Exploring The Attack Surface of Blockchain: A Systematic Overview

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Exploring the Attack Surface of Blockchain:

A Systematic Overview
Muhammad Saad, Jeffrey Spaulding, Laurent Njilla, Charles Kamhoua,
Sachin Shetty, DaeHun Nyang, and Aziz Mohaisen

Abstract—In this paper, we systematically explore the attack a decentralized autonomous organization that operates on
surface of the Blockchain technology, with an emphasis on public Blockchain-based smart contracts, or pre-programmed rules
Blockchains. Towards this goal, we attribute attack viability in that govern the organization [48]. In August 2016, bitcoins
the attack surface to 1) the Blockchain cryptographic constructs,
worth $72 million USD were stolen from the exchange plat-
arXiv:1904.03487v1 [cs.CR] 6 Apr 2019

2) the distributed architecture of the systems using Blockchain,

and 3) the Blockchain application context. To each of those form Bitfinex in Hong Kong [49]. In June 2017, Bitfinex also
contributing factors, we outline several attacks, including selfish experienced a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack that
mining, the 51% attack, Domain Name System (DNS) attacks, led to its temporary suspension. Several exchanges of Bitcoin
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, consensus delay and Ethereum (a Blockchain-based distributed computing plat-
(due to selfish behavior or distributed denial-of-service attacks),
Blockchain forks, orphaned and stale blocks, block ingestion, form) have also suffered from DDoS attacks and DNS attacks
wallet thefts, smart contract attacks, and privacy attacks. We frequently, hampering the service availability to the users.
also explore the causal relationships between these attacks to Often times these attacks are launched on blockchain-
demonstrate how various attack vectors are connected to one applications due to their popularity or the capital involved in
another. A secondary contribution of this work is outlining their system. For instance, with Bitcoin, such attacks can cause
effective defense measures taken by the Blockchain technology or
proposed by researchers to mitigate the effects of these attacks devaluation of the cryptocurrency, loss of mining rewards,
and patch associated vulnerabilities. or even closure of cryptocurrency exchanges [29]. Bitcoin’s
Blockchain is also targeted with dust or spam transactions
Index Terms—Blockchain; Security; Attack Surface; Applica-
tions; Peer-to-Peer Systems to delay the processing of legitimate transactions. In May,
August, and November 2017, memory pools of Bitcoin were
flooded with dust transactions to create stalls and delays in
I. I NTRODUCTION transaction verification, and to increase Bitcoin mining fee
Blockchain technology is being explored in many inno- [33]. The transaction stall in November 2017, for example,
vative applications, such as cryptocurrencies [1]–[3], smart resulted in a payment delay of $700 million USD worth
contracts [4], [5], communication systems [6], [7], health care bitcoins [50]. Often the intent of such attacks is to motivate
[8], [9], Internet of Things [10], [11], financial systems [12], the Bitcoin users to move to other cryptocurrencies with faster
[13], censorship resistance [14], electronic voting [15], [16], transaction processing time.
and distributed provenance [17]–[19], among others. Using Due to a publicly verifiable nature, Blockchain-based cryp-
Blockchain’s transparent and fully distributed peer-to-peer tocurrencies are vulnerable to several fraudulent activities. Mt.
architecture, these applications benefit from an append-only Gox, a Bitcoin currency exchange in Japan, was attacked by
model in which “transactions” accepted in the Blockchain two malicious users who stole $460 million USD worth of
cannot be modified [18], [20], [21]. The transparency of bitcoins [51]. The attackers gathered useful information from
the Blockchain enables storing publicly verifiable and unde- Bitcoin’s Blockchain and engineered a fake transaction ripple
niable records [22]. Furthermore, the Blockchain’s peer-to- to increase the market price. Due to such activities, Mt. Gox
peer system provides verifiable ledger maintenance without suffered a heavy loss and eventually became bankrupt.
a centralized authority, thus addressing the single point-of- In May and June 2018, five Blockchain-based cryptocurren-
failure and single point-of-trust [23]. For instance, Bitcoin (a cies; namely, Monacoin, Bitcoin Gold, Zencash, Verge, and
popular cryptocurrency using Blockchain technology) takes Litecoin Cash, were targeted by a 51% attack [52], leading to
advantage of the aforementioned properties, making it easy a loss of $5 million USD. The attackers in each cryptocurrency
to verify the history of financial transactions [24], [25]. were able to gain more than 51% of the networks’ hash rate
Despite the functional features that Blockchain brings to which was used to rearrange transactions and prevent other
the design space of these applications [43], recent reports miners from computing blocks. As a result, they were able to
have highlighted the security risks associated with this tech- gain control over the Blockchain and perform double-spending
nology [10], [44]–[47]. For instance, in June 2016 an unknown on valuable transactions [53], [54].
attacker managed to drain $50 million USD from “The DAO”, The security of Blockchain systems is important for their
acceptability by potential users [55]. For example, investors
M. Saad, J. Spaulding, and A. Mohaisen are with the Department of
Computer Science at the University of Central Florida, Florida 32816, USA. take the security of Bitcoin into account when studying the
L. Njilla is with the Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, NY, USA. C. risks associated with their investments and use of this tech-
Kamhoua is with the Army Research Laboratory, MD, USA. S. Shetty is with nology. Understanding the threats associated with Blockchain
the Old Dominion University, VA, USA. D. Nyang is with INHA University,
Incheon, South Korea. The work of D. Nyang was done while visiting the systems in general is a first step towards realizing the potential
University of Central Florida. of applications built on it. To this end, this work is dedicated


Attacks Blockchain Miners Mining Pools Exchanges Application Users

Forks [26] X
Blockchain Structure
Orphaned blocks [27] X X X
DNS hijacks [28] X X X X
BGP hijacks [29] X X X
Eclipse attack [30] X X
Majority attack [31] X X X
Peer-to-Peer System Selfish mining [32] X X X
DDoS attacks [33] X X X
Consensus Delay [34] X X X
Block Withholding [34] X X
Timejacking attacks [35] X X X
Finney attacks [36] X X X
Blockchain Ingestion [37] X
Wallet theft [38] X X X
Double-spending [39] X X
Cryptojacking [40] X X
Smart contract DoS [41] X X X
Blockchain Application
≈ Reentracy attacks [42] X X
≈ Overflow attacks [42] X X
≈ Replay attacks [41] X X X X
≈ Short address attacks [42] X
≈ Balance attacks [41] X X

to an in-depth look at the attack surface of Blockchain. compromise the system [57]. Therefore, while the public
Blockchains are useful for an open access system, they are not
We envision that Blockchain will be used in many appli-
suitable for closed environments where the weak trust model
cations, and we report on the attacks that could compromise
creates attack opportunities.
those applications. Namely, the taxonomy of Blockchain at-
tacks in this paper is classified into three broad categories: 1) To address the shortcomings of public Blockchains and
attacks associated with the mathematical techniques used for reduce the attack opportunities, private and permissioned
creating the ledger (e.g., Blockchain forks, stale blocks, or- Blockchains are now used for various applications [58]. In pri-
phaned blocks, etc.), 2) attacks associated with the peer-to-peer vate Blockchains, the access to system resources is restricted to
architecture used in the Blockchain system, (e.g., selfish min- a chosen set of peers [59], [60]. These peers are screened prior
ing, the 51% attack, consensus delay, DDoS attack, Domain to their induction in the application. Since the information
Name System (DNS) attacks, Fork After Withholding (FAW) about peers is known, their identities can be tied (or attributed)
Attacks, etc.), and 3) attacks associated with the application to their behavior in order to prevent attacks. Although private
context that uses the Blockchain technology (e.g., Blockchain Blockchains still act as agents of trust in permissioned settings,
ingestion, double-spending, wallet theft [56], etc.). In this they are not significantly exposed to adversarial attacks due to
paper, we mainly focus on the attack surface of public and a stronger trust model. Since the aim of this work is to explore
permissionless Blockchains. Public Blockchains are suitable and understand the attack surface of Blockchains, it is natural
for applications that provide open access to system resources to focus more on the public Blockchains. However, wherever
while preserving user anonymity. These attributes are well necessary, we will also discuss the security and performance
suited for a system that has a weak trust model and high of private Blockchains as well.
provenance assurance requirements. The weak trust model Contributions. In summary, we make the following contribu-
results from an application’s tolerance for adversaries who can tions int this paper. (1) We survey the possible attacks related
game the system while staying anonymous. On the other hand, to the design constructs of Blockchains, the peer-to-peer
high provenance means that anyone can access the publicly architecture, and the application-oriented use of Blockchains.
available resources to transparently audit data. For instance, (2) We explore the origins of these attacks and the ways in
in Bitcoin and Ethereum, any user can join the network by which they affect Blockchain applications and their users.
running an Ethereum software client on their machine and (3) We also show the relationship between a sequence of
participating in transaction processing. Since the Blockchain is attacks to outline how one attack can facilitate the possibility
public, anyone outside the system can validate the authenticity of other attacks. Understanding these links can help devise a
of transactions and blocks. Therefore, public Blockchains common cure that can fix multiple problems at the same time.
remain a dominant component among Blockchain applications (4) Building on top of the prior work [45], [57], [61], for each
as shown by the popularity of Bitcoin and Ethereum. On the attack class, we also explore the possible defense strategies
other hand, the weak trust model exposes public Blockchains that have been proposed to harden the security of Blockchains.
to a wide variety of attacks, allowing adversaries to easily Since many attacks related to a specific class have a common


Attacks Chain Splitting Revenue Loss Partitioning Malicious Mining Delay Info Loss Theft
Blockchain Forks [26] X X
Splitting Orphaned Blocks [27] X
DNS hijacks [28] X X X
BGP hijacks [29] X X X
Eclipse attacks [30] X
Majority attacks [31] X X X
System Selfish mining [32] X X
DDoS attacks [33] X X
Consensus Delay [34] X X
Block Withholding [34] X X
Timejacking attacks [35] X X X X
Finney attacks [36] X
Blockchain Ingestion [37] X
Wallet theft [38] X X
Double-spending [39]
Cryptojacking [40] X X X
Blockchain Smart contract DoS [41] X X X
Application ≈ Reentracy attacks [42] X X
≈ Overflow attacks [42] X
≈ Replay attacks [41] X X
≈ Short address attacks [42] X X
≈ Balance attacks [41] X X

defense or remedy, while others remain as open problems, we particularly related to security, as evident by the large security
discuss combined countermeasures for each class. Moreover, surface. To that end, our work is an effort to highlight potential
by highlighting the lessons learned, we also provide future vulnerabilities in Blockchains, with an emphasis on popular
research directions towards a more systematic treatment of public Blockchain applications. We systematically analyze
the Blockchain attack surface. (5) In Table I and Table II, various attack vectors and study their relationships. Alongside,
we provide an overview of the Blockchain attack surface. We we also survey countermeasures and defenses to the various
ascribe various attacks to attack classes with their implications. attack surface elements, and provide future research directions.
Organization. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Since various research and technology sections are in-
In section II, we provide the motivation of this work. In sec- terested in using Blockchains, it is intuitive to explore a
tion III, we give an overview of Blockchain its operations. deeper understanding of Blockchains’ attack surface to estab-
In section IV, we review the design constructs of Blockchain lish foundations for their security. For instance, using public
that enable various attacks, such as Blockchain forks, stale Blockchains in the financial sector may prevent fraud and
and orphaned blocks. In section V, we look into the features data tampering, by the simply utilizing Blockains’ proper-
of distributed networks that create possibilities for the 51% ties, although that also may expose sensitive information of
attack, DNS attacks, DDoS attacks, consensus delays, etc. We financial transactions to adversaries. Similarly, organizations
further describe the aspects of peer-to-peer architecture that that are exploring Blockchain-based smart systems [34], [67],
enable the possibility of their potential misuse in Blockchain while might benefit immensely in addressing functional re-
applications. In section VI, we outline the application-specific quirements, need to be aware of the programming languages’
vulnerabilities found in Blockchain and assess the threats that constraints and shortcomings, as well as compilation bugs
they face. That is followed by discussion and open directions that may lead to data breach and critical assets loss. For this
in section VIII, and the concluding remarks in section IX. research-driven efforts, we believe our work has the potential
to offer future directions toward designing more secure and
robust Blockchain solutions that may overcome some of those
challenges as outlined in the rest of this survey. Some of these
The motivation of this work is to derive attention to- challenges include constructing new consensus algorithms that
wards the security vulnerabilities of Blockchain systems via are secure, scalable, and energy efficient [68]. Additionally,
a systematic and comprehensive study. Recently, Blockchain they must also have the capability to prevent race conditions
technology has gained significant attention and its applications that lead to attacks such as selfish mining, double-spending,
are being explored in various domains [62], [63]. Blockchains majority attacks, and orphaned blocks [69], [70]. To facilitate
are capable of augmenting trust and provide provenance in dis- the process of addressing those challenges, we supplement our
tributed systems. While acknowledging their merits [64]–[66], work by surveying the existing countermeasures proposed in
we argue that it is important to understand their shortcomings, the literature. These countermeasures can be used as building

Memory Pool
Miner Validates Selected Transactions Block Hash Memory Pool
3. Computes Block. (Transaction 2 Not Selected) Previous Block Hash
Transaction 1
Merkel Root Transaction 2
Transaction 2
Number of Transactions
Transaction 3
Transaction 4
4. Block Added
2. Transaction 4 Coinbase Reward 5. State of Memory
Added to the Pool After Block 5
Transaction 1
Memory Pool
Transaction 3
Transaction 4

1. Transaction 4
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
User A User B Blockchain Block 5 (B5)

Fig. 1. Transaction life-cycle in a PoW-based cryptocurrency. User A generates a transaction for user B. The transaction is stored in the memory pool along
with other unconfirmed transactions. Miner validates transactions from memory pool, and computes a block. A valid block is added to the Blockchain.

