Boman Gallupe AJCJ COVID in Press
Boman Gallupe AJCJ COVID in Press
Boman Gallupe AJCJ COVID in Press
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, state-level governments across the United
States issued mandatory stay-at-home orders around the end of March 2020. Though
intended to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the lockdowns have had sweeping
impacts on life in ways which were not originally planned. This study’s purpose is to
investigate the extent to which governmental responses to COVID-19 have impacted
crime rates in the U.S. Compared to the pre-pandemic year of 2019, crime – as
measured by calls for service to law enforcement – has decreased markedly. However,
there are multiple indications that the crime drop is being driven by decreases in minor
offenses which are typically committed in peer groups. At the same time, serious
crimes which are generally not committed with co-offenders (namely homicide and
intimate partner violence) have either remained constant or increased. As such, the
crime drop appears to be hiding a very disturbing trend where homicides remain
unchanged and intimate partner batteries are increasing. Since many offenders would
presumably be committing less serious crimes in a non-pandemic world, we raise
attention to the possibility that mandatory lockdown orders may have taken minor
offenders and placed them into situations where there is rampant opportunity for
intimate partner violence, serious batteries, and homicides. While crime in the U.S.
appears to be down overall, this good news should not blind us to a troubling co-
occurring reality – a reality that paints a dim picture of unintended consequences to
public health and criminal justice finances as a result of COVID-19 lockdowns.
* John H. Boman, IV
[email protected]
John Boman, 229 Williams Hall, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green,
OH 43403, USA
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
American Journal of Criminal Justice
Has Crime Changed in the United States since the Pandemic Began?
Nearly every major news source which has reported on this issue since COVID-19
lockdowns began have found a similar phenomenon: Crime is down across the United
States. The most common metric of these reports is police calls for service (911 calls).
Probably due to the fact that 911 calls are concrete events which are easily trackable
over time, major news outlets like The Washington Post (Jackman, 2020), USA Today
(Jacoby, Stucka, & Phillips, 2020), and CNN (Waldrop, 2020) have all used this as the
metric for determining that crime is down across the U.S.
In these major news sources, the extent to which crime has decreased since COVID-
19 lockdowns began varies dramatically. For example, The Washington Post (Jackman,
2020) reported decreases in calls for service in 29 of 30 jurisdictions including a 25%
decline in Chicago and ~ 20% in Washington and Baltimore between March 16 and
American Journal of Criminal Justice
April 22, 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. USA Today reported that weekly
calls for service dropped “at least” 12% between February 2 and March 28, 2020 across
30 police agencies (Jacoby et al., 2020). Although not providing exact numbers, CNN
reports that calls for police service are down in New York City. Regarding the crime
drop, New York City Police Commissioner Dermot Shea told CNN that “Crime has
dropped off – off the face of the map, really” (Waldrop, 2020).
Despite the variability in the estimates to which crime is down, one finding seems
relatively consistent: Crime has in fact decreased in the U.S. since states started moving
towards lockdowns. While nearly all anecdotal evidence points towards crime being
down, it is, however, important to realize that there are still many unknowns about the
extent to which crime has decreased in the U.S. Three factors complicate this the most.
First, to definitively determine that crime is down across the nation, national data – or at
least nationally representative data – is needed. Second, calls for service are one, but
not the only, metric for determining whether crime is down. Other metrics and
measurement strategies are needed. Due to its wide acceptance as offering a realistic
viewpoint on crime, we are especially in need of self-report data (see Krohn,
Thornberry, Gibson, & Baldwin, 2010 regarding the utility of self-report data). Third,
most media sources focus on big cities. What is critically needed is a set of analyses on
small- and medium-size cities and rural areas to determine if what is likely happening in
big cities is happening in all areas of the U.S.
Due to the rapid-response nature of this special issue, the authors could neither speed
up the natural process of data collections like the National Incident-Based Reporting
System (NIBRS; see NIBRS, 2020) nor collect nationally representative data for this
study. However, we did contact Police Chief David H. Tullis II of the Maumee Police
Department in Maumee, Ohio – a city of 13,669 people (U.S. Census Bureau, 2019) –
to see how a smaller city was faring in the wake of COVID-19 lockdowns. Corrobo-
rating media reports on calls for service from elsewhere in the U.S., Chief Tullis’s calls
for service in Maumee are also down. Between January 1, 2019 and May 26, 2019,
Maumee Police had exactly 3700 calls for service. During the same period (January 1 –
May 26) of 2020, they had received 2726 calls for service – a decrease of 26.3% in call
volume. With little change in the city’s population over this timeframe (see U.S.
