  2y2) 20.   ab3d2(5ab2d5  5ab)
14. 2q(3pq  4q4) 15. 8w(hk2  10h3m4  6k5w3)
2x 4  2x 3y  4x 2y 2 3a 2b 5d 7  3a 2b4d 2
6pq 2  8q 5 8hk 2w  80h 3m 4w  48k 5w 4
21. (v2  6)(v2  4) 22. (7a  9y)(2a  y)
(Lesson 5-2)

16. m2n3(4m2n2  2mnp  7) 17. 3s2y(2s4y2  3sy3  4) v 4  2v 2  24 14a 2  11ay  9y 2

4m 4n 5  2m 3n 4p  7m 2n 3 6s 6y 3  9s3y 4  12s 2y 23. ( y  8)2 24. (x2  5y)2
y 2  16y  64 x 4  10x 2y  25y 2
18. (c  2)(c  8) 19. (z  7)(z  4)
25. (5x  4w)(5x  4w) 26. (2n4  3)(2n4  3)
c 2  10c  16 z 2  3z  28 25x 2  16w 2 4n8  9
27. (w  2s)(w2  2ws  4s2) 28. (x  y)(x2  3xy  2y2)
20. (a  5)2 21. (2x  3)(3x  5)
w 3  8s3 x 3  2x 2y  xy 2  2y 3
a2  10a  25 6x 2  19x  15
29. BANKING Terry invests $1500 in two mutual funds. The first year, one fund grows 3.8%
22. (r  2s)(r  2s) 23. (3y  4)(2y  3) and the other grows 6%. Write a polynomial to represent the amount Terry’s $1500
grows to in that year if x represents the amount he invested in the fund with the lesser
r 2  4s 2 6y 2  y  12 growth rate. 0.022x  1590

30. GEOMETRY The area of the base of a rectangular box measures 2x2  4x  3 square
24. (3  2b)(3  2b) 25. (3w  1)2
units. The height of the box measures x units. Find a polynomial expression for the
9  4b 2 9w 2  6w  1 volume of the box. 2x 3  4x 2  3x units3

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5-2 Reading to Learn Mathematics 5-2 Enrichment

Pre-Activity How can polynomials be applied to financial situations? Polynomials with Fractional Coefficients
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-2 at the top of page 229 in your textbook. Polynomials may have fractional coefficients as long as there are no variables
Suppose that Shenequa decides to enroll in a five-year engineering program in the denominators. Computing with fractional coefficients is performed in

rather than a four-year program. Using the model given in your textbook, the same way as computing with whole-number coefficients.
how could she estimate the tuition for the fifth year of her program? (Do
not actually calculate, but describe the calculation that would be necessary.) Simpliply. Write all coefficients as fractions.
Multiply $15,604 by 1.04.
2 1 5 3 31 5 55
1. m  p  n  p  m  n m  n  p
 35 7 3   73 2 4  10 12 21
Reading the Lesson
1. State whether the terms in each of the following pairs are like terms or unlike terms.
4 5 1 2 7 6 1 3 25 7
a. 3x2, 3y2 unlike terms b. m4, 5m4 like terms 2.  x   y   z   x  y   z   x   y   z x  y  z
 32 3 4   4 5   8 7 2  8 21 20
c. 8r3, 8s3 unlike terms d. 6, 6 like terms

2. State whether each of the following expressions is a monomial, binomial, trinomial, or

not a polynomial. If the expression is a polynomial, give its degree. 1 1 2 3 4 1 1
3.  a2   ab   b2   a2   ab   b2 a2  ab  b2
 12 3 4   56 3 4  3 3 2
a. 4r4  2r  1 trinomial; degree 4 b. 3x
 not a polynomial

c. 5x  4y binomial; degree 1 d. 2ab  4ab2  6ab3 trinomial; degree 4

Lesson 5-2

3. a. What is the FOIL method used for in algebra? to multiply binomials 1 1 1 5 1 1 7
4.  a2   ab   b2   a2   ab   b2 a2  ab  b2
 12 3 4   13 2 6  6 6 12
b. The FOIL method is an application of what property of real numbers?
Distributive Property
c. In the FOIL method, what do the letters F, O, I, and L mean?
first, outer, inner, last 1 1 2 1 1 25 1
5.  a2   ab   b2   a   b a3  a2b  ab2  b3
 12 3 4   12 3  4 2 72 6
d. Suppose you want to use the FOIL method to multiply (2x  3)(4x  1). Show the
(Lesson 5-2)

terms you would multiply, but do not actually multiply them.

F (2x)(4x)
1 2 1 2 4 1 4 4
O (2x)(1) 6.  a2   a     a3   a2   a a5  a3  a2  a
 23 5 7   23 5 7  9 25 35 49
I (3)(4x)
L (3)(1)
3 1 1 1 79 3 49
7.  x2   x  2   x   x2   x4  x3  x2  x  1
 23 4   45 6 2  9 120 5 40
Helping You Remember
4. You can remember the difference between monomials, binomials, and trinomials by
thinking of common English words that begin with the same prefixes. Give two words 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 7 1 1 1
8.    x   x4   x2   x3     x x7  x5  x3  x2  x  
unrelated to mathematics that start with mono-, two that begin with bi-, and two that
 16 3 6 2   16 3 3  36 36 36 18 6 18
begin with tri-. Sample answer: monotonous, monogram; bicycle, bifocal;
tricycle, tripod

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5-3 Study Guide and Intervention 5-3 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Dividing Polynomials Dividing Polynomials

Use Long Division To divide a polynomial by a monomial, use the properties of powers Use Synthetic Division
from Lesson 5-1.
a procedure to divide a polynomial by a binomial using coefficients of the dividend and
To divide a polynomial by a polynomial, use a long division pattern. Remember that only Synthetic division
the value of r in the divisor x  r
like terms can be added or subtracted.

Use synthetic division to find (2x3  5x2  5x  2)
(x  1).
Example 1 12p3t2r  21p2qtr2  9p3tr
2 . Step 1 Write the terms of the dividend so that the degrees of the terms are in 2x 3  5x 2  5x  2
3p tr
descending order. Then write just the coefficients. 2 5 5 2
12p3t2r  21p2qtr2  9p3tr 12p3t2r 21p2qtr2 9p3tr
3p2tr 3p2tr 3p2tr 3p2tr Step 2 Write the constant r of the divisor x  r to the left, In this case, r  1. 1 2 5 5 2
Bring down the first coefficient, 2, as shown.
12 21 9
  p3  2t2  1r1  1   p2  2qt1  1r2  1   p3  2t1  1r1  1 2
3 3 3
Step 3 Multiply the first coefficient by r, 1  2  2. Write their product under the 1 2 5 5 2
 4pt 7qr  3p
second coefficient. Then add the product and the second coefficient: 2
5  2   3. 2 3
Example 2 Use long division to find (x3  8x2  4x  9)  (x  4).
Step 4 Multiply the sum, 3, by r: 3  1  3. Write the product under the next 1 2 5 5 2
x2  4x  12 coefficient and add: 5  (3)  2. 2 3
x  4
2 4
x9 2 3 2
()x3  4x2 Step 5 Multiply the sum, 2, by r: 2  1  2. Write the product under the next 1 2 5 5 2
4x2  4x coefficient and add: 2  2  0. The remainder is 0. 2 3 2
()4x2  16x 2 3 2 0

12x  9
()12x  48 Thus, (2x3  5x2  5x  2)
(x  1)  2x2  3x  2.

The quotient is x2  4x  12, and the remainder is 57. Exercises
x3  8x2  4x  9 57
Therefore   x2  4x  12   . Simplify.
x4 x4

1. (3x3  7x2  9x  14)

(x  2) 2. (5x3  7x2  x  3)
(x  1)
3x 2  x  7 5x 2  2x  3

Lesson 5-3
(Lesson 5-3)

18a3  30a2 24mn6  40m2n3 60a2b3  48b4  84a5b2 3. (2x3  3x2  10x  3)
(x  3) 4. (x3  8x2  19x  9)
(x  4)
1.  2. 
2 3 3. 
2 3
3a 4m n 12ab 2x 2  3x  1 x 2  4x  3  
6n 3 4b2
6a 2  10a   10 5ab    7a 4 5. (2x3  10x2  9x  38)
(x  5) 6. (3x3  8x2  16x  1)
(x  1)
m a
7 10
4. (2x2  5x  3)
(x  3) 5. (m2  3m  7)
(m  2) 2x 2 9
3x 2  5x  11  
2x  1 m5 7. (x3  9x2  17x  1)
(x  2) 8. (4x3  25x2  4x  20)
(x  6)
5 8
6. (p3  6)
(p  1) 7. (t3  6t2  1)
(t  2)
x2  7x  3  
4x 2  x  2  
5 31 9. (6x3  28x2  7x  9)
(x  5) 10. (x4  4x3  x2  7x  2)
(x  2)
p2  p  1  
t 2  8t  16  
t2 6
6x 2  2x  3  
x 3  2x 2  3x  1
8. (x5  1)
(x  1) 9. (2x3  5x2  4x  4)
(x  2)
x4  x3  x2  x  1 2x 2  x  2 11. (12x4  20x3  24x2  20x  35)
(3x  5) 4x 3  8x  20  
3x  5

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5-3 Skills Practice 5-3 Practice (Average)

Dividing Polynomials Dividing Polynomials

Simplify. Simplify.
10c  6 12x  20 15r10  5r8  40r2 8 6k2m  12k3m2  9m3 3k 9m
1.  5c  3 2.  3x  5 1.  4 3r 6  r 4  2 2. 
2   6k 2  
2 4 5r r 2km m 2k

15y3  6y2  3y 12x2  4x  8 2 3. (30x3y  12x2y2  18x2y)
(6x2y) 4. (6w3z4  3w2z5  4w  5z)
3.  5y 2  2y  1 4.  3x  1   3z 2 4 5
3y 4x x 5x  2y  3 3wz 3      2
2 wz 2w
5. (4a3  8a2  a2)(4a)1 6. (28d 3k2  d 2k2  4dk2)(4dk2)1
a d
5. (15q6  5q2)(5q4)1 6. (4f 5  6f 4  12f 3  8f 2)(4f 2)1 a 2  2a   7d 2    1
4 4
1 3f 2 f 2  7f  10 2x2  3x  14
3q 2  2 f 3    3f  2 7.  f  5 8.  2x  7
q 2 f2 x2

