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J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn.

146 (2015) 11–28

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Journal of Wind Engineering

and Industrial Aerodynamics
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jweia

Wind-driven rain on two parallel wide buildings: Field measurements

and CFD simulations
A. Kubilay a,b,n, D. Derome a,b, B. Blocken c,d, J. Carmeliet a,b
Chair of Building Physics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETHZ, Zurich, Switzerland
Laboratory for Multiscale Studies in Building Physics, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa), Dübendorf, Switzerland
Building Physics and Services, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Department of Civil Engineering, Leuven University, Leuven, Belgium

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Most studies of wind-driven rain (WDR) reported in the literature focus either on isolated buildings or on
Received 5 February 2015 a particular building in geometrically complex environments. There is a need for experimental and
Received in revised form numerical studies for more generic multi-building geometries. The present study reports detailed field
8 July 2015
measurements and numerical simulations of WDR that are conducted for an idealized geometry with
Accepted 11 July 2015
Available online 28 August 2015
two parallel wide buildings with different heights, located in Dübendorf, Switzerland. The datasets of
rain events and WDR measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution are made available online
Keywords: to download and are intended for model development and validation. Numerical simulations are per-
Wind-driven rain formed with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) based on the 3D steady Reynolds-averaged Navier–
Field measurements
Stokes (RANS) equations and an Eulerian multiphase (EM) model for WDR, including the turbulent
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
dispersion of raindrops. The numerical results are validated by comparing the calculated catch ratio
Eulerian multiphase model
Turbulent dispersion values and cumulative WDR amounts with data from the field measurements. The CFD simulations
Validation accurately estimate the WDR intensities at the positions of 18 WDR gauges. The average discrepancies
between the numerical and experimental results are found to be 6.9% for the rain event on February 20–
21, 2014 and 4.9% for the rain event on August 2–3, 2014. In different building configurations, the
influences of recirculation regions, sheltering, wind-blocking effect and acceleration of wind determine
the WDR distribution on the downstream building. WDR can increase due to recirculation regions and
acceleration of wind, while wind-blocking effect and sheltering decrease WDR.
& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction surfaces (Abuku et al., 2009a). WDR intensity is used as a boundary

condition in studies for moisture transport in the building envelope,
Wind-driven rain (WDR) is the type of rain which has a hor- film runoff and cooling effect due to evaporation. In such studies, the
izontal velocity vector due to the effect of wind flow occurring at the WDR intensity is often considered uniform across large parts of the
same time. WDR is one of the most important moisture sources that facade. This may lead to discrepancies as in reality the WDR intensity
influence the hygrothermal performance and the durability of is far from uniform across building facades, even in the simplest case
building facades. It can lead to several undesired phenomena in of isolated buildings. In multi-building environments, the wind flow
building physics such as frost damage at exterior wall surfaces (Van patterns are influenced by groups of buildings and are even more
Balen, 1996; Franke et al., 1998), erosion of building materials (Tang complex. Buildings may influence the WDR exposure of each other
et al., 2004; Erkal et al., 2012), moisture induced salt migration due to their sizes and wind-recirculation regions between the
(Franke et al., 1998; Charola and Lazzarini, 1986), discoloration by buildings (Blocken et al., 2009). The impinging WDR intensity is
efflorescence (Franke et al., 1998), surface soiling (Davidson et al., governed by a wide range of parameters, such as building geometry,
2000; Etyemezian et al., 2000) and mold growth at interior wall environment topography, position on the building facade, wind
speed, wind direction, rainfall intensity and raindrop-size distribu-
tion (Blocken and Carmeliet, 2002). Methods to accurately estimate
Corresponding author at: Laboratory for Multiscale Studies in Building Physics,
the WDR intensity on building facades should, therefore, take into
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa), Über-
landstrasse 129, CH-8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland. Tel.: þ 41 58 765 4276. account these influencing parameters. The studies by Blocken and
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Kubilay). Carmeliet (2004, 2010), Blocken et al. (2013) and Blocken (2014)

0167-6105/& 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
12 A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28

