Modeling Commercial Real Estate Loan Credit Risk: An Overview
Modeling Commercial Real Estate Loan Credit Risk: An Overview
Modeling Commercial Real Estate Loan Credit Risk: An Overview
Authors Abstract
Jun Chen
Commercial real estate (CRE) exposures represent a large share of credit portfolios for many
Jing Zhang
banks, insurance companies, and asset managers. It is critical that these institutions properly
measure and manage the credit risk of these portfolios. In this paper, we present the Moody’s
Contact Us Analytics framework for measuring commercial real estate loan credit risk, which is the model
at the core of our Commercial Mortgage Metrics (CMM)™ product. We describe our modeling
Americas approaches for default probability, loss given default (LGD), Expected Loss (EL), and other
related risk measures.
[email protected]
Europe Our framework first models the CRE collateral stochastic process, as driven by both
+44.20.7772.5454 market-wide and idiosyncratic factors. We then apply a Monte Carlo technique to simulate the
[email protected] future paths of the collateral net operating income (NOI) and market value. A CRE loan credit
Asia (Excluding Japan) event is doubly triggered by the collateral financial condition at the time of default: both the
+85 2 2916 1121 sustainable NOI falls below the total debt service, and the property market value falls below
[email protected] the total outstanding loan balance.
+81 3 5408 4100 Moreover, in order to capture the actual observed borrower default behavior, we empirically
[email protected] calibrate the conditional probability of default (PD) function to large historical datasets. We
also calculate the unconditional EDF™ (Expected Default Frequency) credit measures as the
integration of conditional PD values over the many future paths of NOI and market value. We
model LGD through the same process; therefore, LGD and PD are structurally correlated and
consistently estimated within the same coherent framework. Built upon EDF measures and
LGD, we also calculate other measures such as EL, Yield Degradation (YD), Unexpected Loss
(UL), and Stressed EDF measures and loss. By establishing a strong economic causality
relationship between credit risks and real estate market- and property-specific covariates, the
model also enables large-scale scenario analysis and stress testing.
Additionally, our model facilitates many different business applications, including loan
origination, pricing and valuation, risk monitoring, surveillance, regulatory compliance, and
portfolio management.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
6 Summary ..............................................................................................................................................................23
References ................................................................................................................................................................... 25
FDIC Standard Report #5 (All Commercial Banks–National) as of 9/30/2010.
Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States, third quarter 2010.
The Compendium of Statistics, update December 30, 2010, published by the CRE Finance Council.
• Stressed EDF measure and loss—measures the point estimate of EDF measures or loss from a full range of EDF
credit measure or loss distribution derived from Monte Carlo simulations. Typically, we measure the Stressed EDF
at a user-specified stressed point, such as a confidence level greater than 50%, for the tail risk at the right-hand side
of the distribution.
Portfolio Management
Portfolio management entails making numerous decisions, such as taking on additional exposures, selling or hedging
existing exposures, and calculating the prices at which to do so. The Moody’s Analytics CMM system provides a
framework that enables you to make informed decisions regarding which loans to create, under what terms, and at what
price(s). In addition, risk managers can use CMM portfolio functionality to construct strategies that exploit the relative
price differences between property types and local CRE markets. Additionally, the EDF measures and LGD outputs
from CMM can serve as inputs to calculations performed by portfolio management systems such as Moody’s Analytics
3 Modeling Framework
In this section, we first describe how credit events occur for commercial real estate loans in the real world. We use an
example to illustrate the importance of the collateral financials in affecting a loan’s credit risk. Next, we present the
conceptual framework as well as details of the model’s inner workings, including specifics on the asset process, the PD
model, and the LGD model. We then describe how the components work together within the CMM system. Finally, we
explain how CMM implements scenario analysis and stress testing.
Mortgage payment
0 A B Maturity Time
Whenever a property is not generating enough NOI to cover the periodic mortgage payment, a borrower must weigh the
different options, as follows.
• Cover the payment shortfall from their own pocket, if the shortfall is deemed temporary and will be cured.