7. (6j 2k  9jk2)
3jk 8. (4a2h2  8a3h  3a4)
3a 2 9. (a3  64)
(a  4) a 2  4a  16 10. (b3  27)
(b  3) b 2  3b  9
2j  3k 2h 2  4ah  
9. (n2  7n  10)
(n  5) 10. (d 2  4d  3)
(d  1) 2x3  6x  152 3
2x  4x  6 72
11.  2x 2  8x  38 12.  2x 2  6x  22  
x4 x3 x3
n2 d3

11. (2s2  13s  15)

(s  5) 12. (6y2  y  2)(2y  1)1 13. (3w3  7w2  4w  3)
(w  3) 14. (6y4  15y3  28y  6)
(y  2)

3 26
2s  3 3y  2 3w 2  2w  2   6y 3  3y 2  6y  16  
w3 y2
15. (x4  3x3  11x2  3x  10)
(x  5) 16. (3m5  m  1)
(m  1)
13. (4g2  9)
(2g  3) 14. (2x2  5x  4)
(x  3) 5
1 x3  2x 2 x2 3m4  3m 3  3m 2  3m  4  
2g  3 2x  1   m1
x3 17. (x4  3x3  5x  6)(x  2)1 18. (6y2  5y  15)(2y  3)1
u2  5u  12 2x2  5x  4 Lesson 5-3 24 6
(Lesson 5-3)

15.  16.  x 3  5x 2  10x  15   3y  7  

u3 x3 x2 2y  3
12 1 4x2  2x  6 6x2  x  7
u8 2x  1   19.  20. 
u3 x3 2x  3 3x  1
12 6
2x  2   2x  1  
17. (3v2  7v  10)(v  4)1 18. (3t4  4t3  32t2  5t  20)(t  4)1 2x  3 3x  1
10 21. (2r3  5r2  2r  15)
(2r  3) 22. (6t3  5t2  2t  1)
(3t  1)
3v  5  
3t 3  8t 2  5 2
r2  4r  5 2t 2  t  1  
3t  1
y3  y2
6 2x3  x2 19x  15
19.  20.  4p4  17p2  14p  3 2h4  h3  h2  h  3
y2 x3 23.  24. 
2p  3 h 1
18 3
y 2  3y  6  
2x 2  5x  4  
x3 2p 3  3p 2  4p  1 2h 2  h  3

21. (4p3  3p2  2p)

( p  1) 22. (3c4  6c3  2c  4)(c  2)1 25. GEOMETRY The area of a rectangle is 2x2  11x  15 square feet. The length of the
3 8 rectangle is 2x  5 feet. What is the width of the rectangle? x  3 ft
4p 2  p  3  
3c 3  2  
26. GEOMETRY The area of a triangle is 15x4  3x3  4x2  x  3 square meters. The
23. GEOMETRY The area of a rectangle is x3  8x2  13x  12 square units. The width of length of the base of the triangle is 6x2  2 meters. What is the height of the triangle?
the rectangle is x  4 units. What is the length of the rectangle? x 2  4x  3 units 5x 2  x  3 m

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5-3 Reading to Learn Mathematics 5-3 Enrichment

Dividing Polynomials
Pre-Activity How can you use division of polynomials in manufacturing? Oblique Asymptotes
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-3 at the top of page 233 in your textbook. The graph of y  ax  b, where a  0, is called an oblique asymptote of y  f(x)
Using the division symbol (
), write the division problem that you would if the graph of f comes closer and closer to the line as x → ∞ or x → ∞. ∞ is the

use to answer the question asked in the introduction. (Do not actually mathematical symbol for infinity, which means endless.
divide.) (32x2  x)  (8x) 2
For f(x)  3x  4  , y  3x  4 is an oblique asymptote because
f(x)  3x  4  , and  → 0 as x → ∞ or ∞. In other words, as | x |
Reading the Lesson xx
1. a. Explain in words how to divide a polynomial by a monomial. Divide each term of increases, the value of  gets smaller and smaller approaching 0.
the polynomial by the monomial.
b. If you divide a trinomial by a monomial and get a polynomial, what kind of Example x2  8x  15
Find the oblique asymptote for f(x)  .
polynomial will the quotient be? trinomial x2
2 1 8 15 Use synthetic division.
2. Look at the following division example that uses the division algorithm for polynomials. 2 12
2x  4 1 6 3
2x2  4x  7
x  4
2x2  8x x2  8x  15 3
y    x  6  
x2 x2
4x  7
4x  16 3
As | x | increases, the value of  gets smaller. In other words, since

23 x2
 → 0 as x → ∞ or x → ∞, y  x  6 is an oblique asymptote.

Which of the following is the correct way to write the quotient? C x2
23 23
A. 2x  4 B. x  4 C. 2x  4   D. 
x4 x4 Use synthetic division to find the oblique asymptote for each function.

3. If you use synthetic division to divide x3  3x2  5x  8 by x  2, the division will look 8x2  4x  11
like this: 1. y   y  8x  44
2 1 3 5 8

Lesson 5-3
(Lesson 5-3)

2 10 10
1 5 5 2 x2  3x  15
2. y   y  x  5
Which of the following is the answer for this division problem? B
A. x2  5x  5 B. x2  5x  5  
2 x2  2x  18
C. x3  5x2  5x   D. x3  5x2  5x  2 3. y   y  x  1
x2 x3

Helping You Remember

ax2  bx  c
4. y   y  ax  b  ad
4. When you translate the numbers in the last row of a synthetic division into the quotient xd
and remainder, what is an easy way to remember which exponents to use in writing the
terms of the quotient? Sample answer: Start with the power that is one less
than the degree of the dividend. Decrease the power by one for each
ax2  bx  c
term after the first. The final number will be the remainder. Drop any term 5. y   y  ax  b  ad
that is represented by a 0.

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5-4 Study Guide and Intervention 5-4 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Factoring Polynomials Factoring Polynomials

Factor Polynomials Simplify Quotients In the last lesson you learned how to simplify the quotient of two
polynomials by using long division or synthetic division. Some quotients can be simplified by
For any number of terms, check for: using factoring.
greatest common factor

For two terms, check for: Example 8x2  11x  12
2 .
Difference of two squares 2x  13x  24
a 2  b 2  (a  b)(a  b) 8x2  11x  12 (2x  3)( x  4)
Sum of two cubes    Factor the numerator and denominator.
2x2  13x  24 (x  8)(2x  3)
a 3  b 3  (a  b)(a 2  ab  b 2)
x4 3
Difference of two cubes  Divide. Assume x  8,   .
a 3  b 3  (a  b)(a 2  ab  b 2)
Techniques for Factoring Polynomials For three terms, check for:
Perfect square trinomials Exercises
a 2  2ab  b 2  (a  b)2
a 2  2ab  b 2  (a  b)2
Simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to 0.
General trinomials
acx 2  (ad  bc)x  bd  (ax  b)(cx  d) x2  7x  12 x2  6x  5 x2  11x  30
2 2. 
2 3. 
x x6 2x  x  3 x  5x  6
For four terms, check for:
x4 x5 x5
ax  bx  ay  by  x(a  b)  y(a  b) x2 2x 3 x1
 (a  b)(x  y)

x2  x  6 2x2  5x  3 5x2  9x  2
2 5. 
2 6. 
Example x  7x  10 4x  11x  3 x  5x  6

Factor 24x2  42x  45. x3 2x  1 5x  1
First factor out the GCF to get 24x2  42x  45  3(8x2  14x  15). To find the coefficients x5 4x  1 x3
of the x terms, you must find two numbers whose product is 8  (15)  120 and whose
sum is 14. The two coefficients must be 20 and 6. Rewrite the expression using 20x and
6x and factor by grouping. 4x2  4x  3 6x2  25x  4 x2  7x  10
2 8. 
2 9. 
2x  x  6 x  6x  8 3x  8x  35
8x2  14x  15  8x2  20x  6x  15 Group to find a GCF.
2x  1 6x  1 x2
 4x(2x  5)  3(2x  5) Factor the GCF of each binomial.   
(Lesson 5-4)

 (4x  3)(2x  5) Distributive Property

x2 x2 3x  7

Thus, 24x2  42x  45  3(4x  3)(2x  5).

4x2  16x  15 3x2  4x  15 x2  14x  49
2 11. 
2 12. 
2x  x  3 2x  3x  9 x  2x  35
Exercises 2x  5 3x  5 x7
x1 2x  3 x5
Factor completely. If the polynomial is not factorable, write prime.
Lesson 5-4

1. 14x2y2  42xy3 2. 6mn  18m  n  3 3. 2x2  18x  16 x2  81 7x2  11x  6 4x2  12x  9
2 14. 
2 15. 
2x  23x  45 x 4 2x  13x  24
14xy 2(x  3y) (6m  1)(n  3) 2(x  8)(x  1) x9 7x  3 2x  3
2x  5 x2 x8
4. x4  1 5. 35x3y4  60x4y 6. 2r3  250
(x 2  1)(x  1)(x  1) 5x 3y(7y 3  12x) 2(r  5)(r 2  5r  25)
4x2  4x  3 y3  64 27x3  8
3 17. 
2 18. 
7. 100m8  9 8. x2  x  1 9. c4  c3  c2  c 8x  1 3y  17y  20 9x  4
2x  3 y 2  4y  16 9x 2  6x  4
(10m 4  3)(10m 4  3) prime c(c  1)2 (c  1)   
4x 2  2x  1 3y  5 3x  2

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5-4 Skills Practice 5-4 Practice (Average)

Factoring Polynomials Factoring Polynomials

Factor completely. If the polynomial is not factorable, write prime. Factor completely. If the polynomial is not factorable, write prime.

