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Project Proposal • Goal is to sell idea, be persuasive

In industry the proposal will show:

1. Product is useful for someone for something

2. The design will work, it will solve the problem
3. Will meet the specified constraints
4. Additionally, Design project , the report should show:
a. You are learning something new
b. Sufficiently complex
A. FORMAT OF REPORT DESIGN PROJECT 1 (to be submitted hard bound
copy during presentation )
1. Title page: project title, PEB Design Project1 , School , group
members composition , Student Id Number
2. Table of Contents , with page numbers( follow instructions in Moodle
week 7 )
3. Introduction:
a. Background of the problem /highlighting the need for the design
b. aims/purpose/objectives
c. research questions/hypothesis
d. statement of your methodology you intend to employ to get the
project done
e. an analysis of safety issues associated with your work
f. conclusion –expected results of the project/outcomes of the

D e s i g n p r o j e c t fi n a l r e p o r t f o r m a t P a g e 1 | 4
II. Literature Review (not less than 10 related literatures for the last 7
a. Background research (research papers written before starting to
identify the problem.
b. What solution exists,
c. What has been tried and what science might be applied to a new
d. Identify the GAP IN KNOWLEDGE supporting with the evidences
from literatures.
III. Engineering Design and Methodology and documentation
a. Problem analysis
b. Design criteria
c. Materials selection
d. Use of software’s, if any
e. Experimental methods, if any
f. Qualitative methods-survey, interview questionnaire
g. Quantitative using numerical calculations
h. Requirements Specification
i. Preliminary Design. Include a block diagram - the more detailed
the better. Will help with the scheduling and task assignment
j. Diagrams. Drawings, flow charts
k. Preliminary Schedule Gantt chars /detailed activities
IV. Resources requirements equipment, software, lab, etc
V. Results and discussions
VI. Conclusion
VII. Research limitations/design challenges /implementation challenges
VIII. Recommendations (applicability to Fiji/ PIC’s condition)
IX. Budget/ cost
X. References/bibliography
XI. Attachments; Tables, charts, etc.

D e s i g n p r o j e c t fi n a l r e p o r t f o r m a t P a g e 2 | 4
1. Introduction:
Introduce group and project
Overview and background
2. Body: Support main points
2. Conclusions: summarize why this will be good project and conforms with the
theme, applicability to Fiji and PICs
3. Summarize and emphasize main points
Oral Presentations Tips
 Prepare – practice, practice, practice
 Eye contact with entire audience
 Avoid too much information
 Meet time constraints
 Look and act professionally
 Use visuals effectively
Oral Presentations
 Slides: Use a large font, 24 pt or more
 Avoid more than 4 or 5 bullets per page
 Avoid fancy graphics that add no value
 Group slides for major points (top-down)
 Avoid reading slides
Your presentation should be 10 to 15 minutes for a design project engineering
team (5-10 min for a team). Due to the limited class time you will be cutoff if
you exceed the upper limit. Evaluation:
 Professionalism - appearance, manner, visual aids
 Clarity - Can we understand what your design is about?
 Organization - Is your talk well-organized? Does it follow a logical
progression? Is it presented in a top-down manner?

D e s i g n p r o j e c t fi n a l r e p o r t f o r m a t P a g e 3 | 4
 Completeness - Are all the parts there? Did you provide a good
introduction? Clear, positive conclusions and/or summary? etc...
 Communication - Did you maintain eye contact with the entire audience?
Did they understand you? etc...
 Time Limits - Did you stay within the specified time limits?
 Questions - Were you successful at fielding questions after your


Good Ok Poor
4 3 2 1 0

Introduction: __ ___ ___ ___ ___
Clarity: __ ___ ___ ___ ___
Organization: __ ___ ___ ___ ___
Professionalism: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Communication: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Conclusion: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Time limits: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Completeness: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Understanding: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Questions: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


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