provide extensive reviews of different methods used in WDR distribution of WDR intensity on the facades of the two buildings.
research in building physics. Furthermore, the field measurement data are used to validate CFD
Semi-empirical methods are fast and easy to use but they only simulations of WDR which are performed with an Eulerian mul-
give approximations of the WDR intensity and they cannot provide tiphase (EM) model that takes into account the turbulent disper-
detailed information. Furthermore, the semi-empirical methods are sion modeling of raindrops (Kubilay et al., 2015). In the present
unable to reliably take into account all the effects that influence the paper, Section 2 presents the field measurement geometry and the
WDR intensity (Blocken et al., 2009; Blocken and Carmeliet, 2005), measured rain event data for the validation study. In Section 3, the
especially in a multi-building environment (Kubilay et al., 2014a). numerical model, the governing equations, the computational
Therefore, semi-empirical methods are generally only suitable for domain, the boundary conditions and the solver settings are
isolated buildings in simple configurations, or for preliminary ana- described. Section 4 presents the validation study and analysis of
lysis. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, on the other the WDR intensity on the building models. Finally, Sections 5 and
hand, have the advantage of providing detailed spatial and temporal 6 provide a general discussion and conclusion, respectively.
WDR distributions in complex building geometries (Blocken and
Carmeliet, 2002; van Mook, 2002; Blocken and Carmeliet, 2006a,
2007a; Briggen et al., 2009). Furthermore, CFD simulations can give
2. Field measurements
detailed information on the rain drop impact speed and impact angle
on the facade, which can later be used to determine the droplet
2.1. Buildings and surrounding site
physics after impact, such as bouncing, splashing, spreading and film
forming. A steady-state numerical simulation technique for WDR
The measurement setup is located on the campus of the Swiss
was developed by Choi (1991 1993, 1994, 2002) by combining the 3D
steady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations and a Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) in
Lagrangian particle tracking (LPT) model. Blocken and Carmeliet Dübendorf in a suburban area located east of the city of Zurich,
(2002) extended Choi’s simulation technique by adding the temporal Switzerland, latitude 47°24′9″ and longitude 8°36′50″. The field
component, allowing the determination of both the spatial and measurements in the present study aim to study the WDR intensities
temporal distribution of WDR for transient rain events. LPT is the on two parallel wide buildings with different heights. The schematic
most commonly used method to estimate WDR intensity in the lit- representation, the photograph of the measurement geometry, and
erature (Etyemezian et al., 2000; Blocken and Carmeliet, 2002; van the plan view of the measurement site are shown in Fig. 1. Nine cubic
Mook, 2002; Blocken and Carmeliet, 2006a, 2007a; Briggen et al., building models are manufactured so that the measurement setup is
2009; Hangan, 1999; Tang and Davidson, 2004; Abuku et al., 2009b; adjustable and can be rearranged to represent different measurement
van Hooff et al., 2011; Mohaddes Foroushani et al., 2014). Huang and geometries. Each of the cubic building models in Fig. 1 has dimensions
Li (2010) used an Eulerian Multiphase (EM) model with RANS and of H  H  H¼2  2  2 m3. Three of the cubic building models have
showed that it can give accurate results for WDR on the windward been placed together to form a wide lower building, i.e. building 1,
facade of an isolated low-rise building. Kubilay et al. (2013) per- which is located in the upstream direction with respect to the pre-
formed a validation study with the EM model on a historical building dominant wind direction during rainfall. A wide higher building, i.e.
with a high-rise tower by comparing the results with existing building 2, composed of the remaining 6 cubic building models is
measurement data. This study showed that the user time spent for located in the downstream direction. The buildings 1 and 2 are spaced
the simulation of WDR on an isolated building decreases by at least a 2 m apart. Both buildings are positioned on pavement blocks and
factor of 10 with the EM model compared to the LPT model. The EM wooden beams for protection from moisture and convenience of
model allows for less computational complexity and a simpler relocation. The total roof heights including the support beneath the
quantification of the influence of turbulent dispersion of raindrops buildings are 2.17 m for building 1 and 4.29 m for building 2. The
compared to the LPT models, as well as the ability to estimate WDR wooden beams under the buildings prevent airflow occurring
on all surfaces in a complex geometry, e.g. facade details, roofs, underneath. The gap between the lower and upper rows of cubes on
street. The turbulent dispersion of raindrops was implemented into building 2 is further closed with plastic plates. In Fig. 1(a), the
the EM model for the mean WDR calculations by Kubilay et al. southwest top corners of the buildings are indicated with dots. Pre-
(2015). It was shown that taking turbulent dispersion into account liminary analysis of the local meteorological data indicates that the
reduces the deviation between CFD simulations and field measure- main wind direction, from which most WDR is obtained, is west.
ments at lower parts of a high-rise building by up to 65%. Therefore, the measurements of WDR are conducted on the west
Development and validation of such numerical models require facades of buildings 1 and 2, indicated in gray in Fig. 1(a).
complete WDR measurement datasets, which follow strict guide- The measurement site has an open field with short grass
lines in order to ensure their accuracy and reliability and to keep
located southwest of the setup. In west direction, the field is about
measurement errors small (Blocken and Carmeliet, 2005). Up to
70 m long and, further upstream, high trees and buildings are
now, field measurements of WDR focused on either isolated
present. In south direction, the field is about 130 m long and,
buildings or on a particular building in a geometrically complex
further upstream, mid-rise buildings and a motorway are present.
environment (Tang et al., 2004; Blocken and Carmeliet, 2005; van
From northwest to east, there are several nearby low-rise and
Mook, 2002; Briggen et al., 2009; Lacy, 1965; Brown, 1988; Nore
mid-rise buildings. The closest of them are located at about 20 m
et al., 2007; Ge et al., 2009). However, for detailed model valida-
distance from the experimental setup to northwest and northeast.
tion in geometries with more than one building, there is a need for
high-resolution measurements in more generic and idealized
multi-building configurations. Recently, Kubilay et al. (2014a) 2.2. Measurement equipment
reported a dataset of field measurements in a geometry composed
of a regular array of low-rise cubic buildings. The wind speed, wind direction, wind elevation, air temperature
The present study reports a WDR measurement dataset with and horizontal rainfall intensity are recorded in addition to the WDR
high spatial and temporal resolution for a setup consisting of two in order to provide the required data to allow analysis of the WDR
parallel wide buildings, one of which is higher. The study involves intensity and to provide validation data for numerical simulations.
18 WDR gauges with an acquisition resolution of about 0.025 mm/ Wind direction is the azimuth angle from north. Wind elevation is
tip that aim to measure and compare the spatial and temporal the angle of the wind velocity vector with the horizontal plane.
A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28 13

Fig. 1. (a) Geometry of the two parallel buildings for field measurements. The WDR measurements are conducted on the gray facades. (b) Photograph of the measurement
site from northwest, taken on July 28, 2014. (c) Plan of the experimental site and its surroundings.

2.2.1. Wind measurements

In order to measure the approach-flow wind direction and
wind speed, a meteorological mast is positioned west of the
measurement site. The measurement site is located within an
internal boundary layer where the approach-flow profile is still
developing. Thus, the position of the mast has to be chosen as
close as possible to the setup to catch the most representative
approach-flow boundary layer profile. However, at the same
time, its location should be outside the region influenced by the
buildings themselves in order to measure the unobstructed free-
field wind profile. The position of the mast is chosen to be at 6 m
away from the buildings, as determined by preliminary CFD
The meteorological mast is equipped with a 3D ultrasonic
anemometer at 8.4 m height, which provides information on wind Fig. 2. Measurements and a log-law fit for the scaled approach-flow wind speed
profiles for wind direction from southwest, west and northwest.
speed, wind direction and wind elevation. Additionally, two cup
anemometers are installed at 2.4 and 5.4 m heights to measure the
approach-flow wind profile. The sampling rate for the anemometers
is 1 Hz. Fig. 2 shows the averaged measured wind profiles for the u*ABL y + y0
U (y) = ln( )
wind flow perpendicular to the test facades (wind from west) and κ y0 (1)
for 45° oblique directions (wind from northwest and southwest).
where U(y) denotes the mean streamwise wind speed at a height y
The markers show the measured values, whereas the lines show the above the ground plane, u*ABL the atmospheric boundary layer
fitted curve using the neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary (ABL) friction velocity, κ the von Karman constant (0.42 in the
layer log-law profile: present study) and y0 the aerodynamic roughness length. For wind
14 A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28

Fig. 3. (a) View of the wind-driven rain gauge collector. (b) Dimensions (in mm) of the wind-driven rain gauge collector from the front and side. (c) Dimensions (in mm) of
the glass surface.

