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A Column-and-Constraint Generation Algorithm To Find Nash Equilibrium in Pool-Based Electricity Markets

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A Column-and-Constraint Generation Algorithm to Find Nash

Equilibrium in Pool-Based Electricity Markets

Bruno Fanzeres Alexandre Street David Pozo
Industrial Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department Center for Energy Systems
PUC-Rio PUC-Rio Skoltech
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Moscow, Russia
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Equilibrium analysis is crucial in electricity market C. Constants

designs, with Nash equilibrium recognized as the most powerful
one. Its most prominent hindrance, however, is an efficient
cj Marginal production cost of player j ∈ N ;
methodology to compute an equilibrium point in large-scale sys- d Inelastic demand;
tems. In this work, a Column-and-Constraint Generation (CCG) qj Power capacity of player j ∈ N ;
algorithm is proposed to tackle this challenge. More precisely,
the master problem finds a candidate for Nash equilibrium and D. Decision Variables
the oracle identifies whether this candidate point is indeed an gj Dispatch of player j ∈ N in the pool-based electric-
equilibrium. A set of numerical experiments was conducted,
comparing its computational performance with the solution of an ity market;
Equilibrium Problem with Equilibrium Constraint (EPEC). We qj Quantity offered in the pool-based electricity market
identify that the proposed algorithm overcomes the benchmark by the player j ∈ N .
in the magnitude of 20 times on average and more than 30 times π Uniform electricity price.
in the most demanding instances. Furthermore, the scalability
of the EPEC formulation is challenged even for medium-scale I. I NTRODUCTION
instances, whilst the proposed algorithm was able to handle all
tested instances in a reasonable computational time. Most power systems worldwide have evolved in the last
decades towards the sedimentation of competitiveness in many
Index Terms—Bi-level Programming; Column-and-Constraint of their spheres (e.g., generation, transmission, and distribu-
Generation (CCG); Equilibrium Problems with Equilibrium
Constraints (EPECs); Nash Equilibrium; Pool-Based Electricity tion), with supply competition being recognized as the most
Markets. mature among them [1], [2]. Its main structure comprises a
day-ahead pool-based marketplace, where Generation Compa-
N OMENCLATURE nies (GENCOs) submit pairwise linked blocks of price and
quantity offers to a market operator that identifies both the
For expository and didactic purposes, in this section, the market-clearing electricity price and a day-ahead scheduled
main sets, functions, and constants/variables used in this paper production for each GENCO. Each competitor is then finan-
are highlighted and appropriately described. cially compensated by the respective electricity price for each
unit of production scheduled [3].
A. Sets
In this competitive context, several challenges of different
N Set of players competing in the pool-based electricity nature materialize both from the viewpoint of a particular
market; GENCO as well as from the perspective of the whole market
M(·) Set of optimal dispatch and respective uniform elec- and regulatory stability. On the one hand, the income from
tricity price; day-ahead electricity markets usually represents a significant
Qj Set of feasible quantity offers of player j ∈ N ; share of the total cash flow source of most GENCOs. As a
consequence, market participants should carefully adjust their
B. Functions supply offer in order to extract from the market sufficient
Rj (·) Net revenue function of player j ∈ N in the pool- amounts of income aiming at achieving secure levels of
based electricity market. financial stability. On the other hand, market regulators need
to continuously screen for market power evidence in order to
avoid significant unilateral influence on the market outcome,
The research of Bruno Fanzeres was partially supported by FAPERJ (project
E-26/202.825/2019). The work of Alexandre Street was partially supported by ensuring thus high efficiency and social welfarism [4]. In this
ENGIE BRASIL ENERGIA S.A through R&D project ANEEL PD-00403- context, equilibrium models, particularly Nash Equilibrium
0050/2020, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico ones, emerge as a powerful tool to support both GENCOs
(CNPq), and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
(FAPERJ). David Pozo is supported by the Skoltech NGP Program (Skoltech- and regulators. More precisely, such models attempt to mimic
MIT joint project). the dynamics of the market, aiming at reflecting the rational

