Performance Based Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Tall Buildings
Performance Based Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Tall Buildings
Performance Based Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Tall Buildings
Approval of the thesis:
Date: 10.11.2015
I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare
that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced
all material and results that are not original to this work.
Signature :
Budak, Erhan
M.S., Department of Civil Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Haluk Sucuoğlu
Cities, their economies and populations are steadily increasing all over the world. In
parallel, the land prices in those cities are rising enormously, hence the need for new
living spaces has been arisen. These results bring some obligations and new
perspectives for those cities in order to address their needs. In addition,
improvements and developments in technological equipment, material science and
analyses methods have opened great opportunities to construct new life areas by
rising the vertical direction instead of horizontal direction. Considering all these
facts, the need for tall building are growing up and the design of tall buildings are
increasing gradually day by day. However, most of those buildings are located in the
regions of high seismicity. Unfortunately, the behaviour of tall buildings, especially
under the effect of seismic loading, is one of the most sophisticated problems in
earthquake engineering. In this study, the behaviour of tall buildings under seismic
loading is investigated by utilizing performance based seismic design (PBSD)
Unlike regular buildings, tall buildings are special due to their specific architectural
properties and building configurations. Accordingly, the behaviour of tall buildings
under the effect of seismic actions is different since the contribution of higher mode
effects is significant on the dynamic behaviour of tall buildings. Moreover, there
exist some important differences from design to analysis to construction. In addition,
current prescriptive seismic codes are too restrictive and inadequate to understand the
anticipated behaviour of tall buildings and apply a reasonable design. In this study,
all of these problems are explained elaborately and addressed. On the other hand,
alternative high strength materials and innovative structural systems have growingly
employed to resist unique challenges introduced by these structures in the regions of
high seismicity. Considering all these facts, several institutions and building officials
have proposed and published alternative consensus guidelines which are based on
performance based design concepts by conducting nonlinear time history analysis.
The methodology of these alternative non-prescriptive guidelines is investigated and
compared with each other.
performance levels. The results have indicated that satisfactory seismic performance
can be obtained through the use of performance based seismic design procedures.
Budak, Erhan
Yüksek Lisans, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü
Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Haluk Sucuoğlu
Normal binaların aksine, yüksek binalar kendi özel mimari özellikleri ve bina
yapılandırmaları nedeniyle özellerdir. Buna göre, yüksek mod etkilerinin katkısı
yüksek binaların dinamik davranışı üzerinde önemli olduğundan sismik etkiler
altında yüksek binaların davranışı farklıdır. Ayrıca, tasarım, analiz ve inşa
aşamalarında da bazı önemli farklılıklar vardır. Buna ek olarak, yürürlükteki sismik
kodlar yüksek binaların davranışlarını anlamak ve makul bir tasarım için çok
kısıtlayıcı ve yetersizdirler. Bu çalışmada, tüm bu sorunların özenle ele alınıp
açıklanacaktır. Öte yandan, alternatif yüksek mukavemetli malzemeler ve yenilikçi
yapı sistemleri yüksek sismik tehlikeye sahip bölgelerde bu yapı tiplerinin yapımını
kolaylaştırmak için daha yoğun bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Tüm bu gerçekler göz
önüne alındığında, birçok kurum ve yetkili kişi zaman tanım alanında doğrusal
olmayan analizlerle gerçekleştirilen performans esaslı tasarım ilkelerine dayalı
alternatif kurallar yayınlamaktadır. Bu alternatif kurallardaki metodolojiler
incelenerek ve birbirleriyle karşılaştırılacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Yüksek Yapılar, betonarme yüksek yapılar, performans esaslı
sismik tasarım, sismik performans, zaman tanım aralığında doğrusal olmayan analiz
To my honourable teacher Erdal Can and my big family
I have completed this project with the help and believe of many precious and
respectful people in my life .I am thankful to all of them but firstly I would like to
thank to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Haluk Sucuoğlu for his guidance, patience, wisdom,
encouragement and valuable friendship during this tough but pleasant process.
Very special thanks to dear Alper Aldemir for being a supportive big brother, teacher
and friend to me. He also deserves my appreciation as he has always been with me in
my hard times with his knowledge and guidance. I have learnt a lot from his
friendship and character.
I would also like to thank my precious colleagues İsmail Ozan Demirel, Gizem
Mestav Sarıca, Baran Çobanoğlu, Beyazıt Bestami Aydın, Ali Gharibdoust, Dr. Ali
Kerimzade for their support, encouragement and patience in this period.
I would like to express special thanks to my real friends Cankat Tanriverdi and
Rehber Akdoğan with whom I set off this journey ten years ago with nice and
promising dreams.
Finally, my deepest gratitude goes to my family and Semra Uğurlu for their constant
support and encouragement in all respects with love. This dissertation would not
have been possible without them.
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ V
ÖZ ..................................................................................................................... VIII
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...........................................................................................XII
1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
xiii Exact Model ....................................................................... 40 Finite Element Model ......................................................... 40 Plastic Hinge Model ........................................................... 42 Plastic Zone Model............................................................. 42
2.4.3 Nonlinear Modeling of Reinforced Column Members ................. 43
2.4.4 Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Shear walls ............................. 43
2.4.5 Nonlinear Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams .... 48
2.5 P-DELTA EFFECTS ..................................................................................... 50
2.6 GRAVITY LOAD EFFECTS IN NONLINEAR ANALYSIS .................................. 51
2.7 GROUND MOTIONS SELECTION .................................................................. 51
TALL BUILDINGS ............................................................................................. 53
2.8.1 Summary of Performance Levels and Acceptance Criteria
According to TEC-2007 ......................................................................... 54 Description of Performance Levels .................................... 54 Damage Limits (acceptance criteria) for reinforced concrete
members ......................................................................................... 56
2.8.2 Summary of Performance Levels and Acceptance Criteria
According to ASCE-SEI 41-13 .............................................................. 57
2.8.3 Performance Levels and Acceptance Criteria for Tall Buildings . 62 Performance Levels ............................................................................ 62 Acceptance Criteria at the Component Level .................................... 63 Force-Controlled Actions ............................................................ 64 Non – Critical Force Controlled Actions .................................... 66 Deformation controlled Actions .................................................. 66 Acceptance Criteria for the Overall Building Behavior ..................... 67
3.4 GROUND MOTION SELECTION ................................................................... 79
3.5 PRESENTATION OF RESULTS FOR THE CASE STUDY ................................... 83
3.5.1 Inter Story Drift Ratios.................................................................. 83
3.5.2 Average Shear Stress and Axial Load Level of Shear Walls ........ 87
3.5.3 Axial Forces in Columns............................................................... 92
3.5.4 Axial Strain of Shear Walls........................................................... 94
3.6.1 Inter Story Drift Ratios................................................................ 100
3.6.2 Average Shear Stress and Axial Load Level of Shear Walls ...... 103
3.6.3 Axial Forces in Columns............................................................. 106
3.6.4 Axial Strain of Shear Walls......................................................... 107
3.6.5 Beam-end Average Curvature ..................................................... 112
3.6.6 Coupling Beam Results ............................................................... 120
STUDIES ........................................................................................................ 121
3.7.1 Comparison of Drift Results ....................................................... 122
3.7.2 Comparison of Average Shear Stress and Axial Loads and Axial
Strain of Shear Walls ........................................................................... 124
REFERENCES......................................................................................................... 137
Table 1.1. Tall buildings taller than 100 meters in regions until 2015 ........................ 2
Table 2.1. Effective stiffness values according to ASCE/SEI 41-06 ........................ 36
Table 2.2. Reinforced concrete members stiffness properties (LATBSDC, 2015) ... 37
Table 2.3. Minimum building performance objectives expected for different
earthquake levels according to TEC-2007 ................................................................. 55
Table 2.4. Modeling Parameters and Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear
Procedures—Reinforced Concrete Beams ................................................................. 59
Table 2.5. Modeling Parameters and Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear
Procedures—Reinforced Concrete Columns ............................................................. 60
Table 2.6. Modeling Parameters and Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear
Procedures—R/C Shear Walls and Associated Components Controlled by Flexure 61
Table 2.7. Expected minimum performance regions for different earthquake levels 62
Table 2.8. Typical Classification of Component Actions According to LATBSDC
2015 ............................................................................................................................ 63
Table 3.1. Section properties of the coupling beams (ln/h) ........................................ 72
Table 3.2. The section dimensions of shear walls (centimeters) ................................ 72
Table 3.3. Free vibration properties of the building for the first twelve modes ........ 73
Table 3.4 Reference ground motion properties ........................................................ 83
Table 3.5. Free vibration properties of the revised case study for the first twelve
modes ......................................................................................................................... 99
Figure 1.1. Completions and under construction of tall buildings (+100m) until 2015
...................................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 1.2. Completed tall buildings (+200m) in 2009 and 2015 with respect to
material ......................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 1.3. The reduced and minimum base shear forces according to TEC 2007 .. 10
Figure 1.4. Outrigger braces and viscoelastic dampers connecting coupled walls ... 11
Figure 2.1. Outrigger braces and viscoelastic dampers connecting coupled walls
(NEHRP, 2013) .......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2.2. Idealized cross section for fiber model and elevation of shear wall ....... 18
Figure 2.3. Ibarra –Krawinkler monotonic backbone model and its key parameters
(Ibarra et al., 2005) ..................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2.4. Cycling degradation and unloading stiffness parameters ....................... 23
Figure 2.5. Comparison of Menegotto-Pinto steel model with two different
Perform3D Models (1 % strain hardening) ................................................................ 23
Figure 2.6. Comparison of web concrete model with boundary concrete model ..... 24
Figure 2.7. Comparison of analytical models and Thomsen and Wallace RW2
specimen test results for rectangular wall section ...................................................... 24
Figure 2.8. Comparison of different idealized steel models under monotonic
loading ........................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 2.9. Comparison of different idealized steel models under cyclic loading .... 25
Figure 2.10. Comparison of test results (Thomsen and Wallace RW2) and models
using different steel models for a rectangular wall section ........................................ 26
Figure 2.11. Orakcal and Wallace Concrete models (ATC-72, 2010) ....................... 27
Figure 2.12. Comparison of Saatçioğlu Razvi unconfined concrete model with the
idealized trilinear models ........................................................................................... 28
Figure 2.13. An application of unconfined concrete model in Perform3D under
cycling loading ........................................................................................................... 28
Figure 2.14. Comparison of Saatçioğlu Razvi confined concrete model with the
idealized trilinear models ........................................................................................... 29
Figure 2.15. An application of confined concrete model in Perform3D under cycling
loading ........................................................................................................................ 29
Figure 2.16. Shear force-deformation backbone curve bases on ASCE-41-13 ......... 30
Figure 2.17. Monotonic capacity curve and hysteretic model (FEMA P440A, 2009)
.................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 2.18. Options for component modelling (ATC-72, 2010) .............................. 34
Figure 2.19. Comparison force-deformation relationship of Perform 3D, Ibarra-
Krawinkler, ASCE/SEI 41-06, TEC-2007 ................................................................. 34
Figure 2.20. Comparison of proposed effective stiffness values by Haselton and
Elwood (ATC-72, 2010) ............................................................................................ 37
Figure 2.21. Inelastic and idealized moment curvature (Priestly et al., 2007) ........... 39
Figure 2.22. Comparison of inelastic and idealized moment curvature relationship . 41
Figure 2.23. Finite element models (Perform 3D, 2011) ........................................... 41
Figure 2.24. Plastic Hinge Model and its implementation to beam and reduced beam
section......................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 2.25. Plastic zone Model ................................................................................. 43
Figure 2.26. Comparison of actual and idealized section for fiber model ................. 44
Figure 2.27. Strain distribution of the base of the wall element for 6 elements ........ 45
Figure 2.28. Strain distribution of the base of the wall element for 48 elements ...... 45
Figure 2.29. The effect of fiber size on the wall element for different axial load levels
and interaction diagram .............................................................................................. 47
Figure 2.30. Rigid lumped plasticity and shear displacement hinge model with their
backbone curves for coupling beams (ATC-72, 2010) .............................................. 48
Figure 2.31. Cantilever columns and moment diagram for a) First-order effects only
and, b) P-Δ effects only. ............................................................................................. 50
Figure 2.32. Damage limits and region for reinforced concrete section according to
TEC-2007 ................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 2.33. Generalized force-deformation relation for reinforced concrete flexural
elements or components with performance levels ..................................................... 58
Figure 3.1. (a) 3-D view and (b) typical floor plan of the building ........................... 70
Figure 3.2. TEC-2007 design and elastic spectrum ................................................... 71
Figure 3.3. Labels of shear walls ............................................................................... 72
Figure 3.4. The first mode shape (T1=3.08 sec) ......................................................... 73
Figure 3.5. The second mode shape (T2=2.73 sec) .................................................... 74
Figure 3.6. The third mode shape (T3=1.43 sec) ........................................................ 74
Figure 3.7. The fourth mode shape (T4=0.86 sec) ..................................................... 74
Figure 3.8. Comparison of inelastic and idealized (used) moment curvature
relationship ................................................................................................................. 76
Figure 3.9. Number of wall elements for core shear wall ........................................ 77
Figure 3.10. The characteristic backbone curve of coupling beams (CB3) ............... 78
Figure 3.11. Acceleration response spectra of generated ground motions, mean
acceleration spectrum, target spectrum and TEC2007 design spectrum for SLE ...... 81
Figure 3.12. Acceleration response spectra of generated ground motions, mean
acceleration spectrum, target spectrum and TEC2007 design spectrum for MCE .... 81
Figure 3.13. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of SLE shaking
in X direction.............................................................................................................. 84
Figure 3.14. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of SLE shaking
in Y direction.............................................................................................................. 85
Figure 3.15. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of MCE
shaking in X direction ................................................................................................ 86
Figure 3.16. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of MCE
shaking in Y direction ................................................................................................ 87
Figure 3.17. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW2 under SLE
shaking ....................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 3.18. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW3 under SLE
shaking ....................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 3.19. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW6 under SLE
shaking ....................................................................................................................... 90
Figure 3.20. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW2 under MCE
shaking ....................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 3.21. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW3 under MCE
shaking ....................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 3.22. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW6 under MCE
shaking ....................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 3.23. C10, C11 and C12 columns ................................................................... 92
Figure 3.24. Average axial load level on C800*1500 columns (C1, C7, C19, C20 and
the first six floors of C2 to C6) under (a) SLE, and (b) MCE shakings ..................... 93
Figure 3.25. Average axial load level on C1000*1000 columns (from C8 to C18)
under (a) SLE and (b) MCE shakings ........................................................................ 93
Figure 3.26. Average axial load level on C700*1400 columns (from C2 to C6
between 7th and 29th floor) under (a) SLE and (b) MCE shakings ........................... 93
Figure 3.27. Average axial load level on C700*1200 columns (the four upper stories
of C3, C4, C5 and C6) under (a) SLE and (b) MCE shakings ................................... 94
Figure 3.28. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW2 under SLE shaking .................................................................................... 96
Figure 3.29. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW2 under MCE shaking ................................................................................... 96
Figure 3.30. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW3 under SLE shaking .................................................................................... 97
Figure 3.31. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW3 under MCE shaking ................................................................................... 97
Figure 3.32. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW6 under SLE shaking .................................................................................... 98
Figure 3.33. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW6 under MCE shaking ................................................................................... 98
Figure 3.34. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of SLE shaking
in X direction. ........................................................................................................... 100
Figure 3.35. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of SLE shaking
in Y direction............................................................................................................ 101
Figure 3.36. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion and
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of MCE
shaking in X direction .............................................................................................. 102
Figure 3.37. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of MCE
shaking in Y direction. ............................................................................................. 103
Figure 3.38. Average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW2 under SLE
shaking ..................................................................................................................... 104
Figure 3.39. Average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW3 under SLE
shaking ..................................................................................................................... 104
Figure 3.40. Average shear stress and axial load level on shear wall SW6 under SLE
shaking ..................................................................................................................... 105
Figure 3.41. Average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW2 under MCE
shaking ..................................................................................................................... 105
Figure 3.42. Average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW3 under MCE
shaking ..................................................................................................................... 105
Figure 3.43. Average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW6 under MCE
shaking ..................................................................................................................... 106
Figure 3.44. Average axial load level on all columns under SLE shaking .............. 107
Figure 3.45. Average axial load level on all columns under MCE shaking............. 107
Figure 3.46. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW2 under SLE shaking .................................................................................. 109
Figure 3.47. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW2 under MCE shaking................................................................................. 109
Figure 3.48. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW3 under SLE shaking .................................................................................. 110
Figure 3.49. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW3 under MCE shaking................................................................................. 110
Figure 3.50. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW6 under SLE shaking .................................................................................. 111
Figure 3.51. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear
wall SW6 under MCE shaking ................................................................................. 111
Figure 3.52. Selected critical beams and direction of earthquake horizontal
components............................................................................................................... 112
Figure 3.53. Sign convention ................................................................................... 112
Figure 3.54. The distribution of positive moments and curvatures at the end I,
negative moments and curvatures at the end I, positive moments and curvatures at
the end J and negative moments and curvatures at the end J along the height of the
building under SLE shaking (Beam B1). ................................................................. 114
Figure 3.55. The distribution of positive moments and curvatures at the I end,
negative moments and curvatures at the I end, positive moments and curvatures at
the J end and negative moments and curvatures at the J end along the height of the
building under MCE shaking (Beam B1) ................................................................. 115
Figure 3.56. The distribution of positive moments and curvatures at the end I,
negative moments and curvatures at the end I, positive moments and curvatures at
the end J and negative moments and curvatures at the end J along the height of the
building under SLE shaking (Beam B2) .................................................................. 116
Figure 3.57. The distribution of positive moments and curvatures at the end I,
negative moments and curvatures at the end I, positive moments and curvatures at
the end J and negative moments and curvatures at the end J along the height of the
building under MCE shaking (Beam B2). ................................................................ 117
Figure 3.58. The distribution of negative moments and curvatures at the end I,
positive moments and curvatures at the end J and negative moments and curvatures
at the end J along the height of the building under SLE shaking (Beam B3) .......... 118
Figure 3.59 The distribution of negative moments and curvatures at the end I,
positive moments and curvatures at the end J and negative moments and curvatures
at the end J along the height of the building under MCE shaking (Beam B3) ......... 119
Figure 3.60 Maximum average positive chord displacement hinge for CB3 under
SLE shaking. ............................................................................................................ 120
Figure 3.61 Maximum average negative chord displacement for CB3 under SLE
shaking. .................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 3.62 Maximum positive chord displacement for CB3 under MCE shaking. 121
Figure 3.63 Maximum negative chord displacement for CB3 under MCE shakings.