1. 7x2  14x 2. 19x3  38x2 1. 15a2b  10ab2 2. 3st2  9s3t  6s2t2 3. 3x3y2  2x2y  5xy
7x(x  2) 19x 2(x  2) 5ab(3a  2b) 3st(t  3s 2  2st) xy(3x 2y  2x  5)

4. 2x3y  x2y  5xy2  xy3 5. 21  7t  3r  rt 6. x2  xy  2x  2y
3. 21x3  18x2y  24xy2 4. 8j 3k  4jk3  7 xy(2x 2  x  5y  y 2) (7  r)(3  t) (x  2)(x  y)
3x(7x2  6xy  8y 2) prime
7. y2  20y  96 8. 4ab  2a  6b  3 9. 6n2  11n  2
5. a2  7a  18 6. 2ak  6a  k  3
(y  8)(y  12) (2a  3)(2b  1) (6n  1)(n  2)
(a  9)(a  2) (2a  1)(k  3) 10. 6x2  7x  3 11. x2  8x  8 12. 6p2  17p  45
(3x  1)(2x  3) prime (2p  9)(3p  5)
7. b2  8b  7 8. z2  8z  10
13. r3  3r2  54r 14. 8a2  2a  6 15. c2  49
(b  7)(b  1) prime
r(r  9)(r  6) 2(4a  3)(a  1) (c  7)(c  7)

9. m2  7m  18 10. 2x2  3x  5 16. x3 8 17. 16r2  169 18. b4  81

(m  2)(m  9) (2x  5)(x  1) (x  2)(x 2  2x  4) (4r  13)(4r  13) (b 2  9)(b  3)(b  3)
19. 8m3  25 prime 20. 2t3  32t2  128t 2t(t  8)2

11. 4z2  4z  15 12. 4p2  4p  24

(2z  5)(2z  3) 4(p  2)(p  3)
21. 5y5  135y2 5y 2(y  3)(y 2  3y  9) 22. 81x4  16 (9x 2  4)(3x  2)(3x  2)

13. 3y2  21y  36 14. c2  100

3(y  4)(y  3) (c  10)(c  10) Simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to 0.
x2  16 x4 x2  16x  64 x  8 2 3(x  3)
23.   24.   3x  27 
3 2
x2  x  20 x  5 x2  x  72 x  9 x  27 x  3x  9
15. 4f 2  64 16. d 2  12d  36
(Lesson 5-4)

4(f  4)(f  4) (d  6)2 26. DESIGN Bobbi Jo is using a software package to create a x cm
drawing of a cross section of a brace as shown at the right.
Write a simplified, factored expression that represents the
17. 9x2  25 18. y2  18y  81 area of the cross section of the brace. x(20.2  x) cm2
prime (y  9)2
12 cm

19. n3  125 20. m4  1

x cm
Lesson 5-4

(n  5)(n 2  5n  25) (m 2  1)(m  1)(m  1) 8.2 cm

Simplify. Assume that no denominator is equal to 0. 27. COMBUSTION ENGINES In an internal combustion engine, the up
and down motion of the pistons is converted into the rotary motion of r1
x2 x2
 7x  18  x2 x1
 4x  3  the crankshaft, which drives the flywheel. Let r1 represent the radius
21.  22.  r2
x2  4x  45 x  5 x2  6x  9 x  3 of the flywheel at the right and let r2 represent the radius of the
crankshaft passing through it. If the formula for the area of a circle
2 x5 x2  6x  7 x  1
x  10x  25 
23.  24.   is A  r2, write a simplified, factored expression for the area of the
2 x
x  5x x2  49 x7 cross section of the flywheel outside the crankshaft.  (r1  r2)(r1  r2)

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5-4 Reading to Learn Mathematics 5-4 Enrichment

Factoring Polynomials
Pre-Activity How does factoring apply to geometry? Using Patterns to Factor
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-4 at the top of page 239 in your textbook. Study the patterns below for factoring the sum and the difference of cubes.
If a trinomial that represents the area of a rectangle is factored into two a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2)

binomials, what might the two binomials represent? the length and
a3  b3  (a  b)(a2  ab  b2)
width of the rectangle
This pattern can be extended to other odd powers. Study these examples.

Example 1 Factor a5  b5.

Reading the Lesson
Extend the first pattern to obtain a5  b5  (a  b)(a4  a3b  a2b2  ab3  b4).
1. Name three types of binomials that it is always possible to factor. difference of two
squares, sum of two cubes, difference of two cubes Check: (a  b)(a4  a3b  a2b2  ab3  b4)  a5  a4b  a3b2  a2b3  ab4
 a4b  a3b2  a2b3  ab4  b5
 a5  b5
2. Name a type of trinomial that it is always possible to factor. perfect square
trinomial Example 2 Factor a5  b5.
Extend the second pattern to obtain a5  b5  (a  b)(a4  a3b  a2b2  ab3  b4).
3. Complete: Since x2  y2 cannot be factored, it is an example of a prime Check: (a  b)(a4  a3b  a2b2  ab3  b4)  a5  a4b  a3b2  a2b3  ab4
polynomial.  a4b  a3b2  a2b3  ab4  b5

4. On an algebra quiz, Marlene needed to factor 2x2  4x  70. She wrote the following  a5  b5
answer: (x  5)(2x  14). When she got her quiz back, Marlene found that she did not

get full credit for her answer. She thought she should have gotten full credit because she In general, if n is an odd integer, when you factor an  bn or an  bn, one factor will be
checked her work by multiplication and showed that (x  5)(2x  14)  2x2  4x  70. either (a  b) or (a  b), depending on the sign of the original expression. The other factor
will have the following properties:
a. If you were Marlene’s teacher, how would you explain to her that her answer was not
entirely correct? Sample answer: When you are asked to factor a • The first term will be an  1 and the last term will be bn  1.
polynomial, you must factor it completely. The factorization was not • The exponents of a will decrease by 1 as you go from left to right.
complete, because 2x  14 can be factored further as 2(x  7). • The exponents of b will increase by 1 as you go from left to right.
• The degree of each term will be n  1.
(Lesson 5-4)

• If the original expression was an  bn, the terms will alternately have  and  signs.
b. What advice could Marlene’s teacher give her to avoid making the same kind of error • If the original expression was an  bn, the terms will all have  signs.
in factoring in the future? Sample answer: Always look for a common
factor first. If there is a common factor, factor it out first, and then see Use the patterns above to factor each expression.
if you can factor further.
1. a7  b7 (a  b)(a 6  a 5b  a 4b 2  a 3b 3  a 2b4  ab 5  b6)

2. c9  d 9 (c  d)(c 8  c 7d  c 6d 2  c 5d 3  c4d 4  c 3d 5  c 2d 6  cd 7  d 8)
Lesson 5-4

Helping You Remember 3. e11  f 11

5. Some students have trouble remembering the correct signs in the formulas for the sum (e  f )(e10  e 9f  e 8f 2  e 7f 3  e 6f 4  e 5f 5  e 4f 6  e 3f 7  e 2f 8  ef 9  f 10)
and difference of two cubes. What is an easy way to remember the correct signs? To factor x10  y10, change it to (x 5  y 5)(x 5  y 5) and factor each binomial. Use
Sample answer: In the binomial factor, the operation sign is the same as this approach to factor each expression.
in the expression that is being factored. In the trinomial factor, the
operation sign before the middle term is the opposite of the sign in the 4. x10  y10
expression that is being factored. The sign before the last term is always (x  y)(x 4  x 3y  x2y 2  xy 3  y 4)(x  y)(x 4  x 3y  x 2y 2  xy 3  y 4)
a plus. 5. a14  b14 (a  b)(a6  a 5b  a 4b 2  a 3b 3  a 2b 4  ab 5  b6)(a  b)
(a 6  a5b  a4b2  a3b3  a2b4  ab5  b 6)

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5-5 Study Guide and Intervention 5-5 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Roots of Real Numbers Roots of Real Numbers

Simplify Radicals Approximate Radicals with a Calculator
Square Root For any real numbers a and b, if a 2  b, then a is a square root of b. Irrational Number a number that cannot be expressed as a terminating or a repeating decimal
For any real numbers a and b, and any positive integer n, if a n  b, then a is an nth

nth Root Radicals such as 2 and 3  are examples of irrational numbers. Decimal approximations
root of b.
for irrational numbers are often used in applications. These approximations can be easily
1. If n is even and b 0, then b has one positive root and one negative root. found with a calculator.
Real nth Roots of b, 2. If n is odd and b 0, then b has one positive root.
n n
, b
 3. If n is even and b 0, then b has no real roots.
4. If n is odd and b 0, then b has one negative root. Example Approximate 18.2
 with a calculator.
Example 1 Example 2 3
Simplify  Simplify   1)6
3 3 Exercises
 (7z4)2  7z4
1)6   1)2]3  (2a  1)2
z4 must be positive, so there is no need to
take the absolute value. Use a calculator to approximate each value to three decimal places.
1. 62
 2. 1050
 3. 0.054

7.874 32.404 0.378
4. 5.45
 5. 5280
 6. 18,60

1. 81
 2. 343
1.528 72.664 136.382

9 7 12| p 3 |
3 5
5 3 7. 0.095
 8. 15
 9. 100

4.  5. 
243p10 m6n9
0.308 2.466 2.512
2a 5 3p 2 m 2n 3
3 6
7.  8.  b8
16a10 121x6
9.  10. 856
 11. 3200
 12. 0.05

b4 4| a 5| b4 11| x 3 | 3.081 56.569 0.224
(Lesson 5-5)

3 4
10.  169r4
11.  12. 27p
6 13. 12,50
0  14. 0.60
 15. 500

16k 2 13r 2 3p 2 111.803 0.775 4.729
13.  z4
625y2 36q34
14.  15.  y4z6
100x2 3 6
16. 0.15
 17. 4200
 18. 75

25| y | z 2 6 | q17| 10| x | y 2 | z 3| 0.531 4.017 8.660
16. 0.02
7  17. 0.36
 18. 0.64p
19. LAW ENFORCEMENT The formula r  25L  is used by police to estimate the speed r
0.3 not a real number 0.8 | p 5| in miles per hour of a car if the length L of the car’s skid mark is measures in feet.
4 3 Estimate to the nearest tenth of a mile per hour the speed of a car that leaves a skid
19.  20. 
(11y2)4 21. 
(5a2b)6 mark 300 feet long. 77.5 mi/h
4x 2 121y 4 25a 4b 2
3 20. SPACE TRAVEL The distance to the horizon d miles from a satellite orbiting h miles
22.  1)2
(3x  23.  5)6
(m   24. 
36x2  1
12x  above Earth can be approximated by d  8000h   h2. What is the distance to the
Lesson 5-5

| 3x  1| (m  5)2 | 6x  1| horizon if a satellite is orbiting 150 miles above Earth? about 1100 ft

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5-5 Skills Practice 5-5 Practice (Average)