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
behavior of all market participants. Therefore, regulators may of our methodology is the flexibility to specify an objective
use this modeling framework to monitor market activities, function to rank and select the best equilibrium point among
filtering singular strategic behavior; and GENCOs can refine the many that might exist.
their offers following the Nash equilibrium solution [5]–[7]. To validate the efficiency of our method, a set of numerical
Based on Non-Cooperative Game Theory, Nash equilibrium experiments are performed and the computational time is
is characterized by a set of feasible strategies (e.g., offers compared with the solution of a large-scale EPEC using an off-
in the pool-based market) such that neither competitor can the-shelf Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver.
improve its outcome from the market by modifying its offer if The proposed solution approach overcomes the benchmark
the remaining competitors “play” the equilibrium [8], [9]. As in the magnitude of 20 times on average and more than 30
a consequence, a Nash equilibrium point can be interpreted times in the most demanding instances. The scalability of the
as a market status from which no competitor has (unilateral) full EPEC formulation is challenged even for medium-scale
incentives to deviate from. Although such market equilibrium instances (i.e., by systems with more than 30 players), whilst
philosophy is extremely powerful, one of its main drawbacks the proposed approach was able to handle all instances in a
is its computational burden. Several approaches to deal this reasonable computational time.
problem have been studied in technical literature, but an
efficient method to compute equilibria in real-case applications A. Objectives and Contributions Regarding Existing Literature
is still needed [10], [11].
The main objective of this work is to devise an efficient
The mathematical structure of typical electricity market
methodology to identify a Nash equilibrium in pool-based
equilibrium problems belongs to the class of Multi-Leader-
electricity markets. For this purpose, a two-stage iterative
Common-Follower games [12]. In this setting, the multi-
algorithm is designed based on the CCG techniques [15]. From
leaders represent the strategic offering model of each market
the perspective of computing Nash equilibria in pool-based
participant and the common-follower describes the market-
electricity markets, several methods can be found in technical
clearing process [13]. By exploring this modeling structure,
literature. For instance, [6], [7], [20] propose to solve the
we convert the bi-level model into a large-scale single-level
large-scale EPEC using specialized algorithms and relaxations.
equivalent optimization problem by making use of the Karush-
Additionally, by making use of the so-called Nikaido-Isoda
Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimally conditions of the common-
function [21], the authors in [22], [23] derived methodologies
follower (market clearing) problem. The resulting large-scale
to identify Nash-Cournot equilibria in hydrothermal electricity
model can be interpreted as an Equilibrium Problem with
markets. Finally, fixed-point-based algorithms, such as the
Equilibrium Constraints (EPEC) [14], suitable for the column-
one described in [24], are also popular in this particular
and-constraint-generation (CCG) algorithm [15].
application. Nevertheless, we argue that these methods may be
Therefore, in this work, we design a two-stage (master-
challenged to scale to real systems. In fact, on the one hand,
oracle) iterative CCG algorithm to efficiently compute Nash
solve an EPEC involves handling a large-scale non-convex
equilibria in pool-based electricity markets. From an algorith-
optimization problem and, on the other hand, both the use of
mic viewpoint, such primal-based decomposition technique
Nikaido-Isoda functions and the fixed-point-based algorithms
has recently attracted considerably attention in technical lit-
are recognized to suffer from convergence difficulties. It is
erature due to its distinct computational performance and
worth mentioning that the methodology proposed in this
capability of handling more general optimization structures.
work tackles both issues by handling iteratively small-scale
In power systems applications, for instance, [16] adapt the
non-convex optimization problems and also has convergence
CCG technology to solve the proposed robust bidding in pool-
based electricity markets model. Additionally, [17] apply this
decomposition technique to handle the proposed energy and
reserve scheduling model and [18], [19] similarly make use
of this approach to tackle transmission expansion planning The financial pillar of most power systems around the globe
models. is supported by an auction-based market that feeds the sys-
In our proposed CCG algorithm, at a given iteration, the tem’s physical operation. In this paper, we consider a market
master problem finds a feasible offer for each GENCO (market comprised of a sealed-bid uniform-price auction for which
participant), candidate for an equilibrium point, and, then, an power producers submit a stack of pairwise linked price and
oracle verifies if this (candidate) set of offers is indeed a quantity offers. An inelastic demand is assumed and the market
Nash equilibrium. If it is not an equilibrium, a primal cut clears at maximum social welfare. This price/quantity offer
is introduced into the master problem removing the previous stack represents the declared production cost that producers are
solution from its feasible set. The procedure iterates until willing to sell their energy in the market, up to the respective
a Nash equilibrium point is recovered. We highlight that quantity offered. The market is cleared by solving a least-cost
the proposed master-oracle-based solution approach aims at supply/demand matching problem, indicating the amount of
iteratively recover a collection of feasible strategies for each energy each generator should produce and the market uniform
GENCO that encompass the umbrella-set of strategies suffi- price. In this work, for expository purposes, we consider that
cient to recover the Nash equilibrium point. A salient feature the strategic decisions are all concentrated on the amount of