.................................................................................................................................. 121
Figure 3.64 Comparison mean interstory drift results of original case study with
revised case study under SLE shakings in X direction ............................................ 122
Figure 3.65 : Comparison mean interstory drift results of original case study with
revised case study under SLE shaking in Y direction .............................................. 123
Figure 3.66 : Comparison mean interstory drift results of original case study with
revised case study under MCE shakings in X direction ........................................... 123
Figure 3.67 Comparison mean interstory drift results of original case study with
revised case study under MCE shakings in Y direction ........................................... 124
Figure 3.68 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW2
results of case study model with revised case study model under SLE shaking ..... 125
Figure 3.69 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW3
results of case study model with revised case study model under SLE shaking ..... 125
Figure 3.70 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW6
results of case study model with revised case study model under SLE shaking ..... 125
Figure 3.71 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW2
results of case study model with revised case study model under MCE shaking .... 126
Figure 3.72 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW3
results of case study model with revised case study model under MCE shaking .... 126
Figure 3.73 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW6
results of case study model with revised case study model under MCE shaking .... 126
Figure 3.74 Comparison mean axial strain results of case study model with revised
case study model under SLE shaking....................................................................... 127
Figure 3.75 Comparison max fiber compressive and tensile strain of SW2 under
MCE shaking. ........................................................................................................... 127
Figure 3.76 Comparison max fiber compressive and tensile strain of SW3 under SLE
shaking. .................................................................................................................... 128
Figure 3.77 Comparison max fiber compressive and tensile strain of SW3 under
MCE shaking. ........................................................................................................... 128
Figure 3.78 Comparison max fiber compressive and tensile strain of SW6 under SLE
shaking. .................................................................................................................... 129
Figure 3.79 Comparison max fiber compressive and tensile strain of SW6 under
MCE shaking ............................................................................................................ 129
Figure A.1 Selected critical beam section details at the support region .................. 147
Figure A.2 Selected column section details ............................................................. 147
Figure A.3 Shear wall SW3 section details .............................................................. 148
Figure A.4 Section details of parametric case study ................................................ 149
Figure A.5 The detailed fiber properties of parametric case study .......................... 150
The first modern tall building, 119 meter tall Park Row Building, built in 1899 at
New York came up by the economic reasons to increase the rentable area by
receiving natural light as much as possible. Most of the tall buildings in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth century comprised of steel frames with wind bracings.
In spite of the deficiency of advanced structural analysis methods and technological
equipment and lack of knowledge about structural materials, Empire State Building
has reached 381 meters in 1931 by using excessive structural materials similar to the
ones at the same time [M.M.Ali and K.S.Moon, 2007]. Since that time to today and
then, the cities, their economies and populations have been growing dramatically. In
parallel, the land prices in cities are increasing enormously. These results lead to
some obligations and new perspectives for those cities. In addition, improvements
and developments in technological equipment, material science and analyses
methods have enabled great possibilities to construct new life areas that reveal
modern tall buildings. As a result, the need for tall buildings has been going up and
the design of modern tall buildings has risen incredibly day by day. According to The
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) interactive data base, as it is
seen from Table 1.1, approximately seven thousand buildings over 100 meters were
constructed and a thousand buildings are being constructed and thousands of
buildings are planned to be designed. In addition, nearly equal percentages of
buildings were erected in North America and Asia but a major percentage of
buildings (57.13 %) under construction are being built in Asia as a result of
increasing population and economic growth there. Whereas most of the tall buildings
in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century comprised of steel frames with
wind bracing as it is seen from the first pie chart (Figure 1.1), a major part of tall
buildings (51%) consists of primarily concrete structural systems in the light of
developed material science. However 38 tall buildings taller than 200 meters have
been built until 2009 and this number has increased to 97 in 2014. As it is observed
from Figure 1.2, the number of buildings whose primary structural systems consist of
concrete dropped to 38.1 % in 2014 from 74 % in 2009. In addition, composite
structural systems have been utilized in a majority of tall buildings (53.6 %)
completed in 2014 [CTBUH, interactive database site]. It follows that as the height
of tall buildings increase, the primary structural system change from concrete to
Table 1.1. Tall buildings taller than 100 meters in regions until 2015
Completed Under Construction
Region # of Countries
# of Buildings Percent % # of Buildings Percent %
North America 3 2508 36.74 178 17.23
Asia 32 2480 36.33 592 57.31
Europe 48 672 9.84 84 8.13
Middle East 13 413 6.05 69 6.68
South America 11 216 3.16 39 3.78
Oceania 5 322 4.72 52 5.03
Center America 18 118 1.73 14 1.36
Africa 39 98 1.44 5 0.48
Figure 1.1. Completions and under construction of tall buildings (+100m) until 2015
Figure 1.2. Completed tall buildings (+200m) in 2009 and 2015 with respect to
The majority of the world’s population is concentrated in the regions with high
seismicity and tall buildings are increasing in these regions such as China, West
Coast of North America, Japan, and Turkey [CTBUH interactive database]. The
statistical data shows that nowadays, the need for tall buildings is increasing
gradually and most of those buildings are in seismic regions. According to CTBUH
database, 84 of 100 tall buildings taller than 100 meters constructed in Turkey are
located in the regions of high seismicity (Istanbul and Izmir). These types of
buildings are special (unique and pioneering) buildings, therefore unlike regular
buildings; they need to be paid more attention at the design stage.
A core wall composed of a reinforced concrete shear wall along with a frame
structure having a low redundancy have been more prevalent for the design of tall
buildings. Unlike conventional regular buildings, shear walls are desired to withstand
not only all of the lateral forces (seismic and wind) but also a considerable amount of
gravity forces due to having less redundant structural systems. In other words, the
safety factor for preventing collapse of a tall building is low and it may collapse if a
major component of the primary structural system is subjected to heavy damage or
Performance based design concepts have been increasingly used to understand the
behavior of tall buildings. Tall buildings are generally designed on a mentality which
consists of a preliminary design stage based on the capacity design principles under
design earthquakes with a return period of 475 years (moderate earthquakes),
followed by two performance evaluation stages, service level and collapse prevention
checks, respectively. Service level evaluation stage is to check structure under the
high probability of occurrence (frequent) earthquakes with return periods of 43~72
years (small to moderate earthquakes). Collapse prevention evaluation stage is to
check the structure under the low probability of occurrence (rare) earthquakes with a
return period of 2475 years (severe earthquakes). In the first evaluation stage, it is
generally desirable that the tall buildings remain essentially elastic. Linear response
spectrum analysis is generally utilized for this stage since a permanent damage is not
appreciated but nonlinear response history analysis may also be utilized [TBI-PEER,
2010]. In the second evaluation stage, the target is that tall buildings maintain their
stability under expected strong earthquakes, namely collapse of the structures should
be prevented. Instead of these, limited damage in specified locations and a specific
stress limit is permitted for reasonable designs. Current conventional seismic codes
do not allow estimating distribution of the expected damage level and internal forces
accurately since these codes are based on linear elastic analysis where nonlinear
behavior is considered implicitly and approximately. In addition, current prescriptive
seismic codes are too restrictive on structural height, period and minimum base shear
requirement etc. Accordingly, alternative non-prescriptive consensus guidelines
which are based on performance based design concepts (especially based on using
nonlinear time history analysis) have arisen since the need has grown. Unlike
conventional linear elastic procedures, nonlinear response history analysis considers
nonlinear behavior explicitly and it gives quite reasonable results under design and
maximum considered earthquake shaking if it is utilized properly [Moehle, 2005].
However this method is more sophisticated and time consuming compared to linear
elastic methods. Where nonlinear response history analysis is used, there are three
important steps, modeling, analysis and assessment, respectively. The first step is
modeling where selection of correct inelastic component types for each structural
member is carried out. Inelastic component types are mainly categorized in three
groups, continuum finite element models, fiber models and lumped plasticity models.
Each of these models has some advantages and shortcomings but fiber models can be
generally used for shear wall elements and lumped plasticity models for frame
elements in practice since current analytical modeling and computer analysis
software and their capabilities are mostly based on these models [ATC-72, 2010]. In
addition, unlike linear elastic analyses, the results of nonlinear analyses are
influenced and depend on the gravity load effects directly, therefore the selection of
appropriate expected gravity load is important. It is generally taken as dead load [G]
and some portion of the design live load [0.2~0.3Q]. The second step of analysis is
where a suitable suite of representative ground motion sets and suitable damping
values are chosen. They are long period structures so it might be troublesome to
detect appropriate ground motion records to obtain accurate response from these
structures. Either spectrum matching or scaling method based on the target linear
response spectrum obtained from either site specific hazard analysis or general
standard response spectrum shape in the seismic codes is used to choose and
manipulate ground motions for expected performance levels. If uniform hazard
spectrum is utilized then spectrum matching is preferred for tall buildings. On the
other hand, tall buildings are special structures thus scaling procedure with
conditional mean spectrum from site-specific seismic hazard analysis generally can
be done by considering all of the properties of site conditions and the fundamental
periods of the structure. This method is being widely employing for tall buildings.
One of the most important parameter that must be selected is the viscous damping
ratio. It is generally taken as 2~5 % for concrete structures and 2~3 % for steel
structures with respect to the target performance level. In addition, P-Delta effects
must be considered not only at the design stage but also at the performance
evaluation stages. The last part is assessment stage where the interpretation of the
results and checking the building behavior in compliance with the determined target
performance criteria are performed.
Consequently, the need for tall buildings has been growing steadily. Unlike regular
buildings, the contribution of higher mode effects influences the behavior of tall
buildings under external lateral forces. In addition, tall buildings have some
important differences from design to analysis to construction. Current prescriptive
seismic codes are inadequate and too restrictive, so alternative non-prescriptive
consensus guidelines based on performance based design concepts using nonlinear
time history analysis have been applied to estimate the performance of structures
under expected earthquakes.
Due to the increasing number of tall buildings, the need of alternative non-
prescriptive seismic design guidelines has grown for the reasons explained in the
oncoming paragraphs. San Francisco Building Code (2013) and ASCE SEI 41-13
(2013) documents allow employing alternative materials, analysis procedures and
construction methods whereas alternative materials are verified by laboratory tests to
provide at least minimum strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety
in these codes. In addition, analysis and construction methods are approved by
certified authorities. Performance based design has resulted in a new vision to
seismic design of tall buildings, pioneering to a smart shift in analysis and
assessment methods from the prescriptive force-based design method which is based
on linear elastic analysis under reduced seismic loads and capacity design principles,
to non-prescriptive displacement-based design methods which are based on nonlinear
analysis and checking performance evaluations with respect to expected demand
parameters. Accordingly, several institutions (task groups) or building officials have
proposed improved building codes and published non-prescriptive seismic design
guidelines for tall buildings based on displacement based methods in the last decade.
The first guideline was published by the Los Angeles Tall Buildings Seismic Design
Council (LATBSDC) in 2005. It has been updated several times in the light of
developments in performance based design (2005, 2008, 2011, 2013, and 2014,
2015). It is a consensus document between structural (design) engineers and certified
authorities which is ‘‘an alternative procedure for seismic analysis and design of tall
buildings located in the Los Angeles Region’’. One of the other guideline which is a
recommendation for the seismic design of high-rise buildings was published by
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH, 2008) which is a non-profit
organization and an international group in the area of tall buildings and sustainable
urban design. This guideline is also a consensus document. One of the other
guidelines ‘‘Administrative Bulletin NO: AB-083’’ was prepared for the San
Francisco Department of Building Inspection (SFDBI) in 2007 by Structural
Engineers Association of Northern California (SEONAC). Then it was updated in
2014. The objective of this administrative bulletin was to show requirements and
recommendations for the seismic design of new tall buildings located in the San
Francisco region. The most comprehensive and favorable guideline, ‘‘Tall Buildings
Initiative (TBI)’’ was prepared by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research
(PEER) Center working group between 2007 and 2010. It consists of twelve specific
tasks and five reports on the developing consensus from performance objectives to
modeling and acceptance criteria for seismic design and analysis to the
instrumentation of tall buildings. It is a pioneering guideline and aims to offer an
alternative non-prescriptive procedure for the next generation of seismic codes
instead of the prescriptive procedures for seismic design of tall buildings. Another
seismic design guideline was prepared by Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake
Research Institute for Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) in 2008. ‘‘Istanbul
seismic design code for tall buildings’’ was not published officially, but has been
used in practice.
As explained earlier, these modern guidelines for seismic designs of tall buildings are
based on displacement based design methodology basically. They consist of a
preliminary design stage and one or two performance evaluation stages, service level
and collapse prevention evaluation levels. As it is known, structural elements must
be preliminarily proportioned and detailed in order to employ NLTHA procedures.
NLTHA is a time consuming process where it is aimed to predict inelastic zones or
elements where an acceptable yielding mechanism is expected to occur at the
preliminary design stage. Capacity design concepts by using linear elastic analysis is
a good approach to start achieving target yielding mechanism over the structural
members for a ductile response. Although these guidelines make use of capacity
design concepts and current prescriptive provisions, apart from the exceptions of
seismic codes basically at the preliminary design stage, they differ from each other at
this point since two different approaches have been developed.
The first approach is a two-stage process consisting of a preliminary design stage and
two performance evaluation stages. Tall buildings are long period structures and base
shear demand according to seismic codes are generally controlled by minimum base
shear requirements. Accordingly, structural members may or may not be
proportioned and reinforced in line with the prescriptive provisions of seismic codes.
In other words, things to do at this stage are entirely left to the structural engineers
and their experience. The second stage is to analyze the building with either
nonlinear time history analysis or linear response spectrum analysis for checking
service level performance and to analyze the building with nonlinear time history
analysis for checking the collapse prevention safety in compliance with the pre-
determined target performance levels. If the target performance levels are not
satisfied, preliminary design has to be revised. It is continued until achieving the
performance objectives. TBI and LATBSDC utilize this approach.
The second approach is a three-stage process consisting of a preliminary design stage
and two performance evaluation stages similar to the first approach but there are
significant differences at the preliminary design stage. In the preliminary design
stage, structural members are being proportioned and reinforced properly in line with
capacity design principles by using linear elastic analysis. In other words, all
applicable prescriptive provisions of seismic codes such as minimum base shear
requirement must be fulfilled. Inapplicable provisions are expressed explicitly. The
second stage is similar to the second stage of the first approach. SEONAC, SFDBI
and IMM (comparatively) utilize this approach. However, IMM is more complicated
in practice than the others. It is a rough guideline that categorizes tall building as
normal tall buildings and special tall buildings by height, with over 60 meters and 75
meters, respectively. In addition, minimum base shear requirements may go up to
6-7 % of the seismic weight of the structure depending on the soil type and
earthquake zone. Unlike these guidelines, previous edition of LATBSDC 2005
suggests 2.5 % of the seismic weight as sufficient in preliminary design respectively
[LATBSDC 2005]. Afterward it was updated to 3% of the seismic weight in the 2005
edition of LATBSDC. In the last four editions since 2008, minimum base shear
requirement has been eliminated at the preliminary design stage. According to
current seismic code, the provision of minimum base shear requirement must be
employed in order to eliminate uncertainties and assumptions when calculating
period of structure and generating analytical model of structure. Although the
minimum base shear requirement directly affects design of tall buildings, this step is
arguable between guidelines and researchers for design of tall buildings.
What do you visualize when it is said tall buildings? There is no exact description of
what forms a tall building. As it is understood from the ‘‘tall’’, it comes to mind that
it is about the height of the building. But what is the height limit of the building to be
considered as tall building? Tall buildings have been identified differently by
alternative seismic design codes of modern tall buildings. According to LATBSDS,
AB-083 and PEER/TBI, it is defined as buildings exceeding 160 feet (~50 meter) in
height. On the other hand, Istanbul seismic design code for tall buildings categorizes
tall buildings into two groups. It is identified as the ones whose height taller than 60
meters above ground surface but extra analysis must be needed to assess
performance of the building if it is taller than 75 meters. However, In CTBUH, a tall
building is not just defined according to the height. It may be categorized as a tall
building if the proportion of building which might be slender sufficiently to give the
view of a tall building. If used, an innovative technology product could be attributed
as being a product of ‘‘tall’’, and the context in which the building stands. Buildings
are also categorized (called) as ‘‘supertall’’ and ‘‘mega tall’’ in CTHBUH. If the
height of a building exceeds 300 meters, it is defined as ‘‘supertall’’ and if a building
height goes beyond 600 meters, it is defined as ‘mega tall’’. Whereas these
guidelines are based upon modeling and assessment criteria, Toronto Tall Building
Design Guideline (TTBDG) contains additional supporting architectural criteria. In
contrast to these guidelines, In TTBDG, it is described that ‘‘tall buildings are
generally defined as buildings with height that is greater than the width of the
adjacent street right-of-way or the wider of two streets if located at an intersection’’.
Typical height in Toronto changes from 20 to 36 meters. This height limit is for the
architectural properties of structure not for analysis procedures.
NLTHA should be used for performance-based design of tall buildings as an analysis
tool. The reasons may be examined from two different perspectives.
