IUBH-Online Prospectus

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100% flexibility for your

international career
Master´s and MBA programmes

IUBH is a state-recognized and accredited ­private university
with more than 550 employees, and ­professors, and ­more
Welcome at IUBH than 14,000 students. We have ­been successfully offering

bachelor‘s and master‘s degrees at the highest level for
more ­almost twenty years.

Our distance learning approach uses an innovative way for

you to experience a quality orientated degrees. with the
the flexibility that comes with online education. You will
experience the thrill of on campus learning, while in the
Dublin* comfort of studying in your own place, at your own time.
This guarantees you maximum flexibility. We not only want
to offer you the most flexible, but also the highest quali-
ty in distance learning. We are very proud that IUBH is one
Killarney* of the leading universities in Germany with five or more
­premium seals.

campus locations & more than
40 examination centres

in Europe

more than

study models: online, dual,
part time,
campus Studies

more than from more than

14.000 110 more than


bachelor´s and master´s


professors and employees

* Currently in the official accreditation and approval process -

Dublin campus starting Autumn 2019.

Hannover Berlin


Bad Honnef Erfurt


Munich Vienna*

Bad Reichenhall

Master (M.A.)
This programme covers methods and techniques for managing and motivating
­employees. The Strategic Management module demonstrates how to deal w ­ ith the
strategic and operational challenges faced by today‘s corporate executives. This
is followed by the Performance Measurement module, which shows you how to
establish objectives, evaluate achievement and manage your organisation. Du-
ring the course of your study, you will also learn one of the most important as-
pects of business today, which is change management, and its key role played by
­globalisation. It is important for leaders to implement change successfully, while
­taking entrepreneurship and innovation into account.

Master of Arts (M.A.)

•• Business German
•• Negotiation
•• Managerial Economics

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: any time
Duration: 1 or 2 years

From 554 Euro/month (scholarships available)

Curriculum (60 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an master´s degree in

Leadership & Management?
The IUBH master’s programme in
1 Leadership and Management teaches
Leadership 5 ECTS key skills of leadership that are e
­ qually
Strategic Management 5 ECTS applicable to general management, con-
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS trolling, human resources and innova-
Change Management 5 ECTS tion management. The huge corpora-
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS te demand for globally-oriented exe-
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS cutives and IUBH’s excellent reputati-
on in academia and industry gives IUBH
2 ­graduates huge leverage for a successful
Specialisation: choose 1 out of 3 5 ECTS career worldwide.
Negotiation, Managerial Economics,
Business German Set your personal focus
Current Issues in Leadership and 5 ECTS During your second semester, you can
Management chose one out of the following specia-
Capstone Preparation / Capstone Project 20 ECTS lisations:

related to negotiations and ­discussion­
leadership: social psychology,
­behavioural economics, law and general
management. You will learn basic tools
of negotiation and apply your theoreti-
cal knowledge to practical examples
from professional work situations.

Managerial Economics
In this specialisation, you gain deeper
insights into the economic c­onditions
and principles underlying ­ markets,
economies and strategic decisions.
You learn how to analyse the econo-
mic ­environment and draw ­appropriate
conclusions from a management

Business German
After successful completion of this
­specialisation, you master German as a
foreign language in a business c­ ontext.
The German examinations correspond
to levels A1 to B2 of the Common Eu-
ropean Framework of ­ Reference for
­Languages (CEFRL).

MBA 60 ECTS or 90 ECTS
The online MBA programme provides an international orientation with a focus on
intercultural and general management competences - the perfect starting-point
for a successful career as a leader. The programme prepares you for deman-
ding ­responsibilities in middle to upper management, in many industries. This
­programme offers business and non-business graduates, such as engineers, n ­ atural
sciences and humanities graduates, the opportunity to extend their managerial
skills and focuses on updating and increasing their general managerial ­knowledge.
By the way: In the MBA distance learning ranking 2017 of vergleich.org our study
course was the winner with the highest grade of 1.3.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS option you have the opportunity to specialise with added 20 ECTS
to specialise in attractive roles and industries: Big Data Management, Engineering,
IT Management, Finance & Accounting or Marketing

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: any time
Duration 60 ECTS: 1 or 2 years - Duration 90 ECTS: 18 or 36 months

60 ECTS: from 554 Euro/month (scholarships available)
90 ECTS: from 439 Euro/month (scholarships available)

Curriculum (60 or 90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in

International Business?

