Final Project PDF
Final Project PDF
Final Project PDF
SEMESTER 1, 2019/2020
27 DECEMBER 2019
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 DOCUMENT PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 PROJECT SCOPE .................................................................................................................................... 3
2 OVERALL DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 PROJECT PERSPECTIVE .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSTRAINTS ....................................................................................... 5
2.4 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES ....................................................................................................... 5
3 SOFTWARE PROCESS ............................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 SOFTWARE PROCESS MODEL................................................................................................................. 6
4 REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING ......................................................................................................... 7
4.1 REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................. 7
4.2 SCOPE DEFINITION AND PROBLEM ANALYSIS ........................................................................................ 9
4.3 REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 9
5 DESIGN PHASE ....................................................................................................................................... 26
5.1 DESIGN ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................. 26
6 IMPLEMENTATION PHASE ................................................................................................................. 33
6.1 IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................. 33
7 TESTING PHASE .................................................................................................................................... 41
7.1 TESTING ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................................... 41
8 REFERENCES AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..................................................................................... 49
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
1 Introduction
Our project name is tour and travel reservation system. Tour and travel reservation system- is an
online reservation system that allows travelers to easily book and search for great tourism spots.
The benefit of the system is not only to ease the process but also reduce different kind of errors. At
the same time maintaining a strong security and integrity with a strong database system.
The goals that need to be met are creating a product that satisfies all the requirements generated in
the requirements engineering phase, achieving the deadline to create the software on time while using
the minimal amount of time, effort and resources to create a product that represents what every
stakeholder has envisioned.
2 Overall Description
This program can be accessed by pc and mobile phones, however we focused more on the pc part.
Hence, pc and good internet service is a one of the major requirements for the software to work.
Furthermore, to control the system another major component of this system would be the system
administrator. The system will constantly be updated through users review which will maintained
by the admin.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
This website has five use cases & four actors. The use cases are the log in, the user must log in to
make booking, then use case is view package both the travellers and visitors will be able the view
the available packages. Next use case is update package; admin will be able to update or add
packages as well as login and view available packages. Next is use case book package, the travellers
will be able to book package and make payment using our system. Provided the payment is made
the admin panel can update the booking status.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
This project takes the following factors into assumption for the software to work
3 Software Process
Here it has been described how we use the model to guide us in this project:
Customer communication: In this phase, the customer communication will occur.
Planning: In planning phase, firstly will gather necessary requirements from the stakeholders.
Risk analysis: In risk analysis, we will take necessary steps to identify the risks, and to come up
with a definite solution.
Engineering: In this phase, we will do the necessary things such as the class design, and the user
interface design.
Construction & release: In this phase, we will create a prototype of our system, and release it for
the customer evaluation.
Customer evaluation: In this phase, the customer will evaluate the prototype, and check whether it
meets all the necessary requirements.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Planning Phase:
In this phase, we have worked along side with the stakeholders to find the requirements and user
needs for the project. The requirements like business and system requirement specification. The
requirements were specified through use case and its specifications also taking ideas from other web
Risk-Analysis Phase:
This phase is to identify the risk involved with the tour and travel reservation system. This phase
was not applied during this circle.
Engineering Phase:
During this phase, we have created use case diagram, activity diagram, use case specification, class
design and user interface design for the prototype. After developing, we checked the system if it
meets all the conditions and requirements with the draft (Planning phase).
Evaluation Phase:
This phase is to check with customer weather if it meets the requirements, by getting their feedback.
Depending on their opinion, a new update or correction will be given. Since it was not possible, we
checked it with the planning phase requirements.
4 Requirements Engineering
4.1.1 Inception
In this phase we have identified the stakeholders and created project goals that helped us to create
the project. The key points of this phase,
i. The travelers who are interested to visit Malaysia, are the main stakeholders of the system.
