Carbohydrates Chemistry and Metabolism

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chemistry and metabolism 

·   Which of the following molecules is smallest?

(a)    Sucrose

(b)    glucose

(c)     glycogen

(d)    starch

·   All the following molecules contain more than one ring except

(a) Cholesterol

(b) glucose

(c) progesterone

(d) sucrose

 (e) DNA

·   Which is not a function of carbohydrates (in general)?

(a) Structural support

(b) Immediate energy

(c) Energy storage

(d) Enzymatic catalysis

·   Catabolism is:

A)    A reductive process

B)    An exergonic process

C)    An endergonic process

D)    A process producing macromolecules

·   All of the following products result from digestion of starch in mouth except:

A)    Isomaltose
B)    Maltose

C)    Dextrin

D)    Glucose

·    One of the following is not a characteristic of passive transport:

A)    It occurs by means of Na+ dependent facilitative transport

B)    It needs no energy

C)    Sugars pass with concentration gradient (from high to low concentration)

D)    It occurs by means of Na+ independent facilitative transport

·    Absorbed glucose may undergo all the following except:

A) Storage

B) Reduction

C) Conversion to fructose

D) Conversion to glucoronic acid

·   In aerobic conditions, pyruvate is converted to:

A)    Lactate

B)    Glucose

C)    Acetyl CoA

D)    Ethanol

·   The synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate compounds is known as:

A)    Glycolysis

B)    Glycogenolysis

C)    Glycogenesis

D)    Gluconeogenesis

·   The substrate / precursor for gluconeogenesis is:

A)    Galactose
B)    Glucose

C)    Fructose

D)    Pyruvate

·   The Cori cycle may be described as:

A.  The interconversion between glycogen and glucose-1-phosphate
B.  The synthesis of alanine from pyruvae in skleal muscles and the synthesis of pyruvate from alanine in the liver
C.  The synthesis of urea in liver and degradation of of urea to carbon dioxide and ammonia by bacteria in gut
 D.  The production of lactate from glucose in peripheral tissues with the resynthesis of glucose from lactate in liver

·   Which of the following metabolic pathway DOES NOT occur in mitochondria?
A.   Citric acid cycle
B.   Electron transport chain
C.   Glycolysis
D.   Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate

·    How many net molecules of ATP are generated when one molecule of glucose is oxidized to lactate:
A.    0
B.    1
C.    2
D.    12

·    Degradation of liver glycogen gives:

A.   Lactic acid

B.   Pyruvic acid

C.   Glucose

D.   Glucuronic acid

·   Oxidation of acetyl CoA in Krebs' cycle produces:

A.    4 ATP

B.   12 ATP

C.   15 ATP

D.   38 ATP

·   Diabetes mellitus is due to the deficiency of the action of which hormones:

A.   Glucagon

B.   Glucocorticoids

C.   Nor-epinephrine

D.   Insulin
·   For glycogenesis, Glucose should be converted to

(A)   Glucuronic acid       

(B)  Pyruvic acid

(C)   UDP glucose             

(D)  Sorbitol

·   When O2 supply is inadequate, pyruvate is converted to

(A)   Phosphopyruvate   

(B)  Acetyl CoA

(C)   Lactate                

(D)  Alanine

·   Complete oxidation of one molecule of pyruvate

A.  2 ATP.

B. 12 ATP

C. 15 ATP

D. 38 ATP.

·   Complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose into CO2 and H2O yields
(A) 8 ATP
(B) 15 ATP
(C) 30 ATP
(D) 36 or 38 ATP

·   The transport of a pair of electrons from NADH   to  O2     via  the  electron transport chain  in the mitochondria

(A) 1  ATP          

(B) 2 ATP
(C)  3 ATP              

(D)  4 ATP

·   Glycogen  is  present in all  body tissues except

(A)   Liver                     

(B) Brain
(C)   Kidney                       
 (D)  Stomach

·   The  carbohydrate reserved in  human body is

(A)  Starch                        

(B)  Glucose

(C)  Glycogen        

(D)  Inulin

·   The transport of a pair of electrons from FADH2   to  O2     via  the  electron transport chain  in the mitochondria

(A) 1  ATP          

(B) 2 ATP
(C)  3 ATP              

(D)  4 ATP

·   Which of the following conversions is accomplished by the process of glycolysis?

a. glucose to glycogen

b. glucose to pyruvate

c. starch to glucose

d. pyruvate to glucose

·   Accumulation of which of the following substances is the cause of stiff and sore muscles after vigorous

a. lactate

b. pyruvate

c. acetyl CoA

d. glycerate

·   Glucose is converted to two pyruvates.

a) Gluconeogenesis

b) Glycogenesis

c) Glycogenolysis

d) glycolysis
·    α-1-6 glycosidic bonds present in glycogen are hydrolyzed by:

A)    α–amylase

B)    β–amylase

C)    Glucosidase

D)    Transferase

·    In which compartment does glycolysis occur?