• Sell the underlying property and pay back the entire remaining mortgage balance, including outstanding interest
payments, if the market value of the underlying property is enough to cover all debt obligation plus a non-trivial
transaction cost.
• As a last resort, miss the mortgage payments and wait for the lender’s decision to either foreclose or restructure debt.
Mortgage balance
0 A B Maturity
Obviously, what is also very important in this situation is the market value of the property, pledged as secured collateral,
which the lender can take possession of in the event of default. While the property value is usually correlated with NOI,
its evolution is also affected by the general conditions in both capital and space markets, in addition to the property-
specific NOI. In our example, with the particular NOI realization as in Figure 1, the property value does not necessarily
follow the NOI movement in lockstep.
As illustrated in Figure 2, the property value drops below the mortgage balance around point A, but not point B.
Toward the end, the property value declines again around loan maturity even though the property’s NOI remains well
above the scheduled mortgage payment amount, shown in Figure 1.
It is straightforward to make the following observations with this particular example, as shown in Table 1.
While the above discussions illustrate the financial aspects of CRE borrower default drivers, we should note that decades
of actual experience with commercial mortgage defaults also clearly teach us that a borrower’s decision to default is not
purely a financial matter. For a CRE asset that is illiquid and difficult to value and to sell easily, the borrower’s decision
to default is influenced by both financial facts and subjective assessment of the situation, leading to the so-called “sub-
optimal” (non-ruthless) default behaviors observed at the aggregate level. We emphasize here that a vast majority of
borrowers do make very rational and near-optimal decisions regarding defaults; it is the inability to observe and record
many loan, property, and borrower-specific decision factors that lead to empirically-observed, “sub-optimal” default rates
in aggregate. Furthermore, even perfectly explainable and rational behavior on the individual level can still appear to be
“sub-optimal” using aggregate data alone.
To create a credit risk model that is relevant for business users, we must anchor the analysis on empirical data. While
theoretical thinking is very useful as a starting point in disentangling the causes and consequences from a rational
economic-reasoning perspective, a model will not be accurate and useful for business applications if it is simply an
intellectual exercise without the benefit of actually-observed historical data. Thus, our approach to modeling CRE credit
events is to combine rational economic reasoning perspectives with insights gleaned from careful analysis of empirical
Note here that “sub-optimal” is viewed from the borrower’s perspective. In fact, since the lender takes the opposite position, the
“sub-optimal” borrower’s behavior actually adds value to the lenders’ CRE portfolio. Because, in aggregate, CRE borrowers do not
exercise their default options ruthlessly, most lenders’ CRE operation has been able to live through the cyclical troughs of the CRE
market downturns without being completely destroyed.
Mathematically, a commercial real estate loan’s EDF credit measure at a particular point in time t is:
where Xt denotes all the relevant financial variables at the loan, property, and market levels measured at time t,
Prob(Xt) measures the probability of a particular realization of Xt,
and Prob(Default|Xt) is a conditional default probability function given the realized Xt. EDFt, (i.e. the unconditional
EDF), is simply an integration of the probabilities of all possible realizations of Xt multiplied by corresponding
conditional default rates for those realizations.
We find that this composite modeling approach leads to the most effective credit risk model by combining the best of
both worlds. On the one hand, the dynamics of variable, Xt, follows a structural stochastic process that is fully
parameterized based on extensive historical observations of the commercial property financials. On the other hand, the
calibration of the conditional default rate function Prob(Default|Xt), derived from rigorous statistical analysis, captures
the “sub-optimal” exercise of the default options, and therefore, produces accurate and realistic EDF measures. This
composite approach is similar in spirit to the Moody’s Analytics EDF credit measure model approach for publicly traded
firms, as that model is also a structural approach with a robust implementation grounded in empirical data.
Another benefit of our modeling approach is that it naturally leads to LGD measures that are economically and
structurally correlated to PD, because LGDt can be estimated as another conditional function that draws Xt as the
dependent variables. This method offers significant improvement over an ad hoc approach to approximate the
relationship between PD and LGD.