60 ECTS model
The Master of Business Administra-
tion qualifies you for a full scope of
Leadership 5 ECTS professional opportunities with in-
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS ternational and transnational cor-
International Marketing 5 ECTS porations. G­ raduates can work in ex-
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS port companies, the public sector,
Financial Management 5 ECTS international banks and companies
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS with ­subsidiaries abroad. Most emplo-
yers offer ­ attractive salary packages.
2 The r­ esponsibilities assigned to a pro-
Strategic Management 5 ECTS fessional i­nclude leading projects re-
Change Management 5 ECTS lated to international business. In the
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS economic sector there is an enormous
Capstone Project 15 ECTS spectrum of career ­ opportunities for
management ­ graduates with various

Consultancy is another remunerati-

ve career for international business
professionals. An international bu-
siness consultant is responsible for
90 ECTS model
1 various aspects of business develop-
Leadership 5 ECTS ment and market information for inter-
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS national companies. Graduates of our
International Marketing 5 ECTS MBA programme can start as country
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS ­managers representing a company in a
Financial Management 5 ECTS foreign country. A country manager’s job
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS ­involves working to manage operations,
develop business and increase the
2 ­profitability of a company in a ­specific
Strategic Management 5 ECTS region or country.
Change Management 5 ECTS
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS

2 elective courses of 10 ECTS each 20 ECTS
(see course contents pages 8 - 17)

Capstone Project 25 ECTS

Whether it’s classic trade or online shopping, in financial services, aviation, travel and
­tourism or in telecommunications: in almost every industry it’s data that determines the
success of a business. It’s not just about large quantities of gathered data. Instead, it’s
about processing this data and utilising it in a profitable way. As well as expert know-how,
the MBA will help you gain in-depth knowledge in the field of General Management with
a specialisation in Big Data Management.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS programme you have the opportunity to specialise with added 20
ECTS to specialise in attractive roles and industries.

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: any time
Duration: 18 or 36 months

From 439 Euro/month (scholarships available)

Curriculum (90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in Big Data

Large and fast growing companies are
1 investing substantially in the imple-
Leadership 5 ECTS mentation of data management sys-
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS tems and structures. As a result, qua-
International Marketing 5 ECTS lified ­experts in the area have plenty of
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS opportunities. Project managers speciali-
Financial Management 5 ECTS zing in the area of big data have excel-
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS lent career ­ opportunities in almost all

2 forward-­looking ­sectors, especially in the

IT, media, and digital sectors, in the au-
Strategic Management 5 ECTS tomotive and finance industries, as well
Change Management 5 ECTS as in m ­ arketing and sales. Your role as
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS the ­responsible big data project m ­ anager
is an important connector between
­management and technical support. You
2 elective courses of 10 ECTS each 20 ECTS prepare tailored solutions for your com-
(see course contents below) pany based on customer, market, and/
or competitor information, and always
3 ­have an eye on the latest developments,
Capstone Project 25 ECTS for example within the area of ­artificial

Course objectives
•• You can distinguish between infor-
mation and data and understand
Course contents the meaning of these terms for
•• Introduction to the analysis of data •• After the programme, you can d ­ erive
•• Statistical bases the Big Data problem, especially in
•• Data Mining connection with the Internet of Things,
•• Big Data Methods and Technologies and d ­ escribe it using examples.
•• Legal Aspects of Data Analysis •• You understand the basics of the
•• Application of big data in the industry/further areas of application ­statistics, which are necessary for the
analysis of large data stocks.
•• You understand further legal
­framework for the application of ­data
analysis in Germany and internatio-
•• You know selected methods and
­technologies that are used in big data
context and can apply them to s­ imple

Engineers are required to display a large number of qualities such as precision, ef-
ficiency and reliability. In engineering management, you will learn how to manage
these ­talented individuals while, in parallel, develop and improve market strategies,
brand management and profitability. Within our MBA programme with specialisation
in ­Engineering Management you will learn to distinguish between several aspects of
the internet of things, including consumer, business, social and environmental issues.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS programme you have the opportunity to specialise with added 20
ECTS to specialise in attractive roles and industries.

