Cedid San Pablo Ied Ambiente Artistico Comunicativo English 10Th Sent To The Email
Cedid San Pablo Ied Ambiente Artistico Comunicativo English 10Th Sent To The Email
Cedid San Pablo Ied Ambiente Artistico Comunicativo English 10Th Sent To The Email
Part A
A. What is a virus?
B. Consult about three “3” viruses that have affected our Colombian
population. Write five lines about each one and write their principal
characteristics. C.
this is a virus that is transmitted through mosquito bites.
- so far there is no type of treatment, just keep rest and a good toilet
- This can be spread by the bite or sting of animals or insects or vaginal,
anal or oral sex without protection.
- Some of the symptoms that this virus presents are pain in the joints,
muscles or in the eyes.
vomiting, fever, chills, loss of appetite, among others.
2) Dengue
It is a virus transmitted by mosquitoes and prevalent in tropical and
subtropical areas.
- some of the symptoms they present are pain in all parts of the body,
nausea, fever, headache, red spots among others.
- it is spread by the bite or sting of animals or insects.
- can heal only according to severity or through medications and studies.
3) H1N1
Human respiratory infection caused by a strain of influenza of porcine
- It can be spread or transmitted by coughing, sneezing, saliva, or physical
- some of the symptoms it generates are dry cough, fever, chills, muscle
pain, and shortness of breath.
- this virus can be prevented by having a vaccine
The virus has infected over 95,000 people, claiming more than 3,200 lives
It has also advised the public to wash their hands more than the usual
besides delaying or avoiding travel to affected areas.
Common signs of the infection include fever, cough, shortness of breath and
breathing difficulties.
Bassel Ibrahim
a. The second Moroccan citizen who is infected with the virus came from
R=Is false because he came from Italy, not from France.
b. WHO doesn’t consider the virus very serious.
R= true since I declare it as a global pandemic due to so many infected and dead.
But it still has a low mortality rate
c. Inability to sleep is one of the virus’s symptoms.
R= I would say that is according to the severity of the person one of the
symptoms is difficulty in breathing
d. People can travel wherever they want despite the widespread virus.
R= not at this time since most countries have already sawn their borders