Supercharge Your Results

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Supercharge your results

Make every day count.

What’s the secret to living life filter free? Sticking to my program. Each meal and
workout has been carefully put together to give you maximum results. Seriously,
there’s a science behind my madness.

Emily Skye FIT will transform your body, change your outlook and will help you
achieve things you never thought possible. I truly believe that when you gain
control of your body, you gain control of your life.

I’m going to help you burn calories, get toned and define your body – you’re going
to love it! The first few workouts may feel a little overwhelming, but that’s okay.
Through practice and repetition, you’re going to crave it more than processed food.
I’m going to work every muscle group with my signature resistance training to
ensure your whole body gets some loving – this way we can sculpt your legs, butt
core and arms.

If you’re training at home or at the park, make sure there are no sharp objects or
holes in the ground. And if you’re training at the gym, don’t look or compare
yourself to anyone else; this is your journey. The week will be made up of:

Weight & resistance training

Sculpt muscles and improve flexibility. Always concentrate on technique and
getting full range of motion (as shown in my videos) rather than how heavy you’re
lifting. Lower weight with good technique is far more benefits than lifting heavy
weights with bad form.
Stretch sessions
Stretching is just as important as working out. It helps improve flexibility, correct
posture by lengthening tight muscles and helps decrease injury. Stretching also
increases blood and nutrient supply to our muscles to help reduce any soreness.
HIIT (high-intensity interval training)
Heart-pumping cardio that burns more calories in less time. These sessions are
designed to promote power, flexibility and aerobic endurance while shredding fat to
give you a lean define physique. Remember, each circuit is meant to be hard. So, if
you’re a newbie be sure to have a small break in between each round.
The Meal Planner
With the help and expertise of my incredible nutrition team, we’ve spent a lot of
time researching, experimenting and creating wholesome and next level delicious
meals and snacks. So, try and stick to the planner as much as you can to
supercharge your transformation. If you need to switch a few meals around, you
can – just keep the formula consistent. i.e., salad for a salad, a meat dish for
another meat dish or an egg dish for another protein-based dish.

All our menus are gluten-free friendly, and if you’re vegetarian, then you can
choose our vegetarian plan. Everybody gets Meat-free Mondays because our
vegetarian recipes rock!

There are two streams you can choose depending on your fitness and body goals:
1. Weight loss: This menu is lighter, with a lower carbohydrate component to
help you stay lean, but don’t worry, you’ll still feel satisfied and nourished.
2. Strength: This menu is higher energy with increased carbohydrates, so less
focus on weight loss, more focus on that extra fuel you need to match the
intensity of your training.
Calorie breakdown
My dietitian along with food team have created nutritionally sound recipes and
menu plans. As a guide women who want to lose weight can expect to eat
(including snacks) approx. 1300-1500 per day; while men on weight loss can
expect 2400.

Women who want to get stronger and fitter will consume approx.1600-1800 calories
per day, while men will consume about 3000.

When it comes to snacks, they’re there to keep you satisfied. But if you’re not
hungry, don’t eat for the sake of eating. If you want to lose weight, stick to a
maximum of two snacks a day. And drink plenty of water; often thirst is mistaken for
Our snacks are categorised into:

 Anytime: simple, lean snacks predominantly vegetable and protein based

 Pre-workout: higher carb for an energy boost

 Post-workout: higher protein for muscle recovery
 Treat: perfect for special occasions or if you’re hormonal! 
Booze and caffeine
I’m not a party pooper. Birthdays and special events happen. But please try and
keep booze to a minimum – they’re filled with calories and can throw you off track.
But I’m pretty sure after a week on my program you won’t even want alcohol
because you’ll be feeling so bloody good.
If you love a morning cuppa or coffee, no dramas. Just try and stick to these rules:

 1 latte with whole milk or 2 black cups

 1 white tea with whole milk or 2 black teas

 Herbal tea: have all the cups you want
H2 and go!
I’m sure you already know this, but I can’t stress enough the importance of drinking
water. Make sure you’re drinking AT LEAST eight glasses a day. Always carry a
water bottle with you – because of the Gold Coast’s warm weather, I never leave
home without one.
Water helps deliver oxygen to your muscles, prevents cravings, and gives you
more energy. It also helps you stay full, flushes away any toxins and helps clear
your skin. It’s a win win really. Don’t be afraid to add slices of lemon, orange or
cucumber to keep things refreshing.

I know from experience just how important looking after your mind is – it’s the key
success. My mindfulness exercises and tools will help you accept and love yourself
– and your selfie! It’ll teach you to stop thinking negatively, to not allow other
people’s opinions to hurt you and to live your best life happy.

Remember, my mindfulness lessons aren’t just for four weeks – they’re for the rest
of your life!

The month will be made up of:

Stress relief tips: Learn to be present, slow down and focus. Learn how to deal
with stress and negative emotions.
Sleep meditations: Sleep plays a vital role in good health and wellbeing. But
when life gets stressful, we can lie awake all night worrying. To help you unwind
and recharge, I’ll take you through guided sleep visualisations.

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