blocks for more secure and robust solutions. Byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT) [71]–[75]. The most popular
In summary, the target audience of this work include both consensus algorithm widely used in Blockchains is PoW,
academics, who are interested in understanding the attack followed by PoS and PBFT. We discuss them in the following.
landscape of Blockchains, as well as practitioners, who might Proof-of-Work. In PoW Blockchains, peers in the network try
be interested in understanding the existing solutions to those to solve a computationally expensive mathematical challenge.
attacks, to utilize as building blocks, and both benefiting from For instance, the challenge in Bitcoin is to come up with
a systematic analysis of the Blockchain attack surface. a nonce that when hashed with block data produces a hash
value that is less than a target threshold set by the system.
III. OVERVIEW OF B LOCKCHAIN AND ITS O PERATIONS All peers in the system use their computational power to
Conceptually, Blockchain can be viewed as a repository of solve the mathematical challenge. The peer who comes up
data that is tamper-evident due to its replication over all nodes with the solution wins the block race and mines a new block.
in a peer-to-peer system. Transactions represent the events Once a block is broadcast to the network, each peer verifies
that drive the Blockchain application (e.g., in cryptocurren- the solution and appends the block to his Blockchain. The
cies, tokens are the transactions exchanged among the users). probability of winning a block race is proportional to the
Blockchain applications use various consensus algorithms for computational power of participants. At the same time, there
trust among peers over the state of the ledger. Moreover, the is a time restriction on the block mining [76], [77]. In Bitcoin,
consensus algorithms ensure a consistent and transparent view the block time is set to 10 minutes. In other words, the network
of the Blockchain, thereby resolving conflicts and forks. This expects a new solution to the block puzzle after every 10
is, no block is added to the Blockchain, until it fulfills the con- minutes. However, as the computational power increases, the
ditions outlined by the consensus algorithm. Moreover, each chance of discovering a new block under 10 minutes increases.
algorithm has unique functional and operational properties that To address that, the network dynamically adjusts the difficulty
drive the consensus over the Blockchain. of the challenge according to the change in the computational
While the consensus algorithms in Blockchains may vary, power of the miners. Oftentimes, more than one miner can
however, the Blockchain data structure and its network archi- come up with a valid solution leading to Blockchain forks and
tecture remain consistent across all applications. For instance, stale and orphaned blocks, which we discuss in section IV.
in the two popular Blockchain applications, namely Bitcoin
In Figure 1, we illustrate the transaction life-cycle in a
and Peercoin, the consensus algorithms are proof-of-work and
proof-of-work (PoW)-based Blockchain application. User A
proof-of-stake, respectively. Although they different in the way
(sender) generates a transaction for user B (receiver). The
the consensus is conducted, the two applications have the
transaction is broadcast to the entire peer-to-peer network
same Blockchain data structure in which the chain progresses
where it is temporarily stored in a transaction repository
in an append-only model and each block is linked to the
known as the memory pool (mempool). In a peer-to-peer
previous block through a one-way hash function. In both
network, the mempool is a space allocated in the RAM of
cryptocurrencies, the system replicas are connected in a peer-
a full node that stores and relays transactions to other peers.
to-peer model, maintaining a single copy of the ledger. In the
To maintain the state of the Blockchain, there are special nodes
following, we briefly discuss the popular consensus algorithms
in the network known as the miners or verifiers, responsible
along with the fundamental cryptographic primitives that are
for verifying transactions and computing a block. The miners
used in Blockchains.
query the mempool and select the transactions of their choice
to put into blocks. Usually transactions pay a mining fee which
A. Consensus Algorithms can be viewed as an incentive given to the miners to mine the
Some of the notable consensus algorithms used in transaction. Naturally, miners give priority to the transactions
Blockchains include proof-of-work (PoW), proof-of-stake that pay higher mining fee. Transactions that are not selected
(PoS), proof-of-activity (PoA), proof-of-capacity (PoC), proof- by the miners, stay in the mempool until some other miner
of-burn (PoB), proof-of-knowledge (PoK), and the practical selects them for a new block. Transactions that do not get

Request Pre-Prepare Prepare Commit Reply H( )
prev: H( ) prev: H( ) prev: H( )

Transactions Transactions Transactions



Fig. 3. Cryptographic constructs of blocks in a Blockchain. Notice that the

Replica entire hash of the previous block goes into the header of the next block.
Therefore, if an attacker makes changes in the data of a block, he will be
Fig. 2. Overview of PBFT protocol. The client issues a transaction to the required to change data in all subsequent blocks and correctly execute the
primary replica. The primary replica then forwards it to other replicas who consensus protocol for each block. Since this is infeasible in practice, therefore
jointly execute a four-phased protocol and approve the transaction. Assuming Blockchains are considered tamper-proof.
f faulty replicas, the primary would require confirmation from at least 3f + 1
replicas. PBFT is employed in permissioned and private blockchains.

throughput and and low confirmation time. In terms of security,

PBFT has low fault tolerance (≈ 33%) compared to PoW and
mined for a long time, eventually get discarded. PoS (≈ 50%). However, since permissioned Blockchains have
Proof-of-Stake. The second most popular consensus algorithm a stronger trust model, therefore, they are less vulnerable to
in public Blockchains is proof-of-stake (PoS) [78], [79]. PoS adversarial attacks. It can also be observed in Table III, public
was introduced to address the energy inefficiency of PoW. In Blockchains are more scalable than private Blockchains [83],
PoS, the mining power of a user is determined by the total [84]. This can be attributed to the message complexity in-
number of coins he owns. For each new block, an auction is volved in the transaction verification and the tolerance for
carried out to select the candidate miner. Users place a bid Byzantine nodes. Since PBFT has high message complexity
on the block and the one with the highest bid is selected as and low Byzantine fault tolerance, therefore, it cannot scale
a miner. Therefore, in contrast to PoW, the hashing power well beyond few hundred nodes. Therefore, each consensus
is replaced by the volume of assets owned by the user. The scheme has its own benefits and limitations. Therefore, de-
more coins a users owns, the higher his chances of winning the pending upon the application model, a consensus scheme can
block race. The replace of energy intensive mining with stake- be selected to meet the requirements.
based mining, makes PoS energy efficient and secure against
the majority attacks (section V-B). Unlike PoW, in PoS, all B. Blockchain Structure
the cryptocurrency tokens are released prior to creation of the While the consensus schemes in Blockchains may vary,
genesis block [80]. Therefore, when a new block is mined, it the cryptographic constructs of Blockchain are fundamentally
does not introduce new coins in the system. However, miners the same across all applications [85], [86]. Each block in a
are rewarded with transaction fee for their contributions. Blockchain consists of a header and a payload. The header
PBFT. The third most popular Blockchain consensus protocol includes the primary information, such as the hash of the
is called the practical byzantine fault tolerance (PBFT) [81], previous block, the merkle root, and the block timestamp. The
[82] protocol. PBFT is widely used in private and permis- hash pointer connects each block to the previous block, thereby
sioned Blockchains, where the network has a stronger trust forming a chain. Since hash functions are one-way and are
model compared to PoS and PoW. In PBFT Blockchains, the collision resistant, Blockchain benefits from their properties to
system is transposed into a group of active and passive repli- become immutable and tamper-proof [87], [88]. In Figure 3,
cas. Among the active replicas, a primary replica is selected we illustrate this model of Blockchain, where blocks are linked
who receives transactions from a client and sends them to through hash functions.
the active replicas for execution. The process of execution In a Blockchain application, all nodes are connected in a
is carried out in four stages, namely, pre-prepare, prepare, peer-to-peer architecture. This means that they use the gossip
commit, and reply stage. In the pre-prepare phase, primary protocol to communicate information, including transactions
sends transactions to all the active replicas. In the prepare and and blocks. Ideally, each peer is expected to maintain a copy
commit phase, each active replica signs the transaction and of Blockchain. However, due to the append-only model, the
exchange it with all the other replicas. In the reply stage, all growing size of Blockchain can put space constraint at the
the active replicas send their response to the primary replica. node. To address that, various Blockchain applications allow
The primary collects all the signed transactions and puts them the segmentation of nodes into full nodes and lightweight
in a block. In Figure 2, we show the transaction verification nodes. The full nodes maintain a complete copy of Blockchain
process in a PBFT Blockchain. Notice that compared to PoW and participate in transaction and block propagation. On the
and PoS, PBFT has a higher message complexity. other hand, the lightweight nodes only keep the block header
In Table III, we compare the popular consensus algorithms for the verification of a newly published block.
used in the Blockchain applications. Notice that permissionless As stated earlier, several attacks on Blockchain technology
Blockchains have low throughput and high confirmation time. are related to the constructs of the Blockchain itself, the
Bitcoin has transaction throughput of 3–7 transactions per behavior of certain miners, and the peer-to-peer architecture
second. In contrast, permissioned Blockchains have a high it is built upon. In the subsequent sections, we explore the


Properties PoW PoS DPoS PBFT RAFT

Blockchain Type Permisssionless Permissionless Permissionless Permissioned Permissioned
Participation Cost Yes Yes Yes No No
Trust Model Untrusted Untrusted Untrusted Semi-trusted Semi-trusted
Scalability High High High Low Low
Throughput <10 <1,000 <1,000 <10,000 >10,000
Byzantine Fault Tolerance 50% 50% 50% 33% –
Crash Fault Tolerance 50% 50% 50% 33% 50%
Confirmation Time >100s <100s <100s <10s <10s

Old Old Old Old Old parent Bitcoin, with new rules and regulations. Therefore,
Version Rules Rules F Rules Rules forks can also be created to launch a new application.
New New New New New
Version Rules Rules Rules Rules T IMELINE 1: Major Bitcoin Forks
Fig. 4. Hard Fork resulting from set of peers following conflicting rules due Jan 3, 2009 Bitcoin genesis block established
to different client software versions. Hard forks can be irreversible at times
and may lead to a permanent split in the Blockchain application. Dec 27, 2014 Bitcoin XT forked on Bitcoin Core

Jan 15, 2016 Bitcoin Unlimited launched

possible attacks associated with the Blockchain structure,
attacks associated with the peer-to-peer architecture used in Feb 10, 2016 Bitcoin Classic forked on Bitcoin
the Blockchain system, and attacks associated with the appli- Core
cation services that use Blockchain technology (i.e., Bitcoin Aug 1, 2017 Bitcoin Cash launched
or Ethereum). We also supplement each section with possible
Aug 23, 2017 Segregated Witness (Segwit) fork
countermeasures that have been proposed by researchers to
address those attacks. Nov 1, 2017 Bitcoin Gold launched

IV. B LOCKCHAIN S TRUCTURE ATTACKS Nov 15, 2017 Segwit2x fork

In this section, we look at the attacks related to the design Nov 28, 2017 Protest fork
constructs of the Blockchain. These attacks emerge from the
potential vulnerabilities of the Blockchain structures and as Intentional forks can either be soft or hard, the latter of
such, they can compromise any Blockchain-based application. which occurs when new blocks that the network accepts appear
invalid to pre-fork nodes. Soft forks, however, occur when
some blocks appear invalid to post-fork nodes. In either case,
A. Blockchain Forks a Blockchain fork represents an inconsistent state that can
A fork represents a condition in which nodes in the network be exploited by adversaries to cause confusion, fraudulent
have diverging views about that state of the Blockchain persist- transactions, and distrust within network [89].
ing over long periods of time or even indefinitely. These forks Figure 4 demonstrates a hard fork example that results from
can be created unintentionally through protocol malfunctions peers following conflicting rules about the state of Blockchain.
or incompatibilities in client software upgrades. Forks can Such hard forks may lead to a split in cryptocurrency. A
also be caused by malicious intents such as implanting “Sybil major hard fork on Bitcoin occurred during August 2017,
nodes” that follow conflicting validation rules or by carrying which led to the creation of Bitcoin Cash [90]. Another hard
out “selfish mining” in race conditions as discussed further fork on Bitcoin occurred during October 2017, when Bitcoin
in section V-A. Another form of fork occurs when users of Gold [91] was created. Some other notable forks in Bitcoin
a Blockchain application create a child application from the include Bitcoin Classic, Bitcoin XT, and Bitcoin Unlimited.
parent application. For example, in 2017, a group of Bitcoin However, due to insufficient user-base and miners, they could
developers decided to increase the block size limit from 1MB not succeed as a separate cryptocurrency.
to 8MB by developing a new Bitcoin client that was capable When hackers stole more than one third of the total digital
of accepting 8MB blocks. However, their proposal was not cash owned by “The DAO” [48], Ethereum used a hard fork
accepted by the majority of users, therefore, they created a to roll back transactions and retrieve millions of dollars’ worth
hard fork on Bitcoin and released a new cryptocurrency called of ether (the “fuel” for the Ethereum network). However, this
Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin Cash was the child application of the required consensus by the majority of nodes in the network.

In such a scenario, if a consensus delay happens due to a Block 4 Block 5

majority attack or a DDoS event, fraudulent activities become
somewhat difficult to deal with and prolonged delays can
ultimately cause devaluation of cryptocurrency. In November Block 1 Block 2 Block 3
2017, the second version of Segregated Witness (SegWit2x)
hard fork was proposed in Bitcoin, which aimed to increase
the block size to 2MB. However, due to lack of consensus by
Block 2
the majority, the planned hard fork was canceled. In Timeline
1, we provide a list of major forks on Bitcoin. These forks
Fig. 5. Stale vs. orphaned blocks. Note that the stale block (block 2, bottom,
resulted from a group of miners introducing new rules and and block 4) are valid but they are not part of the Blockchain. Orphaned
a faction of peers switching to those rules. All these forks block (block 5) does not have its parent block (block 4) in the Blockchain.
introduced a new version of Bitcoin. This is, we note that a
fork may diminish if peers discontinue to follow the new rules
and switch back to the old ones. For instance, this has been In cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin, the
witnessed in SegWit fork. Initially, a faction of network peers difficulty is a measure of how long it takes to compute a block,
switched to SegWit version of Bitcoin, however, when they which is defined by a target value set by the network [94].
moved back to the old version in a protest, the fork ended. Based on the hashing power, the target is adjusted to keep
block time under a predefined range (10 minutes for Bitcoin
B. Stale Blocks and Orphaned Blocks and 12 seconds for Ethereum). The difficulty is recomputed
based on the hashing power and the time taken by a series of
Two forms of inconsistencies can occur with the consensus
previous blocks: if hashing power increases, the probability of
process that can leave valid blocks out of the Blockchain.
finding a block under the expected time increases.
The first form is a “stale block”, which is a block that was
To adjust the probability, the difficulty is raised by increas-
successfully mined but is not accepted in the current best
ing the target value. In (1), we show how the expected time to
Blockchain (i.e., the most-difficult-to-recreate chain). Stale
compute a block E(T ) varies with the difficulty D and hash
blocks occur mostly in the public Blockchains due to race
rate of the network Hr . Here, E(T ) is measured in seconds,
conditions. In race conditions, the miners actively try to find
D is the number of hashes required to solve the current target,
the next block, and it is possible that two or more miners can
and Hr is measured in hashes/second, that a target device can
come up with a valid solution. The network eventually accepts
produce over a given string. Hr is the aggregate hashing power
one of the winning blocks and discards the rest. As a result,
of all the miners Hi for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. In (2), we calculate
the all other valid blocks unaccepted become stale blocks as
the time Tb (seconds), it takes for a single miner in Hi to
they do not get attached to the main Blockchain. We will see
compute a block, given a fixed block time set by the network
in section V-A that a form of Blockchain attack known as
Tn . For Bitcoin and Ethereum, the average block computation
“selfish mining” can also lead to the creation of stale blocks
time Tn is 600 seconds and 12 seconds, respectively.
in the network, which deprives an honest miner of its reward.
The other form of inconsistency is an “orphaned block”: a
block whose parent block’s hash field points to an unauthen- X D
tic block that is detached from the Blockchain [92]. These Hr = Hi , E(T ) = (1)
inconsistencies can be introduced by an attacker or caused by Pn
race conditions in the work of the miners. Stale blocks may Tn × Hr Tn × i=1 Hi
Tb = Tb = (2)
be initially accepted by the majority of the network, but they Hi Hi
can be rejected later when proof of a longer Blockchain (i.e., From (1), it can be observed that when Hr remains constant
the current best) is received that does not include that block. and the difficulty D is reduced, the expected block time E(T )
Figure 5 demonstrates a chain where stale and orphaned decreases. Intuitively, lower E(T ) means that in a defined
blocks can be found. The first orphaned block in Bitcoin was network time Tn , more blocks will be produced. However,
found on March 18, 2015, and that was the beginning of a in the Blockchain, only one block can be accepted. Such a
period in which most orphaned blocks were created. The trend situation will lead to more orphaned blocks in the system.
reduced in 2016, and from June 2017 to the date of this paper, In Figure 7, we plot difficulty, hash rate, block time and
no orphaned block has been added to the list [93]. Orphaned orphaned blocks (also called uncle blocks) in Ethereum. It
blocks are more frequently found in cryptocurrencies where can be noted in 7(f) that as the expected block time (from (2))
average block computation time is small. In Figure 6, we decreases, the number of orphaned and uncle blocks increases.
plot the number of orphaned blocks that occurred in Bitcoin In Ethereum, this trend is high due to short block intervals
and Ethereum from July 2016 to May 2018. In Ethereum, the which increase the possibility of block collision. Orphaned
orphaned blocks are called Uncle blocks. The data in the figure blocks may also occur due to unpredictable delays in block
has been normalized using min-max normalization to scale the propagation. A valid block may not reach majority of the
data in the range [0, 1]. The min-max scaling is conducted as network peers due to network churns and propagation delays.
xi −min(x)
z = max(x)−min(x) . It can be observed from the figure that as In contrast, a competing block is able to easily propagate
of June 2017, no orphaned block has been found in Bitcoin. through the network and get accepted by the majority. There-
On the other hand, in Ethereum, Uncle blocks have increased fore, network behavior and delay distribution may also affect
since November 2017. the number of orphaned blocks in a Blockchain system [92].