In essence, our CMM model consists of three key elements.
• Parameterizations of Asset Dynamics and Volatility (the Asset dynamics model). In this step, the CRE collateral’s
NOI and value processes in the future are parameterized, based on its property type and geographic location, in
conjunction with the known financial and leasing information at the starting point.
• Calculation of EDF Measure (the EDF model). At a future time t, given realized NOI and values generated by
Monte Carlo simulations, the model first calculates the default drivers, including DSCR and LTV, and then
estimates conditional PD through the conditional default rate function Prob(Default|Xt). Provided by the known
distribution characteristics of NOI and value from the first step, the model then estimates unconditional EDF
measures as well as Stressed EDF measures as point estimates from the full range of conditional PD distributions.
• Calculation of LGD (the LGD model). Given a simulated market value of the collateral at a future time t, the
model estimates conditional LGD through an empirically-determined loss function. An unconditional LGD is the
weighted sum of conditional LGD values, with weights being the corresponding conditional PD values.
We can also easily calculate other risk measures such as EL, UL, and yield degradation since the model performs a full
Monte Carlo simulation from which EDF measures and LGD have been calculated. The remainder of this section offers
a brief introduction to these key model elements.
3.2.1 Asset Dynamics and Volatility
Asset dynamics refers to the inner workings and quantifiable causal relationships of the commercial properties’ financial
performance, and asset volatility refers to the uncertainty around the financial performance. While conceptually one can
measure all sorts of financial-related variables including rents, occupancy rates, revenue, expense, NOI, capital
expenditure, and market value etc., the direct drivers behind commercial mortgage defaults are mainly DSCR and LTV,
which are, in turn, driven by NOI and the property’s market value.
Modern financial theory views any asset, including commercial real estate, as having two independent sources of risk
• One related to the overall market movement, also known as market or systematic risk
• Another related to the specifics of individual assets, also known as non-systematic or idiosyncratic risk
Intuitively, this separation is no different than the commonly practiced attribution analysis, where both performance
(returns) and risks (volatility) can be traced back to either market-wide trends or asset-specific conditions. It has been
established that the process of a commercial property’s income or value can be approximated as follows:
Systematic Non-systematic
component component
where Pi,t represents the realization of NOI or value in log form for the ith property at time t, and Pm,t represents the
market-wide index at the same time t, and εi,t is the idiosyncratic component of the Pi,t movement that remains after
stripping out the market-driven component.
The specification also means that, in terms of risk composition,
Systematic Non-systematic
Total risk risk risk
The importance of a risk model when considering both systematic and idiosyncratic risks is illustrated in Figure 4, which
shows a typical CRE asset that displays substantially higher total risk than market risk alone.
Total volatility
volatility only
95% of
68% of realizations
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Year Year
Figure 4 Distributions of NOI amounts or values
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Figure 5 Property-level observations of normalized NOI for San Francisco office properties.
Since DSCR is determined to be the most important empirical variable, in CMM Monte Carlo simulations, we focus on
the NOI simulations based on the observed historical patterns by property type and metropolitan areas, such as the one
shown in Figure 5. In particular, we simultaneously simulate the random realization of independent factors: the market-
wide and the property idiosyncratic factors. For example, as shown in Figure 6, the market factor could rise, stay flat, or
lower in the future.
Meanwhile, a particular realization of the collateral’s NOI can also deviate from the market factor by idiosyncratic
variations. Given a particular realization of the market path, the final realized NOI could be better than, the same as, or
worse than the market-wide growth rates. We have observed in the actual model implementation that the end results of
CMM’s NOI simulations for the San Francisco office market are indeed quite similar to that shown in Figure 5, which
confirms the validity and robustness of our collateral models.