First of all, we should consider the limitations of the current official seismic codes
based on linear elastic principles to understand why NLTHA should be performed
for tall buildings. As a basis, it is not sensible to design a building to remain entirely
elastic under the design and maximum considered earthquake hazard levels. For this
reason, some inelastic deformations should be expected during analysis. Seismic
design codes are force-based methods that account for inelastic response indirectly
by dividing the results of linear elastic response with a force reduction factor R. The
value of R which is dependent on structural system and the level of ductility as
explained in seismic design codes is used to reduce linear elastic forces to inelastic
forces under the actual seismic actions. Nonlinear behavior is considered indirectly
by this approach. However, the required strength is controlled by minimum base-
shear requirements for a tall building. After all, as it can be seen from Figure 1.3
which describes design base shears from the Turkish Seismic Code (2007) for a
typical site, the effective base shear force is minimized from the value specified in
seismic code for that structural system to a smaller value depending on building
period, seismic zone and other factors.
Base Shear Coefficient
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Period, sec
Figure 1.3. The reduced and minimum base shear forces according to TEC 2007
One of the other reasons why NLTH is used for tall buildings is that nonlinear
behavior is considered directly in the NLTHA which is considered the best approach
to understand the response of the building and measure directly the damage of
building when subjected to different levels of ground motion intensity. The level of
damage might give us an idea whether the buildings could continue serviceability
functions or need to be repaired or collapse after an earthquake shaking.
One of the other reasons why NLTH is used for tall buildings is that alternative
structural analysis methods are required for innovative structural systems which is
used increasingly. Although special building configurations and structural systems
have been employed to satisfy the functional requirements of tall buildings,
prescriptive provisions of current official seismic codes are based upon being
extremely restrictive, resulting in pressure to design outside the limits of code
provisions. Structural systems that are used for those buildings are also less
redundant compared to conventional buildings. Under these circumstances, many tall
buildings which have unusual configurations with innovative structural systems
using specialized products that are not recognized in current building code are being
designed and many of them are to be designed in the future. One of these examples
which consists of concrete core walls with buckling-restrained steel outrigger braces
along one axis, under construction in San Francisco, is illustrated in Figure 1.4. (a).
Other examples about using a pioneering innovative structural system in tall
buildings are also illustrated in Figure 1.4. (b). In this building, Viscoelastic coupling
dampers were used at some specified floors instead of conventional coupling
concrete beams to enhance seismic performance of the building [Christopoulos,
(a) (b)
Figure 1.4. Outrigger braces and viscoelastic dampers connecting coupled walls
Construction cost is one of the other reasons. There are some alternative design
criteria which are mentioned in the previous chapter to apply NLTHA for tall
buildings. These alternative codes commonly indicate some deviations from
prescriptive provisions of seismic codes. Some seismic code requirements could be
eliminated by using NLTHA. For instance, it is stated in ASCE SEI 7-10 section
12.2.1 that the selected structural system has to be in compliance with the limitations
on the structural system and the restriction on structural height. ASCE SEI 7-10 also
puts limitation on period Tn. Other limitations such as minimum base shear
requirement, additional requirements for systems with structural irregularity, diverse
detailing requirements might not be provided if objectives of performance evaluation
levels are ensured. Furthermore, alternative and high strength materials are
growingly used to withstand the unique challenges introduced by these structures in
high seismicity regions. In addition to specialized products, using these materials
increases the construction costs of tall buildings compared with conventional
buildings. As it is mentioned before, NLTHA is not a procedure to design but a
method to check design whether it is sufficient or not. Dimensions of members could
be revised if NLTHA is applied. As a result, NLTHA provides an optimum solution
for better and reasonable cost designs with respect to other analysis methods.
freedom systems in order to calculate the expected nonlinear response of structure.
However, when the participation of higher mode effects are significant, conventional
pushover analysis is insufficient to capture expected inelastic behavior of structures.
As it is known, tall buildings are long period structures and the contribution of higher
modes are significant, so using this method is not convenient. Accordingly
alternative pushover analyses have been improved by several researchers [Chopra
and Goel (2002), Goel and Chopra (2005), Poursha et al. (2009), Gupta and Kunnath
(2000), Sucuoğlu and Günay (2011) etc.] to consider participation of all important
modes to inelastic response. However, all multi-mode pushover analyses in the
literature have two common important shortcomings [Soner, 2013]. First of all, the
adaptive pushover methods cannot be put into practice with available software
analysis program since they require eigenvalue analysis at each loading increment. In
other words, these methods are more complicated to utilize since the mathematic
model of tall buildings may be quite large and this requires more and more
computation time. Secondly, although they predict inter-story drifts quite accurately,
they have shortcomings to capture internal forces and deformations since the
participation of all important modes are combined by statistical rules (CQC and
SRSS) under the design and maximum earthquake shaking. This is also an important
problem for tall buildings. For instance, axial load level of columns and shear walls
may control the behavior of tall buildings. However sophisticated pushover analysis
methods such as Generalized Pushover Analysis developed by Sucuoğlu and Günay
(2011) eliminate such effects but these methods are also not standard. To sum up,
because of these reasons are explained, nonlinear dynamic analysis procedure would
be preferred instead of linear elastic analysis and nonlinear static analyses methods
for the analysis of tall buildings.
Performance based seismic design of a tall building by using nonlinear time history
is presented in this study. This study begins with a general view of need for tall
buildings. This is followed by recognition of current alternative non-prescriptive
consensus seismic design guidelines and definition of tall building by different
guidelines. After that, shortcomings and imperfections of conventional seismic
design codes for tall building design is explained and why NLTHA should be used
among others analysis methods for performance-based seismic design of tall
buildings as an analysis tool is justified. Then, nonlinear model types are described
and compared with regard to the strengths and weaknesses aspects. Afterward
material models are explained and calibrated according to the commercial software,
PERFORM 3D V5 (2011) for fiber models. Different structural member modelling
and the kind of nonlinear model (component) types to be used for different structural
members is presented in order to predict the member and building behavior
accurately when subjected to different levels of ground motion intensity. In addition,
performance levels and acceptance criteria for tall buildings are explained. This is
followed by a discussion on the importance of the selection and manipulation of
ground motions to obtain reasonable results for predicting the seismic performance
of tall buildings under specified earthquake hazard levels. The effects of gravity
loads, damping and P-delta effects are also discussed. Finally, a reinforced concrete
unsymmetrical-plan tall building with 34 stories and 115 meter in height is designed
according to the Turkish Seismic Code under design earthquake. Both service level
and collapse prevention level, NLTHA is employed by using a set of seven ground
motions and checking the results in compliance with the determined target
performance levels. Several performance targets are not satisfied, hence the
preliminary design is revised. The case study is reanalyzed and evaluated to achieve
the objectives of performance evaluation levels. The results for both of the initial and
revised cases are presented.
2.1 Introduction
Nonlinear time history analysis is employed for determining the seismic performance
of tall structures. A designed structure generally does not necessarily remain entirely
elastic under the design and maximum earthquake excitations. Some inelastic
deformations are expected to occur. The basic nonlinearity sources in a structure are
material nonlinearity and geometric nonlinearity. For a realistic analytical simulation
of the structure, both geometric and material nonlinearity should be taken into
consideration. Material nonlinearity occurs because of the changing of material
properties under the expected loading, which is considered in the model either
explicitly (finite and fiber model) or implicitly (lumped plasticity model).
Geometrical nonlinearity occurs due to initial imperfection of members and P-Delta
effects, etc. Initial imperfection of members generally can be neglected but P-Delta
effects must be considered especially in the analysis of tall buildings to predict the
seismic performance of structure accurately.
2.2 Types of Nonlinear Models
NLTHA aims to simulate building behavior accurately under gravity and seismic
loads. It mainly consists of three steps: modeling, analysis and assessment. Modeling
phase is the most important step as it directly affects the other steps and it can change
from one type of a nonlinear model to another. The first question comes to mind is
how an appropriate model should be formed to predict structural response. There are
several parameters that need to be taken into consideration during the selection of a
favorable inelastic model. These are the type of structural system, types of member
which comprise the structural system, materials of the members, expected overall
response of the members or components, governing and controlling type of actions
desired to be captured during analysis, unknowns and uncertainties which comes
from inherent nonlinear behavior, the analysis objectives and necessary demand
parameters, design and construction (stage construction), time and effort, computer
analysis software and its capabilities etc.[ ATC-72, 2010].
A variety of inelastic structural component types are available in practice but they
can be mainly categorized into three groups which depend on the degree of
idealization in the model. The term ‘‘degree of idealization’’ refers to where and how
inelastic action is modeled in a member such as integrated inelastic behavior of a
member idealized at a point ( lumped plasticity model ) or a zone (fiber model) or
distributed by a specific characteristic length over the entire length, finite element
model, (ATC-72, 2010 and NEHRP report, 2013). Figure 2.1 illustrates idealized
types of component models used for beam-column member behavior. Each of the
nonlinear models has a phenomenological basis as they are based on mathematical
logic and they are verified by laboratory and analytical tests.
Figure 2.1. Outrigger braces and viscoelastic dampers connecting coupled walls
(NEHRP, 2013)
The first nonlinear model type is continuum finite element model. Required
parameters for continuum finite models are defined in terms of the basic material
properties and a specific characteristic finite mesh size. Either uniaxial or biaxial or
tri-axial, basic material properties for concrete and reinforcement are used. Material
properties and mesh size parameter should be well defined to predict a reasonable
response in this type of modeling.
A second type of nonlinear model is the fiber (distributed inelasticity) model. It can
be said that it is a simple form of finite element. Required parameters for fiber model
are similar to the finite element model but it is simpler with respect to the finite
element model. In fiber and continuum finite element models, expected nonlinear
behavior of the component is captured explicitly by the nonlinear behavior of the
material that constitutes the component. Whereas finite element models are based on
more complex material constitutive relationships, fiber models are based on simpler
basic uniaxial material properties to capture the overall response of the structure in
practice. Unlike continuum finite element model, cross section of a member is
divided into steel and concrete fibers according to steel or concrete included in the
fiber model. Figure 2.2 illustrates an example of a reinforced concrete (RC) shear
wall fiber model. Continuum finite element models divide a RC member by a
characterized finite mesh with explicitly including longitudinal and shear
reinforcement over the entire height and width (3D). Fiber models divide cross
section of the member into sufficient number of concrete and steel fibers by a simple
way with characterized element length over the entire height. But using adequate
number of fibers along the cross section and adequate number of elements over the
height of the member is crucial to capture the overall member behavior. For this
purpose, continuum finite elements are being used to find adequate numbers of fibers
along the cross section. One of the implementations is shown in the case study
section of this thesis. Besides, wall element length is taken nearly equal to the
estimated plastic length which might be taken as the smaller value of one-half of the
wall length or story height.
Figure 2.2. Idealized cross section for fiber model and elevation of shear wall
The last type of nonlinear model is the concentrated hinge model which is based on
the overall response of prismatic components. Concentrated hinge model consists of
quasi-elastic element implicitly accounting for concrete cracking, bond slip, etc. with
concentrated plastic hinges where they best represent the integrated effects of
distributed inelastic action. As it can be seen from Figure 2.3, Ibarra –Krawinkler
concentrated plastic hinge model is characterized by force and deformation
relationships. This is the backbone curve of component that identifies the capacity of
the component under monotonic loading. This action is changeable from a
component type to others and depends on the expected behavior of member under the
expected loading. The main objective of the backbone model for a component is to
capture the basic features of the component behavior, namely the initial stiffness,
strain hardening, ultimate strength, strength loss and relating deformation capacity,
which is shown in Figure 2.3 (Ibarra, 2005). The key parameters of the backbone
curve of a concentrated plastic hinge model are;
Effective yield strength and deformation (Fy and δy)
Effective elastic stiffness, Ke=Fy/ δy
Strength cap and associated deformation for monotonic loading (Fc and δc)
Pre-capping plastic deformation for monotonic loading, δp
Effective post-yield tangent stiffness, Kp=(Fc-Fy)/ δp
Post-capping deformation range δpc
Effective post-capping tangent stiffness, Kpc=Fc / δpc
Residual Strength, Effective post-yield tangent stiffness, Fr =κ Fr
Ultimate deformation, Effective post-yield tangent stiffness, δu
Figure 2.3. Ibarra –Krawinkler monotonic backbone model and its key parameters
(Ibarra et al., 2005)
In finite element and fiber models, these key parameters are not needed during the
modeling phase as they are inherently derived from material relations and
characteristic length or mesh size. The effect of axial load level on the response
(neutral axis changes during analysis) is directly considered. This is one of the most
powerful features of these models. Moreover, one of the positive aspects of these
models is capturing the initiation of cracking, crushing and steel yielding. On the
other hand, they can be limited to capture cyclic stiffness and strength degradation,
reinforcing bar buckling, bond slip and shear failure.
In concentrated hinge models, the effects of reinforcing bar buckling and bond slip
are taken into consideration implicitly by using effective stiffness. In-cycle strength
degradation also can be defined approximately by imposing a backbone curve.
While cyclic degradation can be considered as material cyclic behavior in fiber and
finite element models, it can be considered as either explicitly or implicitly by
imposing a backbone curve in concentrated hinge models, which is explained
elaborately in Chapter 2.4.
As a result, use of continuum finite element models is neither practical nor available
in current analysis software for performance based design of tall buildings. Nonlinear
analysis is very sensitive to uncertainties and assumptions of the nonlinear behavior
so the simplest models are used in order to obtain reasonable results. For this
purpose, concentrated hinge model is used generally for frame member types such as
columns, beams etc. There are two reasons of this. First, it is not practical to use fiber
models in the modeling of frame members as it requires so much time during
analysis if existing computer analysis programs are utilized. Second, current
analytical models and acceptance criteria that are specified in codes for frame type
member are based on lumped plasticity (concentrated hinge) models. However, fiber
models can be generally used for shear wall elements. It is accepted that this model
represents the behavior of shear walls more accurately than the others since it also
may not be realistic to model complex core shear walls by simple concentrated hinge
models by integrating the inelastic behavior of a member at a point. Use of more
concentrated hinges for a complex shear wall is also not a simple and practical task
in practice.
In continuum finite element models and fiber models, effective stiffness, strength and
deformation parameters of the component and expected inelastic behavior of the
structure under external loads are directly obtained from material stress-strain
relationships specified for the components. Accordingly, efficient and reliable
hysteresis material models are needed. As explained earlier, whereas multi-axial
basic material properties for concrete and steel are generally available in 2D and 3D
finite element models, the uniaxial basic material properties of the material are
employed in fiber models. The selection of material model parameters depends on
the selected inelastic model types, structure types, the expected and desired accuracy,
simplicity and sufficiency, the capabilities of analysis tool used for analysis.
Considerable amount of studies has been conducted on the modeling material
models. Consequently, favorable material models for concrete and steel from the
simple and efficient to quite sophisticated and more complex models have been
improved. The studies in this area are quite extensive but the scope of material
models in this study is limited to fiber models and its implementations in the current
commercial software for tall buildings.
material effects such as yielding, hardening, cyclic degradation and buckling of steel.
The model which was proposed by Menegotto and Pinto (1973), as modified by
Filippou (1983) shown in Figure 2.4 has been widely used among the other models
[ATC-72, 2010]. These models are incorporated directly in some analysis program,
such as OPENSEES but it is not feasible to employ this software for tall buildings.
On the other hand, relatively simple strain-stress relations for steel models have been
used by Perform 3D software which is generally employed for performance based
seismic assessment of tall buildings. Hence these implementation types of the
materials are examined elaborately.
Wallace, 2004) since the behavior of reinforcement steel in the reinforced concrete
section is different from the other.
Stress (MPa)
-0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Menegotto-Pinto Model
-600 Degradation Model
Strain (m/m) No degradation Model
Stress (MPa)
Web Concrete Model
Boundary Concrete Model
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Strain ( m/m)
Figure 2.6. Comparison of web concrete model with boundary concrete model
Base Shear ( kN )
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
-100 Test
Degradation Model
No degradation Model
Lateral Drift Ratio
Figure 2.7. Comparison of analytical models and Thomsen and Wallace RW2
specimen test results for rectangular wall section
2.10. In the first model (ITM %1 St. Hard.), assuming 1 % post yield strain
hardening slope is suggested by LATBSDC 2015. In the second model (ITM %3.6
St. Hard.), assuming 3.6% strain hardening slope is offered by PEER’s ATC-72
document. The last model is the elastic-perfectly plastic (EPP) steel model. Ultimate
strength of elastic perfectly plastic model assumes half of the sum of expected yield
and ultimate strength of the steel.
Stress (MPa)
Figure 2.8. Comparison of different idealized steel models under monotonic loading
Stress (MPa)
-0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Figure 2.9. Comparison of different idealized steel models under cyclic loading
As it can be seen in Figure 2.10, the first model gives closer results when compared
with the test results and other models. On the other hand, the second model has
overestimated the capacity when compared with the test results. Results have also
showed that quite relevant results have been acquired with the elastic-perfectly
plastic model. However, a significant difference has been observed near the yield
region among them. Elastic perfectly plastic model has estimated yield capacity
further. The reason of this is possibly sudden changing stiffness, incapability of the
analysis method and other uncertainties. Using a feasible strain hardening slope is
also important to preclude convergence problems due to sudden changing stiffness in
NLTHA. According to Ruiz-Garcia and Miranda (2003) and Chopra and
Chintakanapakdee (2004), using a moderate post yield stiffness hardening results in
drops in the peak displacement by less than 5 % for moderate normal and long period
structures. In addition, Ruiz-Garcia and Miranda (2006a), and Pampanin et al. (2002)
have emphasized that using a moderate post yield stiffness hardening slope causes an
important drop in residual drift in all structures. As it is known, residual drift is one
of the important parameters to evaluate the performance of tall buildings under
earthquake excitation.
Base Shear ( kN )
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
-100 ITM 1.0% St. Hard.
-150 ITM 3.6% St. Hard.