Roots of Real Numbers Roots of Real Numbers

Use a calculator to approximate each value to three decimal places. Use a calculator to approximate each value to three decimal places.
3 3
1. 230
 15.166 2. 38
 6.164 1. 7.8
 2. 89
 3. 25
 4. 4

2.793 9.434 2.924 1.587

4 5 6 4
3. 152
 12.329 4. 5.6
 2.366 5. 1.1
 6. 0.1
 7. 5555
 8. (0.94)
1.024 0.631 4.208 0.970
3 3
5. 88
 4.448 6. 222
 6.055 Simplify.
4 6
9. 0.81
 10. 324
 11. 256
 12. 64

4 5
7. 0.34
 0.764 8. 500
 3.466 0.9 18 4 2
3 3 5 4
13. 64
 14. 0.512
 15. 243
 16. 1296

Simplify. 4 0.8 3 6
5 1024 5
17.  18. 
243x10 19. (14a)2
 20. (14a
 )2 not a
9. 81
 9 10. 144
 12  243
4 real number
 3x 2 14| a|
16m2 3
(5)2 5
11.  52 not a real number
12.  21. 
49m2t8 22.  23.  w15
64r6 (2x)8

4| m |
7| m | t4  4r 2w 5 16x 4

4 5
13. 0.36
 0.6 14.  
9 4 3 3
 23 625s8
25.  26.  q9
216p3 27.  y6
676x4  28.  y12
3 3 5s 2 6pq 3 26x 2 y3
| | 3x 3y 4
15. 8
 2 16. 27
5 6 3
29. 144m
8 n6 30.  y10
32x5 31.  4)6
(m   32.  1)3
3 5 12m 4 | n 3| 2xy 2 | m  4| 2x  1
17. 0.064
 0.4 18. 32
(Lesson 5-5)

4 3
33.  b16
49a10 34.  )8
(x  5 343d6
35.  36.  0x  25
x2  1 
4 7| a 5 | b8 (x  5)2 7d 2 | x  5|
19. 81
 3 y2 | y |
37. RADIANT TEMPERATURE Thermal sensors measure an object’s radiant temperature,
3 which is the amount of energy radiated by the object. The internal temperature of an
125s3 5s
21.  64x6 8| x 3|
22.  4
object is called its kinetic temperature. The formula Tr  Tke relates an object’s radiant
temperature Tr to its kinetic temperature Tk. The variable e in the formula is a measure
3 of how well the object radiates energy. If an object’s kinetic temperature is 30°C and
23. 27a
6 3a 2 m8n4 m 4n 2
24.  e  0.94, what is the object’s radiant temperature to the nearest tenth of a degree?
29.5 C
q2 10p 2 |q | 26. 
16w4v8 2| w | v2 38. HERO’S FORMULA Salvatore is buying fertilizer for his triangular garden. He knows
the lengths of all three sides, so he is using Hero’s formula to find the area. Hero’s
formula states that the area of a triangle is  s(s  
a)(s b)(s c), where a, b, and c are
(3c)4 9c 2
27.  28. 
(a  b
)2 | a  b | the lengths of the sides of the triangle and s is half the perimeter of the triangle. If the
lengths of the sides of Salvatore’s garden are 15 feet, 17 feet, and 20 feet, what is the
Lesson 5-5

area of the garden? Round your answer to the nearest whole number. 124 ft2

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5-5 Reading to Learn Mathematics 5-5 Enrichment

Roots of Real Numbers
Pre-Activity How do square roots apply to oceanography? Approximating Square Roots
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-5 at the top of page 245 in your textbook. Consider the following expansion.
Suppose the length of a wave is 5 feet. Explain how you would estimate the 2 2ab b2

speed of the wave to the nearest tenth of a knot using a calculator. (Do not  a2    2
(a  2ba) 2a 4a
actually calculate the speed.) Sample answer: Using a calculator, b2
find the positive square root of 5. Multiply this number by 1.34.  a2  b  2
Then round the answer to the nearest tenth. b2
Think what happens if a is very great in comparison to b. The term 2 is very
small and can be disregarded in an approximation.
(a  2ba) a2  b
Reading the Lesson
a2  b
1. For each radical below, identify the radicand and the index. 2a

3 Suppose a number can be expressed as a2  b, a b. Then an approximate value

a. 23
 radicand: 23 index: 3 b b
a2  b.
of the square root is a  . You should also see that a   
2a 2a
b. 15x2
 radicand: 15x 2 index: 2
5 Example b
c. 343
 radicand: 343 index: 5 a2  b
Use the formula   and 622
  a   to approximate 101

2. Complete the following table. (Do not actually find any of the indicated roots.) a. 101
1   1
102  b. 622
3   3

Number of Positive Number of Negative Number of Positive Number of Negative Let a  10 and b  1. Let a  25 and b  3.
Square Roots Square Roots Cube Roots Cube Roots 1 3
 10   622
2(10) 2(25)
27 1 1 1 0 10.05 24.94

16 0 0 0 1
Use the formula to find an approximation for each square root to the
(Lesson 5-5)

3. State whether each of the following is true or false. nearest hundredth. Check your work with a calculator.

a. A negative number has no real fourth roots. true 1. 626

 25.02 2. 99
 9.95 3. 402

b. 121
 represents both square roots of 121. true
4. 1604
 40.05 5. 223
 14.93 6. 80
c. When you take the fifth root of x5, you must take the absolute value of x to identify
the principal fifth root. false 7. 4890
 69.93 8. 2505
 50.05 9. 3575

Helping You Remember 10. 1,441

,100 1200.42 11. 290
 17.03 12. 260
4. What is an easy way to remember that a negative number has no real square roots but
has one real cube root? Sample answer: The square of a positive or negative b 2 b2
number is positive, so there is no real number whose square is negative. a2  b for a b.
13. Show that a     a 2  b  2 ;
2a a  2ba 4a
However, the cube of a negative number is negative, so a negative b2 b 2 b
number has one real cube root, which is a negative number. disregard 2 ; a    a 2  b; a    a2  b

Lesson 5-5

4a  2a 2a

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5-6 Study Guide and Intervention 5-6 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Radical Expressions Radical Expressions

Simplify Radical Expressions Operations with Radicals When you add expressions containing radicals, you can
add only like terms or like radical expressions. Two radical expressions are called like
For any real numbers a and b, and any integer n 1: radical expressions if both the indices and the radicands are alike.
n n n
Product Property of Radicals 1. if n is even and a and b are both nonnegative, then ab
  a  b. To multiply radicals, use the Product and Quotient Properties. For products of the form

n n n
2. if n is odd, then ab
  a  b. (ab  cd )  (ef  gh), use the FOIL method. To rationalize denominators, use

Lesson 5-6
To simplify a square root, follow these steps: conjugates. Numbers of the form ab   cd
 and ab   cd, where a, b, c, and d are
rational numbers, are called conjugates. The product of conjugates is always a rational
1. Factor the radicand into as many squares as possible. number.
2. Use the Product Property to isolate the perfect squares.
3. Simplify each radical. Example 1 Simplify 250
For any real numbers a and b  0, and any integer n 1, 250
  2 52  2  4102  5  652  5 Factor using squares.
Quotient Property of Radicals n
ab  ab , if all roots are defined.  2  5  2  4  10  5
  6  5  5
 Simplify square roots.
 10 2  405   305  Multiply.
To eliminate radicals from a denominator or fractions from a radicand, multiply the  10 2  10 5 Combine like radicals.
numerator and denominator by a quantity so that the radicand has an exact root.
Example 2 Example 3 2  5

Simplify (2
3  4
2 )( 2 ).
3  2 Simplify  .
3  5

3 8x3 (23  42 )(3  22 )
Example 1 Simplify 16a
5 b7 . Example 2 Simplify . 5 2  5
 2  5
 3  5

  23  3  23  2
2  4
3  4 2
2  2 
3 3 3  5
 3  5
 3  5


5 b7  
 2  a
3  a2  b
 (b2) 3 8x3 8x3
  6  46   46  16
3   Quotient Property 6  25
2 2b 45y5  
 2ab 2a 45y5  10 2 2
  3  (5

 2 2x 6  55
  Factor into squares.  
 (3y2)2  5y 95
2  2x  11  55

  Product Property  
 2)2  5y 4
2| x|2x

  Simplify. Exercises
(Lesson 5-6)

2| x|2x
 5y Simplify.
   Rationalize the
3y2 5y 5y

2| x|10xy
 1. 32
 2. 20
 3. 300

3 Simplify.
0 45

3 3 3 3 3
4. 81
 5. 2 (
 ) 6. 23
Exercises 3 3
 2  23

4 4 7. (2  37
 )(4  7
) 8. (63
) 9. (42
  35 20  5
 )(2 )
1. 554
2.   2a 2|b 5| 2a
75x4y7 5x 2y 3 5y

29  147
 46  66

36 65 a6b3 |a 3 |b2b
 3 p5q3 pq 5p 2
4.   5.   6.   548
 4  2
 5  33
 98 14
 40 10 10.  5 11.  5  32
 2  2
 1  23

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5-6 Skills Practice 5-6 Practice (Average)

Radical Expressions Radical Expressions

Simplify. Simplify.
3 3 3 3
1. 24
 2. 75
 1. 540
 2. 432
 3. 128

4 4 3 3 5 5

Lesson 5-6
3 3 4 4 4. 405
 5. 500
0  10 5
 6. 121
5  35

3. 16
 4. 48
 2 3

3 3 4 4 3 3
7.  w2
125t6w2 5t 2  48v8z13
8.   2v 2z 33z
 9.  k2
8g3k8 2gk 2 
4 4
5. 4
50x5 20x 22x
64a4b4 2| ab | 4

11 216 3
45x3y8 3xy 45x
 11.  12. 
3 24
1 3 25 4
3 2 2 2
7. d f
  d 2f 5 8.  s2t 1 2 3 9a5
3a a 4 8

 12 f  36
 56 |s |t 13.  c4d 7  14.  15. 
 161 c d 2d  64b4
8b 2 9a3
3 21
 3 2
 16. (315
) 17. (224
) 18. 810

9.   10. 
 7 3

g 10gz


11.  12. (33

 ) 45 19. 620
 20. 848
 21. (32

 30  126

13. (412
 ) 4815
 14. 2
 22. (3  7
 )2 23. (5
) 24. (2
16  67
 5  10

15. 12
 16. 85

(Lesson 5-6)

