Study of Resonance Issues Between DFIG-based Offshore Wind Farm and HVDC Transmission
Study of Resonance Issues Between DFIG-based Offshore Wind Farm and HVDC Transmission
Study of Resonance Issues Between DFIG-based Offshore Wind Farm and HVDC Transmission
Abstract—Wide-frequency range of resonances can occur in resonances at hundreds or thousands of Hz [7]. Noted that the
HVDC-connected DFIG-based offshore wind farm (OWF), thus risk of above resonances is susceptible to the variation of grid
induce large harmonic distortion or endanger system stability. topology and operating conditions [8], [9].
Previous studies usually treat OWF as a single-machine system
without considering the switching states of individual wind In recent years, impedance based methods have been
turbines and collecting cables, or ignore the converter responses intensively applied in resonance analysis. Accurate impedance
to wind speed variation and generation control order. In this model of DFIG incorporating double-loop PI control
paper, such factors are included in the modelling of OWF. Their dynamics, mirror frequency coupling and DC side dynamics is
impacts on resonance frequency, amplification level and the built in [10], but the model has complicated analytical
occurrence of negative damping are analyzed applying the representation. It has been proved that neglecting outer control
resonance mode analysis method. Harmonic stability and power loop and DC side dynamics is acceptable for resonance studies
quality issues are demonstrated for the frequency range from down to a few Hz [11]. Zong et al [12] try to build an accurate
several Hz to a few kHz. Simulations in MATLAB/Simulink impedance model for wind farm by considering a unified dq-
validate the analytical results. Additionally, resonance damping frame for all WTs, but the involved phase difference between
strategies are discussed regarding the identified resonances in global and local reference frames varies with operating
widely spread frequencies. conditions and needs to be identified each time when
operating point changes, thus make impedance methods lose
Index Terms—DFIG, HVDC, harmonic stability, power quality,
resonance mode analysis (RMA).
the advantage in convenience. Chen et al [13] compare
existing aggregation methods of wind farm and demonstrates
that neglecting the coupling between positive and negative
I. INTRODUCTION sequence impedances may not be effective for quantitative
Resonance issues in converter-interfaced power systems stability analysis, but it is useful for identifying the resonance
have attracted intentions in industry and academia for years. points of wind farm and analyzing their risk qualitatively.
For the application of HVDC connected OWF employing From the above, it is feasible for this work to simplify the
DFIG-based wind turbines (WTs), the interaction among impedance modelling of DFIG-based WT and OWF while
converter-interfaced grid components and with other passive maintaining their accuracy for resonance analysis.
grid components may introduce wide frequency range of Generally, Nyquist and Bode-plot methods are applied to
resonances. The stimulation of such resonances may cause the study resonances at the point of common coupling (PCC),
violation of harmonic distortion limits as stipulated in IEEE which requires equalizing a system into load and source
Std 519-2014 [1] or incur instability when under poor or subsystems [14], [15]. Since the severest harmonic distortion
negative damping conditions. Possible consequences are the can occur at any bus of a system, simply investigating the
tripping of turbines, blocking of HVDC converter, or physical PCC condition is obviously not in favor of identifying
damages of sensitive grid components. Field experiences on resonance source and developing mitigation strategies [16].
such issues are reported in [2]-[4]. Therefore, this work adopts an impedance network method,
When connected with HVDC transmission, DFIG-based i.e. resonance mode analysis (RMA), to address the resonance
WTs are prone to sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) due to the issues related to wind speed variation and grid topology
inductive and capacitive (LC) interaction at SSR frequencies change. The locations where resonances can be most easily
[5]. Damping of the SSR is typically low or negative due to excited are identified through bus participation factor analysis
the negative resistance induced by the negative slip ratio of the [17]. Additionally, traditional impedance-based RMA only
induction generator and converter controls [6]. For large-scale evaluates the amplitude of modal impedance, this work also
OWFs, the widely distributed WT collecting cables have large uses the damping information embedded in phase angle or the
cumulative capacitive effect, thus strongly participate in the real part of modal impedance in assessing stability.
Y. Zhang thanks for the financial support from China Scholarship Council
(CSC File No.201608320229).