and Ethereum use 71.12 Terawatt-hours and 4.2 Terawatt-

1 hours (TWh) of electricity per-year, respectively, to find hashes
Orphaned Blocks
Normalized Value

0.8 Expected Time required for valid PoW [97]–[99]. In Figure 8, we show
the electricity consumption of Bitcoin compared to several
0.6 countries. Other than the excessive consumption of electricity,
centralization of hashing rate among a few mining pools makes
0.4 the Blockchain application vulnerable to attacks including
the majority attacks and double-spending (discussed in sec-
tion V-B and section VI-B), whereby if a miner acquires the
0 majority of a network’s hash rate, the miner will be able to
gain control over the system.






2) PoS: (PoS) was introduced by King and Nadal in 2012






[100] to make Blockchain applications more energy-efficient





and raise the cost of a majority attack. Unlike PoW, which is
Dates (mm/dd/yy) lottery-based, PoS uses a stake-based deterministic approach
to select a validator and to publish a new block [101]. In
Fig. 6. Orphaned Blocks in Bitcoin and Uncle blocks in Ethereum over the
last two years. Notice that in Bitcoin, the rate of orphaned blocks has reduced. this approach, the validator is chosen by a bidding process,
whereby candidate validators make a bid of their stake. The
stake is the balance owned by the candidate validator and is
TABLE IV used to deter cheating in the system. The candidate with the
E VOLUTION OF MINING HARDWARE . S INCE 2014, ONLY ASIC CHIPS , highest bid is chosen to mine the next block and if he tries
to trick the system with bogus transactions he risks losing his
Hash Rate committed stake (balance). The process is deterministic since
Type Model Year a validator is chosen prior to each bidding process. Therefore,
CPU Xeon E5530 7.14 2009 blocks are published on their expected time without time
GPU Radeon 5890 245 2010 deviations or delays. Moreover, to launch a majority attack on
a PoS-based cryptocurrency, the attacker is required to acquire
GPU Radeon 6990 800 2011
more than 50% of the cryptocurrency tokens [102]. While it is
FPGA Xilinx Spartan 245 2012
relatively easier to acquire 50% hash rate in PoW, it is difficult
FPGA Xilinx Spartan 850 2012 to obtain 50% coin. Therefore, compared to PoW, the cost for
ASIC ASIC 130nm 12K 2013 launching a majority attack in PoS application is relatively
ASIC ASIC 28nm 500k 2014 high, which makes the attack less feasible.
ASIC ASIC 20nm 750k 2014 Although PoS serves as a “green” mining alternative of PoW
and raises the attack cost for the majority attacks, it has some
major caveats that have prevented its widespread adoption by
C. Vulnerabilities in Consensus Mechanism the Blockchain community. In PoS, a rich validator may keep
1) Proof-of-Work: The most widely used consensus proto- on winning the bid for the next block to be validated, and
col in cryptocurrencies is proof-of-work (PoW) which serves accumulate the block reward. As such, the rich validators in
as an evidence for the effort put behind the computation of a the system gets richer for block confirmation, which makes
valid block. As outlined in (1), the effort for computation of a PoS applications centralized around those validators. This
block can be characterized as the number of hashes required challenges the fundamental premise of Blockchain technology
to meet the difficulty parameter D set by the network. As as a decentralized system [103]. Moreover, unlike PoW, in
the aggregate hash power of the network Hr increases, the which miners with limited resources may still have a chance
difficulty is raised to keep the standard block time Tn within of winning the lottery, small bidders in PoS are certain to lose
a defined range (10 minutes for Bitcoin). the bid for each coming block.
In 7(a) and 7(d), we show the increase in difficulty and 3) PBFT: As pointed out in section III-B, in PBFT-based
the aggregate hash rate of Bitcoin and Ethereum, respectively. private Blockchains, the system is grouped into a set of
Since mining in PoW is a lottery-based system, miners use replicas that process transactions and contribute towards the
sophisticated hardware with high hash rate to increase their block formation [71], [104]. The primary replica is responsible
chances of winning the lottery. Among all PoW-based cryp- for ordering transactions and obtaining approvals from other
tocurrencies, Bitcoin has the maximum hash rate. In particular, replicas. Once sufficient approvals are received, the primary
and since 2010, miners in Bitcoin have switched from Central computes a block and broadcasts it to the network. PBFT
Processing Unit (CPU), to graphics processing unit (GPUs) in is considered to be energy efficient with high transaction
2011, to Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) in 2012–13, throughput. However, it works under the assumption that the
and finally to Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) primary replica faithfully executes the protocol and does not
chips since 2014 to date [95]. We show this evolution of tamper with the ordering of transactions and blocks. This
Bitcoin hardware, along with the hash rate, in Table IV. assumption may lead to a vulnerabilities in the permissioned
One of the major problems with PoW is the excessive waste Blockchains. If the primary replica is compromised it may:
of energy to find a valid solution [96]. At present, Bitcoin 1) discard the approvals obtained from other replicas and

1 1 1
Hash Rate Actual Time Bitcoin
Normalized Value

Normalized Value

Normalized Value
0.8 Difficulty 0.8 Expected Time 0.8 Ethereum

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0












/ 6
/ 6
/ 16
/ 17
/ 17
/ 17
/ 7
/ 17
/ 17
/ 18
/0 18
09 01/1
11 01/1

09 01/1












01 01/
03 01/
05 01/
07 01/

11 01/
01 01/
03 01/
05 01/
























Dates (mm/dd/yy) Dates (mm/dd/yy) Dates (mm/dd/yy)

(a) Change in difficulty and hash rate of Bitcoin (b) Expected time E(T ) calculated from (2) (c) Orphaned Blocks per day plotted against the
network during 2016-17 plotted against the actual time expected block time.

1 1 1
Difficulty Actual Time Block Time
Normalized Value

Normalized Value

Normalized Value
0.8 Hash Rate 0.8 Expected Time 0.8 Uncle Blocks
0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
/0 5
/0 6
/0 6
/0 6
/0 6
/0 7
/0 7
/0 7
/0 7

/0 5
/0 6
/0 6
/0 6
/0 6
/0 7
/0 7
/0 7
/0 7

/0 5
/0 6
/0 6
/0 6
/0 6
/0 7
/0 7
/0 7
/0 7
01 1/1
04 1/1
07 1/1
10 1/1
01 1/1
04 1/1
07 1/1
10 1/1
01 1/1

01 1/1
04 1/1
07 1/1
10 1/1
01 1/1
04 1/1
07 1/1
10 1/1
01 1/1

01 1/1
04 1/1
07 1/1
10 1/1
01 1/1
04 1/1
07 1/1
10 1/1
01 1/1






Dates (mm/dd/yy) Dates (mm/dd/yy) Dates (mm/dd/yy)

(d) Change in difficulty and hash rate of (e) Expected time E(T ) calculated from (2) (f) Uncle Blocks per day plotted against the
Ethereum network during 2015-18. plotted against the actual time expected block time.

Fig. 7. Effect of hash rate and difficulty on the rate of orphaned blocks in Bitcoin and uncle blocks in Ethereum. For Ethereum, notice that when the difficulty
sharply decreases with constant hash rate around October 2017, the expected and the actual time of block computation decreases sharply. As a result, the
number of Uncle blocks increases. The sharp decrease in the difficulty is associated to a byzantium fork that reduced block rewards per block.

80 Another key challenge in PBFT-based private Blockchains is

71.2 71.7 72 their limited scalability and low tolerance to Byzantine nodes.
70 67.3
62.1 Low scalability results from the O(n2 ) message complexity
60 59.4
associated with the processing of a single transaction, as shown
TWh per year

50 in Figure 2. In PBFT, transaction execution is carried out in

40 four phases, namely pre-prepare, prepare, commit, and reply.
In the prepare and commit phase, each peer is required to send
30 message to every other peer in the network. In aggregate, this
20 leads to enormous communication overhead which cannot be
10 expected to work efficiently at a large scale. Therefore, when
the network size grows, the performance of PBFT is degraded
0 significantly. This is the key reason why PBFT-based private






Blockchains suffer from low scalability.






Finally, another limitation of PBFT-based private

Blockchains is their low fault tolerance. Each transaction
Fig. 8. Energy Profile of Bitcoin and other countries. C-Republic refers to requires approval from 3f + 1 replicas, where f is the number
Czech Republic. Note that Bitcoin’s consumption is compare able to countries. of faulty replicas or Byzantine nodes. In comparison with
PoW and PoS, where the network can withstand up to 50%
malicious entities, PBFT can only tolerate 33% malicious
prematurely abort the execution, replicas. Provided that PBFT already suffers from low
2) rearrange the sequence of transactions to delay the veri- scalability, a lower fault tolerance increases the opportunity
fication process and block generation, for an adversary to place malicious replicas in the network.
3) withhold transactions or blocks from other replicas, Currently, Bitcoin has over 10,000 active full nodes [105].
and/or This means that it can tolerate up to 5,000 faulty nodes. The
4) invalidate transactions even after obtaining approvals. cost of compromising 5,000 nodes is high, and the attack
As such, private Blockchains always are subjected to the risk is therefore infeasible. However, in a PBFT-based private
of a malicious primary who may compromise the system. Blockchain that consists of a 100 nodes, an attacker can
However, since the identity of the primary is usually known succeed only by controlling 33 nodes. Low fault tolerance is
to everyone, malicious activities of a primary can be tracked a major challenge in PBFT-based Blockchain applications.
back, eventually. Considering the features and shortcomings of existing con-

sensus algorithms, there is a need for new consensus mecha- bn+1

nisms that are secure, scalable, and energy efficient. Currently, Mh
this remains an active research area, with some notable recent
progress made in this direction [106]–[108]. b1 b2 bn

D. Countering Blockchain Structure Attacks bn+1 bn+2 bn+3

Resolving soft forks in a Blockchain network is a relatively
easy process. All peers in the network can come to a consensus Fig. 9. Illustration of Selfish Mining. Selfish behavior of Ms forks the chain
about the true state of the Blockchain and resume activities at bn+1 and discards Mh ’s block. Mh ’s block becomes a stale block.
from there. Resolving hard forks can be challenging because
conflicting chains can be lengthy with transaction activities
dating back to the time of the conflict. Although the stakes of releasing them to the public upon discovery, these selfish
rolling back from a hard fork are high, they can be resolved miners continue to mine their own private blocks to obtain a
by the same principle of consensus as discussed earlier. As longer chain than the public Blockchain. These activities lead
was the case with Ethereum, a hard fork was used to retrieve to a block race between the public chain of honest miners and
money for the investors after “The DAO” was attacked [48]. the private chain of selfish miners. Once the public Blockchain
Ultimately, the process of solving a fork depends upon the starts approaching the length of their private chain, selfish
agreement of peers in the network and their stake in the fork. miners release their blocks to claim block rewards. Having
In Ethereum, uncle blocks are also rewarded and made exceptional mining power may further help selfish miners win
part of the Blockchain. Recently, the number of orphaned the block race. In Figure 9, we demonstrate how a selfish
blocks in Bitcoin has decreased due to the shift towards mining attack is carried out.
highly centralized mining networks and thus reducing the Consider a Blockchain with blocks (b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ). Suppose
probability of orphaned blocks prevalent in decentralized min- an honest miner Mh has successfully mined the next block
ing networks. However centralized mining has other issues bn+1 and he publishes it. All the peers in the network validate
such as unfairness in the network and the 51% attack. The and accept his block. At the same time, a selfish miner Ms
other solution to avoid stale or orphaned blocks involves also computes the block bn+1 . Instead of publishing his block,
dynamic adjustment of network’s difficulty [109]. In Bitcoin, Ms chooses to withhold it and successfully mines two more
the difficulty is adjusted every two weeks (2016 blocks). In blocks bn+2 and bn+3 . Despite Mh ’s block being added to
the meantime, if there is a sharp increase in the hash rate the Blockchain, we show that Mh can still be cheated while
of the network or more miners join in, then the expected having a majority of network’s confidence in his block. Let the
time of finding new block decreases (2). As a result, there hash value of Mh ’s block bn+1 be lower than both the target
is a higher likelihood of producing stale blocks. Therefore, a threshold and Ms ’s block bn+1 . If only these two blocks were
dynamic difficulty adjustment helps in reducing the number of presented to the network, Mh ’s block would be chosen (due
stale and orphaned blocks. While there are effective techniques to its greater computational complexity) over Ms ’s block and
to counter forks and orphaned blocks, the area of consensus appended to the public Blockchain.
remains open. Research efforts need to be dedicated to make However, after some time, Ms releases all of his blocks
PoW more energy efficient, and PoS, more decentralized. bn+1 , bn+2 , and bn+3 and forks the Blockchain at bn+1
In PBFT-based private blockchains, the key issue is limited . Due to the design protocols of Blockchain, the network
scalability due to high message complexity. Moreover, PBFT will invariably shift to the longer chain belonging to Ms and
has low fault tolerance which makes it vulnerable to attacks. discard the block bn+1 of Mh . The effort put forth by Mh
In section V-H, we provide more details about making PBFT in computing his block will be wasted due to selfish behavior
more scalable and secure. of Ms . The incentive in adopting this selfish mining strategy
is maximizing block rewards by publishing a longer chain.
V. B LOCKCHAIN ’ S P EER - TO -P EER S YSTEM It should be noted that excluding the Mh ’s block bn+1 from
the Blockchain does not destroy the block, rather it leads to
The underlying peer-to-peer architecture is the primary
another significant problem in the network known as “stale
reason why certain guarantees are provided by a Blockchain,
blocks” as shown in section IV-B.
including security and accessibility. Counter intuitively, this
Selfish mining attacks can produce undesirable results for
peer-to-peer architecture that the Blockchain resides on ac-
the rest of the network by invalidating the blocks of honest
tually contributes to several attacks including selfish mining,
miners who contribute to the Blockchain. Furthermore, all the
the 51% attack, DNS attacks, distributed denial-of-service
transactions in the honest miner’s block also get rejected. In
attacks, eclipse attacks, fork after withholding attacks, and
a situation where two selfish miners compete to add their
consensus delay. In this section, we explore how these attacks
chains to the network, the chances of a “Blockchain fork”
can compromise the Blockchain applications.
arise section IV-A. These forks can cause a delay of consensus
in the network, which can further lead to other potential attacks
A. Selfish Mining such as “double-spending” and “fork after withholding”, as
The selfish mining attack [110] is a strategy opted by certain discussed in section VI-B. One selfish activity in the network
miners who attempt to increase their rewards by deliberately has the potential to disrupt the overall network, and therefore
keeping their blocks private [32], [111], [112]. Rather than it is imperative to study their relationship with one another.