Lateral Drift Ratio
Figure 2.10. Comparison of test results (Thomsen and Wallace RW2) and models
using different steel models for a rectangular wall section
2.3.2 Uniaxial Unconfined and Confined Concrete Models for Fiber Sections
Unlike reinforcing steel material, the behavior of concrete is fairly complicated and
depends on imposed loading. Although concrete behaves as a quasi-brittle material
under uniaxial compressive loading, it may behave like a ductile material under
multi-axial compressive loading. Several studies have been conducted for unconfined
and confined concrete models by considering the confinement effects depending on
the properties of the lateral reinforcement, diameter, spacing, yield strength,
configuration of lateral and longitudinal reinforcement steel and section size.
Modified Kent Park [1982], Saatçioğlu and Razvi [1982], Sheikh and Uzumeri
(1983), Yassin [1984], Mander et al. [1988], Orakcal and Wallace [2004] have
developed well defined and useful models for unconfined and confined concrete.
Orakcal and Wallace model is more sophisticated among other models but it has a
fairly complex loading and reloading behavior as shown in Figure 2.11. More
sophisticated concrete models are generally used for research studies and it is not
practical to employ in practice for performance based design of tall buildings. These
models are more reliable to capture gradual opening and closing of cracks when
compared with the test results, but it is applied only for a member or a small structure
[ATC-72, 2010]. However, in a tall building model, in addition to having much
larger number of components and connection, these material models have much
more integration points in a model with many global degrees of freedom so that they
require much more run time during nonlinear time history analysis. They also have
not been adapted in commercially available software. On the other hand, the aim of
nonlinear time history analysis for tall buildings is to capture the general expected
behavior of the structure and members with a high degree of reliability. For this
purpose, the most important stage is to choose the correct simplified material models
compatible with an acceptable material model proposed above. An example of the
simplified uniaxial material model for unconfined and confined concrete is illustrated
in Figures 2.12-2.15. The comparison of test results and analysis results which are
used with these models were illustrated in Figure 2.7 and 2.10. It can be seen that the
results obtained by using relatively simple concrete models are satisfactory. Results
have also showed that using confined concrete models for wall boundaries and
unconfined concrete models for wall web in the fiber modeling is sufficient to predict
building behavior under cycling loading.
Stress ( MPa )
Saatçioğlu-Razvi Model
Idealized Trilinear Model
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004
Strain ( mm/mm )
Figure 2.12. Comparison of Saatçioğlu Razvi unconfined concrete model with the
idealized trilinear models
Stres ( MPa )
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004
Strain ( mm/mm )
Stres ( MPa )
Saatçioğlu-Razvi Model
Idealized Trilinear Model
0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Strain ( mm/mm )
Figure 2.14. Comparison of Saatçioğlu Razvi confined concrete model with the
Ide. Trilinear Model
Stres ( MPa )
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Strain ( mm/mm )
Shear force – deformation behavior of shear walls can be modelled as either elastic
or inelastic depending on the expected behavior of members under seismic loading
and properties of members. In this part, shear behavior of reinforced concrete shear
wall members is mentioned. Shear failure of shear walls is not a desired behavior
under the seismic loading thus it is generally assumed to remain elastic at the design
stage of these members. However, reinforced concrete tall shear walls do not remain
elastic under the seismic loading because of the probable cracking due to the
excessive moment demands on these members. Accordingly, linear elastic
assumption is not a realistic approach for them. Studies show that, the shear force
deformation behavior of shear walls show some inelastic action even if it is not as
ductile behavior as steel materials. Figure 2.16 shows the shear force-deformation
relation provided in ASCE-41-13. As it can be seen, the backbone curve includes a
pre-cracked stiffness and strength, subsequent to post-cracked stiffness up to the
nominal shear strength and followed by sudden strength loss and remaining some
residual strength. However, using appropriate secant stiffness up to yield (nominal)
shear strength is widely employed in practice. These models are an uncoupled model,
which do not consider the effect of shear-flexural interaction and axial force.
However, according to Massone et al. (2006) and Wallace et al. reports (2006), there
is a shear-flexural interaction. Their studies show that shear-flexural interaction
causes an increase in flexural deformations and a member yields at lower shear force
levels with respect to an uncoupled model. But coupled material models are not
standard so these models have not been incorporated in commercially available
This part presents the proposed derivation of modeling parameters for nonlinear
modeling of reinforced concrete structural members. First of all, general properties of
the inelastic components for reinforced concrete frame members are described.
Afterwards, derivation of modeling parameters for frame members and inelastic
component frame types are presented. Then modeling parameters for reinforced
concrete shear walls are explained. Several parametric case studies have been carried
out in order to calibrate shear walls for a reliable and effective nonlinear modeling.
Finally, nonlinear modelling of coupling beams is explained.
The characteristic key parameters of concentrated hinges are obtained from idealized
moment-curvature analysis under an expected specific axial load level. This is the
boundary capacity curve of components under monotonic loading but under cycling
loading both strength and stiffness degrade which is illustrated in Figure 2.17
(FEMA 440-A, 2009). Accordingly the effects of strength and stiffness degradation
on seismic response must be considered for a reliable nonlinear modeling.
Figure 2.17. Monotonic capacity curve and hysteretic model (FEMA P440A, 2009)
PEER/ATC 72-1, which is one of the detailed guidelines about nonlinear modeling
for seismic design and analysis of tall buildings suggest four options to consider
cyclic deterioration appropriately, which is illustrated in Figure 2.18. In option 1, the
effect of cyclic loading is incorporated explicitly in the model. The cyclic envelope
curve of component depends on the loadings. In the second option, if the cyclic
envelope curve is known from laboratory test, then the obtained cyclic envelope
curve is used directly in the modeling but additional cyclic strength and stiffness
deterioration is not incorporated in the model since this curve depends on the test
loading protocol. In option 3, the effects of cyclic degradation are incorporated
implicitly by using modification factors on the key parameters of initial monotonic
backbone curve. Suggested modification factors are taken as;
- The initial yield strength and deformation remains same as the initial backbone
curve values.
- The maximum strength of modified cyclic curve is taken as 0.9 times of the
monotonic backbone curve ultimate strength but this cannot be less than the
initial yield strength.
- The pre-capping deformation range of modified cyclic curve is taken as 0.7
times of the monotonic backbone curve pre-capping deformation range.
- The post-capping deformation range of modified cyclic curve taken as 0.5
times of the monotonic backbone curve post-capping deformation range.
- The residual strength of modified cyclic curve taken as 0.7 times the initial
backbone residual strength
- The ultimate deformation of modified cyclic curve taken as 1.5 times the
deformation related to maximum strength of initial backbone.
In the last option, effects of degradation and the range of strength degradation and
residual part are not incorporated in the analytical model but with a small exception,
the ultimate strength is taken as 0.8 times maximum strength of the backbone curve
and the ultimate deformation point is obtained as the slope that is equal to that in
options 2 or 3 from the maximum strength to 0.8 times of maximum strength.
Considering all models, option 1 is the most realistic but complicated model in
practice. Option 2 and 3 is similar since it is not accepted any additional cyclic
deterioration and cyclic degradation is considered implicitly. Option 4 is the most
restrictive model. The implementation all of these models are accepted, which
depends on the analysis tool and other available data.
Figure 2.18. Options for component modelling (ATC-72, 2010)
As it can be seen, some specific points must be known to define a ductile backbone
curve. These parameters are initial stiffness, post-yield stiffness, degrading stiffness,
yield strength, ultimate strength, residual strength and deformation parameters
related to each key strength parameter. Some of guidelines such as ASCE/SEI 41-13,
strength parameters are obtained from moment-curvature analysis and it gives
deformation parameters and residual strength (a, b, c) by considering the effects of
cyclic deterioration implicitly. Initial stiffness must be determined accordingly and
post yield stiffness is proposed between zero and 10 % of the initial slope. In TEC-
2007 and IMM, all parameters are obtained from moment curvature analysis by
disregarding cyclic deterioration. On the other hand, PEER ATC-72-1 gives some
analytical equations depending on the component properties to define the monotonic
backbone curve. Cyclic degradation is suggested to apply explicitly or implicitly in
the analytical model.
EIstf P Ls
K stf ∶ = −0.02 + 0.98 ∗ [ ′
] + 0.09 ∗ [ ] where
EIg Ag ∗ fc H
0.35 ≤ ≤ 0.8 (2.1)
EIy P Ls
Ky ∶ = −0.07 + 0.59 ∗ [ ] + 0.07 ∗ [ ] where
EIg Ag ∗ fc′ H
0.2 ≤ ≤ 0.6 (2.2)
Similar column tests data are calibrated by Elwood et al. (2007). He proposes
effective stiffness values for reinforced concrete members which have been taken in
ASCE/SEI 41-13, which is presented in Table 2.1. The comparison of Haselton et al.
and Elwood et al. are illustrated in Figure 2.20.
Figure 2.20. Comparison of proposed effective stiffness values by Haselton and
Elwood (ATC-72, 2010)
LATBSTDC-2015 proposes similar effective stiffness values both service level and
collapse prevention level for reinforced concrete member, which is illustrated in
Table 2.2
TEC-2007 and IMM also proposes effective stiffness values which are presented
below for reinforced concrete beams, columns and walls only but these values are
very rough and very high for service level evaluation of tall buildings when
compared to LATBSDC (2015) and ATC-72 (2010).
strength loss) and strain hardening or rupture of the reinforcement steel. The
curvature and moment at this point is defined by ultimate curvature and ultimate
moment of the component and symbolized by ϕu, Mu respectively.
Figure 2.21. Inelastic and idealized moment curvature (Priestly et al., 2007)
There are four inelastic component frame types which depend on how and where
plastic hinges (defining F-D relationship) are defined and which results are utilized
to evaluate the performance of member [G. Powell seminar notes, 2012]. Inelastic
frame beam components types are exact model, inelastic finite element model, plastic
hinge model and plastic zone model which are explained separately below. All types
except exact model are available in commercially available software.
The basic properties of these models for F-D relationship are mainly similar and
obtained from moment curvature analysis, but there are several different aspects
from each other. First, although bending moment is utilized as a strength measure for
each method, either strain or rotation is employed as a deformation measure to assess
the performance of members. However strain and rotation is related to each other by
empirical equations, and there are two approaches among researchers and seismic
guidelines about how members are assessed with respect to deformations. According
to Powell [Powell seminar notes, 2012], obtaining curvature from the tests or/and
analytical approaches is much more sensitive than obtaining rotation (or chord
rotation) since it depends on plastic hinge length. When smaller hinge length is used
and if the bending moment is measured at the maximum points of component
(usually at the beam ends) then the obtained curvature becomes high and localized
with respect to inelastic beam theory. A trusted way to estimate curvature demand is
not available accordingly. An applicable average strain or rotation may be a good
choice for demand capacity measure. The other important difference among models
is how a reliable analysis model is prepared in a simplest way since creating
nonlinear model is a time consuming process. As considering nonlinear modeling of
tall buildings, this is even more important. Creating a model with plastic zone model
requires less time when considering commercially available software since the
change of hinge length is a simple process. If plastic hinge model is employed and
the hinge length is changed after model is generated, then nonlinear model must be
regenerated since change of hinge length affects all rotation parameters to be needed
for defining the backbone curve. On the other hand, ASCE-41-13 model depending
on plastic rotation model gives the deformation capacity of components thus it is also
a suitable method to apply.
‘‘Exact’’ model is not a practical and easy model to employ in a nonlinear computer
model since this approach utilizes the inelastic moment-curvature (M-φ) relationship.
Inelastic M-φ relationship comprises much more linear segments and stiffness at
each step (Figure 2.22), and this results in complicated problems such as it is not
compatible with the commercially available software and it causes a computationally
expensive process due to comprising much more points and stiffness values
(changing every analysis step). Instead of this, idealized bilinear or trilinear M-φ
relationship is employed (Figure 2.22). Used deformation measure for demand
capacity measure for exact model is average strain over plastic zone where
significant plastic deformation is expected to occur.
Another model is the finite element model is illustrated in Figure 2.23. In this model,
frame element is divided into a number of elements having a special hinge tributary
length (mesh size) with quasi-elastic elements along the member length. Inelastic
behavior of each element is concentrated at the center of each elements. Either
inelastic or idealized linear M-φ relationship is defined for each element. If inelastic
M-φ relationship is described, the problems and complexities of the exact model are
seen in this model similarly. However if idealized inelastic M-φ relationship is
utilized with a well-defined mesh, it is expected that the results are even close to
accurate. Although using a refined mesh size is a good approach in linear elastic
analysis to capture the behavior of structure, this is not true for inelastic structural
analysis. This is because when smaller mesh size is used, the localized maximum
calculated strain grows increasingly and the general behavior of member loses
sensitivity. The analysis also requires more computation time if many elements is
used. Used deformation measure for demand capacity measure is curvature over
plastic zone in this model.
Moment (kNm)
Inealstic Moment Cur.
100 Idealized Moment Cur.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
41 Plastic Hinge Model
Figure 2.24. Plastic Hinge Model and its implementation to beam and
reduced beam section
Unlike plastic hinge model, plastic zone model assume that all plastic deformation is
gathered over a specific zone length but both models apply similar procedures to
define the inelastic properties of components. However this model gives engineer a
flexibility when describing the inelastic mathematical computer model. For example
if engineer wants to change plastic hinge length and uses plastic hinge model, then
he/she must change all nonlinear properties of the model since plastic rotations
depend on plastic hinge length and plastic curvature ( =lp* φ). Instead of this, M-φ
relationship is defined among the plastic hinge length which is assigned directly. One
of the most important parameters is to choose a correct plastic zone (hinge) length.
The actual plastic hinge length depends on the properties of the components and
changes under the actual loading continuingly so it is not a practical application.
There are several approaches to define plastic hinge length but it is taken as one-half
of the section depth for frame members in practice. Used deformation measure for
demand capacity measure is average strain over plastic zone ( =lp* φ). This model is
illustrated in Figure 2.25.
As reinforced concrete beams, reinforced concrete columns are also idealized frame
elements consisting of inelastic lumped plasticity components at each end with quasi-
elastic member. Its quasi elastic properties are also described in the previous section.
The properties of concentrated plastic hinges of the column components are obtained
with a similar process for reinforced concrete beams. The fundamental differences
from the beam components are that columns can have significant axial forces and
biaxial bending. Accordingly, P-M-M hinges with interaction surface must be
defined to capture the inelastic behavior of columns rationally under the expected
earthquake excitation. P-M-M hinges use plasticity theory [Perform 3D, component
and element guidelines]. Bending properties of hinges are defined from moment-
curvature analysis under a specific axial force level. For columns, axial load levels
are taken as the expected factored gravity load (G+nQ) where n is a probabilistic
value and taken as 0.2~0.3 for tall buildings.
As explained earlier, fiber models are generally used for shear wall elements for both
collapse prevention level and service level evaluation if nonlinear time history is
utilized. A shear wall member consists of a number of wall elements, which is
illustrated in Figure 2.2. Each of the wall elements is comprised of a number of steel
and concrete fibers, which is also illustrated in Figure 2.2. As explained earlier, most
significant parameters in fiber model are using correct material stress-strain
relationship, choosing a convenient number of wall elements, fiber size and plastic
hinge (element) length for a realistic nonlinear model. For this purpose, these
parameters must be calibrated with respect to test results or parametric studies. The
effect of material strain-stress relationship is explained elaborately in the material
section part. Using a moderate strain hardening with a simplified trilinear model has
also justified acceptable results when comparing test results. In this part, the effect of
number of wall elements, fiber size and element length on the fiber model response is
First of all, how the number of wall element numbers can affect analysis results are
described to compare test results with two different analytical models. Thomsen and
Wallace (2014) developed RW2 shear wall specimen was generated with respect to
the geometry properties and the same cycling loading protocol. The first analytical
model has comprised of six wall elements with four concrete fibers and twelve steel
fibers, which is illustrated in Figure 2.26. Confined concrete models have been
utilized for both of wall end regions (2 fibers) and unconfined concrete models have
been employed for wall web (2 fibers). 1 % strain hardening has considered in the
reinforcement steel material model. The wall elements length has taken as the
estimated plastic hinge length which is one-half of the wall depth. The second
analytical model is comprised of 48 wall elements (each of end region consists of
two wall elements and web region also consists of two wall elements and elements
length (height) taken as one-half the estimated plastic length) with eight concrete
fibers and twelve steel fibers in total.
Actual cross section
= Concrete fibers
+ Steel fibers
Figure 2.26. Comparison of actual and idealized section for fiber model
The analysis results compared with the experimental results at the base of the wall
element are plotted in Figures 2.27 and 2.28. The results point out that using more
wall elements has resulted in inaccurate results since inelastic deformations have
gathered in a single element especially when drift ratio has increased. Instead of
using too many elements, using an equal plastic hinge length with moderate wall
elements gives more rational results but as the drift ratio increases, the discrepancies
between the results of compression and tension end of wall region have grown.
According to Wallace (2006), these differences might have occurred because of
shear-flexural interaction.
Distance Along Web (in.)
Figure 2.27. Strain distribution at the base of the wall for 6 elements
0 10 20 30 40 50
Distance Along Web (in.)
Figure 2.28. Strain distribution at the base of the wall for 48 elements
As we know, a tall building has much more components and connection so analysis
and modeling stage is time consuming. Using many fibers can require much more
time during analysis and modeling of tall buildings. In addition, it is generally not
feasible using too many fibers in the nonlinear modeling of tall building by using
commercially available software (Perform3D V5). In other words, number of fibers
is limited in the analysis program. Accordingly, how the number of fiber can affect
analysis results are examined by comparing detailed commercially available section
analysis program XRACT results with Perform 3D results to get the optimum
number of fiber in modeling. For this purpose, a parametric study, four case studies
with three different axial load levels (0, 0.15fcAc and 0.25fcAc), has been done. A
section having a 0.8 meter thickness and 22 meters in length designed according to
TEC-2007 is employed. The detailed section properties are shown in the appendix
part. These cases are explained below. For all cases, which are shown in the
appendix part, confined concrete material model is utilized for the wall boundaries
and unconfined concrete model is utilized for the wall web.