A.  The mitochondria
B.  The nucleus
C.  Cytosol
D.  The rough endoplasmic reticulum

·   Complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose under anaerobic glycolysis gives:
A. 2 ATP
B. 6 ATP
C. 8 ATP
D. 30 ATP

·   Which of the following substrates CANNOT be converted into glucose:

A.  Lactate
B.  Glycerol
C. Acetoacetate
D. Aspartate

·   Tissues form lactic acid  from glucose. This phenomenon is termed as

(A)   Aerobic glycolysis
(B)  Oxidation
(C)   Oxidative phosphorylation
(D)   Anaerobic  glycolysis

·   Synthesis of Glucose from amino acids is termed as

(A)   Glycolysis                  
 (B) Gluconeogenesis
(C)   Glycogenesis            

(D)  Lipogenesis

·   An  essential  for  converting Glucose to Glycogen in Liver is

(A)   Lactic acid                     

(B)  GTP
(C)   CTP
(D)  UTP

·   The glycolysis is regulated by

(A)   Hexokinase            

(B) Phosphofructokinase
(C)   Pyruvate kinase     
(D)  All of these

·   In the human body, under aerobic conditions and anaerobic conditions, respectively, pyruvate is converted to:
A.lactate and ethanol
B.lactate and acetyl CoA
C.ethanol and lactate
D.acetyl CoA and lactate

·    Glycogen is converted to glucose in which of the following processes?

              d. glycolysis  

·   Which of the following hormones promotes the uptake and use of glucose by cells?
a. insulin
b. glucagon
c. epinephrine
d. thyroid hormone

·    Glucose is synthesized from pyruvate.

a) gluconeogenesis
b) glycogenesis
c) glycogenolysis
d) glycolysis

·    Pyruvate to lactate.

a) Cori cycle
b) an anaerobic process
c) pentose phosphate pathway
d) aerobic process

·    Glucose to pyruvate to lactate to pyruvate to glucose.

a) Cori cycle
b) an anaerobic process
c) pentose phosphate pathway

   d) alanine cycle

·    Which mammalian cell does not have aerobic pathway of glucose catabolism?

      (a) Nerve cell

          (b) Sperm cell

          (c) Ovum

          (d) Red cell

·   How many ATP molecules are produced on complete oxidation of acetyl CoA in the citric acid cycle?
         (a) Six

             (b) Nine

             (b) Twelve

            (d) Fifteen

·    Lactose intolerance is due to-

(a) ADH deficiency
(b) Deficiency of bile
(c) Lactase deficiency
(d) Malabsorption syndrome

·    Glucose can be synthesized from all except - 

a. Amino acids 
b. Glycerol 
c. Acetoacetate    
d. Lactic acid  

·   Glycerol is converted to glucose in-  

a. Liver  
b. Muscle
c. Brain 
d. Heart  

·   one molecule of glucose forms …molecules of pyruvate 

a. 1 
b. 2 
c. 3 
d. 5  

·   Which of the following cannot be digested in the human  body, 

a. lactose
b. Sucrose 
c. maltose
d. cellulose

·    Enzyme that hydrolyzes sucrose is

a. sucrase
b. Amylase      
c. Emulsin    
d. Sucrose phosphorylase 

·   Glycolysis occurs in-  

a. Cytosol  

b. Mitochondria  

c. Nucleus 

d. Lysosome  

·   Kreb's cycle does not occur in                    

a. Muscle   
b. RBC 

c. Heart   

d. All the above  

·   TCA cycle does not take place in                 

a. Hepatocyte 

b. Osteocyte 

c. Neuron   

d. Erythrocyte  

·   The sugar absorbed by intestine against a concentration gradient is            

a. Glucose

b. Galactose 

c. Mannose   

d. Xylose  

e. a and  b

·   The tissue with the highest glycogen content  

 a. Liver  

 b. Muscle 

c. Kidneys    

d. Testes  

·   Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver and                 

a. Kidney  

b. Muscle 

c. Heart  

d. Fat 

·   Which of the following carbohydrates would be most abundant in the diet of strict vegetarians?  

a. Amylose  
b. Lactose  

c. Cellulose      

d. Maltose  

e. Glycogen

·   The citric acid cycle occurs in which subcellular compartment? 

a. Cytosol 

b. Endoplasmic reticulum 

c. Golgi 

d. Mitochondria    

e. Nucleus

·   A 25-year-old man visits his GP complaining of abdominal cramps and diarrhea after drinking milk. What is the
most likely cause of his problem? 

a. Bacterial and yeast overgrowth in the large intestine. 

b. Infection with the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia. 

c. Lack of pancreatic amylase. 

d. Lack of small intestinal lactase. 

e. Lack of small intestinal sucrose-isomaltase.  