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
energy offered into the market, assuming that all players offer Mathematical Program with Equilibrium Constraints (MPEC)
their marginal costs as price offers1 . [13]:
Formally, let n be the number of GENCOs competing in  n o
Rj qj , q −j = max (π − cj )gj (g, π) ∈ M(q) , (6)

the market. We assume that the set of feasible offers of each g,π
player j ∈ N , {1, . . . , n} is a bounded subset of integers,
where, following the game-theoretical standard notation, q −j
n o stands for the quantity offers from all GENCOs but company
Qj = qj ∈ Z 0 ≤ qj ≤ q j ,

(1) j ∈ N . Although intuitive, the payoff function (6) cannot be
efficiently computed due to: (i) the non-representable format
where qj stands for the amount of energy offered into the pool- of the optimal solution set (5); and (ii) the bilinear objective
based electricity market and q j denotes the power capacity function: (π − cj )gj . To tackle the first issue, recall that the
of player j ∈ N . The market clearing design considered in clearing problem (2)–(4) is linear and continuous. Thus, the
this work encompasses a single-period (one-step ahead) single- set of optimal solution points (5) can be exactly represented2
node economic dispatch [3] as presented next. by the KKT system of the clearing problem:
min ci gi (2) M(q) = (g, π) ∈ R+ × R ∃ β, β ∈ Rn+ × Rn+ ;

subject to: ci − π + β i − β i = 0, ∀ i ∈ N; (7)
gi = d; :π (3) gi = d; (8)
i∈N i∈N

0 ≤ gi ≤ qi , : βi, βi ∀ i ∈ N. (4) 0 ≤ gi ≤ qi , ∀ i ∈ N; (9)

β i qi − gi = 0, ∀ i ∈ N; (10)
Problem (2)–(4) is a linear and continuous mathematical 
programming problem, which seeks for the most economical β i gi = 0, ∀ i ∈ N ; . (11)
dispatch g , (g1 , . . . , gn ) to meet an inelastic demand d with
c , {c1 , . . . , cn } indicating the marginal production cost of Secondly, in order to tackle the bilinear objective function
each player. The set of constraints in (4) assures that, for (π − cj )gj , we follow a similar procedure described in [28]
each player j ∈ N , the quantity cleared in the market is and [16]. For each player j ∈ N , we firstly multiply equation
non-negative and upper-bounded by the respective maximum (7) by gj , leading to:
offered amount qj . It worth to highlight that, although for each
player j ∈ N we assume an integer feasible offer set Qj , the (π − cj )gj = β j gj − β j gj , ∀ j ∈ N. (12)
market-clearing dispatch g is a continuous variable, as usual in
Furthermore, by adapting equations (10) and (11) into (12), we
most electricity markets [6], [7], [16]. To ease presentation, we
have that the bilinear objective function in (6) can be replaced,
identify the Lagrange multipliers (π, β, β) of each constraint
for a given set of quantity offers q, by the following linear
after colons for future reference. We highlight that, following
the uniform-price-auction theory [25], multiplier π recovers
the price for electricity. Next, we outline the competitors (π − cj )gj = β j qj , ∀ j ∈ N. (13)
strategic behavior in the pool-based electricity market (2)–(4).
Finally, an undesired byproduct of the representation of
A. Strategic Behavior in Pool-Based Electricity Market the optimality set through a KKT system is the need to
Typically, the main objective of economic agents is to efficiently handle primal-dual complementarity conditions. Al-
achieve high profit levels in the market they are competing though many techniques have been discussed in technical
in by strategically adjusting their game plan. In the particular literature to tackle this source of non-linearity, in this work,
context of this work, the GENCOs’ profit basically resumes to we make use of standard Fortuny-Amat approach [29]. In this
the amount of power that is cleared in the market by the price context, the net revenue function (6) of a given player j ∈ N
for electricity discounted by the respective marginal produc- can be re-written as the following MILP problem:
tion costs. Formally, for a given set of offers q , {q1 , . . . , qn },

Rj qj , q −j = max β j qj (14)
let M(q) to denote the set of optimal dispatch of each player g,π,β,β,
in the market and the respective uniform electricity price, i.e.,
n o subject to:
M(q) , (g, π) ∈ Rn+ × R (g, π) solves (2)–(4) . (5)

ci − π + β i − β i = 0, ∀ i ∈ N; (15)
Then, the net revenue of a given player j ∈ N in the gi = d; (16)
pool-based electricity market can be written as the following i∈N

1 This competitive representation is usually referred to as a Cournot Com- 2 We refer to [26] and [27] for the main properties and a wide discussion
petition and the respective equilibrium called Nash-Cournot Equilibrium [20]. regarding this representation.