Figure 6 The asset risk of a commercial property comes from both market and idiosyncratic sources
3.2.2 Modeling Conditional Default Probability
Once we fully specify the asset processes, the next problem is to solve the probability of borrowers choosing to default,
based on a particular realization of NOI and market value of the underlying collateral. Fundamentally, this is a question
about the conditional default probability. Note, that in an abstract structural default modeling approach, such as the
Merton model, a loan would automatically default once the market value of the asset falls below that of the mortgage,
since the amount of the debt serves as the absorbing boundary. While still incorporating this powerful notion, our
modeling framework expands to include the following very important practical considerations, making the model truly
relevant in the real business world.
• The market value of a specific asset is actually unknown and is a somewhat subjective measure in the case of
commercial real estate. As such, in an empirical model, we must resort to other directly-observable measures to
complement imprecise measures of the asset value. It is also important to recognize that a periodic income stream
should be explicitly factored into the valuation equation of a CRE asset.
• Net operating income (NOI), which is directly observable and ubiquitously measured and recorded, is of
predominant financial and decision-making importance to commercial mortgage borrowers. Notice that a particular
CRE asset is fundamentally an income-producing asset, and, unlike a corporation, it has no potential to grow its
business base, since its physical size and location are fixed once built. As we find throughout our empirical work, the
debt-service-coverage ratio (DSCR), which measures the level of NOI relative to the periodic mortgage payments,
explains a large portion of the historical default incidents.
• Defaulting (or not) is a borrower’s choice, rather than a strict rule that must be followed. While financial factors
such as DSCR and LTV are of critical importance, choices are behavioral in nature and subjective to both
quantifiable and non-quantifiable factors. Note here, we consider that the conditional default rate is not only a
default probability conditional upon known financial and operating ratios, but it is also a probability of a borrower
choosing to default. To date, it appears to us that the best way to model this kind of behavioral issue is through
extensive statistical analysis using large panel datasets, which is exactly what we incorporate.
Effectively, our conditional default probability model is a multi-factor empirical function that links empirical default
rates to key explanatory variables at both the property/loan and the market levels. Our empirical research identifies the
following key statistically-significant variables in explaining historical defaults.
• Asset level financial ratios: DSCR, LTV, and collateral size
• Market cycle factors: vacancy rate, market-wide price changes, and market condition at origination
• Other: core vs. non-core collateral and loan seasoning
The functional model form looks like:
As shown in Table 2, in addition to loan and property level factors, market-wide factors play a significant role. We use
the market vacancy rate as a proxy for the contemporaneous space market condition, the market-wide price change as a
proxy for the commercial real estate capital market condition, and the market condition at origination to approximate
the average underwriting quality. That is, when the commercial property market is tight and experiences low vacancy
rates, myopic lenders tend to loosen underwriting criteria and admit more lower-quality loans than when the property
market experiences high vacancy rates.
The other explanation is that these market factors serve as proxies for the option value of borrower equity positions.
Given the same DSCR and LTV, when the market is good, the option values of borrower equities tend to be higher (at
least from a regular borrower’s viewpoint) than when the market is bad. In other words, if the DSCR is 0.8 and LTV is
100%, the troubled borrower is more likely to hold onto the property without defaulting then when the general market
condition is favorable, and the same borrower is more likely to default given the same DSCR and LTV then when the
prevailing market condition is deteriorating.
In general, for the conditional default probability model, we find that the variables we identify lead to accuracy ratios
(AR) of 50% to 60% or more (equivalent to ROC ratios of 75% to 80% or more), both in- and out-of-sample.
𝐿𝐺𝐷𝑡 = 𝑔[𝑇3 (𝐿𝑇𝑉𝑡 ), 𝑌] (5)
LGDPrincipal should be an inverse function of LTV if the CRE market is efficient, with negligible transaction costs. Because
the CRE market is not as efficient and carries significant transaction costs, the liquidation price of distressed commercial
properties tends to trade below the market price of comparable non-distressed assets. We find that the degree of distress
in the actual loss severities data could be partially proxied by another observable variable: time to liquidation.
