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21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Gold Coast, Australia, 29 Nov to 4 Dec 2015

Evaluation of multiple satellite evaporation products in

two dryland regions using GRACE
O. Lopez, M. F. McCabe and R. Houborg

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
Email: [email protected]

Abstract: Remote sensing has become a valuable tool for monitoring the water cycle variables in areas that
lack the availability of ground-based measurements. Integrating multiple remote sensing-based estimates of
evaporation, precipitation, and the terrestrial water storage changes with local measurements of streamflow
into a consistent estimate of the regional water budget is a challenge, due to the scale mismatch among the
retrieved variables. Evapotranspiration, including soil evaporation, interception losses and canopy transpira-
tion, has received special focus in a number of recent studies that aim to provide global or regional estimates
of evaporation at regular time intervals using a variety of remote sensing input. In arid and semi-arid regions,
modeling of evaporation is particularly challenging due to the relatively high role of the soil evaporation com-
ponent in these regions and the variable nature of rainfall events that drive the evaporation process. In this
study, we explore the hydrological consistency of remote sensing products in terms of water budget closure
and the correlation among spatial patterns of precipitation (P), evaporation (E) and terrestrial water storage,
using P-E as a surrogate of water storage changes, with special attention to the evaporation component. The
analysis is undertaken within two dryland regions that have presented recent significant changes in climatology
(Murray-Darling Basin in Australia) and water storage (the Saq aquifer in northern Saudi Arabia). Water stor-
age changes were derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) spherical harmonic
(SH) coefficients. Six remote sensing-based evaporation estimates were subtracted from the Global Precip-
itation Climatology Project (GPCP)-based precipitation estimates and were compared with GRACE-derived
water storage changes. Our results suggest that it is not possible to close the water balance by using satellite
data alone, even when adopting a spherical harmonic filtering approach.

Keywords: Evaporation, GRACE, dryland, spherical harmonics

O. Lopez et al., Evaluation of multiple remote sensing evaporation products...


Monitoring water fluxes over large regions has become increasingly accessible with the availability of satellite-
based data covering hydrological variables such as evaporation (Mueller et al., 2013), soil moisture (McCabe
et al., 2005), precipitation (Kummerow et al., 2000) and even vegetation response (Liu et al., 2011). To develop
these products, data from different satellites has to be merged to effectively cover large regions for precipitation
estimation, and/or combined in a conceptual model of evaporation (Ershadi et al., 2014). A further step for
validating the combined capability of these independent products to represent land surface processes is to
verify their water balance closure (Pan et al., 2012) or hydrological consistency (McCabe et al., 2008). An
important goal for remote sensing as a tool for monitoring the water cycle should be to be able to close the
water budget of any region in the world, regardless of climate zone or dominant biome type. Currently, there
is still some way towards achieving this from remote sensing data alone (Sheffield et al., 2009), but dryland
regions with ephemeral or non-existent streamflow could be used as simpler test sites by eliminating this
variable from the water budget (Wang et al., 2012):

∆S = P − E − Q (1)

Evaporation, which includes the evaporation from soil and transpiration from plants, has been an active area
of research recently thanks to the LandFlux (McCabe et al., 2015) and WACMOS-ET (Miralles et al., 2015)
projects, as well as the development of the several remote sensing algorithms and products for regional and
global scale analysis (Mueller et al., 2013). Some of these products include: the MODIS (MOD16) Penman-
Monteith based model of Mu et al. (2011), the Global Land Surface Evaporation: the Amsterdam Methodology
(GLEAM) of Miralles et al. (2011), and the Atmosphere Land Exchange Inverse (ALEXI) by Anderson et al.
(2011). Jimenez et al. (2011) and Mueller et al. (2011) compared global estimates of evaporation from remote
sensing products, land surface models (LSM) and climate reanalyses and found that some of the absolute
differences between the satellite products were attributed to different forcing data sets, an aspect that has
recently been examined as part of a coordinated tower based analysis (Ershadi et al., 2014).
On the left hand side of (1), the change in water storage includes changes in groundwater, soil moisture, surface
water, biomass and snow. Reconciling these components from remote sensing data alone would be impossible
due to the lack of a satellite-based groundwater observation. The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
(GRACE) (Tapley et al., 2004) however, has allowed to recover vertically-integrated water storage anomalies
since its launch in 2002. GRACE resolution is limited to about a few hundred kilometers and monthly values,
in contrast to higher resolutions in precipitation, soil moisture, vegetation and evaporation products.
Due to the low resolution constraint of GRACE, the integration of remote sensing products has been tested at
large river water basins. For example, Sheffield et al. (2009) evaluated the potential retrieval of streamflow of
the Mississippi River basin as a residual of the water budget using GRACE and satellite-based evaporation and
precipitation. Sahoo et al. (2011) followed with a similar study over ten globally distributed river basins. Both
studies concluded that with remote sensing alone it is not yet possible to achieve water budget closure. There
have however, been efforts to downscale GRACE data by using data assimilation techniques, e.g. Houborg
et al. (2012). Data assimilation techniques have also been used to constrain the water budget of major global
river basins by using multiple sources of data including land surface models, remote sensing, in situ data, and
climate reanalysis (Pan et al., 2012).
Here we explore the hydrological consistency of satellite-based products of precipitation, evaporation and
water storage across two dryland regions: the Saq aquifer in Saudi Arabia, and the Murray-Darling basin in
Australia. The study extends the analysis of Sheffield et al. (2009) and Sahoo et al. (2011) by exploring the
degree-correlations between GRACE spherical harmonic (SH) coefficients and the residual of precipitation
and evaporation. Since different degrees correspond to different length scales (higher degrees correspond to
smaller scales), the study explores the hydrological consistency in terms of the water budget at different scales.