21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II Since the series impedance of each cable section is small,
introduces the investigated system and its small-signal it is reasonable to assume that in-service wind turbines operate
impedance modelling. Section III presents the impact of OWF under same conditions, i.e. with same terminal voltage and
operating conditions on the risk of resonances and a current injection. Then to relieve computational burden, each
discussion on damping strategies. Section IV concludes the medium-voltage (MV) collector cable system is equalized into
work. a single cable applying the equivalent power-loss method [5],
[19]. Series impedance and shunt admittance of the adopted pi
II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND IMPEDANCE MODELLING model are represented by (1) and (2), where Rm, n , Lm, n and
This paper investigates the resonances of an offshore grid Cm , n denote the parameters of the nth cable section in array m,
composed by a 400 MW DFIG-based OWF and a ±150 kV M denotes the total amount of arrays, and Nm denotes the
HVDC connection. Typical German offshore grid amount of WTs in array m. Parameters of the aggregated WT
configuration is adopted, as shown in Fig. 1 [2], [3]. On the are linearly related to power rating, which can be easily
left side are two 33 kV collector systems, each gathering 40 obtained by dividing/multiplying wind turbine number, as
WTs through 6 wind arrays, in which there are 2 arrays, each given in Table II. When the number of operating WTs varies
consisting of 4 WTs, and there are 4 arrays, each consisting of or grid topology changes, the aggregated models can be
8 WTs. In the middle are two OWF platforms, which are adjusted accordingly.
connected to the right-side HVDC platform through short 155 Nm 2
kV AC cables. This offshore system is connected to main
onshore grid through the HVDC link. Setup of collector cables
Z mv ( s )
= ∑∑ n ( R
m 1=
= n 1
m,n + sLm , n ) ∑ N m
=m 1
is given in Fig. 1. Cable data is estimated from ABB user's M Nm
guide for submarine cable systems [18], as presented in Table Ymv ( s ) = ∑∑ sCm , n (2)
I. m 1=
= n 1
2 × 4 WTs + 4 × 8 WTs
AC Aggregated WTs N wt (quantity)
33 kV
AC cable Onshore Rated Voltage / Power 950 V / 5 MW ⋅ N wt
Wind array 1 platform1 HVDC
155 kV DC cable
platform 300 kV DFIG generator (pu) =Rs 0.023,
= Lσs 0.18,
= Rr 0.016,
= Lσr 0.16,
= Lm 2.9
* + H gi ( s )
θ PLL abc us,abc + H v ( s) + θ K d = 0.14
igq =0 + u *
θ PLL usq dq oq
usq H PLL ( s ) uoq Active
21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
Rg + Lg s − H gi ( s − jω1 ) − jK gd Gd ( s − jω1 )
Z gp ( s ) = (3)
1 − Gd ( s − jω1 ) + TPLL ( s − jω1 ) Gd ( s − jω1 ) H gi ( s − jω1 ) − jK gd I g1 / 2 + U g1 / 2 }
Rg + Lg s − H gi ( s + jω1 ) + jK gd Gd ( s + jω1 )
Z gn ( s ) = (4)
{ *
1 − Gd ( s + jω1 ) + TPLL ( s + jω1 ) Gd ( s + jω1 ) H gi ( s + jω1 ) + jK gd I g1 *
/ 2 + U g1 /2 }
Rs + Rr' σ p ( s ) + ( Lls + L'lr ) s + H ri ( s − jω1 )Gd ( s − jω1 ) σ p ( s ) simulation impedance responses well. The adopted two-level
Z rp ( s ) = (5)
1 − TPLL ( s − jω1 ) I r1 H ri ( s − jω1 )Gd ( s − jω1 ) σ p ( s ) − U r1 / 2
WFVSC shows capacitive characteristic at sub-synchronous
frequencies, and such observations can be found for MMC-
Rs + Rr' σ n ( s ) + ( Lls + L'lr ) s + H ri ( s + jω1 )Gd ( s + jω1 ) σ n ( s ) (6) based HVDC converter using the same control strategy [20],
Z rn ( s ) =
1 − TPLL ( s + jω1 ) I r1* H ri ( s + jω1 )Gd ( s + jω1 ) σ n ( s ) − U r1* / 2 [21], only not for the whole sub-synchronous frequency area.
5 MW wind turbine HVDC converter
Typical double-loop PI controller are applied under 60 60
Amplitute in dB
Neglecting the slow outer loop control dynamics, DC side 0 0
positive and negative sequence impedances of GSC and RSC
negative negative
-40 -40
sequence sequence sequence
H gi (=
s ) K gp + K gi / s , H ri (=
s ) K rp + K ri / s ,
Angle in degree
0 0
s 1 + U g1H PLL ( s ) 10
Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz
21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
Inversing and decomposing YNN ( s ) according to matrix damping at SSR frequencies [6], the buses B7 and B8 where
decoupling theory [17] yields the eigenvalue-based impedance DFIG-based WTs are located have larger impact on the risk of
matrix, also called modal impedance matrix this SSR mode. For the 301 Hz, 413 Hz, 2120 Hz and the
2179 Hz resonance modes, the buses B5, B6, B7 and B8 in
Z m1 0 0 two MV collector systems have the largest PFs, thus are the
0 main resonance sources. For the 530 Hz and 1026 Hz
Z m2 0 resonance modes, the buses B2, B3 and B4 where 155 kV AC
Z M ( s ) T= YNN ( s ) T
−1 −1
= (10)
cables are located play an important role, besides, the
switching harmonic filters of HVDC converter in bus B1 also
0 0 Z m8
participate the 530 Hz resonance. Noted that the PFs in Table
where T is the right eigenvector matrix of YNN ( s )
, III are only valid for the operating condition when all WTs are
in-service and generate full power.