The comparative section analysis results for three different axial load levels have
been plotted in Figure 2.29. The results point out that the influence of the number of
fibers is very little in the predicted moment versus curvature relation in cases of zero
and 0.15fcAc axial load levels. Although there is a little difference in the predicted
moment capacity, a significant difference is observed in ductility for Case 1 in
comparison with the others when the axial load level increases to 0.25fcAc. Case 1 is
more brittle than others in this situation. The ductility is also reduced when axial load
levels is 0.25fcAc. It is generally limited to axial load level 0.25fcAc for reinforced
concrete shear wall members for a ductile response for high rise structures in high
seismicity regions [LATBSDC, 2015]. In addition, it can be seen that Case 4 results
are more close to Case1 than the others. As a result, instead of using too many fibers
with more wall elements, using relatively more fibers in the wall boundaries with
relatively less fibers in the wall web gives more realistic results for predicting the
performance of structure.
100 N = 0.15*Ac*fck
N = 0 kN 250
M (kNm 104)
M (kNm 104)
40 Case 1 100 Case 1
Case 2
20 Case 3 50
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4 Case 4
0 0
0.0000 0.0020 0.0040 0.0000 0.0020 0.0040
ф (rad/m) ф (rad/m)
200 60
P (kN 104)
150 40
Case 1
100 Case 2 20
50 Case 3
Case 4 0
0 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400
0.0000 0.0020 0.0040 -20
ф (rad/m) M (kNm 104)
Figure 2.29. The effect of fiber size of the wall element for different axial load
levels and interaction diagram
2.4.5 Nonlinear Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Coupling Beams
Reinforced concrete coupling beams can be modeled as either fiber model or lumped
plasticity model (or slip extension) or shear displacement hinge model. Since current
analytical models and acceptance criteria that are specified in codes for coupling
beams are based on rigid plasticity model or shear displacement hinge model, which
is illustrated in Figure 2.30. Accordingly, implementation of coupling beams by
using these models is much easier and applicable in practice.
Figure 2.30. Rigid lumped plasticity and shear displacement hinge model with their
backbone curves for coupling beams (ATC-72, 2010)
Similar to nonlinear beam modeling, the force deformation relationship of hinges and
quasi elastic properties of frame member must be defined correctly to capture
inelastic behavior of coupling beams under any earthquake excitations. For lumped
plasticity hinge model, the force is moment force and the displacement is rotation
across hinge. However for shear displacement hinge, the force is shear force and the
displacement is shear displacement across the hinge. In practice, coupling beams are
generally allowed to yield (flexural members) but it is not desired to fail due to shear.
Accordingly, the behavior of coupling beams is controlled by shear. Comparison of
test results with analytical models by using both approaches show that both of these
models are efficient to capture the overall load displacement behavior if hinge
properties and proposed secant stiffness values are properly applied [ATC-72, 2010].
These models are rigid plastic models so there is no need of elastic stiffness for the
hinge. Displacement or rotation and residual strength parameters are obtained from
either experimental tests or reference seismic guidelines. For example ASCE SEI 41-
13 gives displacement capacities and residual strength parameters. Nominal strength
capacity must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318-08.
The effective stiffness values are generally defined in seismic codes which are shown
in Tables 2.1 and 2.2. In addition to these reference effective stiffness values, in the
light of current studies in PEER Review Initiative-ATC-72 (2010), it proposes to
modify the effective stiffness values for diagonally coupling beams like this;
To define the nominal shear strength of coupling beams, some analytical equations
are proposed depending on coupling beam types and properties. According to ACI
318-08 (similar to TEC 2007);
For conventional coupling beams, the nominal strength is the sum of concrete and
𝑉𝑛 = 𝐴𝑐𝑣 (𝛼𝑐 𝜆√𝑓𝑐′ + 𝜌𝑡 𝑓𝑦 ) (2.11)
For diagonally coupling beams
𝑉𝑛 = 2𝐴𝑣𝑑 𝑓𝑦 sin 𝛼 ≤ 0.83√𝑓𝑐′ 𝐴𝑐𝑤 (2.12)
P If P − ∆ effect is ignored ≫ M = H ∗ h
Δ If P − ∆ effect is considered ≫
H M=H∗h+P∗Δ
H* P*
M h
(a) Δ
Figure 2.31. Cantilever columns and moment diagram for a) First-order effects only
and, b) P-Δ effects only.
Considerable amount of studies has been carried to understand P-delta effects on the
behavior of structure. The studies show that if the maximum displacement of the
component goes beyond displacement corresponding to ultimate strength point (if the
effective stiffness enters the range of negative part), P-Delta effects become more
critical and trigger lateral drift increase. They may lead to lateral dynamic instability
and collapse if the effects are sufficiently large. The studies also show that P-Delta
affect the collapse capacity of moment-resisting frame systems more than the
collapse capacity of shear wall structural systems. If the effective stiffness remains in
the positive effective stiffness range, the effects of P-Delta is generally under control
but it does not give a guarantee [ATC-72, 2010].
Unlike linear elastic analyses, the results of nonlinear analyses are influenced and
depend on the gravity load effects directly; therefore the selection of appropriate
expected gravity load is important. It is generally taken as dead load [D] and some
portion of the design live load (L). Non-prescriptive consensus seismic design
guidelines suggest the equations below to consider gravity loads in the NLTHA for
tall buildings. (N: number of story)
1.0 ∗ D + 0.20 ∗ L ≫ (ATC − 72) (2.13)
1.0 ∗ D + 0.25 ∗ L ≫ (PEER − TBI) (2.14)
1.0 ∗ D + n ∗ L ≫ (IMM) (2.15)
n ≤ 0.3
n = 0.01 ∗ (50 − N) N ≤ 40 (2.16)
n = 0.10 N > 40 (2.17)
The selection of ground motion records for nonlinear dynamic analysis is one of the
most important steps in performance analysis. Selection of appropriate pairs of
ground motion time series for a tall building from the recorded earthquake ground
motions in the past are generally not available. Accordingly, a suite of ground motion
time series (accelerograms) that were recorded during past earthquake are modified
in a way by considering the characteristic properties of structure, its site conditions
and expected target seismic hazard and damping etc. The modifications employed for
generating ground motion time series is a debatable issue, thus ground motions must
be selected by a ground motion specialist from seismic hazard analysis carried out
for special structures. As a basis, the algorithm of this procedure mainly consists of
the following three steps:
1. Define target hazard spectrum with specified return periods by using
either uniform hazard spectrum or conditional mean spectrum.
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis should consider the expected
earthquakes on the faults that may affect the construction site.
2. Select a suite of ground motion pairs recorded during past earthquakes at
stations that conform to site conditions which the building is to be built.
Conformance of the employed earthquakes to the fault type and
magnitude of the main events that dominate probabilistic seismic hazard
analysis is also desirable.
3. Manipulate or modify the selected time series to match the target response
spectrum by using either amplitude scaling or spectral matching
The amplitude scaling procedure is a method that selected ground motion time series
are amplified by a constant scale factor in order to match time series to target
response spectrum in specified a period range. For example in ASCE-SEI 7-10 for
three dimensional analysis, if the scaling procedure is employed, the obtained
average of the SRSS spectrum by using all of the scaled horizontal time series pairs
must not fall below the corresponding ordinate of the selected target hazard spectrum
in the period range between 0.2T and 1.5T where T is fundamental period of the
building. On the contrary, spectral matching is a method based on modification of the
frequency content of the selected ground motion time series so as to match the initial
response spectrum by using selected time series with defined target hazard spectrum.
According to report of NEHRP Seismic Design Technical Brief no: 4 and Moehle
(2012), a tall building is a long-period structure, hence the effect of higher modes on
the behavior of structure is important, thus using the scaling procedure by
considering uniform hazard spectrum results in unexpected incorrect analysis results
since using a high constant scaling factor causes unrealistic short period components
in the scaled ground motions. Instead of this, using spectral matching procedure may
be more appropriate to capture realistic results [Moehle, 2005]. Baker (2011) also
has stated that uniform hazard spectrum is not a suitable target spectrum for
matching ground motion time series and proposed to employ conditional mean
spectrum for these problems. Tall buildings are special structures thus scaling
procedure with conditional mean spectrum from site-specific seismic hazard analysis
generally can be done by considering all of the properties of site conditions and the
fundamental periods of the structure. This method is being widely employing for tall
performance levels can be implemented for different structures when subjected to the
same earthquake excitation since the expected seismic performance of structures are
related to structural types and the usage purpose of structure. On the other hand,
current seismic codes and alternative non-prescriptive consensus seismic design
guidelines use different performance parameters to describe acceptance criteria (limit
states) for members and global behavior of structure to evaluate seismic
performance. For example, whereas TEC-2007 utilizes strain limit values (states) to
check the condition of damage of structural members (ductile members), ASCE-41-
13 employs plastic rotation limit values to check the damage performance of
structural members. In addition, while interstory drift ratio which is a building
behavior limit for overall performance is not used for conventional regular buildings,
it is a quite favorable measure for evaluating seismic performance of tall buildings
when nonlinear analysis is utilized. In this part, firstly description of performance
levels and acceptance criteria according to TEC-2007 and ASCE-41-13 are explained
briefly. Then performance levels and acceptance criteria for tall buildings are
described in accordance with non-prescriptive consensus seismic design guidelines
for tall buildings.
Four performance levels have been defined for buildings depending on building
types, the usage purpose of the building and the probability of occurrence of
earthquakes. These are immediate occupancy (IO), life safety (LS), pre-collapse (PC)
and collapse (CL) performance level. Table 2.3 gives minimum building
performance objectives under different expected earthquake levels.
55 Damage Limits (acceptance criteria) for reinforced concrete members
According to the procedure of TEC-2007, damage limit of the most critical section
for each structural member must be defined in compliance with the prescriptive
provision in Section 7.6. TEC-2007 have described three limit conditions and four
performance levels for a ductile member depending on the upper bound of concrete
compressive strain and reinforcement tensile stain of the most critical section that are
anticipated to arisen from under the effect of the earthquakes. Limit states for
concrete and tension steel are explained below if nonlinear analysis is employed:
Minimum damage limit (MN): Minimum damage level is defined
when the damage level of section is below or at the onset of
plasticity. The upper bound strain level of concrete and reinforcement
steel is described as below:
Damage limits in a cross section which is defined above and section damage regions
are illustrated in Figure 2.30. As it can be seen, if the damage level of the most
critical section of the member does not reach MN, it is located in ‘‘Minimum
Damage Region’’, if the damage level of the most critical section of the member is
located between MN and GV, it is in the ‘‘Significant Damage Region’’, if the
damage level of the most critical section of the member is located between GV and
GÇ it is in the ‘‘Severe Damage Region’’, and if the damage level of the most critical
section of the member goes beyond GÇ it is in the ‘‘Collapsing Region’’.
Internal Force
Figure 2.32. Damage limits and region for reinforced concrete section according to
each element under the expected earthquake excitation have been compared with
specified performance levels. If each member satisfies the expected performance
level, then the seismic performance level of the structure is acceptable.
A Deformatio
Table 2.4. Modeling Parameters and Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear
Procedures—Reinforced Concrete Beams According to ASCE 41-13
Table 2.5. Modeling Parameters and Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear
Procedures—Reinforced Concrete Columns According to ASCE 41-13
Table 2.6. Modeling Parameters and Numerical Acceptance Criteria for Nonlinear
Procedures—R/C Shear Walls and Associated Components Controlled by Flexure
According to ASCE 41-13
Linear interpolation between values listed in the table shall be permitted.
A boundary element shall be considered confined where transverse reinforcement
exceeds 75% of the requirements given in ACI 318 and spacing of transverse
reinforcement does not exceed 8db. It shall be permitted to take modeling parameters
and acceptance criteria as 80% of confined values where boundary elements have at
least 50% of the requirements given in ACI 318 and spacing of transverse
reinforcement does not exceed 8db. Otherwise, boundary elements shall be
considered not confined.
For coupling beams spanning <8 ft 0in., with bottom reinforcement continuous into
the supporting walls, acceptance criteria values shall be permitted to be doubled for
LS and CP performance.
Conventional longitudinal reinforcement consists of top and bottom steel parallel to
the longitudinal axis of the coupling beam. Conforming transverse reinforcement
consists of (a) closed stirrups over the entire length of the coupling beam at a spacing
≤ d/3, and (b) strength of closed stirrups Vs ≥ 3/4 of required shear strength of the
coupling beam.
2.8.3 Performance Levels and Acceptance Criteria for Tall Buildings
Non-prescriptive seismic guidelines for tall buildings except IMM define two
performance levels for tall buildings. These are service level and collapse prevention
level respectively. Service level evaluation stage is to check the structure under high
probability of occurrence (frequent) earthquakes with return periods of 43 years,
(50% probability of exceedance in 30 years). At this stage, it is generally desirable
that the tall buildings remain essentially elastic. It is allowed a small post-yield
deformation for ductile members but a permanent damage is not appreciated.
Collapse prevention evaluation stage is to check the structure under the low
probability of occurrence earthquakes with return periods of 2475 years (50%
probability of exceedance in 2 years). It is desired to maintain their stability under
expected strong earthquakes, namely collapse of the structures is undesirable. Instead
of these, limited damage in specified locations and up to a specific stress value is
permitted for reasonable designs.
Table 2.7. Expected minimum performance regions for different earthquake levels
Probability of being exceeded
The usage purpose 50 % in 10 % in 2 % in
50 years 50 years 50 years
Ordinary tall Minimum Significant Severe damage
buildings (residences, damage region damage region region
offices, hotels) (IO) (LS) (CP)
Special tall buildings Minimum Significant
(Schools, Hospitals, - damage region damage region
health facilities) (IO) (LS)
IMM has been defined three performance levels (IO, LS and CP) depending on usage
purpose. Similar damage limit states for ductile member in TEC-2007, which is
explained in the previous part, are used to evaluate seismic performance of tall
buildings. Expected minimum performance regions for different earthquake level are
presented in Table 2.7.
Before starting analysis and assessment, all structural element actions can be
categorized as either force-controlled or deformation-controlled and if expected
action of component is force-controlled, then the action can be categorized as either
critical or non-critical action for a good representation. LATBSDC (2015) gives a
table to classify action of components, which is shown in Table 2.8. PEER and
LATBSDC (using a similar approach) define acceptance criteria at the components
for collapse prevention level.
Fuc = 1.3~1.5 times the mean value of demand from analyses (minimum suite of
seven ground motions). PEER proposes to use 1.3 if the standard deviation of
obtained response results is less than 1.2 times the mean value, otherwise, 1.5 is
suggested. LATBSDC propose to use 1.5. Here,
Fn,e = nominal strength should be calculated from applicable codes or guidelines by
using expected material properties.
𝜙 = strength reduction factor
𝜅𝑖 =0.8~1.0 risk reduction factor depending on seismic risk category (given Table in
A ductile shear wall or column design is achieved when tension reinforcement yields
before concrete reaches the capacity of compressive strain. As it can be illustrated in
the parametric study for shear walls in Figure 2.29, as the axial load on the shear wall
increases, ductility reduces. Accordingly, axial load on the shear walls and columns
remain below the balance point for a ductile response of high rise structures in
regions of high seismicity. The proposed limit states for shear walls and columns are:
Whereas LATBSDC suggests limiting the axial load demand with 0.25 ∗
𝑓𝑒𝑥 𝐴𝑔 on the shear wall under applicable load combinations when subjected to
design earthquake level (DE), PEER-TBI suggests 0.3 ∗ 𝑓𝑒𝑥 𝐴𝑔 but under the
maximum considered earthquake (MCER).
′ 𝐴
≤ 0.25 ( under DE)
𝑓𝑒𝑥 𝑔
′ A
≤ 0.3 ( under MCER )
fex g
LATBSDC suggests limiting the axial load demand on columns with 0.4 ∗
𝑓𝑒𝑥 𝐴𝑔 under applicable load combinations when subjected to maximum
considered earthquake (MCER)
′ 𝐴
≤ 0.4 ( under MCER )
𝑓𝑒𝑥 𝑔
Seismic shear demand on the shear wall is also limited for a good design. Hence;
PEER-TBI proposes propose these upper limits for shear strength of shear
′ ≤ 𝜏 ≤ 0.25√𝑓 ′ (under service level earthquake)
0.166√𝑓𝑒𝑥 𝑒𝑥
PEER-TBI, LATBSDC and ACI318 propose these upper limits for shear
strength of shear walls under any earthquake excitation.
′ for walls sharing lateral load
𝜏 ≤ 0.664√𝑓𝑒𝑥
′ for single wall
𝜏 ≤ 0.83√𝑓𝑒𝑥
𝑁𝑑 ∶ The mean value of axial force demand from analyses (N)
𝑓𝑒𝑥 ∶ Expected compressive strength of concrete (MPa)
𝜏 : The mean value of shear strength demand from analyses (MPa)
𝐴𝑔 ∶ Gross area of concrete section (mm2)
𝐹𝑢 ≤ 𝜅𝑖 ∗ 𝜙 ∗ 𝐹𝑛,𝑒 (2.23)
Fu = the mean value of demand from analyses (minimum suite seven ground
Fn,e = nominal strength should be calculated from applicable codes or guidelines
by using expected material properties.