from west and southwest, u*ABL/U¼0.24 and y0 ¼0.49 m. For 2.2.3. WDR measurements
wind from northwest, u*ABL/U¼0.34 and y0 ¼1.02 m. Note that, as The collectors of the WDR gauges used in the present study are
the approach flow is in reality in an internal boundary layer, the manufactured at Empa following the guidelines of Blocken and
log-law assumption is a simplification. For other wind directions Carmeliet (2006b). As shown in Fig. 3, they are made of aluminum
such as southeast, east and northeast, the buildings influence the with catch surfaces of ordinary glass sheets to promote runoff
wind-flow profile at the meteorological mast; therefore, for these (Blocken and Carmeliet, 2006b). The collection area is 0.2  0.2 m2.
wind directions, the actual approach-flow profile will not be The collectors are connected via tubing to the tipping bucket
obtained. mechanisms, which are placed inside the building models. This
way, frost problems for the buckets are avoided and the eva-
poration from the bucket is less variable during the rain event. The
2.2.2. Rain measurements tipping buckets each have an effective tipping bucket volume of
The horizontal rainfall intensity is measured 0.4 m above the about 1 ml. The resolutions of the WDR gauges are about
ground by a rain gauge positioned near the weather mast. The rain 0.025 mm/tip, i.e. about 4 times higher than the horizontal rain
gauge has a horizontal orifice and a tipping bucket mechanism. gauge. The sampling rate for the WDR gauges is 1 Hz. There are 18
The sampling rate for the rain gauge is 1 Hz. The effective volume WDR gauges in total, 2 on building 1 and 16 on building 2. Fig. 4
of the tipping bucket is 2.15 ml and the rain gauge orifice is shows the positions of the WDR gauges on the test facades of
buildings 1 and 2. Table 1 and Table 2 show the tipping bucket
0.02 m2, which results in a resolution of about 0.11 mm/tip.
resolutions for each WDR gauge on buildings 1 and 2, respectively.
A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28 15

In WDR measurements, the largest sources of errors are stated

to be due to adhesion water on the WDR collection area, EAW, and
the rest-water in the tipping bucket, ERW, (Blocken and Carmeliet,
2005; Nore et al., 2007; Blocken and Carmeliet, 2006b). There is
always a certain amount of water adhered to the collection area
and a certain amount that stays in the tipping bucket, which are
not measured by the gauge and evaporate mainly during dry
periods during a rain event or after a rain event. For the WDR
gauges used in the present paper, spraying tests showed that the
adhered amount of rain on the collector and within the tube was
0.128 mm (or L/m2). The rest-water error is related to the size of
the tipping bucket. Further measurement errors related to
splashing and condensation on the collector as well as wind errors
due to collector are not easy to estimate. Although the adhered
water remaining on the collector is estimated with spray tests, the
water amount that stays in the tipping buckets during a dry period
will be different for each WDR gauge. Furthermore, the time
required for the evaporation of the adhered water will largely be
influenced by the environmental conditions, e.g. temperature,
relative humidity, wind speed. Therefore, the rain event data
presented in this study are not corrected for the evaporation of
water during dry periods. The error estimations will assume the
total evaporation of the adhered WDR amount and the rest water
during a dry period before the rain shower starts again. This way,
the error estimations are very conservative and the actual error
will be less than these estimations in most cases.
In order to keep the measurement errors due to evaporation as
small as possible, rain events with large amounts of WDR must be
selected. Furthermore, rain events with less dry periods in
between the rain showers are expected to limit the errors due to
evaporation of adhered droplets, as well as the rest-water error
(Blocken and Carmeliet, 2006b). Therefore, the selection of rain
events for the validation study should ensure that the related
errors are small and kept at a relatively limited proportion
(Blocken and Carmeliet, 2006b). A total of 28 rain events were
measured between February 2014 and August 2014. An important
aspect is the proper identification of a single rain event. In the
literature, there is a wide range of criteria in defining the start and
end of rain events (Dunkerley, 2008). The minimum gap between
two different rain events is largely chosen based on the applica-
tion. In the present study, a rain event is assumed to end if the
Fig. 4. Positions of wind-driven rain gauges on buildings (a) 1 and (b) 2. following dry period lasts longer than 12 h. Furthermore, rain
spells shorter than 2 mm/h were not classified as rain events. 5 of
the 28 rain events measured between February 2014 and August
2014 are selected for further study retaining the events with the
Table 1
lowest measurement errors. The complete dataset of the selected
Calibration information for WDR gauges on building 1. rain events, including the ones presented in this paper, is available
at the following website:
WDR gauge 1 2 http://www.carmeliet.arch.ethz.ch/ResearchDatabase/Wind-
Bucket volume [ml] 0.955 0.969
Resolution [mm/tip] 0.024 0.024 The time interval for which the experimental data are provided
is chosen to be 10 min following the guidelines by van der Hoven

Table 2
Calibration information for WDR gauges on building 2.

WDR gauge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Bucket volume [ml] 0.961 1.018 0.956 1.128 1.052 1.013 0.934 1.069
Resolution [mm/tip] 0.024 0.025 0.024 0.028 0.026 0.025 0.023 0.027

WDR gauge 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Bucket volume [ml] 1.028 1.016 0.912 1.128 0.967 1.133 0.976 1.090
Resolution [mm/tip] 0.026 0.025 0.023 0.028 0.024 0.028 0.024 0.027
16 A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28

(1957), Sumner (1981) and Blocken and Carmeliet (2007b, 2008) 3.2. WDR parameters
in order to minimize the errors related to the time resolution of
meteorological datasets. Thus, the measured wind speed, wind The WDR intensity is related to the unobstructed horizontal
direction and wind elevation during rain events in the dataset are rainfall intensity by the specific catch ratio, ηd(d), and the catch
presented as 10-min averaged values. Similarly, the horizontal ratio, η. The specific catch ratio is related to the rain phase d. The
catch ratio is related to the entire spectrum of raindrop diameters.
rainfall amount and the WDR amount are 10-min summed values.
The quantities of the WDR parameters can be obtained after sol-
ving the governing equations in Eqs. (2) and (3) and by using the
following relations:
3. Numerical simulation R wdr (d) αd Vn(d)
ηd(d) = =
Rh(d) Rh f h (Rh, d) (5)
3.1. Governing equations