B. The Majority Attack


Success Probability P(s)

x = 0.49
The majority attack also known as the 51% attack is well x = 0.45
known vulnerability in Blockchain-based applications that can 0.8 x = 0.40
x = 0.35
be exploited when a single attacker, a group of Sybil nodes,
or a mining pool in the network attains the majority of 0.6
the network’s hash rate to manipulate the Blockchain. With
majority of network’s hash rate, the attackers are able to 0.4
1) prevent transactions or blocks from being verified (thus
making them invalid), 2) reverse transactions during the time 0.2
they are in control to allow double-spending, 4) fork the
main Blockchain and split the network, and 3) prevent other 0
miners (verifiers) from finding any blocks for a short period 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
of time. Under race conditions, the attackers with over 50% Number of blocks (k)
hash rate are guaranteed to over take other miners and append
their blocks in the Blockchain with high probability [52]. Fig. 10. Change in the success probability P (s) of majority attack with
Also, these blocks can possibly have fraudulent or double- varying hashing power x and number of confirmations k. Notice that with
0 confirmations, an attacker can always double-spend with any magnitude of
spent transactions. For example, if an attacker performs a hash power. In that case we describe the user to be optimistic.
transaction in exchange for any product with Alice, it can
replicate the same transaction with Bob and put it on the
block. Transactions on Blockchains are not reversible, and TABLE V
only one transaction can be considered valid. In the following, ATTACK COST REQUIRED TO LAUNCH THE 51% ATTACK ON THE TOP SIX
we elaborate the prospects of double-spending with majority MARKET CAP IN USD, A LGO DENOTES THE ALGORITHM USED FOR
attacks along with the mathematical primitives. BLOCK CONSENSUS , AND COST DENOTES THE ATTACK COST IN USD FOR
1) Caveats and realities: Mining pools do not always need LAUNCHING THE 51% ATTACK FOR ONE HOUR .

51% of the network’s hashing power to carry out the fraudulent S YSTEM CAP ALGO H ASH R ATE C OST
activities. As such, even with less hashing power, similar B ITCOIN 112.7B SHA-256 35,604 PH/s 486K
objectives can be achieved with a significant probability of E THEREUM 49.5B Ethash 222 TH/s 347K
success. To understand this issue, consider the scenario in
B.C ASH 14.9B SHA-256 5,023 PH/s 68K
which a malicious mining pool with significant hash rate
L ITECOIN 5.7B Scrypt 327 TH/s 60K
carries out a transaction T x with a receiver. At the same
DASH 2.1B X11 2 PH/s 15K
time, it generates a fraudulent double-spent transaction T y
M ONERO 2.3B CryptoNight 365 MH/s 17K
from the same parent transaction to trick the receiver. The
receiver, on the other hand, waits for k confirmations before
releasing the product to the miner. The k confirmations mean
cheating the receiver.
that k subsequent blocks have been mined by the network after
mining the transaction T x. During this process, the malicious 3) Applications and implications: A Blockchain-based ap-
miner keeps mining blocks on his end with the double-spent plication for Internet of Things (IoT), known as “The Tangle”
transaction T y and hopes to fork the Blockchain after he [113] can be theoretically compromised with one-third of the
receives the product from the recipient. By forking the chain, hash power. Bahack et al. [114] show that the majority attacks
the malicious miner will be able to invalidate the chain with are highly feasible with one quarter of the network’s hashing
transaction T x, and will replace it with his own chain with power. There are online services such as Nicehash, that rent
double-spent transaction T y. hashing power to miners on hourly basis [115].
A malicious mining pool can rent the computation power
To launch a successful attack, the malicious miner needs
for a few hours and launch the majority attack on the targeted
to publish a longer chain with valid PoW so that the network
cryptocurrency. Since major blockchain systems have a high
switches to his forked version. Miner’s success depends on his
aggregate hash rate, the renting cost to launch the 51% attack
hash rate x as a fraction of the network’s hash rate and the
on them is (naturally) high. In Table V, we outline the top
number of confirmations k. To find the probability of success
six Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, and the cost required
P (s) for the attacker, let x be the fraction of miner’s hashing
to successfully launch the 51% attack, based on data obtained
power and y be the fraction of remaining hashing power, where
from “51crypto” [116]. We notice that Dash with a market
x + y = 1 [110]. The success probability is:
( cap of 2.3 Billion USD can be compromised for one hour by
1 , if x > y spending only 17,000 USD (8 × 10−4 % of the market cap).
P (s) = x k 4) Case studies: A 51% attack is not beyond the realm of
( y ) , if x < y
possibilities. In July 2014, a Bitcoin mining pool “GHash.IO”
2) Numerical results: In Figure 10, we show how P (s) acquired over 51% of the hash rate for one day [31], which
changes with varying hash rate. Note that if the miner acquires raised many concerns in the press and media about Bitcoin
half of the network’s hash rate, he can trick the recipient with and its vulnerabilities, and shed light on the general problem
100% success rate. Moreover, an attacker with hash rate less in Bitcoin-based systems. Although no malicious activity was
than 50% can still succeed in forking the main chain and carried out, “GHash.IO” later shrunk in size when miners left


Bitcoin Ethereum Litecoin

Rank Country Nodes Country Nodes Country Nodes
1 Unite States 2445 (24.98%) United States 6549 (37.99%) United States 79 (24.38%)
2 Germany 2445 (24.98%) China 2202 (12.77%) Russia 36 (11.12%)
3 China 675 (6.90%) Canada 1118 (6.49%) Germany 19 (6.49%)
4 France 663 (6.77%) Russia 846 (4.91%) China 17 (5.21%)
5 Netherlands 475 (4.85%) Germany 783 (4.54%) Netherlands 17 (5.21%)
6 Canada 369 (3.77%) United Kingdom 559 (3.24%) United Kingdom 16 (4.91%)
7 — 368 (3.76%) Netherlands 470 (2.73%) France 11 (3.42%)
8 United Kingdom 307 (3.14%) South Korea 429 (2.49%) Brazil 11 (3.42%)
9 Russia 296 (3.02%) France 399 (2.31%) Canada 11 (3.42%)
10 Japan 219 (2.24%) Japan 279 (1.62%) Hong Kong 11 (3.42%)

its pool and eventually closed in October 2016. In August

Attacker User
2016, a group of attackers, known as “51 crew”, hijacked
two Ethereum Blockchains, namely Krypton and Shift, and
managed to hijack 21,465 Kryptons worth of digital currency .2
by double-spending. In May 2018, a group of malicious miners .22
1. 3. n 4.
acquired 51% hash rate in Bitcoin Gold and stole $18 million
Attacker poisons it coi
USD worth of cryptocurrency [117]. In June 2018, four other d.b User routed
DNS cache g see e. to Attacker's
i b
notable Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies were also attacked;
2.d .sipa. Network
namely Monacoin, Zencash, Verge, and Litecoin Cash.

C. Network Attacks Attacker's

Blockchain applications are decentralized and use peer-to- Network Network
peer network architecture as the medium of communication
between the network entities. In this section, we will look into
the attacks associated with the peer-to-peer network and we
will use Bitcoin network as our example to provide details of Fig. 11. DNS resolution attack on Bitcoin. The attacker poisons DNS cache
these attacks. The attacks associated to the Blockchain network and modifies the data. When a user queries the server to obtain IP addresses
of peers who are accepting connections, he is routed to attacker’s network.
include among others, the DNS attacks, spatial partitioning, The attacker can game the user by feeding him fake blocks and transactions.
and Eclipse attacks. For each of these attacks, the goal of the
attacker is to isolate users and miners from the real network,
limit their access to the network resources, or create partition
in the network and enforce conflicting rules among the peers. software client has a list of seeders that allow the network
1) DNS Attacks: When a node joins the Bitcoin network for discovery. If the attacker injects a fake list of seeders, the user
the first time, it is not aware of the active peers in the network. will be compromised. As a result, the adversary can poten-
To discover the active peers (identified by their IP addresses) tially isolate Blockchain peers and lead them to a counterfeit
in the network, a bootstrapping mechanism is required. The network. In Figure 11, we illustrate how a DNS attack can be
Domain Name System (DNS) can be used as a bootstrapping carried out by poisoning DNS cache. A node in Bitcoin net-
mechanism, and DNS seeds are queried by nodes upon joining work has an IP address of (for illustration purpose
the network to obtain further information about other active only) while the attacker’s node in a counterfeit network has an
peers. The initial DNS query returns one or more DNS A IP address The attacker poisons the DNS cache to
records along with their corresponding IP addresses of peers lure the user into the counterfeit network. The user makes the
that are accepting incoming connections. Once the new node DNS query dig seed.bitcoin.sipa.be. and instead of responding
establishes connections to the peers, it can send addr command with, the DNS resolver returns As a
with port numbers to establish connections with other peers. result, the user connects to malicious nodes in the counterfeit
It has been mentioned in the developer’s guide of Bitcoin network and malicious nodes may feed false blocks to the user.
systems [28] that the DNS opens a wide attack surface to For more on DNS security, we refer to the work in [118].
the Bitcoin networks in general. Namely, the DNS resolution 2) BGP hijacks and spatial partitioning: There are two
is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks (at the resolver types of nodes in most Blockchain applications, namely full
side), cache poisoning, and stale records, among many others. nodes and lightweight nodes. Full nodes are the actual partici-
For this attack, an adversary can either inject an invalid list pants in the network responsible for relaying blocks and trans-
of seeder nodes in the open source Blockchain software, or actions and maintaining an updated copy of the Blockchain.
poison DNS cache at the resolver. By default, the Blockchain Lightweight nodes do not maintain a Blockchain and only

CDF of Full Nodes



Organizations Mining Pool H. Rate % ASes ISP
ASes AS37963 Alibaba
0.4 BTC.com 25%
AS45102 AliBaba
Antpool 12.4% AS45102 AliBaba
0.2 ViaBTC 11.7% AS45102 AliBaba
BTC.TOP 10.3% AS45102 AliBaba
0 AS45102 AliBaba
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 F2Pool 6.3%
AS58563 Chinanet
ASes and Organizations (x100) 12 others 34.3% — —

Fig. 12. Distribution of full nodes in Bitcoin across ASes and ISPs (orga-
nizations). Notice that less than 50 ASes and ISPs host more than 50% of
nodes showing that the network is centralized and vulnerable to BGP attacks. To verify their results and further analyze the spatial
vulnerability of Bitcoin network, we replicated their study
and noticed that Bitcoin network has further centralized with
use the services of full nodes to get access to the network. respect to ASes and ISPs. We crawled data from “Bitnodes”,
Since lightweight nodes draw their view of the Blockchain an online service that maintains information related to full
from the full nodes, when a full node is compromised all of nodes in Bitcoin [105]. In Figure 12, we plot the CDF of
its associated lightweight nodes are also compromised. Full the spatial distribution of full nodes across ASes and ISPs in
nodes in a Blockchain network are spatially distributed across the world. In Table VII, we show the distribution of mining
the Internet. In Table VI, we show the spatial spread of full pools across ASes and ISPs in Bitcoin. Notice that 60% of the
nodes in three major Bitcoin systems (cryptocurrency). In each hash rate is solely intercepted by AliBaba. Our results show
system, a majority of the nodes is located in United States, that compared to the prior work by Apostolaki et al. [29],
Germany, China, and Russia. The flow of traffic on the Internet the Bitcoin network has further centralized and become more
is controlled by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), which own vulnerable to routing attacks.
one or more Autonomous Systems (ASes), responsible for Case studies. Over the last few years, a number of BGP
handling traffic routing. [119], [120]. attacks have been launched against ASes that host mining
Spatial concentration of nodes within an AS or an ISP pools or cryptocurrency exchanges. In 2014, a malicious
makes them vulnerable to routing attacks such as BGP hi- ISP in Canada announced BGP prefixes belonging to major
jacking. An adversarial AS can hijack the traffic for a target ISPs including Amazon, OVH, Digital Ocean, LeaseWeb, and
AS that hosts a majority of the Blockchain application nodes. Alibaba, and intercepted the traffic routed to mining pools. As
This can disrupt the flow of valuable information, including a result, the attacker made a fortune of 83,000 USD. In April
transactions and blocks, to the nodes being hosted by the 2018, BGP attacks were launched against MyEtherWallet.com,
target AS. When the victim nodes are miners or mining pools, an open source web application used for exchanging Ethereum
the attacker can substantially reduce the hash rate of the tokens online. Attackers managed to steal 152,000 USD from
Blockchain application, thereby affecting the system activities. the web application [121].
In a mining pool, the miners communicate using stratum 3) Eclipse Attacks: Blockchain’s peer-to-peer system is
overlay protocol. The stratum servers act as a dropzone where also vulnerable to a form of attack known as the eclipse attack
miners submit their PoW. Stratum servers have a public IP [30], [112], [122], in which a group of malicious nodes isolates
address that makes them vulnerable to routing attacks and its neighboring nodes using IP addresses, thereby compro-
flood attacks. Apostolaki et al. [29] studied that by hijacking mising their incoming and outgoing traffic. For example in
fewer than 100 border gateway protocol (BGP) prefixes in Bitcoin, a node can actively connect to all the other nodes
Bitcoin, an attacker can isolate up to 50% of the network’s in the network, forming a node cluster. In the node cluster,
hash rate. They further explored that 60% of all Bitcoin every peer is aware of the IP address of all other peers. With
traffic traverses only three internet service providers (ISPs). sufficient compromised nodes in a cluster, the attacker can
Every month, over a 100 Bitcoin nodes suffer from routing isolate honest nodes and change their Blockchain view. He
attacks and BGP hijacks. Furthermore, they estimated that can control their incoming and outgoing traffic and feed them
the routing attacks can delay block propagation by up to 20 with fake information regarding Blockchain and transactions.
minutes. As mentioned in section IV-B, the average block In Figure 13, we illustrate this attack procedure. As long
computation time in Bitcoin is 10 minutes. Therefore, the as the honest node maintains a connection with one other
routing attacks can delay the propagation of two or more honest node, it is likely to receive the correct information
blocks to a group of nodes. Such delays increase the likelihood to maintain the true state of the Blockchain. However, when
of other attacks including Blockchain fork, consensus delay, the connection between the honest nodes is compromised,
and double-spending. they will get surrounded by malicious nodes and become