GRACE official products are provided as a set of spherical harmonic (SH) coefficients describing the gravity
field with water storage obtained after applying a number of post-processing steps to these coefficients. For
example, random errors present in the higher degree coefficients are removed by using a smoothing (or Gaus-
sian) filter (Swenson and Wahr, 2006). Systematic errors in the coefficients appear as meridionally oriented
stripes that obscure the true hydrologic signal. Swenson and Wahr (2006) developed a de-striping filter to

O. Lopez et al., Evaluation of multiple remote sensing evaporation products...

remove these correlated errors. However, a side effect of this filter is that the true signal is modified and a last
step in the process is scaling the GRACE signal to account for this effect. The scaling factor can be obtained
by applying the same filters to the output of a land surface model, as explained by Landerer and Swenson
(2012). Long et al. (2015) recently explored the impact that the choice of LSM or scaling technique may have
on the water storage anomalies and found that arid and semiarid basins, as well as areas with intensive irri-
gation, are the most sensitive to the choice of LSM. An alternative to scaling that has received little attention
when using GRACE data along with other data sets (e.g. precipitation and evaporation) is to convert these
data to spherical harmonics and to apply the GRACE filters to these coefficients directly. Swenson (2010)
used this approach when comparing two global precipitation products at high latitudes using GRACE and a
water balance approach. One advantage of this method is that (1) can be explored at different length scales by
evaluating the degree-correlation:
1 X (A) (B) (A) (B)

rl = (A) (B)
Clm Clm + Slm Slm (2)
σl σl m=0
where Clm and Slm are the spherical harmonic coefficients of degree l and order m, and σl2 is the degree
variance which is the sum of squared coefficients corresponding to a degree l. Tapley et al. (2004) used
this measure to evaluate the performance of GRACE compared to the Global Land Data Assimilation Sys-
tem (GLDAS), and showed that they are relatively well correlated at large spatial scales but are completely
uncorrelated for length scales of around 500-650km (degrees 30 and above).
In this study, we first accumulated the daily evaporation and precipitation estimates to monthly values. Next,
we converted these monthly gridded data sets to spherical harmonic coefficients using the algorithm described
in Wang et al. (2006), which allows for the fast computation of spherical harmonics from a non-smooth gridded
data set. The data was masked to include only the pixels within the study region (e.g. the aquifer or basin).
GRACE water storage anomalies were obtained by subtracting the mean of the study period (2003-2014), with
water storage change computed as:
W SA(t + 1) − W SA(t − 1)
∆S = (3)
where WSA is the water storage anomaly and t corresponds to any given month. GRACE coefficients are
regionally averaged by multiplying the global coefficients with the SH coefficients describing the study region.
The latter is obtained by the same method used to convert the satellite products into spherical harmonics.


In order to test the degree correlation between water storage changes observed by GRACE satellites and
remotely sensed precipitation and evaporation, an ideal study site should not contain large active streams so
that the third term in (1) can be neglected. The Saq Aquifer in Saudi Arabia, is a major source of groundwater
that contains non-renewable water that is being used for agricultural development in the region. The subsurface
area of the aquifer is large enough (160, 000km2 ) for GRACE data to be used significantly and is located in
an arid to semi-arid environment (El Kenawy and McCabe, 2015).
To compare the results of an ideal site to one in which runoff is not negligible, but still similarly placed in terms
of a predominantly semi-arid climate zone (Evans and McCabe, 2010), we used the Murray-Darling Basin in
Australia to further explore the possibility of hydrological consistency between GRACE and satellite-based
products using degree-correlation, although ignoring the runoff term. We assume that the spatial distribution
of water storage variations over the whole basin is not affected significantly by runoff.