In the present study, the wind-flow equations are solved using η= ∫d fh (d)ηd(d)dd (6)
3D steady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) with the
renormalization group (RNG) k–ε model (Yakhot et al., 1992). In where Rwdr denotes the WDR intensity, Rh the horizontal rain
the Eulerian multiphase (EM) model, the rain phase is regarded as intensity through the horizontal plane, fh(Rh,d) the raindrop-size
distribution through the horizontal plane (Blocken and Carmeliet,
a continuum. Each rain phase corresponds to a different class of
2004) and |Vn(d)| the velocity magnitude of the rain phase in the
raindrop sizes. A class of raindrop size is a range of droplet dia-
direction normal to the building facade. In the present study, the
meters which show similar WDR behavior. For each rain phase, the
raindrop-size distribution by Best (Best, 1950) and the terminal
following continuity and momentum equations are solved: velocities by Gunn and Kinzer (1949) have been used.
∂αd ∂αd ud, j
+ =0 3.3. Computational domain
∂t ∂xj (2)
The CFD simulations use the same building configurations as in
∂αd ud, i ∂αd ud, i ud, j ∂αdu′d, i u′d, j
+ + the field measurements. Computational domains for northwest,
∂t ∂xj ∂xj west and southwest wind directions using the geometry for the
3μ C Re field measurements are shown in Fig. 5. For an accurate study, the
= αdgi + αd a2 d R ui − ud, i ( )
ρw d 4 flow profiles should be horizontally homogeneous because the
inlet profiles actually correspond to the measured data obtained at
where d denotes the raindrop diameter, αd is the phase fraction of a location close to the building. However, several researchers
rain phase d, ud,j is the velocity component of rain phase d, ui is the (Richards and Hoxey, 1993; Blocken et al., 2007a, 2007b; Har-
velocity component of wind in direction i, ρw is the density of greaves and Wright, 2007; O'Sullivan and Archer, 2011; Parente
water, μa is the dynamic viscosity of air, g is the gravitational et al., 2011) reported the occurrence of unintended streamwise
acceleration, Cd is the drag coefficient. ReR denotes the relative gradients in the vertical flow profiles (or horizontal inhomo-
Reynolds number calculated using the relative velocity between geneity) due to the inconsistencies between the inlet boundary
the air and rain phases. The overbar denotes Reynolds averaging. conditions, the wall boundary conditions, the surface roughness
In Eq. (3), the terms on the left-hand side are the transient term, modeling and the computational grid. If the computational
the mean convective flux and the turbulent flux. The terms on the domain in Fig. 5(b) is also used for oblique wind directions, the
right-hand side represent the gravity and the drag forces. Turbu- approach flow on one side accelerates more due to the unequal
lent dispersion of droplets is due to the turbulent motions distances from the inlet. Thus, separate computational domains
modeled by the third term on the left-hand side. Turbulent were prepared for each wind direction, so that the distances of the
dispersion was neglected in many earlier WDR modeling efforts buildings from both inlet boundaries for oblique wind directions
(Blocken et al., 2009; Blocken and Carmeliet, 2002; Briggen et al., are equal. As a remedial measure against horizontal inhomo-
2009; Choi, 1993, 1994; Abuku et al., 2009b; Huang and Li, 2010) geneity (Richards and Hoxey, 1993; Blocken et al., 2007a), a rela-
and discrepancies of the numerical results at lower wind speed tively short distance of 6 m is chosen. Note that this distance
regions were mainly attributed to the neglect of turbulent disper- corresponds also to the actual distance of the meteorological mast
sion. In the EM model, by defining a response coefficient, Ct, to the building models. The remaining boundary distances from
velocity fluctuations in rain phases can be related to the velocity the building models satisfy the CFD best-practice guidelines stated
fluctuations in wind: in Tominaga et al. (2008) and Franke et al. (2011).
For the grid-sensitivity analysis, three structured and purely
u′d, i u′d, j 1
Ct2 = = hexahedral computational grids are created. The base grid consists
u′i u′ j 1+ of 533,808 cells. The coarse grid has 180,936 cells whereas the fine
t fl (4)
grid has 1,318,912 cells. The first cell heights on the ground and at
where tp denotes the particle relaxation which is the time rate of building surfaces are kept constant (0.015H for ground and 0.005H
response of particle acceleration to the relative velocity between for building surfaces) for each grid in order to keep the dimen-
the particle and the carrier fluid. tfl denotes the Lagrangian fluid sionless wall distance y þ the same. The average y þ value is 91 on
time scale which is the characteristic large eddy lifetime. For a the ground and 94 on the building surfaces. The grid-sensitivity
more detailed description of the turbulent dispersion modeling of analysis was conducted by comparing the magnitude of the wind
raindrops, the reader is referred to Kubilay et al. (2015). As the velocity along three vertical lines all in the centerplane from the
particle relaxation time gets smaller compared to the Lagrangian ground up to a height of 2.5H: positioned (1) 0.05H upstream of
fluid time scale, e.g. smaller raindrops, Ct approaches the value of building 1, (2) 0.05H downstream of building 1 and (3) 0.05H
1. In such cases, raindrops are more influenced by the fluctuations upstream of the building 2, as shown in Fig. 6. Streamwise velocity
in wind velocity. values are mostly very close to each other on different grids apart
A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28 17

Fig. 5. The computational domains for wind from (a) northwest, (b) west and (c) southwest.

from close to the ground along line b. The vertical velocity profiles, Ey0
on the other hand, show differences up to 27% between coarse and ks =
Cs (9)
base grids and up to 8% between fine and base grids. As a result,
the fine grid is chosen for the rest of the study. The fine compu- where E is an empirical constant with a value of 9.793. In the
tational grid on the buildings and on part of the ground surface is computational domain, the ground surface represents the asphalt
shown in Fig. 7. parking lot in Fig. 1(b), for which, ks is taken to be 0.005 m and Cs is
set as 9.793, leading to an aerodynamic roughness length
3.4. Boundary conditions y0 ¼0.005 m, representing a featureless land surface without any
noticeable obstacles (Wieringa, 1992). Note that the above-men-
The inlet profile of mean wind speed is given by the typical log- tioned higher values of y0 represent the ground surface beyond
law expression as described in Eq. (1). The inlet profiles of the (i.e. upstream of) the computational domain. The building surfaces
turbulent quantities k and ε are defined by Eqs. (7) and (8), where are assumed to be smooth (ks ¼0).
For the top boundary, constant values are set for U, k and ε by
Iu denotes the streamwise turbulence intensity. The turbulence
using fixed values from the inlet profiles at the same height as
intensity is taken to be 30% at y¼2 m height, 8% at y ¼200 m
suggested by Blocken et al. (2007a), e.g. Utop ¼Uinlet(y¼ 30 m). This
height for southwest and west wind and 40% at y¼ 2 m height, 10%
is done in order to limit the horizontal inhomogeneity, as other
at y¼ 200 m height for northwest wind.
top boundary conditions, such as a symmetry condition, can cause
k(y) = (IuU (y))2 (7) unintended streamwise gradients. Although imposing constant
values does not allow fluid to enter or exit the domain, the top
u* ABL3 boundary is far enough from the buildings not to cause a problem.
ε(y) = A constant static gauge pressure of 0 Pa is used at the outlet
k(y + y0 ) (8)
boundary. This boundary condition at the outlet implies a fully
For wall treatment, the standard wall functions by Launder and developed flow at the outlet and should not interfere with the
Spalding (1974) with sand-grain roughness modification (Cebeci results as long as the outlet boundary is placed away from the
and Bradshaw, 1977) are used. The equivalent sand-grain rough- influence by the buildings (15H distance (Franke et al., 2011), see
ness height, ks, and the roughness constant, Cs, are determined by Fig. 5). Note that this gauge pressure is relative to reference
the following relation by Blocken et al. (2007a) which is valid for atmospheric pressure. Symmetry conditions are applied on both
the wall function in OpenFOAM: sides of the domain for wind from west. For the domains for the
18 A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28