The other stakeholders are the visitors (Main customer), admin panel (who will maintain
the system), transportation companies, Hotel companies, restaurant companies, Bank,
Project team members. The main stakeholders will pass the all the booking info to the
system administrator.
ii. The system administration will manage the package details, additional facilities details,
booking status.
iii. The visitors will visit the system without login and able to see all the packages and other
information about tours packages.
iv. Bank will receive all types of payments.
v. Project team members will develop the tour and travel reservation system
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
4.1.2 Elicitation
We have used different elicitation techniques to get the better information. The different system and
techniques are described later in the report.
4.1.3 Elaboration
Figure 2 is a context diagram of Book package use case. In Figure 2, User, admin, company
representative and bank represent Entity. Invoice, user, packages, booking represents database.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
1. Time is one of the main scopes of our project, as it saves time of the user. When customers book any
packages manually, they need to find out everything by themselves. But with the system they get all
the packages in just one click.
2. One of the other things of manual booking is the customer needs to be physically present. As in most
cases there remains a chance of fraud. So, physical presence is a must in the present systems. But in
our system the customers physical presence is not required, at the same time our service is guaranteed.
3. The current systems are poor in providing information and advices to the agencies and customers about
tour plan. In our case, customer doesn’t need any agencies as each & every information is given in the
website. It is also creating a secure platform for the users.
1. We have gathered requirements from the stakeholders by using different technique e.g. survey and
interviews. On the first iteration of prototyping we have taken requirements from the stakeholders for
the first use case of our system and after working on the use case we went for the next one on the next
iteration. This process continued until we finished working on all the use cases.
2. Interview:
The interview was targeted towards the existing system admins (Date:27/10/19).
This part of survey was done manually, the main stake holders were project team members and
admin panels.
i. Can visitor book packages without logging in??
a. Yes (10%)
b. No (90%)
ii. Should system keep ‘Booking status’ function?
a. yes (70%)
b. no (30%)
iii. Shall system record customer feedback?
a. Yes (95%)
b. No (5%)
iv. Should system have a confirmation ‘email/call’ function of user reservation?
a. Yes (95%)
b. No (5%)
v. The load time of user interface screen should be?
a. 1 sec (80%)
b. 2 sec (25%)
c. 3 sec (5%)
vi. The system should be available during?
a. 24 hours (80%)
b. Normal operating hours (20%)
This is the online survey; the main stake holders were customers, different companies and visitors.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
A user who has booked a package by our system earlier or registered would have been given a user
id and a password. He would have his personal information stored in the database referred to earlier
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
in choice 2 above. This ‘personal information’ would be henceforth referred to as ‘profile’. Such a
user with a profile in database. And this user will be called a ‘registered user’. A registered user will
be able to book available packages either one or more by completing payment section.
A new user, on the other hand, either would register himself with the system by providing personal
information (case1) or visit the website as a guest or general user (case2). In first case, the new user
becomes a registered user. In the second case, the new user would remain a guest or general user. A
general user can only check the availability of packages and cannot book a package. But a registered
user can also act as a user if he only wants to check the availability of packages.
‘Availability of packages’ always refers to viewing the package destination of travel, prices and some
other information and any discount offers. The system shall present the user with an option to register
once user navigate to booking option on the package below.
Basic Flow
Step User Actions System Actions
The use case starts when the user The system will ask to user the username and password.
chooses the option ‘Login’. (A1)
User Enter username and password The system will show the login completed.
Post conditions
• The user should able to access book package and make payment
Special Requirements
Business Rules
• The Trip and travel plans must be made within the best seasonal conditions.
• Every trip plan should have suitable picture and theme (context) to attract users.
• Assumptions:
1. The user has a valid user id and password to complete the booking.
• Issues:
1. Website must be in optimal condition
View Package
Basic Flow
Step User Actions System Actions
The use case starts when the user The system will display the package.
chooses the option package.
User chooses a package. (A1) The system will go to booking system.
Post conditions
• The user should able to access book package and make payment
Special Requirements
Business Rules
• The Trip and travel plans must be made within the best seasonal conditions.