25. (1  6
 )(5  7
) 26. (3
 )2 27. (108
5  7
 115  821
17. 248
 18. (2  3
 )(6  2
 ) 12  22

3 6 5  3

17  3

28.  15
 29.  62
6 30.  
2 2
1 4  3

19. (1  5
 )(1  5
 ) 4 20. (3  7
 )(5  2
 ) 15  32
 2 8  52
3    3  6
 3  x
 6  5x
31.   32.  27  116
2  2
 2 5  24
 2  x

2 3 21  32
 34. BRAKING The formula s  25  estimates the speed s in miles per hour of a car when
21. (2
 ) 8  43
7  2
 47 it leaves skid marks  feet long. Use the formula to write a simplified expression for s if
  85. Then evaluate s to the nearest mile per hour. 1017 ; 41 mi/h
4 12  42
 5 40  56
 35. PYTHAGOREAN THEOREM The measures of the legs of a right triangle can be
23.   24.  
3  2
 7 8  6
 58 represented by the expressions 6x2y and 9x2y. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find a
simplified expression for the measure of the hypotenuse. 3x 2 | y | 13

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5-6 Reading to Learn Mathematics 5-6 Enrichment

Radical Expressions
Pre-Activity How do radical expressions apply to falling objects? Special Products with Radicals
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-6 at the top of page 250 in your textbook. 2
Notice that (3
 )  3, or (3
 )  3.
Describe how you could use the formula given in your textbook and a 2
In general, (x
 )  x when x  0.

calculator to find the time, to the nearest tenth of a second, that it would

Lesson 5-6
take for the water balloons to drop 22 feet. (Do not actually calculate the Also, notice that (9
)  36
time.) Sample answer: Multiply 22 by 2 (giving 44) and divide
In general, (x
 )(y )  xy
 when x and y are not negative.
by 32. Use the calculator to find the square root of the result.
Round this square root to the nearest tenth. You can use these ideas to find the special products below.
(a  b )(a  b )  (a)2  (b )2  a  b
Reading the Lesson (a  b )2  (a )2  2ab
  (b  )2  a  2abb
2 2
1. Complete the conditions that must be met for a radical expression to be in simplified form. (a  b )  (a )  2ab   (b  )2  a  2abb
• The index n is as small as possible.
Example 1 Find the product: (2   5  )(2
• The radicand contains no factors (other than 1) that are nth
(2  5 )(2  5 )  (2)2  (5 )2  2  5  3
powers of a(n) integer or polynomial.
Example 2 2
• The radicand contains no fractions . Evaluate (2
) .
2 2 2
• No radicals appear in the denominator . (2  8)  (2
)  22

 2  216
  8  2  2(4)  8  2  8  8  18

2. a. What are conjugates of radical expressions used for? to rationalize binomial
denominators Multiply.
1  2

b. How would you use a conjugate to simplify the radical expression  ? 1. (3
 ) 4 2. (10
) 8
3  2

Multiply numerator and denominator by 3  2
. 2
3. (2x
 ) 2x  6 4. (3
  27) 12
c. In order to simplify the radical expression in part b, two multiplications are
5. (1000
) 1210 6. (y  5
 )(y  5
) y  5
(Lesson 5-6)

necessary. The multiplication in the numerator would be done by the FOIL

method, and the multiplication in the denominator would be done by finding the 2 2
7. (50
  x ) 50  102x
x 8. (x  20) x  45x
difference of two squares .
You can extend these ideas to patterns for sums and differences of cubes.
Helping You Remember Study the pattern below.
3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
3. One way to remember something is to explain it to another person. When rationalizing the ( 8 8  8x
  x )(   
x )   x 8x
denominator in the expression 
3 , many students think they should multiply numerator
 3 3 3 3 3
and denominator by  . How would you explain to a classmate why this is incorrect 9. (2
  5 22  10
52 ) 3

3 3 3 3 3
and what he should do instead. Sample answer: Because you are working with 10. (y
  w y2  yw
w2 ) y  w
cube roots, not square roots, you need to make the radicand in the
3 3 3 3 3
denominator a perfect cube, not a perfect square. Multiply numerator and 1 1. (7
  20 72  140
 )( 202 ) 27
4 3
denominator by  3 3 3 3 3
3 to make the denominator 8, which equals 2. 12. (11
  8 112  88
 )( 82) 3

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5-7 Study Guide and Intervention 5-7 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Rational Exponents Rational Exponents

Rational Exponents and Radicals Simplify Expressions All the properties of powers from Lesson 5-1 apply to rational
exponents. When you simplify expressions with rational exponents, leave the exponent in
1 For any real number b and any positive integer n, rational form, and write the expression with all positive exponents. Any exponents in the

Definition of b n 1
 n denominator must be positive integers
b n  b
, except when b 0 and n is even.

m For any nonzero real number b, and any integers m and n, with n 1, When you simplify radical expressions, you may use rational exponents to simplify, but your

Definition of b n m answer should be in radical form. Use the smallest index possible.
 n n m
bm  (b
b n    ) , except when b 0 and n is even.
2 3
Example 1   Example 2 4
1 1 Simplify y 3
y 8 . 144x6.
Example 1 2
Write 28 in radical form. Example 2 2 3 2 3 25 1
Evaluate  3 .       4 
3 8 3 8 24 4
125   y y y y 144x6  (144x6)

Notice that 28 0. 1
Notice that 8 0, 125 0, and 3 is odd. 
1  (24  32  x6) 4

2 1 3 1 1 1
28  28
 8  8   
3 4 4
  (24)  (32)  (x6) 4
125   125

Lesson 5-7
22  7
  1 3 1
2 2 2
 2  3  x  2x  (3x) 2  2x3x

22  7
Simplify each expression.
Exercises 4 6 2 3 4 7
1. x 5  x 5 2.  y 3  4 3. p 5  p 10

Write each expression in radical form. 1 3

1 1 3 x2 y2 p2

1. 11 7 2. 15 3 3. 300 2
6 2 3 4 1 4
7 3 5  8 
6 3
 4. m  5. x  x3 6. s 
23 2
 x 24 s9
Write each radical using rational exponents. 1
2 6 2 3 
p    x 2
7. 1 8. a 3  5  a 5  9. 1
(Lesson 5-7)

3 4  
4. 47
5.  162p5
6.  p3 x 3
1 1 5 2 1 5 5
2 3 3 3 4 4  x6
47 3 a b 3
p p3 a2 
6 4 5
10. 128
 11. 49
 12. 288

Evaluate each expression.
1 5
2 2 1
 5  22

7. 27 3 8.  9. (0.0004) 2

3 6
1 13. 32
 14. 25
 15. 16

9  0.02
6 3

1 1
2 3 2 2 3 3
  144 16
3 2 x  3 3 ab4
10. 8  4 11.  1
12.  1
 16.  48
17.  18. 3
27 (0.25) 2 12
6 6
1 1 x 3 35
   6 a
32    48
4 2 6 b

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5-7 Skills Practice 5-7 Practice (Average)

Rational Exponents Rational Exponents

Write each expression in radical form. Write each expression in radical form.
1 1 5 1 2 4 2
1. 3 6 3
 2. 8 5 8
 1. 5 3 2. 6 5 3. m 7 4. (n3) 5
3 5 2 5 7 4 7 5
2 3

 3 2 3  5 5
 62 or (6
 ) m4 or (m
 ) n n

3. 12 3 122 or (12
 ) s4
4. (s3) 5 s

Write each radical using rational exponents.

Write each radical using rational exponents. 4 3
1 1 5. 79
 6. 153
27m6n4 2a10b
8. 5
2 3 1 1 4 1 1
5. 51
 51 6. 37
2 4
79 153 3m 2n 3 5
2 2 |a 5 | b 2
3 1 1 2
4  3   
153 15 4
7.  6xy2 6 3 x 3 y 3

Lesson 5-7
Evaluate each expression.
1 1 5
 5 1 3 1
9. 81 4 3 10. 1024  11. 8 
Evaluate each expression. 4 32
1 1
9. 32 5 2 10. 81 4 3 3 2 1 4
4 1 3 1  
12. 256  13. (64)  14. 27 3  27 3 243
64 16
1 1 1
11. 27  12. 42  2

3 2 2  1

 25 64 3 16 3 5
15.  3 17. 25 2 64
3 4  16.   
216  36 2 49

2 5
13. 16 64 14. (243) 81 343 3

1 5 3
2 Simplify each expression.
15. 27 3  27 3 729 16.   1
 49  27 4 
4 3 3 13 1 4  1
    3 5 2 y2
18. g 7  g 7 g 19. s 4  s 4 s 4 20. u
  u 15 21. y 
Simplify each expression. 2 3 11 1
  1 2  1 

(Lesson 5-7)

12 3 2 16 5 b5 q5 5 t3 t 12 2z 2 2z  2z 2
    22. b  23. 2 q 24.   25.  
5 5 9 9  1 3 1
17. c  c c3 18. m  m m2 b  5 
q5 5t  t 2
z 1

10 5 4 4 a
3  123 a3b

1 1
85 22
 27. 12
   28. 6
 p5 10 3b
19. q 2 3 q 2 20. p5 
p 1212

5 2 5
 11 x 11 30. ELECTRICITY The amount of current in amperes I that an appliance uses can be
21. x 1
x 3 x 12
x 4 calculated using the formula I   2 , where P is the power in watts and R is the
1 2 resistance in ohms. How much current does an appliance use if P  500 watts and
1  1 
y 2 y4 n3 n3 R  10 ohms? Round your answer to the nearest tenth. 7.1 amps
23.  1  24. 
1 1 
 y   n
y4 n6  n2 1

31. BUSINESS A company that produces DVDs uses the formula C  88n 3  330 to
12 8 4 calculate the cost C in dollars of producing n DVDs per day. What is the company’s cost
25. 64
49a8b2 | a | 7b
 to produce 150 DVDs per day? Round your answer to the nearest dollar. $798

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5-7 Reading to Learn Mathematics 5-7 Enrichment

Rational Exponents
Pre-Activity How do rational exponents apply to astronomy? Lesser-Known Geometric Formulas
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-7 at the top of page 257 in your textbook. Many geometric formulas involve radical expressions.
The formula in the introduction contains the exponent  . What do you think

2 Make a drawing to illustrate each of the formulas given on this page.
it might mean to raise a number to the  power?
5 Then evaluate the formula for the given value of the variable. Round
Sample answer: Take the fifth root of the number and square it. answers to the nearest hundredth.
1. The area of an isosceles triangle. Two 2. The area of an equilateral triangle with
sides have length a; the other side has a side of length a. Find A when a  8.
Reading the Lesson length c. Find A when a  6 and c  7. a2
A  3

1. Complete the following definitions of rational exponents. c 4
A   c2
4a2  a a
1 n 4 A  27.71 a a

• For any real number b and for any positive integer n, b n  b
 except A  17.06

Lesson 5-7
when b 0 and n is even .
• For any nonzero real number b, and any integers m and n, with n 1 ,
m n n m

bn  bm
  ( b
) , except when b 0 and 3. The area of a regular pentagon with a 4. The area of a regular hexagon with a
side of length a. Find A when a  4. side of length a. Find A when a  9.
n is even . a2 a a 3a2 a
A   105
25    A  3

4 2 a a
2. Complete the conditions that must be met in order for an expression with rational

A  27.53 A  210.44
exponents to be simplified. a a
a a

negative a
• It has no exponents. a

• It has no fractional exponents in the denominator .