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: any time
Duration: 18 or 36 months

From 439 Euro/month (scholarships available)

Curriculum (90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in

Engineering Management?
1 The basic qualification as an engineer
opens the door to high-­level d
­ iscussions
Leadership 5 ECTS with engineers-the ­
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS ­qualification as a manager of enginee-
International Marketing 5 ECTS rs adds the perspective of l­eadership
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS and contributes to a new ­level of suc-
Financial Management 5 ECTS cess ­through engineering. You will learn
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS to distinguish between s­ everal ­aspects
of the internet of things, including
2 ­consumer, ­business, social and environ-
Strategic Management 5 ECTS mental issues.
Change Management 5 ECTS
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS
Course objectives
•• You will develop an understan-
2 elective courses of 10 ECTS each 20 ECTS ding of the different p ­erspectives
(see course contents below) on the internet of things as well as
of ­ communication technology and
3 ­standards it is built upon.
Capstone Project 25 ECTS •• You will acquire an understanding
of the key skills in ­product develop-
ment and will be able to evaluate dif-
ferent digital product development
techniques and tools.
•• You will evaluate and identify appro-
priate methods a ­ccording to ­ given
Course contents manufacturing
­ tasks, including
modern processes towards rapid
•• Internet of Things ­manufacturing and tooling.
•• Product Development •• You will apply and reflect human-­
•• Manufactoring Methods centered design principles to quickly
•• Industry 4.0 develop and test prototypes.
•• Design Thinking •• You will gain insights into various
­current issues in ­engineering manage-
ment like, e.g. self-driving cars and
­cyber-physical production systems.

Which projects are worth investing in? What is the actual value of a company? What
instruments are available to measure the value of a company and assess ­financial
markets? How can one ensure an optimal balance between the competing goals
of liquidity, safety, yield, and growth? Our MBA programme with specialization in
Finance & Accounting offers answers to these and other complex questions on
the topic of financing and investing. Upon completion of this programme, you will
have a deep understanding of the capital structures of a corporation and have an
awareness of important considerations when investing and undertaking necessary

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS programme you have the opportunity to specialise with added 20
ECTS to specialise in attractive roles and industries.

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: any time
Duration: 18 or 36 months

From 439 Euro/month (scholarships available)

Curriculum (90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in

Finance & Accounting?
In this course, you will obtain a ­broad
1 understanding of the core compo-
Leadership 5 ECTS nents of corporate finance. You will
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS ­learn the ­financial and mathematical
International Marketing 5 ECTS ­basics of investing in ventures and ma-
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS naging on-going financing. You will be
Financial Management 5 ECTS ­able to ­utilize several financial and ma-
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS thematical methods for obtaining da-
ta critical for informed decision-ma-
2 king. Upon completion of this course,
Strategic Management 5 ECTS you will have a deep understanding of
Change Management 5 ECTS the capital structures of a corporation,
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS and have an awareness of important
­considerations when investing and un-
2+3 dertaking necessary financing. Finally,
2 elective courses of 10 ECTS each 20 ECTS you will be able to utilize conventional
(see course contents below) methods of corporate assessment and
understand the fundamentals of mer-
3 gers and acquisitions.­
Capstone Project 25 ECTS