𝜙 = strength reduction factor
𝜅𝑖 =0.8~1.0 risk reduction factor depending on seismic risk category (given Table in
ASCE-SEI 41-13 (2013), PEER-TBI (2010) and ATC-72 (2010) also suggests
maximum suitable strain limits for concrete and reinforcement steel, which are given
Compressive strain of unconfined concrete under the pure compression ≤ 0.002
Compressive strain of other concrete conditions ≤ 0.005
Compressive strain of reinforcement steel ≤ 0.02
Tensile strain of reinforcement steel ≤ 0.05
If less than seven pairs of ground motion are used, δmax ≤ 0.5 %
If seven or more than seven pairs of ground motion are used, δave ≤ 0.5 %
If seven or more than seven pairs of ground motion are used, δres/max ≤ 1.5 %
ΣΧfi ≥ 0.8*ΣΧin
δmax : the absolute value of the maximum transient drift ratio in each story
from the suite pairs of ground motion
δave : the absolute value of the average transient drift ratio in each story from
the suite pairs of ground motion
δres/ave : the absolute value of the average residual drift ratio in each story
from the suite pairs of ground motion
δres/max : the absolute value of the max residual drift ratio in each story from
the suite pairs of ground motion
ΣΧin : initial total story strength
ΣΧfi : final total story strength
3.1 Introduction
Performance based seismic design of tall buildings is widely carried out by using
nonlinear dynamic analysis of a three dimensional analytical (computer) model of
the buildings subjected to two horizontal earthquake components (vertical
component is rarely used) simultaneously in order to simulate the seismic behavior
of buildings rationally. Nonlinear mathematical model of the structure incorporates a
number of assumptions, from the selection of idealized inelastic component types for
each structural member to the estimation of gravity and seismic loads in order to
capture the expected dynamic behavior of structures. All of these effects on the
behavior of tall buildings have been explained elaborately in the previous Chapters.
In this part, a reinforced concrete unsymmetrical-plan tall building is designed
according to the Turkish Seismic Code under the design earthquake, followed by two
performance levels (service level and collapse prevention level). NLTHA is
employed by using pairs of ground motion suites and checking the results in
compliance with the determined target performance levels. Several performance
targets have not been satisfied, hence preliminary design has been revised. The case
study is re-analyzed and evaluated to achieve the particular objectives of
performance evaluation levels. The results for both of the initial and revised design
cases are presented separately.
The story heights are 4 m for the first two stories and the top two stories, and 3.3 m
for all other stories. This building is a real residential project which was built in
Ankara located in seismic zone 4 but it is redesigned as if it is located in seismic
zone 1 for this study.
C19 C20
(a) (b)
Figure 3.1. (a) 3-D view and (b) typical floor plan of the building
The properties selected at the design stage are listed below. The linear elastic
spectrum and inelastic design spectrum for design per TEC-2007 is presented in
Figure 3.2
Then linear spectrum analysis has been employed by SAP-2000 V15 software and
internal forces are obtained for critical sections. Finally the selected critical sections
have been designed according to TS 500-2000 and TEC-2007 by considering
capacity design principles. The design approach of the critical sections has not been
mentioned there but all of the critical section design details have been presented in
the appendix part.
Sa (g) R=1
0.4 R=6
0 2 4 6 8
Tn (sec)
Member dimensions for beams are 400x600 mm2 for all stories except A-B axis
beams which are 1000x320 mm2. In spite of using similar section size for beams, a
number of different beams which have different longitudinal reinforcement and shear
details have been employed over the buildings. Design detail of selected beam
sections are given in the appendix part. The columns are labelled from C1 to C19
which are presented in Figure 3.1. The corner column dimensions (C1, C7, C19 and
C20) are 800x1500 mm2 throughout the entire height of the building. The dimensions
of interior columns (from C7 to C17) are 1000x1000 mm2 throughout the height of
building. The dimensions of columns from C2 to C7 are 800x1500 mm2 in the first
six floors. After that the dimensions of the columns have reduced to 700x1400 mm2
until the 29 floor and to 700*1200 mm2 expect C2 for the four upper stories. The
minimum longitudinal reinforcement provision and/or the axial force level control
the behavior of all columns. Design details of selected columns are presented in the
appendix part.
The diagonally reinforced concrete coupling beams of the building are labeled CB1,
CB2 and CB3 respectively. The dimension of coupling beams is presented in Table
Shear walls of building are labeled from SW1 to SW9 which are presented in Figure
3.3. The dimensions of shear walls are presented in Table 3.2. A design detail of
selected shear walls is presented in the appendix.
Free vibration properties of the building are obtained from the elastic model using
un-cracked section properties. Eigenvalue analysis results and the effective modal
mass results for the first twelve modes are presented in Table 3.3. Figures 3.4 to 3.7
illustrate the first four modal vectors of the building with respect to normalized mass.
Table 3.3. Free vibration properties of the building for the first twelve modes
Mode Tn (sn) Mx* (ton) My* (ton) Mx*/∑ 𝐌𝐱 ∑ 𝐌𝐱 My*/∑ 𝐌𝐲 ∑ 𝐌𝐲
1 3.08 359.3 22746.3 0.010 0.010 0.602 0.602
2 2.73 16125.5 1099.1 0.426 0.436 0.029 0.631
3 1.43 8271.8 237.8 0.219 0.655 0.006 0.637
4 0.86 1977.4 1734.4 0.052 0.707 0.046 0.683
5 0.66 1195.4 4581.1 0.032 0.739 0.121 0.804
6 0.48 2.5 77.7 0.000 0.739 0.002 0.806
7 0.35 4017.3 377.4 0.106 0.845 0.010 0.816
8 0.31 542.2 1509.5 0.014 0.859 0.040 0.856
9 0.28 1.9 470.7 0.000 0.859 0.012 0.868
10 0.21 393.6 103.8 0.010 0.870 0.003 0.871
11 0.18 472.5 1032.4 0.012 0.882 0.027 0.898
12 0.16 686.8 159.7 0.018 0.900 0.004 0.903
30 30 30
20 20 20
X Y θ
10 10 10
0 0 0
-0.015 0 0.015 -0.015 0 0.015 -0.001 0 0.001
30 30 30
20 20 20
X Y θ
10 10 10
0 0 0
-0.015 0 0.015 -0.015 0 0.015 -0.001 0 0.001
30 30 30
20 20 20
X Y θ
10 10 10
0 0 0
-0.015 0 0.015 -0.015 0 0.015 -0.001 0 0.001
30 30 30
20 20 20
X Y θ
10 10 10
0 0 0
-0.015 0 0.015 -0.015 0 0.015 -0.001 0 0.001
3.3 Nonlinear Modeling of the Case Study Building
Nonlinear analytical model of the case study building is generated by using the
Perform-3D V5 (2011). This is the only available commercially available software
which offers a number of nonlinear modeling options for structural members from
finite element model (only frames) to fiber model to concentrated plasticity model in
order to generate nonlinear modeling by considering cyclic loading effects on
response either directly or indirectly. Perform-3D V5 utilizes the event-to-event (load
or displacement control) strategy which is accepted as a reliable method for
nonlinear analysis. These assumptions explained below are made during nonlinear
modeling of the case study.
Three-stage approach was employed for this case study. In the preliminary
stage, the building is designed according to TEC-2007. Then nonlinear time
history analysis is employed both for service level evaluation under a suite set
of seven service level earthquake (SLE) shakings with a return period of 43
years, and collapse prevention level under a suite set of seven maximum
considered earthquake (MCE) ground shakings with a return period of 2475
years. Finally the results have been evaluated in compliance with the pre-
determined target performance levels.
In the case study, beam frame members are modeled with “plastic zone
model” element. No strength deterioration model is utilized. In this regard,
plastic hinge lengths which are assumed as one half of the section depth are
defined at both ends of all beams. For inelastic beam component properties,
bi-linear moment curvature relationships are defined along the hinge lengths
by considering the designed section properties of each beam component type,
both for positive and negative actions. For calculating the effective flexural
stiffness of quasi-elastic sections, section moment of inertia (Ig) for each
beam is reduced by multiplying the gross inertias of beams with 0.7 for
service level evaluation and 0.35 for collapse prevention levels. Shear rigidity
is taken as GA and G is taken as 0.4E.
Moment (kNm)
Inealstic Moment Cur.
50 Idealized Moment Cur.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Column frame members are modeled with P-M-M hinges with interaction
surface (considering bi-axial bending and axial force). No strength
deterioration model is utilized. In this regard, plastic hinge lengths which are
assumed as one half of the section depth are defined at both ends of all
columns. For inelastic column component properties, bi-linear moment
curvature relationships are defined along the hinge lengths by considering the
designed section properties of each column component type. Interaction
surface of the each component are also defined. For calculating the effective
flexural stiffness of quasi-elastic sections, section moment of inertia (Ig) for
each column is reduced by multiplying the gross inertias of beams with 0.9
for service level evaluation and 0.7 for collapse prevention levels. Shear
rigidity is taken as GA and G is taken as 0.4E.
Reinforced concrete shear wall members are modeled by using inelastic fiber
sections over the entire height. As explained in Chapter 2, several important
issues must be considered when fiber elements are used for shear walls.
These are using a reliable concrete and reinforcement steel material model,
choosing a correct number of wall elements, a reliable fiber size for each wall
elements section and a plastic hinge (element) length. The effect of these
parameters on the behavior of structure and how these parameters should be
selected and calibrated was explained elaborately in chapter 2. Accordingly,
each shear wall elements is modelled by considering this philosophy in the
case study. For this purpose, the following parameters are selected:
- Saatcioglu-Razvi confined concrete material model (idealized by tri-linear
forms) is utilized for the wall boundaries and Saatcioglu-Razvi
unconfined concrete model (idealized by tri-linear forms) is utilized for
the wall web.
- 1% strain hardening with a simplified trilinear model by considering
cyclic degradation and unloading stiffness coefficients which is shown in
Figure 2.4 is employed for reinforcement steel model.
- The number of wall elements used for core shear wall is presented in
Figure 3.9.
- Each wall element generally consists of four concrete fibers and twelve
steel fibers. Relatively more steel fibers in the wall boundaries with
relatively less steel fibers in the wall web is utilized for each shear wall
- Wall element length (wall height) is taken nearly equal to the estimated
plastic length, which is taken as the smaller value of one-half of the wall
length (depth, ln) or story height.
Shear behavior of shear walls are modelled according to ASCE SEI 41-13.
Reinforced concrete diagonal coupling beams are modeled by utilizing shear
displacement hinge model. The properties of shear displacement hinges are
obtained from ASCE-SEI 41-13 and ACI 318-8 by considering the designed
properties of each coupling beam, but rigid plastic shear hinge is not
employed. Instead, post cracking effects are also considered in the analytical
model. Cracking strength is assumed to occur at minimum values of
0.415√fexp or 0.60 % of the nominal shear strength (ACI 318-8). The
corresponding shear displacement at point U is assumed as an average shear
strain of 0.004 over the beam length. Other key parameters are obtained from
ASCE SEI 41-13.
Shear Force ( kN )
1500 Y
Shear displacement Hinge for CB3
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Drift Ratio (rad)
Rigid diaphragms are assigned to each story level.
P-Delta effects are considered in the model for both service level evaluation
and collapse prevention level.
Rayleigh damping is computed by considering 2.5 % damping in the T/T1
range of 0.2 and 1.25 for both performance levels.
Earthquake load combinations in nonlinear dynamic analyses are selected as
1.0 D + 0.25 L + 1.0 E.
Accidental eccentricity is not considered for both performance level analyses.
The effect of joist slab is ignored.
The set of ground motions which is used in the case study for service level evaluation
and collapse prevention levels include seven different horizontal component pairs of
ground motions. Table 3.4 presents several important properties of the selected
reference ground motions. Two of the ground motions are ordinary type and others
are pulse type. Spectral matching method is employed in order to generate suitable
ground motions time series in accordance with the defined target spectrum by
manipulating selected reference ground motions. These selected reference ground
motions time series, which are presented in the appendix, were downloaded from
PEER strong motion database.
The derivation of generated ground motions were carried out by using SeismoMatch
v2.1 (2013) software program which utilizes the wavelets algorithm proposed by
Abrahamson [1992] and Hancock et al. [2006]. According to Hancock and Bommer
(2007), the properties of generated ground motions is similar to the selected
reference ground motion properties since the derivation stage depends on modifying
the frequency contents of the selected reference ground motions so as to match the
initial response spectrum with the given target response spectrum. Accordingly, the
manipulated ground motion properties do not show significant different properties
from the selected reference ground motions.
The process consists of three steps. First step is the definition of target response
spectrum for both performance levels in accordance with the expected earthquake,
damping and vibration properties. For service level evaluation, target spectrum is
defined as an earthquake with 30% probability of being exceeded in 50 years (return
period of 43 years) with a damping ratio of 2.5 %. In TEC-2007, there is no
analytical equation or approach in order to modify a reference target spectrum from
the desired target spectrum by considering the effect of expected earthquake return
period and damping value. Accordingly, some analytical equations are proposed.
- For this study, linear elastic design spectrum for the selected properties at
the design stage is multiplied by an importance factor (I) in order to
consider the effect of expected earthquake return period [Sucuoğlu and
Akkar, 2014].
𝐼=( ) (3.1)
I: Importance factor
TLR : Reference return period
TL: Target return period
k: a coefficient depending on seismicity, (Eurocode proposes 3)
- For this study, to consider the damping effects on linear elastic design
spectrum, two equations below are adjusted at the spectral ordinates of
linear spectrum.
𝑆𝑎 (𝜉) = 𝑆 (𝜉 = 5%) (3.2)
𝜂 𝑎
𝜂=√ (3.3)
For the collapse prevention level, similar to service level evaluation, target spectrum
is defined as an earthquake with 2% probability of being exceeded in 50 years (return
period of 2475 years) with a damping ratio of 2.5 %. After defining the target
spectrum, spectrum matching is employed by using Seismo Match software. Figures
3.10 and 3.11 show the acceleration spectra of generated ground motions, their mean
spectrum and TEC (2007) design spectrum for both performance levels.
1 Mean Spectrum
0 1 2 3 4 5
Period (Sec)
Mean Spectrum
Acceleration (g)
0 1 2 3
Period (Sec)
Table 3.4 Reference ground motion properties
# GM Code/Component Earthquake (Mw) CD (km) Site Geol. GM Type PGA (g) PGD (cm)
CLS000/Corralitos 00 0.644 52.2 10.88
1 Loma Prieta 10/18/89 (7) 5.1 B Pulse
CLS090/Corralitos 90 0.479 45.2 11.37
LOMAP/LEX 00 0.42 73.5 20
2 Los Gat. -Lex Dam 10/18/89 (7) 5 A Pulse
LOMAP/LEX 90 0.445 62.18 16.63
SFERN/PCD164 1.226 112.5 35.5
3 San Fer. / Pac. Dam 02/09/71 (6.6) 2.8 B Pulse
SFERN/PCD254 1.16 54.3 11.73
CHICHI/CHY006-E 0.364 55.4 25.59
3.5 Presentation of Results for the Case Study
In this part, maximum average transient interstory drift ratios of each corner and
mass center of structure, maximum average shear stress and axial load level on SW2,
SW3 and SW3 in a story, maximum average axial strain of SW2, SW3 and SW3
throughout the entire height of the walls and maximum average axial load level of
each column group have been presented. Since the pre-determined acceptance
criteria for shear walls and columns have not been satisfied, preliminary design has
been revised. The results of maximum average curvatures of beams and
displacements of coupling beams has been presented only for the revised design
which is presented in Part 3.7
Maximum interstory transient drift ratio at each story is calculated at the mass center
and at the each corner of that story because of unsymmetrical-plan of the case study
building. Each corner and mass center of a story is labelled as A, B, C, D and MC,
which is illustrated in Figure 3.1.
Performance levels of maximum average transient interstory drift ratios are taken as
0.5% and 3% for service level and collapse prevention level evaluations,
respectively. In addition, the limit state of the maximum drift ratio in each story for
each ground motion is taken as 4.5% for collapse prevention level. The average
transient interstory drift ratio obtained from the set of ground motions with the
maximum transient interstory drift ratio obtained from each ground motion series are
presented in Figures 3.12 to 3.15 for both performance levels and for both X and Y
directions. As it can be seen in these figures, the obtained results satisfy target
performance levels. However, because of unsymmetrical plan about X direction,
which is shown in Figure 3.49, the building rotates about strong axis where SW3 is
located in. In addition, results show that, higher modes add substantially to the global
response of the structure.
35 35
30 30
Story No
25 25 𝐁
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 35
30 30
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Story No
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% Legend
Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.13. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of SLE shaking
in X direction
35 35
30 30
25 𝐀 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 35
30 30
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Story No
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% Legend
Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.14. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of SLE shaking
in Y direction
35 35
30 30
25 A 25 B
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 35
30 30
25 25
Story No
20 Story No 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Story No
0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% Legend
Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.15. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of MCE
shaking in X direction
35 35
30 30
25 𝐀 25 B
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 35
30 30
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Story No
20 𝐌𝐂
0% 1% 2% 3% 4% Legend
Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.16. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of MCE
shaking in Y direction
3.5.2 Average Shear Stress and Axial Load Level of Shear Walls
In seismic design of tall buildings, shear walls (especially core shear walls) are the
preliminary seismic force resisting members thus they are desired to withstand not
only all of the lateral forces (seismic and wind) but also a considerable amount of
gravity forces due to having less redundant structural systems. The expected
governing and controlling type of action to be captured during analysis for the tower
core walls is force. Accordingly, these forces must be limited for a ductile design. In
other words, shear failure of structural members are generally not desired. In addition
to these effects, nonlinear analysis is based on some rational assumptions and quite a
few uncertainties are available for nonlinear modeling. For this purpose, seismic
codes and non-prescriptive guidelines bring some limitations on axial loads and shear
stresses on shear walls. In this case study, the average shear stress of shear walls is
limited by the ACI-318-8 provisions. PEER-TBI and LATBSDC suggest also these
limitations to check the shear stresses of shear wall members. The following
limitations are employed:
- Upper limits for shear strength of shear walls under any earthquake
′ for walls sharing lateral load
τu ≤ 0.664√fex
′ for single walls
τu ≤ 0.83√fex
Similarly, the axial load on shear walls is also limited for a ductile design. In this
case study, the axial load level is limited by ′ 𝐴 ≤ 0.30 when subjected to MCE
𝑓𝑒𝑥 𝑔
level shakings. This limit proposes by PEER-TBI (2010). Figure 3.17 to 3.22
illustrate the results of average shear stress and axial load levels for SW2, SW3 and
SW6 (the main components of core shear walls) under SLE and MCE level shakings.