The following section presents a set of selected degree correlation analyses comparing GRACE water storage
change coefficients corresponding to the same month on different years, as well as different months during the
same year. This was done in order to get a sense of the range of degree correlations that could be achieved
if similar spatial patterns are to be found when comparing both sides of (1). In this section, we used the
coefficients describing the water storage changes within the Saq aquifer.
The comparison was first done at a monthly scale by comparing the water storage change coefficients for three
cases: 1) a summer month against a winter month during the same year, 2) a summer month against the same

O. Lopez et al., Evaluation of multiple remote sensing evaporation products...

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

June/December 2006
−0.5 −0.5 S06-SC
June 2006/2008
December 2004/2006
−1 −1
10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
l l

Figure 1. GRACE water storage change degree correlations between winter and summer months. Left:
Monthly scale comparison. Right: summer-climatology (SC) and winter-climatology (WC) comparisons.

calendar month in another year, and 3) a winter month against the same calendar month in another year. Next,
we obtained two climatological averages based on summer and winter periods, and used this climatology
to compare against June and December of 2006. Figure 1 shows both the monthly (left) and climatology-
based (right) degree correlation curve. The correlation between summer and winter months is clearly lower
than when comparing points within the same season, although the distinction is more marked when using the
climatology averages.


A set of degree correlation results evaluating the water balance over the study sites was also examined. The
first degree correlation curves were obtained by comparing a summer/winter climatology (June-August and
December-February) of GRACE water storage changes against a similar climatology of the subtracted remote
sensing coefficients (P-E). We used three different evaporation products resulting in three curves of degree
correlation: GLEAM (Miralles et al., 2011), available at a 0.25◦ resolution, MOD16 (Mu et al., 2011) at
0.05◦ resolution and CSIRO (Zhang et al., 2012) at 0.25◦ resolution. For the Saq aquifer, we also used
ALEXI (Anderson et al., 2011) at a 0.04◦ resolution. The degree correlation curves are shown in Figure 2 for
both the Saq aquifer (left) and the Murray-Darling Basin (right), for both summer (top) and winter (bottom)
The correlation curves suggest an inconsistency between the variables, given that for most of the degrees,
the correlation is poor (less than 0.5). We can also see that there is a higher level of uncertainty within the
evaporation products in the Saq aquifer during the summer months (Figure 2). There is no clear pattern of
relationship between degree correlation and degree, and there is no significant difference between summer and
winter months regarding the level of agreement between GRACE and the remote sensing products. Finally, we
calculated the degree correlation curve at a monthly scale for every point in time available for each evaporation
product. The result is shown in Figure 3. The top row corresponds to the Saq Aquifer, while the bottom row
corresponds to the Murray-Darling Basin. We see that for most of the time, the correlation is close to zero
with only a few of the lowest degrees being highly correlated. The correlations at any time are in fact no better
than the correlation between a winter and summer month of GRACE coefficients as shown in Figure 1.

O. Lopez et al., Evaluation of multiple remote sensing evaporation products...

1 1

0.5 0.5

rl 0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−1 −1
10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−1 −1
10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
l l

Figure 2. Comparison of summer (top) and winter (bottom)-based climatologies of GRACE water storage
change coefficients and P-E coefficients within the Saq Aquifer (left) and Murray-Darling Basin (right)


This paper proposed to investigate the water balance of two dryland regions using water storage changes de-
rived from GRACE satellites and precipitation and evaporation from remote sensing products. Processing
GRACE data involves the use and filtering of spherical harmonic coefficients, which makes its use challenging
when combined with other data sources. In this study, we transformed several remote sensing based evapora-
tion products and one merged precipitation product into spherical harmonics to provide a spatial comparison
of the water balance with GRACE. Our study showed inconsistencies in most of the spectral domain at multi-
ple time scales, even in a study region where runoff, the only flux missing in our water balance, is negligible.
In the Murray-Darling Basin the results were not significantly different. While other studies have already
demonstrated the difficulty in closing the water balance using GRACE data and remote sensing data alone
(e.g. Sheffield et al. 2009), our study reaffirms this knowledge through a different approach. This approach
takes into account the reduction of the geophysical signal in GRACE due to the filtering process, which is
otherwise accounted for by a scaling factor obtained with a hydrologic model (Long et al., 2015). Although
our results suggest it is not possible to close the water balance by using satellite data alone, studies using mul-
tiple sources of information through integrative approaches provide an alternative approach to advance this
task (Aires, 2014; Pan et al., 2012). Furthermore, the contribution of human-related activities such as intensive
agriculture and water management need to be included in these efforts, particularly as large scale evaporation
approaches are known to have difficulty in resolving such small activities.


Research reported in this publication was supported by the King Abdullah University of Science and Technol-
ogy (KAUST).

O. Lopez et al., Evaluation of multiple remote sensing evaporation products...


0 0 0 0

Saq aquifer
l 20 20 20 20

40 40 40 40
03 05 07 09 11 03 05 07 09 11 03 05 07 09 11 13 07 08 09 10 11 12
0 0 0
Murray-Darling Basin

l 20 20 20

−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
40 40 40
03 05 07 09 11 03 05 07 09 11 03 05 07 09 11 13
Time Time Time

Figure 3. Degree correlation matrix comparing GRACE and P-ET using different evaporation products in the
Saq aquifer (top) and Murray-Darling basin (bottom)

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