Course objectives
•• You can model financial models as
an essential tool of ­corporate finan-
ce, analyse them and interpret them
with ­regard to important financial key
Course contents ­performance indicators.
•• You can carry out business appraisals
•• Portfolio and capital market theory and analysis using standard ­market procedures and
•• Financing types, capital structure, and capital budgeting critically scrutinize the results.
•• Company valuation procedures •• You know important milestones in
•• Acquisitions, corporate control and governance the implementation of corporate
•• Finance planning ­transactions – such as the financial
•• Financing decisions and issuing securities due diligence.
•• Dividend policy and capital structure •• You can analyse and evaluate the
•• Debt financing and leasing strategic economic­o ­bjectives of
•• Options and futures companies in relation to corporate
•• Takeovers, corporate control, and governance ­transactions.
•• Solved and unsolved issues and the future of finance •• You can determine the applicable cost
of capital.
Information is the most important capital for businesses. But who decides what
­information is valuable? How do you get the best out of this information? And which
technology can be useful? These are the questions answered by the IT Management
specialists. In our IT Management MBA, you will learn about the development and
management of IT infrastructures, international project management concepts and
the implementation of IT services for internal stakeholders and clients. You will also
learn the basics of software engineering and investigate topics such as IT complian-
ce, data protection and information security. In addition to expert know-how, you will
deepen your knowledge in the area of general management.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS programme you have the opportunity to specialise with added 20
ECTS to specialise in attractive roles and industries.

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: any time
Duration: 18 or 36 months

From 439 Euro/month (scholarships available)

Curriculum (90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in

IT Management?
These days, with information systems in-
1 dispensable in every aspect of ­industry
Leadership 5 ECTS and business, there is ­ increasing de-
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS mand for well-trained IT managers
International Marketing 5 ECTS equipped for leadership roles in the
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS global marketplace. With their in-depth
Financial Management 5 ECTS entrepreneurial and management skills,
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS IT management postgraduates have
excellent prospects in a wide range of
2 careers, such as technology manage-
Strategic Management 5 ECTS ment, IT consulting, change or project
Change Management 5 ECTS management and business analysis.
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS

2+3 Course objectives

2 elective courses of 10 ECTS each 20 ECTS •• You can describe the structure of
(see course contents below) computer systems and communicati-

3 on networks.
•• You can differentiate the phases of a
Capstone Project 25 ECTS SW life cycle.
•• You can separate roles and phases in
the software process.
•• You are familiar with various process
models of SW d ­ evelopment.
•• You know typical challenges and risks
of industrial SW d ­ evelopment.
Course contents •• You know enterprise-modelling
­models relevant to IT s­ upport.
•• Principles and tasks in IT project management •• You know techniques for identifying
•• Software lifecycle and documenting IT r­ equirements.
•• Phases in the software process and role participations •• You can select suitable techniques
•• Procedures in software development and methods of ­
•• Agile management and communication techniques ­requirements.
•• Basics of IT service management
•• IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
•• IT outsourcing
•• IT architecture management
•• IT Application Portfolio Management
•• Organizational structure of IT and architecture governance

You will head international marketing and advertizing campaigns and work with
partners, colleagues and agencies across the globe. An MBA in Marketing will open
the door for a career as a marketing manager for a global company. This MBA pro-
gramme expands your knowledge of marketing specifically in the areas of internati-
onal branding and marketing of products and services. Among other things, you will
learn how to implement systematic relationship marketing (Customer Relationship
Marketing) and increase customer life time value through an understanding and
knowledge of long-term customer loyalty.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

In the 90 ECTS programme you have the opportunity to specialise with added 20
ECTS to specialise in attractive roles and industries.

Study model
100% online including a virtual campus with digital course material

Study start and duration

Start: any time
Duration: 3, 4 or 6 semesters

From 439 Euro/month (scholarships available)

Curriculum (90 ECTS full-time) Career perspectives

Title Semester ECTS Why choose an MBA in

As a marketing expert, you can ­analyse
1 brand values and ­determine the ­factors
Leadership 5 ECTS that drive the increase or loss of a
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 5 ECTS consumer-based brand. Through the
International Marketing 5 ECTS ­development and ­implementation
Performance Measurement 5 ECTS of targeted marketing strategies, you
Financial Management 5 ECTS enliven the day-to-day business in
Managerial Economics 5 ECTS the business-to-business or busi-
ness-to-costumer area. You positi-
2 on brands in the market, ­ recognize
Strategic Management 5 ECTS and ­eliminate possible crises, integ-
Change Management 5 ECTS rate customer relationship concepts,
Managing in a Global Economy 5 ECTS organize social media ­
­ activities and
­recognize employees as the key to suc-
2+3 cess. In particular, m
­ aintaining customer
2 elective courses of 10 ECTS each 20 ECTS relationships and customer s­ atisfaction
(see course contents below) is your central ­focus in the company.

