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Linear Control System Lab: Investigate The Time Response of Translational Mechanical System

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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5

Investigate the Time Response of Translational Mechanical



This experiment has following three objectives

 To write time domain equations for mass-spring-damper systems.

 To learn how to find the transfer function of a system and to compute the step response
and impulse response of a system.
 To learn how to compute the transfer function from the block diagram of a system.

List of equipment/Software

2) Computer


This work is to be completed in Lab.

 Verify that the transfer function of the system shown above is

X (s) 1 1 (0)
G ( s )= = 2 = 2
F (s ) Ms + Bs+ K s + s +5
 This transfer function can be defined as
>>m = 1 ; k = 5 ; b = 1 ;

>>num = [1] ; den = [m b k] ;

>>sys = tf(num, den) ;

 num and den must be defined before using the transfer function tf.

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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5
What is the characteristic equation of the system?

The characteristic equation is nothing more than setting the denominator of the closed
loop transfer function to zero (0).

𝑠2 + 𝑠 + 5 = 0
the characteristic equation is a means of determining the closed loop poles of
the system.

Calculate the frequency of oscillations ¿n √ (1−❑2) from the characteristic equation. Use hand
calculator or calculate using MATLAB in the calculator mode.
Hint: General form of equation is s2+2ns+n2 =0

 = 2.179 rad/sec. f =0.346Hz.

Step response:

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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5
Step response is the output of a system when step input is applied. In MATLAB, the step
response can be plotted using step function as shown below.
>>step(sys) ;

Step response is shown in Figure 5.2. Calculate the frequency of oscillations  from the step
response. It should be n√ (1−❑2) you calculated earlier.

Step Response
From: U(1)


A m p li t u d e
T o : Y (1)





0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time (sec.)

Figure 5.2: Step response of the system shown in Figure 5.1.

The step response shown above terminates at 12s is generated as the MATLAB detects that the
response is settled in a steady state. The final time can be defined by the user as shown below
where the step response is calculated for 20s.

>>step(sys, 20) ;

Compare this response with the Figure 5.2.

 The impulse response can be plotted by using impulse function as


Sketch the impulse response in the following space.

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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5

 Sketch the step response for the following three cases.

 Case-1: Eliminate spring (k=0) while m=1 and b=1.
 Case-2: Eliminate damping (b=0) while m=1 and k=5.
 Case-3: Eliminate mass (m=0) while b=1 and k=5.
 Label the step response in each case properly. You may use different line colours.

1. Eliminate Spring:

2. Eliminate Damping:

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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5

3. Eliminate Mass:

Calculate the natural un-damped frequency n, damping ratio, and the frequency of oscillation
 for each case as shown in the following table.

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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5
Table 5.1: un-damped frequency, oscillation frequency and damping ratio

Sr. No n  
0 ∞ 0
Case 1
±√5 0 ±√5
Case 2
±√5 1 2.18
Case 3
2 √5

Use the backside of this page if necessary.

 Sketch the impulse response for the following three cases.

 Case-1: Eliminate spring (k=0) while m=1 and b=1.
 Case-2: Eliminate damping (b=0) while m=1 and k=5.
 Case-3: Eliminate mass (m=0) while b=1 and k=5
 Label the impulse response in each case properly. You may use different line colours.

1. Eliminate spring

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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5

2. Eliminate damping

3. Eliminate Mass


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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5

Figure 5.3: A unity feedback system with two cascaded blocks in the forward path

System shown in Figure 5.3 has two blocks in series in the forward path. The feedback path has
unity gain. Transfer function of such a system can be computed as

>>numc = [1 1] ; denc = [1 2];

>>numg = [1] ; deng = [500 0 0];
>>[num1, den1] = series(numg, deng, numc, denc);
>>[num, den] = cloop(num1, den1);
>>sys = tf(num, den);
Derive the transfer function of the above system manually to verify the MATLAB generated
transfer function.

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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5

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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5

Figure 5.4: A non-unity feedback system

Transfer function of a non-unity feedback system shown in Figure 5.4 can be computed as

>>numg = [1] ; deng = [500 0 0] ;

>>numh = [1 1] ; denh = [1 2] ;
>>[num, den] = feedback(numg, deng, numh, denh, -1) ;
>>sys = tf(num, den) ;
Derive the transfer function of the above system manually to verify the MATLAB generated
transfer function.

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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5

Laboratory Rubrics
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Linear Control System Lab Lab 5
Sr. Performance Exemplary Satisfactory Developing Unsatisfactory (0 Marks)
# Indicator (5 Marks) (4-3 Marks) (2-1 Marks)
Individual and Respectful to one another Collaborative effort Need training and Unsupportive attitude
teamwork while providing timely of a group with support to work with no interest towards
1 and helpful feedback and delayed feedback to effectively in a team individual or common
(PLO-09, allow healthy conflict. achieve a common and individually. goal.
Affective goal in a less efficient
Domain) way.

Data Analyse and interprets Analyse and Analyse and Analyse and interprets
exploration and data correctly and interprets data interprets data incorrect data with wrong
2 analysis precisely, draws correct correctly most of the correctly conclusions.
and useful conclusions time with correct and occasionally with
(PLO-04, by keenly observing useful conclusion. some incorrect
Cognitive theoretical and conclusion.
Domain) experimental results.

Skill to Quite able to conduct the Able to conduct Able to conduct Unable to conduct
perform test entire experiment with experiment with experiment with a experiment on his own
3 experiment negligible help from the some help from the lot of help from the and lab instructor
(PLO-04, lab instructor. lab instructor. lab instructor. provides help in almost
Psychomotor every step of the
Domain) experiment.

Table 1: Lab Performance

Sr.# Performance Exemplary Satisfactory Developing Unsatisfactory (0 Marks)

Indicator (5 Marks) (4-3 Marks) (2-1 Marks)
1 Depth of Demonstration of full At ease with content Only basic concepts Clearly no knowledge of
relevant knowledge of the and able to elaborate are demonstrated and subject matter, no
Information subject with and explain to some interpreted. questions are answered,
(PLO-04, explanations and degree. and no interpretation
Cognitive elaboration. made.
Table 2: Viva Voce

Instructor Signature: ___________________________

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