Fig. 13. Eclipse attack on a cryptocurrency network. Here, blue nodes represent the honest nodes following the true state of Blockchain while the red nodes
represent the malicious nodes that form a cluster around the blue nodes. If the connection between the honest nodes is compromised, the malicious nodes may
feed fake blocks to the honest nodes and partition them from the network. As a result, the honest nodes end up having the wrong view of the Blockchain.

vulnerable to the eclipse attack. When such nodes are fed

with fake transactions and blocks, they eventually develop the 1
Mempool Size

Normalized Value
wrong view of the state of Blockchain and become part of the 0.8 Fee
malicious node cluster. Furthermore, if another honest node
establishes a connection with the malicious node cluster, it 0.6
is also exposed to the same vulnerability which leads to the
cascade effect of propagation of fake transactions and blocks. 0.4
D. Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
One of the most common attacks on online services is the
/ 6
/ 6
/ 16
/ 17
/ 17
/ 17
/ 7
/ 17
/ 17
/ 18
/0 18
09 01/1
11 01/1

09 01/1
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack [123]. Blockchain

01 01/
03 01/
05 01/
07 01/

11 01/
01 01/
03 01/
05 01/

technology, and despite being a peer-to-peer system, is still


prone to DDoS attacks. Blockchain-based applications, such

as Bitcoin and Ethereum, have repeatedly suffered from these Dates (mm/dd/yy)
attacks [124]–[128]. DDoS attacks manifest themselves in
a number of ways, depending upon the application nature, Fig. 14. Bitcoin mempool size and average fee paid to the miner. It can be
observed from the figure that as the mempool size is increases, the fee paid
network architecture, and peers behavior. For example, in the to the miners also increases.
Bitcoin network, the 51% attack can lead to denial-of-service.
Specifically, if a group of miners acquire a significant hashing
power, they can prevent other miners from adding their mined
blocks to the Blockchain, invalidate ongoing transactions, and Bitcoin is 3-7 transactions per second. Throughput of Bitcoin
cause service failure in the network. Intentional forks; forks is low compared to mainstream payment processors such as
that are the result of malicious behavior; can turn into hard Visa Credit that can verify up to 2,000 transactions per second.
forks, resulting in similar outcomes of denial-of-service. An adversary may exploit the aforementioned operational
1) Stress testing: Another possibility for the attack is due reality of the Bitcoin system by introducing Sybil identities;
to the limited number of transactions per block a Blockchain the same adversary also may control multiple wallets. Further-
application can process in a given time. For example, on more, using those identities, the adversary may issue several
average, it takes the Bitcoin network 10 minutes to mine a dust transactions (e.g., 0.001 BTC per transaction) between
block, which has a maximum size of 1MB. Although the the various Sybil identities under his control. By introducing a
size of transactions in Bitcoin varies, the average size of a large number of transactions of small value over a short period
transaction in Bitcoin is approximately 500 bytes, allowing of time, the network will be congested by creating blocks
approximately 2,000 transactions per block on average—the containing those transactions, and service to legitimate users
maximum number of transactions added to a block in Bitcoin in the network will be denied. As a result of this congestion
is reported to be 2,210 [93]. Furthermore, the average time the adversary may as well launch other attacks; e.g., double-
needed to mine a block, based on the predefined difficulty, is spending of tokens not mined due to the congestion.
approximately 10 minutes. As such, for all current transactions One may argue that miners may choose which transactions
in the network to be successfully included in the Blockchain, to include in a block. However, this is discouraged by design
their number may not exceed 200 transactions per minute. in Bitcoin, as outlined by Satoshi. Blocks today even include
Taking that into account, and the fact that each transaction transactions of value as low as 0.0001 BTC, which makes
requires a minimum of two peers (identified by two different flooding the network with low-value transactions possible.
public identifiers) to be involved in a transaction, the total 2) Mempool flooding: Another form of DDoS attack is
active peers served by the network per minute (i.e. where carried out at the memory pools (mempools) of the cryp-
a block containing their transaction will be mined) will not tocurrencies to increase the mining fee. As outlined in Fig-
exceed 200 peers. Given these constraints, the throughput of ure 1, mempools act as a cache of unconfirmed transactions.

Although the block size is limited in the cryptocurrencies, the 1) The Finney attack: The Finney attack is a variant of
mempool size has no size limit. However, users estimate the the double-spending attack in which a miner delays block
size of mempools to prioritize their transactions. If there are propagation to double-spend his transaction [132], [133]. The
more transactions in the mempool, then the competition for miner generates a transaction, computes a block, and chooses
mining becomes high. To prioritize their transactions, users not to relay the block. In the meantime, he generates a
start paying more mining fees as an incentive for miners. Saad duplicate of his previous transaction and sends it to a recipient.
et al. [33], identified a low cost DDoS attack on Blockchain After the recipient accepts the transaction and delivers the
applications in which the adversary along with Sybil nodes product, the miner publishes his previous block with the orig-
may flood the mempools with unconfirmed transactions. Such inal transaction in it. Therefore, the previous transaction sent
an attack creates panic among the legitimate users who are to the recipient becomes invalid and the miner successfully
tempted to pay higher mining fee to prioritize their transactions double-spends transaction.
while the attacker’s transactions do not get mined. As a result, The Finney attack has low success probability due to short
the attacker launches a DDoS attack. block intervals and time sensitive attack procedure. The block
3) Case Studies: In Bitcoin, malicious users have been time in Bitcoin and Ethereum are 10 minutes and 15 seconds.
flooding the mempool with dust transactions to make legit- If an attacker attempts to launch this attack on Ethereum, it
imate users pay higher mining fees. On November 11, 2017, is unlikely that he will be able to 1) generate a double spent
the Bitcoin mempool size exceeded 115k unconfirmed transac- transaction, 2) trick an optimistic receiver, 3) receive product
tions, resulting in $700 million USD worth of transaction stall before confirmation, and 4) publish a block before any other
[50]. In June 2018, again the mempool was attacked with 4,500 miner, within 15 seconds. Since the attack procedure is more
unconfirmed spam transactions which increased the mempool time consuming than the block interval time, Finney attack is
size by 45MB. The increased size led to a spike in the mining highly infeasible and as such, no case of Finney attack has yet
fee and legitimate users were propelled to pay higher fee to been reported on any cryptocurrency.
get their transactions mined [129]. In Figure 14, we plot the 2) Classical block withholding attack: The block withhold-
mempool size and the mining fee of Bitcoin over the last two ing attack is launched against decentralized mining pools with
years. We use min-max normalization to scale the data points. intent to harm the pool operator by withholding a valid PoW.
4) DDoS Attacks in Private Blockchains: In PBFT-based [134], [135]. In decentralized mining pools, all participants
private Blockchains, a DDoS attack can be launched if consume electricity and CPU power to find a nonce whose
the adversary controls ≈33% replicas [130]. In the private value of a hash with the block is less than the target threshold.
Blockchains, the size of the network is known to the par- Once the valid solution is found, all participants are rewarded
ticipating nodes, which allows the adversary to calculate the based on their aggregate effort put towards the computation
number of sybil nodes he needs to introduce in the network of the solution. Since nonce finding is a lottery-based system,
for an attack. Assuming that the adversary controls f sybil therefore, miners with less hash power may come up with a
nodes such that the total network size is n < 3f + 1, then valid solution before other miners with a higher hash rate. In
the attacker will be able to launch a DDoS attack to stop the the block withholding attack, a compromised miner in the pool
verification process. For each transaction sent by the primary, finds the proof-of-work and chooses not to disclose it to the
the sybil replicas will not reply with their approvals. Since the pool operator. Unaware of the compromised miner, the rest of
primary will need approvals from at least 3f + 1 replicas, it the miners in the pool waste their resources to find the nonce
will not be able to process any transaction, and the system and eventually lose the race. The malicious miner then can
activities will be halted leading to a DDoS attack. collude with other mining pools and share the PoW with them
In public Blockchains, launching such an attack can be for a higher reward, or even publish the block independently
costly. The adversary needs to have either the majority of the with a different identity. Due to this unfair behavior of one
total hash rate, the majority of stake, or control over 50% net- miner in the pool, the entire pool is deprived of block rewards.
work peers. Considering that public Blockchain applications Another form of withholding attack is possible when two
such as Bitcoin have more than 10,000 active full nodes [105], mining pools intentionally try to fork the Blockchain to create
it is infeasible for the adversary to launch a successful attack. a network partition [89]. For instance let there be two mining
On the other hand, in private Blockchains, the network size pools in a cryptocurrency, namely M pA and M pB , and M pA
does not grow beyond a few hundred nodes, whereby the computes a valid block but decides not to publish it. M pA
adversary needs to control only 33% replicas or just the waits for M pB to compute and publish the block. As soon
primary replica, making the attack on private Blockchains as M pB releases its block, M pA also releases its block and
more feasible. resulting in two valid blocks in the network. This will fork the
Blockchain and nodes in the network will have a consensus
disagreement upon receiving two valid blocks. Although this
E. Block Withholding Attacks attack may partition the network, it may also cause loss to both
The peer-to-peer network of cryptocurrencies can be ex- mining pools. Therefore, no such attack has been reported in
ploited to create conflicting views about the Blockchain. any Blockchain application so far.
Malicious nodes can intentionally mask, forge, or withhold 3) Fork after withholding attack: Another form of with-
important information that needs to be relayed across the holding attack is known as the fork after withholding (FAW)
network. Some of the known attacks of this nature are “The attack. Introduced by Kwon et al. [89], FAW is always more
Finney Attack” and “Block Withholding Attack” [131]. rewarding than block withholding attacks. In the following,

block block, it sends getdata message back to A. Upon receiving

the getdada message from B, A sends the block to B. Once B
Verification has the block, it also authenticates the block and sends an inv
Time v1(t) inv
message to its neighbors. As Figure 15 shows, the maximum
delay is incurred during authenticity check (v1(t) and v2(t)).
The other delays include transmission delays and propagation
block delays of messages and block. Transmission delays are subject
to the size of block and messages while the propagation delays
Time v2(t) depend upon the bandwidth of the link between the nodes.
In such conditions, intentional delays can be introduced
in the network by propagating stale blocks or double-spent
Node A Node B Node C
transactions. The nodes which are not aware of stale blocks
Fig. 15. Block propagation between nodes A, B, and C. Notice that the will respond with getdata messages and upon receiving the
maximum time is consumed in block verification, v1(t) and v2(t). Consensus block, they will waste time in its verification. If an attacker
delay can be caused by propagating false or stale blocks in the network. controls a set of sybil nodes in the node cluster section V-C,
it can add significant delays among legitimate nodes in that
cluster. The problem is further exacerbated for time-critical
we outline the attack procedure of FAW. applications such as Blockchain-based peer-to-peer gaming,
1) A malicious miner joins two mining pools M pA and where resolution needs to be achieved within short time.
M pB respectively. 2) The miner computes a valid PoW in In PBFT-based private Blockchains, an adversary can also
mining pool M pA . 3) He withholds the solution and only cause consensus delay by using sybil nodes. As shown in
publishes the block once M pB also publishes the block. 4) The Figure 2, a major component of transaction processing is
network selects one block among the two. 5) The malicious the exchange of messages and signatures among participating
miner gets rewarded either way. replicas. Especially, in the prepare and commit phase, each
Kwon et al. [89] also show that if the FAW attack is replica sends its signatures to every other replica. As outlined
launched by two or more mining pools against each other, then in section V-D, if the adversary controls more than 33% of
the bigger mining pool will always win in the race condition. replicas, he can launch a DoS attack. On the other hand, if
Therefore, the FAW attack is always more profitable than the adversary controls fewer replicas, he may still be able to
selfish mining and block withholding. cause consensus delay in transaction processing [137], [138].
4) Block Withholding in Private Blockchains: In private The sybil nodes can also send bogus signatures to the other
Blockchains, the primary replica can launch a block with- replicas during the prepare phase and the commit phase. Since
holding attack after receiving a confirmations from other each replica is then required to verify signatures, therefore,
replicas. Private Blockchains work under the assumption that bogus signatures will cause additional verification overhead.
the primary will faithfully execute the protocol. Moreover, the If the sybils continue to send such signatures, they can stall
adversarial model assumes that the attacker controls a subset the completion of the commit phase and eventually cause a
of faulty replicas among all the other replicas. However, if the delay in the reply phase. As a result, the primary will not
adversary also controls the primary replica, he can withhold receive the required number of approvals for the transaction
blocks and transactions from all other replicas. As shown in verification. This will cause consensus delay and reduce the
Figure 2, the primary receives a transaction request from the throughput of the application.
client and sends the transaction to other replicas to obtain their
signatures. Finally, it computes the block when a sufficient G. Timejacking Attacks
number of transactions are processed. However, if the primary
In Bitcoin systems, such as Bitcoin, full nodes maintain an
gets compromised, he may: 1) withhold a transaction issued by
internal counter that denotes the network time. The network
the client and abort the verification process, 2) delay the ver-
time is obtained by receiving a version message ver from
ification process by sending the transaction to fewer replicas,
neighboring peers and calculating its median during the boot-
3) receive the signatures and discard them, 4) compute a block
straping phase. If the median time of all the neighboring peers
and withhold it from the rest of the network. In each case, the
exceeds 70 minutes, the network time counter is automatically
primary can launch a withholding attack to compromise the
reverted to the system time of the node. This creates an attack
system and delay the transaction processing.
opportunity for malicious nodes which may connect to the
target node as shown in Figure 13. In such case, the attacker
F. Consensus Delay can feed varying timestamps with median value exceeding 70
Another attack associated with the peer-to-peer nature archi- minutes. Furthermore, in Bitcoin, for example, a node rejects
tecture is the consensus delay, noticed by Geravis et al. [136]. a block if its timestamp exceeds the network time by 120
In this attack, an attacker may inject false blocks to add latency minutes. An attacker can compute a new block and set its
or prevent peers from reaching consensus about the state of timestamp ahead of network’s timestamp by 50 minutes. The
the Blockchain. In Figure 15, we illustrate the delays incurred attacker then, along with Sybil nodes, can slow the network
during block propagation in Bitcoin. When node A receives a time of a target node by launching a timejacking attack against
block, it authenticates the block and sends an inv message to it. As a result, the difference between the block time and the
its neighbors including node B. If node B does not have the target node’s counter will exceed 120 minutes. As a result, if