Capstone Project 25 ECTS Course objectives
•• You know and understand the most
important challenges for internatio-
nal brands.
•• You are able to recognize the current
strategy of a brand.
•• You can analyze the brand value of a
Course contents brand.
•• You know the factors that can lead
•• Construction and control of brands to an increase or loss of consumer-­
•• Brand value and brand management based brand values.
•• Management of brands over time •• You can develop sound ideas for
•• International brand management ­future options of a brand strategy.
•• Crisis management at brands
•• Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM)
•• CRM systems and IT-supported brand management

With its focus on
­leadership and ­current
business affairs, the
master´s ­programme
provides me with the right tools to
design my personal career strategy
so that I can leverage my position on
the global job ­market and enhance
my chances for success. I feel confi-
dent about my skills and my ability
to find a promising job after gradu-
ation, either in Germany or abroad.
The Career ­Service Department has
been of ­great help to me in this re-

Yuki Yamamoto
Master´s student IUBH

How to study online at IUBH IN EIGHT STEPS
Admission requirements

Preliminary studies
1. Register online
60 ECTS MA and MBA:
•• With 240 ECTS from first degree: direct enrolment possible
•• With 210 ECTS from first degree: pass an aptitude test (TASC)
•• With 180 ECTS from first degree: pass an aptitude test (TASC)
2. Choose a course in
90 ECTS MBA: „Online Campus“

•• With 180 ECTS from first degree

•• Final grade: Minimum grade point average of 3.0 according to the German grading
3. Study materials received as a
Work experience
•• At least 1 year of professional working experience after your first university ­level
degree 4. Continuous support with study
scripts in self-study

60 & 90 ECTS MBA:

•• At least 2 years full-time professional experience
5. Participate in online tutorials
Language skills
•• English, academic IELTS 6.0/ TOEFL IBT 80 points/ PTE 56 points (51 points in each
component), Duolingo 60%

6. Exam preparation by
•• knowledge tests and
Aptitude Test TASC •• exams directly online
The TASC examination is used to determine if you have the knowledge and skills
necessary to successfully pursue our degree programme to which you are a ­ pplying.
Preparatory study materials are available on our mycampus learning p ­ latform to 7. Complete master thesis
all candidates who will be taking the test. The materials include further literature
­references and detailed instructions that make it possible to work, for the most part,
independently in preparation for taking the test.
8. Graduation with

Do you have any questions about studying at IUBH?

We are here to help start your journey.

[email protected]
phone +49.2224.9605.101
The best choice for your career


01 Employability in Europe
•• Post-Study work in the European Union
•• EU Blue Card

02 Maximum flexibility
•• Mobile learning
•• No fixed examination phases & online exams
•• Numerous specialisations
•• Flexible time models - study start anytime possible

03 Effective learning
•• Practical content
•• Individual and group coaching

04 Highest quality
•• 5 premium seals
•• Top rating in CHE university ranking
•• Top Business School 2018
•• Permanent quality management

