Prometer 100: In-Built IEC 61850 Support
Prometer 100: In-Built IEC 61850 Support
Prometer 100: In-Built IEC 61850 Support
Applications Features
Ÿ Energy transfer measurement and reconciliation Ÿ 0.2s accuracy for active and reactive measurement
Ÿ Power plants, feeder monitoring, grid substations, wind Ÿ Wide-range dual auxiliary supply with options for AC/
turbines Ÿ DC and self-power (VT powered)
Ÿ On-line monitoring of energy exchange at various interface Ÿ Power quality features including THD, sag, swell, voltage
points unbalance and interruption recording
Ÿ Energy accounting, automation and system integration Ÿ Dynamic error compensation for CT/VT
Ÿ Transformer/line loss adjustment (copper and iron losses)
Ÿ Intuitive graphical display including vector diagram, wave
Benefits forms and bar chart for consumption
Ÿ Minimal integration cost through multiple communication Ÿ Remote configuration of communication ports
interfaces Ÿ Simultaneous DLMS and MODBUS over Ethernet port
Ÿ Suitable for diverse applications through wide-range voltage, Ÿ Supports meter reading and display using field
current and auxiliary supply inputs replaceable battery
Ÿ Support of industry standard DLMS and MODBUS meter Ÿ In built IEC61850/RS232 port along with RS485 and
reading protocols Ethernet ports in a single product, with simultaneous
Ÿ Meter reading and display viewing under power outage communication capability
Ÿ Multi-lingual support on display (Swedish, German, English, Ÿ Dual loggers for energy and instantaneous parameters
French, Spanish and Italian) Ÿ Flexible time-of-day tariff, maximum demand,
Ÿ DST (Daylight saving time) support, with automatic billing
Prometer 100
precision metering series
System architecture
Prometer 100 offers various communication modules, such as RS-232 with output to power up terminal modem, RS-485 for multi-
drop connectivity and Ethernet for integrating into communication bus. The communication modules can be hot-plugged in field
and locally or remotely configured for ids and IP addresses. Dual-socket support on Ethernet allows for simultaneous
communication over MODBUS and DLMS through different clients. All communication ports can simultaneously transfer data at
high speeds.
Network switch
Ethernet Port LAN Switch
RS-485 Network
Ethernet Network
control unit
Digital pulse output
Product options*
Power supply 1 Power supply 2 Pulse input / output
60-240 V AC/DC (±20%) 60-240 V AC/DC (±20%) 4 configurable I/O
Self-powered 24-48 V DC (±20%) 4 configurable I/O and 8 fixed pulse O/P
Prometer 100
precision metering series
Technical specifications
Connection type HV3/HV4
Measurement voltage range 57.7 V to 69.3 V (L-N), 100V to 120 V (L-L) ±30%
Measurement current range 1-10 A (configurable)
Frequency 50/60 Hz ±5%
Burden with auxiliary / self-powered (VT) Current circuit:
< 0.1 VA/phase @ 1 A
< 0.5 VA/phase @ 5 A
Voltage circuit in case of Aux power:
< 0.1 VA/phase
Voltage circuit in case of internal/self power:
<6 VA/phase
Accuracy Class 0.2s or class 0.5s
Maximum overload voltage 1.5 times of nominal voltage continuously
2 times of nominal voltage for 0.5 second
Maximum overload current 1.5 times of Imax continuously
10 times Imax for 1 second
20 times Imax for 0.5 second
Standards IEC 62052-11, IEC 62053-22, IEC 62053-23, IEC 62053-24, IEC 62056-52,
IEC 61010-1, IEC 61010-2-030, CE
Configurable parameters:
Ÿ 16 time-of-use tariffs, 16 seasons, 16 days types and 16 time zones, 53
billing dates, DST dates for 25 years
Ÿ Logging of up to 100 day for daily energy snapshots
Ÿ 7 configurable display sequences along with fixed, auto and sealed
button sequences
Ÿ 50+ alarms and 10+compartments for event logging
Logging of up to 15 sets of historical data logging
Up to 31st individual harmonic component measurement
Power quality features, including voltage sag, swell, unbalance recording
Delta values monitored and logged
Code of Practice (UK BSCP) security protection
Prometer 100
precision metering series
Technical specifications
Power supply Dual/single auxiliary supply
Range: 60-240 V AC/DC (±20%), burden: <10 VA
Optional range: 24-48 V DC (±20%), burden: <10 VA
Display Graphical, with green backlight
Extended temperature range -20 °C to +70 °C
Size: 69 x 39 mm (W x H), 128 x 80 pixels, pixel size: 0.5 mm²
Max display character size 10 x 5 mm (H x W)
Battery Field-replaceable battery for RTC backup and meter reading/display
viewing during power outage
Optical 1107 port Protocol: DLMS, Baud rate: 1200 – 19200 bps, Half duplex
RS232 port Built-in supply of 4 V @ 550 mA, Protocol: DLMS,
Baud rate: 1200 –57600 bps, Half duplex
RS485 port Protocol: Configurable DLMS/MODBUS RTU,
Baud rate: 1200 – 57600 bps, Half duplex
Ethernet port 10/100 Mbps, Protocol: DLMS and MODBUS TCP simultaneous client
Full duplex
Inbuilt IEC61850 server edition 2.0 Logical nodes: LLNO, LPHD, MMXU, MMTR, MHAI, MABT
Reports (RCB)
Up to 5 clients
Time synchronization – SNTP
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice
Connector type Standard RJ45 for all the ports except optical
* Electrical, compliance, mechanical, software and features options depend on variant selected.
01-18/Ver 1.0/skv