5. The volume of a regular tetrahedron 6. The area of the curved surface of a right
• It is not a complex fraction. with an edge of length a. Find V when cone with an altitude of h and radius of
a  2. base r. Find S when r  3 and h  6.
• The index of any remaining radical is the least a3
V    2
 S  r
r2  h2
(Lesson 5-7)

number possible. a a a
V  0.94 S  63.22 h
3. Margarita and Pierre were working together on their algebra homework. One exercise a
4 a

asked them to evaluate the expression 27 . Margarita thought that they should raise r
27 to the fourth power first and then take the cube root of the result. Pierre thought that
they should take the cube root of 27 first and then raise the result to the fourth power. 7. Heron’s Formula for the area of a 8. The radius of a circle inscribed in a given
Whose method is correct? Both methods are correct. triangle uses the semi-perimeter s, triangle also uses the semi-perimeter.
abc Find r when a  6, b  7, and c  9.
where s  . The sides of the
Helping You Remember 
a)(s  c)
triangle have lengths a, b, and c. Find A r  
when a  3, b  4, and c  5.
4. Some students have trouble remembering which part of the fraction in a rational r  1.91 b
exponent gives the power and which part gives the root. How can your knowledge of A  
a)(s  c)
integer exponents help you to keep this straight? Sample answer: An integer3 b
 A6 r
exponent can be written as a rational exponent. For example, 23  2 1 . a
a c
You know that this means that 2 is raised to the third power, so the
numerator must give the power, and, therefore, the denominator must
give the root.

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5-8 Study Guide and Intervention 5-8 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Radical Equations and Inequalities Radical Equations and Inequalities

Solve Radical Equations The following steps are used in solving equations that have Solve Radical Inequalities A radical inequality is an inequality that has a variable
variables in the radicand. Some algebraic procedures may be needed before you use these in a radicand. Use the following steps to solve radical inequalities.
Step 1 If the index of the root is even, identify the values of the variable for which the radicand is nonnegative.

Step 1 Isolate the radical on one side of the equation. Step 2 Solve the inequality algebraically.
Step 2 To eliminate the radical, raise each side of the equation to a power equal to the index of the radical. Step 3 Test values to check your solution.
Step 3 Solve the resulting equation.
Step 4 Check your solution in the original equation to make sure that you have not obtained any extraneous roots.
Example Solve 5   4 3.
Since the radicand of a square root Now solve 5   4   3.
Example 1 4x  8
Solve 2   4  8. Example 2 3x  1
Solve    5x
  1. must be greater than or equal to
20x 4  3 Original inequality
zero, first solve
4x  8  4  8
2 Original equation 3x  1  5x 1 Original equation 
20x 48 Isolate the radical.
20x  4  0.
24x  8  12 Add 4 to each side. 3x  1  5x  2 5x  1 Square each side. 20x  4  0 20x  4  64 Eliminate the radical by squaring each side.
4x  8  6 Isolate the radical. 25x
  2x Simplify. 20x  4 20x  60 Subtract 4 from each side.
4x  8  36 Square each side. 5x
x Isolate the radical. 1 x3 Divide each side by 20.
4x  28 Subtract 8 from each side. 5x  x2 Square each side.
x7 Divide each side by 4. x2  5x  0 Subtract 5x from each side. It appears that    x  3 is the solution. Test some values.
Check x(x  5)  0 Factor.

2 848
4(7)  x  0 or x  5 x  1 x0 x4
Check 20(1
 )  4 is not a real 5  20(0)
  4  3, so the 5  20(4)
  4  4.2, so


Lesson 5-8
3(0)  1  1, but 5(0)
  1  1, so 0 is number, so the inequality is inequality is satisfied. the inequality is not
2(6)  4  8 not satisfied. satisfied

not a solution.
3(5)  1  4, and 5(5)
  1  4, so the 1
The solution x  7 checks. solution is x  5. Therefore the solution    x  3 checks.

Exercises Exercises
Solve each inequality.
Solve each equation.
(Lesson 5-8)

1.  2x  1  6 15
2. 3 3.  92 5
1. 3  2x3
5 3x  4  1  15
2. 2 x12
3. 8  
 15 no solution c 11 x 5 x 4
x28 2
4. 5 3x  4  3
5. 8   2x  8  4 2
4.  2x  1  4
5. 12   12  x
6.  0
95 no solution 12 x 6   x  7 x 14
6x  3  6
7. 9   8.   4 5x  6  1 5
9. 2
7. 21 5x  4  0
   8. 10  2x
5 x2  7x
9.  7x  9
   3x  1

1 6
5 12.5 no solution   x  1 x 8 x 3
2 5

3 2x  12
10.    4  12 2d  1
11.    d
5 12. 4 b  2  10
b  3  
2x  11
10. 4   2  10 11. 2
x  11   3x  6
x  2   9x  11
12.  x1
8 14 3, 4 x 26 0d4 b 6

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5-8 Skills Practice 5-8 Practice (Average)

Radical Equations and Inequalities Radical Equations and Inequalities

Solve each equation or inequality. Solve each equation or inequality.

1. x  5 25 2. x  3  7 16 1. x
  8 64 2. 4  x  3 1

49 1
3. 2p
  3  10  4. 43h
2 12
3. 5j  1  4. v  1  0 no solution
25 1 1
5. c 2  6  9 9 6. 18  7h 2  12 no solution
 3 3 5
5. 18  3y 2  25 no solution 6. 2w
  4 32 d  2  7 341
7.  w71 8

3 4
q  4  9 31
9. 6   y  9  4  0 no solution
b  5  4 21
7.  3n  1
8.  5 8
3 63
11.  6  16  0 131
2m  12. 
1 22 
3r  6  3 11
9.  3p  7
10. 2   6 3 7 3
8n  5
13.  12  14. 
1  4t  8  6  
4 4
1 15. 
2t  5  3  3  16. (7v  2) 4  12  7 no solution

k  4  1  5 40
11.  12. (2d  3) 3  2  2

Lesson 5-8
1 1

17. (3g  1) 2  6  4 33 18. (6u  5) 3  2  3 20
1 1
13. (t  3) 3  2 11 14. 4  (1  7u) 3  0 9
2d  5
19.  d1 4
4r  6  r 2

21.  2x  10
6x  4     22.  2x  1 no solution
2x  5  
15.  z  4 no solution
3z  2   16.  2g  7
g  1    8 2
(Lesson 5-8)

23. 3a
  12 a 16 24. 
z  5  4  13 5  z  76

17.  x  1 no solution
x  1  4 18. 5  
s36 3s4 3
25. 8  2q
  5 no solution 2a  3
26.   5  a 14
19. 2  
3x  3 7 1 x 26 2a  4
20.    6 2  a  16 27. 9  
c46 c 5 28. 
x  1 2 x 7

29. STATISTICS Statisticians use the formula   v  to calculate a standard deviation ,

1 where v is the variance of a data set. Find the variance when the standard deviation
21. 2
4r  3 10 r 7 22. 4  
3x  1 3   x 0
3 is 15. 225

30. GRAVITATION Helena drops a ball from 25 feet above a lake. The formula
3 1
y  4  3  3 y 32 24. 3
3  15    r  2 25  h
t     describes the time t in seconds that the ball is h feet above the water.
11 4
How many feet above the water will the ball be after 1 second? 9 ft

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5-8 Reading to Learn Mathematics 5-8 Enrichment

Radical Equations and Inequalities
Pre-Activity How do radical equations apply to manufacturing? Truth Tables
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-8 at the top of page 263 in your textbook. In mathematics, the basic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication,
Explain how you would use the formula in your textbook to find the cost of division, finding a root, and raising to a power. In logic, the basic operations

producing 125,000 computer chips. (Describe the steps of the calculation in the are the following: not (
), and ( ), or ( ), and implies (→).
order in which you would perform them, but do not actually do the calculation.)
2 If P and Q are statements, then
P means not P;
Q means not Q; P Q
Sample answer: Raise 125,000 to the  power by taking the means P and Q; P Q means P or Q; and P → Q means P implies Q. The
operations are defined by truth tables. On the left below is the truth table for
cube root of 125,000 and squaring the result (or raise 125,000 the statement
P. Notice that there are two possible conditions for P, true (T)
2 or false (F). If P is true,
P is false; if P is false,
P is true. Also shown are the
to the  power by entering 125,000 ^ (2/3) on a calculator).
3 truth tables for P Q, P Q, and P → Q.
Multiply the number you get by 10 and then add 1500.
Reading the Lesson T F T T T T T T T T T
1. a. What is an extraneous solution of a radical equation? Sample answer: a number F T F F T T F T T
that satisfies an equation obtained by raising both sides of the original F F F F F F F F T
equation to a higher power but does not satisfy the original equation
You can use this information to find out under what conditions a complex
statement is true.
b. Describe two ways you can check the proposed solutions of a radical equation in order

to determine whether any of them are extraneous solutions. Sample answer: One

Lesson 5-8
Example Under what conditions is P
Q true?
way is to check each proposed solution by substituting it into the

original equation. Another way is to use a graphing calculator to graph
both sides of the original equation. See where the graphs intersect. Create the truth table for the statement. Use the information from the truth
This can help you identify solutions that may be extraneous. table above for P
Q to complete the last column.

