cs8691 - 2 Marks With Answers
cs8691 - 2 Marks With Answers
cs8691 - 2 Marks With Answers
To conduct this test we need two people and one machine. One person will be an interrogator
(i.e.) questioner, will be asking questions to one person and one machine. Three of them will be in
a separate room. Interrogator knows them just as A and B. so it has to identify which is the person
and machine. The goal of the machine is to make Interrogator believe that it is the person’s
answer. If machine succeeds by fooling Interrogator, the machine acts like a human. Programming
a computer to pass Turing test is very difficult.
6.What are the capabilities, computer should possess to pass Turing test?
Online search agents operate by interleaving computation and action: first it takes an action, and then
it observes the environment and computes the next action. Online search is a good idea in dynamic or
semi dynamic domains and stochastic domains. Online search is a necessary idea for an exploration
problem, where the states and actions are unknown to the agent.
The process of creating a formal description of a problem using the knowledge about the problem, so
as to create a program for solving a problem is called as operationalization.
b. Game Planning
c. Autonomous Control
d. Diagnosis
e. Logistics Planning
f. Robotics
16. List the major components in problem formulation in AI.
a. Initial state.
b. State Space
d. Path Cost
Task environments are essentially the "problems" to which rational Agents are the
"solutions" . A Task environment is specified using PEAS (Performance, Environment,
Actuators, and Sensors) description.
Performance measure – evaluates the behaviour of the agent in an environment.
Environment - Set of students testing Agency
Actuators - Display exercises suggestions, corrections.
Sensors - Keyboard entry
Goals alone are not really enough to generate high-quality behavior in most
environments. For example, there are many action sequences that will get the
taxi to its destination (thereby achieving the goal) but some are quicker, safer,
more reliable, or cheaper than others. A utility function maps a state (or a
sequence of states) onto a real number, which describes the associated degree
of happiness.
21. Give the general model of learning agent?
A rational agent is one that does the right thing. Here right thing is one that
will cause agent to be more successful. That leaves us with the problem of
deciding how and when to evaluate the agent’s success.
Problem solving Methods - Search Strategies- Uninformed - Informed - Heuristics - Local Search
Algorithms and Optimization Problems - Searching with Partial Observations - Constraint
Satisfaction Problems – Constraint Propagation - Backtracking Search - Game Playing - Optimal
Decisions in Games – Alpha - Beta Pruning - Stochastic Games
3. State on which basis search algorithms are chosen?/ State on what basis search algorithms are
Search algorithms are chosen depending on two components.
1)How is the state space – That is, state space is tree structured or graph? Critical factor for state
space is what is branching factor and depth level of that tree or graph.
2)What is the performance of the search strategy? A complete, optimal search strategy with better
time and space requirement is critical factor in performance of search strategy.
3) The goal test – it is the test that determines whether a given state is goal (final) state.
7. Why problem formulation must follow goal formulation?( May ask in Unit 1 too)
Goal based agent is the one which solves the problem. Therefore, while formulating problem one need to only
consider what is the goal to be achieved so that problem formulation is done accordingly. Hence problem
formulation must follow goal formulation.
8. List the criteria to measure the performance of search strategies?/ Mention how the search strategies
are evaluated?
Search strategies are evaluated on following four criteria
b. Time complexity: how much time the search strategy takes to complete?
Consistent heuristics: A heuristic is consistent if the cost from the current node to a successor node
plus the estimated cost from the successor node to the goal is less than or equal to estimated cost from
the current node to the goal.
12. Why does one go for heuristics search?/ What is the power of heuristic search?
Heuristic search uses problem specific knowledge while searching in state space.
This helps to improve average search performance.
They use evaluation functions which denote relative desirability (goodness) of a
expanding node set. This makes the search more efficient and faster.
14. State the reason when hill climbing often gets stuck?
Local maxima are the state where hill climbing algorithm is sure to get struck.
Local maxima are the peak that is higher than each of its neighbor states, but lower than the global
maximum. So we have missed the better state here. All the search procedure turns out to be wasted
here. It is like a dead end.
15. When a heuristic function h is said to be admissible? Give an admissible heuristic function for TSP ?
Admissible heuristic function is that function which never over estimates the cost to reach the goal state. It
means that h(n) gives true cost to reach the goal state ‘n’.
The admissible heuristic for TSP is
a. Minimum spanning tree.
b. Minimum assignment problem.