Drawing upon a large and updated historical LGD dataset, we can confirm the model’s empirical validity. Using actual
observable variables, empirical evidence clearly supports the statistical and economic significance of LTV, time to
liquidation, and collateral size. Beyond what is explained above, time to liquidation is directly correlated to lost interest,
transaction, and property maintenance cost. Collateral size captures the percentage cost of some relatively fixed expenses
on the legal and administrative sides. For example, $1 million legal and administrative cost would add 2% LGD to a $50
million loan, while the same cost would add 10% LGD to a $10 million loan. Altogether, our empirical model explains
about 50% of the historical loan-level LGD variation.
Since the implementation of CMM model uses Monte Carlo simulation techniques, we can simulate numerous future
asset income and value paths. These simulated asset values provide a direct measure of loss from principal, thus enabling
an LGD measure that is also structurally and causally correlated to the EDF measure.
𝑖=1(𝐸𝐷𝐹𝑖,𝑡 × 𝐿𝐺𝐷𝑖,𝑡 )
𝐸𝐿𝑡 = (7)
where i refers to individual simulation path that has equal probability of asset realization, and N is the total number of
simulation trials. Unconditional LGD at time t, LGDt, follows by LGDt=ELt/EDFt.
One key benefit of implementing the Monte Carlo simulation technology is the resulting full-range distribution of
conditional PD and conditional loss rates through a large number of random draws. Very naturally, from there we obtain
all the point estimates regarding UL and various stressed EDF measures and stressed loss rates at any user-specified
confidence levels.
Table 4 Scenario analysis over the holding period: an example of model flows
Macroeconomic CRE Market CRE Asset CRE Portfolio CRE Portfolio
Scenario Assumptions Assumptions Volatility EDF EL
Users can change one or all three categories of forward-looking assumptions to conduct scenario analysis. In addition,
both macroeconomic and CRE market outlook scenarios can be either direct user inputs or sourced to third-party
vendors within the CMM application. In fact, there are a number of third-party vendors who provide forward-looking
macroeconomic and CRE market scenarios as fee-based forecasting services. Users may find it cost-effective and
informative to take advantage of the available location-specific forecasts from those forecasters. For example, CMM users
can use the CRE markets forecasts provided by CBRE Econometric Advisors (EA) and/or macroeconomic forecasts
provided by Moody’s
Moody’s Analytics does not endorse any third-party forecast services nor validates their accuracy. Rather, in absence of a
large, publicly traded market for the CRE asset class, we find that the forward-looking views given by industry experts
provide useful perspectives, although the eventual market movement may occasionally deviate from their actual forecasts.
4 Empirical Data
A model is only as good as the empirical data allows. The shortage of long-term, detailed reliable data poses a major
challenge for developing a credit risk model for commercial real estate loans. In the process of developing our model, we
assembled a collection of datasets covering different aspects of the CRE asset and loan markets. Collectively, these
datasets serve as the foundation for both model development and model validation.
The datasets used in CMM model development and validation provide both aggregate market statistics and property-
and loan-level information. Data sources include the following.
• National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF)—provides aggregate market statistics, mainly
capital appreciation, income, and total returns, for five major property types and more than 50 metropolitan areas.
Some series are offered at the property subtype levels. Despite some shortcomings, the NCREIF dataset is widely
regarded as the industry benchmark measurement in terms of aggregate market movement. The earliest data points
go as far back as 1978 in the NCREIF database.
• CB Richard Ellis Econometric Advisors (CBRE EA)—provides aggregate market statistics, mainly market rents and
vacancies, at the MSA and submarket (is applicable) levels. CBRE EA market rent data are probably the most well-
constructed rent indices, which carefully control for many idiosyncrasies in the actual observed lease rates. The
earliest data from CBRE EA goes back to 1980 for office and industrial properties. CBRE EA data also covers
multifamily, retail, and hotel property types.
• Real Capital Analytics (RCA)—provides disaggregated property-level transaction data on price and cap rates (if
available) for any commercial property transactions valued over $5 million in the U.S. One can examine the
aggregate statistics at any level as long as sufficient transactions exist. This data powers the Moody’s/REAL
Commercial Property Price Index (CPPI), and the earliest observations begin in 2000.