2. Complete the steps that should be followed in order to solve a radical inequality.
T T F T When one statement is
Step 1 If the index of the root is even , identify the values of T F F F true and one is false,
(Lesson 5-8)

F T T T the conjunction is true.

the variable for which the radicand is nonnegative . F F T T
Step 2 Solve the inequality algebraically. The truth table indicates that
P Q is true in all cases except where P is true
values and Q is false.
Step 3 Test to check your solution.

Use truth tables to determine the conditions under which each statement is true.
Helping You Remember
Q 2.
P → (P → Q)
3. One way to remember something is to explain it to another person. Suppose that your
friend Leora thinks that she does not need to check her solutions to radical equations by all except where both all
substitution because she knows she is very careful and seldom makes mistakes in her P and Q are true
work. How can you explain to her that she should nevertheless check every proposed 3. (P Q) (
Q) 4. (P → Q) (Q → P)
solution in the original equation? Sample answer: Squaring both sides of an all all
equation can produce an equation that is not equivalent to the original
one. For example, the only solution of x  5 is 5, but the squared 5. (P → Q) (Q → P) 6. (
Q) →
(P Q)
equation x2  25 has two solutions, 5 and 5.
both P and Q are true; all
both P and Q are false

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5-9 Study Guide and Intervention 5-9 Study Guide and Intervention (continued)

Complex Numbers Complex Numbers

Add and Subtract Complex Numbers Multiply and Divide Complex Numbers
A complex number is any number that can be written in the form a  bi, Use the definition of i 2 and the FOIL method:
Multiplication of Complex Numbers
Complex Number where a and b are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit (i 2  1). (a  bi)(c  di)  (ac  bd )  (ad  bc)i

a is called the real part, and b is called the imaginary part.
To divide by a complex number, first multiply the dividend and divisor by the complex
Addition and Combine like terms. conjugate of the divisor.
Subtraction of (a  bi)  (c  di)  (a  c)  (b  d )i
Complex Numbers (a  bi)  (c  di)  (a  c)  (b  d )i a  bi and a  bi are complex conjugates. The product of complex conjugates is
Complex Conjugate
always a real number.

Example 1 Simplify (6  i)  (4  5i). Example 2 Simplify (8  3i)  (6  2i).

Example 1 Simplify (2  5i)
(4  2i).
(6  i)  (4  5i) (8  3i)  (6  2i)
 (6  4)  (1  5)i  (8  6)  [3  (2)]i (2  5i)  (4  2i)
 10  4i  2  5i  2(4)  2(2i)  (5i)(4)  (5i)(2i) FOIL
 8  4i  20i  10i 2 Multiply.
To solve a quadratic equation that does not have real solutions, you can use the fact that
 8  24i  10(1) Simplify.
i2  1 to find complex solutions.
 2  24i Standard form

Example 3 Solve 2x2  24  0. 3i

Example 2 Simplify  .
2x2  24  0 Original equation 2  3i
3i 3i 2  3i

2x2  24 Subtract 24 from each side.  Use the complex conjugate of the divisor.
2  3i 2  3i 2  3i
x2  12 Divide each side by 2.

6  9i  2i  3i2
x  12 Take the square root of each side.   Multiply.
4  9i2
x  3
2i 12
 3  11i
 i 2  1
Exercises 3 11
   i Standard form
13 13

Lesson 5-9
(Lesson 5-9)

1. (4  2i)  (6  3i) 2. (5  i)  (3  2i) 3. (6  3i)  (4  2i)
2i 2i 10  5i Simplify.

4. (11  4i)  (1  5i) 5. (8  4i)  (8  4i) 6. (5  2i)  (6  3i) 1. (2  i)(3  i) 7  i 2. (5  2i)(4  i) 18  13i 3. (4  2i)(1  2i) 10i
12  9i 16 11  5i
4. (4  6i)(2  3i) 26 5. (2  i)(5  i) 11  3i 6. (5  3i)(1  i) 8  2i
7. (12  5i)  (4  3i) 8. (9  2i)  (2  5i) 9. (15  12i)  (11  13i)
8  8i 7  7i 26  25i 7. (1  i)(2  2i)(3  3i) 8. (4  i)(3  2i)(2  i) 9. (5  2i)(1  i)(3  i)
12  12i 31  12i 16  18i
10. i4 11. i6 12. i15 5 3 1 7  13i 13 7 6  5i 5
10.    i 11.   i 12.     2i
1 1 i 3i 2 2 2i 2 2 3i 3
4  2i 5  3i 1 3  4i 8 31
13.  1  i 14.     2i 15.      i
Solve each equation. 3i 2  2i 2 4  5i 41 41

13. 5x2  45  0 14. 4x2  24  0 15. 9x2  9 3  i5

 2 3i 5
 4  i2 6
 3 2i 6

16.     17.  1  2i 2
3i i 6
 i 3  i5
 7 7 i2 2
i 3 3

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-9 Skills Practice 5-9 Practice (Average)

Complex Numbers Complex Numbers

Simplify. Simplify.

1. 36
 6i 2. 196
 14i 1. 49
 7i 2. 612
 12i 3
 3. 121
 s8 11s 4i

4. 36a
 3b4 5. 8
 6. 15

81x6 9 | x 3 | i
3.  4. 23
 6| a| b2i a
 16 515

7. (3i)(4i)(5i) 8. (7i)2(6i) 9. i 42
5. (3i)(2i)(5i) 30i 6. i 11 i 60i 294i 1

10. i 55 11. i 89 12. (5  2i)  (13  8i)

7. i 65 i 8. (7  8i)  (12  4i) 5  12i i i 8  10i
13. (7  6i)  (9  11i) 14. (12  48i)  (15  21i) 15. (10  15i)  (48  30i)
9. (3  5i)  (18  7i) 15  2i 10. (10  4i)  (7  3i) 3  7i 16  5i 3  69i 38  45i

16. (28  4i)  (10  30i) 17. (6  4i)(6  4i) 18. (8  11i)(8  11i)
11. (2  i)(2  3i) 1  8i 12. (2  i)(3  5i) 11  7i 18  26i 52 57  176i
6  5i 5  6i
19. (4  3i)(2  5i) 20. (7  2i)(9  6i) 21.   2

13. (7  6i)(2  3i) 4  33i 14. (3  4i)(3  4i) 25 23  14i 75  24i

2 14  16i 3i 7i 2  4i
22.   113 23.   5 24.  1  i
3  6i 7  8i 2i 1  3i
8  6i 6  8i 3i
15.   3 16.   10
3i 4  2i

Solve each equation.

Solve each equation.
25. 5n2  35  0 i 7
 26. 2m2  10  0 i 5

Lesson 5-9
(Lesson 5-9)

17. 3x2  3  0 i 18. 5x2  125  0 5i

27. 4m2  76  0 i 19
 28. 2m2  6  0 i 3

29. 5m2  65  0 i 13
 30.  x2  12  0 4i
19. 4x2  20  0 i 5
 20. x2  16  0 4i 4

Find the values of m and n that make each equation true.

21. x2  18  0 3i 2
 22. 8x2  96  0 2i 3

31. 15  28i  3m  4ni 5, 7 32. (6  m)  3ni  12  27i 18, 9

33. (3m  4)  (3  n)i  16  3i 4, 6 34. (7  n)  (4m  10)i  3  6i 1, 4

Find the values of m and n that make each equation true.

23. 20  12i  5m  4ni 4, 3 24. m  16i  3  2ni 3, 8 35. ELECTRICITY The impedance in one part of a series circuit is 1  3j ohms and the
impedance in another part of the circuit is 7  5j ohms. Add these complex numbers to
find the total impedance in the circuit. 8  2j ohms
25. (4  m)  2ni  9  14i 5, 7 26. (3  n)  (7m  14)i  1  7i 3, 2
36. ELECTRICITY Using the formula E  IZ, find the voltage E in a circuit when the
current I is 3  j amps and the impedance Z is 3  2j ohms. 11  3j volts

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NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

5-9 Reading to Learn Mathematics 5-9 Enrichment

Complex Numbers
Pre-Activity How do complex numbers apply to polynomial equations? Conjugates and Absolute Value
Read the introduction to Lesson 5-9 at the top of page 270 in your textbook. When studying complex numbers, it is often convenient to represent a complex
Suppose the number i is defined such that i 2  1. Complete each equation. number by a single variable. For example, we might let z  x  yi. We denote

the conjugate of z by z. Thus, z  x  yi.
2i 2  2 (2i)2  4 i4  1
We can define the absolute value of a complex number as follows.

Reading the Lesson z  x  yi  

x2  y2

1. Complete each statement. There are many important relationships involving conjugates and absolute
values of complex numbers.
a. The form a  bi is called the standard form of a complex number.

b. In the complex number 4  5i, the real part is 4 and the imaginary part is 5 . Example 1 Show z 2  zz
 for any complex number z.
This is an example of a complex number that is also a(n) imaginary number.
Let z  x  yi. Then,
c. In the complex number 3, the real part is 3 and the imaginary part is 0 . z  (x  yi)(x  yi)
real  x2  y2
This is example of complex number that is also a(n) number.
 (x2  y2 )2
d. In the complex number 7i, the real part is 0 and the imaginary part is 7 .
 z 2
This is an example of a complex number that is also a(n) pure imaginary number.

Example 2 z
2. Give the complex conjugate of each number.  is the multiplicative inverse for any nonzero

Show 2 z
a. 3  7i 3  7i complex number z.
b. 2  i 2i We know z 2  zz. If z  0, then we have z   1.
z 2
 is the multiplicative inverse of z.
3. Why are complex conjugates used in dividing complex numbers? The product of Thus, 2 z
complex conjugates is always a real number.

Lesson 5-9
(Lesson 5-9)

For each of the following complex numbers, find the absolute value and
multiplicative inverse.
4. Explain how you would use complex conjugates to find (3  7i)
(2  i). Write the i 4  3i 12  5i
division in fraction form. Then multiply numerator and denominator by 1. 2i 2;  2. 4  3i 5;  3. 12  5i 13; 
2 25 169
2  i.