Census Bureau, 2019) and very few reasons to expect that confounding factors could
prove this spurious, the presumable cause of this drop is the stay-at-home order that
was issued by Ohio Governor DeWine in late March of 2020.
Despite nearly all anecdotal evidence pointing to crime in the U.S. being down, there
is one scientific study that was recently released which focuses on how crime might
have changed during COVID-19 (besides the ones in this thematic issue). Ashby
(2020) performed a city-level analysis on over a dozen U.S. cities of various sizes
and compared crime rates across six serious crimes – 1) serious assaults in public, 2)
serious assaults in residences, 3) residential burglaries, 4) non-residential burglaries, 5)
motor vehicle theft, and 6) stealing from cars. Using seasonal regression models which
calculate the expected frequency of crime based on the prior year’s crime trends
(SARIMA models), Ashby’s findings showed no consistent pattern as to whether crime
had decreased, increased, or stayed the same during the pandemic. In fact, his most
common finding was that of no change in crime rates pre- and post-COVID-19. When
there were changes, they were random and seemed highly dependent on which
particular city or county was being analyzed.
American Journal of Criminal Justice
Nearly all evidence on calls for service nationwide demonstrate that crime is down, but
Ashby (2020) has just found that serious crimes are largely unchanged and highly
location dependent. What is the reason for this difference? The most likely explanation
lies in the types of crimes Ashby (2020) investigated – most of the crimes he was able
to capture are felonies and index crimes (hence the reason why they were in publicly
available police data). The severity of these crimes may position them to behave
differently than more common, ‘everyday-type’ misdemeanors. This raises attention
to Warr’s (2002) distinction between what he calls ‘groupy’ and ‘non-groupy’ crimes.
Groupy crimes are mostly minor crimes that are committed in groups generally
consisting of younger offenders. The purpose of these crimes is to alleviate boredom
and gain social status and social capital. Examples of groupy crimes include vandalism,
trespassing, and substance use. On the other hand, non-groupy crimes are offenses that
tend to be committed by individuals acting alone rather than people in groups. Some
examples of non-groupy crimes include IPV, serious theft, serious battery, and homi-
cide. Notably, Ashby’s crimes were nearly all non-groupy crimes and are serious
offenses which are typically committed alone and not in the presence of others in peer
networks or groups.
During COVID-19 lockdowns, peer dynamics have clearly been altered due to stay-
at-home orders and social distancing requirements. We argue that these disruptions to
established social patterns are the driving force behind the reduction in offending over
the course of the pandemic. Without access to peer groups, the context in which much
criminal behavior occurs is removed (Osgood, Wilson, O’Malley, Bachman, & John-
ston, 1996). With no school to attend, students cannot congregate afterwards. This is
important since a typical day would see a ‘spike’ in crime after school lets out when
youthful offenders have little to no supervision (see Gottfredson, Gottfredson, &
American Journal of Criminal Justice
Weisman, 2001). While the after-school crime spike is a time and context in which
substantial amounts of minor offending typically occurs, it cannot occur if adolescents
are not attending school.
During the stay-at-home order, the opportunity for underage drinking with friends –
and the minor offending that often accompanies it – also largely disappears without the
option of attending parties. Since groupy offenses constitute the majority of criminal
acts,1 it is likely that the NIBRS data will eventually show that they carried the bulk of
the crime reduction following state government responses to COVID-19. Supporting
this anecdotally, Chief Tullis noted that since the start of mandatory lockdowns in
Ohio, his officers are seeing very few peer groups coming into conflict with the law.
Underage drinking is nearly non-existent since nobody is going out in groups. In fact,
nearly everyone getting arrested in his department’s jurisdiction are acting alone. Due
to the commonality of arresting people who are committing crime with co-offenders,
Chief Tullis stressed that the lockdowns issued in response to COVID-19 have
represented a dramatic shift in policing.
While physical distancing requirements and lockdowns have clearly impacted
group-based offending, they are unlikely to have any bearing on criminal acts that
generally occur in situations when peer groups are not present. In other words,
lockdown orders are unlikely to impact non-groupy crimes. In this case, it would make
sense that serious crimes like homicide and IPV would not change during a lockdown
order, especially in a climate charged with the mental stress and anxiety associated with
forced lockdowns.