the target node is presented with the block, it will reject it fee-based and age-based countermeasures to prevent DDoS
and all the subsequent blocks. The target node eventually gets attack on Blockchain mempools. In their work, they shifted
isolated from the activities of the main network. the transaction filtering process from the mining pools to
the mempools. Their proposed countermeasures optimize the
H. Countering Peer-to-Peer Attacks mempool size and raise the attack cost for the attacker while
favoring legitimate users in the system.
Prior research has been conducted to address the problem of
selfish mining, and researchers have suggested several possible To prevent DNS-based attacks, extensive research has been
solutions [110], [139]–[141]. Solat and Potop-Butucaru [142] carried out to equip the Blockchain systems with DNS attack
proposed a “lifetime” for blocks that prevents block with- defenses [147]–[149]. Apostolaki et al. [29] proposed long-
holding by selfish miners. If the expected lifetime of a block and short-term solutions for routing attacks. They propose
expires (calculated by the honest miners), it is rejected by the routing-aware peer selections to maximize diversity of internet
network. Heilman [140] impedes the profitability of selfish paths and limit the vantage points for attacks. They also pro-
miners by introducing a defense scheme called “Freshness posed peer behavior monitoring to check abrupt disconnections
Preferred.” Heilman [140] builds on top of the previous work and unusual latency in block delivery.
by Eyal and Sirer [110] by adding unforgeable timestamps Other solutions to prevent delay attacks include end-to-
to blocks and prefers blocks with more recent timestamps end encryption for message propagation. Another possible
compared to older ones. His work reduces the incentive for approach to prevent spatial partitioning is the decentralized
selfish miners to withhold their blocks for long periods of time. hosting of mining pools and full nodes over the Internet. As
Eyal [26] modeled a game between two mining pools carrying shown in Table VI. 50% of Ethereum nodes are located within
out block withholding and discovered miner’s dilemma, where two countries, which makes them vulnerable to a nation-state
both mining pools suffer a loss in equilibrium. adversary. In order to prevent that, new nodes must be hosted
Majority attacks have also been widely discussed with coun- on cloud services that have a higher geographical spread and
termeasures proposed to overcome a monopoly in Blockchain network diversity. The dimensions we explored in this paper
networks. Miller et al. [143] proposed changes to the PoW encourage additional research on Blockchain technology in the
puzzle in Bitcoin in order to restrict coalitions of mining areas regarding DNS and DDoS attacks.
pools for majority attacks. Their proposed design incorpo- To counter block withholding attacks [131], [141], [150],
rates nonoutsourceable puzzles in PoW, in which mining [151], Schrijve et al. [152] introduced an incentive-compatible
pools that outsource their mining work risk losing mining reward scheme that discourages a malicious miner from carry-
rewards. Saad et al. [144] leveraged the expected transaction ing out withholding attacks against the targeted mining pool.
confirmation height and the block publishing height to detect Rosenfeld [153] introduced a Honeypot technique to lure
selfish mining behavior in PoW-based Blockchains. Using the rogue miners into a “trap”, thereby catching the miner who
relationship between the two features, they created a “truth withholds valid solutions. Bag and Sakurai [151] proposed
state” for each published block in order to distinguish between additional incentives for finding a valid solution for a block
a legitimate block and a selfishly mined block. Also addressing in order to prevent mining collusion. Concurrent to their prior
the 51% attack, Bastiaan [31] introduced the concept of “two work, Bag et al. [150] introduced a new scheme that blinds
phase proof-of-work” (2P-PoW). 2P-PoW is a continuous-time the miners in the pool from the current target to obfuscate
Markov chain (CTMC) model that incorporates two challenges their ability to distinguish between a partial and full PoW.
for miners to solve instead of one. The states of the CTMCs Their proposed solution also binds the pool operator to fairly
prevent the pool from increasing beyond an alarming size by distribute the reward to the winning miner.
shrinking incentive for miners in the pool. 2P-PoW prevents The FAW attack can be countered by introducing times-
large pools from creating a hegemony by either outsourcing a tampped beacons in the assignment given to the miners by
major chunk of their hash rate or exposing the private keys of the pool operators [89]. As a response to each assignment,
the pool operator. the miners calculate the partial proof-of-work and send the
Johnson et al. [145] proposed a game-theoretic approach response to the pool operator embedded with the beacon value.
to address DDoS attacks against mining pools. Other counter- The beacon value is updated after a few seconds to catch a
measures include putting a cap on the minimum amount in the malicious miner if he withhold the valid solution and later
transaction that a sender can have or increasing the block size propagates it in the network. However, the authors also noticed
to accommodate more transactions. Yet another approach is to that this solution may not be practical in some situations
reduce the difficulty in mining blocks so that more blocks can and conclude that FAW attacks remain an open problem for
be mined with no transactions going to waste. Each of these the research community to address. To address the security
propositions have their own caveats. issues in private Blockchains, several variants of PBFT protcol
Increasing the block size might not be sufficient, since a have been proposed. Those protocols try to increase the
powerful adversary can still stress the network by generat- fault tolerance beyond 33% [154], [155] and use hardware
ing dust transactions. On the other hand, reducing difficulty assistance to detect the behavior of faulty replicas [156]. The
will reduce the block time but it will increase the number key challenge in private Blockchains is the high message
of orphaned blocks in the system and the overall size of complexity that restricts the scalability. As a result, in a small
the Blockchain. At the time of writing this paper, Bitcoin network, the adversary can easily compromise 33% replicas.
and Ethereum Blockchain size was recorded to be 162 GB To address this issue, Liu et al. [156] proposed a scalable
and 450 GB, respectively [146]. Saad et al. [33] proposed Byzantine consensus with hardware assisted secret sharing,

which reduces the message complexity of PBFT to O(n). B. Double-Spending

This can be leveraged to construct large private Blockchain In cryptocurrencies, double-spending refers to the use of
networks that can withstand various forms of attacks. a one-time transaction twice or multiple times. To illustrate
double-spending with an example, consider the following
scenario. In cryptocurrency operations, a transaction transfers
the ownership of asset from a sender’s address to the receiver’s
The Blockchain and associated peer-to-peer system are public address, and the value of the transaction is signed by
separate from the application services using them. Based on the signer with a private key. Once the transaction is signed, it
the nature of the Blockchain applications, they have their is broadcast to the network upon which the receiver validates
own vulnerabilities and attack surface. Therefore, we expect a the transaction. The validation at the recipient’s end happens
significant number of attacks related to various applications, when the receiver looks up the unspent transaction output of
which we address in this section. Our analysis is primarily on the sender, verifies the sender’s signature, and waits for the
applications such as cryptocurrencies and smart contracts. transaction to be mined into a valid block. The process takes
a few minutes depending upon the size of the mempool, the
throughput of the network, priority factor of the transaction,
A. Blockchain Ingestion and Anonymity and the block computation time of the cryptocurrency. In
Bitcoin, the average time of block mining is 10 minutes.
Public Blockchains have a weak notion of anonymity, and In an environment of fast transactions [54], [160] or if a
they provide open data accessibility to the public. As such, the receiver is optimistic, he may release the product to the sender
analysis of the public Blockchain can reveal useful information before the transaction gets mined into the Blockchain. As
to an adversary. This process is known as Blockchain ingestion such, this gives the sender an opportunity to sign the same
and it might not be desirable to the Blockchain application or transaction and send it to another recipient. This behavior of
its users. For example, a credit card company in the open mar- signing the same transaction with a private key and sending
ket can use data analytics to delve into public information on it to two different receivers is known as double-spending. In
the Blockchain and optimize its own schemes to compete with double-spending there are two transactions derived from the
the digital currency. To demonstrate the potential exploitation same unspent transaction output of the sender, and only one of
of the public data, Fleder et al. [37] used graph analysis to them gets incorporated into the Blockchain. In Figure 16, we
create directed links between Blockchain data of Bitcoin and illustrate how a double-spending attack can be carried out in a
associated identities of the wallet users. cryptocurrency. Consensus delay in the network section V-F,
Mt. Gox incident. In 2013, two attackers exploited the BGP attacks, flood attack on mempools, or the 51% attack sec-
public nature of Bitcoin Blockchain to carry out fraudulent tion V-B can cause additional latency in the verification
transactions and create a fake demand of bitcoins at multiple and propagation process, which increase the chances of an
exchanges. The main target of attack was Mt. Gox; the biggest adversary to perform double-spending. In March 2013, due
Bitcoin exchange in Japan in 2013. The attackers frequently to a soft fork, a successful double-spending transaction worth
carried out a sequence of fraudulent transactions at Mt. Gox. $10,000 USD was carried out in Bitcoin.
Since the Blockchain is public, the rate of transactions was
noted by other exchanges too and it was assumed as if the
overall demand of the coins had increased. As a result, the C. Cryptojacking
price of Bitcoin increased from $150 USD to $1,000 USD Cryptojacking is a form of an attack that is launched
towards the end of 2013. The trade carried out at Mt. Gox on web and cloud-based services to illegally perform PoW
by the attackers was not backed by the real coins, which for Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies without consent [161],
eventually led to the bankruptcy of the exchange. [162]. The most recent as well as the most prevalent form
Illegal Activities. Anonymity in Blockchain-based cryptocur- of cryptojacking is the in-browser cryptojacking, which turns
rencies provides lucrative opportunities for miscreants to carry websites into mining pools [163]. PoW requires processor
out fraudulent activities. As such, cryptocurrencies have be- intensive mathematical calculations which usually involves
come a popular source of funds transfer for illicit activities finding a target hash value. As the aggregate hash rate of
associated with the Deep Web [157], [158]. Since the use of fiat the cryptocurrency network increases, the associated difficulty
currency leaves traces on Blockchains that can be tracked by to compute a block also increases. To meet the difficulty
law enforcement, cryptocurrencies on the other hand, preserve requirements, sophisticated hardware such as GPUs and ASIC
the anonymity of the user. This is a key reason why various chips [91] are used by miners. Mining pools expand their
countries have banned the use of cryptocurrencies [159]. hashing capability by inviting more miners to join their pool
Blockchains are tamper-proof, append-only, and decentral- and purchasing expensive hardware with better computation
ized; once a transaction is committed, it cannot be reversed. capabilities. As a result, the mining process in major Bitcoin
This has led to various irreversible scam activities online, systems becomes an expensive and competitive game that
where users are tricked into sending money through Bitcoin prevents small miners from mining blocks independently.
ATMs. Furthermore, the absence of a central authority makes 1) Cloud-based Cryptojacking: To compensate for that,
it harder to claim fraud and expect reimbursement. Therefore, malicious miners have found a way of to expand their hash
design constructs of Blockchain applications can be exploited power by hijacking processors of remote devices for mining.
to facilitate cyber crimes and online frauds. This attack is known as the covert mining, or cryptojacking

Balance User A
Transaction 1 Memory Pool
Miner Validates Selected Transactions
3. Computes Block. (Transaction 3 Rejected)
Block Hash
Transaction 2 Previous Block Hash
2. Transaction 3 Merkel Root
n Tr
an Number of Transactions
tio sa
Transaction 4
4. Block Added
ac ct Transaction 5
ans io
r n Coinbase Reward
T 3
1. Transaction 2
Miner Transaction 4
Transaction 5

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

User B User C Blockchain Block 5 (B5)

Fig. 16. Double-spending attack carried out by User A. User A has Transaction 1 in his balance. Using that as an input, he generates Transaction 2 and sends
it to user B. Then he generates Transaction 3 from the an already spent Transaction 1. When miner queries the mempool, he can either select Transaction 2
or Transaction 3. If Transaction 3 gets rejected, user C suffers the loss.

100 100 100

Cryptojacking browar.bz browar.bz
Coinhive seriesfree.to seriesfree.to
80 Monero megapastes.com megapastes.com
Popularity Index

80 legendaoficial.net 80 legendaoficial.net
% CPU Usage

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40 40
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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Dates (yy/mm/dd) Time (Seconds) Time (Seconds)

(a) Google popularity index (b) Percentage CPU usage by four cryptojacking (c) Percentage CPU usage by four cryptojacking
websites when JavaScript is enabled websites when JavaScript is disabled

Fig. 17. (a) shows the Google search index for the terms “Cryptojacking”, “Coinhive”, and “Monero.” Notice that towards the end of 2017, there has been
a rise in the Google search for the three terms which coincides with timing of large scale cryptojacking attack. In (b) and (c) we show the effect of four
cryptojacking websites with an without JavaScript enabled. Cryptojacking consumes high CPU power upto 100% which can affect critical CPU operations.

attack, and it involves hijacking a target device to perform cryptojacking on the website’s visitors machines.
PoW calculations for the attacker. Initially, these attacks were Coinhive is the most popular platform for cryptojacking
launched against cloud service providers, where malicious attacks on websites, and it is linked to the cryptocurrency
users performed covert mining operations on virtual machines called Monero [166]. In Figure 19, we provide the JavaScript
and exhausted cloud resources. This behavior was first noticed cryptojacking code used by attackers to bind victim website to
by Tahir et al. [40], where they also proposed countermeasures their account at Coinhive. The code listing shows that when a
in the form of a software tool called “MineGuard” to effec- browser loads coinhive.min.js file, it establishes a WebSocket
tively detect and stop covert mining operations in cloud. connection with coinhive server and passes the attacker’s key
2) Web Cryptojacking: Cryptojacking was brought to the to bind with the dropzone server. It then receives a target and
web in 2017, and has been soaring in popularity as shown submits the corresponding hashes to the server over the same
in Figure 17(a). Web-based cryptojacking is used by attack- socket connection [167]. The throttling parameter controls
ers who inject malicious JavaScript code into websites that the hash rate of the victim device and is adjustable to the
secretly mine tokens without the consent of their visitors. In requirement of the attacker.
browser-based cryptojacking, the web browser on the client In Figure 17(b) and Figure 17(c), we plot the processor
device executes JavaScript code that establishes a WebSocket usage of four cryptojacking websites with JavaScript enabled
connection with a remote dropzone server. The server then and disabled. It can be noticed that each website uses different
sends the target to the client, which computes hashes for PoW CPU power when JavaScript is enabled, indicating varying
and transmits them back to the server. During this process, the thresholds of throttling parameters. Figure 17 also shows that
device owner remains unknown of this background activity when the JavaScript is disabled, the browser cannot execute
and seamlessly continues to browse the website. In-browser the malicious script and is unable to perform cryptojacking.
cryptojacking not only poses a major privacy threat, it also In-browser cryptojacking is a relatively new attack related
harms the performance of the visiting device, since PoW- to the PoW-based Blockchain applications, therefore no prior
based hash computations are processor-intensive and may lead research is available that looks into the operations and effects
to excessive CPU usage and battery drainage. To further of this attack. However, owing to the incidents reported in the
facilitate these attacks, online platforms such as coinhive and news, it can be inferred that cryptojacking is becoming popular
crypto-loot [164], [165] emerged in 2017, to provide simple over time. In 17(a), we show the popularity index of the terms
code snippets for the attackers and website owners. Those “Cryptojacking”, “Coinhive”, and “Monero”, as recorded by
services bind websites with their platform service and perform Google analytics based on the search count [168]. The results

(a) Cryptojacking (b) Coinhive (c) Monero

Fig. 18. Heatmap of the global distribution of Google searches for each term. Notice that US is the most prevalent country in all three search results. Moreover
there is more similarity in the search for Coinhive and Monero.