5  12i 1i 3
Helping You Remember 4. 5  12i 13;  5. 1  i 2 6. 3
  i 2; 
; 2
1  3

5. How can you use what you know about simplifying an expression such as  to
2  5

help you remember how to simplify fractions with imaginary numbers in the
denominator? Sample answer: In both cases, you can multiply the 3
 1 3

i 8. 
i 9.   
numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. 2

6 3
  i 3
 2 2
i 1 3
 ;  1;    1;   
3 2 2 2 2 3

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Glencoe Algebra 2
Chapter 5 Assessment Answer Key
Form 1 Form 2A
Page 293 Page 294 Page 295

1. D 10. A 1. A

11. D
2. A 2. D

12. B

13. A
3. B
3. B

14. D
4. C 4. D

15. C
5. D
5. C

16. B
6. B
17. B 6. A

18. D

7. D 19. C

7. C

8. C
20. A
8. B

B: 12
9. A

(continued on the next page)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A29 Glencoe Algebra 2
Chapter 5 Assessment Answer Key
Form 2A (continued) Form 2B
Page 296 Page 297 Page 298

9. A 1. A 9. B

10. A 10. D
2. C
11. D C

12. C
12. A
3. C
13. B
13. D

4. D
14. D
14. A

15. C 5. C
15. C

16. A B
6. B

17. B
17. D

18. D
7. C 18. C

19. C
19. A

20. A
8. A 20. D
B: 9 (z  3)(z  3) 
(x  2y)(x  2y)

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A30 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 5 Assessment Answer Key
Form 2C
Page 299 Page 300

75r 4 x6
t 17. x4
a 2c6

2. 9b6
18. 47.693 in.

3. 3c 2  14c  12

4. 14p 2  3p  12 3

19. 2m 5
5. 6x 2  7x  20

2 20. x 6 or x

6. 7

21. 21
7. 7 x 3 y 2
3 22. y7
8. 2a 2b3b 2
23. about 2.67  10

9.   53
182  people per mi2

10. 14  6

22  19i
24. 6  12j ohms

12. 15  16i

13. 2.8  106

37 22
   j amps
25. 17 17
5y 2  12y  21  73

14. 2y  3

x 2  x  20   
15. x3


16. (2x  3y)(z  4) B: 5

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A31 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 5 Assessment Answer Key
Form 2D
Page 301 Page 302
40d 2
c 17. x5

bc 8

2. 4a 4
18. 40.406 in.

3. 7f 2  2f  3

4. 6g  3g  7g  8
3 2 2

19. 5x 3
5. 10m 2  7m  6
3 20. x 10 or x

6. 5

21. 8
7. 2 x y 2
22. t1
8. 4a 2b 2b

23. 6.8  10
9.   35
people per km2

10. 5  23

11. 4  8i

24. 9  6j ohms
12 11  27i

13. 1.5  103

4x 2  3x  3  7 23 27
14. 2x  1    j ohms
25. 17 17
x 2  6x  3   
15. x2

16. (4x  y)(5x  2) 4

B: 5

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A32 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 5 Assessment Answer Key
Form 3
Page 303 Page 304

15. 2(9w  n ) 
1 2 2

1. 16a 6 (3w  n)(3w  n)
16. (x  2y )
2 2
5y 2 (x 4  2x 2y 2  4y 4)

2. x
17. m5

12p 2  5pr  
16 2
r 18. 5.760 m
3. 3 5

4. m  4nm  4n
2 2

5.  2x  5  19. 2x 2y x

6. 3x 2y 20. 5  33

7. xy 2x

8.   95
415  22. 2 x
1  i
3 23. 9 9

i 105

5  14i 24. 3

4  6i 25. $4.85  103


12. 1.3  103

x 2  3x  9   
2 x  3x  1

54 22
14. 2x 2  x  1    j ohms
B: 17 17

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A33 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 5 Assessment Answer Key
Page 305, Open-Ended Assessment
Scoring Rubric

Score General Description Specific Criteria

4 Superior • Shows thorough understanding of the concepts of

A correct solution that operations with polynomials; operations with radical
is supported by well- expressions; and solving equations and inequalities
developed, accurate containing radicals.
explanations • Uses appropriate strategies to solve problems.
• Computations are correct.
• Written explanations are exemplary.
• Diagrams are accurate and appropriate.
• Goes beyond requirements of some or all problems.

3 Satisfactory • Shows an understanding of the concepts of operations

A generally correct solution, with polynomials; operations with radical expressions; and
but may contain minor flaws solving equations and inequalities containing radicals.
in reasoning or computation • Uses appropriate strategies to solve problems.
• Computations are mostly correct.
• Written explanations are effective.
• Diagrams are mostly accurate and appropriate.
• Satisfies all requirements of problems.

2 Nearly Satisfactory • Shows an understanding of most of the concepts of

A partially correct operations with polynomials; operations with radical
interpretation and/or expressions; and solving equations and inequalities
solution to the problem containing radicals.
• May not use appropriate strategies to solve problems.
• Computations are mostly correct.
• Written explanations are satisfactory.
• Diagrams are mostly accurate.
• Satisfies the requirements of most of the problems.

1 Nearly Unsatisfactory • Final computation is correct.

A correct solution with no • No written explanations or work is shown to substantiate
supporting evidence or the final computation.
explanation • Diagrams may be accurate but lack detail or explanation.
• Satisfies minimal requirements of some of the problems.

0 Unsatisfactory • Shows little or no understanding of most of the concepts

An incorrect solution of solving systems of operations with polynomials;
indicating no mathematical operations with radical expressions; and solving equations
understanding of the and inequalities containing radicals.
concept or task, or no • Does not use appropriate strategies to solve problems.
solution is given • Computations are incorrect.
• Written explanations are unsatisfactory.
• Diagrams are inaccurate or inappropriate.
• Does not satisfy requirements of problems.
• No answer may be given.

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A34 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 5 Assessment Answer Key
Page 305, Open-Ended Assessment
Sample Answers
In addition to the scoring rubric found on page A34, the following sample answers
may be used as guidance in evaluating open-ended assessment items.

1a. Student responses should indicate that 2a. The length and width are 2x  1 and
the monthly profit for each company x  1 units.
depends on the number of sleds sold; 2b. The perimeter can be found using the
one company may have a greater profit formula p  2(l  w). Substituting
for a given number of sleds, but the 2x  1 for length and x  1 for width,
other company may have the greater p  2(2x  1  x  1)
profit for a different number of sleds. p  2(3x  2)  6x  4
1b. Student responses may vary but must 2c. For a choice of 3, the length is 7 units,
be between 2 and 50. For a response of the width is 4 units, the perimeter is
x  10 sleds, the A-Glide Company 22 units, and the area is 28 units2. The
would earn a profit of 3(10)
  19  7 value of x must be chosen so that the
hundred dollars, or $700, while length, width, perimeter, and area are
SnowFun would earn a profit of all positive. The expressions 2x  1,
3  2(10)
  7.47 hundred dollars, or x  1, 6x  14, and 2x2  3x  1 will all
$747. be positive only if x  1.
1c. Students should indicate that Mark’s
decision to work for A-Glide means that 2d. 2x2  3x  1  (2x  1)(x  1)
A-Glide has the greater monthly profit 2e. Students should indicate that the
for the number of sleds sold by each factors of the polynomial in part a are
company, so the same as the dimensions of the
9  1  3  2x. The solution of rectangle in part d.
this inequality is {xx  2 or x  50} 2f. Student polynomials and tile models
which means that A-Glide’s profits are will vary. Sample answer:
greater than SnowFun’s profits during a
2 2 2
month that one sled or more than 50 x x x x
sleds are sold.
x x x 1

3x2  4x  1  (3x  1)(x  1)

Explanations should demonstrate an
understanding that the length and
width of the rectangle are the same as
the factors of the polynomial.


© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A35 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 5 Assessment Answer Key
Vocabulary Test/Review Quiz (Lessons 5–1 through 5–3) Quiz (Lessons 5–6 and 5–7)
Page 306 Page 307 Page 308
1. binomial 24n7 1
y3 1. 2x
2. complex number 1.
8x 2y 2 2. 3m 2  n 3  2m

3. Scientific notation
3.   392
3. 6.8  107
4. extraneous solution 12  235

4. 1.52  104
5. radical inequalities 5. 11  115

7  36

6. conjugates 
6. 5
5. 9p  q 8 8
7. terms 7. 
x 5 or (x)5
6. 3x  3 3

8. constant 8. 2z 5
7. 8x 2  18x  35
9. power 1

9. 64
10. rationalizing the
denominator 10. 6t 2

11. Sample answer: A

square root of a 8. A
number b is a
number whose
m  3  6
square is b. 9. m4
Quiz (Lessons 5–8 and 5–9)
12. Sample answer: A 10. a 2  3a  1
Page 308
pure imaginary
number is a
complex number 1. no solution
whose real part is 0.
2. 2
Quiz (Lessons 5–4 and 5–5)
Page 307  x 1
3. 5
4. x2
1. 2(c  7)(c  7)
5. 2i 5

2. 3(2a  3)(a  2)
x3 6. 4i 5

3. x4 62


8. 11  3i
4. 3w 3y 2 68  4i
5. 3.826 1 1
10. 2 2

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A36 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 5 Assessment Answer Key
Mid-Chapter Test Cumulative Review
Page 309 Page 310

1. C 1. (n  3)2

A 2. a2  7a  10

3. B
4. (3, –2)
4. D

5. C t0
3s  4t 500

6. D

7. B

2x 2  3x  1
x2  5x  1  2 7.
9. x7

34 5     
22 m


11. 1.25  109 s

9. 1.5  1011
12. 1.12  104

3x2  x  1  1
13. (a  5)(x  2)(x  2) 10. 2x  1

11. 7  x  y2

14. 5x  10x  2x  3
3 2

12. 51/2z3/2

13. 17 17

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A37 Glencoe Algebra 2

Chapter 5 Assessment Answer Key
Standardized Test Practice
Page 311 Page 312
1. A B C D 11. 12.
2 / 3 5 1 2
/ / / /
. . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2. E F G H
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

3. A B C D 13. 14.
5 / 6 4 1 5 0
/ / / /
. . . . . . . .
0 0 0 0 0 0
4. E F G H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
5. A B C D 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

6. E F G H

7. A B C D

8. E F G H
15. A B C D

9. A B C D

16. A B C D

10. E F G H

17. A B C D

18. A B C D

© Glencoe/McGraw-Hill A38 Glencoe Algebra 2

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