·   Lactate formed in muscles can be utilised through

a. Rapoport-Luebeling cycle

b. Glucose-alanine cycle

c. Cori's cycle

d. Citric acid cycle

·   Catalytic activity of salivary amylase requires the presence of

a. Chloride ions

b. Bromide ions
c. Iodide ions

d. All of these

·   Glycogenin is

a.       Uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation

b.      Polymer of glycogen molecules

c.       Protein primer for glycogen synthesis

d.      Intermediate in glycogen breakdown

·   The conversion of alanine to glucose is termed

e.       Glycolysis

f.       Oxidative decarboxylation

g.      Specific dynamic action

h.      Gluconeogenesis

·   Under anaerobic conditions the glycolysis one mole of glucose yields _ moles of ATP.

a. One

b. Two

c. Eight

d. Thirty

·   Glucose will be converted into fatty acids if the diet has excess of

a. Carbohydrates

b. Proteins

c. Fat

d. Vitamins

·   Conversion of Alanine to carbohydrate is termed:

a. Glycogenesis

b. Gluconeogenesis

c. Glycogenolysis

d. Photosynthesis
·   Spermatozoa in seminal fluid utilises the following sugar for its metabolism

a. Glucose

b. Fructose

c. Sucrose

d. Mannose

·   A disaccharide linked by a α 1-4 glycosidic linkage is

a. Lactose

b. Sucrose

c. Cellulose

d. Maltose

·   Table sugar which is used in making tea is

a. Glucose

b. Fructose

c. Lactose

d. Sucrose

·   Milk sugar is

a. Mannose

b. Lactose

c. Sucrose

d. Fructose

·   Starch and glycogen are polymers of

a. Fructose

b. Mannose

c. α-D glucose

d. β-D glucose

·   Cane sugar is known as

a. Galactose

b. Sucrose

c. Fructose

d. Maltose

·   Glycogen is present in all body tissues except

a. Liver

b. Brain

c. Kidney

d. Stomach

·   Galactose is a main constituent of

a. Milk sugar

b. Honey

c. Cane sugar

d. Chitin

·   Glycogenolysis takes place in:

A)      Muscle and liver tissues

B)       Heart and muscle tissues

C)       Liver and heart tissues

D)      Liver and kidney tissues

·   In aerobic conditions, one (1) glucose molecule produces through the TCA cycle:

A)      2 NADH

B)       4 NADH

C)       6 NADH

D)      8 NADH

·   TCA cycle is inhibited by high levels of:

A)      Citrate

B)       ADP
C)       ATP

D)      NAD

·   The net energy produced in anaerobic glycolysis is equal to:

A)      2 ATP

B)       4 ATP

C)       6 ATP

D)      8 ATP

D)      Cytoplasm

·   Action of salivary amylase on starch leads to the formation of

a. Maltose

b. isomaltose

c. dextrins

d. all of the above

·   The following is actively absorbed in the intestine:

a. Fructose

b. Mannose

c. Galactose

d. None of these

·   Cori's cycle transfers

a. Glucose from muscles to liver

b. Lactate from muscles to liver

c. Lactate from liver to muscles

d. Pyruvate from liver to muscles

·   Cellulose is made up of

a. α-glucose

b. β-glucose
c. Both of (a) and (b)

d. None of (a) and (b)

  Which  of the following statements regarding T.C.A cycle is true?

(A)   It is an anaerobic process
(B)   It occurs in cytosol
(C)   It contains no intermediates  for Gluconeogenesis
(D)   It is amphibolic in nature

·         Stage 2 of glycolysis produces:

A)        1 ATP

B)        2 ATP

C)        3 ATP

D)        4 ATP

·         The following enzymes catabolize irreversible reactions in glycolysis except:

A)        Hexokinase

B)        Pyruvate kinase

C)        Phosphoglycerate kinase

D)        Phosphofructokinase

8-         The transport of two electrons of NADH from the cytosol into the mitochondria through the
glycerophosphate shuttle results in the synthesis of:

A)        2 ATP

B)        3 ATP

C)        4 ATP

D)        6 ATP

·          The end product of one stage fermentation is-  

a. Formic acid    

b. Pyruvate        

c. Lactate     
d. Ethanol  

·         Which of the following processes requires UTP molecules?

a.formation of glycogen from glucose 6-phosphate
b.degradation of glycogen to glucose 6-phosphate
c.both the formation and degradation of glycogen
d.formation of glucose 1-phosphate from glucose 6-phosphate

·          Glycogen is synthesized from glucose 6-phosphate.

a) gluconeogenesis
b) glycogenesis
c) glycogenolysis
d) glycolysis
Pyruvate to ethanol.

a) Cori cycle
b) an anaerobic process
c) pentose phosphate pathway

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