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
0 ≤ β i ≤ M ηi , ∀ i ∈ N; (17) III. S OLUTION M ETHODOLOGY

0 ≤ qi − gi ≤ M 1 − η i , ∀ i ∈ N; (18) Generally speaking, the main purpose of decomposition-
0 ≤ β i ≤ M ηi , ∀ i ∈ N; (19) based algorithms is to iteratively recover important features
 of the original (large-scale) problem, such that solving a
0 ≤ gi ≤ M 1 − η i , ∀ i ∈ N; (20)
(potentially smaller) problem considering only these features
η i , η i ∈ {0, 1}, ∀ i ∈ N. (21) is sufficient to achieve optimality of the original problem.
In technical literature, one of the most popular structures of
Problem (14)–(21) is a computationally tractable formula- this class of algorithms is based on constructing a so-called
tion of (6), suitable for direct implementation on commercial master/oracle iterative process. More precisely, on the one
solvers. Equations (17)–(21) represent the Fortuny-Amat exact hand, the master problem is designed to identify a candidate
representation of the non-linear set of constraints (9)–(11), feasible solution, for instance, by solving a relaxed formulation
where M is a sufficient large number and (η, η) are binary of the original problem; and, one the other hand, the oracle is
vectors determining the complementary statuses of primal usually built to check if this candidate solution belongs indeed
constraints and dual variables. to the optimality set of the original problem. If not, then a
feature of the original problem (usually referred to as cuts in
B. Nash Equilibrium in Pool-Based Electricity Markets technical literature) is recovered and appended into the master
problem. The procedure thus iterates until convergence [30].
In the context of this work, a Nash equilibrium can be The solution methodology proposed in this work follows
roughly interpreted as a set of offers such that the net revenue this problem-decomposition iterative rationale. More specifi-
of each generation company j ∈ N at the equilibrium point cally, at a given iteration k, the master problem is designed
can not be improved if only company j deviates from this point to identify a candidate feasible point q (k) . In the sequel, the
by choosing a different quantity offer. Formally, a sufficient oracle identifies the best response of each GENCO j ∈ N to
(e) (e)
condition for a set of offers q (e) , (q1 , . . . , qn ) to be (k)
its rival’s offer q −j and checks if the candidate point q (k) is,
characterized as a Nash equilibrium point is presented in (22). in fact, a Nash equilibrium. If not, a primal cut is included into
(e) (e)  (e)  the master problem and a new iteration resumes. In Figure 1,
Rj qj , q −j ≥ Rj qj , q −j , ∀ qj ∈ Qj , j ∈ N . (22) an overview of the proposed CCG algorithm is presented and,
in the next two subsections, we carefully describe both the
Note that, to find an equilibrium point q (e) , it is necessary to master and oracle problems. For didactic purposes, we begin
solve a large-scale system of inequalities with a combinatorial with the oracle problem.
number of equations. This fact steams from the enumeration
of all feasible offers of each generation company j ∈ N in A. Oracle Problem
the right-hand-side of (22). In technical literature, a typical The main goal of the oracle problem in the proposed
approach to computationally handle this combinatorial system algorithm is to verify if a candidate point q (k) is indeed a
of inequalities is to embed it into an optimization framework Nash equilibrium. To achieve this purpose, for each player in
and make use of specialized algorithms to identify an equilib- the market, we need to identify their best response against the
rium point [6], [7], [13]. For instance, we can co-optimize the rivals’ strategy of playing the current candidate point. In other
total net revenue of all GENCOs under the equilibrium point, words, for each generation company j ∈ N , we need to solve
i.e., solve the following optimization problem: the following optimization problem
(e) (e)  (k)