Fig. 6. Grid-sensitivity analysis comparing streamwise, Ux, and vertical, Uy, wind velocity components on three different grids (coarse, base, fine) along lines positioned
(a) upstream of, (b) downstream of building 1 and (c) upstream of building 2 all in the centerplane.

Fig. 7. Computational grid on the buildings and on part of the ground surface ( 1,318,912 cells).

wind from southwest and northwest, the side domains are set as The value of volumetric ratio of each rain phase, αd, is imposed
inlet and/or outlet. at the inlet and top boundaries. For the rain phase velocity, uk, it is
The volumetric ratio of rain phase d, αd, can be calculated as in assumed that the boundaries are undisturbed and far away from
Eq. (10), where Vt(d) represents the terminal velocity of a raindrop the building in the domain. The vertical inlet rain phase velocity
with diameter d: component is set equal to the terminal velocity for that phase. The
horizontal inlet rain phase velocity components are set equal to
Rhfh (Rh, d)
αd = the air phase velocity components, so that the relative velocity
Vt (d) (10)
between wind and rain is zero at the boundary.
A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28 19

The boundary conditions for the rain phases at the building

walls, on the ground and at the outlet are set in such way that the
normal gradient of the volumetric ratio, ∂αd/∂n, equals zero when
the normal wind velocity vector is pointing out of the domain, and
the values of the volumetric ratio, αd, are equal to zero when the
normal wind velocity vector is pointing into the domain. With
these boundary conditions, the interaction between the raindrops
and the walls are not modeled and the raindrops leave the domain
as soon as they hit a wall boundary, avoiding any inflow of rain
phase into the domain due to possible recirculation regions.

3.5. Solution strategy

In the present study, the multiphase flow of air and rain phases
is considered to be a dilute flow. The volumetric ratio of rain in air
is usually below 1  10  4 even for strong rainfall intensities
(Huang and Li, 2010). The study by de Wolf (2001) estimates the
number of raindrops per unit volume which leads to a volume
ratio of 1  10  6 for a rainfall intensity of 10 mm/h and 1  10  4
for 100 mm/h. In a dilute dispersed phase flow, the average time
between particle–particle collisions is larger than the time that
particles need to adjust to a change in velocity. Therefore, forces
such as gravity and drag, instead of collisions between raindrops,
govern the raindrop motion. In the present study, the rain phase
calculations are one-way coupled with the air phase, where the
effect of raindrops on the wind flow is thus ignored.
Fig. 8. (a) Meteorological data for the rain event on (a) February 20–21, 2014 and
(b) August 2–3, 2014 using 10-min experimental time steps. Reference wind speed The solution methodology is similar to the Choi’s steady-state
is measured at 2.4 m height from the ground. WDR approach (Choi, 1993, 1994) that was extended into the time

Fig. 9. Comparison of (a) experimental and (b) numerical catch ratio data on the west facade of building 1 after the rain event on February 20–21, 2014. (c) Comparison of
experimental (dots) and numerical (lines) cumulative WDR amounts on building 1 during the rain event on February 20–21, 2014.
20 A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28

Fig. 10. Comparison of (a) experimental and (b) numerical catch ratio data on the west facade of building 2 after the rain event on February 20–21, 2014. (c) Comparison of
experimental (dots) and numerical (lines) cumulative WDR amounts on building 2 during the rain event on February 20–21, 2014.

Table 3
reference wind speed (U ¼2, 3, 5 m/s) are obtained by linear
Rain registration data and error estimates for the wind-driven rain measurements
for the rain event on February 20–21, 2014 on building 1. scaling. Such scaling is allowed for flows around sharp-edged
bluff bodies, where the positions of flow separation are inde-
WDR gauge Number of tips Swdr [mm] EAW [mm] ERW [mm] ETOT (%) pendent of the Reynolds number.
b. The turbulent viscosity, νt, is scaled linearly for the reference
1 72 1.72 0.375 0.072 26.0
2 57 1.38 0.375 0.000 27.2
wind speed values, U¼2, 3, 5 m/s. Similarly, the turbulence
kinetic energy, k, is scaled quadratically and the turbulence
dissipation rate, ε, is scaled cubically. For fully turbulent flow,
the turbulence statistics have only a weak dependence on
domain by Blocken and Carmeliet (Blocken and Carmeliet, 2002, Reynolds number (Pope, 2000). Wind-tunnel measurements
2007b). It consists of the following steps: by Defraeye (2011) for flows around bluff bodies show limited
Reynolds number dependency at Re 4104, calculated with
a. The steady-state wind flow field around the buildings is cal- reference wind speed and building height.
culated for the reference wind speed U¼ 1 m/s and the refer- c. The governing equations for the rain phases are solved and
ence wind directions southwest (φ ¼225°), west (φ ¼270°) and specific catch ratio distributions are calculated for several
northwest (φ ¼ 315°). The wind-flow field for other values of
A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28 21

Table 4
Rain registration data and error estimates for the wind-driven rain measurements for the rain event on February 20–21, 2014 on building 2.