01 Employability in
Students looking to work in Germany, can chose to do their last semester in Germany is suffering
­Germany. If they opt for this route, they are able to apply for the post-study a ­dearth of university
work visa required to stay in Germany to search for work.* ­graduate professionals
in key disciplines, such
This VISA is usually granted for 18 months after successfully graduating with a as engineering. Demographic changes
­degree. This option is especially for students who work in fields where there is a mean that Germany’s continued strong
shortage of qualified specialists in Germany. If you are qualified in IT development, growth will depend on skilled workers
engineering, big data or one of the many areas with a skill shortage in Germany, you with a migrant background. Against this
can take advantage of the post study work visa.** backdrop, Germany has created its ver-
sion of the Green Card designed to ease
Post-Study work in the European Union immigration for qualified workers and
Skilled professionals are in very high demand, which creates enormous career make Germany more attractive to highly
­opportunities for you: Eager to attract immigrants to the country to offset a ­shortage trained foreign graduates. We hope
of skilled labour due to demographic changes, the German government has in- young talent from abroad will take ad-
troduced the EU Blue Card. It is targeted at well educated immigrants: It grants vantage of this opportunity to study and
the right to work and live in Germany*. Thanks to the introduction of the EU Blue begin their career in Germany!”
Card in G ­ ermany, the permanent immigration of highly educated skilled emplo-
yees is made very easy. EU Blue Card holders are entitled to work in 26 Frank Jürgen Weise
­Schengen countries and are eligible to apply for permanent resident Former CEO Federal
­status in Germany. As early as two years after receiving your German Employment Agency
or EU Blue Card residence permit, you can apply for a permanent
­residence permit – that is, a residence permit without a time limit.



* Final decision on the post study visa is with the ministry and cannot be guaranteed by IUBH.
** Extra costs may incur for campus studies in the last semester.

02 Mobile learning
No fixed
examination phases
Online course materials
Significant online learning materials and high quality study scripts give you Online exams
detailed insight, and summaries, of the essential learning content. Prior to Take exams whenever you are r­eady:
your examination, this online material will ensure you are prepared and have weekdays and holidays, any time of
enough knowledge to pass the online exams. day or night. Our online exams give
you this flexibility. They meet the same
Online-Campus myCampus demands and standards of ­ validity
Not only can you assess your learning content on our online campus via your lap- and security as a written exam at one
top or desktop, but you can also download content at any time on mobile devices of our testing centres. All you need is
­like smartphones or tablets. Our Scripts that are available for download as PDFs, a PC/laptop with webcam and an in-
in addition to our vodcasts, podcasts and e-books, make this possible. Our Vod- ternet connection. A supervisor has
casts are short 15-minute Video lectures in which your lecturers discuss the main a live connection to your webcam
topics of the individual courses. and ­computer screen to guarantee a
smooth process and protect against
Video-based online tutorials fraud.
A central component of our teaching concept is our online tutorial. These are
video-based live events in which a tutor makes a presentation in a virtual On-site exams
­classroom. The course content is presented in the same way as if it were a In addition to online exams, you have
­physical classroom, and the tutor is available for queries via chat. Furthermo- the option of taking your exams abroad
re­, it is possible to make audio or visual contributions to the discussion. All of at over 130 Goethe Institutes worldwide.
these presentations are available to download later for review.

Community Groups Numerous

With our online community groups, you can talk and exchange ideas with other specialisations
fellow students. You already can join existing groups or create your own. We
also have facebook groups that can be used for similar exercises. Not only in terms of time but also
content, you can study your needs
Brainy flashcards adjust. You choose several speciali-
With the index card app BRAINYOO, are provided with different learning ­methods. sations from a large number of fun-
This includes a long-term memory mode and a test mode, which makes learning ctional areas, industries or foreign
more diverse and fun. Furthermore, with the app, you can continue learning this way ­languages.
without an internet connection.

Flexible time models
Enrol at any time 4-week trial free
Our distance learning programs have no fixed deadlines or To make sure our online learning programme is the right
application dates. You can start your studies when you feel one for you, you can test it out for the first four weeks af-
ready. ter ­enrolment free of charge and without obligation. During
these four weeks, you can take regular courses, order lecture
Full-time or part-time notes, contact your advisor and even take exams. If within
You can do the online bachelor`s degree programme as a these four weeks you realise that the programme is not the
full-time or part-time student. The content is identical. In right one for you, you can withdraw from the contract at any
the part-time option, you have a lighter workload. As a full- time and without stating reasons. You have no costs or other
time student you take 30 ECTS credits worth of course work disadvantages.
per semester (this equates to approximately 900 working
hours), as a part-time student a reduced amount. Part-time Free extension
study is a particularly good option for those who already Independent of the time model you choose, you have the
have a demanding workload or want to reduce the amount option to extend your study time by 12 months free of c­ harge.
of monthly fees. A switch from part-time to full-time (and After the period of study has expired, you still have access to
vice versa) is possible at any time, but subject to a notice all the course content, advising and services of our program-
period of three months. me. You do not have to pay anything for this.

