Terms of Reference: Promoting Opportunities For Women'S Empowerment and Rights (Power) Project Actionaid Bangladesh
Terms of Reference: Promoting Opportunities For Women'S Empowerment and Rights (Power) Project Actionaid Bangladesh
Terms of Reference: Promoting Opportunities For Women'S Empowerment and Rights (Power) Project Actionaid Bangladesh
ActionAid Bangladesh
Producing One Video Documentary on Unpaid Care Work (UCW)
ActionAid Bangladesh is implementing ``Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment and
Rights” known as POWER project which is a multi-country project implementing in Ghana, Rwanda,
Bangladesh. The long-term objective of the project is to contribute to increase economic empowerment of
women. The specific objective of the intervention for Bangladesh is to increase the income of 6151
women and their ability to control their income, through recognizing, redistributing and reducing of
Unpaid Care Work (UCW), practicing Climate Resilience Sustainable Agriculture (CRSA) and accessing
markets by 2020. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs is funding for this five-year long project started
from January 2016. In Bangladesh, the project is implementing at Fulchori upazila under Gaibandha
district, Sadar upazila under Lalmonirhat district and Ghoraghat Upazila under Dinajpur District. The
implementing partner of the project is SKS Foundation and in Ghoraghat the project implemented by
ActionAid Bangladesh.
In 2016, ActionAid Bangladesh has done a research on “Time Use of Women and Men (Unpaid Care
Work)”. It shows that women spend 7.79 hours and men spend 1.30 hours in household work daily. In
2017, research continued in the same areas and found that women spend 7.56 hours in unpaid care work
which was more than men who spent 2.37 hours on it. The summary of these studies is women in
Bangladesh is spending almost five times more than men’s time spending on it. As the work remains
invisible in national statistics and less valued, local and national authorities generally fail to design social
and economic policies that can reduce women’s primary responsibility for unpaid care work. Also, it
limits women’s opportunity to learn how to increase sustainable productivity and how to better access
markets; and to participate in decision making which affects control over their resources.
Under Goal 5 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development (UN, 2015) gender equality and empower all women and girls have been guaranteed. The
global indicators for performance management for this specific goal include percentage of time spent on
unpaid domestic and care work, by sex, age group and location.
To achieve the goal AAB beliefs the government should take steps for recognition, reduction and
redistribution of UCW considering women’s immense contribution in family, society and state as whole.
With the vision AAB is continuing the effort and working on Unpaid Care Work issue.
In this context, POWER project intends to develop one documentary on the lesson learnt, best
practice and challenges regarding the 3R (Recognition, Redistribution and Reduction) of Unpaid
Care Work.
This documentary will portray the message of practices and alternatives has been introduced in the
community which reduced the burden of Unpaid Care Work and the mindset of the community
people has been changed and brought equity that there is no work as “only woman’s work” in daily
household chores. Family bonding, happiness among the couples has been increased through the
positive change. Thus, women can enable some time to participate equally in the society and the
POWER project, ActionAid Bangladesh will use this documentary to undertake Policy Advocacy
action in national and international level.
To raise awareness on women’s Unpaid Care Work by reducing the work load.
To bring behavioral change of society towards gender norms and UCW.
To influence policy makers and duty bearers to include UCW in national economic index.
Scope of work:
There are a lot of scope to break the social stereotypes and influence people to bring change through the
Audio-Visual presentation. It is a new theme and food for thought for the creative idea for the makers to
work on. This video documentary could be the most valuable BCC material of POWER Project which
holds the possibility to serve so many purposes to promote UCW issue.
The Consultant’s specific responsibilities will include, but are not limited to the following:
Develop 01 script on the upper mentioned themes of Unpaid Care Work.
Identify the challenges, limitation, barriers, burden of unpaid care work for small holder women
farmers and entrepreneurs on getting Unpaid Care Work.
Literature review.
Identify the best ideas from the themes which will work as an advocacy tool, influence the audience
to change their behavior and challenge the patriarchal norms, stigma and perception towards women.
Interviewing relevant policymakers
The deliverables of the assignment are mentioned below.
1. 01 Scripts and story outline of the documentary.
2. After getting approval on the scripts, develop the 1st draft of video documentary.
3. Develop 1st draft of documentary incorporating necessary comments and feedback.
4. Add subtitle in English
5. Final submission of the documentary after necessary corrections with 20 DVDs.
6. Provide a 01 minute version of the documentary for social media campaign
Duration of the documentary:
The duration of the documentary will be within 3.50 min.
The project is implementing at Gaibandha, Lalmonirhat and Dinajpur Districts (the northern part of
Bangladesh), where we prefer the location for shooting.
Consultant qualifications
Functional Competencies
The agency/individual consultant should be consisting a team of prominent director and script writer
for developing the video documentaries.
The consultant should have educational background on Film and Media Studies/Mass
At least 6 years professional experience on making film/short film/fiction/drama/documentary etc.
Experienced on program production, script writing (both Bangla and English) and different
documentary preparation engaging with national level TV/add firm.
Must have good understanding on small scale enterprise development/programme with in-depth
knowledge of women and gender issues, agriculture, human rights, cooperatives, women economic
empowerment etc.;
Experienced on development domain and activities.
Ability to rapidly conceptualize new ideas, and express complex information in a simplified
accessible way for nontechnical audiences.
Behavioral Competencies
Ability to be flexible and respond to changes as part of the review and feedback process;
Strong interpersonal skills, able to communicate and work with diverse people
Participate effectively in team-based, information-sharing environment, collaborating and cooperating
effectively with others;
High ethical standards and commitment to the values of mutual respect, transparency, equity and
justice, solidarity and humility.
Focus and result oriented
Inputs/services to be provided
Fulfil the stipulated in the contract and the ToR through review of documents, email communications,
and meetings
Communicate any complications regarding the assignment as soon as possible
ActionAid Bangladesh
Relevant reports, previous assessments, project document etc available to AAB.
Monitor and facilitate the progress of the assignment
Review and provide comments to the deliverables in a timely manner
Any other support requires for ensure the quality of the policy brief.
AAB will deduct VAT & TAX from the contract value during payment as per rules and regulations
of GoB. No other benefits shall be admissible beyond what is stipulated in the contract, nor does it
guarantee a regular position in AAB.
To keep in Copy
Isharat Jahan Biju
Project Coordinator- POWER Project, ActionAid Bangladesh ([email protected])
Detailed CV’s of the team members, It is desirable that the proposal should contain the above mentioned
sections only. No company informal/brochure/list of previous assignments should be included in either
the body or the annex of the proposal.
Outline of the financial proposal
The budget of the task should be broken down in details as like the following format:
Consultancy fees
Communication and transportation cost
Materials cost
Reporting cost
Miscellaneous (stationeries, printing, etc.)
The Individual Consultant/Consultancy firm may include/exclude any necessary heads from the above-
mentioned format. All the pages of the financial proposal should be signed by the Individual
Consultant/Consultancy firm.