<script TABLE VIII

src="./Welcome_files/coinhive.min.js"></script> T OP 5 SOFTWARE VERSIONS USED BY B ITCOIN FULL NODES ALONG WITH
coinhive.Anonymous("attacker-key", BEEN ADOPTED BY THE MAJORITY OF NETWORK AS YET.
{throttle: 0.1});
miner.start(); Index Version Release Date Lag Users %
1 B. Core v0.16.0 02-26-2018 59 36.28%
Fig. 19. Malicious JavaScript code that links a website to Coinhive. 2 B. Core v0.15.1 11-11-2017 166 27.52%
3 B. Core v0.15.0.1 09-19-2017 219 5.01%
4 B. Core v0.14.2 06-17-2017 313 4.67%
in 17(a), show that since October 2017, there has been a rise in 5 B. Core v0.15.0 04-22-2017 369 2.05%
the search for each term, indicating the interest shown by the
users in cryptojacking. Additionally, in Figure 18, we show
the global distribution of these searches.
digital currency was stolen from 260 accounts. In January
3) Case studies: Cryptojacking is considered as an emerg-
2015, Bitstamp’s Bitcoin wallet was hacked, resulting in a
ing threat to the security and privacy of Bitcoin systems, by
loss of $5.1 million USD worth bitcoins [172].
the research community. Symantec’s latest Internet Security
Threat Report (ISTR) reveals that cryptojacking attacks on Key Exposure and Theft. A well-known problem in
websites have increased by 8500% during 2017 [169]. In Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies is private key exposure and
February 2018, a large scale cryptojacking attack was launched theft. If the attacker acquires the private key belonging to a
that compromised more than 4000 websites worldwide includ- user, he can sign and generate a new transaction on behalf
ing the websites of UK National Health Service (NHS) and US of the user, and possibly spend his balance to unauthorized
Federal Judiciary [167]. UK’s National Cyber Security Centre recipients. Brengel et al. [173] studied the key leakage in
(NCSC) has declared cryptojacking a “significant threat” in its Bitcoin by studying the Bitcoin Blockchain for ECDSA nonce
yearly cyber security report [170]. reuse. Their results show that ECDSA nonce reuse is misused
in Bitcoin to generate transactions on behalf of users. Sim-
ilarly, Breitner et al. [174] performed cryptanalytics attacks
D. Wallet Theft on Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple to expose their private
Where credentials, such as keys, associated with peers in keys. They used a lattice-based algorithm to compute private
the system are stored in a digital wallet, the “wallet theft” ECDSA keys that were used in biased signatures.
attack arises with certain implications on the application. Software Client Vulnerabilities. Public Blockchain applica-
For example, in Bitcoin, the wallet is stored un-encrypted tions such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have open-source software
by default, allowing an adversary to learn the credentials clients that enable users to connect with the network. Over
associated with it and the nature of transactions issued by it. time, new software versions are released, implementing new
Even when a wallet is safely guarded on the host, launching rules and upgrades. An upgrade is also released to patch
a malware attack on the host will allow the adversary to steal vulnerability in an old version. In Bitcoin, the Bitcoin Core
the wallet. Finally, with many third-party services enabling v0.15 and below are vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks.
storage of wallets, those services can also be compromised This vulnerability was patched in the newly released v0.16.
and the wallets can be leaked to an adversary [48]. However, not all nodes download the newly released version.
Case studies. In December 2017, $63 million USD worth They continue with the old software client and remain exposed
bitcoins were stolen from the wallet of a cryptocurrency to its vulnerabilities. In Table VIII, we show the diversity in
company, NiceHash [171]. During the hack, the entire contents adoption of a Bitcoin software client. Notice that only 36.28%
in NiceHash’s Bitcoin wallet were stolen. In November 2017, of the nodes are using the most updated software version that
Tether Treasury wallet was hacked and $31 million USD is immune to the denial-of-service attack.
worth bitcoins were stolen from it. Also in November 2017, Moreover, the open-source code can be exploited by an
$280 million USD worth of ether was locked up after a user adversary to release a new update with a malicious code and
deleted the code in the digital wallet hosted by a company bugs. If a user installs the software, it can provide access to
named Parity Technologies. In July 2016, the social media the attacker who can launch various attacks including DDoS,
Blockchain “Steemit” was attacked and $85,000 USD worth balance theft, etc.. It is therefore necessary to download the

software client from a trusted platform. // Vulnerable Smart Contract

mapping (address -> uint) private userBalance;
function withdraw() public {
E. Attacks in Smart Contracts uint WithdrawAmount = userBalance[msg.sender];
if (!(msg.sender.call.value(WithdrawAmount)())) {
As new applications are built on top of Blockchain, their throw; } // Caller's code executed and it can
own limitations along with Blockchain vulnerabilities, create a make recursive call to withdraw() again.
userBalance[msg.sender] = 0;
new attack surface. Smart contracts belong to the generation of }
Blockchain 2.0 and in this section, we will explore the attack
possibilities in smart contracts. The most well known smart Fig. 20. Reentrancy attack on smart contract code [41]. A major problem
contract application in digital world is Ethereum, which uses with calling external contracts is that they alter the control flow of the code
that the running contract does not anticipate. In this contract, an external call
Solidity programming language for coding contracts. Solidity is made before the user’s balance is set to 0.
[175] is a contract oriented language, influenced by Javascript,
Python and C++. Deficiencies in programming language, ex- // DoS attack
ecution environment, and coding style can lead to a series contract Malicious_Auction {
address presentLeader;
of attacks. In Figure 20, we demonstrate a vulnerable smart uint maxBid;
contract code that steals a sender’s balance. “The DAO” had a function bid() payable {
similar vulnerability in their smart contract which resulted in require(msg.value > maxBid);
require(presentLeader.send(maxBid)); //
a loss of $50 million USD. Some of the well known attacks Refund the old leader, if it fails then
on Ethereum smart contracts include reentrancy attack, over revert
and under flow attacks, replay attacks, short address attacks presentLeader = msg.sender;
and reordering attacks [42], [176]. maxBid = msg.value;}}
1) Reentrancy attacks: In reentrancy attack, if the user does Fig. 21. DoS attack on a vulnerable smart contract in which the malicious
not update the balance before sending ether, an attacker can bidder may revert funds to the old leader and prevent other bidders from
steal all the ether stored in the contract by recursively making calling the bid() function. As such the malicious bidder remains the leader of
the auction for as long as he wants.
calls to the call.value() method in a ERC20 token. As such, a
careless user may lose his entire balance in the contract if he
forgets to update his balance. 5) Forcible balance transfer: In vulnerable smart contract
2) DoS attacks: DoS attack in smart contract enables codes, forcible balance transfer to the contract can occur
a malicious actor to keep funds and authority to himself. without a fallback function. This can be used to exhaust the
Consider an example of a smart contract auction in which gas limit and disallow the final transaction.
a malicious bidder tries to become the leader of an auction
illustrated in Figure 22. The vulnerable contract prevents
refunds to the old leader of the contract and makes the attacker F. Replay attacks
the new leader. Moreover, it cancels all the bid() requests The replay attack involves making one transactions on two
sent by other bidders and keeps the attacker as the leader different Blockchains. For instance, when a cryptocurrency
of the auction. Another form of DoS attack in Ethereum forks into two separate currencies, users hold equal assets on
smart contract involves exploiting the gas limit set by the both ledgers. A user has an option of carrying out a transaction
contract Figure 21. In Ethereum, if the overall gas consumed on any one of the two chains. In replay attacks, the attacker
by the smart contract upon execution exceeds the gas limit, sniffs the transaction data on one ledger and replays it on the
the contract transaction fails. An attacker can exploit this by other ledger. As such, the user loses assets on both chains. A
adding multiple addresses with refund needs. Upon execution, simple case can be drawn from Ethereum.
the gas required to refund those addresses may exceed the total In Ethereum, a transaction signed on one Blockchain is valid
gas limit, thereby cancelling the final transaction. on all Blockchains. Therefore, a transactions made on a test
3) Overflow attacks: An overflow in a smart contract hap- network can be replicated on the public network to steal funds.
pens when the value of the type variable (2256 ) is exceeded. Although Ethereum has taken countermeasures to prevent
For instance, in a smart contact of online betting, if someone replay attacks by incorporating chainID in transactions, users
sends large amount of ether, exceeding (2256 ), the value of the who do not enable this wallet feature remain vulnerable.
bet would be set to 0. Although exchange of an ether value
greater than (2256 ) is unrealistic, but it remains a programming
vulnerability in smart contracts written in Solidity. G. Countering Application Oriented Attacks
4) Short address attacks: The short address attack exploits Attacks on Blockchain applications have various possible
a bug in Ethereum’s virtual machine to make extra tokens countermeasures. For example, to secure blocks, it is advised
on limited purchases. The short address attack is mostly to keep backups of the wallet and secure the keys used for
applicable on ERC20 tokens. For this attack, the attacker signing transactions. Passwords are easy to compromise, and
creates an Ethereum wallet ending with 0 digit. Then he makes using a strong password is required as a defence against brute-
a purchase on the address by removing the last 0. If the force attack. However, changing passwords does not change
contract has a sufficient balance, then the buy function does the keys secured by them, making those keys vulnerable due
not check the sender’s address and Ethereum’s virtual machine to a previous compromised password. Wallet encryption, a
appends missing 0 to complete the address. As a result, for standard practice in the original Bitcoin design, is highly rec-
each 1000 tokens bought, the machine returns 256000 tokens. ommended to cope with vulnerable keys. Other mechanisms to

// DoS attack on Gas Limit contract Vulnerable {

struct Payee { function () payable {
address addr; revert(); }
uint256 value;} function somethingBad() {
Payee[] payees; require(this.balance > 0);
uint256 nextPayeeIndex; // Do something bad
function payOut() { }}
uint256 i = nextPayeeIndex;
while (i < payees.length && msg.gas > 200000) { Fig. 24. Vulnerable contract code that allows forcible balance transfer to the
payees[i].addr.send(payees[i].value); contract without a fallback function.
nextPayeeIndex = i;}
access to the blacklist can easily circumvent detection by using
Fig. 22. DoS attack exploiting the gas limit in a vulnerable smart contract.
The attacker initiates a list of addresses that demonstrate the need for the a relay server between the host and the dropzone server. As of
refund. Once all the addresses are refunded, the overall gas used by the smart now, cryptojacking and its defences are open challenges and
contract exceeds its gas limit. require more attention from the community.

mapping (address => uint256) public userBalance; VII. R ELATED W ORK

// Vulnerable code
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) { The work surveyed for paper includes the prior research
// Check if the sender has sufficient balance efforts towards the study of Blockchain applications and
require userBalance[msg.sender] >= _value); their security vulnerabilities. In doing so, we also con-
// Compute new balance
userBalance[msg.sender] -= _value; sulted the Comprehensive Academic Bitcoin Research Archive
userBalance[_to] += _value; } (CABRA) [181], a comprehensive list of over 900 research
papers that keep track of ongoing research in Blockchain
Fig. 23. Overflow attack. When the sender’s balance is being checked, the
contract code does not take into the account if the balance exceeds the value
systems. CABRA is influenced by a chronological list of
2256 . In such a case, the balance will be set to 0 by default and overflow Blockchain papers maintained by Brett Scott [182]. From these
attack can be launched. useful repositories, we curated a list of relevant papers for this
study, as starting pointers.
There have been several attempts at understanding the attack
cope with wallet security include insurance, which technically surface of Blockchains by various surveys, which we contrast
does not address the problem by remedying its consequences. to our work in the following. Towards analyzing the attack
A backup of the keys and wallet is essential because if the surface of Blockchains, Li et al. [183] surveyed various se-
keys are lost, then access to wallet is not possible, and if curity aspects of Blockchains by studying popular Blockchain
some attacker deletes the wallet, all the coins are lost. applications including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero. They
New models of cryptocurrency, such as “Zcash”, provide evaluated the robustness of Blockchain applications against
chain anonymity to the transactions, the users, and the amount popular attacks and the risk factor associated with each attack.
exchanged. As such, the shielded architecture of “Zcash” Although comprehensive in the survey of attacks, their work,
Blockchain prevents block ingestion attacks. The double- however, does not look into countermeasures. Conti et al. [57]
spending attack is easily addressed in fast networks, but not surveyed security and privacy of Bitcoin. Although Bitcoin
when the network is characterized by high latency and longer is a motivating example to analyze the attack surface of
block mining times. One possible approach to deal with the Blockchains in general, however, Blockchains have evolved
problem is utilizing one-time (or a few time) signatures, such beyond Bitcoin and their attack surface has increased accord-
as XMSS [177], which reveal the private key of the user if he ingly. Furthermore, their work does not cover new attacks
tries to double-spend. However, this requires the change in the related to Blockchain applications such as cryptojacking,
current signature algorithms that Blockchain applications have among others. Tara et al. [184], explored the utilization of
used. Other proposals include reducing the difficulty parameter the Blockchain technology in providing distributed security
of a Blockchain to enable swift block mining, which is a services. They mainly focused on the use of Blockchains
reasonable approach, except that it would further facilitate to provide services including authentication, confidentiality,
selfish mining and the rate of stale blocks. provenance, and integrity assurance. In contrast, our work is
All major attacks on smart contracts in Ethereum are either dedicated to the abuse of Blockchains and their applications.
related to the vulnerabilities in programming platforms or care- Anderson et al. [185], looked into the use of new consen-
less programming practices. These attacks can be prevented by sus schemes in emerging Blockchain applications such as
patching vulnerabilities in Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) Namecoin and Peercoin. They also surveyed various security
and avoiding programming mistakes in smart contracts. [42]. features of these applications with an emphasis on smart
To counter covert mining in cloud, [40] et al. proposed contracts. In a similar context, Atzei et al. [61] also explored
“MineGuard” that detects anomalous use of processor in Vir- various attacks limited to Ethereum smart contracts. Compared
tual Machines. To mitiage in-browser cryptojacking, reputable to the existing literature, our work goes beyond the state-
web browsers, including Chrome and Firefox have, launched of-the-art in outlining new attacks, their implications, their
web extensions that actively detect WebSocket connections defenses, and relevant case studies.
that trasnmit PoW [178]–[180]. However, as of now, the Kiran and Stanett [187] perform risk analysis on Bit-
extensions use a blacklisting approach to spot the WebSocket coin, spanning its vulnerabilities and attack surface. They
traffic which has its limitations. For example, an attacker with also explore the risk factors associated with the economics