If this were true, we would expect to see relative stability in homicide figures from
2020 compared to 2019. Using data from two cities which have recently been homicide
hotspots – Chicago and Philadelphia – there does not appear to be any noticeable
changes in homicides compared to this point in 2019. Between January 1 and May 28,
2020, Chicago had 191 homicides. During the same time period of 2019, Chicago had
192 homicides (see Chicago Tribune, 2020). Between January 1 and May 29, 2020,
Philadelphia experienced 151 homicides. During this same time frame in 2019,
Pennsylvania’s largest city had experienced 131 homicides (see Philadelphia Police,
2020). Accordingly, these figures suggest that COVID-19 lockdowns do not appear to
have had any effect whatsoever on Chicago homicides and may have contributed to a
15% increase in homicides in Philadelphia in 2020 compared to 2019.
While valid data are much more difficult to come by, there is also anecdotal
evidence that IPV may have worsened as a result of the lockdowns issued in response
to COVID-19. Lockdowns have forced those who cohabit to remain in close proximity
with each other and thereby have increased the opportunity for domestic provocation
and intimate partner altercations. Furthermore, there are abundant opportunities for
access to victims and limited options for victims since the possibility of escape and the
likelihood of intervention by social service agencies – many which are closed – is no
longer a viable option. In effect, stay-at-home orders can exacerbate the situational
dynamics which produce individual-based offenses like IPV. To this point, data from
the Maumee Police Department demonstrate that there has in fact been an increase in
substantiated IPV incidents in 2020 (73 incidents; data to May 26, 2020) compared to
For example, in 2018, the U.S. experienced over 1.1 million reported shoplifting incidents compared to a
combined total of 437,655 murders, rapes, and robberies (see FBI, 2020).
American Journal of Criminal Justice
the same point in the year of 2019 (55 incidents). This 33% increase does not include
‘domestic arguments,’ a term used by the department when there is a domestic-related
call for service but in which IPV cannot be substantiated enough to warrant an arrest.
Unfortunately, domestic argument calls have more than doubled (2.5x higher) during
the COVID-19 lockdowns compared to the same time period in the pre-COVID year of
2019. The mandatory stay-at-home orders coupled with job loss and high alcohol
consumption rates have created what Chief Tullis termed a “toxic cocktail” in a
semi-structured, qualitative interview with the lead author. We encourage the reader
to refer to several other studies in this special issue of the American Journal of Criminal
Justice that specifically focus on domestic battery and IPV.
In sum, minor offenses – many of which occur in peer groups – are quite common in
the U.S. Individualistic behaviors like IPV and homicide are rarer but are far more
detrimental to society. Since there are so many more minor, group-based offenses
compared to serious, non-group-based crimes, changes to the social order that produce
reductions in minor offending will end up causing the overall crime rate to drop even in
the presence of increases in more serious crime. While the magnitude of these changes
will become clearer over time, the key question arises: Should we consider the crime
drop in the United States to be an unanticipated benefit of the COVID-19 lockdowns?
Just as reductions in carbon emissions are desirable but can overshadow the suffering of
employees of the oil and gas industry, we might want to consider the nuance contained
within the COVID-19 crime drop before celebrating. Within the context of the overall
reduction in the crime rate during mandatory COVID-19 lockdowns, is it a social
benefit if we replace every two (or three, or four, etc.) shoplifting incidents with one
extra IPV-related crime? We believe this is not a desirable tradeoff and thereby would
caution against celebrating the reduction in crime that the U.S. is currently
Acknowledgements The authors would like to graciously thank Police Chief David H. Tullis II of the
Maumee Police Department (Ohio) for sharing his and his department’s experiences with the authors.
Funding Information This research was supported in part by the Center for Family and Demographic
Research, Bowling Green State University, which has core funding from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development (P2CHD050959).
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John Boman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Bowling Green State University in
Bowling Green, Ohio. As a criminologist, his research is primarily quantitative and focuses mainly on social
relationships, peer networks, substance use, and measurement and construct validation. Some of his recent
work has been published in Criminology, the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Justice
Quarterly, and Criminology & Public Policy.
Owen Gallupe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Legal Studies at the University
of Waterloo. His research focuses mainly on peer influence, social networks, and offending. His recent work
has been published in venues such as Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Journal of Quantitative
Criminology, and Justice Quarterly.