Z m1 , Z m2 to Z m8 are system modal impedances. Fig. 4 shows
the frequency scanning to the obtained modal impedances. A. Impact of WT Rotor Speed
The peaks in magnitude plot indicate resonances. When the WT usually works under the maximum power point
damping of a resonance mode is negative, i.e. corresponding tracking mode. The variation of wind speed to a lower value
modal impedance with a negative real part, system stability is may cause WT output power decreases, and as follows, rotor
at risk. The negative damping is also indicated in the phase speed will be decreased from its nominal value (1.2 pu). This
plot by a larger than 180o phase variation around resonance behavior is included in the detailed DFIG model by following
frequency. For modal impedance with positive damping, a
larger peak value in amplitude plot means greater harmonic ω*r =
− 0.67 P 2 + 1.42 P + 0.51 (11)
amplification effect at resonance frequency. as speed reference, where P denotes the feed-in active power
from WT [25]. The speed reference ω*r slowly tracks changes
in power P with a time constant of approximately 5 seconds.
Fig. 5 shows the impact of rotor speed on the modal
impedances of the investigated system. Only SSR mode is
displayed as the influence on other resonance modes is not
observable. As rotor speed decreases, extra negative resistance
will be introduced into WT at SSR frequencies. When the total
resistance of the system becomes negative, SSR stability will
be endangered. This is what happens under the conditions of
rotor speed as 0.8 pu and 0.7 pu in Fig. 5. The larger than 180º
phase variation around the SSR frequency indicates a negative
part of the modal impedance at resonance frequency, i.e.
negative damping.
Fig. 4 Frequency scanning to the modal impedances of the test grid Rotor speed: 1.2 pu 1.05 pu 0.9 pu 0.8 pu 0.7 pu
Amplitude in pu
100 10
Real part in pu
B1 25 3 5 14 0 0 0 -100 -10
B2 15 10 9 16 31 0 0
B3 15 11 9 15 31 0 1
-200 -20
B4 15 11 9 15 31 0 1
in % B5 8 16 17 9 3 27 26
Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz
21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
The variation of wind speed and outputs of the aggregated Apart from the variation of wind speed, wind turbine
wind turbine WT1 are shown in Fig. 6. Diverging oscillation output power could also be changed when wind farm receives
is observed when rotor speeds drops to be around 0.8 pu. a lowering power generation command from its superior level
control center, then as a consequence, rotor speed might be
regulated down and risk SSR stability.
Array m
WT WT branch
Array 6
6 4
Imaginary part in pu
4 2
Amplitude in pu
2 0
Fundamental (50Hz) = 0.9945
15 0 -2
Mag (% of Fundamental)
10 4
Phase in degree
Real part in pu
5 0 2
0 -50 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Frequency (Hz)
Frequency in Hz Frequency in Hz
21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
Brk2 Brk3 Brk4
Brk1 Cf PoC
Lg Rf
Fundamental (50Hz) = 0.9911 , THD= 1.39% Fundamental (50Hz) = 1.014 , THD= 3.19%
2.5 2.5
2 2
1.5 1.5
21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
those at above 1 kHz, are negligible. As the number of grid- IV. CONCLUSION
connected WTs decreases to be 50 or down to 20, the 301 Hz This paper presented impedance-based resonance analysis
resonance will be moved to be around 250 Hz, and the typical for an exemplary DFIG-based offshore wind farm with HVDC
5th order harmonic can be slightly magnified. Since the overall connection. Derived impedance models of DFIG-based wind
amplification effect impact in this case is small, no simulation turbine and HVDC converter were validated through
result will be presented. numerical simulations. The aggregated model of medium-
voltage collector system is adjustable in reflecting the
variation of in-service wind turbines and switching states of
collector cables. The impact of different wind farm operating
conditions on resonance frequency, amplification level and the
occurrence of negative damping were analyzed applying the
RMA method. SSR stability and harmonic distortion issues
were demonstrated for the frequency range from 5 Hz to
3 kHz. Considering the involved wide frequency range of
resonances, the coordination of HVDC converter active
control and high-switching frequency active damper is
suggested to be used in mitigating the found resonances.
Fundamental (50Hz) = 1.022 , THD= 8.47%
Mag (% of Fundamental)
21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
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