03 Practical content
In your studies, you not only learn theoretical knowledge but also take part in
­extensive practice components included in the online programme. Due to the
practicality of these components, you can implement what you have learned
­directly in your company from day one. In addition, our lecturers have many years
of professional experience in the business sector and teach you using examples
and techniques such as case studies, analysing realistic scenarios and discussing
current business events.

Targeted coachings for your academic success

Distance learning, job, and private obligations: To master this balancing act suc-
cessfully, we offer you three different coaching formats: group, individual and career
coaching. While you work together with the coach and other students on general
topics such as time management, work-life balance, motivation, etc. in our group
coaching, you can individually select your key priorities in the individual coaching
format. In our career coaching we take a look at your application documents in two
45-minute sessions and develop your personal career strategy together with you.

Quality is important to us
Highest quality
The quality of our programmes, delivered by IUBH University of Applied Sciences, is
very important to us. For this reason, we not only ­introduced internal quality assuran-
ce procedures, but also subject our programmes to numerous external accreditations
and certificates.

TOP BUSINESS IUBH has been awarded the title “Top Business School” in the
Focus Money DEUTSCHLAND TEST of educational providers. The

SCHOOL 2018 award confirms the high level of student satisfaction with our
university’s services. A total of 116 providers from eight catego-
ries were put to the test.

5 PREMIUM SEALS Awarded the premium seal for five of our degree program-
mes: ­FIBAA is an international agency for quality assurance in

BY FIBAA ­higher education in Germany. Premium seals are awarded only

for excellent quality in the design and implementation of ­study

TOP RATINGS IN The CHE University Ranking is one of the best-known study
­rankings in Germany. The IUBH achieved the following results:

SCIENTIFIC CHE •• Top rating in the area „overall study“

•• Top rating in the field of „practical relevance

GERMAN Since 1957, the German Council of Science and Humanities

(Wissenschaftsrat) has provided advice to the national and

WISSENSCHAFTSRAT regional authorities in questions of university development,

science and research, and also has the task of assuring the
quality of teaching and research in private universities. In
2009 we were awarded unconditional accreditation by the
German Science Council for ten years. This is the best result
that can be obtained in this procedure.

TOP RATINGS ON Our students gave us excellent reviews on „FernstudiumCheck.

de“, a leading portal for reviews of distance learning colleges

EXTERNAL PORTALS as one of the top institutes in the category „most ­popular” on-
line ­studies. From fernstudium-direkt.de, a comparison site for
­distance learning courses in Germany, we received an award for
„Top distance schools in 2017“.

INNOVATION & From autumn 2016 IUBH is the only university worldwide to
receive recognition for online exams - anywhere, anytime, im-

EXCELLENCE AWARD mediately and with a live invigilator. For this innovation we were
in the leader board of the IT Innovation Award of German SMEs.

FIBAA All IUBH study programmes are accredited by the FIBAA, an

international agency for quality assurance in the universi-
ty ­sector. Accreditation by the FIBAA proves, among other
things, that the content of study programmes meets academic
­standards, the structures of the study programmes meet all of
the formal requirements of state authorities and the resources
required to carry out the programmes in the form of qualified
staff and the right equipment are available.

TEDQUAL In 2010, the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNW-

TO) awarded us the TedQual Certificate. It thus confirmed the

BY UNWTO ­internationally recognised teaching standards of our tourism

programmes. The IUBH was awarded this certificate as the first,
and so far only, university in Germany.

Top grades in university rankings:

IUBH University of Applied Sciences ·
Muelheimer Strasse 38 · 53604 Bad Honnef · Germany
phone +49.2224.9605.101
[email protected] · www.iubh-online.org
As of August 2018; subject to change
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