Forks Joint consensus [48] #
Blockchain Structure
Orphans Increase block time [109]
DNS hijacks Routing-awareness [29], [147] #
BGP hijacks Routing-awareness [29], [147] #
Eclipse attacks Peer monitoring [112] #
Majority attacks Two-phased proof-of-work [31] #
Peer-to-Peer System Selfish mining Time-stamping blocks [139]–[142] #
DDoS attacks Increase block size [33] #
Consensus Delay Peer monitoring [112] #
Block Withholding Enforce PoW submission [142] #
Timejacking attacks Synchronized clocking #
Finney attacks Increase block reward [36] #
Blockchain Ingestion Encrypted Blockchains [186] #
Wallet theft Backups, wallet insurance [38]
Double-spending OTS schemes [177] #
Cryptojacking Mineguard [40]
Smart contract DoS Patch EVM [41] #
Blockchain Application
≈ reentracy attacks Patch EVM [42] #
≈ replay attacks Secure programming [42]
≈ overflow attacks Patch EVM [41] #
≈ short address attacks Patch EVM [42] #
≈ balance attacks Secure programming [41]

of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency market in general, including add a penalty to the transaction verification time. Therefore,
deflation, volatility, and complicity. Becker et al. [96], out- this solution partially addresses the problem. Additionally, in
lined challenges and security risks associated with PoW-based Figure 25, we provide an illustration of various attacks and
Blockchain applications. Moubarak et al. [188] explored the their countermeasures. Note that some countermeasures may
security challanges of three major Blockchain applications, address more than one attack, thereby indicating a common
namely Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hyperledger. However, their cure. This can be used to motivate future research directions
work was more directed towards the application attacks and in prioritizing defenses.
did not consider the attacks related to the Blockchain’s cryp-
tographic constructs and P2P fabric.
A. Blockchain Structure Attacks
Carlsten et al. [189], analyzed the security features of
Analyzing the problems associated to Blockchain’s math-
Bitcoin in the absence of Block rewards. Since the number
ematical constructs, Eyal et al. [34], proposed a Byzantine
of coins in Bitcoin are deterministic and the coinbase rewards
fault tolerant Blockchain protocol that addresses the problems
will eventually end when all the coins are mined, the stake of
of Blockchain fork. Decker and Wattenhofer [171] observed
miners in the system will take a paradigm shift which might
information propagation in Bitcoin network and introduced a
influence the security properties of Bitcoin. As such, there is an
model that explains the formation of Blockchain forks. From
implicit belief that this might not change the attack surface of
their results, they concluded that delays in block propagation
Bitcoin. However, in [189], the authors outline the limitations
are the primary cause of Blockchain forks. Kiffer et al.
of this belief and present new attack avenues and their effects.
[190] analyzed the design space of Ethereum and studied a
As Blockchain applications are evolving, they are being large-scale fork that partitioned Ethereum into two separate
targeted with new and more sophisticated attacks every day. networks (Ethereum and Ethereum Classic). They further
In this paper, we look into the prior work and also cover the analyzed the impact of the fork on users, mining pools, and
emerging vulnerabilities and attacks on Blockchain applica- the two networks, by exploring the possible gains and security
tions. We also report the major incidents and case studies vulnerabilities from the outcome.
related to each attack and provide future directions for research
and analysis. In Table IX, we outline the possible counter-
measures and their effectiveness for each attack discussed in B. Peer-to-Peer System
our work. The criterion of determining the effectiveness of Towards routing attacks and spatial partitioning of Bitcoin,
a countermeasure is how fully or partially it addresses the Apostolaki et al. [29] noticed that by hijacking fewer than
problem. For instance, one way to reduce orphaned blocks is 100 border gateway protocol (BGP) prefixes in Bitcoin, an
to increase the block time in Ethereum. However, this may also attacker can isolate up to 50% of the network’s hash rate.

selfish mining and block withholding. Heilman used unforge-

Attacks able timestamps to raise the threshold of mining power to carry
out selfish mining. Bastiaan [31] proposed a defense against
Orphans the 51% attack by a stochastic analysis of two phased proof-of-
DNS Countermeasures work (2P-PoW), initially proposed by by Eyal and Sirer [192].
Joint Consensus
2P-PoW prevents the hash rate of a mining pool from growing
Increase Block Time beyond a limit. It does so by forcing the pool owners to either
Routing Awareness reduce their hash power or give up their private keys.
Selfish Mining The domain of DDoS attacks on Blockchains and mempools
Peer Monitoring
remain an open problem and as such, countermeasures are
Time-Stamp Blocks
being proposed which include: increasing throughput, increas-
Enforce Submission
ing block size, and limiting the size of the transactions. Since
Increase Block Size
DDoS attacks manifest themselves in a different way in a peer-
Synchronized Clocks
to-peer architecture, as opposed to a centralized system, their
Injestion prevention also requires non-conventional approaches [33].
Increase Reward
Wallet Theft
Encrypted Blockchain
Backup, Insurance C. Blockchain Application Attacks
OTS Signatures
DoS (SC) Prior work has been done to look in to the attack av-
MineGuard enues related to the Blockchain applications including, double-
Replay Patch EVM spending, smart contracts, wallet thefts etc.. However, as
Secure Programming
Overflow new applications are emerging, and Blockchains are evolving
Short Address into Blockchain 3.0, their attack surface is broadening and
posing new challenges for security and privacy. Rosenfeld
[193] performed quantitative analysis on successful double-
spending scheme under varying hash rate and number of
Fig. 25. Relationship among various attacks on blockchains along with confirmations. Solà et al. [53] use a modified signature scheme
their countermeasures. Some attacks have common countermeasures which
provides future directions towards a common cure. that exposes the private key of the double-spender in fast
transactions. Their proposed method protects an optimistic
user in Bitcoin who might be willing to deliever the product
before the confirmation of the received transaction. Atzei et
They further analyzed that Bitcoin hosting is highly centralized al. [46] analyzed possible attacks on Ethereum smart contracts
and 13 ISP’s have a view of more than 30% total mining with emphasis on the DAO attacks. They categorize the
traffic. High centralization makes Bitcoin vulnerable to routing attacks based on the vulnerabilities associated with Ethereum
attacks, delay attacks, and DNS attacks. They also show that programming language “Solidity”, Ethereum Virtual Machine
over a 100 Bitcoin nodes become victims to BGP hijacks, (EVM), and the Ethereum Blockchain. Chen et al. [194]
every month. In this paper (section V-C), we verify the findings introduced an adaptive gas cost mechanism for Ethereum to
of Apostolaki et al. [29] and show that over time, Bitcoin defend against under-priced denial-of-service attacks. Luu et
network has further centralized with respect to ASes and ISPs al. [195], investigated various possibilities through which an
offering greater vulnerability to partitioning attacks. adversary can compromise smart contracts in Ethereum. They
Bradbury [191] reviewed various attacks on Bitcoin, namely, also developed a symbolic execution tool OYENTE, which
the 51% attack, code-based attacks, double-spending, and dust actively finds and patches bugs in Ethereum smart contracts.
transactions. Inspired from the Block Withholding (BWH) To observe Blockchain ingestion attacks and privacy leakage
attack, Kwon et al. [89] presented the Fork After Withholding on Bitcoin, Fanti and Viswanath [196] studied the anonymity
(FAW) attack which guarantees more rewards to the mining properties of Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer and concluded that the
pools. In nash equilibrium, when two mining pools carry network has weak security properties. To enhance privacy and
out BWH attack against each other, they both suffer a loss. anonymization in Bitcoin, Ziegeldorf et al. [197] proposed
However in current Bitcoin system, the rewards for FAW decentralized mixing services and shuffle protocols that reduce
attacks are at least 56% more than BWH attacks. the chances of transaction tractability. Although conventional
Eyal and Sirer [110] modeled the mining process of attacks on Blockchains have been addressed by the commu-
Blockchains and concluded that Bitcoin mining protocol is not nity, new attacks such as cryptojacking and mempool flooding
incentive compatible. They also postulated that higher rewards have not been explored in depth. By drawing attention to them
can lead to new miners joining the selfish mining pool and as in this paper, we hope that active research will be carried our
such, can lead to the possibility of a majority attack. Optimal to build countermeasures for these attacks.
selfish mining strategies have been studied by Sapirshtein et
al. [139]. In their work, they analyzed the fraction of resources
required to carry out a successful selfish mining attack. They VIII. D ISCUSSION AND O PEN D IRECTIONS
also provide bounds under which a Blockchain system can be Blockchains have become popular in recent years owing to
considered secure against such an attack. Heilman [140] and the increasing use of decentralized systems and the growing
Solat and Potop-Butucaru [142] proposed countermeasures for need for tamper-proof data management. As such, they are

being used in several domains such as IoT, health care, compete for block rewards [206]. The race condition eventu-
electronic voting, e-government solutions, and supply chain ally facilitates attacks such as selfish mining, the 51% attack,
[198]–[205]. However, prior to the integration of such legacy double-spending, forks, and stale blocks. To address the energy
systems with Blockchains, it is pertinent to fully understand inefficiency and avoid race conditions, PoS has been proposed
their security properties and the attack surface. It might be that uses an auction process for block mining. However, we
possible that a conventional application, hoping to improve its have shown that PoS can create network centralization and
security model, may further be exposed to a higher risk by unfairness in system. Although PBFT has served well as an
using Blockchains. For example, delay-sensitive applications alternative to PoS and PoW in private Blockchains, however, it
in supply chains cannot afford unusual latency in transaction suffers from high message complexity and low scalability. This
propagation and data-sensitive applications such as electronic stands as a major challenge for its usage in public Blockchains.
voting cannot afford a double-spent transaction. While these We have also shown that the increasing programming flex-
attacks might be infeasible in conventional client-server model, ibility of smart contracts have made conventional Blockchain
using Blockchains might create new attack avenues for them. applications more vulnerable. In Ethereum, for example, the
An adversary can launch consensus delay attacks to stall reentrancy attack and the overflow attack can be launched to
information propagation in the supply chain or create a double- steal the user’s balance. Such attacks cannot be launched on
spent transaction to invalidate the vote of a legitimate user. Bitcoin, Ripple, and Zcash which do not offer programming
Moreover, as mentioned in section IV, once a fraudulent flexibility to users. Additionally, we have reported that the
activity is part of the Blockchain, the system will require a use of a Blockchains at the application layer also creates
major hard fork to reverse the transaction. Therefore, the use new attack avenues. For example, by exploiting the open-
of Blockchains may bring new attack avenues on an otherwise source client software, an attacker can get access to his private
secure application. In the light of these changes, we believe keys and balance. Therefore, the application-oriented use of
it is important and timely to perform a systematic treatment Blockchains needs to be carefully addressed to avoid attacks.
of Blockchain attack surface to expose its vulnerabilities and In summary, the key takeaways of our work point towards:
outline new threat models for emerging applications. As an 1) more secure deployment of Blockchains in distributed
outcome of our research, in the following, we discuss the key environment, 2) development of fair and efficient consensus
lessons learned as well as the open directions that can navigate algorithms, and 3) careful interaction of Blockchain layer with
the future research. the application layer to avoid vulnerabilities and attacks.

A. Key Lessons B. Open Challenges

From our analysis, we noticed that the peer-to-peer ar- Some of the open challenges in the Blockchains attack
chitecture of Blockchains is the most dominant class of the surface are shown in Table IX. It can be observed that routing
Blockchain attack surface. In public Blockchains particularly, attacks do not have effective countermeasures and current
the topological asymmetry of the network can be easily Blockchain applications have not taken initiatives to address
exploited to compromise the system. Moreover, and since the them. For example, as shown in Table VII, if a malicious
public Blockchains are permissionless, the network remains ISP hijacks ASes owned by Alibaba, it can hijack more than
impartial towards legitimate users as well as the adversary. 50% of the Bitcoin hash rate. As a result, block generation in
This property further weakens the security model since the Bitcoin will stall, leading to delays in transaction confirmation.
adversary has an open access to all the resources. If we analyze the spatial behavior of Bitcoin [105], we
Moreover, the network layer allows external entities to observe an increase in the centralization of nodes over time,
influence the internal operations of the Blockchain application. indicating that the network is not responding to the threats of a
For example, an ISP, external to the Blockchain network, can hijack. Also shown in Table IX, certain policies of Blockchain
hijack BGP prefixes to isolate peers. If such an attack is applications have created attack avenues that remain an open
launched against a mining pool, the hash rate of the network problem. In Bitcoin and Ethereum, the block size limit and
will be affected leading to transaction stall. Other external the block generation time have led to flooding attacks and
adversaries include competing Blockchain applications, nation delays [33]. These applications should revise their policies to
states, cloud service providers, and DNS servers, that can prevent such attacks. Furthermore, a developing problem that
disrupt the flow of traffic to affect the activities of the target most Blockchain applications are likely to encounter in future
Blockchain application. While the effect of external entities is their high storage footprint. Due to the append-only model,
can be reduced by using private Blockchains, however, this Blockchains linearly grow in size leading to a high storage
may only partially solve the problem. Private Blockchains can cost. While this problem appears trivial in cryptocurrencies, it
strengthen the network conditions by limiting the exposure of will become significant when Blockchains will be introduced
system information, however, they also limit the scope of the in data intensive applications such as supply chains. A naïve
application by allowing selective peers to participate. solution is the use of payment channel networks to offload the
Another takeaway from our work is the need to develop transaction activity from the main Blockchain [207], [208].
energy efficient and secure consensus protocols that may However, the use of payment channels obscures the data
substitute PoW and PoS. Through Bitcoin, we have learned transparency on the main Blockchain and may also suffer from
that PoW is highly energy inefficiency. Moreover, PoW also privacy issues. Therefore, more research is required to come
leads to the race conditions in Blockchains in which miners up with effective solutions.

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