WDR gauge Number of tips Swdr [mm] EAW [mm] ERW [mm] ETOT (%) WDR gauge Number of tips Swdr [mm] EAW [mm] ERW [mm] ETOT (%)

1 84 2.02 0.375 0.075 22.3 9 50 1.29 0.375 0.075 35.0

2 65 1.65 0.375 0.072 27.0 10 32 0.81 0.375 0.069 54.6
3 55 1.31 0.375 0.084 34.9 11 37 0.84 0.375 0.084 54.4
4 73 2.06 0.375 0.078 22.0 12 81 2.28 0.375 0.072 19.6
5 83 2.18 0.375 0.075 20.6 13 80 1.93 0.375 0.084 23.7
6 85 2.15 0.375 0.069 20.6 14 76 2.15 0.375 0.072 20.8
7 73 1.70 0.375 0.081 26.8 15 62 1.51 0.375 0.081 30.1
8 56 1.50 0.375 0.078 30.3 16 46 1.25 0.375 0.000 29.9

Fig. 11. Comparison of (a) experimental and (b) numerical catch ratio data on the west facade of building 1 after the rain event on August 2–3, 2014. (c) Comparison of
experimental (dots) and numerical (lines) cumulative WDR amounts on building 1 during the rain event on August 2–3, 2014.

raindrop diameters (diameters ranging from 0.3 to 1 mm in step during a certain rain event to obtain the spatial and
steps of 0.1 mm, from 1 to 2 mm in steps of 0.2 mm and from temporal distributions of WDR on the building facades.
2 to 6 mm in steps of 1 mm).
d. Catch ratio distributions are obtained for reference horizontal
rainfall intensities of Rh ¼0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 3.6. Solver settings
20, 25 and 30 mm/h using the droplet-size distribution as input
for each reference wind speed and wind direction. Note that OpenFOAMs 2.2 (OpenCFD Ltd., 2013) is used in this study as
the buildings influence the wind-flow pattern at the meteor- the CFD code. It is an open-source, implicit, segregated, and double
ological mast for wind directions such as southeast, east and precision solver. An additional solver has been implemented into
northeast. Thus, the catch ratio values for wind directions the code by the authors for solving the governing equations of the
between φ ¼0  180° are not calculated and assumed zero on rain phases. The pressure–velocity coupling for the wind-flow field
the west facades of the buildings. solution is taken care of with the Semi-Implicit Method for Pres-
e. The calculated catch ratio values are interpolated based on the sure Linked Equations (SIMPLE) algorithm. Second-order dis-
experimental data records for wind speed, wind direction and cretization schemes are used for both the convection terms and
horizontal rainfall intensity at each 10-min experimental time the viscous terms of the governing equations. For both the air and
22 A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28

Fig. 12. Comparison of (a) experimental and (b) numerical catch ratio data on the west facade of building 2 after the rain event on August 2–3, 2014. (c) Comparison of
experimental (dots) and numerical (lines) cumulative WDR amounts on building 2 during the rain event on August 2–3, 2014.

Table 5 the rain event is 12 mm. The mean air temperature is 6.4 °C. The
Rain registration data and error estimates for the wind-driven rain measurements rain event is composed of rain showers with several interruptions
for the rain event on August 2–3, 2014 on building 1.
within a time frame of about 15 h. During the initial part of the
WDR gauge Number of tips Swdr [mm] EAW [mm] ERW [mm] ETOT (%) rain event the wind is mainly from southeast and later from
1 102 2.44 0.250 0.048 12.2 Fig. 9(a) and (b) show the measured and numerical catch ratio
2 88 2.13 0.250 0.048 14.0 values on the west facade of building 1 at the end of the rain event.
The positions of the WDR gauges are indicated by squares. The
rain phase calculations, the simulations were terminated when all numerical values indicated next to the positions of the WDR
the scaled residuals reached 10  6. gauges are averaged values over the area of each gauge. The
deviations between numerical and experimental values are 2.1%
4. Results and validation of the numerical model and 2.8% for WDR gauges 1 and 2, respectively. Fig. 9(c) compares
the measured and numerical cumulative WDR amounts for the
4.1. Rain event on February 20–21, 2014 gauge positions along the central axis of the test facade during the
rain event. Fig. 10 compares the measured and numerical catch
The meteorological data for the rain event on February 20–21, ratio values at the end of the rain event as well as the cumulative
2014 are shown in Fig. 8(a). The total rainfall amount at the end of WDR amounts during the rain event on the west facade of building
A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28 23

Table 6
Rain registration data and error estimates for the wind-driven rain measurements for the rain event on August 2–3, 2014 on building 2.

WDR gauge Number of tips Swdr [mm] EAW [mm] ERW [mm] ETOT (%) WDR gauge Number of tips Swdr [mm] EAW [mm] ERW [mm] ETOT (%)

1 118 2.84 0.250 0.048 10.5 9 81 2.08 0.250 0.052 14.5

2 107 2.72 0.250 0.050 11.0 10 71 1.80 0.250 0.050 16.6
3 88 2.10 0.250 0.048 14.2 11 69 1.57 0.250 0.046 18.8
4 104 2.93 0.250 0.056 10.4 12 118 3.33 0.250 0.056 9.2
5 122 3.21 0.250 0.052 9.4 13 114 2.76 0.250 0.048 10.8
6 125 3.17 0.250 0.050 9.5 14 97 2.75 0.250 0.056 11.1
7 112 2.62 0.250 0.046 11.3 15 91 2.22 0.250 0.048 13.4
8 89 2.38 0.250 0.054 12.8 16 69 1.88 0.250 0.054 16.2