• Every trip plan should have suitable picture and theme (context) to attract users.
• Assumptions:
2. The user has a valid user id and password to complete the booking.
• Issues:
2. Website must be in optimal condition
Book Package
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Basic Flow
Step User Actions System Actions
The use case starts when the user The system will display the tour packages.
chooses the option ‘Package plan’.
User chooses a package. (E1) The system will display the full plan of the chosen
package including price.
User chooses ‘Booking’ option. The system displays booking options.
The system prompts the user to input the number of
The user inputs the number of travelers. The system prompts the user to input travel period
The user chooses a travel and return The system displays additional services.
date. (E2)
The user chooses additional services. The system displays chosen service.
The system calculates total Price.
The system displays total price
The system displays payment methods
The user chooses a payment option. The system prompts the user to Login.
The user enters username and The system verifies name and password. (A3)
The system displays payment options.
The user chooses a payment method. The system brings user to banking system use case.
User completes the transaction.
The system update database.
System displays booking confirmation.
The System sends email to the user about booking
The use case ends.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Post conditions
• The user gets trip information through mail.
Special Requirements
• The system should be robust enough to provide good service to the customers
• The system should be user friendly.
Business Rules
• The Trip and travel plans must be made within the best seasonal conditions.
• Every trip plan interface should have suitable picture and theme (context) to attract users.
• Booking before three months will get an early bird discount.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Make Payment
Basic Flow
Step User Actions System Actions
The use case starts when users choose The system will indirect users to payment page
to payment option.
The system will display total summary of amount
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Basic Flow
Step User Actions System Actions
The user can input vouchers code The system will justify voucher
The system will re-calculate the total summary of amount
and display.
The user chooses a payment option
(online/credit or debit)
The users complete the transaction The system will show the message “payment received”
(A1) (E1)
Use case ends
Post conditions
Special Requirements
1. The system should be robust enough to provide good service to the customers
Business Rules
• The Trip and travel plans must be made within the best seasonal conditions.
• Every trip plan should have suitable picture and theme (context) to attract users.
• Assumptions:
The users should have internet to access payment.
• Issues:
Website must be in optimal condition
Basic Flow
Step User Actions System Actions
The use case starts when the user System will receive a confirmation of the booking. (E1)
completes payments.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Basic Flow
Step User Actions System Actions
Admin will update booking status.
Post conditions
Business Rules
• none
• Issues:
Update Package
Basic Flow
Step User Actions System Actions
The use case starts when the authorized The system will display the packages list.
admin chooses the option ‘Update/Add
Package’. (A1)
Admin will choose update option (A2)
The admin enter the package
information and add the related image.
E.g. Package name, Destination and so
on (A1)
Admin chooses the Add/update button The use case ends.
Post conditions
Special Requirements
• The system should be robust enough to provide good service to the customers
Business Rules
• The Trip and travel plans must be made within the best seasonal conditions.
• Every trip plan should have suitable picture and theme (context) to attract users.
• Assumptions:
1. The admin has authority to update packages.
• Issues:
2. Website must be in optimal condition
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Figure-3 Figure-4
Figure 4 is the countiounition of Figure 3. This usecase diagram represents Book Package use case.
Here, the diagram dipects the flow of the use case specification.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
5 Design Phase
Figure-5 shows the class diagram, where packages, registered_user, payments are classes. ID,
fname, lname etc. are attributes. Login(), booking() etc. are considered as behavior.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
1) Easy to use Software.
2) Multiple projects can run at the same time
1) After the free trial workspace becomes limited.