• Trepp’s CMBS Deal Library—one of the largest commercially available databases of the U.S. CMBS universe. The
Deal Library contains comprehensive information and history on both individual loans and properties that serve as
collateral within the CMBS transactions. Since CMBS is a relatively young segment of the commercial mortgage
market, the useful history for empirical research goes back approximately ten years.
• American Council of Life Insurers (ACLI)—publishes periodic reports on the commitment profiles and credit
performance of commercial mortgages originated and held by life insurance companies. ACLI data offers the longest
aggregate time-series of loan performance spanning several CRE market cycles, beginning in 1965. Hence, this
database serves as an invaluable data source for the most credible through-the-cycle analysis for held-for-investment
commercial mortgages.
• Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)—publishes quarterly bank-specific reports that detail the holdings
and credit performance of banks’ loans and leases, including longer-term commercial mortgages and short-term
construction loans. Data goes back to 1992, and provides a unique perspective as it is the only public source for the
credit performance of the CRE loan portfolios held by banks and savings institutions, the largest players in the CRE
lending marketplace.
• Proprietary data contributed by financial institutions—through its business relationships, Moody’s obtains
proprietary access to historic loan-level data from lenders in the commercial mortgage business. The earliest
observations of such datasets go back as far as the 1970s.
• Various published studies and reports, including the series of studies conducted by Snyderman and Esaki et al. The
unique importance of the Snyderman-Esaki studies lies in its tabular mortality tables that track individual loan
cohorts from cradle-to-grave in terms of default rates. These loan cohorts were originated from 1972 through 1997
by major life insurance companies and experienced 2,700 defaults (15.3%) out of the 17,978 total loans originated.
The data is widely used by market participants in benchmarking and in conducting scenario analyses throughout
While each of the above datasets is indispensible for our model development, none is completely sufficient on its own.
We take a mosaic approach that pieces all the information and empirical analysis together within the coherent
5 Model Validation
Validating a quantitative risk model is both a theoretical and an empirical problem. By theoretical, we refer to the
general guidelines of model development, which involve not only academic rigor, but also sound and time-proven
business experience. Validation refers to whether or not the model makes econometric sense as well as common business
sense, and also whether or not the model specifies an economically-sensible and long-lasting causative relationship that
links credit risks with key risk drivers.
Model theoretical validation also involves imposing a parsimonious structure and designing the model so that it is
intuitive and simple to understand. A parsimonious structure allows the model to focus on the most important factors
while leaving out “accidental” variables that are either redundant or have a one-time transient effect only. Meanwhile, an
intuitive model is more traceable and more likely to be used appropriately by regular business users with limited
statistical backgrounds. Moreover, a model should be theoretically validated by examining the directional response of
PD/LGD to explanatory variables. For example, one would expect PD to increase with the decline of DSCR, and this
type of directional relationship can be first validated through a theoretical angle. Finally, common sense and business
experience also apply when checking the theoretical reasonableness of model results. For example, since we will not be
able to predict ex ante which loans will default and which will not default, a model is probably poorly constructed if it
consistently outputs PDs in the 95% to 100% range for an input DSCR of 1.0.
Beyond theoretical considerations, a model must be empirically validated, most importantly, through the out-of-sample
data. Moody’s Analytics has pioneered and refined the use of empirical validation in commercial credit models, and we
validate the CMM model using those proven testing processes.
It is useful to consider the model’s empirical validation from two separate yet related metrics.
• Model power—the ability of the model to rank-order individual loans from more to less risk. Power describes how
well a model discriminates between defaulting (“bad”) and non-defaulting (“good”) loans.
• Model calibration—the consistency of the aggregate-level EDF and LGD measures when compared to the actual
realization for a portfolio of loans. It also measures relative risk magnitudes between subsets of a portfolio. For
example, whether or not a model can predict correctly if group A has twice the default rates as group B.
These two dimensions are indispensible for a good model, as model power ensures its ability to rank score individual
risks, and model calibration ensures the EDF level closely matches the actual default rates throughout portfolios and
through time.