2. The highest catch ratio values are obtained on building 20–21, 2014 corresponds to 3 dry periods. For the rain event on
2 because of the fact that building 2 is higher. Furthermore, the February 20–21, 2014, it is found that the numerical model suc-
gradient of catch ratio is larger on the facade of building 2 com- cessfully estimates the WDR intensity in terms of cumulative WDR
pared to building 1. For most of the rain event, the wind direction amounts during the rain event and catch ratio values at the end of
is oblique to the test facades. Hence, the contours of catch ratio, the rain event.
especially for building 2 in Fig. 10(b), display an asymmetrical
wetting pattern with larger values on the right (southern) side of
the facade. However, the surface-averaged numerical catch ratios 4.2. Rain event on August 2–3, 2014
as well as the experimental catch ratios do not show such a large
difference between the two sides of the facade. The catch ratio The meteorological data for the rain event on August 2–3, 2014
values on building 2 are lower compared to building 1 for posi- are shown in Fig. 8(b). The total rainfall amount at the end of the
tions at the same height from the ground, as shown for example rain event is 18 mm. The mean air temperature is 17.8 °C. This rain
by the WDR gauges 1 (η ¼0.14) and 2 (η ¼ 0.12) on building 1 and event is mainly composed of two separate and relatively short rain
the WDR gauges 9 (η ¼0.10) and 10 (η ¼0.09) on building 2. For the showers with higher rainfall intensity compared to the rain event
total WDR sum at the end of the rain event, the numerical values on February 20–21, 2014. The wind direction fluctuates between
on building 2 show average deviations of 6.3% from the experi- west and east during the first rain shower, whereas the wind
mental values at the upper half of the facade and of 9.8% at the direction is less variable from west during the second rain shower.
bottom half. The average deviation along the central axis is 7.0%. Fig. 11 compares the measured and numerical catch ratio values
Fig. 9(c) and Fig. 10(c) show that there is a small amount of at the end of the rain event as well as the cumulative WDR
WDR measured at the beginning of the rain event. During the
amounts during the rain event on the west facade of building 1.
following few hours where the wind is mainly from southeast,
For the total WDR sum at the end of the rain event, the deviations
there is no WDR registration by the gauges. Afterwards, there is a
from the experimental values are 3.2% and 1.1% for the WDR
sharp increase in the cumulative WDR amounts. This corresponds
gauges 1 and 2, respectively. Fig. 12 compares the measured and
to the meteorological conditions between 09:00 and 10:00, where
the reference wind speed increases sharply and the wind direction numerical catch ratio values at the end of the rain event as well as
is from west (about 270° from north). Numerical model accurately the cumulative WDR amounts during the rain event on the west
predicts this increase in the cumulative WDR amount. Table 3 and facade of building 2. The contours of catch ratio show a similar
Table 4 list the total measured WDR amount by each WDR gauge, wetting pattern to the one for the rain event on February 20–21,
as well as the corresponding error estimates for the rain event. The 2014. The gradient of catch ratio is slightly smaller for this rain
total error, ETOT, consists of evaporation of adhered water droplets, event possibly due to higher rainfall intensity. For the total WDR
EAW, and the rest-water error, ERW. The errors in WDR measure- sum at the end of the rain event, the numerical values on building
ments are estimated by assuming the total evaporation of the 2 show average deviations of 7.1% from the experimental values at
adhered amount of rain and of the amount that stays in tipping the upper half of the facade and of 5.2% at the bottom half. The
buckets during each dry period, which refer to the 10- min time average deviation along the central axis is only 2.7%.
intervals when the WDR registration is interrupted. The number of Fig. 11(c) and Fig. 12(c) show that during the first rain shower,
interruptions in the WDR registration is obtained by the number the cumulative WDR is limited because the wind direction chan-
of plateaus in the experimental cumulative WDR graph in Fig. 9 ges a lot during this period. The rainfall intensity and the wind
(c) and Fig. 10(c) rather than the horizontal rainfall intensity data speed values are similar during the second rain shower, but the
in Fig. 8(a). This way, firstly, the interruptions due to possible cumulative WDR values are much higher due to wind direction
delays in the rainfall registration by the tipping bucket of the
being mostly from west. The difference between main wind
horizontal rain gauge are not counted as dry periods. In fact,
directions during the two parts of the rain event can also be
during some of these delays in horizontal rainfall registration,
observed in the cumulative WDR graphs in Fig. 11(c) and Fig. 12(c).
WDR registration still takes place due to the higher resolution of
Table 5 and Table 6 list the total measured WDR amount by each
WDR tipping buckets. Secondly, taking the data from the hor-
WDR gauge, as well as the corresponding error estimates for the
izontal rain gauge can be misleading for rain events, during which
the wind direction changes a lot. In such cases, wind can approach rain event. EAW and ERW estimations correspond to the 2 dry per-
from a direction where there is no WDR registration taking place iods during which the WDR registration is interrupted. The
even though rainfall is being registered. For example, no WDR is number of dry periods is estimated in a similar way to the one in
registered by any of the WDR gauges at around 03:00 on February Section 4.1. For the rain event on August 2–3, 2014, the numerical
21, 2014. These periods should also be counted as dry periods, as model successfully estimates the WDR intensity in terms of
there is some amount of evaporation on the WDR collectors. cumulative WDR amounts during the rain event and catch ratio
Consequently, the estimated error for the rain event on February values at the end of the rain event.
24 A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28

Fig. 13. (a) Contours and (b) streamlines of normalized wind speed and (c) streamlines of rain phases for raindrop sizes d ¼0.3 and 1.0 mm at reference wind speed U¼ 3 m/s
in the vertical centerplane for wind from west. (d) Catch ratio distribution at reference wind speed U ¼3 m/s and reference rainfall intensity Rh ¼ 1 mm/h for wind from west.

5. Discussion up to 3% at the top and up to 9% at the lower parts of the building.

This is higher than the case with low-rise cubic buildings in
5.1. Turbulent dispersion of raindrops Kubilay et al. (2014b), where the turbulent dispersion was found to
be 3% at most, both for upstream and downstream cubes. This
The influence of turbulent dispersion on the catch ratio can be difference between the influences of turbulent dispersion on catch
quantified by solving the rain phase equations also once without ratio values in different geometries is mainly related to the larger
the Reynolds stress term (third term on the left hand side in Eq. size of building 2. As the building size increases, the neglect of
(3)). In the present study, the influence of turbulent dispersion is turbulent dispersion of raindrops is no longer a valid assumption.
found to be up to 4% for building 1. For building 2, its influence is The influence of turbulent dispersion of raindrops on the catch
A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28 25

Fig. 14. Catch ratio distributions at reference wind speed U¼ 3 m/s and reference rainfall intensity Rh ¼1 mm/h and contours of normalized wind speed in the vertical
centerplane for wind from west for cases (a) 1, (b) 2 and (c) 3.

ratio values can be as high as 65% during rain events with low is mainly because of the fact that the higher building 2 located
rainfall intensities at lower parts of a high-rise building (Kubilay downstream is diverting a larger amount of air downwards.
et al., 2015). Fig. 13(c) compares the rain phase streamlines for raindrop sizes
d¼0.3 and 1.0 mm in the centerplane for wind from west at reference
5.2. Flow patterns of wind and rain in the measurement geometry wind speed U¼3 m/s at y¼2.4 m height. The streamlines for the
droplet size of 0.3 mm are clearly strongly influenced by the recir-
The validated numerical model can now be used to study the culation regions in front of the low building, between both buildings
flow patterns of wind and rain and resulting catch ratio patterns in and behind the high building. Note that some of the 0.3 mm droplets
more detail. For both rain events, as presented in Section 4, the are impinging on the leeward facade of the taller downstream
catch ratio values on building 2 are lower compared to building building. Such instances are observed for the smallest range of droplet
1 for position at the same height from the ground. The reason for sizes depending on the size of the recirculation region, wind speed
this can be found by analyzing the flow patterns of wind and rain. and droplet size. However, for rainfall intensities larger than 1 mm/h,
Contours of the normalized mean wind speed and the streamlines the probability of such small droplets is small. Therefore, the WDR
of mean wind velocity in the vertical centerplane for the wind intensity on the leeward facade is small and difficult to measure. The
from west are shown in Fig. 13(a) and (b), respectively. Two thin influences of the recirculation regions are much less pronounced for
separation zones on top of both buildings are shown in Fig. 13(a). the raindrop size of 1.0 mm due to their larger inertia. The streamlines
The reattachment points of both are located on rooftops, at about of 1.0 mm droplets are mostly parallel to each other upstream of the
1/3H downstream, where H ¼2 m is the roof length. The accel- buildings. However, within the recirculation region between buildings
eration of the wind flow over the roofs of both buildings is visible. 1 and 2, 1.0 mm droplets also move away from the facade due to the
The recirculation region between the two buildings extends more influence of the recirculation region. This is due to the higher position
in the vertical direction compared to the standing vortex upstream of the vortex center between buildings 1 and 2 and the higher wind
of building 1 due to the higher position of the stagnation point at speed values within the recirculation region between buildings 1 and
the windward facade of building 2. Moreover, Fig. 13(a) shows that 2. This behavior of larger droplets is the reason for lower catch ratio
the wind velocity in the recirculation region between the buildings values at the middle height of building 2 compared to the top part of
is higher than the recirculation region upstream of building 1. This the upstream building 1, even though these regions are at the same
26 A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28