Results show that the axial load level at the bottom story level exceeds the pre-
determined limit state for collapse prevention level, under SLE shaking also they are
exceeded unexpectedly. In addition, the results show that the contribution of higher
modes to total shear stress is significant under MCE shakings because the shear
stresses of walls decrease from the second story to the 15th story, but increase from
15th story to 25th this story. After this story, the shear stresses decrease. The results
also indicate that shear stresses reach their maximum value at the second story due to
the presence of a podium level. High shear forces are transferred between the podium
level and the tower. Moreover, SW3 shear wall also exceeds the limit of shear
cracking stress under SLE shaking and the limit of ultimate strength capacity under
MCE shaking. According to these results, the preliminary design is revised by
increasing the dimension of shear walls instead of using higher strength material.
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.17. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW2 under
SLE shaking
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.18. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW3 under
SLE shaking
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.19. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW6 under
SLE shaking
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.20. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW2 under
MCE shaking
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.21. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW3 under
MCE shaking
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.22. Max average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW6 under
MCE shaking
3.5.3 Axial Forces in Columns
The axial internal force on the reinforced columns should be limited because of
similar reasons related to ductility which are explained for shear walls. In this case
study, axial force in column is limited by 𝑓′ ≤ 0.40 under MCE shaking. Figures
𝑒𝑥 𝐴𝑔
3.24 to 3.27 illustrate the axial force in each identical column group. As it can be
observed in Figure 3.25, some columns of this group exceed the force limit state.
Some of most critical columns in this group are presented in Figure 3.23 and labelled
C10, C11 and C12 through all story levels. Especially C10 and C12 near the
boundary of the core shear wall work as a boundary of the shear walls. Shear force
which will be transferred between the shear walls to the columns by linking beams
develop high axial force in the columns. The core shear wall withstands a
considerable amount of seismic load when subjected to an earthquake excitation,
thus load transfer between core walls and the relating beams and columns is high.
Accordingly, these members are exposed to much higher effects compared to other
members. Accordingly, columns which do not satisfy the required performance level
are re-designed by increasing their dimension to satisfy the expected performance
(a) (b)
Figure 3.24. Average axial load level on C800*1500 columns (C1, C7, C19, C20
and the first six floors of C2 to C6) under (a) SLE, and (b) MCE shakings
(a) (b)
Figure 3.25. Average axial load level on C1000*1000 columns (from C8 to C18)
under (a) SLE and (b) MCE shakings
(a) (b)
Figure 3.26. Average axial load level on C700*1400 columns (from C2 to C6
between 7th and 29th floor) under (a) SLE and (b) MCE shakings
(a) (b)
Figure 3.27. Average axial load level on C700*1200 columns (the four upper stories
of C3, C4, C5 and C6) under (a) SLE and (b) MCE shakings
One of the performance parameters to anticipate the damage of shear walls under an
earthquake excitation is axial strain. ‘‘Strain gauges’’ are used to determine the
amount of tension and compression strains in the shear wall elements. The
distribution of maximum average strain values for concrete in compression and
reinforcement in tension over the height for SW2, SW3 and SW6 shear walls are
presented in Figure from 3.27 to 2.32 for each performance level. These shear walls
remain elastic under SLE shaking. However, a plastic zone which is nearly equal to
15% of building height has been developed at the base of each shear wall under the
MCE excitation. Each shear wall has yielded but the amount of yielding of each
shear wall is acceptable for collapse prevention performance. According to TEC-
2007, SW2 member is in the minimum damage region (ε<0.01) and SW3 and SW6
are in significant damage region (0.01<ε<0.004. According to ASCE 41-13, these
tensile strain values are also acceptable (ε<0.05) for collapse prevention level. In
addition, the amount of strain in compression at each story level and performance
level is acceptable. The following symbols are used in presenting the axial strain
35 ACS 35 ATS
SW2 Edge I ATS 30 SW2 Edge J ACS
ϵsy ϵco
25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 -0.0015 -0.0005 0.0005 0.0015 0.0025 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003
Max Fiber Compressive and Tension Strain Max Fiber Compressive and Tension Strain
Figure 3.28. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW2 under SLE shaking
35 ACS 35 ATS
30 30 ϵco
25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
Story No
20 20
SW2 Edge I SW2 Edge J
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 0.0025 0.0075 0.0125 0.0175 -0.003 0.003 0.008 0.013 0.018
Max Fiber Compressive and Tension Strain Max Fiber Compressive and Tension Strain
Figure 3.29. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW2 under MCE shaking
35 ACS 35 ATS
SW3 Edge I ATS 30 SW3 Edge J ACS
ϵsy ϵco
Story No 25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 -0.0015 -0.0005 0.0005 0.0015 0.0025 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003
Max Fiber Compression and Tensile Strain Max Fiber Compression and Tensile Strain
Figure 3.30. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW3 under SLE shaking
35 ACS 35 ATS
30 30 ϵco
25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
Story No
20 20
SW3 Edge I SW3 Edge J
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.003 0.002 0.007 0.012 0.017 -0.003 0.002 0.007 0.012 0.017
Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain
Figure 3.31. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW3 under MCE shaking
35 ACS 35 ATS
SW6 Edge I ATS 30 SW6 Edge J ACS
ϵsy ϵco
25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 -0.0015 -0.0005 0.0005 0.0015 0.0025 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003
Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain
Figure 3.32. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW6 under SLE shaking
35 ACS 35 ATS
30 30 ϵco
25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
Story No
20 20
SW6 Edge I SW6 Edge J
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 0.0025 0.0075 0.0125 -0.003 0.003 0.008 0.013
Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain
Figure 3.33. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW6 under MCE shaking
3.6 Presentation of Results for the Revised Case Study
NLTHA is conducted for the original case study building by employing a suite of
seven ground motion pairs and checking the results in compliance with the target
performance levels determined for service level and collapse prevention level. A
number of performance targets have not been satisfied in the case study building,
hence the preliminary design is revised. Instead of changing the material strengths,
section dimensions for members that do not satisfy required performance are
increased to evaluate the dimension effects on anticipated building behavior. For this
purpose, the section dimensions have changed such that:
Thickness of SW2, SW3, SW4 SW5 and SW6 have been increased
from 500 mm to 700 mm
The dimensions of C8, C14, C15, C16 and C17 have increased from
100*100 cm2 to 120*120 cm2 in the first three stories,
The dimensions of C9 and C13 have increased from 100*100 cm2 to
120*120 cm2 in the first six stories,
The dimensions of C10, C11 and C12 have increased from 100*100
cm2 to 120*120 cm2 in the first twelve stories.
The width of coupling beams has increased from 500 to 700 mm.
Free vibration properties of the revised building are obtained from the elastic model
using un-cracked section properties. Eigenvalue analysis results and the effective
modal mass results for the first twelve modes are presented in Table 3.5.
After the sections dimensions have changed, the case study is re-analyzed and
evaluated in order to achieve the performance objectives. In addition to the selected
results for case study, maximum average curvature of selected beams and maximum
average displacement of selected coupling beams have been also presented for the
revised case study. The obtained results are given below parts.
Table 3.5. Free vibration properties of the revised case study for the first twelve
Mode Tn (sn) Mx* (ton) My* (ton) Mx*/ My*/
3.6.1 Interstory Drift Ratios
As it can be seen the following inter story drift ratio results of revised case study
(Figure 3.34-3.37), the targeted limit states are satisfied for both performance levels.
35 35
30 30
25 25 𝐁
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 35
30 30
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Story No
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% Legend
Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.34. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of SLE shaking
in X direction.
35 35
30 30
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 𝐀 20 𝐁
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.8% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.8%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 35
30 30
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.8% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.8%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Story No
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% Legend
Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.35. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of SLE shaking
in Y direction
35 35
30 30
Story No
25 A 25 B
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 35
30 30
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Story No
0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% Legend
Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.36. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion and
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of MCE
shaking in X direction
35 35
30 30
25 𝐀 25 B
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 35
30 30
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Story No
20 𝐌𝐂
0% 1% 2% 3% 4% Legend
Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.37. Maximum transient interstory drift ratios for each ground motion with
maximum average transient interstory drift ratios obtained from a set of MCE
shaking in Y direction.
3.6.2 Average Shear Stress and Axial Load Level of Shear Walls
As it can be seen the following maximum average shear stress and axial load level on
shear walls SW2, SW3 and SW6 results of the revised case study (Figure 3.38- 3.43),
nearly all targeted limit state is satisfied for both performance levels.
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.38. Average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW2 under
SLE shaking
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.39. Average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW3 under
SLE shaking
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.40. Average shear stress and axial load level on shear wall SW6 under
SLE shaking
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 -0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.41. Average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW2 under
MCE shaking
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.42. Average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW3 under
MCE shaking
τav τcr τu Ave+ Ave- Limit State
30 30
25 25
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.43. Average shear stress and axial load on shear wall SW6 under
MCE shaking
3.6.3 Axial Forces in Columns
Axial load level in all columns under SLE and MCE shaking is presented in Figure
3.44 and Figure 3.45 respectively. Axial load level in nearly all columns except R1,
R2 and R3 under MCE shaking satisfies targeted performance levels. The columns
which do not satisfy the required performance level should re-designed by increasing
their dimension to satisfy the expected performance level. However, there is no need
to re-analysis the structure after these revisions since these revisions are expected to
have negligible effect on the lateral stiffness of the structure.
R1*: In revising the case study buildings column and shearwall dimensions,
columns sizes of C10 and C12 should have been increased from 100x100cm
to 120x120cm till the story number 15, not 12 to prevent the violation of the
axial load ratio limit.
R2*: The dimensions of columns C16 and C17 should be revised again to
obey the axial load ratio limits. This time, the dimensions of C16 and C17
should be increased till story number 5.
R3*: For the shown columns (C10 and C12), the dimensions should be
revised to include the first three stories.
120 35
All Columns
100 Gravity 30
Min. mean
Height / Story No
80 Max. mean
Comp. LS 40% 20
60 Tens. Cap LS
20 5
0 0
-0.35 -0.25 -0.15 -0.05 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65
Figure 3.44. Average axial load level on all columns under SLE shaking
120 35
All Columns
100 Gravity 30
Min mean
Height / Story No
80 Max mean
Comp. LS 20
Tens. capacity 15
R1* 10
20 5
0 0
-0.35 -0.25 -0.15 -0.05 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65
Figure 3.45. Average axial load level on all columns under MCE shaking
It can be observed in the axial strain results of shear walls (Figure 43 – 48) that,
although the section dimension have been increased, axial tensile strain of core shear
wall segments (SW2, SW3 and SW6) has also been increased especially at the
bottom of each shear walls and the upper stories of SW2 and SW6 under MCE
shaking. While the upper stories of SW2 and SW6 have not yielded in the original
case study, they have yielded in the revised case study due to the increasing demand
under MCE excitation. Another reason that might trigger yielding at the upper story
of shear walls is the reduction in the plan area of the structure after the roof level.
The comparison and evaluation of the results of the original and revised case study
are explained in Part 3.7. In the revised case study, each shear wall has yielded but
the amount of yielding is under acceptable limits for collapse prevention
performance level although the yielding at the upper story of shear walls are not a
desired behavior
35 ACS 35 ATS
30 30 ϵco
25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
Story No
20 20
SW2 Edge I SW2 Edge J
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 0.0025 0.0075 0.0125 0.0175 -0.003 0.003 0.008 0.013 0.018
Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain
Figure 3.46. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW2 under SLE shaking
35 ACS 35 ATS
30 30 ϵco
25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
Story No
20 20
SW2 Edge I SW2 Edge J
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 0.0025 0.0075 0.0125 0.0175 -0.003 0.003 0.008 0.013 0.018
Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain
Figure 3.47. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW2 under MCE shaking
35 ACS 35 ATS
SW3 Edge I ATS 30 SW3 Edge J ACS
ϵsy ϵco
Story No 25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 -0.0015 -0.0005 0.0005 0.0015 0.0025 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003
Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain
Figure 3.48. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW3 under SLE shaking
35 ACS 35 ATS
30 30 ϵco
25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
Story No
20 20
SW3 Edge I SW3 Edge J
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.003 0.002 0.007 0.012 0.017 -0.003 0.002 0.007 0.012 0.017
Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain
Figure 3.49. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW3 under MCE shaking
35 ACS 35 ATS
SW6 Edge I ATS 30 SW6 Edge J ACS
ϵsy ϵco
Story No 25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 -0.0015 -0.0005 0.0005 0.0015 0.0025 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003
Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain
Figure 3.50. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW6 under SLE shaking
35 ACS 35 ATS
30 30 ϵco
25 ϵco 25 ϵsy
Story No
Story No
20 20
SW6 Edge I SW6 Edge J
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 0.0025 0.0075 0.0125 -0.003 0.003 0.008 0.013
Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain Max Fiber Compression and Tension Strain
Figure 3.51. Axial strain at edge I (internal edge) and edge J (external edge) of shear wall SW6 under MCE shaking
3.6.5 Beam-end Average Curvature
In this part, maximum average curvature of three selected critical beams (B1, B2 and
B3) in a representative story when subjected to earthquake excitation is presented
through all floors. The inelastic properties of each of these beams do not change
through all story levels. Each of these beams with their edges I and J, and the
direction of earthquake horizontal components are shown in Figure 3.52. It is
important to note that excitations are applied only in the positive x and y directions.
Thus, the conclusions do not comprise the effect of earthquake direction, which is
out-of-scope of this dissertation. Each end of the beams also has a hinge which
receives negative and positive actions. The sign convention for a beam element is
shown in Figure 3.53.
Instead of using average strain or rotation values in order to assess the member
behavior under an expected earthquake shaking, some researchers propose to employ
some limit values depend on curvature. The following curvature limits can be
utilized to assess the member behavior in this study [Sucuoğlu, 2014].
ϕav < ϕy : No damage
ϕy < ϕav < 0.75ϕmax : Significant damage region
0.75ϕmax < ϕy < ϕmax : Severe damage region
Figure 3.54 and 3.55 illustrate the maximum values of average moments and
curvatures for beam B1 obtained under the SLE and MCE shakings. In these figures,
the distribution of positive moment and curvature values at the end I, negative
moment and curvature values at the end I, positive moment and curvature values at
the end J and negative moment and curvature values at the end J along the height of
the building are shown in rows 1-4, respectively. Also, yield curvature and moment
limits for beams are marked with solid vertical lines on these graphs.
As it is illustrated in Figure 3.54, some minor yielding (mean results are used for
assessment) occurs under SLE excitations. These damages which are slightly beyond
yield point may be acceptable for service level evaluation. It can be easily seen from
Figure 3.54 that in positive end I and negative end J cases, although mean curvatures
are detected to be beyond the yield limit, mean moment values are apparently below
yield moment, which is one of the major drawbacks of presenting averaged results.
As it is illustrated in Figure 3.55, significant plastic deformations occur in negative
end I and positive end J under MCE excitations. Relatively slight plastic deformation
is observed in positive end I and negative end J. These damage states are acceptable
for the collapse prevention level. In addition, results indicate that the contribution of
higher modes on the response of the beam members is significant. Similar results are
also observed for B2, which are illustrated in Figures 3.56 and 3.57.
The obtained results of B3 differ from B1 and B2 results since direction of joist beam
is extended along the longitudinal direction of structure and the beam is located
between SW3 and SW7. As it can be seen in Figures 3.58, these damages which are
below yield point are acceptable for SLE. In addition, no damage is observed in
positive end I under SLE and MCE excitations. On the other hand, some minor
plastic deformation is observed under MCE excitations. These damage states are also
acceptable for the collapse prevention level.
40 40
Positive end I Positive end I Cmean
30 30 Cmax
Story #
Story #
Mmean Cmin
20 20
10 Mmax 10
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40
Negative end I Negative end I Cmean
30 30 Cy
Story #
Story #
20 Mmean 20 Cmin
10 10
0 Mmin 0
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 Mmean 40
Positive end J Positive end J Cmean
30 30 Cy
Story #
Story #
20 Mmin 20 Cmin
10 10
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40
Negative end J Negative end J
30 30 Cmean
Story #
Story #
20 Mmean 20 Cmax
10 Mmax 10
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
Figure 3.54. The distribution of positive moments and curvatures at the end I,
negative moments and curvatures at the end I, positive moments and curvatures at
the end J and negative moments and curvatures at the end J along the height of the
building under SLE shaking (Beam B1).
40 40
Positive end I Positive end I Cmean
30 30 Cmax
Story #
Story #
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 0 0.1 0.2
Moment (kNm) Moment (kNm)
40 40 Cmean
Negative end I Negative end I Cy
30 30
Story #
Story #
20 Mmean 20
10 10
0 Mmin 0
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 0 0.1 0.2
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40 Cmean
Positive end J Positive end J Cy
30 30 Cmax
Story #
Story #
20 20
10 My 10
0 Mmin 0
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 0 0.1 0.2
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40
Negative end J Negative end J
30 30
Story #
Story #
20 Mmean 20 Cmin
10 Mmax 10
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 0 0.1 0.2
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
Figure 3.55. The distribution of positive moments and curvatures at the I end,
negative moments and curvatures at the I end, positive moments and curvatures at
the J end and negative moments and curvatures at the J end along the height of the
building under MCE shaking (Beam B1)
40 40 Cmean
Positive end I Mmean Positive end I
My Cy
30 30 Cmax
Story #
Story #
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40
Negative end I Negative end I Cmean
30 30
Story #
Story #
20 20
10 My 10
0 Mmin 0
0 250 500 750 1000 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40 Cmean
Positive end J Positive end J
30 30 Cmax
Story #
Story #
20 Mmean 20
10 10
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40 Cmean
Negative end J Negative end J Cy
30 30 Cmax
Story #
Story #
20 Mmean 20
10 10
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
Figure 3.56. The distribution of positive moments and curvatures at the end I,
negative moments and curvatures at the end I, positive moments and curvatures at
the end J and negative moments and curvatures at the end J along the height of the
building under SLE shaking (Beam B2)
40 40
Positive end I Positive end I Cmean
30 30 Cmax
Story #
Story #
20 Mmean 20
10 10
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40
Negative end I Negative end I Cmean
30 30
Story #
Story #
20 Mmean 20
10 10
0 Mmin 0
0 250 500 750 1000 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40 Cmean
Positive end J Positive end J
30 30 Cmax
Story #
Story #
20 Mmin 20
10 10
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 Mmean 40 Cmean
Negative end J Negative end J
My Cy
30 Mmax 30 Cmax
Story #
Story #
Mmin Cmin
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
Figure 3.57. The distribution of positive moments and curvatures at the end I,
negative moments and curvatures at the end I, positive moments and curvatures at
the end J and negative moments and curvatures at the end J along the height of the
building under MCE shaking (Beam B2).