max Rj qj , q −j (23) qj ∈ arg max Rj qj , q −j . (26)
q (e) qj ∈Qj
subject to: If, for each GENCO j ∈ N , the respective net revenue on the
(e) (e)  (e)  best response qj∗ is not strictly higher than the value at the
Rj qj , q −j ≥ Rj qj , q −j , ∀ qj ∈ Qj , j ∈ N ; (24) (k)  (k) (k) 
candidate point, i.e., Rj qj∗ , q −j ≤ Rj qj , q −j , than no
qj ∈ Qj , ∀ j ∈ N. (25) economic agent has incentive change its offer, configuring thus
a Nash equilibrium. In our particular context, solving (26) for
Note that different objectives can be chosen, e.g., minimize the a given generation company j ∈ N is challenging due to the
spot price for electricity at equilibrium [6]. Regardless of this bilinear objective function β j qj . To address this new source
choice, we highlight that solving the optimization problem is of non-linearity, firstly recall that the feasible set of offers of
still challenging, even for medium-sized systems. Therefore, to a given GENCO j ∈ N is assumed to be a bounded subset of
tackle this issue, in the next section, we present a master-oracle integers, which can be conveniently expressed by the following
decomposition algorithm based on the column-and-constraint binary expansion:
generation framework [15]. The core of this approach is to
iteratively identify, for each generation company j ∈ N , a blog2X
(q j )c+1

subset Q̂j ⊂ Qj of offers such that the solution of (23)–(25) qj = 2(l−1) γj,l ∈ [0, q j ], (27)
with Q̂j in (24) ensures that (22) holds. l=1

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
Fig. 1. Overview of the proposed CCG algorithm.

with γ j a binary vector. Therefore, the bilinear product β j qj B. Master Problem

can be recast by a set of linear equations using exact lineariza- (k)
At a given iteration k, let Q̂j ⊂ Qj be a subset of quantity
tion schemes via disjunctive inequalities3 [31]. More precisely,
offers of a given generation company j ∈ N . The master
for each j ∈ N , we can identify the bilinear product as follows
problem is thus designed to identify a novel feasible set of
β j qj ↔ τj , with τj feasible within the following set:
offers q (k) , candidate for being an equilibrium point. This task
( is done by solving the optimization problem (23)–(25) with
 blog (q )c+1 (k)
Q̂j in (24). Following the reformulation procedures made
T β j , γ j = τj ∈ R ∃ φj ∈ R+ 2 j ;
in the previous sections, problem (23)–(25) can be suitably
0 ≤ φj,l ≤ M γj,l , formulated as the following mixed-integer linear programming
n   o problem:
∀ l ∈ 1, . . . , log2 (q j ) + 1 ; X (k)
  max τj (30)
0 ≤ β j − φj,l ≤ M 1 − γj,l , Ξ(k) ,Ξ(qj ) j∈N
n o
subject to:
∀ l ∈ 1, . . . , log2 (q j ) + 1 ;
(k) (qj ) (k)
(q j )c+1
blog2X ) τj ≥ βj qj , ∀ qj ∈ Q̂j , j ∈ N ; (31)
τj = 2(l−1) φj,l ; . (28) (k)
l=1 cj − π (k) + β j − β (k)
= 0, ∀ j ∈ N ; (32)
(qj ) (k)
In this formulation, φj exactly recovers the bilinear product cj − π (qj ) + βj − β (q
= 0, ∀ qj ∈ Q̂j , j ∈ N ; (33)
between the binary vector γ j and the continuous variable β j .
Therefore, the non-convex optimization problem (26) resumes (k)
gj = d; (34)
to the following MILP problem: j∈N
(qj ) (k)
gi = d, ∀ qj ∈ Q̂j , j ∈ N ; (35)
 
 Constraints (15)–(21) and (27); 

qj∗ ∈ arg max τj τj ∈ T β j , γ j ;

qj ,γ j ,φj ,τj , 
 b log2 (q j )c+1

γ ∈ {0, 1} (k)

g,π,β,β,η,η j 0 ≤ βj ≤ M ηj , ∀ j ∈ N ; (36)
(29) (qj ) (q ) (k)
0≤ βi ≤M ηi j , ∀ i ∈ N , qj ∈ Q̂j , j ∈ N ; (37)
Next, we perform a similar procedure done in this section (k) (k) (k) 
for the master problem presented. 0 ≤ qj − gj ≤ M 1 − ηj , ∀ j ∈ N ; (38)
(q ) (q ) 
0 ≤ qj − gj j ≤M 1− ηj j ,
3 Note that this approach can be adapted to any other discretization of the (k)
set of offers with a constant step size. ∀ qj ∈ Q̂j , j ∈ N ; (39)