heights. The sizes of the buildings are identical to the building 2 in

the base case and the distance between the two buildings is 2 m,
i.e. the same as the distance between buildings 1 and 2 in the base
case. The catch ratio pattern on the upstream building is very
similar to the one observed on the isolated building in case 1
(Fig. 14(a)). The downstream building shows a catch ratio pattern
with a larger gradient showing much smaller values at the lower
part of its facade. The wind speed values between the two build-
ings are quite low compared to the base case in Fig. 13(a).
Different wind-flow profiles in different building configura-
tions have conflicting effects on the catch ratio distribution on the
downstream building. These effects are identified to be due to
sheltering, wind-blocking effect, recirculation regions and accel-
eration of wind over the roof of the upstream building. Fig. 15
compares the specific catch ratio values observed along a vertical
line in the middle of the facades of the downstream building in
each case for raindrop sizes d ¼1.0 and 5.0 mm for wind from west
at a reference wind speed of 3 m/s. The positions of the lines are
indicated in Fig. 15. At the top of the facades, all configurations
lead to similar values of catch ratio for each droplet size. For the
droplet size of 1.0 mm, the base case has larger catch ratio values
along a large part of the line compared to case 1. This is mainly due
to the accelerated flow over the roof of building 1 and the larger
recirculation region between buildings 1 and 2 showing higher
wind speeds. The presence of the lower building located upstream
increases the catch ratio values on the downstream building
instead of sheltering. As the width of the buildings are increased,
Fig. 15. Comparison of specific catch ratio values along a vertical line in the middle the wind-blocking effect increases and the approach-flow wind
of the facades of the downstream buildings for raindrop diameters (a) 1.0 and speed becomes lower. It is shown in Fig. 14(b) that, in case 2, the
(b) 5.0 mm for wind from west at a reference wind speed of 3 m/s. wind-blocking effect leads to a recirculation region with lower
wind speeds between the buildings. Therefore, the catch ratio
values are lower than the one observed in case 1 at the lower half
height from ground. Such a behavior is not observed in the recircu- of the facade. The lowest catch ratio values are observed for case 3,
lation regions upstream of building 1, where the weaker recirculation where a large amount of WDR is sheltered by the upstream
region has little influence on the streamlines of the 1.0 mm droplets. building, which leads to much smaller catch ratio at the lower 3/
The resulting catch ratio distribution is shown in Fig. 13(d) for wind 4th of the facade compared to all other cases. For the droplet size
from west at a reference wind speed of U¼3 m/s and reference of 5.0 mm, the gradients of catch ratio along the lines are smaller
rainfall intensity Rh ¼1 mm/h. for all cases. The relation between the catch ratio values for the
base case and cases 1 and 2 are similar to the droplet size of
5.3. Influence of building configurations on the resulting WDR 1.0 mm. However, the influences of wind-flow patterns and,
intensity hence, the difference between the catch ratios are much smaller.
On the other hand, the sheltering effect observed for case 3 is still
Combined influences of various wind-flow patterns in other present at the lower half of the building.
building configurations and the resulting catch ratio distributions
are studied using the validated numerical model. Fig. 14 presents 5.4. Limitations
the catch ratio distributions for a reference wind speed of 3 m/s at
y¼2.4 m height and a reference rainfall intensity of 1 mm/h for In the present study, the numerical catch ratios are mean
3 different building configurations. Furthermore, the contours of values based on steady RANS calculations. However, the instan-
the normalized mean wind speed in the vertical centerplane are taneous values during a rain event may show higher or lower
shown. Case 1 in Fig. 14(a) is composed of an isolated building catch ratio values than the ones reported in this paper. In order to
which is identical to the building 2 in the base case, i.e. the obtain the instantaneous catch ratio values, i.e. the peaks of the
measurement geometry. The standing vortex is visible upstream of highest catch ratio values and their locations, unsteady calcula-
the building. However, the wind speed within the standing vortex tions of WDR can be an option using unsteady RANS (URANS),
is lower than the recirculation region between the two buildings large eddy simulation (LES) or detached eddy simulation (DES). In
in the base case as shown in Fig. 13(a). Besides, the accelerated the present study, the temporal changes in the meteorological
wind flow over the roof of building 1 in Fig. 13(a) is also missing. conditions during a rain event are taken into account by con-
Case 2 in Fig. 14(b) is composed of two parallel buildings with a sidering the 10-min experimental timesteps as steady-state
configuration similar to the base case except for the width of the (Blocken and Carmeliet, 2002). By performing WDR simulations
buildings, which is 20 m instead of 6 m. The wind-flow patterns coupled with LES wind-flow calculations, Kubilay (2014) shows
observed for this case are similar to the ones in the base case in that the mean specific catch ratios, with an averaging time of
Fig. 13(a), i.e. the sizes and locations of recirculation regions. about 100–200 s, indeed agree well with the specific catch ratio
However, the wind speed values observed between the two values estimated with RANS calculations. On the other hand, it is
buildings are much lower in this case, mainly due to the larger observed that the instantaneous specific catch ratio values of
sizes of both buildings, i.e. larger wind-blocking effect (Blocken smaller droplets fluctuate a lot around the mean value, i.e. the root
and Carmeliet, 2006a). Fig. 14(c) presents the results for case 3, mean square of specific catch ratio of smaller droplets is larger
which is composed of two parallel buildings with the same than the one of larger droplets.
A. Kubilay et al. / J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 146 (2015) 11–28 27

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