40 40
Negative end I Negative end I
30 30
Mmean Cmean
Story #
Story #
My Cy
20 20
Mmax Cmax
Mmin Cmin
10 10
0 0
0 200 400 600 0 0.005 0.01
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40
Positive end J Positive end J Cmean
30 30 Cy
Story #
Story #
20 20 Cmin
10 10
0 0
0 200 400 600 0 0.005 0.01
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40
Negative end J Negative end J
30 30
Story #
Story #
20 20
Mmean Cmean
My Cy
10 10
Mmax Cmax
Mmin Cmin
0 0
0 200 400 600 0 0.005 0.01
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
Figure 3.58. The distribution of negative moments and curvatures at the end I,
positive moments and curvatures at the end J and negative moments and curvatures
at the end J along the height of the building under SLE shaking (Beam B3)
40 40 Cmean
Negative end I Negative end I Cy
30 30
Mmean Cmin
Story #
Story #
20 20
10 10
0 0
0 200 400 600 0 0.05 0.1
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40
Positive end J Positive end J
30 30
Story #
Story #
20 20
Mmean Cmean
My Cy
10 10
Mmax Cmax
Mmin Cmin
0 0
0 200 400 600 0 0.05 0.1
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
40 40
Negative end J Negative end J
30 30
Story #
Story #
20 Mmean 20
My Cy
10 Mmax 10 Cmax
Mmin Cmin
0 0
0 200 400 600 0 0.05 0.1
Moment (kNm) Curvature (mm/mm)
Figure 3.59 The distribution of negative moments and curvatures at the end I,
positive moments and curvatures at the end J and negative moments and curvatures
at the end J along the height of the building under MCE shaking (Beam B3)
3.6.6 Coupling Beam Results
The expected performance of coupling beams under SLE shaking is to remain elastic.
Moreover, the coupling beams can yield under MCE shaking but they are supposed
to be controlled by shear. Accordingly, shear displacement hinge was defined at the
mid-point of each coupling beam. The mean chord displacement results obtained
from analyses are presented in Figures 3.60 - 3.64 for both performance levels. The
sign conventions for coupling beam elements are similar to beam members, which
was shown in Figure 3.53. Damages occurred in CB3 under SLE shaking are below
the immediate occupancy limit state and damages occurred in CB3 under MCE
shaking are below the collapse prevention limit state. Accordingly, the building
maintains its serviceability condition under SLE shaking and its stability under MCE
shakings. Targeted limit states are satisfied for coupling beams. In addition, the
contribution of higher modes to response of the coupling beams is also observed.
3000 40
2500 Results
Story No
Shear Force (kN)
1500 20
1000 F-D
Results 10
0 0
0 25 50 75 0 1 2 3
Displacement (mm) Dispacement (mm)
Figure 3.60 Maximum average positive chord displacement hinge for CB3 under
SLE shaking.
3000 40
Story No
Shear Force (kN)
1500 20
1000 F-D
Results 10
0 0
0 25 50 75 0 1 2 3
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)
Figure 3.61 Maximum average negative chord displacement for CB3 under SLE
3000 40
2500 Results
Story No
Shear Force (kN) 1500 20
1000 F-D
Results 10
0 0
0 25 50 75 0 10 20 30
Displacement (mm) Curvature (m/m)
Figure 3.62 Maximum positive chord displacement for CB3 under MCE shaking.
3000 40
2500 35 Results
Shear Force (kN)
Story No
1500 20
1000 F-D 15
Results 10
0 0
0 25 50 75 0 10 20 30
Displacement (mm) Curvature (m/m)
Figure 3.63 Maximum negative chord displacement for CB3 under MCE shakings.
3.7 Comparison of Results from the Original and Revised Case Studies
In light of results of the case study and revised case study, interstory drift ratios and
axial strains, axial load ratio and shear stress of shear wall SW2, SW3 and SW6 are
compared with each other. The results indicate that although the section dimensions
have increased, axial tensile strain of core shear wall segments, especially at the
bottom of each shear wall (SW2, SW3 and SW6), and interstory drift ratios (points C
and D in the X direction and points A and C in the Y direction) have also increased
slightly because of the increased torsional irregularity. This is because; the building
tends to show more torsional rotations due to the shift in the center of rigidity caused
by the stiffness increase in the shear wall SW3. In other words, the increase in the
sizes of columns and shearwalls causes a modification of the seismic properties of
the selected case study building but the capacity improvement is evidently more than
the demand increase as expected. On the other hand, shear stress and axial load ratio
on each shear wall has reduced due to the increased section thicknesses. The selected
results are presented below.
35 35
30 𝐀 30 𝐁
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 RS 10 RS
5 LS 5 LS
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 𝐂 35
30 30
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 RS 10 RS
5 LS 5 LS
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.64 Comparison mean interstory drift results of original case study with
revised case study under SLE shakings in X direction
35 35
30 CS 30 CS
25 RS 25 RS
Story No
Story No
20 20 LS
15 15
10 𝐀 10 𝐁
5 5
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 35
30 CS 30 CS
25 RS 25 RS
Story No
Story No
20 LS 20 LS
15 𝐂 15 𝐃
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 0.3% 0.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.5%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.65 : Comparison mean interstory drift results of original case study with
revised case study under SLE shaking in Y direction
35 35
30 𝐀 30 𝐁
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 RS 10 RS
5 LS 5 LS
0 0
0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 𝐂 35
30 30
25 25
Story No
Story No
20 20
15 15
10 RS 10 RS
5 LS 5 LS
0 0
0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.66 : Comparison mean interstory drift results of original case study with
revised case study under MCE shakings in X direction
35 35
30 CS 30 CS
25 RS 25 RS
Story No
Story No
20 20 LS
15 15
10 𝐀 10 𝐁
5 5
0 0
0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
35 35
30 CS 30 CS
25 RS 25 RS
Story No
Story No
20 LS 20 LS
15 𝐂 15 𝐃
10 10
5 5
0 0
0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0%
Interstory Drift Ratio Interstory Drift Ratio
Figure 3.67 Comparison mean interstory drift results of original case study with
revised case study under MCE shakings in Y direction
3.7.2 Comparison of Average Shear Stress and Axial Loads and Axial Strain
of Shear Walls
The following symbols are used in comparing results of shear stress and axial load
level of shear walls:
CS, RS: Mean shear stress results of the original and revised case study respectively.
CS-C, RS-S: Mean compressive axial load level of the original and revised case
study respectively.
CS-T, RS-T: Mean tensile axial load level results of the original and revised case
study respectively
τcr , τu : The cracking shear stress and ultimate shear stress respectively.
C-LS, T-LS : Compression limit state (30%) and tension limit state respectively.
CS-C, CS-T : Mean compressive and tensile strain of original case study.
RS-C,RS-T : Mean compressive and tensile strain of revised case study respectively.
40 τcr τu C-LS CS-C RS-C
CS RS 40
30 30
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
10 10
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.68 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW2
results of case study model with revised case study model under SLE shaking
30 30
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
10 10
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.69 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW3
results of case study model with revised case study model under SLE shaking
30 30
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
10 10
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.70 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW6
results of case study model with revised case study model under SLE shaking
40 τcr τu C-LS CS-C RS-C
CS RS 40
30 30
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
10 10
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.71 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW2
results of case study model with revised case study model under MCE shaking
30 30
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
10 10
0 0
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.72 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW3
results of case study model with revised case study model under MCE shaking
30 30
Story Number
Story Number
20 20
10 10
0 0
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -0.3 0.0 0.3 0.5 0.8
Shear Stress MPa N/(fexp*Ac)
Figure 3.73 Comparison average shear stress and axial load level of shear wall SW6
results of case study model with revised case study model under MCE shaking
35 35
SW2 Edge I 30 SW2 Edge J
25 RS-C 25 RS-C
Story No
Story No
20 RS-T 20 RS-T
15 ϵsy 15 ϵsy
10 ϵco 10 ϵco
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 -0.0015 -0.0005 0.0005 0.0015 0.0025 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003
Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain
Figure 3.74 Comparison mean axial strain results of case study model with revised case study model under SLE shaking
35 35
CS-C SW2 Edge I CS-C SW2 Edge J
30 30
25 25 RS-T
Story No
Story No
20 20 RS-C
15 15 ϵco
ϵsy ϵsy
10 10
5 ϵco
0 0
-0.003 0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 -0.003 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012
Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain
Figure 3.75 Comparison max fiber compressive and tensile strain of SW2 under MCE shaking.
35 35
SW3 Edge I CS-C CS-C
30 30 SW3 Edge J
Story No 25 RS-C 25 RS-T
Story No
20 RS-T 20 RS-C
15 ϵsy 15 ϵco
10 ϵco 10 ϵsy
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 -0.0015 -0.0005 0.0005 0.0015 0.0025 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003
Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain
Figure 3.76 Comparison max fiber compressive and tensile strain of SW3 under SLE shaking.
35 35
CS-C SW3 Edge I CS-C
SW3 Edge J
30 30
25 25 RS-T
Story No
Story No
20 20 RS-C
15 15 ϵco
ϵsy ϵsy
10 10
5 ϵco
0 0
-0.003 0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 -0.003 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012
Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain
Figure 3.77 Comparison max fiber compressive and tensile strain of SW3 under MCE shaking.
35 35
SW6 Edge I 30 SW6 Edge J
25 RS-C 25 RS-T
Story No
Story No
20 RS-T 20 RS-C
15 ϵsy 15 ϵco
10 ϵco 10 ϵsy
5 5
0 0
-0.0025 -0.0015 -0.0005 0.0005 0.0015 0.0025 -0.003 -0.002 -0.001 0.001 0.002 0.003
Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain
Figure 3.78 Comparison max fiber compressive and tensile strain of SW6 under SLE shaking.
35 35
CS-C SW6 Edge I CS-C
SW6 Edge J
30 30
25 25 RS-T
Story No
Story No
20 20 RS-C
15 15 ϵsy
ϵsy ϵco
10 10
5 ϵco
0 0
-0.003 0 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012 -0.003 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.009 0.012
Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain Max Fiber Compressive and Tensile Strain
Figure 3.79 Comparison max fiber compressive and tensile strain of SW6 under MCE shaking
The main concern in performance based seismic design is to evaluate a structure and
members of the structure by comparing damage and/or internal forces or
deformations with pre-defined target performance criteria under an expected
earthquake scenario. Current conventional seismic codes do not allow a realistic
anticipation and distribution of these effects properly. However, damage and internal
forces can be controlled reasonably if a reliable performance based design approach
is conducted. For this propose, the first step is to define performance levels and
acceptance criteria depending on the expected earthquake shaking levels. Several
performance levels may be defined for a structure but two performance levels are
generally described for tall buildings. At service level evaluation stage, it is
generally desirable that the tall buildings remain essentially elastic under small to
moderate earthquakes. In collapse prevention level stage, the target is that the tall
buildings maintain their stability under expected strong earthquakes. In other words,
collapse of the structures should be prevented. The controlling damage of the
structure under any expected earthquake is satisfied by setting limit states on damage
or/and force and deformation levels of members and global behavior of structure in
order to maintain the anticipated functional requirement.
of seven ground motions for checking the results in compliance with the determined
target performance levels.
This study is about performance based seismic design of tall buildings by using
nonlinear time history analysis. The following conclusions are drawn in accordance
with the results obtained in this study.
The need for tall buildings is growing consistently. Approximately, a
thousand buildings over 100 meters are being constructed and thousands of
buildings are planned currently all over the world. In addition, tall buildings
which have been constructed in Turkey are located in the regions with high
Tall buildings are long period structures thus the contribution of higher
modes are substantial.
Current conventional seismic codes are too restrictive and insufficient. For
example, innovative structural systems that are not recognized in current
conventional seismic and building codes have been employed increasingly to
enhance seismic performance of the building.
Using nonlinear time history analysis in tall buildings is necessity if damage
is expected when subjected to severe earthquake excitations. Current
conventional seismic codes do not permit estimating distribution of the
expected damage level and internal forces accurately. In tall buildings,
predicting both the level of damage related to internal deformations and
internal forces in the members are important to evaluate the seismic
performance of structure.
Performance based seismic design of tall buildings by conducting nonlinear
time history analyses are based on many assumptions and simplifications at
different stages. Accordingly, this method must be carried out by an expert
structural engineer who has proven his/her specialty in this field.
Tall buildings are long period structures thus it may be troublesome to select
appropriate ground motion records to obtain correct response from these
structures. The modifications employed for generating ground motion time
series is a debatable issue, thus ground motions must be selected by a ground
motion specialist.
The case study results show that although the case study is designed
according to the provisions of TSE-500 (2000) and TEC-2007, it does not
provide adequate resistance under expected earthquake levels.
The overall behavior of the building obtained from the results obtained show
that the building rotates about the strong axis of building where SW3 is
located. The overall behavior structure is controlled by interstory drift ratio
obtained under SLE shakings. Interstory drift limits under MCE shakings are
more conservative.
The contribution of higher modes on interstory drift ratio is significant.
Results show that, axial load level on several columns and shear walls
exceeds the pre-determined limit state for collapse prevention level. In
addition, shear stress of SW3 exceeds the upper limits for shear strength of
shear walls.
Because of overturning moment and unsymmetrical building plan, the axial
load level on column members especially near the core shear wall increase
dramatically under maximum earthquake levels.
Expected governing and controlling type of action is axial force for shear
walls and columns.
The shear stress results of the shear walls when subjected to MCE shaking
also indicate that the contribution of higher modes to the total shear response
is significant because the shear stress of walls decrease from the second story
until nearly the 15th story, but then increase above this story.
The results also indicate that shear stresses reach maximum value at the
second story level due the presence of a podium level.
The results also show that a plastic zone which is nearly equal to 15 % of
building height developed at the base of each shear wall under the MCE
Each shear wall has yielded but the amount of yielding of each shear wall is
acceptable for collapse prevention level.
Some minor yielding occurred in beam members under SLE excitations but
these damages which are slightly beyond yield point may be acceptable for
service level evaluation.
Significant damages occurred in the beam members under MCE shakings but
these damages are below the limit states. Accordingly, the structure maintains
its stability under expected strong earthquakes.
There is no significant damage in coupling beams.
Several performance targets are not satisfied, hence the preliminary design
was revised to achieve the objectives of performance evaluation levels.
After the design is revised, the obtained results nearly satisfied all
performance levels.
When comparing the original case study results with revised case study,
although the dimension of core shear wall and some columns is increased, the
axial strain at the bottom of shear walls also increases and the interstory drift
ratios increased slightly since the building tends to show more torsional
rotations due to the shift in the center of rigidity caused by the stiffness
increase in the shear wall SW3.
The increase in the sizes of columns and shear walls causes a modification of
the seismic properties of the selected the original case study building but the
capacity improvement is evidently more than the demand increase as
Performance based seismic design utilizing nonlinear time history analysis is
dependent on too many uncertainties and assumptions from modelling,
ground motion selection, stiffness, material models to assessment stages, i.e.
limit states, damage classification, etc. These assumptions could lead
different analytical models, which directly affect the obtained results. In
addition, the assessment results are purely related to the selected performance
criteria. Therefore, this method should be carried out by authorized and
certified design engineers.
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0.3 0.3
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
-0.1 -0.1
-0.2 -0.2
Time (sec) Time (sec)
0.3 0.3
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
-0.1 -0.1
-0.2 -0.2
Time (sec) Time (sec)
0.4 0.4
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
-0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
Time (sec) Time (sec)
0.2 0.2
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
0 50 100 0 50 100
-0.1 -0.1
-0.2 -0.2
Time (sec) Time (sec)
0.3 0.3
Acceleration (g) GM5-X GM5-Y
Acceleration (g)
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
-0.1 -0.1
-0.2 -0.2
Time (sec) Time (sec)
0.3 0.3
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0.0 0.0
-0.1 0 20 40 60 -0.1 0 20 40 60
-0.2 -0.2
-0.3 -0.3
Time (sec) Time (sec)
0.4 0.4
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
-0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
Time (sec) Time (sec)
1.0 1.0
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
-0.5 -0.5
-1.0 -1.0
Time (sec) Time (sec)
1.0 1.0
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
-0.5 -0.5
-1.0 -1.0
Time (sec) Time (sec)
1.0 1.0
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
-0.5 -0.5
-1.0 -1.0
Time (sec) Time (sec)
0.6 0.6
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
-0.2 0 50 100 150 -0.2 0 50 100 150
-0.4 -0.4
-0.6 -0.6
Time (sec) Time (sec)
1.0 1.0
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
-0.5 -0.5
-1.0 -1.0
Time (sec) Time (sec)
1.0 1.0
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
-0.5 -0.5
-1.0 -1.0
Time (sec) Time (sec)
1.0 1.0
Acceleration (g)
Acceleration (g)
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
-0.5 -0.5
-1.0 -1.0
-1.5 -1.5
Time (sec) Time (sec)
B1 B2 B3
5 30 2 30+3 26 2 26+4 16
2/2 12 3 12 2 12
600 600 600
2 32+3 30 2 24+3 26 4 18
6 30 4 16 4 16+1 20
2/2 12 2 12 2 12
600 600 600
5 26 4 16 4 16+1 20
Figure A.1 Selected critical beam section details at the support region
16 32 16 28
16 32
12 12
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4