16. What do you mean by local maxima with respect to search technique?
Local maximum is the peak that is higher than each of its neighbor states, but lowers than the global maximum
i.e. a local maximum is a tiny hill on the surface whose peak is not as high as the main peak (which is a
optimal solution). Hill climbing fails to find optimum solution when it encounters local maxima. Any small
move, from here also makes things worse (temporarily). At local maxima all the search procedure turns out to
be wasted here. It is like a dead end.
A solution to a problem is an action sequence that leads from the initial state
to the goal state. A solution quality is measured by the path cost function and
an optimal solution has the lowest path cost among all solutions.
21. How does the operation of an off-line search differ from that of an
on-line search?[Nov/Dec 2008]
Offline search: They compute a complete solution before setting foot in the
real world, and then execute the solution without recourse to their percepts.
Yes,It starts from the root node,explores the neighboring nodes first and moves towards
the next level neighbors,This method provides shortest path to the solution.
23. What is the use of online search agents in unknown environment?[Nov/Dec 2007]
Online search agents operate by interleaving computation and action: first it takes an
action, and then it observes the environment and computes the next action. Online
search is a good idea in dynamic or semi dynamic domains and stochastic domains.
Online search is a necessary idea for an exploration problem, where the states and
actions are unknown to the agent.
Consider of a 3x3 board with eight numbered tiles and a blank space. A tile adjacent
to the blank space can slide into the space. The object is to reach a specified goal
25. What are optimization problems?
In optimization problems, the aim is to find the best state according to an
objective function the optimization problem is then: Find values of the
variables that minimize or maximize the objective function while satisfying
the constraints.
26. What’s the difference between a world state, a state description, and a search node?
Why is this distinction useful?
A world state is what the world looks like, while a state description tells us
about the state in every detail, and a search node is a data representation of the
search. So the world state is the state itself, the state description is information
on it, and the search node is the search data.
27. Define Monotonicity
Monotonicity (consistency): In search tree any path from the root, the f-cost never
decreases. This condition is true for almost all admissible heuristics. A heuristic which
satisfies this property is called monotonicity.
28. What is a ridge?[May/June 2016] Ridges are a challenging problem for hill climbers that optimize
in continuous spaces.Because hill climbers only adjust one element in the vector at a time,each step
will move in an axis-aligned direction.
30. What is the difference between Simple Hill Generate and Test algorithm
Climbing [ MAY / JUNE 2016 ]
The key difference between Simple Hill Climbing and Generate and Test
algorithm is the use of an evaluation function as a way to inject task-specific
knowledge into the control process.
31. What is A* search?
39. List out the types of assignment in CSP problem and explain each.
a. Consistent or legal assignment an assignment that does not violate any constraints
b. Complete assignment is one in which every variable is assigned and a solution
to a CSP is consistent.
c. Partial assignment assigns values to only some of the variables.
41. What are the various heuristics used for variable ordering and value
ordering in CSP? The heuristics available for variable ordering are
a. Minimum remaining values (MRV) heuristic
b. Degree heuristic
The heuristics available for value ordering are
c. Least-constraining value heuristic
44. Differentiate Uninformed Search (Blind search) and Informed Search(Heuristic Search) strategies.
x Happy(x) means that “if the universe of discourse is people, then this means that there is
at-least one happy person.”
4. What is ontological commitment (what exists in the world) of first order logic? Represent
thesentence “Brothers are siblings” in first order logic?
d. In which direction is the branching factor greatest? One should go in the direction with
lower branching factor?
8. what is Skolemization?
For example:
If the sentence P and P Q are known to be true, then modus ponens lets us infer Q For
example : if we have statement , “ If it is raining then the ground will be wet” and “It is raining”.
If P denotes “It is raining” and Q is “The ground is wet” then the first expression becomes P Q.
Because if it is indeed now raining (P is true), our set of axioms becomes,
Through an application of modus ponens, the fact that “The ground is wet” (Q)
may be added to the set of true expressions.
For atomic sentences Pi , P'i and q, where there is a substitution Q such that
SUBST (,P'i) = SUBST (,P'i) ,
For all i ,
SUBST (, q)
There is n+ 1 premise to this rule: The ‘n’ atomic sentences P' i and the one implication. The
conclusion is the result applying the substitution to the consequent q.