2) Software is quite heavy so not computers can run it with ease.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Figure -1
Figure -2
Figure -3
Figure -4
Figure -5
Figure -6
6 Implementation Phase
This snapshot displays the package page, where the customer can view all the packages that is
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
This snapshot depicts the booking page. The user is redirected from the package by clicking the
booking button. Here the travellers can book the package.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
This is the payment page, here the travellers can pay for the packages.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
This is the update/add package page, here the admin can add/update the packages.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
The snapshot indicates the login page, here the user & admin can Login into the website.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
7 Testing Phase
Dependencies: None
Step Test Steps Test Data Actual Result (Pass/ Notes
Navigate to login www.tourtravelreserva Login page is User is navigated to
1 page tion system Pass
displayed. login page
Provide valid
2 smborhan321@gmail. - - -
username com
3 Provide valid Password: - - -
password ed19201010
Click on Login Login button is User should be Display dashboard Pass
4 button clicked able to login with successful login
Post conditions:
User is validated with database and successfully login to account. The account session details are
logged in database.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Step Test Steps Test Data Actual Result (Pass/ Notes
Post conditions:
User should able to view all the available packages.
Test Case ID: TTRS_03 Book Package Test Designed by: Borhan
Test Priority (Low/Medium/High): High Test Designed date: 12/27/2019
Module Name: book package Test Executed by: Saif
Test Title: navigate to button book page for booking a
package Test Execution date: 12/27/2019
Description: click on book page from selected packages
Step Test Steps Test Data Actual Result (Pass/ Notes
Navigate to button Book package is Booking details Selected package is
1 called ‘book clicked are displayed sold out. fail
User navigate to Booking details User able see booking pass
2 -
available packages are displayed summary.
Post conditions:
User should able to book a package
Step Test Steps Test Data Actual Result (Pass/ Notes
Post conditions:
Admin able to add or update a new package.
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Step Test Steps Test Data Actual Result (Pass/ Notes
User navigate to
Navigate to Payment button is Payment
1 online payment
payment button clicked summary is Pass
Payment is
Provide valid bank Bank data is Payment received by
2 successfully pass
requirements validated authority
Post conditions:
User must able to done payment for booking confirmation.
Test Case ID: TTRS_6 Update booking status Test Designed by: Borhan
Test Priority (Low/Medium/High): High Test Designed date: 12/27/2019
Module Name: update booking status Test Executed by: Saif
Test Title: Confirm and update the booking by authority Test Execution date: 12/27/2019
Description: make invoice and confirm it by sending to
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Step Test Steps Test Data Actual Result (Pass/ Notes
Admin click on Payment list is
1 Payment status
payment database checked Booking is confirmed Pass
is updated
User should User found an email
Click on auto Check the booking find a
2 with booking pass
invoice creator. ID confirmation confirmation.
Post conditions:
User should find an invoice through email.
Pre-conditions: User needs to fill the all the required information on the existing page.
Dependencies: None
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Result Actual Result (Pass/Fai Notes
Travel Date = 20/11/19
1 Provide Travel Date - - -
Post conditions:
Chosen date is validated with database.
Test Case ID: TTP_02 payment validation Test Designed by: Borhan
Test Priority (Low/Medium/High): High Test Designed date: 11/22/2019
Module Name: Payment Test Executed by: Saif al Faied
Test Title: Ensure the payment via online bank account Test Execution date: 11/22/2019
Description: Paying through valid online bank account by in directing
with valid username and password
Pre-conditions: User has a valid online bank account.
Dependencies: None
Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Result Actual Result (Pass/Fa Notes
Post conditions:
Travelers should receive a receipt of payment.
Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Result Actual Result (Pass/Fa Notes
1 Click on additional activity Types of service Different types of User is navigated to types of
service are displayed. service
2 Provide an accommodation Five Star - - -
3 Provide room type King size bed - - -
User should be able
4 Click on the pay button Pay button is clicked to see payment Display booking summary Pass
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system
Post conditions:
User able to make payment.
Step Test Steps Test Data Expected Result Actual Result (Pass/Fai Notes
1 Insert our webpage URL User is navigated to travel home page Pass
home page
User is Navigated to travel
2 Click on selecting package Package Page display Pass
package page
3 Click on About us About us page display User will see website details Pass
4 Close webpage - - - -
Post conditions:
User able to access Dream Travel webpage
Project Report for Tour and travel reservation system