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
(k) (qj ) (qj )  Algorithm 1 – Column-and-Constraint Generation Algorithm
0 ≤ qi − gi ≤ M 1 − ηi ,
∀ i ∈ N \ {j}, qj ∈ Q̂j , j ∈ N ; (40) Initialization:
Set k ← 1.
0 ≤ β (k)
≤ M η (k)
, ∀ j ∈ N ; (41) (1)
Choose an initial subset Q̂j ⊂ Qj , ∀ j ∈ N .
0≤ β (qj)
≤M η (qj)
, ∀ i ∈ N , qj ∈ Q̂j , j ∈ N ; (42)
i i Iteration k ≥ 1:
(k) (k)
 Step 1 – Master Problem: Identify a feasible offer q (k)
0 ≤ gj ≤ M 1 − ηj , ∀ j ∈ N ; (43)
by solving the MILP problem (30)–(49).
(q ) (qj )

0≤ gi j ≤ M 1 − ηi , Step 2 – Oracle Problem: ∀ j ∈ N , identify the best
∀ i ∈ N , qj ∈
Q̂j , j ∈ N ; (44) response qj∗ for its rival’s offer q −j by solving the MILP
problem (29).
(q j )c+1 (k) (k)  (k) 

if ∃ j ∈ N Rj qj , q −j < Rj qj∗ , q −j
(k) (k)
qj = 2(l−1) γj,l ∈ [0, q j ], ∀ j ∈ N ; (45) (k+1) (k)
Update Q̂j ← Q̂j ∪ {qj∗ }, ∀ j ∈ N .
(k) (k) (k)  Set k ← k + 1.
τj ∈T βj , γj , ∀ j ∈ N ; (46)
Set q (e) ← q (k) .
η j , η (k)
, ∈ {0, 1}, ∀ j ∈ N ; (47) Return q (e) .
(qj ) (k) end if
ηi , η (q
, ∈ {0, 1}, ∀ i ∈ N , qj ∈ Q̂j , j ∈ N ; (48)
γ j ∈ {0, 1}blog2 (qj )c+1 ,
∀ j ∈ N . (49)
For the sake of brevity, we identify the decision Q̂j ⊂ Qj , ∀ j ∈ N , e.g., by fast heuristic approaches. We
variables in (30)–(49) with the vectors Ξ(k) = highlight, however, that both parallel computing and heuristic
(k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k) (k)
 initialization procedures are not in the scope of this work.
q ,γ ,φ ,τ ,g ,π ,β ,β ,η ,η
(qj ) In the next section, a set of numerical experiments are
and Ξ(qj ) = g (qj ) , π (qj ) , β , β (qj ) , η (qj ) , η (qj ) , ∀ qj ∈

conducted aiming at illustrating the capability of the proposed
Q̂j , j ∈ N . The MILP problem (30)–(49) can be interpreted CCG algorithm, comparing its computational performance
as a particular instance of an EPEC, suitable for off-the-shelf with the solution of an EPEC via MILP solvers.
commercial MILP solvers.
It worth to highlight that, by setting Q̂j = Qj , ∀ j ∈ IV. C OMPUTATIONAL E XPERIMENTS
N , problem (30)–(49) resumes to the large-scale complete
To illustrate the solution capability of the proposed method-
EPEC formulation that current technical literature solves [6],
ology, in this section, we perform a computational comparison
[7], [13]. Needless to say, this full enumerated problem is
between the CCG method proposed in this work and the
extremely challenging to solve for real-sized power systems
direct solution of the fully-enumerated EPEC formulation via
due to the exponential number of constraints within a MILP
a off-the-shelf commercial MILP solver. In this numerical
problem, which advocate in favor of the CCG decomposition
experiment, we analyze the computational effectiveness of
algorithm proposed in this work and thoroughly described in
each method as the number of players (GENCOs) in the
the next subsection..
market (n) increases. The instances, described by the pa-
C. Column-and-Constraint Generation Algorithm rameters (d, c, q), were designed to scale with the number
The proposed two-stage algorithm to identify a Nash equi- of players in a meaningful manner as described next. For a
librium in pool-based electricity markets is based on the given n, the demand for electricity is scaled by the number
iterative solution of the master (30)–(49) and oracle (29) of players in the magnitude of 20, i.e., d = 20n MW. Then,
problems. This iterative process is carried out until a candidate each power plant capacity was sampled such that the system
for an equilibrium point, identified by the master problem, is total capacity is equal to 1.2d. Additionally, in order to assure
verified as a Nash equilibrium by the oracle problem. The dispatch feasibility in all instances regardless of the strategic
proposed solution algorithm, as illustrated in Figure 1, is behavior of the GENCOs, we assume a deficit generator with
summarized in Algorithm 1. marginal cost of 1000 $/MW and total capacity equals to
It is worth highlighting two interesting features of our the system demand. Furthermore, each player marginal cost
proposed solution methodology, which can be explored in follows an Uniform distribution between 0 and 100 $/MW
future works. Firstly, Step 2 of Algorithm 1 is suitable for (i.e, cj ∼ U(0, 100), ∀ j ∈ N ).
parallel computing, since each optimization problem can be Following this structure, a total of 20 instances
solved independently for each player j ∈ N . Secondly, the were generated for the following market sizes
computational efficiency of Algorithm 1 can also be signifi- n ∈ {10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50} and a running time
cantly improved by an adequate choice of the initial subset limit of 172,800 seconds (48hrs) per instance were allowed.