For model power, we apply walk-forward, k-fold, and cross-validation techniques. These tests include out-of-sample
testing (using defaults and non-defaults that were not used in the model development, such as “hold-out” sample) and
comparisons to alternative model specifications.
See Dwyer and Kocagil (2005).
and to test the models. The results from our out-of-sample tests show a high degree of discriminatory power of CMM
model, shown in Table 5.
A model is considered to be better than a random guess if the ROC ratio is above 50% and the accuracy ratio is above
0%. A perfect model achieves the maximum possible 100% for both ROC and accuracy ratios.
CMM Model
Random Guess
The ROC ratio is also commonly called the area under the ROC curve (AUROC), where ROC refers to receiver operating
Default Rate
Model PD Actual Default Rate
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
Origination Cohort
Figure 8 Comparison of the cumulative 10-year model PD and actual, realized default rates
Additional calibration exercises simulate a representative commercial mortgage industry portfolio throughout its history
and compare model PD and EL to actual, realized default rates and charge-off rates (proxy for credit losses) using the
See Snyderman (1991) and Esaki and Goldman (2005).
aggregate time-series statistics of the CRE loan portfolios held by FDIC banks. The result also confirms that calibration
of model PD, LGD, and EL is largely consistent with banks’ historical experience.
Because model calibration also involves relative risk measurements between subsets of a portfolio, we conduct another
validation exercise to compare out-of-sample PD level accuracy by buckets. In this exercise, we bucket out-of-sample
observations into 30 buckets based on our estimated PD and then compare the average PDs with actual realized default
rates for each group, shown in Figure 9. The overall PD levels appear to fit quite well across rating groups based on
estimated PD.
Using a variety of validation techniques, we find that the model estimates credit risks reasonably well, conditional upon
accurate inputs. We believe that the model produces satisfactory risk measurements over the past several commercial real
estate cycles given the empirical evidence we have access to; we also believe that the model is applicable to all the major
segments of the market: insurance companies, CMBS, and commercial banks.
The CMM application is flexible enough to allow the user to conduct historical analyses. As a result, users can perform
back-testing using an institution’s historical portfolios to compare model results to see if they match realized default and
loss rates when using the validation metrics from the power, as well as the calibration perspectives. Before users
implement the CMM application within their organizations, we encourage them to thoroughly understand and evaluate
the model to ensure appropriate use.
6 Summary
The commercial real estate and commercial mortgage markets continue to evolve. We have seen numerous changes on
many important fronts: demand for commercial real estate space driven by macroeconomic forces, local supplies driven
by each MSA’s physical layout and zonings, and capital sources increasingly fluid and global in nature. Furthermore, the
recent credit crisis has heightened regulatory scrutiny of commercial mortgage lending.
Despite all the changing factors, we find that a commercial property’s financials, transpired through DSCR and LTV,
continue to play a dominant role in affecting mortgage defaults and losses. Other market-wide factors, such as the
prevailing commercial real estate market condition and underwriting pressures, continue to influence the magnitude of
point-in-time default rates through their impact on default option values and borrower behaviors. This little-changed
relationship between a loan’s financial performance and its credit risk makes a quantitative model not only possible, but
extremely useful for any serious risk management practice.
After extensive research on a very rich collection of both public and private data sets, we have developed unprecedented
insights into the drivers of credit risks of commercial mortgages. The result is our CMM modeling framework, which
balances the need for a highly predictive model with a robust, intuitive, transparent, and highly flexible model.
Based on all the evidence seen to date, we firmly believe that our CMM framework will prove indispensible for financial
institutions when implementing quantitative credit risk tools in loan origination, portfolio management, scenario
analysis, stress testing, and meeting regulatory requirements.
Acknowledgements References
The authors thank Kevin (Qibin) Cai for
substantive research assistance. Black, Fischer, and Myron Scholes, 1973, “The Pricing of Options and
Corporate Liabilities.” Journal of Political Economy, Vol 81, No 3, 637–
Copyright © 2011 Moody's Analytics, Inc.
and/or its licensors and affiliates. All rights 659.
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