2. Atomic sentences can have complex terms as the arguments. For example: Married (Father
(Cindrella), Mother (Drizella))
i) Atomic sentences can be connected to each other to form complex sentence. Logical
connectives, , , , can be used to connect atomic sentences. For example:
3) The unification algorithm takes two sentences and returns a unifier for them, if one
The rules that determine the conflict resolution strategy are called meta rules. Meta rules
define knowledge about how the system will work. For example, meta rules may define that
16. explain following term with refernce to prolog programming language : predicates
Each predicate has a name and zero or more arguments .the predicate name is a prolog atom .
each argument is an arbitrary prolog term. A predicate with pred and n arguments is denoted
by pred/N, which is called a predicate indicator. A predicate is defined by a collection of
17. explain the following term with reference to prolog programming language : domains
Domains : the argument to the predicates must belong to know prolog domains. A domain can
be a standard domain, or it can be one you declare in the domain section. The two types of
process- facts and rules.
It is a process of representing the abstract concepts like actions,time which are related to the real world
domains. This process is complex and lengthy because in real world objects have many different
characteristics with various values which can differ over time. In such cases ontological engineering
generalizes the objects having similar characteristics.
29. With an example, show objects, properties functions and relations. Example “EVIL KING
Objects : John, Richard, England, 1200
Relation : Ruled
Properties : Evil, King
Functions : BROTHER OF
30. What factors justify whether the reasoning is to be done in forward or
backward reasoning? [Nov/Dec 2011]
In the rule for Existential Instantiation, the variable is replaced by a single new
constant symbol. The formal statement is as follows: for any sentence α, variable v,
and constant symbol k that does not appear elsewhere in the knowledge base
Logical formulae: Logical connectives are used to connect two simpler propositions or representing
a sentence logically. We can create compound propositions with the help of logical connectives.
There are mainly five connectives, which are given as follows:
1. Negation
2. Conjunction
3. Disjunction
4. Implication:
5. Biconditional
Deductive reasoning is a type of propositional logic in AI, and it requires various rules and facts.
In deductive reasoning, the truth of the premises guarantees the truth of the conclusion.
Deductive reasoning mostly starts from the general premises to the specific conclusion, which can be
explained as below example.
1.Reactivity-intelligent agents are able to perceive their environment and respond in a timely
fashion to changes that occur in it in order to satisfy their prior designed objectives.
2.pro-activeness – intelligent agents are able to exhibit goal-directed behavior by taking the
initiative in order to satisfy their priority designed objectives.
3.social ability – intelligent agents are capable of increasing with other agents (and possibly
humans) in order to satisfy their prior design objectives.
The four types of agents are Simple reflex, Model based, Goal based
and Utility based agents
6. What is an Argument?
1.the knowledge query and manipulation language (KQML) is a protocol for exchanging information
and knowledge among the agents in a multiagent system. It is the best known ACL developed by the
ARPA for knowledge sharing initiative
Cooperation is the practice of working in common with mutually agreed-upon goals and possibly
methods, instead of working separately in competition, and in which the success of one is dependent
and contingent upon the success of another.
Cooperation requires coordination. Cooperative agent uses various protocols for communication like
17. Give the Diagrammatic Representation of Trust and Reputation Models for Multi Agent
The term smoothing refers to the adjustment of the maxi- mum likelihood
estimator of a language model so that it will be more accurate. ... In the
language modeling approach to retrieval, the accuracy of smoothing is
directly related to the retrieval performance.
6. List the various levels of ambiguity.
Syntactic Ambiguity
Semanti Ambiguity
Pragmatic Ambiguity
9. what is understanding?
Formal language is defined as set of strings having well defined rules for string formation.
Grammar-Is a finite set of rules that specifies a language
The undergenerating grammar:The grammar that do not generate sentences that are
grammatically valid in English language is called as undergenerating grammar.
13. What is robotics?
“ An automatic device that performs functions normally ascribed to humans or machine in the
form of a human.”Another simpler and general definition of robot is : A robot is a programmable
electromechanical system that can gather information from its environment ( sense ) , use this
information and make decisions ( plan ) and follow instructions to do work ( act )
Reprogrammable -multifunctional and flexible: not restricted to one job but can be
programmed to perform many jobs (nearly all robot systems contain a reprogrammable
15. What are advantages of robot?
Complex-word handling
Basic-group handling
Complex-phrase handling
Structure merging
19. List Various applications of AI
Knowledge reasoning.
Machine learning.
Natural language processing.
Computer vision.
Artificial general intelligence.
Where, λ3 + λ2 + λ1 = 1. The parameter values λi can be fixed, or they can be trained with an
expectation–maximization algorithm.