21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020
All numerical results were obtained on a Dell Precision R
To tackle this issue, in this work, we adapt the Column-

T7600 Xeon E5-2687W 3.10 GHz with 128 GB of RAM and-Constraint Generation (CCG) techniques to design a
machine, with Gurobi R
Solver 8.0 under JuMP R
. decomposition-based iterative algorithm to efficiently compute
Figure 2 presents the average computing time to solve Nash equilibrium in large-scale pool-based electricity markets.
sampled instances for each market size considered in this More specifically, the proposed solution approach is based on
study. We highlight that the performance of both solution a master-oracle decomposition, in which, the master problem
approaches (CCG and EPEC) are indistinguishable up to identifies a set of offers candidate for a Nash equilibrium point
n = 20 players. Nevertheless, the computational scalability and the oracle checks if this candidate point is indeed an
of the EPEC formulation, (30)–(49), is rapidly challenged equilibrium by computing the best response of each GENCO,
due to the exponential increase when more than 20 players given their rivals “play” the equilibrium.
are considered. For instance, the full EPEC approach is 20 Numerical experiments comparing the computational per-
times slower, on average, than the proposed CCG algorithm, formance of the proposed CCG algorithm with the benchmark
for n = 30. Additionally, for more than 30 players in the approach, namely, the solution of a large-scale EPEC via
market, almost all instances sampled could not be solved by MILP solvers, corroborates the effectiveness of the proposed
the full EPEC formulation. On the other hand, the proposed method. We identify that the proposed solution approach over-
CCG algorithm was able to solve all instances of every market comes the benchmark (based on the full EPEC formulation) in
size analyzed in a reasonable computational time. the magnitude of 20 times on average and more than 30 times
In order to evaluate the potential computational difficulty for the most demanding instances. Additionally, the scalability
that each method may face to solve adverse instances, in Table of the benchmark is challenged as it was not able to solve most
I, we present the average computational time of the worst of the medium-scale instances (i.e., systems with more than
four instances for each market size n analyzed. Note that 30 players), whilst the proposed CCG algorithm could handle
the discrepancy between both methods from this worst-case all instances considered in the experiment in a reasonable
viewpoint is even higher. For instance, the solution time of computational time.
the full EPEC approach is 4 times slower than the proposed It is important to highlight that the solution methodology
CCG algorithm for n = 20 and n = 25, and reaches roughly proposed in this work is an exact method and, after con-
30 times for n = 30. vergence, it precisely solves the Nash equilibrium problem
Finally, we present a comparative analysis for the strategic defined in (23)–(25). Nevertheless, ongoing research includes
and perfect competition equilibria4 for the particular instance parallel computing and the combination of the CCG algorithm
with n = 35 players. Firstly, we highlight that, as the master here proposed with heuristic-based solution techniques aiming
problem aims at identifying an equilibrium with the highest at enhancing the computational capability of the proposed
net revenue for each GENCO, the Nash equilibrium found method.
thus explores the deficit cost as the marginal generator in
every instance sampled. As a consequence, the spot prices at R EFERENCES
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21st Power Systems Computation Conference Porto, Portugal — June 29 – July 3, 2020
PSCC 2020

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